Results of Surface Water Quality Monitoring of the Western Bug River Basin in Lviv Region
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Journal of Ecological Engineering Received: 2020.01.15 Revised: 2020.01.30 Volume 21, Issue 3, April 2020, pages 18–26 Accepted: 2020.02.15 Available online: 2020.03.16 Results of Surface Water Quality Monitoring of the Western Bug River Basin in Lviv Region Zoriana Odnorih1*, Roman Manko1, Myroslav Malovanyy1, Khrystyna Soloviy1 1 Viacheslav Chornovil Institute of Sustainable Development, Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandera Str. 12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine * Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT The article describes the steps for organizing and conducting the ecological monitoring of surface water in order to shift Ukraine to the European standards in the field of water use and protection. The main water users-pollutants of the Western Bug River basin in the Lviv region were identified. The results of the water samples taken from the control bodies in 2018 were analyzed. A promising way to improve the work of the water basin management of the Western Bug River was proposed. Keywords: the Western Bug River, river basin, EU Water Framework Directive, monitoring, quality of surface waters. INTRODUCTION with the use of GIS technologies. They help not only to reflect the dynamics of the water quality Excessive impact of the anthropogenic activi- changes on maps, but also to track the cause and ty causes a degradation of the aquatic ecosystems effect of anthropogenic pollutants on the aquatic productivity and a disturbance of the ecologi- ecosystem in order to predict quality in the future cal balance. The organization of qualitative and [Gopchak et al. 2019]. quantitative status of the surface and groundwater The necessity of transition of Ukraine to the (aquatic and hydro-ecological monitoring) stud- European standards and norms in the field of use ies system in order to predict the risks of river and protection of the surface waters, harmoniza- ecosystem functioning in the future is relevant. tion of the monitoring methods, assessment of the The Western Bug River is one of the 5 most water quality and typology of the study on the hy- polluted rivers in Ukraine. Numerous scientific drographic network is presented in [Khilchevskyi studies on the ecological status of the transbound- et al. 2016b]. The abiotic typology of surface wa- ary river have been undertaken through the cre- ters takes into account the main features of the ation of the Euroregion Bug Cross-Border Asso- natural conditions of the catchments, due to their ciation. The status of the surface water quality of physical, geographical and altitude position, geo- the river basin, the analysis of natural and anthro- logical structure and morphometric features. pogenic sources of surface water pollution, and Owing to the National Security Strategy the need for joint transboundary monitoring were of Ukraine [Stratehiia… 2015], it is planned to investigated by IB Koynova, MR Zabokritskaya, bring national legislation into line with EU envi- N.M. Wozniuk and others [Bilyk et al. 2009; Ko- ronmental policy, in particular the Water Frame- jnowa 2007; Koynova et al. 2012; Khilchevskyi work Directive [Dyrektyva 2000/60/ EU]. The et al. 2016a; Nina Hagemann et al. 2014]. The WFD defines an integrated basin model of the monitoring studies of the hydro-ecological sta- water management in the EU countries in order tus of the river basin continue to this day, already to achieve the “good” ecological status of the 18 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(3), 2020 surface and groundwater masses. An integrated According to [Nakaz № 5, 2019], the ecologi- approach to water management is a water man- cal status of the surface water mass class should agement system that guarantees environmental be determined by biological, hydromorphologi- safety and accessibility of water for the popula- cal, chemical and physicochemical parameters: tion and natural objects, based on the consider- • for the biological indicators – for the five ation of all water sources, the balance of sectoral classes corresponding to the environmental interests and all levels of water use, widespread statuses “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory”, involvement of all water users, as well as ratio- “bad” and “very bad”; nal use of water resources [Klymchyk 2018]. It is • for chemical and physicochemical indica- implemented through the hydrographic and wa- tors – for the three classes corresponding to ter management of the territory of Ukraine, the the ecological states “excellent”, “good” and development of river basin management plans, “satisfactory”; the development of water management balances, • for specific synthetic and non-synthetic con- the determination of the powers of central and lo- taminants within the chemical and physico- cal authorities [Upravlinnia dovkilliam... 2014]. chemical parameters – for the two classes cor- For Ukraine, the introduction of the Basin Prin- responding to the ecological states “good” and ciple is, first of all, decentralization in the field “satisfactory”. of water management, since the Basin Councils involve both representatives of state authorities The purpose of the work was to analyze the and local governments, as well as water users (at results of the monitoring studies of surface waters least 30%) and environmental NGOs. The Basin of the Western Bug River, conducted quarterly by council decisions are taken into account when de- the Water resources basin management of West- veloping the basin management plans and imple- ern Bug and Syan, during 2018 in control bodies menting the measures for the rational use of water within the Lviv region. resources and water protection. In order to comply with the provisions of the WFD, Ukraine adopted [Zakon Ukrainy 2016], MATERIALS AND METHODS according to which nine areas of river basins were formed. According to [Postanova KMU № The flow of the river basin of the transbound- 758 2018], the new monitoring system for surface ary Western Bug River is formed on the territo- water, groundwater and marine water is a step to- ry of three states – Poland (49.2% of the area), wards the implementation of EU standards in the Ukraine (27.4%) and Belarus (23.4%). The West- field of water quality and water management. The ern Bug River is a left tributary of the Narew State Agency of Ukraine plans to implement the River (the Vistula River Basin). The length of the following 5 steps in 2019 to develop a river basin territory of Ukraine is 404 km, 363 km of which management plan: is the natural border between the Republic of Po- • Step 1. Determination of water masses, their land, Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, i.e. typology – till 01.07.2019; it is a transboundary watercourse. The Western • Step 2. Analysis of anthropogenic impacts, Bug River is a mixed-type river that feeds from quantitative and qualitative status of waters – the melted spring and summer rainfall with little till 01.11.2019; groundwater. The highest water level is observed • Step 3. Description of the river basin district – in March and April during snowmelt, as well as till 01.09.2019; in the first half of summer, when the highest rain- • Step 4. Register of protected areas – till fall occurs. The lowest water level is in August- 01.12.2019; September and December-February. The main • Step 5. Development of the monitoring pro- tributaries are: right-bank – Solotvyna, Bilyy gram – by 31.12.2019. Stik, Spasivka; left bank – Zolochivka, Poltva, Kam`yanka, Rata, Solokiya. A common feature According to [Nakaz № 4, 2019], the main of the tributaries is their small basins (from 240 criteria for determining the surface water mass in- to 570 km2) and wide wetlands [Zabokrytska et clude: ecoregion; surface water category; typol- al. 2006]. There is a well-developed hydrological ogy; geographical and hydromorphological dif- network in the Western Bug basin. The average ferences; change of ecological status; the zones density of the river network is 0.35 km2 [Еdited (territories) to be protected. by Herenchuk 1972]. 19 Journal of Ecological Engineering Vol. 21(3), 2020 A surface water monitoring system was es- the discharges have exceeded at least one indi- tablished in the 1980s to control the discharges cator of the approved MPD standards individu- of industrial enterprises in the coal, energy and ally for each enterprise); 3.3 million m3 – norma- alcohol industries. Currently, most businesses tively clean without treatment at treatment plants; have ceased to exist, so utilities are the main pol- 3.2 million m3 are uncategorized, mine waters. lutants of the Western-Bug River Basin. The wa- In 2018, contaminated water was discharged by: ter resources of this river are first and foremost Lvivvodokanal – 33.0 million m3 into the Poltva a source of the technical water supply for the in- River (which accounts for 93.1% of the volume dustrial power, heat, fishery and agricultural en- of all polluted effluent); Sokal MCC WSE – terprises. The largest water users are [Baseinove 0.88 million m3 into the Western Bug River; Cher- upravlinnia… 2019]: vonogradvodokanal – 0.7 million m3 into the • industrial enterprises – SE «Dobrotvirskaya Western Bug River and Rata River; Rava-Ruskа TPS» (PJSC DTEK «Westenergy»), LLC MSE «SE Ukrspirt» – 0.25 million m3 into the «Radekhivsky cukor», PJSC «Company Rata River; CE Kamyankavodokanal – 0.18 mil- «Enzym», PJSC «Lviv Coal Company», SE lion m3 in Kamianka River, Lviv National Acad- «Lvivvugillya» (separate subdivisions of emy of Sciences – 0.16 million m3 in the Yar- the mine: «Velykomostivska», «Stepova», ichevskyi River tributary, CE «Rava-Ruska BU «Chervonogradska»), SE «Ukrspirt» («Vu- №2» – 0.1 million m3 in Rata River [Baseinove zlivske», «Stronibabske», «Strutinske», «Ra- upravlinnia… 2019]. va-Ruske»), SE «Danish Textile»; The state water quality monitoring network of • agricultural enterprises – LLC «Kunin», LLC the Lviv region in 2018 consisted of approved ob- «Yakymiv Fish», Private agricultural firm servation points (ranges) according to [Nakaz № «Bilyy Stik», tenant Fedorchak R.