Yoker – Ferry Service noted – Instruction to the Executive Director of Corporate Services.

10 The committee heard a presentation by Clyde Link outlining its to Renfrew ferry service on the , advising that

(1) Clyde Link was a part of the Silvers Marine Group and was formed in 2010 to provide Waterbus services throughout ;

(2) passenger numbers on the ferry service had risen compared with the Strathclyde Passenger Transport average, in the first 6 weeks of Clyde Link operating the service;

(3) when the new ferry service started there were more passengers travelling from the Renfrew side of the River Clyde but this had settled over recent weeks with 51% to 53% of passengers originating in Yoker;

(4) the “Silver Swan” was now used to transport passengers, a new boat which had undercover seating, heating, storage for pushchairs/bikes and was capable of servicing other locations on the river;

(5) the environment around the slipway at Yoker required to be improved;

(6) better road signage would increase awareness of the ferry service;

(7) Clyde Link was supportive of a cohesive River Strategy in ; and

(8) Clyde Link, as an employer, was not eligible to participate in Glasgow City Council’s Apprenticeship Scheme as employment with the company did not lead to educational qualifications.

Following discussion, the committee

(a) noted that

(i) Clyde Link had installed a new shelter at the Yoker Terminal;

(ii) every 2 tides washed up approximately 1 to1½ tonnes of litter at the Yoker terminal which Clyde Link staff were collecting but a skip (and regular collection) had been requested from the Council to aid this effort;

(iii) the empty public house at the Yoker terminal was unsightly and was a health and safety risk to the children who frequently played in and around it;

(iv) Clyde Link had been invited to attend the River Clyde User’s Group;

(v) City Plan 2 had details of all the approved access points along the river;

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU (vi) Bailie Cameron and Councillor Hendry would contact the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to request the removal of the derelict pub from the Yoker Ferry Terminal;

(b) instructed the Executive Director of Corporate Services to

(i) write to the

(A) Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services to request that consideration be given to

(I) arranging the removal of the derelict pub from the Yoker Ferry Terminal; and

(II) improving the road signage to the Yoker Ferry Terminal in order to raise awareness of the service; and

(B) Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services to request that

(I) a clean up of the area around the Yoker Ferry Terminal is conducted in the near future; and

(II) the Council provides a skip on a permanent basis, and ensure regular uplift of its contents to assist in keeping the area tidy;

(ii) arrange a future agenda item on issues surrounding the river, including details of the pontoons;

(c) suggested that Clyde Link contact Skills Development Scotland and/or the Glasgow West Regeneration Agency for further advice on the recruitment of apprenticeships;

(d) invited Clyde Links to attend a future meeting of the committee to provide a progress report on its services on the River Clyde; and

(e) thanked Mr Aikman for his informative presentation and constructive input.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU