Vol. 3, No. 2, July 2019, pp. 184-203 Available at: https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/UJLC/issue/view/3223 E-ISSN 2549-0680 Indigenous Whaling Tradition in Faroe Islands under International Law Olivia Martha Setyonugroho Faculty of Law Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia I Gede Pasek Eka Wisanjaya Faculty of Law Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia Made Maharta Yasa Faculty of Law Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia Article Received: 14th May 2019; Accepted: 27th July 2019; Published: 31st July 2019 Abstract The issue of whaling has been extensively debated on various international occasions since it causes a decline in many of the world’s whale population. Presently, Faroe Islands is one of the few regions in Denmark that still adamantly practiced whaling for traditional purposes, even though Denmark itself has prohibited it. This writing aims to analyze the whaling tradition in Faroe Islands from the International Law perspective. Further, to examine whether Denmark has an international obligation to end whaling activities in Faroe Islands. The method that is used in this writing is the normative legal research. The result of this analysis shows that the tradition in Faroe Islands is consistent with International Law, thus Denmark has no international obligation to end the tradition. Keywords: Whaling Tradition; Faroe Islands; International Law How to cite (Chicago 16th): Setyonugroho, Olivia Martha, I Gede Pasek Eka Wisanjaya, and Made Maharta Yasa. "Indigenous Whaling Tradition in Faroe Islands under International Law." Udayana Journal of Law and Culture 3, no. 2 (2019): 184-203. https://doi.org/10.24843/UJLC.2019.v03.i02.p04. :doi: https://doi.org/10.24843/UJLC.2019.v03.i02.p04 Email/Corresponding Author:
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[email protected] 184 Indigenous Whaling Tradition in Faroe Islands under International Law Olivia Martha Setyonugroho, I Gede Pasek Eka Wisanjaya, and Made Maharta Yasa 1.