THORNER a Pleasant Village, 7 Miles N.E
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Roundhay Directory. 337' ROUND HAY is a handsome rural village, having several neat modern villas, with beautiful pleasure grounds, 3 miles N.N.E. of Leeds, and chiefly occupied by the professional men and merchants of that town. The town ship, which had its name from the greater part of it being anciently a park belonging to the Lacies, and enclosed within a circular pale, is in the parish of Barwiek-in-Elmet, and has about 620 souls, and 1467 acres of fertile land. It was given Ly the Lacies to the monks of Kirkstall, and after the Dissolution was purchased by the Oglethorpes, and from them passed to the Tempests, who having Enffered great losses during the civil wars, owing to their attachment to the Joyal cause, were compelled to sell this estate, shortly after the death of Charles I.; and it was subsequently divided amongst several families. Roundhay Park, the beautiful seat of l\Irs. Nicholson, is richly wooded, and contains a fine lake of 31 acres, formed in 1815, and named in honour of the battle of Waterloo. The Trustees of the late l\Ir. Nicholson are lords of the manor of Roundhay, which includes Seacroft and Shadwell. They are also patrons of the Church (St. John), a neat structure in the Early English style, comprising nave, chancel, aisles, and square tower with three bell,;, surmounted by a fine spire. It contain,; a good organ, and was built and endowed in 1826, pursuant to the wishes of the late T. Nicholson, Rsq., who also founded the School and six Almshouses; and to whose memory there is a beautiful monument in the church. The perpetual curacy, valued at £225, is in the incumbency of the Rev. T. Davis, M.A. Here is also a Methodist Chapel. PosT OFFICE at l\fr. Samuel Jordan's. Letters arrive at 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., and are despatched at 9.15 a.m. and 6 p.m., via Leeds, which is the nearest :Money Order Office. There are no deliveries here on Sundays. Akeroyd J oscph Backhouse & J ames, Hawkins Thomas, sexton Pickles George, wheelwright gentlemen, Holly hill Heywood J ames, tollbar keeper Sykes Hy. Marsh all (mert.), Grange Akeroyd and Sons (Joscpb, James, Hobson Joseph (wine merchant), Utloy James, tailor . Bichard & William), quarry ownrs Roundhay villa Todd Alexander, police sergeant Andrews Henry (mert.), Spring wood Hudson l\Trs Rli1:abcth, Acacia. vVebster Mrs Jane, Eastfield house Atkinson John, blacksmith Hudson Henry (mercht.), Oakwood \Vhitley Joseph (brassfounder) Batt Richard, plumber, &c. Jordan Samuel, postmaster \Vilkinson Isaac, Natnl. schoolmstr Buckton George (manfr.), North hill Kirby RoLert, gent. Lady Well house FARMERS. Holder John Bnrton Miss Emily, Grove Kitson James, Esq. J.P, Elmet hall Anderson G. T. Hustler Mrs M. Cadman William (wine merchant) Ledgard William (mert.), Ellar close Backhousc Richd Cooper William Jagger (manufac- Lnpton Francis (mort.), Beech wood Backhouse Thos. OMNIBUS turcr, &c.), Woodlands Nicholson Mrs l\lartha, Ronndhay pk Dean William To Leeds & Scar Dalby Richard, butter factor Oxley Louis, gentleman, Fern villa Goodall Wm. D. croft, twice a Davis Rev Thomas, M.A. incumbent Payne Bichard Ecroyd (solicitor) Ilartley Richard day Green Richard (sharebroker) Petty Mr Edward THORNER a pleasant village, 7 miles N.E. of Leeds, has in its township 2190 acres of land and 1047 in haLitants. Its 'parish comprises also Scarcroft and Shadwell townships, and abounds in limestone, flags, and slates. The Earl of Mexborough is lord of the manor, but part of the soil belongs to ::\Irs. Law and others. The Church (St. Peter) is an ancient stone faLric, which was restored and enlarged in 1854-'5, in the perpendicular style, by subscription. 'l'he vicarage, valued at £189, is in the patronage of the Earl of Moxborough, and in cumbency of the Rev. Richard N ewlove, l\I.A. Here are a \Vesloyan chapel; a School, endowed with 12 acres of land; and charities, yielding about £27 a year for the poor. l'osT OFFICE at I\1. Pawson's. Letters arrive at 9. 130 a.m. and are despatched at 4.45 p.m., via Leeds, which is the nearest Mo:-~EY 0RDEH OFFICE. Atkinson l\1r John Prentis Edward, carrier Winter .John, jun Green James (& Brook Jonas, cornfactor Prentis John, cooper & chair maker Young \Villiam beerhouse) Brown George, bus proprietor Skelton Henry, Esq. Field head MALTSTERS. Green \Villiam (& Bullock Wm. rope & netting manufr Tarboton Thomas, plumber Dalby FaiLh potato dealer) Cooper William, tailor and draper Smith Major, sexton Haste Jam os Harrison J ames Dalby Mrs Eliz. vict. l\Iexbro' Arms Tate \Villiam, victualler, Fox Inn Watmough Mrs Midgley George Dalby Mrs Sarah, Westfield house \Vaddinf:,rton Mrs Ann, milliner scnooLs. I \Vilson Thomas Duffield John, land steward \Vebster James, butter dealer Booth Joah Alien STONF.l\fASONS. Fyrth Thomas, veterinary surgeon \Vood J oseph, painter Foote Stephen R. Burnett Charles J ackson and Page Hainswortb Henry, parish clerk BLACKSMITHS. Dalby l\Irs Eliz. Deighton Joseph Hardisty Henry, saddler Scott J oseph Blsworth John Misses (brdg.) Nettleton Wm. Harrison Samuel, cabinet maker Stead George Firth 'l'homas SHOEMAKERS. Hearfield Thomas, cattle dealer Firth William Colley William WHEELWRIGHTS. Greenwood Stpn. Law Mrs Ann, Eltofts BUTCHERS. Hartley Samuel Elam John Holmes Mrs IIannah Crow Thomas (& corn miller) Preston John 1\Iidgley J oseph Mais John Ivy, surgeon Parkin Pharaoh Haste James Robinson John Stead David Mallorie Mrs Sar. 1 Miller Mr Wm. FAR:\IEHS. Kitchen Thomas Shepherd Job 0:\INIBCSES. Midgley Jph. agricul. implement mkr Backhouse Bobt. Smith John SHOPKEF.PEHS. Gem·ge Brown & Newlove Rev Richard, vicar & rural Bradlcy J obn Smith Thomas Burton George ]•~dw. Prentis, dean, and chaplain to the Earl of Carr William JOINEHS. Clough Charles to Leeds, Tues Harewood, Vicarage Dalby Faith Midgley Joseph (and draper) day, Thursday, Pawson Marmaduke1 commission agt Dalby Richard Winter John DalLy Miss Sarah and Saturday SCARCROFT township, in Thorner parish, is a small scattered village on the Wetherby new road, 6t miles N.B. by N. of Leeds, and contains 292 inhabitants and 950 acres of land. Sir Edward Vavasour, Bart., is lord of the manor, but George Lane :Fox, Esq., of Bramham, is chief land owner. Here are traces of several Roman and Saxon fortifications, one of which is a mound 20 yards high, and of great extent, called by the inhabitants Pompocali, near which the Romans are supposed to have had an iron mine and furnace, several of their smelting pots having been dug up in the vicinity. There are many villa residences in the village, occuJ>ied by Leeds merchants, &c. PosT OFFICE at Mrs. Ann Midgley's. Letters despatched via Lreds (which is the nearest l\Ioney Order Office), at 8.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m., und arrive at 10 a.m. y .