Pharmacopœia of India
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the supply of 130 pounds weight of the drug, which, if manu- factured from mango seed, would cost about eight annas a pound; being Us. 65, instead of Rs. 800, for the year's requirements. "We venture to indulge the hope that another septennial period will not pass away without oar seeing the establishment of large chemical laboratories in each Presidency?not mere repositories for the reception and distribution of imported drugs, or for the manufacture of a few tinctures, but pharmaceutical work-shops on an extended scale, with highly qualified practical English chemists attached to them?men who would analyse and test the products of the country ; and make preparations, of what was valuable, in the most efficient way. Such laboratories would be invaluable for our students, who should be required to study in them for at least six months, prior to passing their final examination. Distributed as they eventually are?as sub- assistant surgeons?throughout India, and placed in charge of dispensaries, they are established in the very position of all others most favorable to assist in the development of indigenous medical resources. Government might well initiate such a system, leaving it for completion, as they have done tea cultivation, to the enter- prise of companies or of individuals. Information is solicited, meanwhile, on the subject of each indigenous product .referred to in the two following lists. LIST (No. 1.) PRINCIPAL MEDICINAL PLANTS, &c., OF INDIA. By EDWARD J. WARING., M. D., Madras Medical Service. &c. &c, &c. Indicates articles officinal in British Ph. Indicates articles officinal in Bengal Ph. Not hitherto officinal in either Ph., but which it is proposed to in- troduce into Ph. of India. Doubtful. Part em- Name. Character. Prepara- Bemarks, ployed. tions. 1. "Abelmoschus es- Capsules Demulcent- Decoction, culentus, W. et A. Lozenges. 2. " Abrus precatori- Boot Demulcent- Extract. us, Linn. " 3. = Acacia Cate- Wood Astringent- Extract chu, Willd. - fCatechu- nigrum, Br. Ph.)- 4. " Do. Arabica, Gum of Demulcent- Willd - 6. " Boot Tincture, OF Aconitumferox, (Bish.) Sedative, PHARMACOPOEIA INDIA. Wallich &c. Extract, &c. is doubtless aware that - The profession Dr. Waring, of the 6. t Aconitum heter- Boot (At- Tonic, An Powder. so well known for ophyllum, Wallich - tees) tiperiodic Madras Medical Service, the interest which he " 7. ? Axorus Cala- Bhizome Stomachic- Infusion. the has taken in development of and mus, Linn. always indigenous drugs, " " = - for his invaluable Manual of is now in 8. iEgle Mar- Fruit (Bael.) Astringent Infusion, Therapeutics," England, melos, Corr. - Confection, engaged, on the part of Government, in the preparation of a &c. 9. tAleurites - - for India. The lists of Indian medicinal triloba, Kernels Aperient. Expressed Pharmacopoeia following Forst oil. - " plants have lately been received in this country, and circulated 10. PAlhagi Mauro- Exudation- Aperient. - W. et those from whom it is that information rum, A. (Sp. of amongst probable may Manna.)- be derived. "With a view to give the subject still wider publicity, 11. fAloe Indica, are Royle Leaves - and to invite general co-operation, they now published in 12. Do. (Cathartic litoralis, juice (Aloes) these columns. The subject is one, financially and commercially, 13. pAlpinia Galanga, Boot, fruit P Carminative of the utmost importance. ?20,000 are annually expended in the of drugs to India, whilst the 14. f Alstonia scho- Bark Tonic Infusion, importation European laris, S. Br. Powder. contains effective valuable even as country substitutes, simple 15. PAmomum, Sp. of Fruit Carminative Yielding va- native but be rieties of preparations, which, properly prepared, might Cardamom. " obtained at little more than half the cost of the European 16. Anacardium oc- Gum, oil - Demulcent Oil, = olive IAnn. oil. and a considerable profit to To cidental, Gum,= importation, yield speculators. gum Arabic. take a single instance, one of many?Gallic acid costs the State 17. " Anamirtacoceu- Fruit, Coc- Insecti- Ointment. W. et A. - cuius In- cide 1 a About ?80 are lus, 12s. \d. pound. sterling expended annually in dicus. 16 THE INDIAN MEDICAL GAZETTE. [January 1, 1866 Part em- Part em- Name. Character. Prepara- Remarks. Name. Character. Prepara- ployed. tions. ployed. tions. Remarks. " 18. Andrographis Dried Tonic- Infusion, 43. " Carica Papaya, Millnr juice An thel- Nees ? Tincture. Linn. mintic. paniculata, plant " (Kreat).- 49. = U n Carmina- Oil, Tinc- " Caryophyllus expand- 19. Andropogon, Sp. Oil (grass oil) Rubefacient Linimeut. aromaticus, Linn. ed ilow- tive - ture, In- of - or carmi- er b u d s fusion. native. (cloves). 20. " Anethum Sowa, Fruit Carmina- Oil, Distil- 50. "Cassia Absus, Seeds Local sti- Powder. - Roxb. - tive ledwater In- Linn. (Chac Jc- mulant in fusion. s o o). eye affec- 21. t Anisodus luridus, Anodyne, Tincture. tions. Link. sedative 51. "Cassia a 1 a t a, Leaves - - Do. in skin Ointment. 22. " Arachis hypo- Under- Expressed Linn. diseases nut -= - gsea, Linn. ground Oil Olive oil. 52. ?Ca9sia auricu- Seeds Do. in eye Powder. " 23. Areea Catechu, Nut Astringent- Extract - Catechu. lata, Linn. Bark affections Decoction. Linn. - Astringent 24. " Argemone Mex- Seeds ?- 53. "Cassia Leaves Aperient (oil Aperient Oil. elongata, Infusion, Tinnevelly icana, Linn. of) Lem. (Senna). Tincture, " Senna. 25. Aristoloehia In- lloot Tonic, feb- Tincture - Juice of &c. " dica, Linn. rifuge leaves in 54. Cassia (Cathar- Pulp of Aperient - Confection. high repute toearpus) fistula, pods - - in snake Linn. bite. 55. " Cedrela Toon a, Bark, as- Astringent, Extract, 26. " Artemisia Indi- Flowering- Stomachic Infusion ? Roxb. tringent - tonic and Tincture. ca, Linn. tops and tonic anti-perio- leaves. dic. " - Celastrus Seeds sti- Oil - " 27. fAsteracantha Plant Diuretic Infusion- ?6. pani- Tonic, Oleum Longifolia, iVees c u 1 a t u s, Willd. - mulant. ' In- leaves tonic - nigrum" 28. Azadirachta Bark, Bark, Powder, of Dr. dica, Jmss. and anti- Infusion, " Herkelots. periodic. 57. Chavica Betle, Leaves Local sti- Poultice - Leaves, sti- mulant ? Miq." (fresh) mulant . 53. Chavica R o x- Fruit Stimulant Confection, 29. fBalsamodendron Resin, Goo- Stimulant - Ointment, b u r g h i i, Miq. (Long Tincture. Mukul, Hooker gul (" Bdel- Tincture. - Pepper). lium) . 69. ="Cinnamomum Inner bark Carmina- Oil, Distil- 30. " Bassia latifolia, Kernels - Demulcent Expressed In Phar- Zeylanicum, Sees. of shoots tive, &c. led W ater, Roxb. - and macy, Tincture, emollient. Flowers Powder, yield a &c. good spirit 60. ="Citrullus Co- Fruit (Co- Cathartic Extract, 31. " Berberis arista-^) locynthis, Schrad. locynthj Compound. ta, D.C. Pill, &c. C. a 61. = "Citrus Auran- Rind of Aromatic Do. Asiatica, D. Root-bark Tonic, Extract Infusion, Citrus Bi- ?4 - - - Do. Lycium, Royle tringent (Rusot) tium, Linn. fruit, Or- stimulant Tincture= and anti garadia Do. tinctoria XescA-J Tincture. ange. - =" Limo- (Risso) periodic. Crystal- 62. ? Rind of Do. do. Do. do. line prin- num, liisso. fruit (Le- Anti-scor- ciple (Ber- mon). butic. Juice - - berina.) " 32. ? Blumea grandis- As a source 63. ,, Limetta Juice (Lime) Do. D. C. of cam- 64. ? Clitorea terna Seeds Aperient. " phor. 33. Bombax Mala- Gum Gum. tea, Linn. - (Moo- Astringent " - diu- baricum, D. C. cherus) 65. Ciypea hernan Root Tonic, Infusion, Pareira " - retic 34. Boswellia gla- Resin Local sti- Ointment. difolia, Wet A. Extract-= Brava bra, Roxb. (Koondri- mulant 66. "Cocculus cordi Stems (Gu- Tonic, diu- Decoction: kumj. folius, D. C. - lancha) retic - - Infusion: " 35. Boswellia thuri- Resin, Extract, fera, Roxb. Gundaba- &c. - rosa 1 oli- "Cocos Oil 67. nucifera, for banum. Linn., Cocoanut Chiefly - - Alterative - pharma- 30. ? Bryonia epi Root Infusion ? ceutical gcea, Willd. - purposes. 37. "Butea fron- Gum - Astringent Tincture. 68. "Coptis t e e t a, Root Mish- Tonic - - Tincture, dosa, Roxb. Wall. mee Teeta Infusion. " 33. Do. do. 69. "Coriandrum sa- Fruit - - Stomachic- Oil, Infu- Roxb. Seeds - Anthelmin- Powder. tivum, Linn. - - sion. - - tic 70. fCocinum fenes- Stems - - Tonic - - Tincture, 39. tCa:salpinia cori- Legumes Astringent Powder. tratum, Colebrooke- Infusion. aria, Willd. and anti - 71. "Crinum Asiati- Bulb- - - Emetic - - Infusion, cum, Herb. - " periodic. Syrup. 40. Ca;salpinia-Sap- "Wood - - Astringent Extract. 72. = "Croton tig- ""i pan, Linn. lium, Linn.- - - 41. " Calophyllum Fixed oil; Rubefacient Liniment. 73. Do. Pavana, Ha- ! ----- Tinc- Linn. - milt. f Seeds(Cro- Purgative Oil, Inophyllum, resin - - " Local sti- - - 42. 74. ? Do. ton) ture. polyan- | - Calotropis") - - mulant gigantea, R. Br. > Root-bark- Emetic, Powder. drum, Roxb. J l)o, procera, R. Br) sudorific, Compound 75. "Cucumis Hard-'N and alter- Powder wickii, Royle - -1 " Fruit - - ative &c. 76. Do. pseudo- f Purgative Colocynth. tonic. " colocynthis, Hoyle ) 43. Campliora glan- Bark Alterative Infusion = Sassafras. 77. tCurcas purgans, Seeds - - Purgative - Expressed dulifera, Nees. (Nepal tonic Ad ana.'- - - - oil. Sassa- 78. ? Curcuma longa, Root (Tur- As a test. - - fras). Linn. - - meric) - 44. fCanarium com- Kernels Demulcent, Emulsion. 79. "Cordia Myxa, Emollient ? Ointment. mune, Linn. * aperient. Linn. - - - stric- - 45. fCanarium Resin The Black 80. "Coronilla picta ? Leaves - Poultice. - turn, Roxb. Dammar 81. ? Curcuma Zerum- Roots - - Stomachic ? of South- bet, Roxb.- - - ern India, 82. ? Do. Zedoaria, Do. - - - Do. for phar- Roxb. maceuti- S3. "Datura alba, Leaves and Narcotic, Tincture, cal uses. Rumph.