300 Dorms to Become Triples in an Effort to Increase Housing Options for Students, UCSB Will Be Converting 300 Dorm Rooms Into Triples in Fall 2016
DAILY NEXUS Th URSDAY, MAY 12, 2016 www.dailynexus.com UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA BARBARA 300 Dorms To Become Triples In an effort to increase housing options for students, UCSB will be converting 300 dorm rooms into triples in fall 2016 Supriya Yelimeli financial officer Nathan Brostrom presented strategies to News Editor expedite the development of student housing, mention- ing UCSB’s increased triples as an example of a campus- UCSB will create 300 more triple dormitories this fall specific housing solution. by converting existing rooms in eight of its residence halls. Although UCSB’s enrollment has decreased after hit- Over 98 percent of current freshmen live in residence ting its peak in 2014, students in an undergraduate popu- halls, and the university hopes to make more housing lation of 20,607 still struggle to find housing on campus available for all students as part of an initiative authored and in Isla Vista. According to the report, over 500 stu- by the University of California Office of the President dents are on UCSB’s housing waitlist, with almost 15,000 (UCOP) in January. students on waitlists UC-wide. This year, all continuing students were able to apply for UCOP’s housing initiative aims to introduce 14,000 residency in Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel new beds across all UC campuses by 2020 and approxi- and San Nicholas halls, which have traditionally housed mately 3,800 spaces have been created since January. freshman students. The five residence halls, along with “The UC has housed over 34,000 students in the past Manzanita Village and Santa Catalina Hall will be increas- year,” Bergstrom said, “Given the size and scope of this ing the amount of triple rooms for the next academic year.
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