Editorial Office: Fall 2012 Roanoke College Residence Life & Housing Salem, VA 24153 features [email protected]

______7 The Life of an ACUHO-I Intern: A Hokie Experience Justin Clark, Old Dominion University, VA Tech ______10 Winthrop University Re-Opens Phelps Hall Steve Wook, Winthrop University ______12 Assessing Student Learning in Residence Halls: The Use of Mobile Assessments to Evaluate Community Builders Brian W. Samble, University of Tennessee, Knoxville ______13 The RELI Experience:: Buoilding a Network of Collegues, Mentors, and Friends Danielle Dimoff, University of Richmond ______14 Engaging Men in a Positive Community – Basic Foundations Anthony Dustin Rollins, University of Florida ______16 We Need to Hire Better: Revitalizing RA Recruitment Amanda Mueller, University of North Florida ______18 Perception is reality: How social networking sites shape our students’ realities Danielle Vitale, University of North Florida ______20 A RELI Testimonial Lindsay Burnham, Florida State University ______21 Move-In Day Bliss Ayesha Rizvi Mian, University of Florida SEAHO Report Editorial Policy: ______All members of SEAHO institutions are encouraged to submit articles for publication. 24 An Unaligned Vision Is Wasted Energy Articles should be typed and can be mailed, Coretta Roseboro Walker, University of North Carolina at faxed, or emailed to the Editorial Office. Greensboro & Amy Boyle, Loyola University New Orleans Articles sent as email attachments are ______preferred. Be sure to include the author’s Demystifying Residence Hall Associations: What they do, name and institution, and SEAHO committee 25 or task force affiliation as appropriate. why they matter, and how they can be supported Photographs or other camera-ready graphics Megan Delph, Regina Gavin & Anna Patton, The University at are welcomed. Material that has been North Carolina Greensboro submitted to other publications is ______discouraged. Any questions should be referred to the SEAHO Report Editor or 27 Harnessing the Power of Video Games for Good State Editors. Samuel J. Whalen, University of Tennessee, Knoxville ______Material not received on time or not used due 29 Graduate Issue and Involvement Committee News to space limitations will be considered for the Coretta Roseboro Walker, Chair of Graduate Issues and next issue if still timely. Necessary editorial Involvement Committee revisions will be made to ensure publication ______quality and to meet space requirements. Permission is granted to reproduce portions of the contents, but credit to the SEAHO Report is required.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 departments

SEAHO President 3

SEAHO News 5

Student Affairs Around the Region 30

Florida Updates 30

Mississippi Updates 34

North Carolina Updates 34

South Carolina Updates 41

Tennessee Updates 41

Virginia Updates 44

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO PRESIDENT Hello SEAHO! The Governing Council has just returned from our midyear meeting which was held at the fabulous Marriott Marquis in downtown Atlanta, GA. We had an opportunity to preview the wonderful array of facilities and amenities that will be available to our members for our annual conference being held February 27 – March 1. This is our first foray into SEAHO’s new conference hosting model which opts for regional locations rather than our traditional state hosted conferences. Katrina Pawvluk from the College of William & Mary, and her phenomenal team of professionals. are hard at work planning a comprehensive conference experience guaranteed to bring cutting edge content and professional development for our members as well as ample time for genuine connective opportunities for colleagues that are the hallmark of our unique SEAHO network. I hope everyone is making plans to be with us for SEAHO this spring! The link to register for the conference is live right now on our website . Why not take a minute and register today! Thank and kudos go out to the many great folks in our region who submitted program proposals for our upcoming conference in Atlanta. Alex Becking and the program committee worked diligently at midyear to make some tough decisions and develop a diverse and engaging program schedule for us for the conference this spring. So many amazing things are being accomplished by the institutions in our region. If your program was not slated for the conference perhaps there is a way for you to parlay that proposal into a terrific article for the SEAHO report! The awards and recognition process is about to be ready for our members to nominate deserving folks from around our region for their exemplary efforts on the part of our students, institutions and organizations. Recognition is critical to help each of us reach our potential and as is a great way to motivate folks to continue to do great work! Please consider those you know around the region and plan to nominate someone in as many categories as possible! If travel funds are an issue at your institution consider applying for one of the conference fee waiver scholarships available to help fund your attendance at SEAHO 2013 in Atlanta. Nominations will be available online at very soon! Take time now to make sure you are registered as a member at and prepare to submit nominations online as soon as they become available. Many of you may have seen the recent call for institutions to submit bids to host the Regional Entry Level Institute for 2014 – 2016. We reviewed 9 bids from schools throughout the region and have selected Emory University as the new home for RELI! Our colleagues at Duke University have done a phenomenal job hosting RELI for the past 2 years. Duke will culminate their 3 year rotation with RELI by hosting the 10th anniversary RELI experience this summer. RELI continues to be the premier intensive summer training institute experience for rising young professionals in our region. Those who have had a chance to attend RELI as a participant and/or faculty member repeatedly recognize RELI as one of the most significant and positive professional development experiences of their career both in content and connection. I hope you will consider encouraging a new professional that you know in the region to attend or apply yourself! As you know, as a result of our transition to the new regional hosting model for conferences, SEAHO 2013 is in Atlanta, GA, SEAHO 2014 is in Louisville, KY, and SEAHO 2015 is in Mobile, AB. Steve Stauffer from the University of Kentucky has graciously agreed once again to help

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 3 SEAHO FEATURE spearhead SEAHO’s efforts to work with our partners at Experient to help identify the locations of our annual conference for 2016 and beyond. Steve and his team learned a lot from our first round of selections and is well prepared to lead the efforts again with that knowledge under his belt. Please join me in thanking Steve for his tireless efforts to continue to serve SEAHO in this critical way. As we head into the holidays and begin to close semesters around the region, I hope each of you has a chance to reflect on the contributions you are making to your organizations and students. It never ceases to amaze me the level of dedication that our colleagues in the SEAHO region make to the lives of the students we serve on our campuses each and every day. Never doubt the impacts that you are making. Our work is truly transformational both for the college experience of our students and for ourselves. I am so proud to be among the talented and gifted educators and leaders of our field in this region. I am thankful for SEAHO and for each of you!

GO SEAHO! - Aframe

4 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO News

General Conference Information SEAHO 2013 · Dates: February 26 – March 1, 2013 · Location: Atlanta, Georgia · Hotel and Conference Site: o Marriott Atlanta Marquis - $179 Per Night

o Hotel reservations are now being accepted - just reference SEAHO 2013 when making your reservation or make your reservation online at . · Registration Costs [prior to January 21, 2013]: o $195 for Professionals

o $110 for Graduate Students

o $110 for 1-day · Registration Costs [starting January 21, 2013]: o $245 for Professionals

o $160 for Graduate Students

o $160 for 1-day · Registration Opens: August 1, 2012 · Late Registration: January 21, 2013 · Call for Programs: Coming soon · Airport: Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport - ATL · Atlanta Visitors Bureau: Head to seaho.org to keep up with the latest on the conference!! HERE WE COME ATLANTA!

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 5 SEAHO NEWS Letter From the Editor

Greetings SEAHO and Happy Holidays!

I hope that your turkeys were moist and that your building closings will be smooth! This letter from the editor is a little bitter sweet because it is my last. I have accepted a position for Spring 2013 aboard Semester at Sea, which will put me a little outside the SEAHO region, and a little less accessible. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve you all in this role, and I look forward to helping the next editor assume it with ease! I will miss you all at the annual conference (breaking my streak!!) but know that my faithful friends will sing a Bieber tribute at karaoke in my honor. I want to give a special thanks to my board, Ben Wicker, Carla Green, and Jeannie Hopper – without who none of these editions could come to life. SEAHO is continuing to do amazing things. I am looking forward to hopefully rejoining the SEAHO community in May 2013 (if you hear of awesome jobs, please send my way) and have truly been blessed to continuously serve you all, this region, and with these amazing people! Keep sending your submissions to [email protected]! We are in need of articles, institutional updates, and anything special you all would like to share! Please share with your graduate students and encourage them to write as well. They’ve got a special energy and young ideas to offer as well!

Thank you everyone!

Nicole Lenez Managing Editor, SEAHO Report P.S. I have every intention of blogging from my voyage, so if you are inclined, please feel free to follow my journey at http://niconaship.blogspot.com/.

6 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE The Life of an ACUHO-I Intern: A Hokie Experience By Justin Clark ACUHO-I Intern Old Dominion University, VA Tech In January undergraduate and graduate students have ever asked for. My supervisor, Hannah Grissom, all across the country started their search for an had been planning my internship for months and she internship experience. They may have been searching was definitely ready for my arrival and for me to get for a familiar experience or they may have been started! searching for a new experience. Even before my During my time at I lived my life out graduate program started I knew I was going to search of a binder. Now this wasn’t any ordinary binder that for an internship through ACUHO-I. The entire I would use for school to throw every paper a teacher ACUHO-I process was a little overwhelming to me at hands out into it. This binder was my life for nine first but after a while it was easy to get used to and weeks. This binder contained everything from a letter settle into a groove. One great aspect of the internship welcoming me to the Virginia Tech family and program they offer is that they provide a wide variety information about the university to information about of experiences with different institutions. While I was things happening in the local community. Oh and, of interested in some and not so interested in others I course, it contained my schedules for the nine weeks knew I would land somewhere where I was going to that sat in front of me. Saying that it was a reference get a great experience. for me is an understatement; this binder was my While I was looking for something a little more Internship Bible. familiar and within my Housing and Residence Life One of the first major conversations I had at background I was also looking for something that Virginia Tech was with Hannah about what Virginia would be provide me a different experience at the Tech meant to me at that time. This was my first time same time. I was really looking for a unique on the Virginia Tech campus and interacting with their experience that would help shape me as a professional community so how was I supposed to react? I was in the field of Student Affairs. When I was going completely honest with her. I told her that to me through the ACUHO-I process I noticed there were a Virginia Tech was a university I knew about because lot of internships that were very one dimensional. A of their football team. I referenced the tragic shooting majority of the internships offered through ACUHO-I from April 16, 2007 and what was going through my are very housing based, which is expected since it is a mind as a senior in high school at that time watching housing organization, but still I was looking for more. the events of the day unfold. Beyond that I didn’t One university in particular did an amazing job at really have that much to say about Virginia Tech laying out a unique and enlightening experience for because I didn’t know anything about their university. their intern that really caught my eye. That university If she asked me that question at the end of my first day was Virginia Tech and I am going to tell you about my as opposed to the beginning my answer would have life as an ACUHO-I intern at Virginia Tech. been completely different. When I arrived in Blacksburg I have to be honest As I previously mentioned, when I was searching I still didn’t know exactly what to expect from this for my internship I was looking for a unique experience. The search and interview process had long experience, but a similar one at the same time. At Tech passed and I was now at the point where I would find I got a lot of similarities as I worked with the Office out how everything Virginia Tech planned for me had of Housing and Residence Life on a daily basis which come together. Let’s just say that having a planner for is where I have most of my experience within Student a supervisor was one of the greatest things I could Affairs. At the same time I wanted to get more

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 7 SEAHO FEATURE experience with other offices and areas within the actually sparked my interest in possibly teaching Division of Student Affairs. Throughout my internship within the field in the future! The Office of Fraternity I gained these different experiences by working with and Sorority Life gave me a couple different projects the Offices of Student Conduct, Facilities and while I was working in their office. I worked on their Housing, Living Learning Communities, Assessment, plans for National Hazing Prevention Week that Camps and Conferences, Residence Hall Federation, allowed me to learn a lot about hazing on college and Fraternity and Sorority Life. While in each these campuses across the county. I also worked on a plan to area I had the opportunity to gain hands on experience help them reach out to members of the LGBT by working on projects with them and conducting community within their Greek community. All of the interviews about their offices and positions. projects I worked on while interning at Virginia Tech My first week at Tech was a very acclimating were extremely beneficial to me and really helped me experience and provided me enough time to get figure out what areas I want to focus on in the future. comfortable with the department. After having my One of my biggest projects while I was at Virginia opening meeting with Hannah she brought me over to Tech was assisting in the planning of the VACUHO the main housing office where I was introduced to RA Conference which VT is hosting this year! This everyone I would be working with this summer. Over was an exciting opportunity for me because I have the span of this experience so many people made an attended the conference for the past four years and impact on me but on person in particular sticks out in was always interested in being behind the scenes. This my memory as impacting me from the start. That was finally my opportunity to get behind the scenes person would be Tricia Smith. Our first interaction and make a large contribution to the conference. I went something like “Hey this is Justin our ACUHO- worked with Hannah on a weekly basis hammering I intern” and in response we got “Hi I’m Tricia. We’re out the schedule, contacting people, figuring out some really excited to have you here! Now look at what I logistics, etc. I would have loved to have the have on the wall here and tell me what ya think.” opportunity to keep working on the conference with There were three posters on the wall that were Hannah and the RAs at Tech because the RAs were expected to be placed on a tri-fold board for the not on campus when I was. Having them there would orientation sessions in July. We ended up standing in have made it a completely different experience! the hallway talking about these tri-fold posters for Despite this I was still very grateful for this about 15 minutes. That introduction will stick out in experience and I loved every second of it. my mind for years to come, and right away I knew she Another amazing opportunity that was provided was going to be an important part of my Virginia Tech to me during my internship was conducting a research experience! project on RA selection based on the premise of Every office I worked with on campus had a “know and be known.” The research was conducted project for me. I don’t want to bore the readers and go throughout my nine week internship and concluded in into detail about every project I did while I was there an open presentation to anyone who wanted to attend. but I’ll give you a little background. In the Office of This was an amazing opportunity for me because it Student Conduct I had the opportunity to work on gave me the chance to reach out and connect with some materials for RA training for the upcoming year. other institutions around the state and around the This included confronting a similar situation with country. I also did a lot of work with other ACUHO-I different types of people and how to follow up with interns that were doing similar projects as part of their those students about the situation the RA had to internship. It was a great chance for me to expand my confront. When I worked with the Facilities network while I picked up skills on how to conduct Management crew I had the opportunity to work on a research on practices other institutions are using. project that measured their elevator system in Although I consider myself a fairly good public comparison to national standards. I really enjoyed this speaker there were few aspects of my presentation that because I learned things that I never would have Hannah pointed out I could work on. There is always thought about. I also had the chance to work with the room to improve! Living Learning Communities on campus in which I While I was at Virginia Tech it wasn’t all work all got to work on some of the lesson plans that will be the time. I had the opportunity to experience some used in classes this fall. Having this opportunity great things at Tech outside of the office. I spent a day

8 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE with the Virginia Tech To end this article I’d like to give some advice to police department in both current students who are searching for which they gave me a internships and also to institutions who are interested tour of the athletic in hosting an intern. First the searching student: facilities including a challenge yourself. While finding an internship that full tour of Lane you know you are going to be comfortable with is easy Stadium (when I say it isn’t always beneficial. Find something that full I mean from the challenges you to branch outside of your comfort locker room to the zone. Internships aren’t always about finding another roof of the stadium). I school to get your foot in the door of a department you also participated in want to work in. Don’t get me wrong, that is Softball Sunday something you can do with your internship but if you which is a summer tradition at VT which I really want to do that, do more than one. Do an internship enjoyed. I also celebrated the Fourth of July with some outside of your comfort zone and allows you to get an of the amazing people I got to work with at Virginia experience you never would have considered had you Tech. The people that I worked with at Tech really not gotten that opportunity. Push yourself to find made me feel welcome and they made me feel like I something like this because it will be more beneficial belonged at Virginia Tech. than doing something you are already used to. Now if we think back to earlier in this article I To the potential host institutions out there: don’t mentioned a question that I was asked on the first day make the internship all about you. While most of my internship. “What does Virginia Tech mean to institutions often hire an intern for the summer you?” After being at the university for just over two because they need help with some random projects months my view of Virginia Tech had completely they might not have time to give the intern more than changed from my answer on the first day of my that experience. Ask them what they want to get out of internship. As I walked away from Virginia Tech I now it. Ask them what their career goals and aspirations thought of it as a university that inspires student are and try to tailor their experience to something like learning. When I say that I don’t just mean that. Give them a major project that will make them an academically, the students on this campus are given expert on that topic as they go into their job search. the full college experience to the full extent the I’m not saying don’t use them for your own personal university is able to provide them. Students attend gain at all but just remember they are there to gain Virginia Tech for more than just the academics; they something for their personal growth as well. Give attend the university because they know it will be a them the chance to learn how your department works great opportunity for them to grow as a person. The but let them branch out and meet other people on your Virginia Tech community lives this on a daily basis campus as well. Give them the full experience of your through their learning aspirations that they instill in institution instead of limiting what they can get from their students. Virginia Tech is inventing the future in you. Think about it, you could be the one to change more ways than just technology or the next big things, their life. they are providing the world with a new type of global citizen that really enhance the world we live in. Ut Prosim is more than just a saying; it’s a way of life.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 9 SEAHO FEATURE Winthrop University Re-Opens Phelps Hall By Steve Wood Residential Learning Coordinator and Academic Associate Winthrop University

student rooms and recessed TV shelves were added above them to economize on space. The entire building received all new electrical wiring and exit signage and exit door hardware was updated. A very notable change to the building was adapting it to be fully ADA- compliant. Ramps were constructed to allow students to move from the spacious and sunken lobby to the residential areas of Winthrop University has re-opened Phelps Hall the building. following an extensive 18-month renovation. The Several suites had suite-style building, originally constructed in 1942 their bathrooms with an addition completed in the early 1960s, upgraded to ADA underwent several major changes in the $4.2 million standards. A new dollar renovation. elevator tower was Exterior elevator tower added to Construction first focused on removing all added to the improve accessibility and overall original suite bathrooms and plumbing. A new building to replace ease of living ventilation system was designed and restrooms were the ‘40s era freight reconstructed from scratch. Sinks were moved to elevator.

Examples of ramps created to bridge the lobby to the remainder of the building

10 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE computer lab managed by Computing Information and Technology returned to the residence hall with state-of-the-art computers to allow students across campus access to the most cutting-edge technologies. Residence Life staff members weren’t forgotten in this renovation, either. A newly-constructed Hall Office provides usefulness and function, allowing excellent customer service, common-sense technology implementation, and state-of-the-art security. A departmental Residence Life Resource Room will make its move back to the building before the spring semester, providing a great space for staff to socialize and prepare for meeting residents’ needs. When students arrived in August, they were also Phelps houses nearly 400 students, the majority of greeted by new lobby finishes highlighted by a which are upperclassmen. Ten Resident Assistants, 12 contemporary color pallet and lighting. Both classic office workers (Office Hosts and Night Hosts and contemporary furniture pieces were placed to covering the Hall Office 21 hours per day), one allow for social interaction and group projects. Newly added, two additional accessible laundry rooms with a unified color scheme that ties back to the lobby have made doing laundry that much more of an enjoyable task. New mattresses were added to rooms that also sported new coats of paint and newly waxed floors— many of them still the original hardwoods. Sidewalks and landscaping around the building were improved so that the grandeur of the interior matched the exterior. In an effort to focus on sustainability, students empty recycling bins in two main recycling centers centrally located in the building. All plumbing fixtures are low-flow in nature. The building continues to receive its heating, air conditioning, and student Office Assistant and one full-time Master’s- hot water from a central steam/chilled water system. level Residential Learning Coordinator provide the Energy efficient windows, installed six years prior, staffing structure. Phelps Hall is one of four residence allow for proper insulation of the building. halls in the campus’ South Area, reporting to an Technology was upgraded as the entire building Assistant Director for Residence Life. received wireless Internet access. A 24-hour

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 11 SEAHO FEATURE Assessing Student Learning in Residence Halls: The Use of Mobile Assessments to Evaluate Community Builders By Brian W. Samble University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Public demand for more transparency regarding These initiatives are not new. Yet, as the public and what students are learning at U.S. colleges and campus officials ask campus offices to show what universities has reached its apex. As recently as 2006, students are learning at these events, it should be The U.S. Department of ’s Spelling within our capacity to provide (and celebrate!) Commission report found that “At a time when we achievements that advance our common mission with need to be increasing the quality of learning outcomes academic affairs. Surveys often yield low response and the economic value of a college education, there rates and are administered well after a program has are disturbing signs that suggest we are moving in the ended. In our efforts to capture all participants and opposite direction.”1 Just two years later, in 2008, learning using lengthy surveys, we may obtain neither. Measuring Up: The National Report Card On Higher Mobile assessments, however lend themselves well to Education determined that states across the board assessing learning outcomes. earned an ìIncompleteî when it came to providing Mobile assessments are electronic, portable satisfactory data in the category learning.2 Finally, in devices that may capture participant responses on-site 2011, the observations in Arum and Roska’s book and electronically transfer that data to a more Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College centralized database where it may be later analyzed. Campuses3 marked a turning point for many Devices such as I-Pads, I-Pod Touches, and other administrators in higher education to respond to the tablet-type devices work especially well for these question, What are students learning? Offices of purposes, particularly in conjunction with University Housing and Residential Life should be as downloadable applications that synch to existing equally poised to respond as academic affairs and student assessment consultative services such as celebrate achievements as strides are made in CampusLabs, formerly known as StudentVoice. The promoting student learning. The use of mobile way they work is as follows. Learning outcomes are assessment instruments may be one means of drafted for the purposes of a community measuring strides towards student learning that is builder/program occurring in the residence hall. These happening in the residence halls throughout the learning outcomes are then sent along to CampusLabs academic year. consultants several days prior to the program/event for For many housing departments, supporting the review. The questions may be rephrased to better academic mission of an institution is paramount, and reflect Bloom’s Taxonomy or reformatted. This many have excelled. Students living on campus are maintains the integrity of what the planners are exposed to community builders or programmatic seeking to accomplish with the addition of initiatives; some are educational, some are faculty- professional expertise offered by the consultants. inclusive, some partner with other campus offices in Finalized questions are then uploaded into an ways that create a seamless learning environment. application, still labeled StudentVoice. Following the

1 U.S. Department of Education. (2006). A test of leadership: Charting the future of U.S. higher education. Washington, D.C., pp. 13. Retrieved from, http://www2.ed.gov/about/bdscomm/list/hiedfuture/reports/final-report.pdf 2 The National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education. (2008). Measuring up 2008: The national report card on higher education. Retrieved from, http://measuringup2008.highereducation.org/print/NCPPHEMUNationalRpt.pdf 3 Arum, R., & Roska, J. (2011). Academically adrift: Limited learning on college campuses. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press.

12 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE program, residents complete very short prompts An opportunity also exists for there to develop a which should take residents no longer than 5 minutes type of RA Think Tank, which I envision to resemble to complete. The data is immediately available on the RAs obtaining a copy of participant responses and university’s CampusLabs account webpage for review. presenting the purpose of the program as well as what The benefit of mobile assessments are that they can be worked and what could be improved upon during staff used anywhere on campus a program is held, easily meeting. Fellow RAs would contribute their portable, fast, and can be used to randomly sample observations, tips, and recommendations. In turn, all students rather than census them as a survey design RAs walk away with a greater clarity of approaches, might attempt by emailing everyone who attended. differing perspectives, and confidence in discussing This data can then be used to benchmark progress projects for which they were responsible. Ultimately, among Resident Assistants throughout the year and these steps benefit the residents of our halls and lead evaluate if programs are leading directly to learning housing professionals closer to obtaining measurable outcomes. learning outcomes that strengthen commitment to the academic mission of our colleges and universities.

The RELI Experience: Building a Network of Colleagues, Mentors, and Friends By Danielle Dimoff University of Richmond

I arrived on Duke University’s campus this thinking, encouraged new perspectives, and supported summer to a room filled with over thirty new the sharing of ideas across different institutional professionals in housing and residence life. I was in a cultures. We learned about resources to utilize, best new place in Durham, North Carolina and surrounded practices to adapt, growing trends that impact our by unfamiliar faces of individuals about to embark on field, and in the process, we learned how to become a four-day, intensive, and interactive learning more effective leaders as we aspire to mid-level experience. positions. This experience, known as SEAHO’s Regional This institute was more than just a learning Entry Level Institute, provided me with the experience – it was a life changing experience that opportunity to interact and network with other new defined my passion for the field and desire to continue professionals and multiple seasoned veterans in the to achieve my professional goals. This institute field. We discussed campus issues, professional provided me with meaningful experiences that development paths, and work-life balance. We assisted in my leadership growth and truly prepared debated challenges faced and how we addressed them. me to become a better professional in my position, We shared lessons learned and success stories in the institution, and future career. field – stories that allowed us to better understand I arrived on Duke University’s campus this ourselves and each other as we found commonality summer to a room filled with individuals brought within our lives and made stronger connections. together to learn more about themselves and each We also had the opportunity to expand our other. I left the campus four days later and bid farewell knowledge in topics ranging from supervision and to a room that was no longer filled with unfamiliar crisis management to budgets and professional faces, but a room filled with a network of colleagues, development. These topics were presented by the mentors, and friends that I will continue to build upon seasoned veterans in a way that challenged our throughout my career.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 13 SEAHO FEATURE Engaging Men in a Positive Community – Basic Foundations By Anthony Dustin Rollins Residence Director University of Florida As another semester swings into full gear on our While it is not being argued whether these “rules” respective campuses and we begin to reflect and plan are socially just or accepted among the student affairs for the future, I encourage you to explore how you can profession, the research consistently indicates that connect the men on your campus to a positive and they are ingrained in contemporary society; especially mutually supportive environment. Nationally, men are for college men. Various examples can be drawn from more likely to be perpetrators and victims of violent these “rules” regarding behavior you may see on your crime, men are underachieving academically at campus on a daily basis. alarming rates, men continue to be overrepresented in Another critical point in understanding the way campus conduct/residence hall policy violations, men men respond in a community is to acknowledge that actively disengage from campus activities and men judge their level of masculinity based on the leadership opportunities, they promote and experience perceptions of other men. Media often will insinuate homophobia and depression in larger numbers than that heterosexual men are judged as men by the women, and men continue to abuse alcohol and other women in their lives. Research by sociologists such as illegal substances at alarming rates. While this may Michael Messner, Michael Kimmel and others not be new news to those working in the halls, we indicates that men gain their sense of masculinity by continue to struggle in finding ways to address these what the other men around them think. For instance, issues while still helping men connect and actively when men often continue participating in high risk contribute to a positive community in our residence drinking behaviors (Give ‘em hell) in the presence of halls. It is important, before addressing how to engage women, often the goal is not to prove to the woman men productively, to understand some of the basic that they can drink more alcohol than her, but to prove theoretical models of college male behavior. to the other men that they can drink more alcohol than In 1976, Sociologist Robert Brannon summarized the other men in the room. Competition often feeds the 4 basic rules of masculinity from his study as the into the way in which men make sense of their “Boy/Guy Code” as seen below: masculinity. 1) No Sissy Stuff. Men should not be perceived When this information is presented, the first to be weak, effeminate, or gay. question often asked is “why can’t this culture be 2) Be a Big Wheel. Men who have the highest changed?” The assumption often times is that if we paying job, the most expensive “toys,” and can simply change the view of what it means to find the highest status are perceived to be the success or to be a “sissy” then we can change negative most masculine. male behavior. Unfortunately, it continues to be more complex than a single set of behaviors. 3) Be a Sturdy Oak. Men should remain stoic In addition to the “Boy Code” and masculinity and somber in times of crisis. It is a man’s being defined by other “men” there are three distinct job to remain calm and collected and not cultures within the male realm that continue to allow the circumstances to shake him during reinforce these behaviors. Before discussing the a time when he has a perceived need to be cultures, it is important to note that masculinity is reliable for women who may be in emotional constructed socially from birth through the lifespan. distress. Masculinity is socialized in every aspect of culture 4) Give ‘em Hell. Men should take risks, live from magazine and media ads to dinner and date on the edge, and pay no attention to what etiquette that every boy and man must continuously others think. face and define throughout their life.

14 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE The first reinforcing culture of masculinity is the Harper (2009) indicates that each man must redefine culture of entitlement. This culture is established by what it means to be masculine on their own terms. As sending messages to men that they deserve benefits practitioners, we can go with students on this journey, based on being a man. Perhaps in the college world but we cannot take the journey for them. this can be seen by men believing that they deserve to So, where do we start? Kimmel (2008) indicates have sex with a woman whom they take on an that a prime starting place is to build individual expensive date. In another example it may be the man relationships with men and to have behavior changing believing that he deserves to be the hall council or discussions one-on-one with men instead of around student body president because in his life, only strong other men. While this may seem simple, think about male figures have served in positions of authority and large crisis and conduct situations that are addressed power. This continues to be enforced in society by the by our RA staff in the halls. Often multiple men are dominance of men in positions of political and social involved. We have to understand that this behavior power, though this is beginning to change. (violating policy in a particular way) may be these The second culture of masculinity is a culture of men’s way of building masculine capital with one silence. As men are judged by other men, there is a another. It is critical that we realize that in the moment realistic fear of being outcast if they speak out against as such and not as an instance of men violating policy behaviors and actions that they do not agree with. to personally disrespect staff. How do we effectively Hazing is a moving example of the culture of silence. structure individual behaviors being addressed while If men come forward and break the silence about diffusing the situation and following our respective being hazed, they risk being removed or de-pledged protocols? This is an on-going discussion in from their organization for “snitching.” Not only does sociological circles and finding a one-size fits all this remove their status as a fraternity man, it limits answer may not be possible. how a large group of men will view their masculinity. It has also been suggested that men desperately The final and possibly most powerful culture of need exposure to alternative historical and masculinity is the culture of protection. Culturally in contemporary models of masculinity. College student the United States, it is not unusual to hear the athletes being exposed to male athletes coming out as anecdote “boys will be boys/men will be men” when gay in recent years is a giant step in a positive they perform a behavior or action that, while not direction in regard to masculinity and homophobia. It unexpected, is not appropriate or constructive. Once is our job to make a dedicated effort to expose our the saying is uttered, people tend to forget the situation men to alternative, yet respected versions of occurred and move on with their life. This ultimately masculinity. While men may not immediately agree protects the individuals performing inappropriate that these representations are traditionally masculine, behavior and sends a message to them that the research indicates that as they age and begin behavior does not have consequences. Often as redefining masculinity for themselves later in administrators, coaches, and faculty we miss our one development, these alternative views are critical. opportunity to open the door for honest dialogue with One of the most powerful methods of positive men because we feel that it’s “not that big of a deal.” connection to masculinity and community is to Once this opportunity is lost, we have protected men engage men in sustained cross-cultural interactions. through silence with respect to their behavior and we Not only can this expose men to alternative views of have damaged their personal growth as well as the masculinity, it also provides men with new ways of physical and psychological health of the community. understanding the power dynamics of hegemonic Where do we begin to connect men to a positive masculinity in contemporary society. For a white male community when the information discussed thus far to establish a close friendship with a man of color may seems very negative? At a basic level, the information help create a deeper understanding for both men on above is not negative on its own. Before we begin to the dynamics of power, privilege, and culture that will change men’s behavior we must recognize societal influence the way they “do” masculinity and gender. norms as mentioned above. Harper (2009) discusses From a research perspective, sustaining cross-cultural the next step as facing those challenges with our interaction continues to be the most successful way students to acknowledge their realness and brainstorm for men to understand the depth of masculinity in their methods of addressing those challenges. Finally, life.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 15 SEAHO FEATURE A final suggestion is to help men distinguish environment. Many of the above mentioned between self-respect and self-esteem. Often it seems intervention strategies are already done by many that traditional masculinity centers around success professionals for all students. What is unique and and feeling good about how much of a “man” one is. must be different with men is that these strategies This is tied closely to self-esteem; which while must be understood and practiced in the context of important, has been taken to the level of entitlement in how masculinity operates for men. It is important to men today. Helping men focus on self-respect, will note that generalized versions of these strategies help them analyze if the behaviors they are without utilizing the context of masculinity often fail. participating increase the amount of respect they have for self and others or is derogatory and unhelpful. References: Additionally, analyzing how they interact with other men and understanding the perceptions they exude Kimmel, M. (2008). Guyland: The Perilous World may help them understand how their behaviors Where Boys Become Men. damage the respect they have for themselves and that Harris, F. (2010). “College Men’s Meanings of others may have of them. Masculinities and Contextual Influences: Toward While none of the suggestions discussed are earth a Conceptual Model.” shattering, they are critical in the context of Edwards, K. & Jones, S. (2009). “Putting my Man masculinity production and change. In the residence Face On: A Grounded Theory of College Men’s halls, it is likely that most men will begin to realize Gender Identity Development” society’s norms regarding masculinity and will begin Harris, F. & Harper, S. (2010). College Men and to focus on the challenges of those expectations. Masculinities. Realistically, most men (first and second year) in our Kimmel, M. & Messner, M. (2010). Men’s Lives. 8th halls may not begin redefining their own definition of Edition. masculinity to a large degree while in our We Need to Hire Better: Revitalizing RA Recruitment By Amanda Mueller Residence Life Coordinator University of North Florida In the fall of 2010, I began my career as a their positions for the spring semester. If hiring 9 new Residence Life Coordinator and the chair of the RA staff members were not enough pressure, on Recruitment and Selection committee at the December 22nd, 2010 an additional 5 RAs were University of North Florida. I was thrilled to learn removed from their position for violating the more about RA Recruitment at an institution that had department’s code of ethics. The focus of RA spring a relatively small RA staff of 58 serving around 2,800 training had shifted from 2 days of re-energizing and undergraduate students. Thrilled, until October when refocusing to a 2 day crash course for 16 new staff I heard the fateful phrase “We need to hire better,” members. from the director of my department. His statement With several RAs voluntarily leaving the position came after my supervisor announced in our staff after their 1st semester, our Associate Director for meeting that 2 RAs had been removed from their Residence Life set up exit interviews with each RA positions and it was anticipated that 6 more would who put in their resignation. Based on the potentially be leaving the position in December. By information from these interviews and the abrupt the time December rolled around, the 2 RAs that had removal of the 5 RAs in December, it became clear been removed were replaced, but an additional 9 RAs that the RAs we were hiring did not completely had given notice that they would not be returning to understand the expectations of the job they had

16 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE accepted. In order to “hire better,” changes needed to activity and “Cocoa River” were new additions to be made to the process of recruiting, selecting, and group process. Staff Selection replaced “Heart orientating potential RAs. With guidance from my Transplant,” an activity where candidates pick 1 supervisor, I decided to look at slight changes to person from a list of 8 transplant candidates to receive various aspects of our recruitment process including a heart. In the previous year, this activity had ended the information we shared with potential RAs, more than once in a debate on religion and morals modifying group process, and adapting a standardized among candidates. The new staff selection activity process for individual interviews. allowed candidates to debate the negative and positive Looking at the 2010-2011 RA Recruitment qualities in others without focusing on life and death. season, the first goal was to create a marketing “Cocoa River” replaced “Program in a Bag” which scheme that appealed to a wide range of people. The consisted of candidates developing a program using campaign found life in the recently-released Katy the supplies they were given. This activity was Perry song “Firework.” Posters shot up around replaced because it often turned into candidates campus displaying pictures of colorful firework recalling a program they had attended and ignoring displays with the slogan “Show ‘Em What You’re the supplies they were given. “Cocoa River” was also Worth.” Secondly, we scheduled information sessions chosen because it involved physically working with which focused on current RAs testifying to the the group and allowed the “doers” of the group to excitement of being an RA while giving a realistic shine versus the “talkers.” view of the responsibilities that came with it. By the Following group process, the candidates returned time the February application deadline rolled around, on Sunday to participate in conference-style over 150 students had attended information sessions individual interviews with a current RA and a and another 70 had submitted applications. professional staff member. In the previous year, Once the applications were in, we asked all 70 interviews had been individually scheduled with candidates to attend “Selection Weekend.” The professional staff during the 2 weeks following group weekend kicked off with RA Showcase (on Friday process. One of the issues identified with this system night) where candidates had a chance to meet with was inconsistency among those parties present. Some their group leader (a current RA) and their team for interviews had up to 3 to 4 RAs or professional staff group process. The role of team leader was members present where others may have only had 2. implemented to give candidates a current RA mentor By switching to a conference style interview process, throughout the weekend. The Showcase also served the interviewers were able to see several candidates in as a platform for each candidate team to interact prior a short period of time and interviewees went through to group process, allowing evaluators to see a more a more consistent process. realistic portrayal of candidates’ personality. To After the hiring decisions were made and the continue the educational process that had begun acceptance letters returned, my Recruitment and during the information sessions, the showcase also Selection committee had one more task. In March include display boards highlighting what it meant to 2011, the Fall 2011 RA staff convened for the first be an RA in each of the UNF housing areas, a fashion time. It was important that the education and show with wardrobe dos and don’ts for the weekend, mentorship that had begun during selection continued and finally a Hollywood Squares-inspired game show into fall training. It was with this in mind that the RA highlighting important aspects of the RA job buddy system was developed and rolled out at the description. Overall, the RA Showcase set the stage spring orientation. Each new RA was paired with a and better prepared candidates for the events of the returning staff member and asked to get together at weekend. least twice in the final month of school to shadow The weekend continued on Saturday with group their RA buddy performing various job related tasks. process. The day began with a brief introduction to As the academic year came to a close, the only the day’s activities followed by a large group thing left to do was wait for the answer to the all- icebreaker led by the group leaders. Candidates important question, did we hire better? We measured participated in 3 activities facilitated by current RAs: our progress in 3 ways: candidate feedback from “A Day in the Life,” a staff selection activity, and selection weekend, feedback from the buddy system, “Cocoa River” (aka Lava River). The Staff Selection and overall RA retention during the 2011-2012

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 17 SEAHO FEATURE academic year. We received candidate feedback preventing them from getting together. directly following individual interviews using a brief Despite these pitfalls, almost 90% of the 3 question assessment which asked how the respondents stated that they enjoyed the buddy system experience could be improved, recommendations for and hoped it would continue in future years. The final the future and other comments. The responses were indicator of our success did not come until December overwhelmingly positive. Several candidates talked 2011, when at the end of the semester my office was about how much fun they had interacting with the preparing to train 10 new staff members. Of the 10 staff and participating in the activities. To assess the staff members who were replaced 2 were removed success of the RA buddy system, a survey was sent to from the position, 6 resigned for personal reasons, and all of the RAs involved asking what activities they had only 1 resigned because they had not realized how participated in with their buddy and their overall demanding the job could be. Although this was not response to being paired up with their buddy. Based the progress we had hoped for, it was a marked on this assessment, 80% of the respondents stated that improvement from the previous year. We continue to the buddy system helped them better understand the use the recruitment and selection process designed in RA role. Unfortunately, we did have a handful of new the 2010-2011 academic year and continually strive and returning RAs who were unable to get in contact for better hiring practices. with their buddies or had scheduling conflict

Perception is reality: How social networking sites shape our students’ realities By Danielle Vitale University of North Florida Everything you see, or hear, or experience in any Many students avidly tweet their thoughts on way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by Twitter, post videos on YouTube, capture their life perceiving it, so everything in the universe you through Instagram pictures, or write about their life on perceive is specific to you. BlogSpot. Facebook trumps them all; with more than -Douglas Adams 955 million active monthly users, we can safely assume that the vast majority of our students are on Once upon a time, college students created social Facebook (Facebook, 2012). According to Facebook’s networks among the people they met in class, in their mission statement, the site aims to help people “stay residence halls, or in campus clubs and organizations. connected with friends and family, to discover what’s They strengthened these relationships through social going on in the world, and to share and express what interactions, in person or face to face. These college matters to them” (Facebook, 2012). students maintained contact with people back home With the ever-rising popularity of social through phone calls, letters, or visits. In an age of networking sites, our students’ expectations have ever-evolving technological advances (including changed regarding information gathering. Sites like smart phones and tablets like the iPad), students have Facebook and Twitter have changed the way our quicker, faster, and more frequent access to students process this information as well. For better information and people. Now, Facebook and other or worse, many of them use their Newsfeed as a social networking sites have changed the way students primary news source; they ingest what they see and interact with each other, with friends, and with family; read on those sites, and take it as the absolute truth. these sites have altered the way our students build and Often, there isn’t that momentary pause where they grow relationships with others. ask themselves if it is true or not. They may not take

18 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE the opportunity to seek out an alternate viewpoint. This voyeurism leads to a potential problem—it is Sometimes, even we, like our students, jump to so easy to create a reality by jumping to conclusions conclusions. What we perceive to be true often about others. They may use information gleaned from becomes our reality. photos, on wall posts, in an “About Me” section, among a user’s “likes” to create an image of someone We see the world, not as it is, but as we are. in their social network. It’s easy to stereotype others -The Talmud based on this information; a very real threat we see in Residence Life is how this leads to roommate Perceptions are shaped by many different conflicts before the residents even step foot on to forces—experiences, values, morals—even campus. Our students use this information to “fill in developmental stages. What people see and hear the gaps in [their] evidence base with information influences what they think and believe. These consistent with [their] preconceived notions of what perceptions—these thoughts and beliefs—become a evidence should support [their] beliefs” (Snyder, person’s reality. “Social perception creates social Tanke, & Berscheid, 1977, p. 657). These reality as much or more than it reflects social reality” preconceived notions lead to inferences about a (Jussim, 1991, p. 54). So it is with our students. With person’s traits and characteristics, and attempt to such easy access to information, to other people’s predict behavior (Snyder et al, 1977). thoughts and opinions, and with the means to share The flipside of the voyeuristic nature of Facebook their outlook with the world, many of our students and Twitter is exhibitionism. People must be willing to adopt what they see and hear as their own views and fill out information on their profiles, or post pictures, their own beliefs. or share links, and espouse their interests (Bumgarner, It will be interesting to see how social networking 2007). Facebook fulfills students’ exhibitionism media influences and chronicles the 2012 presidential because of the “need to clarify or express one’s election. Political commentary abounds on people’s identity, the need to validate oneself within the social Facebook Newsfeed. These days, everyone is a matrix, the need to disclose personal information as a political pundit; everyone has an opinion, and it is one means of developing a relationship, and the need to hundred percent correct (in their own view). What our exert social control” (Bumgarner, 2007). Students use students see as real—what they post or share on their Facebook to create an image of themselves, of their wall, or Tweet about, or blog about—is defined by views and their beliefs. This image often results in their personal belief system. We should worry about “unrealistically positive views of themselves, [and] an whether these students are challenged in their thought exaggerated belief in their ability to control their process, not to be told they are wrong, but to at least environment” (Taylor & Brown, 1988, p. 197). consider the other side. How are you challenging your Like Einstein’s thoughts, the reality our students students? How are you helping to shape their have created is an illusion; for some, their reality is a perceptions and influencing their realities? tenuous web woven from their perceptions about Einstein once said that our “reality is merely an themselves, others in their social network, and the illusion.” Is it true then that our students have created world everyone lives in. As student affairs their own reality based on their perceptions? professionals and housing officers, it is an imperative Sometimes this reality is based on the information part of our job to help our students develop— posted on a profile. Sites like Facebook and Twitter cognitively, intellectually, morally, ethically. We must have been reviled as voyeuristic. On Facebook, use our sphere of influence with our students, but also “people can peruse the profiles of various users, read understand that for our students, their reality is based about other users’ interests, read their friends’ on their perceptions. It is our job to challenge their comments on their walls or view their friends. People views, to help shape their perception, and unveil new can even scroll through a user’s photo albums and see realities. Keep this in mind when having those all of the pictures that that user has uploaded of difficult conversations with a staff member, or in a themselves and all of the pictures that other users have conduct hearing with a student. What our students uploaded with that user in it” (Bumgarner, 2007). believe is what is real for them. Our students derive their reality from their perceptions.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 19 SEAHO FEATURE Works Cited Key Facts. Facebook.com. Retrieved September 3, 2012, from http://newsroom.fb.com/content/ Bumgarner, B.A. (2007). You’ve been poked: default.aspx?NewsAreaId=22 Exploring the uses and gratifications of Snyder, M., Tanke, E.D., & Berscheid, E. (1977). Facebook among emerging adults. First Monday, Social perception and interpersonal behavior: On 12(11). Retrieved September 3, 2012, from the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes. http://firstmonday.org/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, index.php/fm/article/view/2026/1897 35(9). 656-666. Jussim, L. (1991). Social perception and social Taylor, S.E. & Brown, J.D. (1988). Illusion and well- reality: A reflection-construction model. being: A social psychological perspective on American Psychological Association mental health. American Psychological Psychological Review, 98(1), 54-73. Association Psychological Bulletin, 103(2). 193- 210.

A RELI Testimonial By Lindsay Burnham Florida State University When I think about my RELI experience, it felt deciding these groups paid off. We were all able to very similar to my first experience of living in a instantly begin talking about experiences and felt very residence hall. Well, minus the terrible roommates and comfortable sharing things that we might not share on my crying mother in the fetal position resting in the our own campuses. I believe these folks were the best front seat of our late model Jeep. I did not realize how roommates that I never got to have in my first much I could compare my undergraduate housing experience as an undergraduate. As a high school experience with the wonderful experience I had at senior I had been concerned with idea of sharing a RELI. I was surprised at how many connections I restroom with 20 complete strangers, this was would make or how much it would completely change surprisingly not the case as a housing professional. I my professional outlook. Prior to this experience, felt a little too excited at the thought that I could go there had been many times when I had teetered back on campus and share with concerned residents between moving forward in housing or choosing and parents that “yes...I do know what it’s like to live another functional area that I perceived to have better in a community-style hall...I just lived in one over the hours and less stress. Although there are differences summer”. The main take away for your between my freshman year and the delicious food at accommodations at RELI: You will be treated with Duke, I believe there is a lot to say about recreating true southern hospitality and you will wish that your some of this magic in a professional development cluster could return home with you. setting. I hope that explaining my RELI experience I admit that accommodations aren’t everything. will inspire other new professionals to consider The snacks were delicious, but I know deep down that making RELI a part of their professional development the most important thing that I was given at RELI was journey. confidence. My mentor took our first conversations to Upon arriving to Duke, I was welcomed in such a discuss my needs and expectations for the experience. way that made me feel comfortable instantly. I think This was insanely important as each of the members this was important to the success of the program. The in my cluster were looking for something a little comfort was surprising, considering I hadn’t shared a different from the experience. While I was looking for living space with anyone besides my husband in 5 professional confidence, other RELI participants were years. My small group or “cluster” was specifically looking for a variety of other bits of wisdom from our designed and we were paired with a wonderful mentors. In addition to the personal attention, RELI mentor. I believe the time and intentionality spent gave me well-rounded information, not limited to

20 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE facilities management, supervision, budgeting, crisis different at RELI. I knew that my life would be management, and assessment that are set out on the changed instantly and that the experience ahead would schedule. While learning about these items in a more help me become the confident professional that my in depth way was what I expected, I was surprised at mentor saw in me. I believe that I gained just as much how helpful it was to compare our experiences with information in the few short days of RELI as I did in our peers to understand these topics deeply and in a many of undergraduate classes (including Bowling more relevant way. The combination of structured 101). For the new professionals reading this SEAHO sessions and completely-customizable cluster time report who are looking to learn about the field from was so helpful. caring and knowledgeable seasoned professionals in As a freshman I had no idea that I would become an insanely fun environment…apply. a housing professional. It would be 5 years before I This letter is dedicated to all the persons realized that this was my life’s passion. This was responsible for RELI 2012.

MOVE-IN DAY BLISS By Ayesha Rizvi Mian Residence Life Coordinator University of Florida

Oh, we all know the feeling: the planning, exhaustion and anxiety that comes with August- tember! Housing staff spend months planning for it – hiring the perfect staff, scheduling the facilities readiness shifts and going through rounds and rounds of training starting with professional to graduate and finally to RA training, all in anticipation of OPENING DAY! Contrary to what most people might assess from the way we act hysterically during this time, I truly believe all housing professionals look forward to move-in day. Many have called it ‘their favorite day of the year’ because after a long summer - you know the one that just flew by - it is our chance to see all the At the University of Florida campus, like many hard work and planning pay off. A smooth check-in is others, we are keenly aware of the impact check-in has one where things just fall into place. Sure the on the campus. Available parking lots, best places to emotions are high for the families, there are never unload, residence hall layout and the easiest ways to enough hand trucks, an elevator or two will stop access campus may come as second nature to us, but working, and if you’re in Florida, keep that umbrella think about that for over 7500 new students! Our handy! Opening day brings with it, however, the populations tend to gravitate to certain halls for first excitement of seeing the new faces for which we all year students and others for returning students. There come to work every day. The campus and city come are the special populations like athletes and alive on move in day, and before their professors and international students to plan for as well. I happen to the organizations they will join, we get to welcome be in one of the more, let’s just say, popular first year them first! Whether you are a seasoned housing communities when it comes to room selection. The professional or just starting your journey, it’s Broward and Yulee area is almost 1600 residents wonderful to see all the energy and collaboration in strong, in a great location on campus with a action. recreational complex, pool and dining facility within

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 21 SEAHO FEATURE arm’s length. With five residence halls, varying in campus and reach their residence hall. These were size from 175 beds to 700 and mostly attracting first very helpful in separating traffic from one hall to the year students. Check in has had its ups and down in other and brought each population from different my five years in the role, and we keep improving it campus entry points directly to their hall. It also little by little each year. This past two years we have prevented any traffic backups and the city buses that recognized that we need to be more proactive for the come through campus were able to run on schedule. families and help them ease the move in process. We realized that beyond signage and staff in matching polo’s, we needed to reach out to the new residents and their families ahead of time and make it a very intentional and organized process. The logistics took over a year in the planning with several stake holders in place and here are some of the ways we reaped the rewards of all the hard work: PRIOR CONTACT: Each year I send a welcome email to all students a week before opening. The email is simple and serves the purpose to welcome them, get them excited about all the preparation going into effect, talks about the residential area, and gives a preview of what the check-in process would look like. We let them know ahead that the check in area is for students only and families can unload the car, move the vehicle or wait in the lobby – ideally all three in that particular order. The most helpful function of this email is that it allows them to make a connection with area staff before they even step into the facility. Students were asked to share the email with their families and a copy 3D IMAGES OF ROOMS: Our marketing sent to the family email address on file as well. In an department spent the last year creating 3D images of area of close to 1600 students, I typically get about typical student rooms in each hall. During orientation 100 emails back, asking varying questions and often tours, everyone wanted to see “their” room, and we all the email thread ends with some form gratitude for know that isn’t always possible. The 3D images – see relieving their fear of the unknown, and of course a pictures to the right – came in really handy when “Go Gators!” cheer. I share important dates, check in describing room layout, furniture type and potential times and share how excited to meet them. ways the room could be set up. These images were DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE: Though the RA appealing, and were simple .jpeg type files that were staff did their typical banner welcome signs, we easy to email the families back and address any ordered professionally printed signs on corrugated questions. They practically look like photographs and plastic that fits into aluminum stakes and placed them were a great way to provide that extra customer in various locations to help direct traffic. They were service. prominent and didn’t require a formal line locate or RA and GRADUATE STAFF: I am fortunate to dig permit because they only went about a foot into have a staff team of 6 gradate hall directors and 42 the ground. RAs to help manage this area. I also get to work with CAMPUS ACCESS MAP: In order for traffic to 2 Senior clerks, who are full time staff operating the flow in the best way, students were sent campus access desks and all together we are 51 strong. With it being maps via email to show them the ‘best’ way to enter a week day we had full Maintenance and Building

22 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE Services staff in place to assist. Staff had roles in the than men, since we knew there would be a higher actual check in process; we had entrance door demand for women going through Rush. greeters, some operating the freight elevators and a 30 MINUTE UNLOAD PARKING PASS: We few runners in case we needed someone to put some also gave students a 30 minute parking permit to place eye on any issues that come up. on the dash of their car and added GATORAIDES: We room number and cell phone. piloted a program where This helped them be student volunteers – trained conscientious of unloading and by Housing – would be on moving their vehicles but also site in the busiest hall on they could be contacted or traced DAY 1 ONLY of check in to back to their room if a vehicle offer move in assistance to was left unattended for a long families. They helped bring a time. Once the vehicle was unloaded, on the sidewalk hand truck, helped them even if needed, a family member moved the vehicle to access the hall, asked them to move the vehicle and the designated parking lot and we had collaborated escorted the students and families to the rooms. We with the Parking and Transportation department to called them the GatorAides! Needless to say, the have shuttles running from the lot back to the halls. If program was a hit, and we received much no one was around to watch their belongings, a commendation for it. The GatorAides wore matching GatorAide assisted. Parking lots had attendants bright orange T shirts, had name tags and a cheerful monitoring the vehicles and made sure no vehicle was disposition. We made it very clear, they were not bell left unattended. hops, and in exchange for volunteering to do this, they BELLHOP CARTS: In addition to the regular got a chance to move in a day early. convertible hand trucks, this year we ordered some CHECK IN APPOINTMENTS: In addition, we laundry carts and some bell hop carts. These came in had our students sign up for appointment times to handy and were another option for check in. There were blocks of time and 85 students families. The bell hop carts were could sign up per 2-hour time slot. The time slots easy for stacking and hanging started at 8am and ended at 6pm. Students could items and the canvas Laundry carts move in after 6pm without an appointment. With preventing items check in day bring a Friday, we knew many would falling over. In come in over the weekend and so appointments were the email I also in place for the first 3 days. These greatly helped with encouraged managing traffic and parking. Our IT staff developed residents to bring their own hand an online appointment sign up program connected to truck if possible. Several did so and our portal that students could log in to and sign up for wasted no time to move in once a time. Due to the online nature, they were free to they had their keys. switch their time if they needed. We learned that most Despite the rain during lunch time, the overall families were very considerate of the check in system worked very well! We appointments and stuck to their time. were very pleased by the hard CONSIDERATION FOR RUSH: Our campus work of the Check in Committee hosts Sorority recruitment on day 1 of check in and and look forward to improving being fully aware of this, we were very intentional even further and look forward to about allowing more women to sign up the first day sharing more with SEAHO!

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 23 SEAHO FEATURE An Unaligned Vision Is Wasted Energy By Coretta Roseboro Walker Assistant Director of Residence Life University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Amy Boyle Associate Director of Residential Life Loyola University New Orleans In our work, we are often pulled in a number of interpersonal, leadership, and conceptual/creative. It directions – crisis management, supervision, is not expected that everyone demonstrates mastery of facilities, politics, strategic planning. We exert a great all 57 competencies; however, professionals should amount of time and energy serving our staff, demonstrate awareness of all and mastery of those residents, parents, and campus partners. It is equally, aspects key to one’s position. NHTI Participants were if not more important, to extend this level of energy to encouraged and mentored to reflect on their current professional development. Ultimately, we are of better and past experiences that have led to exposure and service to those we serve when we continue to experience of the competencies with tools such as an develop, master, and teach core competencies activity log, professional profile, and goal worksheet. essential for our work. More importantly, participants were encouraged to NHTI think critically about the competencies that they have The James C. Grimm National Housing Training had little to no experience and devise a plan to create Institute 2012 (NHTI) provided an exceptional these experiences. opportunity to focus internally on each professional’s Understanding that any professional development skill set and outline a detailed professional plan must also include our personal life and goals, the development plan. Thirty housing professionals with Integrative Life Planning Model was introduced three to five years of full-time work from across the during NHTI. This holistic approach integrates United States, Canada, and South Africa converged on education, spirituality, family, and community the campus of the University of Georgia June 12-16, engagement in the professional development plan – 2012. Led by 10 senior level faculty members, each aspects that can be neglected in our daily work. The professional learned state of the art strategies and six themes of the Integrative Planning Model are: perspectives about topics such as community, politics, • Finding work that needs to be done in the budgets, and human resource management. The changing global context culmination of the five day experience was a detailed • Attend to our health – physical, mental, and professional development plan that included goals, emotional objectives, tasks, and an action plan. • Connecting family and work in relation to SEAHO was well represented with seven gender roles participants – Amy Boyle, Nadia Eslinger, • Valuing pluralism, diversity, and inclusion Christopher Hartnett, Andy Petters, Ory Streeter, • Exploring spirituality, life meaning, and purpose Coretta Walker, and Janine Weaver-Douglas. Six of the faculty members are from SEAHO – Jill Eckardt, • Managing personal transitions and organizational Adrienne Frame, Kirsten Kennedy, Lionel Maten, change Donna McGalliard, and Michelle Safewright. Ultimately, professional development is driven by Professional Development Plan the professional and not solely the responsibility of the department or institution. Using tools such as the Based upon Porter’s (2005) 57 competencies, ACHUO-I competencies, ACPA/NASPA each professional created an honest assessment of competencies, job descriptions, and mentorship, a their mastery of each competency. Competencies were well-rounded and intentional professional grouped in five categories: technical, administrative,

24 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE development plan should address the complexity of Hansen, L.S. (1998). Integrative life planning: the professional and clearly outline tasks and Critical tasks for career development and experiences to improve our daily work. Without this changing life patterns. Journal of College clear vision plan, our energy is wasted. Student Development, 39(1), 117-118. Porter, J.D. (2005). Application of Sandwith’s References competency domain model for senior college housing officers in the United States. (Doctoral Hansen, S.L. and Suddarth, B.H. (2008). Using dissertation). Retrieved from integrative life planning (ILP) in your http://search.proquest.com/docview/304995822? professional development. Career Developments accountid=14604. (304995822). Magazine. Tulsa, OK: NCDA. Demystifying Residence Hall Associations: What they do, why they matter, and how they can be supported By Megan Delph Assistant Director for Residence Life The University at North Carolina Greensboro Regina Gavin former Coordinator for Residence Life The University at North Carolina Greensboro Anna Patton Coordinator for Residence Life The University at North Carolina Greensboro

For many Housing and Residence Life stepping foot onto their respective campuses. Departments, a Residence Hall Association, or Students are able to join hall council which is the equivalent student group, is a quintessential individual hall’s governing body that reports to the leadership development opportunity. However, it can large RHA governing body. From the moment that a be puzzling for housing professionals who do not student joins this council, we as Student Affairs work directly with an RHA-type organization to fully Professionals have the opportunity to ‘suck them in’ grasp its purpose and impact. The Residence Hall and educate them about the wonderful world of Association (RHA) or some variety of that name, student affairs. We can help to enlighten them on a Inter-Residence Council (IRC), Residence Hall world they wouldn’t have known otherwise. Hall Federation (RHF), etc. are all student organizations Council members are the future of our profession as a within the residence hall community. These whole and often an underutilized opportunity. organizational bodies serve as the governing council Hall Council and RHA have the opportunity to and voice for residential students across most expose students to a host of experiences: advocacy campuses in the nation. This body of students is often and what it means to be a true advocate for something, the first group utilized by school administrators to get service learning and giving back to something much an opinion or something changed within the larger, leadership development and developing from Residential System. From laundry price increases, to the inside out, programming and event planning and student fees, to Coke or Pepsi, these bodies can have a the most popular, conferences! While in high school, major impact on the life of a college student. RHA is students are given the opportunity to develop the very first organization a student can join when leadership skills, host a program or two, participate in

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 25 SEAHO FEATURE a service event and so on. However, when coming to Becoming involved in RHA as a housing college, it is for most the first time they have been professional could foster one’s own connection to away from home. It is the first time they get to test out campus. This can be especially helpful for new their morals and values and, truthfully, make decisions professionals who are looking for key ways to become for them. This is a very instrumental and important active in their residential communities and learn the time in their lives. RHA provides an outlet to further traditions, resources, and campus culture of their new these skills and endeavors in the context of this new environment. In regards to advisors, such persons can light that has been cast upon them. In addition to attend sessions at RHA Conferences that are geared furthering skills and creating and participating in new towards helping them become better equipped endeavors, RHA provides an opportunity to network advisors. Advisor Recognition Training (ART) is campus wide. Not only do students have the offered as one-step classes that teach advisors opportunity to meet new people and make lifelong important aspects of residential leadership friends, but since RHA is a ‘go-to’ body, students have organizations and how they can actively support the the opportunity to network at the campus level with development and growth of such organizations. When Housing Administrators and even campus all steps are completed, advisors will become ART administrations such as parking, dining, and even the certified and can choose to participate in ART Master Chancellor or President. Additionally, RHA has a classes thereafter. Lastly, being involved in RHA can unique opportunity to network and collaborate with help housing professionals network with other other university and student organizations and truly professionals both on their campus and on other get involved in the greater university community. campuses. These networks could lead to cross- RHA students also have the opportunity to network at collaborations with other institutions as well as the regional and national level and even participate on working relationships and even friendships. executive boards at those levels through conference One of the key components of a successful RHA attendance. As a high-impact student organization, it chapter at any campus is intentional, consistent should be the desire of us, as housing professionals, to departmental support. Support can come from many support such an engaging group. angles, but it starts with the fundamentals: promote, Housing professionals should support the mission promote, promote! One of the best ways for housing and values of RHA because it helps ensure the future professionals to support the RHA at their institution is of our profession. Students who are actively involved to spread the word about the opportunities it provides in RHA may decide to take a career path that leads to our residential students. Having a department full of a professional position in housing due to their positive professionals working across many areas of campus experience within the organization. These students will undoubtedly produce higher yields than one will stay true to the heart and mission of our field advisor or two recruiting independently. Promoting because they’ve gained an understanding of the RHA also includes staying informed about RHA importance of what we do—helping promote a safe programs and sharing these events with building staff and secure environment for all students that is and students. In addition to referring interested dedicated to personal, academic, and career growth of students to the organization, a second source of these students. Housing professionals must also meaningful support is by making individual hall understand that RHA is an organization that strives to governments a priority. RHA organizations are built be accessible for all students, actively promoting upon robust residential governments across campus. inclusivity and leadership in future residential student When hall governments are strong, RHA then leaders. Additionally, students involved in RHA could becomes stronger, too. Seek to be an intentional potentially increase university retention and exposure. advisor to hall council just like when working with a RHA is one of the first leadership positions a first- building staff. Not only will the commitment benefit year student can serve in on campus. With these the individual community through a vibrant leadership capabilities and social involvement residential life, but it will also pay it forward with instilled early on in their college careers, these RHA. students may feel empowered to successfully navigate Supporting RHA can occur not only through through college knowing they have a healthy support indirect actions, but also through direct involvement system. with the organization-even when not serving as the

26 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE organization’s primary advisor. Being a visible conference to see if there advising opportunities for presence by attending RHA meetings and events is an conference committees. RHA is a dynamic, ever- easy way to show appreciation and support for RHA changing organization with a host of avenues for on your campus. By spending an hour or two at a involvement. Although it often seems to operate in its meeting, we can role model that RHA is valuable and own world, don’t hesitate to jump into it to develop worthwhile on our campuses. Our calendars are often yourself and your students! stacked with meetings so adding another may seem The authors represent three generations of RHA too much; but thankfully, RHAs usually host a variety advisors for the University of North Carolina at of programs and events that may be more enjoyable Greensboro. Prior to advising at UNCG, RHA has than a business meeting. One fun avenue might be to held a special place for each of them in their ask what temporary advising opportunities might be professional journeys. Megan served as an RHA available. Are chaperones needed for an overnight advisor during her graduate studies as well as 2009 retreat? Could RHA use a dynamic presenter at NCARH Conference advisor; Regina began her tenure training? Would an extra set of hands be beneficial at with RHA in 2010; and Anna was an RHA member the next student conference? Even though many during her undergraduate studies and a SAACURH RHAs operate in their world, there are usually 2010 regional conference committee advisor during opportunities to catch a glimpse into it! Finally, graduate school. It is their hope that his article serves supporting RHA efforts on a departmental level as inspiration and encouragement to get involved in provides a full-circle of support. For example, finding one of the most transformative student development out if your RHA is planning to bid for or host a opportunities on campus.

Harnessing the Power of Video Games for Good By Samuel J. Whalen, ABD University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Video games are an immensely popular activity motivated to collect achievements and complete in- among college students today. The Entertainment game tasks . The numbers of women participating in Software Association reports some staggering LAN events or organized video game tournaments are numbers in regard to overall video game use. For still much lower than their male counterparts. It has example, gamers spent around $24.75 billion on video been hypothesized that women are not interested in games in 2011 in the United States . The statistics also participating in such events because of the hyper show some surprising facts about gamers themselves. masculinity and aggressive nature that can be The average gamer is 30 years old and has been displayed at tournaments . playing for about 12 years. Interestingly, women make Much of the literature on game studies has been up 47% of gamers in the US. That challenges the idea dedicated to investigating negative outcomes that the typical gamer is the lonely male who lacks associated with playing video games. For example, the social skills. American Psychological Association passed a Much of the research on gender differences within resolution for decreased violence in video games the world of gaming indicates that men and women because it has been associated with increased tend to approach gaming in different ways. For aggressive behavior, increased aggressive thoughts, example, men are typically drawn to violent or sports increased angry feelings, decreased helpful behavior, games, whereas women are more interested in games and increased physiological arousal . However, there that involve a social aspect or teamwork. Males tend has been counter research that challenges these to want to play games where they can exert their assumptions in that there has been a lack of empirical dominance over another individual. Females are more evidence that clearly shows a direct connection

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 27 SEAHO FEATURE between violence in games and actual violent Residence Halls can also set up their own event. behavior . The following recommendations can help RAs design A large concern within the games studies an experience that is both fun and competitive: literature is the addictive nature of the game. Gamers 1. Format – Decide on the format of your who spend on average 10 hours a week playing video tournament. Single elimination tournaments games are considered in the high risk category for will progress to the end more quickly, but a game addiction. lists the following as indicators of round robin style tournament would allow possible video game addiction: most non-school hours more people to interact for a longer period of are spent on the computer or playing video games, time. falling asleep in school, not keeping up with 2. Sportsmanship – You should take time to assignments, declining grades, lying about computer clearly establish what is acceptable as far as or video game use, choosing to use the computer or behavior while playing the game. Certainly play video games rather than see friends, and/or trash talking (which is very common among dropping out of other social groups (clubs or sports). gamers) can be fun to a point. However, there The issue becomes the amount of time dedicated should be limits on aggressive behavior that solely to video games. Research has shown that the might be detrimental to the tournament higher number of hours playing video games per week experience. the lower a person’s GPA and SAT scores are . 3. Game settings – If you choose to go with a However, it should be noted that there are a large game that many people have played for number of other factors that could contribute to extended amounts of time such as Call of declining grades and test scores. Duty, you will want to decide how much Not all aspects of video game play are control you have over the gamers ability to detrimental. For example, video games have been customize their player. The more limits you used to study such topics as motivation, fitness, place on the game the more level the playing teamwork, competition, cooperation, flow, transfer of field will be, but some hardcore gamers might skills, and leadership skills . Further, the military has get frustrated at their inability to customize started to evaluate the effectiveness of training their controls. soldiers through video games . The early research has shown that video games can be a tool to improve 4. Food and Prizes – If you have a large number teamwork and communication. Therefore, in certain of people at your event you may want to situations video games can be used for good. That consider providing food for them. If you do certainly can hold true in the residence hall setting. not have many stations where people can play When used the right way, video games can be matches that will result in a large number of used as a tool to bring people together, create new people sitting around waiting to play. Food friendships, and provide a bonding experience for may help keep their attention in the event and residence hall students. For example, RAs can set up give them something to do while they watch a signup sheet on the floor in the residence hall where others compete. people can list their gamer tags and play with each 5. Fun – Make sure that you emphasize the fun other. Preliminary research shows that serious gamers aspect of video game competitions. enjoy meeting people who love to play games to the Preliminarily research indicates the whole same extent that they do and that finding people with mood of the tournament can be ruined by one a similar level of interest can be difficult . person getting very upset at the game and other people . At the end of the day video game are just games. Encourage people to have fun with it and enjoy meeting new people.

28 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 SEAHO FEATURE

Graduate Issue and Involvement Committee News By Coretta Roseboro Walker Chair of Graduate Issues and Involvement Committee

Calling all graduate students!! Want to get to know other grads in our region? Use the following ways: • Twitter – SEAHOGrad • Facebook – SEAHO Graduate Students • Blog – Beginning October 2012, you can follow our blog that will be listed on the SEAHO website. The blog will feature the following graduate students and professionals: o Gabriel Solomon – 1st year graduate student and Residence Director at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC o Justin Clark – 2nd year graduate student and Assistant Hall Director at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA o Samantha Hoover – 2nd year post-Masters Resident Director at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, SC Visit the blog each month to learn more about their transitions and experiences. We will also have guest blogs from mid and senior level housing officers throughout the region. We look forward to blogging with you!

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 29 SEAHOSTUDENT FAEATUREFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION Florida Updates Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Florida International University Olivia Eriksen has joined the Embry-Riddle Housing & Residence Life staff as an Assistant The Office of Residential Life is proud to Director of Residence Life. Olivia will oversee our welcome two new colleagues to their growing team. upper-class residence halls in addition to our Resident The first new member is Jaclyn Klinger joined FIU as Student Association. Olivia brings a wealth of a Residence Life Coordinator. Jackie comes to FIU knowledge and experience from UCF and we are very from the University of South Carolina where she excited to have her as a part of our team! completed her master’s degree in Higher Education Student Affairs while serving as the Interim Florida Gulf Coast University Residence Life Coordinator for the Honors Residence. The Office of Housing and Residence Life at The second new hire is Daniel La Fuente as the Florida Gulf Coast University has grown 82% in the Associate Director of Residential Life. Dan last 3 years. Total capacity is now 4210 beds. We previously worked at the Columbus College of Art opened our fourth residence hall in South Village this and Design in Columbus, Ohio as Director of fall 2012. Osprey Hall is a 6 story facility with 533 Residence Life for 7.5 years and prior to that at the beds. The primary unit type is a 3 bedroom single with University of South Carolina as a Residence Life 3 private bedrooms, kitchenette, living room and one Coordinator. Dan holds a master’s degree in Higher bathroom. Development of South Village began in Education Student Affairs from the University of 2008 and is now home to over 1750 first year students. Toledo. South Village residents participate in our First Year Residential Experience (FYRE) program. We Florida State University offer a variety of services including academic advising, tutoring, classes and access to FYRE LaFarin Meriwether is the Residence Coordinator Fellows faculty. Satisfaction has been very high for the S.W. Ragans Hall on the Florida State among our residents in this community. More University campus. Her previous work experience information about housing at FGCU can be found on includes 2 years as a Residence Director at Georgia our website at http://www.fgcu.edu/Housing/. Tech. Her undergraduate degree is from University of We have several new staff at FGCU. They include: Kentucky in Agricultural Economics and Education Brad Newman, Resident Director and her Master’s degree is from University of Jessica Prodoehl, Resident Director Cincinnati in Business Administration. Nicole DiBartolo, Resident Director Jenny Cento is the Residence Coordinator for the Ron Dalton, Associate Director – Facilities Jennie/Reynolds/Bryan Complex. Her previous work experience includes 2 years as an Assistant Coordinator at Florida State University. Her undergraduate degree is from in Business Administration – Marketing and her Master’s degree is from Florida State University in Higher Education. Listed below are the new graduate assistants and their undergraduate institutions: Rolando “Roly” Torres – Florida International University Osprey Hall- New Residence Hall Nicolas Babarskis – Wheaton College Jake Frasier – Christopher Newport University Anise Veldkamp – Florida State University Sarah Boeckmann – Butler University

30 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUNDSEAHO THE RFEATUREEGION Stephanie Rewitzer – Florida Institute of Technology University of Central Florida Dana Kwiatkowski – Florida State University UCF reached another milestone with enrollment A ribbon-cutting ceremony took place on August reaching 60,000 students. A year-long celebration is 22, 2012 to formally announce the opening of our underway because UCF is turning 50 years old. The newest building – Traditions Hall. The 6-story, growth continues in on-campus housing with the 118,000 square foot building houses 276 upperclass building of an additional 665 beds on the Orlando and graduate students in 2-bedroom, 1-bath main campus for first-year students. Housing and apartments. Residence Life is also building two sorority houses and a Greek Life Center that will house the Office of Our Resident Assistant staff is a tiered system Fraternity and Sorority Life. Take a look at our new with growing responsibility associated with each year housing by visiting www.housing.ucf.edu/ of experience. This year’s staff breakdown is as construction. follows: We are excited to open with a full residence life staff which includes many new faces. Ingrid Experience Level Total Number Percentage McLennan joined us from Rollins College as an Assistant Director of Residence Life. Brittany 3rd Year 11 6.96% Johnson moved from her role as an Area Coordinator 2nd Year 56 35.44% to Assistant Director of Academic Initiatives. Brittany 1st Year 91 57.59% will lead our efforts to enhance and build new living learning programs. We are excited to have lots of 158 Total Resident Assistants energy with seven new live-in Area Coordinators. They are Gregory Andrews (University of Denver), Jacob Bonne (University of West Florida), JP Capote St. Leo University (West Virginia Wesleyan College), Sarah Hart (University of South Florida), Kirsten Levine Saint Leo University is excited to welcome (University of Utah), Timothy Leyson (University of Regina Seguin as our new Assistant Director of Kentucky) and Maeghan Rempala (Benedictine Residence Life. Regina completed her undergraduate University). They are joining our team of returning work at Saint Leo, her Master of Education at the Area Coordinators Rosie Cogswell, Amanda Gaglio, University of Florida and worked for the past four Ellen Hughey and Taylor Stokes. years at the University of South Florida. We are Lynell Hodge moved from Area Coordinator to a excited to welcome her back home to Leo! As our new role as Coordinator of Room Assignments. To fill department grows, we have created the new student all the new beds the marketing group saw the addition leadership position of Resident Assistant Directors of a new coordinator, Sandy Brash. Move-in was very (RADs) to supervise areas of 250-350 residents and smooth and our Resident Assistants are busy planning our 2012-2013 RADs are Amanda Arce, Kayla activities and meeting with over 9,000 residents in Fernandez, Megan Hammersla and Andrea Lott. one-on-one meetings. We look forward to a busy year. Additionally, KJ McConnell has been promoted to Associate Director and Sean VanGuilder has been promoted to Director of Residence Life. Saint Leo’s University of Florida newest residence hall (Apartment Five) recently opened for over 150 residents and features a 1800 The University of Florida had a number of staff gallon saltwater aquarium, fitness center, video changes recently, and we’d like to acknowledge all gaming area, arcade game room, relaxation room those new members and those who have departed: featuring state of the art energy “nap” pods, and suite- Sean Johnson joined staff as the Residence Director style living with built-in 46 inch flat screen televisions for the Springs Residential Complex. Prior to coming in each living room. to UF, he was employed at Indiana University Residential Programs and Services.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 31 SEAHOSTUDENT FAEATUREFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION Patricia Jordan joined staff as the Residence Sarah Friswold, the Assistant Director for Student Director for The Continuum. She received Bachelor Success and Staff Development, oversees staff and Master’s degrees in Family, Youth and Community training and development, living-learning Services at UF and was a graduate hall director for UF communities, and supervises three Residence Life Housing & Residence Education. Coordinators. Sarah received her Master’s of Science Vern Rogers joined staff as the Coordinator for degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs Graduate & Family Housing. Prior to coming to UF, Administration from Indiana University, and her he was employed at the University of Central Florida. Bachelors of Science Degree in Geology at Bowling We have had a couple of staff members change Green State University. She has previously worked at roles within our department: Kelly Sullivan, former Bowling Green State University, and Central Residence Life Coordinator for Graham/Hume has Washington University. been promoted and is now the Assistant Director of Amy Costa, a graduate student in her first year at Housing for West Campus. UNF, is the Assistant Residence Life Coordinator for Jason Fraser-Nash, former Residence Director for Osprey Hall. She is pursuing her Masters of Education The Continuum is now the Residence Director for degree in Higher Education Administration. She Diamond and Tanglewood Villages. received her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from A few of our staff members have left our Florida Gulf Coast University. department to pursue new opportunities in various Heather Harding, a recent graduate from Virginia capacities.:Scott Francis, former Associate Director of Tech, oversees Osprey Fountains, South Tower. She Housing for Residence Life has taken another position received her Masters of Arts and Education degree in at the University of Florida as the Director of Broaden Higher Education Administration from Virginia Tech. Gator Engagement. Prior to VT, Heather received her Bachelor’s of Arts in Kim Fugate-Roberts, former Assistant Director of Communication Studies and Theatre from the Housing for Residential Curriculum & Assessment University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Heather has taken a position at Santa Fe College as the also oversees the fitness instructors who teach classes Director of Advisement, Counseling, and Career in Osprey Fountains. Center. Milagros “Millie” Ortiz oversees Osprey Cove. Jenni Wright, former Coordinator of Millie graduated from Rowan University in New Education/Training left to pursue other interests. Jersey, where she received her Masters of Arts degree It is also our sad news to report that Rob Holland, in Higher Education Administration. Before attending Administrative Services Coordinator, passed away on Rowan University, Millie received her Bachelor’s of Monday July 16, 2012. Science degree in Biology at Seton Hall University in New Jersey. Millie is responsible for the Pre-Med Living Learning Community in Osprey Cove. University of North Florida UNF welcomes back the following returning staff members: Dei Allard is the Interim Director for So far, there have been changes at the University Residence Life, and has been at UNF since June 2012. of North Florida for the 2012-2013 academic year. She completed both her undergraduate and graduate One major change at the University of North Florida degree at Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL. is a new initiative which requires all of our first year Dei has previously worked at Ball State University, students to live on campus. We have welcomed the Appalachian State University, and the University of additional students and are looking forward to making North Carolina at Chapel Hill. the campus feel like home for more than 3,000 of our Bob Boyle is the Interim Director for Housing students. Operations, and has been at UNF since 2005. With This year, UNF hired two new Residence Life dual degrees from Jacksonville State University in Coordinators. The Department of Housing and Jacksonville, AL; he earned his Master’s Degree in Residence Life has also expanded their staff to include Counseling (Student Personnel), and his Bachelor’s a second Assistant Director and an Assistant Degree in Physical Education. Bob has previously Residence Life Coordinator. UNF welcomes them all worked at the University of Central Florida and to our staff! Jacksonville State University.

32 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUNDSEAHO THE RFEATUREEGION Morgan Murray, the Assistant Director for received his Master of Education degree in Student Student Leadership and Staff Recruitment, oversees Personnel in Higher Education at the University of RA Recruitment, advises RHA and NRHH, and Florida in Gainesville, as well as his Bachelor’s supervises three Residence Life Coordinators. degree in Astronomy at the University of Florida. E.J. Morgan received her Masters of Education in Higher is currently serving as the adviser for the Florida Education Administration and Student Affairs from Association of Residence Halls (FARH). North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. She Another change for the Department was the received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication at departure of Paul Riel, the former Director of Housing Ohio State University. She has previously worked at and Residence Life. Paul left the University of North Georgia Southern University and the University of Florida to serve as the Executive Director for North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Residential Services at Northwestern University in Amanda Mueller, the Residence Life Coordinator Evanston, Illinois. Dei Allard and Bob Boyle are of Osprey Crossings, has been a member of the UNF currently serving as Interim Directors of the family since June 2010. She works with the Coggin department. College of Business and Honors Living-Learning Communities in the residence halls. Amanda received University of West Florida her Master’s degree in education from Marquette University in Milwaukee, and her Bachelors of UWF opened Presidents Hall, a new suite style Science degree in Psychology from University of building this fall housing 252 students in our Oracle Indianapolis. SYE program focused on sophomore student success. Ronnie Rentz is the Residence Life Coordinator The Oracle program is collaboration between for Osprey Landing, and has been a member of the Residence Life, Career Services and Academic UNF family since June 2011. He graduated from the Advising. Presidents Hall includes a Papa Johns/C- University of West Florida, where he received his Store and large multipurpose programming space. Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and his Master of Education in College Student Personnel Administration. Ronnie works with the Healthy Osprey Living Learning Community in Osprey Landing. Danielle Vitale is the Residence Life Coordinator for two very diverse areas: Osprey Hall and Osprey Village. She has been a member of the UNF family since June 2010. Danielle received her Masters of Education degree in College Student Affairs Administration from the University of Georgia. Prior to UGA, she received her Bachelor’s of Arts degree in UWF welcomed two new professional staff to our English from the University of Florida. Danielle also residence life team. Lynsey Stuart who was formerly supervises the Assistant Residence Life Coordinator. at Framingham State University, MA and Liz Stoehr E.J. Walicki is the Residence Life Coordinator of who was formerly at George Mason University, VA. the North Tower of Osprey Fountains, and has been a Amy Little has transitioned from Residence Life member of the UNF family since June 2010. He works Coordinator to Assignments and Marketing. We have with the Brooks College of Health Living-Learning also established new graduate positions to support our Community and the Honors L.E.A.D. program. E.J. Area Office and Central Operations.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 33 SEAHOSTUDENT FAEATUREFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION Mississippi Updates University of Mississippi hope to expand our FIG and LLC offerings in the coming years. Groovin’ at Move In, our annual move-in event, Students in all of our residence halls recently was a great success, with over 1,000 volunteers enjoyed House Calls, our annual program in which helping our newest Rebels move into their residence faculty and staff volunteers visit students in their hall rooms! Students and parents were excited to be residence hall rooms and welcome them to campus. welcomed to campus in such a grand fashion, and our Faculty and staff enjoy this opportunity to connect students, staff, faculty, and Oxford locals were thrilled with students where they live, and students respond to welcome a new class of freshmen. Groovin’ at with excitement and appreciation. What a great way to Move In has become a highly-anticipated event start the school year! among members of the Lafayette-Oxford-University community. The Ridges, our three new residence halls, were successfully opened and now house students in our freshman interest groups (FIGs) and living-learning communities (LLCs). Residents are enjoying the many amenities offered- study rooms, TV lounges, in- room bathrooms, close proximity to academic buildings, and an amazing market in Ridge West. We North Carolina Updates Appalachian State University James Lorello comes back home to the mountains after being in the Nation’s Capital at Georgetown University Housing at Appalachian State University for a year. James will continue to help University has started the new academic year with develop student learning within the residence halls as many new additions to the staff: a Coordinator on the West Side of campus, as well as Shannon Jordan is the new Assistant Director on supervising the Night Stars’ Program. the East Side of campus. Shannon has degrees from Chloe Abshire is the Residence Director for The Kansas State University and Grand Valley State Appalachian Panhellenic Hall (APH) and comes from University. She has professional housing experience at Longwood University (VA) with her degree in , Keene State and App State. Communication Studies. Chloe will apply her Shannon directly supervises four Coordinators and extensive Greek experience with the sorority women indirectly supervises the graduate assistants and living in the APH. She is enrolled in the College of resident assistants on the East Side of campus. Student Development (CSD) Program. Andrea Sell comes to ASU from Michigan State Joel Clement is the Residence Director for University. She also has prior housing experience at Belk/Winker buildings and will use all the extensive the University of Oregon and a lot of experience in experience he gained as an App State RA to help the Leadership and Service, which will serve her well in students become active members of their communities her role as a Coordinator on the East side of campus. while a student in the CSD program. Brandon Nelson returns to Appalachian State Jillian Cruser is coming to the mountains from the University after two years of housing experience at the coast, graduating from UNC-W with a BA in University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Brandon is Communication Studies. She was most recently a RD supervising and mentoring ASU students as a at Louisburg College. Jill is the Residence Director of Coordinator on the East Side of campus, as well as the App Heights, an upper class apartment community Student Leadership Advisor (RHA and NRHH). and is enrolled in the CSD program.

34 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUNDSEAHO THE RFEATUREEGION Sarah Magness has multiple years of experience residence life, social norms marketing, alcohol working with students in Residence Life and most education and addressing sexual assault. Jason recently was a RD at Lenoir-Rhyne. Sarah received received his B.A. from Penn State and his M.Ed. from her undergraduate degree from Brenau University James Madison University. (GA). Sarah will continue with her education as a Shanoya Conner, Area Coordinator/Social Justice student in the CSD program. Education Coordinator, received her B.S. in Child Kait McConomy has her degree in Theatre Development from Appalachian State University and Studies from Brevard College. Kait is developing and her M.A.Ed. in Educational Leadership and Policy overseeing the Night Star Program, a program focused Studies from Virginia Tech. While at VT, she served as on safety and security. She too is a student in the the Graduate Assistant for Multicultural Program and College Student Development Program. Services. Jordan Montgomery has left the west…coming to Brian Lackman is the new Area Coordinator for the mountains from the University of Arizona. She has Residential Curriculum. Originally from Philadelphia, extensive experiences working with student Pennsylvania; Brian received his B.A from Chestnut leadership and the Residence Hall Association. Jordan Hill College and his M.S. in Educational Leadership is the Graduate Assistant for Student Leadership and Studies from Oklahoma State University. He served as is enrolled in the Marriage and Family Therapy the graduate assistant for the Student Union Activities graduate program. Board and the Department of Campus Life while at Sarah O’Steen comes to ASU from UNC-W with OKState. Additionally, Brian held internships in a BS in Business Administration and a concentration Student Conduct, Career Services, and the Office of in Human Resources. Sarah is the RD of White Hall, the Vice-President for Student Affairs. an all-female residence hall. She too is enrolled in the And finally, Emily Julian joined the Davidson CSD program. staff as the Area Coordinator for First-Year Kaila Price earned her BS in Psychology from Experience. Emily recently received her M.S. from Florida State University where she was a RA for five in Oxford, Ohio after completing semesters. Kaila is the RD in Gardner Hall and is a her B.A. in psychology from Denison University. graduate student in Clinical Mental Health We just opened a new residence hall with second- Counseling. year students in mind. This newest currently is not Jennifer Prince comes to ASU from Raleigh formally named, but is known on campus as New Hall. where she received her BA degree in Religious & The facility has 251 beds, a fitness center, a main Ethical Studies from Meredith College (NC). She lobby with a full kitchen and large dining table, as served as the SGA President at Meredith. Jennifer is well as computer space and lounge and fireplace. the RD in Eggers Hall and is enrolled in the CSD Each floor has a separate community kitchen, lounge program. and study room. Outside of the building is a grill for Alex Tompkins received his BA degree in the community to use. Psychology from Brevard College where he was a Senior Community Director. Alex is enrolled in the East Carolina University Higher Education program and is the RD of Lovill Hall, an all-male residence hall. Jonathan Blount is a new Hall Coordinator at Amanda Giles is the new staff member working ECU and will be working in Aycock Hall. Jonathan with key management and special projects. She has received his Master of Education: Student Affairs in prior experience in Marketing and Business. Higher Education from Wright State University, and Bachelor of Science: Organizational Leadership and Davidson College Supervision from Purdue University. Jonathan has been serving as a Graduate Resident Director at Davidson College welcomed four new staff Wilmington College. members in July. Jason Shaffer, the new Associate Ashley Cooper is a new Hall Coordinator at ECU Dean/Director of Residence Life, joined the Davidson and will be working in Fletcher Hall. community in July after eleven years at the University Ashley received a Master of Counseling and of Virginia. He brings a wealth of experience in Student Development from Eastern Illinois

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 35 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION University, and Bachelor of Arts and Science from window together; this significantly would change the Western Illinois University. Ashley has been serving look of the building. as an Associate Resident Director at Eastern Illinois As the Residence Hall Coordinator of Tyler, I have University. the opportunity to live in an apartment that truly feels Nicole Percival is a new Hall Coordinator at ECU like a home. It doesn’t feel like an apartment within a and will be working in Greene Hall. residence hall. Bill McCartney, Associate Vice Nicole received a Master of Arts: Education Chancellor for Campus Living, really wanted to create Leadership from Central Michigan University, and a new standard for apartments for the live-in Bachelor of Science from Grand Valley State professionals at ECU. Minimally, the apartments will University. Nicole has been serving as a Student be 2 bedrooms, 3 preferred, with private laundry, Proceeding Officer at Central Michigan University dishwashers, garbage disposal, and utility and also a club volleyball coach at Midland independent from the rest of the building. The Community Center. finishings of the apartment are comparable to a high Brian Stutz is a new Hall Coordinator at ECU and end condo in a major city. There are hardwood floors will be working in Clement Hall. in the living areas, granite countertops, tiled Brian received a Master of Science: Higher bathroom, and carpet in the bedrooms. Education Administration from the University of Kansas, and Bachelor of Science: Vocational Rehabilitation emphasis in Criminal Justice from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Brian has been serving as Scholarship Hall Director for Student Housing at the University of Kansas. The incoming residents who live in Tyler Residence Hall, here at East Carolina University, have a new fresh-faced building ; the back of the hall t ‘shirts even say “So Fresh and So Clean”. Prior to Fall 2012, Tyler Residence Hall stuck out like a sore thumb Tyler Hall Beforehand on College Hill. The building didn’t exactly match the rest of the brick styled buildings, and just wasn’t that appealing to students and residents. The renovations for Tyler started in December of Fall of 2011. The building closed after winter break and students were relocated to vacancies in the other 14 buildings across campus. The renovation time was about 9 months, December 20, 2011 to August 1, 2012. There was a $16.28 million dollar budget, $11,000 coming from a self-liquidating bond, $5 million in cash, and $280,000 in state funding to do Tyler Hall Afterwards the sprinkler system. The architect was Davis Kane out of the Raleigh area and Barnhill Construction performed the project. Meredith College Construction Manager at Risk Process (CM at Risk) was used. The construction company gutted the rooms Linda Bridgers, RD for Poteat Hall. Linda is and took out the stationary furniture. The bathrooms joining the full-time staff after being an RA at were all upgraded to ADA compliance. One third of Meredith for two years. She is looking forward to the budget went into re-skinning the building. As you working with freshmen and helping them get excited can see from the before and after pictures, the building about Meredith traditions. now has the beautiful brick work that the rest of Meagan Walton, RD for Faircloth Hall. Meagan College Hill Neighborhood has. The actual windows recently graduated from Guilford College where she couldn’t be removed without taking the wall and served as an RA. She is happy to be working on a

36 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION small college campus so she can have a lot of contact year, has received LEED silver certification. with students. The environmentally friendly design of the two Emily Fincher, RD for Brewer Hall. Emily is newest buildings is part of a broader sustainability coming to us from Cottey College in Missouri where strategy at NCCU. Other parts of the effort include she has served as a full-time RD for three years. She replacing older fluorescent and incandescent lighting enjoys the all-women’s college atmosphere and is fixtures with LED lighting; replacement of single- happy to have found Meredith! layer windows in academic buildings with double- paned windows to save on heating and cooling costs, and upgrades of HVAC, lighting and water systems in North Carolina Central University the largest campus buildings to make them more energy-efficient. Chidley North, North Carolina Central University’s newest residence hall, has earned LEED gold certification. The $24 million, 517-bed facility North Carolina State University opened in August 2011. Designed by architecture firm Lord, Aeck & Sargent it is NCCU’s first to be certified NCSU is welcoming a number of new staff gold by the U.S. Green Building Council. members in a variety of areas. Joining the Residence Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, Directors staff are: Lisa Latronica worked at Loyola or LEED, is a set of rating systems for the design, University, Chicago as a Student Assistant in the construction and operation of buildings in ways that Office of Student Activities and Greek Affairs and in minimize adverse environmental effects. Residence Life as a Learning Community Mentor. Among Chidley North’s many green design She received her undergraduate degree in Art History strategies and products are an ICF (insulated concrete and Studio Art, and is currently pursuing her Master’s form) bearing-wall assembly, an energy recovery in Higher Education. Lisa is our new Residence system, and an aluminum sunshade assembly. The Director of Metcalf Hall on Central Campus. energy recovery system pre-treats outside ventilation Patti Baynes worked for the Carolina College air by recovering the embodied energy in the exhaust Advising Corps, advising students in Scotland and air. It reduces the difference between the outside and Robeson Counties. She received her Bachelor’s inside air temperatures and humidity levels by 50 degree from UNC Chapel Hill in Communications percent. In addition, a high-efficiency chilled water and a minor in Social and Economic Justice. Patti is plant in the basement provides cooling at a lower cost. now pursuing her Master’s degree in Higher Many building materials were selected for their Education Administration, and is the Residence low cost of maintenance. For instance, the building Director for Owen Hall on Central Campus. core and corridor walls are exposed polished Sahana Sankar, one of the Residence Directors in architectural concrete masonry. The floors are poured- Avent Ferry Hall on Southeast Campus, worked as a in-place stained concrete, chosen again because they Residence Assistant at Appalachian State University are a low-maintenance finish. The zinc roof is where she earned her undergraduate degree in expected to last for at least 75 years. Psychology. She is currently pursuing her Master’s in Recycling during and after construction was also College Counseling at NC State. a major consideration, with 97 percent of construction Prior to attending NC State, Cherelle Pinckney waste having been recycled. worked in the Student Orientation and Testing “Making the extra effort to achieve gold Services office at the University of South Carolina. certification doesn’t just make environmental sense, it She received her Bachelor of Science degree in also makes economic sense,” said Zack Abegunrin, Exercise Science with a minor in Psychology. associate vice chancellor for facilities management. Cherelle is currently pursuing a Master’s of Education “We will save money on maintenance and energy in Higher Education and Administration, and is one of consumption for many years to come.” the Residence Directors for Bragaw Hall on West Chidley North is one of two buildings on the Campus. NCCU campus to receive LEED certification. The Christina Primous worked at Johnson C. Smith Nursing Department building, also completed last University, serving as an Academic Success Coach in

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 37 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION the College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and International Studies with a Specialization in Mathematics (STEM). She earned her undergraduate International Tourism Development from NC State. degree at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Industrial and Operations Engineering. Christina is Leadership with a Higher Education Concentration at presently pursuing her Master’s degree in Higher UNC Charlotte (ABD). Education Administration, and is one of the two new Chester Miller, has been transitioned to Assistant Residence Directors of Lee Hall on West Campus. Director for Centennial Campus, a new position that Another Residence Director at Lee Hall is Rose will oversee the new Wolf Ridge community on our Jerome who comes to us from North Carolina Central Centennial Campus, which opens in fall 2013. Janine University where she received her BA in Psychology. Weaver-Douglas, who has taken Chester’s place as After obtaining her degree, she worked at Louisburg Assistant Director for Wolf Village Apartments, College in Louisburg, NC as a Resident Community comes to us from the University of West Georgia Coordinator/Student Conduct Coordinator. Currently, where she was Area Coordinator for the Department Rose is pursuing her first year on the Clinical Mental of Housing and Residence Life. Janine received her Health Counseling track toward her master’s degree. Bachelor’s degree in Justice Studies and her Master’s Having received a Bachelor degree in English in Higher Education Administration from Georgia from the College of William and Mary, Cynthia Southern University. Brauch recently worked there in Residence Life. She The new Community Director for Apartments’ is currently pursuing a Master’s in Higher position has been filled by Joel Oliver. Joel comes to Education Administration while working as the new NC State from the University of Florida where he Residence Director at Bragaw Hall on West Campus. served as the Grad Hall Director in their International Gabriel Solomon came to NC State from Florida Living Learning Community. He received his State University where he received his Bachelor of Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Mars Hill Science degree in Information Technology. He is now College and Master’s in Education from the pursuing a Master’s of Education in Higher Education University of Florida. Administration while in his position as Residence Jennifer Kendall joined the Housing team as the Director of Sullivan Hall on West Campus. new Public Communications Specialist in our In our assignments department we welcome marketing department. Recently, she was the Pennie Graham is the new Assignments Coordinator, Marketing and Communications Director for coming to us from NC State’s Human Resources American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. Jennifer where she worked as an administrative and business received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and specialist in international employment. She received Mass Communication from UNC Chapel Hill. her Associate in Business Administration from Jason Clevenger has become a member of the Louisburg College in Louisburg, NC. Housing technology staff, having been part of the The Assistant Directors staff has also seen growth Campus Life staff as Technology Support Technician. and change over the past several months. Hazael His most recent position was Student Affairs Andrew’s most recent job was Community Director at Technology Services IT Specialist at NC State. Jason the University of Arizona. He did his undergraduate is currently working toward an Associate of Applied degree at Fayetteville State University in Finance and Science in Computer Engineering Technology, and Managerial Economics (double major), and his holds certifications as a Red Hat Certified Engineer Master’s in Business Administration at Mississippi and as a Cisco Certified Network Associate. State University. Hazael is now the Assistant Director The following staff members have recently joined of Southeast Campus. Housing Facilities: Ray Corbett, Carpenter; Dale Before coming to NC State, Clyde Wilson was Lefler, General Shops; Anthony Nicolella , General Residence Coordinator at UNC Charlotte. He is now Shops; Neil Donovan, Paint Supervisor; Benji Martin, the Assistant Director of Lee Hall on West Campus. Plumber; Josh Arnold, Facilities Maintenance Clyde received his undergraduate degree from NC Technician. Brian Fansler was promoted to HVAC A&T State University in Recreation Administration mechanic. Sam Strickland is the new Issuing and and Travel and Tourism, and his Master’s degree in Inventory Clerk for the Warehouse.

38 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION Saint Augustine’s University student staff know more about themselves and how that self-knowledge positions them to help their It is an exciting time at our university, because as residents. We will continue this training through the of August 1, 2012, Saint Augustine’s College is now year by integrating the StrengthsFinder assessment for Saint Augustine’s University. The university has our 40 member student staff. several new initiatives. Part of our growth includes a brand new residence As far as Residential Life is concerned, we have hall. Opening September 28th, South Residence Hall some new names for positions in our department. All features 180 beds and sits on top of a five level of our full time live-in Residence Hall Directors are parking deck. This new facility will help now “Community Directors”, with Master’s degrees accommodate our growing residential student in various disciplines. Our Resident Assistants are population and address parking needs. now “Community Assistants”. Our theme for We are excited about the future at Queens Community Assistant Training this year was University of Charlotte! “Community Under Construction with Reflection and Redirection”. We are excited about the 2012-2013 academic year and its endless possibilities! University of North Carolina – Greensboro

Queens University of Charlotte UNC – Greensboro would like to welcome several new Coordinators for Residence Life to the staff: Greetings from the Queen City! The Office of Pierre Campbell comes to us from Los Angeles, Residence Life at Queens University of Charlotte has California where he attended the University of experienced an exciting summer and is looking Southern California. His degree is a master of post- forward to an outstanding academic year. In June secondary administration and student affairs. Pierre is 2012, Edward J. Young was hired as the Director of working in Phillips Hawkins this year home of the Residence Life. He earned a Master of Education in International House, Global Village, and Mosaic Higher Education and Student Affairs from the living learning communities. University of South Carolina and served in Furman Ashley Dobbs earned her degree from Valdosta University’s Office of Residence Life for seven years State University in Educational Leadership. She is prior to Queens. Together with Associate Director working this year in Reynolds Hall. Reynolds houses Sarrin Warfield and Residence Coordinators Joel UNCG’s first year experience, exploratory studies, Tompkinson and Sandra Valdes-Lopez, the Residence and AToMs living learning communities All the way from Michigan, Maggie Gillespie has joined the team as Coordinator for Weil/Winfield Residence Hall. Maggie obtained her masters of Science degree in higher education administration from the University of Dayton. Maggie works with first year students and the Spartan wellness living learning community. Hailing from the great state of Texas, comes the one and only, Jennifer Groves. Jennifer earned her degree from Baylor University obtaining a Master’s of Science in Higher Education and Student Affairs South Residence Hall Administration. Jennifer has the honor to work with Life team aims to provide our growing student body Ione Grogan Residential College. with great service and care. From the University of South Florida, Emily We prepared for this year by taking a different Nanna, has joined the UNCG team. Emily works with approach to RA Training. This year’s focus was first year students in Ragsdale Mendenhall Residence transformational leadership, and training helped our Hall. Emily earned her master’s degree in Education, Curriculum, and Instruction, College Student Affairs.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 39 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION Kailyn Doyle has joined the HRL team from the to accommodate the loss of rooms, the Quad will open University of Kansas. During her time at Kansas, its doors for the first time once again this fall. The Kailyn earned a master’s of science in education buildings will be “state of the art” according to degree in higher education administration. Kailyn will Director of Housing and Residence Life, Timothy be the coordinator for Moore/Strong Residence Hall Johnson. working with the Make a Difference House. The rooms will move from hall-style with We also welcome several new graduate students common bathrooms, to suite-style with two adjacent to our family: In his second year in the rooms sharing bathrooms. Practically everything on Communication Studies program, Garrett Richardson the interior, including walls and floors, is brand new. joins us at the First Year Experience Program From the interior they will be virtually new buildings. Coordinator. On the exterior though, the rich history of the Quad Joining us from the Counselor Education will live on. Just a few of the most noticeable Program, Jennifer McCallum joins us at the Make a differences will be the wireless internet available in Difference House Program Coordinator. most of The Quad, occupancy managed heating and Aaron Wainman joins us as the Phillips/Hawkins air conditioning that will save energy, two completely Program Coordinator while he works on his master’s new wings in Shaw which will add a multipurpose degree in Student Personnel Administration in Higher room and recreation room, and the two classroom Education. wings added to the back of Shaw for Living Learning All the way from New York, Joanna Zietara joins Community development. us as the Assistant Coordinator for Residence Life for The physical differences do not stop there. The Lofts on Lee while she pursues her master’s degree in buildings will have an entirely new traffic flow with Student Personnel Administration in Higher the interior of the Quad being the focal point of Education. egress, and the centerpieces the long forgotten parlors Paige Daniel currently serves as an Assistant and porches. The parlors themselves will now be two Coordinator for Residence Life in the seven buildings stories with a study lounge on the second floor known as the Quad. Paige is pursuing accreditation to overlooking them from the original window openings. become a teacher in the area of the sciences. The Quad’s redesign is centered on maintaining There have also been changes in our individual building identity while bringing the seven administrative team. We would like to welcome: Quad buildings together to be a cohesive and Coretta Roseboro Walker has joined the team as an interactive community. As Chancellor Linda Brady Assistant Director for Residence Life. Coretta most said when she addressed the university board, example recently comes to us from Coastal Carolina is maintaining the parlors in each building, but University. implementing common spaces accessible to all Quad Charles Clency joined our team in July as the residents in Shaw as well as creating a hub in Shaw for newest Associate Director for Residence Life. Charles the residence life staff to work from. Although Shaw most recently came to the Spartan Family from East will be a centerpiece, each hall will be equally Carolina University. important, rotating the hosting of Quad-wide After a long fourteen months out of commission programming and activities. and the construction of another hall, Jefferson Suites

40 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION South Carolina Updates Suites. She recently received her Master’s in Educational Administration from the University of Clemson University Housing & Dining is excited South Dakota where she also served as a Hall to welcome a new Assistant Director for Suites & Director. Jana’s experience is with first and second Apartments and three new Community Directors to year students, and she has also worked extensively Residential Life! with Honors students during her time in graduate Please congratulate Lani San Antonio on the school. Please help us welcome her to this new role. acceptance of her new role! Lani transitioned into the Jana can be reached at [email protected]. Assistant Director for Suites and Apartments position Kristin Cosens will serve as the Community in May. Lani has served as the Area Coordinator for Director for the Shoeboxes community in First Year the apartments for the past three years. She has a Experience. She is an alumus of the Clemson breadth of knowledge related to sophomores, University Student Affairs master’s program where transfers, international students, Honors students and she served as a Graduate Community Director for two athletes, all of which serve as special student years. Kristin has experience working with First Year populations within this area of campus. If you wish to Students and Living Learning Communities. Please send her a message, Lani can be reached at help us welcome her into this new role. Kristin can be [email protected]. reached at [email protected]. Tyler Gailey will serve as the Community Director for Calhoun Courts/Thornhill Village community in Apartments & Suites. He is a Clemson Lander University alumnus who has spent the past two years working as a Residence Life Coordinator at the University of Lander has hired Jalysa O’Conner as a Residence South Carolina. He also received his Masters in Life Coordinator. Jalysa worked in the Deptartment of Higher Education and Student Affairs at USC. He has Housing and Residence Life for three years as a a breadth of experience with sustainability, residential student. She spent one year as a resident assistant and curriculum and living learning communities. Please two years as head resident assistant. She has stepped help us welcome him to this new role. Tyler can be smoothly from her role as student leader into that of a reached at [email protected]. professional staff member. Jalysa began work on her Jana Jordan will serve as the Community Director Master’s degree in August. for Holmes/McCabe community in Apartments &

Tennessee Updates Maryville College Associate Dean of Students, Dr. Andy Lewter has taken responsibility for leading the newly reorganized Maryville has seen a number of changes in the Department of Campus Life. Andy holds a Bachelor past several months – all leading to a big change in the of Arts degree from the University of Tennessee, leadership of our Residence Life department which is Martin, a Master of Education degree from the now part of the larger department of campus life. We University of South Carolina, and a Doctor of are excited to see several staff members serving in Education degree from the University of Tennessee, new capacities and to welcome a number of new Knoxville. He has over 16 years experience in higher colleagues to our family. Our family lost our long- education and extensive experience in judicial affairs, serving leader, Ms. Michelle Ballew-Safewright in group development, and diversity training. He is July, after 16 years of service to Maryville College as excited to take on these new responsibilities and she begins to pursue new opportunities in her career. working hard to learn this new role.

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 41 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION Kristin Gourley has stepped in to a new role at University of Tennessee – Knoxville Maryville College as Director of Campus Life. She oversees both student activities and day to day Fall semester has begun at the University of operations in residence life. Kristin earned both a Tennessee, Knoxville with several new members Bachelor of Science degree in Business joining our Residence Life staff. Heather Cox is the Administration and a Master of Science degree in new Hall Director for South Carrick Hall. Heather College Student Personnel from the University of received her undergraduate degree from Clemson Tennessee, Knoxville. She has 8 years of experience University and recently completed her Master of Arts in higher education with extensive experience in in College Student Development from Appalachian student activities, leadership development, and event State University. planning. She is extremely excited to return to Coming from the University of Tulsa is Stephanie residence life for the first time since being a Resident Hesbacher. Stephanie will be leading Clement Hall as Assistant as an undergraduate. their new Hall Director. She received her Ben Wicker has been promoted to the Assistant undergraduate degree from Shippensburg University Director of Residence Life with oversight of staff and a Masters of Education on College Student training and evaluations and now serves as the Personnel from Western Carolina University. primary staff contact for residential facilities. Ben Massey Hall’s Director, Kristina Klamm, has served most recently as an Area Director and served the department as an Assistant Hall Director in previously as a Residence Life Coordinator. An Laurel Hall and Massey Hall. Last year she served as alumnus of Maryville College, he earned a Master’s in the interim hall director for Massey Hall and moved Education in the College Student Affairs program into the official Hall Director role this year. Kristina from the University of South Florida. has received degrees from Embry-Riddle Laura Smith joined us in August as Resident Aeronautical University and is currently pursuing her Director for Gibson Hall and Housing Coordinator. Ph.D. of Philosophy: Adult Education at UT. Laura has a Master’s in International Education from Kristen Krapfl comes to our program from the SIT Graduate Institute. She previously worked at Western Carolina University where she served as a Maryville College’s Center for International Resident Director. She received her undergraduate Education. In addition to overseeing the daily degree from Marquette University and completed her operations of Gibson Hall, Laura will also coordinate Master of Science in Counseling and Student all assignments processes at the College. Development from Kansas State University. Kristen is Alison Fox has joined us as the Student Activities the Hall Director for Humes Hall. Coordinator/Davis Hall Resident Director. She earned North Carrick Hall’s new Hall Director is Brian both her Master’s in Higher Education Administration Samble. Brian previously served UTK as an Assistant and her Bachelor’s in Applied Linguistics at Southern Hall Director in the Apartment Residence Hall. He Illinois University - Carbondale. In both her graduate received his B.A. degree from Saint Anselm College, studies and presently in her position at Maryville M.A. in Higher Education from Boston College and is College, she has developed and implemented currently seeking his Ph.D. from the University of programs and activities for students on and off Tennessee in Higher Education Administration. campus. John Michael VanHorn has joined our staff from Rachael Carringer attended Maryville College Mississippi State University where he served in the where she studied psychology and Lincoln Memorial Center for Student Activities. He will be the Hall University where she earned a degree in nursing. She Director for Reese Hall. John received his B.A. in now works part time as a registered nurse while Public Relations and his M.S. in Counselor Education working on her Master’s degree as a Family Nurse from Mississippi State University. Practitioner. She was active in Residence Life during Jennifer Wilson is the new Hall Director in the her undergraduate time at Maryville College and has Apartment Residence Hall. Jennifer received her returned to serve as the Resident Director for Gamble undergraduate degree from The University of Hall. Tennessee and completed her M.Ed. in College Student Personnel from Western Carolina University.

42 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION University of Tennessee – Martin

During the summer of 2012 the University of Tennessee at Martin has completed a yearlong project improving landscaping and installing irrigation systems into our University Village complexes. While our new University Village complexes are first class it was recognized that enhanced landscaping and recreational areas were needed to complete this top notch facility. The UTM Director of Housing, Mr. Earl Wright, worked with residents and student groups to tailor the project to their needs. The end result is a dramatic improvement to the aesthetic appeal of the complexes and the addition of functional outdoor recreational areas for students. When the project was completed a complex wide irrigation system was installed, new granite park After seating area near a volleyball pit was put in, as well as you to come by and check out University Village at UTM!


Vanderbilt University Office of Residential Education is happy to announce the following new members of the team for the 2012-2013 year. Charles Before Lowman will be joining the team as an Associate Director in December. He is currently an Assistant two pergola seating areas. The entire area had new sod Director for Residence Education at Old Dominion installed along with brick and rod iron fence entry University. Three new professionals began this fall as ways. Groves of trees, mulch beds with plants and Area Coordinators on the Martha Rivers Ingram shrubs along the buildings and recreation areas for Commons. They are Greg Fontus who came to outdoor activities completed the complex Vanderbilt from the University of South Florida, enhancements. We are excited to have completed this Holly Pritchard who came from Murray State project and have been enjoying seeing the students University, and Kate Reed who was promoted from a make full use of it in the first few weeks with Open Head Resident position at The Ingram Commons at Mic Nights, Volleyball, Football, Soccer, studying and Vanderbilt. just socializing. If you are in our area we encourage

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 43 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION Virginia Updates College of William and Mary Chris Durden, Director of Housing Operations at [email protected] or Holly Alexander Agati, Assistant Have you ever thought about moving your room Director at [email protected]. condition reports from a paper process to an electronic In April 2011, the College of William and Mary system? This spring we began the process of unveiled the plans and locations of new fraternity determining what this would entail and embarked on housing. The project includes 12 buildings (11 making the change. After examining several third individual chapter facilities and a community party software solutions which did not satisfy building), which will provide 187 new bed spaces. requirements needed, we embarked on developing an Ground was broken in the spring of 2012 with a in-house system. Using a campus owned survey completion date of August 2013. The fraternities software, Qualtrics, a survey was developed that selected their houses from three distinct floor plans. allowed the staff to assess the condition of each room, Each house will house 17 residents and include which is stored in a database. Another survey was kitchen, social, study and laundry rooms. developed that captured information about keys and locks. In order to give residents that ability to report any items of concern in their room, a simple survey Old Dominion University was sent to all residents specifying that they could report any concerns in their room. As a result of no We would like to welcome two new Residence longer having a paper RCR, a modification to our Hall Directors to our team; Tyler Fortman, Ph.D., and check-out process for room changes was developed. Katherine Uttich. Tyler Fortman, Ph.D., is the RHD of Our professional staff submit an electronic form the Gresham Complex and the Foundation House. which verifies when the student has moved and the Recently, Tyler served as a Living-Learning staff assesses any damages. Community coordinator at The Ohio State University. Our philosophy about what we wanted to Previously, Tyler was a psychologist at the University determine in the room assessment also changed. of Virginia and Sarah Lawrence College. Katherine Previously, the report focused on determining if Uttich is the RHD of Whitehurst Hall. Recently, everything was present in the room and if it was in Katherine served as a Resident Director at Boise good condition. With the electronic system, the University. Previously, Katherine was a Graduate question we now want to answer is if the room is ready Resident Director and graduate student for the Office for a resident to occupy. This shift allows the staff to of Student Services at Arkansas Tech University; concentrate on the more emergent issues that need to where she also received her Master’s in College be addressed. Student Personnel. What outcomes have we seen? The amount of time it took our staff to assess the condition of the rooms was decreased significantly, which allowed University of Mary Washington them to be more attentive and thoughtful during the student staff training program. The data is helping us The University of Mary Washington is excited to understand systemic issues with our facilities, and announce several new additions to the Office of opening a dialogue with our facilities staff about Residence Life and Commuter Student Services: proactive ways to address common issues. Matthew Troutman joins us as our Associate Director What is to come? There will be minor changes to of Residence Life for Housing and Operations. Matt the survey that will allow us to manipulate the data. brings with him twelve years of student affairs The closing process is still being developed as we experience having spent the past five years at Kenyon determine what will be needed from our staff and College in Ohio. He holds an M.S. In Higher students as they depart for the year. Education from Indiana University. If you have questions or would like to know more Marissa Miller joins us as Assistant Director of about the specifics of the system developed, contact Residence Life, having most recently worked at

44 SEAHO Report Fall 2012 STUDENT AFFAIRS AROUND THE REGION Hobart and William Smith Colleges in New York. She Services that connects undeclared first year students has a background in first year living communities, with career counseling. Our science and engineering theme housing and campus-wide programming and academic partners have contributed to a major has her M.S. in Administration and Supervision with collaboration of 4 new and existing communities, a specialization in Higher Education from Middle known collectively as Invents. The Hypatia and Tennessee State University. Galileo engineering communities join with Curie and Colin Coleman also joins us as Assistant Director DaVinci, biological and physical sciences of Residence Life. He came to us from Arizona State communities, in Lee Hall to share ideas and work University where he was a Community Manager for across disciplines to enhance learning. We opened our upperclassmen apartments and adult housing. Colin second Residential College in West Ambler Johnston has a varied background with experiences in Hall, and Faculty Principal Ben Sax welcomed over admissions, residence life, traditional housing and 800 residents to a unique, house-based living-learning apartments. He has his M.Ed in Higher and Post experience. Secondary Education from Arizona State. This year This summer we welcomed many new team UMW welcomes their first cohort of Residence Life members. Residential Learning Coordinators joining graduate assistants who are working in the residential us are Jenny Hamilton (West Florida), Scott Busiel complexes as hall directors and desk supervisors: (Oklahoma State), Sarah Loth (George Mason), Jamie Alex Mejia, Mary Cait Nannery, Matt Shepherd and Sellers (UNC Greensboro), Pa Nhia Yang (Tennessee), Tony Leger. Nicholas Roberts (Virginia Tech), Laura Laughlin (Georgia), and Chad Mandala (Florida State). Our new Graduate Assistants include Kelsey Gamble Roanoke College (Muhlenberg), Shannon Petera (Baylor), Sam Gavic Roanoke College welcomes Kristen Pearson, (Wisconsin La Crosse), and Mark Smiley. Kim Sifford Kody Rother, and Meghan Kelly to the residence life joins our central office staff. Of course with new staff staff! We are so glad to have you here! members, we’ve had to say goodbye to others. RLC Donald Walker has moved on to an Assistant Director of Residence Life position at Towson University, his Virginia Tech alma mater. Christian Herr, our Assistant Director of IT, has moved on to a position in Virginia Tech’s Housing and Residence Life at Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center. Our graduating ARLCs celebrated a successful first year as a combined have all found positions in the field as well: Samantha department this summer. Bringing together all of our Mills has moved on to Residence Life at VCU, Dennis facilities, assignments, academic initiatives, and Priebe returns to Residence Life at his alma mater, residence life aspects into one department has greatly Ohio State, and Heather Harding is serving in improved our ability to impact student learning and Residence Life at the University of North Florida. provide the highest quality of service. Finally, we are excited to be in the final planning We have focused on expanding our intentional stages of the VACUHO RA conference to be hosted at living-learning environments over the past year. This Virginia Tech this November 2-4. We look forward to August we debuted several new community options. welcoming RAs from across the Commonwealth to Thrive focuses on first-year student success using “Superstrong RAs Building Superstrong principles of positive psychology and the Strengths Communities.” Quest tool. Reach is a collaboration with Career

SEAHO Report Fall 2012 45