ID ____\_o._·_l2_·------~------~-·-T_H_E_D_A_I_LY~:Ns,_s_T_._JO_H_N_'_S,_N_F_•L_D_.~·-~I_O_N_D_A_Y~,_F_E_BR_U_A_R_r_._l9~,_1_9_62 ______,~(P~r~ic~c:_7~C~e~n~ts~)


ITi!!dJ 11• ~~Jr ~roa­ ~re~ s~ra 1 • loody Riots 1. "Set an~ ... ~ t:n:"'lrol :n•cd:. ~; •

'l' Bring State )U are: '\lses

r n·ette' f Emergency' ·MPANION .F·POWERED B~· GEORGE WILLOCK lACHINE ' L;f:LlriGr:TOWi'l. Brit ish Guiana 1Reuters 1- .. :: c!".'<'!'·' Sunday mo1·cd to ~top a \\'a\'e of lootin6 · 0 ...: 1 .·:~,::~.: ;i1io dc1·astated capital in the \\'ake of bloocl,v i .·: .,,.,~:w11rn1 . riots. that left at least fi\·c dead and I ·:;;c:·.

:·;,_. 1 r :i1:1:1 \till pe:~ons hal'(~ been arrested for I ' I • --~ -.:·d plllice stations \\'ere reported piled high i I I :_11:c:, ·~Pncb confiscated by police. 1 ,,,·c:. "rn' roundrcl np; cl'llin~ Rriti~h colony ll'as al111ost ,.• ,,,.! poli('r patrollinl! i "completely paralywd.'' They B;\DEN-BADEi\', GermanY: \Vc~l German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer ancl

-..: · ,,:,,,-:,,·,H'd Hrcets of! gare the numbct· of arrested Jo'rctH:h President Charles' De Gaulle and theil_· aides pose in the snow on the i ., l1r1·r thousands i looter' z1s 700. ,'·,. i.,. 1 ,~~·tr;~ h,· fires that: Foon snonT 'I cps o[ the plush Brenner Park Hotel here where lbe.v met l•'cb. 15 in an ld. ·" ""'.11 of ·the city'>' The reports said·lm1g lint'< of effort to a\·ert a deadlo~k on plans for European political union. From lcfl to I :ETTE '•11 ,1lt',L \\'lll11Cn were tryin~ to buy food. right arc: West German Foreign Miniister Gerhard s~hroecler. Aclenauer. De· ..·, ·.r ·.• "' quicl followin~! Geo1·~etown's hospital was said I • '":.; .,,,, ~ tunlay of ; to he opcratin~ on ;m emergem·y Gaulle, and French I•'oreign Minister Maurice Com•e De !viur\'ille.-( UPI 246 Or Missing ! . 11 01 D-ead 01 ' . -• c1w:·~,·m·;- hy liol-el'nor : has is because of a staff strike. Photo), -~ I 1 The reports said l'olunleet's : - - ---.------CP from AP-Reuters · ,!r,·IJr:lllt\11 ll'ilS (•oupled : hare been enlisted to assist doc· I I . ,~ c;•pt•:d tor "calmness I tot's in treat in!! the injured, some : li HAMBURG- Hungry Germans began looting stores for food as "''1'!1i,\ . from Premier: of whom 1\'ei'C in cl'itical condi- ' . . . storm-whipped floods, the worst to hit Germany's North Sea coast in I lm:: iliHI the leaders of I tion. i azen i nppn•ilinn partirs. 1 ~lost of the ca~unlties and . Argue Quits NDP,: more than 100 years, receded Sundoy and brought the toll of dead I _... :·r;1chin~ Paramnt'iho, I damage occnnect Friday when ' ·; ::<'!(hturin~ Dutch colony a ~ener~l strike, now in ils sixth and missing to at least 246. l i . ' '.:.:,m. ·.•id husines~ nctiri- · day, erupted into nnti-go1·crn- . i 1 The casualty figure was expected to go much higher as the flood · :tr ,;.rit:li of the ~ell-go1·- ment riots. I ' May Join liberal Party ' waters left behind what had the appearance of a giant battlefield. t Hamburg police reported that in the city alone 96 bodies have :· HEGINA rcr1- Hazen Argue.' ~lr. Mguc. 41. has hecn a CCF rricullure in \\'estern Cnnada and: been recovered, with another 120 li~ted as missing and feared dead. french Jets Attack I Pal'iiamcntat·y leader of the: memhet· or Parliament since :with a thorough knowlrdgc of: Thirty people were reported to zu.ooo IVITIIOUT \I'.\ TEn IBritish and American servicemen !' CCio'-NDP party :md n candidate! 19<5 when he 1\'Hs cleded as the ·dangers within \he NDP l feel ha1·c died in Bremen and on the , in rep"ir and rescue work. I lor the party leader~hip last' youngrst mcmher cl'eJ', He rc-. it is my duty to present \he :\orth Sea coast of the ~1.1te of. Lord ~I«Yor Paul :-./cl·ermann I The looting began in Wilhelms· I 1 August, mmounccd sunday l1e hils t~rc>ented the mr:ll southeastern _ strong vic11·s I hold ';,t and on\ Lower Saxony. said that in . llamhur~ alone, I hurg. Police said they were 1' ' Moro,ccan Military left the party, ~a~lw_lclwwa~J constituency or. As·, ei'Ct'Y public platform. . - Almost .iOO pcr:;ons were in· 20.01:0 were sl11i cut of[ hy the : po1r~rlc~s to sto~ rt. They we;e I suubOLH contmuously ami s1nce . :.Ir. Ar~ue attended mcetm~s llambur" hospitals for rxpo;;urc waters and were rccetvln~ only cons1denng opcnmg up the dts- 1- 1~5fl has hccn the only non-Pro·j: at the lwo-day prol'incial CCF- or shock~ Tens of thonsands WL'rc ·minimum food and "'"tcr sup-! trict's food stores for the thous- • t grcssil'e Conser1•a\ive mcmher :--:or council meeting Friday and homeless. ! plies by air and hoats. Almost: ~JHls slrandcd there. sovue s from the Prairies. 1S~tunlay, posed lor ,1 picture Emergency ct·ews all nlong thr: 411.01!0 people were homeless in I The stonn-whippcd ~igh seas Camp :llr. At'gue maclc the announce· wtlh ~DP leadct· T. ~- Douglas 1400-mile :"oiorth Sen cnust from; the city. They arc in temporary i also burst throu~h dike~ else- • t meat at a press con(erence at· and :':DP federal ei1nd1date .r. L. i The Netherlands to Denmark re- shellers set up in churches.: 1rhcre to bnn~ rloods m The 'I:Puters' - Two, and nwchinc • ~unnrd military Re tl ec. tended also hy his ll'ifc:. I Pbclps .1m! also made his l'arlia- I paired dikes that had gircn way: schools or other puhlic huildings .. Netherlands. Denmark and Bel- p!OI'rl atlackcd a mili· j camps. Ill lie said_: ':! _buve dcddcd th:tt mentary repm-1, I •o t\~c raging waters at count1•2,,; • \n •'stimal<.' 25,1100 \\'est Gcr- ':!ium !l< well ,,s in Xotth Ger- . camp in neighboring ~lor- I French nuthoritics said the two I l'an no longer in good consci· . llis resignatiou was submitted! points Fridav ni:(ht. m.1n troop.< toilccl illong with mm1~·- S~1da)· in what French au- 1 1tyers. a !light. lieulemmt and a Prote' st cnce continue to support th~ to a meeting of the Assiniboia! WORST SINCE 182:i ' . ------. -- i r •• .,lioni,t nr;tnhrd M a "betray· I sergeant, were "traitors.'' , NDP. l ha1·e resigned from all I Constituency CCF-NDP executive I Hurricane . forced winds of up 1 · creatly mi\ ,, . limssies was described hv infor· , Argue to JOin_ the L1bcral party. 1 NOT n.APP\ residential areas l~rgely had trr w or the attack _satd 1 It c?ll.ed t~Je .~ttack an otl\'1-: mants as "negntire" and a rc- i ~Jr. :\i'gue w~IJ fly to Ottawa, lie ~md: "I have generally not 1 abated Sunday. Bnt many people V:\TICA:\" CIT\' r API - Pope 1RECEI\'E 'RED 11.\'l'S' . • . '.H•rr ~·eported ktlled 1on~ pto1o~at10?.. i jection ol the grotesl !ilcd Feb. , today and sa1~l he hopes to .at- been happy "t ail w1lh the role still 11-et·e trapped hy the c!cluuc . .lolm ''Prointed 10 new cardinal;' Two days latet·. in a ;:littering ,, _11o:mrlrrl 111 the attack 1. The tl;o hatlor_s, ~Iter J:md-~· 15 with the Sol'iet govemment. ~~nd the parhaJncnt~ry sess10n ~armers hnvc been able to play Damage 1111 s es:im<~lcd to rnn Saturday, increasing the sacred public consi,lory that likely will . ;o;rl tr.r planes bombed \tng a~ Smda Al~erm unmcdwte- 1ue,day when he wtll try tn 1n the XDP." I into hundreds o( millions of dol- college to a historic l1igh of 87' he held in St. Peter's Basilica, ~urrr~,e~. o..:oo·-·------IIY. ~tsappem·erl bcforf their That nolc accused the Hus- mal'e a statement. "The NDP. since inception has! Iars. princes of the Homan Catholic •they will rcceire the broad- ·r h:m. ' T Icnme_ could he known ..~ search: siuns u[ . attempting to "force lie . sai~! he is ','nnt l'i<'m' .

\hospital physician said the toun\ry, . . The Umted States, as 1s March In when a majonty ol 1 who rs to mn from a parlJCular, ,econd ni•ht 'n th toP floor or of St Joseph Two others apos- lromcally, the harned Mr. W1l m~~Lst 1 caused her to faint, t t e s LOng Y ~nt~U~r.ted State.s i kn_o~vn, is !lot the poss_essor of Soviet ~itizer~s, still shielded/ district. 1 ~n the r;ofs 01 fl~od-~urrou~cled, Iulie · ~uncios. in Spain a~d 'Po~· son had jokingi_Y 'Yilled hls gold s.a emcn_t, repotte b~ the offL.I mtlttnry might that 11'111 allow from chill wmds by felt boots , homes White cdsh ct h . tug·ll are ex ected to receive watch to Denms m last week'• 11 1 to her generally frail eta! SovJCt news agency Tass, It to dict"te its conclitions to and padded jackets, will elect a I So far each district has gcner-/ rr ·1. • : ~ Olstec I .' ' ~ p show because he thought, he because of tlte strain also said the United States !iov· other countries,'' it said. i new Supreme Soviet I parlin-~ ally nominated one prominent .0 m c umney stacks tmhcatcd to i thcLr lmettas from the_ h:ads ,of was in ill hc~lth. The program hours and bard work on mentl, person such as Premier Khrush- mrborne rescuers wl1ere help was state or those twn countnes, ac· had been filmed prior to Keams' • The election will he preceded I chcv or cosmonaut Yul'i Gagarin needed. · c01·d!n~ to ancient eustr.m. illness. • !aid she sli11 is not strong , hy \'(1St columns of oratory but nnd then se1•ernl lesser pet·sons . ;ung, her bout with death last I in London, when she suf· :there will be no campaigning in MA:'-IY LIKE K pneumonia. That illness the Western sense. ·Not one of One hundred m1d ti1:rty - six !lith ,000,000 ghbor Century Fox $5 l,:JOO·odd candidates will hn1·c an. districts hare announced they onoidrr Ill~ before lilming or the picture opponent. 1want Khrushchev "s " candidate rour friendo 1 Th . At the~ moment, the vnrious but he will run from only one. -..lt.,...co•he: . boo at and subsequent de· candidates hm•e opponents, hut I other clistricts will settle fot· any wav "" f stcd the budget of the this .lasts only abont another I C(lndidatcs of lesser status . .. ran ... pr<>!>l ..... rorn a planned $15,000,000. ------______unprecedented $25,000,000. I hme. the doctor and fllni Mankiewicz snld, I , wilt be no holdup _Pilot's Body Found I

! Preserved In Sand : ALGII::HS !Reuters) - The April JU, JD3:1, when he cbjded EE OIL : body of a British Air !Coree pilot l1 to survey the "land o[ the thirs· nnd his plnne have been found , ty." For some reason he decid· , preserved ·in the snnds of the , ed to land in the \lcsert. Sahara aftct' 2!1 years, French 1 . His plane came down and I 1military authorities said Sunday. rolled along the sand fot' about r BIRD'' 1 1 The discovery wns mnde last 130 yards until its wheels got 'I ,~londay by n camel corps patrol stuck and the aircr"ft overtum-

1 in an area known as •:the land 1 eel. Injured in the face. Newton 5 Union Oil I 1 of the thirsty," south of wlwt is: crmvlcd out of his aircraft and nhd" offer. I I now the Ft·ench nucleat• ·base 11t ' waited in the shade or one of its daY week~ I I I • • or Fuel 0 · ' R~~~'an. wmgs for help to arm·e, ...... The body ol William Newton I !~or seven days he continued ~· 100 gals • I UNITED NA'f101''lS, N.Y.-luban AmbL•.ssador Mario of Birminglwm was found ncar- 1to wait ·in vain, writing notes un· >lomers each I ly perfectly preserved under the Itil he ran out or hope. 1 Garcia-lnchauategui flaunts before the U.N. Feb. 15 hot sands. Nearhv wao his de . 1 Premier Fidel Castro's prediction that "the rcvolu- Havilland biplane.· the trncl:s it In 1!159, the wreckage o! a 1 ! tion will triumph in the United States befctre he coun mnde while landing still faintly I U.S. bomber, Lady Be Good, PARIS: Floral draped hearses carryi

', . ·, ' I ~ ! I : I , e.______,_ ___ ,~.--.....;,------·~DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19,1962 ST. JOH ' I ~ Gre.atest Damage Of The T.errorists: The Terro·rists And Ihe Vi{tims Of The SAO Dy TO IliA. CULLEN ! : }: iR not an a'tra:tiv PARIS- (NEA)- You arc • . ~.-- •..-~ ("1 ,..,J •'·•rr...... 1,.·'1''1 • th e a terrorist with orders to kill a :1 ·• 1--·•. ,.,'· 1,r• tw·• 11 r1·p· c o.l\'c:::·1•• e $20 man yoU have never seen be· ~ \a ph.:. 0:1o :.en;es. Corruption Of The Nat' ion's Youth 1 • fore. You are to stalk this man : ; soald bchin!; l''"m 0 Until you knoW his habits as in· : I • .... • 0 IS timatcly as.you know your own i ! Opcratmg • in Frante OeveloJ -then murder him· in cold ' 1s.AO aosassm:, traii!•n2 i~ blood : nlla warfare stands h' · ' d •lin You walk the streets of Paris i goo stead. Fr~quen:::· it, ·• 1 0 with enough plastic explosive ' ~ start from scratch in 1· , in your suitcase to blow out a \rng_ up a. seer·,,: ne:work ~~ Phase; I , store front and, in doing so, to : rorrsts. Usually he has onll· injure women and children who i names of fascist crackpai1 · BY ERIC A.. SEY: might be passing. , can contact and money tQ b"· ACtil'itY at B~1e ~Cl asbesos mtJnc3 1n This is what you are and what ; supplles. •. bY the middle o you do if you are a member of I 5pcedcd up. I the Secret Army Organization 1 been announce< which commits these outrages , Dr. F. W. R011 dally in the name of "Algerie tract was awardc Francaise." \0 ~e & Son, Ilcll L rO· d ]' These SAO terrorists are des· ;tripping an sea pill~ perate men with a 'desperate a! area .. cause. For never in seven years it iS cstnnatcd that of bloody warfare has peace in : They a],o found dct"·l ~illions will be spen· Algeria seemed so close as It i I f '8 . 'I Ed lhe property to the 1 I p ans or ' plastic e''"l -· does today. The French govern· 1 . l "" 0·1" ;age. Tend~rs for 1II' h1c 1 were schfdulcd ·1 ·t···• 1 ! mcnt is about to reach an·agree· i 1 J Q a(e ae now be1~1g rec P ace an. 31 and feb 1 p . '' ment with the 1\loslcm F.L.N. I . ' ' Q1 (P found a hjildin~. secondary c1 bcrs of a wedding party injure 1l when an S,\1) bomb explmt­ : • One of the intended 1. c:;rr, lr!·ing building, prim n~· nm ,\, CULLEr" 1 French army and nal'y acade· catcd." birth to such new words as pendence. Not even the rear· 1 PAniS - ( XE:\)-Thc nas· mics. noth cam~ from good On another level teachers plastiqucur, to plasticnte, and guard fight being waged by ex· ed at the· city hall of Courbcv oic, outside l'aris. i Colonel Dehro,se. escaped "· !r building. power cc. lil·st shuck the present wal'c o[ families. against whom students have a plastiquagc, which is the result Gen. Raoul Satan aend his Sc· 124 hours, for he was . •n• guardhouse, c. route he followed. ' STARTEll BY lit I I France as well ;rs in Algiers Eyes opened wider when Pa· from the leftist students, not· police, a close link-up between government. and many of the bomb outrages . risians read that many or the ably the Communists, and there the SAO and the outlawed fas· Who arc these gunmen who Linked with the sh I The terrorbt is hy the , . of this derc\opmcnt nrc the work of not 1 suspects police arrested after have been street brawls in the cist organization known as will stop at nothing to keep off II ~·oungsters of his calling cut from 1. Boylen who in 192 old cnou~h to sha1·c. the bombing of the French For· Latin Quarter. IJcune Nation ("Young Nation") Algeriac French'! They arc .} I rcsl of humanit)·. He ha< lu Paris the apJH'cnticc kill· · cign were under 21. At first the leftists and the . has been established. SAO Frenchmen for the most part, 1 concession on the ~!inistry i one in whom he can cor.fid;. peninsula from the trs attend hi~h schools in the Teenagers arc said to have rightists confined their agita··l agents who arc sent here from though there arc some A!geri· I! watches tile couples pa.'s in 1overnmcnt and 1 daytime, ruam the >IL'cets at hc~n responsible for more than tion to distributing tcnflels, but , Algeria are given the names ans of Maltese, Corsican or Ita!· I l ! street without sharin, prospecting for ccor I night planting tneir pl::stic 18 "plastiquagcs." now fist fights and bloody noses of Jenne Nation members to ian extraction. ll I happiness; as thnu~h bomhs on tloorsilis. '' • • arc a daily occurencc. contact. They are young, most of era! deposits. In fro~ them by a glass wall. !955, Dr. Boylen co "The corruption o[ French 1 One of these outrages was "You cannot expect French A high school student is usu· them in their early thirties, and 1 H1s dreams arc crazy. r;reemenl with Au\'C youth may yet turn out to be · the bombing of a Catholic book· youngsters to hold aloof when 1 ally not used for more than two they have had military service ·I . Limited, whereby A I our greatest loss sustained in I store run by Dominican friars. they sec their parents embroil· : bombings, for the SAO docs not in Indo·China and Algeria. ) I up the tclcl'ision trar.smitter 1 I the Eiffcl Tower while rumed control of the the Algerian war," one of their i Other bomb victims of high ed in political controversy," a consider him to be totally reli· Some are deserters. Prospectors workir teacher:; told me. 1school students include a spc· math teacher at the Lyccc st. able. But they are peculiarly prod· I 1 Gaulle is spcakin~. Or 1 an Army colonel mused concession discnl-erl l':trisians opened their eyes ; cialist in painless childbirth, a Louis explained. "Nowadays The student's only contact ucts of the Algerian war. As 1 I bestos showings in A wide recently when they read ' pharmacist repatriated from everyone has recomse to l'io· with the SAO is with the man soldiers they were taught to i plotting against De Gaul!r. The two prospector orer the br·cakfast coUee that Algiers, a law school professor, lcncc in settling disputes. Even who recruits him. He is then hate the lllosiem F.L.N.'s ter· i i the Sante pri,on 1J1· i ~ith the discOI'Cl';' two l!l·)·ear-old >Indents had all of whom homes were de· the butchers used plastic bombs I gil'cn some instruction in the roristic methods. I a helicopter. l'o1ice · I for both among the )!cNaughton of Til I i been caught by police in the , stro)·cd, fortunately without in their fight against price usc of plastic explosives, in· The result has been atroci· act of planting a bomb at the : loss of life. stabilization." . ' eluding the usc of various types tics on both sides during the in Castille's room. tario, and Norman l Springdale, New!oun home of a l'icc.prcsidcnt of the ! ~leanwhilc the SAO·inspired What the teacher said is of detonator and fuses and then Algerian war. · The terrorist is perhaps ling followed and in French Senate. : violence hai made itself felt true. Plastic bombs hal'e be· sent out on a job. Probably few of the SAO kill· world's last romantic. But very encour ·:· "' i among youth in other ways. ln come a sort of referee in set· The SAO's aim is twofold: to ers now at large in France me romanticrsm has become a leading to larger c . ~oth students._ ~lichacl Ten· li ~:rammar school playgrounds 1 tling disputes as the French na· i gil'c the student a taste for vio· s~artcd . t?eir tcrr?rist careers ! case. He can no longer underground sampli

1 35, ~1111 and ,Jcan·Prerrc )latagnc, "police and plasliqueurs" have lion accustoms itself to l'io· lcnce, and to lead him into com·\ hkc Pluhppe ?ashlle, who guish fan\as1· from mlill' and 1957 • I were enrolled at the Paris Ly· replaced cops and robbers and lcnce. 1 mitting a criminal act so that threw a bomb mto the crowded . needs terrorism to nouri;h ,. In the meantime i ccc St. Louis, which specializes small b())'S throw mud at each 'fhc plastic bomb has enrich· he will [eel himself incriminat· Casbah killing 15 Moslems. : dreams the way a heroin had been negotiatir In preparing candidates for the other yelling, "You're plasti· 1 cd the French language, gi1•ing 1 cd and hence "one of us." That was back in 1956. needs a fix. number of intcrestc How du the Philippe f'a obtain financing st I ·-t·- -d-·-·Q A__ B ___ b_ rr;~d:t;e ~::~~~;~::cfa~re F~~::~ I bring the property get thnt way'! Ctwn('e;: are .. :· newspapers, for the young kill· duction stage. E1·• 0 I...... ___.!.-~ 1 started out "' >tany . <:· an eppe n om cr has been caught by the PO· PROFESSIONAL TERRORIST: C:11:tur~d l'h'lillPc Castille option agreement I' M Wh S I 1 youngstcrc. im h:tl'd 'J.ti1 ·: by tl1;·owin~ 15 ed between Ad1·oc: lice in the act of setting up an began his career a bomb which killc•l per· ; ideal of J;ccpin~: ,\!ccr'a • group of four com i ever l'rench. lived To Know Furt her Terror~_Z~s._tcrro_r nct-work-here-inl_sons_in A-lgiers-in 19a-·G. -··-----·-·------prising Canadian rille Co., Ltd., A1r lion, Financicrc head. If the little haberdasher i'Asbeste Ciment S lly 'l'ml ,\, t:ULLEN Shopping for Him succeeds in his defiance, the tine of Canada Li 1 'PARIS - t:>:EA) - These J Secret Army Organization may TAKES 0\'ER days I he polite French host ! be shown up for a paper "Old Hat'' CO~II' ;\:'i scats his guests in the interior dragon. Cloth Now Keeps Him From The agreement c of a room and himself takes The disturbing factor in the feet Sept em bcr 29 the chair nearest to the window. picture is the failure of the 1 trend. lluy him or.~ · ·' HELEN HENNESSY The complimen•s r.e'J: which time Cana< Reason: If a plastic bomb ex· Paris. police to protect Romoli. llam·il!c Co., assm will break do·.rn h'> rCi!' .: plodes the host will catch the Another who has no confidence The casual cloth hat, once ex· ment control of !lying glass. in the Paris police is Beuve­ elusively regarded as the head llines. A thorou "I :··The wil'cs and children of Mcry, editor of Le Monde, covering of the sporty set, lnd Cl'aluation ;t politicians on the Secret Army whose. home has been twice I now is firmly established in the menccd, and on Organization's blacklist now "plasticatcd" by SAO bombers. wardrobe of 'America's "Mr. 1960, it was annom sleep in back bedrooms, or ln a recent open letter to the Avcrage," If your conserva· financing group h move to the country. Iterrorists published in Lc live spouse hasn't had the cour· 1 age as yet to wear one you lheir option and While waiting in the outer • Mondc, the editor taunts them I the property to pre office of Claude Bourdct, editor 1 might give a nudge, He'~ mis· with, "Why do you not aim sing both comfort and style, The terms of ol the lcfl·wing Frnncc·Obser·r· straighter?" agreement betwc 1 valeur, I picked up a folded "My timc.table is known." ~lines Limited anc newspaper lying on the table Ilcul'c·Mcry writes, "my habits Imported fil'e years ago from ing group brought and out clattered a 1'·38 pistol l have not changed, no gorilla England, the hat has now ach· ! companies with a that. had been hidden in the I shadows me. It would be an ieved widespread success be· ! perience, plus tee\ folds. I easy enterprise and, as you well cause of its light weight, adapt- I lacturing and marl I I The gun had been left there know, would almost certainly I ability to ~ll kinds or wcat~er \ edge within the · by one of the men hired to i go unpunished.'' and. umvcrsally flatlcnng · ducing and using i: guard the newspaper's offices. This last dig at the police styling, I also gave manage As for llourdct, the SAO has 1 must !Hive made even President . . , lo Canadian J1 already made one attempt to de Gaulle blush. Thrs year,. a vanety of fresh 111· 1 1 tcrpretahons of this center i Limited "plasticatc" him, and failccl. 1 Understandably he was reluc· · crease hat are designed to : tant. to discuss his safety pre· I complement the wealth of Brit· ! cautions. But like many anoth· ; ------·~----- ish·inspired sportswear which comprises the prime fashion : er editor and politician, Bour· i 1 influence of the season. .d~_t has changed his living hab· • BARBS • ~~ts. He searches his car before ·driving to the office. Ilo drives Among the wool tweed patterns By UAl. t;O«.;HltAN used are houndstooth, district : ~lo· \vork by different routes at and shepherd checks, herring- 1 :different hours. ' . Ice skating teachers allow pupils an unlimited number of bones, diagonal twills, glen : "In the final analysis it's the I WRECIA m~n who has been bombed j The haberdasher was born In besides I don',t like being push· Cap and Cloth Hat Institute re· and wide sci[ band, ~1hr;e. tsmcs and. who even no'Y I Algiers: In 1956 he emigrated cd around." , , . ports, are primarily center­ lS. emg 1tUn ted ts Jack Romoh, to Paris and opened a men's He went to the police, where . crease or open telescope Ornamentation is particularly And some arc el'en packable , •. 46·ycar-old haberdasher. shop on the Avenue Victor· an official advised him, "If I crowns, with or without pinch ,. I imaginative, with braided wool and rollable a special advan· ~.:: .R.o~oll, a .thick·set man with Hugo. He Ollcncd a second store were in your shoes I would front. Crowns are tapered;· f~h.l~nrng ha1r, has bc:n con· . on the Boulcvatd St. Germain.' pay up," , i brims arc narrow, and many ~f::~ ~~~dl)18~~~~~c fe~~~~; l~~~r!o~r!~:;.man whose work VEH ICL :xJ.emncd. to a se.cret Last October Romoli recciv· But Romoli did not pay up are tightly curled at the back 1 .. ', dc~th b~ I I-L~.2--IJILMA ~L.J.~....;,.JI :~AO .tribunal Siting In Algrers. i ed his first blackmailing tetter and on the night of Jan. 6, a A doctor says pain strikes and sides. · :.rost men don't have to be con: I • that dctl ;A k11ler, since captured by 1 1.o~1 the Secret Army Organi· plastic bomb wrecked his shop the body in the weakest place. Predominating colors are sub· ~Ian~· of these cloth hats arc vinced of the lightweight, com· I Get the ~ vehtcle the :~arls police, had been promis· , zation. The letter not only de· on the Boulevard St. Germain. Do you have headaches? dued olives and browns, earn· water repellent, although you fort and good looks of the new I much-work or play-o.n al ~~: f'l,OOO for his head. : manded a contribution from Two weeks later Romoli was el, taupe and heather as well would never suspect this !rom cloth hats. But if that sedate 1 or oil! The 'Jeep' URJvell nd 'I ::,. Is Romoll a "dangerous poll· I Romoli, but that he act as "tax watching television In his elgh· as black, charcoal and blue. their handsome appearance. chap of yours stiil fights the haul, winch, trench, plowA-a t; :- th floor apartment In the Ave· ------·------··· hundreds of other jobs. Sl .::- . ; . nue Victor-Hugo when he heard :.:.; ·;:: S the elevator door click. '• I ''Teathing Artlfldal ' I 't-i ::: urprl"se Your Fr.· ends A sixth sense told him to Furness, Withy &Company, Ltd. :::.:::·:.:·,::·" ,, ~.;~ ·:- open the door, which he did Respiration and Drive and test the -:'.; ..: just In time to· stamp out the Child Care" L'Pool To St. John's To Boston Rfx, To St. John's I i To Hfx. St. John's To L'Pool .: attached to a pins· St. John's Hh:. & B'ton ·r ~~: Serve Newfoundland Coffee ~~~h~~~~~sc l!'cb. 16 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 ·:~ .- The police were one hour ''NEWFOUNDLAND" ~··ee~ "MANCHESTER FAITH" Feb. 14 Feb. 22 Mar. 3 Mar. 7 Mar. 10 ... i Mar. 16 Mar. 20 Mar 22 ! :.; r.: A' La JON. CANO. E and 40 minutes in arriving. "MANCHESTER PORT" Feb. 28 Mar: 7 CJ:oa-PRDVID ~ ~~ ;:;· . .. . should make bookings well In advance. -~~ ;;.:~ During the night of Jan. 28, Persons contemplating passage to Europe :I -~: ~;:. Into a well heated- cup pour strong coffee add 11,2 Romoll's shop on the Boulevard AIR PASSAGES ARRANGED EY: .I '~-· 1poonfuls of sugar or 3 l.umps, add llk oz. of St. German was again wrecked B.O.A.C., K.L.M., PAN AMERICAN AIRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN, T.W.A ~-:. ·-~.. by a plastic bomb. ~ ,.•...... JON CANOE RUM SUPPORT THE T.C.A. and connecting Airlines. .• •·<4 This time the explosion blew McK~NLAY I ' .:~ ~! then FLOAT some lightly whipped cream in - by out the windows of a bookstore, CONSULT US REGARDING YOUR TRAVEL PROBLEMS. !r 4: \Y"I• pouring It gently over the top of a spoon. I fi r.~: a bistro, an art gallery and St. John ,'\~'« Do not stir this magical dream. Just drink It I I I' ~ apartments across tho street. : f ,:'. :~ through the floating cream. · ·Ambulance MOTO·RS L ,. \: '~ _,:;: Remember JON CANOE Is the world famous RUM. Romoll has sent his wife and 51 LeMarchnnt ·' ."';.. ... daughter to the country. But Furness r·ravel Office 3 , i· I ',: ..:,.· sci no other rum will do, It must be JON CANOE I Campaign· PHONE 8-419 r , . ....: Made by a modern secret process. he has refused to pay the black· PHONE 8·5623 l ! i mall. And that is why the SAO NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL I I (No.t Inserted bY. Board of Liquor Control) has set such a high pdce on his I -~ ~

-~--... _..., ...... £ ...... _,___. __ '""""_ ...... " ..,_,_ ~ ·- - -·-· ------·---· -. .. ~' • ST. JOHN'S; NEWFOUNDLAND Daily News MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1962 .

... """"". "J $20 Milli-on Ashes to1s Mine No Charges 1·n Child's .U:eath nevelopment . Nc~w In Second 'Attorney General L, R. Cur~is I V has disclosed that the magis- • trate who presided over the rc· . Tar·get In 14 ~d.1963 ~~~!ni-~~~~~-!~io th;~.deatyo~~·~ Phase' JVI I child, has recommended that no , charges be laid. , nne A. SEniOUH \ . The recommendation was con- ~:_,,:y ;.t !laic Vertc to )let , ( · taine!l in a report on evidence ;8'1'' mtint•,; ino pn~duc· I o~per taken at the inquiry. The docU· - '\ tilt• 11\Hidlc of 10b3 IS I r· Imcnt was presented to the At· .::··.p,···.lt•ll:t:ell:l:~ . 0 ut 24 Mi II ion Pnu n s'Cli.fforu Street January B. · •• , 11 :l\ he spent to hnng lUI >,,1,..:-:) to the prndudion I ~Mij"ure·d By Car 5"' ! IIS13-vcar-olct Paul Winsor o[ ! ·::.'.,.,T.·:~~·.~~·:;~ ..· _ \.l:\1\rille r~.:c~:~~~Corporation, t~~;~' , Qur·U MSneral~ Pro,.nct~onUQ,II ~ hi • Tl · · · ' Sm·la Street wa staken to the -.·';O:.>;:;u 11 1 1 1 • ·.·.: .• ,.,-,,mlar~·:ii~,t~~:e~~n~~~! crusher and / 1951 ·Wor*hW. $96 MillionS ~~~c~a o';l oocs~.i~~st~~r~~~~~1 k bYan~~: '· · · · I nonn aftc.r Jctng struc Y a : '• :r;~:n~' ,. :,.tJ,\in:.:, priman· t•rush· A ... "..:::~:. l"'"'''r centre· btu'll r- ' "(') 1e prOtI llC !'lOll o f 'I,, a l'l'!t'llles· -''ll'lll.tlrr ,., Col'JJOl',"-" 1car on I,tvcrpool venueth . t -eoretl b)' 1 MR. F. W. RUSSELL, President o[ Terra Nova ':rvroto rs. 1962, Ltd., is shown as he addressed a gatherii1g of .-,·:a·tluled · :.::.:i'1'' 11 "'· dry rotk ~tor- lion Limited at Tilt Cm·c last \'Car totalled 24,002,- I in~h~h~a~i~:n 0~c~o~assi~;t:~~. :: 31 and 3 employees on Thursday evening. Mr. D. M. Clouston, the rctirfng Prcs1clent, bottom right, looks on.-<).Iax ;: : : ,!::~~- . \? milt•s rond · .t()() pounds of copper. This llad a gross value of i Ei~ht sUI~hcs were required "" Jan. 30. Mercer Photo). · ' · · ____..:._ ·------·-- -- .. ------·------.... - .... --·------.~;:~ ;'i''n~\;:/.n~;ana~cr of, SSG,05i,0:23 and a net value after marketing t ~f i ~ ti~ee h~~~~!a~ 1;e~~oasJ. a wound ______--- ""~-' police 1 :-ll'r on D • 0 l.H ;:.-':··.~hn~:·11 wn~ i.n St.: $;1,17:3.~)70, says l?r. ~1. T. ~3oylen in a repor 0,I I Nellf Company lfla~ ,Tif}k~"- 1. ~ u;t.,.,And.,~mu.• I fl;ll~~ n~ P~ane licen~ ·:' ·''· rck to f~nahzr the sll'lrcholders of Ttlt Cove ;<,!me. I "' -~ i') ~ tliar. w !fh il1e.~~n~ !'J;~(Ij.., Vln i:r u~uall, ,.... - of the strtlltn:: con· . ' . . r· f 19"'11 G f II K ack )[QXTRE,\L (CPJ-\\'Hlilm nf{I('C, the ··::;·,1_ .\. l~o.T.\11 fl:ll 11\, ~10'\ nN . . opera!HJUS there. IS a fmther profit of app!O:<:Jll~.ltd) I ver err a 11 ova DWhll g ..., ported to city police OI'Cr the died Srrturday while on a mercv t!tr nature. : ._,r:l 1\tth the shn.rt ln;tnt; $:23-!,000 resultmg from copper settlement pmd for G"VeD TC wcchnd. !light !rum LahrGdor where h~ 1 .'f from the • .. , < <'1'.-lopnwnt IS Dt. ~!. 'j 1 • 1 • 1· t 1 · I Ih an i.nlcrview Friday past :will continue under the ~apahle i A car parked in Helegram was ininrcd in an inrht.•tri;;l ac· :-;:,.,; 11·1tn in 1955 obtained at prices .t l, wall. ! ,· d,'P"·:t; In Drecmhcr, , HJGI.-iron, zinc, lead copper COllccntralcs, copper 1'willingate, N.D.B., bas recent· ! MDtors Ltmttcd, has changed . The sale of new anrl used rid<(e Street was datna~ed to a ti~c aecid(•nt were ;r.-ailablc. • '. n~ Hn,rlcn ronclud1•t~ nn 'and gold, fluorspar, limestone, cement, ~~·psum and 1Jy donated to the Newfound· I hamls. A new Company under. cars will, as heretofore. be nn- slight e~tcnt by an unknown "'"'Y- Blow· :l'lth Adl·ocate :'lltnes . t . tl million dollar :land a Kyack, formerly the leadership of lllr. Fred W. · dcr the capable management of ·chiclc. At 8.55 p.m. Satur­ ,.·~··::: 1, • , · 1 ·I 1 $96 mark. ~luseum 1 1 ,~;nuttrr ott ·d. w:Jl'~<'h)' :\d\'ocatc n.l· [,\ C, etc., JIIS eac.: lrC le, '1 the property of the late Sir I Russell, formerly managing ;\lr. Clarence Heir! and ;\lr. ·day a car going 1\'C>t on Siren- "hile ~ 1111 -•: ,,,l:lrul nf the concc~>inn. Previouslv an estimated ftgure had heen $80 - 1 Wilfred 'f. Grenfell, and used I director of Blue Peter Steam-· Ralph A twilL In fact, all other· Jar Road was slightly damaged ~~ew ~ch~~~ At Or rmue :: 'l<·l'ftl't•rcd the as- i ''1()() 'II' ' ·k Kyack's association with such the working assets and will, ;\l_otors, >o_ famii_ar to c_ustomcrs, dri1·ct· of which did not stop '·'"' ~ 1 I i~. ,::,C~llc from -··.·-.· .. ·_.,,,,.,,t\_,,_, t'n .·\lt~tts. t, 19.55. , o tnl lOll mm · th h 11 tl f 1 - ·' -- ~ ------1 a distinguished figure in New· future, carry on c car ust- WI contmue 111 1en· ormer, to astertain in what c amage B{OXf!( ~:-- mrar.s ol ! :·,,,, prn•pc!'lors credited · ------:-· . r nsumers foundland's history gives it a I ness. The new Company will he positions a> employees qf Terra he lt;td caused. !nund platis 0 0 1 · :1r di;coi'CI')' are Geor~e Lll.\lliNG ASBESTOS gutm: arc a g~oup 1 ~ a , be 'special interest and signifin· known as Terra Nova illotors • !\'ora illotm·s 11962) Limited. • Construction work is nca:·ing .· documrnilt •;,,!,hlnn of , On· l'ltODUCER of as!>cstlos fibre t Ia( tml ~ t ~ anee II is at present in the (1962) Limited and will reprc- . \\'hen asked abottt his in ten· A two-car collision on Dean· 1 completion on a new Roman ' ,. p t r •nccrlll"( as one 0 te IVO '. • • I I ' . Cl Cr\- ''''ell\!' Satttrcl·•c· nlornt'n•• ':~" ·'orman c ers ° C 1. J Ill ·'l"lll''tlle Co 1u•o • • · lite , Colonial Building until arrange. sent General ~lotors m t1e sa es twns fot· the future. )ir. ous- · · " "" " Catholic 'chool in C1Jrncr l • 1 1 :-.; 11·f dla 1 Dnl anac tan o 1 s"" ·• , argcsl consumer g111ups tn . d . . f t' B · k . . . resulted it. considerable dam- Pt rh;~p,.. ~t\e .. ,'-3 r. · '' oun • 1\! • L l · 11 1 d'n'• asbestos ' ' · I\ A t c , . ments can te made to have 11 an servtcmg o Pon tac, mc ·. ton statec 1 t 11at · 11e ts re 1trtng d Brook. 'I 1 ::r. Dut hla :: ;,!!nwrd and initi.al results . It .l, IS ~e Cea :Ia" op' ~raiin~ \~hole (wosr ,<·t·· !mel• , Olpotrla-. hung properly in the Museum. Vauxhall and Acadian cars; and ' ft•om the automobile business age to both cars im·o ,·c . In The --[," Jtaped lmildin~. to l'Cllll\C a ctif_ my cnconragm~: also I pror ucer ltn lana\ ' tn'tne •nd twn, o 11 I zer!laml, are Je The Curator say he is most GMC trucks. , since he has had thirty busy se,·eral other two-car collisions scrrc the Townsite area. c·nn- t 1 lr'll' ~ n 1 'the lar•es as Jcs os " other •roup an t tel' are one f th 1 t d · · damage was of a minor nature. tains ci~ht tla;sroo:•J;. It hils <>n<;er diHii- o argl'r : I 1!1" a ' : ·n. il 1 , ountry at Asbestos, ( 1I "t 'I r t . onsumer grateful to :\Irs. Hodge for her Mr. Clousto~ ur er sa e 'years of man~gcmrnt ~n _tt.. ------~------•. , l't'

· an(\ u;in"0 industries and I selves are the largest company low over Sinldang province in was in a stronger financial the founders of the Society and ;al'e mana gcment control Ii~ the wor!d pr~cessing asbestos China's remote onrthwcst and position titan for many years the necessity in this age to en­ Ca::adian Johns-~lnni·ille j' fthre. Ft~anctere Beige de has protested vigorously, Radio past. . s 11 r~ t~at the work of_ the ?r­ . l'Asbeste·Ctment S.A. or Bel- Peking said Sunday. lllr. Merner then welcomed to gamzahon be kept gomg w1th iVIR. D. M. CLOUSTON, left. retiring President of Terra NO\'a Motors Ltd., unabated vigour. He then . in· ' was presented vJith an oil painting on the eve of his retirement. Mr. Steve. stalled the officers as follows: Pearce. oldest employee made the presentation on behalf of the employees.­ President, C. H. Conroy; Vice. ' (Max Mercer Photo). President, C. I. lllerner; 1st. Asst. V.P., .T. 1'. Rahal; 2nd ------As~t. V.P., R. J. Lahey; lion, Treasurer, P. J. Colford; Hon. : Secretary, J. D. Higgins, 'Q.C.;

Chairman or Schools, H. W. ! Kelly; Chairman of Charily, J. [ '' W. Mahoney; Cha-irman of Rc- 1 view and Correspondence, E.. T. Power; Secretary of Schools, J. P. English. .SALE Literary and Amusement Committee Chairman,· S. .T. White; Vice­ Chairman, 11!. J. Fewer; Trea­ SWEATERS' . surer, S. .T. Ryan; Secretary, John Cahill. I Mr. Merner expressed the i MISSES' LADIES' - BOYS' 'N' thanks of the Society to Rev. 1 CHILDREN'S SIZES. Brother Nash for his attendance I and for his words of advice and PRICED FROM $1.77 UP TO $4.95 CI\I!OUragement. It was announ· ced that the Society would again present its annual broad­ cast on the eve of St. Patrick's Day and that the usual cele­ bration of the feast of Ireland's 0 Yl OFF Patron Saint would he observ­ ed by the Society. Nominations for the Literary' alid Amuse· HURRY IN FOR BEST ment Committee resulted as follows: CHOICE! Messrs. Charles Murphy, P. YWM J. Ring, James Murphy, G. J. " McRae, E. J. Berrigan, P. lit. O'Donnell, L. P. Mokeler, George Crane, 'L. Kearsey, John B. Kavanagh, G. J. Cahill, Joseph _Flynn, William lllalone, A TRUSTEE BOARD for Holyrood Lo cal Improvement J!istrict was sworn in Gerald Angel, William Fitz­ Saturday morning by Magistrate Brian White. Attending the. ceremony were Patrick. Mr. H. V. Rowe, Assistant Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs and Hon. P. J. The Chairman announced Lewis, Member forthe District. Shown in the photo (front row) are board tha the election of the Literary and Amusement -Committee members Frank Bennett, Jack Taplin, Gregory Veitch and Michael Dunphy. would take place at the ad· I In bick row are Magistrate Brian White, Hon. P. J. Lewis, Raymond Tubrett, journed 156\b Annual Meeting J Chafrman of the Board, and H. V. Ro we.-(Royal Photo), · to be held on Sunday next.

• .. • .

• • _-'__,;:_· ------...... ;-----·T-I_fE_D_A_IL_Y_N_E_·\_V_s,,_s_T_. _JO_I_m_r's, NFLD. i\IONDAY, F_~l?TIUA.IW Hl, 1962 'I '' ·~-~ ,, ... . l ... . THE DAILY NEWS •... .. -- Auld Lang Syne Hard To Do With:lut ooctor's Mailb1 ' Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper . ' .. (llrom the files of the of Commerce had been pleased was received and an informal By BRUCE BIOSSAT The DAILY NEWS Is u morning paper .. Dally News) to accept the appointment as discussion held on the many A ~roup of foreign correspondents lonu . established in 11194, and published at February 20, 1032: Councillor in the Board of phases of its work. . \V h' t t . ,., res,. Alert. the News Building, 355·359 Duckworth HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY Trade. d ent m · as mg on seems mos mterested in e l I Street, St. John's, Newfoundl;md, b)' 1\lr. Alderdice, as represcnta· CODFISJI EXPORTERS OFF 1962 in President Kennedy's attentions to the E~r v Robinson & Company, l.lmlted. live for St. John's protested NO FISH FOR EUROPE pean Common . and his reaffirmation Of Sinw against the amount of $10,000 A mcs;agc from Port aux Mr. .1. ~!. Durnford left .i\-Iark~t r~i ME~IBER OF earmarked for a fish market Basques yesterday started that Grand Dank for St. John's to faith in the Umted Nations. ll~nOLD TJIO~IAS II THE CAI'IADIAN PRESS since 1898, being obliterated owing to a strong breeze no join the delegation of codfish M.D. Into the exchequer account. He boats wc1c on the fishin;: exporters who will leave here· A sizable pa~1~l of these men, repre. The Canadian Press Is exclusively was looking forward to havin~ grounds. on Fcbruar~· 25th for the Ilbcri, scnting three conhnents, reached the net •ood are housch entitled to tho uoc for republication of this marltet erected in St an Peninsula. judgment that both agencies merit \\'idr. ·riel; for the treatn all news despatches In this paper credit· John's. l~cbruary 19, 19~7: :.~~' 1roubles with asth I ed to It or to' the Associated Press or LOCAL I.AllOUR IIECEIV.; IIAD STOR~t support for their contributions tu \\'orlrl ,,.·•· ·doclor thmgs may ! . NJ>IV t.:OUNCJl,Lt)R IN llOAitll I>'• -t'' Reuters and ulso the local new~ publish· IIEI'ORT NATIONi\L HEALTH The wor'st storm for years stabilitv .. One Asiatic, however, saw po~. ,0 du' · ed therein. OF TRADE At tlw rc~ular wecldy meet· raged along the East and South sible conflict between the two. food and Dru~ ' YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION Rt\TES At the re~ular weekly meet· ing of 'he excculi\'e of the New. East. coasts, with heavy East All Press Services and feature articles ing of the Council of he New· foumlland llcdcralion of La· South East winds and driving ·•lion tws just obtain~ l In his view, the stronger the Common \larket on )wo type.s o[ Canada ...... $12.00 per annum In this paper are GOpyrighted 11nd theiJ •founcllnnd Board of Trade, the buur held in their offices at rains. Shipping is practically at ~: grows· as an economic entity and a foundation f "'fzed in a \\ ashmgtm reproduction Is prohibited. President announced that G. A. Temple Puilding, Duckworth a standstill. and there is little Taylor, manager of the local Street, Sunday morning the hope of the storm spending its ~· c 011 charges that II uniied Kingdom and all political unity, the more likely it is that Weste;~ !,10r-bi'Ji10Cd by false : foreign countries .. , $14.00 per annum branch of the Canadian Bank committee on "National Healtl( fury until late today. r.JI. . ' Member Audit Bureau European lands mav be cncoura~ed to deerease their , din• tycrapeutw c. ;~a · " drer t'ISII1°. . '' I'•. of Circulation. reliance upon the U.N. ~~el'" a t1 A,uthorlzed as second class mail, ·'' · , e dc\"ice~ " ( : PQst Office Department, Ottawa. - Strength For The Day ttC· !'It .,1 . 311 air I ers \\'1, I Ample evidence appears to support 11 : • to circut:~te tlw GODS AND IIALF·DOGS d:uldy, and brother, and sister, of that area. ·Jn~ . this Asiatic's conclusion that some West. :,, ra ·iolet l:~mps c;tl MONDAY, FEBRUARY• 19, 1962 and all my friends. And this There are some people who 1 1 ern countries have recently become in. ;~~ducing a smal I There are few things which is goodbye lo you too Good, be· have divided their lives in such t' d'tJS ,, ------disturb children more painful· cause we'rf moving tomorrw." a way that God rules some areas creasingly negative toward the C.X \lueh of ozone l"' • Jy than iv have to pick up and not others. He rules th~ of this mood relates, of course, to :mti­ The Waste Of Human Resources with th~lr family, move to All ancient people had the church a1 ca, the contribution another community, enter idea that each nation and each area, the Bible reading and culonial actions takc11 under the lead and The most tragic fact about the ing jobs. But this is not specially another srhool, and make new section of the country had its prayer area. He does not rule support of the new Afi·o-,\sian lands. Ne\doundland ~conomv todav is good for individual morale or the friendships. 11Wn particular deity. Move out the business area, the sex area, the waste of human resumecs · im- . cconomv as a whole. Other A little, six )'car old was sml of that section and you moved the gossip area, the grudge Whether a more tightly unified. still more one evening because it was the away from the protection of area. The devil rules all these prosperous Western Europe would iu fact steadih· posed upon us lw the seasonal changes' have irieh.Itled the intro­ last ni~·ht in the town in which that God. This little girl was and does a devastating job. nature of so much of om employ­ duction of automation in many dif­ she hat! been bom and brought thinking what everybody be· God rules the "holy" areas. lessen its interest iu the v.~. is, naturalk, onlr 1 up. That night she said her lic,•cd centuries ago-move out Satan rules all the others. matter of guesswork: · ment. ll is expressed in the Board ferent wavs, the effect of transfer prayers lnd her final petition of an area and you move away How about you? Do you be· of Trade ccm1omil' sun'C\' in these payments· on the total spending was: "God bless momm)·, and from the protection of the God licve in one God or many? The Presideut' s conference with :\cl­ tel;m's: "lt would appee to make all thb The other item was that Can· mandering of election districts the countries of the Atlantic comnmnitr menf on a 'w~· large scale. The ed, Communications are a primary legal and above hoard in On· ada no longer will engage in in the United States. Some clue would consciouslv - or otherwise - let the fact that solutions are difficult is tario the !Juttcr oil would have gerrymandering the practice of as to how this may be accom· need. ~luch as we have done in to be bleac,hccl so that no one drawing the boundaries of elcc· plished may develop after the peace agency larlguish. no~-;cuse for failing to seck them Newfoundland on a provincial Supreme Court rules on the would think the product they lion districts to benefit the The Asiatic observer's viewpoint may well re· o~ ai1 applied and sensible basis. basis, we have yet a long distance were buying was butcr. party in p0wer. In the future, Tennessee case. This does not N~r i's the panacea of increased to go before we can be satisfied according to Prime 1\linister Involve gerrymandering per se, fleet more fear than probability, since the new lands Diefenbaker, a non-partisan but rather misrepresentation in on the other continents know the U.i\'. is their special w~farc and inclusion of the sea­ that we have the kind of road net­ CANADA DOES WHAT TilEY commission outside the control the Tennessee Legislature, due s~aJiy unemployed within the works and general transportation SHOULD of Parliament will realign the to the fact that the Legislature shield and know they cannot hold it up without big· (From The Cleveland Plain boundaries of electoral consli· has not redrawn assembly dis· power help. or~i(of unemployment insurance services that will become the foun­ Dealer) . tucncics in accordance with trict bo!mdaries for 60 years. acy~ acceptable excuse for complac­ dation of industrial expansion. Two items in the news. both populatio:1 trends at lO·year If the court prescribes a reme· Perhaps their best assurance is the cra:,;; It is merelv a means of gain­ That, of course, is merelv the from Ottawa, Ontario, should intervals. dy for this situation, it might evident fact that the big powers themselves be of interest to the United T"hus Canada has taken two well include a prescription in~ 't~ne while d1e search proceeds first step. There must be al'so an States. forward steps which the Unitecl against gerrymandering. ..:..possibly excepting France-recognize this fo{ a more constructive policy. exhaustive study of the whole , situation. ~!any phenomenal changes have province in relation to '~ork The Western powers might get along without oc'burrcd in Newfoundland in the opportunity, the need for assisted Where· Are All Tho·se Missing Shet!p? the U.N. But their single or joint efforts to assist p~st fifteen years. Onr population centralization on a larger scale, and protect t11e independent development of the r~nains predominantly rmal but and the general nature of the com­ Jly .JERitY SHEEHAN ing lhe World to those who arc the basis or local membcr~hip, emergent nations could he rendered \'a~lk more tl~ \\'a\' of life has chan~cd in even munit~· working force. The whole Nt;\V YOltK (NEAl-The bi~ spiritually deaf. To do these their figures naturally tend to things they must know who is he conservative. \1-e sniallest out ports. 'The tasks field of studv will take time and question before America's difficult and burdensome without tbe l'S. as a church. !cadcrs is, "How ·many in church and who isn't. great clearing house. tl~t kept men busy~~~ winter in the the application of adequate cures sheep ha1•c strayed fr(lm the gr_Fat· days of the f1shcr~· have no will take more time. But, at least, fold and where arc they?" The A rcc~:lt survey by the Na· ''The Protestant faiths- and SCANT GO:MFORT Abm c is thr tl!' tiona! Cou~cil of Churches in· l~ger to he performed. Social once a programme of lhe kind has question is prompted. b)' lalcst we work closely with them­ Tucschl\·. Fdm: figures an church membership 11icated that a\Jout half of the have a problem as great. Prot· Here we are in a countn· \l·hcrr a~_istancc ami social secmity have been launched on an adequate and Protestant membership attend· ~Irs. E.· A. Pilln whirh show that the widely estants lend to cross freely to women out-number meu, where bulk rt:tt a floor under the living stand­ continuing basis, we shall have the heralded back·to·chnrch mo\'e· ed church regularly. The same churches out of their neigh. ihe' (!-rl \Irs. C. c;, samplin~: ·indicated that about larger and larger every year in the lahor ard and made it possible for a very satisfaction of knowing that our mcnt apparently has slowed to borhoods as they acquire an Sp~rkes, 3rd \ ·i a near halt. two.thirds of the Catholirs at· affili'ltion with a particular force, where one of them has just broken la~~number of people to maintain )!;reatest problem is under ·con­ tend Mass on a regular basis. dent, Y\\'C.\. ' In past years memhership preacher. The more rigid par· into that exclusive dub, the tax-writing a f~lerable existence without hav- structive attack. has increased at a faster rate A ~ample poll by the U.s. ish structure in the Cathholic and What \\'e 'than the general population. Bureau of Census in 1957 church simplifies head count· House Ways and Means Committee. i:· ------Now the r~tcs arc nearly even. showed ~bout 96 per cent of ing." :!;!: Two major groups arc at the population had a religious So, increasingly, men have to fin~! the~r co~J· .l:::•i!.o. " this time beyond the reach of preference. Questioners did not Churc!t membership has Are. We Overdoing· Recreat[~on? risen in the suburbs, says the solation in small ways. Perhaps there s a htt!~ m pulpits across the land. They inquire into attendance. the report that a Virginia traffic court has 1ust could be defined as those: Accurate figures on church Fordham priest, orten because jud~c There was a time when many after leaving school.. Missing, whereabouts un· attendance or membership arc it is th~ "socially correct" consigned a woman driver to the back seat for the 1 thing to do as people acquire • business offices hung on their walls In none of these things was audi- known, about 70 million per· difficult to come by for several next six months. . a small placard which said that if ence participation regarded as sons who do not claim mem· reasons. more money . business interfered with pleasure, important. In none of them were hcrship in any organized In the first place, some rcli· "Of course," added Father The judge, noting her invol\'etnent in church. Deducting about 13 gious denominations . count Scheurer, "[ won't criticize peo· two accidents in half a year, said her hus· one should give up business. It high cosls involved. In none of million children too young to as members only those who pie for moving into a middle would not apply today for the sitn- them was there a high degree of be counted gives a figure equal have passed their 13th birth· class environment. The impor. band should handle the \vheel for a while. to the combined population of day. Others, like the Roman tant thing is that this new 1 pic reason that the pursuit · of organization. In none of them was Women, however, are endlessly resourceful. six large states,. Pennsylvania, Catholics. list all baptized faith· wealth must be used to help pleasure has itself become a high- the cult of the individual overdone. New York, Texas, Florida, Illi· ful. others." The late comedian W. C. Fields expressed the p~ob: ly organized, time-consuming, scr- , nois and Massachusetts. The federal government, sen· lem. Asked in a skit if his wife drove, he rephed. ious-minded business. · It could be said· that those who AWOL, admitting church sitive to the church·state .scpa· A Lutheran minisier, The membership hut nowhere to be ration principle, has not Rev. Frederick R. Wentz, is dis· "Y es-bl"ut steer. Once upon a time curling was a criticize the seriousness, the or­ seen on Sundav morning, he· brought its full resources to turbed by the vast numbers ot relaxing game that never made a ganizational effort, the cost, the tween 30 and 4o million more bear on the question of church "lost sheep" · and by the paragraph in a newspaper. Now intensive competitive atmosphere, persons. Add to the above llst attendance. Queries on reli· "AWOL" group. of states the rest of New Enc· gious practice were omitted Prefers Radio it has become an intensive com- the· personal publicity, .th~ pres~ land plus california, New Jer· from the 1960 census. "The trouble with corporate To Probe petitive sport. Bowling was a . st!l'es and the matenahsm, ot sey and Maryland. worship in our day, said the · Another element upsetting theologian, "is that it utterly To Wife method of combining healthy exer- modem recreation have a jaun­ accurate head·counting is mis· fails to be a convincing si~:n The 1962 Yearbook of Ameri· TORO:NTO lCPI - one cise with pleasant social contacts diced and reactionarv · outlook. cai Churches counts mil· · taken reporting of JI)Cmhership to unbelievers." Stock 114 about radios or alarm ·It lion Americans as members of and attendance by local pas· but it, too, has become not onlv That could 'be right. is all a tors. Such mistakes could add Dr. Wentz, a professor of you can turn them off. some religious group. This is theology and ethics at Gettys· Michael Norris, 31. excessively competitive l?ut also, it matter of opinion. But as a mal­ an increase of 1.9 per cent over "sc\'eral million" more people to the Roman Catholic rolls, ac. burg Lutheran Theological Exchange with threatening R. Rlnornllelu, seems to many, uo less excessively ter of opinioH, we cannot help won­ the prcv10us year's figure. Seminary, warned: told the court ThursdaY, Within that increase the Roman cordin:: to the Rev, Joseph F. organized. Post-school hockey was dering if the pursuit of recreation Scheuer, head of the Fordham WASHINGTON (AP) - The field had stolen his wtfe Caholic numbers grew by "No one is looking at us any United States government made radio. . but 1 1 ;· simply a means by which pe,ople · has .not acquired undue. import- more than 3 per cent. The gcn· Univ. Research Laboratory. who liked to play the .game were. ance at the expense of other and His grouo·s detailed surveys more when we dress up on the first open move in its inves- "He can have my wtfe, · era! population rose 1.8 per Sunday and parade into the ligation of the New York Stock want my radio back," cent. of Catholic church member. able to continue to enjoy its· excite- more important things: in life. Are 'ship arc supported by the Lc building and sing our hymns. Exchange by sending detailed said. · According to official csti· questionnaires Friday to all of Magistrate Donald Grabam ment and exercise for a year or two we, in fact, overdoing it? Ploy Research foundation. And if they do they think It's mates, ihe Cathoic population just a parade of righteousness the big board's 350 stock s[leci· dered Norris bound over for now stands nt better than 42 • * * and dismiss it as fraternal alists. months to keep the peace '' million; the Protestant, at 63.6 Father Scheuer . points out pagentry or playing at medic· In addition, the Securities and forfeit $200, then order~d million. Jewish synagogue that Catholic membership fig. val knighthood or simply cal· Exchange Commission dlstribut· field to return the radto. I I membership is about 5.3 mil~ The State· Of Canada's Debt ures are compiled yearly from culated hypocrisy." ed supple mental questionnaires Norris leaped to his feet lion. reports of every church pastor to a smaller group of specialists shouttd-"and two clocks, While the size df the deficits for capita indebtedness. Since 1958, While these statistics may in the nation. The current total The way for the U.S. reli· asking lor detalled information your worship.'' the past few years has been large, the trend has been upward and· to sound solid, the real picture of 43,104,900, this priest says, gious movement to regain its . about their handling of more than "All right return the is one of confusion for church is "underestimated." He ex· strength, Dr. Wentz said, Is for 100 specific stocks. too," the m~gistrate. said. I \he actual position of the Canadian the· sizeable deficit that will be "I· leaders res6onsible for build· plained a possible reason for the church to "rediscover the I ~et funded debt at the end of incurred this year an even larger · ing churches where they are In New York, Keith Funston, • the error of "several million:" , I \ ministry of laymen, a Christian president of the New York March, 1961, was not too bad in deficit may have to be added next needed, for collecting revenue "Since parish priests are as· style of life that will provide WINDS:>R, On!.

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t l. t . f t ,~--~~ ~ut nnctor's Mailbag I T h e Doct or Says iesen thatJon appearedo a patr orecently. news sThe or· A ,..,.,,tought :< ·;;-·········~····················•~•···········•"'•~ ...... ~ "'+"'+"'+"'+""•········~···················-.•·•·•·•"".•·•• ...... ~... vu first concerned a "doctor" who 1/, \ :+: s • l R l :•: I al Ad conducts a d,a!IY radio p~o· . l ::: OC"a - e,Y('ona •:• .. ~ rcsi- Alert To False Claims 1 Be Sure He th visers ;~~~ct~na~t~~~~~~":~~ /~~~~ For Today ~ ~: ~; ' " . !:f~ 11 earlv I pn whose front cover he was , . ~· . :•$ · Eurri. .Of SI"nus Cur.-. O.cvi"ces Are Really Q l"f" d M listed as a "foremost nutrition· . ro be free f~om C\'11 thoughts ··: G l . ~·;:,~ 1 I ist.'' lS God's best gJ!t.-Aescilylus. :~ 'I!~\ 11111 nf ::; "' ua Ie en 0 um n ,,r, 11 ut ntmtMi m:.t\. ..,, feet in ridding the ait· of con· ;.nY HAROLD' THOMAS HntAN your car registration. These• The book was seized by the Food Atkinson Grant ::; . .: .~]~ \Ill t"lll1inls ·1n 1 dust and ,,.1.11 af ' I'll D r,cqucsts arc quite proncr and 1 and Drug' Agency on char"es ,•, •· •._. .. ,. · · · , r~nl n.o 'rc\icf ·to· sufferers 'oi i \vhcn 'that tt·uu;c ·cop chngs up you comply because ~ou know that the rederat law prohibit· Aid of Diabetics ~:·:•:•:•:•::.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::.•:•::.•::.•::.•::.•::.•::.•:•::.•::.•::.•:•::.•::.•:•::.•::.•:•::.•::.•:•::.•::.•::.•::.•::.•::.•::.•:t!•::.~:: 2 i .. , 1 ;,rc hou,;chold nit• · uslhma. hay fcl'el', allergies i and motions you to pull to the the officer is acting in the best ing false labeling of foods and u.s.c. HAPPY BIRTHDAY .. ~~, ~ l t 'I idr> ~.'.·: . : :••r tilr treatment of and sinus conditions." ) sidP. of the road, he asks to interests of the community that drugs was being violated. Spe· In the first program of its . . . , 1 Many happy returns of ihl:. .§ . ··.:!•:r, ll'ilh a;lhma tlwt; sec your dt·ivcr's license and pays his salary from tax re· cifically, the cation challeng-1 kind in the. world, the family !he Umtanan Scrvtce_ :om· 1day to Frank D. Grant, O'Ric.l!1::.f. rltl ~' · · . ,.,. things may he due· As :1 resull of these experiments, · venues contributed' by you and ed "false claims of the medi· tree of Canada's ·diabetics will mttlec of Can_ ada ar.c havtno an • Street, who celebrates his "it.·.. -~ wonder wl1ethcr this oil has a r 11 · • f · · d f h 1 ~ ~ ~· f·' 1 lhe court issued n decree in your e ow c1t1zens or your cal value of vitamin and min· be mapped in a nation-wide all-ou_t clothmg . nve or t e : thday today, February 19tb:::;·~--; ,, · which it ordered destruction of high cholesterol content. Can common protection. era! food ·supplements." study of hereditary factors. cold, hungry chtldren of less : . • • • · · .. r:

/ ,._; ;llld Dl"ll~ :\dminis- leaflcls stating that the del'ice you tell me? The Canadian Diabetic As· fortunate countries. Any used '1 :- · - lli;t obtained a rul- '"!H'rforms mirnclcs for lhc :-low there ar"e times when you When the charges were brought sociation said it will launch its clothing you have lying in your MEETING \ l ark,.t f· ·'" IYP<'s of tl~\'ice ellis! :1ilcrgy patient.' The AYou may safely cat bananas. I must assume personal respon· to light, it was discovered that "family tree" research program bureau drawers, or hanging in 1. The Annual ~lceting of the tiou for, •· :· ·' \\'ashington rdail mall11facturer 1 h c n 'suhstan· 1 have repeatedly pointed out sibility for self-protection, in the doctorate was not in medi- this year. ll replaces the urine your clothes closet can be put 'I United Church Orphanage ·Aid' · ·, ,,., :~t'> that they ll'<'l"l' lially I'CI"i~cd the l~lwling' that the cholesterol content of particular with reference to I cine as the reader might have test . ·strip· education progt·am to good use. USC Clothing De·, takes place today, lllonday, at ,\"e,tern,. .... J t•'" false :IIIII mi>· elaims.' ! the blood and tissues is depen· those who set themselves up as supposed in view of the sub- carried on in recent years. I pot in St. John's is 118 Craig-~ 3 p.m. i't' thl"irf, · '""l"i!Jll'lltit· claims in ., dent 11101.e 011 what the body advisers on matters of health. ·I ject matter of the radio com- J. G. Coburn, vice-president.' millar Avenue. In Gander it is! • • • •·· ·

• , :· ·.. :,.;n~." E:teh of 1 eal! I his inddcnt to the nttcn· · does with the food we eat than 1 mentarics and the title of tbe said today· the program will be · 29 Bishop Place. HAPPY BIRTHDAY 1 1 d,., it't's ""eonlain••d titll\ of all readers to alert • on the chemical compositimi of· Let ~-e illustrate what I am book. launched ·by a $10,970 grant 1 •. • • " Birthday greetings art ·ex· 1, •rl :t:tt·r,; ll'ith ekl'lric· then to the importance of read i the food wo put in into om· dm•mg at by caling your at· d t . . 1from·'j:he Atkinson Charitable HAPPY BIRTHDAY tended to Gary Noseworthy arid· 1 1 1 1 1 1 If 1 !II t ·:·d ~ : . . : ,·IILIIt• tht• air anti, in.~ tlw lahrls on foods, mcdi·l mouths. this were not so, normal and bright in most T ~e thocf~rladte llr'ahs 1nthphd oso~ LY Foundation ·The foundation any happv returns of the Olga Moores, who celebrates . · :":liJls eat~<• hit• or eilwls an11 thel'atwuli" dcvic· lio\1' clo uo 11 tlll.ilk 11·e'·' get ba 111 e IC so en 1 e uca 110n · ·. · · : h · b" thd d F b ' ' ' u • ways, She understantls every- and recreatt"on was est~bhshed by . the late day to Jllrs. E. A. Butler, who.: t etr 1r ays 1o ay, e ruary Ill· · ~ :1 :-;mal l ~~mount ('.,_. till')" IHII'L'ha~<.·. 1' " 0 11 [I'D pi'rl• ct•e•m ft·om " ·' ' m ""' " thing llmt i~ said to her and · Joseph E. Atkinson, former celebrated her birthday yester· : 19th. ll("h ::,, · I cows .nncl egg yolk from chic· mnkes you understand in mo· publisher of The Daily Star and day. Q--·1 :>111 mu.• of those who has to kens? lions and noises what she Indeed, investigation disclosed ------:-----:---:-:-- • • • ll t i. ! . ·, nlllthlt"lt'tl h1· tile w:tt•·h hi~ l'llolcstci"OI contt•nt.. ,. the fact that the doctor has The Star Weekly. Dr. Nanc" St'mpson of the il SUNSHINE C.UlP . f; · 1 1 · wnnts. But she has yet to sa\,' h f • • d "Th" ge · r g t "II ' ,:11(1 , ''"'( 11~1 ">:·rh dr· I :1111 l'l'r)· fond of hannnas. I ('-1 lini'C n 2-yenr-old "irl a,nd ad no orma 1 trammg or e 11- ts ne ous ran WI Th f 11 · · I" t f 1 ~ ' '"' one word-not even, mom, rind, . IT . make it possible for the Cana· University of· phar·, e o owmg IS a IS o pa • 1.' ; · .. \c '''' significant· l'[.. know they conlnin oil and I I two older boys. The girt' seems or IJye-bye. Sllottld she be tak· caliona 1 qua ltcalions as n nu- ol "" departmellt a mem · ienls at the sunshine Camp who tritionisl. dian Diabetic• Association to mac o~, • · en to a doctor or do you think launch a research program that ber of the genetic research are reported well and happy, . .11 ltlore: she will talk in time? d has been in the planning stage team, said f.or many years stu· This list is submitted ~hrougb. 111c second instance concerne , f t" , "d D C dents of heredity have been the courtesy of the Jumor Red · · ~teadil"l A-Before You take .hCJ· to a doc- the granting of a fellowship I :rnsome lme, sal r. .o· pu7.7.led hy the pattern of dia· Cross . olo . onh- lor, make sure that her speech award from the New York · Canada is First betcs in families. . . Jane Young Flat Bav S~ is not held hack for psycholog- Academy of Sciences to 11 "Initiated by Dr W R "And. although many tm·cst~- Geor•c's· Lawr~nce ~'ahc;.' Beli . ical reasons. such as getting Swiss "Profesor Doctor". The Feasby honorary medical dircc:; gators believe th~ p~ed1s~os1·j lsland· 's,·lvia Kcan W~sleY· .\ct- everything she wants without award was conferred at the ' r t d' b t nhcnted 1 ' ' ' hal'ing to ask m· bcin!! over- U.S. cmbasy in Berne by our l?r,. the progr~m aims a~ estab·.] ;on. ~ , 13 e ~s ~ 5 1 able t~ : Yillc; Clayton Turtle, Shea~!· l• IllS 1 0 whelmed by the chattering of ambnssadOT. When the award hshmg a reg1ster of dtabetics ' lc' . a\ e ~ cen f . 1 . ' lawn. Bay Roberts; Juha GtU· · )I lrl. her older brothers. was caled to the attention or that will permit a closer study I cstabhsh ~-hich la_w 0 tl1.~- 1 cr~;: ingham, Gambo; Arthur White, iti-h the Swiss Canton or Grisons, it of the hereditary aspects. i lance ~pphes to tlus con 1 ton, :. Stephenville; Albert Spence, If you have the courage, with­ 81 ll"ith was learned that the 'Profes· "Canada is the first country • she ~ d. t R" k . 11 "O' · Port aux Choix; ~le!Yin Frcake, hold her food and toys until sor Doctor", honored . by our Io set up sucu::... a complete re· I 0 lg 1ICS. . 15 Ill ver-o . , ~ h ·. Btrc . hy Hea d ; 3y 1v1a . Dennts,- . ,·s. she asks for them in spoken academy and o u r am bas- gister," he said. Also, tt 15 not clcai \I het ~.r . John's Beach; Edna Earle, car. words instead of by motions sador, was "neither a doctor I all types of diabetes are tnhe t· bonear· Sharon Whalen liar- and noises. Then, if necessity nor a professor.;, . 1 - 1 ted in the same way. Chief rea· : bour 'Grace· Joseph Pike. St. as tecent Y as June 26, 1958, ·son is that it is not known who : ' . ; HtJthin~; docsn 't compel her to make he had been sentenced to a· d" .t. f th 'Lawrence: Ann O'Neill, Har·

known her requirements or de­ He was. ·in fact. "a · former 1' . . . has a pre· 1spos1 wn or e : b G . M Ed d itudes ~f, ~ircs, you'd better get profes­ errand boy, newspaper vendor year m pnson and a fme ' of . illness until it strikes. The : Rourh raLc':, ' ana l mupt·l ks, $465 on charges that he had · . " . • b . rl 1.. 1 oac es me; Samue m , ina tlw in sional advice. and baker's apprentice." Arid "b'lk d th g llibl ·"th i htohest nsk for ecommo .t Ia ; Burdeo· David Butt, Corner I e e u e \It a 1 b r · u b\" the over-we1dht · " ' ,~e. llol­ 'miracle' diagnosis machine.'' e IC IS r 0, • · . o ; Brook: Roger Penney, Bur. I and over-50s and, for thts rea· ' oovne's Co1•e· Carl Hillvard iatp the: ·, I tl" h . b d"ff 'It I b • • ' • Perhaps next time you come, son, s_tu les 31 e een 1• ~c.l · · Bay Roberts; John Hannaford, , . Rhinoceros across testimonials reputed to 1 It IS. hoped. the famJl)-\ree ' The Goulds; Elvis ~litchell, come from "doctors" or for·: study Wtll provide the _complc~e · ~Iiddle Arm. Green Bay; Ira eign "prolesors'', maybe you and a_ccurate tnformatwn nee_· Fudge, Triton, Green Bay; Lucy In less than two weeks ~lemol'ial1 in Paris, at the Odeon. !n 1960, 1 111 and University's Dramatic Society i is an hilarious account of the : ought' to do what the traffic cd. Di3behrs across Canatla :-" · Harris, Grand Bank; Joy Ben­ cop. does. Ask to see license ' be asked to fill out a questiOn· nett, Springdale: Bernidette. I Ji\rd •\ will be presenting Eugene lone- I invasion of 11 quiet village by a that (. sco's three-act comedy "Rhinoc· herd of rhinoceroses. The play­ and· registration. nairc. .. ·- __ .. __ _ Ashford, Gaultois; Robert ~lar· I e1·os'• in the auditorium of the goer wilt find the play most ------·- tin, Grand. Falls: Emily Pope. Lilli t I\· \ a1·ts building, one of the new· S. R. ID. Botwood; Helen Hoskins. Step· I amusing, but beneath the sur· i ;.A... r" o-·· ..·G- .. U.. E1.·1 ---:----8· v" ·c·e··e--a·n-- . mo~t 'l the F est and comfortable thea· lace humour there is 11 more 1 · henvi!le; Ralph Clarke, Chance Ires in St .•John's. The group. meaningful idea: that of the , 'CO\'e. . under tlte hi~hly skilled dil·ec· con!drmity rife among the pee- ·

' 1 · well lion or ~!r. George L. Palmer, pie of our present ag~. Ionesco re-t with ali the facilities of their 1•ividly displays his views Dn ncw lamM heantifnl new stage to aid them conformists. L'ir special! · in their prc~entation, ' is wor· The plot. a !though fantastic and Building? thout hiirJ king hard to make this play a symbolic, is tasily followed arid , I. real treat for !heir audience. 5imply presented. I ·n1c ,cas!. of "Rhinoceros" in· Thi~ delightful comedy has hc~n i thr elude~ ~lr. Bryan Reardon, who an outstanclin!! success in Pari!.\ ;ch-es !( i~ familiar to St .•Tohn's atlCii· London and Nell' York and re· i c this enres through his pre p~i·form· cently in Toronto. The Mem· ! I· anccs in "Antigone" and ''The orial Unin•rsity take~ pride In ji i Crucible". and ~lr. lan Whi· presenting to the St. John's RU· I r talie1', who mana,;cs, with great dience the first amateur pro• I (T I ., wit lOUt(t skill, the rli!!icult re,,t of turn· duction in Canada of this mod-.. ing into a rhinoceros on stage. i~ IJUIL.D BETTER ·[ ~ to assis~ ern comedy, and sure that i .\l~o included m·c Natalia Gil· 1 the audience will not want to; ,I"ASTER-FOR LI!Sa t of the[ linghalil. one o! the wilche~ in 1 miss this unique opportunity of I ~I h- more; "Macheth", and Ian Forbes,. seeing one of to-day's mos! i Commercial l".\. as a! Donalbainc in ";\lacbelh." I hrilliant and amusinl! plays by ,1 Industrial one of our most modern play­ 1 ·n,c play itscll, first presented wrights. Community IUk us to ahow you the i- til(' -.c 11ew cxcctlli\'c of tlw Y\\'C:\, elected at their annualrncctiug on raets and fi;:uret on IN ~ '·•!.11 l'chrttar~ l:Hh. at theY Cluh Htllltll, llarvcy Hoacl. Sitting, (l-r) lowest cost way "herr 1 . bulk ~:- 1: .. \. l'itlmatt, Prcsidcut: ~Irs. L. C. Cr:wc, \'icc-President. Standing, to buDd well lahor ·: \lh < :. Coddctt. Treasurer; ~Irs. C. Hussell, Sccrctar\'; ~Irs. H. F. 'rnken . kt·'· :;nl \'icc-President. luscl (le!t: :\Irs. P. \'uchnid-1, National Presi­ J. . '·· i\\1::\. \\"ho attclt(kd the nwcting; and who spoke briefly on 'Time ,Titin•',... Women .·. \\bt \\'c Do \\'ith ll."-(Ho~·al Photo). .

their ·. a little :;. .. l''e has • cat"' for ENPINEERING Springdale Street 1ent iu ·r hus­ d1ile. ·csourcef d the ... nh.& he

Radio life

1 - One alarm 1 off. 31, n. Bl&ornu.e~< mrsdaY his wife I • 1e EXCURSION FARES GOOD TO MAY 31st, 1962 lo See your old friends, your family ·- enjoy a change-of-scene. Trave almost a~ywhere in Canada on TCA ECONOMY ROUND-TRIP EXCURSION DAY SPECIALS. It's one of the biggest and best travel ba:rgains ever - with BIG savings all the way 1 You travel. .·,. Monday,'.Tuesday or Wednesday - and· your ticket is good for 24 days! . · FOR EXA!viPLE:

I I I ; .. 1. ·.'i Gilbert I ·O·NLY $14.00 to GANDER rtl>" after He KING AND QUEEN AT PRINCE OF WALES (Weekday excursion. return) . ,~spital. Commercial Class of Prince of Wales College staged its annual Valentine dance on February 16th in the auditorium of • pumper Ask. your Travel Agent for EXCURSION details' !Jr phone TCA ·at 8·7011 " b of Wales Collep;e. The main event of the evening was tke crowning of the King and Queen In the above picture the I'Cd to 8 ve .. ' tack.' :\[iss Judy Cole and the King ~lr. Neil Winsor ~re being crowned by Iast year's king and quec11 :!ill Noseworthy and Betty ! Also in this pidttrc are the nt1111er-ups. Ldt to right, Jane Angel, Dick Yabslcy, Barbara Howse, Bill Noseworthy, · 1 j, Cole, Neil Winsor, Betty Baclcock, Kathy-Jenett and ~lnrgi e Hudson. . I;

' ' 'I ' 'I or Final in uar p·,? . n Rt

I i' ' Guards, skating .li initial period bhll three goals-two went on St Bon's 6·0 S The Terra Novas win the Boyle Trophy. Local 10." a speclaculal all-star tmm ddcats undefeated ~·laritime team ... •ame that oper of five junior St. J ohu 's win Provincial Ct~·.ling ~itlc . . . Gorcli.c llo~\'c passes 200 ~ual mark m Ius career. Tlus .. Jolly-J urn pers" 1 mmuiu~. these mcmorahlc athletic events arc re-told lh 1 rl opportunists 1 ~heir famm•s c and rc-.lin"d l'nnu the past alon~ with many others, against the. Bl iu Sport In Hdrosped. into their brg I •net st·n~le markers Monahan who can Tllllll;\ NOY.\S WI~ TilE · 1 ;nd sau~1dcrs gave St. John's . · .1110 finals by . BOYLE Tr.OPHl' . the 11·3 victory wilh third 1 Fcildians thre1 l he . ~ . , t February In, 1U26-lly their ! period gouts. in a b~USIIln ~el ''ictory of 4 to 3 o-.er the St. I back with delem Bon's in )'c;terday':; game: the , February 11, 1036 - St. unable to cr T.·~:·a ~:0\ :~.' r::;·t•r·! for IIH'!Il· ,ln 1111'> drfcatrd Halifax Cana· defence and ~r:: .'""c · I '1e CI'ICS 2 1... ct p~··iod t:l:ll'!\rr· , ft,;·lc, T;:rph:· fo;· • l'<'nr.d ~>! ::,1111 es tn 1 ln.•t night. The (i'iiY ·b·: s·conrl alln ,\5 - · 1. twrl11' P:"'''il·. · t~am wou the fir>! 11·3 but hiS ha\·~l'\Coi Or ~~ ··~ d""' r ·1 .'ii"l into . Jo,t thr. >crond. by 9·6, ' stanza. no!lic tt••• ~,,·,J i:·o:n "rntt'l' ll'l' In ;1:\C · .\ ~u;d ot•nrcd by a Hnlifax out the scorrn l'('rr;• .\ 1" •'' J l·ll ir·;~rJ 111 the plcyrr who hoanrcd the puck was probably t f::';t p:·; ·"'i :0. ! 1·:-<>'<'\' tiL••! it off the St. .John's goaltender of the year for up oh•:·;;,~ ::t .. ·; and lhCI! El'll' !·l•mlq1•5 chest and batted it · · finishers In~ : JL!'I'Ctl jl'll the '!'!!Til :\uras ino tile net was disallowed. and solid bodycl1 ahcld a: 11 minu•cs. Cahill of , Bon's suffered l St. Bon·., tic:! the score again . ~UG!ITY OAKS FROI\1 LITTLE heai'Y for tile !i~hting Bhw;:olds short· I ACORNS GROW a fairly wide op h aflrr the start of the second but also had I period. The .l. Canning nf the I Fehruary 16, 1944-How true ted by ~like Dot ehampions !irrd two telling I it was borne out at the Annual Crane. throwin~ shot• that gave the Terra Novas General 1\lecling or the City "I'CJI\'! for war .\fc111hc1'S S S B · tl. S . '". r lnlcrco. 11 C"l't· 1c• 11 ot· ·1· ,c\ , ~ 1 last'· week the second - in a row.11 · of· thef' oood blows. the !carl for good. 4·2, At 13.30 Inter-Club Bowling League that CHAMPION': . !. ()II s \\'Oil lC 'CillO J) ,.., ' . \I c· t'tt' 11'111 ]'ott B•JJ't•cl Stan Cook. cajJlaitt: Boh \\"as l, Cern· 0 Kee e, • early Guarrls ' . I t) B 1 H. 1\'k 'IIIII\' (' •C • • 1 ' • ' . . in the final stanza Phelan scar· mighty oaks from little acor~s (1 ! 1 01 al 10:05 of cd for St. Bon's. I grow. This league was comprlll· winnin~ team were c l to n~ : < ·• ' 11· 'k · ~ I ()'!l· i~·n CcnY Veitch D('lll!is Kavanarr1J. Gal'k Hell\': lkv. Br. Fil7.- s II) \' I Peter Bnttc lml lit" 'C 1 ~(. l • ' - ' ,.., • 1 II I L' I when Jan l .lOW: r·'J 1, . • ·t ]];uTI' latnkn, [·m 1 J: Both side, battled hard in tl~e I~d .or ab?ut a doze~ teams at 'cconc ·cron cnc i .. D . L Welsh Bill Hogan. l Den,;o; on g. ~tg any, at the left or final minutes, w1th Sl. Bon s 1ts mccpt10n Rome SIX or seven patrick, assistant coach; Barry :\larshall, B atse utlnc. .rs cr · · · . - . 1 rebound off del Iailin~ to score. ) years ago, expanded to 32 teams coach; Rev. llr. Enright. Drol'cr's shot off of the Boyle Trophy iu 1942 necessitating a division ~lct~bcrs flipped it into tl champions-, \\', Lockyer; into two sections. Twenty-three ------··--- corner. defence, G. Gillies, ~1. Power; applications were discussed at teams had t forwards, J. Field .•1. Canning, the annual meeting of the lea· 1 penalties whet Dr. Slick: >pares, E. Jerrell, ~·. gue last night and only five CLB Basketball Sugar Ray In Island Eddie Vatcher !\!arlin, W. B~rrctt: manager, could be accepted. As i~ the. i BELL tSL\\ll 1 Staffl-T~e ' t !3.52. The Drov Ern Churchill. past two years, there Will be , 'l t 1 I St. Mikes Win 1CHS fin ht ·canadi;m l.P~io'l PTOI'inc:aJ Jim and Jack, ' two 16 teum sections, ':1 , l'llrling p\aydowns 11i\l taie ' with Jim BJIOW:-;1:\'Ci 11.\lt\'E\' LTil. . Officers elected for the com· ;.; I·: II' YOHK - A P - Sugar plal'C un lk\1 !>land n~xt IIHk !rom the left board \\'IS \\'ll'iTEit CUP 1 ing year were President Reg, ' l'"oo" · 11al' 1\nhill'llll dra~s out those with Lonwr " '· in front, who s . }'rbruan· 14 19:JU-1'hc Win·/ 'l'. Morgan; Vice President Sid Over Company A 1 • I 'farlcc! dandn~ >lippr'i's f'o;· tiw Falls. 'I. John·, and Be,\ l!· goalie Cy ~!cGct trr Cup in the <.:ommer· H. Jlowsell; Secretary · Eric s~ric; ' Hil.P'i !'land for the final per Stores in the finals ahd won Pike. Company Basketball series, 1 the l'il". F;fty !ll ~i:-;ty Guards were sr two of the three frames played. when th~y won over last year's I . Hobinson, 41. [ou;:ht his :-;perial· ~~ue:-:t.~ \r: 1: al:o when Campbell 1 o[ the three frames played. ST. BON'S WIN TUE BOLYE runners up "A" Company by a [it'>l pro bout 11':1,1' hal'!; on Del. anrl ll'ill be gJ:I'·l' of the · hat trick as he to Before meeting the Royal TROPHY AGAIN score of 21·13. Leading by only Intercollegiate HocKey: , ~til, Jn.Jo, when !lenny was a ions at thr :olrnnial Wilson Wiseman Stores, the. champions had to f b l944-St. Bon's two poinls·13-11 at hall time the 114-month torldlrr. still throwin~ . 17 Tiooms on Wc•ine•day for breaking in alonc ptar Bowrmg Bros., and they e ruary ' . his bottle ont o[ the pln)·pcn. wtiri that "amc by 2 to 1 with Iwere crowned 194-l champrons St. Michael's boys came up with 1 l • · d111n:•r. shot underneatn 1 h eight points to "A'' Company's St p· As might he rxpccted. Sugar h th 'd bhal'ing a total 1of the St. .John's Hockey League ~ · glove. 1 pin~IJ two in the last hall. ·,.;/, s· o s'Hay nn lon.~cr rlnnl'C< with the !' the Royals B Bon's had an cc 0 ~ 26~8 .es ~hen th~y d~fealcd The gamt was well contested I • Bon's · 1·en·e and :-pirit of '40 hut he 21 ~!oyer worr < .,,·ounrlEd . Stop S! play in the In the final-Browning Har· , rn last mght s Forum ga:nc by ll'hen he hearr! the · but. St. 1\!ichael's had a better ~still can produ,·c n n~n. lhe final period •< 11 points for the winners while I :lloakler (631), R. Smith (618), 1 By the end of the first per· , After their first bout last Oct. · oritc for the rrt11rn bout. added his scco. C. Power (637), and R. Hal· 'I iod st. Bon's had piled up a 5-1 Follett ana Wilkins had four 6-4 In Final I from Dave Ba leran (632). lead on goals by W. Harris (2). each for the losers. . st n · · · mrl 1 1'1:HL S'L\~Ol~GS lead. Vatcher's Referees Doug Yetman and 1 ChampiOns,. · on'· 101•• · T. Trainor, C. Power and Noel ' Sl, Ron's P W F T Pls stopped by l\lcGc Paul Reid. called eight fouls 1 ~d out the sentnr 1ulercollcgi,Itc 1 LOCAL ALL·STARS CRUSH Vinicombe. Bill Harris who in- . St.. Bon's !0 ti I :l l!i ulmly lifted lh1 :IIARITim; •JIOCKEY spired the mighty Bluegolds 'n th gnme-!ive to "A" Com·! hockey nttron Saturday alter- , TEA~I · 1'. of \\'vies Ill .'i :l :! 1:! the fallen netm F~bruary 14, 193U--Piayrng i with 5 tallys banged In two ~an/ Doug Wilkins injured his noon with a. 6·4 l'i~to,r:,, .ol'cr i foot In the second half but it last plac'" Blshops Col.t_,l, 1 Bishops \l) I ll Rollie Martin after /what was probably the best 1 more in the second. But E. Es· I TO!' SCOitEIIS is not known how set'iously. I St •.Bun's nlre~dy crowner~ all season, fi1 hrand of hockey e\•cr exhibited I colt scoring twice in the late rinceJ l1y a local team-certainly the stages of the second period and champio,Js early Ill the wee!. when it ' The next· game Is on Thurs. I when Bi"hops up:ct Prit~ce of Gl' G A l'ls in the playoffs, bes! seen for some ~·ears-the T. Withers and B. Mitchell ' Stan· Cook :" ~ · ··' 1 . GORDIE nowr. PASSES ~oo l ahead to stay nt 3:33 when he !I!VP - 1'AT A S.'PinT orTr,D NONEYt1 Credit Analvst February 16, 1D53 - Gordie man Dennis Kcvanagh· and phy) Jim Andrews (PWCl. , Jl JJY r .LIJ\ i lft E:ngineerln! h I k h 11 d . t Best Goalie (Don Jamieson dvilor.JI'S I' ·E;p~~;;;,t"Q'ff;~·;Room------~ S-46, · · I t tt St B ' , t 1 Howa passed e 200-goa mar whipped a et nve pas Trophy) Joe Walsh (SB), • ~On S Talk it over with a Niagara to~n" adeUP Perience, Sal I I Trans-Canada Air Lines, Dorval Base, Dorval, P.Q. NSN of his goalie Pete Harvey. UNEUPS his job to help you! Niagara loam Tin )ell rf benet ita, .I 1 Yeti lam Interested In becoming a TCA steward ell, career Sunday night as Detroit Blll Hogan, St. Bon's third ST. BON'S: · Goal, McGetti· k b. to $2,SOO- and are usually comyi c lways be I 1 ( ) 1mee!lhe basic quall{ical/ons. Red Wings defeated Chicago string center, scored his first B et a than a day. Remember, you WI a ·I I ( J. 1would 1/he mort Jn(ormatlon. · Black Hawks 4-1. goal of the year at P:OO on ·a gan; defence, Cook, Kavanagh as 11 .clcomc at Niagara. . I I Nlm' I '' ••••••••••••••• .,...... I Howe scored twice to raise pass from Boy Royle to give O'Keefe, Ham~yBn, Veitchw; flolr· , ~ II.IAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED ...... h ! t 201 I St. Bon's 8 4·2 spread and wards, Baird, yrne, a s 1, The St. Bon's senior basketball , L n Co"''''... , i I . . . . I . is I fetlme to at to goa s. I His season total of 41 is on IY Cook 1 1 1: 1 Addrass ...... ,,,,,,, ...... , 1 Polled ·n 8 rebotlnd of O'Brien, Burke, 1 ogun, Fur· team will hold their first open Latuesl AII·Canad


.• -.~.·~f"'J .•. ~ .. ·• · .. - -·· ;- MONDAY FEBRUARY 1982 ·.····"' Finals: uards Blank St. Bon 9s 6-0 Rough, Hard Hitting Game lan Campbell Scores Three; Howell Gets Shutout G; 1 rd~. skating like mad ; ·:::Jl period blitt, bang- ·. .".:re goals-two by Jan ." went on to de· i: ll•'" 's 6-0 Saturday . ' • a >pec\acular. hard • • ;,11 w that opened the · · ':: f:'r junior hockey

· [' .. .l~ll)·.Jumpcrs" wero 1 .; ··: •'i'l"'rtunisls opening 1 .. ,,~ famm•s checking

• ,1;JJI1>t the Blt~c;:oltls,

, : ':: ,,,;.• their big lead. 1 · · ; ,. .-. \'.'hu earned the I . ::,;· ;;,., finals by defeat· . ., t'cl1;\i:li1S three games i ·.: :1 ln\'ing ;;cm!·fi~als., : ~.:.-~ \~.i1l determ!nadon, .r:: :::•Jhle to craclt the: _.:::·:·· .. r ;l11d ~c1:1i l' f:dl'l ' •:1:.: ('1~1 : . .. i \·.•... ,.,, ,.,.'' ..·con·d lor th!' .· ~·· 1\·"n r·l:l'Ph'-·il';-. p:~:t·: 1 .·.:~:· . . . ~_j ··~:l:·~~(~r, iHHI add· ·I 1.\:\" L\;\II'H~LL EAI\L HOW ELL ED VATCIIER 1\ll~iE i>OHNBY :,1 • :•::-! ;lltl'f lf~ll h.·d · · .:: .• h"l·!l"ltk ::: the th~-e cum:n6 ll'ilh seven se·l dclcnremen. ) tin. , 19.59. rrollir. ~brtin coad; rrmuining in the gnmc, Graham Kelly and the Rowe ST. BON'S: Goal: Cy McGet·' Second Period: 4. Guards-!. ' .•J' :llr '~orin.~. as ph•.;-crs from holh teams took! brothers. Errol and Wayne, I tigan; defence: Milw Dohney,) Campbell (Wiseman) 8.:!8; ·.·_,,_. o f ' 5 . 1 ~n'1ab!y the . best.. · pJ;t in a fisticuff. 1' p!nyetl good games on the or·, Don Crane, Hubert Hutton, Penalties: Jim Drover .0 , · :::c• ~''"~' ~r Ll~ hr.'\ Fi1•c pbycrs f:·om S1. Bon's; ward line lor St. Bon's, with Kevin llollihan; forwards: Gra-1 Guards (\eaml 6.48, Vatchcr ·)· :.~.. ,hr:·· 1 o. sn~.~ nu · allll fonr from the Guards were i Mille Dohney and Hubert Hut· ham Kelly, Bob Neville. Peter 10.27, Kendall 17.13. . I:,,;_ ,,.]:rl hoddycl~eckm~ 1 given fil"c minute lighlin~ jton standing out on their blue· Dunne, Errol Rowe, Wayne Third Period: 5. Guartls- 1 5·:·., .-\Iffcrc !.o.n 1 e, p~nallics with Guards Jack line. Rowe, Franlt O'Keefe, Gary Vatcher (Bailey) 15.19, II. ':!:<~ hc~·y checking 1 Dro1'CI' ~etting an extra two The next game in the series Comerford, P~ter Byrne, Stan Guards-Marlin (Crane) 17.04. l'OUR TIMES CHAMPS: The Dodgers ll"on the Hoi~· Cross ~leu's Bowl­ 1 1 fm!Y "" 1 c dop~ . sc~l· minutc., lor kneeing and St. will be played tonight with the Cook, Frank Ryan. Penalties: Skanes 4.41, .Jim I 1 iug championship fur the fourth \"Car in a rtJ\\: this winter. ~!embers of : 'I·" ha t elr cj 1 Bon·~ Peter Dunne live lor third on Wednesday. Drover (double minor) 5.27, ': 11 ' ~t:k••. Dohney anc Islashin~. Dnnne was ln\cr eject· Referees: l\lurphy, Smith. SUMMARY Comerford 5.27, G. Campbell i the winning team arc: Kneeling Bill O'Heillv, Bet! Jaektllan. · Standing: · ., ., '!lrowm~ out scv· ctl as the referee claimed he LINEUPS First Period: I. Guards-1. 9.15, Byrne 10.~7. G. Campbell , Gus Wadden, Robin Short, Ducy Fitzgerald, Jack Cranshaw. Gus Wad­ 1111111 • . deliberately atlemptcr! to injure liUARDS: Goal: Earl Howell; Campbell (.Jack Drover) 10.05; 18.15; Jack Drover (Minor and : ~ 1 den had the highest three frames with D;tey Fitzgerald wiuuing the a verag . r;: r lou~rc' ~rcs;~tr~ ' an oppoucnt. defence: .Tim and ,Jack Drover, 2. Guards-Valcher (.Jim and ~1ajor), Jim Drol'cr, Williams, i .. ' ;: lll:ll~ of } e m Ian Campbell was the hi~ G~olf Campbell, Dave Kendall; Jack Drover) 13.52; 3. Guards- Vatcher, Neville, D. Crane, f cs.-(Royal Photo). . . •:r.n . la;1 ~-a~tpbcl:· man ror the Gt.tarrl~ w.ith his forwards: Ed . Vatchcr. Bert I. Campbell (Wiseman) 19.05; Dohncy, Kci!Y (Ma.iors), Dunne r ... l. •111 1 ~ t ct t c nc • three ::oals. wlule gddtc Vat· Warr, Dave Batley, Ian Camp· ·Penalties: .r. Crane and Cook, (Double Ma.tors And Match). ~·' 1 1 l ~::c>::::d o, ~ rnceman 1 chcr and Wilson Wiseman also bell, Wilson Wiseman, Dave 3.04, Dohncy 9.15, Kendall and STOPS: ·H· h Sh I B k tb II• f > :'· IC:' .-hot of hlhel p~slllooked good up front. 'l'he Drov- Butler, Ralph Skanes, Bob Wil· Dunne (Majors) 10.28, Halihan Howell ...... II 7 4-17 lg c 00 as e a • ----- t. ;Iii! 1: :ntn t c , 011cr crs, Jim and Jack, were the top Iiams, Jack Crane, Hollie Mar- 12.12, I. Campbell 19.43, Dunne McGettigan ...... 14 7 9-30 s r· ake >port First Win ·Ups·.e·t Blueshirts Even . t. Pat's ·::lf~il:~~~:~~::~~:~~a~~;~1111Red:J :z. The Dro\"er broth· w,·ngs

:~ an:~.t·:,ac.~imll':!?ay:~~ I s t d ' L . Edge Crl1saders ? 9... 38 In Jr. : :~~~~~t~~~;loOar~J~;~C~a:~ a ur a y s. oss :) :~:>:~;;;~:~::.:::;~:; Ca nad iens 4-2 y~:o;,M~~~~ ,.\;\;; ,;. ;:;:: :::;:~:~;~ ~~t· Holy Cross Stop Irish 36-26 In Sr . ..•. ·.. ·.•.•d to ian Campbell at ·' each from and Despite their convincing vic- St P t' 'th tl . 'l'h C d h ld b" 16 , 1 c 11 · 1 d 1 1 t H ly 6·2 d b . - e~1a , DETROIT IAPl _ The sizzl· who were beaten Sunuay G k 1 a s came up w1 1c1r 1 e rusa crs c a 1g ·, ec o e an os a a ::: :hr final period score. ing , scoring night by New York. uy Gen rion, ro ek a hree· thory, the Rangers failed to make first victory in Junior High : 10 lead after the first quarter 1 Cross twice United Collegiate ·. ,·,ard~ 11.Arc short hand· game Nat onal Hoc ey League end way in the battle for the S B k tb d 1 ry d r· I 1 1 11 . 1 f th "· c three goals in the first 11 min· The NHL scoring race also re· 1 · 1 • S d . h . h 1. 1 f b th D t . c1 too 1 as e a11 yes 1er ay am 1 • 4· 20 1ea a1 ter t 11e :rst : P aycr .1c1r on Y game o e •:•.:. Campbell completed ·' h r· 1 · h d N Y k' osmg 5 nng un ay mg t Wit mal P ayo f er · c rot! Red afternoon at the I'oly Cros gym w1 len th e Cru· · ;:): underneath McGetti· gnin th'e National Hockey Lea· !roil star. teams in the league, didn't seem New York goalle Gump Wor· squads. eight minutes. ' ;atlers play host to United ! ;:)rr gue playoffs, took command Montreal, which has scored 15 to have their hearts in it and the sley, getting his first victory In The Crusaders won the first The fourth game of the series I Collegiate. 3·"·; had an equal share with rapid • lire goals by Bill goals in its last two games, Rangers took full advantage, three starts since returning from two games to take a two game will be played Wednesday after· BOX SCORES . ;:ay in the second per· Gadsby, Gordie Howe and Par- fired 32 shots at Bassen, who Bathgate's first goal brought a..n injury • forced absence, made lead in the best of nine series ': noon at st. Pat's. Holy Cross: FG FT PF Pis );t larked goal-mouth ker l\lacDonald before the Can· blocked 30 of them. Tremblay New York from behind a 1·0 de· 35 saves, including three difficult as they are the only two teams BOX ·scORES R. l\launder 5 1 0 11 3Jth lcam5 had se\·cn adiens could muster a threaten· beat him with a power· piny shot licit in the first period. The stops off Bob Nevin and one off in the league. The two squads .,1 St. Pat's FG FT PF Pls. P. ~lac~onald 5 0 2 10 .: thr frame. ing rush. Howe added another 41 seconds alter the second per· Rangers l•ok a 3·2 margin in Kelly. are putting on one of the most J. Bennett 6 3 4 15 . J. ~urh2y 4 0 1 8 final period Eddie Vat· goa] in the second period he· iotl started. Then Tremblay, the second and mnde a rout of Kelly's goal came on a short, exciting series witnessed in the D. Hong 4 1 5 9 I S. 0 Brwn_ 2 1 0 5 :ii1d his second, taking tween two by Montreal's Gilles who now has 25 goals, slapped it when the Leaf defence gave backhand flip while he was be- High School League in many L. Carroll 4 1 3 91 ::11. ~ambnck 1 0 0 2 ,.' !~1m Dave Balle~·. for a Tremblay. a 25·footcr past Bassen at 16110 way in the final session. ing ridden off by Pete Goegan, years. The first game saw tl:;: B. Costello 1 2 4 4 · ~1. \\a ish 0 0 1 0 :!,; \';Hl'her's first shot The victory was the third of the period lor the final goal Referee John Ash lev called recently acquired by New York Crusaders take 35-34 victory G. Hanlon 1 o 2 2 Total~ } 7 2 4 36 ;::;;t·d hy ~lrGeltigan, but straight lor the Wings and Of the game. only three penalties, ail against from Detroit. with the winning basket cnm· I M. Finn o o 1 0 St. ~at s: I· F FT PF Pts :1:::::,. \inert the rebound stretched their unbeaten streul; Gadsby starlet! the Wings orr Toronto. Bathgate tied it three minutes ing with 35 se~onds remaining I Totals: 16 7 19 39 ..Er. l{~ckey 6 0 3 12 • 1 f 11 • d to six since substitule goalie just 38 seconds after the opening Bathgate's second goal came Jatet•, scort'n~ t'nto an open net · ·. .re"on· 5 o 2 10 ,: a (•n netmm cr. Hank Bnsscn took over two laceol! with a 55-looter that sail· h in the game. The second game Holy Cross: ' ~ · . ~tartin alter failin~ to 'I S PI t • I l on a powe:· play in the second after Bower had sprawled to beat was much the same and again I E. Hurlev 6 2 2 14 . '1'. Gre~n I 0 5 2 b wecl;s ago lot· m ing Terry • nw· ed over Jacques an e s s 1011 • period. III's two markers gave H.•rry !lowell. I • 1 T Sqmres 1 o o 2 11\ sca·on (" all" arne 1 k d b r tl c d' 1' " the Crusaders pulled out a 35· T. Healey 4 2 1 10 · . · 0 ' • In ' c c 1ll • er e ore le ana :en goa IC the league • leading scorer 23 Gendron got the first of his 32 · t "th a 1 [ F B k 4 0 5 8 t L. Squ:rcs 0 1 0 · when it counts the The Wings remained in a knew a shot had been fired. Howe this season. line's ·three goals 45 seconds VIC ory WI coupe o . uc · ! B. ~lcGrath 4 0 0 0 0 :n the playoffs, added the fourth • place deadlock with made it 2·0 with a backhander at Other New York scorers were after the middle period began, clutch backels in the last n. Chafe ~ ~ ~ 1 Totals 13 0 11 26 i'allrom a scramble after in the scram· 6:35 of the period. At 10:13 Mac· Andy Hebenton and Johnny \Vii· lilting a Hebenton rebound over minute. T. Doll'ncy 2 Crane past him the puck. ble lor the last Donald beat Plante with a back· son. lhe fallen Bower. Bathgate's goal Bob Costello scored what P. ~!caney 0 0 1 0 , ---:=-----"""l-~ ·Howell. Guards nctmind· berth. The Canadiens, losing for bander as he skated lroin behind got Toronto's first while Pulford was off for elbow- proved to be the winning bas· D. Wil.s held a 7.30 !!ames will be played at' tolled to the goal line, dlens retained their ll·point NHL Talbot, who nell at the blucllne. on their strongest attack, lead· But 3·2 was as close as the Crusaders to the first two wins, 15·14 lean. nut the third quar· 30 aim eager dived back lead over , Plante had saves. ing to Olmstead's goal. Leafs could get and New York as he was guarded well by St. : ter !he Crusnrlers ll'cnt wilrl and ' a.. ~~fHl gamrs 1.·ill he pl;'·'·e•l i!t it. I y Thke thiird pheriod was all New made a night of it with third· Pat's centerman Joe Bennett: oul.\eore t\w Patricians 14·4 and 10.00. cage cop Cy Me· B k or , w th t e Rangers sew 1ng period goals by Wilson, Gendron and at the start of the fourth; in the final quartrr nut,corcc!. ..------·------although beaten six an liP their first victory in seven nnd Hebenton. quarter he had to leave the i llwrn B·f>. played a steady game be­ tha pipes and was given p!ay on four of the slx B t :Pat's played and dtdn't lose the · po:nts ll'!lllr their fi'~" crntc1· llthey came from point o's on ,services of their top two play·; Perry Jl.1cDonald hit fo:· tO. The Sl. t';rt·~ ,q·ninr linri;c,r nnge, The other two dur- · ers Bob Costello and Joe Ben· I .Tarl; Hurlr.1· po!trd H. St:1n tmm "ilj 1101"\; ""t ton:~hf . .11 nett, In the first game St. Pat's! O'Brien :; ami ,\fi~c !lambricJ; tnt.; .11 the St. ,John's :Olcmorial were leading going into the I 2. . Stndi11:n. penalties were CHICAGO tAP> - Chicago National Hockey League game. Stop Grand Falls. 11 • 6 out during the game Black Hawks concentrated most The Hawks, who moved to fourth quarter but they lost .Tohn Hitke:v head ed the St. ' Guards being nabbed or their power. in the first per· within five points of the second· both Bennett and Costello early Pat's >quad with 12 points and h of the 31 lnfrac· lod Sunday night as they blasted place Toronto Maple Leafs with GANDER (Staf() - The single. Don Martin scored the in the last quarter via the five Eric Gregory was hot from 'l'wel~e hi~ Pratt;ce1 Sc edule tere maJors· with· ten of 6·0 in a one-sided the triumph, scored five times in Ganuer ·' scmor· All ·S t ar hoc key oth cr An cos • mar kcr. foul route and the Crusaders guard position again with 10 th r t r Ri 1 learn won their last three games Gander took a 3·2 lead after came from behind to win. The points. Ted Green hit for one e trs rame. ngt-w nger second game saw Bennett leav· field goal and Tom Squires hit ~londay, Feb, 19: • Murray Balfour scored twice, and are lied for first place in the initial period and held a . 1 d fo 6.15-7.15-Feildians w)lile Stan Mikita, Bronco Hor· the western round robin series 7·4 advantage after two periods ing the game late 111 t~e t ur r one. . · 10.15_ 11 _15-St Pat's vnlh and Ken Wharram each with Corner Brook, each with and again outscored the An'cos quarter and once agam Holy I 5 The Cl'llsadcrs are now in : Tuesday F 1 20 . · scored once. six points. 4-2 in the final period for the Cross came from behind to win. II first place with two victories • 6 30-d I"~~~~ "ld· .. ' C 1 St p • 1 · "· a Cl tans. Mikita got his second goal of Saturday nlcht the l•'lyers, in 11·6 decision. Ycs t cr d ay s game saw os· anc · at s Have on vic ton· · Wednesday Feb •I·· 1 !he night In the third period. a wide open affair took an 11·6 Only eight penalties were tcllo scoring the winner hut 1' in lhrcc l!rmcs thry beat Unii. 6.17...:7.\.;:...sl. p;,.~ Chicago goalie Glenn Hall ran win over thr. Grand Falls Ancos called in the ume by referees Bennett played the biggest parll · ---- .. -·- ·--····------· ·-- :.· . ----· his league • lending shutout total with playing coach Don John Doylt and Noel Vinicomhe in doing ~ good joh on Buck to seven by kicking out :lO Bos- "Ducky" Barrett picking up five with Grand Falls being nabbed and then he dumped 15 points I ton ~hots. Bruce Gamhle of Bos- points, one goal and four as· for five. Only the ninth Gan· through the hoop for the lop ' ton WAs credittd with 20 saves sists .•Jim Zimmerman was the dcr goal by Bern FitzPatrick scor~r in the .:ame. 1 ., . From Hallfax, N.S., to St. John'~, Nflrl. A major hattie broke out · fn toJt goal scorer with three, he ca1nc with the power-play. Don Hong took a shift up i ,,up · Leaving Halifax Due St. John'> the final period, when Chicago's also had one assist. Defeneeman Neil Amadio and front and scored nine points PIERRE RADISSON ...... FEB. 20 FEB. 2~ captain and defenceman Pierre . Gil Picard, another o£ Gan· goalie Cec Lush were the two for St. Pat's before being foul· ) GULFPORT ...... FEB. 22 FEB. 2·i Pilote and Andre Pronovost of der's playing coaches, scored standoulll for Gander and were ed out in the. fourth quarter. BEDFORD II ...... FEB. 23 FEB; 2; ~mv BRUNSWICK m·238 the Bruins exchanged punches, twice and added. two assists. the main reason Gander stayed Len Carroll also hit [or nine FAUVETTE ...... FEB. 24 FEB. 2 [rti:t Anal)·~t Chief: Bankln~t. Science graduate then wrestled each other to the Lester Kelly and Bern Fltzpat· In the game during the first from his guard position, Cos. PIERRE RADISSON ...... FEB. 27 ~IAR. ONEY? Ice.' Both drew mnjD'r penalties. rick of Gander and Ralph Cook period when Grand Falls held tello potted four and Gerry .,·I Engineering. preferably with some Industrial ex· Chi cargo's Bob Hull • third In of ·Grand Falls all bad two the play. Han 1on two. t · J Refrigeration space al'ai'la ·.·.•.. '. his or. It's 1 : mldc up : fl!nre. Salary up to $7500 per annum with leaguo scoring, railed to· In· goals and one assist. Jim Tern· The Grand Falls team played Ed Hurley who scored the : •1ntfits. crease his goals total, but did pie also scored two for Grand without the services of any pro· winning baskets in the first :cd in Jess add a pair of assists to run his ;~!WJ)'I be point count to 63. , Falls and Vic Gregon and Jim fessional playing coaeh and cer· two games was tops for Holy Hannaford each picked up a tainly put up a good showing Cross with 14 points, Tm" '.. The Bruins failed to protect In their two games a11ainst Gali· Healey potted 10, Frank But y liMITED Gamble in the opening frame Hawk centre's fake and allowed der and also Buchans. B, Ron Chafe 4 and Ted Downr CorfiPIJ'I1 I . -~n For tun ln(otmaflon 1bouf fills poslfTon 111d andthlerte thaenHd a\\f•ks tahket' a~ many Mikita to skate past him and 2. a 0 olhtr employment opporlunll/es, cal/ your , s . e our s s m sue. poke the puck into an empty net. ~------cesswn. Gamble ~!so worked On Balfour's second goal, G• I 8 k tb II ball this afternoon when the. nurul N•llonal Offlce. himself nut of pos:tlon on two Gamble was searching vainly fr 5 as e a tangle in a game at United Col goals. . lor the disc· and It lay in the .Iegiate starting at 4.30. When Mikita skated through j crease behind him. All Balfour Bishops and United Collegiate Bishops lo~t their only game

the Boston defence, Gamble mov- had to do was skate up and will . be looking for their first to Memorial 30·28 and United •• N. COLE, I~Jeclal R•llruentatln, Royal link 81dg0f' St. John'&. PhJ Utr ed lo his right in respQnse to the nudge· lt ln. . win in girls High S~hool basket- lost to Prince of Wales 34·30. I: 'I '' I TIJE DAlLY NEWS, ST. JOIII\'S, NFLD. ~fONDAY, FEBRL".\IW 18 ------~.--- ·------·~·- .. --- ·------.. OliR BOARDING HOUSE With ~1.\.JOR UOOI'I.E llUT Olin W,\ Y

--~·------1 :-HE SAYS SHE WOf!'T EAT OUT 0!'" A SSC:TIC>-J t'A>JD~ WAS;~ E!OILEt::, Conception Bay News: AND HE WOf.I'T EAT · OUT OF A fJI~li. . • • ~ • ~ :;, lPr l't':L o: ~ 1·1 1;! . ·, 'll'tl..' A School dt that place. Best wish· I Ba)' Robr.rts: l\llss lll. Morns· IA d't'o s' Gu~des Soc•'al 'E. L . .Janes D' 1!. Lo •'sa' .... ;·rar.s ;1:.:o ;!I !. 1 , 11 ~ 1 ;~ner · Persona I5 es arc cxtcnde.d to Isabel for sey, B.A., and .the c?rrespond· U a I n • After prayers and dh·isions • ;es a·1 U a' •3 sou ri. ·HR. GRACE-~Ir.- w. c. ~hl· ! further success. cnts ,of the Dally News and ': HR. G~:!·CE-;-An_diti~Jns _for . HR. GRACE-Cndels of R.C. had been conducted for the' I!R. r.R,\CE-The nr,ws ,._..,: l.cfl lr1 r:·: ·:d. ,1 ·r ,, · lcr, Inspector of water utilitie; I CJON. • the Talent Show wh1ch IS hem;: S.C.C. Benthic and Girl Guides eadets and the opening cere· rcceired iJy his sistcr-m·IJI'.'. 1 fL•r. ILI'Ilo.. r! l"u·, 'I' \ with the Dept. of Health was Seated at the. head table :sponsored hy the Hr. Grace Ki· of the Hr. Grace o. held " most. mony of thr Girl Guides. cadets: ~Irs. E. F. Goodl;md, Hr. !;rOJcc•. • • ', 1•li' SiJOI~;JI1(' (',;j 11" .... ,· '\ . 19tl M Hr. Grace this week. were the three girls who repre· I wan is' Club in ~l~rch took p!Jce ·enjoyable social. ~athering at! were inspected by Asst. Area: on Wednc,rlay. of the pcs.;ing 1 F•' re Alarm to1.1. :1 (l;tl;:. :;···r · -:. · rented the thr~ clubs and I 1m \Vedne•dav afternoon at the the Auditorium af the Anglican Officer H. Groom. of Re1·. 0.11 id Coombes at Lou,. anti 1 Refecring ;tj; recent audi· ' from whom one wou.ld b.e. c~o· i Academy ~Hail and St. Paul'> Central High School on Tucs· This was followed hy the ann. ~l.S. on February 12th. cc~ Tii om.·~~;~ ,,, \'.' .\····: nrphP\\', .\] ... !11~ ,; • • ,. , ttons for the coming Talent ·HR. GIIACE-On Thursday sen. to repres~nl this diVISIOil , Hall. At both places ''eT)' large , dn)' cvcnin~. February J:lth. showing o! 1·cry heauiful col· The decca>cd who;c wife· 1 1 1 1 l PPL'I' i-..l;d,ri (' .. ,. ·,j ·~" Show, music pupils taking part mornin~ a call brought the Hr. agamst lhP. wmner. of the St. 1group:; "f children were pres· There ll'~s a full attendance. ored slides depicting local. I the formL·r Ethel Irish or F•l· 0

1 ;,1r~ ..Jn~11l i'.·.' :1· Tr, .. ;.... were tho~e of Mrs. Walter Yet· Grace Volunteer Fire Brigade John's pullh.c speakmg contest: cnl to hP judged. These repre· of both groupo and their offi· , scenes ana many of a tour of ~o) had prcdcccnscd him a ti\TS, :.;. ;·:r;:: 'I' ·. , ·,il.~~:i._·. nion, L.T.C.M., ~I.R.S.T., teach· to the re~ldence of ~!r. Willlam Each was Introduced by l'rcH scntcd the Anglican Element an , ccrs including C/0 Newton I Europe m;;de by ~lr. and ~Irs. month ago, was horn at Cprcr er at the Anglicljn School. :\!iss Beckham , orr Harvey Street dent Lorne and 1\!r. \~yatt was i and the United Church F:lcmcn·, )!organ. Sub.·Lt. E. Crocker, i W. H. Ste1enson rluring last bland Cme. C.B. in 1880 and their lwrr•:tl.l'n~r·nt Joan Pike of the United Church where a chimney fire was in ?sked to t~ke. t.hc ch~1r. In ~he 1 tar.1· Sc!luol:;, the Coll\·ent 1 Bandmas:cr Val \\'cbher and. summer taken by him. These• was a son of the late .lrhhtu School, ~!iss· Gertrude Il'ersen progress. It wa~ quickly ex· ~?~en•a\ a~\ J011led .1n ~tng111;; 1 School and pupils of ~!iss (;.:Chaplains Hers. !.. Ludlow and· were mllr·n admired and en- :111d EJizJ Coombes. and Miss Kathleen Lynch, both I tinguished with little damage ,1!1~ Kelhgrcws S~t~ec ~n.~ [ll'ers<•n. . , , Fr. Shallow .as well as Com·. joyed by_ all pre.;c>nl and sh()ll'n. After :c>ceil'ing hi.< ear·ly A tll('lllh':· 1d. rh~' pril·atc music teachers resultinn. _. · '.\ e 11 ~ant. and \\ e 11 Ro.tl ! .Judges lor the speakmg con· mandtng Officer ll. Groom. hy ~lr. Stcrcnson. ><'ducatron at the C. pf E. Al'!n.': .\lobi~l' H.,~ :·: 1·:t.:: ·------~ __ ·-----.. ---·- 1~1th K11vaman Ntck Perry. as 1 test were ~lr. W. B. Kcnned)·. Asst. Art'J Offit·cr; Girl Guide Following the serving of sup-' School. l'ppcr Hand ('on•, l!f' wiH b:_• in i;,·,:r.rir~ ~;:::rr· Songmaster and Mrs. Lo Pike ~Jr. E. L. Ol;p and ~lr. \\'alter Capt. ,\lr.; ..J. G. Davis and Lt. per hy the ladies present and' entered nislrop Feild Collc~e. and tomo:·ril\\' tr, !'ower at the piano. Yetman, for instrum·•11t~l ner· ~Irs. A. Croake,·. Also present to which full justiee was done; St. Jolut's. later going to ~lc· youn!! n;•::; lt:!t•n·.;('r! :t·. · consumers Nobei.Prize Winner The fin! speaker was !~abel fnrmance hy ~Irs. Lo Pike, ~lr were ~lr \\'. II. Slc\'Cnson. · by the young folk a hearty sing : Gill Uni1·ersity. and was or· army c;H'I.'CT. School Broad• I Shan.nahan, aged 15. Grade X, N. Dcror:her and ~lr. G. Falk· President and ~lr. W. B. Ken- song took place and more sliflc> i clained to the ministry in Up· Sc\r:r.•·rn·. ·,J .i :-:til" , m the ~!orr 1.! 1 1 of Riverhead, llr. Grace, and a ncr fo 1· roeal. ~!iss Eliwhcth. nedy. Secretary·Treasurer and' were shown before the closing' per Canodr.. duct llliP:".-:c·.,. ;;· i';:;(~ Variety 1 1 ~upll of St. Clare's Hi~h School, .Joy. ~Irs. L. C. Dafis and ~lr5.! the local hranclt of the C\a1·~·: of the programme with the 'ing- i For scrcral following years. thj-.; (.'\'Pllt!:'.: ;r!·rj :J:.:ri'l r." , School Bro~d ; Carboncar, who took as her ,J. ~or~r. 1 League, ~lt·s. L. Ludlow, ~Irs. 1 ing of the National Anthem. Rcr. ~lr. Coombes scn·etl lite day from 0 ;: :n ;n ... .~11.eg""" :\!cBride

1 topic ~·Home Making-the Ba· sis or Family Life." She was follcwcrl b)' ~lary Gear, aged 16 of Carhoncar. Grade XI, and also a Pllllil of St. Clare's Hi~h I School at Carboncal', who spoke · on Good Citizenship. The third speaker was :\Iaureen Eason, aged 16, Grade XI, a pur'n or Queen Elizabeth Hi;::h School, . Fox! rap. Her topic being "My ; Nei~hhour and 1." i Each ~tirl gal'e an excellent prcsenta~ion of her topic and I, it was evident that the judges would have no easy task to choose a winner. l\lr. Wyatt as one or the three judges, the TO-N others being 1\!r. Tom Goobie, St. .John's, and Mr. Victor Sparkes, Bay Roberts, who . spoke during the interval of ELINA. :judging nrd gave the details ERCOUJ 1 nnd points on which the judg. ) ing depended. I He commended the three EVER! speakers on their choice of material, on pronunciation and cnuniciation, on delivery, voice 1 modulation and spacing and a~ their department. lie said that 1 this was the sixteenth Public Spcakin~t Contest sponsored b)• Rotary ln Newfoundland and NEWsPAPD INTDPBISE ASSN. TIM, o~ddrd 'that he !eli that such contests were doing much to .... ---·---·---·· ------··-·-- improl'e ~peaking technique. EVEl\ll\G Sll etc. The announcement that Isa- ~I:\ bel Shannahan of Harbour Grace was the winner with 1 Maureen Eason as a close run. ncr-up w2s received from the NEXT EURO:PE jud~es with applause .. Kiwanian Jim ll!oorc of the IVALTER PIDC Carbonear Club and Chairm:n -BARBARA El . ·"""'. ' . .. of the Puhlic Speaking Commit­ '/..' ~ :~ . ·.. tee spoke' briefly telling of the BOTT0:\1 OF T progress uf such contests since IN SPRING , ..uU.L.IL"u - co I ' . its· inception in the Carbonear Club four years ago. He was followed by Kiwanian Mike Stapleton who in his humour­ Go .(unarcl! ous manner congratulated the winners and as Chairman of the Hr. Grace eommitce thank­ ed the other clubs for their co. Earfy Spring Sailings from Manlrea/ and Quebec operation. Kiwanian Clifford Hatcher of !VERNIA APRIL 13f HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON the Ke!Ugrews Club was the next speaker He expressed his SAXON IA APRIL 20t • HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON belief thnt such contests as these were doing much to arous~ CARINTHIA* APRIL 27 GREENOCK, UVERPOOL interest in public affairs and raising the morals of youth. !VERNIA MAY 4 COBH, HAVR~ SOUTHAMPTON In conclusion of the very • , • plus sailings every Friday all season fine evening's programme, President Lornc thanked Dis· . *From Quo~oc tho following day, trict Governor Wyatt and the ftOlf, roductlon applloo an raund trip bookings. JUdges and all who had co-oper· ated in the success of the event The singing of the National Your printed advertisement will survive a ringing phone, a trip to the refrigerator. This is one Anthem brought the progremme · You step into spring the moment you to a close at 1 p.m. reason why newspapers arc most effective in making sales. At any hour of the clay, the reader step aboard any of these gracious can spend- as much time with your advertisement as he chooses ... he can re-read it again and · CUNARD liners. An alternate route Awarded to Europe il available aboard the again. If he· isn't in the market 'for your product or service today, your message won't annoy . . . ' Service Pin magnificent Queens, sailing regularly ,. HR. GRACE-Mr. and Mrs. him. (Newspapers don't antagonize next year's customer with this year's advertising.) That's from New York. C. C. Billt returned frorn St. 'I John's on Thursday after at· tending meetings of the Stand· why most people (81% by actual survey) not only like) but want, advertisements in their I I See your fi'IIVII agent•. Enqulr1 about tile ard Manufacturing Co. of which C~nard Pay-Laftr JJ/an. ·eomp~ny Mr. Butt is the repre· sentative for this area, Mr. newspapers. Butt's hmg service 'of forty years with this company was " i recognized at a company dinner Daily Newspapers-~the best meeting place for adJ,ertisers m1d their customers. : • held on Tuesday evening when I i he was awarded a service pin. ' ' i Congratulations Mr. Butt. , I CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPERS PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION Till I Valentine Dance EVENING: 'i :· 55 UNIVERSITY AVE., TORONTO 1, ONTARIO-GENERAL. MANAGER, R, A. BARFORD• I .HR. GRACE-On Tuesday i\ ! evening, February 13th a Val· I entlne Dance was sponsored by ~~ ftefu :;;a~~ tie~ Dalton Cot•ncil of K. of C. and j; was held at St. Francis School Newfounclland's . ' 375 Morning Newspaper ; , :r Barrington -st., auditorium which was tasteful· NEX1 ' I • li RallfiJ, N.S, , ,; _Tell :J;9363 ly decorated for the occa~ir .. iliE LEAGl ' ~' i Pries for a Spot Dance ,. I ' ' won· hy Mi,~s Cleary 'and rkNG JACJ t . : ' ' Andy Fahey . 1 • THE lULLS-: ~ ...... "*' . . • DAILY NEWS . ' ' I .•

:..·· '; ..



I :· · \ ":1' i 1 1 e,..,., •.._ .... : ; i 1' . .I : ~. II • JACOBY And. TV Programmes· T.M, ••· u.s. rat. ott I J : I ; ~ ! ! il 1!!.45-~lid Day Serenade I 7.30-'l'ojlS Today ON BRIDGE buildini 1.00-Doyle Bulletin 7.45-Doyle Bulletin W!!.. .. • .P.:WZ, . 4. 1"1 •iYou auY• a flilou~ ~htiter'l" ' . - .. ·- --. ~-·-·- 1.15-Don Messer 8.15-Parliamentary Report SOUTH MAKES Bv \VILSO~ SCRUGGS 19111. 1.30-CBC News and Weather 8.19-Roving Reporter HIS OWN LUCK 1.45-'l'nmmy Hunter Show 8.25-1\lusicnl Interlude !!.15-~lusicnl Ht•ndez1·ous 8.30-Nations Business 2.29-Dominion Obs ..Time 8.45-Instrumentally Yours NOJ\'lll (D) 1 \t'\\':- Signal 8.55-Wcathcr for Mariners AIK43 . ,,1 tl1c ~lorning , !!.30- -~lns1ral Ht•ndt!ZI'OUS 9.00-National Farm Rcp·ori 'IJ752 ;\c11, and Weath~r 1 +A10 2.45-Atlantic School Broad· 9.25-Sccretary's Report ... AKQJ : :c;:l L'lol'k 1 cast 9.30-Winnipeg Orchestra WEST EAST • · :n" Dtl'olion~ ' 3.15·-.lo!m Drninic Tells ·a 10.30-Hancocks Half Hour · ,IJ::••II to the \\'allz AIAB5 AIQ6 Stor) 11.00-University of the Air 1 'IK98 ., Q 64 ~ !l.:JO-CBC News and Trans · 11.30--CBC Nnt10nal News, I tQJ63 tK754 ! 1 ' Canllt Ia .,'l a1· lllCc Roundup "•nd Speak1'1''~ I "'8 42 "'107 3 Personally o\.30-CBC !\' CIVS SOUTH I 12.00-Sign Off-0 Canada­ 4.33-Scorcd for Strings .J10972 I The Queen 'I A 10 , 5.0U-:\Ib~IC in the Atr li'n~umers ------~------• 982 Sl'hool Broadcast 5.!10· -Fisheries llrundc3sl "' n:~ . r: · 1 :n the ~lornin~ 5.45-)lusic from ihe Albums No one Vtlnefahle I Hilliiif-t~l l'amty 6.00-CilC News VOCM Norlb laa' Soulb wu•, I G.05- -In t~rmezzo ., ,,, '·" ,,. ~d10ol Broadcast ~IONDA Y, February 19th. 1 lofo Pass lAI Pol: fll',·,~l-::e;,ll~<• ~ldlridc •· 6.40-l'l'ogram !'review -----· -I ~ AI Pass Pass P1 IJ ; 6.45-Supper Guest A.M. : Opening lead-• & 7.00-Clll News and Weather 628--Sign On ' i 7.15-Lou l\lurphy Show 6.30-News and Weather ~------"' 6.35-The Bill Allen Sho111 Jly OSWALD JACOBY 6.40-Morning Meditation ' South had a sub-minimum 6.45-World of Sport one-spade response .to his part· 6.55-Ncws ner's opening club bid. ·North 7.00-Thc Bill Allen f.._ had a sub·minimum for his 7.15-World of Sprrt jump to fllur spades. So, when 7.30-Ncws South looked at the dummy he 7.35-Travel Guide saw little chance for his con· 7.36-The Bill Allen Show tract because it was almost a 7.45-World of Sport certainty that East was marked 7.55-Ncws (Local) with the queen of spades by 8.00-RCAF Tower, Tot'bny West's opening lend. (Weather Report) In such circumstances there TO-MORROW 8.03-Ncws (National) ave two alternatives. You can 8.08-Thc Bill Allen Show play for a small loss or you can 8.15-Sports Capsule figure out P distribution of the R.25-News adverse cards that will give you LINA. JL 8.30-Hit Tunc of the Day a chance for your contract. 1 8.35-World of Sport South took the second alter· RCOURI _. 8.40-The Blil Allen Show native and went after the hand. 8.55-Ncws His first play was the king of VERON SUNDAY 9.00-Morning Meditation spades from dummy. He might Hear the nmnbtr onr hit ~ong 9.03-Thc Bill Allen Show pluck a singleton queen, hut he "Never On Sunday" 9.30-N cws Headlines did not hope for that much ,. 9.31-Thc Bill Allen Show good luck. All he. really wanted lO.OO-News was to find queen and one in 10.05-Stork Club the East hand. 10.08-'l'he Georbe Cawdry Show· When the king of spades rtMfi held he promptly played dum· i 10.30-Ncws Headlines TIMES OF SHOW~ 10.31-George Cawdry Show my'c ace and ten of diamonds. 10.55-Ncws East won with the king anti led a heart E\'E\1\C SllOWS: i O'CLOCK- H.OO 11.00--George Cawdry Show 11.30-Ncws Headlines South look the trick, ruffed 1 ~IATl~EE: 2 P.~!. 11.31-Georgc Cawdry Show his last diamond in dummy, 1.55-News · ran dummy's four top clubs P.l\1, and discarded his ten of hearts. 12.00--Gcorge Cawdry Show It did not matter which op· 12.30-Ncws ponent ruffed. South had lost NEXT AHRACTION 12.35-Gcorge Cawdry Show one diamond and would only n:n PIDGEON - JOAN FONTAINE 12.45-Fishcrmen's Forecast lose two other thincks. 12,55-News Lucky, but South had made 1 B:\Hil:\1\:\ EDEN in "\ 0YAGE TO THE · 1.00-Georgc Cawdry Show his own good luck. I OF THE SEA"- ADVENTU.HE - 1.15-World of Sport 1.30-News

------~·------·------~!P!\'11111 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1~ 62 ' I p.t\ILY NEWS, ' ''

1 • ST E A M -S Ii I P l Paramoun -----:--· -- KINSMEN CARD PARTY I MOVEMENTS TOMORROW & CO., Ltc ST. PATRICK'S MERCY HOME NFUJ, CANADA STEMl· Agr.nts for , SlllPS LnllTED. ~ USDt:RWRITERS AT BOYS' CLUB· CHAPTER XXX One of the construction m~n ~ :11 v Pil•rre .Radisson from 1 Ll.OYDS. . I at the edqc of the hole sudden· !I~li.(a~, due st. John's Feb. 16. I LOW RATES TUESDAY. NIGHT, Whe ran down dthe hill to· Jy yelled. •·ncrc he comes now! ! 'S S Gulfport from Halifax "Never On S d uiAL 8-5031 get er, Terry an I, Franccsca Here's TeJo." ' · · , 18 1 · •. • un ay", , and Dennis, holding hands to · . ! due St. Johns Fe~.. . t 1· ' Mchna lll?rcouri, winner~~' Newspaper ·aiNGO keep our balance on the rocky A head appeared above the ! M.S .. Be~ford 11 s.uhng from Cannes F1lm Festival Be•t FEB. 20th ground. :it was a small miracle i rim of the opening. The torches: Hallf.ax Feb. 15th, due St. rcss Award, opens tomo~o· sROTIIER~ the woman didn't break an Ithrew i.t into instant, shncking John;; Feb. 17th. . . t¥c Paramount Theatre ~ coMPANY, Ltd. SERIES No. 57 Bridge and Auction . ·$100 Door Prize ankle in their high heels. relief; it <.vas a large head, an .111.:·. F~uvetle salhng from .''Nel1er On Sunday," a· \Vater :ltre(: . . , imposing loead, with a fine hahf;.x Feb. 16th, due St. P1cturcs Inc., relea;e, was ~\L 8·2658 - 8·4 m Consolation winners for Series 57 are:­ Tickets may be obtained on door. Wal~OIVJCZ and .h1s crew ~vere 1 proud no 5 e and blank .'taring .John~ F~b. 18th. . . . " 1\uce~ and dirccler! bv · 0

swarmmg about m the m1ddle eyes. And there was a laurel· ~!.\. Pierre Radisson sa1hno 1 Dassm. The film w •• MRS. !\IURIEL RITCEY,' 2 Dartmouth Patrons are asked to· bring their cards and of the new roadbed. We heard wreath circlin" its bald crown. from Halifax Feb. 20th, due tirely in Greece as m,de r. ~H!RGAN the echo of their shouts o St. .Jolin's Feb. 22nd. Producer _ di;c t baskets. Tea will be served. 0 Place. , bouncing back from the moun· At my side Dennis drew a , "S.S. Gulfport sailing from wrote the screen ; .r RANCE Ltd. !\IR. SAMUEL. ATTWILL, Empire Ave. tainsidr.. People were running sharp breath. "I say! Isn't that i Halifax Feb. 22nd, due St .. his own ori"inal P :), . Btdg., p .0 OJ ouck11·orth !'lt. :MR. STEPHEN SOP~R. Cor~wall Ave. up the trail from the l'illagc Julius Ca1•sar~" I John's ~'eh 24th. . I for the mot' on '.or), 341 1 1 gesturing frantically and er· The heJd floated ponderous- . l\I.S. Redford II sailing from ! on Greek th , Picture, piAL 80370 or 8·7756 MR. PATRICK HYNES, c/o Nfld: Hotel TH·E CANAiDIAN ratically like mechanical toys jly upward, and we all under· Halifax Feb: 23rd, due St. · hv 1\lanos elm! tis, ''ak~ 1 d th · 'll · h I · ' · 31 111 1 a I< MR. ~IATTHE\V SEA WARD, Bell which had been wound too stoo e eene 1 us1on we a1 John's Fe h. 25th. :Artists Rccor 1 ·1 " Island. tightly. 1 been victimized by; the Texan ~!.\'. F;;uvetle sailing from i sin"le an 1 1; s las ~IRS. RITA TUCKER, 179 :,.Craigmillar I NATIONAL RAILWAYS When w~ reached Walkowicz , was holding the head in one Halifax Feb. 24th, due St. ; titl~d "N~I' a ~lms or Jhe yt, U. lsm i! ~IRS. CATHERINE MURPHY, 46 Fresh­ MOBILE HOME the mountainside. !oral theses would eventually ton ~!arch 1. Lea1·ing Boston I P llosopher. \\hen he "What happened?" I asked imprison their data forever in ~larch 3 and Halifax March 7. ! to ref~rm her, tel_hng water Road. 50 feet by 10 · feet Walkowicz the dusty stacks of libraries due St. J oiln's l\larch 7, duf , she ~Ill harP sptntuaJ ~IRS. FRANK BOLAND, 181 Campbell "Road started to splinter and scattered all around the world. St. .John's ~!arch 9. Sailing for , ness If she gives up her Avenue. . in damaged condition crack. Tcx jumped off th~ But no scholar or scientist , Liverpool ~larch 10. 1comedy ami complications ~IRS. PETER ~L POWER, Valley Roa~, 'dozer ·just in time. The ground ever really made a substantial ! 1 suit. Interested parties contact: broke like. an egg.shcll and contrilmtkn to the Texan's : ATLA~TIC ;llARITniES LINE,, Blackhead Road. down went the 'dozer. Into a first cxuh~ra~t announcement . LIMITED . : U.S Army fj ~IRS. HELEN THm.IAS, 52 Pleasant cave or something." He had sa;d 1t all; the road to · )LV. Aalesund leaVJng New i Street. "No one':; hurt?" the Snail, and half the moun·, York ~I~rrh 6th, arriving St. i Triumphs "I don't know, Tcx went Itainside, was in fact a l'ast : .John's ;\larch 12th, leaving 1 :\IR. STEPHEN SOPER, Comwall Ave. H. M. MITCHELL down the chain-ladder with a stone cap perched on top of a 1~larch 13th for New York. ·Old Malaria ~IISS ALICE FAHEY, 61 Carter's Hill fire - extmguishcr. We ain't I second-centur~ Roman village. i I heard a peep out of him for The Spamsh gu,·ernmen: .· • 1 -- ~IR. RA niOND WITHERS, 126 Bond 1 Freight Claim Agent, five minutes. Back up now, 1 claimed the whole area in the ' it became part of .the nahonal ' By Toff)'' Main Prize winner is man bzridges at Ronda or the : most over. l prehistoric caves fouml at: Noffy, short lor MR. JACK SUMMERS, ! Nerja and Altamira. All the 1 is the mosquito which Portugal Cove Road MOVED land which formed an arch [ malaria. His undeclared \ above the new find was con·' the U.S. started in 1898. Cards for new· series now on sale. First fiscated: this included the road bombing the jungles of l_®fJ® iJl!M~ · SPARKES & MAYO Army Recruiting Station to the Snail, the Snail itself, and the Philippines durin! numbers wil appear to-morrow .. and about half the mountain· Spanish-American War, NIGHT CLCI now located at the side. Francesa's villa was spar· killed more than ei"ht lllr nanrr: "R;Ith l.rr1 Barristers and Solicitors (lnd "TM·ht Crmtr"•l", cd; it lay just outside the line , many American ~oldie:s tl.ad week's rh0111111:on Canadian Armed Forces Recruiting of interest drawn by the gov· i were killed by the enem). '""~in:>! To-monn11. ( 8 p.m "n!'~rl T. A. Building, Duckworth Street, ernment surveyors. : Noffy hasn't laid down lllarr:n~t J;~mf'~ Jl Help Kin - Help ~iddies Centre, Within a week the Tourist • weapons since that day. ln St. John's. Fourth Floor Board had established a !rain· i he hasn't changed at all. · ing school for guides; leased : where he mad~ his · DIAL 90U2fi Main Post Office Building, out souvenir concessions; an·: After Noffr's attacks in PHONES: 8-7507 • 8-3056 nounced plans to build a half· i the Armv ;truck hack · WATER STREET ST. JOHN'S down new hotels; and finally, i quinine. This dru~. taken Branch Offices: allotte_d fu~ds to ~u~drup!e _the 1 was a pretty ~ood .. ·. POSTP.ONED PHONE 8-0294 fac1hlles o, the ex1stJ11g a1rfJCid 1 it caused nau;ea. dcaf~m . fcb19,20,mar5 and htls te~minal. The disc?\'· i ness and a ringing in lhe The Card Game scheduled to take Gander, Stephenville, Ottawa cry was gomg to . be a ma~or : for many soldier>. leavin; place at St. Pat's Auditorium on Tuesday, boost for the en lire Spamsh malaria-free, hut generally fcbl9,5i ('Conomy. E1·ery area of indus- : le« l'"t' I in the hcarl Feb. 20th, has been pos9,lQned owing to 'I "' , •· , I ', L try and business planned im· City. CareL Game at St. Patrick s Mercy Hom~ The Sensational mediate I.'Xpansion. In World \\'ar [[, the Comfortable phcrc. .' on same date . U'lempluyment in Mirimar I moved <~tahrine int~ ils \vas ended within 24 hours. trenches of defen,e · For Resen·atJOns JON CANOE RUMS 1 • * • 1Noffy. Like <1uininc. information: The Ncw Date is FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! I Generalissimo Franco and a Ihad to be taken daily­ \ carload of his top aides drove limes a .chore . for ., WEDNESDAY, ______,FEB. ., 21st... ____ _ When you need oil are here again Dial8-633 ! down fr~m ~ladrid to tour the t~oo~s. Unhke qUlmne, . ' I liRS. JOH~ DCI Here's what to do: Both Amber and Navy Reserve underground city. Pye Little· 1d1dn t cause deafness, l Resident i'llana~cr1 . DIAL john, the flushed and happy and a ringing in the ears. \YARNING Because they are the best in the whole wide world man of the hour went below Instead, it eamed -No headaches-No upset stomach aches-and that , with his parly, 'and later rc· headaches, cramps i.n · • wonderful taste-"Smooth man, smooth." If vou I ceived a medal from El Cau- domen and a )'rllowtsh UNION OIL 8·2822 have tried them, tell your friends. If not-just ask. 1 :K K K Remember JON CANOE RUMS, Amber and Navy dillo at ceremonies in the main the skin. Where To Gt When you need oil-You need us I Reserve are guaranteed. So always ask for them plaza for· the part he'd played As medical science The Kiwanis are taking over the by name. in bringinJ this priceless treas· forward after the war. ure to light. came up with entertainment spot in the City of St. The man who reads the most earns the most. Dennis wos a hero in every. pill which not only CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN (Not inserted by the Board of Liquor Control) one's eye; particularly Fran· Noffy, but also needed John's beginning February 20. Walk, cesca's. taken onh· once a week. drive or take a bus, but don't miss the . IF · CHAFE MAKES THE CLOTHES. nut the happiest man in th~ I This was only half t~e TONIGHT 8.15 performance in Pitts MemOfial Audi· village, without any doubt, was 1 In addition to supQres!Jr.g Wm. L. CHAFE Simple Simon. Santa Eulalia doctors l1ad to find ' JR, Fl~ALS torium February 20 - 23rd. Fast~· had done all this, he knew, she of keeping him , .'IAILOR Guards ,·s, St. Bo Funny and Fantastic Cos~umes. had come through for him gen· seems that lethal 4 HOLDSWORTH ST. ST. JOH.~'S crously and brilliantly. Here malaria toxin would · Reserved -~ was the miracle; a smiling pros· the human body Gen. Admi~~i~~· ·. ;o ;; COME ONE • • • • CO~E ALL perity for all the poor and years. A patient could ' . Income to be spent on crippled children and other weary people of her vi!J,age. at any time. Kiwanis projects. She had predicted it; she had • • • FO:R SHORT. TERM called attr.ntion to it with the So doctors worked !om! doves; and now It was a fact, and. came up with I a perman~nt blessing for all a drug which MONEY. ,QN .DEPOSIT 1the trustmg ones who had chloroquine norft•CIIY· ~----·--·------~----~'' ch.osen iler as their patron 1chloroquine stopped . Isam!. . the surface, primaqUine UNITED NAIL & FOUNDRY CERliFI:CATE , (To Be Contmued) taken daiJ1· for two COMPANY, LIMITED could kill' off the IL\-'lii.TON 1\ Vt:NIJL PII(J'I;E W0171 We no..y. pay . germs. - These drugs held lJ,S. i I SPECIALISTS 3% for 30 days JUST ARRIVED to a minimum in the in Korea during In SILVER, NICKEL and But the two-week COPPER-PL.A TING 31/4% for 31-89 days i treatme11t still . ' ' NEW. CARGO moral victory for Let us restore your· precious, heirlooms· and returning from m•la!JI·)IU 'I X:PimTsllverware to original lustre . 31/2% for 90- 179 days tropical areas had to I E: WOR~ANSHIP- GUARANTEED' I I i whole days in 3 3/4% for 180 :-- 269 days NORTH SYDNEY lation, The ArmY this was bad for I , SCREENED, WASHED, OIL TREATED • • • for 270 ~ays o; longer Recently, theY ~it ,; 4% o I They discovered tt I' .. i to combine ehlol~oqu[nel THE EASTERN. CANADA primaquine in a SOFT COAl tablet that could be .' weekly. . SAVINGS arid LOAN CO. Not content wJth ' 1 • • PROMPT DELIVERY· - PRICES JUST RIGHT 'I' !eating Noffv howe,·er, • '. 111 eans . I, 170 WATER ST. ST . .JOHN'S, NFLD. arc now seckJnS der ! traducing the two w~n 1: .PHONES 8~3335,·8-7241 · into part of the daJil I' as salt. Thus, f ·:NEWFOUNDLAND COAL & OIL . k 0 I' CLAUDE E. J?A WE, Manager 15 ,,I even run the r eeklf ..,"'i_. --'--- • I• COMPANY, LIMITED to swallow the w ;.· Nfld. DIAL 8-6077, 8-5586, 8-5863 cine. h' could o I · · Conceivably, t IS ! Advertise ln. The· News 11-f-eb_9_,1_2,_14_,_16-,l-9-~----~-~------.;_---·---~ the bitter end for ' I ~ \ ~ I I 'i ' f, •

_,-. ,¥ ',' , •• . ' -. .• ~- p:\ILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1962 .i •;.

-.:;~ ., _, ...... ______' :·• I Miscellaneous R Notice ·~,. CJON £;' j DO YOU NEED your Spring- NOTICE is hereby given that ...~ filled mattress re-condition· MELVIN ROSE, of the Town 1\lONDAY, February 19th. ~: Used /coSTs "":{ AT "JEEP" I ed or your All Wool mat- of Bay Roberts in the Province ; A.i\1. REFRIGER.ATORS VEHICLES i tress re·pickcd, and recov· o£ Newfoundland, ·Restaurant IPASSENGER NOTICES . 6.30-The Bob Lewis Show -~ New 1 1 ered, your bedspring or Owner, will apply to the Parlin· News, Sports and We1th £.:· HEFRIGERATORS Doing the World s [STAY DOWN daybed re-wired or your men! of Canada, at the next CONNECTION WEST RUN er Reports ;~ D (Slightly damaged) Work furniture re-upholstered. If following or succeeding session PLACENTIA BAY 9.05-Music for,Millions ,' ••'· ------so call us. Items called thereof, £or a Bill of Divorce Tralll· " Th e c an'b ou " 1cavmg · 9.2<1-Hit of the Day :.;: snonmn~ CHESTERFIELDS for and delivered. Rates from his wife, ELIZABETH 12:01 p.m. 1\londay, February I 9.30-Austin Willis ~ · . \Y, Ltd. BEDS Mc~

1 magazines, and pocket . Pellte. r orte on Bay Run !l.d5-0rchid for Gisele ;:: i 1-;;;;;;;:;;,;;;:=:"'1! I 1 · novels. John D. Snow, 9 N • PI nt a B· y 1 New Gower Street, Phone OtiCe ace I ol • I 12.0<1-Bob Lewis Town an~ I u. i<~WWliNG 86606. ian61mth R • CONNECTION WEST RUN I Country, News and. ~rH.\~CE -- PLACENTIA BAY. Weather :~ l'llt CENTRAL BARBER Three weeks after date here- T . "Th C 'b " I . 1 05-Weather Forecast ~'· .' .\uttt . Casuall)· f I. ti '11 b d t ram e an ou ea\'l.,g i · ;: SIIOP-We are now opcrat. ~h ap: !cad onf w{- e m~ et ~ St. John's 12:01 p.m. Friday,\ 1.15-New5 :f · B-2~J2, 8-7811 DR lVI: ing 10 chairs, you can be e oar 0 . lquor on rol February 23rd will make con-~ 1.35-<--Don Jamieson's Editorial ··-trr Hr.t•l St. John'; assured of p· rompt, effie!· for a Hotel License to sci I' t' . PI t' J t' 1 40-Sports ·.·. ,., D W t AI B 'ld' 1 .. 1. b d • · nee wn vta acen 1a unc 10n · , . e can ercc your mco Ut mg a,. cnc, sanitary service No 1quors, cers an wmes m a d A 113. 'th 11 V "P titP. · 1.45-Art Bakers Notebook ~ IN and save you money at th~ Sal)le time, : Hotel "The Goose Bay Hotel" an rgen Wl • · · e . ·1 2 O- • : time and cx~ense. Write or call for com· : ------(Sgd.) LEON COOPER, CONNECTION SOUTH COAST\ 3.01-John Nolan'• Weateril

' pleta information. ! Proprietor.\ SERVICE VIA PORT AUX 1 Jamboree ~ 3 RA:III'S and TRUCK PIT I ~~ ' feb12,19,26 BASQUES 4.0<1-News Hlghligh~ ~; AT YOUR SEHVICE 1 ARMCO AUTHORIZED 1 · Train "The Caribou" leaving 4.05-John Nolan's Rancb DEALER 1 St t t N t• I St. John's 12:01 p.m. Thursday, Party ADAMS' V I a u ory 0 ICe February 22nd will make con· 4.3<1-National News smtr!CE STATION I.Til. Do not hesitate to call us, for,. nection at Port aux Basques 4.33-John Nolan's Ranch Where s~rvice Comes ·----&'----. free estimates. :"' In the matter of the Estate of with S.S. ftBar for i Party Naturally. Haven~· ;.~ I A\'ailahlc Shortly Clear ,- Be Edith K. Bartlett or St. South Coast Service. i 5.00-News Highlights :~ DIAL 8-5831 I 8-0399 John's In the Province of 5.Gl-Art Andrews' Dante fcbl3,1mth J-1 Spans, up to 130 rt. width. ! Modern Newfoundland, Canada, Spins· CONNECTION SOUTH COAS1' Party ~ ~sEY tcr, deceased, SERVICE VIA ARGENIIA 6.0<1-News Headline• and ------~--K- • • ~ I Train "The Caribou" leaving Weather 1 J L" Jkauty Parlours J Hu lYe All persons claiming to be St. John's 12:01 p.m. Friday, .6.03-National News nM~T'Fift II ' creditors or who have an)' February 23rd will make con· 6.1<1-Sports L 0 · K tu Electrica y , claims or demands upon or af- ncctlon via Plac(•ntia Junrtion 6.2<1-News. ;~ GLADY'S BEAUTY SIIOI'I'E /.J.~- fecting the Estate of Edith K. and Argcntia with )LV. "Bon· , 6.30-Dave Maunder's Club ~3 cor. Bond and Pt·escoll Sts. ~" Bartlett, of St. John's aforesaid, avista" on South Coast Service J and News · · Phone 8-4951-8-7808. Spcci· 1i9 New Gower Street, nlizing m cold wa,·ing, hair, : St. Jolm's Dial 85795 · 83270 LIGH C. NW'II are hereby requested to send 1 8.00-News in a Minute and i ., • • , v , , ., , l particulars of same in writing, I Best frmo the West styling, cutting and tinting, I ~[ 4 1 1 FREIGHT NOTICES :~ duly attested, to Rupert W. FREIGHT SOUTII COAST 8.3<1-National News :~ manicuring, £acinls etc., 14 In and /\round St. Jo.hn's I Bartlett, Executor of the Will SERVICE 9.0<1-News Hi_ghlights operators, no waiting. • I Cheap Reliable ElectriCity of the said deceased, ~n or be· Freight is accepted daily at 1 9.01-Nfld. Soiree • Enll'rtainmcnt E • --- Elect. Conh·actors M-1 R- fore the 6th. day of l\larch, A.D. the Railway Freinht Shed for I 9.40-Salt Lake Choir ;: ;;..-.• _. ______,1 Fuel (Coal and Oil) L I------~------ccutor will proceed to distribute j ports on the SoutlJ Coast Ser· 1 9.45-News . ., 1962, after which date the Ex- 'vice but in order to guarantee 10.0<1-Ne\~S HtghJights ,, 1 Legal Notice S the Estate of the said deceased • t b th' t . f th 10.01-Nallonal News - ---- · movemen y IS r1p o e 1 1 p· k th ----- having regard only to the claims ~~ v "Bonavi DONALD W. K. DA WE, MONEY TO LOAN Dial 8·7191·2 • SOFT COAL niAL 8-300 to 8·3005 Solicitor for Applicant. feb19,26mar5,12 1 • IRON FIRE~IAN i\!-3 .UXXXIC HEATING EQUIP~IENT XXXXXXII XX XX XX XII . Notice xxxxxxXX )(l( 10:\IGIIT 8.15 Gnmges GREAT EASTERN XXX)CX Jll, Fl:\ALS NOTICE is hereby given that ~~ x:x x• OIL & IMPORT XXX HAZEL VERA KENNEDY, of XX X XX CO., LTD; the City of Toronto, in the X XX Province of Ontario, Married Art McDonald's Radio,· Television, Washers. Refrigerators, Deep Freezers Woman, will apply to the Par· PRESCRIPTION Garage Electric Ranges. liament of Canada, at the next, ·A Floor Polishers. Ior following or ensuing session FOR PAYING BILLS Topsail Rd. Dinl9-3410 Gramophones 'thereof, for a Bill of Divorce WELCOME WAGON Experts in all types of Contractors M Public Address Systems from her husband, MICHAEL HOSTESS PAY 'E~ OFF WITll A Tape Recorders FRANCIS KENNEDY, Indus- W'll K k t D LOW-COST, LIFE·INSUIIED .Mechanical Repairs, in- trial Consultant, of the City of 1 noc · a your oor REPAIRS Mm SERVICE XXX .XXX XXXX XXXX X X1 5 LNES St. John's, in the Province of with Gifts and Greetings X X XXXXX cluding Automatic FRO~I •xx X X X X X XX DIAL 6·3001 to 8·3005 Newfoundland, on the ground from Friendly Business xx x:;xxx Transmission, etc. XXX XXX XXXX , X X X of adultery. Neighbours and Your XXXX X XXXX X X ',' WATER STRE-ET DATED at the City of St. X X X X X XX X · 1~ 3 Licensed Mechanirs XXXX X XXXX X X X :, Jan28,ly .M-3 John's, in the Province o£ New- Civic and Social Groups X X X X X XIC '• ALSO foundland, this 16th day of On the occasion of: X XXXX X • X X II '; ·•,. February, 1962. New comer to the City, LOAN- .~~ Towing and Ploughing DONALD W. K. DAWE, Drug Stores Q l tl f b ','\' Ask us for FREE Solicitor for Applicant. T 1e Bir 1 o a Ba V. :j feb19,26mar5,12 PHONE 8-4664, 90943 _ THE BANK OF ,, ESTIMATES M. CONNORS Ltd. .~ £cbl3,1mth J Prescriptions· Picknp and ------NOVA SCOTIA .. delivery service. PIIONE 8·2206 CLASSIFICATION INDEX ~····

ITS' Male Help Wanted ...... A - Articles Found ...... H-4 ~ij~~~~~=~~ Female Help Wanted ...... A·l Auto Accessories ...... ! i ~ BODY WORK­ REID'S HARDWARE Domestic Help Wanted .... A-2 Garages ...... J ' "Serving the sick and CONSTRUCTION FREE Positions 'Available ...... B Service Stations ...... J-1 suffering in the -PAINTING 51 LIVERPOOL i\ VENUE Position ...... B·l Beauty Parlours ...... K interest of humanity" Prescription To Let-Houses, Rooms, Fuel (Coal and Oil) ...... L ~ ~-----lllll:i~ lOCAL KILLED Specializing in Auto DIAL 94770, 8-3162 Apartments ...... C . Construction Contractors .... M ' MEATS· PICK-UP Wanted-Houses, Rooms .... C·l Electrical Contractors ...... 111·1 ' Boc.ly Repairs and We have all Purpose Insurance ...... D Electric Appliances ...... M 2 SAUSAGES Painting Paint at $1.25 per Qt. and DELIVERY Clubs, Entertainment ...... E Radio-TV Repairs ...... l\1-:J A SPECIALTY SEE US FIRST Where to Eat ...... E·l Pianos - Organs ...... 0 M SERVICE Where -to Stay ...... E·2 Auction Sales ...... P for the lowest prices Where to Go ...... E-3 Auction Livestock Etc, ... p. and the most efficient .- ADVERTISE IN Automobiles ...... F Cards ...... P SUPPORT THE work available. LEO NARDS Taxi, ...... F·l Druggists ...... Q Cars For Sale ...... G Miscellaneous ...... R St. John BROOKFIELD DAILY -NE.WS PIIAR~IACY Cars Wanted ...... G-1 Legal Notices ...... S Cars to Rent :...... G-2 Business Services ...... 1' SERVICE STATION .~mbulance DIAL . -8·3961· Articles £or Sale ...... H Real Estate Agents ...... U : Auto safety· experts. olte1 * * * Articles Wanted ...... H-1 Real Estate Wanted ...... V Campaign and. BODY SHOP 'Cor. or LESLIE. & WATER : these driving tips to help yoil TOPSAIL RD; DIAL 9 3410 GET YOUR MESSAGE Articles for Rent ...... ;...... H2· Real Estate for Sale ...... W stay alive. Drawings from Du Articles Lost ...... H-3 Classified Dis-play ...... X OUT EARLY Q I..font Better LlvJ.ni magazine..

·---··------·------.....-.11111 'J·····~ . , I.. ~:-f Promotion For I rHE NEW SM. <· Jo;m Moore IN STOC/( E AC. OFFICE SPACE NovaN I Friends here of Tom Moore , formerly of this city, will be 1 pleased to hear of his pro· - APPROX. 500 SQ. FT. 1 motion to "Supervisor of Tech­ : nical Training" with the C.N.T. TRIMMED NAVEL BEEF System. 200s Mr. Moqre ha; been with 1 TRIMMED NAVEL BEEF ;i THREE ADJOINING OFFI'CES C.N.T. since his graduation ; PT 109-John F. . lOOs fr?m St. Bonav.entures College 'Kcnnedv in \Vorld • With the exceptiOn o[ the years i 1 he was granted leave or absence . \\ fAT .BACK PORK ar II 1 to study for his Bachelors de· • RoBert J. Donovan 5.75 ; CANADIAN CHEESE SUITABLE FOR grce in E~cctrical. En~incering 1THE SERPENT'S · ~ at ~lemortal Umvcrstty and , · Nol'a Scotia Technical College. ) COIL P.E.I. POTATOES '' Graduating from the hiler with,; Far lev ~[ow at PROFESSIONAL FIRM the class of 1959. • COURAGE- PEA BEANS .. lOOs He is now stationed at Tor- I '] f onto and has been attending '1 le Story o · SPLIT PEAS .. 100s e1•cning classes at Toronto 'Sir Tames Dunn Unil'crsity t.hc past two years. ! L.ord Beaverhrook 3.50 GREEN PEAS . lOOs : He is the son of the late Tom 'BENITO ;\·[USSOLI"li LOCATED 233 DUCKWORTH 1 1 I Moore who was forty-six years . ' · • l' ' with the Telegraph~. Postal . Christopher CANNED FRUIT Tekgrnphs and C.N.T. j ITibbert ...... 5.00 STREET BEYOND OUR CANNED VEGETABLES EAST OF PRESCOTT A I H1 t SELVES Apply va on I Catherine ·}l[arshall 5.75 • By Storm 1 I sHouLD nAvE · . KISSED HER i\IORE GEORGE NEAL LIMITED 1 2 3 I in~1~ 5 ~r ~ n~~~·~~ds~~W:~ ~;~~ ; Alexander King 4.50 · PHONES: 8·2264 - 8-4440 - 8-3420 l of the forecast 8 to 12 inches. THE EDGE OF DUCKWORTH STREET ST. JOHN'S DIAL 8-5101 l The snow, driyen by high 1~i~ds, SADNESS r;,.•••••••••••••-••••••••••••••••••~'1~' cnuserl. ronstdcrable rlnflmg. Edwin O'Connor .;.75 . ~ The Ht;:hway Patrol reported · ISCUS: - .. - ·· · .... - ···· ..... · ...... --- ...... -·-·-·---...... ____.:.______that the roads on the Avalon CHAIR~IAN OF ) ------

1 Peninsula were in very poor THE BORED 1,------1 -~andllng Truck I dri;ing ·condition and that. an F:clward Streeter .'3.951: [( may hr , \;41)1(' r"u•e ~ acctdcnt on the Gould.1 Htgh- , probably 1 al1rt 1n :i,~>e .. I :way, involving two cars, was srORIES FOR rompact hom•!' and anjures Woman I due to poor driving conditions. LATE AT :.'-JIGHT ' THE PASSING SCENE living. Th(• fL-11-iil'k.<.of' ~ i cars _were slightly damaged. ha\'e been aeceptalilc ll and salt· frozen li'h prod uti' 1r0~1 1 struck by the truck as she was ! today. . 11962 Eel! bon 4.00 for the Spantsh. and Italian ed branches of the fishery if ~laritinws Jwre hut Ole on . Meet Tonight salted f~sh to nOt? lanous mar. scmhly at the Laurier Club for it by arldiliOll:ll t•u:·in; Gaulle said dis1 , Cookstown Road, crossed Le-I S)Jin 'kcts. th1s )'ear. :-IAFEL 1s re.,· a te;timonial dinner to the Pre· We h;;re .'tail a disarmament

~larchant Road, and struck ~lis5 1 " ponstble for the slupment now micr that once again the main trade 11'1\h th•· l'ht oi to the lour Ford. The woman wa~ dragged · The re.gular m?nthly mcet1~g 8_4425 or S-2008 or 8-3191: loading aboard an Italian ship. cour;e was heef. \\'ith the that we ;hould hl· ahlc to France, underneath the truck when it . of the St. Johns ~nd rhstrt~! . , In the past few years only a majority of the members. in· \'ail upon l!uPhc•:. Ontar:o and the Unite. crashed Into a fence and • branc~ of the ~anad1an D1~bet1c i -·----- .third o( our salted fish protluc· cludin~ the ~tinistcr of f"i>h· pro1·ine••, JurilH·r IIT;I lo. which mi

• • • ,., , , • • , • • • • 1 brought up at the side of :-lo. 1 Asso~1at1~n Will .be held m St. lion was lull curerl.light sailed cries. hal'ing had much to say more of OIIL' 11-ilcr:• · RE.\L 10l·ElliER~ESS- fc nswn so grLPPI~g tl coul~ al;,, 21, LeMarchant Road, occupied i Johns thts evenmg. which fetches the htghesl pnce. ahont the fisheries in the Canada's al'c ca\r;mon. mn:art O[ OU!' CC011011l)', ( A 1 I ci1~· poli•:t• a:1d r:('~IP ~r~ I 1'o1.c over. c 1annc 1 was cu t 111 D 1 · 1 d 1 d o•'FICE, Italy in 1960 imported 40,. Old St. .John's i> an impor· 1 1 day Ex char •. 11ast week hy a Federal Depart- l. r. t~~ a~ ~ ,sc ~· u e t ~ I Contl·act negotiations between 1 ADELAIDE STREET i 314 metric ton~ with Denmark. tant [ishing port and should get 1 ment of Transport icebreaker arrtVe a T. 0 n s lrhpor · .3 'the 1ntcrnational Union of . Faroe Islands and Greenland another fresh fish plan1. We Cit r n1J\h·!' ;ifi'(',rt'd mlt l 11 40 111 for- i;1,6~1ir:·d !ir:·. ir1:. he.· I(Pl- T. and the ferry immediately went 1 h ·1d p.m. omofrrow, et W11 Carpcn•ers · and Joiners of DIAL 8·5.181 · .:t · 3. II .supplying 12.420 tons; France hare not hcarr.l an)' member national Ib k · 1 t' o a press con ercnce a 1c A . C , · 7,992 tons: Iceland 7,227 tons; · [or "t. .John's Hl""cst this hnt for tlnllll:•·:,:: ...... ~----·----- ac m o opera ton. - N f 11 d H 1 1 f 11 . menca LC and Newfound· .. . ---- "' ~" w:uT<•IIt. ::Pd ••n1· '''" Democratic P --- ew oum an o c, o owmg l•nd'• p . -BI_R__ T_l.l. : Canada (including Newfound· IV<' hc•I ·p ·e the market can ,.. ,, •' 11 1 1 Hazen Argne' which he will call on Mayor 1 " " vo pa er r_ompantes nn 1 d - l'liar~" toi' lll':r:·; r:1·11n> "·" --· H. G. R. Mews, behalf of the prol·mce's 15,000 . an ) 2,9o6 tons; :>iorway 5.177 stand another plmll. c:tllll(l· was ~ill'n ::1 "'""·~r fur more than ~- ,·. I On Wednesday aftern~on at ~t Ga~der today, it was learned . Ho~~it!"tsat~,~~a;, ~.Fe h. 17th .. the United Kingdom 108 tons. : tion 300 or 400 per rent. drunk and d''"' lrri: i:1 l to corer up his NEW 3.30 p.m. Mr. Dougla~ Wtll· arl· )cste~day. . . to llon and Bermece Soper, a Portugal imported 17,176 Job's frcoh fish plant pro· cafP. of his friends ar party.'' dress an assembly of ~!emorial 1 l!~ton representative; and Ibaby boy. Mother and baby both metric tons. Canada !iUpplying • vitb thousands of \lollars in RC:>JI' :JnT-"'rl ""'' 111 1n University students and at 8.30 i ofllctals from the A.XD. Co .. , well. : :l.B46 tons; Norway 3,312. tons; wagrs e\'ery month to many · impaired dr ,: end """ Douglas said in 11 11 "saw '·. UNION OIL'S "E.ARLY BIRD" p.m. will give a public address j Ltd., Bowatcr's, and the logging ' 1 Iceland 6,821 tons; !'ranee people livinl! in the city; Steer's hal·in~ in lli· .,,,.,, . .-;,, I •· llr. Argue 2 1 men in the ND OFFER at the Prince of Wales College J contractors association are ex-, ENGAGE~IENT ___ 11, 46 ton.s and Germany 1,051 plant also is another economy breakin" 11,_tnum·n:< Annex. At 5.30 p.m. Wednes- peeled to meet at Hotel Gan· 1 Ions. Portugal also imported , booster and the present fisher-; _.::______and administra' In order to accommodate our custo'"llcrs, Union 011 :.01ten bv tnl ~ I day, he will address the St. der lor the talks. , 16,396 tons of wet-salted fish, . men of the area could swell · R d C •' Company is ma~ing a NEW "Early Bird" Offer. · leadership r1 •'-.. O~c of tl~e. first 30 customers each day weekly, John's Rotary Club, An atmosphere of secrecy I Mr. and ~lr~. Lawrence Walsh 2,400 tons from Canada. "The . their ranks if they had more , e rOSS ,. Will be chgtblc for 100 gals or Stove or Fuel Oil surrounds the meetings. ,Spokcs·/14 Cabot Street~ wtsh to an· wet-~alted from Canada, which . outlets. They could also extend M h ] t Argue, CCF re .\ Free each week. We arc giving away 100 gals a The NDP leader will leave St. men for both union and com· nounce lh~ engagement of thctr consisted mostly of the 1959 their facilities. arC S , of Commo 1 CCF-NDP week, 400 gals a month. John's that same day for Gand· 1 pany factions )'esterdav refus· I daughter. Rose )!arie, to Henry, production, include~ a parcel of · The sea can still prol'irle ns . C , Please try to be one of the first 30 customers each er and from there motor to cd to make any comntcnt on I son of Mr. and 1!rs. William ab?ut 765 Ions whtch ~as re- with an ever increasing bounty i resigned ~ day. amp a sgn said, the Grand Falls. On Feb. 23 he the negotiations. Cotter, formerly of Corner slupped from Jtalr, the ftsh hav- : if we overcome the pr.oblcms I!R. GTIA CE- .\Ir; In a fuel emergency, always call I the tool of will be in Deer· Lake. ' Brook, now residing in Nova u,g proved unsmtable for that 1 that seem to be keepmg us · Kcnnet!l·. Chairman of tte .RST The following day Mr. Scotia. Wedding date to be market," said the Hawes re· : backward or just marking time. nancial · c~mpai~n of the leaving ill• UNION OIL FI Douglas will leave the province announced. port. . . , Our frozen fish pioneers have Grace Branch of Canad;an Ottawa, th . 8·282. 2 for Sydney, N.S., to begin a • Four Calls Spam, 111 1960, imported ' done remarkably well for the Cross. ha; plan; well m said half J:· · · · 12-day tour of the Maritime Four calls were received by DEATH 7,403 metric tons of dried and i industry. :for the commcncl•mcnt of of ~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~p~r~ov~i~nc~e:s:_. -----~=---- city firemen yesterday wet·salted fish, including 2,580 : A supermarket manager sug. j annual campai~n on )Jar.eh ;.. At 1.45 p.m. fireme~ were KINSMAN -· Passed peac~· tons from Newfoundland. i gestcd to us the other day when ' This rear':< ohjcct:re L! called to a house n H 'lt / 1u 1 1Y away at 2.30 a.m. th1s ..so,. our old customers arc I ~e were talking ahout food .that i ~s the ;~me rd' :l.at olla!t, Avenue where fircohad mFornking at St. CKI.are's Ho.spitha_l, ,\111 m the market. We must /tf hsh plants pre-or par!tally , 1·iz, SGOO. Th1s amount 11 ~ ab~~k~~ 11 out between the walls in one of : 'ran arvey ~nsmen m ts P rod u c e more and better : cooked various kinds of frozen ' cecded la>t year h~· S\9.6-· the rooms. There was onlv i h62nd 'fvearP.h Lca\'tnC to mourn quality salted fish, if it is j fish, it might be more accep· I it is hope•! that lhC '~me slight damage, · 1s _w1 e, eme, one daughter, economic to do so, and many ~- table to those housewives whose j crou, re;pon.'e to \hi! At 5 ·40 p· m. a call came f rom Elatnef D(l\!rs. Rev. Charles Sav·. pe.ople in . the fish business only arguments against fish, so ,. appeal ll'ill be met bY the the site of the Admiral! b 'ld age o artmouth, Nova Scotta); thmk our ftshcrmen can do tl. they say, arc cooking odours. lie. . ing fire on \Vater St Y wu1 · three sons Bruce and :Allister reet est. f St J I ' d D 'd · Burning embers had fl d . o . o 111 s an av1 m are up / Halt'fax S · t hut were quickly extinguished. · ,N . · ., a1 so one SIS.· cr Other calls were regarding (Mrs. C)nl Ford of Detr01t), an oil burner giving t bl . I one brother Alex at Stephen· Ia house on Allan Squ rou ed tn ·1 ville and three grand-children. We represent . are an a F I '11 t k I false alarm that came in from uncrta d WI f a c '~' aclc atU2.~0 'I the hox at Winter Place t 5 47 p.m. o ay rom 'es cy rut­ p.m. a · ed Chur~h to the General Pro­ 0 testant Cemetery. Remains are B. ELLIOTT (CANADA) LTD. Readers 1n Labrador now resting at Carnell's Fune· I can ·obtain ! raJ Home. 2i for ! I all their Machine Tools and Engineering Equipment ,, Including: I " ' THE.. .• DAILY. NEWS Good LATHES i I REPAIRS I By Subscription Morning~ SHAPING MACHINES· ! • • • ' d TV RADIAL DRILLS clouaing , I Neighbor REASONABLE RATES Snow: 't. , SAMSON SHEARING, ROD CUTTING ANGLE this ever Ploooe c.onoldor ua ·Juot GUARANTEED WORK 30, tbot • • • your frlcndo ud AND PIPE BENDING MACHINES • ' I , 1.' $12.0,0 Per Year • l nctahboit. If we can help you ID any way wit& · )I' 1: ' PHONE .. l'ernperah your buunliuprob...... 94123 ------: , I' Jtut caU ••• li ·Write to Subscription· Department, ' :! I . ;; ,. : . I • Electronic ,_, I '!i,,. A. H. MURRAY & Co., Ltd. ,. 1: The.D~ily .News, St. John's, Newfoundland REG. T. MORGAN · Centre Ltd. ' INSURANCI! ' ST. JOHN'S Ttmplt Building, Dudworth St. ·90 CAMPBELL 4. VE. ...' .,' I DIAL 8·0370 • 8-1756 After hours 'Fbone 8-7313 I •( :iii: i ·~·.:r.: ..... ;:,

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