Santa Maria, the sunshine island


Photo: Turismo dos Açores

Santa Maria, the sunshine island The island of Santa Maria is in the Eastern Group of the archipelago, along with São Miguel, 81km away. The green fields, traditional culture, the chimneys of the whitewashed houses, the dark ochre of the earth, the golden beaches and the turquoise waters make Santa Maria different from the archipelago’s other islands.

Because it is the most southerly and easterly island in the Azores, Santa Maria’s climate is warmer and drier, which contributes to greater aridity on the land and dry vegetation with a yellowish tint, and for this reason it is also known as the Sunshine Island.

The island has two areas with distinctive reliefs and features: one area to the west is flatter and low-lying where the airport can be found, and the houses of , the largest town on the island, and the parishes of São Pedro and Almagreira; and another more rugged area in the east of the island, with lush vegetation, which includes the Pico Alto mountain, the highest point on the island at 590 metres above sea level, from which you have a wonderful panoramic view. The parishes of Santa Bárbara and Espírito Santo are located in this region.

Santa Maria was the first island to be discovered by the Portuguese explorers, the first to be settled, and was also the first island in the Azores to be formed, so its diverse geological past is etched into its volcanic and sedimentary rocks. This can be seen in Pedreira do Campo, where a basalt flow more than 100 metres high houses within it numerous fossils of marine organisms, proving that this island was submerged until a few thousand years ago. This geological wealth can also be admired in the Dalberto Pombo Environmental Interpretation Centre, right in the historic centre of Vila do Porto.

The so-called "barreiros" of Santa Maria are also worth seeing, terrains of reddish to bright orange hues, with an arid appearance and a clayey nature, the most famous being the Barreiro da Faneca, known as the "red desert." It is considered an area of unique Protected Landscape in the Azores, which also includes the Raposo, Tagarete and Cré Bays.

The volcanic shapes on the island are particularly impressive at Ribeira de Maloás, where the river valley features a waterfall of about 20m, resulting from the contact of a lava flow with the sea.

Santa Maria is also known for its jagged coastline, high rocky headlands and bays of calm, crystal clear waters, which offer a standing invitation to explore. This is certainly the case of Cré, Raposa and Tagarete Bays, but also many others.

2013 Turismo de . All rights reserved. 1/3 [email protected] In São Lourenço, the natural beauty of the bay shaped like an amphitheatre is complemented by the vineyards on the hillside terraces above the white houses by the sea, and the cove which has a wonderful beach of white sand and rock pools. At the far end of the beach lies the Islet of Romeiro.

Praia Formosa is one of the most popular beaches on the island, either for its extensive stretch of fine sand and clear water, or because it is one of the best spots for surfing.

The houses of Vila do Porto retain some traces of the early settlement, some bearing ogival doors and windows in the Manueline style. The Parish Church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção, the town’s patron saint, is one of the oldest churches in the Azores, although it has undergone various alterations over time. In the São Brás Fort, guns pointing out to sea recall the days of pirate attacks. In Espírito Santo, it’s worth taking a look at the Baroque facade of the Church of Nossa Senhora da Purificação, as well as paying a visit to the Santa Maria Museum, housed in a typical house, with its two tubular chimneys and pot-bellied oven, architectural elements characteristic of rural Santa Maria.

In Anjos, besides its beautiful bay, there’s a statue of Christopher Columbus and the Chapel of Nossa Senhora dos Anjos where, according to legend, the explorer attended a Mass on his return from America.

The chromatic colour schemes are also notable in the traditional houses of Santa Maria, mostly inspired by the traditional architecture of the Alentejo and Algarve, where the first settlers of this island came from. These homes have a rectangular shape from which emerges a cylindrical chimney resting on an unfinished pyramid, and each of the island’s five parishes has adopted a different colour to contrast with the white masonry.

FESTIVITIES Like on the other islands, the Feasts of Espírito Santo bring life to Santa Maria from April until the summer. Besides their religious significance with the coronation of the emperor and the traditional parade, the secular aspect is also extremely interesting. Large iron pots are heated by fires, and used to cook the famous sopas do Império (Empire soup), the only one like it in the archipelago. Anyone can join in the fun and mingle. The meal is free. If you’re in Santa Maria at this time, do take the opportunity to taste the delicious soup.

But it is in August that the island comes alive with new colours. The excitement begins with the Santa Maria Rally, already a tradition in the motor racing calendar.

In mid-August there is the Feast of Nossa Senhora da Assunção, the island’s patron saint. Vila do Porto is the centre of a number of activities, with religious ceremonies going hand in hand with popular festivals, concerts, craft fairs and food.

The month of revelry culminates in the Maré de Agosto festival. This celebration of world music already has an international reputation and attracts visitors from many places to listen to music at night and rest during the day on the beach.

In early September, the Grape Harvest Festival in São Lourenço is popular, at which you can taste the local vinho de cheiro as well as other drinks typical of the island.

ACTIVITIES Santa Maria has several white sandy beaches and rock pools, with excellent conditions for summer activities. The most famous is Praia Formosa, where you can go surfing, windsurfing, water skiing and sailing.

A boat ride, passing by the Islet of Romeiro cave, with its natural inner pier where there is a curious grotto with stalactites and stalagmites, is the best way to discover the magnificent coast. The coastline is excellent for fishing and spearfishing.

The abundance of underwater life provides scuba diving enthusiasts with some unforgettable experiences. The islets of Vila, Lagoinhas and S. Lourenço, as well as the Encharéus cave and Tagarete Bay are places of unparalleled beauty. 37km off the northwest coast of Santa Maria, the are an interesting group of eight particularly isolated islets, that are a prime spot for many seabirds to perch and nest, and together with their rich underwater

2013 Turismo de Portugal. All rights reserved. 2/3 [email protected] fauna, confer on them the status of Nature Reserve.

Paragliding is also one of the possible activities to practice in Santa Maria’s various bays.

With a guide and proper equipment, you can explore some natural caves, such as Furna de Santana and Furna Velha, or others excavated by man, such as the Gruta do Figueiral.

CUISINE The earth provides one of the most symbolic dishes from Santa Maria: Caldo de Nabos (Turnip Broth), made with a local species of turnip that is small and dark in colour, which is boiled with pork meat, bacon, chorizo and sweet potato. The broth is poured into a dish over slices of bread, and the remaining ingredients are put on a separate plate. The Sopas do Império are also outstanding, as well as various seafood specialties such as slipper lobster, lobster, limpets and barnacles, all delicacies not to be missed.

As for desserts, the cinnamon biscuits, “biscoitos de orelha” (ear-shaped biscuits), white biscuits, brandy biscuits and “cavacas” (light crisp cakes) are just some of the sweets you should try.

The rockmelons grown on the island have won fame and gourmet status over time. And for locally made sausages, the Santa Maria alheira is a must.

The wine produced from the vineyards on the slopes of São Lourenço, vinho de cheiro, has a reputation throughout the region. And the traditionally produced vinho abafado, vinho abafadinho, the blackberry and milk liqueurs and the brandy are great digestives.

GETTING HERE By air: “Sata – Air Açores”, makes daily flights from S. Miguel and connecting to the other islands in the Azores. Find out more at: - -

By sea: You can also get to the island by passenger ferry. Find out more at: -

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