1939 Congressional Record-Senate

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1939 Congressional Record-Senate 1939 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 677 EXTENSION OF REMARKS "It is a· curious thing how much we desire to be kept out of war and yet, as soon as staying out entails a loss in some financial line, Mr. CHANDLER. Mr. Speaker, I desire to extend my own we immediately have to make concessions because whatever else remarks in the RECORD and include a letter written to the happens some people are always sure to feel that their pockets New York Times by Mr. Cloyd Laporte, an eminent New York must be saved." The word "curious" bears repetition, and so does Mr. PITTMAN'S lawyer and student of international law, dealing with certain contrasting comment about "cargoes" and "lives." of the legal questions involved in the neutrality legislation It is a curious thing that the legitimate facts should be wholly now pending. As Mr. Laporte takes issue with Professors ignored in such comment and emphasis be laid on what was inci­ dental and-so far as the analyses of the Pittman bill in this Jessup and Hyde, whose views have been inserted in the space are concerned-not even considered. And it is a curious CONGRESSIONAL RECORD heretofore, I think that Mr. Laporte's thing that pride of authorship (and self-admiration for a strategy letter will be of material interest and benefit to Members of which needlessly imperiled American economy and security by a Congress. political device to isolate the isolationists) should produce talk · The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection it is so about cargoes versus lives when this was not the issue at all. ordered. THE CASE OF THE REVISIONISTS The points on the side of the critics of the cash-and-carry section There was no objection. are these: PERMISSION TO ADDRESS THE HOUSE 1. They agreed with the authors of the bill that our traditional insistence on freedom of the seas should be abandoned in an effort Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ to prevent incidents which might involve the United States in war. mous consent to address the House for 1 minute at this time. 2. They granted that certain European waters are perilous for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection it is so American ships and should be barred by statute; also that further precaution be taken by giving the President the right to add "combat ordered. zones" in his discretion. There was no objection. 3. They accepted cash and carry, transfer of cargo title to the for­ Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani­ eign purchaser, and foreign transport for the very reason that they are more interested in lives than in cargoes. mous consent to revise and extend my remarks and to in­ 4. They contended, however, without serious dispute that the clude therein an editorial. Pacific and the Southern Hemisphere are not danger areas for Amer­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection it is so ican shipping, can be restricted by the President when he deems it ordered. necessary, and should not be barred, since vital commodities are produced in· these areas for the supply of which we cannot safely There was no objection. depend on a foreign merchant marine. Mr. MARTIN J. KENNEDY. Mr. Speaker and Members 5. They contended further that it was murderous nonsense to require an air pilot to make nonstop :flights from and to the Azores of the House, I address you today for the purpose of directing on the ground that Bermuda was a "belligerent" port; and unneces­ your attention to an article which appeared in today's edi­ sary to lay up the Pan American Airways by forbidding stops in tion of the New York Times. This article was written by Trinidad and British Guiana. Mr. Arthur Krock, its Washington correspondent, and is This was the case of the critics, and it carried. It had nothing to entitled "National Safety and Economy Forc'ed Cash-Carry do with disregard of "lives" in the interest of cash and cargoes. Revisions.'' EXTENSION OF REMARKS In my opinion, this article should be read by every Mem­ Mr. PIERCE of Oregon. Mr. Speaker,· I ask unanimom~ ber of the House and the Senate, because it presents in a consent that in the extension of remarks, permission for which clear and concise fashion important facts concerning a most was granted me earlier in the day, I may include excerpts controversial subject. It also demonstrates that clear-cut from Portland and other Oregon papers. issues may be made most confusing by heated and faulty The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, it is so reasoning. ordered. I wish to congratulate Mr. Krock upon this splendid article There was no objection. and to recommend it to the earnest and thoughtful consid­ Mr. MARTIN of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con­ eration of the entire membership of the Congress. sent to extend my own remarks in the RECORD and to include WASHINGTON, October 19.-When it is recalled that the original therein a memorandum from the War Department describing cash-and-carry section of the Pittman bill would have shut off from the policy of the War Department relative to the establish­ this country supplies essential to its economy and to national de­ ment of permanent American cemeteries in Europe. fense, required transoceanic air pilots to violate all passenger safety rules and collided with the administration's own Maritime Commis­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without objection, it is so sion policy, the amendments agreed on by the Senate committee ordered. today can be classified as wholly in the national interest. When it There was no objection. is further noted that the administration had to apply common sense to this section in order to hold votes for the arms-embargo repeal, ADJOURNMENT its political compulsions are also plain. These things are well known in Washington. And it is also well Mr. COOPER. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House do now known that risks to our shipping are negligible in the Pacific and adjourn. the Southern Hemisphere in comparison with the need for bring­ The motion was agreed to; accordingly <at 2 o'clock and ing essential cargoes thence. India is a part of the British Empire; 2 minutes p. m.) the House, pursuant to its previous order, so are the Straits Settlements and South Africa. French Guinea is tributary to Paris; and the Allies control Indochina, two of the adjourned until Monday, October 23, 1939, at 12 o'clock noon. South American Guianas, British Honduras, and the islands of Ber­ muda, Trinidad, Martinique, etc. The Pittman bill, before it was PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS revised, prevented American ships from going in cargo-or probably going at all-to these areas from which jute, rubber, tin, manga­ Under clause 3 of rule XXII, nese, tungsten, and other vital supplies are brought to these shores. It also required an air pilot, whatever the weather might be, to Mr. HARE introduced a resolution <H. Res. 317) authoriz­ make a nonstop :flight from the Azores to American soil. ing an investigation of the farm-machinery business, which REVISIONS WERE NECESSARY was referred to the Committee on Rules. These blind, rigid, and economically perilous restrictions were pointed out several times in this space. It was also noted that, since the bill gave the President power to designate new "combat SENATE areas" whenever he chose, the element of danger in the Pacific and the Southern Hemisphere was made slight indeed. These argu­ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1939 ments and these points were subsequently addressed to Congress by shippers and supported by the administration's own Maritime (Legislative day of Wednesday, October 4, 1939) Commission. Senator BAILEY made an investigation, and the sta­ tistics he produced were conclusive that the baby was being thrown The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration out with the bath. of the recess. It might have been expected that the amendments could be The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., o:ffered the agreed on without unkind or invidious attributions. But this does foilowing prayer: not seem to be the temper of the times; When Senator PITTMAN announced today the revisions in the bill that bears his name, he Spirit of the living God, Thou Spirit of Might, that foldest said of the shipping interests: "The thing that provoked us was up the heavens as a curtain and shakest terribly the earth: they seemed more interested in cargoes than in lives. The Ameri­ can people are interested in lives." And in My Day this week Mrs. Come, ru1e in our hearts this day, that we may be effectually Roosevelt remarked o! the Pittman bill revisions;_ restrained from sin and enablecl to .clo our duty. for if Thou ~678 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE OCTOBER 21 be with us we cannot he moved, if Thou be for us nought can conducted over the American Forum of the Air on October 8, prevail against us. Grant that those who are overborne with 1939, by Senators OVERTON, SCHWELLENBACH, HOLT, MINTON, care, sorrow, sickness, or amiction, may find in Thee surcease and PEPPER, and Representative VAN ZANDT, which appears from their anguish and comfort in their time of trouble; and in the Appendix. J do Thou breathe upon the hearts of men. the spirit of re­ ADDRESS BY HON. PAUL V. M'NUTT AT TESTIMONIAL DINNER TO straint in all their dealings with each other, and may Thy FRANCIS P. MATTHEWS holy influence safeguard their devotion to the right. [Mr. BuRKE asked and obtained leave to have printed in · And from these days of honest striving to quit ourselves · the REC9Rb an address delivered on October 17 at Omaha, like men, may peace result, which, like a river, even the River Nebr., by Han.

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