General Chronology of the Mediterranean
Chronologies General Chronology of the Mediterranean The general chronology presented continues to weaken and early elec- on 3rd July, after the scandal provoked here assembles details of the most tions are announced. by his insinuations about the assassi- Appendices relevant events that have taken place nation of the government labour con- in each of the states of the Mediter- Spain sultant, Marco Biagi. ranean region between July 2002 and • On 23rd July, President Carlo June 2003. The episodes are organ- • On 16th July, in the French depart- Aseglio Ciampi denounces the conflict ised according to the months in which ment of Les Landes four people are between Prime Minister Silvio Berlus- they happened, and each month is arrested and accused of belonging to coni’s political duties and his power 2003 headed by a schematic selection of ETA. In Paris, a court sentences ex- over the media. The President calls for news items; and accounts are given commander of ETA, Francisco Javier legislation that will assure its pluralism Med. of the most significant events in the dif- García Gaztelu, alias Txapote, to ten and impartiality. ferent countries. Furthermore, the es- years in prison for the planning of ter- tablishment of the African Union is in- rorist acts. Croatia cluded, as well as the monthly section • On 18th July, the French police, in that includes a segment about the Eu- collaboration with the Spanish Civil • After a crisis in the coalition gov- ropean Union, whose power and ini- Guard, arrest eight alleged members ernment, the reformist Prime Minister tiatives have a decisive influence on of the urban guerrilla group, the First of Ivica Racan resigns on 5th July, pub- 238-239 the Mediterranean area.
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