BLOCKING NOTES, ACT 2, “PRESS FORWARD” (updated 3-31-16) (#XX = Blocking Grid)

1-Dance of the Children

Intro (#17) Children pop out from the sides, hopping with each beat to center Verse 1 They run around the stage, playing and laughing

Bridge, phrase 1 Britton and Parker engage in a wrestle; Britton wins, throwing Parker Bridge, phrase 2 Britton and Logan engage in a wrestle; their struggle intensifies

Verse 2a Logan throws Britton, the children shout awe; gather in a circle, holding hands Verse 2b They spin together in a circle, laughing Last 3 notes “All fall down” – they all fall to the ground, and laugh.

Narration – “Look it’s us” – Mercedes and Malena pop up after the fall, move A2 Jacob follows, joining them at A2. Sariah, holding baby , crosses from A5, checks on them, leaves A1

2-Strength for the Journey

Intro Zoey rises to her feet, moves A4 Z: The journey’s been long, Hannah rises, joins Zoey A4 +H: And it’s been hard, They sing to each other; Hannah and Miah join Jacob A2 +JHM: But we get through it Parker and Britton rise, join Zoey and Hannah A4 +PB: By the strength of the Lord. Julia and Daphne rise, join Hannah, Zoey A4

He helps and sustains us and Zoram enter, B5 All along our way Wilderness kids arise on “way”, move forward He strengthens and nourishes us Sam and Zoram join the children at A4 On our pathway every day. Wilderness kids kneel A3; enter B1

---- When storms befell (#18) Lights up on Ishmael’s family grieving Mrs. Ishmael, UC (When storms befell) Laman and Lemuel join the children, A2 And our hearts were sad Camarie leans over, touching Debbie’s face (And our hearts were sad) She kisses Debbie’s forehead, as Andrew keeps touch on her shoulder We learned that all was well Mandy pays respects to their mother (All is well!) Sariah pulls in, Janae, comforting her What we needed we had Janae crosses to her mother’s face (What we needed we had) Janae pays her respects.

We walked in confidence Mandy reaches out to Callie, Janae to Mandy (Confidence) Callie and Mandy look up at their comforters. And he kept us from harm Callie reaches to Jenny, extending comfort (From harm) Jenny looks up at Callie, they plus Madi are connected. And he delivered us Sariah covers Mrs. Ishmael’s face with a veil (Delivered us) By the power of his arm Lehi, Andrew, and Matt pull their wives in close (By the power of his arm) Mandy/Janae, and Madi/Jenny/Callie also pull close; lights fading.

---- (Lehi and Matt join group at A4; Andrew to group at A2)

And in him we found (#19) Sam crosses from A4 to A2 Strength for the journey Lemuel crosses from A2 to A4 Whatever test or affliction Zoram crosses from A4 to A2, joining Sam and Andrew. Or sorrow our road led thru, Laman crosses from A2 to A4, joining Laman, Lehi, Matthew.

He gave us – Strength Wilderness kids separate in middle, join groups A2 and A4 For the journey And slowly over time, The groups move more to the outer corners, A1 and A5, as lights Our strength and our power grew. come up on women’s groups upstage, through scrim.


We bore children (Ah) (#20) Callie kisses her baby / Sariah supported by daughters in birth And we bore pain (Ah) Callie lfts her head slowly / Sariah in engulfed in pain, she tires We faced heat and cold Callie looks up at the rain / Sariah cries – “I can’t! I can’t! And wind and pouring rain,

And we were strengthened Callie slowly kneels / Camarie encourages Sariah: “1 more!” By all that we passed through, And we were given the power Callie lays her baby down / Sariah settles in for 1 more push. To do what we had to do.


We were given – Callie covers baby with a cloth / Janae catches newborn baby Strength for the journey; Though we all started out Callie places stones on the corners / Janae lifts baby With a faith that was weak and small; She looks up in tears as / Sariah’s baby emits his first cry.

He gave us strength for the journey Callie finishes placing the last stones / Sariah cradles her baby He gave us the power Callie slowly stands, in tears / Sariah’s daughters cradle her To get us through it all!

Despite the tears that we have cried Callie rushes to center / Lights out on Sariah, Callie’s sisters He has lit a light inside Callie falls to her knees, light shines / Clear props R & L That we know will never, ever fade away: Callie slowly looks up to God, in tears / He gave us strength for the journey Madi joins Callie, a strengthening angel at a hard moment And a faith that grows yet stronger every day. Madi joins Callie, lifts her to her feet But we get through it, By the strength of… the Lord. Madi’s arm encircles Callie, they look up, lights out) ------

3-Journeyings Without Murmurings

And our women did bear children in the wilderness (#21) Lights on Nephi; scrim goes up And were strong, even like unto the men Lights up on line of strong women And they began to bear their journeyings They walk forward in 7 counts, starting Without murmurings. (Ah)

And while living on raw meat in the wilderness (Ah) (#22) Shorter women move forward into zigzag They nourished their small babes abundantly The children run to their mothers And after 8 long years of trials and of tears The men join their families They arrived at a place beside a shining sea. The 8 family groups begin to look DR Nephi narr: “we did come to a land…” (#23) Lemuel and fam come to L-1, crouch , pointing Jen: “How I loved the land Bountiful” Callie comes to L3, smelling the sea air; Jen: we beheld the sea….pitch our tents The family all moves to A1-A3, Callie crouches Nephi: “we had suffered many afflictions” Laman gently shepherds his wife to A2. Nephi: “rejoiced when we came to the seashore” Nephi closes the book, leaves Jen to enter scene

Laman: I told you… we’ve finally arrived To his wife at A2

4-Home At Last

Laman: We’re home at last, my little children… They step down to L-2 between Callie and Lem.

Lemuel: We’re home at last, thru with our wandering Lem/Wife stand, he swings her happily, laugh Sons of I: Here we can finally rest… The family clumps more, A1-3, Nephi to L-4 Family: Right here. They all gaze of DR, freeze

Nephi: Why is that sea. He stands, looking out at the sea. Nephi: … there is more / Family: We’re home…. Family unfreezes, settles into levels, formations Callie: Nephi? Nephi? Callie approaches Nephi more and more Nephi: I can’t help feeling…. He looks in her eyes, tells her, arm around her. Nephi: There is more, beyond this blissful shore. Nephi and Callie look forward, as family looks SR

Narrators: That time we spent in the land Bountiful Women, children, Sam, Zoram gather props Narrators: And also my sisters…. They scatter with their props ready to do tasks.

5-In the Background

(#24) Add Logan and Parker to double Sam and Zoram, as they apprentice them in tasks. All in front of scrim. 6-Driven to the Mountain

(#25) Nephi C3, on mountain. Angels join on either side? > Scene, “Happy Here” (#26)

7-Touch Me Not!

(#27) As blocked

8-I Have Not Forgotten

As blocked

Narrators – Over time, our brothers worked Lights out And the voice of the Lord came to our father Lehi at A3, light on him So, after gathering much food Lehi’s light goes out And we put forth into the sea (#28) Family gathers behind Lehi, L’s 1-3, N 4-5

9-Home At Last

Lehi: We’re home at last…. In that V formation, A 1-5

Nephi/O. Wife: And it came to pass that we did begin… Family leaves, L’s 1, N’s R, Sar. C

Sariah: We’re home at last… truly home at last Dies gently on L-3

10-Beautiful Tonight, Reprise

Lehi: (#29) The stars are so beautiful tonight… Lehi approaches from B5 Sariah?... He approaches her at Death Rock , cradles her You’re looking so beautiful tonite He strokes her hair Shared it with… than you. Delese approaches from L1

I feel my life, like yours, slowly slipping away Delese touches Sariah, who lifts suddenly There are things, I know… still need to say Delese pulls Sariah gently to standing, leaving robe behind Time is past…. At last Sariah touches her face and hands, becoming aware To you, and to … My Savior. Delese guides her into light A3, as he cradles robe, looking up

The Lord hath redeemed my soul… glory! He sings, joyous, as she joyously looks up at light A3 I am encircled about… arms of his love. She hugs Mrs. Ishmael and others, walks to A5, pulls back In the arms of love. Zephaniah OK’s passage, Lehi holds her robe close to his face.

Sariah: Till then, adieu. She extends a hand to him, then exits w/angels

Narrators: Sometimes people… final counsel. Move Death Rock to L1, set Lehi’s rock C3

(#30) Lights up on family in inverted V, him upstage Laman & supporters C2, Nephi & supporters C4

11-Awake, My Sons

Lehi: Behold, I have seen… He’s seated on his rock, family standing in V … you all need to understand. All but 4 sons are seated in V A father’s dying song. Sons help him rise, as they kneel at his feet. Awake my sons… He sings boldly, the only one standing. Rebel no more.. He touches Nephi Awake my sons. Angels join “Ah”, stage luminous Embrace the joy… brings. Sariah steps into the light A5, sings to him.

Sariah: And you…. Never more to be alone He, she, and angels alone are standing as she sings He hears but doesn’t yet see her.

Lehi: And now my son Laman… They help him back down to his seat … voice of Nephi Hands his rod of power to Nephi -- It shall rest upon him. Laman, Lemuel, Sam, stand, take a step back.

Be faithful… words of the Lord. He extends hand to Laman, who turns angrily.

Sariah: Lift up your head, be comforted… any more He hears, then sees her, For it won’t be long till you see for yourself They make eye contact What all of this… She lifts her right arm, extending it to him, Is for. She also extends her left arm, welcoming him. Instr – Oo. He rushes into her arms, they walk out w/ angels.

------Nephi: We must remember always…. This day. He stands, takes place C3 Laman: Oh, I remembers, little brother… Never forget! Menacingly joins Nephi C3, then bolts L1 as music

12-Hey, Little Brother

Laman: v.1 - (#31) Hey little brother… today! Fierce, L2 v. 2 – Hey little brother… look to me Crosses softly to L4 Funny now… strange to see. Sits at L3 Bridge: Oh, I remember…. Other ways Stands at L3

v. 3 – Hey little brother… tears. X slowly to L2 When other hurt you… fears Lemuel gathers group B1-2 I used to be… back (N: Laman?) X slowly to L1, Nephi A5>A3 Now it’s be on the attack How I / Now it’s time to end this! Lemuel’s group approaches , grabs Nephi

B2: Oh, I never wanted… Let things be! Arc L1 to A5 to A2, in Nephi’s face.

v. 4 Hey little bro – don’t push… wall Aint me who’s gonna fall! Pushes Nephi back, down. I won’t let… free myself from you Back away to B3, Little brother! Pulls out dagger Hey little brother…. Approaches menacingly, crowd surrounds Hey! Matt drops dagger. Mrs. L: Stop it, all of you. That’s enough! He’s your brother! They release him, he runs Laman: My LITTLE brother! Angry looks to Mrs. Le, Matt, they exit A1 13-Eventually, Orphaned

Nephi: (#32) They can break… To A4.5, sits on rock near table Le/ Sar: But you will. To A5, supporting him Eventually. They exit A5, lights darken.

14-Awake, My Soul

Nephi: O wretched man that I am! Kneeling at rock A5 Yea, my heart… grieveth Loop to A4 and back I am encompassed … beset me A5 – reaches for sword; Kyle restrains When I desire… sins Drops sword, backs away to B5, then up to A4 My heart groaneth… sins Nephi to A4; Angels R&L diagonal* Nevertheless…. Trusted A4

My God… great deep. Nephi to L3, surrounded by male angels Heard my cry by day… away Kneels L3 Exceedingly high mountains…things Walks to A3 rock, stands on it Even too great… write Looks back A5 - Plates

Oh, then -- **if I…. slacken Nephi A4; **Angels to triangle formation, Jeff to A3 Why should I… soul? Loops around to table A5 Why am I angry… enemy? Reaches for sword again, A5, Restrained, Kyle/Jeff Why am I angry… enemy? Puts it down again, backs away, gaining resolve.

Awake, my soul Crosses to A3 rock No longer droop in sin Sits on A3 rock Rejoice…. Enemy of my soul Do not anger… enemies Do not **slacken… afflictions (Ah) ***Female angels approach R&L

Oh, Lord… redeem my soul? Kneel A4 or L3. Or A3 rock Encircle me… righteousness. Angels encircle him, Brynn and Megan kneel “Escape thine enemies” Sariah message to him

Oh Lord….forever He stands A3, as female angels part R&L around him I will lift… God! A3, standing triumphantly on rock

------*Joel-Barry-Steve-Jeff Nephi-Kyle-Lehi-Ishmael

** Barry Lehi Ishmael Joel Steve Jeff Nephi>> Kyle

*** Barry Delese Katie Sariah Mrs. Ish Jeff Lehi Ishmael Joel Steve Brynn Nephi Megan Kyle


Sam: How goes it brother? Appears A4, Angels all exit upstage to A1 Nephi: … into the wilderness Loops around rock A3 Zoram Tell the others. They pick up items A4, exit A5 15-Wronged! Robbed!

Laman: (#33) Aaa… Wronged (L fist up) Robbed! (R fist down) Enters A1>3 Time after time after time! (fists clenched by head) (Lem to B2, MrsLa to L1) My younger brother taking from me (Lifts palms) (Sons of I enter to B2) What rightfully is mine! (Clenches fists) (Their wives enter to B1)

Lam’s: Wronged! Robbed! … pay gather B1, go B1-B3 Day after day!

Laman: I have been wronged… To Mrs. Laman, L1, Lemuel, A4 Right to lead today

L’s We all are wronged… Coronation at A3 rock, Lem A2, Matt A4 Day after day! (Ah!) Matt hands him the rod, he stands on the rock

Lemuel Laman is our leader now…rights Lemuel A2; SOI back to bro at B2 From now on… Lamanites!

L’s: We all are Dramatic turn; Grnnd march up to his throne, backlit Wronged! Robbed! They all kneel as he passes by them. Generation afer…day! Mrs. Laman and Matt pressure Jenny to kneel too.

Aaa…. (Kill them! Kill them all!.. Taken from us!) They all exit quickly, A5-B5

16-Manner of Happiness

OMN/Narr’s: (#34) And it came to pass That we lived Light Narrators, Nephi/Wife enter w/baby, A1 +/Angels After the manner of happiness (Ah) Nephites enter A1, Nephi w/wife, kisses baby After the manner of happiness (Ah) Nephi goes to A3 rock, Sam L, Zoram R; all kneel around We asked Nephi to be king…protector Nephi kneels A3; Zoram taps L, R shoulder We looked to him for safety Zoram hands Nephi sword And under his direction Mrs. N. joins; People stand as he turns, walks USC

We built buildings… copper Mid-curtain goes up – Nephi directs building from B3 We worked brass… ore They work in time to the music. We build.. in the wilderness Nephi points US And we made… As their backs are turned, facing US – then drumbeats War! (PnoRoll1) Lamanites to A5 stairwell; Warriors lunge down L. aisles

Lamanites: Wronged, robbed… pay Lamanites, led by Laman, come down aisle, spears and stomps beat Generation… day! (Ah) Nephites scream, hide; Nephite warriors arm D1 – Mrs. N in fortress Nephi: It’s time. Let’s go protect our families In “V” formation with swords, shields, attack incoming Lamanites

Nephites: Wars and contentions, year after year, Front lines attack, synchronized w/music, as Lemuel We try to live happily, and yet we live in fear: leads bigger warriors cross-aisle to A2 aisle We never ever know when the next attack will be Lemuel/Alan to D5, Matt/Dave to D3, Andr/Brit to D1 And yet we try to live happily__ 2nd wave grabs targets: Madi D5, Janae D3, Callie A1

The God of our Fathers protects us even still Callie D1 defends baby w/sword, releases self - Angels help He strengthens and arms us, and he guides us by his will; Janae D3 defends the hidden children) But season after season and day after day Madi dragged off D5 arch by Lemuel/Alan as POW to A5 The fighting still goes on! (PnoRoll1) Sam and Jacob rush to rescue Madi A5; Parker/Brit stab/die B2

Lamanites: ‘Cause we are Wronged! Robbed! Jacob grabs, stabs Lemuel, who fall and dies A4 We’ll see that you’re gonna pay Laman’s grief and rage increases, Mrs. Lem cries; Sam threatens Alan Generation after generation Alan lets go of Madi, drops to knees, dropping weapon, Madi picks it up Day after day! (Ah..) (Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!) (Help us, Lord!) (She guards Alan with his own weapon) (Ah..) (“Help us Lord – Save us Lord!) (Fully enraged, Laman strides to B3 to battle Nephi)

Lamanites: For we were wronged in Jerusalem, (Wronged!) (Enraged Laman attacks Nephi w/rod The land of our inheritance; (Ha!) Wronged while crossing over the sea, (Wronged! – Ha! Ha! Ha!) (Angels assemble to add power) Wronged in the wilderness; (Wronged!) Wronged in the promised land, (Wronged!) Wronged in every way that there could be! (Wronged!)

We all are…. (PnoRoll3) (Angels combine force) Wronged! Robbed! (Thunderbolt – Laman falls to the ground) We’ll see that you’re gonna pay (Nephi steps on his weapon; Lamanites fall, drop weapons) Generation after generation, (Nephi grabs Laman by head, sword at throat) Day after day! (Nephi considers, then releases Laman with a push to A4) (Ah) (They retreat, following Laman, running up the A4 aisle)

Nephites: We tried to live after the manner of happiness… (Gathering to front of stage, watching them go) Help us! Save us, Lord! (Lam’s: Ah…!) (Fleeing, but vowing to return) Lamanites/Nephite Warriors: Ha! (Nephite swords jut upwards in victory) 17-And the Time Passed Away

Intro: (#35) Angels reassemble to A1 stairwell, Nephi to D5; Enormity of war settled on company Jacob: And the time… dream Nephites: We being…. days (All the Nephites except Nephi exit A1)

18-Eventually, Battlefield

Intro, Phrase 1 Nephi enters through arch D5 with sword, heavily Intro, Phrase 2 He weaves through dead bodies all over.

Nephi: They can break… two Arrives B4 They can devastate.. through A4, finding and grieving Lemuel They can take…. throw it all away Standing with pain, crossing A3, thinking of his fallen brothers They can break… a little every day Sees 2 fallen boys, crosses, finds it’s Parker/Britton – pain consumes him (minor-key scale) He crouches over them, grieving; Nephite warriors enter A1 supporting

Warriors: But you will never stop… Loving them A2, join him, Sam touching his left shoulder, Jacob in middle + Nephi: No you will never stop… Loving them. Zoram and Joseph move in, Zoram touching right shoulder +Angels: Ah (And you never….believe) Warriors look up slowly, Angels on stairway 1 Prophets: That they will finally… home Lit near angels, A1 Warriors: And their hearts…stone Nephi crosses to rock, A3 Angels: For there is One whose mercy…atone Warriors join him, A3 – Light shines on them Nephi: Eventually. Closes his eyes – “not now.” Warriors: Eventually (Ah) He looks up into the light. Curtains close.


19-Unending War

Narrators: Our brother Nephi Light on Narrators, as battle scene is removed Lehi’s rock set up L3 as in beginning

Nephi: Behold I Nephi … strong unto them. Enters thru curtain, lights up on him A3 as at first

ON’s Wife: He is a man… someone I know Enters as in Act 1, from L5; crouches beside him A3

ONW: So keeping writing, Nephi…. She kneels up, becoming taller at A3

ONW: But someday, Nephi… She stands with power behind him, A3

ONW: I’ll leave you to your work She leaves L5 – gives away plates backstage

Nephi: For we labor…. Of their sins. He writes on plates A3 as he speaks


Nephi: For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ… For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do… And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophecy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. (2 Ne. 25:23, 26)

#20: We Talk Of Christ (2 Ne. 25:26; 31:10)

Nephi: (#36) Jesus is my friend - No other has given me so much. (His mood begins to lift, as he focuses on Christ.) (Singing) His love for me is boundless, without an end, He stands, moves DSR, as And I’ve felt His tender, healing touch. his wife re-enters, listening softly)

+Nephi’s Wife: Jesus is my guide - His light shows me the way. (She enters, moves DSL) And my dearest hope is that I might become A little more like Him each day.

Nephi: We talk of Christ - we rejoice in Christ - (Turning to her) +Nephi’s Wife: We rejoice in Christ - (Turning to him) Nephi: And we write according to our prophecies +Nephi’s Wife: That our children may know to whom they may look (They meet DC) For their salvation, for healing, for hope. (They sit DC with the plates)

Narrator 1: Nephi spent his life testifying of Christ, in spoken words to his people, and in written words preserved for (Speaking) future generations. Like his father before him, (#37) (Lehi enters) he did talk of Christ, he preached and testified of Christ. But that family legacy (Sariah enters) of faith and testimony did not end with them.

Narrator 2: Year after year, generation after generation, century after century, other prophets arose (Abinadi enters) in turn among our father’s family – each bearing witness of the Savior, each adding his voice (Samuel the Lamt. enters) to the united testimony written and preserved in that sacred family record.

Nephi: Jesus is my light: (Jeremiah and Zechariah: He is most joyous to my soul!) +Lehi, Ishmael: Most joyous to my soul! + Sam: He has lifted my eyes, + Zoram: He has healed my heart: +Jacob, Joseph: He has made me whole!

Alma the Y: Jesus is my Savior: He pays the awful cost (Angels, Sariah, Mrs. Nephi: Ah…) +Ammon: (#38) Of my sins and my sorrows - He rescues me - (In rich harmony) And without Him, I would be forever lost! (The kneel, as the front curtain goes up)

+Capt. Moroni: We talk of Christ – We rejoice in Christ - (Appearing on a rock, with the title of liberty) +Angel Moroni: And we write according to our prophecies (With the completed golden plates) + : That our children may know to whom they may look (Angel Moroni passes gold plates to young JS) + Early Saints: For their salvation, for healing, (Nauvoo and Pioneer Family) + Nephites: For hope! (Nephite women and children enter DSR and DSL)

(Light through scrim reveals modern families discovering the , behind the ancient characters)

Cast: (#39) He is my King! (He is my King!) the great Creator; (Great Creator) And someday He’ll come, and He’ll come again! (He’ll come again!) And when I see Him, (When I see Him,) sooner or later (sooner or later)

Nephi: I hope He’ll know me as His friend. Nephi: We talk of Christ , +Mrs.Nephi: We rejoice in Christ - Prophets: And we write according to our prophecies +Cast: That our children may know to whom they may look For their salvation, for healing, for hope!

(#40) (Lehi and Sariah, as angels, marvel over the wonders that have occurred with their posterity, the fruit of their many hardships, griefs, and disappointments in the wilderness. Now they can clearly and joyfully see, for themselves, “what all of this is for. Meanwhile, the ancient characters break in the center, and move to the back corners, making way for modern characters to come forth.) (>Music #21: “What All of This Is For”)

Lehi: So… Do you believe me now? Sariah: (Laughing) What are you talking about? I’ve always believed you. Lehi: Maybe not… always. Sariah: Maybe not… always. It was hard in the beginning. It’s probably a good thing we didn’t know how hard it was going to be. Lehi: The Lord is wise. He tells us just enough… to keep us going, step by step. (Cast sings: Ah…) Sariah: And who could have known how far that little seed we planted would grow – over so many years, over so many centuries and so many generations. Look at them – They’re so beautiful, so radiant… So many! Lehi: Yes. They… are what all of this… is for.

(Lights go out on stage, and come up on narrators. The midcurtain rises, and the ancient characters move to the back of the stage on platforms, as the modern characters begin moving downstage, carrying Books of Mormon.)

Narrator 1: (#41) The words of Lehi and Nephi, and those that followed them, have now gone forth in many languages, and in many nations - blessing many families, and changing many lives. (Cast continues singing: Ah…)

Narrator 2: We never know when our humble efforts might make a difference in the life of a loved one – whether in this mortal journey, or beyond. But God, who sees the end from the beginning, and who knows what we do not, can guide us securely to our most fruitful course of action.

Narrator 1: He can dry our tears, cheer our hearts, and see us through whatever challenges life might put before us. Narrator 2: So it was, in the time in which we lived. Narrator 1: So it continues to be, in the time in which you live. (The music concludes with warm resolution.)

#22: Imperfect World

Nar. 1: (Sings) (#42) Soon you will go home to your… Imperfect family. Nar. 2: Soon you will go home to your… imperfect world. Nar. 1&2: But you are not alone as you press forward through your sorrows, Building happier tomorrows in your promised land!

(Lights up on whole Company, onstage, modern characters now in front.)

Company: ‘Cause we all live the story of a woman or a man, Trying to live a good life, just doing the best we can; Seeking to build a better world, a little more each day; Looking for heaven’s help along the way.

Nar. 1&2: With our imperfect world – (With our imperfect world) Company: With the help of God. (This is not a show about a perfect family!…)

#23: From the Dust, Reprise (In spotlights, as in the beginning) Lehi: I speak as one crying from the dust - +Nephi: I speak as one crying from the dust – + Prophets: To my brethren, to the ends of the earth: +Company: Come unto Christ! (Whole company lit)

#24: Ye Must Press Forward (2 Ne. 31:20)

(The stage now begins to be lit with vignettes of modern individuals and families discovering the Book of Mormon, and drawing upon its power. We see missionaries sharing the Book of Mormon with a tender-eyed young family. We see a mother reading the Book of Mormon to her young children. We see a couple praying for guidance, Book of Mormon in hand. We see a radiant family in a circle, studying the Book of Mormon.)

Nephi: (#43) Ye must press forward, ye must press forward, (Elders share BOM with Mounteer family, B4) With a steadfastness in Christ; +Nephi’s Wife: Ye must press forward, ye must press forward, (Elders share BOM with Carrier family, L2) With a steadfastness in Christ.

+Sariah: Having a perfect brightness of hope (Matt Krebs family shares BOM with Josh and wife, C2) +Lehi: And a love of God and of all men; +Nephites: Having a perfect brightness of hope (Larsons come down L1, mother reads BOM stories to child) And a love of God and of all men.

Cast: Ye must press forward, ye must press forward, (Bishop Bettinson and sons come L4, study BOM) With a steadfastness in Christ; Ye must press forward, ye must press forward, (Curtis family moves forward L5, prays with BOM) With a steadfastness in Christ.

Nephi: Look unto Jesus and follow him, as you choose your path each day, + His Wife: Even in the darkness, his light shines brightly, Showing you the way. (#44) Angels: Ah…

Company: Ye must press forward, ye must press forward, (Michael and Callie come forward, Michael With a steadfastness in Christ; doubling Nephi’s part – a representation of the youth of Zion carrying the torch forward.) Ye must press forward, ye must press forward, (The 4 elders stand shoulder to shoulder behind With a stead___fast____ness____ In Christ! Michael and Callie, carrying the message to the world.)

Nephi’s Family: Press Forward! Company: Ah!

#25: Exit Music