Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon ’ s The Country Christian Celebrating 175 Years of God’s Faithfulness ~ 1844 - 2019 Yesterday ~ Today ~ Forever

Rev. David M. Phillips

“Where in the world did the Summer months go?” That is a question I have repeatedly asked myself since early August. It is a question I have heard from a lot of people. Usually, after the end of the school year, things begin to “slow down” a little. There are, obviously, no confirmation classes. Bible studies and many other activities break for the summer. And while this was the case this summer as well, things didn’t really slow down. Much of our focus has been on the 175th celebrations, particularly on the major weekend celebration on July 20th and 21st. We were blessed to have the Rev. Dr. David Wendel with us. One of the most important activities this Summer was the NALC Theological Conference and Convocation in Indianapo- lis in early August. (Wes Kehl has submitted a report that is in this newsletter.) Perhaps the major focus of the Convocation was the election of our new Bishop. There were 12 nominees presented in the printed material as well as 2 nominations that were made from the floor. The final ballot (number 4) was taken on Friday. The most important thing we did throughout the elec- tion process was to pray. Before each ballot, Bishop Bradosky asked the Convocation Chaplain to lead us in prayer. We were constantly seeking the leading of the Holy Spirit, as you have been reading in the Sunday bulletins for months, to choose the person He desired. As in every process of this kind, there are bound to be disappointments, especially with some of the other candidates. But I believe, and I hope the many other brothers and sisters in Christ also believe, that God’s will was done. The Bishop is the public face of the NALC. According to the NALC Constitution,

The Bishop carries out a pastoral ministry within the church, serving as pastor for the pastors and congregations of the NALC. The Bishop preaches the Gospel, forgives sins, administers the Sacraments and judges doctrine (Augsburg Confes- sion XXVIII). The Bishop carries out a ministry of visitation throughout the church, is a defender of the faith, and pro- motes the mission of the church.

One of the central tasks of the office of Bishop is to proclaim and uphold the doctrines and teachings of the NALC. Each convocation we are reminded of our four core values. We see them every time we come into our sanctuary. We (the NALC) are:

Christ-Centered: We confess the apostolic faith in Jesus Christ according to the Holy Scriptures. We affirm the authority of the Scriptures as the authoritative source and norm, “according to which all doctrines should and must be judged” (Formula of Con- cord). We accept the ecumenical creeds and the Lutheran Confessions as true witnesses to the Word of God.

Mission-Driven: We believe that the mission of the Church is to preach the Gospel and to make disciples for Christ. We believe that making disciples — in our congregations, in our communities and nations, and around the world — must be a priority of the Church in the present age.

Traditionally-Grounded: We affirm the ecumenical creeds and the faithful witness of the Church across time and space. We endorse the form and practices of the universal Church that are consistent with Scripture, particularly the office of the ministry and the tradition of worship under Word and Sacrament. We seek dialogue and fellowship with other Lutheran churches and with faithful Christians of other confessions.

Congregationally-Focused: We strive to be a church body that is organized to facilitate the ministries of local congregations in a posture of servanthood and a spirit of partnership, through the provision of resources, connections and information.

We must never stray from our commitment to the Good News of Jesus Christ and the authority of Scripture. These are emphases that I make constantly during my confirmation classes. I want confirmands to know the Scriptures, to know what we believe and teach, and, most of all, to love and follow Jesus. Let’s continue to devote ourselves to worship, prayer, missions, and fellowship, to the glory and honor of Almighty God.

Blessings and Peace! Pastor Phillips

The Country Christian Page 1 September 2019 Edition Mike’s Message “Leadership” Welcome back to Mike's Message. I hope everyone enjoyed and found something worthwhile in the August message. My hope is for this message to be meaningful. I did hear a couple comments on last month's message. I am more than happy to receive feed- back from one and all! Just glad to know somebody is noticing! Thanks for that.

The NALC Convocation was held recently in , . (I look forward to attending a future Convocation.) The Convoca- tion elected the Rev. Dan Selbo as our next bishop. Bishop-Elect Selbo was installed during the closing worship of the Convocation with his four-year term beginning October 1st.

Please join with me in wishing Bishop a very blessed and deserved retirement. The Thursday night banquet honored him for his service. I wonder if he has a “honey do” list waiting for him?! This change in Bishops, and a couple other events, lead me to this month's message. Pastor Phillips' 35 years in the ministry is another mile stone for us to acknowledge and celebrate.

I have had some type of leadership my entire life. First, my parents and older siblings. Next, some of my neighborhood parents. Grade school came along and I had all kinds of new people to “lead” me around. The principal, teachers, other parents, and older classmates. Having gone to a parochial grade school I also had priests added to the mix! Then came High school, you get the message. People telling us what to do, or directing us all the time. Leadership is all around everyone of us, to varying degrees. We truly need leadership in our life.

The lack of leadership also has quite the effect. We can all recall numerous examples and various situations when things would have gone much better with the appropriate leadership. True leaders, I hope, will al- ways accept constructive comments. Communication is vital for the more effective leaders. I have seen both sides to that coin! Think about it.....right?

Where do you get your leadership? Pastor, spouse, employer, neighbor, co-workers, siblings, friends, church family, children? I am sure there are some I'm forgetting. My favorite leadership comes from “His Word.” I am new to reading and studying The Bible. Thanks to a number of friends, church members, Pas- tor, and most of all “Our Father thru The Spirit,” I will continue to gain a further understanding of how to live a more “Christ like” life. We can support each others walk of Faith if we ask “Him” for leadership. What do think?

Some notes of interest:

A committee has been formed to update our church's Constitution and By-laws. The members will be, Pas- tor Phillips, Kay Zehms, Russ Tietz, Mike Uecker, and yours truly. I am looking forward to this task. Thank all of you in advance for all your hard work and patience.

The picture taken of the congregation in front of the church was displayed at the Convocation! Awesome!

Sincerely, Mike

The Country Christian Page 2 September 2019 Edition On Monday, August 5th, Judy and I along with Pastor and Jessie traveled to Indianapolis to attend the NALC Convocation. Greg Douthwaite met us there. Greg and I represented our church as voting del- egates.

The event had over 800 people come together representing the now 433 churches belonging to the NALC church body. The church is continuing to grow, as other churches are in the process of joining in fellowship with the NALC ( North American Lutheran Church).

Not only did we hear how the NALC is doing as a whole, but we came together for the very important task of electing a new bishop to represent us for the next 4 years. Our present bishop, Bishop John Bradosky, is retiring and was not seeking re-election. After the 4th ballot Rev. Dan Selbo was elected to be the new bishop, beginning in October. He was installed at the worship service at the end of the convocation. (See next page for more information)

The event was filled with 4 days of worship as the theme was the work of the Holy Spirit. There were a number of speakers representing different countries including the African countries of Ethiopia and Tansania, as well as 2 speakers from Germany. There were also numerous speakers from here in the United States.

I had a chance to speak personally to the 2 German church leaders as well as the representative from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod who was also in attendance. He has personally been involved with meetings with Bishop Bradosky and others over the years to find commonality between the two church bodies. I also had a chance to visit at length with Pastor Heidi Hundt, who was commissioned by laying of hands to be a missionary in Haiti.

Our church, Immanuel of Lebanon, was shown on the large screens for all to see for celebrating our 175th anniversary this year, with the picture Wally took of us on the front steps of the church. Pastor was also recognized for his 35 years of ministry. He received a certificate as well as the church receiving one.

Both Judy and I were very proud to represent Immanuel of Lebanon.

Blessings, Wes and Judy Kehl The Country Christian Page 3 September 2019 Edition Recap of the 2019 Convocation - August 5th - 9th, 2019

The Country Christian Page 4 September 2019 Edition Immanuel Lutheran Church Council Minutes — August 15, 2019 Attendance: Pastor Phillips, Mike Coughlin, Russ Tietz, Shandra Zastrow, Patty Schwefel, Lynn Uttech, Mike Uecker, Sue Rhodes, Roger Zehms, Jessica Lenz, Wayne Zastrow, Lori Schwenkner

Opening Prayer by Pastor Phillips.

President Mike Coughlin opened the meeting and requested any additions or corrections to the July 18, 2019 minutes. A Motion was made by Sue Rhodes to accept the minutes, seconded by Shandra Zastrow. Motion passed.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor will be on vacation on Sunday, August 18, Greg Douthwaite will be presiding at Sunday service. Jacob and Claire Maas and their sons Christian and Barrett will become members in Sep- tember. Lillian Faith Bohn, daughter of Marisa and Aaron will be baptized in the next few weeks. Pastor reviewed a letter he recently received in response to the 175th Service and the sermon by Rev. Dr. David Wendel. The writer of the letter, who was not here for the 175th weekend, responding to a “report” by a cousin who was here, expressed her dislike for the NALC. She wanted to know if she could “use the church for her funeral and bring in [a different] pastor for her service, so she can be buried in Pilgrim’s Rest ceme- tery.” Pastor shared an initial draft of a letter he was preparing to send to her, and asked for the Council’s thoughts. During discussion, it was noted that there are several nearby churches of her synod available for her funeral. A Motion was made by Shandra Zastrow, seconded by Mike Uecker, supporting Pastor, that her request was not appropriate. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Shandra Zastrow presented the July financial report. July had four Sundays, giving has been down. July finished with a negative balance of ($6,773.11). Total income equaled $27,823.25 mi- nus June expenses of $29,672.36 less the Designated Purpose Funds of $4,924.00. The checkbook has a bal- ance of $1,921.72. $15,000 was borrowed from the Memorial Savings Account to cover expenses. A Mo- tion to accept the financial report as presented was made by Roger Zehms seconded by Lynn Uttech. Motion passed.

LLS/ECC Report: School registration was held 2 weeks ago. All Immanuel families are back and a new family is joining. The End of Summer Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, August 25th. All are invited to attend. Arrive at LLS Immanuel Campus at 8:20am with backpacks. Parade starts at 8:30am. Worship service be- gins at 9:00am and the End of Summer Picnic starts at 11:00am The parade is in celebration of our 175th Anniversary, this is a tradition that was done in the past. The service will include the blessing of the back- packs, teacher recognition, and new Bibles for Immanuel 3rd graders.

President’s Report: Mike Coughlin asked for volunteers to update the Constitution and Bylaws. The com- mittee will consist of Mike Coughlin, Pastor, Kay Zehms, Russ Tietz and Mike Uecker.

Committee Reports: Stewardship & Finance: Mike Uecker stated that the committee will be putting ideas together to shore up the shortage/fundraiser ideas to get us on track financially. The cost of books for this year’s confirmation class (21 students) will be close to $500, not enough monies was budgeted for this many student. Stewardship & Finance committee is asking if some of the monies can be used from the Gen- eral Memorial Fund as it does fall into the purpose of the Memorial Fund. Sue Rhodes made a Motion to recommend that the shortage to purchase books for the confirmation class come from the Memorial Fund. Seconded by Russ Tietz. Motion passed. Mike Uecker and Sue Rhodes worked on the letter that will be included in the semi-annual statements, these will be handed out on August 25th. A year-end re- port will be included to show the deficit. Hope members review closely and take to heart their giving.

Worship and Music: No report

(Continued on the next page)

The Country Christian Page 5 September 2019 Edition Immanuel Lutheran Church Council Minutes — August 15, 2019

(Continued from the previous page)

Property Committee: Wayne Zastrow reported that the school floor has been painted and the bus exit door will be replaced. The school projects should be complete by the start of classes. The gym floor has been installed, the hallway floor will be installed shortly. Once installed the floor will be cleaned and waxed. Paint touchup on the walls complete this project. The partition for the men’s locker room has been delivered, it needs to be installed. The next project will be the new bathroom in the church.

Christian Education: More volunteers are needed to teach (high school age or older). An announce- ment will be in the newsletter looking for volunteers. Classes will start late September or early October.

Congregational Life: No Report

Outreach Committee: The committee thanks everyone for the support of Relay for Life. The com- mittee made a donation of $100 to the Wall of Hope. Upcoming events include: Blood Bank – Septem- ber 30, Bread and Roses – October 31 and the Christmas Singalong – December 8 (same day as the Can- tata)

Old Business: Jessica Lenz reminded the committee that the CPR / AED class will be held on August 21st at 6:00 pm at the Ashippun Fire Department. Contact Jessica if you are able to attend.

New Business: None

Upcoming 2019 meeting dates –

Thursday, September 19 - 6:30pm Leadership Bible Study, 7:00pm Council Meeting

Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm.

Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Lori Schwenkner, Council Secretary

Photos of installing new officers and committee members during the Annual Meeting on June 23, 2019.

The Country Christian Page 6 September 2019 Edition Immanuel Lutheran Church Annual Meeting Minutes — June 23, 2019 Wes Kehl called the meeting to order.

Pastor Phillips opened the meeting with prayer.

Selection of Ballot Clerks – Mike Uecker and Debbie Fenner were in attendance to serve as ballot clerks.

Wes Kehl asked for approval of the minutes from the January 20, 2019 Semi-Annual Meeting of the Congre- gation and the March 3, 2019 Special Budget Meeting of the Congregation. A Motion to approve the minutes as written was made by Mike Coughlin seconded by Ellward Kuehl. Motion passed.

Committee Reports were included in the Annual Report, Wes Kehl highlighted each report asking if there were any questions. Wes highlighted the following:

1. We have seen an increase in volume of Scrip users, congregation members are encouraged to continue to support this program as funds come back to both the church and the school.

2. Pastor's report included pastoral acts between June 2018-May 2019: 9 people received Holy Baptism, 19 people became members of the congregation and 7 eighth graders received the Rite of Confirmation

In addition, Pastor Phillips noted that Greg and Joanne Douthwaite became members in 2019. Greg is taking courses at the Institution of Lutheran Theology to become a Lay Minister for the NALC. Pastor has been Greg's sponsor/mentor through the program. Greg will begin assisting pastor during service.

3. The Active Member Directory is included in the back of the Annual Report, contact the church office if you have any updates.

4. There was a question on the absence of a report on the Constitution Review Committee – this committee is still active but only on an as needed basis.

New officers will receive a copy of the constitution which will outline their responsibilities for the position which they are elected.

A Motion was made by Don Kuehl to approve the 2019 Annual Report, Bob Sell seconded. Motion passed.

Lebanon Lutheran School – Terry Coughlin, joint school board member, noted that there were two candi- dates for the Spanish teacher. An offer will be made to one of the candidates. The part time teaching posi- tion is ideal for her current family obligations as a caregiver. She also noted that with the addition of the 4K to the school from ECC (which was approved previously by both congregations), the change needs to be re- flected in the Articles of Agreement. The changes would be as follows: Article VI, A: The Joint School Board shall be responsible for the interviewing and selection of candi- dates for faculty and staff of the 4K through eight program and the ECC Director. Article VII Budget, Section B: This consolidated budget shall contain all operational income and expenses for both the ECC program and the 4K through eight program, while keeping each program financially separate. Article VII Budget, Section C: Operational expenses for the 4K through grade eight program including salaries, textbooks, educational equipment, supplies, extracurricular activities, and miscellaneous school expenses shall be apportioned as follows. Article VIII Section A: Both congregations are expected to bear the majority of the cost of the operation of the 4K through grade eight program of the school. Article VIII, Section B: Tuition for the 4K through grade eight program must be reviewed and approved annually by both congregations.

The updated Articles of Agreement will be signed by current chairpersons of both congregations.

A Motion was made by Shandra Zastrow to approve the changes to the Articles of Agreement as presented, seconded by Mike Coughlin. Motion passed. (Continued on the next page)

The Country Christian Page 7 September 2019 Edition Immanuel Lutheran Church Annual Meeting Minutes — June 23, 2019

(Continued from the previous page)

Treasurer's Report – Shandra Zastrow presented the financial report which is part of the Annual Report, she also provided a supplemental condensed financial report outlining the outcome of the 2019 budget year. There were no questions or discussion. A Motion was made by Dick Uttech to approve the 2019 Financial Report, seconded by Don Kuehl. Motion passed. The 2019-2020 Proposed Budget for ILCOL was present- ed and reviewed. The budget includes a 9.2% increase from last year. A Motion to approve the 2019-2020 Proposed Budget was made by Pam Bartee seconded by Delores Strassburg. Motion passed.

Report on building projects approved at 2018 annual meeting - Phase 1 – Elevator – the elevator project is almost complete! An Elevator Expense Sheet compared the original quotes to actual/projected costs. The project originally was quoted at approximately $477,000, final cost of the project came to approximately $403,000. Congregation members and the property committee were thanked for their donation of time and materials helping to keep the project under budg- et. Concrete still needs to be poured around the building addition. This will be completed shortly.

Phase 2 – New Bathroom (church level). Construction on the bathroom will begin after the concrete is complete around the new addition.

The property committee is also working on repairs to the Fellowship Hall floor, tiles are releasing from the glue. The floor (glue) needs to be tested for asbestos. Work needs to be done on the fellowship hall door and a partition in the men's restroom needs to be replaced.

175th Projects and upcoming events for 2019 • Saturday, July 20 - Anniversary Homecoming celebration weekend-Anniversary and Dinner Celebration • Sunday, July 21 – Anniversary Worship Service • Sunday, August 25 – School picnic at Immanuel church. There will be a parade (like in the past) from the school to church and blessing of the backpacks.

Old Business – Wes Kehl thanked committees for their support of special projects over the past year.

New Business – Don Kuehl recognized Shandra Zastrow for her countless hours she put in making sure the financials/budgets are correct. He also recognized Jessica Lenz for the great job she is doing in her ad- ministrative assistant role.

Wes Kuehl was thanked for his six years dedication and service as President of Church Counsel.

Installation of new committee members and new coun- sel members.

Ellward Kuehl made a motion to adjourn the 2019 An- nual Meeting, seconded by Nathan Leis. Motion passed.

Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted, Lori Schwenkner, Secretary

The Country Christian Page 8 September 2019 Edition Donations In Honor/Memory Of (Received thru August 29, 2019)

The Country Christian Page 9 September 2019 Edition Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon Announcements

IN OUR PRAYERS “Pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

Timothy Bratz (Patricia Frank’s son), Brad Bridgham (Dave Bridgham’s brother), Ada Christian, Dylan Coughlin (Mike & Terry Coughlin’s nephew), Harris & Alice Creydt, Diana Lee Fleming, Don Gust (friend of Gail Hoffman’s), Pastor Dan Hel- wig, Glenn Hodson (JoAnn Douthwaite’s son), Helen Key, Dorothy Kleemann, Jeff Lehman, Stanley Meyer, Roy Neitzel (Dorothy Kleeman’s brother), Michael Ohrmundt (Gary & Judy Schwefel’s nephew), Lorraine Ottson (Jackie Bridgham’s mom), Beth & Steve Pugh (Don & Karen Pugh’s son & daughter-in-law), Laura Richardson (Darlene Turke’s granddaugh- ter), Alissa Ropicky (daughter of Steffanie Ropicky), Kirk Ropicky (grandson of Steffanie Ropicky), St. Mark’s in Jefferson, St. Paul’s Sugar Island & Lord of Life in Oconomowoc.

The Homebound: Gladys Baumann, Ollie Christian, Allen Grosenick, Gertrude Grosenick, Lawrence Grosenick, Marion Krempien, Esther Kuehl, Caroline Lillge, Pamela Pieper, and Heidi Strauss.

Those Serving the Military: Emaleigh Berg (Daughter of Keith & Charlene Berg), Bryce Christian (Grandson of Ed & JoAnn Olson), Kyle Coughlin (Son of Mike & Terry Coughlin), Zachary Krueger (Mike & Terry Coughlin’s nephew), Brandon Law- rence (Jessie Phillips’ nephew), Grant Nass (brother of Marisa Bohn), Dyllon Palmer (Helen Key’s grandson), Nathan Peter, Cody Schultz (Son of Teresa Kulke), Aaron Turke (Brother of Allison Batterman), and Justin Zehms (Grandson of Roger & Kay Zehms).

College students, The North American Lutheran Church, Bishop John Bradosky, Bishop-Elect Dan Selbo and our Dean, Craig Nehring, Our Christian brothers and sisters around the world, Our Local Missions, Malawi Orphan Care Project & NALC Disaster Relief ANNOUNCEMENTS Your Help Is Needed: We are still in need of people to fill the Christian Education’s Coffee Hours. Relay for Life has taken some of them but we still have openings. Please contact Jessica in the Church office and let her know if you would be willing to help.

HANDBELL PLAYERS: Looking for at least 7, teens or older to practice and play handbells. Requirements are weekly one hour practices, performances averaging once every 2 to 3 months from September through May. Please contact Lynn Baumann at (920) 285-6464.

The Family of Kyle Kuehl would like to give our church congregation a very sincere thank you from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our first Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser event. Many of you purchased raffle tickets, gave dona- tions, and attended the event which helped make the evening an incredible success. “We appreciate your help in keeping Kyle's memory alive through a wonderful cause.”

Semi-Annual Giving statements will be handed out TODAY for all giving units of the Church.

The Pilgrims Rest Cemetery Association annual meeting will be held on Wednesday September 4th at 7:00pm, in the Church basement. Any questions or concerns; contact Robert Dobbratz, President, at (920) 925-3314.

The Saturday Morning Women's Bible Study will be held on Saturday, September 21st at Two Sisters Cafe beginning at 7:45am. We will begin on page 46 of our workbook, the lesson is: " Day 2: Getting Organized.” For those who don't have a workbook and wanting to attend, please let Judy Kehl know and she will get you a copy, her number is (920) 988-7145. Come and join us for the study as well as great morning fellowship with your sisters in Christ. Two Sisters needs to know approximate numbers, so RSVPs are need by Tuesday, September 17th.

A Lutheran Women’s Retreat: Who am I? Who are we? Join women from across the North American Lutheran Church for a weekend focused on discovering and understanding God’s plan for our lives. Join us for spiritual renewal through Word and Sacrament. The retreat will take place at the Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, Wisconsin on Fri- day, September 20th thru Sunday, September 22nd, 2019. The cost for the retreat is $35 plus lodging and optional meals. If you have any question or would like to attend, please contact Jessie Phillips.

The Country Christian Page 10 September 2019 Edition

Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon N554 County Road R - Watertown, WI 53098 (920) 925-3540 ~ [email protected] ~

Celebrating 175 Years of God’s Faithfulness ~ 1844 - 2019 Yesterday ~ Today ~ Forever

175th Anniversary Order Form Please make sure to print clearly

Contact Info. ______(name)



______(phone number)

I would like to pre-order ______175th Anniversary calendars for $10 each. Please note that a reprint of calendars will only be done if there are sufficient orders. Payment is due upon receipt of calendar.

I would like to purchase ______175th Anniversary Crock for $20 each.

I would like to purchase ______165th Anniversary Cookbook for $5 each.

I would like to purchase ______History Book for $3 each or 2/$5.

I would like to purchase ______History DVD for $10 each. I would like a ______DVD


Total Amount Paid ______I paid with ______cash


Make checks payable to Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon 175th. (ILCOL 175th)

I can also mail this slip along w/payment to Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon.

A partner in the ministry of Lebanon Lutheran School (LLS) & LLS Early Childhood Center The Country Christian Page 12 September 2019 Edition Our August 175th Anniversary Celebration - End of Summer Picnic

The End of Summer Picnic held on Sunday, August 25 was a hit! We had over 200 people attend the wor- ship service, and over 175 people participate in the potluck dinner served in the church basement. The picnic was part of our 175th anniversary celebration, and the annual school picnic normally held at Fire- men’s Park. The LLS school board gave their approv- al for us to hold the event.

The morning began with the children lining up at school and receiving an American Flag to carry. They marched behind a band comprised of local Lebanon band members, orga- nized by Immanuel member Ralph Krueger. Pastor, and an acolyte led the way, with Ward Genz, carrying the American Flag, and Wes Kehl, carrying the Christian Flag. The highway was blocked off and all marched from the school to the church on Hwy R. The parade was a tradition which ended probably in the mid 1980’s. Members watched as they marched into the church parking lot and all went in to prepare for the worship service.

At the service all teachers from our school as well as teachers in the public schools were honored and blessed as they move forward to begin a new school year. The Women of the Church, represented by Karen Kuehl, gave Bibles to all children entering 3rd grade. Then the children were called to come to the front with their backpacks for the children’s sermon and blessing of the backpacks. The Youth Group also gave a little gift to each child.

Following the worship service a meal was served in the church basement. Due to waxing of the floors and adequate drying time the gym floor was not ready to be used, so “Plan B” was implemented. Extra tables were set up in the basement as well as outside, and canopy tents were set up in the parking lot to accommodate the large number of people attending the meal.

Following the meal the outside activities were started. We had a dunk tank where people paid to put our Pastor in the water. He was dunked a few times. There was great anticipation as to who would be the first one to “Hit the Target” and dunk the pastor. Pastor was such a great sport. We can’t thank him enough for all he does for our congregation. After Pastor got out, the kids took over, taking turns to get in. The fun lasted most of the afternoon. We were able to raise $60 for the Lebanon Lutheran PTL.

Bingo was held in the music room of the gym, with Bob and Bev Sell leading that event. Over 20 people participated in the bingo. That brought back memories of when an earlier pastor, Pastor Whittman, used to call the bingo.

John Strieter allowed us to set up his bounce house. There were little ones in it all day, supervised by their parents. One mom said, “my son couldn’t get enough time in it. He loved it.”

We pulled the old doll game out that we have had for years and years. The dolls got quite a work out as there was someone knock- ing them down all day.

The fishing pond was a big hit for the little ones. They were so excited when they “caught” a prize. They couldn’t wait to open the bag to see what was in it, and then ran to mom and dad to show what they had.

The sack races were fun. The kids stepped into their burlap bags and hopped to the finish line as fast as they could to see who would finish first. The winners in each event won a $5.00 Culvers card.

The kick ball game on the playground was well attended and brought fans (moms and dads) out to line up their chairs to watch the older kids play. They played on and on and on and…… You get the picture!!!

The basketball free throw event was held on the basketball court east of the school building. Dads and daughters, moms and sons, teamed up to try their skills. Sue Rhodes kept track of the number of shots made and Culvers cards were given to the top 3 teams.

Arnie Neitzel and Judy Kehl were on their scooters all day going from event to event. They should have held a drag race with Rick Riley - that would have been fun!!

As always, our Administrative Assistant, Jessica Lenz showed her skills by always trying to keep us informed about the picnic. Thank you Jessica. We also want to thank all of those who stayed and helped with the clean up after the 2:00pm ice cream sundae bar was served in the church basement. The 175th Committee thanks all who shared the day with us.

The weather was great (thanks be to God), the food was great and lots of smiles and laughter all day.

The Country Christian Page 13 September 2019 Edition End of Summer Picnic (August 25th, 2019) Photos

The Country Christian Page 14 September 2019 Edition End of Summer Picnic (August 25th, 2019) Photos Continued

The Country Christian Page 15 September 2019 Edition End of Summer Picnic (August 25th, 2019) Photos Continued

The Country Christian Page 16 September 2019 Edition A Special 175th Anniversary Celebration Thank You

The Country Christian Page 17 September 2019 Edition Our September 175th Anniversary Celebration

Come join us for a

Musical Celebration during Worship on Sunday, September 22nd, 2019 at 8:30am

We are honored to have the Zelinski family violinists share their musical talent with us.

Following the Worship service, the 175th Anniversary Committee will be hosting a special Coffee Hour.

This event is part of our monthly 175th Anniversary Celebration series and we would love for you to join us.

More Changes Ahead

Have you been to our new website lately? More changes are happening and I wanted to share them with you as soon as I could. The church basement and gym calendar has been completed and is now located on our website!!!!! No more staying up all night wondering if the gym is available or contacting me after hours to check - you can now check anytime/anywhere! Simply go to our website ( and click on “facilities calendar,” which is located under the “events” tab on the top. With that being said, the green binder in my office has been retired because everything is now online in one location.

Please keep in mind that this calendar is only for reference! Do not assume that because a room is available that you may simply use it! In order for you to book the facilities, you need to call the church office during business hours or you may also print out the Facilities Use Forms. Facility Use Forms are also located on the website and can either be mailed or dropped off at the church office.

If you use a Google calendar to keep track of your life and would like to include the church calendar (s), please contact the church office and we can hook you up! The Country Christian Page 18 September 2019 Edition Our October 175th Anniversary Celebration

The Country Christian Page 19 September 2019 Edition Church Family

Friday Sep 20, 2019 ► Jack Ewert Birthdays ► Jaime Uecker Sunday Sep 1, 2019 ► Alex Komp ► Suzzanne Dettmann

Monday Sep 2, 2019 ► Arion Christian Saturday Sep 21, 2019 ► Gladys Baumann ► Dorothy Kleemann ► Ralph Krueger ► Janet Eigenberger Sunday Sep 22, 2019 ► Jeff Lehman ► Sam Strieter

Tuesday Sep 3, 2019 ► Michelle Zastrow Tuesday Sep 24, 2019 ► Ada Christian ► Don Pugh Thursday Sep 5, 2019 ► Delmar Schramm ► Marge Baumann ► Karah Pugh Wednesday Sep 25, 2019 ► Patricia Frank Friday Sep 6, 2019 ► Joe Vaughan Thursday Sep 26, 2019 ► Allison Batterman Saturday Sep 7, 2019 ► Christopher Stangler Friday Sep 27, 2019 ► Robert Dobbratz ► Erika Boettcher

Sunday Sep 8, 2019 ► Arnie Neitzel Saturday Sep 28, 2019 ► Harper Tietz ► Heidi Strauss ► Matthew Uecker ► Mike Coughlin Sunday Sep 29, 2019 ► Dennis Schellin ► Shawn Ireland Monday Sep 30, 2019 ► Tyler Zastrow ► Shawn Vogel

Monday Sep 9, 2019 ► Violet Christian Anniversaries

Tuesday Sep 3, 2019 ► Jim & Shelly Grosenick Tuesday Sep 10, 2019 ► Bonnie Peot

Sunday Sep 8, 2019 ► Troy & Allison Batterman Wednesday Sep 11, 2019 ► Rod Strauss

Thursday Sep 12, 2019 ► Tenly Schwager Tuesday Sep 10, 2019 ► Clint & Krystle Genz ► Jason & Megan Jaeger Friday Sep 13, 2019 ► Alexandra Dean ► Mike & Becky Uecker ► Ardelle Bergin ► Tom & Chris Dehnert ► Bill Wolter Friday Sep 13, 2019 ► Bill* & Ardelle Bergin Saturday Sep 14, 2019 ► Ashley Haberkorn Thursday Sep 19, 2019 ► Greg & Sandy Ninmann ► Lori Rhyner ► Ryan Laehr Friday Sep 20, 2019 ► Jake & Nicole Schwager

► John & Julie Strieter Sunday Sep 15, 2019 ► Lynne Uttech ► Steve Baumann Sunday Sep 22, 2019 ► Jim* & Donna Hrobsky

Monday Sep 16, 2019 ► Landon Uecker Wednesday Sep 25, 2019 ► Bill & Becky Wolter

► Delmar & Debbie Schramm Tuesday Sep 17, 2019 ► Jeff Peot

Friday Sep 27, 2019 ► Brad & Jessica Thomas Wednesday Sep 18, 2019 ► John Strieter ► Marissa Brakob Saturday Sep 28, 2019 ► Randy & Rosemary Bohmsack

Thursday Sep 19, 2019 ► Clifford Berg Sunday Sep 29, 2019 ► Benjamin & Rozalyn Wolter ► Brian & Ashley* Pfeifer Please contact Jessica in the church office if the information is incorrect or has been omitted. ► Jason & Amanda Otto

The Country Christian Page 20 September 2019 Edition Food Pantry Updates & “Where’s the Cross?”

Food Pantry Hunger Knows No Season

Immanuel’s donations are down & we need your help! The Outreach Committee is collecting items for the Watertown Food Pantry. For those of you that do not know, the Wa- tertown Food Pantry is a non-profit, Christian-based organization created to provide food needs for people who find themselves economically distressed. This is at no cost to those individuals/families residing in the Watertown School District who qualifies as having an income below nationally established poverty levels. The Watertown Food Pantry serves between 200 – 300 families per month! The current state of the economy has meant that more people than ever are eligible for services through the Food Pantry. We would like you to be our ambassadors around the community and spread the word about the needs of the Food Pantry. At the same time, please encourage people to use the Pantry when hit by an economic hardship. We often hear about people who have been laid off from their jobs, had hours re- duced, or have otherwise experienced a reduction in income and yet are unsure if they are eligible for services.

The basket for food pantry donations is located in the Narthex. The theme for September is peanut butter and jelly. The theme is just a suggestion for donations but feel free to donate anything you can! Our August collection of side dishes brought in 46 items!

We thank you so much for your support for the Watertown Food Pantry. During the 2018 calendar year, Immanuel col- lected 910 items! (That is only 69 items less than 2017!) We are looking forward to see what our generous congregation members will do this year! Thanks again for all of your support and generosity.

“Where’s the Cross?”

Now through the end of 2019, we will be featuring an Immanuel Lutheran cross photo in the Country Christian. (Photos compliments of Christina Plasil.) Please consider taking on this “just for fun” challenge as an individual, couple or family. It’s a great way to explore and learn more about your church! The answer will be in the next months Country Christian.

The answer for last month’s “Where’s the Cross?” was the cross on sign out front.

The Country Christian Page 21 September 2019 Edition Operation Christmas Child & Remaining 175th Anniversary Celebrations

This year for Operation Christmas Child, Outreach would like to try something different. It is way to early too be thinking about Christmas, but we wanted to help save you money. The back-to-school items will be hitting the store shelves soon and we noticed that most of the items in the shoeboxes are school supplies. Why not try something new to take ad- vantage of these sales, instead of hitting your pocket book in November/December when it is already tapped out?!?!?!

Below, you will find a list of items that we are looking to put in the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes this year. We are asking that you simply bring one item with you when you come to church on Sunday. (There will be a box in the nar- thex for these items) Miss a week? No big deal, just bring it with you the following week. If you wanted to buy all the items at one time, that is okay too! Not a shopper? We have a solution for that as well - just give a monetary donation to one of the Outreach members and we will take care of the shopping for you! Members of Outreach are: Here are the dates and a list of items for each week: st Lynne Uttech • September 1 – Coloring Book Christina Plasil • September 8th – Toothbrush th Debbie Fenner • September 15 – Bar of Soap Diane Hicks nd We are in need of shoe boxes! • September 22 – Comb or Brush Lauren Lehman • September 29th – Pair of Socks th Jessica Lenz • October 6 – Wash Cloth Jill Schmitz • October 13th – Hair Bows/Hair Ties th Judy Schwefel • October 20 – Toy (Need for Boys & Girls. Age Groups are 2-4, 5-9 & 10-14) Russell Tietz • October 27th – Transportation Fee for Boxes ($9) rd Shari Uecker • November 3 – Make up day in case you missed something Dick Uttech • November 10th – Deadline to Turn in items and boxes

For those of you who like stuffing your own box (the old way), we have boxes available - just ask an Outreach member for your shoebox.

Outreach would like to thank everyone in advance for your help! Let’s make this Christmas special for children around the world.

These are the remaining 175th Anniversary celebrations we have planned for 2019:

September 22nd - Musical Celebration

October 20th - Germanfest

November 3rd - All Saint’s Sunday & Turkey Dinner

December 8th - Christmas Cantata

The Country Christian Page 22 September 2019 Edition Acolyte Schedule, Children’s Church Message & Avid Readers

Sept. 1st Sunday 8:30 AM Jacob Hurtgen Calvin Hurtgen Sept. 8th Sunday 8:30 AM Cameron Kranz Aubree Batterman Sept. 15th Sunday 8:30 AM Parker Bridgham Brody Bridgham Sept. 22nd Sunday 8:30 AM Casey Grudzinski Brett Schwefel Sept. 29th Sunday 8:30 AM Isaiah Komp Hannah Streich Please Remember to Arrive 15 Minutes Before Worship!! If you are unable to make your scheduled service, You MUST arrange your substitute and contact Jessica in the church office of the changes.

One of the important ministries of our congregation is Children's Church. During the school year, children age 3 through 1st grade are invited to go to the church basement after the Children's Sermon for a Some of you just cannot wait to get their Bible lesson and activities for about 15 minutes. hands on the next Country Christian. They are brought back to the sanctuary during the They read it cover-to-cover! offering so that they can come forward during com- munion for a blessing.

The Christian Education Committee has been meet- ing to decide how to proceed with Children's Church. In order to keep it going, we need more teachers (High School age and older) and helpers. If you would like to volunteer, or if you have questions, please contact Melissa Hurtgen @ (920) 988-9398, Amy Kranz @ (920) 285-0431 or Kristi Peirick @ (920) 988-3658. Please prayerfully consider helping with this vital ministry to our children.

The Country Christian Page 23 September 2019 Edition A Letter from the LLS Principal & A Special Request

Lebanon Lutheran School is seeking a person to fill the after school care position at the Immanuel Campus. LLS is looking for an energetic and caring individual to supervise 3rd-8th graders after school from 3pm until 5pm, Mon- day through Friday. You must be 18 or older to apply. You will be responsible for helping maintain a safe, Chris- tian environment for students along with assisting with homework, playing games and creating activities for the stu- dents while in after school care. Please contact the school office at 920-925-3791 or by emailing Julia Wackt at [email protected] with any questions or if you would like to apply.


Mrs. Julia Wackt Lebanon Lutheran School Principal 7th/8th Grade Teacher

Some of you may not know what the Honor Flight (Stars and Stripes Honor Flight is Milwaukee’s branch) is and others may have heard of it but do not fully understand what it is. The purpose of this non-profit organization is to ensure that veterans have the opportunity of a life-changing trip to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials and experience a day of honor and thanks. Veterans who served during WWII, Korea, Vietnam and any veteran who is terminally ill from other wars are currently being honored on these flights. The Honor Flight has pledged to honor each and every veteran before it is to late, this is their mission and their duty!

Another key component of the Honor Flight is to share this experience with the next generation so we never forget. Each veteran is encouraged to bring a guardian with them but the guardian is required to be one generation re- moved from the veteran. The guardian’s duty is to help the veteran on the flight/around D.C. after landing and to experience this touching event so they can share it with others.

The first Honor Flight took place in May of 2005, when six small planes honored the first 12 veterans. Since that first flight, they have flown 159,000 veterans to Washington, D.C.!

On Saturday, October 19th, Milwaukee will be sending their sixth flight of the year. I am happy to announce that Rick Riley will be one of the veterans on this flight (he served during Vietnam) and I have the pleasure to accom- panying him as his guardian.

I have 2 special jobs being his guardian and this is where you come in. My first job is to collect thank you letters from family and friends. These letters will be present to each of the veterans on the plane during “mail call” and will remind the men/women of their “mail calls” while they severed. My second job is to have people come and help with the “Heroes’ Welcome” when we arrive back at the airport. If either of these things are something you would be willing to help with, please contact Jessica Lenz. All letters need to be turned in by Tuesday, October 1st. (Please do not discuss the letters with Rick because it is a surprise, I made him a special newsletter so he does not know!) The Country Christian Page 24 August 2019 Edition Relay for Life Recap

The Outreach Committee donated this $100 for the Wall of Hope on behalf of Immanuel Lutheran Church.

The Country Christian Page 25 August 2019 Edition Relay for Life Recap - Continued

Becky Uecker Lynne Uttech Shari Uecker

Ashley Nettesheim Ward Genz

Mike Uecker Diane Hicks

Abbey Genz Dick Uttech

Karen Genz Jeff Lehman Kathy Lehman

Wes Kehl

The Relay for Life team would like to thank everyone for their support again this year. Thank you to the individuals who do- nated basket and monetary gifts. We would also like to thank the walkers for coming out the night of the event. This year we raised $2,514.00!!!!

The Country Christian Page 26 August 2019 Edition CPR & AED Training - August 21, 2019

Thank you to the congregation members that took time out of their schedules to attend this import class. The members who attended were Dennis Thorp, Pastor Phillips, Michael & Jessica Lenz, Wes Kehl, Dick Uttech and Dennis & Kaye Lillge. A special thank you goes out to Deonne Eske, Amanda Peirick and Sue Hoefs, who taught the class for our church and St. Olaf’s.

The Country Christian Page 27 August 2019 Edition

If you have ever been to a celebration at church, you probably have noticed that we take food very seriously. You may even say that food is a HUGE part of our history. In honor of our 175th anniversary, we thought it might be fun to start a recipe corner. Here you will find recipes that have been served at one of our church events that have created a lot of buzz. Recipe Cor- ner will tell you when the recipes were served, who made them and we will be limited to no more than 4 a month. Enjoy! Please do not submit random recipes, we want recipes of food items that have been served at our events.

This month we will feature only 1 recipe. The recipe, “Breakfast Pizza,” was made by Charlene Schellin and was prepared for a couple Congregational Life Coffee Hours. Breakfast Pizza Charlene Schellin

• 1 package 8 count crescent rolls • 1 pound pork sausage, bacon or ham • 6 ounce bag hash browns (refrigerated) • 6 - 8 eggs • 1/2 cup milk • Grated cheddar cheese • Onion, green pepper, mushrooms (optional) • Salt and pepper to taste

Heat oven to 375°F. Spray a 9x13 pan with Pam spray. Line pan with crescent rolls, unrolling them out evenly in the pan. Brown meat and drain off juice. Scatter the meat over the dough. Spread the veggies in an even layer over the meat. Cover the dough, meat and vegetables even with a layer of hash browns. Beat eggs, salt, pepper and milk together. Pour over the hash brown and top with the grated cheddar cheese. Bake 30-45 minutes or until knife come out clean.

NALC Women’s Retreat

The Country Christian Page 29 September 2019 Edition

The Country Christian Page 30 September 2019 Edition LLS Scrip Order Form

The Country Christian Page 31 September 2019 Edition Local Event

Each month Ruby’s Pantry offers a “Hand-Up, not a Hand-Out” to families who eat/cook. St. Pe- ter’s Lutheran is pleased to partner with Ruby’s Pantry by providing a site to host a monthly food distribution.

The Country Christian Page 32 September 2019 Edition

September 2019 Worship Assistant Schedule

Children’s Church Children’s Acolytes Gospel Ushers Guild Altar Hour Coffee Assistants Communion Greeters Lector Organist/Pianist Lesson Second Psalm FirstLesson

JacobHurtgen Tad Schwefel, Tad Dehnert, Uecker, Mikayla Chris Mike Becky Dehnert & Tom & Kulke, Kulke,Teresa Schwefel, Sharon & Mark Gary Don Linda Erik& Tom Laehr, & Tim Kulke, Judy Schwefel, & Patty & DianeTietz Sue Kulke, Sharon Hicks, CongregationalLife CalvinHurtgen Kehl JeanetteThorp, Wes Dettmann,Genz Abbey Suzzanne & Rodger KathyLehman BonniePeot Luke14:1 Hebrews13:1 Psalm131 Proverbs25:2



September 1st September








CameronKranz 7thGraders 8th & Batterman Aubree Gutzdorf HowardJoyce & Uttech,DickLynne & JoannOlson Uttech,DickLynne & Carsten, Embrey, Allison LynnBaumann Luke14:25 Philemon1 Psalm1 Deuteronomy30:15


September 8th September









ParkerBridgham Outreach BrodyBridgham Rhodes Sandy Sue Ninmann, Kulke, Teresa & Tom Kluetzman MarcellaPfeifer, Bob Neumann, Ann Jo Kluetzman Judy Kluetzman Judy Luke15:1 Timothy 1 1:(5 Psalm119:169 Ezekiel34:11

Fourteenth Sunday Fourteenth

September 15th September













CaseyGrudzinski 175 BrettSchwefel Schmidt Shari er, Uecker, Keith Debbie & Bruce Pfeif- Christian,Uecker Shari DennisNathalia & MikeCoughlin BonniePeot Luke16:1 1 Timothy 2:1 Psalm113 Amos8:4


September 22nd September



Anniversary Com. Anniversary








IsaiahKomp Thrivent HannahStreich KirtKemnitz Dettmann,Bartee, Pam Suzzanne & Rodger EwertDettmann, Jack Suzzanne & Rodger Bartee Pam BonniePeot Luke16:19 Timothy 1 3:1 Psalm146 Amos6:1


September 29th September









October 2019 Worship Assistant Schedule

Children’s Church Children’s Ushers Acolytes Altar Guild Altar Hour Coffee Assistants Communion Greeters Lector Organist/Pianist Gospel Lesson Second Psalm FirstLesson

Ward Ward Genz,Neal Christian, Delmar Christian, Hensler, Jerry JeffPeot, Batterman, Troy Vilas Zastrow, Wayne Zastrow,Den- KatieHanus nisSchwenkner Kuehl, Karen Debbie Dehnert, Chris Fenner YouthMission Trip KiestonKeel Thorp GregDouthwaite, Jeanette LenzFamily GregDouthwaite Kluetzman Judy Luke17:1 Timothy 2 1:1 Psalm62 Habakkuk1:1















AllisonHowlett 7thGraders 8th & Komp Alex Debbie & Pfeifer JeffHeld, Rhodes, Bruce Sue Pfeifer,Olson Joann Marcella Neumann, Ann Jo Brody,Parker, Savannah LynnBaumann Luke17:11 Timothy 2 2:1 Psalm111 Ruth1:1











CarstenHurtgen Outreach TaylreTietz Nass,Lenz Jessica NealWallyJulie & Christian, Christian Diane Julie & Neal Hicks, Coughlin Terry Kluetzman Judy Luke18:1 Timothy 2 3:14 Psalm121 Genesis32:22











AustinPeplinski Relayfor Life AbigailStrieter Uecker,Keith Schmidt MikeBecky & Uecker, Shari Genz Shari Uecker, Karen Ward & DougHoffman BonniePeot John8:31 Romans3:19 Psalm46 Revelation14:6










November 2019 Worship Assistant Schedule

Children’s Church Children’s Acolytes Gospel Ushers Guild Altar Hour Coffee Assistants Communion Greeters Lector Organist/Pianist Lesson Second Psalm FirstLesson

Dick Baehler,Jo Kirt Neumann, Ann Kemnitz, Keith Berg, Chris Peirick, Dayton Peirick, Kevin Pam Raether, Bartee, Roger TessaSchwager Zehms Gutzdorf Dettmann, Suzzanne Joyce CongregationalLife BrookeZastrow JeanetteEwert Thorp, Jack Kluetzman Kathy & Jack Ewert, Bob LisaKuehl Kluetzman Judy Matthew5:1 John 1 3:1 Psalm149 Revelation 7:(2

AllSunday Saints








8) 9



AllisonHowlett 7thGraders 8th & Batterman Aubree LynneUttech Kulke, Teresa Dick & Tom & Hicks Uttech,Dick Diane Lynne & T.B.D LynnBaumann Luke20:27 Thessalonians 2 2:1 Psalm148 Exodus3:1















KatieHanus Outreach SamStrieter Lehman Lehman, Lauren Kehl, Wes Kristi KathyPeirick, Tietz,Marcella Pfeifer Russell Neumann, Ann Jo LaurenLehman BonniePeot Luke21:5 Thessalonians 2 3:(1 Psalm98 Malachi4:1





8 8 (29














TaylreTietz Be To Determined ChaseVogel Dettmann Suzzanne & Rodger NealJulie & Christian, Dettmann, Suzzanne Tietz, Rusell & Rodger Tietz Russell Kluetzman Judy Luke23:27 Colossians1:13 Psalm95:1 Malachi3:13


Christthe King



7aor 46







December 2019 Worship Assistant Schedule

Children’s Church Children’s Acolytes Greeters Gospel Ushers Guild Altar Hour Coffee Assistants Communion Lector Organist/Pianist Lesson Second Psalm FirstLesson

CarstenHurtgen Bruce Pfeifer, DennisBruce EwertLillge, Uecker,Jeff Shari Schmidt, Keith Jack Kuehl, ShariDeb LindaUecker, Schramm Hensler, YouthMission Trip SamStrieter Ewert JeanetteThorp, Jack WallyNass Kathy & Jack Ewert, JeffLehman BonniePeot Matthew24:36 Romans 13:(8 Psalm122 Isaiah2:1

December 1st December

First Sunday First






10) 11





IsaiahKomp 7thGraders 8th & KiestonKeel N/A Hicks MarcellaPfeifer, Diane Neumann, Ann Jo N/A LynnBaumann Matthew3:1 Romans15:4 Psalm72:1 Isaiah11:1


December 8th December











TessaSchwager Outreach BrookeZastrow NealJulie & Christian Bartee, Pam Jeff Held, KathyEwert NealJulie & Christian, BonnieJaeger Kluetzman Judy Matthew11:2 James5:7 Psalm146 Isaiah35:1

December 15th December










Alex Komp Alex Be To Determined AbigailStrieter BeckyUecker Gutzdorf, & Mike HowardJoyce & AbbeyGenz Genz, Karen & Ward Pfeifer Bruce BonniePeot Matthew1:18 Romans1:1 Psalm24 Isaiah7:10

December 22nd December

Fourth Sunday Fourth









NevaehPeirick Financial Thrivent Peplinski Austin LynneUttech Douthwaite, & Dick SandyGregNinmann, LenzFamily Peirick Chris Kluetzman Judy Matthew2:13 Galatians4:4 Psalm111 Isaiah63:7

December 29th December


First Sunday First








2019 Holiday Worship Assistant Schedule

Children’s Church Children’s Acolytes Gospel Ushers Guild Altar Hour Coffee Assistants Communion Greeters Lector Organist/Pianist Lesson Second Psalm FirstLesson

CameronKranz Raether, Pam Bartee, Roger Zehms Raether,Bartee, Pam Roger KeithDayton Berg, Chris Kevin Peirick, Peirick, Kirt DickKemnitz, Baehler, Neumann, Ann Jo Gutzdorf Dettmann, Suzzanne Joyce N/A N/A BrettSchwefel ShariUecker Gutzdorf,Nass, Wally HowardJoyce & Kluetzman, WallyNass Bob Neumann, Ann Jo GailHoffman Kluetzman Judy John6:25 Philippians 4:49 Psalm100 Deuteronomy26:1








HannahStreich N/A N/A ChaseVogel Ninmann Bartee, Pam Sandy AbbeyGenz Genz, Karen & Ward Kehl Wes BonniePeot John6:25 Philippians 4:49 Psalm100 Deuteronomy26:1








JacobHurtgen Ewert Pfeifer, DennisBruce Lillge, Uecker,Jeff Shari Schmidt, Keith Jack Kuehl, ShariDeb LindaUecker, Schramm Hensler, N/A N/A CalvinHurtgen Lenz KirtKemnitz, Jessica MikeBecky & Uecker, DianeHicks Uttech,DickLynne & SandyNinmann LynnBaumann Luke2:1 Titus2:11 Psalm96 Isaiah9:2

NativityofLord Our

December 24th December




14 14 (15







NevaehPeirick N/A N/A CaseyGrudzinski LaurenLehman Peirick,Lehman, Kathy Kehl, Wes Kristi MarcellaPfeifer NealJulie & Christian, GregDouthwaite Kluetzman Judy John1:1 Hebrews1:1 Psalm2 Isaiah52:7

NativityofLord Our

December 25th December




14 14 (15




6 (7 6





ParkerBridgham N/A N/A BrodyBridgham Bridgham Lenz, Jessica Dave LenzFamily Batterman Troy BonniePeot

New Year’s Eve Year’s New December 31st December


29 22 15 8 1

8:30am 8:30am Worship Celebration 175th 8:30am Worship 8:30am Worship Meeting Outreach 10am 8:30am Worship 8:30am Worship

Worship & Coffee & Hour Worship

Special Music during SpecialMusic



30 23 16 9

DeadlineNewsletter for Property 6pm Meeting 1:30 Bulletin for Deadline Bulletin for Deadline & Stewardship 6:30pm Bulletin for Deadline Bulletin for Deadline

2 2

No School @ LLS @ School No Bulletin for Deadline

CommunityDrive Blood


6pm Lebanon 6pm


First Day of DayFirst of Fall

Labor Day Labor

24 17 10 3

6:30pm Congregational 6:30pm Ruby's 4pm Pantry @ 8am Confirmation LLS 8am Music & 5pm Worship Confirmation LLS 8am Confirmation LLS 8am Confirmation LLS 8am

Life Peter's St.


25 18 11 4

8:15am Chapel 8:15am @ Public School 6pm Picture Retakes LLS 8am Public School 6pm @ Chapel 8:15am Public School 6pm @ Chapel 8:15am Pilgrims Rest 7pm Public School 6pm @ Chapel 8:15am



Immanuel Confirmation Peter's St. Peter St. @ Confirmation Immanuel Confirmation Peter's St. Confirmation

26 19 12 5

8am Confirmation LLS 8am Council Meeting 7pm Leadership Bible 6:30pm 11am Bible W.O.T.C Confirmation LLS 8am Confirmation LLS 8am Confirmation LLS 8am


Study Study

27 20 13 6


28 21 14 7 Bible 7:45am Women's Men's Fellowship 8am



Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon A Congregation of the NALC N554 County Road R Watertown, WI 53098

Worship: Sundays 8:30 a.m. (March—November) 9:00 a.m. (November—March) Wednesdays 6:00 p.m. (Advent & Lent) Join us for coffee hour immediately following worship. We celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday.

Pastor: Rev. David M. Phillips Cell Phone: (920) 285-1990 Email: [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Jessica Lenz Church Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 7:00am - 3:00pm Church Office: (920) 925-3540 Email: [email protected] Website:

Church Council President: Mike Coughlin Cell Phone: (920) 390-0306 Email: [email protected]

As God’s family, we are called to witness to our faith in Christ, to hear, live and proclaim His Word daily, through worship, service, and education, including Lebanon Lutheran School. In this way we proclaim the meaning of our name Immanuel — ”God is with us,” and everyone else. Lebanon Lutheran School & LLS -Early Childhood Center

Lebanon Lutheran School Lebanon Lutheran School is an accredited association K-8 Christian Day school Principal - Julia Wackt run as a joint ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church of Lebanon and St. Pe- [email protected] ter’s Lutheran Church of Lebanon (LCMS).

For more information, please contact either of our campuses at: (920) 925-3791 (Immanuel) or (920) 925-3525. (St. Peter’s)

Lebanon Lutheran School Also run as a joint ministry between the two churches, our state licensed facility Early Childhood Center for daycare and preschool provides a caring Christian atmosphere where chil- Director - Shola Fohr dren experience the love of Jesus in words and actions. [email protected] For more information, please contact the daycare at: (920) 925-3040.