The Year Round. a Weekly Journal, Conducted by Charles Dickens
_:^ •^ "THE STOKY OF OUR LIVES FROM YEAE TO YEAE.—SIIAKKSPEARE. ALL THE YEAR ROUND. A WEEKLY JOURNAL, CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DICKENS. WITH WHICH IS INOOKPOEATED HOUSEHOLD WORDS. r°- 466,] SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 186S, [PKICE 2C?, opinion. Sergeant," I concluded, in au airy way. THE MOONSTONE. "Back your opinion." Bt TH» ADTHOE OF "TBB Woiuit IS WHrrB," &c. &c. Instead of taking offence, Sergeaut Cuff seized my baud, and shook it till my fingers ached again. CHAPTEE XXn.—(CONTINTIEU.) " [ declare to Heaven," says this strange I TALKED to the wmdow to compose myself, officer solemnly, " I would take to domestic he rain had given over; and, who should 1 service to-morrow, Mr. Betteredge, if I had a 36 in the courtyard, but Mr. Begbie, tbe gar- chauce of being employed along willi You! To ener, waiting outside to continue .the dog-rose say you are as Iranspareut as a child, sir, is to ontroversy with Sergeant Cuff. pay the children a compliment which nine out " My compliments to the Sairgeut," said Mr. of ten of them don't deserve. There ! there ! tegbie, the moment he set eyes on me. I' If we won't begin to dispute again. You shall e's minded to walk to the station, I'm agree- have it out of me on easier terms than that. ble logo with him." I won't say a word raore about her ladysiiip, or " What!" cries the Sergeant, behind me, about Miss Verinder—I'll ouly turn prophet, are you not convinced yet ?" for once in a way, and for your saie.
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