OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 1

HelloWorld with SharpDevelop*

Hannes Hirzel

This work is produced by OpenStax-CNX and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0„

Abstract It is show how to do a 'hello world' program with the 'SharpDevelop' IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Note This module is a draft.

1 Introduction SharpDevelop1 is a free IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the dotNet framework of . It supports development in dierent languages. In this module a hello world program in -sharp is done. It would be very similar for other languages. It is assumed that you have downloaded and installed SharpDevelop.

*Version 1.3: Apr 16, 2016 7:33 am -0500 „ 1 OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 2

2 First part After starting the IDE

Create a new project In the Sharp IDE projects are called 'solutions'. So click on 'New solution', then choose 'Windows Applica- OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 3

tion'. Make sure 'Create directory for solution' is not checked. This means that this be a solution which will con-

tain only one project. OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 4

Main form

The initial code for a main form is generated. OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 5

Running the program

You may run the program in this status by clicking on the green triangle. What you see is the window of the running 'Hello World' program. Close it so that we are ready for enhancing it a bit.

3 Second part In this part we are going to add a label to the 'hello world' program. Click on the button 'Design' at the bottom of the tab 'Mainform.cs'. OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 6

After switching to 'Design' mode OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 7

'Tools' tab OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 8 OpenStax-CNX module: m43511 9

The running program (second version)