Reclaiming the Future for Our Youth
Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 29, Number 36, September 20, 2002 EIRFeature Reclaiming the Future For Our Youth by Helga Zepp-LaRouche The chairwoman and lead parliamentary candidate of the to give for those who need it most—and certainly it is the Civil Rights Solidarity Movement (Bu¨So) party in the Sept. young people, who are coming up, and who are innocent. And 22 German national elections, gave this keynote speech on one way we can give, is to give love. Give understanding, and Sept. 1 to the Schiller Institute’s annual Labor Day confer- try to destroy the evils that we find, so often, that are planted ence in Reston, Virginia. It was at this conference that Lyndon in the schools, on the streets, those who are hungry for money. LaRouche launched a national youth movement as part of And there is a lot that we can do. his Presidential campaign (see EIR, Sept. 13). Helga Zepp- And it’s good to ask ourselves, occasionally, “Why are LaRouche was introduced by civil rights heroine and vice we here? What do we have to contribute?” And we all can chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, 91-year-old Amelia contribute love. We know that young children, or babies that Boynton Robinson, of Selma, Alabama. We include here the are born, are sweet and very, very innocent. And often, the questions and discussion which followed Zepp-LaRouche’s seed of hate is planted, unconsciously, in some cases; con- speech, from among the 1,000 conference participants and sciously, in some cases.
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