THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 37, Number 34 Thursday, September 2, 2021 THE Page 2 September 2, 2021 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 Beacher Company Directory e-mail: News/Articles -
[email protected] Don and Tom Montgomery Owners email: Classifieds -
[email protected] Andrew Tallackson Editor Drew White Print Salesman PRINTE ITH Published and Printed by Janet Baines Inside Sales/Customer Service T Randy Kayser Pressman T A S A THE BEACHER BUSINESS PRINTERS Dora Kayser Bindery Jacquie Quinlan, Jessica Gonda Production Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is John Baines, Karen Gehr, Tom Montgomery Delivery also delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach. AAnn IIdyllicdyllic LLifeife by Connie Kuzydym Micky Gallas is photographed by The Beacher’s Bob Wellinski along the Lake Michigan shoreline. Editor’s note — This is the next in an ongoing se- ries amid this year’s Long Beach centennial anni- versary highlighting history, individuals and orga- nizations in the community. hen Long Beach was fi rst established 100 years ago, it was a resort community draw- Wing predominantly from Chicago. Eventu- ally, the area near Lake Michigan began resonating with those who wanted to raise their children near the sand and water. As the years passed, there were generations of families sprinkled throughout the beach area. One such family is the O’Haras.