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, 'tHE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, .l96i. (Price: 7 Cents) S's

! J• ~: !' • .'

~·~ iota ~ e s an 1n r •·$ 0 s 1er Tells House Of,, ·Bomb Blasts Rotk

mbly Efforts Made To Om~~K~ter'·<·~ "i(~-

f.l;!)!lan ~ • REET pAll Miners Employed o~ ' ORAN. Algeria-Rcn •rs - Forty-foUl' plastic hnmh cxplos:P.,IIS rockml the l\Ios!c.m W.t.in ,,[ terror that claim­ ed al least J:: [iy, S, rs Would Have Taken Cut The explusi.ms hoo:ncd lhrr.ugh t:1e ;\Ioslem sub­ urb of Lamur as dawn hro!,e, lenlPng n~wly-huilt ·small houses and setting fir;•s lhal blazed uncontrol· ~ay In Order To Share Wod, led through the day. )even hundred Bell Island miners are to be paid ,off almost • Rioting l\Ioslems forced hack llolin~nwn aml fire· 11 d men attempting to deal with the dama_"'.~ and JloUred 1 , Premier Sma woo told the House of Assembly Wed- into the European 11 uarters, sacking and lml'llinl! "I take it they (DOSCO) will post the names of th~ 700 quick- stores and stoning cars. 1 ~~lel~~rc~~ .OUt 0~- th_eir misery," h_~.-~:_c~ar~~·------·- 11 ~i~tc1:. 0 ;;~~~~;~ ii:\i~~: ~~~~~~h r:~j~'r\ Schools W<'l'C ,.,,"::;-~~~~ l•:urO· .11 lh", llrll l•.lancl, . 1 t 1 It 1 • ... 1 French security ! o r c r >. .\ pcan Jllhl',. 1~ l'llljJ Ioy~c, or dcrcr I 1 : P e c Y Ull e1. •,ever n my 1700,'' the Premier declan•d. Fren~h army lieutenant '""' :M''·"' I'JC nrgoli· entire life have 1 seen such GIIE,\'1' SACIUFICli niWUSEll ki11cd and fonr >oldiers wounded ~~~-~(~:~~~t;.::i~~~~r.~TBEET 1" 1 ild · •n"h th•DOSCO manv unitytl as on Bell Islanclth on i That meant the number to in anolher baltic. In .\ber>. an outbreak of ,:: I~~ "'" ,~ ' • tat point. It was e finest be kept on would not be 1100 .\tl<:cks a pari from the dcm· ' tr held with the community spirit I have ever. 'hut only 900-700 would ~o. BEitLIN-This is a view of "Unity" Ill' Glicnicker Bridge, [rom II:.! Ameri· onslr;;tion' clainwd the lt1es of ~los!em · t·::JI'opcan terror was • d " \ t' " 1 h 1 [ Iouchcd off when a car rlro1·c l; ..h u: \1 ,.r ega Ion known," be said In praising ,1 The Prcmicl' suid he offered a (','Ill s·I'~· :stilt not hopeful, hut (bey were :scheduler! lor midnight, just be· 11 ~OIL · :trd, t~~/~~::te~ killing Corsican Etiellne Casse- The first alarm sounded for 1 !dent Kenn~dy and Pri~e Min· turndown of Khrushchev's Feb. i dor to ~Vest ~;~rman~. on a l'isit ' likely to get wor•e oHct: noon\ fore the finnl countdown was to In month, work- tari and Italian worker Giovani the fire shortly bcfo:·e 2 a.m. Ist.er ~!acmiiian told Sov:et Pre- 10 p:·oposal that government i to Bcrlm. offlc:als said. today. So for the ninth time in i resume. •II ••t \\'lt,·••s Marcello who were inside, and and Urcmcn battled in nea!'-Zcro miCr Khrushchev Wednesday heads themselves attend at the · Tl t 11 f 11 • '' ,,. · · · th · ' ' tl 'II b 'II' t t t ·t f 11 o t' 1e reques was ;e our 1 B mJtll'lng ano cr Corsican. weather ·unli\ 2 p.m. before ~ey WI e . WI mg o m~e s .a; o Jc 13.u·na IOn genern 1 time within a week tlJc Rus· ell Island dele· Lothiar; was alone on a flight flames were fmljlly snuffed out lum at Gcne1a after the d:s- chsarmament conference open· . 1 t t 11 k \\' 1 BIRD" !Iron~ and com· from Tunis to Ajaccio. . ' armament confct·encc makes ing in Geneva March 14. sians song 1 0 1 0~ ~s ern The 75 occupants of 4o apart some progress 1 M d' 1 . ·planes out of certam alt:tudes ments in the block wcr~ ~vacu- ' II ' oscotwd, Khtp oml altic tqum,·· in the air conidors in order to 1 0 Cubans Walk Out · · • Tl1c'Ir message< deli.I'ei·ed '1n ers .expec e rus IC Iev a · carry out manoeu1ircs. rnion Oil atcd m the middle of the mght. " b tl "" . d tend the conference opening de· rrl" Offer. No one was injured .noscow y 1e Amencan an . h .1 . d b ,. weekly, · British ambassadors, brought spite t e Kennedy - 1\lacnu an All requests were rejecte y Approves The fire started in the basc·j to .the verge of certainty tlic turndown. Western controllers at the four· Fuel Oil i · b t f 't · t' power air, safely centre in Ber- 100 gals a men t o f .a sh oe st ore an d Is e· prospec o a summ1 mce mg The western chiers stuck to . 1 1 h b d b b th B' Tl d 1 lin, but Wednesday was the first Of OAS IICI'ec o ave een cause Y Y c 1g Iree--;an per taps their original call for a Geneva .mcrs each fau It Y wl nng · m· th e VICIIII· · 't y of otl 1er hea ds o f governmen t- conference launching by their time any Western planes were WASHINGTON ( CP 1 - Cuba reporters, declaring "th iK una, 1 Civilian War a bank 'of electrical panels and within the next few months. foreign ministers as the liest harassed. walked out of t11e Organization phase of the OAS proceeding• l ttl meters. Strictly .spcnl

. i. ' I : I I I I . r I. Sf. JOHN'S, N I \

..')! - · Since19ss ••• in only 6 Year ' · M ar•-.- •me's sales a.ses multiplied a ti-... s -~

Go,·crnment has dco I ' rne roceed with the p I to P the housing W. H. C. Schwartz, President or G • President, W•. H. Schwartz the Federal o · & SonsUd., Halifax, N.S. premier Smallwood THE }louse of Assembly Y• ', .· was speaking in speech debate an W. J. Logie, Opposition L B.A. (Oxon.) F.F.A., A.S.A, criticism on P General Manager . 1 relations. The · ·d he did not brea : sal . t contract, v1o 1a e ~ ARITI contract or ~ : I ELIBE These were 3ggressiom against t~;~Pi by the Prime

Pre~nter added that had estabtishcc R. F. Richardson, u., F.!.A, end of Canada to I he Assistant General Manager and the fastest growing Life Insl(fance .,. prepared to fight Superintendent of Agencies '~·' d d' . 0 ff(t,~V I .. sewfoun Jan s '" thrcatened-"no o~ big for us to tackle 1

W. F. Fraser, Rcluming his speech Vice-President & Director Company in Canada ii~Tf · pre1'ious d~y, the P President, Fraser & Hoyt Ltd. New Gl • N.S. . }lf Red C.1

.. INCREASED its sales Active ~li!s Joyce- Decker. D: Roma Vincent, Field , of Junior Red Cro: returned f•om over those in 1960 Grand Falls, Winds< . Falls and Corner purpose ofthis trip organized brancl

; to review the a ' J. A. Walker, Q.C., Chairman, Red Cross and ! Executive Committee Vice·President, the ,·;irious projcc by a record-breaking visited were • • I • • a • • ~ ~ ~ • ' • ~ • ~ • A • • • - e t ' • • I t ' in all phases 0 gram - holding ; Red Cross mceti: · on many sen·i such as making o afghans, stuffed t• garments for C All groups disp interest in the Carl F. Burke, Director Managing Director Maritime Central Airways Ltd. •:.l!' Charloltetown,' P.E.I.

Eric Cook, Q.c., Director Cook, Bartlett, Chalker, & Marshall St. John's, Newfoundland THIS ENVIABLE· RECORD marks an impressi achieveme11t for the Company. But, more important, it holds a striking Head Office­ HALIFAX, significance for YOUR best possible Insurance protection and service. The Nova Scotia rapidly expanding operations of the Company show the high value placed upon The Maritime and its Policies. The quality of coverage and service • available to you through this progressive All-Canadian Company should place A. Gordon Cooper, Q.C.. Director Mcinnes, Cooper, & Robertson .: . it in the first rank for consideration in your immediate and future Insurance Halilax, N.S, plans. Additional information supporting this suggestion is yours for the askil1g. Why not call The Maritime man in your area, today! A. 0. Foulis, Director President, Foulis Engineering Sales Ltd. Halifax, fl.S. Visit I Th~ nahonal lcadcJ I ' Democratic Part) of Saskatchc Newioundland n ~------.~------~~------~------~.. ----~--~--~--~----~--. Douglas is sch 1955 1958 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 ' in St. John's r Thursday, to Gander and 1 to Grand Fall! morning he will These are the experienced men who chart the course of your Insurance affairs at The Maritime and later that

. I . to Corner Bro DQuglas will , , on Saturda I F. A. Nickerson, Director 'I I President, Ross Drug Co. Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. :··Dougl; ·ltinera The. New Democr; , T. Douglas- , · in St. John's 1\ 11.40, The Col i ~·,n hulri a press [· Ronald G. Smith, Director General Manager, Ihe ~ ewrou ndlan• National Sea Products Ltd. l.m · At nno1 I Halifax, N.S. on the Ma vor 1 i frank L. Smith Hubert J. Farrell, B.Sc. J. Ben Prince Donald R. Cox Keith B. Jenkins A. 0. Schreiter, c.L.U. 'lddress Univc '. •. St. John's, Sydney, Cape Breton Halifax, Nova Scotia Halifax, Nova Scotia Charlottetown, Moncton, New Brunswick ... N~wfoundland Prince Edward Island Following a '><•r.an •• at 6.45, ... . -.. 1 PUblic mec1 I ! • ' . (:lorman Stanbury, Director President, Stanbury & Co. Ltd. of Wales Col Halifax, N.S. . • Hill and l at 8.30 p.m. I ·Thursday Fl !; l '' . I I Douglas· win · I I John's. Rotary ( afternoon will I I and drive fron I Fans for a ' ' 63 at 8.15. p.l : ! .. to Gander M ~~~ to Dee~ Lal ·be met. by 1 Will accom1 K. A; Mader, C,A; B, K. Hibbert! c.LU. • ' H. F. G. Stevens, 1 E. R. Quinn, B.A, w. A. Hart B. Bergstein, C.LU. G. J. Thomas W. A. J. Davis Evan Butchart . Brook; Th Comptroller· • Assistant Super ntendent LL.B., A.C.LU, · ·Field Assistant Toronto-Egllnton, Canasco Agencies, Armed Services Division, Nassau, N.P., Bahamas J. S. Darrell & Co., gue&t · of · 1 .. ' of Agenges · Assistant Superintendent Toronto, Ontario· Toronto, Ontario: Hamilton, Ontario . Hamilton, Bermuda 0 .· ol Agencies f•the. NI .I and 'on 1 . I< '!1. Fo'Youns. Diredor · ;•••VIlSinh , lJIPe, ~ ' ; I followe• . 1 i 5 meeting 1 I i. I ... •. J.A .y~~~~:.r"~...... ···The ,MARITIME LIFE Assurance Company ... All-Canadian Owned and Operated at 8.30. . . . . • . . , . . . , ., .. , : . . , ...... DO I l ~uu1t"' will 1 ·. BRANCH &SALES OFFICES AT: ST. JOHN'S SYDNEY.PORT HAWKESBURY HAUFAX CHARLOTIETOW~ MONCTON SAINT JOHN FREDERICTON MONTREAL OTTAWA PERTH, ONTARIO TORONTO HAMILTON WINDSOR HAMILTON, BERMUDA N~SAU, BAHAMAS PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD SAN FERNAN ' I I ' ' , ' I i l·' .. : ~ 'i' ·,,, . ;, ! . }

.. ' '• ... - - ~ "\...... ···" . . ·... , ... "' Jf. JOHN'S,· NIWFOUNDLAND News THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 19.J2 ·.Federal Public ·e\\7£oundla~d Drops Two Wc.'fks.

OTTAWA. - James A. ~lc· Against F e.deral : Grath, !.!ember of Parli~r.·.2nt for St. .fohn's East, staled that the following cxp2r.tiilurci hJve been submitted to Parliament vernment, Says Premier : [or approval in the cstim~lcs of i the Department of Public t~' rromrnt has decided . reviewed his remarks ol Tues· 1 swcring another c)large made ! Works for marine work:.. in St. :, ;:~rrrd with the police •. day and said the fla~ New· by Greene on the previous day. John's East: · . the housing case ! foundlanders believed 1n was TENDERS St. John's Harbour: 1 c. 1hr Frdcral Go\·ern· the Union .lack and had the Regarding tenders, the Pre· Towards the comp!etion of Prrm1cr Smallwood told deepest respect lor it. It repre- mier told the. story of how it the St. John's harbour develop­ of .\ssembly yester· sented the Commonwealth of came the· Government got in· ' ment, S4,320,000. which Newfoundland was the terested In the buy-back plan Dredging, 818,600 . .,J; ;peaking In the , overseas cornerstone. Canada with Hanson & Hanson who Long Pond i\lanuels: ·,perch debate and an-J would get a national flag but built and financed the Confed· For dredging and harbour • Opposition Leader 1should also fly the Union Jack eration Building and $20 mil· improvement, $173,000. ~.~,~··•··~> critil'i>m on provin· I as Australia nnd New Zealand lion worth of University build­ Portugal Co\'e: ' 'aal rPlat iun~. The Pre· ' were doing, Both had their ings. Now, In an e~fort to Improvements to the fisher­ -'~,d h~ did not break the 1own flags and also flew the keep the. money at home, the . men's wharf, $32,000. '' 1,,0tmt, violate the I Union Jack. They were prob- Lundrigan company is building Bell Island: ~~; contract or l'iolate t' ably more British than most buy-back Government projects, Repairs and reno1·ations to :. 29. Thc~e were three Canadtan~, be added. so· is ·C. Crosbie through his the federal wharf, $12,500, · orr;iillll against Nrw- 1 Answermg the charge of company. They, too, submit ~lr. McGrath stated that in , · hr the Prime .Mini· i "blatant patronage" le1·elled by plans and specifications and addition to these expenditure! · · · Mr. Greene, the Premier said prices which are checked, as the Department of Publil rrrourr addrd that New- ' the Go1•ernment through the ~he Confederation Building pro­ Works will undertake other ·, . had r.

"~' prrparcd to fi~ht when· I Th1s II'Ottld Jni'Oil'e 15,000 d1f· 1 architects. , pro1·ide facilities for shore

1 . \rwfonndland'; interests fercnt purchases through 500 Soon tenders would be called 1 fishermen. ' ;.... atrnrcl-"no one was . \'Cndors, and· many of the lat· 'lor other technical schools and 1 ' •:' l;r u• to tackle in Can· • te~ . were not Libe~als. The l ~f .the tend.ers can finance the ! VETER!ANS of the Newfoundland Legislature and staff assisted in th~ cuncnt mcn~hership drive o[ the ' muuster of that off1ce has a ·Job th~y Will gel the contracts, · , • • • • . , ,, . I ~licC hi• .l night the first Gratlna· · Premier Smallwood in hi> ad. ing !rom St. .I ohn's "re opened i:d Fall;, ~\ mdsor, Bt~- : In Commission days there v.•ere .. The Premier uid since the i lion Exercises of United Collcg. dress slated, ":\cwfoundland OTT.\\\ .. \. Fe h. 14-.\ nrw Inn so111~ arc rough. On the flll! and l_om~r Brook. i more rumors in six months federal-~:overnment built the: The total index declined iale High School were held. spc1His twenty mi!lwn doil la1· 1:andcr llc>pital. (;anay, "ll is aho the ;:nee nf • s:\3B ..i3:l fcd~ral con· thrm. Red Cro;~ a~d to d1s- The Premier tbou~ht there ment .had e1:ery reason to look . ing index. The food, sheller, mier .Joseph H. Sm.1l!wood anti duty of the future governments su·uetinn grant. This an Th~ Cnitrrl Towns Electric · 'mou~ proJects .. All was only one defeated Liberal for the $400,000 it had spent· and other commodities and ser-: ~lr. fo'. \\'. Russell.lchairmanl. of :\ewfoundland to spend more noun.:emt'll'. ~'as made here Co. rcporlctH·, Tl It f 1. I A. · 'd d b 1 nouneftd toda• · h d · - . d 1r ro 1·1 o o B 11 Jan 1r· · l!. annua 11 ; an are e· ~ •· . II 1acp erson an t 11e presenta-: tal serw.' ~n rslunale pnpu 1a· . J F· B 1 j .. 1 1 111 11 1 .·. th1 high·light of the I The area concerned· l! the · ~ost · l•t·es Food p tion of diplomas by :Mrs Rus· 1 tion of 43.0110. : ~nes P ~nr w c . am ct . a; ' .. d c t' .. soutlll"cst •oastal regl'on of .l' ri·ces 11 A urnJ·tnd I l·ne· llll" 11.111'1•. t.ancler II cdnr;.sengcr· in the F ,l'.pal:-rs I A!rpol·t ~· rEtcnla~·- He is sc'rk- .. ~ewfoundland, the location ·Newfound!. and. ·. based Hssel Tile man, Roland :Freak•, charged lor food in central Robert Lcbans, the most out· hus was taken to hospital hut Qf :J- - ~IV A t h d I • ing pennJssion to enter {'o- :n:1 anr.ouocrd .later. ' : · ·. re tc.a IS Ill t e at·ea an was taKen to the hospital Tue~· Newfoundland are ex4remely .standing academic student of was later released when it was lumhia. ·:olhl! tnp ~lts; Decker and ~~ be;ng joJ:led .b~ the Depart· day after spending two days high as compared with other last year's ~rade rlevcn cia'S. found that her injuries were Spt•cial r<'dueed train [a!·c; lmmi~ration lltliical' s~id . \ir.tem contacted 1340; me~t.! M.\, CYo.nus. out ?f I and night~ in. • anow holt areas M the province. gave the Valcdidory. 1t was not scrim!~. will \Je in dfcet ;Jgain thi; thev see J.n reason Wh\' per· ;o per ecnt of whom arc . J~ahtax. Rbe~onnatss~ndce mbts·l which he had dug, . Earlier this week, Wolfred a tho!Jghl provoking ;;p. ! Slons are . ~mg carne ~ut Y I Freake left hom! \a~t Frk Nelson, chairman of the re· which he pointed out how much : · I tral'ellin~ to win their re· the ~o·:;ear·old Cullan. naval martllme patrol aircraft• day an d set out for hi! camp cently former central New- t1e1 graduates owed to their Sa£ t c ' '} sped ire 1es;cb. ·--·--·- · ·------· --- located. at. Pope's Pond, ·about foundand Consumer5' League, teachers. G e y ou,ncJ Canadian C\Jtional Railways: eight miles from Windsor. He presented a petition to Premier Edgar Churchill, President of ·. · · has announced that the special ' Leader left the camp Sunday for the Smalwood. The petition asked the United Collegiate Student· GetS Cheque 1,fares will be in effect from I Passes return 'jolirney, However, he that a royal commission be set Council, presented lo Mr. H. n. ! • . · i Februarv 20 to ~larch 10. The ran into a heavy tnow.storm nn up to investigate the com· Luscombe a large picture !rom , . : scalers 'may also take adrant-1 oVisit Here the way and was forced to dig paints. the official opening of the 1 The Newfoundland' S,tfcty ' ~ f tl 1 . d t fl Exam . Council has been presented I a"c o te rc< ucr ra es a er J ,, 1 h R hole in the •now and crawl school, showmg 1\lr. Luscomhc 1 .tl h :;; . ! the seal fishery has concluded. · 1 nl1on• 1 1racier of t a into it. · Mr. Smallwood did not as· receiving a key to the school. WI t a c cquc 1or ' 1·, 000 . 1JY . Drmomtir Party, 'fomm)' . - · · . . . · . sure Mr. Nelson thRt a royal 1. the All·Canada Assurance r cd· · or ~a;~atchewan, will I The many friends of AI Tay- I He. W~! ·discovered Tuesday commission would be estab- i era) ion. Ca s I 1 ·\:. ~nt'o'•ui~ul ndland nl exd·tllld'eetk. II hlor bwill lie pldcahs~df~o !learn thl.at ~.~tl.enrdnsooornr·eS?I'!de.'natnoTtheerrry ·Ly~ut ng lishtetd but he h.intcdd that the Ori.gi'n Of Frr' es ! t Thtlc cche<]l!elwtals p~esekntrb.d J to en II G His lHoniolausr hteheen Ip,ileeua~:ndantto· ., . , as 11 sc 1c u c o e as passe IS tna exam n· n . , 11 e. rna er may come un er a pro· . ~ 1c oun:t 1!s we~ ~I . ol'e_n or ,, · m St. John's next Tues·1 ations at the, Northrop Aero· . . · . vinclal cabinet investigation. \\, Arch nr;ce, executt1e d1· A 1960 Chev sedan was, appomt · On Thursday, he wlll nautical Institute of Techno- · Frea~e u : suffermg from N De • d rector of the Canadian High· : stolen from the St~r Taxi ' FRANCIS J. O'LEARY. F:~ .• . tltn Gander and from there 'logy, California, graduating as frost bit~ abou~: the feet and Mr. Nelson described the Ot tefffillle way Safety Council, on behall: parking lot about 11. 30 last~ to be an Honorary Aide-de· · · to Grand Falls. On Fri- a Power Plant and Airfram~ h.ands. His ~ondtbon is not con- meeting with t~e premier as or the Federation. · ~night Camp . •~orr.iog he will visit Deer 1 Engineer and also receiving his Sldered serious, "very congenial ·and friendly." The causes of two early The money is to be used fo~ ' Government House, lnd later that same day F.A.A. Certificate. A.! is an ex· morning fires which destroyed the promotion of safety edu· Tha car is blue in color. The St. John's, to Corner Brook, pupil of St. Bon's College, S.t·.:·. .Jo .. h·n· ·Ambulance one home and extensively cation in the province.:: licence number was not slated. February 14th, 1962. Douglas will leave the After graduation be joined damaged another in different . on Saturday. the- R.C.A.F. in which he served areas of the province , earlier for five years, three of which this W

• ..

I :' !. 4 I I ; r ' I THE DAIL Y NEWS _,. "Gangway!" I' Newfound/and's Only Morning Paper THE The DAILY NEWS is a morning paper IN NEWS Isla ~stablishcd In 11194, . and published at By Wayfarer ' the News Building, 355·359 · Duckworth - rrom page 1 Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, b)' ··•''""'·- continued. Robinson & Company, Limited. THE FUTURE OF PEPPERRELL answer was " men .would and MEMBER OF J(l ana that only THE CAI'lADIAN PRESS . It. \:·ould appear that the final agreelllent b )• essential to the not stand for it, I l.e.nee nl Can:~da. And while J am happ,· that and would leave ar srcuril\' aut! paymcuts to the in the naliou. It is something so elsewhere thereby pnl\'iuecs. · ntsl in its implications that it lnendlv solutJoH has been reached, this dor1 lendency to have th alter my opinion that the true reversionarv on Bell Island m: This was not a n·n· logical re- should he considered far· aud ahovc younger and les: tort for a nntnlwr of \'ery good the ordinary levels of part\' stdfc lay with :\cwfonndlaud ami should never hale . reasons. [n the first place, there and conflict. It calls, in fact, for Auld Lang Syne the subject of di.~putc. However, siuce out ~f · GIFT REFUSI haw he en aka~ s large annual that grand inquest of the nation has come the first hreath of real peace and oosco I r'rom the files of the ~linish'l' ol Cmtom> Saturday has bc~n rlccterl Prcsidenl of in om relations with Ottawa since HJ.jg_ ant! Premier then int'l'l'llll'llls in social Sl'CHrilv and that parliament ou,l(ht to he in all IJnil)· :-;cwsl ni;~ht :;tatcd ihat a nrw dory lhr Xcwfollltdlaml' Bn.ml of was one other or prm·incial disbursements evci· since matters ·of supreme importance. painted ;:rey, \'el')' much Trade for this ycHr. relations are \·ita! to the successful fnriC'!ionincr. on behalf of tb• Fchruar)' Iii, I !132; these polieics were first instituted. The simple fact is that political wreckrrl. had been pirkcd up f cdcral sYstem, perhaps it has been a :.;ood thi;k Go\'crnmcnt. HOCKEY at Argentia b)' ~tart.in Barrnu. the \\·hole. ~i\'e oosco So Yet 1111 deficits resulted until Hl58. leaders must leam the truth and If ke t•otHiitions permit. the lliG I•T!';EIL\ L out of the Tr :\ nd in the second place, revenues speak it. The people must rr.alizc, OLIJ l':'.!:'lllO~!Eil WINTEil keeping the big game of the Senior League Th~ f!lncral of the late Hon. This is a real nld·fa>hioncd Intact. Tbis mo• have hccn risin~ steadily to take nnd manv of them do, that cverv­ sthedule hctv:ccn St. Bon's F ..r. ~lnrri' t~ok place yr.;;tcr· 11nd Feildians ll'ill he played winter ll'i\h 'now piled hi~h DOSCO Tlill IIP a large part of these special thing th~y ~et from a welfar~~­ clay and was largely attended. tonight. St. Bon's hal'e no\ a;ul tempcr;llurcs lately ha-.·c But now that the deal has been made expcnditurcs. · In the case of minded ~ovcmn.)(!llt must be paid lost a game and. the Fcildians h~en dose to zero. statntnr\" old age pensions, the for. The customarv method ol have lost only two. 'FLU EPilH:m<: and honour appears to be satisfied on all fund which is maintained through payment is by the in;position of an February Iii, 1917: Thr influenza epidemic· which sides, I cannot help expressin~ the fear that IIORV FOUNil JIOAllll OF TRADE l1as struck thomands of citizens i1~ a way it may be a sort of semi-prrrhic specific: rc\'enncs apart from the incfcasin~ toll on the total value A mc5sage to the Deputy Mr. Campbell :.tacpllcr,on continues un:1hatcd. ge11eral hudgct, has lately been· of national production. It is a vtctor~'· :vi uch depends on how main ten· showing a s11rplus. method that impairs the diScretion- ance costs are to be divided. ~luch de. But what is a much bigger issue ary power of the worker owr his - Vlhat Others Are Saying~- pends also on the degree to which buildings than was raised ll\· l\ lr. Dicfcn- own earnings and threatens the na­ put up for military purposes ma~· be easily Grant ~lOP. E OUT THAN IN uousl)'. 'f11e co>ts of Nlnc~tion panicd by the political embel· and economically adapted to other uses. haker in his retort io ~lr. \)carson tional ea]Jacitv to meet forci"n :lll,tc of the be the only o . The Change In Agr~ culture for the pre>cnt year compared and debts, cannnt continue. Commi>Sion i> to in,·estigate outside the U.S with the Preceding one, it would The ~linister of Mines and Re­ ing subsistence farming alninst to There is gootl reason to heed and report on a battery · of in existence. sources, ~lr. Keough, has em­ vanishing point. :\low there is an still be c~usc for anxiety. But the waming of the Canadian charges laid again'! the admin· the real anxiety is that this George Glins' phn:sised once more a point that he Chamber of Commerce a few istration of law enforcement in Let us make no mistake 011 one poi"t-I'PnrtPr· the departme: agricult.ural industry that ha~ pros· widening bet ween revenues years ago that "apart front this province. Public confidence and expenditures is not an ac. rell land is valuable. If it contaiucd no i engineering ar has beeu makiug at evcrv favour­ peels of steady improvement. possible defence requirements in the findinr:s of the Commis· nation's top con nhle opportunil~· in the ·past few That is very much to the good. cidcnt tut a trend. the most urgent demands arc sion will he shaken unless it at all, it would become perhaps the most . The Canadian Tax Founda· said: "With su in the area of municipal and is a;surcd that the invcsti~a· piece o! residential real estate in the cill. But 1! there is no nee \'?ill'S. While this newspaper has dis­ !ion points out that over the prorincial responsibility." lion will he thorou~h and huilt up and after the final adjustmcul lict1rec~1 · actual m< agreed with the proposition, set past fiv~ years-that is to say, Olr:iously; everybody cannot This poiut is that while subsist­ painstaking. era) and pro\·incial propcrtv has bern made, 1t research time i forth in the Board of Trade from 1956·57 to 1961·62-t(ltal ~o on spcndin~ aho\'c rc\'Cllurs I I f'lrce· agriculture has suffered a vcrv revenues ol the ten provinces indefinitely, without the day • • • ha \ e to. be considered in the light of thr aon~ropnate cct. Such a Ecouomic s.urvcy, that agriculture used in lh ~lllista;Jtial decliue, it has been rd­ increased hy an estimated S959 of reckoning heing lcrrihlv use that can be made of the buildht\!S that are represents titc best opporlnnitv for million ;,nd total expenditures cruel. · TilE '!'HUE NORTH circuits plat·ecl hy a real farming industi'y. ('f~ronto Globe and :llail) electrical mao increased volume of employt{1cnt, hy apprmdmately $1,326 mill· •• • • viceablc. Suggested uses have bee;1 rut His estimate is that more than ion. These amounts arc equiva· An impvrlanl and significant Thev include a new home for the agel and ~lribution. control it remains a fact that every dollar lent to an advance in revenue CUBAN QUESTION ~IAR!i chapter in ganadian history is llllliclttion machines 3,000 fa~·mers arc producing to the (Financial Post) being written with the division an i-nstitution for the custodial care' of the that can be produc~d in the pt:ov­ of 54 per cent and a growth Correlates D: Yalue of about ten million dollars in expenditure o£ 75 per cent. No Canadian go.rernment en· of the old Northwest Territor­ retanled who embrace nearly 500 children ince represents a strengthening of joys being out of step with the ies. The n;;me will be lost for· ''In the departmen a year. Their produce includes What i~· also important· to and other welfare services. But in most cases engineering it the provincial economy. On that note, the excess of expendi· United States on a question of ever, gi\•ing way to a new ter· cg!.(s and poultry, mink, livestock ritory of Mackenzie and anoth· stantial sums are likely to be required to meet in the study c hasis, agriculture should be en­ lures· ov~r revenues has he en foreign policy but Canada's con· and root crops. In so doing; they currence with the American er, yet to b~ named, which may cost of installation of services, repairs and or process couraged. getting progressively larger lUmt;~aticm O{ ope arc employing 500 tractors com­ each year It has gone up line is not, or should not be, he called either Keewatin or At the same time, there remains Franklin. struction. The hospital is a special problem. design of un pared with ~bout fifty in use at tht~ from -10 million in the cur· mandatory. ' · rent year. Ottawa has gone along with part of the building that is abm•e ground could in the d a goo'd deal to be said for the pro· The Korthwest Territo~ie;, kinetics tin'c of union. Of courEe, a difference be· Washington's han on Cuban arranged to accommodate about 200 to 2~0. motion of more · home gardens. in origin, if not in boundaries, corr.•lo+: .• ft of d! trade to the extent of for· . tween revenues and cxpendi· · represents the area called Ru-. with the elimination of part of the exls.tmg or the advan lu dollar Yaluc it mav be doubt­ Thousands of families in rural turs on this scale is bound to bidding use of Canada as a ful if Jann produce the pert's Land. handed over to quarters. But the subterranean secti~n, analog c ·~xcceds areas could still keep a cow be reflected in mounting debts. backdoor for shipment o£ the Hudson Bay Company un· •ears to have a lead su(rcrested. has happs) I&! d. ' ettes are not that much of a luxurv sales tax, amounts to about $1,­ Plea~antville man~· ·.. !'.... cial obligations. Yet it is hard resist the demands of pressm·p in this direction, with a better MM b p0• are 12 and there is little- doubt that th;), . HOO,OOO,OOO 'compared with $1,- to sec that any of these arc groups? In the forthcoming climnte, a new railway prom· recollections. J. hope, too, it rnay I nd researeh are heavily overtaxed. 800,000,000 from income tax . and likely to diminish. Health costs national election campaign, is. i~ed and a growing economy, sible to re-open the White Hills roal ad· · engine• hut it may he some years be· I ' related to the hospital schemes there a national party big restore tJ us · attracttve• cl nve· an J Sltl·roUJI another Beer and spirits are another sub­ $1,276,0QO,OOO from . c01:poration arc certain to increase, and enough to shape . and present fore Fort Simpson becomes the University stantial contributor. to the revenue taxes. perhaps to increase conspicu· an economic policy, unaccom· 11th Provincial capital. iugs to the people of St. John's. oldest I ' . lllliYeraiti

; '·~ ... •· .4 - .... ~-. - 0. • , NFLD. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1962 Island Layoff· The Courage·ous fan1ily 'That I,C. H. BaHam (rom page 1 l curred by keeping on the Still In Hospital · '"" ··•'''"·' .. continued. lllr. 1600 men. The company, he answrr II· as "No", added, rlalmed It would cost Labor Minister C. H. Ballam men would and will them money to keep the men Backs Up John Glenn is still being detained at a .~r and that only 900 on, So the gowrnmenl's offer 1 St. John's hospital for treat- tt kePt on. remove1l this reason, he said. ment. · rrrn1ttr said nlr, Fair· FINAL SUGGESTION Mr. Ballam entered the hos· hi~ What DOSCO was then asked 1 pita! earlier this . week. While 11 11 renson that 11 krt tor Bell Island to do was (1) Lay off no men; :here, he is expected to un· '::d grown steadily (2 l To put back to work all dcrgo surgery for an unknown r.mnanr wns not tak· 1600 of staff; (3) To work ailment, · · Britain was addin' 1600 men as many months as to new orders anti would be required to produce tht rc~idue of last the 1,250,000 tons of ore; (4), order. All llrltaln was In return the union would take To Extend thiS 1-rar \\'RS the Un• a cut in pay; (5), Union men portion of last would increase per man pro· J Ita!)' was tak· ductlon (and lower cost of pro­ Closing Date ! tons. So that duction even though they would 1 ilt about 300,000 tons be getting less wages and pro· 1 The committee on Arts and !ritlin, tea1·ln~ 1,100,000 dueing more); (6), Govern­ Letters appointed by the gov· · tolng to ~ydney, Hoi· ment to study then the posi· . crnmcnt, bas decided to extend the closing date for acceptance nd llrl~lum. lion and eliminate any losses ~iLAH: L:\IIOR" with the half million eontri· a! paintings to Friday, Marc!'! butlon. . ·2nd, .. ,3id thr wa~e cut that ;·~ '01res,ary if DOS CO That was the offer he made • 11 · • to Mr. Farley the Premier ad· 1 10 to art would bP. I " " I lour dnl\nrs a 1 ay per ded, saying he asked DOSCO mrn tl1rn would be also to give it a year's trial a> DELUGE? a month-the 1600 the situation marketwise might Legion Annual Funny thing about little bills-each may be tn 11 0nld ~rt work for improve that time. no more upsetting than a single raindrop. But a ,,; nwnlli> ont of the Once again the Premier said lot of them pouring don·n on :,ou can make you ,· pdll;lnnd in that case the answer from lllr. Fairley Meeting was "NO and that is final." The mighty uncomfortable. :1 ; hY·"ord all across The annual meeting of the \ Premier then. said he took it 1 . 1, a "ohrntary slave , St. John's Branch Royal Cana· Come in out of the rain. A Crescent Con~olidation ~lr. f'airlcy con· they (DOSCO) would post the dian Legion will he held in St. Loan will pay off that rain of bills and leal'e you l 'II\ names quirkly of the 700 and 111 Premier said. T~e .John's on Thursday, February in the sunshine with but one easy-to-handle mont/ily lid Hot ,r.rl nwrr actil'c men put the people out of their ASTRONAUT GLENN AND4FAIUILY: Giving him that "extra boost," wife Anna, daughter 22. At this meeting a new ,d to the ;tand for it, Fairle.v misery. Lyn, and son David, payment. DOSCO STAYING slate of officers will be nomi ll'ould lral'c and seek inatcd. Reports will also be All it takes is a call to your nearest Crescent 1 By BRUCE BIOSSAT aPP' that tltcrehl' creal­ The Prem1er said he was sorry be in the bloom of health. parties, she like~ drawing and presented on the activities of ,• J NOJwspaper Enterprise Assn . .tytanager. .. ~ l1is due\ . to hnl'e the work to have to conl'ey such had news. David's other outside aclivi· water color painting, bclon~s the branch over the past year. ·"~ Bell Island made up He added that Mr. Fairley said ARLINGTON, Va. (NEAl­ ties include. the Boy Scouts, a to two dr?ma clubs, reports for DOSCO were not giving the mine When the spotlight now and '· y~un>cr and less encr· youthful Explorers' club, oc­ her school paper. One arrest was made by City · 164 \VA TETI STREET. ~lanager: D. Stone, S-Ol:l, up, "We don't think Bell Island then swings to Astronaut John casionally a little assistant If the family were together police yesterday. will cl'el' be what it was in the (,In 1\EFUSED BY Glenn in his home setting here, cookery as Glenn chases his more of!cn, th~re'd. be more o[ The lone of!ender was ~ past." The cut Mr. Fairley add· his two children, David, 16, and 350 WATER ST, l\Ianngcr: P. Whelan, 8-0247 nosco wife out of the ldtchen and 1 ed, the Premier said. has to come the. hikmg.'. bicycling, can?e· man arrested for drunkenness. rrrmi~r then said Carolyn-"Lyn" - 14, stand tries his own band al some racm~. skung and camp1p;: ------· --·--____ ---· · ,;, anc other offer he nnd it was bette,· t~ /..vc it now shyly behind him. . "real fattening things.'' they fondly look hack upon as and Lyn, £•ager and earnest in nnd get it OVCI' 1•·· I, , Pn hrhnlf of the Pro· Yet some who watch them as Lyn makes ludge and cook­ joint adventures. But their all they do, don't intend to 'rhe Premier s , , whether Mr. they move !rom day to day in cheerful colonial rambler miss a moment of it. In their I Gonrnmcnt. II e Fairley was right or wrong it ies. Once she sent ·her dad a !ill llOSCO 5500,000 the glare which their father batch of cookies just before he home is governed today by house stand four television was the most tragic news eve~ to attracts say that the youngs· · aut of thr Tr~asury hit Bell Island and the miners went on a spccial"astronaut" thoughts of the great, solitary sets-at the ready. They only ~rr~ln~ the labonr tcrs deserve a little special diet. He devoured them while ad1•enture that awaits John wish there was some way they I had made one or the noblest of· attention for themselves- as CANADIAN, COAST·TO·COAST I intart. This money by lcrs yet-to work hard for tess he could. Glenn is distant Florida, could give that space capsule nosco will owe teen-agers of strong character Besides dancing, dates and With their mother, David an extra boost on the big day. pay, If DOSCO had come back and substance, worthy of being on ta~cs not and said they wanted -another en made l!st rear, a bit left copied by youthful Americans hail million besides "I might everywhere. d on all from th~ yrar before have agreed In order to save Bell fear that lor thi.> )·car-a total of Island." the Premier added. Bare inches short of his t million dollars, This "There was no opening at all, dad's mcrlium height, David is , . i-p\Trhic brown·eyed with short, straight I . to•rrmncnt offered to 1 Fairley was absolutely adamant main tcn- llOSCO keep II ! and final in his conversation to brown hair. He is sharp-minde- ! . merlin~ any losses in· Ime.'' ed, reflective, successfully ab­ 1uch de­ sorbed in advanced science and ntildhg~ other taxing high school stud· he easily Grant ies, given to daydreams of stowing away with his dad in 1cr llses. a space vehicle. the time F ()]L I 0 0 0 the best a.tl"""'tronic' Brain , Lyn, auburn·haired, freckled and snub·nosed, gaily teaches made an friends and neighbors of all ntling of Ottawa University ages the popular "twist," may the onus tllontrral Star) by he Oblates or Jl!ary Im· dash off to a "roaring Twen· I tics'' party garbed in flapper hureauc­ , - ~!ajor advances .maculate, a Roman Catholic i!::ricai engineering re· · religious order. It accepts dress and matching headache one. At band. But she too is a superior : m expected at the Uni- male and female students rc· student. he build- , of Ottawa because of a gardless of lan~:uaile, creed or 1es Their sehoohnalcs testify state. Thr Atkinson Chari- color. that David and Lyn bear quiet­ I and not 'Jfcur1dati•on. the university It has grown from 1,156 ly and calmly the wide notice ·. l'erl' RCI'. Henri F. Le· students and 173 staff in 1945 Replace· ;redi;ts. to 2,913 students and 342 staff that has come to them. A typ· md other cila reaction: "Dave doesn't ar.nounccd The Founda- in 1960. By 1965, student enrol· talk about it too much, so no· : stnte of granted 525 592 to the ment is expected to be 5,000. body bothers him about it." · · for purchase of an ~he Atkinson . Foundation Harder. to endure than pub· will have ·· · analog computer con- which was estabhs_hed by the ne eases, licity is the strain that goes lc: the engineering depart- late Jos~ph E. Atkmson, form· with waiting !or John Glenn's · than the The "electronic brain"- er publisher of The Star and orbital adventure. Again, how­ . rar. simulatt experiments The ~tar Weekly, bas made _two ever, the word Is that the two it! circuits' imagination ~rcvious grants to the umver­ children hold steady-and even bt the onll' one or its stty, comfort their mother, hand­ M;ide the i.r.s. and the In 1951-53, a total of $20,390 · · was granted for medical re· some, brunette Anna Glenn. ;1 emtencr. Says Lyn: . George Glinski. chair- search into bone-aging .. "We try to keep Mother's the department of elee- Aided Research mind off of it when she gets engineerin~ and one of· In 1960 The Foundation nervous." tllio~· 1 top computer ex- granted $10,000 to assist re­ The Glenns are a tight-knit· I !lid: "With such a com· search in physical exercise foursome. Religion seems to he I t\m is no need to build and blood cholesterol level. one of their stron~:cst bonds. I actual models and The computer grant i~ the They all pray with fervor, read time is on fifth made by the Atkinson sn~•ed the Bible, ~:o ·to church, join in . Sucll ~ simulator Foundation in the Iicld of en· gincering, church activities. used in the study o£ Lyn is president of a youth circuits and net- The others: $25,000 to 1\lcl\laster univer- fellowship group at the Presby. etectrkal machines and sity for' metallurgy research. . terian Church. · She recently control and com· $25,000 to Queen's unlver- played a leading part in "Youth machines, sity !or geology research equip· Sunday" there, Trim in a navy men!. blue suit edged In red, she Correlates Data climbed the pulpit to say: · ·~ t~e department of ehemi­ $25,000 .for Dunlap obs~rva· tory telc!cope. "Parents are the main In· t:gineering it would be Iluenee on a teen-ager's life. in the stud1· of transient $10,000 to Waterloo univer· sity for chemistry equipment. They give us our moral stand· : of proc~ss equipment, ards which help or hinder us of operating con· ••. Each person Is an indivi­ desi~n or unit-operation dual under God and each per­ I in the development son has to choose his way, , ." ' ~ kinetics models and· I To Probe • • • l' of data. The two kids' latest report II the advantages of the cards each ·sported a pair of II analog computer to A's, but Lyn suffered a slack­ isthat it can be Fires off in a third subject. "I just expanded as future re· An investigation is to begin haven't been able to conecn· 1 arise." shortly into two fires which trate on studying lately," she the machine as occurred along the St. John's says, milestone in computer waterfront yesterday, Lyn nevertheless manages I.q which will greatly . · ahout twa . hours' study on · In an era when-many forms of ~dvertising are criticized by the public, daily newspaper ad- j, Post-graduate work. Shortly .after 2 a.m. •. hrc school nights. Carol Prince, a II2·)'ear-old University broke. out m the old Admiralty classmate at Williamsburg ' if · is planning huge ex­ Bulldmg at the naval dock junior high, says: "She and 1 vertisements have retained their popularity. Most people not only like newspaper ads, but wa11t !I orer the next 20 years. on Water Street West. The study geometry and French to­ . will be over $31 mil­ blaze went completely out of gett.er sometimes -especialiy them. And one of the most important reasons is "comparison shopping." Through their daily tlu1t the. Budding now in progress control, destroyed the buildi?g over the phone." study th.e lltnntd hdore 1965 will and several pieces of equtp· David, constantly seeing him· !rnment IS ll0.350,000, Second phase ment mside. Cause of the !ire sel! following his dad's pia­ _11ewspapers people check the· features, benefits and prices of competitive products and services. exhaustive ?tolect, from 1965 to has not been determined. neering trail in spac·e, hils the · Wtil take another $21,· The bu!idin'g was at one lime l!Chool work hard. His principal They als,o discover where to. buy. They find newspaper advertising deftnite, informative and ..• maxinnun used by the Parcel Post dr.· at Arlington's Yorktown high, >west cost. Lerare said so far partment and in recent days W. Ralph Kler, puts his stamp IN PRINT. Print advertising can be reviewed and remembered. Retailers who sell your time must lor funds for the was used by thl! Federal De- of excellence on his mastery of divided h of the expansion partment of Fisheries for stor· ef 1 heavy-duty schedule In Cl•~' raised $.1,600,000. 1 g1 purposes math, science and language. merchandise spend 82% of their own advertising money in daily newspapers. Thereafter "'' Generosity · • • • e to which lrant from The Founda­ Damage re1ulting fronl . the · In his brief visits home from the computer is a gen­ fire has been estimated at Cape Canaveral, John Glenn Daily Newspapers -·the best meeting place for advertisers _and their ctlstomers. 't to neW $100,000 pitches in to live his young· ~ I 'II htltllure which. I hope :d Jt WI . followed by other steri a few scholastic hints tnd by industry " he AI, firemen were battling the lp.lete. In which they Say help a lot. Altb h ' apectacular blaze; another fire The big thing at such times, ,e question oug the, unlversl· broke out at the CNR dry enllneering building dock nearby. This fire, how· though, Is the persistent con­ CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION he eastern ready for ·two yean, versation between David and is needed now to ever, was exitngulshed. before !il5 UNIVE~S!~ -~~~·• TORONTO 1, ONTARIO:-GENERAL MANAGER, R. A. BAR FORD. has been ~ ·~·•••• his dad on space exploration research and 1 a h· it could do any great damage. and related matters. Lyn's in­ :mv hapPY U!d, e c · But It did. scorch a section of terests do ·not run that way. are 12 · the outcrbody of the British :\)'.be pod r Poatsraduate newsprint carrier "Darkwood" Says 1he:. . Newfoundland's Morning Newspaper esearehers in the · · . "Let • the men do it , , • · road an . en•'tneer· g d which was on drydock for re· • m epart- · Mother and I leave them alone. ' surround· . another 10 part·time .. pa 1rs · Dave's the authority on all of Ottawa, JnvcslgJtions Into hoth !ires that." . u~dest. mllclally bi· are expected to begin almost Both of the Glenn children DAILY NEWS ventty, is eperated lmmediAti\f, enjoy many sport! and look to THE

I - -~---·-······--·----··-~··,- ... -.. ,._.~ ...... ~- .. -. ·;·:.- '\."";_.'·~-~···· ··:•.·; .. :..- ·.-~·-···1· ·. ~--·· ·. ' I I ,' : I ' 6 JOHN'S, ol THE DAILY NEWS, ST. ~FLD. TfH'RSDAY, FEBRlTAI1Y l'i, ln~l '' ,, Caribou Gaile Dugas On Fashion ¥our Chapter iPock The Major ·Coat Silhouettes Of This Spring i EXIIORBITA~T ~lEO I ,I.O.D.E. BY GAILE DUGAS FEES ARE SUBJtciC.\t ' ' PROTEST TQ I The annual meeting of Caribou NEW YOTIK-t:-IEA 1-The co: ! I Ch:tplcr, I.O.D.E., was held at fashions or spring fall easil)' il BY FAYE IIE'itE lh)!~. ~lcmorial Unirclsity· on to tlll"ce categories: t h a medical bill sla" I . ,,er1 Thursday, February \r.t. at B.~o princess Ol' the equally Iitle '1creI IS some!hin• )·o )'Ctr 1 p.m. Reports lor tile tDGl rcdin~otc, tile loose coat an ''l~ 1ec k 1nth . Your" u wcr·c rend and t~hlcd :-trs. II. · the coat with lilted front an I, :amp~ny, )"otrr coun1•• While, the retiring ricgcnt, in , loose bacl:. · :sso.ctallon, e1·c 11 l"O~r · .' a few well-chosen words thnnli· · · . , o hnd out whether 11 · ed 'all the members of the Chap· · There arc I'a nation~ of I h c .• .. · •ere . ' I revrcw committee·· in ,. • . ! ter for their· CO·OPCI'ation and themes. ~ut .gcncl ally, as ) ~ area to which You can ' lo::ull)' dming her term of of· ~.hop, ; o;r ll rmd tl~at the con. fi~c. The meeting was then • O~l loo\, at c?nl?r m, to the. pas.>ed over to t:lC Convenor of sll.~?uetlcs. \ ou ll lmd. mo1 The. lol'm thc.•c 1 ~,·irw the Nominotin!J committee who set·ln sleev:s . th1s sprmg, I m1tlees ta\:c \aries conducted the election n! o'fic· 1 t~ncil or tarlorm~ Ill ~.sen£:. I GencrJl!y, they con~i;l r.j ers ..The !ollowin~ is the new 1 11hcn clothes. ~rc pm hculm ~ro s-scrti0n ot ,.ar.o:•s · slate or officers lor· 1952: I soft ~nd !emmme. lea 1 . i i . ~cons. ns Regent: ~Irs. E. A. Hun·e~·: I This sprin.g is producing a go: men unrt e1 en norr''"' . 1st. \'ice·Rcgt,nt: ~~r~. :'>!. mnnv collnrles necklines. Br of large indt~>tl·iai Rit1e~ut: 2irl. Vice-Regent: Mrs. if this nccldinc ·is not for ym Co-operntin~: wilh R. F. S!1m·J:cs: S~c1·ctm:·: ~Irs. don't worry. There nrc lots r mitlec;; is the G. Ru,scll; ;\>SL Sccret~ry: neat, preci~e little collars nn Council, an i !\!iss G. s~n~rs; Tre~surer: I rc1·ers. And thcv. are e\'cr 1 e_ight insurance trrule Mi•s 11. E1·rns: Educ::tion~l II hit .rs 19l>2 as the collnrlcF tl.ons, set up to provic1 Sc•!rctnr')': :.t•·'-· .1. \:cr~er: ncc!t!inc. ntcal and pr~dical <'d to f.~·hnc.> Sc:·rrt::"r: ~li,; "1. : tors and hospitals. nnll: Sl :mdard Rcnrcr~: ~Irs. P~~~ seamin~ is 1151'11 to ~il-r t 1 ,J. ~:ucl:l~s<: ('••mw~IOI'': ~li•s ! How might you prin\'~S' ~ppe;,l• P. (loddcn. ~lrs. Pert. ~~r~. ron! its pel'fcd lit r tn nc'•icl'r thh hi~h yol:r lor Ta)'ll•r: ~lr<. !.i~lll. ~Irs. (', i:1 a loo.•c coat either h·onl 1 lhrillnd ~II'S. f'o•\'l'l'' ~•lioaal , Suppose ~·ou h.n r h:• 1J 10 ... hack, s~n i:·~s ill !lome nne! ,\lll'o~d pendix r .r m o rc d ~~J~ S~:·rclnr.l': \Irs. :\. ~lcl.cilan: !'~11·gcon lull< ,·ou fo~ t·,: amounl ,·ou harl Empi1·c and \\"oriel .\!~air.< Con· 1\'hilc, h\;wk ~lld whitr, l'illl';: or consic!cr~:IJI,· rxc~,, rcnor: ~Irs. F. Pah11rr: ,\lrm· llR\')', ~ra)', hcizc nnil hlw 111 the al!o\\'ancr for th'• · bcr,hio Conrrnor: \Irs. n. 1\'il· n•·c ~II hi~h fashion coat color. lion under your he;l~h son: Public ncl;otions Con:·.rn· I !his ~prin~. llCyoncl t h c 6 ( Oi': ~Irs. ~I. .1. )lcl·ccr·: I· 1hn hasics, there arc some henull· 1 a nee plan. Yo" •hou!d ;:,,. ,... Com·cno1·: ~Irs. ~1. ll'hch•n. Cit· 1 ,\ t·lear idea of major ~mtl silh01iettcs fur Sfll'ing may be had from a study or hopsack. Coal in French tweed (center J has deep yoked back and dropped quire wily the <::rzcon ,1 1 lui h In c s, yellow·~ r e e n s · cllarge. - · · i7~nship ~nd Immigration: ! brown t not us1wlly seen in these de~lgns. The princess (Jell) retJresents tile littecl coat with normal ~boulder line. Coat ~th cardigan look (right) has seamed yoke and moderate )!rs. \\'. Keough: Common· sprirl!( 1 and reds. Apricot has fullness. This is done in mohair wool hopsack .. These are Brittany designs, weolth fl~lr,tions: ~Irs. H. I waistline. 'l'l1e fit is achieved with careful seaming: fabric is mohair wool r~placed th:•t pitik shndc CI'NY· Perhaps yours was nol a I White: Hospita!it~·: :'llrs. \\'. H. I . one lorcrl so much just a short appendectomy and the I Crane: Tea Con\'cr.ur; ~II'S. yen ~go, Farrell: F'o'I'Cr ~n~ Gift: ~~:~r. i~.~ complications, takinl ' ' S. McLellan: li,·i! Defence I . dtlwnal skill and lime ~; ' part, justified the cha·,;· Li~son: :Irs. L. Brco\c;, . !",,hrir, nrc t~xl11red for the : .,.., n1o~f l"rt, 1dth lots or surfaLe 1 1 , . , int~re~t. But there nre smooth ! Perhaps he won"l rcJuce 1!·e. t 5 HOLLYWO~ A tcr ~~~ ele:t:?~ or.:!:'··;,:~ ~~~ · I' ,:p, and worsted hlends in ! or won't reduc12 it enon~h H. \1 hllc P<··" i 0 r t. ···' e ch\'~•v coat· fr •h' 1 efter complc to M"< E A H""\"C'' the n~ll' I · ·. .., om II tc 1 one meet Your reqrir~:11~l't~ I 1 ~' • • n. ·. ' In["\." Cb000SC Russe 11 inacl Rc:cnt. ~!rs. Han·~·: s"oke I ' • c:m then turn yo:1r tc:• , I'Cr\' brief!)• or the I'"Ork clone I ------to.~.:ch t. n~~·C'.' > edy sung n gi\·ing thrm comp>::e · ' ; h:r 1\lrs. Whi\e dnrinl! her term G I G d ness of the i or o!fice, l'•is 1\'~s fully cndors· ' ir ui es She was take I e:l by all the members pre· 'II i• not until ~!trr lr•·· ' I , sent, The regula~ monthly meeting of i rcncl~rcd their rkc·':on -,>,1 tetnus shots.

the Local Association of the 1 n~me ,of t11e """lor or . ·.:. Business briM completed the 4th St. ,John's District Canadian ~ is rci'C11ed cl!•l then ··· n:~cting clo~~rl wilh the sin~in~ Girl Guides was held on Feb­ onl~· after ynu rleci(rc r.~\ : or the ~7atirn:rt Anthrm, ~ncr ruary Bth. nt the home or the C~pt !he I'C\ lC'.\' which t!:e m~mbcrs en;o;·cd a D;Etrict Commissioner, Mrs. C. fir.~t decision ;md seek The social hour. Lo\'cys, hem·in~s.

The following officers were elec­ 'Where an in>urin2 ted lor the ensuing year: Mrs. I inl"ol \'ed, they wiil t I I R. Rock, Vice Chairman and i medical man he:ore "Helping on the At·ea Representative; Mrs. W. ; t ' ,J. Howell, Secretary; Mrs. E. your case. Often. it is ' highways and at ed, this contact su!!ices teo public gatherings." \\'. Hutchings, Treasurer: !llrs. A. Noel. Badge Secretary: Mrs. duce your bill. G. Pushue and ~1rs. A. Eavis, RepresentatiYes of Council· I , In not C\'CI'\' arl'a. howerer. 1\!rs. E. .Jeffers and Mrs. c'. j f the indirlclual o'ier hi; nyrne, Hospitality; Mrs. A. 1 for rcriew. In co:ne Morgan, Public Relations. cases can on',\ he I I I through ' A card party is lo be held by the lion. I 4th St ..John's District at the Taken during Tuesday night's 60th anniversary celebrations of The Standard Manufacturing Comp' 111 I 0 I day I, Frost. , ...... • .. • .. • • .. • • .. • • • ·•· •"' .. • • • • • • • • • • • ..•. • .... • ·•· ....• .... +.... ' cost~ to the ~.:on~un1cr ; Refreshments were served at the ...... ·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•· ·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•·•· ·•·•·•·•·•· ·•·•· ·•·•· ·•·•· I conclusion or the metting, ! ~ ' . ,,, ::::~~:~~!.itS ·I Social~ Personal [j: ::'';· ,,.,,, ., . chocolate • • • · ville arril'cd in Ihe c:l)' :•! •!~ da,,· and ,·_, re~i.~iered at : ~ l cup butter ~4 •.4 li tsp, ·salt ~· Newfoundland Hole!. Women G l . :•' 1 1 egg, beaten I'' o u •' ' • " 1 tsp, vanilla • RETURNS nom: ., . :!: m n ~j · sill ~g~in. Cream shortening, 2 tsps, lemon juleP t :•: •!• Mr. w. :'\cl,nn cups 5ifled icing ...... ••••••••••••• ... "'+"'+"' .,. , ...... ,. .... t · nl:("~ 1 suh.ar" t'>ra" dua II y. fln tl ]I~ 5U~ar i ...... "' ...... ••••••• ••••• ...... A...... I Falls, who \\'aS in t hc Chr·, t ll t'l 1' 1 1 '> cup finely chopped nut1 I Daily Recipe cream oge 1c1· un t 1g rt anc , • • • , will be held on Monda)', Feb· ·. business, left yesterday h 1 1 fluffy. Add cg~s. one at ~ ' I, ! OI.T! FAStiiONilU DARK time, heating thorou!!hly :1!ter ~lei! to~clher chocolale and but· TODAV'S BIRTHDAYS ; ruary 19th., at 8.30 p.m. at the · turn home. · CHOCOLATE CAK~; each. ,\dd melted chocolate j te1·. Add s.all and cool.. Add .Many happy returns of tl1r. · King George V Institute, Water . · " ' 2 rups s!flcd pastry·flovr and hlcnrl. Then add flour, al- egg, na:onn~. and sugar and day to David Archibald Osmond, 1 Street East. Topic of toni;:ht's ; TO COR:'. Tunr 1[11! (lOWder amount at a lime, heating after ,\hx tn nuts. ~lakes about. 1 , Roque, who celebrate thc1r i Family Tree Research, and Corne Brook whu '"ere in ' t >~ tsp, Ralt e~ch addition until smooth. Add cups or enou~h to cover srdes , birthdays today, February 15th. ·showing of fil~ "D_iaheles Un· cilv t~ attend the ~ cnp butler vanilla and nuts·, blend. and top of lO·tnch tube .cake. • • • • ' known." All d1abet1cs and all r ·Th St d 1 ~lar1 ufaclt'lli F 1 • • o e an an 2 cups sugar - ROl\1 PORT UNION int~rested 1n dtabetcs are es· Company Ltd .. were I 1 2 eggs • , Mr. H. A. Dawe of Pori I pwally welcome. to return lo their home bl Pour batter ipto a greased and 1 ' . 4 square unsweetened cboco· floured !O·inch lube pan. Bake The sleeves cam1so!e 1s now com. 1 Union is in the city on business • • • ' · · · f. · 1 ' yesterda'' late, melted in a modernte oven 1350 de· mg , mto tis own ~r wtnter and is registered at the New· IN TOWN ·' ,, • • i Bf tsps, vaullla !iO evendmg wear. Kmtted and : foundland Hotel. l\lr. H. A. Dawe of Port ! ' grces F. l fot· 55 to miniltes, 1 cup finely chOJltiCil nuts Cuke may be cooled complete. bca ed it looks dashing with a • • • Union, is at present in the city SURPRISE P,\RTY :I _~ ly in pan or turned out on a velvet skirt or narrow pants. CONFINED TO JIOl\IE on business and is registered ·at A surpri>~ partr ~·as i I . Sift flour once. Measure mld 'I rack aftet· 15 minutes. !Cake The many friends of Mr. lhe Newfoundland Hotel. by Rita Dobbin. Dundas I baking powder amt salt and becomes more. moist the second William McGinn, PlymiJulh • • * and by her friends on i -----·-----.. - R1Jad, will be sorry to !~urn he FRO~I I.EWISPOR'l'E night for ~Iaureen . has been stricken wilh illness Dr. H. Wood of Lewisporle, in honour of her , I and is confined to his home. is at present in the city and she celebrated fe~ruan. I I 1 ,,' ' 1They send· best wish% l'or; registered at the NewfQund·l' A very enjoyahl~ ume wa. I speedy recovery. . land Hotel. · by all. Maureen was ,It.. : I '. ' • • • • • • with a record album. >II FREE STOCKINGS! 1 , I FRO~l CATALINA IN IIOSPI'l'AL I Hawaii". Beautiful ladies' nylon stockings simply by Mr. Gordon Mifflin, business ! Mrs. Gertrude Walsh of the i • • • I : saving empty envelopes of i n:ran of Catalina arrh•cd in the· staff o! ~he London, New York . IN TOWN . • c1ty on Tucsdav and 1s rc.c:l'ter· · and Pam. entered St. Clare's Mr. L. P. !la11TO. ~~. :, ! 111 1 YOU OWE IT TO· : cd at the Ncw.foundland Hotel. 'Mercy Hospital yesterday. Brook. arril'ril in the d \ ' I 1 i I • • • . where ~he is to undcr~o snr· · t~rday ann i~ rr;1strrr FLEISCH'MANN'S YEAST YOUR FAMILY I CANAJJIAi~· IJL\BETIC : ~cr)'. Her many !rirnrls ann co· : Newfound!anrl llolrl. Start today to •ave your empty pack· · IASSOC. . . workrrs ~rnd hcst wishes for a • ' • •~os! For just 35 empties you get one A meeting of Ihe St. .John's, speedy recovery. , TO ROCJ\I'OnJJ. JU,, d l'BEE ~lake' I'Olll' hus­ I 11air of beautiful long wearing, and District Branch of the: • • 0 · I ·Ralph ,T, Haudhmo. an\1 nylon ser,•icc.wei~ht or dress sheer 1 1 •tockings in lovely shades of Miami haud nll(l thildrcn Canadian District Association I IN TOWN Neuman of nock!ord. d Tan, Mocha, or Smoke Grey. Sizes . were in the ril)' to attrn are from 8H to 11. It'• easy to save­ proud of vour ~----- Standard ~lanufacturrn; F!eiscltmann's now gives you one FREE. package with every 3 you buy! attractive appear· pany 60th year r left St .. John's yesterda)' b,in I When you've saved as empty envelopes, I ! ! li mail them, (stale colo~r and 1ize) with ance ... visit to return to their homes I your name and address, to: salon for a i Surprise Your Friends States. i' FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST NYLON OFFER our Box #2333, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ont. pcrsonnlizcl hair ~tylc I that flatters you best! [ Congratnh1tlons and lll'st wislws Serve Newfoundland Coffee WHY FLEISCHMANN'S IS are extended to 1\lrs, Isabel Wit· UYou'reTI FASTER, BETTER.~. lar, who celebrated her 92nd. :Gralna In ordinary yeaot are lrrer· ~ birthday yesterday, St. Valen· A La JON CANO~ ALL THE ularl Compare tho oma!!, finer Ordinary Yeast GLADYS' BEAUTY. tine's Day, 1\lrs. Wlllar lives at gralna In ~'Jelscbmann'a! They're ' ' Into a well heated Ctip pour strong coffee add llh finer, far faaler·actlng and notice­ lhc Agnes Pratt llome and is aMy fatter ri•ing than any other amazingly active for her years. spoonfuls of sugar or 3 lumps, add llh oz. of yeast you can buy. Your baking !o tutlcr, more llavourful than ~ SHOPPE LTD. She knits socks and mitts lor her JON CANOE RUM ever before, · Fleischmann's Yeast great.granrlchlldren, and left . then. :VLI_)AT some lightly whipped cream in _ by the Home ycste'rday to celc· pourmg 1t gently over the .top of a spoon. Cor. Prescott & Bond Sts. brate her birthday with rela­ , Do not stir this magical dream. Just drink It ' When you bake at home, u3c through the floating ·cre·am. . · 1. DIAL 8-4951 - 8-7898 .tives In the city. The Dally FLEISCHMANN'S NEW, FAST-ACTING YEAST New~t extends best wishes to Remember JON CANOE i& the world ·ramoll!l RUI\l, · So no other rum will do, it must be JON· CANOE 1 because i l' 5 · this grand old lady, for many Come in ~·No A~pointment ~ecessary more years of health and happl· ; · Made by a modern secret process. ' Iness. • I (Not inserted by Board of Liquor Control) ' •

•.•· -_:•- .. - . ... ,• ··- ~ ' S'l. jUHl-J ~. Nlt'LlJ., 'l'UUH;:,DAY l·~bl\UAhY Hio:!. ·. ~....,.,...... ,._....._,...... ~·1·" Alicia Hart's Trim tines • ' A Thought l i Be A :Ueauty Though Bedridden,,,h~o,:!.:~~} future is that it only comes on~ day at a time. · Dean Acheson United Church:

\f./omEn •'I o A well attended meeting or lini\: ed Church Women met at Coch· rane Street United Church on Tuesday evening, February B~h. :\Irs. L. A. D. Curtis, President; : conducted the meeting and wei· ' corned the ladies. The worship service was nblv · conducted by ~Irs. W. Oakley and guest soloist was Miss Pamela Newell. Following the worship service the meeting was then conducted . business of the meeting was then conducted.

"he programme took the form of an "Information Quizz" head· cd hy lllrs. K. Winsor and questions on the newly formed organization were discussed by ..) ·~·~ ·. .:~ : . t:w Indies and answered by ' . '~ Even· a two-week hospital stay can lower your morale unless corsage (center) can be pinned to robe or jacket; not all ~Irs. !!. K. Luscombe. you plan ahead. Take along a pretty robe, two or three bed· flowers need be in vases. She uses (right) a non-smc;;r type · A Bible study group headed by jackets and some favorite but modest gowns, ChOilse your lipstick wl1ich Is long-lasting and easy on the hospita llincns. ~!iss C. Burry then followed. cosmetics carefully for your stay; they should. be the past-el She both looks and fels better for taking trouble with her shades. This girl

\~ pencil for your brows. A good hand mirror or n makc·up case that can be propped up at the bed is invaluable. . i Some hospitals have beauty sal· ' ons. If yours doesn't, have a ..; I manicure just before you are I admitted. You won't be doing ! · any work, so it should last for a week at leal. I After 8 Years Of Research • IJ •. I Your hair should be shampooed I 1: and set before your date of en. I try, and you might take alon~ New And Patented Processes Help Conquer some dt-y shampoo for a quick I cleaning if necessary. Long I hilir can be attractively braid· Flavor Loss In Frozen Orange Juice! · i :t ." cd so that it will always look I ;I nooK neat. ' .I Ttln~· Those flowers·by.wire gills can Forget every other orange juice you ever" rhn were in add beauty to more than just thr Con your room. Snip of£ a bud or tasted , , .fresh or frozen, in can or carton~ I two and pin them to your bed· This NEW"MJNUTE MAID PROCESS jacket or robe. Or you might ' prefer to clip them to your hair. brings you a glorious new kind of juice! Either way, they'll add a touch I • • of charm and fragrance. Many You never dreamed there could be a juice like this! gct·wcll bouquets wired through New Minute Maid Process 'i !tTY Florists' Telegraph Delivery Try it ••. and you'll never drink another kind. It's I· come with small corsages o£ seals in most vital flavor elementS that sensational!

the flowers in the arrangement. that disappear in ordinary processingf1 . First, hold new Minute Maid to the light. Then Bring with you two or three "inhale its tingling-sweet fragrance. Finally, roll the shortie nightgowns, a bedjacket rich, fresh-orange goodness on your tongue. and n long robe and slippers This one has it! This one has the fresh, golde11 for when you're up and about. Pale blue and pink are most flavor and real nutrition of the fresh-squeezed n orange right out of a sunny Florida grove. With I flattering. White can look too stark against a hospital back· Minute Maid's New Process, the big difference • • ground, and. green. and yellow between "fresh" and "frozen" is gone for good!

"""r". "f 111 the rill' rr~istrrcd at FASHION ... Alew H"trl.. A drop of clear nail polish on . the centre of each button· on a Minute Afalt/ts man's shirt will keep the Rldter tooktng •.. !

• ...1 It seems the latest handbag for daytime wear is made of gold I Cities and towns in Canada ~e seen here on Feb. 26 and 27 move every member of the kid. All right if you like that the United States arc In In Pitts Memorial Hall iS' ~>La audience. "La Bohene" is the type or thing, but it seems ·a II 1 highly' entertaining musC' Boheme," composed . by the latest addition to the Com· bit like wearing a diamante !let~~ treat with the fourth Cana· great Italian composer Giacomo p~ny's touring programme and neckline with a tweed suit. •nd American tour of the Puccini. The opera's beautiful is being performed for the first Canadian Opera songs, coh1bined with the gaiety time by the Company during Boris Goldowski, ·she sang the .. roles of Donna Anna and Donna MINUTE sponsored here by and drama of the well known thi~ tour. Shown above is l!otary Club. The opera td plbt are sure to delight and CONSTANCE FISHER ~ So· Elvira in :Mozart's "Don Gio· prnno-who plays tho part of vannl" in Boston and on tour Musetta. She is a graduate of through the United States. At 1 MAl. De .AvaHablo fn 6·oz. or· Thrifty 12-oz. Family !In the Royal Conservatory Opera Stratford, Ontario in 1959. she School and bas . been a solo sang the role of Hebe in "Or· r------...;_-----D"~"~ISTRIBUTED IN NEWFOUNDLAND·------. member of lhe Canadian Opera phcus in the Underworld". " . : : . Company for .. many years. She After an absence of two sea· ; sons, ·she joins the Canadian ... was recently engaged by the Opera. Company again this sea· .. I; ,I, . New England Opera Theatre son and will appear on the B·ROOKFIELD ·.ICE 'CREAM whore, under . the direction of Company's tours in 1962. " . . . '~-


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st graduation ex1 tM flrUnited Collegia of Byron March s! . first year was an 1 and in most respe• beyond expect

. I '

coUNCIL 0f the first acts .of was to orgamze Representatil•e Cc was accomplished mature and mc~h?d with only a mrmrr from the staff. ' and By-laws wl ,,., 10 ~1cu, setting f1 and responsibili SERVING council, would do jus adult organization. · activities during NEWFOUNDLANDERS FOR had a signi!ic~ GOOD1 LUCK erery facet of sci its special proj OVER 51 YEARS the management functions, the pub 3 school newspaper TO ·THE · of funds for sc DO YOUR PART officers and rr thr first Council I hi•h standard in stu, ST. JOHN ' We hope it Give .Generously rltnmncu by their su1 Al\1BU.LANCE 7 REASONS WHY -· Frank McNamara Nfld. Marga-rine Co., Ltd. LIMITED LeMARCHANT ROAD ST. JOHWS YOU SHOULD·HELP QUEEN STREET ST. JOHN'S 1 in the year thr established. Thi is sponsored b) Kiwanis Cluh a with Kiwanis I \ . After a mo>t im THE Night dinnc bl' the District (; FOR ALL .YOUR Kiwanis and the TtiE ST. JO~HN the mother club. moved quickly i INSURAf~CE NEEDS a programme ol to this school. THE NUMBER TO CALL IS 8-4131 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE •. AMBU·LAN,CE ART CLUB of you who att1 Open House last s an opportunity to 1·ie SUPPORT THE of Art which e e First Aid Units and Post Operated at Public Gather­ NEE!DS Y·OUR HELP · · and complirm It seems 1111 ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ings and Sport Events. Jhat an instructor how talented and ASSOCJATION could have accorr Give Genero,usly much in so short a e All trainino given free - Anyone may enroll in classes 1·ere extremelv sorr . GIVE GENEROUSLY the services ~f )li> - Over 20,000 Newfoundlanders trained for First Aid, Joyce at the end 0 this )'car. W c r• Hor:'le Nursing and Child Welfare in the past 51 years. ROYAL AERATED WATER in our good f• the sen·icc' , A. E. HICKMAN CO., LTD. COMPANY, LIMITED Shepherd for Civil Defence Training in .First Aid and Home Nurs..; Deoartment. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT e 10 BARTER'S HILL ST. JOHN'S SCIE:-iCE CJ.l'B ing to be given by St. John Ambulance. highly successful s . werr organized and ' .. the direction and Mr. Dal'i . It is a source ol .. • Services extend to all parts of Newfoundland, cover­ to see the n ' : t · the number ' ., ing industries, schools and camps. I • ' . now regist1 ' ,.­ and Phy~ics. ' ' SUPPORT HELP THE ST. in these 111 I . e St. John will operate a system of First Out ports or clearly evident \ 1 . students who and returr THE ST. JOHN Stations. on Newfoundland Highways at 20 miles· in­ mornings to terva Is. · JOHN AMBULANCE 'IIEMmonl tion. It , . the splendid AMBULAN,CE m Chemistn· an :he Public Ex~mir e St. John Sponsors "Save a Life Week". FURTHER THEIR WORK EXAmNATIONS by students taki1 Elcl'en academic e St. John will train School Teachers in First Aid. IN NEWFOUNDLAND Write the Puhlic GIVING . GENEROUSLY · Tl~is .. syster , , mshtutcd ; ' ' • .or last \'ear . : I GIVE GENEROUSLY in Grad~ i\in~ · wrote, fiBer Ten. 203 car DOM~NION MACH1!NERY ··REMEMBER ... 75<' ,. passed; in JOB BROTHERS & CO., LTD. LJ3 caididates & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. More· die as a Result ·of Accidents than all the Jnfectious 'l, . 56 NEW GOWER ST. ST. JOHN'S Diseases. Combined. ·GENERAL OFFICE. PHONE 8-4123 A TRU : ' I . '.' ' Play 'y~ur part in this great work of saving Iives and .FUNE~ '' ' reducing the ill effects of injuries and sickness. ln time of son SUPPORT YOUR. ' careful attent I : • ~he little, yet , I SUPPORT ST: tngful things, 1 ~ . . I : comforting th ' . ST. JOHN .AMBULANCE leaved. 'j I' I l i I JOHN AMBULANCE ' SUPPORT YOUR. i I . ' I ' I ' . ' f . . ' ! i ' . . ASSOCIATION · AND GIVE' , ~~ :I . 1· i I • 0 I MAKE A CONTRIBUTION ·NOW · ST. JOHN 'AMBULANCE ASS.QCIATION ' GENEROJ,JSLY l I . " \ I ' I SERVING . I I I Give Getievously ' ' ~ l I ' '· ' • i j '· ! •• i ', .· ' BARRET · I · I 1 M~AKE · A \CONTRIBUTION NOW ' I 'J. . - ' I. CHEIVER·S F·OODS L ; I ' ' ·. ~ ~- 1 ' .. ;, -: Serving t j. 1 I . TEL, 8·369 1 i . ' 'NEWFOUNDLAND.· BREWERY. LTD. :. ( I ; ''~I: • i 'i. : ; ' I LIMITED.· PHONE 9-4706 I ; I I 62 CAMPBELL AVE. '·, i ,· 1 , GIVE; GENEROUSLY I f· J . . I' , :· .. ' ' . • ,,_ -: .·::.'~:.. -.,~.. 7".-:--:--.....;...~\ ~' -:.-:-. _.....;...... :.....;______~ __..:..;_ __ :--_.....;.. ______.======~----

' •,1'

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------···-···---' ~- -~--·· . ·- ,. - .. · .... ---·-· ·-- ·- ..... ·.· __ , '-"'' -·· ' ... ·.- . ··.;- --~··: SECTION. II THE DAILY NEWS SECTION II ·ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1962 Collegiate Graduation Astrology and 85% passed. 111 ;1 ~ratluation excr· rnrtcll Collegiate, A number of students from Science Sl r~n ~larch said the Commercial class accepted · 111 ,1 year was a.n ex· employment prior to the ex· anrl in rnost respects aminntions. Thirty-five stu Or Fraud · hr•yond expectat· dents were enrolled at the be· ginning of the year; nineteen ··1 would not will receive certificates to· rt possible that night. ;,~Mnt~. coming from ,;school~ in Newf?und· ·,.0m otltcr prol'lnccs, " 10 tr~ratcd so quick· ;urw>lully. These ~crlr. almost without '. prorrd . thcmsell'es ,r the pril'llcge of be· '1: 1rtcr stu~nts of



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NEWFOUNDLAND'S FRIENDLY. THEATRE l ). .NOW PLAYING 1. NOW PLAYING · I 23 i ~ TRULY DIGNIF~I~EO YOU CAN TRUST US i I - ii FUN~RAL SERVIC·E . . . to care for aII your ll - In t' tmp or sorrow our knit clothes expertly urelul ~tlention to lh! little, ~·et mean rng!ul things, helps in I COlUMBIA PICTURES·~· co:nfortlng those t1e ltared. ~ J~~~I~~-~~w

Our services art com· plcte to the last detail,' freeing you from the Only the finest dry cleaning emotional burden of will do to keep your knits making arrangement! looking like·new and in Also "UP-TO-THE-~IINUTE NEWS" shape. We give just that '· TIMES Of SHOW!) I TIMES OF SHOWS .SERVING ALL RELIGIOUS FAITHS extra·special kind of service to oil your clothes ! Try us EVENING: - 6.15 - 9.00 EVENING SIIOW: 7 O'CLOCK - 9.00 lo·day l 1 MATINEE: - 1.30 :MATINEE= 2 P. .\'1. • BARRETT'S Funeral Home SPECIAL: SWEATERS RE-SIZED ..:. 90c. 28 DiCK'S SQUARE .NEXT ATTRACTION ' Serving the Public for over So years. ·Hughes Maynard Cleansers Ltd. TEL, 8·369&-After houri 8;5111;8, 8·36911 NEXT ATIRACTION 24 Hour Service GLENN FORD - DONALD O'CONNOR in BLACKMARSH ROAD· PHONE 92186-7 MELINA MERCOURI in "NEVER ON SUN­ ''CRY FOR HAPPY" -LAUGHS- COMEDY '06 DAY" - LAUGHS EXCITEI\

J I : I, r '' ·i~O~------~---·-·r_J_IE_•_D~A~IL_Y_N_E_~w_s~,_S~T·J~~~.~N~F~L_D_._r_H_U_RS_D_A_Y __ FE_•B_R~U-A~RY~ 0 ~ 6l .. CHALLENGING SITUATION. • TI-lE NO. J Too Many Scouts . M/Of)J.EWEta.H7 ,CO"--TENOt:R, t. I '" A~ EVERY()"-/& C0/1/CEZ>Ef,, 1-6 Nit':IERIIJ '6- D"k Californa Says . r'SER.'' ~lORE BALL SCOUTS THAN ORGANGES IN CALIFORNIA , By HARRY GRAYSON Edge CHICAGO, '(NEAl - Fred l!~.rey wa, I Haney thinks it would be great Bra~ch Rickey in­ I· to be (n southern California, I dunn~ his pl~ying , I where so many players are d~· never forgot what h \•eloped, 'if it. weren't for about how to build. e 'I , I those scouts." I ' There arr more ivory hunt· AI Kaline . . .,· ers in the Los Angeles area I ,•. than th~re arc oranges-or Ar ' !ly )AVIP PA'I__ rven would-be movie and tele· raves at :: ~:. ~:. vision stars," said the manager - Tuesday, Februa1·y G, 1~62. Toronto 32 15 14 I 3 33 of the Angels . 1 LAKELAND, Fla. The Terra Novas arc finally Boston 3~. 15 14 3 33 "I went out to look at a Kalin e. one of five "• beaten in Senior hockey • , . I i\laroons 31 14 12 5 33 youngster in a high school trait Tiger re"ular· · .. W.A. Reid establishes new curl. N.Y.A. 33 12 17 4 28 game the other afternoon," eon· Tuesday at the 'club:; :;. · .ing reeord •.• Justice Depart· Cailadiens 33 9 17 7 25 under coacl tinued the man who built th~ camp site. st. Bon's won :;:; ::ment wins Civil Service Bowl- new American League team But no new contract :::·:·:ing • , • Local curlers stage 'fEAM COACHES SUBi\IIT , nior and junior from scratch. "There were 76 were arran~ed mm•ectioJ.• ·... :.·'comeback in Provincial playoffs. Al.L·STAR SELECTIONS ... BECAtt~e 1 .e title and yesterday Tf.r612E~ PAUL­ people in the stands. Sixty. tween the hard . hit•' with Hughie Fardy These arc the highlights of 1 February 5, 1936-Yesterday five of them were scouts. Ten fielder and rice pre PI!N.OER-7l!~RY'!l1J',INCS~ ·~tg theV won their Sport In Retrospect this morn- I the four senior team coaches f:lt:l'ST ,!{l-ID Tf/BN THE $125,000. The Yankees handed Ferrell. Si !ni lng, taken from the files of 'each submitted to the Sclectlon WINN/!12 MEEr~ GENE; in· a week del Jake Gibbs, a third baseman, Kaline talked oel'eral . College 3·1 for th The Dally News, 9, 18, 26, and Committee of the League which FUt.t.MEI2 ... AN.o 7/i£¥ iHc.v 1 $100,000. The Bronx front of· Detroit with Ferrell •. , 36 years ago. consists of President Stirling, /rl16HT ~~T Al.l. ~VI!Ii! AGA/Jf, !ice. started signi.ng recruits in edly is asking S~5,00Q were crowned Vice·President T. H. Winter, ------' fam1ly lots, landmg Dolph Jr., 1962 season. He receir FEILDIANS UPSET TERRA 1\lr. Johnson. manager at ,the on Monday aft• to a 7·3 victory over Royals in and Bruce Camilli. The t~ird imated S40,000 last ed NOVAS IN SENIOR HOCKEY rinl< and Mr. Harold Gross, his son of the old Brooklyn f1rst I he was runneruo t Bishops upset Pri the initial game of the Boyle 2·1 to kill their f'ebruary 9, 1926-A record choice of players for the City base.man is with ~he Dodgers. ! Norm Cash for· th~ attendance, most of them wildly team that would lace the Trophy and Tobin Tie·Cnp best of a\'ertaking th1 of five series, li!Jlwaukee shpped Arnold i Lea"ue 1Jatt1'n" Qt!thusiastic supporters saw the "Canaclicns" fL'OIIl the !llari· Umbach, Jr., an 18-year-o 111c cash'" an

'' .. ' --~·· •. ·--·- ·-·---~--· ... .--..... ~·~ -,.-·<.·,· ._-.,'-. ,··.· ·:· •

NEWS, ST. NFLD. THURSDAY FEBRUARY 15, 1962 11. Bon's Are Junior· School Champs Edge Bishops 3-1 or Two Year Reign e Terry Stack Stars at . , ;m. • new c~ach An,d ; net when Bishops ~:oalie 1 111 m. hut still St. Bon s I' \ Graham Cook drawn in favor of · :o win their ~hare of the extra fonvard. · onships in the In· Terry Stack and Jim Power J.ragLICS. were the best St .. Bon's forwards under coach Bob with their good playmakinc and St. Bon's won both last skating. Dave Hyslop arid •tliPr and j1mior school Paul Cochrane stood out on the · utlr and ) eslcrda)' after· blueline . . •ith Hu~hie Fardy at the The first line of Dave Flem· 1 lhrY won their second ing, Terry Jenkins and Dave i I , L' a week defeating · Carnell .was the big offensive , : Collr'e 3·1 for the Jun· line for Bishops, with Darry : Selward and Paul Thompson 1

wrrr crowned senior showing well on defence. . 1

~n "onday afternoon Only one minor was 1 B:;h0p; upset Prince of called· 'in· the game with ·st., :.1 I 1 to kill . heir slim I Bon's drawing ·the infraction. I · ~~ o1rrlakmg the Blue· 1 . Referees: Doyle, Duffy. I .~ !cr nm place and the ! St. Bon's-Goal, Walsh; de· TWO IN A ROW-St. Bon's \\·on thdr second straight Junio~ Intercollegiate Hockey ChampionshiJl yesterdav afternoon at the Stad· j fence, Hyslop, Gibbons, P. Coch· · • I · . . . · · : :· , .,n by 51. Bon';; ~·ester· rane. Royle: !on\'ards, Power, 111111 Wit .1 a :l-1 VIctory over second place Bistwps. Members of the wmnmg team arc (left to nght) front row:-Paul Cochrane, Terry ritrrr.Pon lrft them with B. Healey, Doody, Stack, Picco,, Stnclt, J1m Pow.~r. Pat Royle, John Byme, Bob Angel, Bern Healc~·, ,lohn Cochrane, Brian Gibbons. Bacl\ row (left toright):-Hugh ··.~:·. tonr more than sec· Halley, Byrne, Angel, G. Healey! Farrly (conch), Bany Whelan, .Tohn Doody, ·Gerry Healey, Joe Walsh~ Dave Hyslop (captain), Gord Halley, Joe Picco, Bob King, ·~:":111161 ~h~:~~ h;~.~il~ic~: p~ss at center ice and he relay- an~.~ Cocl~anr , I Bobby Smyth~. He\', Br. Fitzpatrick (assistant coach).-(Royal Phnto Service). d . K 11 d IS ops- oa, Cook, defence . ------····· ·- ----···· __ ------, .1;:n• 1rith 13 points and e II to e an crossing the Seaward. Thompson, Adams. ------:~, ltlr hangin~ on the line and he tired a good slot Anstey; forwards, Fleming, 1 J ' PI ff c ,,~;. Prin!'r of \\'ales final. into the upper right corner Jenkins, Carnell, Clarke, Sum· i umor ayo s ·ivil Ser.vl"ce of the ;ca;on. that goalie Jack Walsh couldn't mers, Kelland, Miller, Young. idd Ci!tPnd center. ' 1 erry Stack lied II for St. I I o Morris, L. Drodge, ~Iarsh, »ler· : ti1·e are asked to be present and Iitle they lo5t their In Girls Basketball there art C1echoslovakia the last two but St. Bon's evened things screen d~il'e. . showing well up front. Mike 1 cer, Yetman. i any team wishing to enter ~lUST . !lme of the year yesterday three guards and three forwards with a sudden death vic· Only f1vc mmor penalties Doheny and Hubert Hutton I SUI\lMARY · have a delegate present. The S!lb·1 years and ·a reshaped squad 4.:, 1 at the ~lcmoi'ial gym on the court but the guards are Is bei'ng trained now, says an tory In the second encounter. were calleri in the game. three played weH on defence. , . ject of the meeting will be the I girls from the University not allowed to go over the half article in the February edition Again the Feildians took the against the ~eildians, with two Dave ~!orris and Barry I 1st. Period: 1. Feildians, E. I opening of senior basketball. II out a 30.28 win. court line. of Soviet Union Today, pub· lead with a 2·1 squeaker in the of t,hem bemg ·.costly as St. Fraser were the best two for· Dredge (Coultas) 8.03; 2. St. . only other game played in Ann Duder a returnee and Su· lished by the embassy here. third contest. The fourth ended Bon s sco~ed. tw1ce.. . wards for the Feildians, . with Bon's, Byrne (Comerford, Ryan) / !'!I young season was 'Mon· san McLennon a rookie were the Sixteen . youngsters are "stu· 5-5, the fifth 2·2 with St. Bon's The Feil!hans sw1tched Bill :rom Collingwood playing well 12.25. Penalties: Byrne 5.58, 'NHL ACti"O"" I . afternoon when Prince of top scorers for Bishops as they hack to a defens1vc m spurts. Earl Wicks was the Coultas 8.30, Fraser 11.28. IM denu" are among the 29 can· knotting the series with a 5·0 Cou.l~as 1 l'f, I defeated United Collegiate hit for 10 points each while Olga I 1 didates . for the 17:man team shutout Monday night. pos1lion and had Leo Drodge standout on defence. . Horward potted the other eight to the city to skate Referees: Field artn Du£fy. 2nd. Period: No scoring. No Two arP on_ tap Ru~sia will send to the world Eldon Drodgc, the Feildinns ~cturning j'. ~.ames to·n~h~ m considerably weak· points, m Coultas place with Gerry LllliEUPS Penalties In I he Nat10nal Hockey Leaoue. tournament March 7-18 at Col· left winger, drew first blood )'Car with the loss or Memorial held a 16·10 lead lll· Sritch ad Dave Morris on the St. Bon's: Goal: McGettigan; I · . when Boston t~a,·el to .~Tontreal orado . Springs, international at 8.03 of the initial frame of !heir scoring stars from ter the first half but in the see· second line. defence: Doheny, Crane, Hut· ' 3rd. Period: ~. St. Bon's, 1. for a ~amr. agamst the !lr~t pl.acei srasnn. Diana Bennett has ond half Bishops fell short . two complications permitting. when he heat St. Bon's goalie Cy 1\lcGctti~an from the door­ St. Bon's went with the same L ton, Holihan, Cook; forwards: I Cook ~ 24 4 Cook tKellv) ICanadJenst andtlheD tNc.~l f lork; from Bishop and is not points In outpointing the· winners In. abiUty ·of the East German . ' ~. ' . · . : Rangers ra,·eJ o c rot or :~n 1 step. Bill Coultas, playing de­ _ 18.41. Penalties: Nenlle 10.o2, important game against" !he/' ·········. this )'ear but Marg Dawe 18·14. ' entry to train ·American travel fence, led a shot go from lhil 1 Summers (served by Fraser! Win"s ~radualcd from Bishops BOX SCORES permit! has prompted Russia to I right point that Drodge tipped. 8 a ". I with ~lemorial and she Memorial FG · FT PF PTS request twice that the tourna· .1 .3 · I In the game at Detroit the/ . · . main stay behind ·the M. Dawc ...... 3 8 3 12 nienf be transferred to Moscow. but Cy came up with a good I. SEms LEADERS !Wings can mo1·e into a fourth ~1n yesterday. Marg who L. Marshall, ... , .4 1 0 9 There have been hints that Red· save only to have Eldon bat , i place tie with the Rangers with, rtal sharpshooter and well J. Tuff .'...... 4 1 1 9 bloc countries might boycott the reb~und over the line. I GP G A Pis. · a win while a win for New Yorkl ' the .scoring last year potted V. Winter...... 0 0 3 0 the Colorado tournament if Peter Byrne, with his second I E. Drodge (F) 7 5 2 7 will mo\'e them four points upJ P'linls against her former 1 B. French ...... 0 0 0 0 Enst GermHny Is barred. goal in two nights, tied it for O'Keefe. ( SB) 7 5 1 6 for the fourth ar.d last playofftl . yesterday, J, Martin ...... 0 o 1 t St. Bon's before the first period Kelly, (Sil) 7 3 2 5 position. , 1s. a leader while on the M. Dooly ...... 0 0 2 0 ended when l1c seored on a play Dunn!', ( SB l 7 2 3 5 1 In ~lonlreal tilt> Cauadiens can; With h~r fast and speedy · Totals .. 11 8 10 30 Small Pox May with Cary Comerford · nnd IV, H•JWe, magazines ... these are just a few facets St. Pat's, . Drove~ back on the blul'llne after 7:ao· and :all players are asked ·to went ·to the Ilody. contatt and of our varied and complete service. t~o meetinRs this se~· serving a. game s~siiepslon. ·. · _make a s~eclal effort to attend. kept most of the play at center th have beaten St. Pats · . LINEUPS · . · Keeping 1111d Geoff .Campbell, , ice, liT'S A HIT - The baseball season may be a few : r' lrr:e attled to a H stale· · .' · · ··st .. Pat'•: Goal. Pat ·Barring· .. In . the third period Cook months away but Rhodi.\l Mercer of Feildians is start­ Parkdale Pharmacy Ltd. Irish to- 1 ~cand. A )oss by . · c;lllllt:'f~: Goal, Eg .Billiard; de· ton; ,'defeqce, "Jim Malone,.· Don broke up a Feildian . clearing ... deaper~tg twill, hav.e th~m fence, Jim and Jack Drover; Joe Johnston, Dick . Power, Joe play at the blueline alid fired ing his batting practice early. In the picture is shoWn . ELIZABETH AVE at PORTUGAL COVE RD. r bthi e .Position; three Slaney, · Ray Murphy, · · Rollle B~owne, Dopg Phelan; .. forwards, a .bullet slap shot into the lower Mercer as he connects for a perfect hit in last night's I. ' right corner past the liewilder­ tl Gu~~/elldlans ~nd four C!arke: forwards, .Blll Dr!)ver; ~Jack .. Withers,,'. Lloyd .. Kelly, •.Jim Junior Hockey game at the Stadium. M.'!rcer hit the , PHONE 9-1120 - 9-3620 I: ,, . the Iris:· Arter .t~·n!ght's Gar .Py~n; Eddie Vat~her, ~ave ~y~ne, Joe K~n!'y, C~ar.ile Wa,lsh, ect' Henry "Fox" Summers. YOUR R.EXALL DRUG STORE ~ay· llh'J hav~ ~1x game.~ Butler, Wllson 'Winman, Ian Derm Connolly, Mike Fitzpatrick, Cook's second goal which puck with his stick over his shoulder but it was not I r. I; 1 t · · Ft~ldlana . and Campbell, .. Bob Badcock,; Ross Mike·;Murphy,• Alfie. Hiscock, broke the Feildian drive came called by the referees.-(Max Mercer Photo). 1!.------i ~t ' . I ..


YOU CERTAINLY POIJ'T WELL, 'fES• ·BUTMAYBE I LOOK WEl.L, PR. JOHIJSON COULP TAKE CARE OF ONe The· Daily News Cl/oM'P- C'HoMPF/'f' -.YOUR "'"'·d<>-r"''" • •I THINK 'iOU OUGHT :TO MORE 'BEFORE I LEAVE··I PROGIIO\TIOt-.III.J6 COUR6E AND '{OUF: MIDDLE: WILL HA'IE- iJ.IC= FIK'tAN!:SS Macana 401 32~ lU 32~ -5 D Brldl• ,II'. COno Pap 421> OFAN Af'l\)IL!ii-\Et-l WE:'LL 6TA!2.T MacLeod 4000 10~ 10~ 105 -5 Dom Tar 19~i Ford 1~7 Madstn 700 :12'7 2fi 227 +I Foundation II~ You~ COMESk.K AS Malartic 3!00 85 85 U -~-- A \IGI-ir~OPE- Toronto Maneatt U 2000 5 5 5 H> Man Bar mo 23 2! 23 Marlllmo 1000 t t t - I> !ORONTO" CLOSING STOCKS Martin 3500 41 47 471,\ -1> 8~ t New York Br 3he Can•dlan Pru• Matatch 8000 t ~arta\41 Stork Exebanrt-f'eb. 14 Maybrun 2000 8 8 +'>!I DIAl CDmplelo &abulallon o! WedneodaY Mcintyre mo ~I> 49\4 49l!o -I tnntac11ons. (Quotalons in eenla un· McKen 100 181> 151> 16\> + I> NEW YORK CLOSING STOCKS lot.• mar~ed $. z-Odd lot, xd-E•.diYl· McWat 1260 5 5! 55 +2 H1 Tbe AIIDCialed Prell ( ..,nd. :a-Ex·r\KhU, xw-Ex·Wnrants. Mentor ~ 59 58 5& Beth Steel m, llrnnecott 11011 Net change ls from prnious board-lot Min Corp 1150 $14\4 H 141>- ~~ Bor1 Wornr 4~Yo Monty IV 321• clooll>l ,.,, ) Min Ore 6500 5\i 5\', w, C ond 0 59l4 NY Coni 181> Ntt Mt WriAht 16337 m 35 14.~ +I Cona Edison 791!• Radio Corp 56 ltoe'l Salts Hllh Low Clooe Ch'l< Mulll M 600 25 2~ 25 El Aulo El 61\i Sou Pac 30 MISE~ Murray M 1~900 120 114 14 Gcn Elcc 7Glil Std Oil NJ 54\l LONG POl'- And t:raa 8100 a•~ 71> 6 - 1\ Snl !':,pi 1600 7•1 7~ 7\i- I'J Goodytar 43\J Utd Alrcnfl 41'• Ad•oII> 600 +20 New llld 21530 121> 1112 12 Gt Nor By n Vanodlum 261o A&nlco tiS~2 85· 1 8~ +3 New Cn\ 1100 24~:a 24\'.1. 24" Jnt 1' 1' 5M& WcstnJ:se 36 A~l\ltcho 4rt(Ml 39 39 31) New llo•cn 7700 99 93 9~ +1 Alba o,p\ 300 4 4 4 N Kclutc 2:00 A 6 8 -1 Am LOI 7 7 Rrlhlm 10~011 11111 li':i 178 '3 PIII.C'tr 4:U 128 28 2a + 1,-1 'Van Can lOOM 4'i 4 1'1 +I> & Br-\clll\ 11~tll 1 11 11 -'~I Po~ Hou 500 4~ 44 44 -4 t:n Oils 1mo 173 166 166 -4 8 N lhbJ.o; no ';''2 714:- ,.., [ Pl(',lon 51S 590 ~.5 ~!K) -+10 MINM I Rl:wk R<&)' 12\f"l!i 1"-'l 1 I H ~-1 Pro~ ,\lr ~211:1 A4 76 Bl -1 t 1 nralm 1.ui340 12 1n 12 .... Roatlut 11 c ~ '0 , -~ •• - ~I Pr~ \ir r1s lJ700 4 4 4 ll'Eidona 130948 18 IS 17 '2 , Brm 1an lt;M :u ~ 4~a 4q --! Pu1do. jO~II 51'l ~~1 ~t~ ~ ''2 nuua~ 9uoo , ,,, 1 · + ,., I l'Ji1l~"~i!\'" ]ll;) f~, fill to'i,1 • 15 Our (!Jib 1fi0il 23'':1 23 2.1 -1 lll \Vrlghl 86337 152 m Hl + g J'roul Iter( ';!n'~ :1! 11 :li''J •1''21 1 1 Un}Jock :JOO 150 150 J~ I News and \\ r~ l .,1 ~ ; • ~ ~ lltnlm 2iOO 93 92 9:1 _. 1 1 1 1 1 Clock ~ ;~~ , a i ~~ ,~ 101 11:! c1) ·-10 ncr\ r!l 14~ no 12 In 12 ~ 1 l 1 1 1 Mutu_3.1· Fulids c \ t 1Ha WI•O 10 llt: 11 .. , · llorlu• ~jOO 9 Rh !I + ~.,.;_ Devotior 1 CdJt '\\\ -1 , 1.- 'l 11 ~ 1 - llt' t'\-:" In 2000 19 19 19 -1 (' ~tl C'i\ •rl(\1 10'' 101 ~Oi ... :l Hpnrll 2(k10 9 ~ 8 - 1> )111tUAJ. FI1NilS ''--''""" Stowers t'~n 11 ,m '"''II ~ll. :11~ ,; 11.-- 1. S,lJt ,\nt IS1!l JR5 182 1B:i +3 n, the Canadian Prt'' News cil.r'a 1n t·1u -;'. i 2 ;~::. --·~ S::11:d n"· tooo 512 :;t) S''.t Ill~ A>k ('('n\ rat t••, !if, ·1 I Sntr\11(' 1!\)!l ;,qo .'iiO 570 -l Reports ~-()(1 1~811 R Cr All Cdn Com rn '64 \ hr!.~m~. :. u,1 4 1 4 I Sh~r11 :iii:i 4n 430 4:\j All Cctn Ol\' fl .;.~ 7 07 at Rand :•,11 lO :1(\ S!l \11lt'r 50(1 fh('~trl ~~~~~ 49~1-!::JR~ 3A1~-lt~ Amcncan Grouth 9 56 10.12 f'hl\1 Jot :":!00 ') "i 1 I 1 ) f 1q C'IC :1700 lfij 1:.6 165 • 9 nenuhmn ~' ll 37.07 r • n ttnnu h~ 11 r>:l 4 Stnnrlk 4i0 Zl!'l 2M 2088 +88 111 11 CannrU:~.n ln\estmtnt 10 tij 1 67 oris Jones \hrr>m ~o ~'1('1 4~1'1 U1l -10' ~tnaH ~l ~ s ~ -V.. Cana!untl -i!l rn 4R 10 Cun;umcrs n'~rh \\til f.PO .r,H .t~ 4~ I~h·11 n 313", 7M 745 760 + 10 6 6 < n·n 1.,,\..r .. 17 ": -3 Suh\ an 173 17.'1 li.1 Chnmplon Mutunl 29 91 j;,, :n 1~0 CommoM\\taUh Inter. 9.28 1n 71, School Bn con hr' :~:;n ,, • n ... !i,, ~~ IS\hanu.. uoo 33 31 33 C rtiiiC'·In Common\~otalth Lc\'l'l "'~ II Jl !l 11 m the ~~ DW'fl\ f;ll(l 170 I~• 167 -:\ 721A 42 40 41 Corpflnle 1 1 lmf'stors 10 44 141 tnn (,llhrs ~tu 61 2 4i:: f1 'l • 'l 1:cck II 2!HO 1~7 1~ B4 F.uro['!can Grm\'th 7 3j OS Variety 115--MUISIC:al Rendez1 flr~H' Jj'O ~!fi lh 2!1 - l2 \ 'UrO\' ~300 16.5 162 164 +2 Que row 445 331> 34 + NFLIJ. CANADA STEAM· l Ltverpool ll!arch 10 Sr;we Rnd Invest of Canada 6 J~ 6 93 ncumnn 100 S14&• 14&• 14- % Obs. En~t '1al 1~110 2 i ::·1 235 + 10 'Yr llarg 4950 100 100 100 lloe AV c 210 $6'1• GV. 6'•- 11 SIIIPS LnUTED. ATL.\NTIC ~IAIUTDlES LINE, c En~t Sui 1:!(0 liR 17R liR \_::!It' J.cad 50 lO'h H~ 11".1- Supcrvllrd Exec l~ 4.79 .. \> Supenlsrd F.lc :or ll'~(l"\ 1~, J,j", t~~ -f 7 \,rlorex ~ 5\~ 5~~ ~~ one ~6 40.0~ Rnland A 1150 $lOY, lo\4 1o;. •s.s. Gulfport expected to ·. LI~IITED superoobed Exec ~7 6.85 Royalllo 100 SU 15 15 + •a Y.l ~ol ~·~o 6 n 6 \I< Dear 1'00 97 96 91 • 1 St1, corp A ptoSIOI 104 101 + '• said from Halifax, February 1 ;\IV Aalc,und leavmg :'lew Fah'on 2h-11 ~~~~ ~~ ~r~ -1 \ounst G 34n 26 25'r2 23th mm Supervlstd Exc 58 7.2~ Farada1 fil')(l 00 5 S K Suprvlsed Growth 220 U2 S•lada·SSha,,ln 105 $16'•~ 16\>:~ , ,2!GI1- 'I 12th , arrl\m~· ,. 0 St , J o h n • s F e b - 1 y 01 'k n'I arl' 11 "llu 1, mn\'lng· lo)t.c 1";"~ li~ ti~ \'ukrno Super\ lstd Jnrotne 4 M 4.70 3121 52 31 4 f'\ "'l T 'lOll ll 11 11 +1 ZUhtPM 1500 23 Z3 2.3 -1 TV Electronic .71 9 u Sh"• 4p 4111 $U11'4o 41'• + '• ruarv 14th. [.John's :lbrch 12th, l'li.'P 'ER X'".'\'ll '1"\'l'",cC. 1 c11 rd 'JI P'anmn 'oo ::'7 :'h 26 -·1 Curb l~a\'lng 1 111 tn'~de l\0 $241h 21'.\ 24~ Timed lnY ..Imnlt I 4' 6 ~7 Simpsons 405 SJ\'l 31 31', ~ '• • ~I "h 13th f ;-.; y k " ·' - " Jo'rohl!ih.P!' 4 n 14 11 11 -1 GA!J'e Car Unlttd Accumulative 6 43 1 03 ss steel z;o sw, 11 lh, '•[ MS. Bedford I! expected to • ate or ' ew or · \\'tth 1\'alkowtcz m the van. brcal;fast \\'1th !he do•or, n J GaU\\ n 4(otll1 11 R a + ~~ '\"ukon Cnn 4000 491> IS'' 4Rl> + \> 1 One William Sirtt I! 16 16.57 Steel Can 12.i9 $1lil'".. ao 60 -I'• •at! from Haltfav '"'ebrtl"fV I d 1 I I Crl'co ~linu 35i:1 ~:!Rt 4 1';"~ 211 un.~ 'for.Dom 15 sso 67'• G7'> , '•'" ·• r " · I At ]rast-- -- 145 chfferent- Jan::· the crew marched up the htl , wtn ows c o,ec il ""' C'klllt YK \o) !120 !1\n ~20 \lmlnrx . 2161 ••• 'l 162 +T .\m Lrlluc ---- Tt·C Fund 2Gno sa•, a•, ll'• + \'.t I 13th, arrinng St. John's Feh· ua"cs " SIJoken the SO\ tel where the truck and 1ts p1ggy. bad, although l co~ld ~llll Gti4c1t'r t,(,(•O !!:! Zl' ~ :1':~ -- '\.;_ ,1000 7 6 +1 1 111 \umcrA 2 153 GF '1tnlnr ~-n til w. 1'1 +I f~ II'C.:o••t •rr 121 f.1 M.V. Pierre Rachsson expect· ------1 ke a great prch1stor,c moll a!!amst tltc 11 illli +•"' .'II. Tn "" MO $:itl11 :lfi:~4 :t6'~ 1- ' L HMU!I 2(1(10 U 11 U t:.•lnllo ~200 26\', 26 2<\ -1 AJax 500 32 Jl n February 18th 1 l car from 1928 to 1934. ehccrful rchukc to old ~pam 1 Finally - lm not ,u;e R of l.akl'll i1f>O l!l 1?,1) Hl t:•l f:~ 2005 $251• 2!)0 2l'~ + I\IONTRt:AL CJ.fl~ISG RfOCKI cs rolr l\J Thf' Canadian run lm Mol 5 1 1 M.S. Bedford II expected to ' ' an mpmlcnt at · much later-! ratENI lJI'~1h 7'M Q F:i ~:'1 -11-'.;1 2340 430 m 420 -1o ~~no 5:?: 'i;~ •; 'iv. ~ ~, 1 nosc·lhllmhlll~ n·~ C' Chlrlln 41~3 !1.1 !lO Mnnlrroal Stnrk Euhan1r-Ftb. 14 Hl.::h !\roll .• tt :w~ :1o 2n -.1 90 -3 AuKustuo ;o 43 ~' ~1 , " 1sail from Halifax February I manana anrl stcstas and idle ' For an 1nst~nt I rl1dn l C llrlhl ~i3n s:w s:n 111~ Compltto lobulation n! Wt~n ..dlY llr'tl\t:' till(} ~li Zli ;1·, --~ 1 1 C Deihl 1A{~ 29 ~3~ 22~ 2:15 +15 transactlonr. IQuolntlnns ln ctns un­ A 99 -l 20th, arriving St .•John's Fchru· tal\' talk o1·rr wmc in the sun. whal h 'the s:lence Chatlrr 011 noo 167 m tfis +l clo!lln&' ule.) 4 4 1 News and 1nt'.1C'h 11"11l ~~ 1 ~ ~ -'-'<1 Nel Domue 211000 21 21 21 -'l FURNESS WITHY and CO., Tools were broken out; atr· The no1se up IItt ht I 111"!1 (nr ., (l(l 1111 10 n .... :'1 l! ~tic )lac m5 m m 53n .1o-xou & Your H c West r l'lorll h1n Hla:h Ln, C1o~t Ch'Jt: Uurnt 11111 1100 21 17 1a - 2 pj · t d ti h Ill a~d r~" ,;:~.71 ,: p;l"'} !lfl --:1 1300 2ll 190 1!10 -10 Cal Ed 500 25~. 2Sl\ 25'• • '• "Newfoundland" due Boston NOW aymg hammers. i~ ]t"f() 6~ t\2 q 1-:1 [lc\.P,tl AF,ODO u :i6 ,-,fi -l Abitibi 000 IH'l 43h . 43'•- ~' J\11it 11r 50 S.25 25 25 Camp Chlb :w~ 659 610 6:.11 , 10 Feb. 14. Leaving Boston Fe h. 16 anrl cable, tripods ftttccl 1\'tth hammers 11ercn t \\orkl'; 1 ~Ia', F.xr1 .:!'1/Wl 14 !4 11 J>nmp Peta fi(l $13Jil 131, 13~1 1 4~nnvlo Bulletin .lob 1rl;r :1"11 p~r ~ ):11 ~17 llll\f{ ~1){10 41'J; 4 4 -1 Alumlnl 2063$ 1:1 2l'>i 2i'I- 2 1 and Halifax Feb. 21, due St.: telescopes, ancl plumb lines- looked a\ my 11ateh II'"' 7 1 g ~~~!; ~ \~ go l~ _70 .,01\ l'lllh j"l]1 \jl J lti lfi -1 ll_vn.muc !JOan ss 52 Sl -1 Aium 2pr 100 1481'.1 4R > 4RI>- •i 0 1 }";ur,o 501 19'"< 191• 19•;- '" John's Feb. 23. Sathng again 11 this was down 10.30. Too early for a JIJ \ ~} ~.''!) ~\ j 1:1 -J 1360 4\ o own 403 An" t 4'!P 2\0 $43 43 ll -2 ~nrhcc 3 ~ear p~socd Ang 290 pr 23 m !3 sJ + 1h Cent flo! 11110 20 "IO a'. break. 1\lr:, :'>l1n 1.!"'11 :n 33 11 Home D 1223 $\l'l 14\M 14'~- " Argus so SJ61'\il 46~2 4iP~ _._ \~ 15 1 Chlb Cop ,,on n II 11 "JIIancllestcr Fa1th" leaving --- The latl·gi!tc of the truck wa• Whtle l \las \\ondenng 1\o)•J.t\ ]Ot'!rl 1:11, 121' 111 ~ II 1l 011 G 1191 sw 19 19 -)" Allar; Steel 275 SW'~'-a 30,2 :l0 h- ~'4 3 -1 J~ t.t rete 19"ill 7'1.1 7 7 Dall S M41p 25 $25~, 2!1 • 25J' + ~~ Lah ·.11n .;Oi c:.?h': !?h1 .. 2fill 4 g'•'~~';.'!~ i~~ s;~1. 4~'" 4~\l Liverpool Feb. 14, due St. Deservedly hearalrlccl as one unslung 11ith a crash, and steel , it Terry came 1n 1000 9' ,_,, Dnnk Mont M7 $70~" i01;4 o;o , 1" 1~ L nur~ult 5ilr·,q l.'i :)10 s:o - ji :\lnru!uld 1 L n 11 :Zi~'~l11 11 u :112 +- 1'.: \f •rial c127 290 2115 200 Hnnq CN 190 578 78 78 Con Gao 215 szo» 2ll'» 20'>- '" John's Feb. 21. Leavmg for of the m?st mportan.t ptctures tracks were crank~cl mlo plac" '~he_(ve a r r P' t e rl 1 ,j Mid con 1100 27 21 21 Banq PC lOCil 554 5314 54 -+ a, 1 (,. ~· 'l'lf' 7 :;'";~ :!fi3 :;!~11 ~o-20 +II> Hahfax and Boston Feb. 22, of :· Sc!l; 1 to accommodate the agam, she said ~ Cnnt DPC rts 44 155 1ll 73 +5 Eo\si~plorer :ri' .:.: ~ n I ~ur tt~e, ll~harl,?j' bulldoz~· La l.•tz ··){) 2fl5 211~ 2!'l5 25 1£00 27 26 2ll I oir •, ~\IJJ 47 1j 1~ XC 011• 400 2(J6 :W5 201 _, nath P A Jo 15!'.'• 53¥• sm E';:r:;nt Weld 3000 25 2l 25 due Halifax Feb. 24 and Bos· necr s ent ,.ra mg , tm • in its tm;mphant. rattling des "What?" 1.£ 1h', 2"' '11m lfiu 1ro :\'nrtttld 1000 17 17 11 -1 Bell Phone 21~2 $588 57 ~ ~ 51'" 1 1 1 Fab ~ $ ~,;; J~ ~~~;-"' ton March 1 Leavmg Boston The Stars. the \\ern her von cent to the nround. "Don Julio too~ h•m oil l."rH t1urt ::' "l'l n !n !O 1 Olwlta !ROO U 1J11 131>- v, Bow ~ pr 51 $jtl i ~1 11 51' • 11 Pilr Prle 7137$16111 16~. lflh +11! Rrnzll 1804 380 •10 31 f.~~~· 25G 15911 591• 59 '•- '" March 3 and· Halifax March 7, Brau~ ~tory,, now playtng, at The bulld~zcr's blacle 1··~s 1 jail just a fr momcnl; 1.1. 1 1r 1(~11 l"ll HO \F() -1 I 1 Pac Pt'te w t •• 1 \ nt 11 1• ·1 II zn; 1(1. l!li -1.11. 40 97\ 910 9~ +20 B A Oil \010 $16'• J6 JG'I t·nntan• ~~n ~~; ~:~ ~:~-! due St. John's March 7, due the Capttol fheatrc With Curl earned high in the air, in a I And he's made :he 1.111. rln v.h In II lfl"' (O ~~ -14 POHlWII 9~oo to 45 " -2 BC rnw :~:;n $1G" 16'11 1~v, Pf'llnO B1nwn :!00 ~15~ ljll 15~• + %: IO/lO 440 40 St. .John's March 9. Smling for ,plny.mg the r_ocke,; kind of mechanical salute to I clear off the' hill Tncy had, 1.•. I(. I" II t ~ r:•. ;t 2 - , I 2.i9-l 37 :lfi .lR ~;.:•h•oe 40 Ju.rge~s 1 I 1 • :' l •· r: r, • • 1' \illlll!l \5('<1 27 21 '!7 Cal Pow F.ll $Z5'11 23 J:'i ., nro ~~~ :;~ ~8 ~A ... t sctcntll't I Atm At The Stars Denni~ whom we could '"c I grand big ar~mncnt abJul.' ~ I Pl.t( r \1:1'11 41 42 4' Col ! pr 10 $\02 1 ~ 1om 102''.t + •;, 11 11 1 11 --1 1'"1P.!:lllllllllll!ll!iiii•IP;:Iintllllll!lli!PI• p,,nrl r r ~~10 7A 7i H -1 Cl Fnrlry 1l00 $24 231, 24 .,.1 rn~mng;.m m sn•, 22 22 - '• Copw S\1 2Mlil 4n'o l!J'> "'' -1 truly IS an Important p~cturc I Walttng for us With a pick ill The Amen cans were sa)tn! I 1 Pt Rlrl(l 011 !Mil 2!0 230 230 +! csL ~a S62Yi fi:?l~ ~::'h T ~ f'r1nntn SilO bo i/: .;/,'' ,r" .},'" .:l' • crano co zw ., •P• so not alone for its present alton of his hands a stupid and un~raldul 6MO 16 lA l' c nr Alum 110 to Ill 1 3 5 ' • Jljoll;::('l nan 1<1 H 47 -2 r. Brnnzt! lUO SIRJI Jfo'-. 1B'a- t~ Krrley I 1 too Jl as 35 cr Zrll t:.oo ' "'' ';'I- ,, th 11 f 0 f 111 an 1·hose career t • t1 13 t II t ~ccept Krrl•y R w 1soo 13 n 11 Deer. to ~' "'• :,.; -- '• . e e a ' \ · 1-Jnppmg off the l]ulldozcr. r) v.ou c n We build well 'ircur t'rrl" ton m m Ill -3 Cdn Ct'!lan ll.i 5:15 35 :\5 - Yt t.abrarlnr ,, ,, ,, o,t 2100 11. _1oc, "''- - 1s still soal'lll!1, hut also for the 1 WalkmiiC7. said "\Ve heard, road. And Don .luho 11111 h ll 0!000 21 20 2 ~1 c Col mp JOo 131 37 17 1011126 26 26 '"~ '";1•nonra C Chern 200 ~\> ilk 6'> + \1 l.a~llborn 2~oo 9' Rl " , ~ Dom• 400 2•'• "'' 2• - '• exctlcment elrama htslorv and ' I' • d th 'll encd to take 'hem along l2'oo 16 m; t6 ,,1 S9; VDCM in a hurry! •' <~ 1\~ rll c t'rh A xd 23! Sill 10 In - 1,0 I, Dulaull 600 620 !9; -RI IDoug I,. 20CO Jl 31'' 31'•- ,, . • ' ' ' . ' some ta ( aroun l' I I age ' ' . 2000 J :1~ :t.'\ -2 1 1 I.oh co A toll> ,,, ""'• , Du Pont TBO 111 control'etsy whtch has always vou're to ftx ,. this Denms if they n1dn t gel Jlr!~J 16~00 103 93 !Oil -l c llu•ky m saR 7 a A 91 21~>• :4·, ""'' • Irvin~ 11 1 l..;t LH Pet• , • E•lon Mig 2110 3fi'l ·"'• 36'' > ' 1 d h · · " ~ · ff the AND SAVa YOU ·.,:m~ nt ll'o !;l'.t "v.' Ei Pao• !\\00 ''• 23'1 F• Wernhcr Braunn \5 pre-cnted I Dennis Sl\1\'ecl """"''" "i\'lw I tam."' Mrrll\ 500 100 99 !1'.1 -\ Ftrsln 420 .v.;r. 161,- ,, th th h t . • ' . "I'd b II r·il I 2·;rJO :m :11 ~11-2 -1 Cdn on J5 SJ23' 32~,. :t2'•- v.. w • I ntl!J~h~ \\ "' nr Mid Chlb 3500 2:t 12 22 -~~~ Ford 2~ 10~~~.. ?"'-A.,l~'" -~1~ on c screen WI .an . ones Y I yet;, as a matter fact.n . c er tt , \\ ~rpac 4000 13 12 \2 -2'.\ CPR 2:i~'i 526~,· 2f.~'ili 20J• or Cc\n Prl pr 42112 S!Jli IJ' o IJ'I ' \I Moor. tm l~ w. l'l, 1, rrueh Tra """ 2G ·'' .6 •- ' rarely to he found tn l1lm b1o· "Well we ftnurcd malilc you l satd. \\ h.n n" 2COO 74 71 73 -1 ~IR haines \000 ~8'1 I' 81 4 Grn D\n 7000 34\'.t 33'• 33'•- '• I . ~ '. . I \"I 1'" l n d ~~ \htll.IC!> 4ol m m m Con MS 495 $23 21~• 221,- ~l M WriGht ooo ISO ISO' 130': sl' Gen Fds 3400 84'• ~1>• a1'1 ' '• graphics, whtch temper truth m could use some help. l mean, ' ten " cxp 31 ! \V nccr~lnta ll13 126 1211 121 +: C GlUM 00 $301'2 291 ~ JOI,-, -1-21.4z WJndlall \000 16 16 16 -1 Coronntlnn 150 $9'• 911, 9~• + t,a ~ ~g;:;'• , ::J ~ ~ ~ - ~> g~c )Ills ;;\~ ~:: ;i~ ;.::,:= :; their search for cntertainm.ent. 1 we don't v.ant nothing for it w.hat ~;d happr~rd. 1 I Ynn Can 18000 41> 4 4\> + ~ Credll F 10 sm 137 133 + '' 1 1 1 1 Nocana 1 Gcn Tire xd !BUO so•, ;• Here truth has been turned mto 1 This bulldozer's going to be healtl) ,, R,\XKS cruoh lnl ~so 191> 9t;, 9\4 + ~. 4000 5 5 5 8~'· a~··~ hi~ st~h :-.:s 730 $79 78\1 79 + ... Dl•l Sea; 1245 S49¥• 49 49 + 1> ~~nnb~~·· 1JOO 49 49 49 Glidden :gg :g;z ~J~ iti: ~ ,; one of ~he most absorbing of all ' around for a few days, and the tlus . the w?m ;uck. C D Bridge 3!20 125 21\i 2m'"" 1> 1 11 Imp Bk C OH $68% 68 68\1 - \a Prom su 1 4900 43'\ 42'' w. +h dramatic confhcts; the role of nuy it says we're we+ workmg · I HO)'Al 9!7$33¥, 32V. 811314 +I D Coal pr 240 400 40 400 ~ 0 ~~~Y. ~Giit 1~v,-"' g~:::J~';:r hanlin~ a~atnst o Fndry 59 S64 63~i &Hl- % ior.. Dnm 1447 $68\\ 67'i 63 - "' ~~: ~~~a~~ 1 ~ 5~ !149 ~~.lfo,, + lli 8~.n~a 15~ ;:' f' J:~ 2;;,; + •• the scJCntist in this troubled ; ~ome to us; it. So we'd be glad wor~ that Sen~ lor . INDUSTRIALS D Slcl SO $101'1 IO'• 101'1 + \1 0 20 2 1 2 11 C Brew 1670 $!91< 59 59\i + lit D Slores xd 5190 $13\4 13 13 - V. St L Colum 100 675 670 67o _ 5 Gt ~ r 1000 m. ~"I• w,- '• atomic world of today. ; to pitch m. 1f that's okay with comm~ t~ Madr~d. e J) .:\11\1[!\CJ St Law Dlv 1000 m 135 m Gt Nor R 280 451> 44 • 45 -1 This is the question some vou" get this JOh fmlshed, 200 SIOV. 10 !OV1 + V. Du Pont 4880 $2llo/• 29\i 29V. -1'• 1 11\lond 200 $6'1\ 61> 61• Eddy P 100 $2111 21'1 2Bl + y, Sauc Dcv 1500 90 1 +4 Gull 01\ 1180 41'1t 41 4nl- \ • • • th b 1. 11·her \hll lnv S)n z5 $&81> 6111> 6381> Enam p B 400 26~ 265 265 +S Shop sau JIO U~l av. a•l llomstk 1600 47 46'> 47 + % scientists have answered by re· I "It's most kind of you" Den· e men act\ e .. · Sobey !OS 117 17 17 llud BaY M :100 52l• 52 1.~ 52'''- '• d' (' d · h · ' · . ' long I'll be ri oht CUI. lm S~n A tas $61~ 6114 611> Fam Ploy 510 $16\> 16~ 16\> sc Pow YP , .,. .,. u.. _ .,. Interlake 200 m. 25 25 - •• pu 1a mg an opposmg t ctr ms satd. "Of course, I'd be · . ~ the Pembtna 1700 $91> !ffi 91'. +v. Fleetwood 200 $::2\> 221> 221!> 17 122 122 122 2 Comm&rclal, lnduatrlal '.\nlkrn 1922 Sl31'.t !!lit .ll!lit - ;1 Fndln 20 $:1\ii,CIV. 111'1 1111 + '!0 Spartan !1600 145 110 145 lnt Dus 2aoo -550 516 547 -1 I own discoveries when those dis· delighted" I k1ssed Terr~ on 1 Fraser , 920 $27 26\'o 27 + 1< and community. rr Pete 100 375 375 375 ~r::~""n wt 1 00 1nt Tel 4800, SG'o,, 56'o;" ,.56'\" + v.'< ern men t s t o e11•'I purposes, ·m e d or d ers a t h' . IS crew. 240 597 58 9 Don Julio was not in a Gatlneau 200 $31~ ~m 351< -V• Tlzln 1000 13 13 13 Jo~ns M v " " 'I economically. Call us todlf Gal l pc pr 70 $102\4 102 102 - !4 Ttb Expl IOOO !'h 4,. 4.,. Kennecol 541» 81'1 soh so•,- ;, the same manner that von Soon the atr was shaking ant humor. He sat GL Paper 1245 118'11 18\4 IBJ< Trans "'II 109'• $!"'"' 1m 14% Kres"e• 7900~. 301• 30 ,., 30%I""+ -I'• ,, B raun ' s p10ncermg ' ' roc k e t ex- WI'!1 1 th e mac h'me-gun bl as t o f far fa~ts and liiUrtL $ 15 ~ 14 13 1 desk and regarded me llome A 400 $15 I! 15 Un OilsGns JOO100 23 m23 m23 _ LittonLib MeN L 1400 IJ9 136V•' m•,• • -I'•• penmen Is were turned into the a1r hammers and the crankidg ,, ~ ·Mo·ntreal-- · llome B MD $141> 141h 14\1 +lit 171 4 1 cold, official e~ rs Hud Bay 14.5 $5Sh ~~• ss~~ ~an"J~~hl ;: ;~~ i~ri ~l:~l~ Fld ~ 44 J.3 'Zc;,,43 l~ , _ ~ dreadful V-2 rockets which roar of the bulldozer. Imp 011 1254 ISO•;, SO 501> m 900 21 1 "You've locked DenDI! 1 ~IONTREAL CLOSING RTOCKS Jmp Tob 9l5 $IGV. 161,4 16V• Vauze soo Ill> 150 1 ~0 McKee 411 20 19'' 19'•-;; blasted London m World War Dennis tried several times to again, I hear." B,. Thfl Canadian Pres Jnl utll 225 $45\'.t 451> 45\'.t + V. VirKiola 4000 5 ~ 5 Mcrtk 4900 886'' 85''> as•, + '• II n t th f ' tt t' Wallf! Am e BG.' -;_ ~ 1\tpl!!i Hon 2500 120~. t2.tl12 126 - 14 • • I oC e oreman s a en 10n. Ablllhl 43"4 t'raoer 21 lnl Utll pr 225SSGt, 50 50\1 + 1> 100 865 65 2 Don Julio 1ncltned IAltlt pr 21 llud Bay Min 13 (nter PL ~~5 S8234. 82~~ 82V•- a,, Wendell 4ooo 2 ,~ 2,, 2,0 M!nn MM 9100 68 65', 66 -2 Throughout, producer Charles 1 Walkowicz s t arc d at him. 11 formally. , '\sbeston.c 341!, Jmr Oil 50'" Laur F A 910 $23~, 231> 231> + 'h Westburne 100() 72 72' 12 -1 ~:~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~i~~ ~~~!_I:~~ I II. Schncer, director J. Lee Ycah'!" Vnquc c Nat 7n Jnt Nit k 41 4 Laur F 148 p 25126 26 26 + v. 3 1 "May I see h1m:" H;1.nk Mnnt 701-t Man·f'er 13s., J.ncb M 300 $23' • 2:1~1. 2W• - \11 Clo +1'• er .Jay Dratler make no effort w a you want me to o? ' H•ll 571> Noran~a 61 Ma.,·F xd 368a! 114 IJ'i 13'1,- Ia Eraztl :t7~ Price ~:1~ Mel Sloorcs 200 $9 9 g ~·t "'" 4900 21i8llt ~a•, :~·· to whitewash the man they are ' "You'! Well, l guess you'd "WJ!l vou to<> h1m nul Nal Gyp" 2i00 :l14 :-~4 1 "l .'h~~ + ~ . . · t b lt k ' . CleHiand 6 Que Pow :u. )!Iron • pr 325 19!> ot;, 9 C•nt IliOn 19'• 18'• tB'•- •, deptcllng. As a resull, "I Aim JUS e er eep out of the Spain this tunc"" C Cemtnt 3!';• Roy;~l Rank :i~J Mol!on A M5 S29'• ~9~~ 29\., + 1,ii ~~· 1 C Cemtnt pr 23'2 Ro)allle 1~ Mont J.oco 235 S16 16 16 ~ lf. NY Nil 200 2 ~'• 2 + '• At Th St " · f 1 way'' I Nor Pae 6400 4J1'i 4l''l I, I c ars IS mcuJllng u en· I • • 41 • • rl C Slt'.tmshlp h2L~ St. I~ Corp Jo4 1 43~11- 3nd Nat Drua 400 $10'" 19 " 191" - ~~ New York·. Ohio 011 31\00 41 43'• 41 '• tertatnmenl, absorbing nnrl Dcnms smiled. Oh, I can l Don Julio stoo dtci ENGINEERING Clln nrew MIJ Shawln 24 N St Car \8l $20 20\1 21)'11 1 C NS LP 220 $222 22 : NEW YORK CLOSING STOCKS Penn nil 401\o IB'h \8 111 the be"inning rinht on , It wouldn t he fa1r, I want to lit a ctgarette and the ntl Scn~rams 49 CANADIAN Ogilvie 361 112 52 52 + 1> throu~h n1 The i\Uodated PreSI Phelps o ;!!J lo621'• 61\'' 10611•'~ _+,~• von Braun's ;ost clesper·,"te i help, of course." the match struck p.ot I New York Slack Exchance-Frb, 14 Philip Mor .• ~ • , • " • "L k " lk . I' ht · 1 · es· the' I ' xd - Ex·dlvldend, xr - Exr.IJ:hts, PI! Plate HOO 65 '~'• 64% + •1 time when, after the first Rus· . oo , 111 ac, Wa owtcz said tg m. liS eY · •f I xw-Ex·warranta. Net chana:• Ia from 1 prevJoua day's close. ~;:Ub su 4~ ~~'~> ~) 1, ~'' :, ~ sian sputnik, he pla~d Amenca pahently.. "It's. nice that you ~~ me like the. liPS d~ in Ntl Rcy Tob 570o 79'• 79'' 19;.-"" in the race for space with his want to p1tch m. I appreciate What would ~ou "I Furness, Withy &Company, Ltd: Sloet Bale. Dl1h Lo w Clou· Ch '1e i lloya\ Dul moo lfi'> 36 36 - '' it But tJ · · A · • position•" he satd ACF lnd 2500 74% 72% 74\t + Vo Soars R 4700 821> 81'1 88W• + y, crash program for the construe· 1 · liS ts mcrtcan eqUip· · ·. · h 1 Allis Ch L'Ponl To St. John's To Boston Hfx. To St. John'a !000 21% ~1·~ 211\- lit Sehll on 3300 39\s Ji•• 391\ + lit tion and successful launching 1 ment and it'd be my job if you ted him to conttnue t~e I Amerada 9400 m mv. 1301> - ~< Sheraton 1400 IB 1,;, 17'/o + 11 busted any of 't" lou• work because I St. John's Hfx. & B'lon To llf:r. St. John's To L'Pool Am Mot 9!01.0 161> !Jll'o 16V. - v. Sinclair 5400 361> m> Ja•> + •,o of the Explorer I. . 1 · ,. f hilll· I' "NEWFOUNDLAND" Am Smell 1500 831> 62% 62\1- I> socony sooo ll'l 53'4 s1 +II C J . Demus and I retreated to tho quesa was sorry or I f:cb. 18 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 Am Std 0 "MANCHESTER FAITH" HHoo 1111 1na n!';l + :or. sperr n IJ4D 02l'o 231> 23'(, _% urt urgens ts powerful and gates of the Sna'l • he's flouted our .nntliU '"' I Feb. 14 Feb. 22 • Mar. 3 Mar. 7 Mar. 10 Am Tel moo llm !32~. 132'1 + % 1 Ancndn Strl Drand 1300 7Jh 12•• 72'1- •• splendid as Dr von B d · · t· "MANCHESTER POHT" Feb. 28 Mar. 7 ~iar. 16 Mar. 20 Mar 22 3100 l!l\~ 491> 491'o Std Cal a2oo .111< 1 5&\1 58'1- v. . . · . raun, an • * • recruiting a htgh l ·' Annco Stl 2100 6¥. 66'> 66•,; - \i Std Ind 42on s;v. 57 57V. + ''• V1ctorm Shaw charm1ng as the The next mor ... th k t group to help him. And Persons contempfating passage to Europe Babcoef(. 3!00 57'4 56 "' !7 + v. std NJ 24ooo 54!'.1 SJI> 541> + % girl who marries h , nm., e rae e . d up should make bookings well In advance., Ball Ohio 600 32% U\1 32\1 + y, stud Pack IA~o 10'1\ 10 10 - v. lm el en of the bulldozer and air·ham· how he's conJure PASSAGES ARHANGED F:'Y: AIR Boelnl 811!00 II % llll l!llt + ~~ •• though she cannot understand mers shattered the peace of my and equipment worlh I Borden 1400 6 6 Gl 6.1 -1 ~~~ ~n l27~ ~m ll~! ;l:t ~ n i.O.A.C., K.L.'M., PAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN TWA Borr War 2800 48 4511 4! l'o - ... 'fex ou! J2oo 2m 211> 2m h?w or why he accepts the: way I of pesetas." , T.C.A. and connecting Airlines. . ' • • Brunlwk 14000 38\', 3710 37%- % Thiol

    411>- v. his rockets for space are side· way and television star makes To Be Continued) Duey Erie 2000 211> 20\1 20V•- 1'• Tldewtr 900 2m 2H'• 211&- 'I• traek"d ·ut h' f d t ' I .• Budd Co 7000 151> IS•> 15% Tlml 3 5~. 35'\ Gia Scala is equally fine as the • pearance as the American news- nurrghA 186200 4l~.t 46 4 7 +1 un C•rb tooo m,, ua n a 211' N · 'd d 1 · BE WISE I Calumet 500 16% IGI~ 16'fo Utd corp 33o0 •• a•h 8" , ,, azt·WI owe gtr who turns I papcrman who opposes von I CPR 2100 25\'.t 25\, 25 - v. uss GuYbPb• 4200 9'> 97 . 99'2-+ 2 enemy agent, keeping the Allies Braun and the decision to bring / Ca1e Jt 3100 8 7;8 7,&- ., U 11 3 MARTINIZE .~ t9UO 601~ 'i9 , 60 -t )4 • f d I 1 Ce-lnneu 9MO 60 5914 59~~-, .. us st ..t 16000 r2•, 7!'• 71', _ '• I~ orme of von Braun's activi· him .to America where he can I l'he most in DrY Cl~ ·. Chryslr xd 12700 57'll !'ill•R ~7 l's 1 Furness Travel Of·fice CifH'Ile )X' b~" .tl ~~ ~t:; i:.:;-;:- :: !test at Pc•encmnnde, the V-2 cunhnue his rocket experiments 1900 5m 52\\ 53 - '• 1 6 r.,, 1 IIUGHES-MAYN Cot•n Cola 1900 9~1 ~ !1;!1! 92' --13" Wulh• t:l moo lfi'l 36 "'• _,, cen er, anc Herl1crt Lorn plays 1 at White Sands, New Mex1co. CDS CLEANSERS, PHONE 8·5623 2POO 40h ~OI:t 401~ • Woolwth 1400 HI 84'1 w,- " a fellow cientist who is attract· , "I A 1m At The Stars" is a pic- 1 ~Jfl Cun l::dl1 3rm 7!lY• 78S3 11 i9•~ tJt 11 Pbone 92186·•· • Cont Can 2600 47 46~1, ~6~4 - Y.& 'l'olal sale~: J.6Jo,ooo. ed to her. James Daly, Broad· ture for rverybody to see. -

    -. ·- • f'. • ... . '- ~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~--;;~~T;H;E~D~A;IL~Y~N~EW:;S~, ST~. J~O:H~N;'S~,N_F_L_D_. _r_H_U_R~_sD_A_'Y_', _F_E_B-~(-.~A-.~--~-·.~· '-~T~·r62T ~-r.- lAMs VEH~!F- ~ PRISCILLA'S POP By 7AL 7 ...... ,. ... ·· ... '' ,. 7' . .,.( ,_ ''.· :, FOR FUEL & STOVE OIL CG~METICS DELIVERIES DIAL 8-3001 to 8 -3005 CONCEPTION BA)l SOUTH AREA - DIAL

    LONG POND EXCHANG.E ...... ;...... 227·2161 THE GREAT EASTERN OIL CO. LTD.

    - - • And TV · Programmes • JACOBY Report and Time ON BRIDGE :''She wants to know if we take them to the b9a.uty 7.55-Ncws (Local) . » i ..• ·~·- -·--,,.,___... _ ... 8.00--RCAJ:o' Tower, Tot'bay 1.05-Slgn Off I· pa!~r O.!l~.e ~ _w~ek for a wash and se_t;·~-----__j (Weather Report) ONLY ONE SURE WAY TO PLAY \\:, February 15th. 8.03-Ncws (National) THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE 13\' WlL~O:\' SCHUGGS 8.08-The Bill Allen Show CJON-TY 'l'IIURSDAY, February 15th. By OSWALD JACOBY 8.15-Sports Capsule Capt. Ewart Kempson, the 1!.25-News Sews 1•cteran English player and of lhe Morning 8.30-Hit Tune of the Day 10.45-l'astor's Study 10.50--\Vomen's News writer, has produced a new :\ell's and Weather 8.35-World of Sport book, entitled "First Pocket H .,.,_, •• 8.40-The Bill Allen Show 11.00-Howle Meeker Show 1 Clock Book of Bridge Problems." It 8.55-News 11.05-Cartoons ll-:!!orn 1 n~ Devotions 11.15-Romper Room consists of 70 hands taken from 8.30-Hit Tunc of the Day actual play which show one dis· Stoppers 835-World of Sport u.oo-Local and National ;>;cw. lleadllne News tlnctly correct line of action [or· Reports 8.40--The Bill Allen Show declarer or the defence. 1~.15-Sign Off 8.55-News Today you nrc South. The ~ "-""''""' at Random 9.00-Mornlng Meditation ~.U0--1 ~larded Joan ~nme is rubber bridge and you ;-;; 9.03-The Bill Allen Show 2.30-Chez llelene <::-, ,l;1ncs 2.45-Nursery School Time find yourself in a nice comfort­ 9.30--N cws Headlines able six notrump contract. '·;r;:: lun~umcrs 9.31-'l'he Bill Allen Show 3.00-National Schools ~& · I.ti'IIJ:-~tta School Broadcast West opens the ten of hearts : 10.00-News 3.30-The Verdict Is Yours and when you count your tricks ::-/- 111 the MorninG 3.55-Cross Section \'anety : 10.05-Stork Club your first thought is, ''Maybe I Sl'hool Broadcast 10.08-The George Cawdry •1.00-0pen House will make seven." 4,30-~lemorla! University Show You see eight tricks outside liT'.:IItWurc li'-FJ!ht~rlcs Broadcast 2.55-NeW!; 12.45-Pastors Study +Q 9 7 6 5 +None 1 4oH2 4oJD86 1'rd my from the Albums 3.00--Bob Cole Show 1 SOUTB(D) r! id n't unrlici·:JiJ..CBl I\cws 3.30-News Headlines I di <1 urbcd nulll'aj.-Jnkrmel:zc 3.31-Bob Cole Show 11'162 1: 3.55-News ¥K7 1: :rd lhat it PrevitiV CJON +AK832 lllllll-iuppcr Guest 4.00-Bob Cole Show 4oKQ1() lhr h1ll h:ilWii-·lHt Sews and Weather 4.30-News Headlines TllURSDAY, February 15th. / Both vulnerable 4.31-Bob Cole Show !-Pirliarnenllary Report 5.30--News Headlines Opening lead-¥ 1& 5.31-Supper Serenade er Reports 9.0~Musie for Millions 5.45-Fisherman's Forecast 9.20--Hit of the Day · ·. · · ·· 5.55-News 9.30-Austln Willis . bridge you should play aliso· 6.00--Bulletln Board 9.35-Weather Forecast lutely safe for your contract ...... ' 6.10--IIIovie Guide 9.45-Doctor's House Calls and that the wny to do this is to 6.15-Sports Report 9.55-Kltchim Glatter win the first heart in your hand •Ok 8.25-Travel Guide 10.00-News in a Minute and lead towarrl dummy's jack moments 6.30--Early Evening News 10,01-Martin'a Corner · of diamonds. West can duck or the A Roundup 10.15-What's Cookin rise with the queen, but you dl. The)' 7.00-Sase Brush Sam Show 10.30-National News will have four diamond tricks mcnt about 7.30--News Headlines 10.35-Jerry Wiggin's House· and you would also have them "·~re sayin~ '1.31-8age Brush Sam wives Choice and News if East should show up with ngrateful 7.5~News 11.00-Robin Hood Bulletin five diamonds. ·t ?.rccpt 8.00-Cream of the Crop . 11.15-The Right to Happiness 8.15-Best from the West n .Julio 11.30--News 1rm along 8.3~News Headlines 11.4~0rchid for llisele CARD SENSE iinn't ~ct 8.11-Cream of the Crop 12.00-Bob Lewis Town and t off the U5-News Q-Thc bidding hag been: Country, News and North East South Wr.st 9.31-Crcam of the Crop Weather 9.55-News 1¥ Pass loll Pass On 1.05-Weather Forecast 10.00-Night Show ·1.15-News 1 N.T. Pass ~ ~MI"'"' Clock 10.30--Newa Headlines You, South hold: and Weather 1.35-Don Jamieson's Editorial 10.31-Night Show o!IAQ,8,7,6 'I'K3 +AM +Q7,6 F· '.IJ lHf\' ") Bill Allen Show 1.40--Sports 'I 11.00-Torbay Weather Report 1.45-Art Baker's Notebook What do you do? 1 .,_~1 ""'"" Meditation A-Bid three no-trump. You 11.02-Blg Top Ten 2.00--News Highlights rFS AN EXQ,UIS!TE of Sport 11.30--News Hetdllnea have 13 points, and your rlart· ITtS AL'50 NON­ 2.03-Jerry Wiggin's Matinee MASTE~PIE'CE--· RETURNABLE/ 11.31-Night Show 3.00--News Highlights ncr has shown a minimum IllS A SYMBOI- 3.01-John Nolan's Western open'ing. Ot= 'l'OUR.. 'A.M. TODAY'IS QUESTION DEVOTiON/ 12.00--Night Show Jamboree 4.00-News Highlights . Instead .o! rebidding one no­ 12.30-News Headlines trump your partner has jumped 12.91-Night Show 4.05-John Nolan's nanch Party to two no·trump. You hold: 12.55-News Summary, Weather o!IAQ8,7,6 .K,3 +AM oloQ,7,6 4.3~Natlonal News 4.33-John Nolan'i Ranch What do you do now? Party Answer Tomorrow 5.00-News Highlights 5.01-Art Andrews' Dance · Party 6.00-News Headlines and ------Weather · 8.03-National News • BARBS • 6.10--Sporta 6.20--News. By COCHRAN ;1.1-s.ru01. ~- 6.30--Dave Maunder's Club 93 aAL • ', and News Every Ume squirrel hunting ~ A COOIC 51RIP. :<: \ "", .. him season is here a lot of hunters lC. 8.00--N ews In a Minute and ~ o: Best frmo the West go nuts! '~ 8.30--N;~tional News • • • ' 9.00--News Highlights In the winter the radio .. 9.01-Nfld. Soiree ' operator isn't the only one 9.40-Salt Lake Choir who has a code in the head. 9.45-News • • • 10.00-News Hlghli.hh At the end o( a shopping trip 10.01-National News a woman is weary as well RS 10.15-Pick of the Pop, well spent. 10.45-Sporta • • • 10.5&-Letters and Messaces . The' iellow who always Is 11.00-News Highlights doing things usually is too ur 11.01-Paul Hershon's Music In busy . to brag about what he highlY the Night and News has done. · him. An l.01-5ign ou, jured up Weather CowbJys had participated in t worth 8.0s.:-Natlinial Newl rodeos long before 1887, but 1 6.10--Sporta spectators first paid to watch contllnletll 0.20-News 'them perform their skills in 8.30--Dave Maunder'• Club 93 October of that year. .I 7.00-News Hlghllghta 7.01-Dave ·Maunder's Club 93 Ali ancient Greek, Dadedalus, 7.30-Newa · invented what may have been ' ' 8.00-News In a Minute world's. first rob~t-a wooden i' .. 8.01-Cream of West Sinal cow that .c<'uld move its legs. II Along i: It is estimated that ao per . During 1958, six persons cent of the world's dates are ·-·· - JCIWIP~...,...... AJIN, ..J died from rabies in the U.S. harvested in Iraq. L:'. .. .. ,\.._ ~- ' .. ·------·. . - ...... ' ' .,:) -.. . ~!!. T

    • .. . ·- --· '.... -.-·· ·- I I I I I t 14 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. THURSDAY, FEBIH:AHY IJ, lf;o:., rfl£ DAILY NEW •.. ,

    1 A~·tklcs F~~~--S~~~~ . H 1 ______G~g-~---- J ~;;;;..;;;··-;.;.;...;~;..;.o.;;;.~~;.;;~;;;;;ae;.;;~o;.;;~;.;;s-;;;;;·-;.;;···,...l\..;,! -G-R-EA_T__ E_A_S-TE_R_N_, ---M-is_~_ll~t~~-~~-R :~Ic Help-~-':~;~-~~~ A-I i rwhere t 0 Stay I FnoM OIL & IMPORT J. · I ------Art Mc:Dona~d's Tenders WANTED Balsam Hotel G co., LTD .. Kl~ BARNES ROAD I • I I Radio, Television, Washers EXTENSION OF SUR TllADt~ A CAPADl .. E WO~IAN.; Situatrd In the hear! of the · arage Topsail nd. Dial 9-:3410 Refrigerators, Deep Freezers TENDERS I ' ·T II I : City· r Electric Range& BOY \\'0 ;u I\1 It s. OIISC\1'01' \ · quief, Comfortable Atmos 1· I 'l)CS Floor Polishers. of all Snh Trades J EXJlC'l'lS in all l '· ol Gramophones 1 Clnsin~ dat~ . I I . I.. l'cf- ' phere. li has now heen extended to : ·am p lllll COOl\ til,~. 1 i l•'or Re:;rrvat10ns and I ~leehanieal Hcpairs, in- ! Public Address s~·stems cludin~ Automatic Tape Recorders ~tarch 5th, 5 p.m. :-i .E.T. 1962, Newsp• crcm·cs required. :1' information: / I . REPAIRS AND SERVICE in ronncc(ion with the Voca· · Transmissin11, clc. 5 LNES I SE~ Phone 8-61 i .· Dial 8-6336 lj llional ~ Trade School, Grand . ~9 1 DIAL 8·300I to 8·3005 1 · 1 MRS ••YOJIN FACEY, . 1,,1 3 Licensed· Mcehani(•s Falls. Nfld. All tenders to he TO[ 1 ; ~~11.1.'\ .. _ .. --· ~ ...... A-1 li Resident niana~crcss. 1 ALSO WATER STREET : addressed to Lundrigan's Con- ' ITS' Jan2B, ly M·3 I struclion Ltd., Riverside Drive, , To -~:t-l~tl~ns ..\j)ls C ::L:;n.lr E~~) :\ To\\·in",.., and Plmwhi:•"..... n •------': Corner Brook, [l;ewfoundland. Ask us for •FHEE HElD'S HAI\DWARE ' Lowest or , any tender need • WELCmtE \\'AGO~ and CONSTUUCTION ' ~ not necessarily he accepted. HOSTESS . B FOR RENT , ESTiMATES ' · Lt:i'tllRIGAI'\'S 26 51 LIVERl'OOL AVENUE ___;;;..;.:;.!2,_.....;;,;.,.;...... ;.. Drug Stores _ _:Q ' CONSTR UCTIO:-i !,TD. , Will Knock al \'Our 8 1 fcblJ,lmth J 16 D 1 9 Ol\'E GROUND FLOOH IAL 94770, 8-3162 j !ehl4,3i with Gifts and Al1ARDJENT :::--:;:--::--·::· ::---::--:;:--::- ..:;:-:· ·-:=;::::::=-=--~- l . l ll , \1. CONNOUS Ltd. ------i from Friendh· 3 30 ' \'·c 1ave a Pnr(JOse I Prescriptions Picknp and Neighbours and 6 24 Silualrtl at i Rl'nnetl BODY WORK­ Paint at $1.25 per Qt. delivery servt%. 27 PHONE 8·2206 Civic and Social 4 A\'cnnc.' Suitable for cou-: 29 PAINTING On the occasion of: 14 plc. Hent $110. Ilcatcd.' . 21 Specializing in Auto New comer lo the 1 --- 10 2S Dial 85503 Where To Go Uepairs and The Birth of a Babl'.' -----··------Bodv 19 !ebltl5 c Painting PHONE 8-4fi64, n .') 'J FREE 2 ~~ SEE US FlflST 5 20 OFFICE SP_A~CE for the lowest prices Prescription COOK 2.j SJ> AD1UM and the most efficient "Tuching Arlifici1) I work available. PICK-UP Applications are invited for Re5pir11ion 1nd TO-:•'IGIIT 8 O'CLOCK and DELIVERY the position of cook at the Child Care" 1i TO LET SE:"'IOR HOCKEY Cottage Hospital, Placentia. AT CARBON EAR ST. JIAT'S ''s GUARDS SERVICE Salary i~ 5118.33 per month, from which 535.42 is deductible Apply R~scned-75e. for board and lodging. l'ni- · .·. GenerAl Admlsslon-50r . forms and laundry service are ; BOX 460, CARBONEAR i provided. Applications sla lin~; a~e. ex· · •· fcbl5.16.2~.~3 c SUPPORT THI ;.• perience, etc., should he ad­ ALL CONSOL GO UP dressed lo:- ; TO RE!'\T - Small furni~ltcd "JEEP" St. John , : heated apartment with Nurse In Charge, • I . • cooking facilities. Central· M. C. L. I. VEHICLES Cottage Hospita I, Ambulance Placentia, • ly located. Suitable for Campaign couple or two working Pitts ~I cmorial Hall Doing the World's Miscellaneous LEONARD ~IILLER, M.D., Help Kh girls. Not suitable for TONIGHT, Feb. 15th. Work I children. Apply to P.O. Box 1 ' Deputy lllinlster of Health. ' ~~~~~~~~ :. • DO YOU NEED your Spring- febl3,15 _ 1 ~~, 444, St. John's. at 8.15 p.m. : 1·: I filled mattress re-condition- 1 ------. :· 1 1 DEBATE ~~~~j l'i ; ed or your All Wool mal· .. ------;:: tress re-picked, and recov· NOTICE Older Boys Expert ered, your bedspring or RESOLVED: We can erect your Armco Bllildint lui daybed re-wired or your ·:-::·WANTED I and me yoy money at the same time. 1 NOTICE is hereby given that I J . . "That Bi-lingualism is furniture re-upholstered. If OIOing Factcry-produted part' cut job-site ¥1011\. I : CHARLIE WING, otherwise so call . us. Items called .=~ r~: 1 the chief factor contri­ eliminate W3ste of materiels. Our •., known as HONG FONG WING . perieoced crews redu~ constructi~ l ! for and delivered. Rates I By LEBEL Bv ~a Couple with no buting to Canadian ·time and expense. Write or ull for CGfllo and as CHARLIE WING HONG, RO:o; I :. • ·'.; •• I lowest obtainable. Keats : plete information. , of Bell Island, in the Province OTTAWA •CP• - disunity." ~latlress Factory, 16 Mount 1 • cl\H.dren, a self-contain- 1 I of Newfoundland, Storekeeper, • boys are joining the SPEAKERS: AUTHORIZED Royal Avenue. Ph: 9·2753. I will apply to the Parliament of · movement in drol'es b'~ .· ~4;)urnished apartment. I ! Canada, at the present, next or , growth is chiefly Affirmative: DEALER FOR YOUR Interior Painting fo_llowing session thereof, for a : younger lads and seoul Phone 95431. and sparkling, also repair I Btll of Divorce from his· wife '1 are concerned about Andrew Horwood Do not hesitate to call us, for work. Our prices are rea· l ~I.AK YIN KW AN WING, other: of its ~~ogram for C·I Garfield Fizzard free estimates. sonable. Dial 8-47673, F. 1 I wtsc known as ~!A y WING 1 To-da) s more . Available Shortly Clear Melendy, 112 Barnes Road. -· 1 Negallvc: HONG, presently residing at the ~een : agers ar~ •~na1rtntlv Spans, up to 130 ft. width. '· ___I_n_su_r_an_c_e ___ D· s. c. \!cCurdv DRIVE !eb9,1mth R I City of :-lew York, in the state tng mter~st m the ' of New York o"'n f th U -1. and_-camphre style or ' c ~ e nt Smce 19;9 a s~etal AYAH J?onald Iukpen' CASH PAID FOR-Comics. I · ; QlOSBIE & CO., Ltd. IN cd States of Amenca, on lite mittee of the national < WATER : ~ :~~; ·.. AgP.ots for Visitors always Welcome J. J. HUSSEY magazines, and pocket ground or adultery. :has been stud)·ing this ·UNDERWRITERS AT (Entrance Long's ·Hill, or novels. John D. Snow, 9 I Harvey Road) ATTENTION DATED at the City of St. 'and ways to reverse it. LLOYDS. New Gower Street, Pho:Je E-3 Groups, Schools, Clubs etc., LIMITED 86808. jan61mth R ! John's. in the Province of New· Headed h)' .1. Bar)' Ca!r. -· >:·7· LOW RATES for a pleasing and profit· foundland, this 12th day of Montreal, the group h2; , ~ DIAL 8·5031 179 New Gower Street, --Article-s-F·or -S· ale ·H- 1.. at>le past.. time. why nut try 3 RAl>IPS and TRUCK PIT February A.D. 1962. for more t1m~. to complM D one of our mnny handicraft AT YOUR SERVICE St. John's Dial 85795 · 83210 I WANTED TO BUY7 0ld used I ' "complex ta>k. ideas: Plastic Foam, Flower· M radios, parts, tubes, elec· R. C. B. 1\IERCER, Q.C., ·It has rejected for li.! FOR SALE-One milch Cow er~ft, Melalcraft, Leather· tronic equipment, watches, Solicitor for the Applicant, ment suggestions thlt lte . :: JOB DROTHERS and C~lf $250.00. Apply to craft, Slixeraft Textile ADAMS' SERVICE ST,\TION UD. - . -- - - - etc. Higher prices paid, plus feh15 22 marl s ditional short p.'lnts be Michael J. Parsons, Flat· Painting and Paint lly ·No. 1 1 ' ~: & COMPANY, Ltd. Where Service Comes. Elect. Contractors l\1 -1 postage or freight expenses. I ' ' ' as part of a general 'I rock. Sets. -- .. -----· ·--·-·- Send what you haYe to: ization of the uniform . • Water Stret: Naturally. 1 E. MEI,ENDY, In a recent report lt.! ~; DIAL 8-2658 . - 84123 Howard A. Little, Bonavista, IIANDICHAFT SUI'I'UES I DIAL 8-5831, 8-0399 16 C:tshln Ave. Pl~one !12!H7 I Nfld. committee wrote: ··scfort " D febi:l,llnth J-1 suggestions for adaptation Also available a wide range 1 dec28,1y,cw . } . ·. Stanley's Meats of Sealsldn Souvenir and modification can be • ·~~-.-.. ----··----·------':1 I Gift Items. Bells, Sealskin Beauty Parloms K I will be necessarv to kr.ot ' ·' , :. ·REG. T. MORGAN LIMITED Jewellery, Bow Ties etc. ' , THE CENTRAL BARBER what the youth ·of Canada, • I------·------~-~ . I SHOP-We are now operat- Spec t I I ; INSURANCE Ltd. feb15,cod H GLADY'S BEAUTY SIIOl'PE · FOU AN ADEQUATE PASSENGER NOTICES ting on an H-Mn:h ,o:cat! 1 : ~ . Temple Bldg., P.O. 01 168, ing 10 chairs, you can be the dawn of ~race 1mel. · FRESH LOCAL KILLED ...... _ ~ I cor. Bond and Prescott Sts. 1 · · · ·. · 3n Duckworth St. Phone 8-4951·8·7898. Spcci· WiniNG SYSTE!\1 . assured of prompt, effie!· CONNECTION WEST RUN "They need help fir~· IJ MEATS ent, sanitary service. No PLACENTIA BAY . vnuths ~nd ·~c~nrl I' : .: • 1 DIAL 80370 or 8·i756 aliz~ng m cold wavin;:, hair DIAL 9-0901 , •: ~- ...· ·. D styling, cutting and tinting, waiting problem, 24 New Tr~in "The Caribou" leaving i into adults ~·rtl filled · ; l '.• Gower Street opposite Ade· ... _· FRESH. SAUSAGES manicuring, facials etc., 14 J. V. Dawe ltd. St. John's 12.01 P.!ll'. Friday, I world in which !hey wtll . . ----.------Laide Motors Ltd. R February 16th, will make con·1 to live.·· FRIDAY . ' A SPECIALTY operators, no waiting. Electrical Contractors W. U. KNOWLING neclion via Placentia Junction 1 EXPAND PROGR.W L Fuel (Coal and Oil)-L & Lighting Specialists and Argentia with motor vessel I While this ba~ic !lua:r Couples c .. " POULTRY, PORK, VEAL, ' ' 'INSURANCE ian31, lmth M·l "Petite Forte" on West Run tinues, the Scout · door. 01 . ' Fire • Auto • Casualty SALT MEATS Placentia Bay. Ibeing broadened ' . I . ::~ . reflected in tht obserrane• prizes bei .i ; <- PH: 8-2902, 8-7811 CONNECTION SOUTH COAST Boy Scout Week Feb. 1!-ll. .. 158 Water Street St. John'! SERVICE VIA PORT AUX Scout strength has mo:! jan6,1mtlt D BASQUES trebled since !9-15. The ~···~-__,. ____..J 13 ·..:;_ - ·------·------I Train "The Caribou leaving was 25,000 in the _ ~1 For Fast Delivery of St. John's 12.01 P.l\1. Friday ye~rs alone. Bul mo,t ,.• mode I -. . ,'· . ~. . · ' gams were Stove Oil and Furnace Oil ELECTRICITY Febtruary _16tPhl. wtl~ make c~n- younger boys. There ~re nee lOn vta. aee_nha Jun~.tton Wolf Cub~ Ulte · . r: DIALS-4249 and Argentta wttlt S.S. Bar group\ compared wtlh .;,.~...... is CHEAP in ,, . Special Coal for Grates Haven" for the South Coast Boy Scout~ 111 to 18\ and Royal EXPERT REPAffiS· 111 ' . ALSO ST. JOHN'S Service. Rover Scouts 11g to · ..' House Wiring etc. Scouts are branching o~t Birch .Tunks and Kindling Fast, Courteous Service. "'' a o( All truck~ radio equipped. Reasonable R.-ttes, wide range new Used They are studying ~esponsibilil 1

    '~. • FOR SHORT . TERM KINSMEN TEACH,ERS WANTED REQUIRED FOR WABUSH LAKE MONEY ON DEPOSIT SAtES LADY BOYS' In anticipation of the needs of the Boards of.Educntion at \Vnbush Lake, Labrador, CERTifi:CATE Shoe selling experience preferred but Newspaper · for teachers in September, applications We now pay. arc now invited for teaching positions in not. essential. SERIES No. 57 the Homan Catholic and Amalgamated all 3% for 30 days grade Schools at Wabush Lake, Labrador. Apply by letter to: TODA Y'S. NUMBERS Applicants should state qualif!cations and 31/4% for 31-89 days years of experience and should give prefer­ ences for grades in the case of elementary '31/2% for 90- 179 duys B I G 0 teachers and for subjects in the case of for 180 - 269 days 2G 32 54 68 high school grades. 3 3/4% febl5,16 s Salaries will he considerablv in excess of 9 16 33 60 65 for 270 days or longer ~ Provincial Government Scale. Applica­ 4% J 30 43 55 74 tions should be addressed to BOX 205 c/o .... 6 24 40 53 69 ·.. THE DAILY NEWS and should be re­ 27 39 48 ~-(;:) THE EASTERN CANADA ·l . ccivccl by February 28th, 1962 .. J.l 29 38 52 67 (eb8,13,15,20 1 21 ,14 ·16 71 SAVINGS and LOAN CO. A HEATED APARTMENT 'Jl1 10 -ll 37 (H CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN ' 19 ,11 70 170 WATER ST. ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. Situated Squires Ave., (near Bowr1ng n. IF CHAFE MAKES . THE CLOTHES. 34 73 PHONES 8-3335, 8-7241 Park) consisting of 2 bedrooms, bath· 5 20 31 63 Wm. L. CHAFE 25 CLAUDE E. DAWE, Manager room, dining room, living room, rtifici1l TAILOR 1nd 36 17 kitchen (with refrigerator and electric · · stove). .I I FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! Dial 9-2174 during business hours. feb15,16 When you need oil I Here's what to· do: !T THI DIAL (Under the Sponsorship of The St. John's Rotary .\LL CO\SOLA TIO;..J PHIZES HAVE BEEN Club) John CLAI~IED UNION Oll8.. 2822 lance The Canadian Opera Co. When you need oil-Yo\1 need us I r Help Kin - K~lp Kiddies (Seventh National Tour) ·' I Will Present 1 Statutory Notice PUCCINI'S OPERA · In the matter of the Estate of llarohl Bogue, late or the Expert Watch Repairs Provh1ce of Quebec, master mariner, deceased. LA BOHEME All persons claiming to be creditors of, or who have any claims or demands upon or af­ fecting the estate of Harold SUPER SERVICE STAT/ON SPECIAL! Bogue, late of the Province of I Quebec, aforesaid, master mar­ iner, are hereby requested to f send particulars of same in writ­ i ' ing. duly attested to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, ~-g~~NGE 8 8-(·~;;.. ~ .. ~. Administrator of the estate on or before the 3rd day of March, +! SI!:RVIl!E WITU A S~1JLE A'l OFFER GOOD i MON., TUES., WED. ONLY 1962, after which date the Ad· . ministrator will proceed to dis· AVALON CREDIT JEWELLERS tribute the esrote of the said 1\'.\TER AT ADELAIDE PHONE 8·7829 deceased, having regard only to -. the claims of which be shall COMPARE OUR SELECTION OF PARTS then have had notice. Dated at St. John's this 30th l\lufflers As Low as ...... $6.98 Batteries, Installed day of January, A.D. 1962. Tires With Class "A" Trade As Low As ...... $7.49 Ea. Registrar of the Supreme Court Iof Newfoundland, Administrator As Low As ...... $11.88 Engines As Low As ...... $9.00 .Mth. or the Estate of Harold Bogue, deceased. AT PITTS MEMORIAL HALL ADDRESS: SUPER SERVICE STATION 369 WATER ST. 9.15 to 6 P.M. Court House. on .. feb15,16,17 St. John's, Newfoundland MONDAY, February 26th, 8.30 p.m. HURRY! HURRY! TUESDAY;February 27th, 8.30 p.m. NOTiCE At~NOUNCEMENT · Tickets: $2.50 Reserved - $2.00 General Special Games and Dance We take this opportunity to inform the Available from Chas. Hutton & Sons Ltd. ace customers of Whittle's :t\1eat Market that HURRY! . help War Veterans' Club Get your ticket now in the PHONE 8-2650 .,cond t~ we have been active in this business for fe b7,9,13, 15,16,20,22,23 .•26 ·\\ fitted Upstairs Lounge some time, and we have now t.aken over Big St. John's Lions Club 11 they will FRIDAY, February 16th, 10 p.m. its full management. Mr.· Wm. \Vhittle has resigned to take Couples only $2.00 (Double) at the up a new position and the business is now KLONDYKE door. Orchestra Attendance. Twelve under the management of Mr. Thomas prizes being offered. Doyle of our Cookstown Road Store. His SWEEP JON CANOE RUMS capabilities are well k~own and we know your wishes will be well taken eare of. Anybody can sell tickets. Now is your are here .again The business will continue to opcl.·nte chance youmay be the lucky winner. D~v;s:on Techn~cal Officer under the same name, and we. hope to Seller's Prizes ~ Buyer's Prizes Both Amber and Navy Reserve .. $5460 - $6180 continue to serve you in the same way. hi. Prize-1962 MERCURY METEOR Because' they are the Mst in the whole wide world · The addition of a chillroom and freezer Sellers prize - 51000.00 -No headaches-No upset stomach aches-and that Required' by 2nd, Prizc-1962 THOR DELUXE AUTOMATIC wonderful taste-"Smooth man, smooth." If you· Royal Canadian Mounted Police equipment means that we can offer you WASIIER·DRYER CO~IBJNATJON have tried them, tell your friends. If not-just ask. . a larger varjety of poultry, ~rozen fish, etc., Sellers prize - $15MO Remember JON CANOE. RUliS, Amber and Navy 3rd. Prize-1962 ROGERS MAJESTIC 23" DE· Reserve are guaranteed. So always ask for them ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. and as you know our prices will be fair by name. · LUXE TV CONSOLE . . t~esponsihilities include determining nccommoda· and competitive and the quality high. Sellers prize - $100.00 The man who reads the most earns the most. · l~n requirements throughout Newfoundland, cvnlu· Charge accounts will continue• as before 4th. Prize-POWER LAWN MOWER ahng c~isting accommodation and investigating the Sellers prize - $25.00 (Not inserted by the Board of Liquor Control) scuilability of proposed central accommodation. and we hope to contact each one of you 5th. Prlze-CMlPING SET consisting of camp, apd.idates must possess . several years' relabJd personally before the end of the month. ' two ·sleeping bags, and Coleman stove. l, h 't Prachcal experience and a thnrough knowledge of Sellers ·prize - 25.00· troop~ al · bu!lding eonstructlon and maintenance· methods You will find the same high quality line · 6th. Prize-SURPRISE CONSOLATION

    ...... ~- ··-. . '. . ··-. .···· - ' ': ,i 1 116·,~~------~------~------:::::::::::::~------~T~I~1E~D~A~IL~Y~N~E~W~S~,!ST[.jJ~O~H~N~'S~,!N~F'~LQD~.,~1~·I~Il~ 1 R~SED~A!Y,JF~·E~-B~R~U~A~R!Y~l5l,~lgG2 I'. I - THE NEW SM ' AT THE Dolls Have · ! NOW AVA.ILABLE eve~ything you ever wanted ma E AC .,r~~~~-= !~: ~~~; IUGJ.It\r; 1 S;:l'(• Dill\ :tl\(j i "' 1 I: Ill ~'11 -' I l f0~10RRO'V J . lhese fas_hwn dolls liNe con- I I . 2 ~· I Grace Nies I s•:lerert_ ~o tmnortant ihat coun- years ~~ _c~me with _the nnl~· magnni~ !a~ P<>rt. 1 '] l ti'Je~ Sll!ned special agreements 1 ahle tlici.Jtllll' rna dun•· !hal; COI11JIO!tl,j, ,.·,h · r." I \ d' · h IU LIBRARY F etc 1er .. .. :·.... 4.50 !for their s_afe passage in time i omce mate. ou IC!alt~ on \Ottr ( fJmp, · • 1 • ~ . · ""on L, ROLL OF I-I OJ\ OUR ; of war. \1 ar or peace, ladies 1 t I1e fi c1 :'• _mal 1 Lhe ma)'az.im·:· !O yo 11 r offite for I 1 1 THE FAIRMILES i Eric Linklater .... 4.00 , had to have t~leir f~shions. and ! lran>cnptJOn on t 1r statu ani ~tenorrttr '\V-r.II K ~ 1no ship rarrym!! tne>e st 1•Jish 1 Many Newfoundlanders will ! , I TA ERS ' ambassadresses was to be hom- 1 HERE'S WHY STENORETTE COMPANION IS SO SUPERIOR· be i~terested in an article ap- i :\L~IA?\ACK, 1962 4.25 i b<~~ded.. i • Fully-trar,;islorized for • lapel n•icrophonc f~r p " 111s en use. o worm-~p interviewing, rc~ecrch, eF.... Conception Bay News pearmg m the January 1ssue ,I I Durmg the Americ,"n C1·,.,·1 .' · 1 1 N of the Canadian Gcogratlhical : k & L d War messages aml contraband; lime needed. • Up to 45 minutes of Journal entitled Salute to "The I o·I( S c0 t were concealed inside dolls, : • Uses same lope as Standard continuous diclation ' · U C Q s h C b Little Ships." i '' ' then smugg!erl through the Office Stenorette o Powered by lifelorg, : . ; . pens ympat y ar onear This article tells the story of I The Booksellers Northern ltnes by littlE girls." • Pushbutton operation rechargeable ball.,, ·N El ~ d d N , the part the little ~'airmiles I ~1·. Grossman said it, was throughout • Handsome slurc'y carr)i'J . ew ementa ry t;Xten e ewsy Briefs I played during World War II in s . ~erltaps this historical fact that. • Duplicole microphone case ovoiloolo IIR GRACE _ Sl,·mpathv . · the protection of shipping as : pm 1 set !he . Federal Bureau of In- controls for ol< functions C '~00 I ' ts ___._ . t' b · 1 1l'esh"alion on the tr 'k 0 r ~mm~- S .I " . I, ' extended by her many friends CARBONEAR - The l:niteil 1an I·>U marme vesse s of_ un· · 8-2008 8- 19 . I! 8-442~ 0 unus~a ~c ~n111 ~l ~'D\WlWF''"'" . Hn. forward strJ> fit Harbour to the widow , Church Women will be serving ' . _or_ the _ _... _·__""· .. ,· ·'C--OM.Pt 1 (,JlA~E-A Grn~c ~~sual ~~r~ngth, s~a-worthmess1942 1~--~~ -~---- -~--_! Se~on~a~~orl~ w~~~wnage -~--~~·t,t~~-_.·.:_·.·~ ----o~:-~-~~- ~ A.:.IIB'l"E''·-",·'1Tf0!10~[ 1' as . l~otcr! tn thr edurntmnal : nf the tJte Rev., Eunurchus 1a Hot Roast Bee£ Supper in the ,md ft.ghtmg quahty. In . • FBI agents notice ·a - . - '~ faclhtJcs m the to\\'n of liar- , Fowlow. The late Rev. Fow· Church Hall on \\'cdne d ,. accordmg to author Captam of 1 tt ' . lid ' sh eair '•'" -. ·.. _.• ._.·r· •_ .....,.~~ Th•s" the st'"''' .... ,., I h , I . k I ' , I s a,. II . ht f tl 'IL e ers purpoJ te< v from dol " ,, - - our l1r~er t 115 \I'CC ·. \\' 1Cil on I lOW pus>ed away at the Corner February 28th Members and ' cenan, clg 0 lese " s 'co lector 5 ' 'I' tl . us ,,, \·~ -- -'-'::,;:;·~·;_::,..~ .. ID uUR' , ·"~lon o oug 111 an rr ,. 1 orrncc. s1 wppard of this' J -- cscnc1.' b ' " s carne • ou dolls' -as' n, l' ode l'C 1ill'lll!( · m1. 1I·. 224 5{I : -~~q--4'";..>·/2';>>Y .en ore e- II aII .11'1CI'eI f ormnrrthanhalf'tnll'n. Thrdeccasedhadserv Thef'Jrst re"lllarmcctJ'n" f antt-sumarme patrols m the J;u·_,. inform·•t'Jon t 0 ·, .. ,. • U .,_,, "''""'h"drcwrn:"'''""'·r 1 0 1 1 en! '. tl I f 'I I h \ ' . b " h I St J I ' t ' " 'dJJ.mes, ~ c m)_ JOusanr s ~~ pupt; r< t e , nghcan Church at i the newly formed Un't d approac es o .• oms. Bo · . 1 agents. • '' '" ""''' ' lad l'Cl'C1'."ed IIIStl'll!'toon [rom White Bay, Sal\'agc ~nd at i Church Women f tl Nl ~I wood, Lewisportc, Wabana and i I The F_Hr found the le!ler· ~ul . .l.•n-i·lo1iJrd. l'lick-of-thl··lhu•nl• mitl"l'l"'"' ''"I· I 0 1058 f 1 '· "" ,,.,,J d '"'' ·d' , , :he hands of teachers, 111<111)' of Bonne Ba)' until when his Side w•s 11-,1d 1 t Je. ~r Bay Bulls, frequently, says the : , were 1\Ttltrn h.l' '.II'.<. \'"l\',"i"' lrol I·L~ .Jj, Ia!<-. l•ark·1•ar •·. ,.,., ;,." ... .,.h• n.Ill _a1r. . nn I ongcr wt'tl 1 us. rc l'trcmcnt was made necessary.' Presiding"' wnsc •th as PrCl cmng.'d t . au tl 1or, "cncountenng. south· / Dicl;inson 11 ho with·' hco·.. hushan' " ' it ,,.,.,,1~. na-•.' '" 1ou ''"it .\I;_-\ I\ ri-cl11: ~.;·,,..i, ..· I annol!!lcerl , Dc>pllc unfnl'orablc weather through ill health. ~Irs F' \" n'·r adllle ~ ehst elnd,; cast gales, blizzahls, icc-floes Lc o\\'ned ~n antique rl<>ll st 01.. •lietalion "ith a :-,,.;"•r•·ll•: maJ..,., it r·;1·1 lor-·,.,.:,,:,_,., continue I ' 'h- ere 1\.ts" a I! l ' a tt cnr I ance Tl 1e f uneral ' took place 'lhe ' Devotional ' '. Mrtr" wG 0 e B . an d f og t hat woul d strmn· the in :\cw York. do fir,f · i as "~ r 1 guo~ I'H·n·thin~ ri~ltttlw tinll·~ , ; m mornmg und among at Woody Point on Wcdnes- Powell read th: , ·\ · d i capabilities and endurance of right.'' ~londay ~~~"'3",:i·HW'l'X'1i'k"Jii0T~ jets put on a ·?osc. present Rei'. W. dar. Bc.sides his widow, onr! :\Irs. G. F. the of ships and JAILED A:\'U FIXED wer~ Sau~d~;;p g~:~ ~~e .~taunchest __FOR FREE DEMONSTRATiON ... CALL Berlin • Frankh · . ; I ard;. B:A., ::\lr. \\. H. Steven· son Wilham at Truro, 'N,S. Js l\leditation All f th · men. Dickinson died in 1943 before 0 lane even : , ;ou, Chatrmnn of the School left to mourn. Gro · t I d , 3oard and Mr. Earl Crocker, ups reported growmg~ m~etn· I WHAT'S --WRONG WITH MalCORMAC'S agcn s c ose in. At her trial British and Fr I ?resident of the Parent Teach· . terest a.nd all prcse~t felt there 1\IEDICINE? GEAR STREET 1\lrs. Dickinson admitttcd ,Jap- complained to . !rs Associa,tion who, with the N~wsy Briefs · Is a brtght fuh~re .m store for/ anese agents had paid s2s,ooo TO.OTON'S lTD. foreign ministn· i1 'rincipal, ~lt·s. R. B. Pelley HR. GRACE-The comml'ttcc the new orgamzahon that re- ' A series of articles which un· RECEIVING O~'FICE, Ifor secrets. She was sentenced ~l'iet interference :al'e ori~f addresses to the as· or the Anglican Schoo'! w'tll places the W.A. and . W.M._S. i leashed a storm of controversy to 10 years and fined $10.000. across Comm111 ;embled J.Upils. present a variety concert The next general mechng wtll ;-when they appeared in ijarper's I ADELAIDE STREET 1\lr. Grossman said that DEALER FOH STEl'\ORETTE I\' \FLD. territory, , Following the prayers anrl Monday evening, Fcbrua~yn ~e held on the second Monday Magazine have now been ex- among Canadian Indians dolls I llli&Jin_ i**W!il44tf9tM!'i!!Mi!®l~ .. ~·.... .,:;y .• ., up · bur.zin 3cnrdidion hl' Rei', J'lr. \'"l'

    1 , , •n _a \our nf thctr hmldtng. .1 r\•cning at Pike's Hotel when h/ed tt lllil be \\ell patromz· Why 1s the 14th, to Walter and Mercedes , "And in Rrilish Columbia the, pate m the olllcJal opemng of limiter lands in ''-'" o! 1 old-fa~hioned llonh~ 1 hr new ~chon! presenls an ; the judging will he done for e · , ramily doctor in danger o[ be· Norman. a son. · Kw~kiull tribe also 1,ecl 'dolls· the. Canadian Trade Fail' in the ha's forc>ts. nc>o!l:w' Jtini'lt: , •xtcllenJ appcarm~cc hoth in· :the winner of the Girls' Public " .· , . coming extinct? , ----·- ______, for funeral ceremonies. \\'ben a ca)lllal .o.f CihEATIIS . was buried near water. a P 'ted l_tu•sday. The llalifa:;-1 \'al:c opc1·ationns ,,._, "nir' ~dl' ~nd ~larl1 11 Lod~e hod~· ;~:·r ··,o~sr-:_C.· S~•n. tl 1s. slluat~d nn , Gral'e, Carb~ncar . and Kclli· B.A. her! a very successful tea , ing charges-arc our hospitals ------___ .. ______, s~n·1t canoe carrying a dol! fig-, h~;sed slt1ps arc on a 111·~-mouth w:1y in the Due.< \ln::nt<:n fo:- . I Jc\nrtn Street, wllh wtndow 1 ~rews to dcctde who will he in on Thursday l~st, Wilh a sa~c on the verge of bankruptcy'/ , , . . _ Ute of the dead m

    notlern in every detail. liard- "Eddie" Janes son o! Mrs. ret!, the Worshipful Mistress. 1 THE JUI\IRLIES Gordon E~lwtt. Lcavmg to ! ~~I PROVES QUALI_1 Y ··.· For Thursday. February IS . 1·ood !loon and walls of fibre Emmie' Janes who had been would like to thank all who I They went to sea in a sicv mourn, besides her husband, f :llyrrh.' one of. the gtfts uf- Aggre~ 0 ' . ' lly and ciunnaconda, an excel· away from school . for some contributed' in any way to its they did e. • two daughters and one wn. 1 ered :'· the Mag,_ o the Infant and I 115 15 Present-'For You . ent li~htin~ system are noted months because of lllness has success. Proceeds will be used In 8 sieve' they went to set·/ E~ith, !\Irs. Wilson · Manuel, i ~~~ • g,ven W1!!1 food in : Yours ••• Work af top speed, • 111' both floors. '!'he first floor now recovered and is back at !or Lodge projects. · · In spite o[ all their friend ·,with whom she resided, Jean, · '~.a to ~o,_r•s to Improve the · but plan to get :t good .Ugbfs .·opsist.s of a splendid audi· his desk. -- could a 5 Mrs. Harold Squires, at Topsail, q_ua lty an~ mcreasc ·the quan- I 11 sleep. 1-.:linor disharmony is de­ ba I : orium, a fully furnished kitch- The public is reminded of On a winte:':~orn ~ a storm Frank in England. Also nine ~ty _or ~ _k, ace_ordi~g to the : noted, but can be worked n. II - can help . · IJX. .SUPPORT THE When. Dr. Mallory, scientist ·.· PH_ONE you ill any -v with week, 400 gals a month. ~~ed by the clcaU1 or their John's. 94123 I! ! and explorer, becomes the vic­ your lneun.oee ptOb'e:mt, Please try to bu one of the first 30 customers each · r~.~·ln-law. Mrs. Bessie Sl]ep Ills _funeral 'was held at st. St." John ; tim in a fatal boating "acci· juat oil .•• day. i Toronto 1 ); I ,•i1!· ; .' · John's ye~terday aft~rnoon and dent", many people believe he In a fuel emergency, always call. I' h, Electronic Aio t ..... ; I i : . . . attending from this town were Ambulance I has committed suicide because n reat 1: . 'I , h!onc::,n ..• .,'• ! h~e i:1ant. tortoise '. bas' a Mr. and Mrs. William P. Salin· I of an accusulltion in which he Centre Ltd. REG. T. MORGAN ; axt.'ll_ul_n hf~ span · of ·177 dcrs, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald .· Camp~ign • hasilccn blamed ror involvment . . . INSURANCl UNION OIL FIRST llalitax ·" Templt Building, Duckworth $I.. Sydney .. "· ; eli's, .. ~ccor~tn:: .to the Ency- Saunders: G. F. Saunders Sr., I ~~.-iimiiliiiililtiliiiiliilliil.fil! in a plot to betray the 'state or 9_0 CAMPBELL AVE; St J .- ...... !},~.~~ Bntanmca. and G. F. Saunders Jr. l s.-2822 · ohn's I Israel. _ • , . . . :After hours 'Phone 8-7313 DIAL 8·0370 • 1·1756 '"-- ... 1 . . I ' .,: I j ' ' • . . j ' ! ·:.. (' .. : . .. -