October 2016: First Ride - BIG TRACK CIRCUIT For the first run we were seven cyclists who defied the weather (a drizzly start), road closures (on the Stoke Bardolph Estate), and footpath signs (don’t read this walking group leaders). The ‘magnificent seven’ cycled around 11 miles and were treated to coffee and biscuits by Sue (thank you Sue). We decided to take it in turn to lead rides and to make them around 15 miles long for the time being.

November 2016: CANAL & RIVER It was a very cold day when 6 well wrapped up cyclists set off for the circuit of the River Trent & canal. To get to this we used various cycle ways which took us to town mostly without having to go on any road. Some of the group didn't know of the Greenway which is a cycle route from the racecourse through to the BBC island that was quiet & full of autumn colour.

From there we picked up the canal for a little way & then onto the river Trent track. The glory of this ride is that it is totally flat & so one of the easiest cycles around the area. The Trent joins the canal again at Beeston Marina where we had a drink at the café & then returned along the canal to the start.

The mileage was greater than we thought (19 miles) but then it was so flat this didn't seem half as hard as any hills! Best of all no one was cold, some of the many layers we had put on at the start were discarded & it was a gloriously bright day.

March 2017: BLEASBY We had a great ride thanks to Mike's meticulous planning, the glorious sunshine and the fact that the wind which had blown us to Bleasby, tended to lessen rather than strengthen as forecast, for the return. My attempt to improve the ride still further by adding a bridleway from Gibsmere proved a bit sticky (i.e. muddy) but we all made it. We cycled around 25 miles (26 for those who cycled back the slightly longer route).

April 2017: A very select group (hint: think four musketeers) cycled around 25 miles from Gedling out into the Vale of Belvoir. The day was fine and dry, the roads were very quiet and the breeze only moderate. Lovely views as far as Belvoir Castle. Great coffee and cakes in a tea shop in Aslockton. Only one puncture (mine), which was quickly fixed.

May 2017: GRANTHAM CANAL Bright sunny day, great company, lovely scenery, bird song and spring flowers galore, snack stop with scones and cake – it must be a cycling for fun outing. We had a great route prepared by Kath Robins and ten cyclists had a most enjoyable outing along the Grantham Canal. We took our bike on cars to Cropwell Bishop to avoid having to repeat the suburban ramble through Burton Joyce and Gunthorpe. The four cyclometers we had between us all produced a different estimate of the distance, but we seem to have travelled 19 miles

June 2017: SCREVETEN With leaden skies, a blustery wind, and the prospect of rain by lunchtime, you might have expected no one to turn up for our ride to the “green giants” and RAF memorial at . But cyclists can be a hardy bunch (or gluttons for punishment). Undeterred by the weather forecast four stalwarts of the saddle set off from Ranmoor Road and were soon over Gunthorpe Bridge and bowling along quiet roads and bridle paths at a gentle pace towards and the footbridge over the new A46 to . Then it was on to Screveton where the green giants loomed ahead - an arresting sight.

These artificial topiary sculptures started their days at London’s South Bank Centre, moved to the Olympic Park, and have somehow ended up here at the Eco Farm in Screveton. One member suggested there was a likeness to someone he knew…

A few yards further on at the RAF memorial we paused to read the poignant story of the mid-air collision in April 1944 of two RAF planes on training flights and the tragic loss of eleven young lives. Both pilots steered the planes away from the village before they crashed.

With rain imminent we were happy to grab a coffee/tea at The Royal Oak at Car Colston before heading back via and the Severn Trent paths to Stoke Bardolph and home. The wind was against us at times but the rain didn’t arrive until lunchtime and it soon passed. We covered around 24 miles and enjoyed a good chat along the way. The name of the group is “Cycling For Fun” – and yes, even when it was raining, it was !!

Mike Woolley

July 2017: RUTLAND WATER Another great outing – this time to Rutland Water. Good companionship, a ride on the flat (except for some little climbs), around 20 miles almost all off road. John’s electric bike let him down (literally) when the car exhaust melted one of his tires. Thank goodness for a nearby bike hire and shop. Many thanks too to Sue for organizing, and to everyone who carried someone else’s bike. Le tour de Bestwood Park, here we come.

Paul Martinez

October 2017: NEWARK Eleven of us cycled to Newark in October, enjoying perhaps one of the last sunny days of the year. The ride was delightful, along quiet roads and cycle paths. It was the first time I had cycled along the old A46 and it was unrecognizable without the bumper to bumper traffic before the new road opened.

Many thanks to Mary for planning the route and to Mike for stepping (perhaps that should be riding) in to lead us when Mary was taken ill. Sue very kindly gave us the opportunity to try out our puncture repair skills. I salute the majority of the group who added an extra 14 miles to the route by cycling to East Bridgford. I took my bike on the car!

Paul Martinez