You Ean Have Your Parents

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You Ean Have Your Parents Fun things to do on parents' weekend: introduce -,arents to friends watch the Irish humiliate Pittsburgh \ oul 10 dinner ___ ELSE?! Black Jack *Poker *era 5 *Roulette 5 Music *Food *Mocklal *Prizes .: .. ~ ..~ • I ,..",.~". ~ ~,~... I ~ (I lall! The mosllun you ean have without ditehin your parents. non·Plont OIgorillot,on u.s. POSTAGE PAID No/reDomo ParmI/No 10 SI"VDENT UNION BOAED CONTENTS NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE Entertainment reviews and previews, O~t of Bounds and a Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of events. In-depth news and sports coverage. NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE Read one for the Gipper! C'ampus Watch plus Week in Distortion and On Other Campuses. 4 Robbing the Rich'. 6 Who's Who . ' 'Campus Life sto~ies to keep you informed of what's .' Jtappening on campus. .... Remember: If you see news happening ... you're 8 ' Just Called to Sa.y ~,.. ' .. , , 10 A Clean Bill of H'ealth,. :,' , " .' probably,reading Scholastic! ,"..... " . If you don't have time to write home every week, ,14 Set for Success' let us do it for you: Give y'our parents a subscription! 2 Editor'S Notes ~---------~---------------------------- 3 Editorial. Please send, __ years of Scholastic to: 7Ca.mpus Watch . 17 Out of Bounds Name: _______________ 22 On Other Campuses 18 ' A Dream Realized 23 Week in Distortion , Address: _______________ .20 ' The Age of Innocence 24 Final Word City: ______ State: ___ 'ZipCode: ___ Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x _ years '= $ ___ Above: Junior Ryan Leahy, grandson of the legendary Please send form with payment to: Business Manager Frank Leahy, joins other students in speaking about their Scholastic Magazine . experiences of being children of alumni. See page 8. Cover photo courtesy of Notre Dame Photographic 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, In 46556 OCTOBER'7, 1993 1 CONTENTS NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE Entertainment reviews and previews, O~t of Bounds and a Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of events. In-depth news and sports coverage. NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE Read one for the Gipper! C'ampus Watch plus Week in Distortion and On Other Campuses. 4 Robbing the Rich'. 6 Who's Who . ' 'Campus Life sto~ies to keep you informed of what's .' Jtappening on campus. .... Remember: If you see news happening ... you're 8 ' Just Called to Sa.y ~,.. ' .. , , 10 A Clean Bill of H'ealth,. :,' , " .' probably,reading Scholastic! ,"..... " . If you don't have time to write home every week, ,14 Set for Success' let us do it for you: Give y'our parents a subscription! 2 Editor'S Notes ~---------~---------------------------- 3 Editorial. Please send, __ years of Scholastic to: 7Ca.mpus Watch . 17 Out of Bounds Name: _______________ 22 On Other Campuses 18 ' A Dream Realized 23 Week in Distortion , Address: _______________ .20 ' The Age of Innocence 24 Final Word City: ______ State: ___ 'ZipCode: ___ Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x _ years '= $ ___ Above: Junior Ryan Leahy, grandson of the legendary Please send form with payment to: Business Manager Frank Leahy, joins other students in speaking about their Scholastic Magazine . experiences of being children of alumni. See page 8. Cover photo courtesy of Notre Dame Photographic 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, In 46556 OCTOBER'7, 1993 1 1! EDITORIAL FROM THE EDITOR The Attitude of SILENCE On October4, 19M \ South Bend witnessed its first world premiere ever with the opening of Anute Rockne - All American at four area theaters. What Are They Scared Of? The Morris Civic Auditorium, known then as the Palace Theater, was the center of opening-night activities. Last night, South Bend hosted another. world premiere at the Morris Civic Auditorium, Rudy. ,hate my job," a university employee told a Scholastic staff member. "That man makes my When Knute Rockne - All American opened with some 10,000 people I life miserable." in attendance, the streets of downtown South Bend were filled, as seen on . This employee spoke of years of harassment. This person also spoke of fear. Trying to raise three today's cover. But the celebration was more widespread than a simple children on a meager salary and wanting to stay at Notre Dame for help in financing their education, photograph can possibly explain. the employee can't risk losing this job. This person is terrified of unemployment. The state of Indiana helped to celebrate the movie that celebrated a The employee is also afraid of bringing the story into the open. A person who held the same Notre Dame coach who became a national hero. The week of September ~ university position earlier was vocal about the harassment and was silenced and dismissed, the . 29 to October 5 was dedicated to Rockne's memory. Notre Dame cancelled employee said. "I can't risk that happening to me." Saturday morning classes in honor of Rockne Week. Recently, this person did speak to an administrator about the problem. Nothing was done, the And the university went so far as to break a 99-year-old tradition. For employee said. the first time, women were admitted to a public banquet sponsored by or Scholastic is neither alleging nor implying that this person was harassed. However, the story given in cooperation with the university. That's right, women were makes a remarkable statement about the way the university is perceived by those intimately admitted to a Rockne Week banquet on October 3, 1940. connected with its operation. Rockne's mother, Mrs. Martha Rockne, also attended the premiere. It Earlier, when Scholastic examined the issue ofparieLals, several employees of the office of Student was the first movie the 81-year-old ever saw a motion picture.. Affairs retracted their original comments. ' Now, it's not likely that theRudypremiere will have the same memorable Last issue, when Scholastic reported on the policy change concerning initiation rites, several .. affect on the campus (after all, our classes. were not cancelled), but .the· rectors directly affected by the change refused to comment. premiere was something no one should have missed. How often does a Last year, when Scholastic investigated the issue of research and teaching, five faculty members world premiere occur in South Bend? Only twice, So far. refused to comment on what should be a relatively non-controversial issue. Scott Johnson attended a sneak preview of Rudy and shares his insights . Scholastic is aware of several examples of theft and harassment that they are unable to investigate with us on page 20. further because sources refuse to comment, even under the condition of anonymity. Why. are people afraid to comment'? Whyis someone who believes he/she is being wronged afraid ALSO IN THIS ISSUE ... to look to the administration for help? Furthermore, when a report is brought to the university's Campus Life offers a special alumni package, including a piece on attention, why is no action taken? Is the fear of scandal so great that we have to cover up rather than. students who are· childrim of Notre Dame alumni and a second story on address real problems? how 1993 graduates perceive the campus when returning for the first Scholastic is concerned with the attitude of silence at Notre Dame. time. Also, for all the parents visiting for parents' weekend, there's a Notre Dame is now ranked as the 25th best university in the nation. By the very virtue of its story on some creative care packages that students have received .. reputation, one would expect that the University of Notre Dame would foster and encourage an open Welcome back "Out of Bounds;" For those of you who are not familiar environment for discussion. One would also expect that people who work for the university -, with last year's popular weekly column, turn to the,Entertainment section· people who dedicated a sizable portion of their lives to the university - could work in an and check it out. environment where they would not be afraid of speaking up against injustice. The reality is that In News, there is a profile of a man often heard but not seen, Sergeant people are suspicious and distrustful of the administration. Tim McCarthy of the Indiana State Police. There is also a story on illegal Scholastic is concerned that there is no effective mechanism for employees and administrators of T-shirt sales. , the university to protect themselves. Enjoy the issue. Bureaucracies, by their very nature, attract corruption and abuse of the system. Problems within - Margaret S. Kenny Notre Dame are not unique to this institution. However, the perception by people connected with the university is that they are not free to speak openly. They are afraid that instead of investigating , reports of corruption, the university will silence them. 'They are afraid that if they express a SchoL.. ticls publlshedwttkly Ih,oughoul Ihe schoo/yea,ixcepl utters to Schola.lic mu.1 b, typ,d and include lhe w,it,,'s .am" duriNg eXamiNatiOll aNd "acatioN p.riod. al Ih. University of add,ts. and pho., .umb". University .tud,nts should Include controversial opinion they will not be tenured, or will not be promoted within the system. They are Nol,e Dam" Nol" Dam" IN, 46556 a.d print,d al TIu Pap"., Ihei, y,a, in school and coll'g" Faculty m.mb"•• hould i.clud. ···afraid of losing their jobs for taking a stand on an issue and believing in it. INC. Milford, IN 46542; Th, sub.criptiOll ,aI, i. $25.00/y,a, and . Ihei, departm.nt. All Itllt" mu.t b. sign,d. Nam,. will b. back Is.ut. a" avallabl, al $l.25lcopy. TIu opinion.
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    m^Mi-^: .m^:CSZ-- ITiS^ - . - '\w m^ 1*5-. mM&\ * r h kV:^- :^ rrnnrjnrBTrBTrinroTnnnnR ^aiflipiij^^hdp rrnrinrrnr(nrsTir^n^T(nrinnnr^^ To the players for their spirit .... o to the coaches for their leadership . to the student body for their support . we say: CONGRATULATIONS on the 1965 football season! t > The EXCLUSIVE Campus Shop Way to Buy . remember . you wear and enjoy your new apparel now; you pay: ONE-THIRD ONE-THIRD ONE-THIRD in June in July in August '66 never a service or carrying charge ?i SJUIJL9 g.Q.g.gJ.OJ-0.flJ.0J GILBERT'S L9.9-0-9J.<L9-gJI>-gJ>.9 g 0 P g 0 QJIAJG lampu^&ihop'S T ON THE CAMPUS . NOTRE DAME yfl"o"afl'o 0 fl flflflodaaa oTOTa'o aa'o o'aa'a <u I % Famous names mean quality. Quality means satisfaction! o o It has been, and always will be, the policy of your z o Campus Shop to stock only brand name apparel for o o your selection; names such as Gant in shirts . Bass o o o Weejun in shoes . Bernard Altmann in sweaters . o London Fog in topcoats and rainwear . and many o o o others. We invite you to stop in and browse for your o o gifting . these famous names will surely please any I man who is "gifted" with them. o o We wish you Happy Holidays! t I I Efl.<UL9J»,flJLff.g.g.<L9.Q.ff.ftJ.0.g.0J GILBERT'S .ff-0.O-9.0.g-0-<UL9.gJ>.9.0.<L9J>,tt.<LE 'ampu$i)hop' ON THE CAMPUS ..
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