Tithe Applotment Books 1828-1835
THE TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS FOR THE POYNTZPASS AREA (1828-1835) Robert Morrow COUNTY ARMAGH PARISH OF BALLYMORE – 1830 Tullynacross John McDonnell, James Minness, Alexander Morrow, Patrick Murray, Hugh O’Hear, Thomas Pattison, Henry Robinson, William Shanks, John Shevelin, Mrs. Tegart, John Vint, Edward Vint, Samuel Waddell, Peter Larkin, John Little, Edward Magill, Carberry McCann, John Fisher, George Flack, John Flack, Daniel Gill, John Graham, John Hamilton, Aaron Hunter, Widow Hunter, Robert Hutchinson, Francis Campbell, John Campbell, Terence Campbell, William Convery, William Crothers, Michael Doran, William Downey, Thomas Allen, John Aogher, George Bennett, John Bennett, Patrick Blacker. Tannyoky James Moorhead, Anne Steenson, Catherine Steenson, John Steenson, Robert Steenson, Samuel Steenson, Samuel Strain, Michael Turnley, James Wiley, Widow Mathews, James Flinn, James Hanlon, David Henry, Donald Henry, John Henry, Thomas Henry, Edward Campbell, Hugh Campbell, Peter Campbell, Crozier Christy, William Barber, John Brown. Brannock David McCourt, Samuel McDonald, James McMahon, George Meredith, Michael Rice, David Richmond, James Sheils, James Vint, John Vint, James Whiggam, John Little, Edward Lucas, William Marston, Alexander McBride, John Fletcher, Arthur Goodfellow, John Graham, Rev. Hall, James Hutchinson, Charles Clarke, Maxwell Close, Thomas Collins, John Convery, Thomas Cowan, William Crothers, John Deery, Conway Dobbs, Edward Doran, Michael Doran, George Bennett, John Bennett, Rev. A. Bryson. Federnagh John McDonnell, Patrick McParlin, John McShane, George Meredith, Thomas Morton, Sturgeon Nesbitt, Michael O’Hare, Daniel Owens, John Rice, Michael Rice, Mr. Rice, David Richmond, Michael Rush, William Shanks, Mr. Shevelin, Charles Smyth, John Stuart, Mr. Whaley, James Whiggam, John Kinnell, Widow Lamb, Archibald Little, James Little, John Little Jr., John Little Sr., Anthony Madden, Charles Magill, Edward Magill, William Mahood, William Marston, Robert Martin, Mr.
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