3.22 Measurement of Neutron Spallation Cross Sections
JAERI-Conf 96-008 3.22 Measurement of Neutron Spallation Cross Sections E.Kim,T.Nakamura,A.Konno(CYRIC,Tohoku Univ.),M.Imamura,N.Nakao T.Shibata(INS,Univ.of Tokyo),Y.Uwamino,N.Nakanishi(Institute of Physical and Chemical Research),Su.Tanaka,H.Nakashiman, Sh.Tanaka,(JAERI) Neutron spallation cross sections of l2C(n,2n)"C and 2O9Bi(n,xn)2IOxBi were measured in the quasi-monoencrgetic p-Li neutron fileds in the energy range of 20McV to 210MeV which have been established at four AVF cyclotron facilities of 1)INS of Univ. of Tokyo, 2)TIARA of JAERI, 3)CYRIC of Tohoku Univ., and 4)RIKEN. Our experimental data were compared with other experimental data and the ENDF/B-VI high energy file data. 1. Introduction At present, a demand for neutron reaction data is world-wide increasing from the viewpoints of intense neutron source of material study, induced radioactivity and shielding design of high energy accelerators. Nevertheless, neutron reaction data in the energy range above 20MeV are very poor and no evaluated data file exists at present mainly due to very limited number of facilities having quasi-monoenergetic neutron fields. In this study, we measured the neutron spallation cross sections of I2C, 27A1,59Co and 209Bi which has been and will be used for high energy neutron spectrometry, by using quasi-monoenergetic p-Li reutrons in the energy range of 20MeV to 210MeV. 2.Experiment The experiments were performed at four cyclotron facilities of 1 institute for Nuclear Study ( INS ),University of Tokyo for 20 to 40 McV, 2)Cyclotron and Radioisotopc Center (CYRIC),Tohoku University for 20 to 40 MeV, 3)Takasaki Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Reserch Institute (TIARA) for 40 to 90MeV and 4)Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) for 80 to 210MeV.
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