Sacco & Vanzetti Webquest

Name: Date: Core:

Using the sources provided at, answer the following questions using complete sentences.

1) What crime were accused of committing?

2) How much money was stolen in the crime?

3) Although witnesses could not identify the criminals with clarity, they did identify the getaway vehicle. What type of vehicle was used, and how did the criminals insure that no one followed?

A) Nicola Sacco E) Fred Moore B) Bartolomeo Vanzetti F) Jeremiah and Thomas McAnarney C) Judge Webster Thayer G) Frederick Katzmann D) Mario Buda H) Celestino Madeiros

______4) presided over the Sacco & Vanzetti case ______5) attorney for Vanzetti ______6) read and wrote for Cronaca Sovversiva, an anarchist newspaper ______7) confessed to the crime for which Sacco & Vanzetti were on trial; claimed that the pair were not involved in the crime ______8) prosecutor against Sacco & Vanzetti ______9) attorney for Sacco; though he was later replaced ______10) detonated a bomb in protest of the Sacco & Vanzetti trial ______11) became an anarchist after reading political philosophy books

12) What did Sacco declare as he was strapped to the electric chair? A) I’m weary of waiting seven years to die, when they know all the time they intend to kill us. B) The blood of martyrs is the seed of liberty. C) Long live anarchy. D) I wish to tell you that I am innocent, and that I never committed any crime but sometimes some sin.

Sacco & Vanzetti Webquest

13) Prior to his death, who did Vanzetti forgive?

14) After the executions, what happened in the streets of ? Be specific. Use quotes from the source if necessary.

15) What evidence was presented against Sacco & Vanzetti?

16) Read over the evidence presented in Source 4. If you were on the jury, would you have said the pair were guilty based on the evidence presented? Why or why not? Support your answer using the source!

17) Based on the lyrics of Woody Guthrie’s song “Two Good Men,” does Guthrie side for or against Sacco & Vanzetti? Give an example of Guthrie’s lyrics that indicate his support or opposition.