Hotwells and Cliftonwood Community Association – Newsletter August 2021

Dear Neighbour

Welcome to the Bulletin for August 2021.

Even though Covid-19 restrictions have now been lifted, it has been encouraging to see most people continuing to wear masks and follow social-distancing norms. Daily case numbers are currently in decline, but the pandemic isn't behind us. After what has been a bleak year, no one should be holding back on summer activities. At the same time, we need to ensure that we are protecting those who are most vulnerable.

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Should you wish to raise any local issues/matters of interest, we can always be contacted at the following: [email protected] or leave a message on 01179 291 833.

If there is anything you have written and would like to add to the next Bulletin – please send it to this email [email protected]

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In this issue: 1. New Chair of the HCCA...... 4 2. Downs for People ...... 4 3. Cumberland Basin/Western Harbour ...... 4 4. Graffiti Cleaning...... 5 5. The Piazza ...... 6 6. Swimming in Harbour ...... 10 7. New Transport Cabinet Member in Bristol ...... 10 8. Parklet Plotter ...... 10 9. High Street Explorations: Historic ...... 11 10. Clifton Hill Wild Meadow ...... 12 11. Goldney Garden Open Day ...... 12 12. Holy Trinity Church ...... 13 13. Voter Registration Forms ...... 13 14. Bristol City Council’s COVID-19 Update ...... 13

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1. New Chair of the HCCA.

Dennis is retiring from HCCA after 18+ years and now nearly 15 of those as Chairman. Your Committee has not yet found someone to take this position and is therefore asking you to consider whether this is a role that you could undertake or, if not, whether you know anyone who might be encouraged to take on this role.

Many of you will know that the HCCA is here to ‘promote the benefit of all people who live and work in the area of and Cliftonwood and its neighbourhood.’ These are exciting times to be living here, with new opportunities arising from the Western Harbour Scheme which will have a large impact on the local community. There are also so many brilliant things happening now in this wonderful community that we want to sustain and support - the Piazza, extending our volunteer activities, supporting local initiatives and communities.

So, we are looking for an enthusiast who can help develop a friendly and supportive committee concerned for the welfare of their neighbourhood. Further details can be found on our website here.

If you should be interested, please send an ‘Expression of Interest’ to [email protected]. This should contain your basic information and a brief statement relating to your interest.

2. Downs for People

Some of you will have been following this story which, as we reported in June, had resulted in an out of court settlement. Knowing that this will cost the City a considerable sum of money we are pleased to hear via our Councillor, Paula O’Rourke, who is a member of the Downs Committee, that the Terms of Reference of the Committee are under review. More information can be found here under the link to the Terms of Reference.

3. Cumberland Basin/Western Harbour

Just after our last bulletin we learned that the Engagement Consultants are ‘Turner Works’. More information can be found here. The Engagement team are busily getting briefed and recruiting some local expertise to assist with their work. The desire is to create a vision for the area which can inform any master-planning which would follow. To do this we understand that their starting point will be to look back, gather history, use memories etc., before understanding the present and how it impacts on people, the culture, the economy and so forth, and then using all this to try and build a vision for the future.

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Image Source: Bristol City Council

This will be a huge task and we are committed to trying to assist in that to try and maximise benefit and advantage for the future and minimise mistakes and regrets. We will be encouraging everyone to help in this process as much as they can. We hope we might have our first meeting around end of August/early September.

4. Graffiti Cleaning

HCCA has helped a group of local volunteers to set up a street cleaning team to remove and paint over graffiti on street furniture. They have received good training from a Project Development Officer in the Council’s Neighbourhood Services team on how to safely use the cleaning equipment and the idea is to help support Bristol City Council in addressing graffiti in our local community. Their work is currently concentrating on street signs, parking meters, utility boxes and lamp posts etc. but as they get more experienced it will hopefully extend to painting over tagging which can't easily be removed by chemicals.

You might see them hanging around street corners wearing high vis HCCA vests so please say hello.

If you would like to find out more or wish to join the group in cleaning up our streets then please contact [email protected].

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A new "3D" mural on North Street

Image Source:

5. The Piazza

Summer Activities for Families

Mhairi Stuart is running workshops again this year for the well-being of local families. She will be making clay pendants with all comers on 7th & 8th August 2-4pm. The activities are FREE and there's no need to book. On day-one we will cut clay and let it dry overnight. On day-two people can paint and hang their ornaments adding positive messages if they like. We will have some pre-made in case people can't make both sessions.

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On 18th & 19th August, Anna will be joining Mhairi and we'll add gardening activities in the mix. Weather permitting (if it's not too hot and dry) we will be planting a mattress to make a 'flower bed'. If this experiment is successful, we'll try and grow food next year as they are using mattresses in arid countries for this purpose. We'll also be inviting more 'colouring in' of our protesters that we pasted up during the festival.

Hotwells Community Well-Being Festival

‘Come Rain Come Shine’ took place in a blistering 30-degree heat, but the flyover provided shade and the gentle breeze kept everyone cool enough to enjoy a lovely, relaxed day. It really inspired us to see what is possible for future events and many people would like to see an annual community festival. We'd like to thank all the amazing locals who made it happen including Johnny from PYTCH who generously provided an amazing solar powered sound system and skilled technicians, Chris of ‘Move More Fitness’, Faruk & Shilpi of ‘Chai Shai Kitchen’, Alison from ‘A & Ks Playground’, Kat and Leo of ‘Gokin Bakes’, Bob Walton who got us all writing poetry, Joanna with her clay workshops, ‘Recession Gill’ and her marvellous models, our wonderful band ‘Blind Justice Page’, The Clean Air Alliance’, Dan from ‘The Brick Project’ with his mobile mandala and all the other artist facilitators and volunteers who made the event possible - Anna, Amy, Mhairi, Tim, Lauren, Gayle, Carol, Caroline, Chis, Damian and Paul. We estimate that nearly 500 people joined us through the day.

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Hotwells Community Well-Being Festival

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Sights from the Festival

Picture Credits: Anna Haydock-Wilson

Skate Ramps

Our new skate ramps have been installed. These represent £800 of donations from local people and a further £2k of time and skills from Anna, Badger (the designer) and ‘Madam 2 Saws’, who built them. They seem to be getting a lot of use, but we would like to make sure that locals are not disturbed by increased noise so we're asking for donations of foam so we can properly sound proof the ramps. If you have old, unused foam in your loft, shed or garage, please get in touch at [email protected]. We are still receiving donations and are hoping to build more ramps once the price of birch ply falls.

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We've had some more tagging recently and will restore artworks to their former glory over the summer. We're considering crowd funding to pay artists for their tireless work in keeping the piazza free of unimaginative tagging. Is this a good idea? Please be aware that the Council will only ever paint over obscene tagging with rectangles of paint. Let us know at [email protected].

6. Swimming in

A few months ago, we had shared news about a few locals keen on swimming in the harbour. #SwimBristolHarbour is a new campaign by these passionate locals, to present a safe, accessible open water swimming venue for the people of Bristol. We have an incredible body of water in the middle of our city. They want to start the conversation about this becoming an accessible amenity for the people of Bristol to use for physical health & mental health. You can visit to find out more.

7. New Transport Cabinet Member in Bristol

Bristol has a new Cabinet Member to lead on delivering a better connected, sustainable transport network. Councillor Don Alexander, Labour Ward Councillor for and Lawrence Weston, will take up the role of Cabinet Member for Transport immediately.

Cllr Alexander will lead on delivering the Mayor’s vision for the City’s transport network, working closely with partners such as the One City Transport Board, First Bus, Network Rail and many others to do so. Major areas of work will include supporting the development of a regional plan for a mass transit system, overseeing a £1.783m investment in post-COVID-19 walking and cycling upgrades and supporting the decarbonising of the city’s transport systems.

8. Parklet Plotter

In the UK, one-third of carbon emissions come from transport, and private cars are the biggest contributor. Not only do we need to drastically reduce our car use to reach climate targets, but our aim of fewer cars on the road will help people live healthier lives too.

Last week as part of their Car Free Cities campaign, Possible launched Parklet Plotter. Highlighting the lack of green space in certain areas and with a focus on space equity, the plotter is a map which shows levels of access to green space, car ownership and deprivation.

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You can use the new parklet plotter, compare data and find the ideal location for a parklet here. Further details can be found on their website and Facebook page.

Screengrab from Parklet Plotter

Image Source:

9. High Street Explorations: Historic England

This project, commissioned by Historic England, is a collaboration between artists Katy Hawkins and Ellie Shipman. The artists have been having conversations with communities in Bedford and Keynsham to create High Street Exploration Cards prompting local exploration, reflection and discussion of each High Street alongside maps of each area featuring local icons.

The High Street Exploration Cards are applicable to the exploration of any High Street and intended to prompt reflection and new conversations about local perspectives on High Streets. If you would like a pack or bespoke workshop please get in touch with Katy Hawkins at [email protected].

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Keynsham High Street Illustration

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10. Clifton Hill Wild Meadow

Should Clifton Hill become a wildflower meadow? Have your say! West Bristol Climate Action have created a management plan for the grassy slope on Clifton Hill below St Andrew's churchyard to turn it into a wildflower meadow. They'll be putting it forward to the council and would like the views of the public. See the proposal here and have your say here.

11. Goldney Garden Open Day

The previous two open days at Goldney Garden in July were a sell-out success with people attending despite the mixed weather on the day which is encouraging news. There were new visitors and many return visitors who had so many complimentary things to say about the garden including the fact that they thought it was better maintained than 20 years ago when they had come on their last visit!

Goldney Gardens have one more day planned this Summer on the 22nd August here is the link on Eventbrite.

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12. Holy Trinity Church

The following is an update from the Church:

“We are now gathering in person for Sunday Worship at 10:30am on the first and third Sundays of the month. After the last 18 months we are really appreciating what it means to connect with other people in this way and extend an invite to anyone living locally who would like to come along to see for yourselves. We have continued to support our local lunch club community and others who are feeling lonely or isolated through doorstep visits, food deliveries, telephone befriending, group quiz calls and a few outdoor gatherings in the church garden, whatever the weather! We are preparing to return to a weekly Thursday lunch club from the beginning of September and we would welcome newcomers. We also welcome enquiries from any local groups who might be interested in using our church hall or meeting rooms as community groups return to meeting in person. If you would like to know more about attending or volunteering or making a room booking please see our website or contact us via [email protected]."

13. Voter Registration Forms

Bristol’s annual canvass process to update registered elector details begins this week. As part of the annual canvass process, households in Bristol who have provided an email address when registering to vote will receive an email reminding them that the process has started and to expect a form in the post.

A paper form will then be posted containing a list of each household’s current registered electors.

Residents should check the form they receive in the post to see if a response is required.

Residents can register to vote online at For more information about the annual canvass and the process please visit or contact Electoral Services directly at [email protected].

14. Bristol City Council’s COVID-19 Update

Bristol’s current rate of infection remains high even though it is now 433 cases per 100,000 population. There have been 2,006 new cases in the last seven days. This is higher than England’s infection rate of 297 cases per 100,000 population. A total

HCCA Newsletter – August 2021 Page 13 of 14 of 318,722 (73 per cent) of adult Bristol residents, aged over 16, have had at least one vaccine dose.

Whilst the rate of infection in both Clifton and Hotwells seems a good deal lower than Bristol’s rate we have no reason to be complacent. The recent fall in case numbers in England is no guarantee that this is over. Please get vaccinated if you have not already done so, and please continue to take all appropriate precautions to help yourself and others in our community. Further details can be found on the Bristol City Council website here.

Two community testing vans have hit the streets of Bristol from 2nd August to make testing more accessible for residents and increase uptake. The vans will be visiting specific areas in south, north, and central Bristol. You can find the times and locations of the vans here.

Community Testing Van

Image Source: Bristol City Council

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