End of Year Means Retirement for Five
NON PROFIT RATE U.S. Postage PAID St. Augustine, FL Fl AG .E COLLEGE Permit No. 64 Address Correction Requested GargoyJ.ewel> site: www.oldcity. .com1 gargoyle VOL. XXVI, NO. 11 SAINT AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA April 11, 1997 End of year means retirement for five ....,,.,.,,..,.--.,,----,, special to the Gargoyle Robert and Barbara Carberry, William Kearney, Pat Blair and Virginia DuBeau have seen the college through a tremendous evolution · over the past two decades. They retire this spring. The ·Carberrys Although Robert Carberry was profiled in the Gargoyle's last issue, his wife, Barbara, also will be retiring, and the Carberrys are two of the many people who can be credited with the college's successful evolution. They were married in St. Augustine 26 years ago. It was a dreary January day, and just a few of their closest friends attended. Tom Rahner, chairman of the drama depart ment at Flagler and their long-time friend, recalled, "It was a very touching time for these two wonderful people to join ~ogether. The college was foundering then, and it seemed so appropriate that these two people should make a commitment to each other That's Barbara Carberry behind those- Foster Grants, between Nick Panepinto and. Priscilla at a time of such uncertainty." Dodds in the procession at the fall convocation and dedication for the Proctor Library. Born in New Haven, Conn., Bob earned his bachelor's degree from St. Anselm Col math and science at the high school level in tion of having been the college's first men's lege in 1953, his master's in political philoso the Boston area, and served as an adjunct basketball coach, and of having been elected phy from Fordham University in 1961, and instructor at her alma mater, Regis.
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