The Graduates Relax on Senior Week
pagefourteen AROUNDTOWN The Graduates relax on Senior Week a party and get drunk. After The witty dialogue flows easily off the wwNaomi Prale entering the party, Josh tells page, and the actors do a strong job of making Around Town Editor the boys “the secret” about everything sound natural. Each character comes female body language. Later, from a different background, with different at the party, Ben is talking with relationships that define their characteristics. It The Graduates, directed by Ryan Gielen, is an his best friend Megs (Laurel is the small characteristics about each character American coming–of-age comedy that focuses Reese) but becomes distracted that create differences in each one of them. on the life of a few recent high school graduates by Annie (Stephanie Lynn), the The inde-rock soundtrack only emphasizes who come together in their final Senior Week or hottest girl in school. Ben and the coming-of-age mood in this film. Some new- Beach Week; spent partying in Ocean City. Annie start to kiss, but a fight age bands such as The New Rags, Plushgun, The film explores the experiences of 18- that breaks out with Nickie The Mad Tea Party, Our Daughter’s Wedding year-old Ben (Rob Bradford), his friends Andy causes Annie to leave the party, and The Smittens are featured. (Blake Merriman), Mattie (Nick Vergara) and and Ben feeling heartbroken. The movie features a tagline that says, “Careful, Nickie (Michael Pinnacchio). The boy’s few The movie continues to we don’t want to learn from this.” However, it plans for the week, to hang out, party and meet follow the life of Ben and his is ironic to see how some of the characters learn hot girls.
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