THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Union County Entered as Second CIUBS Matter Published -SIXTH YEAR—No. 35 Post Of floe, Wentfltia. N. J. WESTFIEU), NEW JEJtSETf, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1956 Every j I>^I *d 36 w Boundary Lines Banquet Planned By Public Urged To Take Part Borough to PAL Next Thursday Patrolman to Force Board Appoints The Westfteld PAL will hold « In Garden Club Flower Show MOUNTAINSIDE — Appoint- j banquet for members next Thurs- ment of a new patrolman to the ablished For Schools day at 7 p.m. in the Community Police Department is planned, ac- Center. Patrolman Frank Cre The flower show committee of White 18. Yellow 19.'Purple 20. cording to Mayor Joseph A. Kom- peau, PAL director, is chairman. the Garden Ciub of Westfield has Bronze 21. Lavender 22. Pink 23. ich and the Borough Council. Ap- Two Principals (1 Action Aiding him will be other members urged public participation in the Blue 24. Red 25. Bi-color 26. Any plications may be obtained at Po- of the police department, includ- wide range of -horticulture classes ther 27. Collection. ice Headquarters. Applicants ing Chief Albeit Pfirrmann. Per- which it has planned for the trip Iris—Siberian—one stalk. 28. nust be between the ages of 21 sons interested in assisting are 'Around the Mulberry Bush," Fri- White- 29. Blue 30. Variegated Changes Senior cted to Aid day, May 25, from 2 to 5 p.m. ,nd 30. Starting salary is $3,800 isked to contact Patrolman fcre- 1. Any other 82. Collection. ith increases of $50 per year un- >eau at headquarters. These specimens will be staged in Iris—any other—one stalk 33. t'ded Classes the assembly hall, Presbyterian il the level of $4,800 is reached. Commencement Parish House, 140 Mountain ave- Any other iris. nue, in the division "This is the Peonies: 34. Single, one bloom Board of Education Tues- way our gardens grow." 5. Double, one bloom 36. Semi- Date to June IS ht established new boun- Elect Grubman double, one bloom 37. Japanese, PBA to Sponsor ide lines, effective in Sep- •v The complete schedule is as fol- one bloom 38. Collection. lows: Roses; Hybrid Tea — one The Board of Education TUPB- for all schools with the Perennials and Biennials: 39, Variety Show ay night appointed two new ele- in of Lincoln and McKin- bloom. 1. White 2. Pink 3. Red 4. Jaycee Director Yellow 5. Any other color 6. Three ulumbine, longapurred, one spray lontary school principals effective changes were made in an blooms one variety 7. Collection; 40. Oriental Poppy, one stem 41. n July. 0 balance "pupil density" Frank Williams Floribunda and Polyanthus Type— Baptisia, one stalk 42. Day Lily, Will Be Held Albert Bobal of 523 Hillcrest classrooms, according to Named State VP one spray. 8. Red 9. Pink 10. ne stalk 43. Lupin, one stalk 44. Here May 19 ivenuo, social studies teacher in lembers. White 11. Yellow or Orange 12. Joral Bells, three stems 45. Sweet he Senior High School, was named 1 side lines will be as fol- William, three . stems 46. Any (Picture OB p«|» 2) Collection; climbing or rambler— A variety show will be sponsor- Columbus School principal, »Uc- one spray not to exceed 24 in. ther, one to three stems of one eeding Howard Tomlinson who WiliOB School Two Westfleld Jaycees and one variety. id by the Westfield PBA, Local 'ormer Westfielder were elected to 13. Red 14. Pink 15. White 16. 10, May 19 at 8 p.m. in Weatfleld will be junior high school princi- upils living within the area Yellow. Bulbous Plants: 47. Lily of the MARGARET JOHNSTCME pal, and Joseph B. Conneil sixth j by the following line office at the annual convention of High School. Proceeds will go to- grade teacher in Grant School, the New Jersey Chamber of Com- Iris: Bearded one stalk. 17. Valley, three stems 48. Peruvian ward the sicJ< and death benefit tend Wilson School: Be- Daffodil, one stem 49. Any other will be principal of Grant and at a point where the cen- merce in 'Newark last Friday and fund. Tickets may be obtained McKinley Schools. JEAN TOBEY Saturday. Edward Grubman, 238 flower from a hardy bulb. from any member of the police Club to Hear lountain avenue intersects Lilacs: 50. Single white, one untainside town line, the Grove street, president of the department. Mr. Bobat, » teacher *t the Newark chapter, was elected state Win National pray not to exceed 24 inches 51. igh school since 1962,' will alw is south down the center Single blue, one spray not to ex- Dick King will be master of cer- Woman Pastor ntain avenue to Kimball representative to the National imonies with tho program as fol- erve as supervisor of the aaf*ty Jean Tobey To Board of Directors; Frank B. ceed 24 inches 52. Single pink or ml civil defense program* and thence east on Kimball Writing Awards avender, one spray not to ex- ows: Al and Connie Ftnton including both sides of the Williams, current president of the Terpsechorian Artistry," ifrom Tea to Honor supervisor of• the testing program Westfleld Jaycee Chapter, was ceed 24 inches 53. Single purple for the entire system. He is c>*a- Harrison avenue, thence Represent Scouts or red, one spray not to exceed the Palace Theatre; the Shannons, Harrison avenue, exclud- elected to the office of state vice Top Honors To "Sweethearts of Song," from the Retiring Officers dent-olect of thi Westfleld Teath- president, and Thomas Sperry Jr., 24 inches 54. Double White, one irs Association and sooreUry' o( • sides of the street, to spray not to exceed 24 inches 55. atin Quarter; Clark and Knight; ireet; east on Mays street, Selected to Attend former resident, was elected a 12 Local Pupils "Impressions," from the Latin Margaret Blair Johnstone, pas- he New Jersey Councillor 8o*l»l state vice president, Double blue, one spray not to ex tor of the Union Parish in Groton, Studies..;.;.. , . both aides of the street Camp in Wyoming Twelve Roosevelt Junior High ceed 24 inches 56. Double pink or Quarter. jji Chestnut street; thence Mr. Grubman was also honored Mass., will address the Westfiold' Mr.' Connelt, who cante'to Wtit- School pupils have won top honor; .avender, one spray not to exceed Also, Medro, "Poetry in Mo- Woman's Club at the Masonic wn North Chestnut street, by being chosen "outstanding lo- ion," from the' Club Versailles; field in 1956, previously Uught in Jean Tobey of .1320 Prospect in the nation's biggest creative 24 inches. 57. Double purple Temple Monday»at 2:15 p.m. on chools In Caldwcll, where he both sides of the street, cal president of the year" (the red, one spray not to exceed 24 Daro and Corda, "Satirical Inter- nter of East Broad street, stre*et, senior Girl Scout of the writing competition for high the subject, "How to Live on presently resides, Westfleld Local Council Girl president's trophy). He is a grad- school pupils. inches. ludes," from the Monte Mart; Twenty-four Hours a Day." long the center of East uate of Rutgers School of Jour- Gregory and Sherri, "Moment Mu- With a split vote of 7-2 the Scouts, has been selected as one First prize in the scholastic Shrubs and Trees: 58. Azalea, Mrs. Johnstone was born in De- •eet to Gallows Hill road; of two representatives from New nalism, with an MA in industrial red 59. Azalea, white 60. Azalea sical," from the Ed Sullivan TV board approved changing the sen- beginning with 897 East relations from the School for So- writing awards was won by Peter show; Dick King, "Nonsense," troit and educated at Albion Col- ior high school commencement Jersey to attend the all-state en- Collins, 14, of the ninth grade, it pink 01. Azalea, orange or yel- lege. After attending the Chicago date from June 14 to June 18. reet, the line runs along campment this year to be held cial Research. from the Uoxy Theatre and Paul lot lines of the houses has been announced in New York (Ploaso turn to page 2) Theological Seminary and the Chi- Voting against the change were during July and August at, the Mr. Grubman has spent four by the Scholastic Magazine, which Benson, "The Mad Auctioneer," n East Broad street to from the Diamond Horse Shoe. cago Federated School of Theol- ester P. Philp and LollU J. Dug- side of Woodland avenue; Buffalo Bill Youth Camj) near years in the Newark Jaycees and conducts the annual writing con ogy, she did a groat deal of social hi. Officials stated that the chance ' Cody, Wyo, Senior Girl Scouts has attended every state conven- test. He gained his honor in the Music will be, by Mark Zimmer- orthwest along Woodland man and his orchestra. service work in Chicago before she had been made necessary by the including both sides of experienced in camping and out- tion since he joined the organiza- poetry competition for'junior high WHS Girls' Gym was invited to accept the pulpit closing of schools Jan, 9 and ' id avenue, to the rear lot standing in leadership qualities tion. He is public relations su- schoolers. Patrolmen Edward and William of tt small church on Chicago's Mmch 10 "because of inclement houses on the south side will attend this camp from every pervisor of the Mutual Benefit A second-place honorable men- Program Planned Grecr, co-chairmen, report that the north side in u poor section of th weuthef.
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