Valencene Synthase Polypeptides, Encoding Nucleic Acid Molecules and Uses Thereof

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Valencene Synthase Polypeptides, Encoding Nucleic Acid Molecules and Uses Thereof (19) TZZ¥Z_T (11) EP 3 085 778 A1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION (43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.: 26.10.2016 Bulletin 2016/43 C12N 9/88 (2006.01) C12P 5/00 (2006.01) C12N 15/60 (2006.01) C12N 5/10 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (21) Application number: 16171175.9 C12N 15/82 C12P 7/26 (22) Date of filing: 11.03.2014 (84) Designated Contracting States: (72) Inventors: AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB • SARAN, Dayal GR HR HU IE IS IT LI LT LU LV MC MK MT NL NO Lexington, KY (US) PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR • PARK, Grace Eunyoung Lexington, KY (US) (30) Priority: 14.03.2013 US 201361852462 P (74) Representative: Rees, Kerry (62) Document number(s) of the earlier application(s) in WP Thompson accordance with Art. 76 EPC: 138 Fetter Lane 14718824.7 / 2 970 934 London EC4A 1BT (GB) (71) Applicant: Evolva, Inc. Wilmington, New Castle County, DE 19808 (US) (54) VALENCENE SYNTHASE POLYPEPTIDES, ENCODING NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULES AND USES THEREOF (57) The present invention is directed to a recom- thase polypeptide, or a catalytically active fragment binant cell that produces valencene and aristolochene, thereof. The presnt invention also provides methods of wherein the recombinant cell comprises a heterologous producing valencene and aristolochene using a recom- nucleic acid that encodes a valencene synthase polypep- binant cell of the invention and compositions comprising tide, or a catalytically active fragment thereof; or the re- valencene and aristolochene. combinant cell comprises a heterologous valencene syn- EP 3 085 778 A1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) EP 3 085 778 A1 Description RELATED APPLICATIONS 5 [0001] Benefit of priority is claimed to U.S. Provisional Application Serial No. 61/852,462, filed March 14, 2013, entitled "VALENCENE SYNTHASE POLYPEPTIDES, ENCODING NUCLEIC ACID MOLECULES AND USES THEREOF." The subject matter of the above-noted application is incorporated by reference in its entirety. [0002] This application is related to U.S. Patent Application No. (Attorney Docket No. 33322.00237.US01/237), filed the same day herewith, entitled "VALENCENE SYNTHASE POLYPEPTIDES, ENCODING NUCLEIC ACID MOLE- 10 CULES AND USES THEREOF," which also claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Serial No. 61/852,462. [0003] The subject matter of each of the above-noted applications is incorporated by reference in its entirety. Incorporation by reference of sequence listing provided electronically 15 [0004] An electronic version of the Sequence Listing is filed herewith, the contents of which are incorporated by reference in their entirety. The electronic file is 148 kilobytes in size, and titled 237seqPC1.txt. FIELD OF THE INVENTION 20 [0005] Provided are valencene synthase polypeptides, nucleic acid molecules encoding the valencene synthases, host cells containing the nucleic acids and methods for producing products whose production is catalyzed by the polypep- tides. Also provided are methods for producing valencene and nootkatone. BACKGROUND 25 [0006] Valencene and nootkatone are sesquiterpenes that occur in essential oils, such as citrus oils, including orange and grapefruit. Valencene is produced by cyclization of the acyclic pyrophosphate terpene precursor farnesyl diphosphate (FPP), and oxidation of valencene results in the formation of nootkatone. Valencene and nootkatone are both used in the perfume and flavor industry. 30 [0007] Valencene originally was extracted from the peel of the Valencia orange and nootkatone is extracted from grapefruit peels or produced by oxidation of extracted valencene. Although chemical approaches to generate valencene and nootkatone have been attempted, the highly complex structures of these compounds have rendered economically viable synthetic processes for their preparation in large quantities unattainable. Valencene has been produced in host cellscatalyzed by nucleic acid encodinga citrus valencene synthase (see, e.g., U.S. Patent No. 7,442,785). Improvements 35 in production and alternative means of production and production of valencene and other terpenes are sought. [0008] Thus, among the objects herein, is the provision of valencene synthase polypeptides and methods for production of terpene products whose production is catalyzed by the polypeptides. SUMMARY 40 [0009] Provided are Eryngium valencene synthases (EgVSs). Provided are isolated valencene synthase polypeptides that have a sequence of amino acids that has at least 55%, such as at least 58% or at least 85%, sequence identity to the valencene synthase polypeptide whose sequence is set forth in SEQ ID NO: 1. The exemplified Eryngium glaciale synthase has the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO: 1. The valencene synthases provided herein catalyze 45 production of valencene and other products from an acyclic pyrophosphate terpene precursor, such as, but not limited to, farnesyl diphosphate. Production can be effected in vitro by contacting the isolated synthase with an acyclic pyro- phosphate terpene precursor, or in vivo in a suitable host cell that encodes the synthase. Suitable host cells produce or are modified to produce an acyclic pyrophosphate precursor. If the cells are human in origin, they are isolated or cultured cells or a cell culture. Cells, such as yeast cells, particularly cells that express an acyclic pyrophosphate terpene precursor , 50 that express the EgVS produce very high amounts of valencene compared to the same cells that express the citrus (Citrus sinensis) valencene synthase (CVS) and variants thereof that are optimized and/or modified to express high levels of valencene. [0010] Also provided are nucleic acid molecules that encode any of the valencene synthases provided herein. The nucleic acid molecules include isolated nucleic acid molecules and also cDNA. For example, nucleic acid molecules 55 provided herein are those that encode the sequence of amino acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:1, and also any that encode a sequence of amino acids that has at least 58%, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 86%, 87%, 88%, 89%, 90%, 91%, 92%, 93%, 94%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98% or 99% sequence identity to a valencene synthase polypeptide whose sequence is set forth in SEQ ID NO: 1 or a catalytically active fragment thereof, where the encoded polypeptide catalyzes production 2 EP 3 085 778 A1 of valencene from an acyclic pyrophosphate terpene precursor. For example, the isolated nucleic acid molecule is selected from among nucleic acid molecules that contain: (a) the sequence of nucleic acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:2; (b) a sequence of nucleic acids having at least 85% sequence identity to a sequence of nucleic acids set forth in SEQ ID NO:2; and (c) degenerates of (a) and (b). Also provided are the isolated polypeptides and catalytically active fragments 5 encoded by the nucleic acid molecules provided herein. The encoded polypeptides can be produced by expression in any host cell, including eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, such as mammalian cells, yeast cells and bacterial cells. In examples where the host cell is a mammalian cell that is a human cell, the cell is an isolated cell or a cell in culture, such as in a cell culture. [0011] Also provided are vectors that contain the nucleic acid molecules provided herein. Vectors include prokaryotic 10 and eukaryotic vectors, including viral vectors and yeast vectors, such as Saccharomyces vectors. [0012] Also provided are cells that contain the vectors and nucleic acid molecules encoding an EgVS. The cells include prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells, including, but not limited to bacteria, yeast, insect, plant and mammalian cells. In examples where the host cell is a mammalian cell that is a human cell, the cell is an isolated cell or a cultured cell. In some examples, the nucleic acid is heterologous to the cell. Yeast cells provided herein include, but are not limited to, 15 Saccharomyces genus cells and Pichia genus cells. Bacterial cells provided herein include Escherichia coli cells. Plant cells provided herein include protoplasts. The cells can produce the acyclic precursor, such as farnesyl diphosphate, natively, or can be modified to produce it or to produce more than an unmodified cell. Among the cells provided herein are those that encode a valencene synthase polypeptide, where: the host cell produces an acyclic pyrophosphate terpene precursor; the valencene synthase polypeptide is heterologous to the host; and the valencene synthase catalyzes 20 production of valencene from the acyclic pyrophosphate terpene precursor, such as farnesyl diphosphate. Also provided are transgenic plants that encode the valencene synthase polypeptides provided herein. They can include nucleic acid encoding the valencene synthase polypeptide or a suitable vector encoding it. Exemplary transgenic plants include tobacco plants. [0013] Provided herein are methods for producing a valencene synthase polypeptide. The methods include the steps 25 of introducing a nucleic acid molecule that encodes the valencene synthase polypeptides, or catalytically active fragments thereof, provided herein or a vector that encodes the valencene synthase polypeptide, or catalytically active fragments thereof, into a cell, for example, by transfection or transformation; culturing the cellin vitro or in vivo under conditions suitable for expression of the valencene synthase polypeptide or catalytically active fragment thereof; and, optionally isolating the valencene synthase polypeptide. Cells for use in the methods include eukaryotic and prokaryotic host cells, 30 including, but
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