WLGA Briefing WALES: Regional Profile Police and Crime Commissioner Candidates September 2012 Lee Owens 029 2046 8621 –
[email protected] Wales Overview Wales covers 20,700 square kilometres (sq km), is the third biggest of the UK countries and English regions, and covers 9 per cent of the total area of the UK. It has over 1,200 kilometres (750 miles) of coastline, including its offshore islands. The largest island Anglesey is the largest island in the Irish Sea. Wales is generally mountainous, with its highest peaks in the north and central areas, especially in Snowdonia. The population density for Wales in mid-2010 was 145 people per sq km. Two-thirds of people in Wales, slightly under 2 million, live in urban areas concentrated mostly in the south east of the country. In terms of population Wales is the third smallest country or region with 3 million in mid 2010. The population of Wales increased between 2001 and 2010 by 3.3 per cent, compared with an increase of 5.3 per cent for the UK over the same period. People aged 65 and over made up 18 per cent of the population, while those aged 16 and under made up 18.2 per cent of the population in 2010. This compares with UK figures of 16.6 per cent and 18.6 per cent respectively. Life expectancy at birth for the three-year period 2008 to 2010 was 77.5 years for males and 81.7 years for females compared with 78.1 and 82.1 years respectively for the UK.