Congressional Record—Senate S2827

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Congressional Record—Senate S2827 March 31, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S2827 Tennessee Lady Volunteers basketball team Coach Pat Summitt to the great John Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate is the new dynasty in collegiate women's Wooden. I think the magazine was that the University of Tennessee Lady Vol- basketball. right on the mark. unteers basketball team should be recog- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Of course, many of my colleagues had nized as the new dynasty in collegiate wom- en's basketball. objection to the immediate consider- their own home-state favorites in the ation of the resolution? tournament. But Mr. President, I say Mr. FORD addressed the Chair. There being no objection, the Senate that they shouldn't be too disappointed The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- proceeded to consider the resolution. with the outcome. They might want to ator from Kentucky. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this keep in mind that all those other f evening, along with my fellow Lady teams were, after all, up against a bas- COMMENDING AND CONGRATULAT- Vol fan, Senator FRED THOMPSON, I in- ketball dynasty that just finished an ING THE UNIVERSITY OF KEN- troduce this sense-of-the-Senate reso- undefeated season of 39 wins, coming TUCKY ON ITS MEN'S BASKET- lution establishing the Tennessee Lady off back-to-back national champion- BALL TEAM WINNING ITS SEV- Vols as the new dynasty in collegiate ships. Plus, we're talking about a Ten- ENTH NATIONAL COLLEGIATE women's basketball. When one recites nessee team here, so what else could ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION CHAM- the great basketball dynasties of all you expect? Frankly, Mr. President, PIONSHIP time, the Boston Celtics, the Chicago my heart goes out to anybody who Bulls, and the UCLA Bruins Men's would get between the UT players and Mr. FORD. Mr. President, I send a team, one should certainly complete the win that marks their third con- resolution to the desk and ask for its that list with the Tennessee Lady Vols. secutive national championship. immediate consideration. The greatest coach in women's bas- Back home in Tennessee we are very, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ketball history, Pat Summitt, who re- very proud of this team. We're proud of clerk will report. cently appeared on the cover of Sports the scholar-athletes. We're proud of the The legislative clerk read as follows: Illustrated as the ``Wizard of Knox- coaching staff. We're proud of the par- A resolution (S. Res. 204) to commend and ville,'' has led the Lady Vols to their ents and the friends and the faculty congratulate the University of Kentucky on third national championship in a row who support them. We're proud of a its men's basketball team winning its sev- by defeating a great Louisiana Tech program that has made women's bas- enth National Collegiate Athletic Associa- team by the score of 93±75 in the NCAA tion championship. ketball into a national phenomenon. Whereas the University of Kentucky Wild- Tournament final. This victory capped And we're proud that at the end of this cats men's basketball team defeated the Uni- a perfect season at 39 wins and zero season, this team wrote itself into the versity of Utah's team on March 30, 1998, in losses, the most victories ever for a sports history books with six cham- San Antonio, Texas, to win its seventh Na- woman's team. In fact, their current pionships in twelve years. tional Collegiate Athletic Association winning streak is 45 games. This is just about as flawless a sea- (NCAA) championship; and I watched, along with my fellow Ten- son of athletic performance as you're Whereas, the Wildcats overcame the larg- nesseans, with pride as the Lady Vols ever going to see, and we're fortunate est halftime deficit in a championship game, marched through their perfect season, earning for themselves the nickname ``The in Tennessee to have this tremendous Comeback Cats, and defeating 39 teams by an average mar- program and these gifted, talented Whereas, Coach Tubby Smith, his staff, gin of 30 points. And 16 of these vic- young people. and his players displayed outstanding dedi- tories were against teams ranked in So today, I congratulate them. My cation, teamwork, unselfishness, and sports- the top 25 in the Nation. This domi- colleagues have enjoyed this kind of manship throughout the course of the season nance is likely to continue into next excitement with teams from their own in achieving collegiate basketball's highest year because, as all Lady Vol fans states. And I know they appreciate just honor; and know, only one of these champion play- how pleased we are in Tennessee to get Whereas Coach Smith and the Wildcats have brought pride and honor to the Com- ers is a senior. bragging rights for 1998. Year after In closing, I would like to acknowl- monwealth of Kentucky, which is rightly year, this tremendous program and known as the basketball capital of the world: edge the tremendous effort and the these outstanding young people make now, therefore, be it team play by the Lady Vols, who in- us proud. So, Mr. President, I ask my Resolved, That the Senate commends and clude team members, now familiar to colleagues to join me in declaring the congratulates the University of Kentucky on this country, Niya Butts, Kyra Elzy, University of Tennessee Women's Bas- its outstanding accomplishment. Laurie Milligan, Misty Greene, Kellie ketball program a certified, world-class Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Senate shall Jolly, Semeka Randall, Chamique sports dynasty. transmit a copy of this resolution to the president of the University of Kentucky. Holdsclaw, Tamika Catchings, Brynae Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask Laxton, Kristen Clement, LaShonda unanimous consent that the resolution The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Stephens, and Teresa Geter. be agreed to, the preamble be agreed objection to the immediate consider- I would especially like to acknowl- to, the motion to reconsider be laid ation of the resolution? edge the tremendous coaching job of upon the table, and that any state- There being no objection, the Senate Pat Summitt, and all the members of ments relating to this resolution ap- proceeded to consider the resolution. the University of Tennessee who have pear at the appropriate place in the Mr. FORD. Mr. President, I thank the helped contribute to the building of RECORD. clerk for reading it. I apologize for im- this great dynasty. Lastly, I would like The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without posing upon him, but I wanted that to to recognize the most important group, objection, it is so ordered. be a part of the RECORD. Not many peo- and one which I am honored to be in- The resolution (S. Res. 203) was ple will read the RECORD back home. I cluded in, the great Tennessee Vol agreed to. would like for them to see and hear it. fans. The preamble was agreed to. On behalf of the fans and the people of Mr. President, I yield the floor. The resolution, with its preamble, the Commonwealth of Kentucky, it is a Mr. THOMPSON. Mr. President, I reads as follows: great pleasure for me to come to the rise today to recognize the outstanding S. RES. 203 Senate floor today to brag on a group victory of the University of Tennessee Whereas the Lady Volunteers (referred to of young men that refused to give up, a Lady Volunteers in capturing their in this resolution as the ``Lady Vols'') won team that showed us all the best about third consecutive national basketball its third straight National Championship in teamwork, selflessness, and dedica- championship. And I ask my colleagues the National Collegiate Athletic Association tionÐthe 1998 NCAA National Cham- to join me in formally recognizing the women's basketball tournament on March 29, pion University of Kentucky Wildcats. Lady Vols as our country's newest 1998; The University of Kentucky has a sports dynasty. Whereas the Lady Vols finished the 1997± storied tradition of outstanding bas- 1998 basketball season with a perfect record Under the leadership of Coach Pat of 39 wins and zero losses; and ketball teams; the ``Fabulous Five,'' Summitt, the Lady Volunteers went Whereas the Lady Vols have won 6 Na- the ``Fiddlin Five,'' ``Rupp's Runts,'' undefeated this season. Only a few tional Championships in the last 12 years: and more recently, ``The weeks ago, Sports Illustrated compared Now, therefore, be it Unforgettables,'' to name just a few. S2828 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 31, 1998 But today, we have a new team to add Mr. REID. I move to lay that motion Mr. LAUTENBERG. If I may, Mr. to that list: ``The Comeback Cats.'' on the table. President, we are expecting the unani- Faced with a 10-point half-time defi- The motion to lay on the table was mous consent agreement that was pro- cit, the Cats overcame that deficit and agreed to. pounded before that includes Senator rallied to beat Utah, a team of out- Mr. REID. Mr. President, while the CONRAD followed by Senator COVER- standing athletes playing under a fine Senator from Kentucky is here, I ap- DELL, and we intend to follow that coach. And by doing so, they broke the preciate the resolution that was offered order, but understanding that after all-time record for the largest half- and that was just passed in the Senate. Senator REID presents his, at Senator time deficit overcome in the NCAA In my estimation, there have never ALLARD's convenience when we have a Title game. been two teams that had such good break, we will include him as part of But this was not the first time the sportsmanship.
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