Grade by Grade Fine Arts Content Standards
Montgomery County Public Schools Pre-k–12 Visual Art Curriculum Framework Standard I: Students will demonstrate the ability to perceive, interpret, and respond to ideas, experiences, and the environment through visual art. Indicator 1: Identify and describe observed form By the end of the following grades, students will know and be able to do everything in the previous grade and the following content: Pre-K Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 I.1.PK.a. I.1.K.a. I.1.1.a. I.1.2.a. Identify colors, lines, shapes, and Describe colors, lines, shapes, and Describe colors, lines, shapes, textures, Describe colors, lines, shapes, textures, textures that are found in the textures found in the environment. and forms found in observed objects forms, and space found in observed environment. and the environment. objects and the environment. I.1.K.b. I.1.1.b. I.1.2.b. I.1.PK.b. Represent observed form by combining Represent observed physical qualities Represent observed physical qualities Use colors, lines, shapes, and textures colors, lines, shapes, and textures. of people, animals, and objects in the of people, animals, and objects in the to communicate observed form. environment using color, line, shape, environment using color, line, shape, texture, and form. texture, form, and space. Clarifying Example: Clarifying Example: Clarifying Example: Clarifying Example: Given examples of lines, the student Take a walk around the school property. The student describes colors, lines, Given examples of assemblage, the identifies lines found in the trunk and Find and describe colors, lines, shapes, shapes, textures, and forms observed in a student describes colors, lines, shapes, branches of a tree.
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