Spring 2018 Newsletter
EXACTLY OPPOSITE The Newsletter of the Berkeley Historical Society Volume 36 Number 2 SPRING 2018 Allen Stross, circa 2016 Father Harry Morrison, BHS Founder Allen Stross Collection Gems Berkeley’s Master of Photography Forty Years of Documenting April 8 – May 5 Berkeley History Berkeley residents will remember Allen Stross as the May 20 – October 13 ever-present photographer around town, capturing the In 1978, a group of local history enthusiasts gathered diverse population, vibrant parades and distinctive ar- to form a society to record the history of Berkeley. chitecture of the town. Even into his nineties, he could They did not have a home for the society, or at that be seen photographing historical walks, cultural events, point even a collection, but their enthusiasm prevailed, and life at the North Berkeley Senior Center. and now the Berkeley Historical Society is celebrating its fortieth anniversary! A native of Detroit, Allen Stross studied photography at Detroit’s Cass Technical High School, the Art Center Our next exhibit, Collection Gems: Forty Years of College of Design in Pasadena, Wayne State University, Documenting Berkeley History, will display a wide the Winona School of Professional Photography, and in variety of materials collected over the years, concen- countless workshops, including with Ansel Adams. trating on several topical areas: schools, businesses, politics and government, performing arts, and family He earned the prestigious award of Master of Photog- life, as well as some highlights from the society’s own raphy from the Professional Photographers of Ameri- history. ca. He became known as the “photo philanthropist of Berkeley” because of his proclivity to give out prints, The exhibit will open on Sunday, May 20, with a talk magnets, and buttons to the subjects of his photographs.
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