191 YEARS OF Hope & Healing



Journey Advisory Group Advisory Journey

NPA Realty Group Realty NPA

Kane R. Kevin

Uhl E. Thomas

Sisters of Charity of Sisters


SC Faller,

Tankersley E. Greg

Sister Mary Catherine Catherine Mary Sister

Iron Road Iron

Deger Consulting, LLC Consulting, Deger Southerland Billy Kirsch CPA Group CPA Kirsch

Deger R. David


Bank of America Private Bank Private America of Bank

Kilpatrick, M. Ryan Dinsmore & Shohl & Dinsmore Sherwood A. Jennifer

Dailey G. Michael

Provision Enterprise LLC Enterprise Provision Totes-Isotoner (retired) Totes-Isotoner

Otchere, Secretary C. Toni Doan, LLC Doan, & Spraul Health UC Olinger E. Donald

Spraul G. Daniel Cordrey N. Aimee

Medical Center Medical Aerpio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Pharmaceuticals, Aerpio

Constellation Wealth Advisors Wealth Constellation Foundation Hope for Anchor Hospital Children’s Cincinnati Regina M. Marek M. Regina

Joseph W. Luria, Vice Chair Luria, Vice W. Joseph Reilly C. Nicholas Coffaro M. Stephanie

Ultimate Software Ultimate

Oracle Corporation Oracle Head Graydon Inc. LaRosa’s, D. Nick Lien Nick D.

Michael T. LaRosa, Chair T. Michael Redmond D. James Burke E. Daniel

Partner Professional Staffing Professional Partner

Board Members Board Officers Board Emeritus Board Members Board Emeritus William J. Laverty J. William


raised by 1,554 donors in support of our facilities and and facilities our of support in donors 1,554 by raised

to help us accomplish our goals. In fact, $1.2M was was $1.2M fact, In goals. our accomplish us help to Eric Cummins, CEO Cummins, Eric

from foundations, corporations, donors and volunteers and donors corporations, foundations, from

Orphanage was blessed with tremendous support support tremendous with blessed was Orphanage

to accomplish our mission. In 2020, St. Joseph Joseph St. 2020, In mission. our accomplish to

financial support from our outside community community outside our from support financial

It takes a combination of dedicated staff and and staff dedicated of combination a takes It


13,125 telehealth appointments completed appointments telehealth 13,125 • our great agency as we look to the next 191 years. 191 next the to look we as agency great our

I ask for your continued prayers and support for for support and prayers continued your for ask I 4,260 individual clients served clients individual 4,260 •

name, logo and strategic direction. In the meantime, meantime, the In direction. strategic and logo name,

listed below: listed

June 17, 2021 when we publicly announce our new new our announce publicly we when 2021 17, June

Just a few of this year’s accomplishments accomplishments year’s this of few a Just

We are eager to share more news with you on on you with news more share to eager are We

unprecedented times. times. unprecedented to further align ourselves for growth and excellence. excellence. and growth for ourselves align further to

meeting our client needs in the midst of of midst the in needs client our meeting Orphanage. We are currently rebranding our agency agency our rebranding currently are We Orphanage.

Orphanage faced similar challenges this year year this challenges similar faced Orphanage Joseph St. for horizon the on are changes big very

community. I am excited to announce that some some that announce to excited am I community. Joseph St. mission. their of center the at well-being

positioned to meet the ongoing needs of the the of needs ongoing the meet to positioned their and orphans the placing family, without left

260 employees, St. Joseph Orphanage is well well is Orphanage Joseph St. employees, 260 children those serve to call the answered Charity

Executive and Leadership Teams, as well as our our as well as Teams, Leadership and Executive of Sisters The Cincinnati. in outbreak cholera the

Trustees (see below), below), (see Trustees of midst the in ago years 190 over founded was

outstanding Board of of Board outstanding Orphanage Joseph St. that aware be not may You

Finally, thanks to an an to thanks Finally,

place client care at the forefront of all that we do. do. we that all of forefront the at care client place

children and families. and children that staff compassionate dedicated, our with along

to help us serve our our serve us help to 2020, in healing and hope of journey their navigated

commitment your courageously they as clients our for admiration and

of support and value value and support of pride with filled am I clients. and staff our to brought

humbled by this show show this by humbled pandemic international an challenges the met we as

services. We are truly truly are We services. Orphanage, Joseph St. at been has it year a What A LETTER FROM THE CEO THE FROM LETTER A Continuum of Care

“St. Joseph Orphanage is the greatest mental health place I’ve been in, it’s By the Numbers changed my life and life style. Just • $23M operating budget • 260 SJO employees having people that really care about • Total clients served – 4,261 my well-being.” • Total telehealth appointments – 13,779 • Total Residential clients served – 108 —A client/family member • Total # of Medical appointments – 10,110 St. Joseph Orphanage’s dynamic continuum of care was • Total Foster Care children served – 105 never more important than in 2020. As our community, • Total # of foster children placed in foster homes – 44 our partners, and the youth/families we serve navigate • Total enrollment in The Villa Education program – 110 the pandemic, our robust continuum offers a steadfast • Total enrollment in Altercrest High School- 82 source of needed behavioral healthcare, child welfare, • Total direct care staff – 164 and education services. With the use of innovation and • Total staff that have worked 10+ years – 40 ingenuity, our Central Access team continues to safely welcome new clients and families. 83% of clients report it was easy to access services during 2020. And, 85% of client report being satisfied or very satisfied with the C.S. Lewis once said, “You can’t change the beginning, quality of services received. but you can start where you are and change the ending.” We bring those words to life by having no wrong door to secure treatment services at St. Joe’s. Our clients/families can seamlessly take advantage of the full breadth of our Medication continuum to ensure the right services are provided at the Management right time. Through the partnership established between our dedicated staff and the youth/families in our care, treatment approaches throughout our programs promote Residential Outpatient the achievement of the most meaningful and best possible Interventions treatment outcomes. 85% of our clients improve or maintain their current level of care. Child & Family “This is an amazing place to go to for myself Assessment and my family!! The entire staff and team Specialized Transitional are very understanding with any situation Education Youth thrown their way and I have the upmost respect for every single Person that works Foster Care & Adoption within this facility! I am very glad and thankful to be a part of this organization!”

— A client/family member

ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE | 3 New Name and Logo Build On Legacy of Hope

For over 190 years, St. Joseph Orphanage (SJO) has Rooted In Research responded to the changing needs of children and families in our community. Perhaps the most noticeable change Involving stakeholders of all kinds was critical. Through you’ll see in 2021 will be our new name and brand identity. surveys, interviews and focus groups with dozens of employees, clients, referral partners and leaders, we Time for a Change discovered how St. Joseph transforms lives with hope and heart. With the help of local branding experts, As we gained independence from the Archdiocese this became the centerpiece of our new brand strategy. of Cincinnati and as our mission took us far beyond “orphanage” services, the need (and opportunity) for a new name grew stronger. We realized that a more 1 Discovery & Research descriptive name would help us clarify our mission 2 Brand Strategy and more accurately reflect our client-centered strategy. 3 Brand Promise Workshops Most of all, it would express our brand promise—the 4 Brand Promise emotional reward or consistent experience clients can expect. Our promise is what makes SJO different, the 5 Name & Logo Exploration and Testing unique role we play in the Cincinnati community. 6 Brand Identity 7 Brand Launch An Inspiring Message of Hope

In the midst of extreme crisis, our clients trust that their experience here will make a difference and put them on Countdown to Launch the road to a better tomorrow. Our brand promise says Look for our new name, logo and brand identity to launch that we’re on this journey of healing together—you’re this summer. We’re using this time to align internally not alone and there is a plan. The new name and brand behind the brand and educate our team on what it means. identity will reflect this. The goal: A consistent message and consistent experience that supports our brand promise and helps it come to life.

Our new brand is an exciting time in our organization’s Our New Name and New Brand Will: ongoing history. But it doesn’t replace or do away with • Call forward what is truly special our legacy. In fact, it builds on our legacy and prepares about our services us for the next 190 years. • Express our commitment to an excellent client experience The St. Joseph Orphanage Leadership Team took part in a series of naming work sessions with Tandem, a Northern • Create a positive perception in clients’ minds about what we do Kentucky branding firm. • Strengthen our culture and unify our team Thank you to our partners.





Broadening services to diverse communities diverse to services Broadening •

Train all staff on cultural competency cultural on staff all Train • Cultural

Leverage employee Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee Inclusion & Equity Diversity employee Leverage •

Maintain budgeted utilization of SJO services SJO of utilization budgeted Maintain •


Maintain fiscal responsibility across all service lines service all across responsibility fiscal Maintain •

Maintain or increase client census client increase or Maintain •

People Increase employee professional development opportunities development professional employee Increase •

Increase employee satisfaction employee Increase • Quality Quality

Industry leader for employee retention employee for leader Industry •


Clients successfully utilizing all SJO services SJO all utilizing successfully Clients •

Health Health Clients achieving improvement on level of care of level on improvement achieving Clients •

Clients successfully meet treatment goals treatment meet successfully Clients •


Create long-term master facility plan facility master long-term Create •

Agency Agency Increase charitable giving charitable Increase •

Build strategic partnerships strategic Build •

Strategic Planning Areas of Focus of Areas Planning Strategic

and responsible. and

through passionate, dedicated, and culturally competent staff, all while remaining fiscally astute astute fiscally remaining while all staff, competent culturally and dedicated, passionate, through

to develop a short and long-term plan for our future that will yield incredible service to our clients clients our to service incredible yield will that future our for plan long-term and short a develop to

has been hard at work with our Leadership Team Team Leadership our with work at hard been has

independent non-profit agency, the Executive Team Team Executive the agency, non-profit independent

As St. Joseph Orphanage has recently become an an become recently has Orphanage Joseph St. As

next 191 years through strategic planning. planning. strategic through years 191 next

the for future our secure to responsibility a

comes history this With years. 191 last the for

history passionate and storied, rich, a with

blessed been has Orphanage Joseph St.




used to new relationships and new expectations. new and relationships new to used

*Child’s name has been changed to protect privacy protect to changed been has name *Child’s with the typical struggles of foster care, getting getting care, foster of struggles typical the with

of 2019 that finally happened. The family dealt dealt family The happened. finally that 2019 of join her forever family. family. forever her join

take Destiny into her home and in September September in and home her into Destiny take

of April 19 where Destiny will leave foster care to to care foster leave will Destiny where 19 April of

process to become a foster parent in order to to order in parent foster a become to process

and have finally gotten their official court date date court official their gotten finally have and

Interventions. Patience Key chose to begin the the begin to chose Key Patience Interventions.

family began to move down the path of adoption adoption of path the down move to began family

her from a friend that worked at the Residential Residential the at worked that friend a from her

It hasn’t been easy but it has been worth it. The The it. worth been has it but easy been hasn’t It

she remained until Patience Key heard about about heard Key Patience until remained she

Intervention Services in January of 2019 where where 2019 of January in Services Intervention but it has been worth it.” it.” worth been has it but

came into St. Joseph Orphanage’s Residential Residential Orphanage’s Joseph St. into came

and new expectations. It hasn’t been easy easy been hasn’t It expectations. new and

adopted by her current foster mother. Destiny Destiny mother. foster current her by adopted

foster care, getting used to new relationships relationships new to used getting care, foster

her whole life, now at 17 years old she is being being is she old years 17 at now life, whole her

“The family dealt with the typical struggles of of struggles typical the with dealt family “The has been in and out of foster care care foster of out and in been has DESTINY*

coping skills. coping

helping her express her feelings and use her her use and feelings her express her helping

*Child’s name has been changed to protect privacy protect to changed been has name *Child’s

Marie and feels that she has been integral in in integral been has she that feels and Marie

— Regina Woodson, FNP-C Woodson, Regina —

She has expressed her gratitude for her therapist therapist her for gratitude her expressed has She

following through with a Mental Health Plan. Plan. Health Mental a with through following focused on my client’s wellness.” client’s my on focused

the importance of Mental Health Care and and Care Health Mental of importance the

the profession, and definitely keeps my heart heart my keeps definitely and profession, the

Brittany is now helping her family to recognize recognize to family her helping now is Brittany

in finishing high school—are the best part of of part best the school—are high finishing in

trauma she experienced and hospitalizations. hospitalizations. and experienced she trauma

be success in taking medication or success success or medication taking in success be which is a huge accomplishment after all of the the of all after accomplishment huge a is which

Marie, Brittany graduated from high school school high from graduated Brittany Marie, “The positive stories of success—whether it it success—whether of stories positive “The

With the collaboration efforts of Regina and and Regina of efforts collaboration the With

Therapist, Marie Bazely. Bazely. Marie Therapist,

Regina Woodson, Nurse Practitioner and her her and Practitioner Nurse Woodson, Regina

been vigilant in keeping appointments with with appointments keeping in vigilant been

She is consistent with medication and has has and medication with consistent is She

mood. her regulate and self-harm to attempts

multiple after years two over for hospital

, a 19 year old, has been out of the the of out been has old, year 19 a , BRITTANY* CLIENT SUCCESS CLIENT Staff Highlights

Making an Impact Everyday The impactful with my families and helping them with the difficulty work that St. Joseph they are experiencing. Meeting my families where they Orphanage (SJO) are and making a positive change fills my heart.” staff undertake on The dedication and commitment to serve SJO clients is a daily basis with a daily motivator for Kathy and one that others have children, teens, recognized within SJO. According to Kathy’s peer, Krystle and families that Frye, “Kathy is a passionate advocate and presence in have experienced her client’s lives, all while fully integrating herself in trauma in their the client’s environment to address barriers, build skills, lives is critical to and offer hope for a bright future.” providing a healthy pathway for hope and healing. When “Kathy is a tireless advocate for the youth looking at the total and families she serves. Her energy and number of clients served in any given year, SJO’s largest passion for what she does is contagious, line is outpatient services. and we are grateful to have her on the team.” In addition to telehealth services, our Outpatient staff provide therapy and/or case management services to It is this type of daily commitment that makes SJO youth and families in their home, schools or communities. special as we transform the lives of those entrusted to The Case Management staff within the Outpatient Team our care. Julie Herrmann, Regional Director — Outpatient are responsible for coordinating and ensuring youth and North shared, “Kathy is a tireless advocate for the youth families are connected to and receiving all recommended and families she serves. Her energy and passion for what services. Our Case Managers support the youths’ she does is contagious, and we are grateful to have her on treatment plan by working directly with the youth the team.” on treatment goals and objectives. Kathy is excited about the bright future for SJO. She This personal approach of building trusting, therapeutic shared, “I look forward to the continued growth in our relationships with youth and families is the foundation agency so that we can reach more families. We have in which Outpatient staff provide a pathway for healing. an amazing group of wonderful people that have the compassion, empathy, and desire to help others to truly One employee that has excelled in this role is Kathy make a difference. Mamula. For the last 13 years (2008 to present), Kathy has been a Case Manager. Kathy shared, “I love working


Staff Highlights

Answering the Call There is no doubt Sue recognized the invaluable influence the parent(s) that 2020 was an has and some of the challenges that poses. “Some of unprecedented my students are struggling academically because of time for St. Joseph the environment that they are learning in. The home Orphanage (SJO), environment became the school environment. Working as a result of with the parent(s) is critical.” the COVID-19 pandemic. These “One of her students is more engaged in times required the his schoolwork than ever because Sue takes Executive Team and Leadership the time to share a weekly McDonald’s lunch Team to shift with him at his home, at his kitchen table. very quickly because of the It is this 1:1 commitment to her students and social distancing guidelines. dedication to teaching that makes Sue

One of those swift shifts happened in Education, as such a valuable SJO team member.” students at the Villa and Altercrest campuses had to be equipped for remote learning during the State of Susan Ballard, Chief Services Officer shared this example Ohio shutdown and subsequent choices by students of why Sue’s approach is so successful. “One of her students to be in-person or remote learners. is more engaged in his schoolwork than ever because Sue takes the time to share a weekly McDonald’s lunch It became very apparent during this shift that SJO with him at his home, at his kitchen table. It is this 1:1 needed to have a dedicated resource to address commitment to her students and dedication to teaching remote learning going into the 2020-2021 school that makes Sue such a valuable SJO team member.” year. Superintendent, Tim McCoy tasked teacher, Sue Myers with leading the remote learning program The focus on building trusting relationships is a key for SJO students. Tim shared, “Sue took this challenge to success and one that many have witnessed with and developed a remote learning program that I would Sue’s work. Her focus on developing the right program put up against any other school district. Not only is she was critical, however, her individual approach to each educating the students at a high level, she has developed student is what truly sets this program apart from positive relationships with her student’s families. others across the region. During the development of the program, Sue found that a significant barrier for SJO students was their struggle with electronic devices and how to utilize them properly. Sue shared, “I made sure that I overcame their lack of knowledge with technology by making weekly home visits to my students, all while focused on individual instruction.”




up at SJO in 2018. After being downsized in 2015, 2015, in downsized being After 2018. in SJO at up

something new.” something

change in her life was the reason she ended ended she reason the was life her in change

preparations and hopefully be eager to try try to eager be hopefully and preparations

On a personal level, Monica shared how a a how shared Monica level, personal a On

they can look forward to healthy choices and and choices healthy to forward look can they

And, while not everyone will like every meal, meal, every like will everyone not while And, lives of our clients.” our of lives

that will be impressive to my clients or guests. guests. or clients my to impressive be will that know our team is making a difference in the the in difference a making is team our know

dish, meal, or beverage with a personal touch touch personal a with beverage or meal, dish, and makes my job very fulfilling because I I because fulfilling very job my makes and

“This quote challenges me to prepare each each prepare to me challenges quote “This fact that the day to day, changes every day day every changes day, to day the that fact

reflection, following the provided Monica to work every day?” Monica shared, “I like the the like “I shared, Monica day?” every work to

When asked, “What makes you want to come come to want you makes “What asked, When

must bring soul to the recipe.” the to soul bring must

to change is critical to having a fulfilling life. life. fulfilling a having to critical is change to

her life, “A recipe has no soul. You as the cook, cook, the as You soul. no has recipe “A life, her

Change is inevitable in our lives and adapting adapting and lives our in inevitable is Change

Restaurateur that has had a big impact on on impact big a had has that Restaurateur

following quote from Thomas Keller, Chef and and Chef Keller, Thomas from quote following healing process.” healing

bring happiness to others. Monica shared the the shared Monica others. to happiness bring Monica and her team are huge part of the the of part huge are team her and Monica

in her life. She views cooking as a means to to means a as cooking views She life. her in for our student’s physical and emotional health. health. emotional and physical student’s our for

are an important part of providing purpose purpose providing of part important an are options are vital to ensuring that we are caring caring are we that ensuring to vital are options

Monica’s personal and professional missions missions professional and personal Monica’s are not taken for granted at SJO. Healthy food food Healthy SJO. at granted for taken not are

Tim McCoy, Superintendent shared, “Meals “Meals shared, Superintendent McCoy, Tim

people’s lives.” people’s

and knew that I could make a difference in in difference a make could I that knew and

are huge part of the healing process.” healing the of part huge are

Culinary Arts?” Monica shared, “I love to cook cook to love “I shared, Monica Arts?” Culinary

and emotional health. Monica and her team team her and Monica health. emotional and for her mother. When asked, “Why did you pick pick you did “Why asked, When mother. her for

Cincinnati State, even though she was caring caring was she though even State, Cincinnati that we are caring for our student’s physical student’s our for caring are we that

she enrolled in the Culinary Arts program at at program Arts Culinary the in enrolled she

Healthy food options are vital to ensuring ensuring to vital are options food Healthy

courageous decision to follow her dream and and dream her follow to decision courageous

“Meals are not taken for granted at SJO. SJO. at granted for taken not are “Meals

Monica, 52 years of age at the time, made a a made time, the at age of years 52 Monica,

at both The Villa and Altercrest locations. locations. Altercrest and Villa The both at

and residential clients (102,470 meals in 2020) 2020) in meals (102,470 clients residential and

preparing and serving the meals to our education education our to meals the serving and preparing

dedicated team are charged with ordering, ordering, with charged are team dedicated

Monica Watson, Food Service Director and her her and Director Service Food Watson, Monica

their journey of hope and healing. and hope of journey their

is absolutely critical to engaging our clients on on clients our engaging to critical absolutely is

federal poverty line, providing healthy meals meals healthy providing line, poverty federal

As a result of 93% of SJO clients falling below the the below falling clients SJO of 93% of result a As FOOD FOR THE SOUL THE FOR FOOD FINANCIAL OVERVIEW

Revenue All Expenses

Program Fees 92.5 Program Personnel 70.2 Investment Income 1.9 Program Expenses 17.4 Miscellaneous Income 0.5 Administration 11.2 Contributions/Donations 4.5 Development/ United Way 0.6 Community Relations 1.2

Total Operating Budget: $23,008,461

St. Joseph Orphanage continues to build on its Additionally, this past year provided some strong financial heritage by finishing fiscal year significant changes, as we navigated through 2020 in a much stronger position financial than the COVID pandemic. Our agency was well when the year started. We added capacity positioned financially to adjust to the environment to some programs while increasing giving and still meet the needs of the clients entrusted and grant income to the benefit of our clients. to our care. It’s because of the great work our staff does in We are positioned well financially to take on addition to those that financially support and the challenges and growth that is in our future! fund St. Joseph that we can provide the much needed services to the thousands of clients that we serve.

10 | ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE A Letter from the Chief Development Officer

St. Joseph Orphanage in and of itself and when combined with a mental has a storied past of or behavioral health concern, it provides a barrier success since our on the road to recovery. agency was founded This is why St. Joseph Orphanage works individually 191 years ago, under with each client to make sure that their basic necessities the guidance of the are met. Whether that be food, clothing, personal care Sisters of Charity. items, etc… St. Joseph Orphanage will do everything Throughout the years, we can to assist our clients on their journey of healing! we have been blessed immeasurably by many A great deal of inspiration is drawn from our deep and in our community to rich history and I ask that you reflect on the following financially support passage from Luke 12:48, as our mission would not be the children entrusted to our care. possible without the financial support of many….. Whether contributions were made by individuals, foundations, or corporations supporting our mission, “Much is required from those to whom they all helped provide a caring and nurturing environment much is given.” focused on giving hope and healing to the children and families we serve. Please know that we are grateful for the continued The enclosed listing of donors is a valued asset to financial support and we are honored to be on this St. Joseph Orphanage. We are humbled that so many path with our clients. of our benefactors believe in the work we do each day In partnership, to support our mission by investing their financial resources. These resources help us continue to meet the continued needs of our clients that have experienced significant trauma in their lives.

Some of this trauma can be directly attributed to Matt Dierkers 93% of our clients falling below the federal poverty Chief Development Officer guidelines. Living in poverty is a stressful situation

The LEAD (Leaders for Education, Advocacy, and Development) Young Professional Board was created to help raise awareness and influence a future generation of volunteers, donors, and active community members by advocating on behalf of SJO.

Miranda Hogg Tony Keckeis Byrd Bergeron Ramona Peckham LEAD President LEAD Treasurer Zillow Group, dotloop InfoTrust LLC First Financial Bank Viking Partners, LLC Abbey Horne Nick Schlotman Tonya First Mark Krause Total Quality Logistics CAI Insurance LEAD Vice President LEAD Secretary Blake McCoy ESI, Inc. Hillman Group U.S. Bancorp Investments


$10,001 and up Daniel and Shari Torbeck Greg and Lori Tankersley Martin and Mary Heineke David Westrich Gregory and Molly Tassone Alison Hensel Marty Babbington Patti Wuennemann Alex and Lura Teass Rose Hensley The Estate of Leo and Laura Duwel Michael Van Beek Phil and Gloria Hock James Gielty $501 - $1,000 Ruth Vogt Terry and Helen Hoffmann $5,001 - $10,000 Liz Alter Patrick and Ward Miranda Hogg Kevin Atkinson David and Amy Deger John and Teresa Wheeler Chuck Jackson Mary Baer Tom and Mary Beth Donelan Mike and Christine Wicks Jeff Janning Angela Bart Henry and Elaine Fischer Kranthi Yellugari Sarah Johnson James and Julia Beckett John and Minerva Mason John Kilgore Ray Bonomo $251 - $500 Tim and Barbara Stefl Robert and Elaine Klosterman Tara Bramble Donald and Lynne Able Betty Volker Mark Krause Jeff and Laura Branca Chong Ahn Leonard Kristof $2,501 - $5,000 David and Mary Brothers Karen Albrecht Dale and Pamela LaHue Raymond and Terrence Cosgrove Michael Ansari Michael and Lisa LaRosa Eisenschmidt Gina Crowley Robert and Gloria Archer Celina Leopold Robert and Ann Hartlaub David Dornbach Ahmed Ashraf Craig and Alice Lubetich John Kadas Robert and Lisa Dorsey Sandra Barkey Albert Luria Arleene Keller Ray and Cora Dronet RoseAnn Barone-Wirth Regina Marek Peter and Laura Klekamp Ray Faulkner Matt and Kellie Barter Cathie Marshall George Kurz Frankie Gentry Gregg Beaty Michael McAlpin Bill and Caren Laverty Edward and Jody George William Bowman Holly McLeod Douglas and Mary Ann Newman Ebony Grant Thomas and Christine Brinkman Ted Merianos Mireilly Ann Rosado-Bonilla Gary and Dina Gruber Dillon Burke David and Cynthia Metz Thomas Schiff Douglas and Kathryn Gruver Mike and Jill Burke Greg Meyer Dwight Wilson and Sheryll Goedert Abbey Horne W. Alan Burke Greg Miller Michael and Joanne Jacobs Michael Cable Dan and Melissa Miltner $1,001 - $2,500 Majorie Kaminsky Gregory and Barbara Britto Moses Martha Claypool Jason Kaster Brandon Christin Daniel and Deborah Motz Greg Coons Jonathan Koopman Joseph and Stephanie Coffaro Katherine Myers Jennifer Creamer Mark Kuntz Alison Connor Eleanor Nelson Michael and Laura Dailey Chris LaMantia Darren and Aimee Cordrey Julia Neumann Troy and Lauren Davidson Jim and Mary Lazzari Daniel Cronin Duylinh Nguyen Gary Denney Paul and Maureen Lechleiter Amol Damle and Devashree David Nutley William and Teresa Gregg Tim and Cathy McMahon Phadke William and Janet O’Callaghan Jordan Gregory Allison Miller Davis Bruce and Constance O’Leary Cesar Guzman Drew and Carol Morgan Katy Dettinger Kelly Ottman John and Kimberly How Bruce Napoli-O’Leary Nicholas Elias Ann Petersman Anthony Iori Gene Norris Erik Ellingsworth Chasta Postler Jay and Patty Kurtz Marc and Tricia Olden Kelly Emilianowicz Gary Powell Joe and Mary Luria Loretta Pellerano Joe Fadrigo Kristina Prewit Lincks Jerry and Janet Nieb Aric and Paige Platt Sister Mary Catherine Faller, SC Molly Rebholz Molly North Gregory Rasp Jeannie Ferdon Thomas Rering Kent Oldhamn James and Kathy Redmond John and Tonya First Joseph and Monica Rieman Don and Mary Lee Olinger Kevin Redmond Edward Fisher William and Jo Ann Ropp Don Petersman Tim and Patti Reilly John Flach Gerard Rosa Marc and Barbara Pliskin Michael and Barbara Ricke John and Biruta Flynn Mark and Susan Rummler Theodore and Mary Redmond Jeff and Karen Ronningen Kimberley Frank Harold and Patricia Scharf Nicholas and Katherine Reilly Jeff Rosa and Kathleen Bryant Julie Freudiger Michael and Carol Schnipper Tony and Sally Rieman Sister Patricia Ann Sabourin John Gedney Molly Schottelkotte Michael and Janette Rolcik Susan Salyer Brian and Joelle Gilbert Michael Schumacher Mary Schweitzer Daniel and Mary Scheid Steve Groh Richard Schwartz Christopher and Kimberley Speed Boon Siew Yeoh Vince Hartmann Art Schwartz Richard Steffer Barbara Steel Bruce Healey Patrick and Katherine Schwing Daniel Taylor Ted Sumnar Robert Heimann Becky Scullin Bobby and Carleen Thompson

12 | ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE Jennifer Sherwood E. Keith and Theresa Blessinger Denene Dukes William Iles Ken and Renee Sillies Alison Boehler James and Ann Dunlevy Richard Ille Michael and Catrina Spicer Tiffani Bohman Connie Durham Christina Joslin Bridget Spotts Gilbert and Born Jonathan Earl David and Cynthia Kaiser Timothy Staten Michael Bowman Michael and Lisa Egner Lisa Kampman James and Kimberly Stegeman Christopher Brafford Shannon Ellingson Kevin and Martha Kane Joseph and Susan Stevens Michael and Ann Braun David and Rita Ennis Kristi Kappes Joseph Stross William and Kimberly Bretnitz David Eversole Ellen Kellogg Lisa Taylor Francis Brice Tom Fahey Orsella Kendall Phil and Amanda Terry Raymond Brown Aliya Feit Sajjad Khan Andy Thaman Kourtney Brueckner Shawn Ferris Mark Kinkelaar William and Amy Thaman Lora Buchanan Gregg Fikes Donald Klekamp Todd Tribble Gwenda Buckman Michael and Nancy Finn Jadyn Klosterman Rachel Valerio Timothy and Tammy Bullock John and Connie First Lindsey Kluttz Tyrice Walker David and Karen Bulman Daniel Fleming Scott Knox Amy Warren Katherine Burfield Beth Freemal Keith and Cindy Kombrinck Timothy and Amy White Amber Butler Yu-Chin Fu Werner and Sue Kummerle Joel Yoder Alicia Capetillo Nick Fucito Stephanie Kyle Paul Young Leila Carpenter Steve and Connie Fulton Robert and Kristin Lambert Albert Cash John Gallenstein James Lampert $101 - $250 William and Kathleen Castellini Brad Gatchel Garry Lanham Herbert Ahting Eric Cecilio Kathleen Gates Ray Lapre Malek Albanna Richard and Darlene Cline Ron and Amelia Geiser Jeremiah Larbes Jeannine Allen John and Kathy Colegrove Judy Gerdsen Alan and Nancy Leist Rita Alloway Robert Collins Gary and Vicki Gilbert Joe Listermann Lorelei Anello Michael and Victoria Conrad Christina Gindling Brian Loach Mike Baker Daniel and Carla Conroy Chris and Tina Glahn Ellen Lorentz Bryan Baldasare Gary Conroy Roberta Goewey David Luckey Gene and Katrina Baldwin Gillian Cooper Melody Gold Ryan Luggen Thomas and Mary Becht Heather Cox Shaunna Graley Jennifer Maher Mike Becker Eric Cummins Emily Greisheimer Patty Malin Dennis Bedford Lisa Daley Michael Grever Stephen and Lisa Marek Wendyida Belem M. Thomas Dalton Bruce Griffis Kate Marrero Matthew Below William and Catherine DeFoor Heather Grisnik and Claire Martini Chris Bender Jim and Cathy DiBiagio Michael Groh Keith Maurmeier Evette Bentley Stephen Dixon Michael and Meridith Grommon Todd May Byrd Bergeron Bob and Arlene Doerger Bryan Grover Alan and Jane McCartney Ray Best Teresa Draper Michael Hagen Meggie McCleary Harry Blaney Steven and Sharon Dreyer Brad and Amie Haller Blake McCoy Nancy Blaut Rita Driehaus Sharon Hambene James McGuirk Cecilia Bleckmann Frances Droba Alex and Britney Hamberg Lisa McIntyre Barbara Hammersmith Mariel Mendoza David-Devito Gene Harbstreit Greg and Joann Merk Danielle Harris Thomas and Lisa Mettey Social Anxiety Tracey Haslinger Daniel and Kathleen Michael Jay and Teresa Hayden Francis and Janice Miller JANE suffered from extreme social Jennifer Herchline Amanda Mitchell anxiety and could barely talk to Michael Hickey William Montague anyone outside her circle. After Robert and Kathleen Hinklin Jennifer Moorman Guy Hinton James and Susan Mueller working on her communication skills Jeffrey and Karen Hock Kindra Murphy and developing many coping skills, Stacie Hoelscher Michael and Valarie Murray she now works in customer service Kayla Holder Gail Murray and has been there close to a year. Jeff Honious Joe and Jolene Nesselhuf Dustin Howe Brent Niese She was just accepted to college Agnes Hudak Isabel Nunez and will be majoring in social work in Kenneth and Lauren Huizing Connie Ober order to one day become a licensed Thomas and Penelope Hulefeld Jan Ober therapist in substance abuse. Lauren Huster Norbert Ober Andria Huston Michael and Cynthia Oliver

ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE | 13 Carole Orth Stan Szelest Candace Burton Larry Butts Kim Ostendorf Gloria Taphorn Tina Burton Ernie and Vicki Carrier Sean Paddock Lewis Taulbee David and Elizabeth Buschle Patrick Clark Maria Pamaran Harold Taylor Mary Buse Stephen and Mary Jo Clear Jalpa Patel Maureen Taylor Rob and Barb Pifer Mark and Stephanie Thaman Kate Placke Debra Thoma Julie Pylant Charles Thomas Residential Interventions Laura Rakay Christopher and Kathleen Edward and Karen Rathman Thompson KRYSTAL entered into our care when Robert and Nancy Reeder Emily Tirado she had disrupted her third group Edward and Peggy Reilly Denise Titone home placement. Her behaviors Donald and Mary Reuss Robert and Linda Toepfer can be described as “aggressive Christine Riddle Thomas and Mary Uhl David Rinck Daniel Uleman and hostile”. Krystal is also a survivor Kim Robards Jason Varcadipane of a significant trauma history, Robert and Sanae Rolf Varun Varma causing these disruptive behaviors. George and Mary Rolfes Kelli Wagner Due to these behaviors, Krystal Ron and Rosemary Rooker Chris Waits Valorie Rosa Zane and Angela Walters was labeled as “difficult to place” Chris Rowland Daniel and Kathryn Warfield through her county, and very little Stacie Rusk Rick Wassum consideration was given to future Patrick Russell Gary Webb placements due to many providers Byron Russell Donald and Sandra Weinkam Shabbir Saifee Matt and Jen Werner denying her services. With the Janece Schaffer-Burbank Kathleen Whitton collaboration of the placing county Norbert Scheper Terry Wilkerson and the Residential Family Lee and Molly Schierloh Lawrence and Marlene Williams Engagement Specialist, an aunt was Edy Schlotman Stephen Wright Nick Schlotman Jeremy Yohner identified as a possible placement. Matthew and Lynne Schmithorst Thomas and Lynn Ann Zecher Contact between Krystal and her Mike and Julie Schmitt James and Theresa Zenz aunt began as telephone calls, Stephen Schmitz Chelsea Zesch and progressed to in-home family George and Donna Schraer $51 - $100 Greg Schrenker time, supported by the Family Lauren Schultz Joseph and Rose Abt Engagement Specialist. Over time, Tony Accurso Chris Schwartz Krystal was able to successfully Pamela Schwartz Jeff Ackel transition to having overnights Sandra Schwartz Rita Agunobi Tracy Schweder Dietmar and Teresa Amelang and weekend passes with her Edward and Maryann Schwegman Ronald and Ericka Anderson aunt on a consistent basis. From Angela Armes Mark Sears the time of admission, the Family Grace Sferra Daniel and Colleen Aug Engagement Specialist was able Stacey Shiring Buzz and Melissa Auvil Bruce Simmons Mark and Barbara Baillie to make referrals to the appropriate Sally Slack Rashmi Batte community resources, including: Richard Berish John Sliner Individualized Therapy, Case Randell and Diana Smith Karen Berry Management, and WRAP Around Robin Smith Scott Blust Shannon Smith Emily Boswell Services. Coordination was also Stanley Smith Lisa Botz completed with the home school Barbara Bower Rob Spreng district to ensure that they were Randy and Martha Stegbauer John Boyd fully prepared to accept Krystal Steve and Sheila Steimle Dorothy Bradley Samuel Stock Michael Bradner back into their educational setting Lindsay Stricker James Brady without a lapse of any services. Mark Brasington Lisa Stricker Krystal has continued to remain Eileen Sullivan Jeremiah Brown a success to this day! Brian and Janet Sullivan Heather Burns Matt Summers Stephen and Deborah Burns

14 | ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE Mary Cleves Mark and Lisa Hollstegge Thomas and Marguerite Murtaugh Heather Ward O’Malia Rob and Donna Cohen Michael Hollstegge Janice Muth Ann Warner James and Lynn Coldiron Michael and Pat Hollstegge Melissa Navaro Monica Weakley Thomas Cole Donna Houseman Adanma Ngerem Karen Weber Angel and Naomi Colon Jamie Howard Mark Nieman Robert Wehr Kristin Crabb Richard Hughes Gerry Oaks Linda Weigand Paul Cummins Ellen Hynes Scott and Susan Osborn Paul Wendel Frances Darcangelis Carmine Iorio Carol Osterman Richard Wheeler Renee Day David Jacob Roberta Padur Beverly Williamson Tori Dean Phillip Janson Shawn Pater Roger Wilson Mike and Angela Del Negro Jim Jaspers Amy Pearson Crystal Woods Cindy Detore Lawrence and Barbara Kallmeyer Ramona Peckham Dawn Woods Isaac Dominguez Scott Kaser David Phelps Monah Zaini Douglas and Mary Ann Doneth Roberta Keenan Inara and Adelaide Placke Joseph and Mary Zang Sandy Doxsey Jerome and Julia Keller Lynn Poffenberger Mike Zins Kelsei Edwards Teresa Kelley Annette Poulimenos Silvia Zotoff Joseph Elmore Judy Kettlewell Thomas Powers $26 - $50 Mark Emerson Amit Khanna Kevin and Judith Raker Tim and Ann Erhart Donna Kirch Anthony Redden Olivia Adkins T. J. and Jennifer Evert Carol Kist Dion Reid Elvire Ahouangbe Glenn and Debbie Fardy Carol Klei Dennis and Kathleen Riehle Mike Albers Terrence Farro Lawrence and Patricia Kluener Jacqeline Ritchie Edward Anton John Feldkamp Brad Koenig Fredric Robbins Whitney Axelson Mary Jo Ferris Maxim Kovalyov Matt Roberts Michelle Bachman Michael and Lori Fiedler John and Mary Kropp Lynne Robinson Dave and Geri Backer Cathy Fields Susan Kuehnle Bob Roessner Sarah Banzhaf Meg Finefrock Kelly Kuhn Donald and Claire Rowekamp Jeremy and Joan Barnes William Flight Rishikesh Kulkarni Marren and Sharon Rue Jen Beck Joseph Fondacaro Leonard Kuntz Brenda Ruffner Ann Bellersen Robert Forbeck James Kunysz Anthony Russell Michelle Bernard Fred Franklin Diwona Kyles Chuck and Jan Sanford Paul and Mary Betz Barry and Susan Franz Rachelle Lamantia Frank Sawicki Harry Blanton Hannah Frey Michael Lamping Anthony and Janice Schaefer Jerry and Jennifer Boeckman Thomas and Cheryl Fry Lynn Lape Nikki Scherpenberg Paul and Sheila Bogen Kathleen Garber Kiwon and Stephano Lee Judy Schmitt Margo Bowman Glenn and Judith Gartland Robert and Linda Lehrter Mike and Susan Schmitt Gary and Cynthia Brockhaus Scott and Deborah Gatje Mark Lewis Dave Schmitz Robert and Renee Bross William Gatto Daniel and Anne Lovell Brett Schoenling James and Lisa Bruce Bill and Julie Gebhart Nathan Luebbering Douglas and Carole Schwettmann Penny Brueckner Gregory and Kathy Geiger Don Maher Patrick and Joann Sedgwick Nina Bryce Daniel Gerke Rajesh Maheswaran Martin and Barbara Sexton Tricia Buck Frank and Mayola Gettelfinger Alex March Amin Shawki Donald and Susan Buescher LeeAnne Gfroerer Jason Marotti Deb Silverman Daniel and Anne Burke John Gillen James and Elizabeth McCullough Caleb and Michelle Smith Robert and Donna Bushman Thomas Grimm Debbie McDowell Barry Smyth Dale and Diane Butler Jeffrey Guenther Barbara McGrath Kristin Stackpole James and Melanie Cahill Elizabeth Guilford Leslie McNeill Leslie Stranko Nancy Calarco Leslie and Cheryl Gunzenhaeuser John and Katherine Mechlin Louis Strike Julie Campbell James and Beatrice Hargrave Suzanne Mehaffie Andy and Lori Stroehlein Maggie Campbell Jack Harmeling John Meinerding Melissa Surber Jean Cate David and Connie Hartenbach Ben Merk David and Peggy Surface Vamshi Krishna Chennuru Russell Heil Robert and Maureen Metz Ivan Syori-Kendall Dee Cianciolo Elaine Heile Jill Mielke Margie Talbot Lydia Clark Mary Hensel Jean Miller John Tisch Abby Conley Edward and Mary Herbers James Minium Kurt Tschofen Catherine Conniff Christopher Hericks Deepak Minocha Cynthia Turner Robert and Rita Costantino Julie Herrmann Amanda Moorman Diana Veid David and Lori Couchot Marilyn Herrmann Dave Moravec James and April Vogel Debbie Cripe Robert Hodge Michael Morger Aspi and Aban Wadia Abra Cutforth Julie Hoh Ikenna Muoka Tim Wanstrath Brian and Mary Daly

ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE | 15 Katherine David Stephanie Huston James Moorman Thomas Vale Dale and Kathy Davis Vyshnavi Iswaravaka Michelle Morris Valerie Vaughn Peter and Lisa Dayton Lori Jareo Mark Moser Elizabeth Vilga Patty Deaton Alvin and Evelyn Kammer Mark New Karen Vinterella Janie Deisch Cosgriff Mary Kapraszewski Mario Nocero Michael and Carol Voorhees Durga Devi K Veeramani Karuppuchamy Nancy Ober Stephen and Donna Wagner Matt Dierkers Shashank and Christeen Kelkar Kathleen Oetgen Anne Wanamaker Holly Dillon Randi Kibbie Thomas and Beverly Olthaus Andrea Ward Daniel and Elizabeth Donovan Rachel Kimura Charles and Carolyn Owens Jody Ward Todd and Karen Dorman Bradford and Denise King Todd Pendleton Lori Weaver Robert Dorsey Kimberly Koetters Edgar and Carole Penney Marcia Webb Brenda Edmonds James and Susan Konves Gary and Virginia Peters James and Judith Wermes Jeffrey Ellis Pamela Kozak Mary Piraino Laurence Whalen Ronald Enderle Jeneva Kranyik Lynn Plogman Leroy White Gary and Jenny Fay Harold and Donna Kraus Carole Podwell Sandra Wier Kathy Federle Jane Kunkel Ronald and Patricia Pope Donald and Carole Willen Janice Fessel Michael and Carla Kursell John and Joan Popken Barbara Williams Mary Fichter Rosemary Lang Steve and Linda Poulemanos Cynthia Williams Charles and Mary Ann Finn Ryan Lauer Karen Powell Leroy Wilson Thomas and Kathleen Fischer Edward and Carol Laws Mahbubur Rahman Maria Wilson Susan Flaig Daniel and Donna Leahy Norbert and Mary Ranz Sharon Wingerberg Mary Ann French Michael Lee Nicholas and Sharon Raymond Betty Wolfe Janet Fricker Becki Leihgerber Jennifer Rollinger Stephen and Nancy Woods J. Neal Gardner Maria Leonhardt Donald and Laureen Ruberg Jr. Creighton Wright Frank Geiser Milton Liss Cynthia Rummel Russel Wulf Terrance and Gayle Gittinger Albert Littner Mary Rutterer Kyle and Tara Zook John and Nancy Glennon Sheila Llewellyn James and Patricia Sayer $1 - $25 Gerald and Martha Glueck Mark and Denise Lonneman Doug and Julie Sayers Lakshmi Gorti Paul and Elaine Mahler Damian and Robin Scallon John and Karen Adamson Donald Grigsby David Malloy Robert Schell Michael and Pierrette Albers Leroy and Kathryn Groh Donna Malone Sandra Schille Jenn Angelo Rosie Guethlein Juliet Mancino Dave Schirmer Aizhan Arapova Donna Gundle-Krieg Rebecca Mannix James and Nancy Schmidt Danny Arroyo Arthur and Linda Guy David Marek Kenneth and Kim Schmidt Robert Atwell Jennifer Hall John Martin Peggy Schmidt Lorraine Bailey Chris Harding Chad Martin Kenneth and Joanne Schrand Linda Ballhaus Jane Hatter Nancy Martin Christina Schriever Frank and Deborah Barberio James Haubner Tom McElman Stephen Schulte James Barker Norman and Betty Haubner Beth McGrath Max Seibert Greg and Barb Beck John Hauser Roche and Susan McGreevy Barbara Shank Paul Beck William and Michelle Heid Ingrid McGuire Quinn Singletary Cassandra Bell Gary Heinrich Tom McHugh Carson Sotelo Kristine Bendul Andrew Heintz Donna Mcilvenna Bonnie Spitznagel Victor and Sandra Boehle Marcia Hendershot Mary McMahan Bob and Sherry Stanko Robert and Linda Bowman James and Teresa Henderson Paul McNeal Deborah Steding Mark and Pam Braunstein Angela Herbert Robert and Mary Meiser Jamie Stein Cesare and Mary Briccio Richard Hickling Emmanuelle Merisier James and Kathleen Stephens Eunice Bright Shelly Hissett John Merk David and Jill Stitt Amy Broughton Mark Hladik Ronald and Jeanna Merkhofer Paul Stockhauser Libby Brown William Hoffman Ronald and Marilyn Metz Robin Swartz Barb Bruce Norb and Jane Holtgrewe Ashley Metzler Tara Swats Steph Bullock Louis and Louise Holthaus Rebecca Meuche Cathryn Tepe Nate and Kate Burkhardt Cindy Homan Bill Meyer Timothy Tierney Wilma Busken Michael Hoppe Elaine Michael Richard Tittermary Andy and Kristan Butler Ted and Sandy Hoskins Charles Milazzo Tom and Donna Trainor Ruben and Leticia Cabrera Chris House Kelly Millikin Linda Trenn Robert Cahill Erin Houston Charles Mitts Eric Tull Richard Cardella Bob Huellemeier Ralph Moeller Debbie Tully Joseph and Patricia Castelli William and Susan Huls Paul and Mary Ellen Moeller Karen Turner Korrin Celian Emily Hunter Clark Moore Nancy Urban Gina Christensen

16 | ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE Yvonne Clutter Stephanie Hughes Stacey Coleman Larry Huston Vincent Coleman Doreen Jackson Setting Boundaries Mike and Kimberly Collins Melissa Jackson Hayley Combs Trinette James SHANTEL began services with SJO Charles and Linda Conour David Johnson about a month and a half ago. She Betty Conway Jane Johnson and her provider have been talking Jerome and Barbara Corbett Priestly and Carolyn Johnson Evelyn Corcoran Elisabeth Jump a lot about boundaries and what Jack and Mary Crachiolo Joseph and Pamela Karaus they look like for her. Shantel reported Colen and Kimberly Cromer Roger and Myra Kathmann that she had never set boundaries Bonita Crothers Laura Kerfoot with anyone and struggles with telling Ed Deaton Patricia Kirk Emilee Deems Frances Klosterman people no. Well over the course of Elaine Delaplane Megan Knapke about 3ish weeks, she came back Karen Demerly Louis and Lois Knolle to her provider and reported that Ed and Patricia Deters Robert Knox she was able to successfully cut Janeequa Dewberry Barbara Koch Liliana Dlugosz Sue Koenig ties with her ex-boyfriend. Shantel Shirley Drake Gary Kohne reported that in the past (when Maxwell Dugan Ann and Susan Kohstall he has cheated on her), she Diana Dupont Thomas Kotte would forgive him and they would Ken and Karen Eckel Marcia Krull Roderick Edwards Carol Kunstman be back in the same position as Denis English Heidi Lambert they were before. She reported that Colin Farrell Patrick and Angela Lance her ex-boyfriend tried to break her John Ferrecchia Georgena Lane boundary that she had set, but she Diane Ficker Kim Latham James Filusch Ronald and Martha Lauck was able to maintain it and continue Jennie Fischer Harry Lefever to tell him no and that there will no Herb and Bettie Fisse Frances Lehan longer be a romantic relationship Thomas Frank Jean Lim between the two of them. This is a Barbara Frederick Barbara Lind Michael and Christine Gerbus Alexandra Lion seemingly small step, but it takes Kevin and Molly Gilbert Mary Lodwick a lot of effort to set and maintain Manoj Goyal Barbara Luken boundaries with a person you have Dorothy Graichen Tommy and Megan Mann let break them over and over again Richard and Gina Grawe Libby Mannix Margaret Grosse Dana Marquez for 4 years. Needless to say, we are Ralph and Barbara Gruppo Sam Mauro more than proud of her and all the Lucas Guardacosta Henley and Diana Mcintosh work she has accomplished in the Donald and Debbie Haap Joseph and Mary Jo Melia short amount of time that she has Michael Haap Herbert Menkhaus Rebecca Hackett Christina Menzo been in therapy. Dennis Halker Irwin Mercer Teresa Hamad Marilyn Merk Wren Hanson Nick Merk Jason and Hannah Neises Carolyn Rasche Paula Hartman Thomas and Sally Merkle Mark Nelson Susan Ratterman Ken Hay Jeffrey Metzger Kevin and Melissa Noll Donna Reynolds Kevin and Angela Hedenberg Vince and Beverly Meyer Jessica O’Rourke David Rhodes Donald and Megan Heeb Diane Miller Diane Para Patricia Rightmire Evelyn Heidel Thomas Miller Anjan Parikh Jennifer Rinker Sashana Henriques Kristina Minton David and Kathryn Picklesimer Frank and Jeanne Ritter Jane Hissett Robert Moeller Gary Ploehs Sam Robson Karly Holcombe Laura Morales Meera Popkin-Tarack Virginia Rolfe Jamie Hollenbach Armando Moutela Amanda Prickett Robert Romano Rosella Holthaus John and Mary Mushaben Katherine Prosser Virginia Rueve Lori Horne Mary Myers Frank and Helen Pulsfort William Rust Sandra Howard Roger and Susan Nadler Scott and Mary Beth Puryear Kenneth and Joann Sanders Jennifer Howell Michael and Connie Nanney

ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE | 17 Gerald Schmidt Cincinnati Bell Marge and Charles J. Schott Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati Beverly Schwarzman Cincinnati Children’s Foundation Society of the Transfiguration Donald and Susan Schwegman Hospital Medical Center MDU Resources Foundation St. Aloysius On the River Daniel and Jennifer Shields Cincinnati Church of Christ Mesa Industries St. John’s Lodge #3 James Shoenfeld Cincinnati Insurance Companies Miamitown Veterinary Services St. Margaret of York School David Simpson Cincy Tool Rental, Inc. LLC State Farm Companies Foundation Ronald and Kay Spiess CloudPires LLC Michael Cioffi and Rachael Rowe Stephen and Mimi Deters Donna Steffen Coldwell Banker West Shell Family Foundation Family Fund Randy Stewart Color Brite Display, Inc. Mihovk-Rosenacker Funeral Target John and Grace Stirnemann Consolidated Analytical Systems Homes, Inc. TDL Tool David and Elaine Stone D & D Real Estate Partners, LLP Millwright Pile Drivers Local Thomas MacConnell Cadillac Inc. Christopher Stoops DAJ Tax and Accounting 1090 Thomas More College Eileen Strunk Services LLC Morgan Stanley GIFT Ticket to Dream Foundation Amy Stumpfl DePaul Cristo Rey High School North Bend Yacht Club Total Quality Logistics, LLC Rosemary Tenoever Derringer Company Ohio Children’s Alliance TQL Foundation Christiana Thayer Detmering Insurance Agency Inc. Ohio Civil Service Employees Truist — Frontstream Frank and Linda Thayer Duke Energy Association Hamilton/ United Healthcare Sandra Thompson Ed & Joann Hubert Family Clermont County United Way Metro Chicago Louise Tieman Foundation Inc. PA Technologies United Way of Central Ohio Kelly Tuerff Emery Oleochemicals Partner Match — Starbucks United Way of East Central Iowa Janeen Turner ESI Electrical Contractors Matching Gifts Program United Way of Greater Atlanta Margaret Vettel F.D. Lawrence Electric PCI Services United Way of Greater Cincinnati Sandra Villari Fidelity Charitable Planes Moving and Storage United Way of Greater Maureen Vonderahe First Financial Bank POINT Global Milwaukee & Waukesha County Elaine Vorholt GBQ Cincinnati ProAmpac United Way of Greater Gerald Vorholt GE Aviation Pro-Visons Enterprise LLC Philadelphia and Southern Jessica Warren-Jones GE Foundation Reilly Plumbing Co., Inc. New Jersey Amber Watts GeoGraph Industries Inc. Robert H. and Margaret L. United Way of Greater St. Louis Mary Anne Weber George & Mary Jo Budig Family Ruffing Fund United Way of Massachusetts Jennifer Webster Foundation SC Ministry Foundation Bay & Merrimack Valley Mary Wenzel Good News Church of God Thomas Wernke in Christ Kevin and Brenda Wesselman Greater Cincinnati Building and John Wild Construction Trades Council Robert and Marilyn Wildermuth Greater Cincinnati Foundation Coping with PTSD Ann Willis Greater Twin Cities United Way Lorraine Wright GSF USA, Inc. MAKAYLA has been in services for Kimberly Yater Heidelberg Distributing Co. PTSD with SJO for 2 years. When she Nur Hani Zainal Hengehold Capital first came to SJO, she was scared to William Zappone Management LLC Albert and Lois Zenz Heritage UU Church go outside of the house to take her Horan Associates, Inc. dogs for a walk, she quit her job, Organizations IBM Employee Services Center and Sponsors refused to leave her room, and was Illinois Tool Works Foundation scared to talk to any boys or men. Aberdeen Express, Inc. InfoTrust Accenture LLP Inspire Brands Foundation Inc. Fast forward, today as a coping skill AmazonSmile Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trust she uses, she will walk by herself to Ameritas Investment Partners James R. and Karen local park about 3 miles, eat lunch, Anchor for Hope Foundation Huesing Family Foundation watch the ducks and other wildlife, Apex Systems Johnson & Johnson B.J. Meyer Sons Funeral Home JPMorgan Chase and journals. She knows at least Barcodes Inc. Keating Muething & three different languages; Polish, Benevity Klekamp PLL Hindi, and ISL (Indian Sign Language). Big River Kroger Community Rewards She is talking to a young man in her Butler County United Way Landman Corsi Ballaine & Carpenters Local Union #2 Ford P.C. church whom she likes. AND, she Castellini Foundation Law Offices of Shannon C. eventually is planning to move to Cavalier Distributing Smith, Esq. India to do missionary work with Cemex Materials LLC Loring Family Foundation the deaf community. Chemed Foundation Magnified Giving

18 | ST. JOSEPH ORPHANAGE Unity Christian Church Club MMA Indiana State Museum and Amanda Reich University of Cincinnati Medical Carrie Cochran Historic Sites Miles and Hayden Reynolds Center — MICU Katie Cochran Izzy’s Restaurants Rhinegeist Brewery US Bank Columbus Blue Jackets Jeffrey Jones Rock & Roll Hall of Fame US Bank Foundation Ruth Conrad Allison Kane RockQuest Climbing Center Warren and Bernice Hensel Lindsay Contini-Stevens KAO Jergens Base Karen Ryan Foundation Cooper’s Hawk Winery Katie Schneider Photography Ryan’s Case for Smiles Western & Southern Corkopolis Brooklynn Kerns Joseph and Adeline Saintilus Financial Fund Creation Museum Ryan Kilpatrick Carrie Samy Wohlgemuth Herschede Crunch Fitness Patricia Koss Scene75 Entertainment Foundation Currito Ann Lagedrost School Outfitters YourCause Jodi Czanik Julie Lain Gina Schrand DAAP — University of Cincinnati Travis Lane Courtney Shepard In-Kind Donors Toni D’Amico Robert and Elizabeth Lanphier Shoot Point Blank 45/46 Fine Men’s Apparel Dewey’s Pizza LaRosa’s Pizzeria Skyline Chili Alter High School Dick’s Sporting Goods Stacey Lawson Sky Zone Edith Anders Dinner Detective Learning Express Slatts Pub Arthur’s Cafe Eastern Star, IDA Jenna Lindsey Snow Trails Ski Resort Athletes in Action Echo Lauren Lucas Steven Sparks Nicole Auer EnterTrainment Junction Mary Beth Luggen Amy Spradlin Badin High School Art Studio Envision Cinema Macaron Bar Patricia Spradlin Bagger Dave’s Burger Tavern Sue Erickson Josh and Dana Malone Springboro National Junior Amy Barkley Esther Price Candies Holly Maloney Honor Society Big Blue Moving Fawn Candy Company Viviane Martini Thomas Spurr Big Splash Adventure Jeff and Patty Fehr Marx Hot Bagels St. Aloysius on the Ohio Frank Birkenhauer Sonja Felix Matthew 25 Ministries St. Maximilian Kolbe Ladies Brenda Bish Martin and Dawn Feltman Melissa Matthews Fellowship Network Jordan Blake Amber Ferguson Amy Mays Standex Electronics Blinkers Tavern Ferguson Enterprises Metallic Giraffe Erin Stitzel Cheryll Blockinger Frank Fiore Barbara Miller Robb and Natalie Stohlman Amanda Blue Michael Flaherty City Gate Church Sullivan’s Family Foods Body Alive Fitness Florence Y’alls Mt. Adams Bar & Grill Barb Taske Michael and Julie Bogenschutz Follett Bookstore — Cincinnati State Rosemary Murphy Tavern on the Bend BonBonerie Kevin Forgue Katelyn Nagel Taziki’s Mediterranean Cafe Misty Bond Four Entertainment Group Natorp’s Nursery Matthew Tedesco Bonefish Grill Ed and Dorine Frank Nelson Tree Service, Inc. Jeff and Andrea Thomas Donnie and Laura Booher Erin Fredrickson Jerry Nordman Thunderdome Restaurant Group BrewRiver Creole Kitchen Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc. Nothing Bundt Cakes Tino’s Brick Solid Brands Funky’s Catering Events Pacific Kitchen Together We Rise Doug Brueckner Bernadette Gansler Susan Pack Top Golf Lauren Buchakjian Sarah Gasparre Arsenio Paez Eric Trautman Buckhead Mountain Grill Christine Gebhardt Pappas Restaurants Nicole Troyer Cathleen Bunker Keith Gehring Parking Company of America Eliscia Turner Scott Burkhart Susan Geyer Sandra Parsons Lauren Tyus Corrine Camero Gia and the Blooms Patty’s Old Fashioned Popcorn Via Vite Camp Bow Wow Go2 Partners Alicia Pitocco Vintage Wine Distributor George Castleberry Brittany Gogluizza Nick Poulos VIP Back Rubs Terri Chandler Golden Dragon Ashley Price Vonderhaar’s Catering Nakia Chase Spencer and Brandi Gray Prime Cincinnati Cari Voor Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. Graydon Procter & Gamble Shirley Walden Cincinnati Landmark Productions Kelly Gunnels Valines Pure Haven White Oak Coffee House Cincinnati Museum Center Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Ben and Rosie Quaintance Willie’s Sports Cafe Foundation Happy Paws Stay & Play Queen City Exchange Christa Woelfel Cincinnati Parks Foundation Deborah Hartlaub Raising Canes Woodhouse Day Spa Cincinnati Recreation Commission Katherine Heile Michael and Sylvia Ramsey Xavier University Cincinnati Reds Fayzeh Hejazeen Rhonda Ranney Yummy Sushi Cincinnati Tool Bank Allison Holland Parag Rathi Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden Jeremy Holland Red Feather Tiffany Clark Ben and Karen Hummel Brooke Redler Cleveland Cavaliers Mike and Robin Hummel Regional Acceptance Corporation


St. Joseph Orphanage — Villa Campus St. Joseph Orphanage — Butler County Office 5400 Edalbert Dr. 6975 Dixie Highway Cincinnati, OH 45239 Fairfield, OH 45014

St. Joseph Orphanage — Altercrest Campus St. Joseph Orphanage — Dayton Office 274 Sutton Rd. 6680 Poe Ave., Suite 450 Cincinnati, OH 45230 Dayton, OH 45414

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YouTube: St. Joseph Orphanage youtube.com/channel/UCtjpQ20JecbU-kXidsN397Q www.SJOkids.org Phone: (513) 741-3100