DYDDIAD Y CYFARFOD: 27 May 2021 DATE OF MEETING: TEITL YR ADRODDIAD: Chief Executive’s Report TITLE OF REPORT: CYFARWYDDWR ARWEINIOL: Steve Moore, Chief Executive LEAD DIRECTOR: SWYDDOG ADRODD: Sian-Marie James, Assistant Director of Corporate Legal REPORTING OFFICER: Services & Public Affairs

Pwrpas yr Adroddiad (dewiswch fel yn addas) Purpose of the Report (select as appropriate) Ar Gyfer Penderfyniad/For Decision


The purpose of this report is to:

 Update the Board on relevant matters undertaken as Chief Executive of Hywel Dda University Health Board (the UHB) since the previous Board meeting held on 25th March 2021; and  Provide an overview of the current key issues, both at a local and national level, within NHS .

Cefndir / Background

This report provides the opportunity to present items to the Board to demonstrate areas of work that are being progressed and achievements that are being made, which may not be subject to prior consideration by a Committee of the Board, or may not be directly reported to the Board through Board reports.

Asesiad / Assessment

(1) Register of Sealings

The UHB’s Common Seal has been applied to legal documents and a record of the sealing of these documents has been entered into the Register kept for this purpose. The entries at Appendix A have been signed by the Chair and Chief Executive or the Deputy Chief Executive (in the absence of the Chief Executive) on behalf of the Board (Section 8 of the UHB’s Standing Orders refers).

(2) Consultations

The UHB receives consultation documents from a number of external organisations. It is important that the UHB considers the impact of the proposals contained within these consultations against its own strategic plans, and ensures that an appropriate corporate response is provided to highlight any issues, which could potentially impact upon the

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1/4 1 / 8 / 8 organisation. A status report for Consultation Documents received and responded to is detailed at Appendix B, should any Board Member wish to contribute.

(3)Strategic and Operational Issues

Major Incident Plan The UHB’s Major Incident Plan has been reviewed through a COVID-19 lens and amended to reflect the last 15 months by summary appendices that highlight acute site COVID-19 arrangements. A paper will be presented to the People, Planning and Performance Assurance Committee in June 2021, with a view to considering it at the next Board meeting in July 2021.

A full review of the Major Incident Plan will be undertaken over the next 12 months to reflect changes in Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response (EPPR), such as the Major Trauma Centre provision and associated major incident casualty flows, and the site changes and lessons identified from the pandemic response.

(4) National Issues

Senedd Elections 2021 There are 14 politicians in the Hywel Dda UHB area: nine Members of the (MSs) and five Members of Parliament (MPs). The Chair, Chief Executive and Medical Director met with all politicians on Friday 14th May 2021, and will continue to meet with them on a monthly basis.

Following the Senedd Election on 6th May 2021, we have three new MSs in the UHB (in bold):  MS MS Carmarthen West & South MS Carmarthen East & Dinefwr  MS Preseli Pembrokeshire  MS  Eluned Morgan MS Mid & West Wales  Mid & West Wales  MS Mid & West Wales  Mid & West Wales

We have five extant Members of Parliament: Nia Griffth MP (Llanelli); Ben Lake MP (Ceredigion); Simon Hart MP (Carmarthen West & ); Stephen Crabb MP (Preseli Pembrokeshire); and Jonathan Edwards MP (Carmarthen East & Dinefwr).

Mark Drakeford MS (First Minister) has appointed his Cabinet and the four MSs with a direct impact on the UHB are:  Eluned Morgan MS Minister for Health and Social Services  MS Deputy Minister for Social Services  MS Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing  MS Deputy Minister for Social Partnership

Argymhelliad / Recommendation

The Board is invited to:  Endorse the Register of Sealings (Appendix A) since the previous report on 25th March 2021; and  Note the status report for Consultation Documents (Appendix B) received/responded to.

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2/4 2 9 Amcanion: (rhaid cwblhau) Objectives: (must be completed) Cyfeirnod Cofrestr Risg Datix a Sgôr Not Applicable Cyfredol: Datix Risk Register Reference and Score: Safon(au) Gofal ac Iechyd: All Health & Care Standards Apply Health and Care Standard(s): Choose an item. Hyperlink to NHS Wales Health & Choose an item. Care Standards Choose an item. Amcanion Strategol y BIP: All Strategic Objectives are applicable UHB Strategic Objectives: Choose an item. Hyperlink to HDdUHB Strategic Choose an item. Objectives Choose an item. Amcanion Llesiant BIP: Improve efficiency and quality of services through UHB Well-being Objectives: collaboration with people, communities and partners Hyperlink to HDdUHB Well-being Develop a sustainable skilled workforce Statement Support people to live active, happy and healthy lives Choose an item.

Gwybodaeth Ychwanegol: Further Information: Ar sail tystiolaeth: Chief Executive’s meetings (internal, external and Evidence Base: NHS Wales wide), diary and correspondence

Rhestr Termau: Included within the body of the report Glossary of Terms: Partïon / Pwyllgorau â ymgynhorwyd Not Applicable ymlaen llaw y Cyfarfod Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol: Parties / Committees consulted prior to University Health Board:

Effaith: (rhaid cwblhau) Impact: (must be completed) Ariannol / Gwerth am Arian: Any issues are identified in the report. Financial / Service: Ansawdd / Gofal Claf: Any issues are identified in the report. Quality / Patient Care: Gweithlu: Any issues are identified in the report. Workforce: Risg: This report provides evidence of current key issues at Risk: both a local and national level, which reflect national and local objectives and development of the partnership agenda at national, regional and local levels.

Ensuing that the Board is sighted on key areas of its business, and on national strategic priorities and issues, is essential to assurance processes and related risks.

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3/4 3 Cyfreithiol: Any issues are identified in the report. Legal: Enw Da: Any issues are identified in the report. Reputational: Gyfrinachedd: Not Applicable Privacy: Cydraddoldeb:  Has EqIA screening been undertaken? Not on the Equality: Report  Has a full EqIA been undertaken? Not on the Report

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4/4 4 Appendix A: Register of Sealings from 3rd March – 11th May 2021

Entry Details Date of Sealing Number 307 Collaboration Agreement: Early Years Integrated System – Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion 25.03.2021 Pathfinders within Hywel Dda University Health Board Footprint Between Ceredigion County Council, Carmarthenshire County Council, Hywel Dda University Local Health Board and Public Health Wales NHS Trust

308 Agreement for the Creation of a Virtual Pooled Fund for Older Persons Care Home Services Between 13.04.2021 Carmarthenshire County Council, Ceredigion County Council, Pembrokeshire County Council and Hywel Dda University Local Health Board

309 Transfer Deed of Health Centre, Charles Street, Neyland Between Hywel Dda University 13.04.2021 Local Health Board and Dynamo Construction Limited

310 Letter of Agreement No.3 for the Agreement of Services relating to the reinstatement of Bluestone 13.04.2021 Village Holiday Park Between Bluestone Resorts Limited and Hywel Dda University Local Health Board to discharge the Health Board’s deconstruction obligations by way of payment paid to Bluestone in lieu of performance of the undertakings set out in paragraphs 2(a), (b), (c) and (d) of Letter of Agreement No.2

311 Agreement in relation to the Integrated Care Fund Main Capital Programme relating to 17/17A Heol 11.05.2021 Amman, Glanamman between Hywel Dda University Local Health Board and Carmarthenshire County Council

312 Agreement in relation to the Integrated Care Fund Main Capital Programme relating to 2-4 Coleshill 11.05.2021 Terrace, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire Between Hywel Dda University Local Health Board and Carmarthenshire County Council

313 Agreement in relation to the Integrated Care Fund Main Capital Programme relating to 6 Parc 11.05.2021 Thomas, Carmarthen Between Hywel Dda University Local Health Board and Carmarthenshire County Council

1 1/2 5 / Entry Details Date of Sealing Number 314 Agreement in relation to the Integrated Care Fund Main Capital Programme relating to Supported 11.05.2021 Living Property Acquisition Between Hywel Dda University Local Health Board and Carmarthenshire County Council

315 Agreement in relation to the Integrated Care Fund Main Capital Programme relating to Llys Yr Ysgol, 11.05.2021 Carmarthenshire Between Hywel Dda University Local Health Board and Carmarthenshire County Council

316 Agreement in relation to the Integrated Care Fund Main Capital Programme relating to 11.05.2021 Carmarthenshire Specialist Housing Schemes Between Hywel Dda University Local Health Board and Carmarthenshire County Council

317 Call off Contract for Regional Project Manager, Fire Precaution Upgrade Works at Withybush General 11.05.2021 Hospital and Bro Cerwyn/St. Brynach Day Hospitals, Between Hywel Dda University Local Health Board and Mace Limited 318 Parent Company Guarantee Project Manager for Withybush Fire Precaution Works Between Hywel 11.05.2021 Dda University Local Health Board and Mace Limited

2 2/2 6 Appendix B: Consultations Update Status Report up to 11th May 2021

Ref Name of Consultation Consulting Consultation Lead Received CLOSING Response No (hyperlink included for Organisation On DATE Sent online consultations) 453 Improving social care Jill Paterson, Anna Bird: 14.01.2021 06.04.2021 06.04.2021 arrangements and Contribution via RPB partnership working response & Welsh NHS Confederation 454 Carers' national plan for Welsh Government Ros Jervis, Anna Bird, 18.01.2021 20.01.2021 20.01.2021 Wales Clare Hale

455 Proposed Model Service Wales Cancer Cancer & Surgical 22.01.2021 01.02.2021 01.02.2021 Specification for Hepato- Network/ NHS Wales Team, Keith Jones, Lisa Pancreato-Biliary surgery Health Collaborative Humphrey services for people resident in Wales 456 Possible - Reforming the UK Government Andrew Carruthers, 08.02.2021 21.04.2021 26.03.2021 Mental Health Sarah Roberts, Aileen Flynn 457 Draft Social Partnership Welsh Government Huw Thomas, Lisa 01.03.2021 23.04.2021 20.04.2021 and Public Procurement Gostling

458 Proposed Specialist NHS Wales Health Andrew Carruthers, Liz 02.03.2021 12.04.2021 12.04.2021 CAMHS Service Collaborative Carroll, Angela Lodwick, Improvement Framework Warren Lloyd 459 National framework for Welsh Government Mandy Rayani, Gina 24.03.2021 17.05.2021 14.05.2021 bereavement care | Hawkes, Alex Walsby

460 Arthritis and long-term Welsh Government Dr Phil Kloer, Lisa 24.03.2021 30.07.2021 musculoskeletal Davies, Owain Ennis, conditions in adults |


1/2 7 Appendix B: Consultations Update Status Report up to 11th May 2021

Ref Name of Consultation Consulting Consultation Lead Received CLOSING Response No (hyperlink included for Organisation On DATE Sent online consultations) Keith Jones, Stephanie Hire 461 WHSSC: Stereotactic Welsh Health Dr Phil Kloer, Mark 31.03.2021 05.05.2021 04.05.2021 Ablative Body Specialised Services Henwood, Dr Alison Radiotherapy (SABR) - Committee Brewster, Jegadish Service Specification Mathias, Debra Bennett, (CP219) Lisa Humphrey, Gina Beard 462 Protect Duty - GOV.UK UK Government Mandy Rayani, Andrew 12.04.2021 02.07.2021 ( Carruthers, Phil Lloyd, Sam Hussell

463 WHSSC consultation: Welsh Health Dr Phil Kloer, Mark 13.04.2021 11.05.2021 Response not Positron Emission Specialised Services Henwood, Jegadish required as Tomography (PET) Committee Mathias, Debra Bennett, advised by Lisa Humphrey Cancer Services Team 464 Possible WHSSC- CAR T Welsh Health Dr Phil Kloer, Mark 14.04.2021 11.05.2021 Response not cell therapy Specialised Services Henwood, Jegadish required as Committee Mathias, Debra Bennett advised by Cancer Services Team 465 Race Equality Action Plan: Welsh Government Ros Jervis, Anna Bird, 30.04.2021 17.06.2021 An Anti-racist Wales Helen Sullivan, Jo Wilson, Alison Gittins, Lisa Gostling, Annmarie Thomas


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