InlandInland Queensland Queensland RoadsRoadsAction ActionProject Plan DrivingDriving Productivity,Productivity Economic inDevelopmentAustralia’sDrivingTransport and Productivity SafetyNetwork in Australia’s Transport Network Inland Queensland Road Network Strategy Appendices JULY 2018 IQ-RAP Partners FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND MACKAY-ISAAC- DARLING DOWNS FITZROY AND CENTRAL WEST INC AND TORRES STRAIT INC WHITSUNDAY QLD AND SOUTH WEST INC Secretariat P: 07 4410 3655 E:
[email protected] W: PO Box 1669, Townsville QLD 4810 ABN: 44 798 638 628 Inland Queensland Roads Action Plan Driving Productivity in Australia’s Transport Network INLAND QUEENSLAND ROADS ACTION PROJECT (IQ-RAP) Secretariat contact details Regional Development Australia Townsville and North West Queensland Committee Phone: (07) 4410 3655 Email:
[email protected] Website: Mail: PO Box 1669, Townsville QLD 4810 Office: Level 1, Enterprise House, 6 The Strand, Townsville QLD 4810 ABN: 44 798 638 628 Regional Development Australia (RDA) Committees are funded by the Australian Government. This document was prepared by the Harrison Infrastructure Group and Secretariat at RDA Townsville and North West Queensland on behalf of the Inland Queensland Roads Action Project Working Group. It does not necessarily represent the views of the Australian Government, its officers, employees or agents. LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of the Harrison Group’s Client, and is subject to and issued in conjunction with the provisions of the agreement between the Harrison Infrastructure Group (Qld) Pty Ltd and its Client. The Harrison Infrastructure Group accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party.