Diabetes Care Volume 40, December 2017 1661 OF RISK AND CGM

Alexandra K. Lee,1 Clare J. Lee,2 Risk Factors for Severe Elbert S. Huang,3 A. Richey Sharrett,1 Hypoglycemia in Black and Josef Coresh,1 and Elizabeth Selvin1 White Adults With : The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study Diabetes Care 2017;40:1661–1667 | https://doi.org/10.2337/dc17-0819

OBJECTIVE Severe hypoglycemia is a rare but important complication of . Few studies have examined the epidemiology of hypoglycemia in a community-based population.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We included 1,206 Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study participants with diagnosed diabetes (baseline: 1996–1998). Severe hypoglycemic events were fi identi ed through 2013 by ICD-9 codes from claims for hospitalizations, emergency 1Department of Epidemiology and Welch Center department visits, and ambulance use. We used Cox regression to evaluate risk for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Re- factors for severe hypoglycemia. search, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Pub- lic Health, Baltimore, MD RESULTS 2Division of , Diabetes and Metabo- lism, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medi- The mean age of participants was 64 years, 32% were black, and 54% were female. cine,Baltimore,MD During a median follow-up period of 15.2 years, there were 185 severe hypoglycemic 3Section of Internal Medicine, The University of events. Important risk factors after multivariable adjustment were as follows: age Chicago Medicine, Chicago, IL (per 5 years: hazard ratio [HR] 1.24; 95% CI 1.07–1.43), black race (HR 1.39; 95% CI Corresponding author: Elizabeth Selvin, eselvin@ 1.02–1.88), diabetes medications (any use vs. no medications: HR 3.00; 95% CI jhu.edu. 1.71–5.28; oral medications only vs. no medications: HR 2.20; 95% CI 1.28–3.76), Received 24 April 2017 and accepted 27 August 2017. glycemic control (moderate vs. good: HR 1.78; 95% CI 1.11–2.83; poor vs. good: HR 2.62; 95% CI 1.67–4.10), macroalbuminuria (HR 1.95; 95% CI 1.23–3.07), and This article contains Supplementary Data online at http://care.diabetesjournals.org/lookup/ poor cognitive function (Digit Symbol Substitution Test z score: HR 1.57; 95% CI suppl/doi:10.2337/dc17-0819/-/DC1. 1.33–1.84). In an analysis of nontraditional risk factors, low 1,5-anhydroglucitol, This article is featured in a podcast available at difficulty with activities of daily living, Medicaid insurance, and antidepressant http://www.diabetesjournals.org/content/ use were positively associated with severe hypoglycemia after multivariate diabetes-core-update-podcasts. adjustment. © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work CONCLUSIONS is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered. More infor- Poor glycemic control, glycemic variability as captured by 1,5-anhydroglucitol, kidney mation is available at http://www.diabetesjournals damage, and measures of cognitive and functional impairments were strongly asso- .org/content/license. ciated with increased risk of severe hypoglycemia. These factors should be consid- See accompanying articles, pp. 1611, ered in hypoglycemia risk assessments when individualizing diabetes care for older 1614, 1622, 1631, 1641, 1644, and adults. 1651. 1662 Risk Factors for Severe Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 40, December 2017

Hypoglycemia is an important complica- cohort of older black and white adults participants brought in all medications tion of type 2 diabetes that can have a with type 2 diabetes, 2)torigorouslyeval- taken in the past 2 weeks to each study major impact on quality of life and health uate traditional and nontraditional risk visit. use was classi- outcomes (1–3). Severe hypoglycemia is factors for severe hypoglycemia in older fied as “no medication use,”“oral medi- more common in older age, approxi- adults with diabetes, and 3) to determine cations only,” and “any insulin use” at the mately doubling with each decade of life whether risk factor associations for hypo- baseline visit (1996–1998). Since the vast after age 60 years (4). Because of the in- glycemia differ in blacks compared with majority of participants in the oral medi- creased risk of hypoglycemia associated whites. cation–only category were receiving with , clinical guide- treatment with , it was not lines typically recommend individualizing RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS possible to examine the association of glycemic targets for older adults based other types of oral medications with se- Study Population on a personalized assessment of risk for vere hypoglycemia because of small The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities hypoglycemia and expected benefitfrom sample size. Because HbA was not mea- (ARIC) Study is an ongoing prospective 1c tight glycemic control (5). The 2017 Stan- sured at visit 4, we used cohort study that recruited participants dards of Medical Care highlight “renal in- (categorized into tertiles) as a proxy for in 1987–1989 from four U.S. communi- sufficiency” and cognitive dysfunction as glycemic control. Reduced kidney function ties: Jackson, MS; Forsyth, NC; Washing- important risk factors for hypoglycemia, was defined as an estimated glomerular ton County, MD; and the suburbs of but other risk factors remain less well filtration rate (eGFR) ,60 mL/min/ Minneapolis, MN (12). During the first documented. For instance, there is con- 1.73 m2, using the Chronic Kidney Disease 12 years of the study, study visits with flicting evidence that female sex or car- Epidemiology Collaboration equation for physical examinations and detailed ques- diovascular disease increases the risk of serumcreatinine(13). Albuminuria was cat- tionnaires occurred every 3 years. The hypoglycemia (2,6,7). Advancing our un- egorized by the albumin-to- ratio fourth study visit occurred in 1996–1998 derstanding of risk factors for hypoglyce- (ACR): ,30, 30 to ,300, and $300 mg/g. and is the baseline for the present analy- mia can lead to improvements in the Cognitive function was assessed using the sis. At visit 4, there were 1,511 individuals clinical assessment of hypoglycemia risk Digit Symbol Substitution Test (DSST), a with self-reported physician-diagnosed and contribute to personalized and safe neuropsychological test of executive diabetes or currently taking diabetes diabetes care. function that has previously been associ- medications. For the present analysis, There are also substantial racial dispar- ated with hypoglycemia (14). Because of we excluded four participants who self- ities in rates of hypoglycemia (8–10). large differences in the mean values be- identified as being of a race other than Blacks have approximately twofold higher tween blacks and whites, race-specific black or white. For the main analysis of rates of severe hypoglycemia, and this z scores were used in all analyses. traditional risk factors, we excluded indi- excess risk persists after multivariate “Nontraditional” risk factors were viduals who were missing any risk factors adjustment, suggesting that other fac- items that were plausible but untested of interest (n = 301), leaving a final sample tors may contribute to hypoglycemia or factors that had more limited biological size of 1,206. For the analysis of nontra- risk in blacks (6). To date, previous studies plausibility but had been shown in one or ditional risk factors, we additionally ex- have not specifically examined whether two studies to be associated with severe cluded individuals who were missing any hypoglycemia risk factors may be differ- hypoglycemia. Nontraditional risk fac- of the additional variables of interest ent in blacks compared with whites. tors included functional disabilities, self- (n = 62), leaving a sample size of 1,144. Most prior studies of risk factors for reported health, history of cardiovascular hypoglycemia have been conducted ei- Risk Factors for Severe Hypoglycemia disease, and a number of different bio- ther as post hoc analyses of randomized Based on the existing literature, we clas- markers. Disability was based on the as- clinical trials or as retrospective studies of sified risk factors as either “traditional” or sessment of any difficulty with activities routinely collected clinical or administra- “nontraditional.” Traditional risk factors of daily living (ADLs) (eating, dressing, tive data. In clinical trials, patients are se- were those where there was existing ev- getting out of bed, or walking between lected based on strict criteria and thus are idence of an association with hypoglyce- rooms) and any difficulty with instrumen- unlikely to be representative of typical mia in the literature and strong biologic tal ADLs (IADLs) (managing money, pre- older adults with diabetes (11). Studies plausibility, as follows: age, sex, race, BMI, paring meals, or vacuuming/other light of administrative data may be more rep- duration of diabetes, -lowering housework). We included two measures resentative but lack standardized clinical medication use, glycemic control, kidney of general health asked via telephone assessments and are often missing impor- function, albuminuria, and cognition. BMI within 12 months prior to visit 4: self- tant clinical characteristics, such as dura- was calculated from measured height and rated health (poor or fair vs. good or tion of diabetes. Epidemiologic cohort weight at visit 4. Because the exact date excellent) and $10 lb of unintentional studies can fill a crucial gap in the litera- of diabetes diagnosis was not available, weight loss. We created a count of co- ture, as they are typically more represen- we calculated diabetes duration based morbidities, based on adjudicated cor- tative and have detailed demographic onthetimesincetheparticipantfirst onary heart disease or , heart and clinical characteristics collected in a reported a diagnosis or medication use. failure hospitalization, and self-report of standardized fashion. Diabetes duration was categorized the following: lung disease, liver cirrhosis, Our study aims were 1) to characterize as $9 years (reported at the first ARIC Parkinson disease, cancer within the past the incidence rates of severe hypoglyce- Study visit in 1987–1989) or ,9 years. 5 years, recent spine or hip fracture, ar- mia in a community-based epidemiologic For assessment of medication use, thritis, or a blood clot in lung or legs. The care.diabetesjournals.org Lee and Associates 1663

count of comorbidities was categorized Statistical Analysis were female, and 55% of participants into zero, one, two, and three or more. We used Poisson regression with robust were obese (BMI $30 kg/m2)(Table1). Since previous studies have reported SEs to calculate incidence rates and inci- Overall, 42% of participants had diabetes that a history of dence rate ratios (IRRs) by race, age, and for at least 9 years, 46% were receiving was associated with severe hypoglycemia, sex. We used Cox proportional hazards treatment with oral medications only, we also looked individually at prevalent cor- regression models to evaluate the associ- and 28% used insulin. Kidney function onary heart disease and stroke (2,7). Addi- ations of traditional and nontraditional was relatively preserved, as follows: tional nontraditional risk factors included risk factors with severe hypoglycemia. only 11% of participants had an eGFR family , education, Model 1 was adjusted for age, sex, and ,60 mL/min/1.73 m2, and 7.5% had an Medicaid insurance, use of antidepres- race. Model 2 included all variables in ACR $300 mg/g. There were substantial sant agents, and use of b-blockers model 1 plus all traditional risk factors racial differences in baseline characteris- (15–17). We also considered a family his- (obesity, duration of diabetes, diabetes med- tics. Reflective of the overall ARIC Study tory of diabetes, because it may indicate ication use, glycemic control, low eGFR, population, blacks were more likely to be genetic risk of reduced insulin secretion albuminuria, and cognitive function). Non- female and to be obese. Blacks were also andmorelabilediabetesthatmaypre- traditional risk factors were evaluated in- more likely to be receiving therapy with dispose individuals to hypoglycemia (18). dividually in models 1 and 2. We evaluated insulin and to have poorer glycemic con- Finally, we examined biomarkers that the proportional hazards assumption by vi- trol and albuminuria. are plausible contributors to hypoglyce- sually examining the log-log survival plots. There were 185 severe hypoglycemia mia risk but have not been rigorously ex- We tested for effect modification by race events during a median time of 15.2 years amined in prior studies. This included the using the likelihood ratio test. of follow-up in the 1,206 participants. The liver enzymes alanine , as- We conducted a number of sensitivity sex-adjusted incidence rates ranged from partate transaminase, and g-glutamyl analyses to examine the robustness of the 6.2/1,000 person-years for whites 60–69 transferase, since hepatic glucogenol- results. First, we repeated our analyses in years of age to 24.5/1,000 person-years ysis and are crucial the subgroup of participants $65 years of for blacks 80–89 years of age (Fig. 1). The autoregulatory responses when blood age with CMS Fee-for-Service Part B cov- incidence rate of severe hypoglycemia glucose levels are low (19). We also ex- erage. In this analysis, we censored par- was almost two times greater for blacks amined N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic ticipants if they died or changed to a compared with whites (age- and sex- peptide (NT-proBNP) and high-sensitivity different type of insurance. We also ex- adjusted IRR for black race 1.88; 95% CI cardiac T (hs-cTnT) as markers amined associations after excluding par- 1.39–2.53). There was no difference in of poor prognosis and because hs-cTnT ticipants with possible as incidence rates by sex (age- and race- ismorelikelytobeelevatedinthose defined by exclusive insulin use at all four adjusted IRR for female sex 1.00; P = 0.99). with a history of severe hypoglycemia ARIC Study visits. All traditional risk factors, with the ex- (20). Finally, since glycemic variability ception of sex, were significantly associ- has been associated with hypoglycemia RESULTS ated with severe hypoglycemia after (21,22), we hypothesized that low levels At baseline (visit 4, 1996–1998), the mean adjustment for age, sex, and race (Table of 1,5-anhydroglucitol (1,5-AG), a bio- age was 64 years, 54% of participants 2 model 1). Patterns of association were marker of glucose excursions, would be associated with increased risk of hy- poglycemia independent of average Table 1—Baseline characteristics of black and white ARIC Study participants with glycemia. diagnosed diabetes (visit 4, 1996–1998) Overall (n = 1,206) Blacks (n = 391) Whites (n = 815) Severe Hypoglycemia Age 63.7 (5.66) 62.7 (5.74) 64.2 (5.56) We assessed severe hypoglycemia using a Female sex 651 (54.0) 275 (70.3) 376 (46.1) validated algorithm with ICD-9 codes in BMI category the primary position from hospitaliza- Overweight 413 (34.4) 126 (32.2) 290 (35.6) tions, emergency department visits, and Obese 657 (54.8) 239 (61.1) 421 (51.7) ambulance calls through 31 December Diabetes duration $9 years 508 (42.1) 178 (45.5) 330 (40.5) 2013 (23). Records of hospitalizations Diabetes medication use are obtained for all ARIC Study partici- No medication 323 (26.8) 82 (21.0) 241 (29.6) pants through surveillance of local com- Oral medications only 550 (45.6) 151 (38.6) 399 (49.0) Any insulin 333 (27.6) 158 (40.4) 175 (21.5) munity records and through medical records requests for hospitaliza- Fructosamine Middle tertile (296–350 mmol/L) 397 (32.9) 127 (32.5) 270 (33.1) tions that occurred outside of the ARIC Highest tertile (.350 mmol/L) 499 (33.1) 168 (43.0) 231 (28.3) hospital surveillance system (12). For par- eGFR ,60 mL/min/1.73 m2 138 (11.4) 49 (12.5) 89 (10.9) ticipants enrolled in Medicare, linkage to ACR Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Ser- 30 to ,300 mg/g 176 (14.6) 65 (16.6) 111 (13.6) vices (CMS) provided claims for hospital- $300 mg/g 90 (7.5) 41 (10.5) 49 (6.0) izations, emergency department visits, DSST 38.0 (13.8) 28.0 (12.9) 42.8 (11.5) and ambulance use from 1991 through Age and DSST values are mean (SD); all other values are n (%). 2013. 1664 Risk Factors for Severe Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 40, December 2017

After adjustment for traditional risk factors, 1,5-AG level was linearly associ- ated with severe hypoglycemia (HR per 5 mg/mL 1.22; 95% CI 1.05–1.41) (Fig. 2, model 2). For the cardiac biomarkers, both hs-cTnT and NT-proBNP were asso- ciated with severe hypoglycemia in the model adjusted only for age, sex, and race, but the HRs were substantially at- tenuated and were no longer statistically significant after adjustment for tradi- tional risk factors. There was no associa- tion with hs-CRP. The findings for the liver enzymes , aspartate Figure 1—Incidence rates of severe hypoglycemia by age (years) and race, adjusted for sex. transaminase, and g-glutamyl transferase were also null (Supplementary Fig. 1). similar but attenuated after additional relationship with the number of ADLs or Antidepressant use was strongly asso- adjustment for all traditional risk fac- IADLs and increasing risk of hypoglycemia. ciated with hypoglycemia (HR 1.83; 95% tors (Table 2, model 1). Risk factors that Several other metrics of general health, in- CI 1.11–3.04) (model 2). In a post hoc fi remained signi cant in model 2 were age, cluding unintentional weight loss, fair or analysis looking at the type of antidepres- black race, fructosamine, medication use, poor self-rated health, prevalent coronary sant, tricyclics were more strongly associ- $ fi ACR 300 mg/g, and race-speci cSD heart disease, and prevalent stroke, were ated with risk of severe hypoglycemia fi lower DSST score. We did not nd robust not associated with hypoglycemia. The than selective serotonin reuptake inhibi- evidence for any interactions by race number of comorbidities was associated tors (tricylic agents HR 2.08; [95% CI 1.18– (Supplementary Table 1). with hypoglycemia only when the count 3.66]; selective serotonin reuptake inhib- In our analysis of nontraditional risk reached three or more comorbidities (HR itor HR 1.28; [95% CI 0.59–2.75]) (model $ factors, we found that measures of dis- for 3 vs. 0 comorbidities 2.17; 95% CI 2). Use of b-blockers was not associated – ability were associated with severe hy- 1.44 3.28) (Fig. 2, model 2). with hypoglycemia. poglycemia but other general health Family history of diabetes was weakly In the sensitivity analyses restricted fi fi metrics were not. Dif culty with ADLs but not statistically signi cantly associ- to participants $65 years of age with was strongly associated with hypoglyce- ated with hypoglycemia (Fig. 2, model 2). CMS Fee-For-Service Part B insurance – fi mia (hazard ratio [HR] 1.95; 95% CI 1.41 Similarly, although not statistically signi - coverage, estimates for the traditional fi 2.69), whereas dif culty with IADLs was cant, those participants with less educa- and nontraditional risk factors were sim- fi marginally not statistically signi cant (HR tion appeared to have a higher risk of ilar but had much wider CIs, likely owing – 1.37; 95% CI 0.99 1.90) (Fig. 2, model 2, hypoglycemia. Having Medicaid insurance to the much smaller sample size (n = 463; and Supplementary Table 2, numeric was strongly associated with hypoglyce- 76 hypoglycemic events) (Supplementary – results). There appeared to be a dose mia (HR 1.70; 95% CI 1.14 2.53) (model 2). Fig. 2 and Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). After the exclusion of 68 participants with Table 2—Adjusted HRs and 95% CIs for traditional risk factors for severe possible type 1 diabetes, results for tradi- hypoglycemia (n = 1,206; 185 people with hypoglycemia) tional risk factors were largely similar, Model 1 Model 2 although obesity became significantly Age, per 5 years 1.42 (1.25–1.62) 1.24 (1.07–1.43) associated with hypoglycemia (HR 1.62; Female sex 0.96 (0.71–1.30) 1.09 (0.80–1.48) 95% CI 1.15–2.15) (model 2) (Supplementary Black race 1.92 (1.42–2.60) 1.39 (1.02–1.88) Table 5). Obese* 1.46 (1.07–1.97) 1.31 (0.96–1.78) CONCLUSIONS Fructosamine (vs. lowest tertile) Middle tertile (296–350 mmol/L) 2.30 (1.46–3.62) 1.78 (1.11–2.83) The incidence rates of severe hypo- Highest tertile (.350 mmol/L) 4.04 (2.62–6.21) 2.62 (1.67–4.10) glycemia in our study (range in demo- Diabetes duration $9 years 1.75 (1.31–2.35) 1.19 (0.86–1.65) graphic groups 6–25/1,000 person-years) Diabetes medication (vs. none) are similar to other studies of persons Oral only 3.01 (1.78–5.07) 2.20 (1.28–3.76) with type 2 diabetes and attest to the Any insulin use 5.51 (3.25–9.34) 3.00 (1.71–5.28) high burden of hypoglycemia in the com- eGFR ,60 mL/min/1.73 m2 (creatinine) 2.00 (1.35–2.97) 1.40 (0.92–2.13) munity (4,10,14,24). Our results extend ACR the evidence for risk factors previously 30 to ,300 mg/g 1.51 (1.02–2.24) 1.16 (0.78–1.74) identified in the literature. We found $ – – 300 mg/g 3.07 (2.00 4.72) 1.95 (1.23 3.07) that older age, black race, poor glycemic fi – – DSST, per 1 lower race-speci c SD 1.67 (1.42 1.96) 1.57 (1.33 1.84) control, glucose-lowering medication use, Values are reported as HR (95% CI). Model 1 included age, sex, and race. Model 2 included all kidney damage, and poor cognition were variables in model 1 plus all covariates listed in the table. *Overweight and normal weight were all independently associated with the collapsed into one reference group because of the small numbers of normal weight participants. risk of severe hypoglycemia. We also care.diabetesjournals.org Lee and Associates 1665

it is in concordance with an analysis of the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Di- abetes (ACCORD) trial, which found that hy- poglycemic events primarily occurred in those with high HbA1c values during the trial who were unable to attain the glyce- mic target despite intensive treatment (2,6,26). Combined with the findings for 1,5-AG, our results suggest that concern about hypoglycemia should be greatest in those participants with high HbA1c values and glycemic variability, rather than in those with well-controlled HbA1c levels. Our study is also the first to provide rigorous evidence on the association of disability with severe hypoglycemia, in the form of difficulty with either ADLs or IADLs. Difficulty with these tasks, such as eating, dressing, and preparing meals, is easily assessed with a few questions. Combined with the strong influence of cognitive score on hypoglycemia risk, these findings highlight that difficulty with diabetes self-care can arise due to either mental or physical incapacities. Our finding that blacks are at higher risk of hypoglycemia is consistent with those of prior studies (6,8–10,27) demon- strating major racial disparities in hypo- glycemia risk. In sensitivity analyses, we found that the observed racial disparities were not entirely explained by the avail- able metrics of socioeconomic status. In- deed, neither education nor income was strongly associated with severe hypogly- cemia risk in our study population after adjustment for traditional risk factors. However, we identified Medicaid insur- ance status as an important and robust predictor of hypoglycemia, which may re- flect both low socioeconomic status and disability. Unmeasured health care ac- Figure 2—HRs and 95% CIs for nontraditional risk factors for hypoglycemia (n = 1,144; 169 people cess and use, medication adherence, and with hypoglycemia). CHD, coronary heart disease. other socioeconomic and geographic dis- paritiesmayplayamajorroleintheracial differences in hypoglycemia risk. Future identified several novel risk factors, as fol- greater insulin deficiency. Measuring studies are needed to better identify those lows: low 1,5-AG concentration, antide- 1,5-AG together with average glucose modifiable factors that can help amelio- pressant use, difficulty with any ADL, level may identify a subgroup of patients rate racial disparities in hypoglycemia risk and Medicaid insurance. with diabetes who had high glycemic in- and improve health outcomes in blacks. To our knowledge, our study is the first stability and were at high risk of future We observed an increased risk of se- to examine 1,5-AG as a risk factor for hypoglycemia. vere hypoglycemia among individuals us- hypoglycemia. We observed a strong Our finding that poor glycemic control ing antidepressant medications. Prior association between 1,5-AG concentra- wasstronglyassociatedwithseverehypo- studies of antidepressants (16,17) have tion and severe hypoglycemia indepen- glycemia extends the existing epidemio- found that the association with hypogly- dent of average glucose level. This logic literature in type 2 diabetes (25). cemia varied either by the duration of finding is consistent with the biology of Although this may seem counter to the useor by the type of medication. With 1,5-AG as a biomarker of glucose excur- findings of clinical trials that have found respect to depression and depressive sions, and the variability captured by higher rates of hypoglycemia associated with symptoms, several cross-sectional studies low 1,5-AG concentration may indicate intensive glucose-lowering interventions, have shown that a history of severe 1666 Risk Factors for Severe Hypoglycemia Diabetes Care Volume 40, December 2017

hypoglycemia is associated with the se- association with reduced kidney function; include hypoglycemic events that were verity of depressive symptoms, but the indeed, there were few people with very treated by ambulance or in the emer- directionality of causation is unclear: de- poor kidney function (only 45 participants gency department and not just events pressive symptoms such as lack of appe- with eGFR ,45 mL/min/1.73 m2). Other treated in the hospital. This may have re- tite could lead to increased risk of studies (27,35) have found a strong dose- sulted in better identification of risk fac- hypoglycemia or previous episodes of response relationship between lower eGFR tors for hypoglycemia itself rather than hypoglycemia could lead to fear of hypo- and increased risk of severe hypoglycemia. factors that would lead a person with hy- glycemia and withdrawal from daily activ- There are several limitations of our poglycemia to be hospitalized. ities, leading to depressive symptoms study that are important to consider Greater awareness of the risk of hypo- (28,29). Prospective cohort studies in the interpretation of these results. glycemia is sorely needed. Numerous (15,26,30,31) looking at depression and First, we had ,200 severe hypoglycemic studies have documented the use of sul- subsequent hypoglycemia have been events, which limited our power to detect fonylureas and insulin in patients with mixed, with several null and one positive small to moderate associations. However, chronic kidney disease, dementia, and/or association. this was a similar or greater number of low HbA1c values among older adults Contrary to other studies (6,15), we did severe hypoglycemic events compared (37,38). In a recent survey in the Veterans not observe an association of b-blocker with other studies (7,14,30,31,34,36). Affairs Health System (39), 45% of primary use with severe hypoglycemia. Although Second, we were not able to look in detail care providers did not see any potential b-blockers are known to suppress symp- at medication class and risk of hypoglyce- harm in continuing to treat a 77-year- toms of hypoglycemia and also may in- mia, since at the baseline examination for old man with an eGFR of 26 mL/min/1.73 terfere with hepatic and our study (1996–1998) many newer clas- m2 with sulfonylureas. In contrast, pa- gluconeogenesis, there is some evidence ses of medication were not yet available. tients’ choices about diabetes medication that the use of nonselective b-blockers is Third, we did not have HbA1c data at base- are strongly influenced by the risk of more strongly associated with hypogly- line, but we were able to account for gly- hypoglycemia, followed by long-term cemia than the use of cardioselective cemic control using fructosamine. Fourth, HbA1c (40). As the calls for shared deci- b-blockers (32,33). In our study, 82% of within the ARIC Study, race and geo- sion-making in diabetes care grow participants taking b-blockers were using graphic location are conflated: blacks louder, there is a greater need for accu- cardioselective b-blockers, and in a post and whites were recruited at different rate characterization of patients’ risk of hoc analysis with assessment by type study sites in the ARIC Study, with overlap hypoglycemia (41). of b-blocker, the HR for nonselective only at the Forsyth County study site. In conclusion, our results add to the pau- b-blockers was 1.25 (95% CI 0.50–3.09) Thus, although we cannot be certain city of data on incidence rates and risk factors and for cardioselective b-blockers it was that the difference between blacks and for severe hypoglycemia. Given the aging 0.93 (95% CI 0.58–1.49). whites is due to racial disparities and population and increasing burden of diabe- Previous studies of BMI and hypoglyce- not geographic differences, other studies tes, the importance of hypoglycemia and the mia have been mixed. In our minimally (6,8–10) have found similarly higher rates risks and benefits from glycemic control will adjusted analyses, obesity appeared to among African Americans compared with continue to be of great significance. be associated with increased risk of hy- whites. Fifth, we only had single baseline poglycemia, but after adjustment this measurements of the risk factors exam- association was no longer statistically ined here and cannot evaluate how Acknowledgments. The authors thank the staff fi and participants of the ARIC Study for their signi cant. Because several prior stud- changes in risk factors, including diabetes important contributions. ies (2,6,27) have shown increased risk of medications, during follow-up may have Funding. The ARIC Study is carried out as a col- hypoglycemia among normal-weight affected hypoglycemia risk. Sixth, as with laborativestudysupportedbyNationalHeart, persons rather than obese persons, we all epidemiologic studies, underascertain- Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) contracts conducted a post hoc analysis examining ment of hypoglycemia is a general con- (HHSN268201100005C, HHSN268201100006C, HHSN268201100007C, HHSN268201100008C, waist circumference and waist-to-hip cern, and it is possible that we may have HHSN268201100009C, HHSN268201100010C, ratio. Neither of these alternative mea- missed some severe hypoglycemia events, HHSN268201100011C, and HHSN268201100012C). sures was associated with hypoglycemia. especially those treated by ambulance or in This research was supported by National Institutes of Ultimately, we did not observe a clear link the emergency department among partic- Health (NIH)/National Institute of Diabetes and Di- between adiposity and hypoglycemia. ipantswhowerenotcoveredbyCMSFee- gestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) grants K24-DK- 106414 and R01-DK-089174 to E.S. A.K.L. was Kidney disease is a well-known risk fac- For-Service Part B. In analyses restricted to supported by NIH/NHLBI grant T32HL007024. C.J.L. tor for hypoglycemia because of its role in participants with CMS coverage at base- was supported by NIH/NIDDK grant 1K23-DK- gluconeogenesis and drug clearance. We line, our results were generally similar. 107921. E.S.H. was supported by NIH/NIDDK grants found a robust association of albuminuria The strengths of our study included the K24-DK-105340 and P30-DK-092949 and by the with hypoglycemia, similar to those found well-characterized epidemiological co- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) grant R01-HS-018542. in previous studies (6,34,35). Although hort with rigorous measurements of Duality of Interest. No potential conflicts of in- eGFR was associated with hypoglycemia both traditional and nontraditional risk terest relevant to this article were reported. prior to multivariable adjustment, the as- factors. The large percentage of black par- Author Contributions. A.K.L. conceived and sociation remained positive but was at- ticipants (32%) allowed us to examine designed the study, conducted the statistical fi analyses, and wrote the manuscript. C.J.L., E.S.H., tenuated and was no longer signi cant black-white disparities and evaluate po- A.R.S., and J.C. made critical revisions to the after adjustment. It is likely that our study tential effect modification by race. Last, manuscript for important intellectual content. had limited power to detect a moderate the linkage to CMS claims allowed us to E.S. helped to conceive and design the study, care.diabetesjournals.org Lee and Associates 1667

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