Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra In English Letters

By ALBERTUS REVO PRAMUDYA Student Number: 164214121





Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra In English Letters

By ALBERTUS REVO PRAMUDYA Student Number: 164214121




A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis


By ALBERTUS REVO PRAMUDYA Student Number: 164214121

Approved by I

Dr. Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji M.Hum. January 22, 2020 Advisor

Elisabeth 4JrOseanita Pukan S.S., M.A. January 22, 2020 Co-Advisor


A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis


By ALBERTUS REVO PRAMUDYA Student~urnber: 164214121

Defended before the Board ofExaminers on January 24, 2020 and Declared Acceptable



Chairperson : Dr. Gabriel Fajar SasmitaAji M.Hurn.

Secretary : Elisabeth OseanitaPiikan~.S., MA.

Member I : Theresia Enny Anggraini Ph.D.

Member 2 : Dr. Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji M.Hum.

Member 3 : Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan S.S., M.A.

Yogyakarta, January 31, 2020 Faculty ofLetters Universitas Sanata Dharma Dean



I certifY that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award ofany other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text ofundergraduate thesis

January 21, 2020

Albertus Revo Pramudya



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma Nama : Albertus Revo Pramudya Nomor Mahasiswa : 164214121 Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang beIjudul


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Albertus Revo Pramudya








My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji S.S., M.Hum. as my thesis advisor and Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan S.S., M.A. as my co-advisor for the patience, knowledge, insight, time, and guidance during the process of researching my undergraduate thesis. I would also address my gratitude to all lecturers and staff of English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma for your services, and knowledge. My thanks go to my friends, Marfel and Yocefrino, for the numerous perceptive comments on various drafts of the research.

Albertus Revo Pramudya





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms...... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 9 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ...... 9 2. Theory of Personality Development ...... 12 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 15

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 17 A. Object of the Study ...... 17



B. Approach of the Study ...... 17 C. Method of the Study...... 18

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ...... 20 A. Depiction of Tony Lip and Don Shirley...... 20 1. Tony Lip...... 20 2. Don Shirley ...... 39 B. The impacts of Don Shirley’s influence towards Tony Lip’s personality development ...... 54 1. Tolerant ...... 59 2. Cultured...... 59 3. Sincere...... 56


REFERENCES ...... 68





No. Figure Page 1. Fig 1. Tony Lip’s appearance 22 2. Fig 2. Mr. Loscudo 23 3. Fig 3. Tony picks up the glasses 28 4. Fig 4. Tony throws away the glasses 28 5. Fig 5. Tony picks up jade stone 35 6. Fig 6. Tony throws out chicken bone 36 7. Fig 7. Tony throes out a plastic cup 37 8. Fig 8. Don Shirley’s appearance 39 9. Fig 9. Don Trio 40 10. Fig 10. Tony picks up the plastic cup 45 11. Fig 11. Don Shirley keeps quiet 49 12. Fig 12. Don Shirley keeps calm 49 13. Fig 13. Outhouse toilet 50 14. Fig 14. Tony’s frustrated expression 60




Pramudya, Albertus Revo (2020). The Impacts of Don Shirley’s Influence towards Tony Lip’s Personality Development in Ferrelly’s Green Book Script. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Humans have distinctive personality. Their personality may or may not change throughout their life. Those changes occur because of the influence of several factors in their life. In Green Book, Tony Lip’s personality changes because of the influence of Don Shirley. The researcher formulates two problems for this thesis. The first formulated problem discusses the depiction of Tony Lip and Don Shirley’s characteristics. The second formulated problem discusses the impacts of Don Shirley’s influence towards Tony Lip’s personality development. To analyze the problem formulated above, the researcher uses the theory of character and characterization from M. Boggs and W. Petrie, and the theory of personality development by Elisabeth Hurlock. The researcher uses library research in order to find the theories and the data which are required for this thesis. Primary data consist of the script of the movie and the video of the movie. Secondary data consist of books, essays, journals, dictionaries, and theses. The results of the study are first, Tony Lip characteristics are money- oriented, racist, and uncultured. Second, Don Shirley’s characteristics are cultured, patient, and courageous. Third, Tony Lip’s personalities change by the impacts of Don Shirley’s influence. The main factor which stimulates Tony Lip’s personality development is Don Shirley. Furthermore, the existence Don Shirley affects the other aspect of Tony Lip’s life such as significant people, roles, and environment. The change in those aspects develop Tony Lip’s personality into tolerant, cultured, and sincere. Keywords: Green Book, Influence, Personality Development




Pramudya, Albertus Revo (2020). The Impacts of Don Shirley’s Influence towards Tony Lip’s Personality Development in Ferrelly’s Green Book Script. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Manusia memiliki kepribadian yang khas. Kepribadian mereka mungkin atau mungkin tidak berubah sepanjang hidup mereka. Perubahan itu terjadi karena pengaruh beberapa faktor dalam kehidupan mereka. Dalam Green Book, kepribadian Tony Lip berubah karena pengaruh Don Shirley. Peneliti merumuskan dua masalah untuk skripsi ini. Rumusan masalah pertama membahas penggambaran karakterisasi Tony Lip dan Don Shirley. Rumusan masalah kedua membahas dampak pengaruh Don Shirley terhadap perkembangan kepribadian Tony Lip. Untuk menganalisis masalah yang dirumuskan di atas, peneliti menggunakan teori karakter dan karakterisasi dari M. Boggs dan W. Petrie, dan teori pengembangan kepribadian oleh Elisabeth Hurlock. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan untuk menemukan teori dan data yang diperlukan untuk tesis ini. Data primer terdiri dari skrip film dan video film. Data sekunder terdiri dari buku, esai, jurnal, kamus, dan tesis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pertama, karakteristik Tony Lip berorientasi pada uang, rasis, dan tidak berbudaya. Kedua, karakteristik Don Shirley berbudaya, sabar, dan berani. Ketiga, kepribadian Tony Lip berubah oleh dampak pengaruh Don Shirley. Faktor utama yang merangsang pengembangan kepribadian Tony Lip adalah Don Shirley. Selain itu, keberadaan Don Shirley mempengaruhi aspek lain dari kehidupan Tony Lip seperti orang-orang penting, peran, dan lingkungan. Perubahan dalam aspek-aspek tersebut mengembangkan kepribadian Tony Lip menjadi toleran, berbudaya, dan tulus. Keywords: Green Book, Influence, Personality Development





A. Background of the Study

Human is different from one another. No one is the same with the others, and there will always be some factors which differentiate them. Since no two people are the same, even identical twin have their own difference. The difference can be varied from appearance to voice. According to Feist and Feist, personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior (Theories of Personality, 7th

Edition, 2008, p. 4). One’s personality might give changes to others in a relationship. There are factors which determine someone’s personality. It can be either genetical factor or environmental factor. In genetical factor, the parents pass down their gene to their children. The result is the similar genetic structures between parents and children. The children will be born with a variety of behaviors that come naturally to them. In environmental factor, the environment molds and shapes a person’s personality. For example, a person who was born in higher social class would have different personality than a person who was born in lower social class.

The relationship between two individuals is affecting one another, because as a human, an individual tends to change their characteristic according to the situation they are in. The distinctive personality and change of personality can be seen in character of fictional works. The changes can be seen by the difference on how the character acts during the early part of the story and at the end. In the beginning of




the story, the character may be introduced as someone who is kind, innocent, and humble. As the story goes on, the character may meet new people and becomes close to them. From meeting new people, the character might experience new role, new environment, and new social pressure. Those factors will mold the character personality into a new one. By the end of the story, we may see that the character has become a bad person. Those changes of personality can be visually observed in movie.

Film and literature are two sides of the same coin. Both try to express human’s understanding, imagination, and expression. They are completing each other. Film stimulates human’s mind with gesture, sound, and movement. Literature stimulates human’s mind with imagination. Both have similarity in characterization, theme, plot, point of view. In characterization, every character has their own distinctive personality and some of those characters might experience changes in personality, especially the main character. We often see the protagonist or the main character undergo a significance change in their personality. Those changes are influenced by some factors. Someone who hates the other races could become more tolerant if they experience different point of view from other races. The protagonist could become better or worse because of the influence of some factors. In Green Book, the personality development of the main character is visible.

The title of Green Book is a reference to The Negro Motorist Green Book, a travel guide for African-Americans published from 1936 to 1967 that promised

“vacation without aggravation.” (Diamond, 2018, para. 4). At the time of the story,



the African-American community was treated badly as they were not allowed to enter some of the establishment in South of United States of America.

In the pages that followed, they provided a rundown of hotels, guest houses, service stations, drug stores, taverns, barber shops and restaurants that were known to be safe ports of call for African-American travellers. The “Green Book” listed establishments in segregationist strongholds such as Alabama and Mississippi, but its reach also extended from Connecticut to California—any place where its readers might face prejudice or danger because of their skin colour (Andrews, 2019, para. 2). Don Shirley was an African-American and he was a famous musician in New

York. He was a rich individual. On the other hand, Tony Lip is white. He was a contradictory to Don Shirley because Tony was a poor individual. Don was rich in resources and money, but he was low in social class because as a black, he was inferior to Tony Lip. On the contrary, Tony Lip is poor but he was high in class, because as white, he was superior to Don. The film becomes interesting because

Tony Lip as a white who supposed to be better, smarter, richer than a black is depicted as someone who is less, stupider, and poorer than Don Shirley. The contradiction can also be seen on their characteristics. Don Shirley has more established opinion, it can be seen on how his characteristics are not influenced or affected by the environment. The fact of this can be seen on how he can maintain his character and ideology in front of harsh environment. Meanwhile, Tony’s character is less established and he is influenced by the environment. The fact can be seen on how his character is different from before and after he met Don Shirley.

Both met as an individual with different personality and both influence each other.

This movie is made to show that there is something different about the stigma which sticks to white and black. In this movie, the stigma on white people stick to



Don Shirley who is a black, and stigma on black sticks to Tony Lip who is a white.

Farrelly describes the strength of an African-American through Don Shirley, how much he struggles, fights, and maintains his composure even in the middle of racial discrimination. Don Shirley’s act inspires Tony Lip to change to a better person, who is more compassionate towards African-American.

The researcher finds that in the script, Tony Lip undergoes changes in his personality. The changes are on how he behaves around African-American, his intelligence, and his sincerity. One of the changes which is conspicuous is he changes from a racist to a tolerant person and it all happens under the influence of

Don Shirley. The researcher chooses the topic in order to gives a better understanding and a useful information related to personality development.

Therefore, the focus of the thesis is about Tony Lip’s personality. The writer analyses his personality before and after he meets Don Shirley, and how Don

Shirley influences his personality development.

B. Problem Formulation

There are two problems that the researcher wants to discuss in this thesis. These problems are related to Tony Lip’s personality and Don Shirley’s personality.

1. How are Tony Lip and Don Shirley depicted in the Green Book film script?

2. What are the impacts of Don Shirley’s influence towards Tony Lip’s

personality development?

C. Objectives of the Study

The Study aims to answer all the problems formulated above. The first objective is to examine Tony Lip’s characterization and Don Shirley’s characterization as



depicted in the Green Book Film. The second objective is to analyze the impacts of

Don Shirley’s personality towards Tony Lip’s personality development.

D. Definition of Terms

In this part, the researcher clarifies the meanings of some significant terms because this research consists of terms referring to psychology. The definitions will mostly be taken from psychological works or sources.

The first term which researcher would like to describe is personality. The term is taken from Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology. Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of common traits, behavior patterns, values, interests, plans and motives, self-understanding and worldview, abilities, and emotional patterns that determine characteristic behavior and thought (Matsumoto,

2009, p. 371).

The second term is personality development. Dictionary of Psychology by

American Psychological Association describes personality development as the gradual development of personality in terms of characteristic emotional responses or temperament, a recognizable style of life, personal roles and role behaviors, a set of values and goals, typical patterns of adjustment, characteristic interpersonal relations and sexual relationships, characteristic traits, and a relatively fixed self- image.

The last term is Influence. Dictionary of Psychology defines influence as any past or present condition, experienced as or actually playing a part in determining one’s behavior, or course of thought, in the present; a common type of delusion

(Drever, 1958, p. 137).




A. Review of Related Studies

This study is about the influence of Don Shirley’s personality towards Tony

Lip’s personality development in Green Book film script. Green Book gives birth to many critiques. According to Chow, despite many audiences like the movie, many critiques point out that the film is like a white savior film like The Blind Side and Blood Diamond. The Root wrote that it “spoon-feeds racism to white people.”

The New York Times said the film has “very little that can’t be described as crude, obvious and borderline offensive.” (What to Know About the Controversy

Surrounding the Movie Green Book, 2019)

The first related study is entitled Interaction of Personality and Interpersonal

Relation by Dobrivoje Mihailovic and Ranko Lojic in Tour and Hospitality

Management, Vol. 9, No. 2. In the paper, Mihailovic and Lojic mention the relationship between interpersonal relation and personality. These two factors influence each other. The way personality has influence on the interpersonal relation can be seen on the personality of the person. Based on Sigmund Freud definition, they manage to discuss the influence of narcissus type, obsessive type, and erotic type. Narcissus type would accept leader role, because they prefer to be loved rather than love themselves. Obsessive type depends on themselves rather than to others. This is because they have high-level of self-confidence. Erotic type has the tendency to be liked. Love is what important for this type, but mainly that




they should be loved. The next discussion is about how the interpersonal relation influences the personality. Suliven in Mihailovic & Lojic (2003) mentions that study about an individual should not start on the individual, but should start from their interpersonal relation. Suliven thinks that the social circumstances and interpersonal relations create personality (Mihailovic & Lojic, 2003, p. 103). The relation between the journal and this study is that both studies believe that interpersonal relation has influence on personality. In Green Book, the interpersonal relation between Tony Lip and Dr. Shirley manages to change and develop Tony

Lip’s personality. This means that the existence of a significant individual in interpersonal relation level can influence one’s personality.

The second research is conducted by Rizky Yudha Pratama Hidayat (2019) from Sanata Dharma University. He uses the same topic that analyses personality development. He uses the personality development theory to analyze the influence of Rick to the personality development of Morty in Rick and Morty TV Series. He further explains the personality of Rick that has a major influence on the personality development of Morty. According to him, Rick is portrayed as someone with narcistic and superior intellectual personality. On the other hand, Morty is portrayed as someone who is awkward, fearful, and kind. Hidayat (2019) mentions that the changes of personality occur when Morty is having adventure with Rick. On that adventure, Morty undergoes a lot of pressures, and the personality started to change.

Morty becomes more like Rick but less intelligent, and he inherits Rick’s nihilistic point of view and lack of remorse characteristic (Hidayat, 2019, p. 55). The result of the personality development is Morty being aggressive, sadistic, and



independent. Hidayat did not use Green Book as the object of his research, but he used the similar theory to analyze character’s personality development influenced by other character in the story. His study is entitled The Influence of Rick toward

Morty's Personality Development in Justin and Harmon's Rick and Morty Tv Series.

This study and the study above have the similarity in the method and theory to analyze the influence of the major character (Don Shirley) toward the personality development of the main character (Tony Lip).

The third related study is a study conducted by Nabila (2012) in her title, The

Influence of Holly's Family and Gerry's Letters on Holly's Personality Development as Seen in Ahern's P.S. I Love You. She analyses the characteristic of Holly and her family. Furthermore, she uses the similar theory to analyze the family influence to

Holly’s character development. Nabila (2012) states that Holly’s elder brother,

Richard, help Holly get through her difficult day after Gerry’s death. He contributed to Holly’s change by supporting her and it also made them get closer. Previously, the writer of P.S I Love You pointed out that Richard and Holly did not have a good relationship even though they were sibling. It changed after Gerry’s death (Nabila,

2012, p. 49). Nabila (2012) also mentions that Holly’s personality also develops in the effect of Gerry’s letter which she got. The influence of Gery’s letter described by Nabila (2012) to have an effect of environment factor in Holly’s change. The change on how well someone adjust themselves to a new environment. Gerry’s letter described as full of instruction for Holly to tried new things on her life.



B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

According to Reading and Writing about Literature, Mary Rohrberger and

Samuel H. Woods Jr. state that character have personalities and physical attributes that distinguish them from other characters. The process by which an author creates the character is called characterization (1971, p. 20)”. The character is what excites the audiences and readers to get deeper in to the story. Furthermore, Joseph M.

Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, in The Arts of Watching Films states that

to be interesting, characters must seem real, understandable, and worth caring about. For the most part, the characters in a story are believable in the same way that the story is believable. In other words, they conform to the laws of probability and necessity (by reflecting externally observable truths about human nature), they conform to some inner truth (man as we want him to be), or they are made to seem real by the convincing art of the actor (2008, p. 60). Boggs & Petrie provides eight ways on how the author presents the character of a movie. a. Characterization through Appearance

The easiest and most direct way of characterization is through appearance. The quality of the character of the story often can be seen on how the actors project it.

These factors occurred because most of the time characterization in film is revealed visually and instantaneously. For example, the audience often make a certain judgment or assumption based on facial features, dress, physical build, and mannerisms and the way they move (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 60).



b. Characterization through Dialogue

As it is in novel, the characterization in movie also revealed by what the character says and how they say it. Their true thoughts, attitudes, and emotions often revealed. Actors' use of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and particular dialects (if any) reveals a great deal about their characters' social and economic level, educational background, and mental processes (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 61). c. Characterization through External Action

The best way to recognize a characterization of a character is through their action. It must be assumed that real characters are more than mere instruments of the plot, that they do an action for and with a purpose, out of motives that are consistent with their overall personality. Therefore, there should be a clear connection between a character and their actions; the actions should come out naturally from their personality. Sometime, the most effective way of characterization is not by the big or major actions that they do, but from minor and seemingly insignificant ones (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 61). d. Characterization through Internal Action

Internal action or inner action of a character consists of their secret, unspoken thoughts, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies. To understand a character more deeply, we can analyze their hopes, dreams, aspirations, achievement, fears, and insecurities (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 62). e. Characterization through Reaction of other Characters

The way other character reacts to a character or a major character is an excellent means of characterization. From the reaction of other characters, a great deal of



information can be gathered. Sometimes the audience can make an assumption of the major character before they first enter the scene or the story (Boggs & Petrie,

2008, p. 64). f. Characterization through Dramatic Foils

One of the most effective techniques of characterization is the use of foils contrasting and comparing. Comparing and Contrasting can be applied on characters whose behavior, attitudes, opinions, lifestyle, physical appearance, and so on are the opposite of those of the main characters. The effect of contrasting is similar to achieved by putting black and white together-the black appears blacker and the white appears whiter (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 64). g. Characterization through Caricature and Leitmotif

Leitmotif is the repetition of a single action, phrase, or idea by a character until it becomes almost a trademark or theme song for that character. The example of

Leitmotif is “How you doing?” by Joey Tribbiani in Friends. Caricature is a method when in order to stick a character quickly and deeply in our minds and memories, actors often exaggerate or distort one or more dominant features or personality traits. The example of caricature is when the character is introduced wearing an eye patch or without one of his arms (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 65). h. Characterization through Choice of Name

One of the techniques of characterization is name typing. It is a method of characterization using the names which possess a great quality of meaning, sound, and connotation (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 66).



The Idea of character and characterization also discussed in Perrine’s Story and Structure by Arp and Johnson. Arp and Johnson describe that fictional characters may also be classified as either static or developing. This classification is based on whether the character undergoes a change throughout the story. For example, a soldier who goes off to war is changed as a result of his experiences, but his wife back home remains static throughout the story.

2. Theory of Personality Development

Feist & Feist (2008) state the word “personality” probably comes from persona, which refers to the theatrical mask used in ancient Greek drama by Roman actors during the first and second centuries (p. 3). Personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior. Allport in Feist & Feist (2008) suggests that personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychophysical systems that determine his unique adjustments to his environment that determine his characteristic behavior and thought.

Personality of a person or character can undergo some changes throughout their life. Personality is not static. According to Elizabeth B. Hurlock in Personality

Development, changes in personality does not occur of their own accord. Usually they are the result of multiple revision in the thoughts and feelings related to the person’s concept of self. In normal person, there are usually several causes of personality changes. These causes are may or may not be interrelated. Of many conditions which responsible for personality changes, Hurlock (1976) suggest that there are eight factors which categorized as the most important factors that can



affects a personality change in a person. Those condition are physical changes, environment, significant people, social pressure, roles, strong motivation, self- concept, and psychotherapy (1976, p. 124). a. Physical Changes

Physical changes can be achieved through many ways like from maturation and decline from illness, organic and glandular disturbance, injuries, or some other condition resulting from the person’s life pattern but not to the natural change in the body structure. In this case the natural change is referred to puberty. Some physical changes are occurred rapidly or fast. Those rapid physical changes may be categorized as unfavorable changes. The example of those unfavorable changes is illness, overweight, glandular disturbances, or blindness. Those physicality changes are often result in personality changes because they affect the person’s self-concept unfavorably (Hurlcok, 1976, pp. 124-125). b. Environment

Environment is one of the factors which shape one’s personality. It is the external factor which play a big role on one’s personality development. The sudden change in environment either it is physical or social may contributes to a change in the person’s self-concept and, in turn, his characteristic behavior (Hurlcok, 1976, p.

125). c. Significant People

The change in significance people in a person’s live may affecting their self-concept and personality. This happened because when one’s significant people change, they must adapt their pattern of behavior and his attitude, belief, values, and aspiration



to the new significant people. The extent to which changes in significant people bring about personality changes will depend on how much their attitudes, values, and so on differ from those of the person (Hurlcok, 1976, p. 126). d. Social Pressure

As a child progresses into adulthood, they become more aware that some behavior is good and some are bad. Those behavior are rated or judged by the society. The consciousness to decide which behaviors to be adjusted are affected by the social pressure. Traits which are likely to lead to social rejection, such as shyness, bossiness aggressiveness, and greed, are more subject to change than those which are usually admired, such as affection, ambition, cooperativeness, and generosity

(Hurlcok, 1976, p. 126). e. Roles

Role change affects status change or tiers within a social group. One of the reasons of role change is due to the new relationship with a new group of people. There are three conditions related to role changes which may harm the personality pattern.

The first is from being prevented from making a change when one feels capable of doing so and when his peers are permitted to do so. Second, change role will damage self-concept if the individual is forced to play a role he does not want to play. Third is Being unprepared for a role change (Hurlcok, 1976, p. 127). f. Strong Motivation

In order to affect or stimulate a change in personality pattern, strong motivation is required. Usually people will be strongly motivated to change their personality



pattern if they believe that those changes will earn them a better social relationship and greater social acceptance (Hurlcok, 1976, p. 127). g. Self-Concept Self-concept is the core of a person’s personality pattern. It determines what kind of adjustment that the person willing to make to change their attitude and eventually their entire personality pattern. In order to change one’s personality concept, a great deal of self-insight is required. If a person wants to change their self-concept, they must be able to see themselves as what they actually are, not as what they would like to be or as other perceives them (Hurlcok, 1976, p. 128). h. Use of Psychotherapy Even if the person is strongly motivated to change, they may still need help from professional in order to change their self-concept. Professional will help them learning to think of themselves in a new way, and breaking bad or destructive habits.

The help that the professional offers is called psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is based on assumption that if the person has a bad adjustment of their self-concept or personality pattern, they can be helped to make a better adjustment for their self- concept or personality pattern (Hurlcok, 1976, p. 128).

C. Theoretical Framework

In this paper, the researcher uses three main theories to answer each problem which has been formulated. Those theories are theory of character and characterization, theory of personality, and theory of personality development. The researcher applies the theories to discuss about the personality development of the main character of the movie, Tony Lip. The development or change in Tony Lip’s



personality is affected by Don Shirley. In order to do that, the researcher need to identify the personality of Tony Lip and Don Shirley. Therefore, the theory of character and characterization is used to describe about the character and personality of Tony Lip and Don Shirley in the movie script. The researcher uses the theories which are qualified to characterize a character in a movie script. The theory of personality development is applied to examine the influence of Don

Shirley on Tony Lip’s personality development, and what kind of development which is undergo by Tony Lip. Therefore, the researcher can discover the impacts of Don Shirley’s influence toward Tony Lip’s personality development.




A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is Green Book, a script by Peter Farrelly. Originally,

Green Book is a motorist guide for African-American. It is a book filled with list of hotels, motels, restaurants which can be occupied by African-American, because the social condition at that time is African-American rarely allowed in white establishment. Green Book is a biography, comedy, drama movie which first premiered in January 30th, 2019 in Indonesia. Peter Farrelly, the director of Green

Book, was born on December 17th, 1956 in Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, United

States of America. The movie has won 3 Oscars, the categories are Best Motion

Picture of The Year, Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role, and Best

Original Screenplay.

The Story is mainly about a fellowship of two men throughout the journey. Don

Shirley is an African-American genius pianist who employs Tony Lip as his driver.

Their journey is mainly on the south part of America which is the worst part to be an African-American at that time. Don Shirley’s journey on the south is to break the stereotype of an African-American.

B. Approach of the Study

This study focuses more on the personality and characteristic of the character on Green Book. Therefore, the approach which is used is psychological criticism.

Psychological criticism reflects the effect that modern psychology has upon both




literature and literary criticism. The researcher analyses the characteristics and personality of the main character of the movie, Don Shirley and Tony Lip. The study revolves around examining the characterization of the main character in order to find the personality of the main character. The study uses the theory of character and characterization which is suitable for movie script, it is a theory by Joseph M.

Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie. After the personality of the main character is settled, the study will analyses how the personality of Don Shirley influence Tony Lip’s personality. The theory which is used is the theory of personality development by

Elizabeth B, Hurlock.

C. Method of the Study

The researcher uses library research as the method in order to gain better understanding and more information and sources. The primary source is the movie script of Green Book. The secondary sources that the researcher use is Boggs and

Petrie’s The Arts of Watching Films, Drever’s A Dictionary of Psychology, Arp and

Johnson’s Perrine’s Story and Structure, Feist & Feist’s Theories of Personality 7th

Edition, Hurlock’s Personality Development.

The researcher took some steps in order to further analyze and examine the movie and the script. The first step is reading and re-reading the script thoroughly in order to gain a better understanding on the main characters of the movie.

Furthermore, the researcher also watches the movie several times to have further knowledge about the characters. After that, the researcher focuses more on the contrast personality of the two main characters. The researcher formulates the problems on chapter one in order to draw the outline of the research. Then, the



researcher searches for the findings, theories, journal, and other outside sources to help the researcher to further analyze the formulated problem.

The next step is answering the formulated problem. In order to find the personality of the two main characters, Don Shirley and Tony Lip, the researcher use the theory of character and characterization as stated in Boggs and Petrie’s The

Arts of Watching Films. To analyze Tony Lip’s and Don Shirley’s personality, the researcher uses characterization through appearance, characterization through dialogue, characterization through external action, and characterization through reaction of other character. The theory is chosen because it is the most suitable theory to analyses characteristic and personality of character in movie script.

The last step is finding out the impacts of Don’s Shirley influences on Tony

Lip’s Personality Development. The researcher mainly uses Hurlock’s Personality

Development in order to help examining how Don Shirley’s personality influence

Tony Lip’s personality Development. The personality changes of Tony Lip can be examined by looking at the change of roles, change in significant people, change in environment, and change in social pressure. Those changes occurred as an indirect influence of Don Shirley.




This part consists of three parts based on the question which the researcher has formulated in the problem formulation section. In order to answer the formulated question, the first part discusses the characteristic of Tony Vallenlonga or Tony Lip, the second part is going to discuss about the characteristic of Don

Shirley, and the last part is going to discuss Tony’s personality development as the result of Don Shirley’s influence.

A. Depiction of Tony Lip and Don Shirley.

In this part, the researcher going to discuss the depiction of Tony Lip and

Don Shirley in Green Book Film. Tony Lip and Don Shirley is the main character of the movie. They have different personality and most of the personality is on the opposite of each other. Personality is unique feature that every character has.

Through the personality, the reader can gain a deeper understanding about the character.

1. Tony Lip

Tony Lip is the main character of the film. He lives in Bronx, New York.

Tony works at the Copacabana Nightclub in New York City. His formal name is

Frank Anthony Vallenlonga, but because of the difficulty of pronouncing the name

Vallenlonga, the character is more familiar with the nick name of Tony Lip. Tony

Lip gives a little insight on the history of his name.




DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) So, where did this “Tony the Lip” moniker come from?

LIP Not Tony the Lip. Tony Lip--it’s one word. I got it when I was a kid. My friends said I was the best bullshit artist in the Bronx.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 41)

The first time the main character is introduced properly by the name in the film is when in the club, the boss called his name when there is a fight in the club.

RYDELL’S STILL SINGING, THE JOINT’S ROCKING... A FIGHT breaks out... FOUR GOOMBAHS pound each other. Tables flip, glass breaks, patrons scream...

ANGLE ON Podell as he jumps up...


Lip is already on the move, running to the fight... (Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 3)

Tony Lip is depicted as an Italian. The audience can tell this properly because he talks using Italian accent. As Boggs & Petrie (2008) suggest in their book which entitled The Art of Watching Films, a great characteristic is depicted when the actors use grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and dialects (if any).

The use of those elements reveals a great deal about their characters' social and economic level, educational background, and mental processes.



Figure 1 Tony Lip is portrayed as a middle age man, with a chubby stomach as seen in figure 1. The appearance of the character is important to the element of the film.

Boggs & Petrie (2008) state that the minute we see most actors on the screen, we make certain assumptions about them because of their facial features, dress, physical build, and mannerisms and the way they move. a. Money-oriented

Tony Lip came from a middle-class background. He works as a waiter also as a bouncer in Copacabana Club. The researcher describes Tony Lip as a money- oriented person because his only motivation to work is because of money. Lea &

Webley (2005) in their paper entitled Money as Tool, Money as Drug: The

Biological Psychology of a Strong Incentive, suggest that people are motivated to obtain money. They mean that when people live in a culture where money is used, money enters human behavior in some of the same ways as commonly recognized motivators such as food or sex. Furthermore, on their paper, they mention that money can acts as an incentive. Money as incentive means that people would likely to perform an action. If they understand that particular action, it will likely lead them to obtain money (Lea & Webley, 2005, p. 3).



Using the theory of Lea & Webley (2005) of money act as an incentive,

Tony Lip do most of his works because he knows that the work will get him to money. Money is not only influencing his motivation to work, but also his motivation to act. As Boggs & Petrie (2008) mention before in their book, the characterization through external action is important. The best reflections of character are a person's actions. It must be assumed, of course, that real characters are more than mere instruments of the plot, that they do what they do for a purpose, out of motives that are consistent with their overall personality (Boggs & Petrie,

2008, p. 61). It can be seen in early scene in the movie that Tony Lip uses his cunning to get the money.

Figure 2 It started when a man named Loscudo (Figure 2) enters the club and he leave his coat and hat to the coat-girl.

Lip trolls for customers who will tip him for a table. He NOTICES...

JOEY LOSCUDO, 50s, a Mob Boss, entering the club followed by his CREW. Loscudo walks over to the COAT-CHECK GIRL, takes off his coat and hat, hands them to her.

LOSCUDO Guard this hat with your life... My mother gave it to me.

He winks.



COAT-CHECK GIRL Yes, Mr. Loscudo...

He hands the Coat-Check Girl some money.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 2)

Overhearing that the hat is important to Mr. Loscudo, Tony proceeds with his plan to gain the acknowledgement of Mr. Loscudo which is a way in order to get money. Then, Tony hears that the hat or fedora is an important object for Mr.

Loscudo. Hearing that the hat is important for Mr. Loscudo does not stop Tony with proceeding with his plan. After that, Mr. Loscudo is mad and angry, because he lost his hat which he mentions before that it was given by his mother.

A line of people waits behind mob boss Joey Loscudo as he screams at the Coat-Check Girl. Carmine stands by.

LOSCUDO I ‘ll burn this place down! Where’s my hat!


LOSCUDO Someone better finds it!

CARMINE It’ll turn up, I swear it’ll turn up.

LOSCUDO Really? You tell that fat Jew bastard Podell that if it does not turn up, I’ll burn this place down! You hear me? I’ll burn the Copa down!

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 4)

From the dialogue of Mr. Loscudo, audience can see that he possesses the power to close the club down. The dialogue implies that Mr. Loscudo has more



power than Tony’s boss, which means he is wealthier. Then, Tony proceeds with giving him the hat which was lost before.

LIP Don’t worry about it, I took care of him.

LOSCUDO I hope you gave him some beating. Loscudo pulls out a wad of cash, peels off a C-note.

LIP No, I can’t. It was my pleasure, Mr. Loscudo.

Loscudo SLAMS the MONEY into Lip’s hand. (Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, pp. 5-6)

Tony Lip has gone through all the difficult process to get money. He even must risk getting caught hiding Loscudo’s hat. Getting caught hiding sentimental object that belongs to a man which a large influence as Mr. Loscudo can result in him getting fired from the club. This shows that the money has become motivation for Tony Lip to do his action.

Later in the film, Tony get an interview to work for a doctor to be a driver.

At the moment after the interview, he told his wife about the potential job and his potential boss. Tony describe all the thing and tell her that his boss is an African-

American. Knowing that he is unable to treat the people of different race nicely

(which will be discuss in the next part), his wife doubt that he would last long working with the doctor.

DOLORES He’s colored? You wouldn’t last a week with him.

LIP For the right money, I would.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 22)



On the dialogue, he says that he would work for an African-American for the right money. It supports the fact that money becomes a main motivation for

Tony Lip to work. Tony is willing to throw away his hatred of working for African-

American in order to get money.

Later, on their way to the first concert, they have a lunch together. The dialogue is as follows:

Lip and Shirley sit in a booth eating lunch. Shirley picks at a tuna salad while Lip chows down on a pot roast. Shirley watches Lip, amazed at the ferocity with which he attacks his meal.

DR. SHIRLEY How is that?

Lip thinks about it.

LIP Salty.

Lip continues to stuff his face.

DR. SHIRLEY Have you ever thought of being a food critic?

Lip looks up, hopeful.

LIP Not really, but...why? Is there money in that?

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 32)

The dialogue above supports the theory of Lea & Webley (2005) of money act as an incentive. They state that if people can perceive or understand that a particular action is likely to lead to them obtaining money, they are more likely to perform that action. The first respond which Tony gives to Don Shirley on his question is whether the job as food critique has money in it.



b. Racist

Wilson in Clair & Denis (2015) state that at root, racism is an ideology of racial domination in which the presumed biological or cultural superiority of one or more racial groups is used to justify or prescribe the inferior treatment or social position(s) of other racial groups. This particular personality of Tony Lips is first described in the external action of the character. As Boggs & Petrie (2008) suggested before that there should be a clear relationship between a character and his or her actions; the actions should grow naturally out of the character's personality. According to Liao (2016), racism has always been perpetuated in normative and invisible forms and is generally beyond our consciousness. This type of racism is called subtle racism. The reason why it is hard to be perceived is because it is often difficult to be seen, and these acts can easily be explained for factors other than discrimination. Liao (2016) further explain that the characteristic of subtle racism is cool, distant, and indirect.

The racist personality of Tony Lip can be seen through his action in the early part of the film. At first, there are two African-American plumbers come to his house to fix his sink. After they have done fixing Tony’s sink, his wife (Dolores) offers them two glasses of lemon juice. Tony then proceeds to the kitchen as his wife walks out with the plumbers.



Figure 3 Figure 4

After that, the act which represent subtle racist occurs. Tony pick up the glasses which were used by the African-American plumbers (as seen in figure 3) and tosses out the glasses to the trash bin (as seen in figure 4). The act of tossing the glasses that were used by the two plumbers is disrespectful. By doing so, he has a negative perception toward the two plumbers. Furthermore, the negative perception is an implicit bias. According to Clair & Denis (2015) in their paper entitled Sociology of Racism, an implicit bias is an unconsciously triggered belief in the inferiority of, or negative attitude toward, a group(s) (p. 859). Based on recent studies in cognitive psychology and its nascent relationship with cultural sociology, the hypothesis is that implicit biases can influence attitudes and behaviors. Implicit bias produces racial discrimination. From an implicit bias, an individual may think that other races are inferior. Thus, the superior will disrespect toward the inferior.

Tony's negative attitude is not represented by direct action, but through his own behavior which represent the discrimination. Based on the explanation of subtle racism, what Tony Lip did to the plumbers is a racist but not directly to them, but indirectly through his action.

The second proof of his racist personality is shown in the interaction he has with his wife after she is told that Tony will be working for colored person.



DOLORES I don’t understand--why’d they say he was a doctor?

LIP I don’t know. I think he’s like a doctor of piano-playing or something.

DOLORES You can be that?

LIP I guess. He lives on top of . You shoulda seen this place, Dee- -it was filled with statues and all kinds of fancy crap. And he was sitting on a friggin’ throne all dressed up like the king of the jungle bunnies.

DOLORES He’s colored? You wouldn’t last a week with him.

LIP For the right money, I would.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, pp. 21-22)

According to Boggs & Petrie (2008), the characterization could be seen through the reaction of other characters. The way other characters view a person serves as an excellent means of characterization. After Tony tells her about his boss,

Dolores first reaction is doubting that Tony would last long working for a colored person. The reaction of Dolores describes that Tony is not fond of colored person.

Anderson in Clair & Denis (2015) states that micro level social processes maintain and change racial categories, stereotypes, attitudes, and beliefs. Some scholars explore how racial identities and statuses are embodied and enacted in interpersonal interaction through distinctive habits, styles, scripts, and modes of self-presentation that inadvertently reproduce racial inequalities. According to

Oxford Dictionary of English, Stereotype is a widely held but fixed and



oversimplified image or idea of a person or thing. This image or idea may be the embodiment of habits, styles, scripts, and modes of self-presentation.

Furthermore, with theory of characterization through dialogue and external action, we can observe Tony Lip’s racist characteristic can be seen through his acts of stereotyping. The acts can be seen in their way on concert trip, and the came across Kentucky Fried Chicken.

They’re back on the road, a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken in the front seat next to Lip. He wolfs down a chicken leg as he drives.

LIP This might be the best Kentucky Fried Chicken I ever had. But I guess it’s fresher down here, right?

Dr. Shirley shrugs.

DR. SHIRLEY I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone with your appetite.

LIP No, I bought the bucket so you could have some.

DR. SHIRLEY I’ve never had fried chicken in my life.

LIP Who you bullshittin’? You people love the fried chicken, the grits, the colored greens...I love it, too. The negro cooks used to make it when I was in the army.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 51)

Tony Lip uses stereotype of African-American people like to eat fried chicken. In the dialogue above, Tony generalizes all African-American to love the fried chicken. The grits, the colored green. Another stereotype comes up later in the story.



Lip flips the station. Aretha Franklin’s Won’t Be Long PLAYS.

LIP How about this? You know this song.

DR. SHIRLEY I don’t think so...

Lip looks back at Dr. Shirley in disbelief.

LIP How could you not know this music? Chubby Checker, Lil’ Richard, Sam Cooke, Aretha--these are your people!

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 51)

Another stereotype of racism appears in the dialogue. Using the theory of characterization through dialogue, we can see that the racist personality comes up in his dialogue about African-American music. Tony lip once again states a stereotype about African-American. He thinks just because the singer is an African-

American, Dr. Shirley should know the song and the singer, it’s all because the singers is also African-American. c. Uncultured

The term of uneducated was chosen in result of using the theory of characterization through dramatic foils. By contrasting Tony Lip and Don Shirley, it can be concluded that Tony Lip is less cultured than Don Shirley. It can be seen in how he is less educated than Don Shirley. Tylor in Spencer-Oatey (2012) states that “culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (What is culture? A Compilation of Quotations, 2012, p. 1). To be defined as cultured and uncultured is not as simple as defining black and white. The degree



of someone’s culture may be measured by their knowledge, belief, art, moral, law, or custom. From the statement above, Tony Lip is less-culture or uncultured than

Don Shirley. By contrasting Don Shirley and Tony Lip, Tony Lip is uncultured because he has less understanding in knowledge, art, manner, and custom.

Furthermore, by using the theory suggested by Boggs & Petrie (2008) about characterization, the researcher can observe the personality of Tony Lip through the dialogue, reaction of other character, and the external action.

In the earlier part of the story, they are on their way to Pittsburgh. On the way, Tony feels the need to go to the bathroom. Instead of stopping in rest area,

Tony stops the car and pee on the side of the road.

They’ve been driving awhile now. Lip starts to pull the car over to the side of the road.

DR. SHIRLEY What are you doing?

LIP I gotta take a leak.

DR. SHIRLEY Here? Now?

LIP What, you want me to piss my pants?


The Cadillac stops on the shoulder of the road next to some trees. Lip gets out, takes a few steps... then realizes he forgot something...

Lip goes back, opens the driver’s side door and GRABS HIS WALLET OFF THE DASH.



Shirley and Lip’s eyes meet for a moment. Then, wallet in hand, Lip heads to the woods to pee.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 34)

Using the theory of Boggs & Petrie, we can see the characterization of Tony

Lip’s personality which is cultured. Through the external action, we can see the manner of Tony Lip towards custom. From the dialogue above, Tony Lip does not follow the custom which exist in American society. In American society, people usually take a leak in the bathroom, but Tony chooses to take a leak on the side of the road. Contrasting with Don Shirley, his manner and personality is more uncultured than Don Shirley.

The story continues to the hotel in Pittsburgh. Using the theory of characterization through reaction of other character in The Arts of Watching Film by Boggs & Petrie (2008), we can see the personality of Tony Lip from the point of view of other character, in this case, Dr. Shirley.

Lip, wearing a black suit, sits reading a paper. Shirley wearing a tuxedo, enters, crosses to Lip. Shirley pulls a roll of cash out of his pocket, peels off some bills, gives them to Lip.

DR. SHIRLEY Take this for any incidentals we may need. If you want something for yourself, you don’t have to ask me, just make sure you keep the receipts. When it runs low, let me know.

Lip nods. They walk towards the exit.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) One more thing--we will be attending many events before and after the concerts, interacting with some of the wealthiest and most highly-educated people in the country. It is my feeling that your diction, as charming as it may be in the tri-state area, could use a bit of finessing.

LIP Like you mean diction in what way?



DR. SHIRLEY In the only way the word “diction” is ever used.

LIP (unsure) Okay...

DR. SHIRLEY Your intonation, inflection, choice of words--

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 36)

From the dialogue, we can see Tony Lip personality from the point of view of Dr. Shirley. Shirley says that the problem on Tony Lip is in the way he uses diction; his intonation, inflection, and choice of words. Tony Lip does not possess a rich knowledge and ability on using his diction in proper way according to social environment which is his current social environment.

Figure 5 In the later of the story, they are on the rest area. Tony sees a Jade stone, which is laying on the ground. Then, Tony picks it up (figure 5) and puts it in his pocket. Later, he enters the car and is confronted by Dr, Shirley for his action.

DR. SHIRLEY Before we pull out, Tony, we need to talk. I just heard something that disturbed me a great deal. I gave you petty cash.

LIP Yeah, so?



DR. SHIRLEY Oleg told me what you did.

LIP What I do?

DR. SHIRLEY You stole a jade stone from the store.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 44)

At first, Tony denies Dr. Shirley’s accusations, but finally he admits that he stole the jade from before. Then, Dr. Shirley asks him to return the stone to the case where it belongs. He proposes that he would buy the stone for Tony rather than having Tony steals the stone. The dialogue occurs as follow:

DR. SHIRLEY Tony, if you’d like, I will happily buy you that stone.

LIP Don’t bother. You took all the fun out of it.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 45)

According to Schmideberg (1947) in her article entitled Psychological

Factors Underlying Criminal, it is often the case that delinquents steal things they could have got perfectly well by asking. It is morally wrong for a person to steal things. The researcher considers Tony as uncultured because he does not adhere to the law which exist within the society. Another proof which support Tony Lip’s uncultured personality occurs when they are done eating a fried chicken.

DR. SHIRLEY What do we do about the bones?

LIP We do this.



Lip throws his bones out the window.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 45)

Figure 6 As it can be seen in figure 6, Tony Lip throws out the bone to the road without and care at all. According to the moral and law which exist in the society, throwing out trash on the road is wrong.

Figure 7 Tony also throws out a plastic cup to the road as it can be seen in figure 7, which is equally wrong. Later on, Dr. Shirley corrects him by telling him to pick up the plastic cup. Another event also occurs as a proof to the uncultured personality of Tony Lip. In this event, Tony Lip proofs his lack of knowledge of certain art.

Tony Lip mentions that his wife bought Shirley’s record and he liked the picture of the child in the cover. Then, Dr. Shirley tells him that the picture is not of kid but a devil. The picture is a reference from a comic opera with music by Jacques




LIP (CONT’D) By the way, when you hired me, my wife went out bought one of your records--’one about the orphans.

DR. SHIRLEY Orphans?

LIP Yeah. Cover had a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire?

Shirley has to think a moment.

DR. SHIRLEY Orpheus.

LIP What?

DR. SHIRLEY Orpheus in the Underworld. It’s based on a French Opera. And those kids on the cover? They were demons in hell.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 33)

From the dialogue of the interaction, Tony Lips shows that he does not possesses the knowledge of knowing Orpheus. By the theory of Boggs & Petrie

(2008), the characteristic and personality can be acquired from the dialogue and interaction. A person who is cultured is a person who possess the knowledge of fashion, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits. On this aspect, Tony Lip is considered an uncultured person because of his lack of understanding about arts. Aside from that, Tony Lip does not acquire the knowledge to writes a proper letter. As it can be seen in the dialogue on the comment of Dr.

Shirley toward Tony Lip’s paper.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) (reading aloud)



“Dear, Dolores--I’m meeting all the highly leading citizens of the town, people who use big words, all of them, but you know me, I get by, I’m a good bullshitter.” (to Lip) Two “t”s in “bullshitter.” (continues reading) “As I’m writing this letter, I’m eating potato chips and I’m starting to get thirsty. I washed my socks last night and dried them on the TV. I should have brung the iron.” (to Lip) You know this is pathetic, right?

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 67)

From the dialogue, it shows that Tony Lip’s knowledge on writing letter is inferior to Dr. Shirley’s. Tony Lip is considered to be poorly educated because he does not possess the knowledge of basic grammar. From that point, Dr. Shirley helps Tony with all of his letters, except the last one. The researcher applies the theory of characterization through contras: dramatic foils. As suggested by Boggs

& Petrie (2008), One of the most effective techniques of characterization is the use of foils contrasting characters whose behavior, attitudes, opinions, lifestyle, physical appearance, and so on are the opposite of those of the main characters. By contrasting Dr. Shirley and Tony Lip, the two major characters of the film, Dr.

Shirley appears to be more cultured person. In fact, Tony Lip begins to appear as an uncultured individual.

2. Don Shirley

This part is going to discuss about the characteristic and personality of

Donald Shirley. The researcher will use the theory by Boggs & Petrie (2008) about character and characterization. The characterization of Don Shirley can be seen through the dialogue, external action, appearance, and reaction of other character.



Figure 8 Donald Shirley (figure 8) or referred as Don Shirley or Don Shirley is portrayed as an African-American man who always wears suit and tie. Boggs &

Petrie (2008) suggests that film actors project certain qualities of character the minute they appear on the screen. The quality and characteristic projection can be seen through the way Don Shirley dress. He uses the correct and proper manner on using language to communicate. Don Shirley lives above the Carnegie Hall in 881

7th Avenue. He appears on the film by introducing himself to Tony Lip. He says that he is not a medical doctor, but a musician. a. Cultured

The term of cultured was chosen in result of using the theory of characterization through dramatic foils. By contrasting Tony Lip and Don Shirley, the cultured depiction of Don Shirley can be seen through the theory of characterization which is suggested by Boggs & Petrie (2008). Being cultured means well educated and able to understand and enjoy art, literature, etc. According to the definition of culture by Tylor in Spencer-Oatey (2012), Don Shirley is described as a man who grasp the better understanding of culture. Thus making him a cultured man. The researcher uses the theory of characterization through dialogue,



external action, and dramatic foils. One of the most distinctive contrast which appears on screen is that the ability and experience which Don Shirley possesses.

Figure 9 Don Shirley is a great pianist; he is considered expert in .

One of the Don Trio mentions that he is a genius. As a man of genius in classical music, Don Shirley is considered as a cultured man because a cultured person is a person who understand arts such as classical music. Furthermore, Dr. Shirley shows another of his intellectual prowess.

LIP (CONT’D) By the way, when you hired me, my wife went out bought one of your records--’one about the orphans.

DR. SHIRLEY Orphans?

LIP Yeah. Cover had a bunch of kids sitting around a campfire?

Shirley has to think a moment.

DR. SHIRLEY Orpheus.

LIP What?



DR. SHIRLEY Orpheus in the Underworld. It’s based on a French Opera. And those kids on the cover? They were demons in hell.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 33)

From the previous discussion and the dialogue above, we can see that Dr.

Shirley is more aware and possesses more knowledge on certain art. The characterization through contrast: dramatic foils can be applied in this dialogue. Dr.

Shirley appears to be more cultured, contrast to the main character.

At the earlier part of the story, when they arrive at Pittsburgh, Dr. Shirley gives comment on how Tony use his language. According to him, Tony still has flaw in his method. The comment is as follows:

Lip nods. They walk towards the exit.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) One more thing--we will be attending many events before and after the concerts, interacting with some of the wealthiest and most highly-educated people in the country. It is my feeling that your diction, as charming as it may be in the tri-state area, could use a bit of finessing.

LIP Like you mean diction in what way?

DR. SHIRLEY In the only way the word “diction” is ever used.

LIP (unsure) Okay...

DR. SHIRLEY Your intonation, inflection, choice of words—

LIP Ayyyy, I got my own problems, I gotta worry what other people think about the way I talk?



DR. SHIRLEY There are simple techniques I can teach you that are quite effective. I can help you.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 36)

Later, Dr. Shirley shows that he possesses more knowledge in that area, by giving an advice and offers to teach Tony about it. Later on, his first concert, a lady introduces him and his achievement throughout the years which support the fact that he is a cultured man. The characterization of Don Shirley is shown in reaction of other character and through dialogue.

MC Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we are privileged to present a great American artist. He gave his first public performance at the age of three. At age eighteen, at 's invitation, our guest made his concert debut with the Boston Pops. He holds Doctorates in Psychology, in Music, and in the Liturgical Arts, and has performed at the White House twice in the last fourteen months. He is a true virtuoso.

(Green Book Script, p. 37)

It can be seen from all of Don’s achievement that he is a man of culture. He is smart and high-educated. Don is a contrast to Tony Lip. It can be said that Don

Shirley is a cultured person. Being a cultured person also means having a high formal education level. Don Shirley is more educated than Tony Lip. Thus, Don

Shirley is considered to be more cultured than Tony Lip. Other events which proof that Don Shirley transpires. The event takes place after Tony steals jade from the rest area.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) I want you to go back and pay for it.

Lip is embarrassed, angry.



LIP I told you that Kraut was a sneak. Rats me out for something I didn’t even do.

DR. SHIRLEY Pay for the stone, Tony, you’ll feel better.

(Green Book Script, p. 45)

Don Shirley is proven to be strict and more aware of the law and custom which exist within the society. He also has a batter manner on how to acquire things he wants. In the previous discussion, Tony steals the jade that is lying on the ground.

He thinks that because it is on the ground, he can take it. Unlike Tony, he is trying to imply that buying things is better than stealing it, which makes the man a cultured person. Don Shirley also uphold the manner and custom of the society.

Lip takes a piece of chicken, holds it out to Shirley.

LIP (CONT’D) Just grab it and eat it!


LIP I’m gonna throw it in the back seat.

DR. SHIRLEY Don’t you dare!

LIP Then you better take it.

DR. SHIRLEY How? Do you even have utensils? Plates?

(Green Book Script, p. 52)

The dialogue of the interaction shows that Don Shirley prefers to eat using utensils. The fact also means that he upholds the custom which exist in the society.



American society uses utensils such as spoon, knife, and fork to eat. They even have a special spoon for soup and other occasion. The usage of utensils is a product of table manner which used by a formal and cultured person. After that, Don Shirley asks what to do about the bone because they are eating inside the car. Then, Tony throws out the bone outside and the plastic bag, which later resulting in Don Shirley losing his smile.

Figure 10 The caddy backs up and Tony picks up the plastic cup (figure 10). The act which was done by Don Shirley shows that he upholds the code that exist in the society. Later in the story, Tony Lip is writing a letter to his wife at home. The letter is considered bad by Don Shirley because of the grammar. After knowing the fact that Tony cannot properly write a letter, Don Shirley helps him with his paper.

DR. SHIRLEY Plains of Iowa.

LIP What planes?

DR. SHIRLEY The plains. P-L-A-I-N-S. Those big fields we saw.

LIP Oh, those were nice.



(writing) “...plains of Iowa--which is what they call big fields around here.”

DR. SHIRLEY (annoyed) Tony, no expounding.

Lip looks up, confused.

LIP No what?

DR. SHIRLEY Just write what I say.

Shirley keeps pacing as he thinks.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 52)

From the dialogue above, a few things can be discussed to prove that Dr.

Shirley has the knowledge of culture. Tylor in Spencer-Oatey (2012) states that culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. The capability which Dr. Shirley possesses is the proper way to beautify a sentence. First, it is clear that Dr. Shirley possesses a superior intellectuality compare to Tony Lip. Dr. Shirley teaches Tony Lip to make a proper letter to his wife. Using the theory of characterization through reaction of other character by

Boggs & Petrie (2008), we can see clearly that Tony Lip is impressed with the way

Dr. Shirley arranges the sentence. Tony Lip impressed reaction can be seen through his comment “This is very fucking romantic”. Second, Dr. Shirley often use difficult words to express himself. For example, he often uses the word “profanity” to describe “bad words” with Tony, the other example is when he tries to remind

Tony when he is expounding “plains”, but Tony does not understand the meaning



of expounding. Those examples make Dr. Shirley appears to have more awareness in grammar and more knowledge.

The other aspect which shows that Dr. Shirley is a cultured person is in the way he maintains his dignity. Along the way, they get caught by the police officers because Tony hits one of the officers. When they are locked up, this interaction occurs:

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) Look out there, Tony. Take a good look at the officer you hit.

Lip doesn’t move.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) Look at him.

Lip raises his eyes.

HIS POV - Patrolman #1 is sitting in the bullpen, drinking coffee, horsing around with the other cops.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) He’s having a grand old time, chatting up his pals, having a nice cup of coffee. And, where are you? In here. With me. Who did nothing. Yet I’m the one who’s paying the price. I’m the one who’s going to miss the Birmingham show.

LIP Hey, I’m losin’ a lot of money, too, if you don’t play Birmingham.

Shirley steps in front of Lip.

DR. SHIRLEY So your little temper tantrum...was it worth it? (beat) You don’t win with violence, Tony, you win when you maintain your dignity. Dignity always prevails. And tonight, because of you, we did not.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 87)



From the dialogue above, it can be seen that Don Shirley has better manner in order to deal with the situation. He knows that the south is giving him a bad treatment, but he chooses to deal those bad treatment with honor and dignity. It can be seen that Dr. Shirley handles the situation like a cultured man. Unlike Tony Lip who lose his tantrum and punches the police. b. Patient

Schnitker (2012) states that patience is the propensity of a person to wait calmly in the face of frustration, adversity, or suffering. Demonstration of genuine patience depends on both behavioral (i.e. waiting) and emotional (i.e. low arousal positive affect and notable absence of high arousal negative affect) components.

Don Shirley is portrayed as a patient person. His patience shows in the way he handles racial discrimination. He always trying to stay calm in the face of racial discrimination. According to Clair & Denis (2015) in Sociology of Racism, implicit bias is an unconsciously triggered belief in the inferiority of, or negative attitude toward, a group(s). The assumption, drawing from recent findings in cognitive psychology and its nascent interaction with cultural sociology, is that implicit biases can impact expectations and actions. On the journey the concert tour, he chooses to travel to the Deep South. He still wants to go there even though he aware the fact that racial discrimination is at peak in the Deep South. The patient personality of

Dr. Shirley can be seen through the theory of characterization by Boggs & Petrie

(2008) which is characterization through dialogue, external action, and reaction of other character. The event which shows the patient personality of Dr. Shirley occurs on the road when Tony Lip turn on the radio and Lil Richard’s song comes up.



LIP How could you not know this music? Chubby Checker, Lil’ Richard, Sam Cooke, Aretha--these are your people!

Shirley wears a strained smile.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 43)

Figure 11 In theory of characterization through external action Boggs & Petrie (2008) states that there should be a clear relationship between a character and his or her actions; the actions should grow naturally out of the character's personality. After hearing the stereotypes comment given by Tony Lip which he assumes that African-

American people must know about African-American singer, Don Shirley just keep quiet (figure 11) and then look away through the car’s window. Another event occurs when Tony Lip gives another stereotype comment on African-American people. He assumes that all African-American loves fried chicken, but Don Shirley never had fried chicken in his life.

LIP Who you bullshittin’? You people love the fried chicken, the grits, the colored greens...I love it, too. The negro cooks used to make it when I was in the army.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 51)



Figure 12 After Tony Lip gives a stereotypes comments on African-American people and fried chicken, Don Shirley decides to stay calm and ignore the comment (figure

12). The patience is shown by the behavioral act of which he expresses. They journey continue to the next concert venue. In the next venue Don Shirley performs in some prestigious man’s manor. He does his show beautifully until the show hit a break. At the break, he wanted to use bathroom, but the owner proposes him to use the bathroom outside the house. The interaction is as follows:

MORGAN ANDERSON Are you looking for the commode? Here, let me help you.

He leads Shirley to a back door, opens it.

MORGAN ANDERSON (CONT’D) It’s right out there ‘fore the pines.

Shirley looks out, sees an old OUTHOUSE at the edge of the woods.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 63)

Figure 13



In the dialogue, the owner points out the outhouse (figure 13). The reaction of Don Shirley is a smile, he then says that he is not going to go there, he proposes he can use the bathroom in his motel but that will take half an hour to go there. The owner just says that they (owner and the guests) do not mind waiting for him. Then the film cut to Don Shirley in the car on his way to the motel, just to use the bathroom. After the event transpires, Don Shirley and Tony Lip come back to the manor. We can see from the reaction of Tony Lip on Don Shirley which proof the patient personality of Don Shirley.

Show’s over, GUESTS are departing. As Dr. Shirley accepts congratulations out on the steps, Lip stands by the Cadillac, smoking with George.

LIP How does he smile and shake their hands like that? If they tried to pull that outhouse shit with me, I’d piss right on their dining room floor.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 65)

Using the theory of characterization through reaction of other character suggested by Boggs & Petrie (2008), we can observe the personality of Dr. Shirley.

Tony Lip wonders why Dr. Shirley still wants to come back and shake the guest hand after the humiliating event which occurs before. Dr. Shirley’s action shows that he be calm in the face of frustration. After the show ends, they continue their way to the next venue. When they arrive in Macon, they come across a good suit shop. Tony proposes to enter the shop because Dr. Shirley seems to like the suit by the window. Then, when Dr. Shirley wants to try it on, the tailor prevents him to do it. The tailor says that he must pay it first, then the shop can tailor it to his need.



The Tailor REACTS, follows Shirley toward the dressing room.

TAILOR Uh, excuse me, you’re not allowed to try that on.

DR. SHIRLEY I beg your pardon?

The Tailor takes the suit from him.

TAILOR If you would like to purchase it first, we’ll be happy to tailor it to your needs.

Shirley stares at him a moment, gets it, and heads for the door.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 71)

The racial discrimination is shown by the negative attitude towards Dr.

Shirley. In the film, there is another gentleman trying on the suit, but when Dr.

Shirley trying to put it on, the tailor says that he is not allowed to try it on. Another patient personality shows in the face of racial discrimination. When they are on their way to the next venue, two police officers stop them. The two officers’ question them and because Tony Lip hits one of the officers, they are put to jail.

The interaction which shows that Dr. Shirley is patient occurs as follows:

DR. SHIRLEY Excuse me! (no response) Excuse me, sirs. I quite understand why my associate is being held, but what exactly am I being charged with?

Not a glance in his direction.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) You seem like reasonable men—can you let me out so we might discuss the situation please?

PATROLMAN #1 Put the apple butter away, boy—you ain’t goin’ nowhere no time soon.



Dr. Shirley’s demeanor hardens.

DR. SHIRLEY You cannot hold me without cause!

PATROLMAN #1 I got cause. ‘Cause you let the sun set on your black ass!

The Chief LAUGHS.

DR. SHIRLEY I want to speak to a lawyer, I want my phone call! This is a flagrant violation of my rights! I demand my phone call immediately!

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, pp. 85-86)

As has been discussed in the previous part, Don Shirley is a cultured man.

He does not get angry and get aggressive, instead he stays calm and maintains his dignity. As it can be seen in the dialogue above, the personality can be seen through his external action and the dialogue. c. Courageous

Kilmann, O’Hara and Strauss in Rate, Clarke, Lindsay, & Sternberg (2007) suggests that a courageous act in an organization includes five essential properties:

(1) member has free choice to act; (2) member experiences significant risk; (3) member assess the risk as reasonable; (4) member’s contemplated act pursues excellence or other worthy aims and (5) member proceeds despite fear with mindful action. Dr. Shirley shows courageous act and personality in the film. He well aware the fact that traveling south means he gets to deal with the harsh racial discrimination all the time, but he does it anyway. Through the theory of characterization, we can observe the personality through the following dialogue:



OLEG Six years ago, 1956, Nat King Cole was invited to perform at Municipal Auditorium right here in Birmingham. Mr. Cole was very first negro asked to play at a white establishment in this city.

Lip butters a roll, takes a bite.

OLEG (CONT’D) Soon as Mr. Cole started playing, a group of men attacked him for playing white people’s music. Pulled him off stage and beat him badly.

Lip stops chewing.

OLEG (CONT’D) You asked once why Dr. Shirley does this? I tell you. Because there is no genius without courage.

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, pp. 85-86)

Don Shirley fulfilled the five essential properties which is suggested by

Kilmann, O’Hara and Strauss in Rate, Clarke, Lindsay, & Sternberg (2007). First, he has a free choice to act, nobody forced him to travel down the south but he chooses to do it. Second, he experiences the risk of traveling down south, which is racial discrimination almost in every corner. Third, He assess the risk is reasonable, because people in the south is way more racist than the people in the north. He has an aim, which is to change people heart which in the story is explained by Oleg.

Fifth, he proceeds despite of the fear and risk. In the dialogue above, Oleg explains that there was an African-American pianist who plays in the establishment before, but as soon as he went to the stage, a group of men attacked him for playing white people’s music. Pulled him off stage and beat him badly. Don Shirley aware of this fear and yet he still wants to play at the establishment.



B. The impacts of Don Shirley’s influence towards Tony Lip’s personality


This part discusses about Tony Lip, a man who undergoes a personality development because of the influence by Dr. Shirley. Most of the developments appear at the end of the story. Hurlock (1976) suggests that there are eight factors which contribute to a person’s personality development. Those are physical changes, environment, significant people, social pressure, roles, strong motivation, self-concept, and psychotherapy. There are many changes which contribute to one’s personality development. However, Don Shirley is able to stimulate and brings many changes in Tony’s life. Those changes are change in significant people, change in roles, change in environment, and change in social pressure.

Hurlock (1976) suggests that when one’s significant people change, they must adapt their pattern of behavior and his attitude, belief, values, and aspiration to the new significant people (Personality Development, p. 126). Tony must adapt to

Don’s pattern of behavior, belief, values, and aspiration.

Tony also experience new environment, roles and social pressures. In the previous environment, Tony is surrounded by family members who are okay with racial discrimination. That changes when he experiences new social environment with Don Shirley. In the new social environment, he experiences the new point of view of racial discrimination.

The change in roles happened because the new relationship that Tony has with

Don Shirley. Previously, his believes his role in society is better or higher than

African-American. That changes after he works for Don Shirley. By working with



Don Shirley, he must admit that his role is below Don Shirley. Furthermore, he experiences a new role of being less than African-American. These new role affects his self-concept and he begins to treat Don Shirley as an equal.

The result of the personality development is Tony being more tolerant, more cultured, and less money oriented. On the process of undergoing a personality development, Lip experience a turning point about his self-concept. The turning point occurs right after they get out of a prison.

DR. SHIRLEY Yes, I live in a castle! Alone. And rich white folks let me play piano for them, because it makes them feel cultured. But when I walk off that stage, I go right back to being another nigger to them—because that is their true culture. And I suffer that slight alone, because I’m not accepted by my own people, because I’m not like them either! So, if I’m not black enough, and I’m not white enough, and I’m not man enough, what am I?!

(Valenllonga, Currie, & Farrelly, 2018, p. 92)

This line becomes a turning point for Tony Lip because through this line,

Don Shirley describes his dilemma to Tony Lip. Tony Lip becomes speechless after hearing Don says that line. He realizes that Don has been patient and courageous all this time because he suffers the discrimination all by himself.

There are factors that allows Don Shirley’s personality to give influence to

Tony Lip Personality. The first reason is because Don Shirley has more established personality than Tony Lip. Tony Lip’s personality is less established. Therefore,

Tony Lip is getting more influence from Don Shirley rather than Don to him. It can be seen on how Don Shirley’s personality does not undergo as much change as

Tony Lip’s. The result of the influence which Don Shirley has on Tony Lip’s personality development can be seen below.



1. Sincere

The change in significant people forces Tony to see and experience racial discrimination change his perspective on money as a motivation for work. Tony becomes less money oriented because he becomes more tolerant and feeling more compassionate towards working with African-American person. Those affectionate and compassionate behavior come from the harsh racial discrimination towards Dr.

Shirley. When Tony adapts himself to Don’s behavior, he becomes more intimate with him. This results in Tony gains empathy towards Don Shirley. The new social environment forces Tony to experience racial discrimination from another perspective. In the previous social environment, Tony Lip is the one who discriminate African-American. These aspects make Tony feels empathy towards

Don Shirley. The empathy shapes him to be more sincere towards Don Shirley. This shows in an event that occurs when they reach Memphis, Tennessee. Tony meets two of his friends from New York which offers him another job with better payment. The dialogue is as follows:

DOMINIC (CONT’D) (in Italian) What’s wrong with you? You need work, you come to me! I’ll always find work for you. Matter of fact, I can use you this week. Gotta hit a few joints, straighten some people out--you’ll make some real money.

LIP (in Italian) I’m making money. DOMINIC (in Italian) Whatever he’s paying you, I’ll double it.

Lip glances at Shirley.



LIP (in Italian) This isn’t the place to talk about it.

DOMINIC (in Italian) Meet me in the bar at eight o’clock sharp. Forget this guy.

(Green Book Script, pp. 76-77)

After that, Tony Lip walks in with Don Shirley. At night, Tony Lip is going to meet his friends in the bar. Then Don Shirley confronts him. The dialogue is as follows:

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) (in Italian) Before you decide whether or not to take him up on the job offer, I think we should have a word.

Lip realizes that Shirley understood the earlier conversation.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) (in English) Tony, I think you’re doing a wonderful job.

Lip shrugs, not used to Shirley being so solicitous.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) So I would like to formally offer you the position of my road manager. With the title comes more responsibility and, of course, there will be a raise in pay.

Lip thinks about it.

LIP No, thanks.

Shirley nods, disappointed.

LIP (CONT’D) You and me, we agreed on a hundred and twenty-five a week, plus expenses. That’s our deal. I ain’t goin’ nowhere, Doc. I’m just goin’ down to tell ‘em.

(Green Book Script, p. 78)



At this point, Tony refuses to accept the job with better pay and decides to stay working for Don Shirley. For Tony, money is no longer works as incentive for

Tony Lip. He becomes more sincere as he develops empathy for Don Shirley. Other event occurs as a fact which support the personality development of Tony Lip. In the last concert, Don Shirley is not allowed to come in to the establishment because he is not white. Then Tony becomes angry with the manager. The dialogue is as follows:

They turn to see Shirley in the doorway. Graham Kindell pulls away from Lip, fixes his collar.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) It’s all right, Tony. I’ll play... if you want me to.

Graham Kindell SIGHS, clearly relieved. Lip is relieved, too. But only for a moment. Something comes over him. He glances at Kindell, then back at Shirley. Lip finally sees the big picture, and realizes that, for him and Shirley, this is the moment of truth. Then...

LIP Nah, let’s get the fuck outta here.

(Green Book Script, p. 101)

In the dialogue above, we can see that Tony Lip can no longer stand seeing

Don Shirley goes through racial discrimination. He decides it is best for both of them to leave the place and not finish the concert rather than having Don Shirley humiliated by the manager. Not finishing the concert means Tony will not get the money he was promised. This shows that Tony Lip is no longer works for the money but for Don Shirley.



2. Tolerant

Tony Lip becomes more compassionate and tolerant towards African-

American through the journey with Don Shirley. The factor which change the personality of Tony Lip is change in environment and change in role. The change in environment is affected by Don Shirley’s personalities which is patient and courageous. Before he works as a driver for Don Shirley, he never sees any harsh environment of racial discrimination from the victim’s point of view. He sees that

Don Shirley keep on trying to finish the concert even if the circumstances are unfavorable for him. Don is always maintaining his patient, calm, and courageous in front of racial discrimination. Now that he finally able to see the discrimination from another point of view, he can feel more empathy to African-American.

Furthermore, from the empathy, he grows to become tolerant to African-American.

As he goes along the concert with Don Shirley he experiences and saw for himself the harsh truth of racial discrimination in the south. He saw that if an

African-American person wanted to go to the bathroom in white people’s house, they must take the toilet outside the building. In other occasion when they enter one tailor in the south, he saw that Don Shirley is rejected from that shop. When Don

Shirley is trying to put on a suit, the tailor immediately takes it from him and says

“Uh, excuse me, you’re not allowed to try that on.” After that Tony Lip shows a frustrated expression as seen in figure 14.



Figure 14 The way he treated people is different from the earlier at the story and at the end. At the early of the story, when the plumbers come to fix his sink, his colleague, call the African-American plumbers as “sacks of coal” in Italian. Tony does not mind with his colleague calling them as “sacks of coal”. The dialogue is as follows:

ANTHONY (in Italian) You shouldn’t be sleeping in the middle of the day, leaving my daughter here alone with these sacks of coal.

NICOLA (in Italian) And why do you hire them to do an Italian’s job? It’s a disgrace.

LIP (in Italian) I don’t know who they’re gonna send.

(Green Book Script, pp. 7-8)

After he undergoes the harsh environment of racial discrimination towards

Don Shirley, he becomes more compassion with African-American. When his father-in-law call Don Shirley as “tootsoon”, he gets mad. According to Dee (2014) in Urban Dictionary Website, tootsoon is Italian slang word for "nigger". It really means "burnt chestnut". The interaction is as follows:

LOUIE Hey, Lip, tell us about the trip.



RUDY Yeah. So how was he, the tootsune? He gets on your nerves?

Lip shoots him a look.

LIP Don’t call him that.

Rudy’s taken aback. Embarrassed.

RUDY Okay...

(Green Book Script, p. 112)

We can see that the way Tony Lip gives feedback on African-American also changes. At the early of the story, we can see that Tony Lip throws away two glasses just because it was used by African-American people. On the contrary, in the end of the story, he shows how much he has changed from that point. The dialogue is as follows:

Lip turns to shut the door and sees - Dr. Shirley, standing in the doorway, holding A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE, looking Unsure.

Tony Lip smiles and hugs him, walks him in. Lip turns to his family, excited.

LIP Everyone, this is Dr. Donald Shirley

(Green Book Script, p. 113)

The dialogue shows that Tony Lip personality has changed. He who was disgusted by African-American people, now introduce Don Shirley proudly. The change in environment also change the way of Tony Lip’s point of view on other people, especially African-American. Thus, he becomes more compassionate towards them.



3. Cultured

On the journey, Tony Lip becomes a cultured person. The factor which changes the personality of Tony Lip is change in environment and change in role.

Those changes are the impact of the main aspect of change which is change in significant people (Don Shirley). Change in role acts as an influence in Tony Lip’s personality development because on the journey, his role is as a driver for a cultured

African-American person. According to Hurlock (1976), there are three conditions related to role changes which damages the personality pattern. The first is from being prevented from making a change when one feels capable of doing so and when his peers are permitted to do so. Second, change role will damage self-concept if the individual is forced to play a role he does not want to play. Third is being unprepared for a role change. Tony Lip as an individual is prevented from making a change when he is capable of doing it. The place where he works is under maintenance and he has to find a job to fulfill his family’s needs. Tony Lip mentions that he would be fine working for African-American or colored people if the money is right. He becomes a driver for Dr. Shirley and it leads him to a change in environment. He has to be near Dr. Shirley, a cultured man with correct understanding of grammar, custom, and law. Those aspects change his personality to be more cultured person. This change occurs in his ability to write a letter for his wife. As it has been discussed before, Tony Lip is bad at writing letter, Dr. Shirley calls Tony’s writing as “pathetic”. After Dr. Shirley teach him and dictate every word of his letter, he finally gets a hang of it as shows in the following dialogue:



Lip lays in a sunken twin bed in his t-shirt and underwear WRITING A LETTER. Shirley, in silk pajamas, folds his clothes and places them into his suitcase.

DR. SHIRLEY You realize you’re going to be home before that letter gets there?

LIP Yeah, I was gonna just bring it with me. Save on stamps.

Shirley rolls his eyes.

DR. SHIRLEY Give it here, I’ll fix it.

Shirley reaches for the letter, but Lip pulls it away.

LIP No offense, Doc, but I think I got the hang of it.

For a moment, Shirley’s offended. Then he SNATCHES THE LETTER out of Lip’s hand.

DR. SHIRLEY (reading) “Dear Dolores, sometimes you remind me of a house.”

Shirley glances at Lip... what the hell?

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) (reading) ”A house with beautiful lights on it where everyone inside is happy.”

Shirley hands the letter back to Lip.

DR. SHIRLEY (CONT’D) Yeah, you got it.

(Green Book Script, p. 93)

Dr. Shirley has acknowledged that Tony has acquired more knowledge on how to write a good letter. As Hurlock (1976) suggests that changes in either the physical or social environment may produce changes in the person’s self-concept



and, in turn, in his characteristics. Tony Lip undergoes a rapid change in his social environment which develops his personality into more cultured.

The impacts of Don Shirley’s influence on Tony Lip’s personality development is formed in changes on Tony’s characteristics. Tony who is a racist becomes more compassionate towards African-American. He also becomes more intelligent throughout the story, and eventually becomes a cultured man. Lastly,

Tony who uses money as motivation becomes more sincere in order to help Dr.





Green Book is a well-known film by Pater Farrelly. The main character of the film, Tony Vallenlonga or Tony Lip, experiences a personality development on his journey with Don Shirley. Don Shirley, who is an African-American, is a great musician in New York. Don is on his way to complete the concert in south part of

USA which is harsh environment to African-American. Tony as a white has to witness how harsh the whites treat Don Shirley in the south. The researcher finds that Don Shirley’s influence gives impacts to Tony Lip’s personality development.

The researcher formulates two problems in this thesis. The first problem is about the depiction of Tony Lip and Don Shirley in Green Book. The second problem is about the impacts of Don Shirley’s influence towards Tony Lip’s personality development. First, the theory of characters and characterization is used in analyzing the depiction of Tony Lip and Don Shirley in Green Book. Second, the theory of personality development is used in order to find the impacts of Don

Shirley’s influence on Tony Lip’s personality development.

The first conclusion is about the depiction of Tony Lip and Don Shirley.

Tony Lip is a middle-age Italian man who lives in New York. He is a driver for

Don Shirley. Through the theory of character and characterization by Boggs &

Petrie (2008), we can see that Tony Lip is portrayed as someone who only works for money or he is considered as money-oriented person. Money acts as a motivation for him to work. He mentions that he wants to work for African-




American person if the money is right. Then, every time conversation about job comes up, he would ask whether the money is good. He is also described as a racist person. It can be seen in how he throws away two glasses just because it was used by an African-American. He is an uncultured person. He lacks the knowledge of fashion and culture, which is prominent in the American society. On the other hand,

Don Shirley has more understanding about general knowledge, fashion, and culture.

Don Shirley is a musician who lives in New York. He is the boss of Tony Lip. Don

Shirley is more cultured than Tony Lip. It can be seen through his knowledge on certain culture and custom. A woman also mentions his academic achievement in the opening of his shows. He is also considered as a patient man. He endures the harsh racial discrimination in the Deep South of America. Every place he visits is filled with racist people. It is either a tailor or a host of the venue, they all discriminate him because of his race. The fact that he still plays in the south even though the discrimination proves that he possesses courageous quality.

The second conclusion is about the impact of Don Shirley towards Tony

Lip’s personality development. The one prominent factor which has the most impact on Tony Lip’s personality development is Don Shirley. It can be seen that the existence of Don Shirley changes several aspects in Tony’s life. Those aspects are his significant people, roles, and environment. The personality which changes from within Tony Lip is that he becomes more tolerant, cultured and sincere. The tolerant traits of Tony Lip can be seen by the difference in the way he treats African-

American people. At first, he disgusted by them, he is a racist. Later in the story, he accepts Dr. Shirley and hugs him. He also becomes more cultured. He has to go



through long way with a cultured person such as Dr. Shirley, and it influence the way he thinks and behaves. The way money acts in his life also change. Money no longer becomes his motivation to work by the end of the film. At the end, it is shown that Tony Lip is a sincere person.

This personality development occurs by the factors suggested by Hurlock

(1976). Mainly, the change in significant people, roles, and environment becomes a major contribution towards Tony Lip’s personality development. All of those factors occurred as the result of the Don Shirley’s existence in Tony’s life.



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