2020 Variance - Homaummoth Se Districts

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2020 Variance - Homaummoth Se Districts 2020 Variance - HoMaummoth se Districts Sulphur !Spring ! !Springs Saint Francis Bella Vista ! ! Gateway Beaver !Clarkridge ! !Success !Diamond City Mc Dougal !Sturkie ! !Pollard Oak Grove !Oakland !Gamaliel ! Omaha 71 Pe!a Ridge Garfield ! «¬ ! ! !Hiwasse !Maynard Corning 62 !Peel UV !Gravette 21 UV Lead Hill Dist. 100 Camp Eureka ! ! Piggott !Maysville Benton !Datto ! !Avoca !Springs !Viola Dist. 61 115 County Dist. 98 Nelda Speaks Gepp 62 UV Clay Midway ! Bull Shoals ! !Henderson «¬ ! Reyno UV62 ! County 59 !Salem Marsh Davis Greenway UV !Lakeview -1,161 (-3.9%) ! ! !Berryville Ron McNair 102 ! Bentonville Fulton Randolph Centerton UV ! !Biggers Decatur -283 (-0.9%) ! 12 Mountain Home Ravenden ! Rogers ! UV Dist. 97 Carroll -714 (-2.4%) 65 County County ! «¬ !Elizabeth Dist. 99 Cherokee Hardy !Springs 67 Dist. 56 County Green Forest ! «¬ 94 Harlan Breaux Bergman Village ! UV Boone ! Joe Jett Jack Fortner Glencoe 63 Peach O! rchard ! Alp!ena «¬ Rector ! County Gassville !Bexar 2,925 (9.7%) ! Baxter UV90 90 Flippin ! UV Gentry ! -2,733 (-9.1%) ! -657 (-2.2%) Cave S! prings County Pocahontas ! F Cotter !Williford 49 ! 9 304 Delaplaine UV UV 62 ! 135 Harrison !Pyatt Ravenden UV Lowell ! 43 ! UV !Summit «¬ UV Wiseman ! Lafe !Dolph Oxford !Ash Flat ! 392 Yellville ! ! UV264 UV Imboden Elm Springs Norfork ! !Marmaduke ! Marion ! 43 Beech Grove «¬ ! !Wideman O Kean ! Tontitown !Springdale County ! ! ! !Franklin Siloam Valley Pineville Sharp Populated Places ! Violet Hill Greene Springs 265 Everton ! «¬ !Springs ! Brockwell County Hindsville 5 ! Johnson ! UV Dist. 60 County ! Calico Rock UV56 ! Washington 412 ! Highways «¬ Marble Falls Frances Cavenaugh ! 112 !Goshen County UV Izard ! Western Grove ! Dist. 57 Compton ! 45 ! Smithville ! -2,638 (-8.8%) UV ! !Walnut Ridge 412 Huntsville County Poughkeepsie ! !Evening Shade ! «¬ Interstate ! Jimmy Gazaway !Pindall ! Walcott Fayetteville ! Hoxie ! 180 Melbourne Lawrence 69 !Kingston Sage UV «¬ ! Farmington ! County 2,674 (8.9%) !Wesley !Saint Joe Other Freeways and Expressways !Ponca 156 !Lynn UV !Hasty Sidney ! !Elkins Madison Dist. 62 ! !Jasper !Harriet Harriet !Sedgwick !Gosnell Greenland County ! 141 Summers !Gilbert !Minturn ! Prairie Grove Michelle Gray UV ! Mount Strawberry 14 ! Other Principal Arterials UV !Blytheville Pleasant !Leachville 62 ! Armorel Lincoln UV 27 -1,011 (-3.4%) UV151 ! ! UV Dist. 59 !Parthenon Cave City Witter !Vendor ! 239 ! UV69 UV !West Fork !Saffell !Guion Ja! ck Ladyman Dist. 54 Minor Arterial Br!ookland ! !Onia ! !Canehill Newton 18 ! 16 Searcy !Marshall Stone Alicia UV County Dist. 83 ! 1,884 (6.3%) «¬ Johnny Rye County County Dist. 53 Dell 351 ! Dist. 55 !Egypt UV Keith Slape Mountain View !Cushman -2,144 (-7.1%) County Boundaries Timbo ! ! 91 Jon Milligan !Morrow 540 UV Monte Hodges ! ! ¨¦§ -2,551 (-8.5%) ! Independence 167 Dist. 64 ¬ Charlotte 4,355 ! (14.5%) « Swifton ! ! ! -5,899 (-19.6%) Deer Leslie Pleasant County Dist. 58 Dist. 80 !Combs Saint Paul ! ! Lake Dist. 81 ! Grove !Cord 2020 Population - House Pettigrew ! 25 ! John Payton UV Cash City 61 ! UV Evansville ! Brandt Smith ! Charlene Fite 226 Bruce Coleman Marcella UV Mississippi Luxora 23 ! ! 233 Caraway ! UV -1,588 (-5.3%) UV ! 3,979 (13.2%) County 1,843 (6.1%) -714 (-2.4%) UV106 ! Total Population Target = 30,115 !Witts Springs Batesville !Bay Craighead ! Dennard Sulphur Rock !Etowah Dist. 82 ! County Desha !Tuckerman ! ! UV71 Dist. 63 63 UV119 Osceola ! >27104 (>10% Below Target) Mark Berry Pelsor Tilly ¤£ ! ! 59 Locust Grove 367 !West Ridge UV Stu Smith ! UV !Keiser !Newark !Rivervale !Prim ! Magness -2,110 (-7%) Oark ! Chester ! Trumann ! 784 (2.6%) 27,105 - 28,609 (>5% Below Target) ! Dist. 52 !Concord Grubbs Rosie ! UV140 !Shirley !Natural Dam ! Diaz Driver ! 18 980 Dwight Tosh ! Ozone UV !Lepanto ! !Oil Trough UV !Mountainburg Drasco Jacksonport ! ! 28,610 - 29,814 (>1% Below Target) -552 (-1.8%) !Dyess Dist. 68 ! 55 7 Fairfield Bay 384 UV ! Edgemont «¬ ¨¦§ ! Newport Wilson Van Buren Cleburne Poinsett ! Uniontown Crawford Dist. 69 !Floral ! Stan Berry Ida !Harrisburg County ! Thida 17 !Waldenburg 29,815 - 30,416 (within 1% of Target) County County Pleasant ! UV Amagon 14 County !Cedarville ! UV Aaron Pilkington -553 (-1.8%) Clinton !Plains !Bassett ! !Higden Tumbling ! Marked Tree !Shoals Jackson 49 !Joiner Rudy -921 (-3.1%) UV 1 ! Choctaw «¬ 30,417 - 31,620 (>1% Above Target) !Scotland ! County Hagarville UV210 Johnson ! Tyronza Franklin !Wilburn ! Frenchmans ! !Fisher !Mulberry Heber Springs Bayou Dyer County County 65 ! !Alma ! «¬ 110 ! UV Ozark 31,621 - 33,126 (>5% Above Target) !Clarksville !Hector Bee Branch! !Altus 103 Pope Van Buren !Lamar Beedeville !Gilmore ! !Cecil Coal Hill «¬ ! 162 ! Hartman 16 >33127 (>10% Above Target) UV ! Dist. 66 Pangburn ! County UV ! !Alix Cleveland Cherry Valley 64 ! Bradford Hickory Ridge ! «¬ ! ! Jerusalem Josh Miller !Turrell Dover ! ! Dist. 47 Variance derived from the U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 Decennial Census. ! Knoxville ! Fort Smith ! -1,453 (-4.8%) !Center Ridge Dist. 50 Damascus !Russell Craig Christiansen ! !Letona !Scranton 109 -2,955 (-9.8%) Milton Nicks, Jr. 59 UV71 !Lavaca Clarkedale UV Vanndale ! UV ! London ! ! 540 ! 9 White Dist. 80 255 UV Rose Bud Bald Knob -5,412 (-18%) ¨¦§ «¬ Guy ! 271 Barling ! Cross Branch ! County 67 «¬ ! Ratcliff ¤£ Charlene Fite !Charleston Dist. 71 County Earle !Paris !Subiaco Augusta ! 22 !New Blaine Hattieville ! Par!kin UV Delaware ! Dist. 79 UV253 ! Dist. 44 Judsonia Joe C! loud ! 1,843 (6.1%) 64 Springfield ! ! Dist. 81 Sebastian «¬ Conway ! Patterson Gary Deffenbaugh ! 64 40 !Pottsville Cameron Cooper Mc Crory UV Crawfordsville! Logan County !Solgohachia Dist. 46 ¨¦§ County 224 (0.7%) !Atkins ! 36 ! Bruce Coleman UV Crittenden !Marion !Kensett 284 -694 (-2.3%) County 3,053 (10.1%) UV Wynne Dardanelle ! ! Les Eaves County 118 64 Crawford ! ! West Point UV 77 UV -714 (-2.4%) Greenwood Dist. 65 Dist. 67 Mount Vernon ! UV «¬59 County ! Woodruff ! -1,169 (-3.9%) !Hackett Enola Dist. 74 Rick Beck Stephen Meeks ! County UV255 UV162 ! Dist. 51 64 Gregory 218 70 ¬ 10 ! «¬ «¬ « UV Jon Eubanks -2,217 (-7.4%! ) 2,391 (7.9%) ! 5 Heth 59 ! UV ! Deborah Ferguson Dist. 78 UV !Menifee ! Colt Booneville Morrilton ! ! -2,136 (-7.1%) Griffithville ! Dist. 45 ! !-1,996 (-6.6%) Jay Richardson Blue Mountain Centerville Faulkner El Paso ! !Havana ! 154 Dist. 72 ! 11 St. Francis Midland UV UV ! County 64 Dist. 49 Proctor -1,743 (-5.8%) Belleville «¬ Jim Wooten County ! ! ! ! Steph!en Magie Vilonia Huntington ! 64 ! 147 «¬ Mansfield -1,376 (-4.6%) Hunter Steve Hollowell UV ! Dist. 73 404 (1.3%) ! 255 Da! nville UV 540 !Perry -4,586 (-15.2%) Widener ¨¦§ ! 50 Mary Bentley !Adona !Ward UV !Hartford ! Dist. 70 ! ! Forrest City Casa 60 Houston ! Madison ! 10 UV Dist. 77 UV ! -3,642 (-12.1%) Spencer Hawks Hickory Cotton Plant 334 Dist. 75 Perryville Austin! UV 22 Yell ! Bigelow ! Plains «¬ Plainview Dist. 40 ! Palestine Justin Boyd County ! 38 Des Arc ! 3,054 (10.1%) Cabot UV ! Hughes Lee Johnson ! ! 59 David Ray 31 -232 (-0.8%) UV Mayflower ! UV Goodwin -1,265 (-4.2%) Rover ! 255 ! Perry 621 (2.1%) «¬ County Little Rock !Wheatley Dist. 76 Air Force Haynes 271 Bluffton Dist. 43 ! «¬ 22 ! Roland Brinkley Cindy Crawford ! UV !Waldron ! Ba!se Prairie Gravelly ! Brian Evans County ! 71 70 271 «¬ 545 (1.8%) Scott Jac! ksonville «¬ Dist. 48 ¤£ Sebastian County ! Maumelle 1,209 (4%) ! County 107 294 Reginald Murdock Dist. 21 161 UV Biscoe «¬ UV ! 100 67 «¬ !¤£ Moro 300 ! -5,782 (-19.2%) Park!s 365 89 Marcus Richmond UV «¬ Sherwood UV 40 ! !Boles 440 Lonoke ¨¦§ !Carlisle ! 243 ! Dist. 22 ! Dist. 21 -2,815 (-9.3%) North ¤£ UV Marianna UV27 ! Little Rock Dist. 13 Richard McGrew Little Rock ! Marcus Richmond ! Lonoke Lee 7 Pulaski 440 David Hillman !Monroe «¬ County !Aubrey 1,312 (4.4%) County 430 630 ¨¦§ County -2,815 (-9.3%) ¨¦§ ¨¦§ College -3,288 (-10.9%) Station ! Scott Jessieville 30 ! !Clarendon Story ! 79 Fort Smith Area ! ¨¦§ Sweet Home «¬ «¬270 ! 298 !La Grange Hot Springs UV Monroe !Sims 338 63 !Village Mabelvale ! «¬ UV County Roe Dist. 93 62 Dist. 23 ! «¬ ! Saline ! Oden Pencil Bluff ! County Alexander !Lexa Dist. 92 Jim Dotson ! Lanny Fite Bryant !Holly Grove Wrightsville !Keo Dist. 95 30 ! 49 88 «¬ 367 Dist. 14 «¬ Gayla Hendren McKenzie 13,538 (45%) UV ! 5 UV Ulm Mena UV 6,355 (21.1%) ! ! Marvell 185 Austin McCollum !Mountain Pine ! ! UV West Helena Benton Roger Lynch ! ! 4,495 (14.9%) !Mount Ida Bauxite Poplar Grove Barton 72 ! UV Garland ! 72 4,931 (16.4%) En! gland Helena 70 Lonsdale Dist. 27 ! 242 UV Board Camp ! ! UV ! County «¬ -1,010 (-3.4%) Casscoe 102 Montgomery Woodson ! 102 UV 94 «¬71 «¬270 Dist. 25 Dist. 28 ! Coy UV 102 UV !Stuttgart ¬ County Royal Julie Mayberry 20 « ! ! Hensley «¬ 62 ! Dist. 94 UV Les Warren Tony Furman UV12 !Hatfield Turner Phillips Polk 2,931 (9.7%) ! 59 Dist. 20 130 Oneida UV UV12 County Dist. 24 15 «¬ County ! John Carr -839 (-2.8%) 86 (0.3%) UV Crocketts John Maddox 88 ! Dist. 96 8 !Norman Bluff UV UV Traskwood Redfield Tucker ! 2,436 (8.1%) Cove Bruce Cozart 128 ! ! 112 ! UV Jones Mill Wright 1 Benton UV 94 ! ! «¬ UV -3,677 (-12.2%) ! 530 Humphrey Joshua Bryant 744 (2.5%) ¨¦§ ! «¬165 County !Almyra 71 Wabash Dist. 91 ¬ Caddo Gap UV35 ! « 2,009 (6.7%) ! 540 Vandervoort Sherrill !Saint Charles ¨¦§ ! Bonnerdale ! ! !Jefferson Delia Haak 84 UV ! Malvern !Wabbaseka Lambrook 13,528 (44.9%) Dist. 26 Hot Spring ! County UV264 ! !Elaine Glenwood Poyen! Dist. 15 ! Altheimer Langley Rick McClure !Wickes ! Bismarck ! ! Jefferson Sheridan De Witt Dist. 90 270 ! ! Ethel Ken Bragg «¬ County ! Umpire -536 (-1.8%) 88 ! Dist. 17 UV Dist. 12 Kendon Underwood UV264 -611 (-2%) Arkansas !Amity Grant ! 276 County 13,750 (45.7%) Grannis !Kirby County Vivian Flowers UV David Tollett ! Dist. 87 Donaldson Dist. 16 ! Newhope 70 ! ! UV -7,811 (-25.9%) Mellwood Friendship -6,889 (-22.9%! ) ! Pike 167 Pine Bluff Kenneth B. Ferguson Robin Dist. 89 «¬ 412 County «¬ Dist. 88 UV54 -2,579 (-8.6%) UV11 Lundstrum Megan Godfrey «¬412 !Gillham !Leola ! Clint Penzo 9 Reydell 7,005 (23.3%) 3,589 (11.9%) UV !Moscow !Crumrod Dist.
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    st 91Arkansas General PROVIDED BY: ARKANSAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE Assembly P.O. BOX 38 NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72115 301 WEST SECOND STREET NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 72114 501-374-3484 WWW.ARML.ORG Facebook.com/Arkansas.Municipal.League Twitter @ARMuniLeague Linkedin Arkansas Municipal League Instagram armunileague Youtube.com/user/ARMunicipalLeague Flickr.com/photos/arkansas_municipal_league Legislative Directory www.greatcitiesgreatstate.com (microsite) 2017-2018 SECOND CLASS CITIES ADVISORY COUNCIL: Mayor Darrell Kirby, Bay, Arkansas Municipal League Officers Chair; Mayor Veronica Post, Altus; Alderman Larry Hall, Bay; Mayor Ronnie Mayor Harry Brown, Stephens .......................................... President Guthrie, Calico Rock; Mayor Barry Riley, Caraway; Alderman Richard Hawkins Mayor Doug Sprouse, Springdale ........................First Vice President II, Cave City; Mayor Phillip Moudy, Danville; Mayor Jeff Braim, Gassville; Alderman Gary Khoury, Greers Ferry; Recorder/Treasurer Mary Ruth Wiles, Mayor Jimmy Williams, Marianna ................Vice President, District 1 Highland; Alderman John Grochowski, Horseshoe Bend; Mayor Buddy Blue, Mayor Jill Dabbs, Bryant ..............................Vice President, District 2 Little Flock; Mayor Steve Dixon, Marmaduke; Mayor Terrie Triplet, McNeil; Vice Mayor Kevin Settle, Fort Smith ..............Vice President, District 3 Mayor Jim Crotty, Norphlet; Recorder/Treasurer Dane Fults, Redfield; Mayor Mayor Gary Baxter, Mulberry .....................Vice President, District 4 Bobby Neal and Recorder/Treasurer
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