Labour Friends of

About Labour Friends of Israel

Labour Friends of Israel promotes a negotiated two state solution for two peoples; with Israel safe, secure and recognised within its borders; living alongside a democratic, independent Palestinian state

We seek to strengthen relations between Britain and Israel and are proud to promote a vision of co- existence founded on peace and liberal democracy

What we do

Labour Friends of Israel seeks to strengthen relations between Britain and Israel, supports those striving for peace, and calls for the renunciation of violence and the spread of democracy across the region

• We support constructive and informed discussion within the Labour movement; explaining the intense debate within Israel over the challenges the country faces, including constant security and existential threats

• We work closely with the and other left wing and centrist politicians, trade unions, progressive groups and individuals, encouraging strong bilateral economic, political and cultural ties

• We foster close links with progressive Israelis and , and enjoy strong bonds of friendship with those engaged in the on-going effort to secure a two state solution and the sacrifices this will entail

• We organise delegations to Israel and the Palestinian territories for Labour Parliamentarians and others, so that a greater understanding of the challenges faced by both peoples can be gained

“Labour Friends of Israel plays an incredibly important role in the debate about a peaceful settlement in the Middle East. They do fantastic work strengthening bilateral relations between Britain and Israel, building links with our sister party in Israel and supporting Israelis and Palestinians working towards a negotiated two state solution.”

Leader of the Labour Party Rt Hon MP

“Labour Friends of Israel is an incredibly important organisation and deserves our wholehearted support. Their tireless efforts to promote a constructive debate on the Middle East, a two state solution and a strong bilateral relationship between the UK and the only democracy in the Middle East makes them essential to the Labour Party. I believe LFI’s role will only increase in importance in the years to come and I look forward to working with them in the future.”

Quartet Representative and former Prime Minister Rt Hon

If you would like to discuss our work, please do not hesitate to get in touch on [email protected]

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Labour Friends of Israel mailing list

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To make a donation to LFI, please set up a one-off or regular payment to:

Labour Friends of Israel Santander Sort code: 72-00-00 Account number: 01953974

Or, alternatively, make out a cheque made payable to Labour Friends of Israel, posting it to BM LFI, London, WC1N 3XX

If you would like to discuss our work, please do not hesitate to get in touch on [email protected]

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