The Newsletter September 2016

Rector: Diocesan Reader: Canon Ian Poulton, Mabel Peavoy, Clonenagh Rectory, Shannon Road, Road, Mountrath. Mountrath. Phone:057-8732331 Phone: 057-8732146

Bill Dann of Shanboe blowing out the candles of his 98th birthday cake

Clonenagh Group of Parishes Annatrim, Borris-in-Ossory, Lacca, Mountrath, Roskelton, Seir Kieran.

When training for ministry thirty years In our own parishes, we need to look ago, there was no part of the course at what is working and what is not that taught us about planning for the working. We need to look at how often future; the church had come through and at what times we have services. generations without much change and We need to look at what things we it was assumed that things would might do to strengthen our churches continue as they had been for years to as communities that people will want come. It was our task to keep things to join, as places where people will going, to keep an eye on things and wish to come to worship: this is not deal with any problems that might some modern, trendy idea, this is the arise. In 1986, when I was ordained, way Jesus expects his followers to no-one could have imagined the think. Ireland that we now have. One of the things we must now do is to think We need even to think about ministry about the future, make plans as to how in our parishes, do we need to have God's work is going to continue. ministers who are not clergy being paid stipends? If you don't think Planning for the future is not some changes are happening, just look at idea from the modern world, it is what the diocesan magazine and how many Jesus tells his followers they must do parishes are now part-time posts and in Saint Luke Chapter 14. He tells how many more are going in that them they must be as sensible as a direction. Like the builder and the king builder constructing a tower or a king in Jesus' teaching, we need to sit facing a war. "For which of you, down and think. intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has PS. For the first time since I came laid a foundation and is not able to here, I am using up all of my annual finish, all who see it will begin to holiday this year, going home to ridicule him, saying, "This fellow began England and then to France and to build and was not able to finish." Or returning on 24th September. The what king, going out to wage war Revd Tim Irvine in has against another king, will not sit down agreed to take emergency calls, first and consider whether he is able Phone 057 862 4143 with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand? If he cannot, then, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for the terms of peace."

Page 2

Church of Ireland College of International Co–ordinating Council in Education Ghent, Belgium at its gathering in August. The meeting was hosted by Dr Anne Looney has been appointed the Anglican Communion. Participants as head of City University's reflected on the nature and meaning of new Faculty of Education. The new the communion between the Anglican faculty is the result of the incorporation and Old Catholic Churches, updated into the university of three formerly each other about developments within independent colleges of education: the each of their communions, briefed Catholic St Patrick's and Mater Dei each other about developments in teacher training colleges, and the ecumenical relationships, and Church of Ireland College of considered how to develop concrete Education. Dr Looney is currently CEO proposals for the common mission of of the National Council for Curriculum the Anglican and Old Catholic and Assessment. She is also currently Churches on the European continent. the Acting Chief Executive of the Higher Education Authority. Dr New Rector for Carlow Looney is a graduate of Mater Dei, where she trained as a religion The Revd David White, who has been teacher. From September courses run curate in Bandon Parish in Co Cork previously by the three colleges will be will be instituted as the new Rector of delivered by DCU through its new Carlow on Sunday, 28th August. faculty. However, although the university August Diocesan Magazine will run what is essentially one primary teacher training course, a separate The August edition of the diocesan entry CAO entry route is being magazine was a special edition. maintained exclusively for Protestant Usually, there is no magazine in primary teaching applicants. The August but because there was none incorporation of the three colleges into published in March due to the sad DCU has been under way for the past death of the former editor, Mr Herbie several years but comes to full fruition Sharman, it was decided to produce a this September when students of the special issue for August which would former CICE join others mostly in carry a history of each of the churches Drumcondra, on the former St in our diocese. It was a very Patrick's College campus. worthwhile effort, leading, as it did, to the uncovering of much material Meeting with the Old Catholic unknown to most of us. (How many Churches people knew the vestry in Seir Kieran was once dominated by The Rt Revd Michael Burrows, Bishop Presbyterians?) of Cashel, Ferns and Ossory, co– chaired the Anglican–Old Catholic

Page 3 It has been a difficult summer in the life of rah’s declining health in recent years our parishes, particularly with the burial of might have required nursing care, but the five members of our parishes in the space love of her daughters, Betty, Dinah and of eight days, and we extend our condo- Pat, meant Sarah had the best of care lences to all who have lost loved ones in without having to go to a residential home. the past weeks, remembering especially Devout in her faith, Sarah had confidence those whose funeral services took place in that the frailty of this life was not the last our own churches. word, but there was a new and infinitely greater life to come. After the funeral ser- From the registers vice at Annatrim, the burial took place in the adjoining churchyard. Baptisms: Rachel Jean Treacy of Lo- ran, Pike of Rushall at Annatrim Church Alfred Oxley of Blossom Cottage, on Sunday, 12th June 2016. Dangan Roe, Castletown at Saint Pe- Daniel Samuel Peavoy of Monagh, ter’s Church , Mountrath on Friday, 5th Coolrain at Annatrim Church on Saturday, August 2016. Born at Clonenagh, Alf was 13th August 2016. educated at Clonenagh National School before going to Tinahely for a grocery ap- Marriage: Linda McKay of Shannon prenticeship. At 22 he went to work in Road, Mountrath and William Carter of Smith’s in Mountmellick. Opportunities in at Saint Peter’s Church, Moun- Ireland were limited and Alf went to Lon- trath on Friday, 24th June 2016. don in 1957, working at the Irish Harp pub in Hendon; at a grocery shop in Acton; Funerals: Sarah Cooper of Shanderry, and then as an area manager at Lyons Co Coolrain, at Annatrim Church on -op in the North End Road. In 1960, he Wednesday, 29th June 2016. Spending married Sheila Cole from and they her early years on the home farm at returned to London before Alf went to Knocknagad, Sarah, together with her work as a manager at the Chrysler factory brother John and sister Violet, went to live in Coventry. The family grew with the arri- in Bray after the death of their mother. The val of Deborah in 1970. An accident in the years in Bray were remembered with hap- 1980s meant Alf took early retirement, and piness, Sarah working as a telephonist at in 1999, after forty-two years away, Alf Britton’s Cars in Rathmines after leaving and Sheila returned to Ireland. Alf was school. Marriage to Billy Cooper brought delighted to be back and enjoyed his re- Sarah back to Laois, where Sarah and tirement years: seeing members of his Billy enjoyed many happy years raising family, going away for breaks, keeping his their eleven children. Sarah was an en- garden in immaculate order. His failing thusiastic participant in community life, health in recent years kept him in the active in the local ICA and as a committed house and he was always delighted to member of Fine Gael. Sarah continued to welcome visitors. A man of deep faith, take an interest in life on the farm at receiving Holy Communion each month Shanderry, particularly in the horses, and was an important part of his life. He was was never more happy than when sur- deeply grateful for the love he received rounded by family members, delighting from Sheila and Deborah and for the kind- especially in her great grandchildren. The ness of all who cared for him. After his final family occasion Sarah was able to funeral service in Mountrath, the burial attend was her granddaughter Lorraine’s took place at Saint John the Baptist wedding in Annatrim on 28th April. Sa- churchyard, Ballyfin.

Page 4 Roger Hill of Church Street, Mountrath Maud still wondered if she had not retired at Lacca Church on Monday, 8th August early, missing the daily contact that the 2016. The death of his father when Roger business had brought. An enthusiastic was just two years old meant life for the member of the local community, Maud family would never be easy, but Roger retained an active interest in all that was would never to let hardship or difficulty going on and was always anxious to hear dominate his life. Remembered by friends all the news of local events. Maud took in schooldays as someone who always particular pride in the musical successes enjoyed laughter (and, sometimes, mis- of her grandsons, delighted to be able to chief), Roger was blessed with the capaci- often declare that she no idea in what cor- ty to always be cheerful in whatever the ner of the world they might be. Devoted to situation. A serious motor accident when Bobby, it would have been unthinkable for he was in his twenties brought the death her to have been at home without him. of a close friend and, naturally, remained Maud’s deep faith gave her a fearless a painful memory. He was pleased to find confidence in the future. After the funeral love and have a family. Roger had vari- service at Lacca, Maud and Bobby were ous jobs, but was always at his happiest buried, as they had lived, side by side, in when working with his animals on his land the graveyard at , close to the at Clonin, whatever he might earn would schoolhouse that had given her many be reinvested in livestock or farm items. happy memories. When he was diagnosed with cancer last year, he accepted the diagnosis and Bobby Harvey of Derrycarrow, Cam- talked openly about the illness. Develop- ross at Lacca Church on Tuesday, 9th ing a brain tumour at the age of fifty-five August 2016. Growing up on the family might have been a cause of bitterness or farm at Cromogue, Bobby attended the resentment, but Roger approached his nearby National School at Clonard, (from terminal condition with bravery and frank- where the schoolmaster’s son still remem- ness. Not a churchgoer, Roger neverthe- bered the “Harvey boys” with affection less had a faith of his own and would eighty years later), and then the South share regularly in Holy Communion at the School in . Working in Telford’s house of a friend. Following his funeral in Mountrath, Bobby moved to Durrow in service at Lacca, Roger’s mortal remains 1955 when he married Maud and they were buried in Annatrim, where he wished bought a farm at Killamuck. Bobby cycled to be close to his uncle Bob. to work in Pratt’s shop in Abbeyleix until they bought the business at Camross that Maud Harvey of Derrycarrow, Camross was to be their daily life for more than forty at Lacca Church on Tuesday, 9th August years. A succession of break-ins was an 2016. Growing up on the family farm at important factor in the decision to close Ballygeen, Maud was educated at the Na- the shop, though Bobby never retired en- tional School at Aghaboe and was always tirely, still stocking gas bottles and peat proud of having won a scholarship to the briquettes for members of the local com- Preston School at Abbeyleix. Maud munity. Bobby was independent in thought worked on the family farm until her mar- and action: he would think deeply before riage to her husband Bobby in 1955 when offering well-chosen and apposite words they bought a farm at Durrow, Maud on a subject; he valued the physical inde- milked the cows and kept the farm going pendence that came with being able to while Bobby was working in Abbeyleix. In drive. He approached the Holy Commun- 1968, they bought the shop and farm at ion service with great seriousness. Bob- Camross, a business that was to be their by’s heart was always with Maud; when in daily life until it closed seven years ago. Tullamore Hospital earlier in the year, he Although in her eighties by that time, was anxious to be home to ensure all was

Page 5 well, and even when very ill in Portlaoise ter’s Church on Wednesday 28th Septem- Hospital, his first concern was always to ber at 7 pm; Roskelton on Sunday, 2nd ask about Maud. Bobby’s burial beside October at 4 pm; Seir Kieran on Sunday, Maud at Aghaboe, with the strains of the 2nd October at 7 pm; Annatrim on Sun- aisling “Táimse im'chodladh” filling the still day, 9th October at 11 am; Lacca on Sun- air, was an ending for which he would day, 16th October at 4 pm; and, to com- have wished. plete the season, Borris-in-Ossory on Sunday 30th October at 10.30 am (a Bertie Holmes of Tinnakill, Camross at group service). Annatrim Church on Saturday, 13th Au- gust 2016. Growing up on the family farm Girls Friendly Society girls have been at Keatingstown, Co Kilkenny, where he very busy over past few months complet- attended the Model School and Saint ing Bible Study, Handcrafts and Badge- Canice’s Cathedral, Bertie was always a work. Leaders and girls attended the An- Kilkenny man at heart, and always a nual Service and Prizegiving in St farmer. Working with horses when a boy Canice's Cathedral on 28th May. and going out on a traction engine with the Congratulations to all girls on re- threshing machine, he had a comprehen- ceiving certs for their Bible Study and sive knowledge of farming history. Marry- Handcraft entries, and well done to the ing Christobel from Kilmanagh in 1952, following prize-winners: they came to live at Tinnakill, a journey Bible Study, Candidate (5-7yrs); Rebek- that must have seemed a far remove in ah Clegg, 1st in Diocese and Highly Com- those years. Bertie brought with him an mended in All Ireland. International tractor, in a time when trac- Handcraft, Junior Members (7-11yrs); tors were a rare sight. Dairy and tillage Chloe Dunne, Joint 2nd in Diocese; Jessi- farming kept him busy, that and going ca Cooper, Luiza Kazakevica and from farm to farm with his threshing set, Meaghan Lawlor, Joint 3rd in Diocese; Bertie was proud at having threshed corn Jane Lalor, Highly Commended in Dio- in Waterford, Kilkenny and Laois. The cese. farm work brought Bertie a deep sense of Members (11-15yrs); Ava Shirley, 1st in contentment, the passing of each season Diocese and 2nd in All Ireland; Siofra bringing a new set of tasks in which he Marum, Joint 2nd in Diocese. engaged with enthusiasm. Badly injured in Thank you to parents and leaders a farming accident, Bertie continued his for their help throughout the year and to work, nevertheless. He missed Bell when Canon Ian for preparing girls for Bible she died in 2005 after more than fifty Study and Helen Bradley for examining years of marriage. His declining health in the Cookery badge. We ended our year in recent years took him to nursing care, June with a walk through Lacca Wood where he was appreciative of all that was followed by the presentation of Certificates done for him and delighted, as he always and a Picnic. had been, to be surrounded by the love of his family. A man to whom prayer came Clonenagh Parish Fundraising Commit- naturally, Bertie saw the end of life here tee meeting will be held in the Parochi- as a harvest being brought home. Follow- al Hall on Monday September 19th at 8pm ing the funeral service at Annatrim, the to finalise the Golf Classic, and to make burial took place in the adjoining church- plans for the Christmas fund raiser. yard. The Mothers' Union hold the opening ser- Harvest services: Our harvest services vice of their new year in Saint Peter's this year are as follows: Mountrath on Church on Monday, 26th September at 8 Sunday, 25th September at 4 pm; pm. Clonenagh National School at Saint Pe- Page 6 Firstly, a little apology. My exert for the Wheel completed- Now ask yourself July/August Newsletter was too big and these questions the template for the following couldn’t be Are there any surprises for you? included. I am therefore re-running both How do you feel about your life as you the instructions and the template. look at your wheel? Emily Dunne How do you currently spend time in Counselling & Psychotherapy these areas? Dip, B.A, B.A (Hons), M.A, A.P.C.P. How would you like to spend time in these areas? The Wheel Of Life Which of these elements would you How balanced is your life? Balance is most like to improve? personal and unique to the individual – How could you make space for these what may be balance for some may be changes? stressful or boring for others. Fill in the Can you effect the necessary changes following template to see how balanced on your own? your wheel is or is it a bumpy ride? What help and cooperation from others You can change categories to add might you need? something that is missing or re-label an What would make that a score of 10? area into something more meaningful for you.

Page 7 September

Jeremiah 18: 1-11 Borris-in- First Psalm 139: 1-5, 12- Roskelton Seir Kieran Lacca Mountrath Sunday Ossory th 18 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 11.30am 4 Philemon 1-21 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Holy Communion 11.00am Holy Communion Luke 14: 25-33 Mrs Yvonne Carter Mr John Bailey Archdeacon Murray Morning Prayer Archdeacon Murray Mr John Bailey

Jeremiah 4: 11-12, Second 22-28 Seir Kieran Annatrim Mountrath Sunday th Psalm 14 9.30am 11.00am 11.30am 11 1 Timothy 1: 12-17 Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Morning Prayer Luke 15: 1-10 Mr John Bailey Mr John Bailey Mrs Mabel Peavoy

Jeremiah 8: 18 - 9: Borris-in- Third Roskelton 1 Seir Kieran Lacca Mountrath Sunday Ossory Psalm 79: 1-9 9.30am 9.30am 10.30am 11.30am th Holy 1 Timothy 2: 1-7 Morning Prayer Service of the Word 11.00am Morning Prayer 18 Communion Luke 16: 1-13 Mr John Bailey Mrs Caroline Botha Holy Communion Mr John Bailey Rev Ian Coulter Rev Ian Coulter

Jeremiah 32: 1-3a, Fourth 6-15 Seir Kieran Lacca Annatrim Mountrath Sunday Psalm 91: 1-6, 14- 9.30am 10.30am 11.00am 4.00pm th 16 Holy Holy Family Service Harvest Communion Communion Communion 25 1 Timothy 6: 6-19 Mr Mervyn Tomb The Rector Luke 16: 19-31 The Rector The Rector

September 19th Monday….....…..Fundraising Committee meeting (page 6) 21st Wednesday...... Closing date for October Newsletter 25th Sunday..………..Mountrath Harvest Service (page 6) 26th Monday….....…..Mothers’ Union Opening Service (page 6) 28th Wednesday..…..Clonenagh National School Harvest Service (page 6)

October 2nd Sunday..………..Roskelton Harvest Service (page 6) 2nd Sunday..………..Seir Kieran Harvest Service (page 6) 9th Sunday..………...Annatrim Harvest Service (page 6) 16th Sunday..……….Lacca Harvest Service (page 6) 30th Sunday..…...….Borris-in-Ossory Harvest Service (page 6)

Items for the October 2016 Newsletter need to be with the editor by WEDNESDAY September 21st AT THE LATEST, so that the Newsletter can be assembled in time for the fourth Sunday, September 25th. PLEASE make your item as ready for publication as possible, and most importantly, please ensure that names are spelled correctly. Ideally, items should be submitted by e-mail to- [email protected] Otherwise to- Ivor Clegg, Cloncourse, Mountrath, Co. Laois. 057-8621277/087-2522162 This Newsletter and many older editions can be downloaded directly from Page 8