THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Union County Entered as Second CIUBS Matter Published -SIXTH YEAR—No. 35 Post Of floe, Wentfltia. N. J. WESTFIEU), NEW JEJtSETf, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1956 Every j I>^I *d 36 w Boundary Lines Banquet Planned By Public Urged To Take Part Borough to PAL Next Thursday Patrolman to Force Board Appoints The Westfteld PAL will hold « In Garden Club Flower Show MOUNTAINSIDE — Appoint- j banquet for members next Thurs- ment of a new patrolman to the ablished For Schools day at 7 p.m. in the Community Police Department is planned, ac- Center. Patrolman Frank Cre The flower show committee of White 18. Yellow 19.'Purple 20. cording to Mayor Joseph A. Kom- peau, PAL director, is chairman. the Garden Ciub of Westfield has Bronze 21. Lavender 22. Pink 23. ich and the Borough Council. Ap- Two Principals (1 Action Aiding him will be other members urged public participation in the Blue 24. Red 25. Bi-color 26. Any plications may be obtained at Po- of the police department, includ- wide range of -horticulture classes ther 27. Collection. ice Headquarters. Applicants ing Chief Albeit Pfirrmann. Per- which it has planned for the trip Iris—Siberian—one stalk. 28. nust be between the ages of 21 sons interested in assisting are 'Around the Mulberry Bush," Fri- White- 29. Blue 30. Variegated Changes Senior cted to Aid day, May 25, from 2 to 5 p.m. ,nd 30. Starting salary is $3,800 isked to contact Patrolman fcre- 1. Any other 82. Collection. ith increases of $50 per year un- >eau at headquarters. These specimens will be staged in Iris—any other—one stalk 33. t'ded Classes the assembly hall, Presbyterian il the level of $4,800 is reached. Commencement Parish House, 140 Mountain ave- Any other iris. nue, in the division "This is the Peonies: 34. Single, one bloom Board of Education Tues- way our gardens grow." 5. Double, one bloom 36. Semi- Date to June IS ht established new boun- Elect Grubman double, one bloom 37. Japanese, PBA to Sponsor ide lines, effective in Sep- •v The complete schedule is as fol- one bloom 38. Collection. lows: Roses; Hybrid Tea — one The Board of Education TUPB- for all schools with the Perennials and Biennials: 39, Variety Show ay night appointed two new ele- in of Lincoln and McKin- bloom. 1. White 2. Pink 3. Red 4. Jaycee Director Yellow 5. Any other color 6. Three ulumbine, longapurred, one spray lontary school principals effective changes were made in an blooms one variety 7. Collection; 40. Oriental Poppy, one stem 41. n July. 0 balance "pupil density" Frank Williams Floribunda and Polyanthus Type— Baptisia, one stalk 42. Day Lily, Will Be Held Albert Bobal of 523 Hillcrest classrooms, according to Named State VP one spray. 8. Red 9. Pink 10. ne stalk 43. Lupin, one stalk 44. Here May 19 ivenuo, social studies teacher in lembers. White 11. Yellow or Orange 12. Joral Bells, three stems 45. Sweet he Senior High School, was named 1 side lines will be as fol- William, three . stems 46. Any (Picture OB p«|» 2) Collection; climbing or rambler— A variety show will be sponsor- Columbus School principal, »Uc- one spray not to exceed 24 in. ther, one to three stems of one eeding Howard Tomlinson who WiliOB School Two Westfleld Jaycees and one variety. id by the Westfield PBA, Local 'ormer Westfielder were elected to 13. Red 14. Pink 15. White 16. 10, May 19 at 8 p.m. in Weatfleld will be junior high school princi- upils living within the area Yellow. Bulbous Plants: 47. Lily of the MARGARET JOHNSTCME pal, and Joseph B. Conneil sixth j by the following line office at the annual convention of High School. Proceeds will go to- grade teacher in Grant School, the New Jersey Chamber of Com- Iris: Bearded one stalk. 17. Valley, three stems 48. Peruvian ward the sicJ< and death benefit tend Wilson School: Be- Daffodil, one stem 49. Any other will be principal of Grant and at a point where the cen- merce in 'Newark last Friday and fund. Tickets may be obtained McKinley Schools. JEAN TOBEY Saturday. Edward Grubman, 238 flower from a hardy bulb. from any member of the police Club to Hear lountain avenue intersects Lilacs: 50. Single white, one untainside town line, the Grove street, president of the department. Mr. Bobat, » teacher *t the Newark chapter, was elected state Win National pray not to exceed 24 inches 51. igh school since 1962,' will alw is south down the center Single blue, one spray not to ex- Dick King will be master of cer- Woman Pastor ntain avenue to Kimball representative to the National imonies with tho program as fol- erve as supervisor of the aaf*ty Jean Tobey To Board of Directors; Frank B. ceed 24 inches 52. Single pink or ml civil defense program* and thence east on Kimball Writing Awards avender, one spray not to ex- ows: Al and Connie Ftnton including both sides of the Williams, current president of the Terpsechorian Artistry," ifrom Tea to Honor supervisor of• the testing program Westfleld Jaycee Chapter, was ceed 24 inches 53. Single purple for the entire system. He is c>*a- Harrison avenue, thence Represent Scouts or red, one spray not to exceed the Palace Theatre; the Shannons, Harrison avenue, exclud- elected to the office of state vice Top Honors To "Sweethearts of Song," from the Retiring Officers dent-olect of thi Westfleld Teath- president, and Thomas Sperry Jr., 24 inches 54. Double White, one irs Association and sooreUry' o( • sides of the street, to spray not to exceed 24 inches 55. atin Quarter; Clark and Knight; ireet; east on Mays street, Selected to Attend former resident, was elected a 12 Local Pupils "Impressions," from the Latin Margaret Blair Johnstone, pas- he New Jersey Councillor 8o*l»l state vice president, Double blue, one spray not to ex tor of the Union Parish in Groton, Studies..;.;.. , . . both aides of the street Camp in Wyoming Twelve Roosevelt Junior High ceed 24 inches 56. Double pink or Quarter. jji Chestnut street; thence Mr. Grubman was also honored Mass., will address the Westfiold' Mr.' Connelt, who cante'to Wtit- School pupils have won top honor; .avender, one spray not to exceed Also, Medro, "Poetry in Mo- Woman's Club at the Masonic wn North Chestnut street, by being chosen "outstanding lo- ion," from the' Club Versailles; field in 1956, previously Uught in Jean Tobey of .1320 Prospect in the nation's biggest creative 24 inches. 57. Double purple Temple Monday»at 2:15 p.m. on chools In Caldwcll, where he both sides of the street, cal president of the year" (the red, one spray not to exceed 24 Daro and Corda, "Satirical Inter- nter of East Broad street, stre*et, senior Girl Scout of the writing competition for high the subject, "How to Live on presently resides, Westfleld Local Council Girl president's trophy). He is a grad- school pupils. inches. ludes," from the Monte Mart; Twenty-four Hours a Day." long the center of East uate of Rutgers School of Jour- Gregory and Sherri, "Moment Mu- With a split vote of 7-2 the Scouts, has been selected as one First prize in the scholastic Shrubs and Trees: 58. Azalea, Mrs. Johnstone was born in De- •eet to Gallows Hill road; of two representatives from New nalism, with an MA in industrial red 59. Azalea, white 60. Azalea sical," from the Ed Sullivan TV board approved changing the sen- beginning with 897 East relations from the School for So- writing awards was won by Peter show; Dick King, "Nonsense," troit and educated at Albion Col- ior high school commencement Jersey to attend the all-state en- Collins, 14, of the ninth grade, it pink 01. Azalea, orange or yel- lege. After attending the Chicago date from June 14 to June 18. reet, the line runs along campment this year to be held cial Research. from the Uoxy Theatre and Paul lot lines of the houses has been announced in New York (Ploaso turn to page 2) Theological Seminary and the Chi- Voting against the change were during July and August at, the Mr. Grubman has spent four by the Scholastic Magazine, which Benson, "The Mad Auctioneer," n East Broad street to from the Diamond Horse Shoe. cago Federated School of Theol- ester P. Philp and LollU J. Dug- side of Woodland avenue; Buffalo Bill Youth Camj) near years in the Newark Jaycees and conducts the annual writing con ogy, she did a groat deal of social hi. Officials stated that the chance ' Cody, Wyo, Senior Girl Scouts has attended every state conven- test. He gained his honor in the Music will be, by Mark Zimmer- orthwest along Woodland man and his orchestra. service work in Chicago before she had been made necessary by the including both sides of experienced in camping and out- tion since he joined the organiza- poetry competition for'junior high WHS Girls' Gym was invited to accept the pulpit closing of schools Jan, 9 and ' id avenue, to the rear lot standing in leadership qualities tion. He is public relations su- schoolers. Patrolmen Edward and William of tt small church on Chicago's Mmch 10 "because of inclement houses on the south side will attend this camp from every pervisor of the Mutual Benefit A second-place honorable men- Program Planned Grecr, co-chairmen, report that the north side in u poor section of th weuthef. The New Jersey school ,all circle and Kimball state in the union. Life Insurance Co., .Newark. His tion award was won by Kenneth PBA formerly held dances as the city. Her next church was in aw requires pupils to be in it- iye, including both sides Jean, a member of Mariner wife was In charge of a fashion H. Dudley, a 13-year-old eighth yearly fund raising project but be- rural upstate New York, and her tendance 180 days in a school streets, to Springfield Troop 66 and leader-ih-training show for wives at the convention. grader, also in the junior poetry Annual Event cause of requests has decided to present parish is in a typical Now year. Tho two days lost during north along Springfield with Trail Blazer Troop 72, has Mr. Williams is a charter mem- competition. again hold a variety show. The Kngland town. the your are being made up ber of the Westfield chapter and last one was held two years ago through the commencement d«te excluding both sides of been active in scouting for 10 The local school, which for th Set For May 18 In.addition to her other, duties, 1 years. She is also president ot the has held successively the offices of second successive year had mor There are a limited number, o) change, it waa reported. Bow t, to the intersection of tickets remaining. Mrs. Johnatone is also a wife and members also pointed out that the tainside town line; thence Girl Scout senior planning board. (Please turn to page 2) awards winners than all but tw The Westfleld Senior Hig mother. She is married to u con- Jean has had seven years camp- other junior high schools, pro School physical education depart new date was selected after .,*, the Mountainside town sulting engineer and they have tw conference with the senior clan ,e starting point at the Ing, experience at established own ID the uppsr right- lichfl' llfi!) Pink avenue, Orange Sports 84, 86 pier; Edward Coffcy, John uvenue and Qulniby street. A cen Thuatrej ...... —Zifc.' trolly located placard will donoti sults of the fund drive to date will hand corner. May ID, 10, 17, 1-10 p.m. (i'lciuo turn to uugu 2) *rgor, Francis Merrlam, be given. iicul and Chestor Schomp. the progress. . J.1 LEASER THURSDAY, MAY 10, fmg* Two THE ^ able mention prizes were Sheaf- fer Snorkel fountain pens. New Jaycee IHreftor in Parade With Screen Star New Boundary Tickets Available Established in 1925, the writ- WHS Girls' Gym Public Urged ing awards this year drew the (Continued from page 1) greatest number of entries in the (Continued from page 1) For Pops Concert (Continued from page 1) point at North avenue and Elm competition's history. Cash prizes elude work on apparatus; a mod- low G2. Magnolia, one branch not There are a few tickets avail- totaling $2,000 were given for street. best entries in short story, short- ern dance technique series; Bao, to exceed 30 inches 63. Viburnu Washington School able for the fifth annual pops con- sort to *>e given tomorrow and short story^ essay, poetry, article an Hawaiian eocoanut shell dance; t one branch not to exceed 30 All pupils living within the area and drama fategories. s Maori stick g"ame from New finches 64. Hawthorn, one branch bounded by the following line Saturday at 8:30 p.m. by the Westfield Senior Hie* School mer. Zealand; class competition in re- -. not to exceed 30 inches fi5. shall attend Washington School, e a one Beginning" at the center line of band, in the school cafeteria un- lays; and sports. I ' > branch not, to exceed 3 the intersection of the east aide der the direction of Robert Banks. Zilpha Bcntlcy, president of inches 6G. Any other shrub, om of South Chestnut street and East These may be obtained by con- Qu-U' Sports Council, will be branch not to exceed 30 inche, Broad street, the line runs east tacting the ticket chairman, Mrs. chairman of the program. She -will SI. Any other small tree, om B. P. Butterfield at We. 2-7285. be assisted by June Fredrickson branch not to exceed 30 inche along the center of East Broad president-elect of Girls' Sport House Plants—68. Saintpaulii street to 897 East Broad street; The program will be as follows: Council; Carol Colin, vice presi single 69. Saintpaulia, double 70, the line then runs along the rear March "Independentia," Hall; dent and program chairman of al Gloxinia 71. Any plant in bloom lot lines of houses facing on East "Ballet Parisien," Offenbach-Isaac, G.S.C. events; Anne Brower, lead- 72. Any plant grown for foliage. Broad street to the east side of I. "Overture," II. "Valse," HI. ership chairman; Liz Topham Tnis show is open to all ama Woodland avenue, then northwest, "Galop," IV. "Valse," V. "Finale" secretary of the Blue Team; am teur gardeners. Specimens musi excluding both sides of Wood- and "Poet and Peasant Overture," Suit Club Jo Ann Kreston, secretary of th be grown by exhibitor and label land avenue, to the rear lot lines Suppe-Fillmore. White Team. led as to variety if possible. A] of houses on the south side of Presentation of awards by Ro- exhibits must be entered betwee Kimball circle and Kimball Circle bert L. Foose, principal; "Ampar- Now Forming 8 and 11 a.m. on the day of th drive, excluding both sides of ito Roca," Texidor; "Clarinet Roy- show and must be removed afte: these streets, to Spring-field ave- ale," Bennett; Harry J. Staas, 5 p.m. the same day. An exhibito nue, including both sides of clarinet soloist; Highlights from is permitted only one entry in Springfield avenue, north to the "Porgy and Bess," Gershwin-Yod- A weekly saving p|an fw each class. A collection shall con- intersection of the Mountainside er; and "On -the Mall," Goldman. sist of one stalk of each variety town line. Thence along the Moun- buying men's clothing and not less than three or mor tainside town line to the intersec- "Lullaby of Birdland, Shearing, m than eight %'arieties. Containers tion with Cranford town line; jazz ensemble, Richard Reynolds, will be supplied by committee. south .along the Cranford town Wayne Smith, Keese Helmondol- furnishings. Join the many lar, and Arthur Lepow; "Funiculi Seals may be awarded for firs line to the intersection of the others who have used thii (blue); second (red); third (yel Garwood town line. The line then Funicula," air. lang; "Grand- low) and honorable mention follows the Garwood town line to fathers Clock Overhauled," arr. (green) Ln each class. A sweep the east side of South Chestnut Cailliet; "Two Moods," Grund- plan for many years. stakes ribbon will be awarded to street; thence northwest along the man; "Broadcast from Brazil," the exhibitor winning the mos east side of \South Chestnut street, Bennett; and "At the Gremlin blue seals. A tri-color may be excluding both sides of the street, Ball," Hill. v Stop in today, awarded. to the starting point on East Newly «l.ct«d Jayco* Nation! Director Edward Grubm.n of 238 Broad street. Grave (treat, with Broadway actren Jaync Manafield at tha Jay- Franklin School Win National Church Organist ex Parade held latl weekend >• part of the annual *tate conven- All pupils living within the area tion. At pretident of Newark'» Jaycaei, the ho.t chapter, Mr. bounded by the following line shall iCrubmin accompanied Mill Man.field in the parade which was attend Franklin School. Begin- (Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) held Saturday on Newark1! Broad itreet. Nearly 500 Jaycen with ning at a point represented by from all 48 states and Canada, been among his piano instructors. mare than 40 unitt indudinf the Weatfield Jaycen uniformed at the intersection of the Mountain- entered the literary competition John "franks Mr. Connelly's program will in- doclori took part in the affair. (Story fan page 1) side town line and the center of which is sponsored by the Sheaffer clude the Concerto Nlo. 2 in B Flat Mountain avenue, the line l-una Pen Co. and judged by nationally WESTFIELD by Handel; a chorale prelude, Pupils to Give south along the center of Moun- known authors. Judges included Hear Thou, O Lord, My Sighs Elect Grubman tain avenue to East Broad street. Eudora Welty, Gladys Schmitt, !'•• p»r rear entmacr fur dlrvrt *«WM ft and Lamentations" by Krebs; Spring Festival At this point the line runs south- Bernardino Kielty, Shirley Jack- from tmrn narkfME l»(. Bach's Passacaglia and Fugue in son, Fred Coe, Hansford Martin (Continued from page 1) west along East Broad street, ex- Minor; the Fantaisie in F Mi- The Elm Street School will hold cluding both sides of the street, and Harry Sylvester. nor, K. 608 by Mozart; two Schu- director, vice president and presi- its spring festival next Thursday dent of his home chapter. He is to Elm street. At^ Elm street the First prize winners received cer- mann Canons; and the Piece He- line runs south, excluding both roique. by Franck. at 8 p.m. in the school. presently treasurer of the West- tificates of award and $25. Honor- field Glee Club and is serving as ^ides of the street, to the rail- The recital is open to the pub- There will be selections by the road. At the railroad the line runs ic. elementary choir, the orchestra emporary secretary of the May- LEADER WANT ADS PAY . md the seventh grade chorus. r's Committee to Study Charit- west 'along the railroad to tha able Campaigns in Westfield. Scotch Plains town line. From One dreadful" thought Is that Featured will be the following: this point the line follows along while you are getting ahead some- ohn Griner, violin solo accom- ;he town line until the starting body is being left behind. panied by Debbie Bris, "Concerto Williams, who Is married and n D," Seitz; Sandra 'Neuss, Tlute has three daughters, resides at joint is reached. solo, "Soft Music Enchanting," 03 Carleton road and is an agent South side boundary lines are Mozart; Donald Moore, trumpet f the Mutual Benefit Life Insur- is follows: solo, accompanied by Sue Bilden, ance Co. Columbui School OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 THi. FLOOR SHOF "Apollo Polka," Clarke; Alfred He was elected at the closing All pupils living within the area Waldchen, saxophine solo, accom- meeting of the two-day affair >ounded by the following line panied by Connie Paranski, "Star- which heard reports on the activ- hall attend Columbus School. Be- • Tfrese Summer Suits never look beat! ust," Carmichael. ities and growth of the organiza- ginning at a point where the pro- A short business meeting in- tion throughout the state. Ap- jection of the east side of Boule- luding thk election • of the new roximately 450 members repre- vard would intersect the railroad, 'TA officers will precede the pro- senting GO local chapters were the line runs south along the east 'ram. resent. lide of Boulevard, excluding both Other Westfield Jaycees who iides of Boulevard, to the south saw their campaign efforts re- side of Clifton street; thence^ WONDERON* SUlTSl warded and who participated in northeast along the south side of Berserk Pupil he convention included: Dr. Gor- Clifton street, including both don P. Hamilton, past president; jides of Clifton street, to the cen- 55% DACRON-45% FINE WOUIH] WOULD YOU BELIEVE! (Continued from page I) James W. Landers, president-elect; ter of Central avenue. Thence, Wagner, athletic coach, walked in- E. Daniel Boston, Stuart E. Grif- long fche center of Ce,ntrpi; ayqn to the principal's office anpj;- was jf, James L. Harrison, S. Van uo southeast to the center. ,aff ihot in the chest. He is in critical Viiet Lyman, Charles H. Meserve, Cedar street. Follow the center of condition. Robert Hicks, also a Robert Redfern, Edmund T. Rob- Cedar street northeast to the Gar- ;eacher, heard the shots and rts, Warren A. Schneider, Theo- 'ood town line, thence northwest lown the hall to investigate and lore J. Vreeland and James L, ilong the town line to the rail- vas shot in the hand when he tried iVescoat. oad, thence west along the rail- a disarm Prevatte. This was the largest state con- oad to the starting point. The boy ran outside the school ention ever to be held in New - Jeffcrfon School nd there was stopped by a work- ersey. : All pupils living within the area nan, one of the group he had fired >ounded by the following line >n, who held an ashcan as a shield ihall attend Jefferson School. Be- gainst Prevatte's gun. The youth" Jean Tobey ginning at the town line at 'Unami landed the man the gun, saying, 3ark, the line rufis southwest I don't want to shoot anymore." hrough the center of Cedar street When questioned by the police, (Continued from page 1) the center of Central avenue, revatte said he didn't know why The site of the encampment is ;hence northwest along the cen- e shot Cameron. "He treated me Shoshone "National Forest near ;er of Central avenue to the south ine in school," he was quoted as fellowstone Park about 40 miles lide .of Clifton street, thence aying and was his "favorite teach- rom Cody, Wyo. This camp pro- iouthwest along the south side of ides opportunities for the scouts jlif ton street, excluding both sides Maryland State Attorney Blair o explore the countryside, take )f the street to Boulevard, thence H, Smith ordered Prevatte charged rail trips, camp out overnight in ria the center of Clifton street to .he Rocky mountains and study . VfCM TO WBHI ith murder, two counts of as- he east side of McKinley avenue, lt'S a blending of dacron end wwrtJ sault with intent to kill and two :ho wild life of the area. including both sides of McKinley with counts of assault with a deadly In selecting senior scouts for avenue, thence southeast along weapon. The youth was jailed at this encampment much consider- that gives these lightest of weight Sit your home off to a LEES HEATHCUff McKinley avenue to the south side Upper Marlboro, Md., to await ation has been given to their skill of Morgan street, excluding both beautiful start with preliminary hearing tomorrow. and knowledge of camping tech- sides of Morgan street, thence Summer suits their amazing shape Mr. Cameron was killed just a liques as well as to their quali- iouthwest to Tamaques regerva- Rabarts tocUau few hours before he Was to leave ties of leadership, knowledge of ion line. From this point the retaining qualities. Wear a Wonder* visit his mother in Westfield. irl Scouting and ability to repre- line runs southwest . along the Tteathcliff MMM He had his bags packed to come sent their own communities. Tamaques reservation to the town Suit on the hottest, sultry day and north, to celebrate his mother'3 This year marks the fifth year line, thence along the town line Catffe birthday yesterday. that "Weatfiuld has had a girl se- in a southeast direction until the carpet by LEES When Dr. S. Ewan Jr., superin- lected to represent New Jersey at starting point is reached. it will see you through-handsomelyl rOs tendent of Westfield schools, re- tho encampment. Other represen- Tour home nWm— tha ceived word of the shooting from tatives from Westfield have been Tailored for us by Michaels-Sterniii bwt is beraty . . . tmd For A» Little At the superintendent of Seat Pleas- Joan Bachand, Joan Golden, Mar- What shall we do—or go fish- ben's beauty at iU best ant schools, he called Robert L garet Anne Wolking and Marcia ing?—Harold Hepworth Thompson smart, natural Jine models you'll that everyone can' afford. Foose, principal of Westficld High Miller. Ibb heavy textured twfet School, and asked Mr. Foose to *12<95 notify Mrs. Ruth W. Cameron feel like a million in. will add casual luxniy to Frazer's mother, who was teach any ~tt«g. Sq. Yd. ing a social studies class in the Red Cross Sets • woven of sturdy all wool school. After the news was brok yarm, for cushioned or en to her, Mrs. Cameron vvus taken $55 ontufcrt. to the school infirmary for treat- Annual Meeting • your choice of •taoasmg $485 ment after shock. She left late new mnlti-colora Complete for the scene of the accident to The annual meeting of the local • sturdy latex undercoat- make funeral arrangements. chapter of the American Red Cross will be held Wednesday ai ing binds the tofts, gives Mrs. Cameron has been u teach- I«IIOI1P •• •kjd-firoof security er in Wostlield High School for 20 8 p.m. at the Chapter House, 32] BUDGET TERMS yours. Fraser, an only child, wa Elm street. Members of the Red HAVE YOUR Yow'U^find Hoathcliff, AtRANGEP Cross, who include every annual MICHAELS-STERN with I1EE8 famous graduated from Wostfield Hlg! contributor, are Invited to attend. • School; Union Junior College i f UN-FOR-EVERYONB j bjBd twist, a rugged addi- Cranford, and Gettysburg College Officers and directors will act an tion to your basks* rooms. FREE HOME Pa. hosts and hostesses on this occa PARTIES AT ESTIMATES aion and will explain the ditferen At the Cranford college he mei functions of the local chapter. Dacron and Ray his wife, Dorothy Dietz of Berke- ley Heights, whom he mttrriud i Joseph McLoone, chief of ape • No down payment memory 1BB0. Sho died tho next your o clnl services of East Orange Vet prun's Administration Hospital 0] k $45 • Up to 36 months to pay a rare blood disease. Enat Orange, n lieutcnunt-conv K»nt«ur«nt t Nawirk Airport • Payments as low at $10 muniler of Naval Reserves, wil New Suit Club Now I A.O.C. a month Ciinccl Paper Drive: Kpeak on "The Work of the Hci CREDIT Cross Volunteer In VA Hospi PLAN • Quick, easy approval Center Plum Show tula." Refreshments will be served. TV WITH (01.1)11, «1AN IIANOK Tho paper drive scheduled b ANII iii:i-iii(iiin.\ inn Troop 70 of the Westfield Com Ray Corcoran, chapter presi WITH .1.IIOOM (MiTITI' munity Center for Sunday, Ma dent, urged all to attend. Sal Mile mmortunlty—-Take over Iml- John franks Mr. Corcoran, "We will be hnpp '""'' "• Mill, on a lirnml new 20, has boen cancelled, A futur to receive the public nnd explai riMiiliU'tl! rmmiH of date for the drive has not bee tho work of our various commit lii'iiiitlfiil fui'iilliim Including TV MEN'S APPAREL set. rr J;.. "'OI'I r8 r""B(.ilro«iii%ilt«, hiiKi- p.m. at the Center und will in- Jci't. The committees are working "in-imcr unit mirror, v\\nM mid tii'il PLAINFIELD RIDGEWOOD clude profdssiotml modo!n, uma- to muko the mooting 11 huge stic, •(irlnit nmi inullri.m,; ii-|H', Knr- tuut'H, men, women and children. mli'ii ji.l. ai!lI'ny ,,,,|v n.sil wci-Uly. Uw our raar ontranca for direct accasi te E. Broad Street from 040 North Avt, *Jr;,, EUzabilh 2-7400 CI'SH and their work will bo beal &'•'.'• '>'"• - I'li'ino Iliiniliiililt li- This program \u HponHored by rawanlvd by u IHI-RC attendance,1 Open Men., We* and Ttiun. Nlghti TIN 9 P. ML tho HUKinoHS nnd Industrial Wom- en's Club of tlip Community Can- In 10B6, B,18() pmientriium wer ter. . , killed In U, S. truffle accidents. THE WESTF1ELP (N. J.) IEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1856 100I Board Temple Emanu-El Girl Scout News Summit, st Rahway aveou* Building Fund Gains Salary Increases Troop 23 ' First street. Police said that 1 )ints Teachers Scotch PUin. impact of the collision forced the . More than 15 per c*nt of the Voted in Borough Troop 23, » new girl scout troop Welch automobile into s goal needed for construction of the has been formed in the Shacka- car driven by Mre. E. I. o teachers were appointed j religious-education addition to the maxon area of Scotch Plains. Mrs. 715 Austin street - ^ e Board of Education Tues- present edifice of Temple Emanu- MOUNTAINSIDE-Salary in- Cdward Southard of South Mar- In the two-car accident a e»* i ight, effective April 9, to fill El was reached after the recent cn'ases for bovou$>:h oftk-ials, retw- "kifk-off" dinner. This announce- aetive to Jan. 1 wore voted by tJW line avenue u! Uader with Mrs. opei ated by REX OMifii, G«MW<4f»f the rest of the school year. Eric Reilinger of King street •<• was in collision with a- vehicle | are Mrs. Gladys M. Webber, ment was made by Melvin Grabel, Boruugh Council Tuesday night. chairman of the building cam- N-ew salaries are: Borough sisting as co-leader Mis. Jatk driven by Joan Godfrey 3r, tffert s replacing' Miss Pelton at Mohler of Northgate road is com- 911 Brown avenue. Officer Stam- __iirh School, and Mrs. Mil-paign, at a meeting of the advisory clerk, $l,3S(i; assistant borough en C. investigated. -^ f V. Fullsrd, who is filling a committee Monday efefting. clerk. $1,1.00: court dork, $1,600; mittee chairman. All parents havo jcy at the Junior High School treasurer, (1.600; tax collector, volunteered to assist the leaders David Schimmel, honorary chair- $1,600; assistant borough tlerk by working on the troop commit- IX. man of the campaign, announced and sorretary of Board of Adjust- tee, and taking an active part in • LEGAL NOTlCfS • urteen teachers and one that the next two dinner events in ment. $600; magistrate, $lJ000; the meetings. i were appointed to begin in the campaign will be held next borough attorney, $J,000; secre- N'OTICB ;mber. They are Kenneth R. week at the homes of President tary Board of Tax Assessors, $1.- The new girls are: Donna Brow- Tuk? Notice that Anto&ia Sa Nathaniel M. Cohen and Mr. Gra- tfle!d I studies in the junior high bel. It is planned to hold three $50 monthly; Wurou^h Hall cus- g«n, Lise Lotte Helkbrand, Lisbeth ,iie«»l of the Plenary H»tiiHC more dinner events in this series lumufiou hicenae tor prensistt *%^i il; Raymond Ms Brooks from todian, $30 monthly, and building Mohler, Betty Jean Reilinger, Mar- ate-d ut ijni-5u3 Central Av«$l#f, iiton Township schools, so- of affairs before the end of May. inspector, 50 pt-r cent of all fees tha Scott, Karen Southmd, Sheiry W<»tfMd ^f uhjei-Uons, if any. should be mo»*« - ;tudies in the junior high; Wil- Meetings ol the following com- collected. Police salaries also were Villa. mmt'diati'ly In writtss to. Jitad Vv*3 L. Mample of Schnectady, mittees are scheduled to take place raised as proposed last month. The program scheduled for the OIKF, Town Clerk of \VentflGld, N. jtc J" grade in Lincoln School; Ei- during this week: Budget girls includes organized swimming, Slgnod, ' A resolution WHS passed and ANTONIr O DAOAWABtt* A. Hastings from Kenilworth finance, builclii.^-, general cam- horseback riding- at Watehung .Ol Ontrul At«,, « ~T£ sent to state offieials and legisla- WostfteW, S. J. Js, third grade in Grant paign, publicity, special gifts, so- tors requesting construction of an Stables, and other outdoor sum- -10-31 Feet *«.«*• ol; Marguerite Finelli, Plain- licitation and special events. Mean- overpass to Route 22 Elementary mer activities. Field tiips are from Lake Parsippany while, the dedicated members on School and installation of a four planned to Costa's lee Cream Fac- third grade in McKinley the advisory and all other commit- way traffic light with manual eon- tory, Muhlenberg Hospital, and phone ol; Mrs. Carol F. Shumack, tees are devoting their energies to trols at tho intersection of Route Trailside Museum. en, from Staten Island wind up the drive early in June 22 and NfW Providence road. rates are , third grade at Columbus so that laying of the cornerstone The Board of Health will con- No One Injured ol; Joyce B. Newberry, Ma- can take place in the early duct a Salk vaccine clinic today in Dod, from Milwaukee, Wis., of this year. Central Avenue School. Dr. Theo- In Accidents Here jls, third grade at Franklin dore Lorenc will administer the ol; Diana Dukoff, Irvington, Five persons escaped injury H, Evunn lluinanth vaccine. Boston Harrison, N.Y., schools, William H. Davis, Alcoholic Bev- Monday in three-car and two-car ;h grade in Jefferson School; Importance Of iPriiew'riiewianeri t in the fishing rodeo ipontared by the Rotary Club and the town of Weitfield Sat- accidents here. Detroit...... u erage Control Commissioner, noti- Jones, Westfield, from Port irday «t Mindowaikin Perk, are ahown above with the judfei who are, left to rifht. Mayor H. fied the board that hearing on Officer Edward Greer reported rnm NSW AUK altar • FM , N.Y., schools, vocal music COP Victory Told E£m*r»on Thomat, Carleton Bunker, Robert Dawion, feneral chairman of the rodeo, and Henry charges the Echo Cocktail Lounge that a car driven by Mrs. Herbert «nd Sund»yt 8 mta. • Wcstfleld schools, and Ro— Riott, president of the Rotary Club. Inc., Route 22 served liquor to R. Welch Jr. of 536 Shackamaxon Dello-Russo, 1227 Hazel ave- minors will be held Monday in drive, was in collision with an au- Plainfleld, from the Hillside Women Republicans Mrs. Loges Serves Newark. to operated, by I). G. Esposito, 19, Is, industrial arts at the High Hear Mrs. Dwyer 664 Take Part As Minister of Music Camp Ranger ol. Jeanne O. Turek was ap- What's in a name? that which we ;ed school nurse. "For the good of the American In Fishing Rodeo Mis. Henry C. Loges of 866 Tice Opens June 25 call a rose her teachers appointed were people—for you and me and all place Is serving as minister of By any other name would smell Lila O. Phipps, guidance REGISTER YOUR CHILD IN our friends and neighbors—we music for this month and June In Expecting an influx of children as sweet. in the High School; Mrs. cannot afford to lose this impor- A total of 064 children partici- e H. Cleary as an elementary the First Baptist Church. She re-ages six to 12 years after the William Shakespeare tant Congressional fight," Assem- pated in the fifth annual fishing places Lester Robertson who hasJune graduations, Camp Ranger of il teacher; MSrs. Frances D. blywoman Florence P. Dwyer, can- rodeo of the Rotary Club Satur- erland in the High School, served i,n that capacity for many Westfield, is completing last min- didate for the congressional seat day at Mindowaskin Lake. years and who resigned Kay 1. ute details to process applications A N«w Ultra-Modcrn Mrs. Elizabeth S. Pearce as in the sixth district, told the Wom- ibstitute in an elementary Prizes were awarded to the fol- He is now vacationing with Mrs. as quickly as possible. The camp en's Republican Club Tuesday at lowing youngsters: Largest fish Robertson in Bermuda, where they will open June 26. il. the Woman's clubhouse. caught by a boy, a 15i/2 inch cat- are visiting their son and daugh- This was announced yesterday embers of Special Joint Com- "She reminded members of "the fish, Michael Eash, and for girls, NURSERY SCHOOL on Salaries from the Board outstanding record of the Repub- ter-in-law. by the camp supervisor and direc- Lawn mowers a tie between Joan Seibcrt and tor, Elizubeth Reilly, director of* ducation, the Westfield Teach- lican-controlled 83rd ' Congress, Betty Ferguson, each a 12% inch Issociation and the Westfield Working closely with President's physical education for girls, Holy For children 3-5 years ' trout; first fish, Charles Blyth and Trinity High School. When ques- cil of PTA were announced, Elsenhower's administration, it Linda Hartman, and most fish, Jaycees Elect esenting the board are Mrs,passed important legislation af- tioned as to whut Camp Ranger Gregory Mriniak, nine, and Lynn $ to offer children from this on Wilder, Dr. Bradford N. fecting our taxes, our Social Se- Barrett, six. er and H. D. Merrill Jr; curity, our workers, our internal New Officers area, Mrs. Reilly pointed out that security, our atomic development The winners received complete the program will be presented tn the association are Mel- these children in a supervised Hichaels of the High School, and our safeguards against Com- fishing kits or rods and reels. A At the monthly meeting of the munism." consolation prize of a flashlight manner accenting a recreational, les Covell of the Junior High was given to Steven Voorhees for Westfield Junior Chamber of Com- educational and character-building The Roger Williams School Miss Beatrice Kirley of Mc- The assemblywoman compared catching the largest trout, almost merce last week, the new slate of program. iy School. The PTA Council this with the Democrat-controlled officers* was elected for the ensu* *•• i 15 inches. The club also awarded ing year as follows: James Lan- Mrs. Reilly noted that since the [presented by Mrs. William 84th Congress which, she said five other flashlights and 50 silver camp is a group member of Ash- SPONSORED IY THE FIRST IAPTIST CHURCH >erick, 420 North Chestnut "has'done nothing about needed ders, president; James L. Harri- dollars. son and Stuart L, Griffin, first and brook Swim Club, nil campers will t; Harry Leedom, 683 Shad- legislation regarding our schools, use tho all-steel, 75 ft. x 150 ft. 170 ELM STREET m drive, and Frank Bearsley our health, labor, social* welfare Judge's were Mayor H. Emer- second vice presidents respectively; SHARPENED son Thomas, Henry Rost, presi Jack Rosenquest, secretary and pool, wading pool, play area and i 39 Scotch Plains avenue. and other far-sighted aimst)f Pres- the modern playground equipment. ident Eisenhower's program." dent of the club, and Carlton H Warren Schneider, treasurer. The SOLD - PARTS She called upon the club to be- Bunker, vice president. The may-newly elected directors are Ed gin work now to accomplish a Re- or und Charles Cassell served as Roberts, Charles Messerve and plans have already been under- Appllcationt bting acctptid now for Fall tarm irians Hear publican victory in the fall. masters of ceremonies. Owen McWilliama. taken for another show. • Refreshments were distributed Mrs. Dwyer was introduced by The new officers will be install- The proceeds received by the , •.-.;- * Opening data September 17 '".- Mrs. V. D, Barker. A new slate to the children at the conclusion ed at the next monthly meeting of junior chamber from the show are lior High Choir of officers for election at the June by a committee headed by Henry the Junior Chamber of Commerce, used, for the scholarship establish- 12 meeting was presented by Mrs. Parsons. A group of volunteers Wetlrte'sday, June (> at Novak's. ed by tho Jaycees for a student at choir from Roosevelt Jun- Bette Schafer, nominations chair- from the Police Department and ''•'•lit addition to the election of one of the local high -schools. The ligh School, under the direc- man, as follows: President, Mrs. Volunteer Rescue Squad was un-officers, a report was given on the committee informed the member- For information call Mn. W. H. Pfafff*, director, We. 2-4*70 der the direction of Chief Albert Home Show which was sponsored ship that a satisfactory return had f Mrs. Ruth Tombacher, en- Charles McCulloch; first vice pres- La GRANDE or the Church Office, We. 2-2279 tned members of the Rotary ident, Mrs. Barker; second vice Pfirrmann. General chairman was by the Westfield Jayceea and held been received from the show to be Robert Dawson. at the Westfield Armory during applied to this Hchohir.ship fund Law* MOWN l*pab Step at the regular meeting held president, Mrs. Gordon K. Green- tttf. Bmt WmUWWJM YMCA Tuesday. Composed field; recording secretary, Mrs. W. the week of April 23. According und stated that it is the hope of voices, the entire choir open- D. Darragh; clerk, Mrs. St. Gem- to the reports of the committee the committee that this afl'uir will Free Pick-Up & Delivery program by singing three me Ebert; and directors, Mrs. Maxwell Named and those of local merchants, the become an annual event in West- is. They were: "America Adam P. Piret and Mrs. Harold show was a complete success and field. Own," "In Memoriam" and Haddock. leluiah Christ Liveth." Mrs. McCulloch reported on theTo Health Board c Roosevelt Rangers, a group State Federation of Republican )ys, followed with "A Whale Club's convention recently held in Dr. Richard B. Maxwell of 826 Tale" and "Student Logic." Atlanti6 City. Fair Acres avenue has been ap- at, the Sweet Sixteens, a pointed fo the Board of Health by p of girls dressed alike, sang Mayor H. Emerson Thomas with I 0' the Wisp," "The Maid- Dinner to Honor the approval of Town Council. He Choice" and "The Little replaces Dr. Ralph A. Hall who re, ich Clock." signed April 1. le Barber Shop Boys sang "I School Principal Dr. Maxwell, who began his dut- t Give You Anything But ies at Thursday's meeting in the ," "Coney Island Baby" and Howard Tomlinson, principal of Municipal Building, will serve the Parting There." McKinley School, will be guest of unexpired term until Dec. 31. He le final portion of the pro-honor at a dinner Saturday at 7 was graduated from Dartmouth n was rendered by the entire p.m. in the school auditorium. Mr. College and Cornell University They sang: "Morning Now Tomlinson, who has been princi- Medical School and served two ons," "Ah's Gonna Walk With pal of McKinley since 1963, will years in the Navy. Lord'.' and "Johnnie Schmok- succeed Byron D. Stuart who has Health Officer Joseph J. Mott resigned as principal of Roosevelt ley's report for April showed 104 rs. Tomb«eher was thanked Junior High School. cases of measles, which he said presented wtth a gift from the The dinner will be catered by was above average, and two cases by the Rev. Dr. Gordon Mi- Mansard's of Plainfield. of infectious hepatitis. son, The committee which has work- There were 38 births, 18 deaths em-y Rost presided at the ed on the affair includes Mr. andand 12 marriages. Nine dog and i and the invocation was Mrs. Stuart Burnley, Mr. and Mrs. one cat bite were reported. Two n by Charles Philhower. Kenneth Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs.children were bitten by a pet enry Viswat and President- Robert Katz, Mrs. Robert Secley shrew which ' died. An autopsy • Al Neumann, welcomed a new and Mrs. Rodulph Bachert. on the animal showed it* did not Iber to the club, William H. Stuart Burnley will be master have rabies. n III. of ceremonies and George Hol- Master plumber licenses were isiting Rotafians and guests land will give the invocation. The issued to Patrick Monahan of Ro- i welcomed by Jack Best. They entertainment will consist of tal- ent from the junior high includ- selle and C, L. Poll, of Plainfield. '••• T. H. Fulton and K. Hors- Otto Carpenter presided. Plaintield; M. Westerfield,, ing Lee Beach and Charles Eddie, abcth; E. Wolford, Cranford; playing the drums; Mickey Martin italey, Fanwood; A. Williams, at the piano; a dance by Nancy School Registration II and J. Pierson, guest of Stern; singing by Gwen Caldwell and Pat Wuller, and .a pantomine Set For Wednesday by Joan Pctrasek and Vicky How- eli. SCOTCH PLAINS — The PTA- stration Set For sponsored registration day for kindergarten pupils for next faial Dancing Classes Pulitser Prize school term will be conducted Wednesday in the Evergreen Westfield YWCA has an- Awarded Kantor School with Mrs. Donald Hurd as peed that registration for the chairman of • the roundup. Free A Pulitzer prize has been be- t social dancing glasses will physical and dental examinations t Monday. The classes are for stowed on MacKinlay Kantor who will be given children whose names nth and eighth grade boys and resided in Westfield at one time, start with A to L, at 1 :S0 to 2:30 ' »nd me limited to 25 couples. for his Civil War novel "AndBr- p.m., and children with M to Z issus will moot at the Y on sonville." initials will be registered between •nate Fridays from 7 to 10 The 1066 Pulitzer awards in 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. beginning in mid-October. A journalism, literature and music Tho examinations are given by stmas dance and a spring were announced yesterday by the Dr. William J. McGinn, Dr. Wil- te will be held. trustees of Columbia University. liam Simonds, physicians, and Dr. structors for the 195U-57 sea- Kantor's novel, the story of the T. A. Cowell, dentist. Parents may will again be Mr. and Mrs.horrors, of a. Confederate prison have their children examined by 1 few Marshall whose buck- camp, won thu Pulitzer Prize for their personal physician if they KOOS BHOS. retting- for classic rlcRitnco is a room whore tin: vcr> tables in Kuropean wild cherry ... French candlestick lamps strengthen tho nd includes: Teaching at Fred fiction. so prefer. Children to be eligible fine reigns supreme. Thai sofa, for instance... n Mimplumis, nKijuiifici'iit loom's feel of classic elegance. Sofa shown is $710, tho lounge chttlf, $279, Ire studios, exhibition ball- In Paris Monday night Kantor for kindergarten next term must pieco 10 feet lon{! .. is truly custom crafted, for Koos will make it any size file plnkand-Bold tufted lounjjc chair, S24J, the polished black leather chain dancing, und classes for expressed great satisfaction. "Af- havo been born before or on you need... as long as 2(1 feet if ynnr room is that lorij;... or just the average each $200, the Baker cocktail table with classic column pedestal, $299, This ter 30 books," he said, "a writer 1 ts and teen-agers. Nov. 30, 1951. Mrs. Orville Km- 0-foot length if you prefer. And we'll make it to fit your exact moiiMircmenls is just one of twenty new rooms you'll see In Koos magnificent Designers' rsons wishing further infor- ciin hardly be blamed for hanker- ing nfter something like this." mons nnd several members of the .'...yes, right In Ihe inch. We've built this entire room around this fabulous Gallery... all decors have lieen designed and executed by Koos own staff. For on oi- to enroll arp asked to PTA will assist, also local regis- decorating ncrvicc just pick up tho phone... cull Kahway 7-3700 lot an the YWCA sociul dunclnic Mr. Kuntor resided for some sofa... its pink-laupc fabric blends with palest pink hrnatllonni, flower pink time in Wcatflcld while he iv«s tered nurses. draperies and walls, complements shiillcr scrcensln pntcnl black. Uirectoln! appointment "limn, Mrs. Howard G. Codct, Parents are required to present 8-7004. writing "Long Remember," his novel about the Bottle of (Jcttys- birth certificates, records o f burg. vaccinations, diphtheria nnd »rc Uiiin 7(1(1,000 pcrnoiiB whooping cough irmnuni/.wtloii KOO.S onOS Route 27, Itahwny ... I'boiic It A 7-U700 • Extended Payment* • Open Kvery Night except injured In wookond traffic Thu author i.-i vacatiu/iliig in cards of the children. ienta la»t year. Europo with hia family. ( TJ1ADEB. THURSDAY, THE front of a car at 720 Willow Grqv" Home, with the Rev. Dr. Gordon today at 8 p.m. »t Gray's Funera! Bicyclist Unit Ii» road. E. Michalson, pastor of the First Home, 318 East Broad Street. 422 Delegates Collision With Car Branp Northcutt, son of ftjr. OBITUARIES Methodist Church, officiating. In- The Rev. James D. Cole, asso- and Mrs. R. T. Northcutt, 725 terment will be private. ciate minister of the Presbyterian Willow Grove road, was in the Church in Westfield, will officiate. Attend County A 12-year-old Westfield youth process, police said, ot making a at Ruth W. Canaeron of 528 Carletoi suffered »io«r cuts and abrasions 6 Fraser K. Cameron road, has taught the past 20 year Interment will be tomorrow left turn from Willow Grove road. Funeral services for Prascr K. morning in Woodland Cfttjetefl?, Tuesday afternooafte.noo,n, when the b - }Ie was in collision with a car Also attending were William H Harry C, Fadde 1 PTA Conference LEADER Cameron, who was shot dead Fri- Harry C Fadde, 69, of Linden, - " - • Conn. ' ""• " cycle he was riding struck the leu day by a student who wounded Warner, a former teacher at th< high school and now director o father of Mrs. Margaret Horton The annual .spring confeience two other teachers at Maryland Wesler of 22 Westbrook road, Park Junior Hiffh School, Seat secondary educatiqn for the Pivi Isaac Wilhamson of Union County Council PTA don of Curriculum and Instruc died Tuesday at his home after a SCOTCH PLAIN'S—Isaac Lou was attended by 422 delegaU-s Pleasant, Md., were held Monday lingering illness. is Williamson, 79, a resident o: afternoon at day's Funeral Home. tion, State Department pf Educa- last Thursday in the senioi high tion; Charles A. Philhower, re Mr. Fadde was well-known as this township for 24 years, died school. Conference theme was The Rev. Richard A. Bryan, tired superintendent of schools a hunting and fishing sportsman. Tuesday night in his home -' "Education foi Today—Citizen- minister of the New Providence Byron Stuart, principal of Roose- He was a member of the Arewell 2278 North uvenue, west. Presbyterian Church, officiated. Game Preserve of Ringoes, Bay- ihip-" „. A velt Junior High School, and Miss side Club of Surf City, Elks in He is survived by his widow, I'he importance of active PlAs Burial was in the church ceme- Clara Cordua, retired supervisoi MAS Kalhiyn B. Heycock Wil- tery. Elizabeth, and St. Elizabeth's in making for good schools was of school nurses. Church, Linden. liamson, one son, Ralph D. Wil-ppintcd out by Dr. S. N. Ewan A^ong the bearers wp* three limiibou, at home; one daughter Mr. Cameron had a rente Survivors include his widow, Jr. superintendent of Weatfield fellow teachers at Maryldu'd Park room in Cheverly, Md., but spenl Mis. Gladys W. Bisterfeld oi Junior High School, Joseph K. lib's. Catherine Fadde, at home; Mountainside; two grandchildren schools, in greeting the delegates. the summers at his mother's home. two other daughters, Mrs. Ger-Mis. Edward Sisson of Berkeley ' An illustrated talk on teach- Kuber, Lawrence J. Alessi and She is his only survivor. Robert W. Hicks. Thfre were trude Scott of Bala Cynwyd, Pa.; Heights and Frederick T. Bister- ing citizenship in the elementary floral tributes. and Mrs. Mary Zelanko of Clark; field of Mountainside; one brother grades was pieaented by Wey- son, Harry C. Jr. of Colonia, Chailcs ^'illiamaon of Hopuwelj; man p. Sleengrafe, piipcipa) of M»ny educators wpre, present and eight grandchildren. and two sisters, Mis. t^ys Caster- 'rankhn School, Westfield, in jp,clud,in^ John Hrezo, principal Edward Silberg, 79, of 61 Funeral services will be held lin of Buuud Brook and lira, he morning sessiou. or t>ie school, who was the ob-Mays street, a retired Westfiel tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. at the ar'd' La Rue of L^inbertyltye. ' Also featured w»s a pane( jective of the admitted murderer, shoe merchant, died Tuesda. home, followed by a Solemn High Funeral services will he held to- discussion on "Experiment in Cool Clatsmattt Billy Ray Prevatte, 14. The ybufh in Rahway Memorial Hospital Mass of Requiem at St. Elizabeth's Citizenship Education" by stu- told" police ho had "killed Mr. Rahway. morrow "at 2:30 p.m. in Gray's Church. Interment will follow in Funeral Home, Westfield, with the dents frpm the Westfield Senior Cameron, my favorite tpcher,'by Mr. Silberg started his busmes St. Gertrude's Cemetery, Wood High School including Ami mistake" after looking for Mr. in Cranford in 1900 and moved i Rev. iWololdd Scott, pastopa.stor of tptjie wear washable bridge. Kenwood Presbyteriuo Church, ooff- Brower, Betty Alger, Carol Hrezo, who had reprimfn^deg him to Westfield in 1919. He retirc( Cplin, Peggy Smyers, Elizabeth •for misconduct.' more than 2p yuavs ago. ficiating. Interment will be in jliujliu- side Cemetery, Plainfield. Topham, Roger Kaufman, James Others attending were Qepfge Mr. Silberg was an exempt fire Mr*. Lewis II. Church Leonard, Richard Reynolds and Robinjon, assistant supe.rin|end- man of CrMiford apd was a BO Mrs. Augusta Kellogg Church, Robert Boothe. Albert R. Bobal, NORTHCOOL ent of schools in County year member; p.f Franklin Masoni< 78, died Tuesday morning at her Henry wiy ilstury instructor, was modei1*.- when; Seat Pleasant is located; Lodge in Bristol. Conn. 1 home, 252 Clark street. She waij SCCTCH PLAINS — Henry T. dr. Mi'l. Margaret Brpwh, jirt teach- He is s.u'rv(veq by a daughter, be widow of the late Lewis H. Schwebemeyer, 58, of Crest Lane, There also were talks by Jrfrs. Ivy Cords er, and Mrs. Ruth Shipley, guid- Mrs. Norman Sprague, with vision ohn ' Vander Veer, ' historian anc» eounaelar. he resjded at the Sjaye street ad Church, who died last year died last Thursday' in Muhlenberg dress; a son, Gerald, also of thi Born in South Salem, N.Y., Mrs. Hospital, Plainfield, after an ill- ;few Jersey Congress, of Parents' WestSeld'a representatives were Church had lived in Westfleld al- ness of about six *eeks.He was liid Teachers, tnd' Harold ^. way — •!»•"•• 4* HM ysuhg If d by Dr. 6. N. Bwan Jr., super- Maye street address; a brother, Abraham of Westfield; and a sis most go years. She was a member secretary of Ralph G. Schwebe- Thompson, assistant principal of In a intendent of schools, ant) Robert : >f the local DAB chapter and a( he host JiiKhsehpol. Awards for L. Fooae, principal of ^es^fleld ter, Mrs. Lionel Simraonds o\ meyef a'nd'CoV, Newark'realtpls. 'canslrjicKsii, Miami,' Fla. yer last year was reported. It Husky •!*•• 10-20 19.9S hlldren/' and three great-grand- I. was »niiQunced that the. names n hildreu. He is survived by his widow, Mra. Thomas C. Jpnes of RoaeU* Extra TreuMrc — Junior $5.50; Funeral services will be held Theima Ferguson Schwebemeyer Park and Mrs. Charleg Ferguson one sister, Mrs. George Menger >f' Fanwqpd Wfiie submitted as of Union; and one brother, Ralph, :andidates far state, officea o| G. of South Orange. ecvetary and, tieasijrei', respec? ROYS' AND r._. , it. QuilHy. Funeral sQrvice.s were held at lveiy. CrafbminsMf tnd p«rmifl«nt «•«!» |r» Hutii in imith and Smith Suburban; Vocal selections were pre- IWRF mriar er rqmuiWft "If t^ Contort «•••»** a Substitute far.* lented by "The Thirteen," )• !prin,gfleld, Saturday afternoon, c BARRE A Che Rev. Dejwyn Rayson, pastor >;roup of sgnjqr h^sH ^ n9°l h.P^s, SHOP^ • L. L. jHANHnNG * SON £,i. mi i f the Community Church, MOUNT md the Lincoln Singers, * PTA, Stanley lurnvr, Owiwr troup froin Lincoln ijphBQl.' riere. GUILD 401 Wail Front Shxl Til. NnlnfbM - jsids, officiated. Interment was - 18 Elm St.-W». 2-5696 •uildtn ot Quality Monumtnli lor tl r»ra rivate. »Irs. Anthony ' De CheUis of Vestfield was hostess for the day. Vs.. Fraiik Ste,udle of Unjop prer Virginia Hart ided. . "-' FANWOOft — Funeral'wytces • Malnfi.W Shop: 111 Park Av».-fl.MIB ere held Saturday afternoon in ae Higglns. "Home for Puq^ralsi'l 'lainfield, for'Virginia Bette flart. 5 to Enter * will 'ind hit «iMf m, to mr n« ),' pf 84 LaGrande avenue, wh<) ie,d last Thursday in Muhlenberi i Shop, 104 Qoimby St., at $27.50 pspital, Plainfleld, where she na<| in Parade lidisrgone major surgery, WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY The Rev. Harold A. Scott, minT fp Day Founded la 188.8 a pasting Zribute iter of the Fanwood Presbyteriai} Ihutch, officiated. Interment was Affair Scheduled \ Evergreen Cemetery, Ne\^ WESTFIELIVS OLDEST BANK ~ ORGANIZED IN 1892 Zo Our OWM...' irunswick. Non-Profil Nm-Stctarian I «f • Umi «»'• SCOTCH PLAINS—More tjian • Virginia < was a daughter of .5. orgaf>iza^ns have to^icateij WUHam Edward Hart "Jr. ancj hey will enter floats in the May Myrtle Elizabeth • Hingher Hart, H> Memorial Day Parade here,wTh,e S«JKf Yew- M«nwrla| Besides her parents, she leaves larch will be sponsored by |ne ^ f Jfc^ Day wo sisters, June Mary and Joami, 'anwpod-Seqtch Plains American PLANNED TO PRESjpy^ THE md a brother William E. Ill, all region Post 209 in cooperation NATURAL BEAUTY OF A FINE t home; her maternal grand- ?lth officials from both munici- nother, Mrs. Charles Hingher of ilitles. '•' ' WOODED LANDSCAPE .. . ighland Park; and her paternal The parade is expected Vfo be tiNau ouvp randmother, William E. Han je biggest in this area's fojstory'! HEN YOU NEEQ MAINTAINED IN THE MANNER MONUMiNTt r. of East Millstone. ccordlrtg to parade co-chairmen Virginia was a pupil in the OF A WELL-KEPT PARK Dotnu 9(y burth" grade of School 4 here. ^rannk PniQ9 annd 'JsaeplJsaeplt M»nBM»nB>: MONUMINTS .'226 W A NEW CAR... She was a member of the Fan- ne. They said today that the larade's route has been mapped CaH Dtr or Nlfhl rood Presbyterian Sunday School EL. i-9773 or HU. S-646C nd Brownie Troop 43 of that iut to accommodate one and-a- hurch. i alf miles of marchers. Mflffl OflN BAtiT NKMIIII iUNBATt ' Prices' and civic achievement .wards will also be .presented to MT. OLIVET MONUMENTS Says New Laws Aid loats judged "outstandings." yisttors art alway wehmi 1J9 MCCMUB SIKM, Newark Post Commander Joseph Mas »wk,-EUt UM. On. Ml. Ollvtt Cn. Handicapped Children r UaQft, uto* request ' N«it to Unnhu'i rUrirt " ieri today advised any ovganiza- ANTHONY O. RUIXIS, prop. ion wishing information on thi Recently-passed state laws have parade to contact Mr. Orrico o irovided additional funds to Mr. Mangione, or write to thi Extnliti Ofict loards of education for helping Parade Committee in care of thi SIIUSFQR mndicapped children, according to Post home, Park avenue. 1100 EAST BIWAD STREET 185 ELM STREET 3r. Boyd Nelson, director of spe- V^ TWIB i-'i'f if Besides the regular march, :lal education for the State De- leremonies will also be held at mrtment of Education. he Fan-wood Memorial Library AN e addressed the • recently' nd the Scotch Plains Memorial Gaits Cipt al 6:30 P. M. ormed Parents Organization of Ifbhument. The Rev.' John S. Youngsters with Impaired Hear- Nelligan, the Rev. George Ernst, ng Tuesday night at the home of he Rev. Harold A. Scott and the Mrs. Frederick G. Schmit, chair- Rev. George L. Middleton -will man, 647 Highland avenue. ake part in services for the day. AUTO LOAN Dr. Nelson cited the provisions T he following organizations >f the Beadleston Act of 1954 have pledged floats to date: which empowers school boards to Scotch Plains Lions Club, Busl- lid handicapped students with ness Men's Association, Boy Scouj; AT0UR ONE EVER ipecial instruction and receive re Council, St. Bartholomew Youth DESERVED mbursement from the state, ' Organizations, The Little League. Competence His visit was the highlight of Methodist Church; the Fanwooc A ItfONUMENT the organization's observance of ,ions Club, Rescue Squad, and National Hearing Week which he Fanwood-Scotch Plains Girl LOW BANK RATES MORE THAN nds Saturday. Members reside in Scout Council, American Legion Confidence Union, Essex, Somerset and Mid-Post 209, Junior Chamber o] MOTHER dlesex counties. Commerce, Rotary Club, Businesi One of the highest forms of and Professional Women's Club, Loans Are QujcMy PrQcessed American sentiment is our tra- Shackamaxoii To YMCA, and the 'Air National ditional custom of erecting a uard of New Jersey. qionument of granite or mar- Continue Active The Shrin'ers of Newark wil ble to our loved onqs who have also take part as well as the mo In And See left this life. Augustus S. Drier, Plalnfleld at torcyclc brigade and footmen. Na- torney who is one of two cus tional Guard aircraft will also If your family cemetery lot still todial trustees named for Shack fly over this area during the pa- BANK HERE - BORROW HEREr-$AVE locks this reverent tribute, sym- amaxon Country Club pending ade, according to the chairmen. bolic of your devotion, seo a litigation' over its ownreship, said mqnument dealer now. He will tho club will be operated during triinulatu your sentiment into the trusteeship "with no reduction lasting form at a cost within n activities." Boy Scout News Up to 2% Interest Paid on Sqvingi Accounts your means. Superior Cpurt Judge Mark A Troop 71 Sullivan Jr. named Mr. Dreier an Flr.t Baplilt Church In most cuHt'3, an Impressive Julius Kwallk to conduct tho af- Final arrangements were mad family monument costs less fairs of the club while a court suit Monday evening for n beavo than the total price of individ- is determined between John D, weekend at Camp Watchung whicl ual flat metal markers for each Rocco and his nephew, John F will be held May 19 and 20. Thii member of the family. Rocco, claiming to be partners, is the camping trip at which th^ TIIUfT and Mr. and Mrs. Jardlne Snmur- boys, clean up their camp sites am Ino and the Fifth National Mtort help put Camp Watchung lute j ffitnwln gngo Corporation. order for the aunvmc Mr. Uroicr said- that after tlv WESTFIELD - CRANFORP fRmumteul (En. meeting with the board of gov Also on the calendar for Juno GASWOOD - PLAINFIELD IAMONT W. CAIDER, P,.,. ernors, he and Mr. Kwallk hai preparation for competition at th FUNERAL DIRECTORS determined that the club "ia liqul Cnmp Watchung father nnd BOI 4113-11 ODrtutgr »ua6 a going concern." cumporeo. SCOTCH PLAINS WESTFIELD CRANFOR Troop 71 has ngnln been nsko |$ |. fcijoftlj $T. 12 SPRINGFIELD *V fflimlrltiir. N. 3. ASSETS $45,000,000 At ntar to you at your phono Auditions Set Monday to tnke charge of the opening nn Phon'« WE 2-01-13 Phono CR i-bO97 Cqll colloti MOnltloIr 2-1800 cloning ccremonloB mid to prusen OLDEST BANK INWESTFIBM) Auditions for new tnlent fo a Bhort skit Ht the annual recou Our Monumsntt ur* Inturotl troop BhowH will bo hold Monday nltlon dinner of tho Watchun ORGANIZED 1892 wllh lloytl'i ol London at 8 p.m. in tho YMCA, Room O Ainu Council, Boy Scouts o IC M?§' fi?Hfi Sk'hafnr, producer, h America. This dinner will bo hoi UR Tfl $!Q,OPO By ?<> announced. ' " ' May 22 at the Far Hltls Inn. COME SEE MORE LOW PRICES ON MORE ITEMS MORE DAYS A WEEK AT A&Pl

YOU CAN PUT YOUR TRUST IN Quality MEATS ! Customer's CQmep f"»«n time to time, that belp tu to continually imprpv. Thank You, Mother,.' A&P,«ryice. ..••.., IIADY-TO-COOK y fpr b i Thank rou, mothen, for making AliP Aanerlca'tior* t^^t °" « "»Oonraelva,«. W« hope every put of 0 b ei Iroiliitf I Frylnf most food retaUer. y " »« « ^«T' ^ 7 Happy Matlier'a Day. Thank you for recognwing th« quality §a)4 y»]M w* CySTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT Sim Ui*r 3 III. alway. .trive to faring you. , A&P Food Store! Tliank you, too, for the fine (Ugfeftioa* y^ ^ , 430 Le$ipgtp(| Avenqe, tfey Yprk J7, NY Only M> 39 ? H»« tiiftltlt, mf ptit* ftr Nth fcwiiinf an«1 frying chickens, split, cut up, whole for r»tls»»rit COMMM A»P'| <5RAN0 GROCERY IUVS! •JlllVptCll liWIl) portion * Vf portion ' Smoked Hams **;,*•"•" *• c Bondess Veal Rwst >*- "• y CAMPBELL'S xs^fir 2"=-25 W Chops . Loin Ib. Ready-to-EatHams ter" ''57" Port Loins *? loin Ib. 45 Frankfurters 5r ,*£# f" DHNZONI MACARONI or 9..«t7. Part Lpifis. »4*fcS "fr Turkeys ^'Sfr'Sfr-d * '»• DIA wwl Sliced lacon»»-«»« ^JJ £ij" Ducks . K-**^-^^* SALT "WJ2? w|0« MHOm-ltfltMM Fin* Quality Stffoff TOP ROUND r,1.. Fresh Flounder Fillet ">f|i Frlid Floundtr Fillft 7S« er STMK LOIN Jumbo Shrimp . . bfje MIISCO MMT Quieft Frown Sfflfppd SHREDDED WHEAT MMTer IKMIHISTMK 73 Hadeotk Fillet £ft '*;;35« "AH fhcM cuts at this one low'pric^ at AA-IM Fish Sticks P& I-ltt-P1 CLING PEACHES GRAND FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES! VEGETABLE 41U. IUICE 3J SWEET CORN 4- 2S II tt. 33 SwMt u\ J«ley Urn 7 H LUX FLAKES Ftr FiM Fahfiu Fresh Tomatoes «-^p. V^J7C Florida Oranges • New Green Cabbage s°u"""< lb5c California Lemons 2ft 3» Fresh Beets s^emfarm. bunchIQ< Fresh Pineapple ^»^»'<» "*Jfr ooc c foot PascalCelipry\ .^\p:"SiFJ& CpteSaw ..^'•"*- e.«rb.g15 L- 6"85« From Soufhwn farms Ib-I^ Sdllld MlX H«w prop. 4,. «|Cc FrAck RrArrftli DelMonteVS>'2,-35c Heinz Ketchup Green Giant'^2 :r 37c Del Monte ?A1 r29 A&P's Dairy Center Buys! A&P's Frozen Food Buys!

|2oi. C Sliced Natural Swiss ^-«-* «> Orange Juice 2 cam 55 tot. J^cC Scottissuc ^ 5 - 53c Baby Food-- Sliced American proce«cheo«e Ptg. 2/ Sunkist Lemonade 3 cam 43 ph hia 3 C slie d Waldorf TISSUE 4»»29c Dole's mm w 1 ?,r, 23< Cream Cheese ltS 2P C 27 Libby's Peaches « 4 Soi. f c Ched-O-Bit Cheese Food . ,;25Nifty Waffles .. pkq.. 25C Broadcast Pigs Feet , . i?» Hoffman's S;^^r?^45 e Danish Blue Cheese .T— Ib75c Libby's Broccoli- 2 lOot. . QJ.Frosting cJSft«i, ? W?' *' Nedicks Orange Drink % i ^ 37 « ioou C Borden's Gruyere Cheese 'l Birds Eye Cut Corn, * pkjl. Hurry's Gauchos . , . ^ 3^ Bleachette Laundry Blue 2 ,.:; 15 ?pr. French Fried Potatoes pkgi. 27' Cocoa Marsh VOM R 16 oi. JANE PARKER BAKED £OOpS! ai suAf Swanson's Fryers Preserves V jars ! p loi. 1 bagofrik Morton s !;rPie . . 2 pkg. S3 «cak«(«ff CHANGE TO Bu d I0O ft. 1Ar THE COFFEE Excelsior Br Steaks. XSS'chS -^ ^Tf. £^M HEART CAKE THAT'S Packaged !n a $109 AMfflCA'S fQHtMOH FOOD HMIU* ... SINCf Ji5» WITH FLAVOR! OPEN LATE Festive Box I Rich & Full-Bodjjd Mild & Mellow Layer Cake ?or Motll"'i "•» "* 1.09 RED CIRCLE <»"89c Thursday and Friday Cub Cakes f°r M°""''' B'> ' "•'»•ol 4l9t Vigorous i Wmty . OMAT An»NTic * Mcine TIA COMFANV ( Heart-Shaned Coffee Cake •" ; ; ll ll 1 BOKAR .

My-T-Fine Flufffo Armour's Kraft's Velveeta Trend Duz Oxydpl Detergent Suds Gold-colortd itiort For dlthit and fin* fabrics For tha family wath Puddings Corned Beef Hash Cheese Spread For tht family V"l) Detergent i ib.«ce > ib- Twin pact 4 (argt 4Cc !6oi.l Bandad iog«th».r • pkgj, •• pla, 7l All flavor. 9 k J ein W* can kg.W* pig. •» pkg. •« R.gul.rorlnsf.nt can *

Ivory Soap Ivory Soap Camay Soap Camay Soap Sweetheart Soap Blu-White Flakes Ivory Personal Soap * Aji|x Cleanser For tiiihoi, laundry and baih For diihiE, laundry and bath For toiltt and bath Elpectally (or I lit bath Combination I cant ial« Blu«f while you waih M C b h b 2 ?"* ale 3 " 35» 2'T27 3 "!' 26° 2 V 25° 4 ? 26° 4 T 37° plgl. pig. • cam **• f


REYNOLDS & BETZ RANDOIPH-WIEOMAN ALAN Rfaltora PEARSALL East Broad Street, cor. l&lntrr St. CO. HARRY H. MAllfTT & SAUNDERS & COMPANY Multiple Llntlnt »•'"• We «i\vfl3*« appi^fialc the nUr tktttgrw our «'u* (oilier w telJ their friends ah nut UM . . . *ucfi an that FRANKENBACH CHEAMU THAN RENT we. 2-sea* we arr If jioi»i«.lile. «H>rd a matter «*f pride with UM to -REALTORS JNSt«OHS 1X2 BUn Bt. tlli v Hparf nu i*iirr 1» helping our bavfru We. 3-S62* Sii UH led on u very nice H>1 with fUaltori A Veteran OHII lt»y *i, :^: snil nellcru In every *%uy we ptmnibly US Elm St., W«tfield 2-4700 uinn> «*hade tret!«, IjiyinfT mon aw.roved home « IU, * 1.400 (>iin rlKhl it|i to tbr actual tuovlnjc (ituiiijf i<<. irntl rr«* Member Of Tkr p..od stat-d bedrooms and ban LM STKEET WK. 2-18«* of 1100 pt.r muiitli. This Is Member* Haiti pic Lift tin* tiymtem SfiLiid il"<*• m « ttii a he (I rtormnr. ()|«'ii purfli Mmp »t11£'tt*>~ nice htmifx ure lit Ut'waod—Scotch Plain* M-rt'cnt-d find giuHti&-d. Full baat;- 32 very one seems to appreciate t h k 1 T u' n 1, placer »'»11», a 11 nt* h **d t North Hide lotdllmi. Tlie convenience of a Hrst floor b*s House has u living room, room und bath. Fortunately the ARE YOU ABOUT d ! n I II *c mum, niiidermzen are several excellent such prime' klUhVn .m flrxl floor. Three t'i«H to Inspect this week. Here aj AMONG THE TREES FOR RENT TO RETIRE? jrootl sized bedroom* ana two! SCOTCH PLAINS filed baili on second. There is ui] heal and H tvvo-tnr a^I) Kl.OOH APAHT- $16,000 that will teem like falrj innd UM NKNT — I'KFI'HNISH- If you Wiint i-ountry atinwsplit- "JUST OFF ST. MAtKS" dvtai-hed KBiKKi-- The dw>- you K»r.r out of lh« tvludrnvn, or KIJ, Six rheerl'til r«HM«» rnllns tlml'n nei'mimry f»n Hf roll »u >«mr own property. A flue mid bnta t« *vell mitlii- but don ."it want ti> leuvit Wcst'rSe- ^ pleasant home hi a friendly 4 HKimoplUS — 2 BATHS SHHIIV lir. done l>.v the inun CAfi COO home, bulll Hi 1812. well imtlfUitii)- tnlned Inline In a moxt Mi-iKlil»nrlH"»rl offerinf much more r.f I»V houne. If you're tired rd »nM iittravtlvef? rfwuratrif. V«tl iiiti^enl^iit I o «• n 1 I « II to find your intntiiiiow, Hiin no I lun J us\iii I tur I he ask in/? prirv. uf filing rent receipts, innke With a tiled kitchen, full hi would t>* huril jtrt'MKeil tw And a 1 :\ x •> 7 1 i v i ii K room, f H in i 1 y d i n I n K H date with tia to nee thia dining room, well-proportion ei uiure iliMtliii'tlve «r livable bit me linitdy to K b o p }• I " x. AvalliiUle froiu June 1.1. listing at J2 2,«*oo may \u> y" i-oom )i(>wtipr room with Htnll fine buy- living" room, pine study, bedruGii if y**u are it fnmily who Inve show ft- liJlfht-fi wit I) break fani and tiled bath downstairs; tw M|)»<'p. The fact thnt there are 3 UuriiKf, hot wilier uud answer. An R.'i-foot frontitge on iKM.k F«iur hcdrcioiiiH and tile** C'IMI t'olouial In fiumnv- beilr«mmn mill 3 bnthw plua nn ex- heal all Included at #ISO. ututt- i-ona;tl«ii. There lovely bedroonm and tiled ba per mouth. balli on snconrl floor. This home A STONE'S THROW FROM upstairs. The location in convt tra Ittvttiury PII «|t<- 2nd flotir «fot*« qult-i rtmd near Tnmmivv* Pa J,- hi fxcelJfiU* L'»nditi->n thrnus"li- II rv two bedrooniH mid nlent and attractive. Price ¥25 so not I^ll «!««* whole miory. The feel- Ollt. i(led buth MII ]Mt Aour InK of «puc<> Hint <• h n rue te Hunt sets nff Ibis barn red Cape C< (one hedruoiu in »lue . SPACIOUS RANCH pit tif lied »nd rould be SCHOOL- $17,900 enyrvinHy In Much « fhoice nitri - Coiitfoimble living r ti, full (H c»- ciHiveiiieiH ifM'iitIHII on I.n« r*-ii« e REMQDELED FARM HOUSE rn*»*il bedruuiuN and illrtl A mom witisf.villg fiilnlly DIWfKtNT %PU1 LtVEt A **«««•. «IMM «• fl UlMldr .4 virtue. tiMllviduiiHO of home home wllii a liirge living ilfttlfttt aitil «linriu «»* Ins room, jmnmctilat u kitclifii. t u- $23,500 IMIIII Hl»o*>. (.ood-4riKfd *HI.5IH>. W> till] be itlBd to iri*'* •tettlntc are combined fur IfvtiiK rcMini ii ltd fining: room with tirejilHee, 27' sun Near town and brand new with yon room til me unions anil other 1 ntuni) bcnutlful kitch- room, dining room and farm- defttl'n |f you it OH Id Mfce more country livliu? tn thlw ht'di-ooJiiK and 1'iled bath make <> Sit uiittfd "ii nearly nn IKTP plo house kitchen. There are foyer entrance, large Hqtmre 11 IhforntHtlon before ttrraiiifiiiK f*>r eltthi year olit ram-It ;miJ In!ill well over one hmnirei en j uiifii N«-reriied purch. Ing room, full dining room, pla tvlth lurRe HVIIIK ru»w. lluor living In tbia r»-yvtir-old hoi: {'oiuftact * yet «|>n<-iou*i{ four Berond floor bedrooms room, three afry bedrooms, i l|»Im'e, ill it! tiff ro<»tii yeai'H ago. Much of the orinlna c«»iivfiiteiitl> mid «*tr»f- unrt filed hath. Hot water c'hann has been maintained, atlii- heat, oil tireti, detailed ga- baths. Healiy delightful view Tro klti-heii, den. bedroom jittiactivc' and cany. UpstuirH. th fnA? H'iirmMi to a lovely old home llvclj Uuiitfil. litxted tklm the rear living room and pri iinri full both all on <>»e week. rage, mid a top North slue only 12^500. flour. I b*tfltr« nre three plpe^ for heat and plumbing ar There <»re two bed room M, t wt location. Plenty of room in ON KIMIAU TURN baths and two fireplaceH. The liv- this house for dlversiBed Imth. Hot water keut, uireudy there for another batJi Injf room in 1XX22. A panelled den family activity. A one-floor home In the hrnrt of oil fired, t.vo-rnr irnrB*ce Ijixln oxerlowkN the attrartive WM'*"voo4. on nn trreifulur nhnprd and two more bedrooniH, wilii th wurrotindinKS. The old barn In OlD COLONIAL mitt benutlfuliy land- l lot nlfh « btm bark yitril.We tike Mc«|ied lot 2S3' deep. — d \tt\ft tunny wimderful MODERN AS TOMORROW the ener> considered one of the landmarks $22,250 larKe hut well nrrfliijrrd, AH for in thin area. A perfect netting 1**"" $29,500 through to the rear. There ar the kitchen. H'« thr very latent SHACKAMAXON SECTION your antiques. fireplaces in living room, dinini breeze w»y lead;* to the garage 1>e e&relLrnt neiiool l«- Thin 4-year-old split level room and muater bedroom. Thre. n»a »tf roMrtf there'* a ttimhunmher, • has all the features wanted bedrooms on Hecond floor and r"wi •Mil plenty of Mitlng: xpHi'v. The AttrrtT-ltvr "hlte rolo. und tlio forcer! afr oil Iieat 1 <-n * Ion < «*•* r h'rmnkllm h patio inruimreM lU x 17. Three niu 1 of pre-war fimittriH'- (•rniiiuiar nrid nol loo in the up-to-the-minute on the third, location Is nea b» h °h 5 ™l>"r« r,L hvttniomii, Jt tiled buth, extra l»r, fur fruM* HouHCvrll Jr. home. There la a large liv- chopping, BchoolH, and churches h b t tlon on a lovely Hfrevt. Jow J105 yearly. iAUNDERS & COMPANY You should not misu thin, |S7,5O< »fa| r» tS,™£, "'* •nil • recreation runm (hut will Tlrxt llo»r roiitnliiH eu- , HlKh School) plMa el0cht ing- room ivitfh picture win- l he ft Heron d Ifvlnir room, trnii<*c hall, Uvlaic room, rtmmrn aad two liathM dow, dining room, Holly- fc »fl BIM St. wood kitchen and pine pun- dlnlnic room. den. kltfh- He*. PI iea wnke INIH home dwuhly e« HH4 Hcrc-ened porch, Three Other \c«l> Llnfed mttrut'tive for *• •frtm'Jnjf eljed glassed and ncreenea ' pltrn H full liath. fiiecona tnwnem J. B«erela We. 2.1IM2 fmiiltr. In «44Mlom to porch on the first level. Ilimr ha« fo«r bedroonm And Ktivvvittlly Attriii'llve Grave R. HartlKna We. a-7(W.1 - the four hedroomn und Three Rood sized bedroonm $31,500 and two more bttthM. iicVH Jn .h Anne Krye we. 2-a«ez-j (i*» bHthw «M the «#c- and colored tiled bath on HiieMtM t rrrreatlon Wi-Htlleld l^omtloiiM Fa. 2-1SZ2 ond. floor, there are four second. At ground level la a MtHMim on beautiful FalrhMI room, oil heat, 2-rar at- Suw Avallnble AI citrnfortahlr nomi on lovely recreation room and •"•lalimt Hnurf In BrfHhtnwotl, (M m «'u«fom tached nara*H*MMl the Unit floor OHvluttnm lavatory. Very attractively h til It home with lovely colonial H drn>. Tht* hp^raweBt landscaped lot. HARRY H. MALLEn If***. 1>c«l*iied e*pet>Ull>- for,. a cont«lti» n Hnhthrd plmr- MaKlpla Unlbw llwtn r«Mpfe who like it* make enter* rattm mn* th#rc I* UM SI* Nartli AT*. BaM tal«Inir emmy, H IN JiiNt rlicht n PEARSALL fXtm room, ON the third SLE0C AND SOPHISTICATED (ays. gateway) fur • faiallr of thrre or four. You , Jtoor, OH kcatf two car W«. MMI Wa. will a»|»revl«<« «h* well wrapor* A EDWIN O. EDWARDS K*rmg*t D'oi wiih imrge . And definitely a home for tlvftHI IIVIMBT roam with IIM honk il- g.—^* t the buyer >vith Champngne •hrlrr«, h*w wlndftw, and of FRANKENBACH m Ellll arflWf * . * * . tasfe. From its appealing fourH* Um flreplafe. The Utrely and unusual exterior to KM ill n I air ISM (IN IN at the rlsJM of the IBC. W: 2*620 u4 Mil.lie Colo- location Is TOPS. ittml, th* interior »t RIYNOLDS « MTZ IP ON A KNOLL. IS WYCIIWOOI) trhleh contalnpi H«h* IIILXTEHDOIV CmHuTl is u center hall Colonial that has very nice roootn and eluded, 1000 (i. In tti Just been reduced for a quick sale. three imfhw, Ineluitrd are rnnd. 900 It. elevatliii «!••*•«<• .... KM. •»«••« 2-»«4» It has u large living room with fi»or hedrtMtntM and twn Bcttr h. Wlesataa . Rca. Wt. MM tioutltryside. IT-rtcre IIWL ••••a •ckariJt . . MM.'pk»a«a.HaM lireiilttcc, good nizod dining room, bnthi* on th* nefond floor Claire E. Barker . Bca. Wa. 2-IS44.M per acre. 10 mlnutd |»1 kitchen overlooking the garden, ON THE GOLF COURSE 4 three will take twin llb A. Fljl.n . . . We. aiKHO "wner. 'call Bloonnbur;if , ' ~ alcaikcra den and bath all cm 1st floor, then , bedn). I-inrve living nwm 1 ••Male Llatlac Intni on the 2nd floor there are 4 bed- In one of the beat locations In <-t:i' x 1V> with Hrenlnce, PETERSON-RINOLE- CHOICK wycimooj _, Waa4««l<—PaawM*—»«i««a Plaiw DANKER & DANKER roonm and 2 'tMud balTm (stall Westfleld, this nlmoat new, cus- rilnlnir room ! .proxhnately 100 I |S^ .shower), panelled game room In Realtava — Iaaav*>a tom-built stone front home with rumforliiblr den nnd full NEWMAN, INC. Lmttetnent, large screened porch, S- Maaiacra •( Maltlala Llatlaa ylate roof hat) KpaclouK roomn, •nth on the flmt floor. car attached garaKe. Ju»t 2 short • WErtltM i-t«8 moat of which have lovely views* Tin* vmr nttm'hrd jra- MKALTOHS We. 2-S298 or W«. Mi Saaiaya ay Appolnlaieat • UOCKK to the Woodrow WilBun of the golf course and the Wateh- . +«ltrjL till heat <*vlth Scliitul. The price is 93&.SOO. FOUR BEDROOMS ung HUIH. The flrut floor has u Moduflow ele«'tronlc con- C. B. SMITH, JR., Realtor • REAL ESTATE- 25' Hvhig- room, dining room, trol)! tree-Mtudiled plolr Memkrra of 1'hp Junior High section. Includes ex- kitchen with dining apace, den, Another »r« «nd Inter- Multlvlc l.l>(lnK «>•<*•" THOrAAS O. YOUNG, Realtor tni room downstairB, 2 tiled baths, bedroom, bath, big screened porch. I luti FOR HUNT, for 200 \«rth ATf,, Wr«ltlrltl We. Z-1122 porth, large lui', 2-car gurage. the Urunt School I *2O,500. .,,,•., Upstairs are three twin-sized bed- COUNTRY RANCH fANWOOD J. C. l>«r«k. AJHioctmta "W »ttX»3 rooms und two baths, pivldendtt SALT BOX older hou««. In jwi.l SCOTCH PLAINS are. the recreation rpom, really '.within 8hortnlld>f<| $24,990 e.xrel1r>Ht1' cJowei* «pace and beautl- ujlurul, Scotch I*lnin8, qiit, but no COLQNIAl Ktures. Four bedmdni. 1 CHOICE COUNTRY VALUES . too tar. Bulll In ltial, 'this "woJI- WESTFIELD Thrae bedroom, north wide' split ftilly landscaped property. Aukinir planned home la better than new, one-half niodtra b ' '* level with !."» x 2(1 living room. 14 5,000. Hospitality, bostns at the heart! fractlvo lot »W> . Fuli dinints room, modern kitchen. 19S2 TWO-UVE1 Jjartfe combl nation llving-dlniug able for one year )._, Ju»t Listed! riHACTlVI] HOMR WITH room with flrepJa'ce; thrctj bed- flnlKhed "Hec" room, 1 % biitha, 80 rooinN, tile buth, modern kitchen of this large living room off whlc nished at IHi jw.ilBf,/ ifcrrv SKTTI.VG OX A ACHES x 170 lot. IN THE GARDENS $22,250 partially flnlshed basement rec- IKETHATLOir VM A K1 forcea sale of tU Is with Inrgre frontag-e on /rood road, reutlon room. Situated on a quiet Is an enclosed porch. There is al Lliurttilng 8 bedroom, 2 bath HI>1I1 only 13 minute walk to depot, PROSPECT STREET Truly nn Ideal spot for a growing Xlrelr k»li« "l»vrl» street, Ideal fur children. $20,500. Kit«l»K Wf, Mij level in one of our popular Fan- stores, school, well landscaped locution, convenient to schools and family, as there la plenty of room nomv wiih Mix rooiim, a full bedroom and filed bath o: wovd nalghbortioodti. The entrance will] lawn, rock garden, large 1 town. Stately 4 bedroom colonial to play and work both Indoorn t'/^ ha ( kti, to entertain friends in large cloHet«, oak Moors. You will Htuir-H to the large attic. (This IIIK txindllloa. Kn«> tviilk Photogenic homo on lurgeWot. Two the Kim« room, panelled in Hhll- like the decora tlonn, full base- tti-Bt lloor bedrooma and tile bath; Upstairs are two bedrooms wit from 1ms line, tmi BRIGHTWOOD j KracloiiH thirty-year-old home Is ti* »nr wf IVmtMrld^ nrir September 15, Tel. KtM ippfi^o mnhognny* Added temuroa ment, hot water oil hfat, • with In need of some modernizing, but twu bedrooms and hath upstulra include liirRe fenced in yard with garage. Aluo dutaehed 2-car ga- A pict'ureHque three bedroom, 2*£ ' in our opinion \n a. terriilc buy for Cloao to tho Centval Avenue Schoo- built-in «pace saving furniture nn hrleU imtio. Ju»t 2 yearn old said rage, work-shop, Tarvia drive, lie and located in u neighborhood ot bath1 , center hall colonial. ZV liv- some fur-sighted purclmwer itti bet't«r tlmn new. A terrific buy for sure to see It. ing room with bay window. 2-car $2tt,f)00.) The grraunda are extraor- young people. Immaculately eared second tiled bath. For the bl. only $23,1*00. garage. Well-wooded aeetion. $31,- lor and priced for immediate salo — f*lHIIOIM)i;i) IIV HOC.. 500. dinary, having 82' or frontage and at $22,100. family parties your guests can b • OFFICES MM L\ AN KNTAHM.NHEO Scotch Pliiins WOOD, ON IVi ACHE I'LOT—This 203' acroas.the rear and a depth ——r~. " neighborhood we have u uoloniiil mosf attriiiitive split level with 4 of approximately 170'. royally enfertafned in a large rec home that hiisn't mtHtied one de- lnree bedrooms. 2 tilod hathw, DANKER & DANKER BARREn & CRAIN COMPIETB ***£' tail In complete modernization, complete modern Kltchun, dining; MVI.TIPLK LISTING MKSMBBRS POST-WAR tOLONIAL reatlon room with bar. House i Slunlclpal Bnlidlnt J Entrance vestibule; 22' living room room, liirge living room with Ilre- He Elmer llmt * IN FANWOOD space (00 st,, ft, " "vvilh. modern ffrepluce; full dining place and Ixiw Hhtipml h:iy win- WE z-4»«8 43 Elm SI. WettfieM 2-1800 One oC Fanwood's prettiest HtreetH, Hot diagonally on benut.ifu room; hc-iiuttful lavue modern dow', ];U'K« porch, CMimpU-ttly Insu- Healdeiice Pkoaea KvenlnK tclc|iatnie nnmncm not far to station and BCIIOOIM, klttrhtm with breakfast ur«si, und Itttert, large biim-meht, utility 13. W. Pliaarr .... Ha. T-S2S3 A modern (1947) Colonial wifh a Oonloa F. Crab . . . We. 2-7S8S Hrst floor powder room and DKN Four bedrooms find two file imthH, grounds in the Maple HIM Fnrm there's a lirst floor TV rnom. There rin>m, 2-esir git rage. Sectl'on of Joaeph D. Welllnc . .LI. 8-O8SS Wllllaaa A: Clark . . . We. 3-T48* plua tlrat floor laundry and powder are 3 very nice bedrooms mid tile cumpiirable homes, clevittion, •Albert (i. Uanl»r . . We. S-114U or IJKPROOM. Three excellent Ckaa. O, N«l«r«lcnk. Jr.. Wa. 2SSM Init'h on the Httoond floor. Stttlrn to lmdrooms and tiled buth on the ruum; w oil- proportioned living area of Scotch Plains. All utilitie; view, gftml roiid, only is minute tlnrrr 1\ Danker . . Pi room with flreplu.j-« full dining .full BUirnge uttic. Th« banement ridfe from We»ttH-ld. \'nu may se- Herond floor. Hear acreuhed porch, whl in n real Hurprin« with u 24' pan- attached tfiinigc, Chryxler AIH- MLU.TIHI.E • room; double attached Bar;] In und paid for. First time offered Two rooiiu lect your own decorntiotiH. LISTING Taxes 9338.25. AHklntf $20,111)0. toBether or n elled Ktime room and powder in.Airr oi- WVGIIWOOII. r.x- TK.MH heat and xary pretty cor- M KM 111-11S nlSnt location. C room. Tlu'rt- IK also » screened lunlvf nolBhliorhoort. At'tructlvu nur yard. $SU,9OU. . i'rlco $21,500. ' • porch itnd patio. Thin HpotleKB C I'H(HM(TIVK SOU, — with good eo tin fry fnrtn- loll ItoiiKe KiiitjiV»lo 1! or 3 iim)i>U>. lioinu foriK'H with n dlt* hwitflu'r, .IVIHK room 12 x 21, llrt'iilurc, SHACKAMAXON AREA OKF10B SUITE-! 1 120 itmp «l«'etrk'. ucrvlce, water liou^f of 7 rooiun, Z ImtliH. Imw- unior ilInlnK rmim, kitchen, one softener, and wuH-to-walt cnrpftH ment, oil h»Mit, Hottlrm back from RETIREMENT BUNGALOW Orchurd St»., «"" 2-ear i;urage. Immediate posseM- road, . 41-foot basement barn, 40- iii-KH beilrooin 12 x 21, mnall Imil- P. CAMIUO i. SON •Brand new und waking for your Nion. A good buy at ?20,2r>0 {«xtrn foot «'iig(in t'hed, poultrv lioun«.*, riiom, tilt: bath, buck porch. At- person til Huleutlbji of decorating: aclu-f! Kiir;iKe. N'ew Ba« furnace, UK A I. KSTATK — 1>NI HANOK CiiHtom-bulJt two bedroom hom .\TToCATio5-» '™»* fiO'Mat tiirown in for J22,7-".O). having brook with excellent pond lii-anllful yard, wliito nlckut [In™, and tilen, HIIH tari^e cont«mjn*niry 1 fat-IHtlcs. Having gooil road front- GUY D. MULFORD 4!KI NOHTH'AVB., W. split level home In IL nuittt on your with dlnlnif "L" and attuched sa excellent for .' stG(>, 'JO nitnutc rhle front I'J.tfn- "! 7ci x l.-i5. S22,r,()ll. Owner, Wo. wmt. s-iuwi or •«•<•»<. a-mm llHt. Jirlelly, Jt contain* lour bed- iwt, i MOVK HH.IIT l\! Thin lictuitl fleUl, locatou hi tbe pri-fty Wimh- Realtor — Insurer Multiple I.UIInic Member room*, two tile baihH, big ret!- rage on grounds lovingly plan tec rent. ' cL'iilfr hall colonial in a (-hoic. liiBton Valley. HetiKunnble taxcH. Sl.t.ono — ATYUAOTIVK six noun We. 2-3221 of Ihe WeatHeld llonrd rcatlon room with lavatory, two- WfwtffelU location in in perfect colaniilli plUK tutth, pnwder roam ' of llealtora cur k'«r;iiro umi a jurire wooded and cared for. Euortomicully heat*- condition in Hide and out! i*are< Rea. Pauars mm rciom, jilunilinim Kumlilnntlon net Rearlck .... We, 2-1A1, lll.'Nr.,ILaw—Modern, 4 GIVE YOURSELF A TREAT immediate occupancy. Price $U», Imth.- Henslfr stairs to utornge. K. llnmil St. We. a-nos ti.ilrooms, 2 tiled baths, lireplace, Full bHcinent' with recreation rwo-PAMILV house, live yeur» old. Knotty iilius den, attached garage, iind let us sliuw yim thl« murvo- 500. room JijifJ ho)thy itrt>u. Ait/tched 65? North Ave. E. CLASSIFJEb ADS PAY AC oil, liirjje lot. Helect section of IOUH iwrt-brlck ctmtuin-liullt un- ( frariiKe. Ocncrntis pint 72 x 1H4. .Scotch I'lninR, many extras. Ask- UHunlly-iilHiiiied Kplli IOVBI hoiia- Itcasoniililf tayes, Mxo'lleti't nelgh< WKSTP1KI.I1 KAVC1I I1OMI'. IIIK *1!4.!»I<|. Wiint iictlon. fall IC. In Scutch I'liilns1 llnrnu tnrniiun. intrhond. Convenient for nil Tlirt'c ymirx old. Thriie heUroulna. T. KIIKM.D. Wo. 2-UOIS. , Four lin-Bi. liuilriiuiiiH mill twu. Uli! PETERSON-RINGLE- HCIHKIIM. Transferred owner can IU-II luilhn, lurRu llvftm rottm wllh Uallm, iiiinelli'il rucreutlun room, Klvv quick powHfBHion. Price $28,- llii-|iliu:i-, iliuliiK room, modern InturcHtitiK HvhiK room wllh Imy THE JOHNSON AGENCY UH.IK.II. Tu'ne(( 1111(1 LFIILHHUI' SSa Park Arnai • Seotca Plalai ^(.-alMMl uli lurKo Int. N\'ur Hirhuol. uathiK lioruh. Thin lino lioniii nior- TO BUY OR SELL 1 lu> l ll i l H. CLAY FRIEDRICHS, Inc REALTORS *BS,.-ii)O. Tol. We. 2-S1I37. i\S2:. ".'.! . ;',.! "' f »."""»."B «»••- Btrt, VA a'irVj or WE M-4240 Itrnltor ur WE] 8-7742 2.-MI Smith *«t'., 1'a.MwKMl t\K •J-77W) 26 Prospect Street We. 2-1190 or We. 2-0002 SHOREJ^I Kvrnlnra only, nail K»y nootbe .... w C. B. SMITH, JR., Realtor Jlnuk I'ruutrlt'hH . . SPLIT LEVEL SPECIAL BRAND NEW JUST LOOK WHAT WE HAVE! lllchariharil P . Lldific . w_ 2-1083 l.nlh 1'arlor Ml Wmtfleid IHultlple V\ 2-77*10 lalxarv hrlck arid fiiiim. 111 rCrntrn""l"'l Ave. ''.' KJIIII litvel with funr M-».II- (^iMityr entrance lllill i-olontal IN U'l:STl-|HI,ll h i l tlcrful hertrimmn, twrj ttle K|illt level, pleaHant Itvlim home win, I i,4 ,,H. II l.t.< „ ..,'iil.lele ,,1.,-ler liilerlnr 8-YEAR-OLD COLONIAL liiuhw. ilt'iiiitlful fiit'iiuling hi room with llreiilnce. eleven tivenfy-tlircn fool 1 M11 u K , l'/4 ACRE LOT riioin, llrcpliu'c, tlinlrm rotiin fimt Niiimre rllntiifT room and M. A. MERCNER very cheerful kll'chen with ~CAMf* \vllh two ciilonltil corner 'in,"!!.'.'vr'Vl!N"!,"Kl. lM".ni"""1 n"v T-niom ranch Includ- , A SMAI.I,' COUNi'HV OH'I'ATf I'liblMtln, ulna moilorn nll- IMIIII In »iiiw<>, ' ill»limi>i:r. inn; i»i»> riMiiii, Zy-j, itutliM, il-car trnrtiici*, 'I'hrrp'M Jill i*llv' CHARLES C. BAAKE Wll'll LOTS OK B.XTHAM 61* Dudley Court elcctrlc kllV'hcii with illnh- Three IIIMII-OOIIIM, ono and HKAI.TOII Wr, U-II III washer, f-U'itrli; muve, eat- l 1 1 1 K itlti area, <;jjimj i-ninn, lavji- hulf balhH, laundry room, XivVrl'i." " '""" " «''»••<"»• »»«« A,. «,,ellen" rill"* for $25,900. «li.-car oveiHlzeil attached tory, laundry, full haweaienl, Very, iittnictlvo red ccdur tthlns1 BRAND NEW two. car ntlaclud Kii|.|(Kc. KariiKc. Kawy dlstnnce to l Ol C VS T rl Colonial with all tho iidvuntiiHi " »;I:IS(MI . ,M,,.1!', .' .'.'lv '••"V, .' " - ""» "'""•• '•» » lovely coin- 4 BEDROOMS - DEN of a larKc country UHtiito Inoluil- town. Hen Franlilln .School, 1 rtcr « li'xSO' Hwltunilng pool lo I r'milor hull, HvliiB room wltli lln.- shaded lot. $2T>,r,l|U, lllllMlt. in I J .1 hlockH In xelllMlll llllHPK mill HhlllMllniE 1 lilitfo. lllnliiK riiiini. nuulcrii Ull<-li- ilfi-ii. I.IVIIIB room with llrcphu ', CAPE COD llelirl.}. Whnt Mill, M, l,,,., 1,,,,|, !„,», „"„» dining room, knot'ty pint? Ulli'licn, fII. Tlin-U Kciml KIKI.II lnMlriliiniK, I '4 l.\ M«« VTtlvslDi;, i, J'IMO imncllett (Ir-n with Imy «ln- imlliN. Iti-iTimtli'ii ruimi. lint Point I,• Ill !'l 'ni-itliiii " .'"" (iriiiiiiil' ••••«»a• IUMi . you'll .ilmrwline .11-. „ Me'al'h!r W J>< I K> At- Hn miniiy, cheerful anil 8I111I- RANCH •liiw anil Dutch tloor, lavatory. Up- '/'.'".V")'"'"'''' "" ' '" '"" '- li-HHly mniiiliilncil, vou'll IOIT wtalrH inv 3 liddrooinH ami tilt' .Ink In Iff It*.!.".."!!!!) U when you wulk la tho iMitll. l-"ull h:i«,.|iw»( n-llli liiviilory Uoor. ClmruiliiK llvin« room Did . yon ever wlxh to live and fitall wliowt'r, 0lllh}liW' ft'll'ii* liffurdlnu attractive wlmluiv entirely on onii lUior In a •mtruiH'i'. oil hut wntnr hcjit. At- III-CII, tlreiiliicu anil booli- ImUHe without II Hteo nil o* larjied ffjicatfo. Olfl'door p»tlo with SCOTCH PLAINS eiimmi illnliiK loom, miiili-rn biirliniuti, 2 nniall outbtiUillnitM Ollimii'l klt'chi.ii tvllh l»'n down'.' Klx rooniH, llrcnlai-i"; nml nvrn a brook, comploteH till' "Mori* T'H- yniir foment, ('nn sloraKe clnsi.'t hree^MWilv mm liath, three liedroom», plftiiro.' Illl-IKI- mill ,M >•" Hill In feu.... H- In thin iTiy HI Inulh,. *|il|t h.vcl n..nn. (in,, womleiful inrui! and a moHt needed nml at- lilvldir rnniii, illnitiK KKIMI. il,-llut indinoni will! I WO c)n«e|s, iVjictlv IV itliii nin.llur aviriiir,: nlze. IHe HCIMHH Ihu rmr and over- I 10, llriinil Nl. «>Htllflil ^-«» liath. The e\|,iulHh>ii allle Krnliliiiir TrlrnhniifH ha- Is Ina' Installed, roiIKh looliliiK 11 Jx'iiullfiil lawn. CHARLES C. BAAKE ""r« J. unvlilKiiii WB H-.1:ll I-J IIIIIMIIIIIIK for another huth, There | „ fohlhiK Klnlrwny lull limnlatli.n, Hornier win- N OFFICE OPEN HUNDAYH Realtor Htlii ,1. M..r».n.-r. ,1'A SI-NINM lll-llrOUMlK illlli Illllll. Atllll'llPlI K dow*, J,im' fmme out nml to Htoi-n^e, no hiiHement tu «T M. Btrwiirl WIC S-IHMII rilRf. l,aIlllNc-np(.|| pliil {fill x 21 Mulsh tn Klve ymirHiilr twn iicciiMiiiIulh clulter. riKllmit Illl fl'lll'l'll In. IJIllrll |W,HHIH»|| in'ire hi;dro(MUH mid liath. (>«(-r III Callfm niii, niixlmis lient. one-ear attached K»- WALTER KOSTER REAL ESTATE Full liiiM'inunt, atliiclieil ua- 'iKe. A half ««r« of Kiomul rjinc. and Ac'iuderrul connlry PEMBROOK ROAD AND ROUTE 22 hiltlUK not too f'H I rum l.ln- iu 11 |,r.lty Hcolch I'lahiH INSURANCE ci.lli Mvlll'l'l. *22,! M. A. MERCNER Mour.taln.lde • WE.«fleld 2-5800 HAROTDITVOUNO co. Fientfor — ittMurHtti'f nil fomiM nt m» Pmiirx ru»r. \vrM»iirid 2-n in THE JOHNSON AGENCY Eves. Mr. Koster, Jr., FA 2-6641 ti. li. Haii,rli«n We*. I Mr hi -j Mr. Rudolph, PI 6-9565 INSURANCE niulHlilr Member. 7 It. nrim.1 Mt. W*. -j- Jrmn Jlnck W>*Htt\vUl X Mr. Schlonkor, CR 7-1053 Mr. Munch, WE 2-1109 T'Oalae n. Joanaaa Mar V. ArnoK tn Ilenn Jnhnaim. Jr. USE CLASSIFIED ADS Mr. Winter., WE- 2-8480 Mr. Phillip,, CH 5-7342 we. a-oooa We. 2-238T Wa. iOOoa TO BUY OR SELL CLASSIFIED ADS PAY THE WWTFmW.t». I,) tBASEB, THPBSDAY, MAY 10,1956


b I I.KAN, comfortable rasin* at mod, WIAWIIKMr ulitnts. certmed Jer- MALE OR FEMALE >' » eekek.. "*' se "* «* r«i«. WBSTFJSUJ HOTSI, SMPf AT OHIU'S - FEMALE block from Kev i'.t'lic, 7A and Sparkle*. Plunts iit boot*, 44| W. Kortt Ava. WE, 2-27U. ready now. Circular upon request, 1 , ,..,v Kestrit ted beachbh . BBfefer- * D-S-tf IT»S EAST Xo iook «nu.rt in simple- KXFKKIKM Kii wkltreas, full rime. liuini-eriiig company rath'.'? thin eauitSt^tfl' We"? "^iMureTbmmit*rt, y Vjchsnged. P.O. Box. »27, I*niver>al Farms, llobbinwvllle. -„-., nl Pfaplet KenlauJUlH. 14 finrh. X. ,J., r.-ijuir^*H >'t. fabrics, gee our pelectlon of "won- New Jereey. Tel. Juniper T-USS'T. Kim St. ii-S-lf '803-W S.S4i»f" •F.OIIOOM (or rent. Refined busi- 4-2b-3t ness man. Near all transportation derful fabrics at budget prices. UICD camp on Keaar l.ake, WOH.t* fo hmiNowork smm-u : « *>HI»1. and ironlim tn ill. ut Kefetenee. We. 1-ltil. :.-::.u CftlU'S ISIIK t COTTON SHOP I.UJ.l' CUBS—Matched Bet of regis- tinme Curtuiin PU k up anil di- One or u tbeucBna Jisa Maine, i-urise living room, WeatirM, Hi. i, Thursdays or Krlduys. Cull W... 1 L i. ,.,i 4 betlrouliis. g MUis, tered irons, only :iMj yeiu-*> oia. 7463-M. Iner. Call i'lnlnliHt 7-27 "" before dctalln. P.M. Bock »no# t •tfK •Ui«ia and oie double room, 6-3-tr J. 511 AM nr Hflei H (lu V \l ' i kitchen, screened porch, furnished, wrivate family, near ie:iso&aUl.v uriccil. call v\ e. 2- beach. "Witilin two miles atntlnu. Business men ulily. «£4 used anythinanythinE HKe It," 51£! STtNO-SECIETAiY md Kulf course. Houl and n *R »H all tyn, ^tti-sin.-ia Ave. r.-s-n of iterlyitluu aiutlifcprnaiutl y ( Kxppritiiii'd preferred, ftir t'lorit-al pels EU 4-*78< nl 11 vnilubh'. Ideal for faiii- , il and Keil i IT'S PAINT-UP TIMI and int'tT^t-tlnn u'»rk t« our fv- g M ''nil IIIII\1\1. to 01,11 (.!.*»«, clilnn, turn li«.\ f'lo, care WesifleW Z-ton. 6-a-tl yearn. M;(- PUluie frumes, books. BBU' St.. Wentfleta, !miDt^—reduced from v ur retiular tU-t: t "fin pn uy tiftieftts itwlude • EMPLOY. WANTED • TKMPOHIH) wnplojmitll i>> rr- bruised. AXNB 1.ACKO. 1 iEMI reaidentlat club open to Muck. - llOripltnliZ.I I if,lt, K'H'UP hlKViriUH'f. Mlt knlii. rltlv llfbbt KMilluil. ileuler, Poothlll Rd, So»._. .(KtsIM HKAC'H, N. J.— new nieinoers. Referenoes reQulre4. IW:«1H« r»M*MVIHHn, Indlvld- '.ill We. S- N .1. Tel Sotn g-4»«t. U-: -i ntw Calie C**d, 4 Wrltt JW MO, care of WtBltielU uully deai^lted aupporls. Over 20 k. llal.Kr Mklte «r»l.».Tf wick leavi; j>ay, etc. *. IIITIHI: woman woilld like baby Si., (lie b:i(h, iKHPly furnished, Leader, 5-ii-ti years experience, platnneld €- SIt » klle. trt. J.W. ... ««l. '•*« sittiittini n g e\enlng8 or half flay IroIronn - Illl Mi bid: «uu!d Ilk* da> s «mk ix. r.aO feet from ocean, t.-UO, i«l»Ue «r U.lae, m, SJW, ««I.»..N« NIUPOT COIP. Ing. Cullll W*W*. 2-»l!0-2»l!0M aftefter 6:06:00 Tel We S-kOIIS liANTKIl—Torn targ? combination bed- Kt H WUHRW U room for bu»inee» man. tmi. HKL. HANM bklw Kuawrl. f»«. S-W. .. .#•).».H« Ht. 23 ami kuutmlt HH. Mountainside P..Sl. • i-S--llf , powder kterns ting rooms, tile bath, ConvenienConve t to transportation sind M* we.t rmi •«., Piaiaieia W tueo < 111 !,»<;<;r: glrV dexlres mtintner |>n-.l- into cash IJcentte^ csll*oi Bins full season, part Benson. townown. Call CantorCrantorJ (0180(-0180, 18188 xn.tsivK nrrnmnoM I-AJMT (•HKKNAI. t I K.HK for slock ciilllrul (Inn, Hilii had expetlenie In ueiit- H-4482- F'-3-4t Voftofth AveA . B. - 636-3-tff J-3-lf n 4M wants bnby slttlnir, any UKALfeM KOH OVKB »• VRAM department. Interesting p shiini evelilnK f^iil after 5:36 or 6:00, l«t'.i office «nd in ti.H.K^ mf( - TOW or horse manure. rol*ted. En- w(t1i noilimal organ (Kilt i"n now !H- teria. CKII WO. S-4|4t liOVr cortage in Adli'un- fc roonn. bath, utilities, »a- rich roses, rhododendrons, Hower CWTIAl NAWWAII CO. cated in Xevvark, mnvliifct to m-w We. 2-77U-II. l-3-lf modern vonvenfenceH, last ra««, attic, »hgr« lauanrjr. A4ult«. bed«, shrubs, gjiraen, AUo top noil ttlr conditional! builillnK in Mi»un- (iAHUKMHiO, IIKIU trttcHtng:, clean !•' Vi»l >KBI< t(.,.kii of August Ttl. We. 2- Available JJtoroht. M« pettr. |H0|H0.. tii delivered. Murdock «.(gS8. m !>»lr»l A>*. a tainside iipproxluuilely Auttsist 1st. cellars und attics, and .odd job*. .\biir furnltui PPuu. 2S82-S8UU . 5af Oheutnut Parmii. ,-,-3-tf I'iense reply llox 62S, Wesllleld Cull We. '.'-2i8:'-M, 5-;i-tf nied rvlibisrvlibish lemcAeU. i ail I-i 5-a-tf OPION (I XUAI Ueuoer. UullUullnvkk , tthh e Oen«J«l Woiku . private lake near Newton. >HBI,V fnrnrtfead ro w"**MWI»—i> 2-tt28»-»C wr Chestnut ;.',!'S; in bath, kitchen. •-« pemons. vate bath, kltUwnpri e AlleakBU Kaailli ku •«• la . privueffea. near unieed^ JSSjgd _uj^_ Ikek e AlleakMaaeai IHIIIH e4»*« lUtt. . T, Interesting posi- do In my own home..Ta3. We, i- table July. f«0 weekly. Write transportation, for buainesa couple, itmf AM>I. . . tion with tiational nrnanlzntinn I 0HS5-M. , n-!-tf ill.ii"7 curi- Westlield Leader. echoo-l teacher or bu«ine£8 ladies. no«- lociifeil in NVivark. ntoviiiK In _irl Riuul willins to itn 1" 4*1 «»r<» *t», ••«(, We. oar »»rcha»«l«f. sluvr*' or iniHnttiiln** with f.Uull.\ .is We. 2-43»s-a. . r.-n-tr new utr conditioned bulicWm hi WOMAV niahea Irvnlng; to ae a* ,t>l» l,.%KKll, Vernon, N. J.— Iiutalnsie appriier b I'uMaiu. sttr. unit. Mra. i. haliy Kltrer. U>. 2-T1 "7 • INVESTMENT AOVMCI^r a"t.< country-club type, Luxury FI'HMUMKD room for buaineex man. ttst 1st. please repply llox (i22, Hr,«»i. II.VI ». UrMa »<. t'«ll H>. liDi'lti summer home nvullut>le (iaraee available. Call We. 2- T your davenport from Westficlii Leader. IOI.IIKHI.V. MntlelnHll, fornlil lull- |^i IH through Labor Day: S(6i:-K. 4-(9-tf for '*.0*0ee a year. One ^pra^prayy - ' ilifsltiR njrent. hnjduarti, huuhln- ir if desired. Large living room, T Klaa AtaHaki* a»'H I',.M., m> titinday work. Aiiply Hny- 9 HI; beautiful 2$^ mile long lihle, Tel. We. 2-;,e6l)-H. a-«-tf the tanin Maitf In Anieri™. U'S AlTINIUtO PIANO ' "'" nn't I'ollfectlOIICl'.V, K'2 l'3- FiRRIRO AND PACCtONI tril work Plinue We 2-". 1>'1". Are Htorki t**^ htgrh BAm« aft* snill shower. Hot «'»i«r, Kn- Him St., etneld, HOUll, MM. dnuhtfdlj pre, byt rtierfi are »•* lent KshlnK und oothfnlt. $SH iWAI, for butane** person. Stnull 1M H, 3*ntr Broad XI. I .iulr«<| for H u ff-w Hpfiponed dividend prt/* ftt • '•II HUlnliM H-TTM We, 2-2«l1(l-.l, rrahcimiiH prioi»4• - for Iht u-eek. Supervised children's living l-onm, bedroom, private hath •fK%Cf.ll ('aH*HTlHKK. Individu- HRK\ steel typewriter deitte. l* : PART TIME IWMOORAPHW^ Kl 4M lo NrtM vliles. Call We. J-7208-W ev<- iind porch, kitchen privileges. June kneehole wulnut UesK, $2«; two of- T ni'iitu in in\ t~Hior AH H regrlKterrlKtem^i 2»t. .Cull We. Z-lHt S-I0-«( ally «Mi|rrie4 tiiBportc for men A if* *-'--T", for (iprnnitu-itf M<*^I t t<*H 1111.441 ><'H(N)I. MJrl ulllt tn * «*i*. irtcut loiiH.'itit war It In K < oin1Hir>iiM IH-r.4IM!l uml line table linens e* lHummer llrfsar o\ r vacation einploy- H OB MSA MOW — Furnished WHAT frentlentun ould like com- Huth W. HttckefJ, 1«1 WeJl OlHy »S. 217 hUmer Ht. Plcaiie do nol' in «n tvjmiMiJnp fiitnvuuy. All iBiimlered. Tel. We. 2-11268. melit • U'ltll I'WWi-un.vVIII rrnvel. ilay I help yau fop? It mneitt 4 rooms nti(] bath, fortablrtabe room, eroHB ventilation. Ave., Ilnselle Park, N.J. 5-l-tf uhone. % .|i^s. Hnrbor only a.cra«n street, ht'iH'iitf. IliMirK to In*, jirninuvrt nil 4-111-41 cni) HMInfltU ff-t,ti*r, .'i-io-at only In homh e off 8 adult'sd ? Avnlluble Im- Ifttprview. For ttp)uitfil*titi*m oall ltt very iln£, view*. MS Commercial St., mediately. Hefereneeffenulredv 220 ri<.'KI,KY BliKl-lcss Utlest Hcl— liH,>i J'l't-p-r, \V... 2-4JOO. 'xW.HIKxrtOIl and relinhl** bnhy irKHieVlKll, ri'liuble I.ill,) ,-M- iim'efown, M*H«. Reference* IW« PI. Call We. 1-UOt-M. .til »lcer fruuie, iiitens inli. double sitter with linspltnl nursery train- ter. <'ail urte.r'fiini) P.M. Avallabli' information ttxthuuKed utter STMK tOUHOW coll spring bea. Needs recovering. WtlHK in \V*M onlj' iu\«l bt'tii'lltH, !.»».% IlinvilllK allil ndd jnhs. I' I'OMAX wants baby sitting eve- HBAVtlAMOIt.Malne—llenu I Kl» We. a-»«» TWO Prospeoter ducron sleeping "Wp, 2-73*iti for H)M»olntnu'iii. \\<' 2-87M1 after^ r> 3o p M- Afe «td**k« tun hijfh'1 Soim tJIM^ I 4 heilrmim coftmre on Mm \KrM«i blind*, Mln and Bar- 5-3-tf bugs, used twice, suilaUlc for niiiKs. Call lifter il:n(l. We, 2-IOtO. tlmiliLedly ni'f, but tilers Ht*e til- Hiiv. All modern facilities. MB vice. Call Mr, Kvead», 8u, 9-H8S Sequin or Cub*. llO'eauh, tlilll W''. nl:\lttH qirl Kt'liut ullllntr I" to to WID'H fii foww Kenwyiienwyiid dividendide d fiay* k Phone We. 8-J15O. fi-lO-lf after 4:«0 KM. . ; 5-a-lf 2-1127-J »rierJ>:30. oniiB-pnin) offlct- ;lll|ll VI'K nlirsr nvnllable to take mouniBlim nr thotp nltli family, «r**i r#»n.v«nn.>ly priced titi)t we Jilr* ^RrHOpallty iind Rnml r ('nil »>c d -nt invcNntr, AH a reu ttl IIAYKX. '•*. J.—Cap« Coil A.\'I'I«I|'|C sofu. spoon shHtlea, 1100; full cliarKi' " child durlliK par- •TimK." Antiques displayed In an »TP ftpnreplntert. Ralnry $tU. Apt, l'J-A, wnlffit OownOwn N.X.r. Innttl ninny \htifty rllcnrllcnll * All utllllleK. Available Jmw [ old More n*mios»bere. Just on* Parkway Village, Craiiforti. . Cranford «-43uri, write Itnx «21, cur* Wtn wtthh . MMaa y I hell p yyouu totoo?? IIII "I Kleiniiiglon un historic Old York tnltug $Mto to lit>ct>intlt>> » rftplpl* Boad. . 5,3-tf B-3-tf MMJIIiAlMei refrl(fer«e»r, t cu, fl. ATTBlYTIll* VACATION We wouldn't want ii uetrer one, F dd atinn in rolling hills of New JACKMIW a M*KlM roses," ton —Vtill nr ptirt time. Mx- N'urscniald will go atvay for sum- AM*a~-Ncw, u»«d. Baraaln priced. only a hitftfer Ofte^ 624 Muple Ht^ Vljlittre Kdunt'aln, 8(1(1 mer or lake -permanent lioslttnn. v. ('otinB-es on river. Con ai- quality: nhrillls; orii»inental treeai We. J-J62I'3I. • • ' indate !i-S persons on 10 acres 1?^ up, #u4r«Bteed- Arenri' for bleeding; hurls; oriental popples AVP., MnuntttinHtdo, Rvcetli-iK references. Cull Kluln- jmil. Artesian will water, elec- Kaldwin, LeHt'r"KoKU"»ni| Cams In four i-olors; panslaa: geraniums neid 4-r>r,43. 5-9-St. f refrltferftturs. All modern con- bell HlanoH—OricanM. - rhuharb hlanU; lannas; iierennl owner moving: HlfiHKW prices iMo" fofor junk am. i. River Rtocked wlfh fish. CNiOKIN MANO CO. uls; Iijbrld petunllBl tntiko, tire- .MaloliliiK oriental typ« ru(f.». UJtl'S ii< >:! iclrl would like lrainelKli(alre rv BIIOA|ll.opM cnrpetlnK — cloaeout dozen. Common petunlaa ana otlier CrlKeraliir; metal Itneeliolc ilesli MA'I'I Iin woliinn would like care nf MORE CLASSIFIED l«r«e plcten, 9 und 18 fl. >vidni» ntintutls at 3S cents » doaen. Pent .ie.v.10x-IS. .Miili« me an offer. Call AND I'hllrireu by dny nr w*k- ('n"w "- • BUSINESS SIRVICES • nylon vlHCOMe, $3,i>5. L>tiitlly SlOsr moss, mniaire and fertilizer. Philip We,. 2-88OI1. .".-lO-af to »12,!IB. 2-18!lfi-.l. ' ,6-lt).at P. PiiolettlPaolettl, 11815 Mountllln A -, r ADS ON PAGES PAKTMENTS-MW nlktkelk H Rii4m«irr Rcntul) I'lnlnn. -.'1-tf rHKH TIMKIti thrl-e, 7«l)xl. ., three CURKtrPISTS lir\'(i mull, .10 years old. wishes to ttndy niUri"h unrk, ci-llnr Mt RanRk k AwA . Klhakrtk. >, J 710xir,; innn'K white formul jncket. take ciii-i' of lawns the ycur kn-IIOOM klr conditioned f3t CAPTAIS Jiial'rn, jiiih'Vuphnnrd. dry slse 3S; mnn's slirlnfi: coat, slje SIS. uroiind. Call I'l. tl-i:i:ifi. Irtment. Hot water and heat Hlnk, vhu}r*, tnf)Je«,tnf)Je«,' bric-«-(»racbric-«-(»rac, HeilHoiiahle. Call We. 2-4HII2-M. jlnhed. New sink. Btov* and IroI n l)ed»teudHldtd , frameHfa , otheth r plun •neln including cemmlc tile Iron l)e», IIKHT type freeter, holds 20 cu. ft., P.ipe.rleni)»cl renulreil. Oood salary; UerU . . ChaiChChairir eunlnK.l . pleasant HurrouildlllRSt ouportunl- f coloreored fixtures. InitnQlafInelfH TH «««HH 1V1VOO "iK i; pood cdmlltlon, owner nHivliiB r. K. P.P Wllll«Wllll , owner and »100. Fa. 2-liH1. • lies Tor :*ilvam!i*ment, ami many MM H«i>ll|«« HHtt . ((n »r«««,) company benefits. l, 1 Nth A Cll We. MATIRNITY FASHIONS VI 8 |S(I. 5-3-tf ( llll.ll'H heilnloin set—lied, ' mnt- tress and chllTordbe, ll.'i. We. 2- "SERVICES YOU NEED • to apartment, - ..... K1OIIT centp a year will protect a 8367. bins, middle »»e business per- wafswasB nian'M or lndy M dult from inolh MIUE CORPORATIONS INC. prefi.rred.Ter «'«. S-01S3. Hendquarters [or tnaterntty dnmaffe for-r, yeura. One upraylUK OOKDAHKH (tj muhouany combl- - tantilotif* because we )mve of HICHt.OM nuuriinteeil Molh- inltlon ilfslt and IUIOUCIIKI', ninrlilc 'INi Liberty Avenue I'nhin. K, .1, • BLDG. CONTRACTING • MOVING - TRUCKING the lurfcftnf fielectton in thin miruj- doeti If, or UI3HI chests of drawers, vile, - MODERNIZING IIIHIVKV'il I. — Trucking ' for business woman. MtllJ 188 Kim St., WeKtlleid. _ utini ul"ii|icr, trlevlslnn. Other LANDSCAPENURSiRYMAN electric and hot witter. "We. 231 K. Mre>* HI.. W»»Hel« Items, reasonable. Cull Kiilion 1- and movliiK, Sninll 10S8. . ' _ fnt't'W'l1' t*alf'K\voman fof r IOCHll! OINWAI RIPAIRS Law* la«lr» 6-il-lf AMerallona aaa Malaleaa oo TrlMw»a aaa c.T — Beautiful light 3-room TMI HI a . Kve'« after Him • Moviwn * «TOM»OR Iths. Write HOK 014, enre West- heuin, with oars anil tup rarrh-r. «^!i, cure WeHttldd i.eiulcr. Now loRdinif household (nods tu K|r«l In Nalea Hoa»el I'lans DAVIDSON'S JIM IOVIIAND nil 4d Htmes nnd Oanndii. sneolnl- • Mailer. ' (i-3-81 PIANOS—The finest anil largest se- MUritaret II. AMirrla, Area ManxiC We. !-34lia-U. JIOHUAN ur Hw.'.lish woman, K""- lection In Central New Jersey. Ex- t»nil hiium'wnrk, thrne iidultH. Cull We. Il-Mir* Ulnff In New Kniclnml, Florldii COl'SiTV Wr. 2-I1HII <;nlS' compl»tc alsn .t'J I,, ci. SHHI:HAN Cull svenliim, Fanwood t-Utt chasea are at lowest prices and Home fnrnlahlnga, Bllv«rw;'re, vvlndDW screfiis. Tide ench front i Apartment Living doubly guaranteed: liy the manu- oriental rua-a, *nt|aues, fireplac wreeii dour, ?1 ;• overstuffed chair, l.«H'Hl bttlllllfPtH tiff Iff KRNH.Y r. TOW.<«RNn facturer and Sradele Pluno Co. Hems, etc. Brlve in to new slipcover, »l(l; swivel .oltlce 5-iny «fk. Nino \a miHi UWH> bulll, iimeil, . fartlUceil, Marina; — TmtlUM- llmw chair, «s. Tel. WB. 2-712H. , IlKlly 'rrlMi 4« flie.aiinre with over 30 years of. dependable MADISON OAUMIIS N.t Miiiurdttya HOOPING rolled iin* ' maliltnliiemaliltnliied by tltlmm ESTFIELD MANOR sales HUM Kefvicet 478 union Ave.. Kit In*. TntlMlt. HlllltiK, ttv. niolitli. AAiftfi t dulnudrulnuvv e ^Work CCuI Mi xonnt XVK; WU. S-4«» Kte. 2K WtiMftttil**, open 'til 8 P.M. aw Mala »«» M«. »4' -.• -MaM tWIU'H «"ll«»r, liraclli'«ll.» new. nu- AHdreHH ImlutHi'K (u llnx 04-S. curt" a-i-tr except Saturday, Sunday and Mon- tiirul finish, »H>; lilB-Huifc currl.'r Siding and C»ntrol Rtpalrt Wi. 24M04 for top nf cur, $1: onk |,liinkH. 3 Uj W.'HlJieM l^iiiii'i-. I NWnuta* frcm N.Y.C. day. ' ' r.-3-lf HIKTHDAr, iIVKI*i'»A%' A^i'W U'Rnl«el)> S.ST.'12-.M fl. loiiK .v <1", Iflc ench. C.CIilrU. OLIVER A. HOWARTH, JR. \OW l.'llll 1 IfMV X!HA» OAHlm. HegUlBr. 11.0(1 re. 241 ClnrU Ht. (,H.M-:iHI, lidilMc worker, nl »••')» In j. J. MORAN .' ADVANTAGE OF OWNING I.AMPR AMD aHAIIBK. ••• ««•«• tallers. CloslnB out entire lot in Own room ami TV. Mi-MprinMllpJi WILFRED OAINIS MB Ml.Vt.'S THE. MAINTB- tloa.. Vl»ll Mr eMwrawM. 2.1c per box. Splendid opporfuiiltr .tntl«ue« n(tr«nii with recent re/Vivtic-w wilt IMil VS & EXPBNSB. Well selected lamps and ahadef. for church or other nriranlaatlnn. CH.WI'IHUA'I'MI|:H»ATI«>V pieces in II' Iiiivc it iicriiitmt'iit, pli?nnnnt nun Wr. 1r»<>laa- — ttRmrnlH* — Cleaalaa Open evenlnifs, 7:30 tilt 9:00. K. T. Cassell Puhllshers Snrvlcc, 21 containers In Victorian silver Cull We. 2-0l):tti. Wlndi.iv wutlin W-llllnms, 7iV*i Oenfral Ave,, near Klmer St., We. !-M«4. _ ji-3-! DCSIONID AND PUNTID Orove Ht. in Westlield. No parking bowl "nil pllchern. Jantltlienis, ll«» tlnwuer SI. WraOrla. V. J. Now Renting cnpiter, brass, Hinuli dry . sink, OMAK r«r iking anil hnusi- nrk, CARPENTRY ard»a wnlha,, Walla anil I'allua problem. We. 2-31SS. 5-»-tf III1IIT screens 36" X ™"> C stnrn Wliulaor clmirs, nilscclhunfOUH. In B" In New Hampshire f" Ib iV, Room fl 1 wlfiilun'» nii" x r,H". (imid cmidltlon Tke PpfttalfiNT Wheel sitinnier sriirllim June 7. I Interior raiiiodelliiir. partitions re- Rotary Tilling S»r»let I.1CIIT TitirCKI.\a~f 7|i,.clnllle Iti ttlltl/N uHetl. suninier and Hiin Kouil t.uv, *:.0. Tel. We. 2-0IS1-J— Iflll Miiuatnla Ave. wllh mr preferred, llefer moved, kitchens mudurnltod, attic nil types of Unlit londs. Cull Al f Ch»le« •{ S lothes, »oo*l condition, reason- cull nfte'r 7:00 P.SI. . Call W«. 2-0990. room linlshed. Aililltlnns. ' For Kr*» KallMatta Call UrlltK" at DHexel d-2ll9l)| 5-3-tf ablble i^irae I' or normal 10. Call drowns and Ofnlnf Ro«m GOl.t* CM-'Hl, se( of four mst'Mbr- Her! C OlilfurJ SMVTHi'S UNDICAPE SERVICE Wee'2*267'-^. I OKK spraying nf Ill-ini.Ol! stopi liieiri»i" wiidds, never lisi'd. HeKU- SjCRITARV •1«2 M0WTMI.T moth damagg e forr r. y«nrynr» oorr Un- Inrprlce |na—usklnit J7r,. T"l. "'... 4117 «r«ve SI. We. 11-1777 eve»l»Ba MOVING ' HBAI'TlrTI. hand crocheted ntghun. i n -ayf IhIhe ilalililn-elllile . Protect youyou] Tn Hike cbarBH nf insurance offic a - :l -1. unvivi; »>n . WlllWcstlli'lil l Leader. y einerleiiei'd, vie*. Fr?e esfUnaia*. elj. Hi. J. I-a4Tl pie Arm Chulr, unusuiilj I'In Klmer St., Call We. AIIPtKTKH, "i'l imllil your old, excellent conilltlnii, J201U 3- cliHHell, 217 «<»«.« X for rleaiiliiir mie ilny » will lieln yoyouu nlmr "i'l i y TOP «OII," . Ftl.l', IllHT~," arrnret 6-s-ric" sppeil reversing' ndjustuble window Prism I^tnip, double miirble luiae 2-I;::I-, I. Week. Musi la' KIHIII worker, rhosi' new liiunlii e or rrenioilell your prcsenrl DUEXEL 6-2165 one. Call We. :.;i3»p.W. a-;i-tf lAMMiilll -3-rooin niinrtrnent, fun, excellent condition, >37. Cull win. want a day's pay for Idle sun'1, crushed stone -and rlnderK We. .2-8471-.!;__ ._ • ._ HI ll'li ISA I,II—Navy wool null. Jer- eectilrus IIITII not .ipply. " •-. 2- Call between 8:00 and 8:00. null- 1 Wil i t t tfana- DON MAXWElt'S sey drcsM, ci.cklitil iIlefNcs, Suliii- HO'rivrn.MM., Kiirit^hluk unti lurul- «-n)' 7-MlM. . fi-K-tf Intliiii, 'atnresj und chqrehhf worn only oneti. Wool sldrtn IICIBC r.:t i *i. j We. 2-.164S or We. a-lGII-M. H'l'llllM windows nnd enpper screens gHH JIOltNTAIN AVH. TRENCHES UME SCAIE REMOVAL for entire home. *s uulr; !>xls wool »t*l briiailtull and I'ersliin lamb c.iatn. All slnn 12-1 (. Cull W>-. 2-ll.'.»I. FOOTING - DRAIN (JFITTINC F.MIKill HOT WATRH1 rug royal Wile bnse und Pail with UPHO15TBUN0 HELP WANTED - l.hne si"tle removed from pnrn4 I'l.dQH uiiarlment for rent, miitVliliiK throw ruif, J2S; sninl' HAIIHI>li1'ON snind pluno. Queen WATER - SEWER coils, tnnklesa heaters and all heat ].«l, .Nort'll wiile of town, few- electric washer mid stand. 115. All FURNITIMf REPAIRS Anne model, liltc ww. Cull llnh- MALE exchangers. Wnrk »lone on nrem- 's til center, KUod outlook, Bund coliilltloll. OujVwe. S-6f.10rM 7-nnis. r.-^n-zv W. p. HEftlER Ise*. AlTwork fruaranteed. Sehttlbla riuims and hath, small en- HOVM to deliver newspupors morn- We. a-TII»T IUOOAOI RIPAIRING I.line Scale Equipment Co. Call r- . sun porcli, «oreeneil open I'llltril iwreeni. 9 ft, high, some 30" «IIBK li«x .di'rlni: /mil m«l- fi-fl-tf 1 Irnrs or nfternoons. Must bo over rh. K>>n( iind hot water fur- and some 40 " within. 11 111 nil tress, very (food coiiilltlon. \\ e. 2- TRUNKB — UMBHBU.AH W*. 2-4999 ieil. Mlddl« age or retired Also 2 doors, •2^'_w_^_l.-llt?: 12 years old. Cull We. 2-033H or HUITCAHB8 — tu^DIKB HANDIIAOS |>!i> preferred. »12S, We. 2- HKK.I- rHRC/.i;, Universal, 12 cu ft. enn'e to tl! Central Ave. af 3:00 chest, pnrfett condition, .; P. Jf. s-; T. M. REDD RUSKIN'S VBHV reasonable—1 walnut dinette wicker porch furniture, S pleyjs. TWO 9x1! AnierU-nn orlenfil ruajs ON rnNTIIAC ItB Kelt maiioRuny bedrooyl set. tall Jt'i; two metal twin hcilH anil . MANO.V I'ONTHAC'rOII Hi Hmttk Aft,, Pl.AIPfFlKI.U <-•<>•• IllnOMi, tile bnth, private en- cushion, sllncovurs Included, *3»; mirlnirx. Ji1": llvc-lilcce inrilmKiiliv IIAMIVMAV wlillllK t" do ii'l'ls am I'lU'MltiinVKITIIIVH., I'lHI'I'IHI!1M..»<.'K! S iT.HMANrcvr nnivnw.trnnivnw.r> In private home. Walklns alrl's 2fi" bli-ycle, cnmmVti'ly re- heriroom •unite, Jr,(i; two chrsts of end Jnhs ipHlntliiK, rcputi-H. yiinr IMA-CII:III\I; Top Soil, I.lliht llanlliiK. Fill Dirt. "nmlltloned like new, S20; drop-leaf work I uriiiiinl liiinie une rull day All types off Tree Surgery. Trenrh en fo town. Call We. 2-S9J4. l'OIll II furniture: 4 metal lawn lira WITH. I'' each; l.'irire uplml- ..very week for Jl". Must hitvi 'PCTWM' UP.HOISTERY lilictrlnl.'ctl. . IlllIliilldoxeldd r r SServicei ce. . RtRstll clmlrs, $2 nplcw 1 small ifllder sl.'reil cbnlr, »l»: Ihree-nleco sei-- Inllliillvc In iviirk on «n K-IIIIIIIII tt.- s rhei'i'fullhflly fflveli.l W . rrtnyt - "iiit., tilp bath, near shop- $li, I'lnilie We. 2-0841-M." llonal sofn. Illie new. »7r.- llvlnir FURNITURI REPAIRS : anil nil tranmiortallon. JI35. jaw W.M t;«|Sr room cmich, $10: library tahli-. «•;• cniistant s\ipi'rvlslon mnl il'Mallcil |..ii. Jr., (lfl Hverson PI.. West- ferly (1-J731. Avalluhle at once. eh"ir with oltonuin, 12,'.: chihl s Instructions, We. 2-fi:U». 0QN MAXWEtl lle.KI. V. J. We. .2-8911. 5-,1-tf lAvSTiiuItii, 44 Ion*'; sliirts, 16fe ARCHIE BUYS AND 5EUS 31. Call We. 2-StlO-M, . sprltiic type rockinu horse. »2. Tel. lAWI.KIliH HuslnesK niiw open In W.itfltld 2-0226 it: 1ICIOM unfurnished apnrt 3x4 ft, window", II each; portable •We. ;-sasz. . Westtlcld or nenrliy towns, Trail • LAWNMOWERS pliiine Wealllelil 2-nmio-R t In i>rof»>siiloiial bulldlnff. Air AKHIfAN violets—Surplus ot a prl- dishwasher, »oud, 18; old P>n« benches, |J; vanity table", 13 «' fjinillur», mli IKI'AlMJ.V'fi Wafdiwi, clocks. nl»i- /in before filOft lbnic *"•> fjinillur» unit gold trim. 3 . nnd Hiilra—aervlee—l*arla trie cl'Kjks. Chin, Itothrnck, Ii4« Sewer Trenches * Footings Dug antliiues IOOIH und plumli- .iiin'i-rs, |^ .mils—sult^alili' NKW HA Ml * I'OWKH MOWKIIM ; .VImiKdTlXfl piisltlnn fur sal.' lUihwuy A've. We, 2-il.^2. linn iff >1K plus buth. NVwly li1 e » A1.NI T dltiing room set—table, '' ury riii.m. limn wllll fuel "II •"cperlen , <;iin|en 1>:i|iil|iiiient I'Jilled lliirolneli'iil Asa'M -If Oil Torikf loivera, llollera, and Mplke lilac Convt'iilt-nt to it 11 trnns- evenliiKH, We. S-12B8-M. MRS. MARJORIE MILKN fur llelil Air Comprauon For Hira nt Inn. Muslness person, (nil lii^tjillatlnns. Salftry npi-n * ALTfRATIONS - REPAIRS :W- t>i»l Hrnail Street pmisl.s. Cull KaliwiMill i-llll I'miiiilrlr Kiialiir ftervlce id.'io-,/. ?i-1t)-lt (Iliilrnnce mi Klmer St.I Aiitkiirlnfd Healer fur Attic aud llecrealluii llumua Klli-lieu llenmilellaa' S!!33 Trenloa Ave. Wratnelil, !«. J. NltnOM Mimrtbient, haheatt aan'n l Ileiilthy slock for sale, free deliv- TWO pints nt lll'lllWll' miniy.-'l on II Uo — Micellii nnil I-or mlcs luuiller i'on» Inslalled , j fiirnlxlieiillieii.. mnnll ffamilyil , ery. KB. 2-0171. .i-io-ii ymir ii v 12 riw pri>ti'ii» •> ;njni SHOP MEN Mtrtraa. i:ic. quiredid . AlApplyy i>t ^2' .nuit'li diimiiKi' f"r f, ycurs or Hl-.ll- wci.nivi; — i,on l.\>ll' WlHIVtl, ri'linlrii'S. niolint- <1 h l lt 1B l l.tll' pnys the illiiilHKe. AVITUKC Kximndliiir compuiiy In lintwiu HKI.IVKI1Y KHin II IllKS. Wink iloue iiillstli'ully und .WI'Hll.'B "' '* '' ""' .1r'' Mn.rt hi' cost only ..licpcr yi-ur. Mail' In 'KIII'-|'',CT roiiilitl'in — illUii'lslpr.'d X. ./.. Ims iicrlii'inclil Ji'bs tnr: We. a-SISH IIIIIMII WM, GRASIN6 rfnM/niiKlv, Cr. O-UIS'., 3.1S wnlniit America, 8» Him Ht., Went Held. _ maple HOfn, 2 chllirs, love seat, Ave., f'riinforrt B-S-tf "wim'hln'»-lnn*'«ewlnK cabinet. 110' studio couch. Tel. We. 2-4201. S.1S Klmer HI. (Cur, \«rln 2IMI drove Nt., Kaal EAL ESTAtE WNTD. • MACHINIST-MILIWRIGHTS Wea)l|el<. V. 4. Hnioke "tnnd, ll.r.O: tall lamps, «2 i^MBK—l!|irl«lll Piano. Cull W". 2- Opi'ii Kvcnlnirs WESTFIELD GENERAL JOBBING (17111. lllimilV Jinn iMip'boiir'l, perfect for Tw" Hi live yi-iirn expel'li-lice. Mil (•r. 0-0.191. ltus«|nl' i HI-FI set: pulr uiilliiiie maple hi' llblo tn npertlte lalln', drill pre l.i'ltilrra fiultera fly not lilt your home 01 O Hrst Miniil tii-iis: pine ilry slnlt: 2 rur.- ;,„,] inlllillK I lilnc. Ahlllly • DRESSMAKING and \»|iliall llrlyewnya lie«iir(e.ieil aall "^'^"CT' d7ed '-t..le, rt'HITK furimil, fl*..- Ii fooil ••"••'II- 1,1 linen press.-s, I curly iiiiifil". KII/VMHI'J.ATI.Vfi. rePiilrliiB prty with u»r Our pafsonal 11 f r I blueprint.-, ileslrubli.. In In lleimlreil. iiuiillt'y, ?1M; ""luri,1,1,, "111H,!' r',1i' tlon. ItHimuniihle. I" " - - . .li.-rry; l..-iiutlful l-r>'iii'li i-rc- pollshlliK nf nil meliilp. I'rlv.. Cruaheil Slune 6s are always available to n li'ir/.n with porcelain pl,ici|ii.. In- DRESSMAKINP M^DI.ON GALLERIES lltnle, $»r., like new cnndlth.nirin. iu(! rii"i'W" lIl'Hlralilc. i.-MI Uliln Hlreel ' 'II mink CHI"', excellent cnnilltloli H\Cl.tlMHII wire pen, new, for pup- pair side cha criinforil. nul kind-'. Mrs, Until WisH on. M'< :..:•-If irve you In al! real estatf '|iy in' rnbblt. Phone We. 2-il!H'r.. ;i;ls WiiliHif r.-ld-31 Itoosevelt HI.. We. 2-1111 K-SI-ir $2(111. We, 2-i."'!'"-W. Criinfi •'I «-»ll.i. Ilidid Hturllnir pay III.I.MW.«l|rJ mill (-'liilwiin—-brass •Cl> TREE JUROEHY in. Call or see us today, Chiiiicc In iiilvniice llllKHon IKIMI. Alli'iatliui . Dnipe- iMinps ami I'litiilli's-lt.'i'a'ri'il ami .All .'iniiliiycc bi.n.'llts rlc» Men's Snorl Hblii's. Hxp.'rl- ti1 covered liy uiH lIMNfi ro«m set—table, i-liina cup- • »f v •• ji •• .in* i.'n - iii si-i, re lllllllIK No layuffs l !S7!li :I-:I-II 1 1 1 ll..|lnlshlliK Anthl W. Hoyton 41» Rvrraon PI. "miVd, serving flihle iiml litinet. J ltr. Kxiierl .Mi-liil KIIIIKIIIH Y. Faueker Westllelil a'-HMI J. BJNNING«, INC. .chairs II nil lii.hli.were l>uil. c.llntn» Incluilwn l hi'il; rims; dishes. Kn. iil.l.-. I'.ill W>'. 2-3CI»-J. i',^;.',;;.: ll.-st.!- . Tel. W... 'J-S7SI-W. NouXalM *»»., JMim»lal»«l«* IMWHII "|ilt .•,-:',.it tor, re wrltlnff ciiniilt rurnlinre fur prorant Interview HO KM II sprlnK rli'lbi-s I n- at Its we, 2-H4KO iffer. TPI. We. IMiOTUCJT your olothi* n.tllllli.tM' Bld.'lii.nril.-i Klvllnl: nr ii Kl"«l Illrtlilf fir I hut r.-?i-t *,1,-, or und win.lens frinn moth wi; lit AH\Nii:i: \ DIM i/ii',j«e. ii ..r iiUni-oi? .!>«>;;.. '"• MAI'l.i-1 Hl'.ll Iduuhlei, frame only. :luir Concrete. Krmllnir. lisuhnlt ilrivv- /ANTED TO RENT • It's (iilnlli'xs, stain- $1(1; liirKc ilritw ilriipi* with cor- I|VSI1HI1\T|VS1I " wav. -iti.1 IMIII,H. pralns and lead- lens ui 'ilry I'lflllllnil iloci; lint liriilnniii' syiiteuiH, «imi|i pui'ili ers, Kri'i' i-Htimali-H. .'.-.'S-tf i'slri'S 11<, nr 2-rmnn apart- wUh,lfat rein It. Mnile In Ani'Tliii Ht"ri'. tli.itiis ninterlal. Wi'. 2-0^,4«. DESIGNER liliitllilf. AU wnl'U Hlturalltt-.'ll- cnblitrl. I'lilni Ml., Weslflt-M. lUISinHVTlAI. CHI,I.AltS it, iiiifuriilHh.Ml, 1 HI tlnnr. I'll' 2 ROOFING (Mil SIMICIAI/I't Time for Sprinq Cleaning DAY SPECIAL DRAFTSMAN il| «'» "IT'"' I'urarl Abinil Ihe llrililner) I.el I'v wnnta 3-.T4 roniii npart- UoofK retinlreii ticrni ft. June 1st or, unfiirnlnh- *<[•<>" • PETS FOR SALE • ll 1.1. l. Il'i'lvnte liiniNi', 2nd ll""r, rysl Argonaut Household 1 KxiHT 'liiI'll; K'llllll "I'llt . r » T-V, RADIO REPAIRS locntiun. ,\'ear bus Illif Klin" HAI.K —I'KltHIAN KITTKNH- rliaiili .I'ea RU|l|il|eit. Tel. We. fiieli«r« und tfUttftrH Hi> \l tnr ?"*i. only We. 2-.V,e3-K. ;-.1-.'ll i%t\n r«pnJr*d. W. •Hrlmhrrl CAR-HOME RADIO Wiills mil ivnnilwnru wmhe*. couple dining* r»*«ii. n I^^I •»• '- j y-fit 41: H'irt!in;t1«»trt Avr I'lni'ts cli-aiH-il ilnil witsed. Wln- ni •MAll I 'Mi'/, % »«si" (twin, »l2each. Als. pinniit t cn ""in furniture. excell«nt "•"'''ll,[; Iin, screen iluurs .11 %" i 7(1 V, and iM ft:it Appliance ilrt«» vvashiM. siri'ens lnin«. *l»>i'!«tlmi, ni'iillulilc nrnii un Martin «Vkal»f We. 1-WT4 V tliin. Cull We. '*- - r.-lO-.t no\" % 7CH". Ill encb. Hlonn win- S«rvi«« LL_\ 2-0(1(10. _ _ _ _l dows I'"" ench. imlnled wlillo. LOST AND POUND 11-3-11 J-l llOOM iinfu'riiiiliwl "npn iVvi.- .ml "ciierrv tnblfs, dry "Ink iriiml'rnn'lllloll U>| fiillnws; »«"•",} BREEZE ELM RADIO A HICTRIC CO. It, niio iiilnlt, maul infvi! tiy "smnir.horrv.T"ill-'Cli;'»l"filrii«.s (111 14" 3!i"i" x 7BV, 3H'S" r 71",", CORPORATIONS i WIN1I0W I«I. h-lt-t II,,,,, i.rvr.''. i>fu dittieti liffX Mini 11 Menu. ''•' finVai'li AIMI M" J MM". ;'"" » -Hoy's nl framed ffluHH«H PIANO TUNING UK—U'liiidnnrk Wll ' luwn ili'Hir.'il. Write HIIX HS4 Wnlniit Ave Crnnroril. Call r'r (3~, .IS*" « 11", in ""Cfi .C"!1',,'.'.",'1 warH. W«. 11 "u. IChiier Ht, r n s f,, ,l r,.nl».i. "-" Wr. U*f!«l n »• I<1 fancier. ':.l / r carry. TMfPlmiia W«K*N«ln t-IMJ. ,\, .1. ~ WA"NO'TUN1NO >'3 iitiiy nlri'ii BtiiaTrTtli*nHn — Oretn otuillnt |inr»k»«t nrtiikrve 11*** (o your fmrhr wllh kluiicn In rex l"«tor "I REPAIRING 0( Tim—20" junior iioailiiianer. n- 't.'wa'ril.rall w'e. "itU. S-10-lil • Ji'llh llfn- AVAII.AHf.B— I innirlfMll, *"'"'. *"•' il dinlrlcl near n(ori>H. Ahn IT b.'aler. l cnnnlti miivilble IralnlllK wheels, «12- " e. ntlDKflV PIANO

USED CARS • LEGAL NOTICES • • LEGAL NOTICES • STATFMEM Interest on obligations issued to M* PONTIAC sedan delivery. Ijow The bond ordinance published finance such purpose, whether tem- mileage. Good buy. Quality Wine porary or permanent, or to finance Whole Family herewith hns b*en ftually _m«Ke_i by & Liquor Co., 3 61 E. Broad St., the Borough (Council of the BITSJUK'1 legal expenses, or fo finance the cost •WeBlBiiW, N. J. Phone We. 2-2S15. of JMountu inside, in th* f ui thy itsBuance erf such oblig;ationB 5-3-ff Union, in the State «£ New Jersey. it: provided in said LfOcal Bond Law, on the £t*h day of Mfiv, HiiCi, and the Tit It; 40:l-i>S lie vised Statutes of 1941 €*I_K VKOi^ET, new tirep and twenty day period of J imitation | Niw Jtrsey Jt»87. heater, *76. Ttl. We. --4939-R. within which a, nuit. action or prc-j g. it is heretiy aetermined and de- CHEVHOL.KT, 1B55 Bel Air spor uteditiR tjuestkining the \ alidity of ' c-liti'cd that the period of usefulness coupe, S t'vlindert:, rudio und heat- tsueh ordinance can bt> euniiii^iictd i of the purpose for the financing of Hoppin' Down to National! er, while waliK. Will sacrifice. We. an provided in the ...oea-1 Bond .jaw, which said notes, are t*o be issued 8-6403-R after 6:00 P-M- has hfgtm to run f mm thf da It <*f is a periud of ten years, computed the fir^t publication of this uUtte- frnm thu datt; of said bonds. inent. [). So much of the cost and ex- KOBKKT ..AlKO. penwe of making Hit id improvement UorouKh Clerk "f the- Boroutrh ay may be lawfully asweBsed upon F SEE OUR "OK" USED CAR of MountainHde, New JfTKt*y. the lands specially benefited thereby -**;r AN ORIJIfifANCK TO PROVIDK FOB shall lie tso BBHessed by the Board of ADV. ON PACE 34 THK pAVISCi AKI1 IMPROVE- AssehMorfe. if*-! IA- WEST OF PR08PKCT AVK1VCE 10. It is hereby determined and NOMUS CHEVROLET, INC. IIV THE BOBOl . We.* 2 to hf> net'fcHSfiry fo improve Prospect OiiO.Ofl nnd that the issuance or th< 46S9-J. Avenue in the Borough of floun-. nftes authorized by the ordinance li -V by the paving thereof. permit t'ed by an exception to th IMftlTOKO Mainline _-door. heatei 2. That *Rid improvement and debt limitation contained in sub clean. We. 2-4528-.I. paving hf prospect Avpniie is to hedivision tan« above mentioned are hereby of Union and State of New Jersey, adopted for said improvement. the Appropriation of the Moneys 3. That said improvementu Khal Necessary Therefor, and the ISBU- be marie and completed under th anne of Bond Anticipation Nofee for DeLMoNTfc UICE^ OR HALVES HimerviKion of the Town Enginee Financing of nuid Work", adopted INSTRUCTION in accordance with the plans tha by the Borough Council of the Bor- have been prepared for the same and OUKII of Mountalr.Hide on March 13, TUTORING —Hl(k Srkuol and col- which are hreeby adopted. 1956 and the notes authorized by this lege subjects. CBTOIUB T. Clark. 4 That the ovvnerts »t all lands on ordinance fhall be issued in place BTA. (Yale), L.L. B., Ed. M. 236the line of snid Improvement are of but not in addition to the notes Mountain Ave., WeBtfleld, 'phone hereby ordered and required to make atit horlzed by Haiti lasr mentioned ^L\ CAN We. 2.2741-W. 5-3-tf the neeeHHury house connections ordinance. with the newer, water and gas mains 13. Thif* ordinance shall take ef- Raymond Young - Plans Studio in Halrt street at their own cost aiu fpct twenty dayH after the fir«t pub i Halk Bvsert Voiai, *•«. expense, within thlrfy days from anc1 lication thereof after final paseajfe- Claaalcal Popular after thitf ordinance is adopted; an* JOS1CPH A, C. KOMTCH. Call «r Write for lafor.iallva that in case of any (said land own Mayor. 111 1»«. K»<-IU An. We. .-OiMts-W erH not makintf wuch connections rtnhert Lang, Clerk. within the said period of time, the 5-10-H Fees $37.80 5-3-tf 13orough of Mountainside shall uause K. M. BENNETT, teacher of piano. Buch connections to be made and \OT1CE Latest methods. ClaHHlca! and pop- pay the cost* and expense thereof Take Notice that Alexander Chrone ular. LetMons in your home. 686 and will c«une KIH-II expense to be;nnd Kuifene Clirone trading as The Dorian Rd., Wisstffeld. Call WeBt- assewsed upon the lands benefited. Town House have applied to the nutiji fleld. 2-53U6. 5-3-tf 5. H is hereby determined and Mayor and Council of thp Tnu'n of stated that the estimated amount of WoHlfleld for renewal of PLBNAHY ACCORDION in«tructlon. UeglnnerH money necewsary to be raised from BETA IL CONSUMPTION MCBN81Q > (2 a leuxon. Call I'lainfleld 6-S622 all Hource» fur #aid purpose ia $42.-for prcmfBew situater d at 114 Central 1 for appointment. 5-3-2r U00.00 and that t*he eBtjjmited maxi- Ave., We.stnetd, N . .1. mum amount of bunds or notes nec- OhjectloiiH, If any, should be made GROCERY =PRODUCE= essary to be iHsued for tald purpose ,..imedlMely in wrltlriK to Janp F. is |3i,000.00. There la hereby appro- Jonea, Town Clerk of Westflel<1. N. J. Tftk. 6NM — If* With prlHted to said purpose the aum of Signed • MONEY TO LOAN • 10,000.00 from capital Improvement Alexander Chrone, undu available for «uch purposes. 116 Central Ave. ••akb IM Lif U NMI The Borough of Mountainside will Eugene Chrnne, contribute no part of the cost of 41fl Summit Ave. TUIM riSH 7-m. * MOTHER'S DAY BROCCOLI men improvement IC being expected S-JO-lt Fees $3.fi0 Loans Up To $500 .hat thu special aaseBtmicnts levied .herefor will equal (42,000.00. PI'BMC \OTICK C Public Notke IM hereby given that cuiPEraun |A|i OOc UP TO M MOKTHS TO PAY ... To finance said purpose, there he folWnvinir Ordinance was panned hall be issued pursuant tu tho L.o- HI fltiii 1 hearing at a meeting of flic IU1CE On Year Own 8la*aa«ure al Bond I jaw of tile State of Ne\V Cake 79 ersey, in anticipation of the UKU- tliiyor and Couiu-ll of the Hnrough Ala* 4wt» or Purnltarr (.oatm tiK-e of bonda, liond Anttciput*ion if MountHhiMlde on the 8th day of Votes of HHIU llorouKh which nhall .Iny, D*l Nonto O #313 C*a**IM«

Plenty el GRIFFITHS IS HAMMOND ORGAN rnmPnMiM I National Headquarters in North Jersey UEIT^VILLE GOV'T GRAPE A



FULLY CLEANED- PAN REAPY rrlet. eflMtlw I SALE iy w. r STARTS TODAY MEAT FISH Amour Stai or Swill's Fremium JUmeuf Star oi Swift's Premium ToporBottoM - . Table-Trimmed Fitik RIBS OF BEEF .390 ROUND BOAST. 59P Ffllet 10" Cut . Haddock Freshly Ground, Lean i Kingan't Reliable Sliced Fwsk CHOPPED BACON i.., ^. 390 Codfish RENT A NEW HAMMOND ORGAN BEEF 3-'n-.W* Steaks Pay as Little as 20 ForMother'sDoy! Birds Eye Frozen Sliced Taylor's Sliced |r Famous BW* You can rent a Hammond Organ for at little as $20 per month at Griffiths, where all five STRAWBERRIES X ROLL. .15P models of the Hammond Organ are on display. Rental Money X. STACE DON You can keep this Hammond Organ for as long Can Be Applied Birds Eye Frozen Sliced or Chunk Muen.ter NYLONS as six months. If you decide to purchase it all To Purchase Price the rentals you have paid may be applied to CHEESE /4lk 150 the purchase price. The balance can be paid FREE LESSON IN YOUR GARDEN PEAS 2 pt,. 33* PAIRS over a period of several years. HOME OR OUR STUDIO Everyone who has seen and heard the Hammond Organ confirms the fact that it is one of the sensations of the musical world. All Hammond Organ models now have the amazing "touch-response" Percussion Control, FREE! ALCOA lack Fjost All Flavors making available a host of new sparkling tonal effects. ALUMINUM If you can't come in soon, use the coupon. ICE CREAM al 790 POPULAR Then'* nothing extra to buy . . . nothing extra MECHANICS Now CHOOSE FROM ALL FIVE MODELS I* iwyl IMI begin today to «ave your National Axclrod Creamy Smooth CREAM Gold Re_Uter Receipt!. Starling Iiom S25.00 youi Do-It-Yoursell per Volume CB.h reglilcr receipt! are lltetally worth Iheii wllh any FILL OUT-TEAR OFF AND MAIL Encyclopedia pur-ha*" weight In gold . . . toward your choice oi 40 dll. CHEESE 250 Please send me full details on your Hammond Organ Rental Plon. lerent houitlield items made by world lamous t-oz. plaiilc conl. Name [ Woar-Ever. PLAIN, BEUSH, CHIVE, Beef Veg. & Onion i CHERRY, PIMENTO Addre5s______pkg.16^ Telephone_____ Tamalo Veg. & s. 3W Chicken Noodle "The Music Center of Now Jersey''' GRIFFITH PIANO CO. -STDINWW llhlMIKSIATVnVI'.S- 605 BROAD HTKK1.T, NI..WAKK 2, NKW J HUSKY 138 CENTRAL AVENUE Opi>n WnlnrMluv KvcniiiKH iiiilll <) — I'liiini' MArkrl :)..".II!K) WESTFIELD, N. J. THE . J.)lMApe% THUBSDAY, MAY 10, 1956 Wmm cial And Club News Of The Week In The Westfield Area *7ck, son of Mr. and Mrs. entertained 50 at a breakfast party players in the country. He is Bergenstock of Linden. at the Sissun home, 7 Gallowae. member of Delta Kappa Epsilon Insured for $150 — Cuftpm Cleaning at lowest Prices Especially for tony took .place Saturday • • -•- fraternity and Omicron Delta Kap- in Ebenezer Church, Mis. H. Y. Blodgett will enter- pa and Phi Beta Kappa, national Our Remodel and Repair Work is Second to Nonel tain Tuesday at a luncheon bridge honorary fraternities. for 16 in her home, 518 Elm Id Mrs. James F. Bour- street. • ' Mr. Richardson is a Rhodes GAMBURG FURS 124 Whippoorwill way, scholar at Trinity College, Oxford WntffeM't f»r Shu •' DhtlnKta fide, held open house for The Layette Group of the University, England. He was 249 E. Broad St. WEstf ield 2-3423 Sunday afternoon fol- Westfield Service League will hold named one of the 10 outstanding chrlstening of their its final meeting of the year young men in the United State: • (*pp. Rialto Theatre) -. i Fasten Bourland, in the Thursday at the home of Mrs.In 1955 by the National Junlot Oem MM**? end f>M«y I»»«lnt« foesbyterian Church, Richard L. Sslabuiy, 751 St. Mrrko 'Cltamb'ef "of *Comh1efce.' Hlr moOP QUALITY FUHS AT tide. • Avenue. . , , A er is the former C»ry Johnaon of •i • ' " .+_. Baton Rouge." The Hichardsons BUDGET PRICES (Mrs. John Kraft of 120 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Arther lived in Westfiold from 1937 un- let spent last weekend of 8 Boris parkway entei-tained til 1940. h City visiting their son- their duplicate bridge group Fri- The couple will be wed in a cere' I daughter, Lieut, (j.g.) day evening. mony t be held in Me July. John Henry Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Ches- B. F. Goodrich [ly M.^Allen of 141 Lin-ter .of Tomkins Cove, N.Y., ar- Masterwork Chorus to uc will bo hostess at a rived yesterday for a visit with fday afternoon in honor their son-in-law and daughter, Sing B Minor Mass Mr. and Mrs. John F. Ambos of ^ughter-in-law, Mrs. Jay To provide an authentic 18th Jr. of Florham Park, Mr. 754 Carlton road. ; century background for Bach's Jay M. Allen Jr. were Mrs. Kichard~H? Warner of 228 B Minor Mass, Robert Conant of March at the Hilltop Seneca place was hostess to herpassaio will provide harpsichord because Mother's something special n Church in Mendham. bridge club last evening. accompaniment for the Master- in. Allen Sr. were hosts work Chorus, Mrs. John Lewis of jearsal dinner held in the Mr. and 'Mrs. Carl A.' Pearson Boonton, Concert Chairman, an- jtnn, Bernardsville. of 816 Oak avenue will be hosts to nounced. The 100 member chorus CANVAS SHOES Of course, she will tell yoy that Sunday their duplicate bridge group to will sing the MJass Saturday at Mia. John E. Gray of morrow evening. 8:30 p.m. in the Morristown High is just another day — and don't make nond street had aa their School. • Improves Posture. last weekend Mrs. (Please turn to next page) • Prevents Foot Strains a big fuss about it — BUT • Guard Against Flat Feet 'Posture • Increase Comfort Foundation There will be a song in her heart and a smile on her lips, when she receives make Everyday flowers from YOU. blue — red — green THER'S 1DH.T faded blue Mother would love a weekly flower gift. Order for as many Choose A Gift of Lasting Loveliness — that she weeks as you wish. As little as will enjoy and use all year'round. BAYSHORE Children's Sizes 3.25 $10 for five weeks. Misses' Sizes 3.50 Brass Planters Lenox China Crystal Women's Sizes 3.95 Men's Sizes 4.25 Place Mats Revere Ware Glassware Open Today, Tomorrow, Saturday 'til 8 P.M. Bone China Cups and Saucers Mother's Day 'III Noon Lamps Trays Silverware Costume Jewelry Music Boxes Figurines Chafing Dishes Coffee Makers DELIVERIES EVERYWHERE Copperware Dinnerware Woodenware SENTINEL II Gift Wrap Your Purchase - or Wrap for Mailing, if you desire Youth Sizes 4.50 Boys' Sizes 4.75 Large Selection of Greeting Cards for all occasions i^ZIZ Men'* Sizes 4.95 doerrer's JEANNETTE'S SCOTT'S 227 EAST BROAD STREET Quimby at Central Westfield fn Mon. & Fri. eves. We. 2-1072 Open Monday Evenings 'til 9 P.M. 167 ElM STREET Tel. 'Wo.lfleld 2-2400 Roar Entrance to Municipal Parking: Lot THE WESTFTBfi? ($. J.) LEASER, THCTtSBAY, MAY t«, 1*86 SALLY Wellesfey Club Jones Gted by On Mother's

(Continued from previous u»ge) p|Q pS Kansas University Last weekend Skidmore College i Thomas "ov -tones of 560 Tre- observed its annual Founders' Day Thc annual luncheon of the ! Weekend. Six families from Wesl- j I nwnt avenue is amonjr the five ;New Jersey Welleslry Club will [ alumni of the Mnivfivltv of Kan- field attended the festivities. Mr. be a "Country Pete" held Satur- and Mrs. W. B«,i Wyman of 230 , , , s»» wka hsw been named to re- da)% May 9 at 2:80 pm at thh <• me i ••> citation 'or riirtinfuish- Sylvania place? visited their daugh- home of Mrs. Donald C ter, Nancy, who is a iumor. Nancy ; j^^ in Dtnvilie. Mra. Kob. eaduate , who wiU describe | | and national civic assignments is Alt happen S f| daughter,g Elizabeth, who is B ! their experiencep - m a v,.,etv 1OB& one of the most significant Alexander beincr six consecutives terms as sophomoreP." Ellis of. 51Mr4. Bircand hMrs avenue. Thoma 'ands J<"*s°n oi •?»" Orange, m u«i ! P Elli f 514 Bih d c president of the New Jersey Safety ! Mrs. J. W. Blackburn of 920 Hiirh- woman to win an A. Cressy Mov- Council. 'land avenue visited their daujfh-1 »«"•> P>"»" »*. *he New .York cu rv f 1 wl s k Mr. Jones was a membpr of the ters, Margaret and Anne who are U ;;" ". ^••J "--"*. » l";» War Labor Board and War Pro- both freshmen. Also guests of j •" "Detective Work Among the freshman daughters were Mr. and M.crobuctena." Mrs. R.chard W. duction Board, chairman of the Mrs, J. JR. Holsey of 5S5 Birch Kahlenberg of Madison will de. planning and development council scribe life in Alaska as super of the New Jersey Department of avenue whose daughter, Susan, Conservation and Economic Devel- rode in the annual Skidmore Horse visor of a children's home run by the Board of National Missions opment He is a past president of Show with the Drill Team, and the New Jersey State Chamber of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Denney of 644 of the Presbyterian Church. St. Marks avenue whose daughter, Mrs. William B. Nevius of East Menninger-Dippel Commerce, a former chairman of Barbara, was a member of the Orange will tell about her work the executive committee of the Skidmore Choir. Barbara has also as Assistant Director of the Re- American Management Associa- been elected art editor of thehabilitation Center, Saint Barna-1 Engagement Told tion; and has received the Henrv "Skidmore Scoop." Founders' Day bus hospital, in Newark. Miss i Laurence Gantt medal for distin- Remember MOTHER speaker on the Skidmore pro- Marietta Tower of West Caldwell, guished achievement in industrial Mr. and Mrs. Curt Dippel of management. gram was Dr. William E. Park, Director of Gills' Guidance for Searsdale, N. Y., have announced president of Simmons College. 9th and 10th grades at Caldwel ON HER DAY, High School, will describe guidance the engagement of Mr. Dippel'a Mrs, Jules Pavre, president of work and the differences betweer daughter, Gerda Renate Dippel to Men's Garden Club THIS SUNDAY, MAY 13th private and public schools she has Richard Lee Menninger. Mr. Men- the board of director." of the West- ninger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Plans Plant Sale field YWCA, is entertaining board encountered. The home is her palace. Son*. members at a series of small lunch- F. J. Menninger, 234 Charles street. The Men's Garden Club of West- eons this month. field will hold its seventh annual thing nic* for that home will surdy ~*~ Barbara F. Jaffee of 433 First The bride-elect, daughter also of the late Mrs. Rosa Schiller Dippel, plant sale at the Grove greenhous- Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Hohn street has been elected to serve as es, 989 Mountain avenue, Moun- please. Choose now from our entertained 12 Saturday evening secretary on the board of the is a junior at Cedar Crest Col- lege, Allentown, Pa. tainside, Saturday from 8 a.m. to at cocktails and a buffet supper in B u c k n e 11 University Women's 6 p.m. complete selections of their home, 752 East Broad street. Athletic Association for the 1956- Mr. Menninger is a junior at 57 school year. Larry R. Hubbard and Ethan A. (Please turn to next page) Lehigh University and a member S. Hescock, both of Westfield, are of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. representing- the garden club at WOODENWARE - COPPER - MASS-) A fall wedding is planned. the annual national convention of the Men's Garden Clubs of Amer- - IRONSTONE - POTTERY - MRK i Kent Place School ica at St. Louis., Mo,, from Tues- day to May 18. The convention is WROUGHT IRON ~ BASKETWAKmi\ Clearance of Horse, Dog Show a meeting of 200 men's garden clubs from all over the United PINE FURNITURE Dresses Jimmy Lee of 210 .South Euclid States. by Petti avenue will officiate as ring mas- ter, at the Kent Place School an- from nual horse and dog show, sponsor- Kappa Kappa Gammas ed by the Boots and Saddles Club THf COlONUl and the • Senior class of Kent Will Meet Tuesday oroins- 10.98 Place. The event will take place t>» BONN* CSEATIpNS 1 CORDUROY at the stables and riding rin^s in Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae UNUSUM the Watchung Reservation Satur- will meet for bridge Tuesday at Critp cotton «>rth onepiec* leak . . . two- 8:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. OVERALLS, CREEPERS, day, The day's events will open , pl«ce venatility, th» perfect combination for with the dog show at 11 a.m. and Franklin Hardoastle, 267 Sylvania place. Co-hostess will be Mrs. 132 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD a wonderful summer. You'll feel special, it the horse show will beg-in »t 1:30 SLACKS, 3-PIECE SETS, p.m. Arrangements have been Blaine Loudin. ,' . ipecial in this potch-pockel.d full, full skirt and OFF made so that lunch and refresh- matching tucked blous* with button and button- BONNETS, BOYS' TROUSERS ments may be obtained on the 9 kola trim. Size* 7to 15 In your favorite, potato, grounds. Amanda Pope of Short It's Mother 4\DaytSunday « oquo, pink, bio*, i Infant* - Toddlers - Oirb to tin 14 - Boys to 8 Hills, president of the senior class, is the general chairman for this spring event, while Miss Josephine Emerson is faculty advisor. she's sure to he pleased ?f\oii(ji\ T. E. Mason of Westfield will be a judge.

jane strict fa K,athryn Wellman of 884 Hill- l • Hosiery •9S44T CSNTtUM. AVI. WE. 2-3551 jane side avenue -will accompany tK« u Smith Chamber Singers to'Eufjtfte 'tl • 133-141 CENTRAL AVI. WE. 2-25SC this summer. She is a singer with -r- Gotham Gold Stripe he group. Belle Sharmeer — Larkwoed TO MOTHER WITH LOVE • Gloves , Grandoe or Fov»nei I Fabrics 2.00 to 3.50 Real Leather by Alexett*

Doe - Cape - Kid -Pigskin

• Summer House Coats

Drip Dry Cottons, fine selection, 5.95 to!

It's WEDGWOOD ... and of course she'll • Classic washable gloves in imported doe- appreciate the finest, which is not always skin, fully P.K. sewn . . . handsomely the most expensive. A large selection of In vibrant spring colors or favored black tailored for the finest wear . . . from 1.98 dinnerware, individual tea cups and sau- or navy. : . . Many bags are leather lined. Dressy Aprons cers or vases, jugs and bowls. . . . luxurious French originals or fine qual- ity domestic bags In all price ranges. 2.00 up

• Lingerie • Her Favorite

A nosegay of by Faerie. Nylon Tricot Parities, Handbag handkerchiefs Whiting and DavhM»» x Slips, .Gowns. 7.95-10,95

. , . or Beaded Caviar, St Patents, Slip Covers delicate A smart Costume Jewelry 3.QQ.5.00 lingerie new by Robbins, Bergere. Earrings, umbrella Pins, Bracelets, Necklaces. Tai- Farrington lored, Dressy ' Jewel Boxes from 1.00 3.95 to"-95

Hankies - Flower• "»»»wsu - CompactwVIIIMUbtSs - Perfum• Wi • e - Toilet VWJ Sachets. Desert Flower -— Friendship'Friendship's; Garden - W'a

"t- Filmy nylon . dainty Blousemalcers batiste . . delkato- looking and lovely lingerie . Ihe gift Miracle Blends, Cottons. Shopping that is really her own , . . A nosegay of handkerchiefs-hand em- by Swirl-5.95 A smart Umbrella with broidered linens made In Madeira. . . a newly designed handle, and Its own Ship 'n Shore Blouses. Others ai *•» carrying case . . , from 3.95 Sheer Swiss with lace edgos . . . gay prints 50c each to 4.50 Whether you choose a 59c hand, kerchief or a $100.00 leather handbag... any gift from 'Jane Schaefers 133.141 CENTRAL AVE. WE. 2.2558 Smith' will be d lovely peeient, jane v No Poor Goods •'At Any Price WE 2-O8OO . WfiSTFI Tf !TFffiLB m. J.) DEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1956 Mr. an<$ Mrs. Henry Schuber WoA in tht> St>rinotintt> iagton, D. C, and Virginia, the SALLY and daughter, Mary, formerly el John Dombroski couple wiU live at SIB West Sixth \ 710 North avenue, are now re- street, Plainfteld, Inued from previous page) siding at their new home, 1491 Both Mr. and Mrs. Dombroaki Distinctive Portraiture Wyoming avenue, Schnectady, Takes a Bride are employed by the New Jersey Bell Telephone Co., Plainfield. annual joint tea meeting Mr. Schuber Is at the General SCOTCH PLAINS—Miss Nan- Service Leagues of this Army Depot in Schnectady. cy Evelyn Douglass, daughter of rSS held this yeai in West- Music Festival Held Carol Creed, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Douglass phf tea took place Friday of Union, was wed to John An- At Junior High home of Mrs. Dwight F. and Mrs. Allan Creed of 166 Har- thony Dombroski. son of Mr. and 824 Highland avenue. Mrs. rison avenue, entertained Satur- day afternoon at a party in honor Mrs. Joseph A. Dombroski of 1636 More than 1,000 persons attend- PHOTOGRAPHER president of the Westfield East Second street, Saturday at ed the spring music festival of I hesgae, was assisted at of her eighth birthday. Her guests were Christine Wilson, Marylin Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Rooseevlt Junior High School Fri- by members of her board, Church, Union. The Eev. Fred W, day night in the school audito- included the president and SigerBon, Margaret Young, Susan Babies and Children rUavy-oil Portrait* Smith, and Nancy Eeiiiken. Druckenmiller and the Rev, Wil-rium. About 450 students parti- iprcsentatives of the Ser- liam C. Lehr officiated at the cere- cipated in the affair. Bridal Formats Miniatures eagues of Cranford, Maple- mony. Summit, Rahway, and Teachers College A program of instrumental mu- Wadding Candids Family Groups Hills. The bride's gown was of em- sic was presented by the school Plans Celebration iroidered organdy, styled with an band and orchestra directed by 'fF the shoulder scalloped V-neck- Walton S, Burriss Jr. There were By appointment Studio seguests this week of Mr. One hundred years of experi- line and ruffled bouffant skirt vocal selections by the choir, sev- xi. H. G. Schultz Jr. of ence in teacher preparation will which ended in a chapel train. enth grade chorus, the "Barber- Call Wmtf told 2-6330 330 Mountain Avo. ickson drive are Mr. andbe marked by Trenton State Teach, Her fingertip veil of silk illusion shop Boys," the "Roosevelt Rang- I G Schultz Sr. of Evan- ers College Saturday. The New fell from a templet of pearls and ers," the girls' chorus and the Jersey institution, ninth oldest of Milestones. • "Sweet Sixteen" led by Mrs. Ruth its type in the country, has'plan- Matron of honor was Mrs. Al-Tombacher and Miss Jean McDer- Donohue, a junior at Am- ned a festive celebration for the mott. College spent last weekend entire day. bert Williamson and bridesmaids e with his parents, Mr. and were Miss Patricia Hartman and Daniel Pearce and Alice Heiple More than 4,000 alumni are ex- Miss Linda Singler, the bride's presented trombone and trumpet •aul Donohue of 516 St. pected to gather on the campus to avenue. cousin. Kalph Soden served as solos respectively. Student piano participate in the Centennial best man. Ushers were the bride- accompanists included Lorraine -•- Alumni Homecoming Day. Fea- and Mrs. I. G. Sunderman groom's brothei', Robert Dombroski May, Susan Blatz, Leila Bunnell, tures of the activities include the and the bride's brother, Arthur Sue Ullrich, Lynn Schenkel, Ger- hosts to their four table crowning of Miss Centennial, the club Friday evening in their Douglass. ald Babbitt, Thomas Benjamin staging of a 100-unit parade, and and Lorraine May. 1822 North Gate road, the official ground-breaking for a After a wedding trip to Wash* Plains. memorial, non-sectarian mediation chapel presented by the alumni. tome at their new address, ntcrbury road, are Mr. and ohn W. Hatl Jr. and their Purdue Club to n, Chip And Cindy. Mr. and Have Spring Mixer —Stephen's Photo Service all formerly lived on North MRS. JOHN F. BERGEN STOCK. iad, Scotch Plains. Plans for the Purdue Club of -•» • Northern New Jersey's annual and Mrs. Charles C. Crissey spring mixer are now complete as Miss Ann Nielsen, John F. Bergenstock oris parkway will leave to- announced by Dr. Leland Beach r for 9t. Lawrence Uni- of 616 Clark street this week. Married Saturday Evening in Elizabeth Canton, N.Y., where they The affair will take place at the tend the annual "Moving Park Hotel in Plainfield Friday, a never ekend. Their son, Charles May 18 at 8:30 p.m. A complete Miss Ann Nielsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Nielsen ,ey III, is a freshman at program featuring "Doc" Brown's of 718 Carleton road, became the bride Saturday evening at six- to-be-forgotten crsity. orchestra of Westfield is to be of- thirty o'clock of John F.| Bergenstock, son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Bergenstock of Linden. The ceremony, performed in the Ebenezer Crissey entertained mem- fered. ' More than- 400 Prudue alumni in this Immediate area Church, Elisabeth, by the Rev. Frederick H. Huber, was followed by graduation gift the Sewing Sisters Mon- reception at the Essex House, 'ternoon at her home. have been contacted and a large number are expected to attend. Newark. ange and white accessories. If you would bestow "highest The bride, a Westfield High final meeting of the sea-Tickets will be available at the The bride, who was given in honors* upon your happy grad- door. marriage by her father, wore a School graduate, is employed by the Service League Twig gown of off-white crystallette, Koos Bros., Rahway. Her hus- uate, there can be no finer erlook Hospital will take princess style, with bodice of re- band, a graduate of Linden High choice than an Omega,.. the omlay in the home of Mrs. Newcomers Meet embroidered Alencon lace having School, is with Public Service Co- famous timepiece that holds ittke of 437 Hillside ave- For Bowling a narrow band of crystalletto edg- ordinated Transport, Elizabeth. ection of officers will be ing the scoop neckline and long world records for accuracy at |nd members will work on MOUNTAINSIDE—The Moun- pointed sleeves. The full flared Slifer Pupils Give leading international timing ppets to be used in the tainside Newcomers Club couples akht ended in a chapel train. Her observatories. The gift of an Omega will serve t department of Overlook bowling group met Saturday night fingertip illusion veil was held by "Pops Concert"' so faithfully in the yean to come as a reminder of Summit. at Echo Lanes on Route 22. a templet of miniature orange blossoms. The bridle bouquet hud. There will be a "Pops" concert your thoughtful consideration and good Judgment. a white orchid, surrounded by lil- Saturday at 10 a.m. at the home ies of the valley and small carna- and studio of Mrs. Dorothy B, -41* tions. Slifer, 070 Summit avenue. ANTIQUES SHOW All pupils interested in popular »•*'•. Mrs. Gordon Mould of Westfield, piano are contributing to this the matron of honor, was gowned program. Payment plan* available! Methodist Church In turquoise crystallette and car- An invitation is extended to ~ ' ."Budget - pay wookly or monthly ' ried coral gladioli. parents, friends andpupil prospec- BASKING RIDGE, N. J. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Kai An-tives for Pall 1958. WMto ground print dersen and Mrs. Norman Loe'sser, Improvised popular and swing Lay-a-way both of Rahway and Mrs. Stanley iwnmer drm of fin* May 16-17-18 tunes, original arrangements in crtoM-rtiltlant ' , Regular charge ' Judd of Elizabeth, the bride- duets and boogie-woogie will be 1 ; groom's sister* They wore coral heard. ' •' ' • • Cash '. •' -i. i., Thurs. ¥ Snack Bar ' Friday crystallette "gowns and carried I to 9 P.M. y g ie i. The following pupils are per- • ;SlW»r and China Club* llOMrVT * Opens at Noon ' l d i ff forming: John Brigga, Sandra coral and white gladioli. ff; Miss Linda, Mould of Westfield Karle, Karen Kreider, Penny 3-6X ... $5.98 and Miss Susan Andersen of Rah Levengood, Virginia Mahoney George Chong's Completely New way were junior bridesmaids. Lynn Metzger, Carol MouaUsd, 7-12 ... $7.98 Their gowns were of a light shade Marilyn Payne, Joanne Salisbury, of turquoise and they carried coral Nancy Ullrich, Elizabeth Wuld- gladioli. chen, Elsa Weaver and Kathleen II-AM CHATEAU Inc. Whalen. , HIGHWAY 22 MOUNTAINSIDE, N. J. Kathy Mould of Westfield and Susan Judd of Elizabeth, flower RAY DEVAUf ami HIS ORCHESTRA girls, wore white and coral dress- Exhibitions at Museum Jucnj Ivtry Night Except Monday and Tuesday eB and carried baskets with coral Jit roses. June exhibitions at the Mont- Elm A Ouimby Sft. clair Art Museum will include P Qulmby Street Woitflold 2-<131 Stanley Judd was best man. Ush- fc~ - ..•MPJHBk.a. ~/-»»Jfc»»jurJS Wt. 24718 STEAKS • TURKEY • CHINESE FOOD ers were James Ebel of Linden, torial Photography, Charles "Gua" Mager Retrospective, Ball Prints Opon Monday and Friday until 9 o'clock Charles Nielsen Jr. of Westneld, AIM In GfflftrMv j to apodal parllot in our now private dining the bride's brother, and Gordon Gift, and Water Colors from Per- room, small or largo group* soaring up to 400. Mould. manent Collection. MAKE TOP* HBIBRVATIOKS The couple left on a wedding trip to Florida. The bride travel- Phone WEstfieid 2-3873 ed in a white printed silk sheath with a matching coat of burnt or- SUMMER'S


Summer Cottons that will steal your heart . . .

rann' to go through many a balmy day and date-

night. See our dazzfer collection of prints . . . black THE EXCELLENT FITTING and white dresses . . . and solids . . . reed slim or QUALITIES OF STRIDE RITES full skirted . . . many no-irons. ARE AS WELL KNOWN Betty Barclay Queen Make AS STRIDE RITES THEMSELVES Jerry Gilden Berkshire Briefs ... AND WE'VE BUILT OUR Kay Windsor Nail-Bee Henry Rosonfold Bobby Brooks FINE REPUTATION ON i and many others ACCURATE FITTING, TOO! $5.98 to $24.98 $4.95 to $8.95 Sub Teen • Juniors According to Size Misses • Half Sizes Raden's Shoes OPEN WESTFIELD 2-3680 Qulmby Stroof Weslfleld 2-1131 MONDAY EVES. 171 E. BROAD ST, Open until 9 Monday and Friday Evenings < Dodorr Proscriptions Riled THE WESTFIEU3 IN. J.) LEADED, THtlftSPAY. MAY 10 Blue Star Club Makes Tour of Wildfiower Gardens of Westf ield Home

MOUNTAINSIDE—The Blue Star Garden Club of Mountainside met last week at the home of Mrs. E. £.. Coffey of Charles street, Westfield, and enjoyed an afternoon touring her wildnower gardens fallowing 3 talk by the owner on protection of the wildings, and lifcr manner of gathering and growing them. During the business meeting which preceded the tou Mrs. E. Alder Owens, c3ub pres the exhibit. The period chosen is dent, received the report of Mn "Transitional." JjfcRuy M inton Jr., rhairman of th Hostesses at last week's meet- nominating committee. The fol ing at the home of Mrs. Coffey lowing proposed officers for tw< included Mrs. Bernard Buck and year terms, were elected: Mrs. Jo Mrs. Edwin Frederick. scph H. Hershep, second vice pres- ident; Mrs. Robert Dobbins, Open House at cording secretary; Mrs. Rober New Clubhouse Hose, treasurer; and Mrs. Walte Koster, member-at-large. Instal Mar* than ISO persons attended lation of these officers will be helc open house at the new clubhouse at the home of Mrs. F. H. Sted of the Westfield Woman's Club at, man of New Vernoa, during thi 318 East Euclid avenue Saturday June meeting. afternoon. Mrs. William Heine, chair ma Mayor H.*Emerson TRomas of- of the open homes show which wi ficiated at a ribbon cutting cere- •OURO OKESS FOR SUN AND SHADI bt staged by the club Sept, 26,. an mony. Also present were repre- FROM OlOHOI MOVIR nouneed that Mrs. flank Urne sentatives of the various town or- would act as schedule chairman. ganizations, members of the Town Homes open to the public will b Council; William M. Be#rd, local those of Mesdames Hose, Dobbins attorney, who was instrumental in Hershey, E. Royal Zeitler an assisting the club in acquiring the John Huff. Hostesses for the home! property; Mrs. C. Howard San- will be Mesdames Fred Olton born, northern vice president and Christian Friti, Owens and Ber candidate for president of the New n»rd Buck. Mrs. Harry E. Lak Jersey State Federation of Wom- Khaki Bermudas will be chairman of horticulture en's Clubs; and Mrs. Floyd Stark- assisted by Mesdames Howar weather ef Crsnft>rd, fifth district Brown, Thomas Ing«te and Jaci chairman, $2.98 Doores. Mrs. L. L. Seyebeek wii Also attending were Mrs. Burr Sqnforiwd Cotton Twills be in charge of education, aviat- Towl, former owner of the prop- ed by Mn. William Btanka; Mi's. erty and wife of a former mayor, Minton and Mrs. B. E. Mroczek and her family. will be co-chairman of the junior section; Mrs, KoiUr in charge of Members of the executive board Cotton Skirts judges; Mrs. John Dunn will act served a> guides and hostesses. a* clerk, assisted by Mrs. Edwin. Mrs. W. Earl Dysart is the Frederick and Mra. Harold Erick- newly elected 'olub pjeldent and $3,98 Nn will be in char»« of hospital- Mn. E. A. Hescock is the retir- ity. Tickets will b« handled thru ing president. Mra. C. R. Parry and Mn. Albert 1. Benninger; publicity by Mrs. Hershey; aqd th» lunehion for the New Slendo-Slax judges at the horn* of Mn. Steph- KHAKI OR BIACK en Gamp. Mrs. Owens announced that Mrs. $3.50 Urner will act as chairman for New Tapered Leg — Ankle Length Ik* club in exhibiting a doorway garden under the "opan house'' section at the State Flower Show Tuesday, WedMsdty and Thun- Sleeveless Shirts day in Orange. So far Mrs. Ur- finely Tailored - Charcoal or Brown Strip* ner is being assisted by Mesdames COWS Dunn, Lake, Roster, Gamp, Buck, INTCTPtlSf IAUNDRY Owens and Hershey and other elub SummH >.100O n.99 members will a»»i»t in aetttng up Reg. $2.98 Value • Cotton Slips SHADOW PANEL $2.98 famous Brand

FABULOUS "X" Stretch Nylons Most wonderfully vertcttie coitume of the ' ' by taricwood ' seaion: slim sundress with a poir-of pocket*/ scooped ' neckline beautifully bared to the sun and breezes. 3 pairs $3.25 JA/ith its own matching shoulder-sheltering bolero Blouie, short*, tklrt you'll live in this lumnwr. Smor), jacket, trimmed with buttons and a crisp white collar. Exquisite Form Bras colorful, eaiy to care for. A^d or subtract according Cool, wiltleu cotton in checks of black, navy or brown. to your mood. Made of fine quality cotton, frosty-M Sizes 1? to 30. Also available in 14Vi to 22'/a. $1.50 with white braid trim. Washable, and guaranrndftf color, need* no ironing. Sizei 8-18. Other styles qt $2.00 to $3.98

On the beach, waves of admiration come your way ... in the wafer, you enjoy free and easy swimming comfort . . . and it all starts with a swlmsult from our new group of slated-for-suceess summer wonders. Come, see these bathing beauties now . . . choose the flaure-flaiterer that's just right for you.

CHOOSE FROM OVBR 400 FRESH, NEW SUITS • For active Moms-to-be, Many have the sensational now Sid* Zipper we've, sununer fashion* , cleverly styled for BUDGET PRICED secret-keeping ... for flattery ; .. , and for comfort. ' $6.98 $12.98

Come »ee, com* thrill at the largest selection-In townl

Dresses — Lingerie — Shorts — Pedal Pushers — Bras — Play Sets - Slips — Bathing Suits - Dungarees Do You Wear — Mix and Match Mates, etc. a Half Size Dress? There's no need to get backaches from *trugaling with AH I Maternity Apparel than heavy |abs. G. O. Keller's It equipped to We hove the new summer Gloria Swanson- clean itkh article, beautifully and economically. at LOW BUDGET PRICES I Forever Young dresses in stock - sensibly DRAPES, BLANKETS, SLIPCOVERS Cleaned by pried at only $10.98. Call for free booklet US, stored FREE till Oct. 15th, and you pay PRESS CLUB NOW FORMING •howlng season's newest stylesi nothing till we deliver them in the Fall.


Open Fri., Mon. Evenings Buy

Parking at Rear Entrance 231 E. Broad St. PWINFIEU), N.-J. COR. SOUTH & IEIAND • COR. W. 7th 1 CLINTON We. 2-3908

• COR. RANDOLPH, ft ARUNOTON •\ Wastfiald WHTMIID, N. J. II C (ROAD STREET TH1 WHftTmtLP-flf. J.) . THtmSPAY. MAY 10.16S6 Collegiate the Montclair Chapter «( th* A»- jsae to Meet aodatc Alumnae of the Packer Col- Garden Club Newcomers Club legiate Institute of Brooklyn, wi!! rinjr luncheon westing »( be held Monday at the Marlbor- Meets Monday ough Inn in Montciair. The speak- Arranges Show e» at the meeting will he the new The Mountainside Newcomers alumnae secretary, Mrs. Laura JTOUNTAfN'SlDE-The Moun- Club will hold its regular monthly Scoville, Among those planning tain Trail Garden Club has sched- meeting Monday at the Westfield uled its first public flower show VWCA. The new- president, Mrs. to attend tram W«MieM are Mrs. for June B at the home of Mrs Dixie Blumer, will preside. Des- Miuhw John H. Wachter, president of the Edward Verlsng-iere, president sert and coifee wilf" be nerved at Montelair chapter, and Mrs. Er- 13U2 Woodvalley road. The theme l?;30. Child care #• Mrs. Miles Goodrich; entries chair- New residents ef Mountainside BEST & CO. man, Mrs. HSIlard Getchis, co- interested in joining the club are M ••1130, chairman, Mrs. Steven Wagner asked to contact the membership M. CcntweN, snd Mrs. E. C. Rogers; classifica chairman, Mrs. Franklin Umber, Start Highway, **ut« 12 • •lainfield 7-0500 tion chairman, Mrs. Joseph Nat 1468 Woodaceres drive, We. 8- hum, co-chairman, Mis. John 8877. Bretiger and Mrs. John Berry chairman in charge of judges' IHH BAUr 10 • ML lATUIpAT * IVNtAY T

University Honors Westfield Resident MRS. ROBERT WEASELS • On the occasion of the annua' Engineer's Day Dinner held Fri- Robert Wessels Takes as His Bride day evening, T. D. Jonea of 411 Wells street was one of six prom Miss Joan Tobiason of Brooklyn '« lamp inent engineering graduates of the University of Wisconsin who received a citation in recognition The marriage of Miss Joan Marie Tobiason, daughter of Mr. of distinguished engineering ser nnd Mrs: Bertram Tobiason of Brooklyn, N.Y., to Robert Weasels, vices, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Weasels of 274 Canterbury road, took Your CHO FU» COAT can live again placa Saturday afternoon at five o'clock in Sunset Park Methodist cape,! ilole or jacket , , . mm Mr. Jones graduated from the Chinch, Brooklyn. The Reverend Robert Howard officiated and a University of Wisconsin, Class reception followed at the Towers remedellng tervice Include* , . . of 1922 and received a bachelor Hotel, Brooklyn. Ushers were George Prill and Rob. • Choice of New lining of science degree in metallurgy ert Nelson. and the professional degree of The bride was given in mar- • Cleaning and Glailnft metallurgical engineer in 1929.riage by her father. She wore a The bride is a graduate of • Expert Fit and Workman«hlp He started his engineering career gown of nylon tulle over taffeta Brooklyn College and will be teaoh. at the Omaha, Neb. plant of thewith u cathedral train. The gown ing >n an elementary school in Ro- •RING YOUR OIO COAT IN NOW 111 American Smelting and Refining was trimmed with imported French selle. Mr. Wessels served with the Co. and has a continuous service Alcncon lace and seed pearls. Her Navy during World War II. He record with the company. headpiece was a veil of illusion ar- was graduated from Columbia ranged from a band of orange University and la now attending At the present time he is Chief blossoms. The bride carried white its graduate school, tie is asao, Lead Refinery MSetallurgist for orchids and atephanotia. ciated with Western Electric In the American Smelting and Refin- •LIMINOTON PUN COMPANY Mrs. Robert Nelson, sister of Kearny. After a wedding trip to ing Co. with headquarters at the Bermuda, the couple will reside in '•, N.iW, (,l Barber, New Jersey, plant. the bride, was mutton of honor and wore a gown of white over Roselle. • NEW ilMIY'J FINEST FACTOIVTO-VOU HI I SHVICt , He is an active member of the maize and carried talisman roses American Institute of Mining, and daisies. Metallurgical and Petroleum Eiigi Other attendants were Miss Ad- neers and is a past chairman of ele Wessels and Miss Ann Bang- the Extractive Metallurgy Divi- BO|ty,, They 4wore gownB of white sion, A.I.M.Ei •'• "' •' ov*r blue and carried yellow roses Rain or shine, they go ju snil daisies. The cousin of the everywhere your busy schedule takifcs bride, Miss Karen Lynn Dorn- Connecticut Club heim, was flower girl. She won ou .. . our water-repellent cropped coats To Hold Banquet white embroidered organdy 'over with gay linings and a positive talent blue and carried a basket of white The Connecticut College Club of petals. for the casual life. Sizes 10 to 18. Central New Jersey will hold its James McKennj- was best man, annual dinner meeting Wednes COMING UP! Cotton poplin car-coat with woven leather day at 0:30 at the New Hampshire House, Summit. Miss Pretenders Will button!, itriped lining. Natural only. Ml Natalie Maas, financial chairman of the Alumnae Association, will Meet Tuesday Corduroy car-coat with wooden toggle button**, be guest of honor. Mrs. Solin Mrs. V, D. Barker, 089 Shadow- printed rayon lining. Beige only. 11.91 Reed of Plainfield is chairman. A lawn drive, will be hostess to a slate of officers for the coming meeting of The Pretenders of Colt year will be presented by Mrs. Al- lege Club Tuesday evening. Th™ Mail and phone oreV« MM bert Molowa of Fanwood, nomina prog-ram; under the direction of tions chairman. Mrs; Charles H. Voelker, will con- sist of scenes frpm ,a, famous Broadway njay. The name of the play and the manner of presenta- tion will not be rivealad until that WE JUST RECEIVED OUR • MOTHER'S DAY IS SUNDAY evening1. Miss Marilyn Muth and her com- FIRST VACATION CLUB CHECK mittee will serve refreshments. FROM WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS

last yopr's vacation put us in debt but this year it's all paid for in advance! Will Come from Vance! A fixed amount budgeted weekly for our Vacation Club ot Westfield Federal Saving! did the trick. We'll have a debt-free happier trip this summer. give her an Of course we'll be joining the 1957 Vacation Club Monday. Try It yourself. important gift You'K enjoy that "paid-up" feeling next year. of flowers on Start Your 1957 Vacation Club NOWI Mother's Day First Payment Monday, May 14th gp CLASSES $1 TO $20 WEEKLY make your gift, a memorable one. rurn6»er »nA out unique , telling methods, FOOTWEAR: We have a complete price range. know* that rliafr Womsn't , Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere end Oh' 1l DIVIDENPS J»AID ON VACATION CLUBS ry «t 19,

WE WILL bE OPEN prico ... ine sixes renge fronts to io... the wirftht, •; WESTFIELD FEDERAL SAVINGS TODAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY front AAAA to C?n«j FROM 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. ecially good »nd with the true lensitivity of an artist. Miss Grim- during the month of May. ir used the chorus as her in- trument, drawing beautifully rich lull chords from them and build- ng to a dramatic climax. Jon Belcher's composition, in rst performance Saturday eve- deserves complete, ling, is a work of real worth, tfestfield will speak with pride professional coverage lome day of this hearing of a fine choral work. As intricately Let our professional cam- wrought as a cathedral window, era preserve the memory moving mood against mood with- # n mood, firmly and beautifully of this once-in-a-lifetime ramed within the pattern of the event. We'll be pleased to piano line, color changes came explain our complete wed- with tone and rhythm, always On Monday, June 4th, the Lucky Day giving meaning to the whole and ding service. highlighted by the solo voice of will be broken. All purchases made the piano—used not as an accom- anying instrument but as one JULES A. WOLIN on the Lucky Date will be redeemed in more component part of the struc- 447 Springfield Ave: tural beauty of the sound medium cash. for the words of Kahili Gibran. Summit Every member of the chorus and the skilled director—to whom the CRestview 3-0087 LUCKY DAY BARGAINS

Perfume Mist in CHIX GAUZE DIAPERS 3-PC. OVERALL SETS Sow Bollle, 3.00 Slightly Irregular Boys and Girls - Sizes M-L-Xl Doz Hat, Jacket and Overall 2.87 1st Quality 3.7S Dusting Powder with % off TcHlei Water. 2.00 PASTEL SPRING COATS at FAR HILLS INN From Paris to the Riviera. Muj^Jj FITTED CRIB SHEETS Boys 2 to 4 Girls 1 to 4, 3 to 6X of young lovers...creating a ««*«'' f yjj White or Pastel It's just a pleasant ride to Far Hills Inn capturing the invigorating awwn"

Vi off for a dinner-treat for Mother and the . Perfume, 2.00,5.00 .,flMai2J0 O/C Reg. 1.25 Perfume Lock Atomizer,*.*"*" family. Perfume Purser, 1.25 Toilet Water, 1.50 and 2.50 "Twistick" Solid Cologne, U' FULL COURSE DINNERS NIWI Snchet, 1.25 Creamy Skin Perfume, 100, With All the Trimmings Bubble ••m Dusting Powder, 1-50 Foamy luxury Talcum, I 00 to make your bath So'ap-3 cakes. I.S0, $2.50 both refreshing NEW I Deluxe Dust.ns and relaxing. . , Children's Dinners, $1.75 delightful fragrunc., that will lift your spirits. FAR HILLS INN 1.60 233 East Broad St. We. 2-3180 ROUTE 202, SOMERVILLE TEL. SO. 8-2167

j „„) Cw.nH.d *•> O>l>. !«., U.S.*. fmwmTmu>mj,it a», Property Owners o Guide Ciub'n AnivUim College Club Cfiansonetfes to PfQ $ Schedule Picnic a.m. until 2 p.m. at Etta; Form Group Give "Spring Sing" Pmk. Lunch will be se*rv«-s. T,,«eph C. America, Jnc. get to the rear of Washington «t Kiik, M'*s. EiiBfi'np B. Witte, Mrs. Middlebrook; consequently Friday, Tickets for the "Spring Sing" Contuh UovH Wartm.,,, jj<-«. Walter Dun- may be obtained from any of tht" June 27 at 9 p.m. the British re- kel, Mrs. William f. Qu'nn. W"f treatsd by way of Mud Lane members or at the Sport Center A. I^m-Bino Ayen>. Mr«. Stuart M. 47 Elm" street. ' • DRYSON'S (Grove street), Willow Grove, Ti-uitt. Mi'». Ivvin Rale«. Mrs. thence to Railway, i FURRIERS Fi>derick R. Wiehl. Mrs. Wi'liam Tradition comes down to Pbelmevdinp, Mrs. Robor II. Wood, ut your fur prvbUmt. from the Theisi and Chjinjberiain Office*-* of.the' Westfield Junior Women for the'coming-1 cJu.b" Mrs. John Leppert, Mis. . Benja- Hollanderiiing families that the British lost 11 year are shown above, left to right, first row: Mrs. Alexander min C. West, Mrs. Charles O. killed and 19 ' wounded oti that V. Kay, fSeC(Jnd";vic()' president; Mrs. J. D. Stanley Johnson, nekes. Miss*Anne Brown, Mrs. FUR STORAGE farni located between Robinson's president; Mrs. John E. Powers, first vice president. Second row: W. Kail Humphrey and Mrs, John ntral and Broad branch, Rahway avenue and Wil- Mrs. Joaejih f, Bhein, corresponding secretary; iirs. Charles H. Coulter. low Grove road. •Mesei-ve,. ^ treasurer, and Mrs. Robert C. McDote, • recording The final board meeting of the Upstairs ' Since this notable event, this secretary, " ... , . year will be held Monday at 8:15 We. 2-1078 spot where the battle took place p.m. at the home of the first vice has been called because of its #reat' nre«ldent, MIR. Joseph C. Kirk, importance at thetime "'The Mid- New Officers Are Installed at 1975 Grenville road. She will be New Jersey's dle of the World/' assisted bv Mlas Loraine Ayers, phone The following officers were elect- Junior Women's Annual Banquet At that time all of the annual Qualify Chain ed: President, Willard Peck; vire reports of the various committee Store Cleaner* rates ar« president, John Skelly; treasurer, chairmen are due. Guy Byam; secretary, Mrs. Vir- A candlelight ceremony marked the installation of the officers ginia Hunter und assistant secre- of the Junior Woman's Club of Westfield for the 1956-57 club tary, Mrs, Henrietta'Eckert. year. Miss Ilelen 'Whitcomb, senior advisor, served as the Installing: Joy EMelle Plant The executive committee is com- officer at the annual banquet and meeting which was* held.Tuesday Boston prised of Robert- Dean, If enry Ri- at the Echo Lake Country Club. The incoming officers are: Mrs. J. D. June Wedding caido, Howard Stanley and Alfred Stanley Johnson, president; Mrs. MAIN { Van Reekum. ' John E. Powers, first vice presi- port by expressing her sincere ap- SCOTCH PI,AIN*S — Mr. and 'from NMWABK liter e H* dent; Alexander V. Kay, sec- preciation to the members of the Mrs. George Estelle of 1505 East ON* PIECE i mi SuwUn. I aria. il-Mi ond vice president; Mrs*. Robert executive board and to each ami Front street announce the engage- r.tes, 10f( Ul •<•* iuolu4ed. Newcomers Hear C. McDole, recording secretary: every member of the club without ment of their dauvhter, Joy. to BEAUTIFULLY CliANID 4 PWSSED Interior Decorator Mrs. Joseph P. Rhein, correspond- whose efforts thiss ervice to others Paul Youivr, son of Mr. and Mrs. ing secretary; Mrs. Charles II. might never have been given, Chmles Young of Lake Lacka- Messerve, treasurer. Mrs. John- The president then announced wanna, former residents of this 'Color Scheme" was the title of son and Mrs. Powers will be serv- the following officers and depart- township. BLUE RIBBON QUAlfTY HOUKHOtO CLEANING W1R the topic which Warwich H. Guest, ing second terms. ment and committee chairmen for ' The bridi>-eleet attended Mount interior decorator of Tepper's. the coming club year: IVfrs. Jamea St. Mnrv's Academy and was -arnd- KEEP YOUR HOME NICE AND MIGHT.. W« do baauti- Plainfield, presented at the meet' Mrs. Johnson presided at the 1 H. Lough,' federation secretary; tiatud from Rhodes Preparatory ful work on Slipcov«n» Draptt,' Blonk«H, Spraodtand Cur- fESTFIELD'S ing of the Scotch Plains-Fanwood meeting which followed the ban- quet and presented a report of Mrs. Raphael G. Barton, Ameri- School in New York. A fonncr Newcomers Club Tuesday night at can homo; Mrs. Paul V. Harklius professional tap and ballet dancer tains ... bring out alt hV» slowing beauty of trw colon,. INDAY DRUG the local YMCA. Mrs. George Wep- the club activities for the past year. She reported that the 1955- art; Mrs. Howard A. Rhodes, ns well a.) instructor in the Trmi .A r«ttor« th« »Ft, rich Hkh*** ©f tht fabric*. Let us mann, president, presided at the bridge and fashion show; Mrs, Astaire Dance Studios, she now )RE SCHEDULE business m'eeHngr. 56 club year was an outstanding Thomas W. Paterson, charity ball; teaches dancing privately. M help you kMp your hoiM. looking Its best. year for the Westftcki juniors. Mrs. Douglas Lisk and her com- Mrs. William E. Stanton, drama; Mr. Young a graduate of Among the hifrhliirhts of the re- Mrs. Roger G. Doyliv garden; Mrs. PEN THIS SUNDAY mittee made all the table decora- port waij the increase in member- Scotch Plains High School and tions which were for sale at the Frederick J, Newman* hospitality; ship from 6J at the beginning* of Newark CollcRe of Engineering. end of the meeting'. A floral cen- Mrs. W. K. Stevens, "Junior Jour- He is employed by the Bell Tele- JAR VIS terpiece was donated by Ponsio's the year to a present member- nal"; Mrs. Osyaldtt.J. ROB-Jr.,. 111- shihip of 78, and the fact thathatt the ?"'•» a»™. "»v»n».J. Kosir., m- phone Laboratories in Whippany, Floral. Shop, Scotch Plains. nd • A. M. t#af P. N. WeVestfleli d juniors have contributfM'P§" •3du«»tion).Mrt,-H.nry A June wedding is planned. --> f .Mrs. Eugene. Staehle, vice presi- 2,971,971.voluntee1 r hours to many lJ jfiaM^son. music; Mrs. Free- an dent and program chairman, and ca•1l and national health drives, Red "] '*• Whiting, photographer: Katherine Speur, fifth district ad- her committee are making plans Cross, PTA and other organ iza- Mrs. Qrvillc J. Stephens, pro- visor; Miss Helen Whitcomb iinl gram; Mrs. C. Smith, publicity: OStO THIS SUNDAY 'for an "annual casserole supper" tions' aside fi'om regular junior Mrs. Walter L, Day Jr.. honorary to be held in the month of June. clubwork. Mrs. Joseph Kelly, sub-junior ad- members and past president of tin visor; Mrs. Cullic B. Willis, wel- There are no meetings held during The club has contributed $051.45 Junior Woman's Club; Mrs. •IJC.S dan's if Baron's fare; and Mrs. Norman VV. Gold- lie C. Cross, honorary mtMiiber; the months of July and August. to the state project, the upper ex- Refreshments. >vere sewed dur- blatt, year book and scrapbool:. Mrs. Harvey B. Moring, past pres- field Pharmacy tremity amputee fund, and $71.(10 Mrs. Drew D. IWI1 will solve as ident; Mrs. S. T. Swallow, past ing the social hour by the hostess to federation projects. Financial committee. ...•'• . '. • senior advisor to the junior club. senior advisor to the Junior Club; aid in the amount of $131 was jriv- Guests who attended were: Mrs. and Mrs. Frederick J. Newman, en to local organlzatons includinir E. A. Hescock, president of tils past president and current state the Rescue. Squad, District Nurses Woman's Club of Westfield; Miss membership chairman. ESPECIALLY FOR Association, Bed Cross, Mental SHEETS 16 Health and several others. A to- UUNDHED 4 FINISHED IEO. CHILDREN'S tal of $854.05 has been donated to SHIRTS 3M 55* these and other worthy organiza- BAKED THE BRICK OVIN WAY FOR VK1OW CACM 7!». PARTIES tions. The departments of tlm — CIIIHCH — SCHOOL junior club have. been extremely UlANTKBD LAWiHTKU successful during the year. The JMPPX EATING! I'qil ASI.AOB welfare department has made al- most 1,000 cancer dressings for [OB OWENS the American Cancer Society and MAGICIAN has donated food and clothing each himr PILGRIM 4-412B month to a local needy family. Wrltr (121 Vulley Hil.. Th,e newly formed garden litera- IT purr M.iiililnlr. V. J. ture departments have donate! fnany children's books and scrap- books to local schools and hospi- tals. . > - ; Mrs. Johnson concluded her re-

' niU»HS »uir.J*eniT. •UMtti* ||||' SPORT SHUT Mm • toil ClOTH COAT 25t 35 Designed for Mothproofing Delightful Dining sroRt HOURS Make our recently redecorated Main r r A i u N r s Dining Room your destination when next you 7:30 AM decide to dine oull A wonderfully relaxing TO 600 P M. atmosphere, delicious foods, courteous service, and .beautiful dinner music will eombln* to make the evening memorablel • • ^W W • • ON DRi CLUNINC & 1 HOUR HIRT C I? KP 1# I 4" E ^ LAUNDERING PHONE PL 6-3400 WITH ANY $1.00 DRY CLEANING OR SHIRT LAUNDERING ORDER isr< > i-cyz• rK ^v CHA R.GI IROUGHT IN. AT KCGULAH PRICES ONLY


DRIVT IN : 1 . SLOTTED SPOOtf •' SMALL TURNER •'' STRAINER PLANT GARWOOD HVINTH .mfi M MLlNOION •• WIWIW STORE 100 NORTH AVE PLAINFIELD TURNEg • BASTINQ SPOON « TWO-TINE only WHERF PA(?KlN(i IS NO PROBLEM Sixteen WESTFIELD f N. J.) LEAPE B. THTJBSPAY, MA|Y 10, 19Bj8 ments will be served by the hostess Manpower Expert committee, Mrs. H. A. Cox, chair- Garden Club W31I Address man, Mrs. C. J. Hunt and Mrs. Holds Picnic Columbia Meeting W. E. Waddey. The annual meeting and picnic Prof. Eli Ginsberg of Columbia's of the Garden Club of Westfield Graduate School of Business will j T.btr'i Patio Shop — Caiual FunUurs^ was held Tuesday at the, home c * address Union County Columbia Mrs. Roger Stephens, 1485 Proi Alumni on "Columbia's Studies in pect street. Manpower—A Challenge to Indus- Mrs. R. R. Winklepleck, chai try" Tuesday. The occasion is the man of the nominating commr Union County alumni group's an- tee, presented the following sla nual spring dinner meeting to Be of officers: Second vice pi'esiden held at 7 p.m. at the Park Hotel, Mrs. W'm. M. Beard; reoordin Plainfield. Wives and friends of secretary, Mrs. W. P. Eedhead Columbia alumni are invited. assistant treasurer, Mrs. Ernes'. Prof. Ginzberg studied at Hei- A. Carlson; and member at large, delberg, Grenoble and Columbia. YOUR WISH CAN COME Mrs. Chester Wallace. All wen He has served as a manpower con- unanimously elected. sultant to the Secretary of the TRUE AT EBER'S • Mrs. F. J. Oertel, president o: Army, the Hoover Commission and With eur wonderland of c»iim Sunday—Mother's Day the club, announced that a cita- the executive office of the presi- furniture, garden and barlSS •ee* that will delight every u2? tion had been awarded to Mrs, dent. He was a member of the > E. L. Coffey for her Girl Scom Committee on Wartime Require- . .. Come gee our ^* Give Her FLOWERS work in connection' with the Gar- ments for Scientific and Special- • REDWOOD den Club. ized Personnel and after the war It was voted to send a letter o; MISS MARTHA EGBERTS was a representative of the Unit- • ALUMINUM commendation to Mayor H, Emer- ed States at the Five-Power Con the PERFECT Gift! son Thomas congratulating him • RATTAN on having stop signs painted a ference on Reparations for Non- West-Robert^ repatriable Refugees. • WROUGHT IRON soft shade of green on the re Reservations may be made with: You'll hav* no trouble picking her verse side, thus adding to th • STEEL beauty of our town. Troth Is Told Robert Arnold, 421 Welb street, We. 2-09546-J; John MacKenzie, •Ml favorites from our large assortment of Mrs. E. L. Coffey presented to Mr. and Mrs. Sanfird Roberts 214 Wells street, We. 7-0009; Wil- the club for their adoption, a de- jf Simpsonville, Ky., ainounce the liam Glimm, 670 Chestnut avenue, beautiful Flowers. Come in now and sign of the official sea] of the engagement of their daughter, ' furniture for casual /; club, as executed by Mja. John Martha Jean, to First Lieut. Don- We. 2-1612; and Archer D. Sar- Hopkins. The iriotif selepted is ald Edward West, son of Mr. and gent, 177 North Chestnut street. make your selection. that of the south Jersey pine Mrs. Julius C. West iff 138 Clif- We. 2-746^ ^__ tree. Mrs. Frank Lewis and John •n street. ! €|€R/ Hopkins assisted the committee. Miss Roberts was graduated Intermediates Plan No matter whore Mother lives —. send Mrs. C. A. Kobin^on, chairman 'roni Simpsonville h igh School Guest Night i PATIO SHOP of the Green Thumb Corps, an- nd is employed in Louisville, Ky., 8u her flowers. We deliver, to nearby nounced that the Annual Flower iy the Federal Bureau of Inves- Herbert H. Kern, assistant pub- Ih. Show at Lyons V.A. Hospital, will igation. lic relations officer of the Howard places and will telegraph your order be held Sept. 18. Lieutentant West wu3 graduated Savings Institution, Newark, will Par That Cardan Party, Ktm Y*w Posters designed by Mrs. C. M. School and talk on 'Frauds and Swindles" at rom Westfield High Uwn rurnitur* Fte** Barnett and Mrs. Hopkins are Washington and LeeUniversity the annual guest night" of the In- to distant points. now on display in the Public Li- was & member of the termediate Woman's Club ot West- Our RINTAl DEPARTMENT - brary. elta Upsilon Frateri ity. He is field which will be held Tuesday Flower arrangements for the ow in the United fijtates Army at 8:16 p.m. at the clubhouse, 118 ibrary were supplied by the fol- tationed at Fort Knox, Ky. Euclid avenue. Ehm>l Pmtm Shu* —Guwd turniturt — i owing members: May 7, Mrs. M. The wedding will take place Following the program, refresh- SPECIAL E. Lowell; May 14, Mrs. T. Grcg- une 16 at Trinity Lutheran ry; May 21, Mrs. A. Schliess; hutch, Louisville. GERANIUMS May 28, Mrs. H. G. F. Richter. Mrs. M, G. Mulinos acted as iweet Briar Alumnae 3 inch Pots — In Bloom ecretary pro tarn in the absence each 35c doz. $4.00 >f, Mrs. Frank Lewis. Plans have been completed for Mrs. K. Allan Taylor, chair- he annual spring supper meeting nan of hospitality, for the meet- if the Sweet Briar A umnae Club SMALL AZALEA PUNTS ng, was assisted by Mesdames H. if Northern' New Jersey. Mrs. L. Brooks, E. L. Coffey, D. W. ,eonard M. Horton \tti\l be hos- in Flower imberlake, H. W. Roberts. ;ess for the group at her home at 19 Prospect street, Maplewood, •.••••59c Open House Tour ext Thursday at 7 >.m. New officers for the club will bs The Mount Holyoke and Rad- eeted. There will a so be a flow- :liffe Alumnae Clubs of Prinee- r show of bulbs frcm the mem- on and Trenton will sponsor a era' gardens to pronote the sale Or — Mother Might Like One of These • our of several Princeton homes f bulbs from Hollan by the club. laturday, May 19, from 12:30 to 'his is a yearly proj ict for sehot- from our Nursery Department: :30 p.m. for the benefit of thoir [•ship aid to a New Jersey jrirJ ;cholarshlp fund. ,, tending Sweet Briaj:|r College. * • Evergreens • Flowering Shrubs •Fruit Trees


RAYMOND E. WHEIIH • RO1MT I, MUNNM WESTFIELD aoWER SHOP MISS ILMUA VOOTMANN -/, ; < : JOHN C STEUERNAGEL 250 SPRINGFIELD AVE. TEL. WESTFIELD 2-3650 In Eliiob.tti, 177 N.. Irood Slr..l In W.irfi.ld, 217 E. Iraad Slrn* I'll.. 4-1414 JVM. SMW WEDEUYER Qp.n Thun. 'Ill 1:30 Parking |n Itar Closed Wadnetdayt Open Mon. « f r(. f vt. 'til 8:30

1847 Rogers Bros Gmfo FINEST SILVERPLATE Cs en 55-PC. SERVICE FOR 8 49.95 USUALLY 100.90 14,800.000 1847* Roger* Bros., Atmr*. WOVEN "WINDOWS' ica's finest tilverplate, ic- tires two lovely patterns at :.... that's how many tiny vents less than V2 price! Tiue every DixieWeaveBengaline tropic advantage of this terri ie (TechnicaUy, it's due to the ^g^J money saving offer to own play of left and right twist yarns.) You « your complete service 'or see these "windows" ... but you c«> e»J° 8 in Ainerica's finest iil- their open invitation to every sUghtestbre« verplate, These pattern* And Dixie Weave Bengalees are not > have open an stock va ue comfortably cool, they're uncommonly w of 100.90, therefore you some in the newest tall, trim W JJ \ Oh yes... and should a wrinkle «*« ^ actually save 50.95 on quickly disappears when your 8U"\" . your set. lec hanger. Come in and choose from «J tion of new plain and patterned mia»

Blond or dark mahogany tnrnieh ri tcixiEwEAve-muiroto« if\ CQ lent chest included, open stock available.

16 teaspoon) • 8 «oup tpoona • 1 RNivy ladle 8 forks • 1 bullcr knife • I Iierr ft tiollow handle • 1 cold meat fork •poon • 1 pierced • 1 sugar apt 8 salad lorks tablespoon • 1 Utblcspocn Men's and Boys'Clothing BASEMENT Open Monday and Friday nights 'til 9 P.M. mT USE Oim IAAI.AY.AWAY Y ri.AN, A SMALL UKPOSIT WILL TT1(!,D 264 East Broad St. Tel. We. 2-8214 Westfield, N. >• YOUH W>I,K(;T10N, OR USE OUHH CLUB ACCOUNTACCOUNT ,P PAAY LOVE EACH MltiNTII. 710 OTHER STORESi 'Open Thursday Nights 'til 9 IMMIMM^^ RIDGEWOOD, N. J. • WESTWOOD, N. J- • THE WESTFIELB (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY, MAY U, 1M6 Begin for [Patrolmen,.

ew patrolmen began du- the Police Department

id been appointed by uncil after passing men- physical tests given by Illllllll'l' Ibert Pfirrmann. They rviewed by the Board Commissioners headed r H. Emerson Thomas. pay is $3,900 a year. Patrick Barsia a corporal in the Army j to 1946 and saw action ropean Theater. He was id from Westfield High ,nd is a communicant of nity Church. He formerly SIMMONS $179 SUITE.., his own scavenger busi- man Robert Lassey served SOFA-RED & CHAIR-RED he Navy the Marine Corps MM, thru Sot. ne Korean War and later he merchant marine. He Admiral Bullard Acad- w London, Conn., and re- bmth piece* < certificate of high school 119 on from New York State, man Robert P. Smith, 25, was employed by Squier, Here's typical Kooa value if ever we've seen it I Now you not and Skiff Manufactur- pf Newark, makers of in- only save a whopping $60 on this modern eofa-bed suite... supplies. He is married made by famous Simmons,,. but you get two of the smartest one ehild. pieces ever to grace a summer cottage! Look., „ by day you'll fourth addition to the have a handsome sofa and chair... covered in a rich textured trolman John Barnham, tweed... complete with tailored kickpleat skirl*! At night , graduate of Abraham just a flick-of the wrist and BOTH your §ofa and chair igh School, Roselle. He become comfortable innempring bed*! You'll find the M{« i the Coast Guard from even lioanti • hidden compartment that's perfect for itorifiK 1964 and formerly was blanket* and pillows f And you can ehooie your suite from as a store clerk and as five taihion>right colon.,. mots green, pearl grey, pink ice, iter repairman. persimmon or turquoise. Come see it... at Kooa tomorrow t Budget terms? Of course! (Alto at Koot Sea Girt.) ; & Crain, Inc. Recent Sales i • T«M«« ifc*M)N... in wrought iron with & Crain, Inc., Realtors, limed oak party-proof tops,..ju§t 14.95 each I following recent resi- ales: Wijliam H. Shan- [ Harrow road to Mr. and G. Hohorst; Mr. and aid E. Meyer, 711 Glen Mr. and Mrs. William n; Mr. and Mrs. William len, 654 Hillcrest avenue jbd Mrs. James C. Brown; Mrs. James M. Fulton, Irest avenue to Mr. and |hur Hi. Jermes Jr; Mr. ; John C. Besperka, 2275 |, Scotch Plains, to Mr. ..William Lazor Jr.; Mr. Kenneth E. Hill, 1070 road to Mr.-and Mrs, McDonnell. Jtr; and Mrs. Joseph W. j 2440 Seneca road, Scotch i Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Mr. and Mrs. John F. GIMGER M AHOGAMY MODERN |815 Boynton avenue, to Mrs.' William W. Ginger- i s d o w n e Development AT A COTTAGE-LOW PRICE Hyslip avenue, to Mr. Joseph P. McKeehart:

.-Wa!ter V. 8Mple|r, ' -S'f i Slope drixe, Moun- Mr. and Mis. Arthur **w* Dr. and Mrs. Frank- ;rs, 680 Shackamaxon Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. That's right... a mere 59.95 buys any piece... the full-size drf «»cr, f.; Mr. and Mis. Arthur the chest, the bookcase bed, TWO panel beds or bed PLUS night V 2051 Jersey avenue, fains, to Mr. and Mrs. table! Look, every piece is designed in beautiful good taste, crafted I. Bishop Jr.; Mr. and .'with painstaking care... and finished in fashion's newest pet, lovely i V. McDonnell, 407 Ben- Ginger mahogany! You'll love their smart-looking scored fronts. . to Mr, and Mm. Lau- beekman. and the way those sparkling golden pulls pick up their soft,,subtle finish. Every piece is generously proportioned, too... but description fcVILLE — Mrs. Alex Edl doesn't do them justice! Come see the whole collection... and choose |0 West Brown street h»d juit the piece* you need! (AUo at Koo* S—Girt.) a purple cow, nor ever [see one, so it is plain to lid her astonishment when fed her living room last saw a Holgtein heifer j on the davenport. The astonished heifer bounded pathroom and vaulted in- ithtub, where it was tied fPatrolman Vincent' Metz- i Police department. DAYSVROM'S FAMILY-SIZE DINETTE! m NOT 5, BUT 7 PIECES! REG. §119 I auto iosti 89.95 Not just the usual 5 pieces. ..but tlic big 7-picec family-size dinette you need for your sum mcr cottage! Made by famous Dayslroin ... and now Koo«-taggcd to save you $30! Conn seeMtl You'll find its big 35x»0-inch tiihlc-opcn* to a full fiO inches... bus an exclusive heat. stuin-niiir-rrsislanl Dayslromile op!'And nolico the lo|> is a smart black or grey woodgrain e with u polished brass apron... tliu legs (ire fashioned of blank lubo with JII-BH iiiTenta. You get SIX graceful, comfortable contour-back chairs... upholstered in vviiHlni In. chiir<:«ial-niid-whitc or pink Highland weave. Just the swish of a dump cloth mill thiry wipi e eleamn in a wink! Hather ban; this MW dinette with FOUK T clmirs? Ucgtilurly 99.95,'it's now reduced to a Koos-low 79-95! (Also ut Koos Sea Girt.)

LOOK AT THESE LAMPS . . . ICALL YOUR )CAL AGENT NOW LOOK AT KOOS PRICE! TODAY 7.99 Garretson ¥e«,all yfru have to do is LOOK ... first at the lN II* I art tr-a 1SMIOS Route 27, ttahtctt'j... Phone HA 7-3700 • Biunvh iloulv 71, Sea Girl... Phone Cil 0.G7BV • *re« PmrMmg r»ff Eighteen giving, an Interview to the Eliza- beth Journal regarding the need will tell him what President Eisenhower of the hordes being available when THE WESTFIELD LEADER said yesterday and what his plans are the fire alarm rings, was highly re- Years Gone By prehensible and waa not to be for tomorrow, what Messrs. Stevenson repented. Both resolutions were and Kefauver are going to do next, or offered by Councilman Page. what is happening in Cyprus. But it does + • • Ten Year* Ago Twenty Year. Ago The Spring Fete given by the not cannot—always tell him what his (May 9. IMS) (May 14, 1936) Special Work CununiLtee of the Rnt<*red at the Post Offi*'** at WpsHflekl. K. J., county, township or borough officials Lieut. Jolm R. Schreiber was Westfield Woman's Club in the as fidiutld f'laKB Matter. One of the most successful of owned police chief of Westfield propose to do about schools or taxes, or local wartime emergejoc-y groups grove adjoining the residences of Published Thursdaya at WeMileld, New Jersey, 'in a resolution adopted Monday Mrs. Clarence V. Sieinhart and by The Westfleld Irfii'lvr Printing and fubli»lting both. The metropolitan daily may omit became history last week when the night by the Town Council at its Company. An Independent Npwcwper. executive committee of the United Mrs. Percy Cook on Springfield Official P; the idealization of mother as the person- out pages with metropolitan polish, but I was looking into the future and July 4. YWCA' organwation will be >»»de will be SO by 80 in size. I was just having a good time." * • * . tomorrqw evening- at a meeting of 'he roovifi'ltvu ification of unselfish love, goodness and as long as people have names, there will Fifteen Yean Al» charter' members and others inter- • * • Thursday evening the Presby- must, 1 should think L devotion. It is little enough that this one be—we hope—the weekly newspaper. . MIM Jeanne Kirkpatrick, 922 (May I, 1M1) ested, whkh yiU'fee held in the agm would be » Y<£* If America is not to be left gymnasium. terian Church will be the scene of day of all the year is set aside to honor —New York Times Central avenue, teacher! "I WOUid another large wedding, Miss istic in this mjtut, hi choose the teen age years because alone as the only remaining: dem- • ' • * * case I have nj,^ Jj mothers. And yet there is little doubt that's the time when true friend- ocracy in the world, this nation Fire of »n undetermined origin Beulah Kodenbaugh, a member of destroyed the roof and caused the Presbyterian Church choir, which have eapeciallylS that a special day remembering her is a ships are formed . . . but I feel, must enter the second World War because of not btW, A Tax Program too, that if I went back I would on England's side at once, a capa- damage to the second floor of the will become the bride of Arthur source of pride to any mother. Women home of Joseph Bonnettl of Liv- Rowland of Euclid avenue. The to the theater by 1, j In late years many a proposal has take better advantage of the op- city audience last night at the church will bf profusely decorated to leave my home It la in general are sentimentalists at heart, portunities offered at that phase last in the Westfield Veteran's ingston street early: this morning. andnbtbeinfwilijnjtJS been made for reducing taxes and for ••••*"»" with palms and flowers and the secretly or openly, and Ipve small, un- of life." Forum series at Roosevelt Juni- Tkirljr Pi»e Yeart Ac* prevailing color will- be pink and "Monsters from (*••• " ' establishing legal limits, well below those or High School. ' the like, which, i looked—for expressions of affection. Un- (May U, 1M1) white. . now existing, that government can im- Donald Dick.rion, PlamfieM, * * * always able- to s< doubtedly these expressions which are general handyman: "I would l'f- The' first orchestral concert ruption from fce,, pose on our incomes. One of the most There were 30 new eases of given by the Westfield Syrnp'hony* demonstrated on one day would be ap- live my army days from 1951 to measles reported during the past Milk Stolen My family will (<1 thoroughly documented of these plans 1954. I saw a lot ... different Orchestra in the Westfield High 20 miles to see one | preciated any day of the year, but sadly 1 week as the disease continued to was recently offered by the National As- countries, including Germany, School last evening was clearly one try to buck thta i- this is not the case very often. hang on in spite of warm weather, of the best musfqal events ever Mrs. William Edwards, 339 Nor- sociation of Manufacturers, under the France and England. You learn to according to Health Officer An- wood avenue, South Plainfield, though we would prifn It is without question that mothers of live by yourself and not depend held in this town and much credit ize the Rialto ThaUiS title "A Tax Program For Economic drew Carney. The number of cases is due the members and Charles H. Acme employe, reported to police. the race, more clearly than any other, on somebody else to take care of for the year to date is 794. last Wednesday that 40 quarts of field. Lara WTitinitSf Growth." It is designed "to outline the you. You learn the hard way." Seyfrled who conducted.'' '. the hope that then «itj earthly agency, reveal the infinity of * • * * * * milk, 10 cartons of light cream and means by which existing discriminations Because of tfee interest shown six half pints of heavy cream were- feel as I do and mil | love and tenderness which in some mys- After passing a resolution to moved to corapUIn i can be lessened without adverse effect Mr.. Alexander Michet.on, 443 in the proposed erection of a new keep the horses, used to draw the 'misslng from the Acme Market in tic fashion encompasses mankind. Gifts Beechwood place, homewifei" "The 1 on the revenue*or increase in tax burdens • senior high school, building at a hook and ladder trucks to fires, in South avenue when the store open- are not the only way to show your affec- past ten years, mainly because of meeting last month, the Board of the center oj tqwn 'while;; the ani- ed in the morning. " of any group." the advancement in science and Education has announced it will tion and regard. Thoughtful deeds, ten- medicine — particularly, being a mals are engaged oft street work, It is impossible to do justice to so undertake a complete review of all the Town Council mojj Monday derness and cheerful words—-little things mother, the polio vaccine develop- aspects of the problem and then night and passed another resolu- USE CLASSIFIED ADS so easy to give which mean so much to carefully prepared and reasoned a pro- ment. It also seems to me that present its findings at a public tion instructing the clerk to notify MORE with maturity comes deeper ap- town meeting. TO BUY OR SELL her—offered on her one special day can gram in a short space. But the highlights preciation of happinesi." Fire Chief Decker that his act in NEXT! give a mother added incentive for the can be outlined. It is based, to begin year ahead. with, on a set of principles. First,.the tax- R. W. Harden, 421 Kimbalt are- nue, buiineis consultant: "All of •• m M ing power should be used for fiscal pur- poses only—not for "social concepts in it." Other Papers Say . . . taxation." Second, the federal tax sys- Joieph Ang-elo, 124 Marian a»e. Trie Weekly Still Thrives tem should be broadly based, with all nm, electrician! "High school. I *ieh that I might have finished'.' They used to be called country >vegk- citizens, groups and communities con- TiacauaB I could use it now." lies." Nowadays many weekly newspap- tributing to the goyernment's support ers are less rural than suburban. The with as few exemptions or exclusions as weekly—-in an electronic video age—is possible. Third, taxation should not im- Our Shipping Clerk. not simply surviving it is, on the whole, pede economic progress — that is, it OLD BILL LADING [ doing very well. This we learn from an should not discourage or penalize saving item about the current state of weekly and investment. Fourth, tax rates should young folks who'll be newspapers in a recent Advertising & be moderate at all points, on both busi- Marketing column. It said that although nesses and individuals. Fifth and last, (News item) "Hospital Sues Pa- the number of weeklies in the United tient For Unpaid Bill of $7,500" stitutionarlimitations should be. imposed Now there's a liberal institu- States has been declining in the past sev- on the federal power, to tax incomes, tion. Any hospital I ever did busi- workingthissummer.,, en years (last year 115 went out of busi- . estates and gifts. ness with became jittery whenever ness) the circulation of the existing my indebtedness reached the grand 9,831 has been rising steadily. Weeklies' One section of the program deals with total of $37.50. In fact at that "tax facts vs. tax principles." It thor- • point roadblocks were being set It's a wise parent who starts a young son or paid circulation increased last year by up, and down in the bull-pen they 200,000 to 20,927,000. This total in- oughly disposes of the idea that our started warming uj) .the blood , daughter on the happy road to thrift. Set cludes, of course, those copies published present progressive system taxes the rich hounds. ' i < every Friday by The Sedalia (Mo.) to spare the poor. For*instance, the in- dividual income tax levy for the 1955 SIGNS OF THE TIMES , the good example by opening a savings ac- Democrat. The Sedalia Democrat's cir- Here is one the Boss just put culation gained 10 per cent last year— fiscal year totals $28,784,000,000. A- up in our office. count in his or her name. from ten copies weekly to eleven. whopping 84 per cent of that amount is ATTENTION produced by the 20 per cent basic rate, TO A NEW ACTIVITY Most people have an idea that daily Due to increased competition newspapers outnumber weeklies. One which is applied to the lowest taxable Show »h»m how monty tavtd incomes. Only 16 per cent come3 from and a keen desire to make a profit, of our office theorists suggests that is be- we have been forced to inaugurate regularly brings dividends and cause folks rarely see or hear about a the progressive elements in the tax scale, a new policy. weekly other than the one they read even though these rise swiftly and pass Effective immediately, we ask provide! funds lor a successful 90 per cent. that sometime between starting themselves, where as the name of a num- and quitting time, and so as not to future. Fint Federal w«lcom«» all ber of daily newspapers are familiar to The program also holds that the pres- interfere too much with the time now spent in lunch periods, rest savings account*—small or large. people all over America. The fact is— ent federal tax system, if continued, will periods, coffee breaks, ticket sell- according to the Ayer Directory of News- retard capita! formation in the future. ing, story tellne, and the rehash- papers and Peeriodicals, from which our And capita! formation—which is pimply ing of last night's TV programs, news items about weeklies was compiled a term to cover the accumulation of each employee find some time •which enn be set aside for produc- —there were last year 1,984 daily news- money for investment in all the things tive work. papers in the United States. Weeklies .industry needs to produce goods and This we call the "Work Break." outnumbered them about five to on«. services—is the source of jobs, better Some weeklies have circulations that can tools and plants and machines, and eco- And you know he is so rijrht. only be described as impressive. nomic progress as a whole. According to Any morning at 10 a.m. ,at the the program, the labor force is expected Java joint around the corner you Perhaps twenty-five years ago—our can call the roll of our office help, departmental theorist says — scarcely to grow at the rate of about 1 million nnd tret a 100 per cent response. people a year, and if "jobs are to be pro- Reminds me of that tag line of the anybody thought that in 1956 there still vided for the new workers, and if the old joka about the little merchant mm would be more than 9,000 weekly news- who was dyinff. One by one ,the papers. But few persons then foresaw national standard of living is to continue sons came into the room and each • to advance, a large and increasing vol- said "Papa, I'm here." The old • the great surge to the suburbs that oc- man looked from right to left^at curred between then and now. Sub-• ume of capital formation will be re- his seven sons and suddenly sat"up quired in the years ahead." in bed and demanded, "Who is urban developments, in most instances, minding the store?" That Roes for have helped to increase circulations of The program's specific recommenda- our office, too. Some day it will be weeklies in their areas. People who ouce tions cover every phase of federal taxa- a fellow by the name of Automa- read only metropolitan dailies find them- tion and revenue. Most important is the tion. selves—once having moved into the sub- goal of reducing both corporate and in- What with TV, I thought skip, urbs—reading their dailies and a week- dividual progressive tax rates to a top pinp: rope wan n lost art, but yes- ly, too. The reason (continued our theor- of 35 per cent. This, the program states, tei'day in what must have been a' ist) is pretty obvious. can be done without imperiling the rev- strictly GQP neighborhood, I l0 watched n bunch of moppets, or SAVINGS INSURED UP TO $ '° The suburbanite's daily newspaper, enues the government needs. It should should I »ny OOPcts, jump rope, he said, continues to give him the for- be done over a live-year period. In the and instead of the old time rhymes, ACCOUNTS OPINED BY THl 10* eign and metropolitan news he requires case of the individual income tax, there they were chnntinK, "Ike and Nixon, Ike nnd Nixon, they go to- tARN DIVIDENDS MOM TH« '"• to understand—in part, anyway—what would bo Hiiceetwive annual reductions of gether like Mason and Dixon." is going on in world, nation, state and 10 per cent in the progressive element of city. But living in the suburbs this read- each rate brocket. Personal exemptions My friend, Moronlcit Mary In all er, while working in thu city, i,s not really would bo maintained at the present cxetttMl about' that news item of of it. Home is where the heart is, und levels. tho ex-O.I. who won an award of $7,600 because army surgeons left s his heart Is in.the suburbs; his weekly is Much more will be heard of this pro- a towel In his stomach. "Bill," she r> A \ I \ (, S * " hJa "home" newspappr. l,Iis daily pnper yelled, "I'll bet $10 it wasn't even I I) \ N gram as time goes on. marked 'IIIS.' " THE WESTfmP CM. * ) THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1>5« aad Roosevelt Junior Hiarh School —--• >t the rear and side of the f£RS TO THE students will be threatened, but the traffic jams that regularly «a- the particular site on EJm street club. East takes the ace now and work in Nonmber, parking Jot. This (un) attractive eue there. where it wants to go in. They wUl continues clubs and West's ruff This Day of BMO&Kttea wffl *v certainly those of Franklin and nuisance might well represent en Rosarians Plan EDITOR possibly even Grant as well. If our city officials fail to act take lawn ssd trees and substi- gives the defenders their third place the spring- nieefiajr of tto < interesting challenge to adven- to protect our school children in tute an ugly black expanse of as- trick. Since there is no way South National Conference of Cittbolie- The Grand Union plans show turous children, and could lead to this instance, I feel they are fail- phalt can avoid a spade loser, he can get Recollection Day Women, Union District of tb* $t Supermarket parking space for 118 cars. If a 19-foot fall onto asphalt. ing miserably in their duty to the They will briug traffic danger to no more than nine tricks. Arch Diocese, - -' the usual supermarket experience Perhaps at the town meeting townspeople who have elected school children and others, and East's play of iproinu: up with the Mrs. George Playford, Eotarim is borne out, there will be a turn- of May 14, the Council will be them. cause ugliness, noise and litter. The Rosary Society of Holy president, has announced the fol- reader ace on the first round of the suit Trinity Church will sponsor a Day over of 113 cars an hour on busy able to tell us what excuse they MRS. ROBERT h. CEAVEN My own experience, with the is a very common error. Some- lowing committee: Chairman, Mr*. mother of three small days. This means there will be a would have if the supermarket is 716 Clark street parking situation we already have of Recollection Wednesday from i. S. MacFedgsn; co-chairman, two of them attending total of 2938 entrances and exits allowed to go in and a serious should provide an example of what times it is hard to know whether 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The day will Mrs. C. O'Connor; luncheon, M«- accident follows. will happen to others in the sur- the ace should be held up for a School, I do not see how of cars on Thursday and Friday, round or not,'but oft™ the bid- open with the fus-t conference at d«me« James B. W*Ua, Kolwrt can justify the traffic and 2260 on Saturdays. There MBS. EUGENE D. SE1TER Traffic Danger rounding neighborhood who may 1 10 a.m. in the all purpose room Scully, J. Matoorpe, Carl Pepp*> all of a sudden find shoppers' cars ding, opening lead and the cards Charles G. O'Hagan, K. TwitcUll, hat a supermarket would will also be an increase in nearby 250 Walnut street in dummy will offer a pretty defi- of the high school; 11 a.m., pri- the Sim Street school curbside parking. This will be in Editor, Leader: parked in front of their doors. vate devotions; 12 noon, luncheon P. Long and Donald S. Campbell. If the Grand Union Co. is given Cars park in front of my house on nite clue as to how many cards of Reservations for out of ttm addition to the already heavy ve- the suit led opening leader still served in the high school cafeteria; hicular, bicycle and child-pedes- Grand Union Views permission to bring a supermar- Prospect street and while the 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., second confer- guests may be made with Mr*. T. roponents of the Grand trian traffic on Elm, Walnut and ket to Elm street, the traffic dan- wives are shopping the men clean has, if any. Huwco, We. 2-0241-R; and itMr> aim one of its advantages out their cars, throwing papers ence; 2 p.m., Holy Hour. Cowperthwaite. For eight years I Editor, Leader: ger is obvious. Even. now, a po- vstions for local guests with Ml*. bring business to town. have been watching first Junior liceman on duty in front of the and cigarette butts on my walk, BLOOMF1ELD—The Board of The Rev. Francis Houghton, N. HaiuE, We. 2-0062-M. Id enlighten those who I would like to express my views and tossing empty bottles over the spiritual advisor of the Rosarians, High, then Junior High and Elm school a half hour or so in the Education fast week took two Ail reservations must be mad* re wiil be so increase in Street bike traffic on Walnut, and concerning the building of a Grand morning, and a half hour in the fence into my yard. I have to "giant steps" in the direction of a has announced the Rev. Charles F. t merely a spillover from Union store at the Elm street lo- Sweep my sidewalk and clean up X. Dolan S.J. of the Jesuit Band no later than tomorrow for the** I have observed many times how afternoon, cannot control what new Junior High School in BroOk- attending: who wish to have lunch. p. It the Grand Union cation in Westfield, happens to the cjiildren a fewmy yard every day. On one oc- dale by appointing- a firm of archi- Mission, will be guest speaker. n the business it obviously casual these youngsters are with casion I had to pay a gardener All women of Union County »M their own safety. They are not I can see that as far as Grand yards away on Elm, Walnut and tectural specialists and naming a Father Dolan is now speaker of invited to attend the exercises of i, not only Elm street will Cowperthwaite, or after he leaves. for a half day's work to clean up principal to take part in prelim- . increased traffic burden, likely to change their habits over- Union is concerned, it is an ex- the litter thrown there by parkers. the Catholic Hour heard over NBC. the day and no reservation i* re- night if there is an increase in cellent location. However, as far The other afternoon three boys inary planning. School officials This is his return engagement on quired unless lunch is requested. streets that lead to it, in- as parents are concerned, the lo- If another supermarket cornea hope the $2,700,000 school will be ountain, Lawrence, Dud- hazards. came down Cowperthwaite on bi- that program. He was previously cation is terrible. During the cycles from Junior High, after in, living here will be unbearable. ready by September, 1959. guest speaker on that same net- USE LEADER CLASIIFIIP *pect, Clark, Brightwood, Another serious safety factor school year, it is necessary for the policeman had left. One of We will no longer enjoy our own road and numerous side for children will be the 15-foot re- children to cross Elm street to get the boys dropped a book contain- homes. Not only the Elm Street taining wall, topped by a 4-foot to both Elm Street School, anding his homework and they all BEATRICE WARWICK also to Roosevelt Junior High stopped right in the middle of the 224 Prospect street School. During the summer months intersection watching the papers the Little League plays ball at blow in all directions. Three help- the playground, and the Y dayful little girls from Elm Street Urge Permit Refusal WISTPIILD camp uses the playground. Traf- School, who had been on the side- fic on Elm street is already heavy, walk, rushed into the street and Editor, Leader: without, adding the hazard of an- ran back and forth picking up tlje If there is anything to this talk other supermarket—especially one papers while the boys stood there. of town planning, town beautifica- Has.., as close as the Grand Union would Meanwhile cars came at a steady tion, traffic control, and safety ed- be. pace, honking their horns. Luck- ucation in our schools, it seems to momr wnm YOU WANT IT ily there was no accident that time, me the place to start putting all While my son was attending but with children anything is like- this into practice is to keep the Elm Street SchooJ this year, he ly to happen. Grand Union supermarket out of •.' • • •-1 • was involved in a minor accident 219 Elm street. »W MANY OP TMBSB ITBMS while riding a bike, because a If the Grand Union is unprofit- It isn't good planning, it isn't woman opened her car door just as able and fails to bring in traffic, boautilication, and it will aggra- he rode by, and he had no time what then? As with the contro- vate traffic and jeopardize the pub- to swerve out of the way. Canversial patch of Central Park and lic safety. you imagine the added hazards to the trees on Rahway avenue, once If the zoning ordinance means school children if the already (he site is ruined it can never be what it says about exceptional heavy traffic is increased by therestored. traffic hazard, I should think the flow of cars from the Grand Un- I hope everyone opposed to aTown Council has a perfectly good ion? supermarket at that spot, to traf- basis for refusing a permit. fic danger and deterioration of our David Timberlake I have heard that the town or- town, will go to the Town Council Olive H. Timberlako dinance reads that a permit to meeting on May 14. Sam J. Louise Next Sunday It H«r Day! . build can be refU8ed if it would Yours very truly, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ballentine endanger the health or safety of Mrs. Violet S. Irving Who hotter d*s«rv*i our lov* and «ff*e- LOANS '13 §• *JOO the town. For myself, I cannot Mrs. H. Reed see how such heavy traffic could Mrs. Thomas J, Campbell Playing The Cards «on fan Mother? This w««k •nd w» can TltlMORI • WBITB • •rVlftiYI fail to endanger the safety of chil- prov* it with some kindly word and d«od. dren using either the Elm street By ALEXANDER SPENCER playground, or attending Elm Supermarket Site Mother rates high in our bank, too, We ISTf IILD PINANCi g Street School or Roosevelt Junior High School. If there is any doubt Editor, Leader: NOETH try to prov* it every time the (tops in anyone's mind, all he needs to I don't Bee how the Grand Union * A Q 10 through our front door. do is to watch the number of cara supermarket can possibly claim it ¥ 0 16 MAM TO tlMPMTS •» Att using the A&P parking lot andwill be an 'asset to Westfleld," at • Q 8 7 5 *KQ 4 Mother's Day.May 13th WEST EAST * 7 5 4 2 * K !) 6 V K53 ¥42 * 0842 • K J 10 3 2% Interest Paid on Savings Accounts * 8 2 + A 8 7 8 1 SOUTH Balances $5.00 and Upward ' « J 8 8 V A Q J 10 8 • A * J 10 5 3 With both sides vulnerable, the PEOPLES BANK bidding went: South Wait North Eut & TRUST COMPANY 1 V pass 2 NT -pass . "A Contervailve Institution 3 • pass i i If I pass pans pass For Con»«rvatlve People" West Jed the eight of clubs, the Oppo§it» Railroad Station queen went on from tho board and East took the ace. He returned a club which went to dummy's Westfield, New Jersey 1 king . MIMIM KOfMl DIFOIIT INSUMNCI eoiFOMTION Declarer next lod tho nine of hearts and let it ride to West's king. West led a spade but South realized there was too much dan- ged in taking a finesse in that suit, since it was obvious that West was looking for a club ruff. On that bails, declarer went right up with "When Kids fly BulCkSMOAl ••Poiunger 2-Door KMtra, dummy's ace of spades and pro- ModtUil ceeded to pull the rest of the trumps. Then he conceded a .spade trick and thus made the contract Kites...the string with no trouble at all. He lost only a spade, a heart and a club. East defended the hand poorly. West's opening lead gave the de- is the Thing" fonso the only chance to defeat tho contract and it would have boon fftr defeated if East had refused to Its Bigger than Both of play the ace of clubs on the first round. He should have played the encouraging nine spot. Then no "iut Us pace makes it one of matter what South docs the hand will go down. Suppose after winning the first Americas 3 bestsellers! alub trick in dummy South, anti- FOLLOW THESE SIMPLE SAFETY RULES. AND AVOID cipating a possible,ruff, lays down SERIOUS ELECTRIC BURNS OR FATAL ELECTRIC SHOCK! IT'S as simple as this: raised to a new high-and pouring in smooth whisper the ace of hearts and then contin- from a brand-new 322-cubic-inch V8 engine of true ues another heart. West takes tho Only two cars in all creation outsell Buick. And they high compression. king and then exits -with his last • Stay away from electric power lines! Choose an are two of the well-known smaller cars. Here, yoii get the matchless buoyancy of Buick's great open space free from wires, poles, large frees, So maybe it w|U pay you to ask how come Buick has new rfde-the extra-safe feeling of Buick's new handling large stones, ditches and obstacles ofrany sort. zoomed to the No. 3 spot with such faSt-selling ease-the extra stretch-out comfort of Buick roominess company. -the extra solidity and strength of Buick strucrure-the Diversification 0 Never use wire in place of string and never use extra pride and prestige of Buick's new styling and dash. for Well, one answer is the beautiful and brawny Buick cord with metal strands. This type of string is a SPECIAL you see pictured here -r and the low price it Here, too — and nowhere else — you can get the silk- conductor of electricity. If it comes in contact carries. smooth performance and flash-fast response of Buick's Profit Potential linn in a ninnlr, security ore with electric power lines you will receive serious It's the biggest bundle of high-powered performance advanced new Variable Pitch Dynaflow*-the world's the diversified growth and and high-fashion luxury ever offered in Buick's lowest- only transmission with the gas-saving mileage and profit potentials >o many invej- injury. ton look for. priced Series. switch-pitch action of the modern airplane propeller. • Insurance And that means more people want it and can afford it, e Use cotton, silk or nylon string. It must be dry! This week-this very day, if you wish-you can sample t Aircraft Parts because it's priced only a few dollars more than its two • Retail Discount Sole* all these Buick blessings to your heart's content and e Never climb poles or trees near electric wires to smaller-car rivals-even less than some models of those • Railway Salvage Sales your pocket's joy. Why not drop in on us and do just very same cars. Diversified Financial Corp. of retrieve a kite. It's better to lose a kite than a life, that? But the big answer comes from a sure fact more folks America, operating in the grow- •Neto Advanced Variable Pilch D(/nn/7niu is the nntfi Dunaflow ing Rulf coant arm, npmrnli have discovered: you get more pure automobile for a single investment in uumer> e When flying kites, stay out of streets and other Bulck builds today. It is standard on tloadnuuter, Super ous iieldj. and Century-optional at modest extra cost places used by motor vehicles. your money in Buick than you get elsewhere. We feel this stock merits your Here, ybu get the extra wallop of big new Buick power on the Special consideration. Just fill in the coupon lor latest information,

AIRCONOITIONINO BHJOYmi FLYIM...BUTHAY •<• COOL N«W LOW PRICI Mratli Securities II noli, filters, dthumldlfiM. r. OBPORATION PVBLICffiaSERVICE J«l i-Uann Comfort In your in Eulek with g«nuln» Mimbm tmlflctn Slut tnhanji (Au«<) PniOID«IR> CONDITIONING Best Buick Yet 70 Wall St., N.V. 5 WH 4-017S Pleuse sent] me Information on -WHEN »RTER AUTOMOBIIK ARG BUIlt BUIClf Will KHID THIM- DiverHified Pitiuneial Corp. —CHECK YOU* CAR-CHECK ACCIDENTS. Nuinc rir«M> IMtit WHERE BUICK DEALINGS Aililrrn ARE GOOD AND FAIR AND PROPER LALLY BUICK, INC. City_ WE. 2-8484 Telephone^ 430 NORTH AVE. E., WESTFIELD AOU-J* I Plainfield, paid $15 each 1 ojr speed- iug. Scotch Mains - Fantcotd News Plains Building Jsmes S. Johnson of Potters- ville, Mich., paid $16 for cureless m% Residential driving, James Reese of Newark muxoa auditorium. A doctor an was fined $30 for lending his a dttotist wi31 he in attendant- Mrs. Saner To SCOTCH PLAINS — Building registration plates to anothe: Invitations have been mailed t driver. He was assessed an ad- all known prospective pupils t construction in Scotch Plains con- tinues to be more than 90 per cent ditional $10 for failing to eppea IfcadTIauisPTA attend a party in the Idndergarte when originally scheduled March room following the registration. residential according to Ernest T. Lawrence, township building in- 29. Mrs. Walter Ott, representativ James ftfilani of Newark was Sha«*ltamaxon Group to the F»nwood-Se«ch Plains Join spector and engineer. No industrial construction and ! fined $30 for using fictitous li- PTA's scholarship committee, ci'nse plates. Also fined $30 was Holds Final Session nounced Joseph Sackei, high schoo only a small amount of busines building- marked the first thre Victor Cantillo of Newark, for SPECIAL* senior, had been chosen from SCOTCH PtAITJS — At ttiei among nine applicants to receive months of this year. not reporting a change of ad- final meeting of the year recently $400 scholarship. He will stud; In January, there were 30 per dress to the Motor Vehicle Bureau STlaekamaxon PTA members unaii music next year at the Trento mils for $185,135 valuations, an and failing to have his registration imously elected a new slate of of- State Teachers College. in February 27 permits lor $215, papers in his possession while driv- ficers. Those serring for the I960 378 valuations. There were m ing. Members voted to purchase The following persons were 6T term will include t President, daylight screen for the school an figures tor March but* totals were Mrs. William R. Saner; honor- expected to be about the sami fined $10 each: Herman Cher- te establish a teachers' work in low of North Plainfield, for park- vice president, Henry Bluhm, prin- fund to be used at the discretion Mr. Lawrence said. cipal of the school; first vice pres- of the faculty for miscellaneou Fifteen of the January permit ing on the highway; Eiteen J. Car- icfent, Mrs. Paul Withstondiey school purposes. were for residences and garages. berry of Millstone, for failing to second vice president, Mr3. Kobert Others included: $15,000 servici keep to the right; Frank Smith of A report on the play, "The Ten Newark, for passing a red light, Tiersbier; corresponding si der Trap," recently presented by station, a $1,200 greenhouse, from Martha tsaryj Mrs. Frederick Baser; re- the Shackamaxon PTA Players, $1,000 booster station for thi and William Bohra/alk of 148 Hat- cording secretary, Mrs, Peter showed proceeds exceeded the bud- Plainfield-Union Water Co. and row road, Westfield, for passing and treasurer, Herbert get and the excess funds will be $5,000 vending stand on Route 22 on the shoulder of the roa4. Mrs. A. John Accola Jr. placed in a savings account. One- The remaining permits were fo •vAs nominating committee chair- half the amount will be available residential additions and altera- Mother, Child »n. to the Players if needed for fu tions and other miscellaneou: Hurt in Crash iiiir. Bluhm presented the pro ture productions and the remain terns. der will be used to start a pro- In February the only non-resi jriam, showing a collection of col SCOTCH PLAINS — A mother J • J D^ed' slides he has taken through- gressive fund' for future schoo dential building included a $2,800 and her three-year-old daughter out the year of children and their projects. private swimming pool in Jeru were treated for knee injuries sebool activities. Hostesses for the evening wete Salem road. Friday afternoon after their car ijDoncsn Smith, eieeutiw seere- eedltmei Guy ViUa, Karl Hum- Building valuations in 1955 were was in collision with another ve- tiry of the Fanwood-Seotch Plains phrey, D»nttf Viiift and Irwin $3,743,206, mostly residential, hicle at Terrill road and East Sec- »9SJCA, told parents of plans, for wtavmm: Mrs. Mary Manning's These figures included 11 stores ai ond street. Mrs. Jean Maloney, 36, tie summer day camp for 7 to third grade won the parents' at- ,52,770; a $20,000 warehouse; a of 32 Laurel road, Franwood, and1 13 year-olds, which will be held tendance award. $7,500 garage and warehouse and her daughter, Patricia Maloney, fit six weeks after the closing of a $15,000 service station. were taken by Patrolman Michael A gaily, wrapped box ofk Mart ha •Aool. Auto H*» Pole Township officials have been dis- Stromick to a doctor for treatment. SMra. W. Karl Humphrey, repre- ussing development of the Jersey Their car was towed away. Lorton's superb candy is the kind slibUtive to the Citizens Advisory Ma Steering Fails Land tract for industry but as yet Driver of the other car, Mrs. Committee, gave a resume of t)b IO definite plans have been com- Margaret Fryklund, 31, of Plain Mai findings of the group as pre- SCOTCH PLAINS — A car pleted. A commission was set up field, was given a summons for of a gift that Mother is sure to dicted to the Board of Education. snrnehed into a utility pole last ast year to study possible indus- failing to heed a stop sign at the *fe-8. Humphrey said the study in- W'ednenday night at Redwood road try for that area. ntersectioh, and for being in- dlbated eight classrooms and on«! and Btuij? terrace after the steering* 'olved in an accident. Mrs. Fryk- appreciate. Idtidergarten room should be adci- mechanism failed and the vehicle und was not 'injured, according U> the Shackamaxon School'; ent out of control. Speeders Fined o police. additions to the Evergreen Gabriel W. Baska, 38, of 2330 ibool, construction of a new ele- Redwood read, told pellet that the Choose from any of a number of ifcntary school of 18 classrooms mishap occured after starting his In 'Plains Court Fumvood Liona Mtdttwo kindergarten rooms; and :ar,and traveling about 400 feet Elect O'Dell purchase of a school site on the i» Kedwdod' road. TW car, which SCOTCH PLAINS—Four mo- assortments, or if Mother, has iprtb side of Scotch Plains, upon was badly damaged in front wai fists were fined for speeding and wfcich the committee recommends ne for careless driving by Magis- FANWOOD ~ Harold O'Dell ;owed away., Patrolman John ma elected president of the Fan- special favorites we will box Wilding a full capacity elemen- Trtfmbfcltt Investigated. iW ©eorge \V. Jackson last week tary school by 1960. Municipal Court. _ road Lions Club Wednesday eve- .Mrs. Mabel Haer, round-up Paul Pedersen of Fords was ing in Maple Tree Inn, He' Will them for you. ciairman, announced all children ned $20 for speeding, while. eplace Gerald Saviti. eligible to enter kindergarten next 1EA0ER CLASSTRED ADS ree others, A. K. Jones, Plain- Other new officers elected are: iWll would be registered May 9 BRING RESULTS eW; Samuel Ehrich of Fairlawn 'ice presidents, Walter Dunkel, ftom I to 3 p.m. in the Shacka- and Helen Cunningham of North homas Con fort i and William Hudson; secretary, H. Kenwyn terrified; treasurer, Robert Imith; tail twister, Pennington Day; lion tamer, Kenneth Vree- [and; directors for two years, Mr, Savitz and Ralph Alcan, and di- rectors for 1 year terms, Peter DRAWN It Faust and Frank Spencer. OCOTM MCNUMII, High School Senior John J. Kath, farmer president of the Boonton Lions Club and one of four candidates for district gov- ernor of lli-E, outlined his quali- fications for the post. Aschenbrenner Named Instructor Army Pvt. Frank J. Aschen- Maftha Loftott brenner Jr., whose parents lire it 230 Midwood place, recently was finer candies assigned as an instructor to the Artillery and Guided Missile School' it Fort Sill, Okla. 13 Elm St., WetffMd 272 No. Broad St., Elizabeth Aschenbrenner entered the Army in October, 1955, and com- pleted basic training at Fort Ch«f- fee, Ark. He attended the Univer- sity of Notre Dame.

"You're watting your Hm», i k«ep my money at The National Bank of Westfietd." Powerful Aviation Compound Added to "Detergent-Action" CALSO Supreme

FIRST IN THE EAST... a powerful aviation fuel combustion-chamber deposits to extend the life ingredient, Skypower, is added to CALSO Supreme and power of your car far longer. ' Gasoline to meet all the needs of modem high- NATIONAL BANK compression cars. This one gasoline—CALSO Supreme with Sky- power-gives you a balance of all the performance With Skypower, your engine can deliver all the features your car needs. Fill up with Skypower OF WESTFIELD power built into it. You'll get reserve safety on the today. • Jr highway, faster response, hill-flattening power The Frttndly Bank CALSO Regular gives top power in cars with With (he Clock you've never had before. And Skypower improves lower octane requirements. the operation of every car ... new or old. monotnoouu. NEMBER FEDERAL CEPOStT RESERVE SVSTIM INSURANCE CORPORATION CALSO Supreme with Skypower comes to you PRODUCTS OK THB CALIFORNIA OIU COMf ANY with the highest octane ever . . . PLUS famous The Only National Bank in WestfieM "Detergent Action" to clean your carburetor for Distributed by smooth, stall-free idling, longer gas mileage. CALSO Supreme afe^cooirola a major source of JOY OH COMPANY, TOE WESTPffiLP m. ,T.) LEAPBR, THURSBAV, MAY 10, W» visuaUy portray, the plight of pointed out that with no restric- represented at the 1 ital Health CKnic Treats those who need help. With the tion* on the disburstment of both uty State Attsa motto, "He has turned his back Barrage of Questions Is All In A ncipal mi income the ttmt P. Cook. The on lift, don't turn your baek on might be exhausted in a short pe- of Beard and McGall re Than 3W Persons A Year him" the poster portrays a man Day's Work for Local Librarians riod. the b»ik. who has literally turned his back Applicants for grants are pro- Judge Feller allowed than 3O0 cases par year terviews -with the psychiatric so- on life. His future and his very By A.V.V MARTIN, And one blue-jeaned youngster posed by school principals in Un- sions of f B7« to the bank «wt <« ^ated by the personnel of cial worker on the clinic staff. life depend on the monies collect- Ch ildrr ,i'« Lib ra i-imt wanted information on the proper ion County and th« county super- of $250 to Beard *»d KcQ*li i*- itsl health clink Bt Plain- The plight of this young mother ed during the mental health drive. diet for a pet salamander. intendent of schools' office. They Xbe clinic is supported by Intellectural curiosity is at the appioring an accounting of tint and of the others who call the forefront in the Westfifcld Memor- Is it any wonder that a refer- are screened for approval by the trust prior to th» he*r>JB#. •ollectsd chiefly during Men- association for help have spurred bunk and a physician, u. psychol- ial Library, as evidenced b^ the ence librarian needa frequent ogist and others. ]th Wetk. on the already vigorous effort of 65 Building recent report of Miss Ann Martin, change of occupation? Neverthe- ul of the cases treated at the Umoa County Association for children's librarian. Two weeks less, librarians w#lco»e your nues- Tha county schools' office was CLASSIFIED' AltS PAT ic is the case of Mrs. M. Mental Health wMch is striving ago, a group of boys marek«# into tions and enjoy helping you to find ling •woman was easily ir- to improve the county's facilities Permits Issued the children's room as that you want to know about." Of had already warned him county and of bringing those facts Grand 'Union Co. has notified CORDON W. DUNCAN course librarians are not experts More liberal distribution of a Jiis work. One of his bosses to the public attention, alongr with the iaapeet«» and Tarnm CouncU it on every subject under the sun; $17,000 trust fund set up to aid ited that he seek psychiatric more information regarding the intends to construct a large super- but they are trained to know school students in Union County n- his wife. prevention of mental illness. market at 21» Elm street but has Esso Promotes where the information of the ex- was made possible recently in :re could Mr. M. get the The association is a voluntary not submitted final plans which are perts can be found. In the West an interpretive ruling by County Telephone We. 2-0003 psychiatric help far bis organization, not a government- necessary before a permit can be field Library, the librarians are Judge. Milton A. Feller sitting in He didn't feel that he could supported or professional group. issued. The site is occupied by a Gordon Duncan often amused, fascinated and (yes, Probate Court. private treatments by a Money for its support, therefore, bouse 'which doctors and dentists sometimes stymied, by the refer- Judge Feller's ruling will per- ktrist so he called the Un» must come from contributions. have used for offices. Gordon W. Duncan of 834 Shack- ence questions which, from day to mit the Suburban Trust Co., West- puiity Association for Men- This year the county is conduct- The Board of Education has amaxon drive has been named as day, are put before them. During field, trustee, to use part of the the past few weeks, th«* children's lalth. ing the fourth annual Mental completed an annex to Franklir sistant manager of the office of principal as welt as the income to WE RECOMMEND Health fund drive. The success School and will have additions to scientific liaison, Esso Research room' has made a list of some carry out the charitable program M. saw a psychiatrist once choice questions. (k for several months until of this drive will determine the Jefferson and Washington, schools and Engineering Co., Linden. The fund was established in tha piore she was able to cope amount of attention and care ready for occupancy in September The office, hejded by Dr. Cecil One very little boy wanted to will of Miss N«lly A. M. Cook of ^e responsibilities. Her hus- which can be given to those who Work will start next year on a L. Brown, was established in 1954 know if there is a book on how Garwood, a New York City teach- iwas led to understand his need he|p. second junior high school to be to co-ordinate the company's ac- to whistle. The librarian explained er who died in 1827. She speoified JEANNETTE'S GIFT SHOP 'problem and assisted in her The mental health posters which located in Uahway avenue near tivities with universities, insti- that whistling is one thing that that the income from the trust be •y as a result of several in- are displayed throughout the town Grove street. The site has bee tutes, scientific societies and sci can't be learned froa^ a hook, and paid to her mother, Mrs. Jane W 227 E. Broad St., WestfieM purchased and is used now as a entific consultants. suggested that he consults his Cook of Garwood, until Mrs, practice football field for the high daddy. Cook's death. school team. Mr. Duncan, who has served as an assistant (director of the prod A teen-ager requested informa- After the death of Mrs. Cook, Sites are being surveyed for ucts research division since 1953, tion on the history of the yo-yo. the will directed, the money was future elementary schools near was born in Churchville, N. Y., in Another: "What i» the origin of to be used for the benefit of Union Route 29 and near the Clark the term *pin money1?" County children of school age who boundary line. 1914. He joined Esso Research in 1937, after receiving a bachelor What are a wife's dower rights? needed financial assistance. Tint* nears for graduation gift* and WELrDON Grace Orthodox Presbyterian of aits degree in 1935 and a mas How old is ji camel before-it is This, it continued, could take Church, established here in 198G ter of science degree in chemical full-grown? What state in the the form of medical aid or grants hare's the place to go first. Wonder- when meeting's were held in engineering in 1937 from Pennsyl United States Is nicknamed "The to supplement family income to American Legion Hall, will iiav vania State University, Land of Steady Habits?" keep the children in school. a new $15,000 Sunday achoo! ful, wonderful gifts in all price ranges :ONCRETE CORP. building:. Ground was broken He is a member of the Atnerl What causes a mirage? What is Mrs. Cook died in 1932. The April 15. can Chemical Society, the Society a snooperscope? How might an Wi'stfield bank has used only the you must see. 141 CINTtAl AVINUI, WfSTHtlD of Automotive Engineers and the African witchdoctor attempt to income from the fund since that American Society of Lubricaton cure a headache? What famous time to aid abott 50 children, TEL. WE. 2-4444 CRANFCMID — New feature; under discussion for this year's oh Engineers. composer's life was saved by a mostly in need of orthopedic de- servance of Crahford Days June 8 Mr. Duncan resides with his coat button? How many eggs can vices. In recent yeara,' the in» and 9 include an exhibit of indus wife and three children at the a female tick lay? How did the come, about $500 a year, has not PLANT PHONE FAnwood 2-4300 trial products made in Oanfon Shackamaxon drive address. pharse "every man's home is his proved enough'to be real help, and an evening show at Memorla castle" originate? How are mos- according to the bank, A SMVICI W« MWCOMMI fp WtSIMIIP Field featuring performances by aics made? What kind of bird sewa Judge Feller, in his ruling, Im- such groups as the Cranford High FOR BEST RESULTS leaves together to make its neat? posed a limit of $500 per child [EADY MIXED CONCRETE School band, orchestra and sing- USE LEADER CLASSIFIED Who first made a rubber raincoat? per year on the benefits. It was ing groups, Cranford Glee Club, and VFW Women's Drill team, Enjoy a Big Bonus of \f Her walls will be blue THRIFT with your THRILLS!

I: ITakeio the road in this one and you're spoiled a toe-tip source of instant, surging power! for anything else! Just slip into this sleek This is modern power! More than that, beauty and sample the thrills behind the it's the most efficient power plant you can Most GO to the Gallon most modern high-compression, high-torque buy! Proof?—the Mobilgas Economy Run, engine in the industry—the mighty Strato- where Pontiac delivered more miles per of any "Eight" Streak V-8! gallon than any other "eight!'] in any class! In the twinkling of a traffic light you And that's only a start, for Pontiac ' Her drapes \ take off like a silent jet, with response so tailored the new Strato-Flight Hydra- on the Road! 1 a beige, blue and \ exciting you can't help but head out for Matic * to utilize every ounce of that power. the open road to pilot this spine-tingler Come in and take a turn at the newest, yellow print at cruising speed. There you'll discover greatest "go" on wheels. Why not this week? Mn txtra>eotit option.


What color phone do you think she'll choose?

Bight now, she's half made up her mind on blue. Or maybe a yellow extension phone to pick up her drapes. But then, she hasn't entirely given up the idea of a bright red to add a dash of color contrast. No matter 'which of the 8 decorator colors she picks—

she'll be choosing a beautiful way to save steps. For phones SEE PONTIAC'S PARADE OF EXCLUSIVE NEW SFftlNO COLORSI CAN »OU SEE, 5IEEB;:SIOP SAfElY? . . . CHECK YOUR CAR-CHECK ACCIDENTS." in color have been designed to bring convenience as well as charm to any room in your home. And—like all telephone conveniences—you'll find them reasonably priced. PONTIAC For a free folder . ;. showing all 8 decorator colors, just call your Telephone Business Office. Your Service ftepresentativo, like Marilyn E. Hayes, Service Rep- A OENtKAl MOTORS MASTERPIECS-FAUl^ PRICED AND FAIHY 5O10I resentative of the Newark Office, will see that you will get all the information you want. ROTCHFORD PONTIAC, Inc. NEW JERSEY BELL, TELEPHONE COMPANY li)0 Elm Street, Wuutfitild 433 NORTH AVENUE E. • WESTFIELD WE. 2-3700 f•— Twenty-Two Hurt in Full The complmwnt, Howartb, L. F. Cenci. 18 of 1276 Speeder Fined $28 Frank Crepeau, said he timed the From Moving Car sF^ Borough Residents Urged To Aid School Board ii 60 JBPb ™ • Virginia, street, Mountainside, paid wWtrf In Municipal Court defendant driving 60 JB-P-b- $18 far reckless driving. Miss Naucy Hamilton, 18, TV. <*«», 26 ra.p.K. tone daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rudolph Krotfner, XS, of 162 Herman Wise, 32, of 54 Plain- 1956 Mental Health Fund Drive To Advertise Jessie j. iitrner, of 30 Plain- field avenue, Scotch Plains, was Hamilton, 232 Baker avenue, Ayliffe awnue was assessed *18 Thursday afternoon suffered abra- i field avenue, Scotch Plains, wasfor speeding 50 m.p.b. in a Zbfound not guilty of allowing an : During this month, residents cars and improvement with early For Lighting Bids fined $28 by Magistrate William m.p.h. ione. Patrolman Edward intoxieated person to drive his sions of both knees when she fell ]ot Mountainside will give given treatment. M. Beard last week in Municipal Greer was the complainant. car. out of the door of a moving car. 'an opportunity to help the men- "Knowing this, the county asso- Court for speeding. tally disturbed of Union County, ciation hopes to help establish SCOTCH PLAINS—The Board in particular as well as those countywide psychiatrie clinic treat- of Education is advertising fo We're At Meew U Yew As TSW »•"•"•"" ^^ 4hr0U£bout the nation, ac- ment service for those in need of bids to complete its 5our-year 'curdisy to Roy G. Daniels, chair- help regardless of their ability to lighting program in the hig- ;m«n of the 1956 Mental Health pay. Its office the past year an- school. Under the budget alloca ;fund drive in the borough. For swered more than 350 urgent re- tion for the work, the board i BUSINESS DIRECTORY '62 per cent of the contributions quests from families of persons limited to expenditures of $7,10' received will be used by the Union needing sources of help for men-for the work, which will call fo REFE1ENCE TO RELIABLE BUSINESS HOUSES County Association for Mental tal or emotional problems. Through installation of fluorescent lightin Health to continue its extensive as well as sundry fixtures through its program service, it has arrang- out the Park avenue building. •program in the fight against men- ed free of charge about 140 edu- FLOOR COVERINGS • LIQUOR STOtfS .tal illness and for the improye- cational presentations aimed ai The decision to submit the wor! •AIR-CONDITIONING • ROOKS ^ment of the care and treatment of prevention. to competitive outside bidding made last week by board member; 'the mentally ill in our county. PLAINS HEATING CO. Inc LEEDS ; "Mental illness, the crippler of "With its share of our gifts, the after they turned down a recom ELM LIQUOR SHOP HENRY ». ; human minds which affects one National Association for Mental mendation by secretary - busines: E»KNiir*rrd lutailatloau Westfield's Card and Alfred J. Miller—Hilda W. Miller manager- Delmar E. Everptt tha AIR-CONDITIOKING ; family in four, requires medical Health maintains a program which HEATIKU — VBNTIl. S3 Hc-otrV Plall Books for the Entire Family Asphalt Tile Linoleum ;are signs which trained people It leads the campaign for good Board members James S. Bel We. i*H.r , COLD BEER »««.»«.», ;can recognise long before the iII— mental hospitals where patients and Dr. Hanna Williams both ex Rugs Broadloom ^ness reaches a serious stage, thus can get quick skillful treatment. hibited concern in handing ou' • CLEANERS I DYERS FREE PABKIWG—BUDCET TBmMB SODA WATER • ALUMINUM PRODUCTS IN WSSSTPIELDI 'greatly enhancing the chances for "I am confident that the peocontracts to firms -without first ad- WE DELJVKH PBOMFTLT ' pie of Mountainside will realizi vertising. Mr. Everett replied he IS* Honk Avraae W. the rightfulness of this cause am 'hadn't felt it was necessary jalousie* BROWN AND KELLER'S (Near Central Ave.) WI. Z-1II3 Storm Doort and Windows WEetaeM 2-4S1S will help to combat this greates He indicated he was familiar CLKASTERI AM) BT8M Drtra-I* 9-11 ELM ST. WESTFIELD Fib*fglai and Aluminum £28 B. Br««e •«. IN l-XION threat to America's health an with the work required and the Awning* V, 9. Klcawar K "Same Day Dry Cleaning Service" IN EBIiOKf (Form. Raritan Twp.) Nexf to P*opl«Bj Bank # coals so Hills welfare by giving. type of product installed by the ALUMINUM RAILINGS recommended companies. Whe U. S. Hiehwa." ' (K. J. Zi>) "This campaign is possible thru Tfce hr»t c«»t lean • • * Mala OITIre eaa Itrat # tophon* the generous efforts of the many the board passed a motion calling 12-IR Waaalartea Ave. solicitors and the following dis- for advertising for bids, Mr. Ever Call MU I-3M9 PlalaSeM. W. J. • NURSERYMEN trict captains: Mi's. Nellie Wight, ett added that it probably will FOR FREE ESTIMATE PL. I FUEL OIL \ anywhere Mrs, George Reinhardt, Mrs. Hen- cost the board more money to get ry Wester, Mrs. Frederick Mar- the work done. Mr. Bell, refer- J. SUIMASCZYK CRESTWOOD GARDENS ring to the four-figure expendi- 1052 Sc*n.lder A«., Union, N. J. yahl, Mrs. Wallace Depp, Mrs, HUGO J. FUGMANN UNDSCAPI SERVICE John Gribbon, Mrs. Henry Lang- ture, concluded: "Maybe so, but's • COAL DEALERS heinz and Mrs. Mary Julian.' that's the way it has to be done.' •AUTO BODY REPAIRS TIMS — Bkraka _ Masts Discussion among the board Sei ilaa members resulted in final agree- CRANFORD COAL CO. •arriae WeertlleM u< ?lelalt» Club Endorses ment on names to be carried on F. K. HANSGEN t SON SIS SOUTH AVI. i. see iMitA the new high school building CAU Ci. 4-J5U GOP Ticket plaque: Former board president NutarStov. d0.«0 ' fc<«k ...IH.OO Stuart Truitt, former board mem .....; 1TM RiM WORK Why Pay Mor.T The Union County Young Re- ber Samuel Hyman, present board tuy tarly and Sav* Monty publican Club unanimously en president Russell Patterson, and • GREETING CARDS • OFFICE SUFfUfS MONAHANI dorsed the entire Republican ticket the following present members of at its meeting recently. Chairman the board: John W. Snyder, Domi- Al TO BODY HBPAIHIWG OttlMMO • CORSETS LEEDS J. K. Whittaker pledged the club'i nick De Cuollo, .William R. Saner, C«M»]vt# Ffmt EW A PnMt TERRILL'S OAl-Ott-U-**,! 100 per cent support and co-oper- Eugene B. Witte, Mr. Bell and Dr. A Ut Service Westfield's Card and ation in the coming fall campaign. Williams. 3-3tia—3-1HS 15 !«»rlk Aif. WHtfkU THE CORSET SHOP Book Center We. 3-M23 114 Elm Stroot *»» SOOTH AVB. w. Other business included plans Also S c ho o 1 Superintendent AT ElM * QUIMST STS 'or attending the N. J. state con- "To Sell Cornets WMbUtW A. A. Howard B. Brunner and Mr. Ev- Urexl Selection of (Mitlnc AlCOHOUCS ANONYMOUS vention of Young Republicans in erett, school architect Miekle- • AUTO DEALERS Is aaleamanahlp" OreeMng Cardi hi Town = . "To lit Them I* Art" CVMifftlMW 90 s^TTW (HO Atlantic City this weekend. In wright and Montford; engineering We. 1-4*47 Filing Supplies line with the organization's ob- rm, Runyon & Carey; and ap- LeaaTlaal Braaaa t« CkHw Printing •SILVERSMITHS tm any wh« hove an jective of promoting a bigger and porximately 45 "prime" contrac- LAING 48 K. IMI weateeM s-seis Ihwieet eleeire I* step more active club, SO members or tors working on the school. Rubbet Stamp* drinking. one of the largest delegations in The board accepted the resig- Fountain Pen Repairs *ecent years wjll attend the con- MOTOR CO. • HEATING CTRACTORS PLAINFIE P. O. MX 121 lations of two teachers — Mrs. Mimeograph Supplies rention. Carolyn Acker and Miss Ruth COSMETICS WBTMtO, N. J. Hutch. Six new appointments also PLAINS HEATING CO. Inc. Typewriter Sales and Service Virtue is like a rich stone, best PLATING I er Cell MA. *753t were announced: Joan Gutgaell, MERLE NORMAN HEATING—VENTILATINO lain set.—Francis Bacon Dorothy Alfano, Kay Campbell, ' Contractora • Silvorplcrting Adee Bennett, Helen Birnbaum COSMETIC STUDIO Vear-ftoaaal .nd Beatrice Rubenstein. The last 106 I. SKOAD STREET AIR-CONDITIONtNG • Silversmith. Lamed is a psychologist to work WE. 2-im •alea—Rervlee Malaleaaace • Repair. .Five Discount Specials •i days a week. , FAnwvoa S^eTes • OPTICIANS ue-ist •. tee, •«•*« FIEE DEMONSTRATION of 2(M8 V. 8. H«r. 3Z «e»««a Plain* • Custom Me*. Also approved was an addi- —mi ttovt.1 »»»•.«• in—i MIRA-CCH TREATMENT MAY ONLY ... 1/3 OFF tional expenditure of $144 over the (loot and feel fman young* ROBERT F. DAY OUR 30* m'i money budgeted for the school In a matter of minutes.) 128 liberty ». I system's student insurance pro- > INTERIOR •re«criptlon Optician 'am. NORMS Rt. 22, Bound Mel NOW OECORATORS osll Now thai thc April of your youth INC. 'DAIRIES WBaMeM ! W7n«or 4 Newton 15-tuhe adorns fi ffij>"of yobr MS^ CHAIN « Elia St. . . •„.,,,' ? Edward Herberts- (Opp. Peoples Ran Vruaf; Co«) > TELEVISION 1 • Scholastic walercolor set in A AA DECORATORS aluminum box i 5.00 Cream e HUB C«»er» > PHOTOGRAPHERS TELEVISIOHI B*1«s a»d Bcrvtc* «J Six-yard roll Leeds linen • . OO f\f\ TERMITES eDMpertaa * ITISIO'J • I O Buttermilk O. canvas 33.00 JLA\J\J Complete Parts IMa«. ,e Heaehelateria* WESTFIELD STUDIOS 411 M or* flying again. Watch for OatrulHli Lexington finest quality • A*i Nartk »• Central A-*«. 1Vea CAW UI >eatk Are. ^ Gw lawrtA Tl«w tsaateraSteree HcalM WEitftotd 2-3700 WeatSteU »••!«» ADDING MACHr»J sects, using dependable WutDaM in Ceatral A»e. 433 North Arm. Phone, WEstfleM 2-1198 CAICUUT* engineering methods. We are net simple extermina* PACKARD WESTFIELD CO. 339 South Ave. W. Westf leld ' LAUNDRIES tors. Every job is supervised IHO. Aatkartaie by an experienced, techni. CENTRAL PHARMACY SCOTCH PLAINS • RESTAURANTS VACUUM' tally trained, licensed en- PACKARD Mlebael J. Ctrmala, Has. Fharm. HALF-HOUR LAUNDRY gineer. PRESCRIPTIONS e LmDmixe e n,vrr DRTINO MOUNTAINSIDE INN Sales & Service . Compoantfee e D«r CLBANiita e ormtna Nartk An. I Ormm* - rename. . Ceaai • drllRTH . Luncheooa and Dlnnere Slek «eeei Saaalla. •teaka — Chopa — Be* »oo4 We an a New Jersey or- n# PAawooe 2-7M7 ganization, employing New „, „ "» ">«••• Ire Cm. 4A1 Park Are. Scotch Plnlai Banquet Aooommodttloni BERSE BROTHERS tOA Central A»e. WEalScli 2-l*W Vat StawmtlMa. eall Jersey residents, and we WEataeM MSM . have served New Jersey Authorised State Bl«kway n property owners success- DB KOTO — PLTMOUTH MOREY LA RUE Sales & Service ELECTRICIANS fully since 193S. Our LAUNDRY CO. reputation in this field is w««a«M 3^-ieze—s-ieee unsurpassed. «4S Nortk Art. W. W«at«ala Lannarr —; Dry Cle«nln» CHARLES T. BRENNAN Rus Cleanelnv — Storage RUG CLEANERS ELEaRICIAN hone for Fm Flrlt-np and Dell Thousands of references Wesrfield WK.llteld 2-H4T1 Tie •••< |B cleetrleal week at »" f»»li>»IA*e. Wr.dlrl.l 2 Locust Street PLYMOUTH 1 • National LOOM leaf Perms ft Hcrvlcn •*KrklnK AcroM street 117 r^awt Hrom) til. • Oxford Filing Equipment Cadillac & Oldsmobife ROSELLE PARK, N. J. fVKatflrlrt 2-STM • Rubber Stamps SALES and SfRVfCI Call Telephones: GOODWIN MOTOR AUSTER'S o Fountain Pen Hospital I!9 East Fifth Street, Pfafnffeld, N. J. CH«fngr 3-1492 CORP. AulhttfltttA e Gifts or LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS • Greeting Cards Tel. PL 6-2241 CHeitnut 1-1492 V O iTs wTo E N Hallmark — Norcrou in MOD. * Prl, Kir««. Gibson We. Pr.Mlnflelil 0.7-.AA BRING RESULTS '»•« fit. mirtMi ablest HI-IT R. 6th SI, 35 Elm St. Wa. 2-0583 problems, hopes, aspirations and who with unbowed head and un- goals of a proletarian society. embiUe-red he»it met life's, traffic Fracture$ Leg J It meant that almost all Soviet losses and who found conbtimt fun novels and plays stayed pretty in living and who levellrd jn Mrs. Mary CHBJam of 114 Myr-| four Ha«» ut inner • [ICROSCOPE close to the main theme: boy laughter, who loved folk more i tie avenue suffered a fracture of | line »<•«• »« meets girl at a Machine Tractor than fortune, and who was valiant | the lower right leg at 9:85 p.m.) (tou f..r If»rtl»e Station. Boy falls in love with as a knight of old in righting Friday when she f«ll on the rear, IIII»«I,,II lniHli. TrnlnlKC tractor. Together, boy and frirl From the , J^gri M#iri£ foi fust CUtTIS paintings would be devoted to pic- OUR SCHOOLS aid treatment «ad tien wa& taken tures glorjfying Stalin in his lead- to Muhiujbfiit Hospital, Pliiin- BOX 266' ership of the class struggle. It There are hopeful signs that the EAST ORANGE school construction bill will soon lield. ' • meant the creation of sickening NEW JERSEY poetry adulatipgStaliti. Here is an come before the House of Repre- sentatives,. This bill was reported Army Reservist His foe was folly and his weapon By sian farmers no.w have greater in- nxampleby the poet Ayak Bergen: "He commanded the sun of theout of the Committee on Educa- wit.—Anthony Hope ALEXANDER S. centive to farm*. Are industrial tion and LaJb^Dji ijQ ib£ ^y§J* ftftj*£TJ%5Takes Training •J is is the first of four articles workers getting •'bigger chunk of 'enenjies' to set He spojke, and. the East for friends and has been held up by the ques- fieserve Maj7~Wylie C. Kirk- ]ich Dr. Balinky, assistant ths production pie! Are the priv- tion of the Powell gjpendmenj, patrick, of Westfield, is receiving ,sor of economics and spe- ileged classes (Communist Party became a red plow which would withhold federal aid THE FAMILY'S FAVOMTf SPOT Should he say t,hat coal turn white two weeks of training on active ; in Russian affairs and eco-members, university professors', to segregated schools. A large It will as St*l;n wills . . . duty at Fort Belvolr, Va, FO* "SATING OUT" i at Rutgers University, tij« ballerinas, etc) losing any of their block of Congressmen f(om the The training includes road and University of New Jersey, privileges? In short, who is better The master of the entire world— South oppose tny move to limit remember— bridge construction, demolition, THEODORE MANNING liscuss tjfe effect of the new off and who is worse off as a re- aid to segregated schools. Al- camouflage, water purification and PEOPLE'S ctive leadership" In the So-sult -of Stalin's death and t^e cur-Is now Stalin." though a bill preevnting extension It meant too that anyone who of aid to such schools could pass infantry combat tactics. Jnion oj} the ordinary Rug- rent anti-Stalin drive? After the two weeks, Major ;itizen. painted, wrote or composed a piece the House of Representatives, it Appointed To RESTAURANT This week's column will be de- of work which did not represent would probably run into u filibus- Kirkpatrick will return to West- voted to the changes that have the clas3 struggle would be dete- r in the Senate, which does not field, where he lives with his wife, 14 Elm St. We.tfi.ld f can take all the delight we taken place in the "arts." Subse- nounced, shamed, refused the right limit the length .of debates, thu Rebecca, at 14 Mohawk trail. IVew Esso Post at what "collective feader- quent columns will cover the farm- to continue in his work, or liqui- killing the vital school construc- ICirkpatrick, a 1940 graduate of i in Russia is doing to theer, the industrial worker and the dated. tion program. Massachusetts Institute of Tech- Serving good home cooked food* and ry of "good ol' Joe (Stalin)." Theodore A. Manning of 73!) [ Soviet privileged class. This has changed since Stalin's nology, is a chemical engineer atf* ».'•«• 4 (reth Iftciit every Lawrence avenue has been ap- have already given much During Stalin's rule all art, lit- death. Articles in the Soviet press I believe we must move as rap- for Merck and Co. in ftahway. ht to its implications for idly »s possible So the direction' of pointed assistant' director of the erature and music had to adhere began to point out that the empha- newly-formed treasurer's division peace and U.S.-Soviet rela- to the principle of "socialist real- sis on "social realism" had pro- desegregated schools. The unani- Lowe Undergoes But what does this anti- mous decision of the Supj-em of the Esso Research and Engi- In lf**4f«*t and ism." That's a very fancy word duced a dry, unimaginative, unin- Court on this question left m neering Co., Linden, mcn'i lunch ism mean to the 20,000,000 for a simple concept. It means that spired Soviet culture. Then the Flight Training ins? Is it changing their room for loopholes. That decision The firm has split its! no artist could paint, no writer government issued a series of de-is the law of the land, Indeed, Naval Aviation Padet Rupert B. And how is it changing could write' and no musician could crees. Th$ Soviet writer no loner- business and accounting office in- Stop In For A Snack or A Mo>a| believe it will go down in history Lowe, Jr., 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. to the treasurer's and comptroller'* compose an^ piece of work that er ha ing as associate superintendent of lans been given greater free- gle. It meant that alt works of artSoviet painter no longer had toin the United States. at the Floyd Bennett Nfival A" of expression? Do the Rus-had to concern themselves with the paint portrait after portrait of Station, Brooklyn, N. Y. He isthe service divisioji. Communist leaders. The composer Many sincere advocates of »qual currently undergoing flight train- A veteran of 37 years' service LIT A was no longer confined to music treatment for all children in the ing at the Navy's "Annapolis of with Esso, Mr. Manning started 3 schools believe that the Powell as a messenger In the former gen- which reflected the 'discordant amendment would not only e.ndan the Air" at Pensacola, Fla. ' •URRIER Th« Entire Family Will" Enjoy sounds of the class struggle. On completing the 18 months era! engineering department ut gor passage of the over-ull bill bu the Jjayway Refinery in 1918. Hi* For the first time since the Rev- is in fact unnecessary, since clear pilot training course, Otydet Lowe SURE YOUR olution, a Soviet painter now may will be designated a naval aviator shifted to the general business and legal authority for desegregation accounting office, in 1935 und 11 paint'a flower, or even a nude. By of the schools is laid down !?.v th\j and commissioned as an ensign in BUND the Naval Air Reserve, or if heyears later became assistant su- FURS decree, the artist may produce a Supreme Court decision. A more perintendent of the service divi- work which does not reflect the positive solution is offered by Con prefers a second lieutenant in the Marine Air Corps. sion when that unit was formed "garbage c»n" plight of the capi- giessman Stewart Udall of Ari from personnel in general busi- on •eautiful Mooiehead Lake ' talist worker or the rich beauty of /.ona, who proposes that instead of Prior to nis enlistment, Cadet ness. Soviet manure as an aid to a more withholding funds from segregated at HockwoQd, Main* Lowg attended Williams College, bountiful crop. school districts, additional funds Williumstown, MPBS. He wus se- He served during the second Offering a wetpdertul vacation in a panorama of There is one catch in this newly be given to those districts which lected for the Nuval aviation cadet war as co-ordinutor of procure- granted freedom to the Soviet ar- are moving toward desegregation. program after successfully com- ment!) and priorities 'for over-all mountain, lake and fore»t, tist. The artist is still not free to This would provide a positive in pleting mental und physical exam- company ' requirements. In 1053 WE'RE FIR SPECiALISTS express what he wishes. By decree centive for more rapid compliance inations. ha attended an Institute for Man- SWIMMING - FISHING - BOATING he is now told to avoid "social with the Supreme Court decision. agement course at 'Northwestern AND . WATER SKIING - SURF BOARD 1st realism" just as earlier he was 1 believe it would be a sad con No One Hurt in Crash University. Evanston, 111. * told to adhere to it. A Soviet novel- tradiction if the government o In his capacity as associate su- 'EXCELLENTLY PREPARED MEALS S|M in *B4 •*• pur >•* ••Ucliaa of lb« liliil ilyl* ist was once chided by an Amer- the. United States were to give Two persons escaped injury last perintendent of the service -divi- SloU., C*M«, Clulck C>»*i, Pocket Stol.i, Sllni ,C*p?» ican for reflecting only that which week in a two-car collision at East Write for ratei and free brochur* federal funds to the segregated sion, he co-ordinated planning and anil Fur CMti. ' the Party .wanted. He denied the schools, which have been outlawed Dudley and Lawrence avenues. construction of new facilities at ontact W6STFIELD TRAVEL, INC .... WE. 2-677T charge. He held that he wrote by the high court of our country. Police Officer William, Muth the Esso Research Center. what was in his heart—but added -. On the other hand, ithia problem reported that a car operated by 'My heart belong to the Party."' should nut continue to block ex H. W. Debbie, 40, of 2021 Pros- Education makes a people easy lit NORTH AVENUE n&IN tension of desperately needed aid pect street, ..Scotch Plains, was into lead, but difficult to drive; easy •l F.wmomy? Well, Oldamoblk-'s "88" (and And what flnnhinp performance in the tin- Nini'ty-Kijilit. too) took top honors "Insurance Exclusively" middle runp-s! Tin- Itockt't i» dcni^m-il to in the rrrriit MoliilgaH Rronomy Html givo you full hrni'fit of Illgll torque—MQ There's a powerful difference, all pound-fret at normal, i-iicine »I»'IM1«. That fjflht! Hotli in thr i-ar, unit in oiiYT|ijulify- NOTICE mruuft tl)ei;i)'s ulwayB plenty of refcrva njiiidi'il wuy of doiifg l>iwiii't<. So,coiije Conducted by Wesley R. Braunsdo»;f for power—wficn ynii'wunt d, wlicn you need on iii how'. 'Take' lint wlirr) of an Olds- it (or safety's sukc. mobile. Koekct uway . . 25 years in W^stfield MORLANp '210 *.,,. nnJ 3SO ft. /(. w,o. In Nlw*r-Kttht md ASSOCIATES

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Get your GtEEN STAMPS of ACME MARKETS and other leading stores in Northern New Jersey. ff« cmmmto Tillii WJKSTFIEX. IEAPEB, THUBSDAY, MAT 10,1956 :elebrated in 1921 in honer of Williams To Florence Nightingale who organ-1 Scout Roundubles Convention Reports To ised the first nursing corps to To Be Held Here Guardsmen Plan Be Heard by League Boy Scouts serve anywhere with military at Lyons forces during 1854, in the Crimean Bruce Kimball, District 4 com-Military Review Reports of the national conven- Hold Camporee War. Ceremonies that took place missioner of the Watchung Area tion of the League of Women Vot- in 1921 set the pattern for all Council, Boy Scouts of America, Definite plans have been made ers will be given at the Westfield SCOTCH PLAINS—More than spital Sunday Hospital Days to follow. "That announced today that the May league's last general meeting Tues- the community may know its hos- by the 60th Reconnaissance Bat- 70 Boy Scouls from Troops 21 and roundtables for District 4 unit talion New Jersey National Guard day. The meeting, which will be 80 and Troop 104 of Fanwood par- ressman Harrison A. Wil-pitals" was the theme of the first leaders (cubmasters, scoutmasters, box lunch picnic, will be at the Jr of Westfield, Sixth Con- celebration, and hospitals the explorer advisors) and their as- to hold its annual military review ticipated in a patrol competition and open house at the Westfield home of Mrs. Bernard M. Gold- camporee Saturday and Sunday at nal District, will be the country over lived up to it. Mayorssistant, den mother, commission- smith, 1261 Prospect street. Those ,al speaker at the National of many communities declared the ers and committeemen, will be held Armory Friday, June 1, according Camp Watchung. THIS SUNDAY, MAY 13th bring-ing- their lunches will meet First place honors went to the al Day ceremonies to be day an official holiday; celebra- at 8 p.m. May 16, at the Elmto Major Norman S. Koed, Plain- for a picnic at 12:80 o'clock and X Lyons Sunday. tions included old-fashioned basket Street School, Westfield. field, chairman of the review com- Unknown Patrol of Troop 8© un- others wishing to have dessert ani der patrol leaders Thomas Har- Her favorite assortment of delicious sc official outdoor ceremon- picnics on hospital grounds, with The district roundtable affords mittee. coffee will arrive at 1 p.m. [1 commence at 1 p.m. with a speeches by the mayor, the gov- The purpose of the affair is to per and John Loving, with a score scout unit leaders an opportunity The meeting will open at 1:30 homemade Chocolates, attractively t by the 730th Air Force ernor and other notables. to meet and plan on district ac- pay tribute to those former mem- of 279. In second place was the 1611 Air Base Group, Mc- bers of the organization who gave p.m. with Mia. Maxwell Barus, Jolly Roger Patrol of Troop 30 Lyons Hospital has already re- tivities. The Cub Scout round- Montclair, consultant to the New Air Force Base. Miss Ruth table this month will feature: their lives in combat and also to under patvol leaders Fred Korker, gift boxed in one or two pound pack* ceived acceptances to invitations Jersey League state board, discuss- John Long, Rowland Lehmann and E.N., of the nursing service from many distinguished guests Softball, track meet, Memorial give the members of the surround- a hospital, will sing the na- Day observances, Camp Lion op- ing communities an opportunity to ing the manner in which the Walter Danilko, with a score of ages. who will be. present for this pro- league's resource material is gath- 277. Third place went to the Rat- anthem. August J. Martins, gram, including the heads of many portunities for cub scouts. Boy inspect their local Guardsmen and iatric aide of the year, will Scout leader roundtable will fea- the modern equipment with which ered and distributed from the na-tlesnake Patrol of Troop 104 un veterans, welfare and fraternal tional board. der patrol leaders George Barbier Also Whitman's and SchrafrVs e special recognition and organizations as well as mayors of ture: Father and son final plan- they train. guished guests will be reeog- ning, Memorial Day observances, Reporting on the contention will Jr., John Mosolf, Ted Basaman, nearby communities and superin- The program will consist of a Kenneth Dunlap, Fred Lanahan, Chocolates ' after which Congressman tendents of other hospitals. Camp Watchung information. The full dress review of troops, a dis- be Mesdames F. D. Manning, Ma- uns will deliver his address. Explorer Scout leader roundtable rion C. Reed and Robert Alpher, Gilbert Jenks, Stewart Meyers and Dr. Arvin E. Trollinger, man- tinguished speaker, tribute to the tal nurses will conduct guid- will feature: Completion of father war dead,«presentation of the who returned last weekend from John Bryan with a score of 273. urs to the various points of ager of the hospital, will serve as and son planning, 1956 district ex- Chicago, where they attended the • Arriving at Glen Gardner, the master of ceremonies for the of- unit's battle streamers, and a dis-five-day national meeting. at in the hospital immediate- plorer planning, discussion of trips play of the latest in armored equip- scouts, under the leadership of [lowing the afternoon pro- ficial program and he extends an to Hershey Chocolate, submarine their patrol lesders, hiked five invitation to everyone to visit the base, glamour panel, Maguire Air ment. This will be followed by miles into Camp Watchung, where HOMEMADE ICE CHAM hospital for the celebration. Base, Ford Motor Co. dancing until 1 a.m. Specialist Jackson they were assigned lean-tos at the 8 morning program will begin Lt. Col. Thomas C. Piddington, Serves in Germany Searing, Lewis and Kreider camp- 10 a.m. with a parade being District Four, Watchung Area lattalion commander, said "last sites. Activities judged included 1.00 qt. ned by the Catholic War No One Injured Council, Boy Scouts of America is ear the occasion was a tremen- Specialist Third Class Donald setting up camp, practicing safe- ns, Department of New As Autos Collide a member agency of the United ous success and I am confident W. Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs.ty, preparing meals over an open Vi gal. - 1.2S , There will be a field mass Campaign for Westfield Social ;hat this year it will be even more Williapi J. Jackson, 2409 Bryant fire and patrol co-operation. Agencies, Scotch Plains Commun- nteresting and informative. I tdoor Protestant services as A car driven by Clarence C. avenue, is a member of the Sec- The adult leaders and judging 1 gallon - 2.40 Jewish services, conducted ity Fund, and the Mountainside itrongly urge all those citiiena of ond Armored Division in Germany. staff, consisting: qj committeemen Burr Sr., 67, 1782 Lamberts Mil! Community Fund. the area who are interested in the neoualy in various locations road, Scotch Plains, was in colli- defense and welfare of their coun- Now undergoing training as and fathers operated^the camporee hospital grounds, at 10 a.m. sion Friday with an auto oper- try to attend. I'm sure it will give part of the U. S. Seventh Army, program undei" the direction of ional Hospital Day was first ated by Alexander J. Yanacone, Radio Stolen From Car them renewed faith and confidence the Second Armored is maintain- Acting Scoutmaster of Troop 21 44, of Summit, in front of 1021 in the capabilities and ability of ing the peak efficiency in thrust Harry Riley, Scoutmaster of Troop South avenue, according to Police A radio was stolen, police said, their National Guard." and mobility that earned its repu- 30 Paul Michaells and Scoutmas- phon* Lieut. Clinton Hall, who received from the car of Gene Benko, 18, of tation of "Hiell on Wheels" in ter of Troop 104 Sanford Wanner. the report of the accident in which Cranfoid when it was parked late World War 11. The Saturday night intertroop rat«s no one was injured. Thursday evening in the rear of Car, Truck Collide Specialist Jackson is a gunner campfire was directed by Harry the armory here. The youth, who in Co. B of tho division's 29th Riley who was aided by the Ex- is a senior at Cranford High MOUNTAINSIDE — Two per-Tank Battalion.. He entered the plorer Scouts. LOW Window* Broken School, reported to Police Lieut. sons escaped injury Friday when Army in December, 1964, and ar- HOYERMANN'S Albert Reimer that the car was truck, operated by J. W. Bone, rived In Europe in Juno, 1955, He And this is good old Boston, Boston aOe A representative of the Lembo broken into and the radio taken 35, of Summit, was in collision received basic training at Fort The home of the bean and the 152 E. Broad St. WestfbW Construction Co., Rosellc, report- sometime between 7:30 and 11 with a qar driven by R. A. Novak Dix. cod, Detroit...... '»Oo ed to police Friday that several p.m. 55, of 75 Waldron road, Fanwood Jackson attended Seton Hall Where the Lowells talk to the , frtm NMWASK tffar • PM windows were broken in a houso as both vehicles travelled west in University in South Orange. Cabots, : ud Stmdaja, * ait, •Ulitm being built by the firm at 11 Lam- The nature of God is a circle of Route 22, Officers Charles Doyle And the Cabots talk only to God. : nta, 10% tH aot i berts Mill road. which the centre Is everywhere and investigated. CLASSIFIED ADS PAY —John Collins Bossldy LET THE LEADER PRINT IT the circumference is no where. CLASSIFIED ADS PAY —Quoted in the Roman de la Rose,


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J.I LBAPjg, 1 Activities In The Churches Women to Hear \M Sermon of the Week Many Attend KSA "GOO'S WORKMANSHIP" Members of the Baptist Youth Talk on Gems School Program Feilow^-hi^ are entertaining th*-;r The lUv. L»«lif A. Dunn, P«ttor - pairRts and church leaders at ihe The div branch of the Woman'- i Ig : Cn« Orthodox Prnlijleriu Church annual Mothers' Day reception to Aux':..:,rV of St. Paul's Church | meet in the Coe Fellowship Room. 1 Activities Of ; be hs-id st the First Bapibt Church wi ! nwt in the parish hous? All members are requested to at- J w l LUTHERAN CHURCH (UCLA) Text: Epheslan* 2:10 "For we arc His workmanship, cieated in | L Sundiiy at 4:^0 p.m. tend. Year Reviewed ---: - - t °y. ***** Thursday. May IT at 1 p,m.. be Crm.f.rrf Christ Jc^us un'.o good works, which God hath before ordained that j chttirnian of the planning eom- ning with desser• t an--->d -- coffeea , Wednesday: 8 p.m., chancel we should »»IK in them." | The school demonstration mittee. M>« Audrey Edwards, public Tk. Kmr. Ar»M J. choir rehearsal in tlie parish | At the stamp exposition in New York last week there was an! sent»d Si'ndav afternoon by Luth- Refreshments will be served g&d relations fitpervisor of th© house. i exhibit portraying how a stamp i^j er Ha'l Christian Day School at-! entertainment will be provided b,\ Jersey Bell Telephone Co. A total of 50 new members were Thursday: 1:30 p.m., Afternoon! born. At one corner of the exhibit i tracteti IHEBV parent? ani mem- . sriv..^r^e arn illustrate^J d tal_k onWH "GemsI j eeeived into full church merober- circles as »nns»inccd; the May-i < _ .. a man sat autographing the mar- . ber? of the eongTeeation of Re- ^...Bruc_ e Graham, elsrinetUl. &n& s.of Romance." This proeram tells j ship last Sunday at the 11 o'clock { flower circle will have pot luck! Baptism . gin of sheets of stamps. He was j deemer Lutheran Church. The re- Thompsontrio, Lorconsistini Ang n Saloof ,Cath andy the history of some of the world's service. Twenty-one confirmands uncheon in Loomis Hall. After 1 Whitsunda; the artist whh o designedd the stamp. [view of school activities bejran in '• Judy Mujigalt. Worship will be , famouf ousr diamonds. It traces completed their reception into iuncheon the women wilt work on This week that stamp is on 3*3ej mo t oamf their stories from the church with the nursery ie bM, «i.Ul.r Souls to Save." Tb* closing pray- Women to Meet I, dent of New Vernon, is a graduate this last date those coming by let- "Ye are His workmanship," er was "Father I Thank Thee" | of Wells College and attended Kew ter of transfer from other Luth- R«r. Daa 3. %mrnmt says Paul. The Christian faith it- and the benediction. York University's Institute of Fine eran churches will join the grouo. R«v. Enutl C. Bartall self is tne workmanship of God. The elementary school program The monthly Arts. Miss Edwards is a member Services of worship are heltl Today: WSCS will meet in the He is the master Designer who of Wells College Club of New Jer- each Sunday at 8:15 and 11 a.m. chapel, starting at 10:30 a.m. conceived the whole plan of saitf sey and is active in church and The Rev. Arnold J. Dahlquist, pas- Luncheon will be served by circle tion. He devised the way whereby Sunday School work. tor, will preach this Sunday on 9 at 12:30 p.m. Devotions at the Sunday after Ast we as guilty persons might yet be "The Church and the Home." Sun- fternoon meeting, which starts at Holy Communion; 9 made hoiy and transformed into dey Church School convenes at 1:30 o'clock, will be led by Mrs. Communion people acceptable unto Him. Chris- and on God's Gifts of Spring. The j as usual in the lounge at 10:30 .30 a.m. A nursery held during Nelson M. Pinks. Speaker will be morning priytr ut tianity isn't just another of the world's religions: it is the God-de- closing hymn "God. the Father" [ am. At noon the circle of prayer Church Dedicates he 11 o'clock service will be under Mrs. Ralph E, Dodge, former mis- Following (he \i , signed, God-revealed, God-instituted and Cod-executed religion. It isand the prayer "Teach a Little j group will assemble in the chapel. .. supervision of Mrs. Milya sionary to Africa, -whose topic will thcie will bt a "the faith once for all delivered to the saints." (Jude 3) Child to Pray" concluded the re- j which is the established procedure ricson and Mrs. Aline Robins. be "Scatter the Seed in Africa." parish house, view of school work in the church j on "Association Day." Luncheor. $100,000 Building "Ye are His workmanship." If we are Christians at ali it is not L u : A speeial workshop for leaders There will be special music by Senior Y.P.F.,' because we have been at work but because God has worked. Else- building. i~s~ t'o- b"e served' u/ide' r *the" «"*"auspice~<*=s nd teachers of vacation church Donald F. Jensen, minister of mu- Biooke, chalrno.' where Paul repeats tfie truth of our text when he says, "it is not After the dismissal of children of Mrs. W. E. Wehner's circle. CRANFORD—Dedication of tne chools to be held in Lutheran sic, accompanied by Mrs. Jensen. 4 p.m., mgn , by works of righteousness which we have done." And again, "Not to and audience to Luther Hall the Reservations for luncheon may be ducational building of the Crait- hurches in this area, will be held chuich by KifUii Jinn who works, but to him who believes." (Romans 4:4,5; Titus 3:5) made through Mrs. William R. ord Alliance Church was held The Evening Guild of the WS rhythmic activity of the kinder- iere Sunday. The workshop will CS will meet in Wesley Hall at 4:30 p.m., Y.P.F. jP*il constantly insists that salvation is not a matter of man working garten and nursery school was ex- Kessler not later than Monday. unday. art at 3 p.m. and continue meeting irt the Jlis way to God. Man is never able by doing what good he can to The afternoon program session The building, according to Dr. 8:15 p.m. Mrs. Earl Bennett, au- plained and conducted by Mr*. Ar- hrough the early evening. It isthority on flowers, will speak on Tuesdty: 8:20 p present that work of his to God and expect heaven as the -wages for thur Lindroos and included the will begin at 2 o'clock. Harold leorge A. Aiteheson, pastor, con>- iesigned to help local eongrega- rehearsal; 8 fjt,, t „ Ms labor. Such work of man is still far too sub-standard to pass the Hayes Henderson, general secre- rises two stories and measures 'Spring Flowers and Their Use "Eensy-Weensy Spider," "Pussy j ions in advance planning for in Flower Arrangements," and ference; 8:30 pm., T«(fi - requirements of God's holiness. Willow," "Traffic Lights." "Tulips" ary, American Leprosy Missions, 12 feet by 48 feet. It is of «in- -heir Vacation Church Schools. On Wednesday: 7 IM i$ "Ye are His workmanship." What man could not do through the Inc. of 156 Fifth avenue, New «ts and citfd?r block coHsffoctjShi will illustrate her talk by making and "Let's Go to the Zoo." The Wednesday at 8 p.m., Mrs. Robert up an arrangement. Holy Communion; sinfnlness of his fallen nature God Himself has done. God has per- rhythm band presented "Polly Put York City, will be the speaker. ith a red brick facing on the lobins^ director of Calv»ry'3 vaca- bible hour; 3:20 pj, formed a work that passes inspection. That work was wrought for ;he Kettle On" and "London Since 191g Mr. Henderson has ront. Heat is provided with a !on ehurch school, will hold i The membership and evangelism rehearsal; 7:16 p.BL, 1 Us -when Jesus Christ left heaven and became flesh, born of the BMdfe." been a Presbyterian missionary to ombination radiant and hot water -orkshop for its leaders and teach- commission will meet for an or- rehearsal. Virgin, and kept the law perfectly for us and then died to satisfy Grade one and kindergarten Korea. A graduate of the Uni- lystem. T3. The school at Calvary will be ganizational meeting in room 109. Thuiaday: 1 p.a, 1 divine justice. It was indeed a great work God performed on the presented "The >Iusical Story," versity of Washington, Princeton The ultimate cost, including leld from August 6 through Au- Wesley Hall, at 8 p.m. N. J. State bianch of the Womu'ii cross. There are many who do not see much in the cross to resemble! "The Boy and the Billy Goats Theological Seminary, with an «]uipment, will he slightly in ex~ gust 17. _ Teachers College course, Room 209, will meet in the pitisk God's work; they see only the work of dastardly men there at Cal- Three," under the guidance of M.A. degree from Columbia Uni- e3s of $100,000. Because of the Wesley Hall, 7:15 p.m. Audrey Edwardi, fi&i vary. But the gospel is that there on the cross Jesus suifered and died Miss Hertha Beck. ' versity Teachers' College, Mr. Hen- arious economies which have been Warm, wearable used clothing is Tomorrow: The sanctuary choir supervisor of , to redeem us. God there was truly at work. Donald H. Baeder, chairman of derson has been in close contact (Tected and the vast amount of till being received at the church will rehearse in the choir room at Telephone Co. will 1 "Ye are His workmanship." God was at work at Calvary and he he Board of Parish Education, with missionary work in the Kor- work done by the men of the ,ouse for the Lutheran World Re- 8 p.m. t rated talk on the I is at work today. The living Christians now is the workmanship of addressed the audience on the fu- an area most of his adult life. jhurch, the value of the building ef annual spring appeal. Accord- Saturday: The crusader choir of the world's fimom j God. Along the highways we often see signs which read, "men work- ture plans of Luther Hall Chris- From 1920 to 1941 he was princi- is more than the $100,000 figure: ing to the pastor it has been de- meets for rehearsal as follows: display of replicts ol i Ing." So is God- He is working in our day to change lives. Countless tian Day School. pay of Mission Boys Academy in A mortgage has been obtained in eded to extend this appeal through Third and fourth graders 11 a.m. will complete the [ thousands of people gladly testify that what they themselves could A box lunch was served to chil- Taegu, in addition to acting as he amount of $70,000. Sunday, May 20. Articles may be in Wesley Hall; fifth and sixth uomen in the parish ma never do God has done. God can change us and make as new creatures- missionary pastor for 20 small eft at the church house at any graders at 9:30 in the choir room. dren and guests by courtesy of The first floor houses the cradle ime, preferably in the wiornlnir. attend. Dessert aod rffl The gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation to all who the Couples' Club, George Mur- churches. During the years 1941 roll, nursery and beginneij depart- The Wesley Boys choir, third and served. twlieve. (Romans 1:16) phy, chairman. to 1948, he was given several spe- ments, the pastor's study, the Under the sponsorship of ths fourth graders, will meet for re- 3:20 p.m., prls tfcotrd "Ye are His Workmanship." Can people see in you the results cial assignments, including promo- ihurch office, and a missionary Women's Guild, 45 women of the earsal in the choir room at 117:30 p.m., parisli tted of God's work? Many people show plainly their own workiaanship- tional work for the Board of For room to accommodate the various ihurch will visit the du Pont How- a.m. They are defeated, frustrated -people. Others are a question nsark- Baptists Name Church eign Missions in the churches of women's prayer and missionary ir gardens at Longwood, Pa.* Wed- Sunday: 9:30 a.m., ail depart- MADISON AVtMII 0 We have a painting in our h&ose that may b* a Corot- It ha^ his the Paci5c coast area and acting nesday. The bu3 will leave the ments of the Church School meet: Family of the Year groups. A kitchen, a fellowship hurch at 8:30 a.m. and is ex- Jam« W. name ©is U. Yet it3 aushecucity is chailsnieed. It will take *a expext as director of the United Church hall and a choir loft occupy the . :30 and 11 a.m.'. Cradle and Crib, Sunday: 9:« Ministry in the federal housing : •fo deSercame whether it as to* war's; f»l t&e great attist or jiiss . Mr. and Mrs. WUbert A'len aad second #oor. fleeted to return about G p.m. Res- first floor Wesley Hajl; 9:30/a.m. School; 11 *,«,< i.--worthless imitation.. Soaseissts eres the experts make mistakes.' If tfc»ir children Malcolm, Susan and ,•projec• t in Richmond, Cal. He also Guest speaker for the dedicatory ervations may be made by calling Open Door Bible class, Wesley Mr. Moiris will '•:'•'. Corel Mmnif were stffi Uvtnjr he weald recognize easily whether fJeffret y of 426 North Chestnut earned on work for the displaced service was Dr. H. L. Turner, pres- Mrs. Clarence Hausmann of 213Hall; Men's Bible class, Y; Chris- topic "Our rhrlstUn) were bis wort And God knows tho» who are HL*. (2 Timothy 2.-19T street, have been named "Family j Persons committee of the Presby- ident of the Christian and Mis- Thomas street or Mrs. Harold ian Citizenship Forum, Y. It is our task to give evidence to the world that we are the work- of the Year," at the First Baptist terian Church, USA. In January, sionary Alliance. While a theo- Johnson of 9 Herning avenue, 9:30 Slid 11 a.m., worship serv- manship of God. Jesus said that we should let our "lights so shine Church by the joint action of the 1954, Mr. Henderson assumed the ogical student, Dr. Turner served Cranford. ices in the sanctuary. Dr. Gordon MoreChartkl /.before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your 3oard of Deacons and Deaconesses post of general secretary for thethe Cranford Alliance Church as Today: Ascension Day Service E. Michalson, minister, will preach father who is in heaven." The good works Chat men see are indeed nd the Board of Christian Educa- American Leprosy Missions. a student pastor. of Holy Communion at 8:15 p.m. A House or a Home?" Music next pi* 1 performed by us. But, who is the real author of them? Our text in tion. This action was taken as Mrs. William H. Orr will be The building planning commit- The sermon topic: "The Story of for the 9:30 service will be by the Ephesians teaches that the Christian has been made a new creature tart of the church observance of leader of devotions. tee has been composed of the fol- the Ascension." crusader choir; the sanctuary . by the workmanship of God. He has been "created unto good works Christian Family Week which is lowing: Dr. George A. Aiteheson, Tomorrow: Women's Guild at ••hoir will sing for the second serv- which God before ordained that we should walk in them." Does man ieing observed across the nation A. C. Blaschke, Theodore A. Crane 8:15 p.m. ice. falsely boast of his good works as his own product or does he give May 6-13. The theme of the 1956 Calvary Church Women Edward P. Francis, Walter O Saturday: Junior choir rehear- Babies will be baptised in the FftST glory to God for .salvation as God's gift? If it is the latter then he bservance is "God in the Home^— Plan New Organization Malwitz, Eugene A. Pettersen, Ed sal at 11 a.m. and Loyals picnic second service. has within him new incentive and new power to show the world by eace in the World." gard J. Polsley, David A. Storr supper at Nomahegan Park at 5 5:15 D.m., chapel choir rehearsal UNITAMANI p.m. his good works the workmanship of God. The Christian never thinks Mr. Allen is a member of the CRANTORD _ During th and Albert A. Whittaker, chair- in the choir room"; 6:30 p.m., youth PARK Hit, • of calling attention to himself. He never says, "see how good I am." Board of Deacons and was, this past several weeks the women o man. Monday: Sunday School execu- choir rehearsal in the" choir room: But he has a* passionate desire to have others say, "see how great and •ear, chairman of the every mem- Calvary Lutheran Church hav tive committee at 8 p.m. 6:16 p.m., JIF supper and meet- (BetwMn 7lh M( good God is who enables that person to be and do good." ier canvass. Mrs. Allen is a teach- been investigating the possibilit; Cluh Cancels Tuesday: Charity sewing at 10 ing, social hall; 7:30 p.m., MYF In Romans 1:20 Paul says that the things in creation that God r in the first grade of the Church of starting a unified women's work a.m.; Kindergarten Mothers' Club meeting, Wesley Hall. 11 has made testify of the Godhead of God. Invisible things are seen School and co-chairman of the par- To continue the consideration o Supper Meeting at 8 p.m.; a special meeting to con- Monday: The official board will through the visible. Even the heathen know much about God through nts' supper committee for thethis work a special meeting ha: sider a new program for the Wom- meet in Wesley Hall at 8 p.m.; "Tht ChnrA •/ '»«* nature. The point is, can people see God through us? Nature is God's Youth Fellowship. Malcolm is vice been planned for Tuesday at 8:1 The Couples Club of the Firs' en of the church at 8:15 p.m. N". J. 'State Teachers College handiwork. So u tfie Christian. resident of the Junior High Fel- p.m. in the church. Oh this occa Congregational Church will no Wednesday: Youth choir at 7course, Room 209, Wesley Hall. mini Who are they who are the workmanship of God? Surely not all owship and Susan is a member of sion Miss Josephine Darmstaette meet tomorrow'for a supper meet- p.m.; vacation church school work- 7:15 p.m.;; The Wesley Boys choir who simply call Htm God. A painting cannot be declared an original he junior choir. The family was member of the staff of th ing as previously planned. In- shop at 8 p.m. will meet in the choir room for re- simply by casual observation. Nor can the genuineness of a Christian •hosen for its outstanding example United Lutheran Church Women stead, all club members are urge Thursday: Women's Missionary hearsal at 3:30 p.m.; Boy Scout be discovered by the performance, of certain good works he performs. n Christian living and for service will be present to discuss the nev to attend the dinner meeting ii Society at 1 p.m. Troop 78, will meet in the Social What Ic'md of mattriaU are in the paiRting? What is the texture to the church. program and to answer question the parish house at 7 p.m. at whic Hall at 7 Christian Sdo« I of the eanvaa? Are the strokes and th« arrangement the work of a The Aliens will read the family Miss Darmstaetter has visite time the plans for the proposec FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Wednesday: Tower vespers, 8 waiter? Many elements h-elo to dfttertmrifc the authentic!'./ of a paint- itany at the Mother's Day service many congregations throughou Christian education center will b< p.m., Wesley Hall. Dr. Michalson presented. CHURCH ing. And what determines the sffcauiBeti*-^ of a Christian? Of coarse to be held in the church Sunday, the United States to describe an Tka ROT. J. L. McCoriiam, Jr. D.D is currently discussing Leslie his general conduct, the line* and arran^^r-en' of hi:* lli«; m 7e<»t«rrday to attend the annua ing until fall. All women inter- is there self righteouaness ar.4 h-isim-an WAX «r, humility, Arnold J. Dahiquiat, pattor. Today: 7 to 8 p.m., office hours Through cottfpretce of the Episcopal Serv- ested in a group of this type are in the church study; 8 p.m., adult repentance and acceptance ot trrttfiiin'*** rwd by Christ Program feature at the seventh its textbook to unworthy sinners? Are ytv iit4w*Rl, > —, " . ,i< .His:*Mn. , Wiiksrionw ttusrswn.. Thi nue themtneme uofi thtin Tomorrow: B:45 p.m., there will of the Mr. and Mrs. Club of St. m!lg of th« church. Other program l?' , f**?''*" wh* WW" c^w**, !fff|^ ^ emUntux is "Spotligh be a parish dinner in Loomis Hal' John's Lutheran Chiirch, Harri- highlights are selections by th* ! f* ful1 S?mn?.r:|-Trinity Grammar School will in- tion of Perlejr A. Foster. at 8:1S a.m. will include the bap- Johnson. General -*.h;iii*m:in .if -57 school year at iti [ Schv>! in the parish house and make arrangements by telephone. Lyman. m*<;i!h"r( m- May meeting to be held in the tht sanctuary; 10:45 The service at 10:45 a.m. will in- cldde M« ii»|.l .»»^-v %ifi:vi»y | «hiil cafeteria Tuesday at 8:15 a.m., th^ Kur.sery School meets iin clude the confirmation of the class Munke), r- May, . ninfnhfJf d.ivt.iftijf int.*' in ?."p^m- i phfn,: the fmrwry; 10:50 a.m., worship of 1950, with review of the in- !»ir un.| KTi.Iliiti- irt April. To irnali-irnali j fre^irlsnt, Mrs. Joseph K'»rn; in th* <»nctuary. The candle light- struction in the chief parts of " • i u,-i*-nt. Mra. O. V/iliiam t*r< will t,» Corutance Fan- at the Christian doctrine, couldn't ask !hi> ording Mn. | S:Zd wiw« ami Richard MeDor 9:30 a.m., the Sunday School chnol nr )i" of ;(£*'. f) ,f. 0. Kli^n: ervrre-.qp^rutiriz rfti/.r, at in? 10:50 a«rvice. Moth session will open with prayer, fol- /or better •if 111.- f lff I'ilV ffli W»i!t airt ] ep'j f>*y i'-t ChrHtiun FaniU. lowed by the projection of the film ,irt* itvfti'ili't.'.f i*pl»i PV>l*y. jf>a?i wii. !>• observed at botl atrip "The Ascension of Our Lord.' ii.iai n-.»* chiMren lor Chmtinn bap- Monday: 8 p.m., a meotlnir of flow . an.) ih'i iii. :miiiir m* .'Inn' I'I nt rh.« £>'H4II- ; Eixnv at e;8her of the services o nil applicants for church member- th.. nit i'lfiif'tit 'liliot vvill hrt- i.»'ii:* r,t hnrt- ; wirahip. Tfc.m,, .funi'»r Hiifh Fellow 1 consult the pnstor either person- ;ii(.l --if :ri>'i.| .I .II-I HI '\n' .'/oil.I .!'•- iJl.'oiij ilttH'V iU'V.'ntililiM; il il ty'iW ill'ii'i- |w:il- ,\w*t in l/s,m'u Hall nlld IVORY DRY CLEANERS f illy or by telephone. rl' Tiilf? Hi i i r-'ot i*viMflt iff .yljFii, r |>||i' lil-i riill- '.viCH 'lliivi'il (Hit"". | p'Hrfi'i.'ii Pi'WrsiiMi) in the Ch ., Tuendny: 8 p.m., Sunilny School IlllltJl'll" ill I li :l'ilfli«> .)('Ihl' *IHI|, Aft* Itl't KiM', h«•A'iH i!tiu..i.rtt> ; fit x:!• •. ,,? ;im..|il.- I.I p.m., Hoy Seoul Wednusdny: 10 n.m., sewlnR de- AND LAUNDERERS .if I'lilliltmi III'VIIH litrii' i')illili'ii|i ami nf liriiil.lstii, by !li"ll Kit ivulMiii'tiis will li 'P)"i<>i>- "( fatiru irt l/j«mi» flail; partment of thu Ladies' Aid ho- Ilili'rttHx," lir (Viwitlil l'l• J^ • ' • and girls from the' sixth through Frank Conrad; James F. Burns, Mr. Lein has appeared as guest I offer. thesT ««•«•< e.bUeiuom to tfcelr reaAm ta- ninth grade are urged td attend. artist with the Wostfield Glee Club I dlvldunllj . and to National ad»«Hl«er« an a from. Frank Edmondson and Henry Con- Clebn Outdoor Enjoyttient for "Children" Ages 2 tp 10$ in a Woodland Sunday: 11 a.m., adult service rad. | Th« area lnten.l»«l» «•»«•* b» •»«•» """•»»eJ«." *™ and Sunday School. George Lan Grand Knight Joseph P. O'Con Setting of Huge Trees, Flowers, Shrubs, Babbling Brook, Beautiful Lake I of the RICHEST MARKETS In America. The hl»h Income dis, gospel preacher, of Fayettc nor and Thedore Zmuda were I cities and town. In the "Suburban" area ar. aU In «*}'«• ville, Pa., and for many years thi elected delegates to the state coun- and a Waterfall! f Union, ana fetacx Cehtatlee. In the NMMrk and New rark director of the Greenwood Hills cil convention May 18 and 19 In 600 TULIPS NOW IN FULL BLOOM I commuting tone. They have the nlihMl baying poweriper Boys' Camp, will be guest speaker Asbury Park. Chosen as alternates . MINIATURE GOLF • OUTbdOR ftOLltft SKAtlN6 f family of any *lmB»r art* In the O.S.A, wit* BXCZSS and will also speak at the 8 p.m. I buylns Dower nearly double the him New Jeraey lamny were Sylvester Conrad and Will • SHUFFLEBOARD • 28-TARGET ARCHERY RANGE .. . service. I Income average. The cltlc and towns hi other counties are iani .7. Carson. • TABLE T6KNIS • FR« TROUT FISMlN© Tuesday: 8 p.m., after a simsor Mr. Kmuda urged members to I all In proRperons trading centers for agricultural eonnllM. • BOATING - CANOEING • PADDLE BOATING _ Advertiser, can u» these l>H*-tacome oewjpaper. of player, Mr. Lnndis will aguln send their sons to Cnmp Colum- • SUPER CONES, SHAKES, SUNDAES AND SODAS at our new Alderney Ice Cream Fountain leonvenlently Benarately, or a« • troop. The Quality l bus Culver Luke, operated by IGroup Weeklies of New Jersey represents this newspaper the state council, He said accident u iana others In suburban N. 3. of the aame hljh atandards. FANWOOD PRESBYTERIAN and polio insurance wore being — USE THIS 'AD' FOR CHURCH provided for campers thin year. 12 PRICE ADMISSION FOR Harold Albert Scott, mlnllter Plans were «tart«d for a plcnlt A dream come (rue for the Address Inquiries for Market Infortnalio*, Today: 10:30 a.m., prayer group in July at the Old Log Cabin tiarJ-of-heanngl Now enjoy lha ANY - 1 - ACTIVITY UNTIL MAY 15 in the study: 3:IB p.m., nativity Clark. JuniL's Whulen was named wonderful help offered by a tiny, Circulation bala and Ralrs to llghl. full-powered hearing aid with choir In the alcove; 8 p.m., RIIIH' chairman. •4 wonder ir.insinors for jrnl SSO. tinny choir in the iilcove; stewurd 11 wan derided to enter a team So «mall, >o light il can be Bowcrafts Sportshop ship committee in the study. in the Community Softbnll League jtiidden behind u man's necktio, .3' ... worn in a woman's hair. luality Group Weeklies of N. J. Saturday: 10:I!0 a.m., enrol ant: fur tin- sixth succi'siiivtp ycur. noel choirs in the alcove. Operate! for about IW a week. & Woodland Piayland Covering Jnmes S. MacFnyilen WHS appoint- 10-Day Money-Bock Guarantee Sunday: 8:45 and 11:15 a.m. ed mannger. Essex, Htrircn, Onion, Somerset, lluntfrdon, worship service. Care is provide! LOCATED ON ROUTE 22, SCOTCH PLAINS Mirtdlmex A Monmonth Counties for children one to three years old FRANK J. DeMARCO A mother's lovn touches the Phone WEstfield 2-0675 Bloomfleld, N. 8l45, 10 and 11:18 a.m., Church Dispensing Optician! (Liberty Street School for nursery through junio Hurt of God, and should it not • 6hN DAILY 9 A. M. TO 11 P. M. • PI 8-4603 high; 10 a.m., Church School fo nnpeul to human sympathy? 246 E. Broad St. We. 2-5512 U high) Melt'B Bible el»s». MAIJr Bilker Efliiy THE WESTTTOD Of. J.) LEAPEB, THURSDAY, MAYJO. 1956 Pan TVenty-Eigkt B. L. Grafton «nd C. L Lindsay • Named The co-ckairmen «f Datriet III Hit Truck Signal, iPTAtoHoy To Executive Post Mrs. Jehu K. Brigden a.nd Mrs! Bicyclist, Rider Hurt Lincoln Pupils To TAX IURBEN REMAINS AT WAITiME LfVElS Arthur W. Tabcr, will have the Final Meeting Ip of Mesdames Ernest Pierson, MOUNTAINSIDE — The dure«- jGbserve May Day Vi. S. Fsy, Wiiiism Salisbury, j. Si tiona: signal on the tight front 1 J Turtk, Edward Lawler, E. M! fender of a traetor-sraiier hit th* < iCiau Jr., and H. Eeber Hears i May Day for Uncarn School vr. T Jr. taft dhow of a 17-year-oid bicycle < be held the afternoon of M&y 13 hi ^ rider Friday morning, police said, |- ssder ike direction of Miss LUli %. it. rt tl 3 District IV, headed by Mrs. Au- T rt tferewiBg the youth sad hU broth- f\ H«ll. fapervisor of physical e>i%z " > 1 w * l * a v K i- - brey A. Smith, chairman, will be er rHiag the hasdltbsrs to the \i cstioij in the West&eld elemenULr • Vjr pavement of Route 22. j r- f r Percy Williamson of Eoufe 22 i Via r - t F«n w»s admitted to Overlook Hospi- J The program will bez:n with a i - 1. a "!• tai, Summit, ^ith a fractured el- \ procession*! of the Stay queen and • t _ 1* » ' bew. His brother, Howard. 15, was \her attendant^. Joyce Fos-'^r, sixth ; T " kt I \ V •• "" M up alse admitted with multiple abra- jgrade pupil, w&< ejected May quevn 1. m» sions- Th* boys were taken to the ;for the 4ay- : - , , . fc *• .-»<: hospital by the Mountainside Res- ; PTA » <»»•*/ tr cue Squad. j The program, plannea around - » f " •* t a „ » - ^a M \\. V. V vr Ji an mternstion&l th*?me, will fea-; >- r ! *\- t I » «• 7 tr - to Officer Edward Muliizi, who in-j M T tare the following dances: Kiiid^r- - i ^fe X " t 1 ^ - - r 1 '1 Mi C&anity vestsgated tfae accident which oc- < !>. -a P- » -^ - • l Pi.' at 1:45 a-ra., joaft east of g*nes p.m., "Turn About/' Cie. poptiUUoo of 1 r t * F «-ir '»«. \! < ^ n r- e « « » Mr u tk. United Slat« ka< (rows faster tkan the |>eopl.'a ability to u \ & „ of A L, k j <.-- - tt<»r\ U } *> produce, a »(udr by the N»tioo»l Auociatioa of M»n»f»ct»r«r> till* u. 1A »> r**c*li. Siaec 1S29 tti« burden bat increated from abost 10 M*- r r I * S-L - a * n per eeat to aboat 25 per cent of th* T«l«e of o«r projuclioo :r ! 32, the same direction the tunt3 d '"" "- yoaths were bicycling to school. Put another war, on the average, on dar's labor sot of four ii i "Swis? s Ma"y Dance, bonue H« for the »uppcrt of joTernment, compjLred to only one day Mental Health When I Be directional Mesa!!; midet ,.2 «seTen Sup*,Sup*," Ger in In ia 1929. \ Boro PTA to Hear struck young Williamson's eibow f J,,ny. gnde 3.2, ComuHt refeipti. so matter bow a ai, F. G. Brown and M. country dance; May pole dancesSackel Wins Lists New Books [ his election, 'eft for Europe %o D. Siaeum. cad WfattWU 2-«4*S will be done by the sixtn grade I consummate a number of impor Mrs. Robert W. Hodfe, chair- girU- 1050 Spri*sfi«M Av«. PTA Scholarship N'ew hooks re«iTed by the West- j t»nt traas-etioBs which wilt bring m»w of DUcricl II, will be aided FoUcnring the dances there will ry for the ' stiu furU>«''" ne» Sines of outstand- j by M*sdansea S. Truitt, C. Mal- field Memorial Libra in WastfwU be a recessional of Uie May queen n-eek April 21-May 5 are as fol-I ? graphic arts equipment to'kat«. N. N. Babeock. S. T. Doug- SCOTCH PLAINS — Joseph • ATF's rapidly expanding catalog, ias. J. H. CampbeH, G. K. Jewett, and her attendants. Sackel, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. lows: Ssckei of 416 William street, has Fiction: "Your Own Beloved been awarded the Fanwaxi-Scotch Sons," Anderson; "Perfect Trib- Piams Joint Parent Teache„ r Asso„ - ute," Andrews; "Well of the Silent WHEN IT'S LAWN AND GARDEN ciation scholarship of $400. Jo- Harp." Barke; "Shadow of the seph, a senior at Scotctch Plains Ij Silent K?nd,Hand, " Cahill; "Beloved," TIME Hi^h School, plans to attend Tren- j Deimar: "Kipling: Selection of Far • pradbctiva garden, far a graaiwr lawn, L iorHll ton State Teachers CoHege neit "'Hi s 'Storie '"s" an~~dJ Poems," " Kipling; i kM avwyrtiiwa; yav na»J in tha way of swppiivi pack. year to prepare for teaching in the "Charlotte and Dr. James," Me-" aaad aipiioBy far hama lawn and garden w. field of public school music. He Crone; "The Power," Robinson; Announcing— has be«n an outstanding student in "Squadron Airborne," Trevor. MCH CBUMNATING SIB): his chosen field, having participat- Also, nonficfion: "The Grass Is No. I Uwn Sawi fc. .•0 ed on she piano, tuba or bass viol Never Gresner," Allen; "Ameri- Ne. 4 Uwn Saad. __-. Ib. .75 in ail school music activities. He can Heritage, Volume 7"; "Helen Plwa Kantadry Biwa Grot* Ib. .95 was also chosen for the All State Keller, Sketch for a Portrait," Band and All State Orchestra for Brooks; "United States and In- ramuzas KM rtooucriON: two years and the National High dia and Pakistan," Brown ; "Amer- 5-10-5 Fartifaar SOIbt. 2.45 School Band and the Dunellen ica's Music," from the Pilgrims to • •> 4 Orsawk Mltn. 3.50' Symphony. the present. Chase; "All the Best 10 a 4 Higk Oroonic - _ -1001M. 4.50 The committee which made the in Belgium and Lnxembourg," ALSO award represents each Parent- Clark; "Golden Years," an invita- LOWEST Teacher Association in the school tion to retirement, Collins; "How- SUIT «AII _10-ft. sadion 3.50 district as follows: Mrs. W. H. to Learn a Foreign Language," less Quantity Discount ' Ott, Shackamaxon School; Mrs. W. Cornelius; "Young Faces in Fash- H. Freeland, Evergreen School; ion," Epstein; "Switzerland, 1956," Jlrs. F. W. Mallalieu, School 4; Fodor; "Toward a Mature Faith," L. BARTELL Mrs. R. Cochran, School 1; Mrs. Goodenough; "Famous Negro Mu- 140 CSHIAL AVt. CLARK, N. J. John A. Knubel, High School, sic Makers," Hughes; "The Battle chairman; and Robert Smith, guid' for Investment Survival," Loeb; TO- RAHWAY 7-15«1 anc« director at the high school "Eobert E. Lee, a Great Life in PRICES Now Onan Daily and Saturday till 5:30 P.M. served on the committee in as ad- Brief," Miers; "Singing; Wilder- Sunday 0.1 visory capacity. * ness," Olson; "The Beauty of Na- ture," Stanek; "101 Ideas for Named to Committee Clubs." Stern; 'Hurricane Hunt- For Williams Dinner ers," Tannehill. OF THE YEAR Mrs, Herman A. Kirn of 166 LWV Workshop To Mountain avenue and Mrs. Mary L. Murphy of 522 Elm street have Discuss Constitution been appointed to the ticket com- mittee for the annual dinner of The Individual Liberties Work- • • • the Union County Women's Dem- shop of the League of Women ocratic Club to be held at the Voters Twill discuss the constitu- Elizabeth Carteret Hotel, Eliza- tion and congressional investigat- EXTRA WEATHII beth, Wednesday, May 23. The ing committees when it meets ^ucl guest of honor and speaker will be Wednesday at 8:30 p.m., at the the Hon. Harrison A. Williams, home of Mrs. Irwin Klingsberg, MitfcfnDa\|Spe(iais Congressman from the Sixth Dis- 1257 Cedar avenue, Mountain- trict which comprises the whole of side. Union County. The dinner was HUDSON COAL The effect of the committees originally planned for women only i on individna! Hberties has already i hut because of Mr. Williams' per- been touched on at other meet-! Nylon Comb and sonal popularity and the maay re- ings, according to Mrs- Charles PRICES REDUCED quests from residents of the coun- Bronston, individual liberties ty, the committee has decided to chairman for the league, but this open the invitations to men and meeting will be devoted exclu- Summer Price Schedule In Effect; Householders Brush Set . . *lup women. sively to this topic. Hurry To Hove Bins Riled; Urge Action At Once In The next meeting of this com- mittee will be Monday at 8:30 p.m. Discussion at Sssi week's nseet- Order To Substantially Cot Winter Heating Bills. in the Elizabeth Cirteret Hotel. ing centered about freedom of speech and of press, srr;h til* Electric Output Vp i group's concluding sha* s€Tes zo- Tangee Bath Powder . 59c J day is frequently present** Permanent Driveways an«f Corbing THE SOONER YOU START THE MORE YOU SAVE

Masonry • Waterproofing Thoraseal System «L$jRVIN DRAINS CONCaBTB WORK 600 SOUTH AV£~,WEST O. IASS. 9%M. % PATIO* Is «• MM Imuwfanl COAt MASON'S MAT.ERIAIS Oli * FUEL Oil • o.l I BURNERS 3«rvirigWuMfieW far j FREE DELIVERY - PHONE WE. 3-2142 Building Headquarters" Phone We. 2-1492 president-elect, will t»ke over fc ident Council duties at the beginning of the next Popular in The 4dftondtteks several other eoJorftfi attracties* planted, snd part* of the l»«n «s A liiiU- uf ofcera *i!I be pus-' school year. Ray is co-captain of during the fail and. winter months. seeded. The club has had sever*? si-nted tu si-rve the cunuGfe ?e»r. the football team and a member At Olympic Park *We are most hopefuj," she added, fund-raising ipvfnis to aifiJEe this The filalt will consist al' Fttuj- icers Elected of the track and basketball squads. "that the new reason will he one project posatbje. Mr*. William 3 dent. Mis. TOIK TurtiHissmi, Tte* He was president oi his class in The bulk of Olympic Parks' pro- of the most exciting and interest- Wallace, community projects chair- pivxidpnt, Mrs. Robert H Mai- jrfctit Council officers for the 1954-55. John's duties as presi- motional expenditures for U>50 ing: the foundation has ever had." man, was in chmiri? of the land- ieuny; oecietuiy, Mrs. Harry p7 schoo] year have been dent of the council Will be to pre- again will be directed to advertis- The Fujiwava Opeia Company scaping plan, and wag assisted by Thompson; treaMuei, Mrn. CU |d at Westficld Senior Hijth side over meetings and appoint ing in New Jersey newspaper* will bring with it from Japan a Mosdumes A. G- Beckman, M 5tpvi>nson, and dirccto), Mia >! s follows: President, John various committees responsible for *uch as the "Westfield Leader," company of more than 60 perform- Ward Burleson, Jean Gracie, John waid L. Guvcn. a the arouspment pm-k's president. ers as well as u symphony orches- McDonnell, Edward Otjutmntt, Or- vice president, John Reis: j school betterment. Ray has been Mr-,, Arthui .uacauley Ji , ho** taiy. Idabelle Diaz; treasurer, a student council member since Robert Guenther, declared today. tra. Its "Mikado" will be sung in en S. Pierce, Carl R. Smith, Mau- entering WHS. With billboards, television, ra- English in the Gilbert ft' Suliivait E. Thompson, Einar TwiKer- pHulitv chairman, has announced j Haworth. tradition. H will also have the ad- sen. The lundsi>«ping work wai tharihe June luncheon wit' be held I John Reis, the students' choieo dio an* other media clamoring for at "Rod's, in West Change M«av ter listening to the campaign for vice president, has been vice the advertiser's dollar, too many vantage of authentic settings and executed by Druette's Nurswy, hes of the various candidates lose sight of the fact that the fam- costuming. Mountainside. • linn aie »-.kcd to uontHft Mi* Jl«- • (sernbly Friday, April 27, sW-president of the sophomore elass cauley for icservationa. this year. He is an active mem- ily newspaper remains one of the the Soya! Danish Ballet will The next meeting of tht group I voted at the electric voting ber of the Mask and Mime Club best methods of communicating: a arrive from Denmark in Septem- line for the nominee of their will be held Wednesday. Members »nd played the lead part in the business message, he said. ber. Its appearance under the will go by chartered bus to thi> | one-act play. His duties will in- Olympic Park will be opfcn for fouridatiBh's auspices will rtllow Garden State flower show being Ray, the student council clude presiding, over meetings in another preview weekend Satur- a series of performances at the Metropolitan Opera House, N. V. held by the Garden Club of New case of the president's absence and day and Sunday. Its regular sea- Jersey in East Orange. The bus heading some of the special com- son will start May li), with daily, will le*ve the Y at 12:30 p.m. RIALTO mittees appointed by the presi- four-act, free shows again fea- Several of the members are parti- e Bandstand dent. tured. Club Sponsors cipating in planning- and exhibit- The new student council secre- R. Allen Durling of 709 Forest ] ing tit this statewide garden club WESTFIEL& 138 E. BROAD ST. tary, Idabelte Diaz, is taking the avenue, Westtield, is the Irvington function, ••-.'. -...'-.• . . • . WESTFIELD 1-1 MS business education curriculum. She park's public director. Y Landscaping ield 2-6363 has taken typing for three years and has been secretary of a Y- Plans For '56-57 There is a new look Bbout th Today thru Tuesday Comply* Stack of Teen group. As secretary, Ida- YWCA of Westfteld these day SUSAN HAYWAH0 belle will take notes on all the Season Made fly The fttke and Hoe Garden Club EDbK AISMT RECORDS council meetings and type them ut> fill arji-aHfzBtion sponsored by th to be sent to the various sopho- Griffith Voundatiim YWCA, has recently presented tlv "I'LL CRY TOMORROW" 8 - 45 - JJ'/i R.P.M. more, junior and senior home- Mi» Anky VII der Slok, international water ilti a.ri.rt from Rotterdam, Holland, demonstrate! her afclll on the «tl*rt of Y with complete],!' new )and.a*sp JO. VAN fim-«ICHA«6 COtttt rooms. The Kujiwara Opera Company 'lfl(f. All ne# evergreens have bfeen MUSICAl beautiful Fourth L»k«, Central Adirondack.. Mix Van alar S«ok of Tokyo, the Royal Danish Ballet - AllO - Dave Haworth is the leading was one of tHa Brat to introduce the aport in tha aactien and INSTIUMENTS front Copenhagen, and the re- Portrayal M Nature French horn player in the high in.truct. b.finneri and experienced ikieri al well lia Mi* Mb'KttwIf. cently created NBC Opera Com- PHONOGRAPHS school orchestra and band. Dav Hotel beach. In addition to her teaching ihe ataiaa water ihowa "LIVING SWAMP" and «ki demomtratioru throughout the laaion at thia popular pany will be among the musical was recently inducted" as a nev offerings which the Griffith Music Cinamauap* m4 C«*M HARMONICAS member of the National Honor So reaort Foundation will bring to the ciety i»nd has been an active mem- Mosque Theater, Newark, in its StffIT MUfIC ber of the track and Cross-coun Ifl5(i-6T season. SPCCIAl CMllDRIN-l try squads. Dave divided his bas- Motorists Fined MUSIC BOOKS ketball talents between the TIM Scouts Present Although the full schedule of MATINEE SATURDAY . a In Borough Court events is still Incomplete, Mrs. •ATOMS dA "4 the high school jayyees May 6-13 "BOMBA AND THE Ifis duties as treasurer are t< Parker 0. Griffith, foundation MOUNTAINSIDE — Three fin-. president, announced this week TEACHERS colWct and keep all of the studen. Special Awards CEtfMATE MUSIC WHK LION HUNTERS" council fpnds. Haworth has been for speeding were imposed Wed that the Fujiwara Company will nesday night by Magistrate Jaco: open the new season Oct. 22, with - piui - IISSONS a council member for two years. The Westlleld Local Council Cilrl Bauer in Municipal Court. a performance of "The Mikado", "LIVING SWAMP" Pined were J. J. Goulet, 25 Scouts has presented special aft Muskal Inttrumtfnti FOR BEST RESULTS awards as expressions of appre- The Roynl Danish Ballet will be Sove $1.00 on th» Plainfleldj E. Fitzserald, 18, i presented Oct. 27, she said, in a USE LEADER CLASSIFIED Cranford, and Richard M. De ciation to persons who have been of outstanding service to girl program of 'colorful ballets from Columbia "Milt Ml",M at VJOAS" |1 Wednesday thru monci, 22, North Arlington. scouting in WestPeld. its extensive repertoire. $he added May U-J2 Magistrate Bauer imposed thi that a contract had nlso been "Buy of the Month" WIIUAM HOlMN following other fines: Willian The presentation of the follow- signed to bring- the NBC Opera ing awards was mude at Little tOIAHNO lUlUlt ROBWNS & ALLISON, Inc. Edenberg, 61, MUpiewood, $1C House by Mrs. A. C. Patterson,, Company to the Mosque on the Mendelssohn'* V/olIrt CeWcertta for improper passing; Mrs. Sybe president of the Westfield Local evening of Saturday, Dec. 8, ,for a PARAMOUNT in "PICNIC" 1912 WM. G. MUUER, Prtt. H. Wisner, Summit, $15 for al performance of PucclnL's "'Ma- Council. with OlttrakK and the Phil- A v. „ • t 1 o,l, Jh „,, lowing children to ride on the tail dame Butterfly", nunjr In English. Local and Long Distance Moving board of,a station wagon; C. Be "Thanks badges," the highest Mrs. Griffith sold that neRo adelphia Orchestra. Now thru Sot. AISO - DINNIS MpattAN fumo, Newark, $18 for passing t adult award in girl scouting to tlons are still pending to bring Mesdames It. S. Glynn, T. F. Jack. AVMitl,|> "URANIUM BOOM" ' red lig-ht; P. J. Pettinicki, 40, - is*'- "PATTERNS Household Goods Exclusively Springfield, $13 for passing u it son, Harry Moore, Kermlt Ober- lin, S. B. Tobey, D, E. Tuttle and OP POWifc'' light; Daniel Apadultt, 3• 113 South Ave. feet fetlmatet Cheerfully Listen, my children, and you shali Mesdames Robert Boyd, Willlar llii<.fif otttttiuit (artttre jffil'vc era* Grower, Edward CofVey, H. C. , was announced by Commander Cranford, N. J. hear Charles W. Griner of Martin Wall GiVen on Any Of the midnight ride of Paul R< Evans, A. F. Florence, W. C CHanford 6-OMf ',' MSvfirf'I'rebTem Hrimm, U. B. Harper, John Heat b'erg Post 3, American Legion NOW tri«U JATUHOAY vere, ly, G. M. Hebcrt, A. A. Lel'or lust week nt the poBt home. IOK Offlo« Open Dolly l> Sun. On the eighteenth of April in S. B. Lippincott, S. S. Mantz, H They are Thomas C. Richard 10 A.M. to- 10 tA. lit CJnamaltaDa — Calar Seventy-five. William Hold.n - Kim N.y.« H. Palmer, R. C. Rogers, C. W son, John W. Ray and David F IAHAIIA IYAN —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Ruekertj Walter Rupp, Nieholai Craver, all of Westfield High PAPER MILL "HCNIC" School, and Donald Bovenzl 9" IT Mm llml Wa, 1-1441 The happiest moments of my lif(?, tiitk&for-ftmry Schubert, W. , MIUMHN, M. ).' • , Mut ~ Daiinlt Mor|aii in f Jiejtqrt and Donald MacMurruy. Garwood, Joshua Hull, Cranford; Frank CarrlnjUn, Dlraclar "UDANIUM •OOM" have been the few which I liavt and George R. Ffcely, Wcstfield passed at home in the bosom of my Mrs. MncMiirray of the regionu THE SMASH MUSICAL family.-—Thomas Jefferson coinmiltec, is retiring from he all of Holy Trinity High School NOW THRU MAY 17 position as volunteer communit, Inducted as new mtMubers were Evet, 8i3O — Tuai. Through Sat. STARTS SUNDAY advisor and the Wostlleld Loca Robert A. Schwnrtz, Willis A. Sun. 81OO—Moll. 2.30 rhuri., Sal. In ClnamaScopa — Calar Council Girl Scouts wished ti Johnson Si'., William W. Garri- Dorothy Sandlln t Ted Scott Robarl Taylor — Slawarf Orangar thank her for her guidance and 011, Bernurd O. Thonius, Thomas Sal e! service to Girl Scouting in West K. Parsons lind Police Sgt. Alfred ' • "THI IAST HUNT" field. Vaidulis. •lui - tvmnn, D*Caila in presenting these honors Mr A membership drive failed by MUSICAL Of THE IStANBS" - Calar Patterson gave a resume of the one of meeting last year's total' Uy Itlt'lmril HmlKem mill work done by each of the reeipi of 218, it was reported by George OHcnr UtiininRrHtf lit gml INSTRUMENTS nts of the awards. Blackman. OKDfft PHONi - PAY IT MAIL 110 Mil PUYOIOUND I/V\E AGAIN The drill team will practice nt • Clarinet p.m. each Thursday at Ta- Truck Driver Fined maqiies Park in preparation for Canvas Footwear • Trumpet For Counterfeit Pla|e9 the Mi'morifl! Dny parade and Maki Substantial SAVINGS participation in the county Wt- gion flag-burning ceremony June by Shopping For Your Boy ' • Accordion MOUNTAINSIDE—A Pennsyl- TCiii!.*tm....."*! vania truck driver was fined $55 4 at Linden High School field. lull imaiJMl A flntil quality 4-lrarv Use Hondi-Charge • Trombone Thursday night by Magistrate Ja- Members were asked to as- •inor Zenith back«d by an iton-clid semble at 8:15 a.m. in the South 10-day morxy-back (luraale* of full JANE WYMAN. VAN JOHNSON ob Bauer for using counterfeit 1 laliiricilon. yat Mlrini for one icense plates while driving on '. '"'irkip ' lot f"r the Memo- fourth lh« price of many comparable IADER STORE Your choice . , . Route 22. Officer Blair Murphy rial Day parade. Plans to niod- ajdi. So •mall, >o li|M II can M i/.u me recreation room were hidden behind • rnan'a nwkil*.,. Open Mon. and Fri. Eves said that numbers had been paint worn in a woman'l hair I Opera la* $59.95 d on pieces of tin. started. for only about IO< a week. PEOOIE CASTLE -FRED CCAP[Keti.ecNM(!«et»Mifle MUTCHINWN *»«•«• •>i«tVM«ttt-«i>i*U>t>IEN HeCMr..3ev^..,*r1*MK ft (•O«NBC*(J e-it-to,, HUDOLfH MAT I* Clair Miller, Bethlehem, Pa., A slate was presented by the , ...8 COS«UCIIB it ••*••( watoirt Limited Quantity ;old police that he hud lost the nominating committee. Nomina- A15O . . . ilates and that it was pormissable ion!> from the floor will be ac- n Pennsylvania to drive with epted at the next meeting. ^ctional plates until new ones GREGORY'S were received from Ilnrrisburg. A mother is not a -person to FRANK N. NEHER MUSIC CENTER The driver, who was urrestetl ean on, but a person to make leun- PRESCRIPTION OPTICIAN t 7:30 p.m., said that he was con- ng unnecessary. ZENITH HEARING AIDS • 330 W. FRONT ST. —Dorothy Canfield Fisher idering appealing the verdict of 211 tost Fifth Street 6-8549™ ilagistrate Bauer. Children need love, especially • Plaint ield, New Jersey ivhen they no not deserve it. •UUMflftO J-SM5 II UNtON UIO • JAM MMUN • A UmRSAimiBmOHAl KB —Harold S. Hulbert Y TO USE Fanwood Stone Crushing EVER NEEDS PAINTING E OF STEfl. COVERED and Quarry Company ITH WHITE PLASTIC Plftif Pick anyplace CRUSHED BLUE TRAP ROCK tHtUMCt tor Roudi, Walks, Drives, etc. in the world MAKES TW DIFFfHENa Call • NEVER NEEDS PAINTING FAnwood 2-7840 • MAPI OF WHIM HASTIC- Use in covmo mu For Prices and Delivery Straight Line AuUmatUally stW-lavalfng or curve around mi itnllmtm. trees and flower beds. Build your own fence from indi' viduml wickeli to proteel your lawn and flower beds from accidental KORATIVE abuse from children and pels. M-IOOKMG JEMOVAIU £ FOR WIN ONE MONTH MOWING (ALL-EXPENSE-PAID) ' ADVENTURE TRIP Complete Bear Wheel dnd Frunie StraigKteriiru • WHteEL ALIGNMENT e WHEEL BALANCINr' That's right folkx, in Do Solo's exciting new TAYLOR HARDWARE GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRrNC "Winning Ride" content you can win for your- Hurryl Contest closes MAY 19 nnAKU MWCVICK -. (•Aitiiiniiyroii « IONITIOW { 125-129 Elm St. Westfield, N. J. oelf and your iinmedinlo fnmily a full rnonlh'g Von Can Par ffce ''a«f on HwlKet Trrmm Arr»HK** nll-expenHf-paid udventure trip to any place in ! WESTFIEID'S OLDEST AND LARGEST tlio world (excluding Iroti Curtain countries), j HARDWARE AND HOUSEWARES STORE tsmm WHALEN'S GARAGE plus a glnmorouB lf)5fi DeSoU) Fireftlto 4-door 443 North A-cnue Sedan. All in nil thtrfi nro 232 wond»*ftil ptttM I OPEN TILL 9 P.M. MONDAYS S, FRIDAYS Authorized "Bear" Station AUT(SERVICEO LITE, at the Plaza, W.jifl./d, N. J. including four beautiful 135H DeSotos. There BERSE BROS. I DAUY :->:*. ehAw*«edwit» •M» NOfiTH AVE., E. TEL. Wfi. a-03» ia absolutely IKJ! liing to buy and it'« ea«y to win. INVITED Call For and Delivery DELIVERIES Thirty THE WESTFIELP -;f Vnion, inside on the '• Objections, if afiy, nihould foe ch r In twt'Ift't: day ol" April A. !>., liK'*>. upon [ immediately lit wriltag to Jane F In what climate dws mental ! » d «- Spi-ingfieUi May 1 fx- About 800 persons attended the 'the as,*pli^*itiijrt of the underslgntti, ; Tuwn Clerk of weatfield N i as KAI-I'UI!V!A A the KsUitti oi said hca'th grow? i «»»Hgpit# Charles Dolbier gavo a sci-uud and f-iia- performance of |dtsceiii^-d. Uoiivf is. hereby given ti> j How C88 parents best safeguard I report on the golf tournament to it>*• <. i f diiors *-'f »-aid dec«"ais.-ii to < hrid Et th(? the annua! uprine concert of t!u> ; their children against mental and I ^ Colonia Country exhibit to the tubei-triber under oatti J and Eu«ene Chrune trading CJub Holy Trinity High School glee j or ttftfiueiiya fhtlr chilis lilid de-j emotional problems? today- The club has invited inanUf ng-utnst the eeu*(e of e&id do- > Town House have epj'li^Q clubs Sunday nigrht in the sehoo?, Mss'ur and Council of •h* Ti. .;.. , The National Association for i membars of clubs in Elizabeth, i.'i';istrd within s^is iiaujithe froiu the i Beard & MeUail, Attys., WrmfU-ld tor rnml of PLKNAKJ. auditorium. An equal number was ;dale of Baid order, vr tfaey^wiU he iol, Kini SI.. . _ _ FOR (•OM'THlCTlos \ Rabway, Union and Summh to present at the first show Friday I fort'Vt-r i^erred *rt<«i prveeculJu*: or} RKT Al 1- CONS VMPT1O.V _ UfW»t OF t I H»I*t; AM) SIDEWALKS Mentai HeahJi, which sponsored rttuv.-ring the same ttgaisst the j Feet IH.«! for preKUses 114-1 Sealed proposals will be received i Mental Health W«k April 29 thru participate in the affair. Dinner fveuuigr. | Centrantra*i Ave-A . ' ^eld. N-^J, fry the Mayor and Council of the > ot.jeetiont. If any, >.bould he m,idf May S, answers these questions in Iwiil b^ served after the meeting One ot the hiyhligtots was a j Grant Hobinson. Town of Weetfield, at the Uualcipat f and Walter Messenger will per- imimdiateJy in ivriuiif •'• Ja«J. *• Building, 42o Bust Broad Afreet | this way: By seeing that you, as tribute to Mozart marking the bi- j iixe^utri Juijen. Town Cleric of \* eetflekl. -N, J- We**tfneld., New Jersey, OD Monday» form feats oi mag-ic. Jr.. Atiy.. eveniag, May 14, I65€ at 8 o'clock I ft parent, have and encourage is centennial of his brrth. Selections j no Oft hurd St., Alrxandrr Clirooe. Vice President Wib Orr and Ex Westfieiii, N. J. 1.4. ul'iii U^aviighl Saving- Time) for the con- I your children: from the composer's works were U'ounty i.f I 'nk'n nuide on the twen- lie Central Ave. struction of curbing and sidewalks « 1. A tolerant easy-going atti- changeite Hertert FriU gave a re song by students under direction i tj -rillh da\ c.( Apri! A.I'.. !Si6, upon Eugme Clirun*. in various sections of the Town. 1 port on the 31st annual conventio 22D St. P.

    fonver bwrrert fro:v. pro^fcuiing jfr j jueted a t Si 7 South Ati-nue, Wtsl- John T. Hopkins, Towa Bntrineer t. Ability to take life's disap- dt-1't'ii^i.d. muiee is hereby griven lo H'vernig (h« wme jigaUist ine i fiej^ >;. j. in£ trophy was given to Exchange- Capece of Kahway and Concetta she creditors of said deceased to ses of 311 »2,» East Broad Street, Wesfaeld' jwiatnienu in stride. vxnibit to nic tubscriuer under oath eubfrcriber. , . -,,.,. The and a^are; New Jersey. it* J. Knobloch for capturing ; Pennelia of Plainfield danced a peon high set of 557. or aft irntwlivn fiitir chiiijis and de- WiH«m G. «»««•, officr.. director* ' 6. Abiiitj- to pive Sove and con- tango and Ruth Donnelly of West- iH.tiids *t£.»i!isl the estate tsf said de- Kxecutor ing one or mtire pe entum of stock eider the interests of others. The club is planning to send tw feused witiijit t-ix months frutu tiie Rol-erl <\ fhf-iiison, Jr., Ally., nfe as follows- -• ; field sang a solo. dalt? of p.tid order, or they will »><• £lv <.>r<:bnra ;>i-. Jacob BerentfOTX, 393 Shelley Ave.. boys to summer camp again this forever l,arred from prosecuting vr ' 6. Liking and trusting other Folk songs, spirituals and cow- $14.00 EJUabeth, N. J., Pre*- E people and expecting others to feel year. Vice President Wib Orr a!- boy song-s were suny by soloists recovering the ssiine usainsl liar I Ida flereiiBon. 1^3 Sh< liey Ave., &o announced that July 17 the NOT1CK TO CRBUITOHS Elizabeth, S. J.. Seity. and Treas. the same way about you. Russell Francisco of Roselle, Rich- An^eiu M. Wilkint. f f KKAXK BETZ. de- Obj^etltHie, :I any, should be made J. Bell Telephone Co. wilj send ard Powers of Cranford and Don- immediately in writing to Jane r. 7. Feeling part of a group and Beai-d & McOall, ACiys., I pursuant lo the ordtr of CHARLES June*. Town Clerk of Westneld. N. J. PHOTOSTATS two representatives to the Ex- LIQUOK SPIRITS. Inc. having a sense of responsibility to ald Bovenzi of Garwood. A piano 66 Kim Si.. A t'TTtJ, JH., Surrogate of the 31T Sou tii Ave., West fit Id, N. J. change Club to give a talk and duet was offered by Maureen Heag- Westfitld ^'. J. * t'oiuj t>" of Union, made on the twen- 5-S-21 Fees JS-5S your neighbors and fellow men. demonstration on Nike, the new Fees IH.OO tv-tifth day of April A. !>., 19»6. upon ty of Cranford and Marguerite the applicatioo of the untSersagned, 8. Acceptance of your responsi- guided missile developed by theHoefele of Mountainside. .**. tAfmatrix of the estate of t*aid XOT1CE SAME DAY SERVICE bilities and doing something about Bell Telephone Laboratories and NOTICE TO -—— deceased, notice is faereby given to Take Sotlce thai Quality Markets your problems as they arise. in charg-e of lighting, proper- Estate of WALTER L»E.\SMORE the creditors of said deceased to Inc., has applied to the Mayor and Douglas Aircraft. The summit ties and sew were the following 111 'Hl>. dweased- exhiMt to the subscriber under oath Council of the Town of Westfield 8. Ability to plan ahead, and exchange is invited to attend thi? I'ur^uar.t to the order ofOHARLKS or affirmation their eUims and de- for renew&l ot LIMITED RETAIL students: William Reed, Peter Fo- A. OTTO. JR.. Surrogate of the mands ag-ainst the estate of said DISTIUBt'TION* LICENSE for prem- Westfield Studios setting of realistic goals for your- affair. Michael Mahovich, Kathleen t'luintv of I'nion, made on tht* deceas-ed within six months froin the i"*-f situated Ht I3S Central Avenue, self. twelfth day of April A. IX, 1S56, upon date of said order, or fhey will be Westfield, K J- Carney, Ann McGeary and Nicho- he iis*i»jiesUc»n of the undersigned. fs^rever barred from prosecuting or Names of me officers of the cor- 10. Putting your best efforts in- Deiroonaco. Mrs. Mildred is Executrix of the estate of said recovering the same aeainst the poration and the offices t hey fill, 150 Bike* Registered Robinson was art director. let-eased, notice ia hereby given to subscriber. respectively are: President, Kduard to what you do and getting satis- he creditors, of said deceased to Mabel H. Bet«. faction out of it. One hundred and fifty bicycles _xhibit to the subscriber under oath Executrix were registered Saturday at Po- or liftirmation fheir claims and de- Rear.1 & MeGalL Attys^ Former Westfiehler to ls against the estate of said de- S6 Elm St., That we spent, we had: lice Headquarters. Safety Officer •d within six months from the WestfieJd. N. J. riate of »Hid order, or they will be 5-J-lt Fees $14.00 That we gave, we have: Thomas CaUdon Jr. said it was Head Canadian Co. rever barred from prosecuting or REMEMBER MOTHER'S DAY That we left, we lost. an unusually large number for voveringr the same itgainst the XITICK TO CREDITORS KMate of JVL.1A OBKIKX, also Epitaph of the Earl of Devonshire the monthly registration. Berkley V. Schaub, formerly of Esther Burd, THIS SUNDAY - MAY 13th Westfield and now residing in Executrix known as JUL.IA A- OBRIEN. de- Canada, was elected president, H. Frank 'ettit. Atty^ Pursuant to the order of CHAULES with Sweet Thoughts of National Adhesives (Canada) 23'i iva,*tfie)d. N. J. Fees tH.OQ County of I'nion. made on the twen- i Limited, it was announced today 4l?< ty-fift-"-fifth dBdayv of April A. D.. 1956iSafi.. upon ' the application of the undersigned. WHEN IT'/ by Frank Greenwall, president of \OTil"K as Executrix and Executor of the j National Starch Inc., the parent T\ike No five thai Harrv M- Mans-lestate t^f ssid deceased, notice Is j Jenifer's Homemade Chocolates' l t 22 Prosp^t St., Hernards- hereby jiiven t" the creditors ot said company. visit', S. J., ha* »i'plied tt« the Mayor 1 deceased to exhibit to the sub^crih- Mr Schaub, 41, formerly vice iimi Coujscil of the Town *>f \Vest- • ^r« under oath or aflfinnatitm their Order Her Favorite Assortment TIME TO MOVE n«-ld (or ir-tiijffer »-f tlu- PJenary 1*.,-i cljiisr.?- »!^d demands against the ! president in charge of operations tAii Disiribsiiinn Lit-ense. ht-rt-ti*for** i estate t>f yaid deceased within six i at Toronto is well known through- issued to Mrs. TiUie Kohert trading f mounts from the date of Raid order, Attractively Gift Packaged ,,s n'iijipw U(|Uor>, tor s»rvnii>e> i or tn**y will be forever bsrref r»!7 South Avenue W.. ! rroFecuting or recovering the same of the Pacfcaginff Association of WeviAeld. N. J. i ncalnst the nubfcrlbers. Assorted Chocolate* Summer Candies Delicious PtppuwJim. objections, if any, should be made j Julia iiarretson and Canada. He is a graduate of Duke immediately' in wriling lo Jan* K. Charles Kiiimierniao. University where he received a ] Town Clerk of WeMfleid. X. J. Exeoulrix and Esoeutor. Harry M. Mansfij-M Beard & McUall, Attys.. BA in chemistry. Joining: National 22 Prospect Street. S6 Kim St.. Even Junior's water pis- Starch Products Inc., upon gradu- UernardsviUe. N". J. West field, X. J. ation, he served in various produc- fees ST.26 :..J-4t Kee« 114.(10 JeniferVChocolate Shop tol is safe with us. Spe- tion and sales capacities before XOTICE 104 EAST HOAD STtEET going to Canada in 1949. He is \oTirn TO CKKnrroH Take nolKe that Albert K. Peter, cial attention to your Kstat^ of HKNBY U. WKXZKL. son, Jr., has applied to the Mayor (Near Prospect Street) married to the former 'Charlotte deceased. and Council of the Town of Wesl- most precious furniture Logan of Grand Mannan. New 1'ursUBHt lo the order of CHARLES ficid for renewal of « PLENARY All Our Candies Are Mad* on the Premises A. OTTO. JK.. SnrrociU* ut the KKTAIl. DISTKIBITIO.N LICENSE Brunswick, and they have two CcMjnlv i>f rnion, niiitle on ihe Iwen- for premi^er5 situated al 1120 South as well as smaller children. ly-Iifth »( Ai^ril A. D-. l»5«, upon household items. We practice moving, not • LEGAL NOTICES • BEFORE YOU SAY YOU CAN'T AFFORD A 4-DOOR HARDTOP mayhem. Call TODAY. SOTK'KTO i'HEDITOHS t'l CATHERINE isETTI-K- I MAYrill. dtoc.i^ed. 1'iirsiiaiU u» tlu- i*rf\er of O1IAKLKS A. <>TT<*, JK,, Surtogate of tlu? [ Vininly tif I'nlKii, inude 'on the ! twelfth day of AprllA. I>.. l!»:n*. upon HENRY P TOWNSEND1 as Kxecutor t>f the estat*e yf said' Come see our BIG MOVING L STORAGE Ihf iTflililO.-S Of SHSti (ii'l'I'Jl.spii f.> «>\hihit to the subscriber muter uath LOCAL £ LONQ, DISTANCE or aflirmation rticir claims and dc- -.'ea^tsl \\ it hi ii >iv mouths from tht date of said order, or they will lu> A L LIE D TANTINTS A'rcver barred from iTi^tvutititr *.%r subscriber. hardtops .now in 4 price ranges 24 I NORTH AVE. flpWESTFIELD 2 4464 Frank \\\ ^ettlemayer, f>avid»on A- I>a.v^d^on. Afty^.. V\>jnn"eld. X, /. *-lS*t Kecs $14.01 I -NOTICE TO tllEUITOHS EstaU o! ANTHONY BENESCH, Pursuant to the order ot CHARLES * OTTO. JK, Surrogate of the Oounty of L'nic>n. made on ths -.*•!:in day of April A. L>.. l'.>r,f, UI>c>u the application of the undersigned, ^s Kxttulrix «.>( l\w t^t.tte uf s.\M r rt t to ^ "VwUtO-i of "1 'd'J e'd to *\ hibU to the •ath T0R0 r an ir m»tU>:' r\r claim •f JI t. witfiir fr,. VOWEResHANOLE i* ' : T. op lV« y «.in " • IT V ft t hv hx r. DRIVES A r. nA K 31. irix WHOLE »r, Jt 5 n. Alt V R" »;• ->i X. FAMILY 5" OF YARD '••*** MACHINES! How to f/'netics end insure your car at LOW THE B!Q M PHAETONS-Shown iboTt <1) Tb; iIr=scU:r, C2> The .Monterey, e Me

    New there's a 4-door hardtop to fit every new- no anno>dng "blind-spot" area in the rear seat ear Ereadgat—and look at the advantage* ywj get The arrangement of the Phaeton's doors and wiiers you pick your 4-door hardtop fe® i&e i sKnntto t3m «nt |> inothsj! Ho taols needed I seats provides easier entry and exit. Distincti« teESii: Msrcui-y Phaeton Hae. styling touches distinguish the Phaetons from all asar ;i€fe-a&ffi-y all other 4-door hardtops. See the Phaetons at our showroom, then choose rius -< the model that suits your budget best.

    £^ ^M1 Siss Hr€!t ;£s: THE BIG MERCURY

    Dm'l buy any yard JoltnG.Mdko Shift f^im iiuuiCII!|i MW.MII -wwisir tan* MONTEREY MOTORS, Inc. THE .) ULAPER, THTJBSDAY, MAY U,

    green sfsjnps for marvelous merchandise . . , ctaest from over 1500 iKrfiowl/y - fomous iff«s. S t H is America's Another plan—tried Acme for Our tton Mtpltytts tfljay « 40-hour work week! Compare These Acme First in tfe Indwtryl Every Day Low, Prices! Acme •..

    limit STARCH Scttt Tissue 5 *- 53c A Geed Pfece re Werk Al Reynolds Wrap "rr 23c BAKERY J Johnson'^ s Gla-Cwt r P iioiisy M of hers Day

    **•••• Syrup CCHOCOLATH I Pan Ready! Top Quality! i MAC*"ONI Layer Cake . .95* Apple Prune Boned Turkey ,^«. 29c c Danish . 12-W. CM AM. iMeejM. 3 lev «• eech Virginia Ue CMCKM exM •*:.-*>>••; 3«c >W CANNED MEAT AND FISH Ideal White Tuna ^... 33c Lancaster Vrmd "U. S. Choke" Top or lottem Supreme 100% Whole Whea« or Grated Tuna Fish * _.« 19c lb Bread 2 29* Small Shrimp ....« 35c Round Roast Steak - 69 Tim* loneks*. No fat added. Cut from goventment-araded U. S. eholee beef selected by Acme's own super- *SALAMI "•""'• 39c Swiss Cheese 59lb. Turkey Platter fSX 59c H'-''Uttum FRENCH-FRIED PERCH T"to »» 35c 45c Birds Eye Fryers , 59c SMOKED HOCKS 4ot 19c Muenster Cheese 491. *.99c Birds Eye Fish Bites ^ 25c TA$TIOI CRAB MEAT """" 63c Fish Sticks 10..".:I pkrt.f 29c Cranberry Sauce *£rL7 2 •IRDS IYI A Strawberries 1UCID X ^49c FINEST FRESH FARM PRODUCE IDEAL New Crop Florida Libby's Peas 6 Spinach •Vejv eji ^^wwe*po>Oj 2^^w £e*^1^ ^ 29c Cut Corn IOIAL 2q ie-«ir33. c Corn 5 ears BEANS IDEAL Rtd Kithwy | J Plump, milky kernels; picked at the IDEAL Irand letat Frmcn Oraiiae right stage and rushed to your Acme! $ 00 JUICE New Crop Apple Juice 6'««" 1 Cabbage 2 lbs. Grape Juice IDEAL Irand For a New England boiled dinner! > for slow} extra flavor for roasts! Apricot Nectar FOR MOTHER! Fresh Fulled-Podded California * Prune Juice Peas 2"» 29 PLAYBOY Fresh and tender, bunting with the California farm-fresh goodness! Beef or Hanemeat Young, plump! DOG FOOD ••^ ^ ^ •_• ^^ _, Burry Gauehot, 11-ox. pkg., or Cocoanu* WWOKieS y°ur choIce' with "map deal" FROZEN FOODS WESTONS Onl» 69••"•' Baby Mm pkgs. ALL PRICES EXCEPT GROCERY SPECIALS ADVERTISED ABOVE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 12th. EVAP MILK •: CROCERY SPECIALS (EXCEPT COOKIES) ADVERTISED ABOVE EFFECTIVE THROUGH WEDNESDAY. MAY 16th., 370 SOUTH AVE., WESTFIELD OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 'TIL 0 P.M. TH« WESTFIELD (K. J.) LEASER. work. It to oar fervant hope that j Pott and handoinaiit" steering. .Niiiiiin^ j ft. public will ve,P«,.d renerou^v , ^^^^ Would You Like to Own a Fire like it on the road. Ideal foi pu-- i SPCA Conducts H Hies, Ci»m-b*kes end commuting." ' to help us conlinue^n! d »»P>»*\tatmvrlf oS 174 Harrison «S Ml. Wouldn't it be a coincidence if | this importai'v 'i*u .K." • m rice president foi publicity, has; some enterprising advertising man ; Drive for Funds, Engine? Maybe You Can Qualify! ] from Westfield shouid win the en- i i pine and return it to its old home- j If ever wondi'1^4 what i "HoiidavV restoration has re- | tewts . . . er perhaps win one of j 15.000 Members ef old fire entities, we'v what has happened U> dwor and it has beea proclaimed sut'h us a deerfoot hatrack. a pair ; A iirivi- for 5.000 new member* at tea&l on** ©f them. 'Holiday Eag"ifie Ko. 10" in h&nor * of siutfed boxing squiii'els. a panic and $40,000 for payments of An article in the u}f*?w York of the msgaiim-'s 10th anniver- . swiH-h, a diving heimct. and a •rbt* IT. "Kindness Kennels" and Herald Tribune" recently SK- sary whk-h the contest is commem- ! piaster bust of a General &• !O brochures each to prospective mot partaaent. A few years «go, it magnificence — ready to r o ]!! , uate of the University of Ark- |jnf><|| I nil til >pas retired to WesiSeld's Civil Smartly appointed from stem t» .anas and ha, been in the Air *«*«li lOUlll new members and aniowl lovers. Defence unit, painted bright yel- stem withBoyee Moto-Mewr tein- ' Foret since September, 1953. He It is hoped that by means of low, and used mainly in town U perature fra^sre, sturdy oak lad-1 is married to the former Miss Cartoon Srries the drive the association can pay this May 13th, civt your wife er M£ Orations, Memorial D*>* ders. siren and Jti-ii hand bel!. En-] Grace Morgan of San Ciementen , off the debt of about $10,000 on and the Hka» joy its distinctive ryrhthand drive ! Calif. The eartoan appearin» in The i "Kindness Kentxth" now over bra National Bank of Westfield'estfields adad-|y| e8rs ! ? ^f. a Holiday f t'umt. inn OishwasNit« vertisement in todav's "Leader." j quarantine wine, full time r«w- MOffMfSuaVt BMM0R j fitMJMt I and subsequent cartoions to follow i <«*« «tenn«r»n Mid full time m- I have been dratro by a senior at i vestigstimt»satin«r oflTieeoffieeTr aree needed to j Westfield High Schooi, George R. round out the program. i McJIeen of 40 Woodbrook liic'.e. Mrs. Kochera said: "The drive Boi-n in Everett, Washington, for 5,000 new members seems real- Gifts MoM will foive I eig-hteen years gjro, Ceorge started istic I» the SPCA officers as the ; cartooning while sttl! in the fifth fieure represents only 1 per cent grade. He became cartoon editor of Union County's population. for the West Orange High School There are approximately 75,000 •Trpyt Watering Can* SlUnt Butlers publication "The Rotind Up" be- dcgr and cat owners in the area. fore migrating to Wesrtfield with In order the conserve funds the . , Beverage and Juice Sets his parents in October 1955. At j SPCA is relying on a 100 per cent AUTOMATIC present he is drawing cartoons for \ voluntary response from the pub- Wicker Basket* for Mail, Desk, Bread, Hors tYOewrcs, etc. the Methodist Church . choir pub- i lie in adding new members and Bcatiori here in Westfield. At) obtaining donations. No paip d fund Costume Jewelry school, he is a member of various j raisers are being employedld . AniAi- orsanization and intends to attend ma! lovers who volunteer as men- dishwasher Bone China Cups and Saucers college upon graduation, major* bers of our "Kindness Korps** wiB ing in medicine: be asked to distribute 10 brochures NO I N 5 T A L . A Plus a delightful selection of Glassware, Planters in Brats, Cop- George'g s parentp* are >frs. Bern- among relatives and friends who per, Iron; Vases, and hundreds of other items. adine Mctfeetf dh and George H. Mc- own or have an interest in •nun«U e professor o f I *»><1 their problemsp . Tfce brothure Plugi in lilt* Meen. associate r professor o f Mother's Day Cardi, Wrappings, Ribbons Mathematics at N ew Jersey State j •» .«eif-explanatoi-)' and requirei s no Teachers Coltesree in Xewark.. ' solicitation by the "Kindness • Lorgttt Korps." ThosTh e desirinii g to ttV«l a Lists S7,113 As (membership or make a donation wathar! j need only use an enclosed Campaign Expenses f ope. FRANJACQUES | "This is the ftrst lirge scale and pant! Robert C. Crane of Westfieid I drive we have made and presents 309 Setith Ave. W. Wi. 2-8863 :pent $7,113.89 in his successful • toiler, high-kvtl campaign for the Republican nom- an opportunity for animal lovers MMutipal let ination for state senator last to demonstrate in a practical vray month, his expense account filed their appreciation for the devotion • On* timplt conMl it M! Monday with County Clerk Henry and loyalty of their pets, vith a G, Kulton showed. very minimum amount of effort. • Wash dittres only MM I « Tn his itemized account, he "Our program cost in excess of lists $499.80 spent for entertain- $50,000 a year to operate. A total ment at the Kenihvorth Inn, Ken-of $36,000 is received as guaran- llnorth, and $1-31.30 for a similar teed income from the ten partiti- purpose at Collora's Restaurant pating towns and we must make up in Scotch Plains. The largest the difference, which is no small NOW ~in?le item is $1,800 for postage challenge. Last year -we handled AUSTERE ONLY and the second largest is 11,112.70 over 3,000 dogs and 2,500 caU, for printing and mailing expenses- answered oiret 400 emergency James E. Mitchell of Mountain- calls between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. 143 E. Broad Street aW»- -contributed $1,500 to the and our ambulances drove CXVnaijrn and former County 50,000 miles. Recent purchase. WEstfield 2-6994 Reg. VdL«Ml jTrea-uier Xathan K. Leavitt, a n air-conditioned Volkswagon I president of the Home Trust Co. will provide not only more com- of Khiabeth contributed S1.000. fort for the animals, but will rep- Crane -aid he spent $1,438.89 resent economy in operation him •><• If which is a prime factor in our Aslanian Bros. LOWER FOOD PR1 563 CENTRAL AVE. EAST ORANGE, N. J. Great food 856 CARPETS • BROADLOOMS J&M SUPER MARKET Mountain, This Is What You Have Top-ClMiM GROCERY SPECIALS Been Waiting For! Kiln* FRESH RIBS BEEF SiKMIosh _6§ot HERE IT IS!! 59c Ib. Cut toons &PR( MM Kernel Corn 6 for Fresh Tonialoes SPECIAL SALE FRESH FRY«S GrMn Giant Pcot * for Ready to Cook Garden Fresh Rodh*»- SWM Potato«*_5 for ON ONE OF MOHAWK'S FINEST Green Stallions Peat I. Carrot* ..6 for 39c Ib. Garden lettuce ALL WOOL WILTON Cwt leers .... x« for Iowa dwicc ~ CARPETS SIRLCMN F-A SpoghvHi .__tfor Thermostatically controlled STEAKS Tomato Soup _ 10 for FROZEN fO0» Complefely Installed, Tacked Down 89c lb. Cams, leant tfor •op burners COOK, SIMMER and Wall to Wall Over U. S. Rubber Air D.L Ketchup .. 6 for CKScken-Beef-Turkey FRY perfectly—FOODS Cssmf Bural Foam Cushions — 12 ft. and 15 ft. Swiff! Peaches, Ige. ^ 4 lor PIES Premium Wide, Colors: Grey, Green, Beige Slock CherriM 4fer Cwt Corn Eighty pwcBK ot jwar ccnAimp iu- xzmt om dnt ss^ :i* die BACON Mixed Vegetables Apricots, Ige .4 cam fisl CAS ptess s^nmto AnOWLJiTOG'S ihnn:p tfte pranaiias a£ aunotnilOi; and Rose. French Fries Peas and Carrels fis oveca to tup tesm aeai nmikiliirK, 49c Ib. Rice Pudding 6 cans literacy, ftxnk can't ttiits' Esg-» t'rj wMiioul »a ttttvfeiretast or dutCMd JleScm SryW Swiss Steak-Pol : Oakite 8 pkgs. ^.—- *•-~~, ^^ tx>r seek m sioal! amounts ot water without J I iwttrmjiif", if ynu nrumi 53" %q: jrf Carpet and fam or* ...4 for \ ' 'tt-'i'ttrij- 3U' mil«s ra ^ ra ouc 1fare* — you. will: fcii a8 i» Ssoilina away. Gas is just as quick ami Corned Beef .4 for Fresh Eggs SSE ae>v thtrcmo-controtteti gnJJIcs, too. You could cwok « ^j atwlmt (iv i«m:r tlSG. 3ra Hurny a -ti Cairif* iorftf. irft«r» 69c Ib. Itanwnoi! ^diilifc cafes buuri on enj ami they -would be perfect? ^

    Fresh Chasa* J&M J&M Sanbof Large INSTANT Famous Famous o0A met JUMBO COFFEE SHRIMP FRANKS MS f AST BROAD ST. 99c Ib. 49c Ib. 79c ib. 59c II, iiM 67 games and lost only eleven. The 1841, 3944 and 1947 teams were undefeated arid untied. Last year Mr. Freeman was a member of the football coaching staff at Prince- ton University. He ia a member of the Lions Club, the Sons of the American ... i - v^-g .#^. JOE FREEMAN SCORES AGAIN Revolution, American Football Coaches Association, New Jersey Driver Education Teachers Associ- ation, the Westfield Teachers A sociation and is active in Civil Defense. Mr. Freeman has helped prgaaize and manage teams in both the Little and Pony Baseball Leagues here. This year he will again manage a Pony loop team and eoach the newly formed Amer- Opens New ican League Junior team. The opening of Mr. Freeman's Jtore is the latest development in -&* the Cob Shops rapid expansion JOE FRr.L'MAN throughout the East. It will be op- 438 SOUTH AVE., WEST erated ia accordance with the FASTEST GROWING CHAIN HUGI 1UYING POWER BRINGS firm's 28-point formula which WESTFIELD, NEXT TO CO-OP SUPER MARKET eouptei the eom»etitive advantages reeman Opens of big busbies buying power with IN THE EAST PLENTY OF FREE PARKING YOU EVERYDAY LOW PRICES the low overhead and personal ser- 1 Gob Shop vice attributes of local ownership. Th* formula ... a combination NATIONALLY ADVERTISED SPECIAL I eeman, w«U-knswn sports of the nation, has been refined to this area, will open his of etery proven retailing proced- II PT. HIXMLI Shop tomorrow at 438 ure as practiced if the giaiit chain's HUTS UNI * SMftT SLEEVE SMIHKLU ft fOARMl ircnue, wqst. Well versed the peak of efficiency by Gob rts, Mr. Freeman h*B been Shops experts. Coupled with Cob sly active in the field ever Shops owii procedures ft has work- prep school days. He mis ed successfully everywhere. It 1s pf the football and ba said to he the rtort modern, effic- s and won letters in b«se- ient method of distributing goods SPORT SHIRTS track while at the Moses it lowest prices known to modern epattttory School in Prov- retailing. MWI1.t 9UAUTT hode Island. This Got) Shop will be typical in eolor treatment, store layout, and wn University, He played ^itpli* techniques of the entire MfN't tit WAUTT NOT IMHULAti basketball, and. baseball. G#;Shops chain. The merchan- DENIM Springfield College, where dise offered will reflect the Gob red his B.S. degree,, he Vi PRICE 100^4 NYLON HEUHC* Shops pattern and Include work ree major sports and iras and play clothes for men ana" boys, JACKETS of the ' New' England oilWrwear, campfng, fishing and iship team in 1981, STRETCH emari began his caachingr sorting io'oas Rlbbtd Sofktl I Wa«M t»*4m Modes Brown where he Al or of football and b«se- 1932 Moses Brown foot- Polio Inoculations was untied and' unde- Requested by 1647 mm c d won the New England too! Championship. At High he was head coach SCOTCH PLAINS—A total of We OKU jail for seven years, head 1,647 requests have, been received baseball for eight years, from residents of both Fahwood football coach for threft and Scotch Plains to take part In d head .football coach the planned Sails vaccine clinic years. His Westfield here*. n five state champion- Scotch Plains Health Officer Jo- in the years 1941-19 won seph Mottley said he has request- W fj Dan R!v*r PUWi, Lfntni, Gtbtrdirm. , ed enough serum from the State Tramtndeut Ai»r4m§nt of totid li^ht SUCKS Board of Health to provide the and dark qroundi. iplish wa«v«i, \ inoculations to children up to 15 ttripai. pra-ihrurtk, ^uarantaad waihabl*. »«!• SO till I* ye»rs of age and pregnant moth- Rtgular, Round or Continintal Collars. HM'I lit phon* ers. The shipment is .expected within 10 days, he added. SIMM Small, M*tf*m, Ur|t. It. Urft J59 No date has been set for the UATHIR LOAFERS clinic which will be sponsored hj tafr, tliy4wW(nf U«4Ur up- \nywhere the health boards of both tminifci- MIM'S 1i* palities. It is expected; however, to be held on a Saturday in the QUALITY HYLON-ACITATI I P#«Mka Evergreen School. 100% ORLON *u- As previously Announced by tha S Bin. •tuioa boards; only children who have not UHHMftMOS Ifci»o41i»lud«*>pr** *-• BTi* rvspvis I Top honors in the show went t.< paced by Worsham's 217, 200, the Maplewood Country Club Nine runs were scored in the game at TamaqvM I"*?-*- S»*to>. icr champion j Charlotte Franklin of Summit, sen blanked Jacks; Hot Shots won al! Elwood Cooke, tennis profes. 4-8. Th* easttsw* M6» t>rx4i* *fc* r sional, will be on hand to conduct teams in weekend matches by 4-1first inning in all, the Blue Devils W!;'.i»»bn\>ok 1 i° champion, and Nancy Piercy from Dodgers and Gazelles three scores. Captain Henry Hesse and jumping to a five run lead when tl* which h»j fc«U f>v>«B t»s* *fti tjuHvtrw p\f r j >'' Chatham, junior champion. Se from Musketes. In the other match- the tennis clinic. Mr. Cooke was es, Mars won two games from unable to appear last Saturday due his teammates won 8 of 10 indi- they scored seven of them. Bound nsjs h««t*r|'wd •* reserve champions, in vidual matches in straight sets. Brook picked up another run in !•*•« cl»ss» the' do** judging:, were Dan Roach o Atoms and Easy Aces took twoto a badly sprained ankle. A rec- from Lucky Fours. ord turnout is expected. Westfleld is now safely lodged in the first half of the second but th« fll>t J.« *ni !h*t Mapiewttod, in the senior division, third place in the New Jersey cir- the locals came right back with out in f ss, sTvo«>i in I *«d Maijorie Hearns of Summit in Topping the scoring were Hidi cuit. another single in their half to >«>* a shsvj in j sh« junior section. 222, Carl and McCarroIl 204. 1" >»»* &%•$% m j WVstlield rihbon winners were: YW Bowling In Saturday's encounter with hold a comfortable 8-3 lead. two an 4 sst-.t *ttj w«kn i Intermediate, 13 years — 2 J..I8 Rock Springs-Montclair at the local In their half of the third frame, Itttiielleo courts, Westfield's lone setback Bound Brook scored two runs, vello. JJ, !« »«Ai,« anjiliois Tonika; Intermediate, 14 Hnt Shols acBe j y^*r* *nd up—2, Anne Thorburn .Murs was charged to Fred Hesse, club their final tallies of the day, al- put anytlSt l-Snriy Aces Leaders Gain though with the score 8-5 it look- inumy vi 'Win I Advanced "A" Troopers, 15 years 1.ULU.V l-'uurs champion, who was defeated by at!*- *n>l up—8, Mary Harris; 3, Lt Alums Richard Highly in three sets, 6-4, ed as if the visitors were within Jiirks Bowlaways, leaders in the YW- SWR- J*S Reynolds; 5, Susan Jacobus Mu?Hetcs 1-6, 6-4. Again playing in the No.striking distance of the local nine. !*d*!} int*rwe D»w«ll; Sub-Novice, 11 years—6, R. . 130 136 1 sways. tory skein to four in the New Jer- 1>. Ttireppunti . . 156 1SS 140 »" I. sey League by defeating Tabor error and a run scored when *d his ivurth byL vi' odgrra 49 38 Collins of Rock Springs on Satur- tally tiuntwiu with 'no AMMU». Gol.t>L If' Ml ^«t«< Totals ...... eoj 668 Widkers singled home two runt and scored Advanced, IS years, over Jumps Strikers easy 6-1, 6-2 triumph over Rickey Spencor with tln-ou hits, 1'uAJuto* DODOBRS Hunners 46 Reheis of Maplewood Sunday, 6-1, on George Wragg's single. No- Mrs. jcrvae i« I and Nuuev wiih tswo - . VoBt 139 180 181 DO1XJKRS and Dave Wrigbt died to center Mrs. a Aeid Drttev* d.«f*»U»«» Team enwviser; Intermediate, 9 years— •T. Mclntoah 126 lie US Westfleld was the victor In all with 105-35-70.1 Oununkl. rf . • • 1 GAZBliUES I. Milne 113 145 151 The fifth inning blast started ome were Xn, •karaynskl, v • • 1 I jAt wio s*«g« S«T»a. Team S, Jack Erwin; 4, Madeleine Rich; fUparlto .... I SI 176 four doubles matches. Saturday 0 1!5 when Ventimiglia opened with a 98-23-75 »nd Ha Kslly. If ...... » Tw« wKo wvm a. pair ftvtat One, 5, Catherine Tice; Novice, 8 years «. Saparlto .... 1SS l'J9 If. Donowick ... 135 135 67 Fred Griffin and Fred Kochlien of Koilinoc 1b ... t> 1 . SKParitu 140 1.19 157 Handicap 67 «7 single and Kaufman and Wright 95-20-75. Taelnrpa^ Aw. !M> 1 4 aaa Kia* wfe<& w\t» tw^ f and under—1, Marilyn Spader; 3, . Murvosa .... lii* 186 133 594 Westfield defeated Don Hobart and Krok, p 1) 1 Ten, Six who took a pair Betty Currall; 5, Karen Peterson. Totals 660 SS4 both singled after Grosvenor flied Mrs. John WtSi«*a|l Colo, p U Totals 614 James Misser of Rock Springs, out. Novello received a free pass 0 Five and Three, who won the first GO OETTERS xrn-kiu'i Teams of Three—1, J. Rey- MUSKETES J. HeiHlier 117 124 6-3, 6-4, in the No. 1 doubles. and MacBean singled. Morphis' Second in Ctas B» l'tiyton, P ". 0 f F , nolds, Don MaeNeil, Doug Mac- . Marvosa 146 155 104 M. ITatt 143 1:4 Dick Arnold and Captain Henry LaClair with 10MM!, two from Four. , g I. u*Onnctl< •- 134 1SU 154 I. Bluhop 145 130 triple scored three runs to bring ToUls 4 fey Woi> Uruno 141 14S 142 Hesse of the local club toppled R. Humphrey vu fe) Neil; Advanced—1, Jeff Chandor; U'2 162 B. Kober 117 1S3 the run production to five for the %»>>«4taM AH H shaThm e 202hi&h, Fischescoresr 214, Marcan- Slsto 16S landieap 67 67 winner with 28. Marrlx, rf . A Sub-Novice, 12 years and up—1, Barclay Kingman and William inning. NfUor, of 0 tonio 224, 204—606, Abruscato 5SS Deemer of Rock Springs, 6-1, 6-2, Minor! If tl Marcia Bass; 4, Nancy Noonan; Totals . Bound Brook scored two runs 0 205, 204, Petricelli 204, TesU 204, WALiKKRS in the No. 2 doubles engagement. Townfi'y, o ... Advanced, IS years, jumps — 5, 132 in the first on a double, an error, 4JIII _» _- Tenm N«. 4 ". Intermediate Open—1, Martha Totals .... Totals ... 617 550 Mearns of Maplewood, 6-2, 6-1, in were loaded, via three walks and Tatala <6 3 .* Team No. 9 , Copleman; S, Albert Patterson; 5, !. Asnew 1S5 No. 1 doubles, while Fred Griffith a single. Sll Tetun No, ti . Marion Archer; Advanced over RU-hardson 141 RUNNERS and Captain Hesse of the local xKnl> on lleldorn' choice lor cule« m Taem No, T» . . Musimo . 163 H. ChenlU SI 133 In the third, two bad errors and jjuwilan Mark. .«sn 000 000 ono 1—4 Team No. 3 . jumps—3, Judith Marshall; 4, Su- Naomi .... 15S J Rlchard?on .. 16S club downed Jim Guthrie and Fred Team No, 1 . san Wick; Intermediate "B" M. Melaell ...... 73 10S Propeta of Maplewood. 6-2, 6-2, terror*'-~ Kownlenkl, Kelly, Ko»l- TAm No. 10 Totals .... 636 596 :. ButUr 117 129 mor, Kr«K, Turner. Two b«»a hju— Team No. 7 . Troopers, 13 years and up—1, Totals 543 Handicap 137 137 Kwtnleakl. N«»k S, tfolea >, ray- . Qrcco 91 96 '. McAlllBter ... 59 ton 1,, Corli«i 3, UnV>*fc»nt s. winning .T. Ilucclno .. no 193 h 160 J. Carlisle 101 S4 and Sunday will clash with the |>Uch<>T1'nylonh<>T—1'ny . l>uslnK pll.hcr — 177 1SS 1S2 on ... 125 192 X. IXimron 1-6 114 CLOVES kt VV'n\i>lrfii—SohueUlcr and A. HU1I 16T 13. Nleml 143 129 East Orange Tennis Club at East ToOUa C.fi2 t>90 Mixed League Handicap 130 130 Orange. East Orange won the TEAM No. Totals 5'* * by Hutch, II. .lohnmon * lift 1SJ 7 IAICKY FOURle9 S Totals S55 league championship last year and It. Heriirdlntllt . . 17n ISO J1<( 100 the match will be C WorsUam ..... K4 502 veraere I" a crucial test is; Draws Curtain if. Kaparlto US 113 130 STRIKERS for Westfield. JVemeth, Hadden N. OaH 1S1 1S7 191 » Testa 1 SI I'' 16S _J. Holmes S6 109 Totals 59- 570 543 R. Sincheimer .. 154 109 97 Totals «" The reirular season of the Sun- B. Siiurebrun ... Ill 124 146 D. Boyle 134 176 113 2.95 to 13.95 Sweeps Winners TEAM Xo. 1 day Nite Mixed Bowling- League "land leap .. — . 116 116 116 Hatchery Fools J. ronnolly i«l came to a close this week but the Totals _.^_._^._. 801. 633 567 K. Kischer S ,1. ctrlnclen* 17,\ members are looking forward to Ts Win Mixed winm^A 107 Truck Followers Official I Viv .Kemeth and Lou Hadden it S 117 a sweepstakes event this Sunday M. LnnR S6 95 •ASUAU UAGUE ^.•iOi » |>lo* 1S8, won the over tlie and the annual banquet May 20 P. B*iley 75 119 Trout plied with food pelletts OHIwwn •vcrajje sweepstakes, the closing M. Rise 139 134 at Arbor Inn. Deck Pin Title i. Burling 119 117 at the Haclcettstown Fish Hatch- SHOES wmt of the Mewhants Handicap Super Sevens captured the ianillrap 117 ery just prior to the time they are Bdwiine Le*ff«t, held Monday Winners final night were cham- Totals 534 At Saving pion Yanks S-0 over Acorns, hampionship of the Mixed Deck liberated in the public streams of 3>ifjht. In sec«nd place were Al J Bowling League last week with a New Jersey, are discouraging fish- Hidi and laddie Perry, j>l«» 119 ond place Comets 2-1 over Robins, Tripp, Muller Win SparklersSkl , 2-1 over Aces, Marks- hi i Lk ermen who follow hatchery trucks and Utird wx-i^ John liauscr and At Echo Lake in the hope of securing quick creel G«ett« Puns, plus 44- men in > sweep over Kyglers and Deuces. The loop will hold a sweep- Cardinals 2-1 over Sports. Double takes doubles Sunday and will limits. Ot>*r« »e*r the tcp Jerome C. Tripp and A. C. Mul- G3Sd 41, centuriesi ; Johatton 222, Hidi 207, ave its annual dinnedi r Saturdayd , The State Division of Fish and May 19 at LtPrte's. ier won the president's tournament SINCI h RbRobinsoi n 209, DDi Prisco 214, and trophy at the Echo Lake Country Game, Department of Conserva- W P 20S ^lb i tion and Economic Development, KNNMG( lights split with Terrific Tens to over tie •weekend. today revealed the new system in- In addition to augurated last week practically second place. Famous Fours , regular sweeps LEADER STORE won two from Nifty Nines, Flashy stops the catching of fresh-stocked were held for both days. These fish and solves a problem which 109 E. Bread St., Wattfold l fll Treys and Easy Aces two fromJ? ] Saturday Clajsa A—J. C TrlPP. 7»- has been the bane of conserva- Tricky Siies. Testa with a 2001 S—IS; o. W. Hlle. 7S-3—72; W. Kfss- tionists for many years. As a re- 02 1". ts-i;_74; Class B—R. J. Trum- High followed by Kepner 202 tunirr. S6-:«—66: n. J. Uncoln. SS- sult the experiment will be con- and Bjsschio 200. ;6f' -6; yL L WW.. BalBalese . SS-18—7070: Sun- tinued in' both float stocking and day Claw A—Kd Fi<5ld. S4-15—6S; pail stocking for the balance of the W. A. SthmnarJiiT. 5-1!—69: C A. rT 7S771: U. Rahea S2-10— trout season. W Bl "S3-i6-^4>7; C. A. CLASSIFIED ADS PAY HEADQUARTERS


    •a. W4T1 gladr kdp fog eboow ANNOUNCES Grassbopper Lcag\ie Opens New Srasou The Installation of AMF Auto- S*t«rd»y mominc »t the . Hijrh the ±ix tc«m Grasshopper fr.T S yciir o'rfs (rot under •way, matic Pinspotters for the 1956- T>ie Skiris acfented the Hops, -with T>«vid Smith and Rob i >iitun(r home runs. n ^«'«s the wi?\"mvi(r pitcher 1957 Bowling Season. s.>ie*rcvl (rc»od control. At Tsd n<«. ." \he oat


    Iryrh 8-2 in t-enni* last rerV. &&n Mazxa, Prop. The victory was the fmirth without d*fe»t for the l

    fli>lil, tlcfCHlfil Wtneurd, MORE SPORTS It-tt, 11-21 Hit iff r, SMITH MARINE ) ft, It-'li '346 North Ave. Ntw Strert J))nmnl«i>, 01, li .1. Sy. 9-9899 NEXT PAGE At South & Cntrol Avti. /XtUWi'N •- KohlliMiM-l''illli. I rf. MintiM-Mimh,intiMMimh , HI,, 0-404)) \V>»t\V - 8 Alleys WEltfi.ld 2-5034 flsid . speedway stars in a wide radius i Mil" MA V Fourth Time II -No.tU FTalnfMJ will compete Saturday night in Carl R. Byers, chairman of thi'| ule with chairmen follows: 11—<'I lIl/nM the opening: program of NASCAH A i .,, A" ,"o" i." i- I Tealeaimn rouFourr IOUtooKk a suslimm onee j| isi- - .1-In In Held " ...tiw 15—.{Jh.lcu sanctioned stock car races at the Turnament Committee of the 1HUl High's j?o!f team re- Only the Yankees are lhnnfr up Westfield Tennis Club today an- April 21 to Oct. 28, ,R«nking, I KBme k,ad in the Mond»y Nitr i J:-i.indfn m-H its County Interscholastic Fleminjrton Fairgrounds. ' *o the expectations of the New senior and junior, Gordon B. Booth gummel. Bowling League this we*k I 3O'"MOJJII/ vlVii''',::!!''"'.'.'.Aw'lTJ nounced the tournament schedule and George Yenzer; May 80, E. R. - f p but Seven | ll'NB I^r^ jence championship last week York sportswrrUrs as they hold a for 1956. Twenty-one events are :y Jr. Memorial (Mixed Pro- wHh a gweep o ivei Ash Brook golf course in slim lekd in the junior circuit. But kept pace, 'blanking Six. Still an- listed on the program for the com- gressive Doubles), H. £. Morgan; other sweep was that of One over I—Cranfora Plains with • total of 861 Essex Troopers things are really happening in the ing season. The schedule includes June 9, Tilton Bowl Matches, spon- JIMUH VAUSIU HA8t:HAI.l. against 367 for Union, senior circuit. , tournaments for all classes of Ten, Two game winners were Two MAI sored USLTA; June 16, Anne over Three and Eight over Nine. —Serih PlBlnileW . iniphed second for the seer For the Dodders, this is "next membership and is one of the most y THACK .; ^ ••'.'" Cumming Memorial, J. A. Carter, Hitting double century games HUhy A way ,ar. It was the fourth title Score at Show year," and what a year it is sopretentious drawn up in years. chairman; G. B. Booth, referee; llfit. last six years for the filue far. The road trip has been dis- were Novello 216, Aylward 203, ..Uric SfA¥ The 1966 tennis season got un-John Kraft, Archer I>. Sargent, Brynildsen 254, and Sisto 2^4. t!St < use .,.....,.,, astrous as pitching and hitting >tind lil fhite. Members of Junior Essen Troop der way two weeks ago with the Mrs. R. H. Stuhler, Miss Betty MAi* individual winner was Joe"B" of Cavalry collected thirteen collapsed. Walter Alston is hard local club team getting off to a Coumbe, Mrs. R. M. Bailey; June Tenm 4 . 0—Mlilburn ./way ieck of Roselle who fired a pressed to find the answer to his Team 7 . 4—North Plalnlleld . .Heie JIMIU4 HIOH IIAiBBAIJiii:"|p ribbons at the 22nfl Annual Sprinr flying start in the New Jersey Ten- 30, Men's Doubles, active junior, Tenm 2 . 7—.<'iaiiford ..Hclc Bill Grander of West- Watchunft Troops Horse Show held badly slumping team. The league nis League. Early indications are H. S. Kelly; July 14, Men's Sing- Team I - - 1—linden ...... Net. MAY ;. ^|p ras next among the indi- Is actually taking advantage of that the team this year, captained Tpfim « . it — West vrangse ... 4 »y at Watehung Stables o*er the les, active junior, Fred Parmly and Teiim ." • . Away .4? with a very ereditable 42- weekend. the Dodgers' misfortune by bunch- by Henry Hesse, will be one of the George Yenzer; Aug. 25, Minted Tetim V . 14—-Ituhwiiy i. . A tt i j- Ifoniv and Pete Marion, also of ing-—all wjthin reach of first place. strongest to represent Westfteld 'iVum s HaiiitieJd . , Aw»y Top honors were taken in the Doubles, John E. firay; Aug. 27 Tumi I" 4—UnArn .AW:,y . .- I'inlnlU' locals posted 43-42—85. The sluggers of the Brooklyn in the past decade. to Sept. 2, Girl's Singles, 10 years Tea in 3 . Mum* ing out the Westfield team teams of three event by the team of Cdt. 2nd Lt. Jeff Reynolds, earn are in bad shape now. Hodg- The Junior Development Pro- and under; Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, TKAM Leitz, tie foi second in the poJt i,es Shoemaker 46-45—9] es, Snider, Furillo, Robinson are gram is in full owing with junior Boy's Singles, 10 years and under; \'. Ill ynll(i!*en 117 vault and thud in the broad jump Jin Guthrie 53-50—103. Ty- Cdt. Sg-t. First Class Douglas Mac- .1. Ili'vnlUlat-ll lu( Devil Trackmen Neil and Cdt. Sgt. Donald Mac- all hitting under ,300—well under tennls clinics scheduled for the Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, Girl's Singles, A. FIK-IIJ. 187 l\\.nd d lh»fhWWu bby Hratt^ inder, also with «n 82, was 300 and now Roy Campanella Is next three succeeding Saturdays 12 years and under; Aug. 27 to 2, II. Hl-ynllilKvii l.U J AiHleixon K. 3 tltii ostell of Union, but he lost Neil. Cadet Sg-t John Gray cap- in May, and four classes each dur- V»'e-"tni hi Time —10 4 tured first in the event for "A" hurt and that makes the Dodgers Boy's Singles, 12 years and under. TotillK ...... 60S 552 Lose to Regional 220— Won by Usrtftll, Wj 2. iBrowii^ jrtder in a playoff when the hurt more. Thi« ye»r they can't ing the months of July and Au- Also, Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, Girl's TKAM 3 K: 3. WowollN, H. Time—5!2».i. %i outh shot a p»r for the Troopers IB years of age and gust. Elwood Cooke, tennis pro- S. App«aatt( .. 146 4<0--vViin Uj- Wnwryluk, Hi, fc older while Cadet 2nd Lt. Jeff get off to that (lying start which Singles, 15 years and under; Aug. V. lipmpranl « . . till! rlt practically sewed up the pennant fessional, will conduct the classes 27 to Sept. 2, Boy's Singles, 151.. fiiiiii.iUy IIS I1J The Blue O'fevil triclim'en 1*1 tt W;; 3. 3criluy8. ."*'-Hj«*iS Reynolds placed third in the same again. .1. Di-Slcl'mii i . . l'J S propped their fourth meet to url- H; a, 'AiHifiM ray finished third with 3?g, event. Trooper Albert Patterson duly in the season so that other years and under; Aug. 27 to Sept. jal had 384, Cranford 890, teams are beginning to be Heard The Club's 11 courts' were re- 2, Mixed Doubles, juniors, 18 years .... IIH Tn ilefeated Sprin^ftsld Keicional last took the blue amonit "B" Troopers week, 74-33, as the winner's Curt XV; 3. Uurufli, XX'. Time—5;(X, ;t *! 393, Koselle 399 and Ro- of: surveyed, regraded, and top-dress- and under; Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, lllnh Mui-illen—-XViih by I'HfneK Htl •k 403. Jefferson and Lin-12 years and older while Cdt. ed with en tout cas material for Junior Girl's Singles, 18 years and A. Hewitt pli 114 131 Merz won three field events, the ;. XVnlach, It: 3. Mnywxrtli, K. T(in«»-i*f Trooper Robert Witaal did the Take those Cardinals with the fast driving. lil 1:1.1 shot put, discus and javelin, Kcdell hdrew when the rain ruined high batting averages. They are under; Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, Junior B. Ki'lllivy . . . . in:, IJOW. Kuriilpii—Won l»y R«iiFlJiVX*!S ores and their chances. same in the "B" rider event for Boy's Singles, 18 years and under; Hllnd |«7 of Wtstneld w«« high man for the 3. Ora, II; a. I'II»I»I(1IJ, II. T|itie»«»»#pi 13 year olds. murder. Cincinnati with a deadly Heading the list of major tour- lillnd ...' _H£ 107 locals, taking the tSO in 5:22.4 Mhut I'M—-Wop by .Mem, it; 8. AWIA'a atchea last week the Blue Aug. 27 to Sept. 2, Parent-Junior 1 H; il t-ol«», J«. JllntdlJi'.—5tt (t,,j.i*1! hittinf order is Kicking up itnaments s will be the staging of the : inksmen defeated Jefferson Cadet Private Glorire Hess was 26th Anne Cumming Memorial B, (boy and girl) and parent, 15 TnlalH <"'" and the low hurdles In 20 flat,— Won hy Urn, Hi S. Walls second among "C" Troopers 11 Heels and everybody is talking TI'lAM » kliniTHr * 'ii'Si-i'rt••.— -Ili.tatli!»-H^|j their fourth win and lost about those Pittsburgh Pirates who tournament, emblematic of theyears and under, all J. II. Bentley J. KcliAufirr .... 141 ii:> Appezatto won the 880 In 2.'07.5 ;h Plainfleld 7% to 414 for years of ape arid third place rib- Jr.; Sept. 8, Men's Singles—veter- IC. llornliuUer .. *7 9 4 for the Itlue, Tatro the mile in ft.JiLvllii—•Wo 1 In n l>y JI are supposed to stay in eighth place New Jersey State Championship ri", the Canucks won. and older. Cdt. Cpl. William Old- net players in the Eastern United Lake Country Club held a scotch • .. 1 no You ban g»t §11 th* b«n«fli» of American League and surely De- States. tow-some event Tuesday, using J. (Vinully .... lso 13 ll U jay, the' Westfield team ford placed 4th in the event for 11. Hnydi'i' us ' ITiS id Union ll-l, winning all "BB" riderB 13 years and older. troit is not going to finish last. The half of the combined handicap of season is young and anything can Westfield will again be the scene li IS itches. Grander, posting a Fifth place ribbon for "C" each team. Winner was the team 3 happen and usually docs in base- for the Tilton Bowl matches which 31.1,111 STEADY( ated Postell by one stroke. Troopers 13 years and older went draws prospective junior players oi' Mrs, H, 11. Lewis and Mrs. TKAM II) \\ li s_ In I,in ball. Frank Park who had a curd of 62- II. NVwtiin . 11 a 134 ll« to Cdt. Trooper Ronald Paterson for the Junior Davis Cup squad ,\r. Si'*'i-1)iT . .... HI7 1117 10? irnniler, Weitfleld Ot>> de- 23—38. In second place were Mrs. II. Aylwni-il K,i "5 nry fonlell (-40); Pete Mnr- while Cdt. Trooper William Elbert representing the Metropolitan New l«0 stlleld H2) defeated K;iy K. W. Head and Mrs. Harold Haw- a .. KI7 Qll, .HEAT placed sixth amonfc the "BB" rid- York and Middle Atlantic States I!. \V:iiluilll (42); l.'crdy Shoemaker. Three Early Bird Ins 03-21—42 and third were Mrs. 178 Id Hi) defeated Kd Rnppu- ers 13 years of age and older. areas. The inter-sectional match TotnlH . . , with ~l; John Guthrie. Wf.mlleld will be held June 9. It is sponsored Arthur Dwyer and Mrs. Talbot THA:M_'l 'euted Jerry Bonfflovanni The troop, with hetdquarters at T. Hriino .. ISO 154 Weatfleld Armory, is open to boys by the United States Lawn Ten- Malcolm Gfi-22—44. Low putt win- 124 117 Matches Sweeps ners with 17 wore Mrs. Nelson D H IIS 173 UJHN—-JrltenM between the aces of 12 and 18 nis Association. 1»3 -24 ESSO HEATING OIL Ipr (»2), Wentlleid, defeated Jordan and Mrs. R. H. Jones. BlOn). JelTdiioii. .1-0; Hhoe- from the Elizabeth, Summit, Plain- The E. R. Merry Jr. Memorial 1831, \V. d. Si'ltzer 1104). :i-0i field, Westfield areas. While horse- It was definitely sweep day in I(Sii), W. d, Adams (loll), n- Tournament will be held on Me- and Watchdog Service rle (80), W. d. Maul (100), manship is a major phase of the the Early Birds Bowling; League Betsy Ruwls To TKAM II morial Day. Highlighting junior H. Kuril . 131 1211 You'r* mured ile»dy, comtwtabie heat troop's activity, instruction in rifte- Tuesday morning when all but one activity for the summer will be .\f. KllPh 11» 1 I" ry, foot drill, weapons and mili- of the four matches were decided Conduct Coif Clinic li. Klm.-i. all Water lon| with Buo Heating OU the junior events scheduled for A. MIH-UM {? which buroi hat and clean. Our HIS—-!Va. l'l«l»«r-ll« tary courtesy are also stressed. that way. Southerton, way out in the week of August 27 through htulsbm-y, NP, d. l'i'le MaJ r Betsy Uawls, twice winner of coapltM Wkichdog Service indudei: ; .Terry Jiu-otison, N*T , d. Youne men interested in joining front In the standings shut out September 2. Ten tournaments uler, one up (NI' \vim bewt Connelly, Zimmerman blanked the Women's National Open Golf • ); I'Vrdv yiiraemnker, W. d.the troop. can see the cadets in will be held for boys and gills 18 Tournament, will conduct a tfolf Sl-lo . . i r. i 100 173 Bonze, 7-5; John Outhrie, w. action eRch .Saturday morning at Mulreany and Sprenkel clobbered years of age and under, IB years 1'invi- n ".'.'.'. 1 ••« 1UQ 115 Kamuflon, 8-G (W won bent Linck. The only 2-1 match was clinic Monday afternoon at Lyons w. HryiultfHen . lF.7 Illu 140 Per Information, call N 8). the Watchuns Stables. and under, 12 years and under and Hospita)., The clinic, for the bene- M. Ka\-f lln . . ... ;io 193 in Ira holes, stansbury -and Jfl W6n by second place' Rlesn over 10 years and under. Mnrron and grander, onj Walters, ' r fit of the golf ing.patients at Lyons1 ISM STAfWMie ML COMPANY' and teiun); , HeSouzii d. Fonr"fi>ins Tie The men's singles and doubles held on the hospital's Coa|<- Hutn* HUNTIff A-7000 r nm' up; Gullu-ie d. Houthertnn events are set for June and July. lcy-feusso Memorial Golf Coin-so, n FOR BEST RESULTS nut- up (Ueal ball Imlved). In Cub Softball l!l i The complete tournament sched- nine-hole 3,250 yard lay-out. USE LEADER CLASSIFIED Zlniinarninn 41 Winner Four teams are tied in the Dis- Wl 17 ho Lanes trict 4 Cub Scout Softball League l.llK-k after Saturday's games, each with Mulreany iL..'. 2UV4 two wins and no losses. Topping SOrTHiKKTTONS N . NTAINSIDE — George I,. fthoulNrr 111 the list are both Wilson teams the 114 "A HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" of Old Forge, Pa., came It. UurllnK Blue and Gold, School 4 Scotch ('. Straclmn 111) ihind to capture the fjrst J. Mcliitoah 133 132 12 East-West bowling cham- Plains atld McKinley. FROM THE Friday. He defeated Chi- In last week's games, Wilson Totiiln to.' CONNKU.V ENTIRE STAFF iill Lillard, national match- Blue swamped Trinity 23-0, Wil- SI. Rli-e <>a 117 ng at Echo Lanes. son Gold ran over Jefferson Gold K. Kuss »- I!:! (). Fabian 3J MO , who won the "Cham- 16-8, School 4 defeated St. Bar- 117 I tholomew 11-7, Wilson Blue nosed U Connelly •••• J*» | Champions" tourney three TotUl. ^«S ago, fired a three-game out Jefferson Clue 9-5 and Me Kinley ran roughshod over Lincoln .MUl.K-BASV I 719 to Lillard's 668. U Baldwin tOli S7 Ihiee-game challenge-round 42-1. Standings: A. Kllwuril w, 10. Meyem i Billick teamed -with Old TVItson, nine •• I Ml Frank Clause to defeat Wilson, Onlri .. School 4, S. 1". . j Island duo of Tony Spar- Mi-Klnley ed Graz Castellano, 1,203- .TcfTpi-Hon. Htue . US Whlt U K !« 137 jelTerKon. (irtid , ['. J»nn»on 1.;.; 142 Unrolll 0 H. Kiliiliierniiin . . Hi 1S4 M. Uoniivlck .... St. Miirtliolomi'W . . " CLASSIFIED ADS Trinity ° Sl'llKN'KKL, BUY OR SELL USE LEADER CLASSIFIED ADS I'. Bailey 98 114 114 151 a. llltohln(r» 141 V. Sprenkel 1 j» 127 WHY WE SELL 1>. Anderson lol CO-OP RED LABEL CO-OP RID LABEL CO-OP GREEN LABEL Total! YOU i.l.VI'K BAKED BEANS EARLY JUNE fl. V'nnl'elt 137 134 APPLE SAUCE li. I'iirkliiH .. in 115 112 1. WelKWlll d ... I'; 91 SB THE WHOLE TOWN WITH PORK PEAS At. Llnek 114 IK KNOW. IS TALKING ABOUT Size 303 acobun Total. WHAT JPOWER MOWERS... THE Slie IStt-oi. 8 for Site 303 6 for 89C A. Miicklln '.17 12S REALEMON FRUIT DRINK lil in? 1.111 YOU PAY FOR it". Wiit'-Yuml." IJ.'l !«•_' 1:9 r specialist* in lawn and garden applies, Our biiii- 111! 107 Mombo Punch BAG KOSHER LINDEN FARMS BS depends on satisfied customers. That's why we \V. IllenH __^-_^ Co-op Meats • Co-op labels Tntilln »»' . :ommend and sell Jacobsen ... America's most save you time Orange Drink DILL PICKLES ICE CREAM WAI/IE IIS 92 1011 Ferris itinguiahed name in Power Lawn Tools for more M. Finn )?•• 1^7 171 and money Lemon A Orange A St. liamron JJJ 110 144 Ready-To-Eat an 35 years. there'« an easy starting, quiet run- 1 Wm. Underwood Co. Umon t, Lime *t for Quarts 46-oi. 31c Vi Gallon 79c tig Jacobsen for every sue and Tntiila "I DEVILED HAM of lawn. And the Jacobten HAMS CRACKER JACK CO e is your guarantee of qual- Teahis Bunched Hl-C FRUIT DRINKS \, respected by generations of In Mouhtaitidde 59c Ib. 2'/<-oi. 2 for 3/C CAMPFIRE Orange 2 for 55e pfessional gardeners and dis- Wise Grape 2 for 59c Whole or Either Half A Real Treat Always MARSHMALLOWS iminating householders for Threi) teams ave tied for run- POTATO CHIPS Party Punch 2 for 59c nerup in the Mountainside Bowl- nomical, trouble-free service. I6-01. Pkg. ing League after Tuesday's posi- U. S. Choice M&M CONFECTIONS b. pkg 33c 4«-oz. tion night session, but Trucktor, Chocolate Covered winner of two sanit-H over Tops, 69c CHUCK Junket Brand Foods is out in front by six games. Le- Candies, 7-oz. 29c QUAKER OATS CO. gion won two from Wllhelm, La 'Junket' Rennet Powder Martinique two from Fugmann, PUSS 'N BOOTS Chrone a pair from Kpsteri Moun- GROUND Peanuts, 6-oz. 29c GEO. WASHINGTON L»mon — Chocolate — Maple $«7.5O tainside Drug a pair from Owens, Springfield Auto swept Eastcoust, Minute Maid Juices INSTANT COFFEE CAT FOOD Orange — Strawberry Wlnckler won two from Bitwise 59c Ib. Vanilla — Raspberry and Anderson & Johnson two Limeade, 6-oz 3 for 44c 2-oz 53c 8-oz. . . 3 for 25c from Sunny Slope. . Makes a Delicious Meat loaf Lemonade, 6-oz 3 for 44c Grape, 6-oz 21e Lannlng was high with a 250 4-oz 99c 16-oz. . , 3 for 43c lW-oz. 3 for 35C game followed by Bahr 237, Best Pineapple, 6-oz 21c 228, Mullln 210, Knight 207, Minute Maid Juices Stair 205, Zlmmer 203, Scholz Orange Juice * &4 MEMBER OF 202 und Deo 200. 6-01. O for* I "Blend, 6-01 2 for 33c MID-EASTERN Tol>» 67 39 Grapefruit, 6-oz 2 for 27c Wlllielm ..•• 67 3 9 TWIN COUNTY I^Pgiun ..... THE CO-0? 1/iMnrtlnlnu* h'ugituinn Kouter uI'J 47 Seabrook OPEN EVERY (ll||oni(o i . . . - III 5(1 Jlululili s Diu* 4.1 •"•I Fordhook or FRIDAY NIGHT TRACTOR COMPANY rhveeili * 41 a HprlllK Auto tl Baby Limos Wlli(-Kl»r .. 'TIL 900 P.M. We«tfl«ld, N. J . . 41 juth Avtt. E. ., III O fk 420 SOUTH AVENUE Allll!lll!>w ii 4(1 Wi. 2*7800 KillUillUtt y I. THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1SS6 West Held Man • LEGAL NOTICES • • LEGAI NOTICES • rA Lovely Gift Ft Bl.IV Mtl'HK Heads Association or aiia co Clarke Smith, of 736 Crescent BARON'S H parkway. United States manager and president of the Eoy&l-Uver- ViilUlig tU JBIJC *- pool Insurance Group, was elected! president of the Association of Casualty and Surety Companies at the organization's annual meeting Tuesday at the Waldorf-Astoria roses. Hotel. Mr. Smith has served on nu- the merous committees, and the com- U Lo Use ueu oi Lue Town ol Packaged and Potted pany of which he is the principal renewal ol a officer has been on the associa- situatta at TUi tha St.. wetuieid, A. J. ol said purchase pric HYBRID TEAS, FLORIMJNDAS, CUMBERS tion's executive committee, Legis- mes at fne »uic«:ri> tit lhi*s Tuwn ut Weetneld tfie Ta lative Policy Committee and chair- me onices tfaty nil resptc- h $1,75 to $3.35 isjivesttr tjun- ea and directed to en man of the Casualty Advisory i TREE ROSES Committee. N. J-i isecreiary-Trea^urer, ^LBTHEB RESOLVED tha t ciigiit, oio Kooaev vlt tit., ^'est- close and mocey Ue imit Mr. Smith's insurance career Jd, *v J, irusiee«: Charles tiutl- ly teOj daya irom date. MADONNA LILIES began in 1921 in Charlotte, N. C. Terrili K>- J.; tee* #i&. Baron's, as usual, is chock full of ... He joinedi" " the Royal-LiverpoolL l In- Harry Younsii**nfc, 6*0 Summit Aye., 9 < 1 Potted -$1.25 surance Group in 1026 and became w A»c.,' ScWh f»ia.ina, -V. J.', Jim Take tliet Stores igiiareoU, Ji.* W efctfield Ave., _ _rM__ Mayor an vice president of Giobe Indemnity, C'uiini-'ii «t tiie Towd n ol Westneid loi would like to receive on Mother's Day & member of the group, in 1943. UbJtutionV. if any, biiouid be made rtnewai of « L,iuriied Rctdii ui&tri He was appointed deputy United but ion i.ict;ust; ior preiuites ©itu- "BETTER LAWN SEED States manager of Royal-liver- Junes, Town Clerk ol Weetneld, N. J. a ted at **(# >erth Avenue, Wet day. Come in and see. pool Insurance Group and ex- ' OKFICKB* OP ecutive vice president of the .\GT1€1£ STORK*::.--: MIXTURES" Take Notice mat The Cireat At- wigm sj. Cochran, 111 Eucalyp- York, Mr. Smith is also a member O. C. Adams, Vice President, Cam tus Avenue. Durlingame, Calitornla, tiriage Htmd. Ardmore, Pa. Vice President. of the Bankers Club of America, W. M- hymen. Vice President, 3 A. H. Uriiiith, 856 Blair Avenue, FERTILIZE AND LIME YOUR LAWN the Union League Club, and thelivron l^snc, Larchiuont, N, »• Oukl&nd, California, Vice Presiden Echo Lake Country Club, West- \i, u. Hartford, Treasurer, 3 Crest- and Uirector. iioiu ftuad, J/t/ntcl»ii'. N\ J. O. T. Uurroushs, 6341 Ascot, Oak- ' NOW FOR BEST RESULTS field. J. U t-nrgoti, A*st. Treasurer, land, California, Vice Prenident and 'acono Koad, U«nville. X. J. Director. F. t\ btvver. tiwreury, *i>i» Heights Uu-ijfht Edwards, 1750 Vallejo Road, Uidgewood, :*. J. Street, San Francisco, Calif ornt GARDEN CENTER LAWN FOOD Represent Jefferson >oregoing constitutes the Board Vice I'refident. >f l n rev tore together with the fol- AJlea W, Doe, 64 Bellevue Avenue, PTA at County Parley Piedmont, California. Vice President, 50% OtOANIC NITROGEN °j. "\t* Toolin. Hotel Whtttier. US J. P. French, 40 Miner Road, Orin- Burntf Drive, Detroit, da, California. Vice President. •«•• yvt cMta •« • *q. fl. "Education for Today—Citizen- K. il. Smith, IMS Marco Blvd., F. C. Beeman. X8T1 Betty Avenu. DAY! in L#eandro, California, Vice Preat- ship" was the theme of the Union LU **!M. eJsayo'uxOujy,. 102 CharinCharringg County Council of Parent-Teach- Cross, Longwood Towers, Brookline, *U\ M. Gatheral. 15 Ea«C 91st Street, New York 28, New York, Vice Complete line of rs Association spring meeting, >V. K. l^ach, Kenilworth Lakes, President. MICHIGAN PEAT tttended by 11 members of the ilarlton, X J. tfcllt T. Shaw, 4545 Connecticut ki. t- Kfiynolds, 9 Prospect Hill Ave., X.W., Washington. V. C, Vice SCOTT'S LAWN CARE Natur*'. FirtMt Soil tuiMar euerson School PTA. venue, Summii, N. J. President. Just Received! 1-2-4 to. •a** ami tvlk Kdmond C. Allen and Mesdames H. li. O^orge, 45 Tisdale Koad, Drummond Wilde, 6159 Acaci R*g. $3.00 PRODUCTS ik-rtredale, ,\\ Y. Avenue, Oakland, California, Secre- Olil Eric Peterson, Lambert Abel, Al- ;S. \S. Sftea, 63 Kennedy Place, an Crawford, Harry Gerbcr, Jas. 'restwood, N- V. ... K. Mitchell, 3011 Marina Drive, R*g. $3.00 Crawford, R. H. Schneider, Nor- SJiuokholders holding more thin Alameda, California. ControllPr and HOUBIGANT ie per cent of the stock—The Great Director. TIME FOR WEED & GRUB CONTROL nan Blumberg, L. W. Blaiey, Wil- I Ian tic and Pacific Tea Company K. J. Penprase. 32 Selkirk, Oak- SORMEG! m Paner and R. J. Rarley at- Amerk-a, 420 Lexington Avenue, and, California, Asfi^tant Secre- W* h«v» a lwy« Mlactiefi of contr«l malarial. pw York, N*. Y. CHARBERT'S QUELQUES ended the morning and afternoon Objections, if any, should be made "Se'rnal K. Dobell. 25 Linda Vista ssions. immediately in writing to Jane K. Way. orlnda, California. Anslsfant SOIL TESTING KITS Jones, Town Clerk of Wcstfteld, N. J. Secretary. THE OHKAT ATI-ANTIC Paul W. Mou^er, l"»T0 Pleapant FLEURS PERFUME The first joint meeting of the ft PACIFIC TiiA CO. Hill Hd., UHfayette, California, AB- BREATHLESS elferson School 1955-56 and 1956- P.O. Box 214 tutant Secretary. Body Cologne SPECIAL •7 PTA officers was held May 1 Newark o. N. J. DeWitl \V. Krueser, 121 Arlene 5-10-21 Fees $21.U [>rive, Walnut Creek, California, As- it the home of Mrs. barley. At fitttant Secretary. COLOGNE TOILETWA! 40 m IMN Dutch tuH» p*r flat. .his time it was announced that a NOTICK OF SKTTLESIENT A. A. Edwards, SO Kockaway Ave- ews release will be published Notice If Hereby ulven, that the me, San Francisco, CaHforni**, As- Plant WOW. Wl> btoom tfiw Spring. Ihird Jntermt-diate account of the •Mfant Secretary. laming the new officers and newaub.*eril>er, The Bank of New York L. S. A. Field, 418 West Wilson Special ... mittee chairman for the 1956- (formerly Uank of New York and Avenue, Bellmore, Long Island, N. Y., Trust Company) trustee of the trust Assistant Secretary. 2.00 >7 period. created under the last will and tes- CharleB H. Suder, 8350 Boulevard tament Of N. S. HAMMOND PIERCY, East, North BerRen, N. J., Assistant Both STRAWBERRY PLANTS d*-cea*e(l, will be audited and stated Secretary. oy the Surrogate, «nd reported for J. A. Anderson, 301 PInewood Ave- for . lociety Incorporates stftlement to the L'nion County me, Silverspring, Md., Assistant Reg. $2.00 2J Court—Probate Division, on Friday, Secretary. June S next at 10 A.M. Wiley Beale, 2T0S Crest Avenue, LAWN and GARDEN TOOLS ELIZABETH — The Scotch Uated May 4, 1VT.6- Theverly, Maryland. Assistant Sec- lains Pnilharmonic Society filed a The Uank of New York 'etary. DOROTHY Pitney, Hardln A Ward, Attys.. Joseph E. Grinder, 13 Fairmont Pruning Tools — Shears — Saws, etc. j certificate of incorporation here National Newark Uldg., Place. Pofoniue UeightJ?, Md., Assist- ' Monday naming- .Margaret Cady of Sewurk, 2, N, J. ant Secretary. Lawn Sweepers — Spreaders 5-SO-lt Fees J?."0 Char leu C\ MUler, li.F.O. #1, Box GRAY iny Top flrive_ Erich E. Stridt of i, Annapolis, Maryland, AsMsi&nt NEW! cores 1835 Mountain avenue and Elwood PI BI.1C HKAHIXfi Secretary. "SnOCTlV FOt THE BIROS- A. H. Hultey, 1942-lOth Avenue, Van Allen of 360 Parkview drive, e«\i\<; OHUI.NAACB Oakland 6, California, AsfciKtaiit FMdan - HotMM - SIM! CakM and HoM«rt - Chicarf** WestSeJd; Salvatore Crisafulli of Mountainside, N. J. COLOGNE •»d Community Diiwn - Sacd - fnaVsad by Audition May 7, 1956. J. W. hupley, 106 Cainino Don Ml 213 Westfield road, Fanwood; Notice Is Hereby Ulven that a Miguel, Ornida, California, Assistant HOUBIGANT Pauline Neuer of 825 Embree uMic hearing will be held by the Treasurer. Soard of Zoning Adjustment infhe N'omian Chandler, boo W. Orange crescent, Westfield j and Raymond Council Chamber, Borough Hall, .irove Avenue, Sieira -Madre, Can- Half FLOWER AND VfGETABU SEEDS Happe, Princeton, as trustees. Monday evening, May 21, iy,"i6 at 8:J;» irnia, Director. * FLATTERIE TOILETW/ o'tlork, m\ the matter of an applt- Artemuu L- (j'ateh, Peae(»t-*k Lane, Price • lurpta • MandcviN* King -Httun of Williwm C. and Barbara T. ^cuttt _\ ahcy. Lone island, New <«?xtnn, M.iry AiU-n Lane. M«untain- 1.00 CLASSIFIED ADS PAY urk, Director. side, N. J., lo erect ftthana ti con- jf ii. fao^wc*!, II, 271 cilcn summer junction with sv iuimiitR pool. Oiid, lJa»attciia, Cumoriuii, Directut*. PERFUME Ail contrary to rtie iioiiing Ordi- and SAC • LEGAL NOTICES • BOARD OF ADJCSTMKN'T u*(l, W oodeide, Calnuiulu', Director. Reg. $2.50 Ralph E. Diets, .VOT1CE Chairman. 4ne, Onndii, Caltiornia, Director. T»k« Notice that Ueorge Chrone, o-10-lt F«u 14.32 Mlcha«l W. McCartiiy, US Quaker BREATHLESS IT'S PLANTING TIME tradinc u tb> PLAZA BAB bu ap- .Ids* Road, aaanbftiaett, J-on« I«i- Both plied 10 the Mayor and Council of 5OT1CC nd, New York, plrtotor. up the Town of We»fneld (or renewg.1 Public Notice is hereby givm that J, I. Straus, IS K&«c 72nd Str««t, FLOWERING SHRUBS and TREES ul a PLENARY HETAIL CONSUMP- resolutions of which the following Sew York City, N. Y., Director. 2.50 DUSTING POWDER for . TION LICENSE for premises situ- are copies, were introduced, read, Bray ton Wilbur, 623 Irwin Drive, 1.7! • DOGWOOD (Pink & White) ated iit lu»-u North Avenue. \\ tst- and approved by the Council of the LirHusame, California, Director. neiil, N. J. Tuwn of Westfleld at a meeting held Stoirttholders holding One (1) Per- Special .... Objt.-ctiuiitf, if any, ahuuld be made April 23, 19,*! 6, and that tti* said •ttiit or Mure of Common Sifouk: • MAGNOLIA •AZALEAS i.niiu-jiiatfly in writhiB Hi -lane K. i.*ouncil will further consider the Douglass & Co.. HO Urottdway, Jones, Town Ok-rk of Womlield, N. J. atne for final approval on the 14th Jew i ork. New York. SlKiu'd, day or May. is;>6, »t eight o'clock Kddy & Co., c/o Bankers Trust Co., tifOiBi- Chruiie ~.M. In the Council Chamber, Slunl- \O. I'i's T0o, Church St. Annex, ,\ew COUNTESS I PEONY ROOTS ULY of the VALLEY ••••f-ll Ninth Ave. '-•ij»al HulldinK. 42". R. Broad St.. oi K, .\tw York. YARDLEY Wt-suiflU, N. J. ">»tneld, N. .!.. at which time and liu-r & Comuany, cyo Oui\ runty 'i-lO-^lKers $6.eti ac«- any person whw m_ay be inter- 'ru*i Cu. of N. \., H*t Broadway, White, Red, Pink ted therein will l»e K\\ »*n an <»p- 1.00 Bundles, 60c .tiv York, New York. s NOTH'B port unify to be heard concern Ing Kane A: uotiipany, c/o Chant NIL* SILENT I Take NutU-t? thtit Alfred J. Miller tiomil Hank, Pv^O nude COLOGNE [ mi mediately (n writing in ,lant' K. Avenue, (or the sum nl |;-.«in.i>o. ra stock hotden< balding One U) Por- large Selection of Joiu'.", Town Clerk of WcMiitMd. N. J. MTI i-.'^inp. if lirrfby approved. Mib- ct-ni* or More of 4.iio'p convertible jet lo linal approval at a furthfr I'rt-ftrrcd StocK; mrrtlnr of thr TOHT Count'l] lo hi- AlwtH A Co.. |."» Wall direct. New ANNUALS and PERENNIALS ItcM vl\ May U. 15..*. in ail L*- I York, .St-w York. All Hildu Wauiier Miller wifh Title (d: «"-:«. nihdiv^ion r fcturren & Co.. Hoom 1J*U. 230 Park .'.to Hobson Mrtct • •f tlic n»vift-y. i!*3i. Hnd amendments tljcreof The Home Insurance Company, S9 For . ,0-2f Fee*, IT.:,» ^nd Ruppl*-m*-m.. th^rptn: Maiden Une, New York, New York. 1.25 1.00 2.2! BE IT Fl-RTHKR RKSOI^VKn that IIK* A Company. 110 Bro.idway, ~SOTICK ~ h • do>#-(d ! vtf t*nTi\ py.*Tn<- 'halll contain New York. New York. GLADIOLUS bulbsl ! Ill f'Olowinc m^ tti-ini: KtnK Ar Coinnany, c/o City Hunk ** T Tr I ) i -v UllhiTJ) Nc ^ h \ ^ rk ( I 1 I III BAG OF 18 li t ill tr n \ S rk trt- 111 1 M i 1 " t t nnci A. MIXED COLORS •J*li \i \ lur» just Received! $1.OO ofTl » c No \ rk ALSO CHOICE NAME VARIETIES - 85c to 1.25 Doien I f oil \U_ ad v i \i \ } ork ^ r k A Fresh Shipment of 1 I! II \ M ti b REMEMBER! Mil i rk S ^ rk it H I U) 1 r Quality Materials and Intelligent Planning Ti t pi« 1 r ti * j n^ Whitman's For Best Results 1 \r 11 \ tUrtf rd P ih \ it 1 1 1 ( t j tl STOP IN FOR FREE ADVICE li 1 l! Can*" 1* f: I« Mother's Day fid N Mtl j Tr • ORDER BY PHONE • ."trecl. WE DELIVER PROMPTLY AT NO EXTRA CHARGE T..V OPEN SUNDAYS 9 to 5 orlla. USEOU««« FROM T


    • LANDSCAPE CRAFTSMAN • CERTIFIED TREE EXPERT f - i * i 243 E. BROAD ST. Mafci Eitoblhharf 1928 H f* I - 1 l M your PHONB YOUR ORDERS TO WE. 2-8717 - WE DELIVER t 4 *r* 1100 SOUTH AVE. W., WESTFIELD PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS i I Phone Westfield 2-6680 I * tl ,!«(#> . it- i