Enter: Reverse Made Easy, Jean-Daniel Dodin, Keith Jarett, SYNTHETIX, 1984, 0961217421, 9780961217426, . .


Control the World with HP-IL A New World of Uses for Hewlett-Packard Handheld Computers, Gary Friedman, Jan 1, 1987, Digital control systems, 326 pages. .

The National Security Implications of the Human Capital Crisis Congressional Joint Hearing, George V. Voinovich, Dec 1, 2003, , 67 pages. Joint Hearing held by the Senate & House of Representatives to examine how the human capital crisis in the Federal Government is affecting, & indeed endangering, the national ....

The HP-IL system an introductory guide to the Hewlett-Packard interface loop, Gerry Kane, Steve Harper, David Ushijima, 1982, Computers, 106 pages. .

The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Mathematics , Christopher Clapham, James Nicholson, Apr 23, 2009, Mathematics, 510 pages. Authoritative and reliable, this is the ideal reference guide for students of mathematics at school or at university. Many entries have been added for this new edition and the ....

Engineering Formulas , Kurt Gieck, Reiner Gieck, 1997, Technology & Engineering, 572 pages. A revision and expansion of the bestselling guide that gives engineers, scientists, and other specialists essential technical and mathematical formulas in a handy, pocket-sized ....

An easy introduction to the slide rule , Isaac Asimov, 1965, Mathematics, 187 pages. Simple explanation of the basic operations and square roots that may be performed on the slide rule.

Braids 250 Patterns from Japan, Peru & Beyond, Rodrick Owen, 1995, , 159 pages. Takes a look at two families of braids, Peruvian, and Japanese braids, and shows more than 50 different braid designs incorporating over 250 patterns.

Astronomical tables of the sun, moon, and planets , Jean Meeus, 1983, Science, 398 pages. .

Focus On Grammar 4 An Integrated Skills Approach, Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner, 2005, , 435 pages. With a fresh new design and a host of updated exercises and activities, the popular "Focus on Grammar" series is more practical and accessible than ever. Known for its focus on ....

Luis Ortega's Rawhide Artistry Braiding in the California Tradition, Chuck Stormes, Don Reeves, Mehl Lawson, Feb 15, 2010, Art, 138 pages. The most comprehensive overview of Ortega's life, art, and career.

Tips and Programs for the Hp-32s A Handbook for Science and Engineering, W. A. C. Mier-JД™drzejowicz, Jun 1, 1988, , 79 pages. .

Small press record of books in print, Volume 19 , Len Fulton, 1990, Language Arts & Disciplines, 1400 pages. .

How to Make Cowboy Horse Gear , Bruce Grant, 1956, , 193 pages. The gear illustrated and described in this book is made of rawhide. However, leather thongs and plastic string can be worked in the same manner. The illustrations are clear ....

Synthetic programming on the HP-41C , William C. Wickes, 1980, Computers, 92 pages. .

HP 48 graphics , R. Ray Depew, Mar 1, 1991, Computers, 304 pages. .

Charles Babbage and his calculating engines , Doron Swade, 1991, Computers, 48 pages. Charles Babbage lived from 1791 to 1871. He was an inventor, reformer, mathematician, philosopher, scientist, outspoken critic of the scientific establishment, raconteur ....

Hello all. I'm certain you're familiar with the book released during the time of the 10 series (early-to mid 80s) called 'Enter' by (I think the author's name is) W. A. C. Mier-Jedrzejowic. Blue cover of a 10 series calc faded into the background but the ENTER key is in full view. Do you know where I can get a copy of this book? Please let me know.

Chapters 1, 2, and 3 will introduce you to how the ENTER key works and how to solve simple problems on your . Chapter 4 introduces the concept of programming. Chapter 5 presents several short application programs, and Chapter 6 gives tips [26 of them] on more efficient use of your Series 10 machine.

Not THAT far off! Jean-Daniel Dodin ran the French club PPC-Toulouse and wrote in French - I run the British club HPCC (formerly PPC-UK) and write in (reverse) Polish - well, not only. All in Europe. It's a good book and does not lose in the translation - but as was said, it was written mainly for the Voyager . Maybe there's a revival due for buyers of the HP-15CLE.

Well, after waiting a grueling three days, I got a package in the mail!!! What could it be? YIPPEE!! It came today! This is gonna be fun!!!! Now to pique my challenge instinct, I'll adapt these routines & techiques to my newly acquired 33s & 35s. And yes, I'm reloading my 15C with a fresh set of batteries too! http://archbd.net/cmd.pdf http://archbd.net/e4j.pdf http://archbd.net/h.pdf http://archbd.net/819.pdf http://archbd.net/bch.pdf http://archbd.net/4id.pdf http://archbd.net/g5n.pdf http://archbd.net/97d.pdf