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Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life Free FREE YOKO TSUNO ON THE EDGE OF LIFE PDF Roger Leloup,Luke Spear | 48 pages | 30 Nov 2007 | CINEBOOK LTD | 9781905460328 | English | Ashford, United Kingdom Yoko Tsuno Vol 1: On The Edge of Life There is something special about Franco-Belgian comics from the s. The comics of Spirou MagazineTintinand Pilote solidified the dominance of Franco-Belgian comics into the Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life era. Large format, long-form narrative storytelling, complex characters, and clean, clear artistic styles are the hallmark of the Euro-style comics, and Yoko Tsuno is no exception. This intelligent and attractive young woman must use all her wits to solve her next mystery. She arrives to find her friend ill, but not the one who called for her. But for the benefit of whom? The gang soon discovers that there is a young girl who survived a bombing in her town and needs synthetic blood to survive, using the most sophisticated tools in science and medicine to keep her alive in suspended animation decades later. Yoko Tsuno and her cadre of friends are the epitome of the Scooby gang template. Yoko is the smartest member of her group. When there is a creak outside a crypt door, Yoko grabs a flower pot and investigates; when a recorder is discovered, putting the life of a young girl in danger, she breaks it with Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life rock and is injured along the way, illustrating her deep loyalty to her friends. And Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life matter what happens, Yoko always gets back up, always takes on new problems, always learns something new. While aspects of the story are on the verge of being classified as science fiction, many of the technologies used in the comic are analogous to modern medical technologies. She is the role model I wish I had in my young years: a strong, confident woman who makes her decisions for herself and has conviction to spare. Readers may take issue with the problematic themes in the stories from the Franco-Belgian mid-century era of comics, particularly in respect to the representation of minority characters. Yoko Tsuno gives the feeling of being very progressive about the characters in this story. Yoko is often noted as being Japanese; however, stereotypes of Japanese women have very little impact on her story arc: most of her actions focus on her deductive reasoning and technological knowledge. This was an era of powerful women in European comics. Barbarella had debuted a decade earlier, and that foundation built on the sexual revolution of the s to give a starting point for intelligent, well-spoken female characters of the s. If you want a fun adventure story, Yoko Tsuno is a quick mystery read sprinkled with science fiction elements. Tracy Boehm December 26, December 20, Tracy Boehm I like good storytelling, compelling and complex characters, and amazing art. When these forces combine to Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life great comics, I am a happy reader no matter the genre or subject. Comics Reviews. En Scene Bleating Heart Press. On the Edge of Life - Roger Leloup - Google книги Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life specialization draws her and friends Pol and Vic into adventures that cross the border between fantasy and science fiction. Yoko crosses the globe and travels through time and space; but no matter where her exploits take her, the young girl always remains faithful to herself, never forgetting values such as loyalty, friendship and respect for life. In this first volume, our heroine is called to the bedside of her friend Ingrid, who is struck down by a mysterious disease that leaves her powerless. Yoko Tsuno soon realizes that a strange vampire, dressed all in black, shadows her Yoko Tsuno On the Edge of Life 3. In Stock. Add To Basket. Total: inc. Currently viewing: 1- On the Edge of Life. Buck Danny 10 - Defcon One. Buck Danny 09 - Flight of the Spectre. Green Manor Part 1 - Assassins and Gentlemen. Barracuda 2 - Scars. Barracuda 3 - Duel. Papyrus 02 - Imhotep's Transformation. Papyrus 03 - Tutankhamun. Wayne Shelton 2 - The Betrayal. Lucky Luke 76 - Oklahoma Jim. Yoko Tsuno 15 - Wotan's Fire. Orbital 8 - Contacts. Gomer Goof 06 - Gomer: Gofer, Loafer. Return to Aldebaran 2 - Episode 2. Largo Winch 18 - Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life Sails. XIII 24 - 2, Yards. Yoko Tsuno Vol. 1: on the Edge of Life : Roger Leloup : Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Besides being pretty, intelligent and courageous, Yoko Tsuno is an electronics engineer. In this first volume of a new series, Yoko is called to the bedside of her friend Ingrid, who is struck down by a mysterious disease that leaves her powerless. Yoko soon realizes that a strange vampire, dressed all in black, shadows her. Get A Copy. Paperback46 pages. Published November 1st by Cinebook Ltd first published More Details Original Title. Yoko Tsuno 7Yoko Tsuno 7. Rothenburg ob der Tauber Germany. Other Editions 8. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about On the Edge of Lifeplease sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Re-reading for comfort :0 Still a little gem! I grew up with Yoko, loving her scifi adventure stories and waiting not so patiently for the next album, devouring each as soon as I could. This one is one of her best and I can still remember the awe I felt when I first read it in the 70s. Leloup's creation is one of the first female BD hero - she first appeared in Spirou magazine inher first album being published in Here was a girl that yes could fight or rather defend herself if need b Re-reading for comfort :0 Still a little gem! Here was a girl that yes could fight or rather defend herself if need be, but who preferred intelligence, wit and courage to solve problems, one who valued life in any shape or form. Although Yoko is very well portrayed, the secondary characters are less so, especially Pol and Vic, but this doesn't really detract from the stories. After all, this series is aimed at children 12 years old - ish and so has an element of 'naivety'. This however doesn't mean that the stories are dumb or silly. Far from it. In this instance, we have gothic elements in an amazing old setting that turn into science fiction and 'modernity', all tied up around a plot concerning blood. Leloup's publishers were worried about Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life but thankfully did let him carry on. And Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life what I've heard, influenced Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life a few girls to become scientists, and even hematologists! Yoko's adventures are really mysteries that are set on earth but also in space and time, with several plot lines progressing throughout the whole series, and recurring characters Khany and the Vineans are favourites. If you read this in English, be aware that this is her 7th story 1st translated and that you'll have missed the background information about the trio and Ingrid original publication list. Leloup's style is similar to Herge's, both preferring the ligne claire, but Leloup is much more obsessed about details and veracity. Anything rendered from the real world, whether building or mechanical, is painstakingly done to perfection, which is why Herge had Leloup draw for instance the Carreidas plane in Flight As for inventions, Leloup has a Jules Vernesque approach, Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life machines extrapolated from real science. Thank you Mr Leloup for giving us a character that girls could follow, one that showed them that you can do anything and be anything you want, while taking their imaginations on amazing trips :O View 2 comments. Apr 20, Mimimimimi rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: fans of Spirou and Tintin. Yoko Tsuno is a japanese engeneering grad, part-time investigator, full-time sci-fi heroine. She's witty, elegant and very scrappy. She somehow manages to be sarcastic while still being friendly. She has an unassailable sense of morality and an incredible capacity for generosity and compassion. I absolutely adore her and could sing her praises forever. The art is so lovely, the backgrounds so intricate, you can feel all the care Mr. Leloup put into drawing his beloved Yoko Tsuno. Cons: - This is actually not the first book! Chronologically speaking it's the 7th. The first one is actually The Curious Trio. This didn't bother me Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life, but others might want to have that in mind before reading it. It is, and they even make it a plotpoint! It Yoko Tsuno on the Edge of Life be the translator's fault. There seems to be a few reviews blaming him for the bad writing and altough I don't understand a word of french, I'm inclined to agree. But more importantly, was it really necessary to end almost every sentence in ellipses?! For goodness' sake Why is this even a thing? So many Ok, so here's the deal: Yoko Tsuno will always have a special place in my heart.
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    Alternative Francophone vol.1, 9(2016) : 155-170 http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/af De Bécassine à Yoko Tsuno : Réflexions sur les stéréotypes, les oublis et la renaissance de quelques héroïnes créées par des auteurs masculins. Chris Reyns-Chikuma University of Alberta On l’a suffisamment répété sans que cela ne change vraiment la situation, au moins jusqu’à tout récemment : il y a peu de femmes dans la BD francophone, tant dans le rang des créatrices que dans celui des héroïnes. En sondant l’histoire de la BD, cet article entend discuter de plusieurs points cruciaux de la représentation des personnages féminins et de leurs auteur(e)s : différences de traitement, réception, stéréotypes, ambiguïtés et portée des choix graphiques. 1. Une BD de filles? Sans retourner jusqu’au 19e siècle, la BD au féminin pourrait commencer avec La Semaine de Suzette1, magazine hebdomadaire catholique pour filles créé en 1905 et qui reste principalement connu grâce à l’une de ses héroïnes, Bécassine. Ce personnage est un premier cas intéressant pour aborder la problématique de la place des femmes dans la BD. Si, comme l’ont montré certains critiques, cette bonne B/bretonne qui a évolué pendant soixante ans dans les mains de divers artistes, est plus complexe que ce qu’en a retenu la mémoire populaire, elle reste aujourd’hui principalement associée à un stéréotype négatif de femme dont l’évidence est signalée par le sens du nom commun : « jeune fille sotte ou naïve ». De plus, l’absence de bouche chez Bécassine est aisément lisible comme symptomatique non seulement de la condition de la bonne/paysanne bretonne par rapport à ses maîtres bourgeois parisiens (Martin-Fugier), et de la femme dans le patriarcat en général, mais également dans le système patriarcal de la bande dessinée en particulier où chaque trait est supposé signifier clairement quelque chose.2 1 Hebdomadaire catholique ultra conservateur, anti-juif et anti-franc-maçon, et donc pour le dire brièvement, anti-féministe.
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