NM MESA Celebrates STEM Day and MESA Day at the NM Legislature
NM MESA Celebrates STEM Day More Diversity in NM MESA and MESA Day at the NM Legislature Toney Begay Executive Director Kim Scheerer students for college majors and careers in deed, more than 100 MESA students from We are in the midst of the 2016-2017 CI Regional Coordinator mathematics, engineering and science. Cibola, McKinley, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, school year throughout the state of New This is in accordance with Senate Me- San Miguel and Santa Fe counties brought Mexico. We, New Mexico Mathematics, On January 18th, the Legislators of morial Bill 10, introduced by Senator Pete more than 1,000 letters of support for NM Engineering, Science Achievement, Inc. Santa Fe celebrated the first official STEM Campos from District 8 encompassing MESA to deliver to Representatives and (NM MESA) have been very busy meet- (science, technology, engineering and Colfax, Mora, Harding and much of San Senators from all over the Land of En- ing our mission, even with the additional mathematics) Day at the Roundhouse! Or- Miguel County. The bill recognizes NM chantment. challenges of reduced funding. We are ganized and supported by the Los Alamos MESA for its contributions to science edu- Students heard special presentations by reaching students throughout the state who cation achievement, college preparation, may or may not be thinking about attend- career guidance, field trips, academic com- ing college and majoring in the Science, petitions, leadership workshops, summer Technology, Engineering and Mathematics programs, scholarship incentives, com- (STEM) fields. munity service and teacher professional Our student participants vary and re- development. flect the diversity of our state.
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