The Trace of the Face in the Politics of Jesus: Experimental Comparisons Between the Work of John Howard Yoder and Emmanuel Levinas John Patrick Koyles

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The Trace of the Face in the Politics of Jesus: Experimental Comparisons Between the Work of John Howard Yoder and Emmanuel Levinas John Patrick Koyles Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2009 The Trace of the Face in the Politics of Jesus: Experimental Comparisons Between the Work of John Howard Yoder and Emmanuel Levinas John Patrick Koyles Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact [email protected] FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES THE TRACE OF THE FACE IN THE POLITICS OF JESUS: EXPERIMENTAL COMPARISONS BETWEEN THE WORK OF JOHN HOWARD YODER AND EMMANUEL LEVINAS By JOHN PATRICK KOYLES A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Religion in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Degree Awarded: Spring Semester, 2009 The members of the Committee approve the Dissertation of John Koyles defended on March 4, 2009. _________________________ John Kelsay Professor Co8Dire. ing Disser a ion _________________________ Mar in Kav9a Professor Co8Dire. ing Disser a ion __________________________ Dan Maier8Ka 9in Ou side Commi ee Member _________________________ Aline Kalbian Commi ee Member The Gradua e S.hool has verified and approved he above named .ommi ee members. ii I would li9e o dedi.a e his pro:e. o Sheri Koyles0 my beau iful wife0 who helped me o finish his pro:e. by ma9ing ex raordinary so ha I .ould find he ime o wri e and resear.h as well as en.ouraging me o finish when I no longer believed I .ould. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would li9e o a.9nowledge all of my professors and .olleagues from he depar men of Religion a Florida S a e for all of heir 9indness and suppor . I wan o espe.ially re.ognize Drs. Mar in Kav9a0 John Kelsay0 Aline Kalbian0 and Dan Maier8Ka 9in for a9ing he ex ra ime o share heir insigh s as well as heir .orre. ive sugges ions in helping me see his pro:e. o i s .omple ion. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 1. FOLLOWING JESUS: EXAMINING JOHN HOWARD YODER’S METHODOLOGICAL APPROACH AND CONCEPTION OF REVOLUTIONARY SUBORDINATION 11 1. A SECTARIAN THINKER?: CRITICAL REFELCTIONS AND QUESTIONS CONCERNING JOHN HOWARD YODER’S THOUGHT A6 A. YODER’S REJOINDERS: EVALUATING THE RESPONSES OF YODER’S SUPPORTERS AND THEIR EMPLOYMENT OF THE WESTERN PHILOSOPHICAL TRADITION 6C 5. THE KENOTIC BRIDGE: AN EXPERIMENTAL RESPONSE THROUGH A LEVINASIAN REREADING OF YODER’S METHODOLOGY AND REVOLUTIONARY SUBORDINATION 38 CONCLUSION 1AA REFERENCES 1C3 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 1EE v INTRODUCTION Introduction The sub i le of Mar9 Na ion’s a..oun of John Howard Yoder’s life and hough 0 Mennonite Patience, Evangelical Witness, Catholic Convictions0 ap ly por rays he bread h and dep h of Yoder’s impa. One of Na ion’s of inspira ion was William Klassen’s ribu e o Yoder following his unexpe. ed dea h.1 Klassen no ed ha hroughou he numerous memorials offered in he wa9e of Yoder’s dea h none men ioned he impor an .on ribu ion Yoder made o wor9. Klassen fel ha Yoder’s effor s o open up Mennoni es o he larger Chris ian radi ion had been overloo9ed. John Howard Yoder spen he ma:ori y of his life FDe.. 13 131E G De.. A0 133E) wor9ing o open lines of .ommuni.a ion be ween Mennoni es and he mains ream forms of Chris iani y. Al hough he bul9 of his wri ing and ea.hing .en ered on pa.ifism0 he was also very in eres ed in o her opi.s. For ins an.e0 Yoder was in eres ed in exploring wi h o her Chris ians he .on ours of a proper model for engaging he world ou side of i s radi ion. Through all of his wor9 Yoder sough o fos er an dialogue and Klassen believed ha even his suppor ive .ommen a ors had fallen in o he rap of limi ing Yoder’s wor9. Na ion’s effor o demons ra e he broader na ure of Yoder’s life and wor9 is aimed a dire. ly .hallenging he limi ed vision ha Yoder was merely a Mennoni e hin9er who had argued persuasively for Chris ian pa.ifism. Yoder’s wor9 sough a wider appeal and Na ion’s boo9 a emp ed o .larify his reali y. Na ion’s boo9 was no only in eres ed in des.ribing he .on ours of Yoder’s life and hough 0 bu he also aspired o main ain and ex end Yoder’s lega.y. The limi ed view of Yoder’s wor9 is no only problema i. be.ause i fails o fully ar i.ula e Yoder’s .on ribu ions0 bu i is also nega ive be.ause i limi s fu ure wor9 from wi hin his lega.y. The desire o illumina e he broader aims of 1 Mar9 Thiessen Na ion0 John Howard Yoder: Mennonite Patience, Evangelical Witness, Catholic Convictions FGrand Rapids0 Mi.higan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.0 1006)0 xviii8xix. Klassen’s .ommen s are lo.a ed in his ar i.le IJohn Howard Yoder and he Chur.hJ in The Conrad Grebel Review 16 FSpring0 1338): EE881. 1 Yoder’s hough is no only in eres ed in providing a .learer a..oun of his wor90 bu also demons ra ing his .on inuing relevan.e for .on emporary Chris ian and moral dis.ourse. Na ion’s boo9 no only honors and .larifies Yoder’s life and wor90 bu i also invi es li9e8minded s.holars o .on inue o develop his hough . Na ion’s wor9 is no only a memorial o Yoder0 bu i is also an effor o main ain and ex end his lega.y. Na ion’s abili y o narra e he life of Yoder and he .on ours of his hough will help o main ain a high level of in eres for Yoder’s wor9. His ions are effe. ive for no only showing his broader appeal of Yoder’s wor90 bu also for providing a .lear pi. ure of Yoder’s approa.h and .on en . The one remaining -ues ion0 however0 is how one bes goes abou ex ending Yoder’s lega.y. The problem is no ha Yoder’s wor9 is impor an and in eres ing0 bu ra her wha .ourse ough one o a9e o develop Yoder’s hough for .on emporary and fu ure dis.ussions. Again0 Na ion’s boo9 helps by poin ing o a possible approa.h. A..ording o Na ion0 he would have li9ed I o have seen Yoder read more philosophy0 espe.ially poli philosophy.J1 Na ion’s men ion of his poin is no o downplay he na ure of Yoder’s wor90 bu o a..en ua e how i .ould have been fur hered by .onne. ing i wi h his radi ion. Na ion believes ha Yoder’s in eres s regarding he in erplay be ween he Chris ian radi ion and i s surrounding poli .on ex s are ripe for a dis.ussion wi h por ions of hough . A..ording o Na ion0 Yoder’s so.io8poli insigh s are genera ed primarily during he C0’s and 60’s of he wen ie h .en ury. This means ha hey are no readymade for implemen a ion wi h he new poli reali ies of .on emporary exis en.e. The problem is no ha he had formula ed hese insigh s in he pas and ha hey .ould no longer .arry weigh for .on emporary dis.ussions0 bu ha some upda ing is ne.essary for he 9ernels of ru h o be be er unders ood in he ligh of hese new poli reali ies. The .hanged .on ex ma9es i diffi.ul Fbu no impossible) o ex rapola e Yoder’s insigh s from he C0’s and 60’s on o .urren poli dis.ussions. Na ion believes 1 Mar9 Na ion0 John Howard Yoder: Mennonite Patience, Evangelical Witness, Catholic Convictions FGrand Rapids0 Mi.higan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.0 1006)0 138. 2 ha under he righ .ir.ums hese insigh s .an be ex ra. ed and used for .on emporary dis.ourses. He views he ex ension of Yoder’s hough as a posi ive endeavor be.ause i will help o main ain Yoder’s relevan.e deep in o he 11s .en ury. The only problem wi h Na ion’s effor is ha he is no very .lear on how his in era. ion wi h philosophy should a9e pla.e. Na ion’s wor9 offers an invi a ion o ry o ex end Yoder in erms of a framewor90 bu he does no provide a very .lear se of guidelines for ha effor . This .on.ern abou how one ough o develop Yoder’s hough in erms of a poli philosophy is made more .omplex by he reali y ha Yoder made a .ons.ious effor no o in.orpora e su.h hin9ing in o his wor9. Yoder worried ha an alignmen be ween his wor9 and erminology would run he ris9 of advo.a ing some hing o her han Jesus as he primary sour.e for Chris ian heology and e hi.sK ins ead of seeing Jesus his readers would only see a sys em.
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