g{x UxtvÉÇ “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” Psalm 27:1 Volume 4 September 2019 Issue 44 St. James Lutheran Church NALC Telephone: (828) 464-1953 Fax: (828) 465-2084 1942 St. James Church Road Follow us on Facebook Newton, NC 28658 Website: stjameslutherannewtonnc.com E-mail church office:
[email protected] Pastor: Stephen R. Rhodes Intentional Interim
[email protected] Office hours: Wed & Thur mornings Celia Reece, Parish Administrator We have a Website!! Office Hours: 8:30 am-12:30 pm M-F You are now able to see news Phyllis Huffman, Organist and happenings at St. James Kristy Painter, Choir Director from our new website:
[email protected] 828-244-5167—cell stjameslutherannewtonnc.com Gary Reitzel, Church Custodian Visit the website, check out all its features. Many thanks to Randy Cline for getting this set up for our church. Tell your friends, co-workers, Please have all articles for the October people you come in contact with newsletter to Susan by Sunday, Sept. about it. 22nd.
[email protected]; (828) 464-1234 (828) 270-8211 cell The Beacon September 2019 Page 2 The Summer is winding down and the days are beginning to get shorter as Autumn winds whisper their prelude. We are at the end of summer and the school season has begun. It’s that time of the year again to lean into the school season with children returning to class. Each year at this time parents and grandparents are busy preparing bookbags, shopping for new clothes, deciding between hand-me-downs or the newest in teenage fashion, all in preparation for the next 9 months of class work for the children as they journey through one more year of instruction in their secular education.