Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy is one of the single greatest threats to our Republic that STEPHANIE you haven’t heard about. She has the money

and motivation to end up in the White House, MODERATE which would be disastrous for the United States of America. From her Communist beginnings to marrying into an uber-wealthy family that JACOB ENGELS MURPHY can fund her political rise, there is a lot more to THE TRUTH ABOUT AMERICA’S MODERATE Stephanie Murphy than meets the eye.

Either we demand answers about her connections to Communism, the Deep State, Nancy Pelosi and one of Hillary Clinton’s most prominent allies, or we allow her to continue her transformation into one of the most formidable Manchurian candidates we have ever seen. The choice is yours. HOLDFAST MEDIA $7.99 ISBN 978-0-578-64498-1 50799>

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· Holdfast Media ·

ORDER YOUR COPY AT SAIGONSTEPHANIE.COM Saigon Stephanie Murphy The Truth About America’s Moderate

Jacob Engels

Published by Holdfast Media First published February 2020

This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in an forms or means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise – without prior written permission of the publisher.

Copyright © 2019 by Jacob Engels All rights reserved

Cover Design, Layout, & Illustrations by DeGaine Designs LLC,






2016 30






“The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his Country, then the coward who deserts her in the hour of danger.”

-- Andrew Jackson


I want to thank my longtime readers, from the Central Post to The Gateway Pundit and beyond. To my friends and family; your patience and loyalty throughout everything I do to hold truth to power. And finally to Roger Stone, whose courage and willingness to fight provides an endless wellspring of energy for patriots across America.


“Another person’s thoughts about you are outside of your jurisdiction; you have no authority.”

-- Bryant McGill


Most people in America still don’t know who Stephanie Murphy is. Most Floridians know who Murphy is, but they still don’t know who she really is. The purpose of this book is to educate Americans on the very clear and present danger we all face as Stephanie Murphy rises the ranks of the Democrat party. We will examine why she is not the “moderate” Democrat she claims to be. We will reveal the shocking truth about her family and the family she married into. Where did she come from and why does that matter?

As this book is being written, and as you are reading it, the powers-that-be in the Democrat establishment and moneyed interests across Florida and our nation’s capitol are doing everything in their power to bolster her re-election efforts. She was made by the Deep State and brought up in the Bush era, where she facilitated the endless foreign wars that President Donald J. Trump has tried so hard to end.

7 Globalism is her credo and power is her addiction.

Like most in the modern Democrat party, Murphy will stop at nothing to maintain power and destroy anyone who stands in her way. I have been the victim of her heavy handed smear campaigns, and I have been censored, as a direct result of trying to hold her accountable for her despicable track record as an elected official. This book will likely result in an avalanche of attacks on me from the mainstream media and Democrat operatives who see her as a prime piece of political real estate, a women who can make them rich and help them secure power for decades to come. If this book accomplishes one thing, I hope it leaves voters in the Sunshine State wondering who Stephanie Murphy really is. Why must we take her seriously, and yes, why we should consider her a very real contender for both the United States Senate and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue!

While the tech-left and alt-left have been successful in their attempts at censoring myself, and thousands of supporters of President Trump’s America First agenda over the past couple of years, they will have to resort to burning books in order to stop

8 this shocking and important story from being told. Presenting… Saigon Stephanie Murphy: The Shocking Truth About America’s “Moderate”.


10 News reports and Murphy’s official biography often reference how her family escaped war-torn Vietnam in 1979, when she was just six-months old. At face value, it is an inspiring tale. The United States rescues her family in the middle of the ocean after her father’s boat ran out of gas. They relocate to Virginia, where she claims her parents made ends meet by cleaning office spaces and banks, regularly bringing Murphy and her brother along with them.

How did the United States government happen to find Murphy’s family in the middle of a vast ocean just as their boat had run out of gas? One thing that is never discussed in these fluffed up and picture perfect rememberings of Murphy’s journey to America? Did they leave behind their Communist ideologies when they abandoned their ancestral homeland? Did they ever do anything to stand up to the Communist regime and atrocities they committed? Did they trade intelligence for their freedom? Has she been a product of the Deep State and military industrial complex that thrives of endless foreign war and the erosion of our civil liberties ever since? Is Stephanie Murphy one of many Manchurian candidates trained and controlled by the Deep State?

11 If it is true that Murphy’s family had ties to the Communist party or government elements in Vietnam, what was their purpose in fleeing? An internal power struggle? Were they sent here as assets of the USSR? We simply do not know because Murphy has refused to come clean about her family’s relationship with the government in Vietnam and what, if any association or involvement, did they have with the Communist party or Communist movement abroad in the years leading up to fleeing Vietnam.

In recent years, we have seen other “refugees” who have fled similarly war- torn areas become elected to congress, just think about Ilhan Omar. She did not leave her allegiances to Islamist ideals in Somalia when she came to America and she has been clear about that from the beginning. Omar has favored deeply anti- America policies and has even been accused of sharing sensitive state secrets with the Muslim Brotherhood. Commenting on 9/11, Omar famously said, “some people did some things.” Murphy has been careful to follow a different route than Ilhan Omar. From her first campaign until present, the refugee from Saigon has billed herself as a “moderate” who will “work with anyone”, who is willing to work with her.

12 However, those blood ties to a Communist state have started to break her carefully crafted façade. Does she really believe in our constitution and the wisdom of our Founding Fathers, or does she only believe in growing her net worth and deleting the rights of the American people she claims to represent? Why haven’t these questions already been asked and answered by Stephanie Murphy since her entry into public life?


14 Before we investigate Stephanie Murphy’s time in college, let me first say that her story is not necessarily the same as the stories of other individuals who may have graduated from similar programs and institutions over the years. Murphy earned a degree in international relations and economics from the College of William and Mary, a college that has a certain history with the Central Intelligence Agency that dates back to the late 60’s. The CIA was known to gather intelligence on certain faculty and students that they viewed as radical; often enlisting potential recruits, including other students and faculty in those covert operations. They claim the program ended after a few years, yet we all know how much the CIA and intelligence agencies like to lie when they are caught red handed.

This alone might not be enough to arouse suspicion or to question what actually occurred during Murphy’s time at the College of William and Mary. However, every subsequent step in Murphy’s life has a connection to the intelligence community and Deep State in some way. Given the fact that our sources have alleged that her family provided intelligence to the United States government in 1979 when they were picked up, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for

15 their children to be groomed and supported by the Deep State once they arrived in America. In fact, it was and is a pretty common practice that is still in effect today.

After graduating with a double major in International Relations and Economics, Murphy was quickly hired by accounting powerhouse Deloitte in Washington D.C. Deloitte is also known to employ and utilize their connections to the CIA, as detailed in an expose published by CNBC titled “Accountants and Spies” in December of 2016. We also have to note that Murphy’s husband Sean, the son of Full Sail founder and CEO Ed Haddock, worked in high-level positions at Deloitte around the same time according to his official bio found on the website for the Greater Orlando Sports Commission, where he serves as a board member.

Stephanie was working at Deloitte in Washington D.C. during the 9/11 attacks according to several media reports. According to Murphy, 9/11 motivated her to complete her masters degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown, a degree program and school notorious for turning out prime recruits for the Deep State and intelligence community. Under the Trump administration, where the Deep State and intelligence community is

16 being exposed and held accountable for their rampant abuse of power and history of corrupt practices, students and school officials have lamented on what they will do in this new era.

However, when Stephanie Murphy was attending Georgetown’s Foreign Service masters program, the Deep State and intelligence community were living high on the hog. The endless foreign wars in the Middle East were in full swing. The lies and leaks meant to manipulate the public into supporting these efforts were flowing stronger than Niagara Falls. And guess who went to work as a National Security Specialist with the Department of Defense after completing her Foreign Service masters at Georgetown? Stephanie Murphy. Just like we saw with Obama, there were seemingly no roadblocks for Murphy as she went from one Deep State nest to another, always toeing the company line. No military action was too great and no intervention in the Middle East to far-fetched. Stephanie Murphy traded President Bush for President Obama because she is a product of the Deep State, which had ruled the executive branch for decades until a brash billionaire from Manhattan named Donald J. Trump crushed their top Manchurian candidate in 2016 and reshuffled the deck.


18 Like every groomed and focus group generated Manchurian candidate, Stephanie Murphy’s husband had to posses the wealth and access she needed to finance her political future. Meeting in the early 2000’s, Đặng Thị Ngọc Dung (Stephanie Murphy’s real name), Murphy quickly married the son of the founder of the predatory for- profit college Full Sail University, located in Winter Park, Florida. She could not have found a more perfect match. Her husband’s father was a big-time contributor to political candidates and had built a net-worth large enough to provide her with a cushy job that allowed her to ingratiate herself with anyone that mattered in Central Florida and beyond. If there was a non-profit or charitable event that needed sponsoring or support, Murphy and her newfound family would be the first to step up.

She would serve as the school’s “political director” and in turn earned a piece of the action, netting her up to $1million a year in compensation, according to publicly available campaign finance documents from FEC filings. FS Holdco, a holding company for investments in Full Sail, provided her with sky-high earnings and unlimited access, so she could live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. From a

19 broken down boat off the coast of Vietnam to snagging a husband with a family net worth in the tens of millions, if not more, in just three decades. Refugee to the Ritz.

My former publication the East Orlando Post, explored Murphy’s association with Full Sail and the for profit college industry in a 2016 article.

Dated October 31, 2016.

Stephanie Murphy’s $1Million Dollar Payday From Full Sail.

Top Democratic leaders who have been bankrolling Murphy’s challenge to veteran Congressman John Mica, are firmly against schools like Full Sail.

Murphy serves as the schools political director and her father-in-law Ed Haddock is the founder of Full Sail. After waiting nearly two months past the deadline to file her financial disclosure forms, the documents unveil her income from Full Sail.

Ms. Murphy has an ownership interest in FS Holdco, which produces annual income of up to $1million for her. FS Holdco is the “Holding company for investment in Full Sail.

20 Yes, Stephanie Murphy owns a piece of Full Sail.

What is unknown from looking at the reports is how much her family nets from the for-profit college, with estimates suggesting it’s easily more than $300 million annually. The costs to attend Full Sail range between $20,000 and $40,000 a year for tuition alone.

That is a lot of money at risk, as congress pushes toward major crack downs on for-profit colleges. This is probably why Murphy’s stepfather and his DC allies are spending so much to take out Congressman John Mica. Most of the college’s money comes in the form of Federally-backed student loans or Federal grants.

In fact, 88 percent of the students who leave Full Sail have student loan debt, carrying an average debt of $61,000 before they even start.

Approximately, 21 percent of those students default, more than three times the national average.

21 As Ed Haddock and Stephanie Murphy have been shut out of the White House, they can see their gravy train ending soon. After all, the entire for-profit industry has been under attack by the Obama Administration.

Obama’s team has gone after the multi- billion dollar industry in a multitude of ways and for-profit colleges are seeing a potential massive shift in how they operate. The most recent display of the effect of this attack by the Obama Administration was the shuttering of ITT Technical College. That school left more than 35,000 students without a degree.

Could Full Sail be next? If Full Sail shut its doors, Stephanie Murphy herself would lose millions. Her family could not continue their 1 percent lifestyle forged off of selling Hollywood dreams to unsuspecting students.

Is Stephanie Murphy really a wolf in sheep’s clothing, someone pretending to be a Democrat and pretending to share their values when, in reality, she’s just running to protect her lifestyle and her millions?

Of course, Democrats in Washington don’t seem to care.

22 They are just concerned with power, garnering a vote for their agenda and returning Pelosi to power, to hell with protecting students and providing free college.

Back to Stephanie Murphy’s father-in-law…

Edward Haddock, the founder of Full Sail and father to Murphy’s husband, is a big-time contributor to political candidates, having directed most of his money to Democrat candidates for office over the past three decades. He bundled hundreds of thousands for ’s first bid for the White House in 2008, and was the subject of several news reports that detailed his expectation that his financial support would earn him special access not realized by the average voter. Haddock even penned an angry letter fuming about his lack of access to the administration, in spite of his generous giving to Obama’s presidential ambitions. All told, Haddock and his family have donated nearly $1million dollars to political candidates since the early nineties, including a sizeable donation of $100,000 to Clinton ally Terry McCauliffe during his campaigns for Governor of Virginia. Haddock’s former business partner Richard Swann, who became infamous for

23 his involvement in the savings and loan scandal of the 90’s, which cost taxpayers $500million? Swann’s daughter Dorothy would end up marrying Clinton advisor and future Governor of Virginia, Terry McCauliffe, which gave Haddock access to President and catapulted him into the top-tier of mega-donors for the Democrat party.

Aside from the political implications of Murphy’s marriage, the income streams and wealth it provided gave her the spot she needed at some of Central Florida’s most exclusive country clubs and private members only spaces. As reported by my publication the Central Florida Post in 2018, Murphy had a deranged meltdown at the Interlachen Country Club where she referred to their playground facilities as a “ghetto playground” for the simple fact that they were servicing the pool on a regularly scheduled maintenance call and upgrading the playground area. Murphy, who had allegedly consumed several double mimosas at that point, harangued the country club staff about the lack of access for her children, before exclaiming that she could go to several other country clubs that didn’t have such problems, like the equally as ultra-exclusive Orlando Country Club.

24 This is curious, considering her previous statements about being a woman of the people who understands the struggles of the low and middle-income class. Yet, she is one of the chosen few at some of the most exclusive members only clubs in Central Florida. Murphy has been spotted wearing high-dollar footwear, from Louboutin heels to Gucci pumps; she is clearly not living among the common man and women in Central Florida or America – Murphy is a part of the 1% that she so regularly advocates and rails against.

SO. How bad was the “Ghetto Playground” episode? Let’s refresh our memories by reviewing my article from January of 2018, published in the Central Florida Post -- dated January 30th, 2018.

Florida Congresswoman Slams “Ghetto” Playground At Ritzy Club

During her campaign to unseat longtime incumbent Republican John Mica in 2016, Democrat Stephanie Murphy hit home the “everyman” theme and claimed she was the candidate who truly cared about the people.

Murphy would beat John Mica and

25 currently represents the Central Florida based 7th congressional district, which includes all of Seminole County and small portions of Orange County.

While Murphy’s immense personal wealth is well-known, she has consistently promoted herself as a bi-partisan dealmaker who just wants to do right by the residents of her district and all Americans, in particular, the poor and middle class.

However, this past Sunday, Murphy revealed just how out of touch with reality she really is in a bizzare tirade at one of Central Florida’s most exclusive and expensive private clubs.

Murphy is a member and regular of the Interlachen Country Club, which charges a $40,000 fee to join and nearly $12,000 in annual club fees. The club features a tennis court, sprawling pool, croquet court, fitness center, world-class golf course, and state of the art dining facilities.

The Interlachen Country Club, the alleged site of the “ghetto” playground.

According to multiple sources, Congresswoman Murphy’s visit to the private

26 members-only club this past weekend did not go well. After having several rounds of drinks and lunch, Murphy reportedly became incensed about the state of the facilities, in particular, the “ghetto” playground.

Per our source, who gave us this eyewitness account:

“The incident began with Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy was having drinks and lunch with her kids, three adult guests, and her guests’ two children. The pool was closed down because another members child accidentally defecated in the pool. After hearing that the pool had closed down due to this incident, Congresswoman Murphy began to loudly complain about the inconvenience, and how bad the caution tape looked. She then continued on to complain about the playground and how ghetto it looked.”

The member, who asked to remain anonymous in order to not put their club membership at risk, said that other members were even shocked to witness Murphy’s odd and abusive behavior. Two other individuals confirmed our sources assessment of Murphy’s interaction with club staff.

27 “The manager then told her that there was nothing that the staff could do about the problem in the pool or the “ghetto” playground, and attempted to defuse the situation. Soon after, Congresswoman Murphy and her guests abruptly left to go visit another country club’s pool that was in the area.”

First-off, what does a “ghetto” playground look like Congresswoman Murphy?

Furthermore, I would argue that children in the ghettos of America and your district would be extremely grateful and honored to use the luxurious facilities at the Interlachen Country Club.

How can she realistically advocate against the moneyed interests in Central Florida and DC when she is literally the villain of the class warfare story that the modern Democrat party works so hard to promote and propagate… herself included.

Stephanie Murphy is not a common women who has worked hard to make ends meet or raised a family like so many other women of color in Central Florida,

28 Murphy has been able to rely on her coterie of nannies, according to her own husband’s statements to The Washingtonian. Sean Murphy, the husband of Stephanie Murphy, claimed that when there were emergencies, “he would have to step in and take the load off the nanny,” revealing that the Murphy family is affluent enough to afford professional nannies to raise their children, while Murphy is able to evangelize in D.C. and around her Central Florida district.

Further, I was approached by someone who is also a member of the Interlachen Country Club which Murphy frequents. She told me that employees of the Interlachen Country Club were asked to make sure footage of Murphy entering and exiting the club was “disappeared” before someone leaked it. That shows us how tightly controlled Murphy’s image is by her family, campaign and congressional staff.

29 2016

30 After Democrats failed to recruit a credible candidate with the ability to raise money or put up their own funds in a campaign against longtime Congressman John Mica, operatives and party leaders approached Murphy on several occasions trying to convince her to jump in the race. They knew that her father-in-law could write big checks and lean on his wealthy business partners and friends to fund the PACs to bolster her campaign.

Murphy initially declined requests to run, claiming she wasn’t sure whether or not her family was ready to be thrown into the public spotlight, or if they wanted to face the scrutiny on their income sources and vast family wealth. However, her father- in-law was worried about the crackdowns from the Obama administration on for- profit colleges like Full Sail, and eventually convinced her to step up. He would provide her and organizations like the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee, with a blank check, which is what she needed to take on a titan of congress like John Mica. However, several months before Democrats snagged Murphy as their standard bearer, the DCCC ran a vicious smear campaign against John Mica, claiming that when he was in the Florida legislature as a State Representative

31 36 years prior, that Mica voted down a bill that would have made spousal rape illegal in the state of Florida. The fact that the DCCC was even able to obtain evidence of this vote raises many important questions. According to my sources, the voting history of the legislature from 1980, including that specific vote, are buried in a backroom of the basement in the Florida capitol building. The DCCC claims they discovered the vote in some obscure academic paper discussing the bill, though that was equally as difficult to source and find. Now, this could be an example of good opposition research. Or it could be the invisible hand of the Deep State and intelligence community that had spent so many years grooming Murphy?

Nonetheless, it was a direct hit on Mica, who had to spend a lot of time explaining the vote and as Roger Stone has said, when you are explaining in politics… you are losing. Never mind the fact that Mica’s vote against the bill was actually because it created loopholes and weakened current laws on the books that protected women. Even the Democrats in the Florida House fought against the bill. During his time in the State House, Mica supported several pieces of legislation that provided more aggressive protections for women, and Florida, would

32 be one of the first states to successfully prosecute spousal rape. However, that mattered little to Stephanie Murphy and her allies.

It certainly softened up the longtime congressman, providing the perfect opportunity for Murphy to jump into the race. She would of course need another reason, as she wanted to keep her hands clean when it came to the controversy that the DCCC created about Mica’s vote. And like any ruthless wannabe politician looking to assume power, she used the tragic terrorist attack by an Islamist at Pulse Nightclub to launch her campaign. She claimed that John Mica accepting $5,000 from the NRA for his 2016 re-election campaign somehow contributed to the atmosphere that allowed for the terrorist attack to occur, willfully ignoring the role Islam played. For Murphy, it was all about the NRA and John Mica’s history of standing tall for our 2nd amendment rights, which she framed as facilitating mass shootings and gun violence. Can you imagine how sick you have to be to launch your first campaign for elected office on the bodies of the victims of a terrorist attack? Anti-gun groups like the Brady Campaign lined up to support Murphy. She promoted herself as a concerned mother who was just trying to protect her community,

33 when she was actually deeply committed to abolishing the 2nd amendment, something she finally admitted to publicly years later when running for re-election in 2018. We will discuss that in the next chapter.

Despite John Mica fighting tooth and nail against Congresswoman ’ primary challenge in 2012, the John Mica of 2016 failed to muster the same vigor and tenacity when he faced Murphy in 2016. His most credible lines of attack on Murphy came too little and too late. We did our best at the East Orlando Post and the Seminole County Post to sound the alarms about Murphy’s shady role as the political director for Full Sail University and her father-in- laws long history of buying elections for radical Democrats that dressed themselves up as “moderates”, but the dye had been cast and Murphy would defeat the longtime congressman by a just a few percentage points, which amounted to just over 10,000 votes out of a total of around 354,000 votes.


35 The promises Stephanie Murphy made to voters that she would remain impartial and independent of left-wing Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi vanished quicker than keg of beer at a college frat party. In her first term, Murphy would push anti- 2nd amendment legislation and vote with Nancy Pelosi nearly 100% of the time. This was far from the way that she presented herself to voters in 2016, but that’s politics. The thing is… Murphy promised that she would be different and she just wasn’t and still isn’t. Before we break down her current movements, we have to address the dumpster fire of a campaign she ran in 2018.

What exactly was her message in 2018? Fuck free speech, fuck the 2nd amendment, and fuck freedom of the press. Fuck transparency and fuck openness. Most of all… FUCK THE PEOPLE she was elected to represent. I understand that those statements might be obscene and extreme, yet they are the STONE COLD TRUTH. And so it begins.

The lead up to the 2018 mid-term elections gave voters an unabridged and raw look in to the dark soul of Stephanie Murphy. Could you ever imagine that a member of congress from a state like

36 Florida, where we are annually subjected to some of the worst hurricanes in recorded history, would be raising money at a swanky steakhouse in DC as our state is ravaged by the sometimes kind, but often brutal Mother Nature? This was first exposed by the Scott Sturgill campaign and they released an ad describing what “Steakhouse Stephanie” did as we suffered. What I am about to tell you is known to some, but not to most of the voting public. It relates to her wealth and status as a member of the elite 1%, someone who can do things that the average man or woman could not ever get away with.

During Hurricane Irma, one of the strongest hurricanes in recorded history, Stephanie Murphy was able to travel between DC and Orlando, even while commercial flights were grounded. It is widely speculated that she used her father- in-laws private jet to go back and forth, allowing her to be pictured in hurricane prep photos before jetsetting back to the safety of her native swamp in DC.

While the entire state of Florida was under a state of emergency, Murphy was busy raising money with Nancy Pelosi at one of DC’s swankiest steakhouses, Charlie Palmer. Murphy has tried to claim that she

37 held the event a week prior to Hurricane Irma making landfall, yet campaign finance reports show the expenditures dated as right when the mega-hurricane was hitting Florida. Now, it is not like Murphy didn’t try to hide these simple facts. She staged photo ops of her filling sandbags and playing cards illuminated by campfire, yet she has refused our requests to provide us her travel records for the dates in question, something she is legally required to do as a member of congress. Will she ever explain the campaign expenditure around the time Hurricane Irma made landfall for a rental agency based in Kissimmee, Florida? Did she actually lose power or did she rent a home and pretend like she lost power to seem more like one of the “common folk”?

Why would she refuse to disclose her travel activity? Could it be because commercial flights were grounded and she took the G-5 in and out of DC so she could raise coin with Pelosi before a staged photo op?

As Floridians braced and faced Hurricane Irma, Murphy spent thousands upon thousand on steak and fine wine, she was even graced with the presence of Nancy Pelosi, the taxpayer funded drunkard-in- chief. For exposing this disgusting display

38 of degeneracy and contempt for her fellow Floridians, Scott Sturgill’s campaign was lambasted by the media and Murphy was allowed to become the victim. However, when we confronted her in person at the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee sponsored campaign kickoff for Stephanie Murphy’s 2018 campaign, Congresswoman Murphy turned into a mute when asked about her swanky fundraiser during Hurricane Irma. If you were accused of such a thing, wouldn’t you stand up and fight back? Murphy didn’t. Sadly, she grabbed her children to shield herself from our questions and her husband attempted to stop our inquiries to no avail, given the fact that he is a typical beta-male lacking the intensity and vigor to defend even his own wife. He squared up and I stood my ground… he stood down. Coward.

This was all documented in a Facebook live broadcast from my publication, Central Florida Post, which was deleted within 24hours by Facebook, with no reason given. A source in the Austin offices of Facebook confirmed years later that the DCCC reached out on behalf of Murphy’s campaign asking the video be removed. Their reasoning? That we were harassing Murphy and targeting her young children.

39 Nothing could be further from the truth, however, Facebook’s internal memos state that any attempt to reinstate or download the video would result in the termination of the employee who did so. Why would Murphy and her allies at the DCCC be so afraid of this content existing online for the whole world to see if it wasn’t the truth?

From that point on, we continued to livestream our journalistic efforts to expose Murphy’s hypocrisy, giving her no less than a half-dozen chances to speak her peace and correct the record. However, she refused to do so on every single occasion, including the time I financed an expedition to DC in the summer of 2018, trying to get her on the record discussing her swanky steakhouse fundraiser during Hurricane Irma and her involvement in attempting to censor my content.

Just over a week before the August mid-term primary elections, Murphy claimed the U.S. Capitol Police had advised her to back out of an event hosted by the Sanford Chamber of Commerce that I had made known I was attending. Behind the scenes, her staff alleged that I was the source of such “security concerns”, though no evidence or documentation of said concerns were

40 ever provided or given. As a member of the media, it is curious that Murphy would go to such lengths to smear me in an attempt to escape tough questions. However, that kind of behavior is typical of careerist politicians who claim to be “different” like Murphy, remember that globalism is her credo and power is her drug of choice.

Let this be an open call to the U.S. Capitol Police, publish the threats referenced by Murphy’s staff. Otherwise, Congresswoman Murphy and the Capitol Police are happy to pursue legal action against myself, and others, familiar with the claims made by Stephanie Murphy and her staff. We welcome the idea of entering the discovery and deposition process. Tick… tock.

When I arrived at the event, graphics were taped all over the entry ways warning that filming, recording, and members of the media were not going to be given access to the event. Even worse? Murphy’s staff had spooked the event organizers so much with her demonstrably false claims of security risks and concerns, that they enlisted local law enforcement to act as Murphy’s goon squad. When I approached the country club that was hosting the event,

41 I was quickly asked to leave the interior and remain outside. Shortly thereafter, Murphy attempted another quick escape without answering any of my questions. Later in the month I would also confront her after a forum for Central Florida candidates held at the Orlando Science Center, where she ran like a criminal from my questions and sped off in a Prius, almost leaving her Chief of Staff Brad Howard hanging halfway out of the car. The Orlando Police Department was on scene and witnessed this, yet they refused to stop and press charges against Murphy’s staff for speeding out of the parking garage like R. Kelly rushing to troll the playground after middle school got out.

Does any of this behavior sound like the behavior of someone who is truly innocent and honorable? Yes, I understand my tactics are pushy and persistent, but why would she let the rumor mill persist if what I was saying was so provably false? Could it be because she wanted to paint herself as the victim? A poor woman being harassed by a right-wing journalist? Sadly, she always seems to forget that I am a gay journalist. Doesn’t Congresswoman Murphy support the gay community and the rights of journalists to confront those in power? Based on her behavior in 2018,

42 one would reason that she thinks she is above questioning and scrutiny. It’s possible that she might even be a homophobe who doesn’t believe in a free press.

In the general election, Murphy would face State Representative Mike Miller, who came out on top in the August primary elections. Miller either lacked the intensity or funding to go for the jugular. I remember a forum organized by Central Florida’s Tiger Bay Club, where Murphy actually said on stage that we should consider abolishing gun rights and the 2nd amendment. There I was with my livestream and tough questions yet again, despite the fact that the GOP nominee failed to hold her feet to the fire in front of Central Florida’s most powerful people when she said that we should consider erasing our right to bear arms from the United States constitution.

Miller would go on to be walloped by Murphy, by nearly 15% points. Stephanie Murphy had received a hall pass from the electorate yet again, thanks to the lack of funding by the GOP and disgusting sycophancy of the mainstream media, who moved heaven and earth to shore up her bid for re-election.


44 We have discussed throughout this book the fact that Stephanie Murphy is not what she seems. Murphy claims to be one thing, while doing the exact opposite. If she is questioned or confronted, her highness immediately plays the victim and uses the power she has attained through her husbands wealth and her elected office to silence or shut down her opponents. This is the playbook of every tyrant, whether he or she are the dog catcher of small town USA or President of the United States, Stephanie Murphy is not the exception to this rule. Prior to her most recent and radicalized votes in the United States Congress, Murphy spent her first two-terms making less boring, yet still dishonest votes that violated her own promises to remain bi-partisan and impartial.

As reported by Central Florida Post writer Sean Hartman, a registered Independent, Murphy fear mongered when debating the national budget. Check it out for yourself. I will provide my own commentary on Hartman’s words and Murphy’s actions after.

Murphy Abandons Balanced Budget, Resorts To Fear Mongering

Dated April 14th, 2018.

45 “Back in 2016, still as a registered Republican, and a staunch Tea Party fiscal conservative, I could not bring myself to cast my vote for Republican career politician, Winter Park Congressman John Mica. Rather, I voted for the Democrat, Stephanie Murphy.

My reason was likely the same as many other conservatives, libertarians, and centrists who switched sides for the Democrat. Murphy ran as a Blue Dog, a centrist, pledging to support fiscal restraint, a balanced budget (including an amendment to the Constitution), and support for Cut, Cap, and Balance.

Compare that to Congressman Mica, who on his 2016 campaign website not only openly bragged about spending our tax dollars on wasteful projects, but even bragged about funding unconstitutional projects that were not in the federal purview.

It disappointed me that the most conservative person in the race was the Democrat, not the Republican. And unfortunately, I was wrong.

Congresswoman Murphy pledged her willingness to buck the Democratic

46 Establishment, yet one of her first votes was to vote in Democratic Establishment Queen Nancy Pelosi as Speaker, and very likely, voting for her as Democratic Leader. This despite having a choice to support the much more qualified Ohio Congressman Tim Murphy, who had the same centrist flair as the Congresswoman with the needed appeal to blue collar workers that Democrats needed. An appeal Pelosi has never possessed for the common man and woman.

This makes sense, sadly, as Leader Pelosi essentially handed Murphy her House seat. It was Leader Pelosi’s special interest cash combined with Murphy’s lies that tricked Republicans like myself into thinking she was a centrist.

And now she has broke another of her campaign promises, voting against a bipartisan bill to propose a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, despite the fact that Congresswoman Murphy ran on such a proposal in 2016.

So not only is Congresswoman Murphy not significantly progressive for Democrats, she is now no longer suitable for fiscal conservatives who felt she would abide by fiscal restraint.

47 Congresswoman Murphy’s opposition was due to her concern that the Amendment did not have a protection for Social Security and responded to those concerns by introducing her own Balanced Budget Amendment, which would have exempted discretionary spending (which is the highest contributor to our deficit).

But her fear was obviously unwarranted, as multiple Democrats, including many of her bills cosponsors, supported the bipartisan Goodlatte bill, eventually jumping ship from Murphy’s own proposal.

Some speculate her motive wasn’t political but rather personal.

“For Stephanie Murphy to vote against a Balanced Budget Amendment supported by six of the seven cosponsors of her own busted proposal is an act of selfishness and an insult to the highest kind to CD7 voters,” said Scott Sturgill, who is running for the Republican Nomination to unseat her.

“In the end, she couldn’t just walk the walk, and revealed herself as just another dysfunctional DC politician.”

48 The problem with Congresswoman Murphy’s concerns is that they are “what-if” fearmongering, something both sides engage in regularly. Congresswoman Murphy is stating that there may be a possibility that something could occur to Social Security that she would not want.

First, just because something can happen, doesn’t mean something will happen. This is something both sides do, present potential what-if scenarios to justify bad policies. What if someone who shouldn’t have a gun gets a gun? What if one of the Syrian refugees is an ISIL agent?

Politicians from both sides use the what- if excuse to expand government and restrict liberty. Congresswoman Murphy is engaging in that very same tactic.

Even more importantly, what exactly is Congresswoman Murphy concerned about? As a fiscal conservative, she must know that Social Security is going bankrupt, and at this point my own generation will likely never see their retirement check if nothing is done.

Is she opposed to fiscally conservative solutions such as privatization or partial

49 privatization plans? Is she concerned about raising the retirement age, something that has bipartisan support for being an obvious must-do and common sense move?

Or better yet, since Congresswoman Murphy is so intent on keeping Social Security, does she have a plan to fix it? Of course, she does not. Congresswoman Murphy is making up a concern that is unneeded to justify opposing a bill she pledged she would support.

Honestly, I would assess that Congresswoman Murphy was bought out by special interests here. Organizations like the AARP have been a hindrance for common sense Social Security reforms, without concern for its sustainability for the next generation.

This should be even more concerning, as it shows that Congresswoman Murphy does have conservative values, but those values can be subverted by money.”

In Hartman’s writings, we again see entrepreneur and former congressional candidate Scott Sturgill having the balls to take Murphy to task over her hypocritical and hysterical voting record. While I do

50 not agree with Hartman’s assessment that Murphy is a conservative bought out by special interests, I do agree that her fluidity is symptomatic of someone who either has no moral compass or is offering their allegiances to the highest bidder. In many cases with Congresswoman Murphy, the highest bidder is her father-in-law and his business partners, who exert an inordinate amount of influence over her personal and political decisions.

This is something that has long been hard to analyze and deal with in politics. How can we truly evaluate the power that a donor holds over a candidate or politician when that donor is a familial relation? Murphy’s extremely wealthy father-in- law can donate unlimited amounts to party political committees and PAC’s to help his daughter-in-law, but at what cost? Is she his vessel in congress or is Stephanie Murphy taking her father-in-law for a not so cheap ride on her way to higher office?

In June of 2018, Central Florida Post writer Sean Hartman again addressed certain red-flags of the self-proclaimed “moderate” Murphy.

Rep. Murphy Plays Bipartisan As

51 Election Nears

Has anyone else been noticing the bipartisan bills Congresswoman Murphy has suddenly been touting on social media?

The most recent legislation being promoted by the one-term Winter Park Congresswoman is the bipartisan Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act. The legislation, primarily sponsored by Congressman David Valadao (R-CA), will assist with many soldiers who were harmed by Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. This is a bipartisan bill which, when proposed by Congressman Valadao, had two Republicans and two Democrats co- sponsoring, followed by almost 50 new cosponsors by the following day.

The bill itself had a total of 330 cosponsors, enough to single-handedly push the bill on its own merit. Yet in her tweet, Congresswoman Murphy bragged about how she led a measure with Congressman Bruce Westerman (R-SC) to allot funding for children of veterans exposed to the government-sponsored poison while in Thailand.

Congresswoman Murphy has been

52 pouncing on the bipartisan train over the past few months, hoping to win over the centrists who helped vote her in office in 2016.

But this political strategy should be seen as what it is—a political ploy, seeking to shield her far more partisan record.

Take this Agent Orange bill. The bill had hundreds of cosponsors, many who showed up to cosponsor within 48 hours of its proposal. So, when did the bipartisan Congresswoman Murphy cosponsor this bill? Why, she cosponsored it all but two months after dozens of her Democratic colleagues joined in!

These cosponsors were not all moderate members either. Michigan Congressman Dan Kildee, seen by some as politically progressive, was one of those first-day cosponsors, as well as other left-wing Congressmembers such as Robin Kelly (D-IL), Bobby Rush (D-IL), Jim Langevin (D-RI), and (D-FL).

Even Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN), who politics borders on socialism, cosponsored long before Congresswoman Murphy.

So how could a far-left social democrat

53 like Congressman Ellison sign on to this reasonable bipartisan legislation long before the alleged “bipartisan” Congresswoman Murphy, herself a victim of the atrocities of the Vietnam War, cosponsor it? Could it be that she is not as bipartisan as she makes herself out to be?

It seems like Congresswoman Murphy only plays bipartisan during the elections, just to keep her post.

“Everybody’s tired of the broken promises and incompetence of the permanent political class in Washington,” said Sanford Republican Scott Sturgill, who is running to replace Congresswoman Murphy. “Public service should be a temporary calling, not a long-term career.”

There are centrists and moderates who are starting to believe the bipartisan campaigning of Congresswoman Murphy was a ruse, and her Congressional record is showing it. After stating she would buck the party establishment, she cast her first public vote for a Pelosi Speakership, despite Leader Pelosi being the exemplar of the Democratic Establishment.

And when asked if she voted for Leader

54 Pelosi when challenged by the younger, solutions-driven Congressman Tim Murphy (D-OH), Congresswoman Murphy refused to reveal who she voted for in that secret ballot, with many speculating she voted for the Establishment politician over the blue- collar moderate.

If Congresswoman Murphy truly wished to challenge the party line, she would have not only voted against Leader Pelosi both times but would have proudly and openly campaigned for Congressman Murphy.

One of her Republican opponents, Orlando State Representative Mike Miller, feels that this is because Leader Pelosi helped Murphy win in 2016 and will do so again in 2018.

“Stephanie Murphy knows that Nancy Pelosi had pledged to protect her,” Representative Miller told the Central Florida Post. “[She] already bought nearly $2 million in TV time for her re-election campaign, so when Pelosi needs a vote, Stephanie Murphy delivers for Nancy Pelosi.”

Despite running as a fiscal conservative, Congresswoman Murphy continued to vote

55 with Democrats against fiscally conservative bills such as the GOP Tax Plan. She moved farther left on economic issues while taking a more neoconservative foreign policy, interjecting her voice in issues of national security and foreign policy, particularly regarding North Korea.

It is questionable if playing the centrist card will even help her get out of the Primary. Richardson is seen by some political operatives as a dark horse. But with Congressman Joe Crowley (D-NY), the Establishment Democrat, being soundly defeated by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a proud socialist, it is not far off to say it is a good omen for Richardson. Richardson has also been endorsed by many of the same organizations Ocasio-Cortez has been endorsed by, including Justice Democrats.

He was even endorsed by Ocasio-Cortez this morning, according to a press release from the campaign.

But it appears that Congresswoman Murphy does not see Richardson as a political threat, focusing instead on appealing to centrists, Independents, and Main Street Republicans by pronouncing her bipartisanship over her liberal record.

56 And she is hoping that centrists won’t notice.

“She hopes Central Floridians aren’t paying attention,” said Representative Miller, “but we are.”

In Hartman’s analysis, both State Representative Mike Miller and Scott Sturgill, who were both competing for the GOP nomination at this point, provide some much needed clarity surrounding Murphy’s voting pattern.

Stephanie Murphy is allowed to go off Nancy Pelosi’s progressive reservation 1/10 times, allowing her to claim at home, during election season, that she is bi- partisan. However, Pelosi spends millions each cycle to re-elect Murphy, who acts like she is renegade and thorn in the side of the pickled Democrat House leader. It is a beautiful dance and nice gig if you can land it. But what happened to the common man and woman of Florida’s 7th congressional district that Murphy claimed to be interested in representing and fighting for? Are they less important than the fat campaign contributions from hyper-partisan congressional Democrats? More important than the adulation and payload of political

57 cash from Leader Pelosi? How much of her personal beliefs has the former NPA turned Democrat sacrificed in order to obtain and retain power?

If the past two throwbacks don’t have your head spinning, the next few certainly will. I remember writing about Murphy’s march towards supporting impeachment. Friends and business interests sympathetic towards Murphy approached me and said that she would never vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump, saying I was being too hyperbolic in my assessment. Decide for yourself.

Fast forward to the beginning of 2019… and we start to see the real Stephanie Murphy, where I ask which Stephanie Murphy will we see in Article dated January 3rd, 2019, from the Central Florida Post.

Which Stephanie Murphy Will We See In 2019?

Stephanie Murphy is bi-partisan. Stephanie Murphy is the leader of the conservative Blue Dog caucus. Stephanie Murphy is a member of the Problem Solvers caucus. Stephanie Murphy is amazing and doesn’t want partisan politics ruining the

58 American political system.

This mythos surrounding Murphy has been carefully crafted and maintained by her lackeys in the mainstream media. Their bumbling sycophancy is both bizarre and pathetic. Immigrant, female, mother. She cannot be questioned.

So is she really the bi-partisan wonder- woman that they claim she is… or… is she a deep state barbie who feigns bi-partisanship as she secretly takes orders from Nancy Pelosi? After proclaiming that she had “issues” with making Nancy Pelosi speaker again, Murphy claims that Pelosi made concessions and earned her vote.

It’s a game we see on both sides of the aisle. If you are in a purple district like Murphy, whether you are Republican or Democrat, leadership lets you “challenge” them and secure a “win” by claiming they heard your concerns and will address them “in the near future.” Then the next congress convenes and the partisanship continues, those concerns thrown into the dustbin of past broken promises made by “pragmatic leaders” like Murphy.

In recent interviews, it is hard to tell

59 which Stephanie Murphy we will get in 2019. One day she is beaming about bringing people together and the next day she spouts hyper-partisan talking points about immigration policy. Often times, braindead mainstream media reporters puff up Murphy as a moderate problem solver, then print her #Resist dribble that directly contradicts that alleged bi-partisan zeal.

For example, the latest love letter scribbled down by Steve Lemongello at the Orlando Sentinel. She is billed as a leader of the moderate Blue Dogs… a pragmatist.

“Murphy, the head of the moderate Blue Dog Caucus and the Future Forum of young House members, said she wanted Congress to be more responsive to the issues of Millennials, who have in the past been less engaged politically than their elders.”

WOW. SO. ENLIGHTENED. SO BRAVE. Then Murphy breaks out her favorite leftist coolspeak to satiate the many who have caught the rapidly spreading mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS.

“One is the status of “Dreamers,” or mostly younger people brought into the

60 country illegally as children, Murphy said Republicans “shouldn’t hold Dreamers hostage just to be able to score cheap political points. … I think it’s time we moved past these ad hoc immigration actions.”

Wash. Rinse. Repeat. She gets to be both progressive and moderate, putting on whatever face suits her self-interest at that very moment. If you call her a Pelosi puppet, which she is, Murphy can point to how she challenged Leader Pelosi and was so tough that she got “concessions.” When progressives attack her for being moderate, she whips out her #Resist talking points on gun control and immigration.

This is the most dangerous type of politician. One who can never be questioned or held accountable. Why? Because she is God’s gift to the world. She knows best. She is an immigrant, a mother, a strong woman. THE FUTURE IS FEMALE.

I ask again. Which Stephanie Murphy will we see in 2019? The answer? The face she finds most expedient. Citizens of Central Florida who are worth their salt should demand answers from Murphy at every event she holds, at home and abroad. Only then can we force an answer out of this double-

61 speaking deep state barbie.

However, you should be made fully aware, that she will falsify bogus “security” threats to limit access to events and waste police time as her personal goon squad. I have been persistent in my pursuit of trying to get truth from Murphy since 2016 and will turn up the heat in this New Year. It will be a slow burn, but the flame of liberty and constitutional protections granted to me as a journalist will protect my right to question even Stephanie Murphy.

Every event Congresswoman. If you fake security threats one more time and continue your lies about me to local law enforcement or Capitol Hill police? I will only be more persistent and others will join.

We are the many. And we will start at the Women’s March on January 19th in at Lake Eola.

Even at this point, so many people doubted the idea that Stephanie Murphy could transform in to the partisan hack she really was. They thought that her donors and family, who want to play both ends of the fiddle, would not let her. Were they right or were they wrong?

62 Murphy’s metamorphosis was near complete just two weeks later, when she declined to attend a meeting with President Donald J. Trump to end the government shut-down, claiming a minor organizational meeting of the House Ways and Means Committee was more important.

At this point, we saw the early staged of Trump Derangement Syndrome in Murphy, where she thought it was more important to resist President Trump, at any and all cost. Meet with President Trump to end the government shutdown or refuse to do so in order to virtue signal to the Democrats and Deep State that shaped her?

She decided to be “super woke,” leaving most of what was left of her moderation and bi-partisanship in the rearview mirror.

What happened next? An article from Central Florida Post, published on May 24th, 2019.

Murphy Abandons Moderation, Joins Delusional Impeachment Bandwagon.

Having spent two campaigns for congress and nearly two terms as an elected member proclaiming to be a moderate, uber-wealthy

63 Winter Park Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy’s facade has begun to crack.

It wasn’t but two weeks ago that Politico wrote a gushing profile on Murphy, heralding her as the “Velvet Hammer”, who swims between Republican and Democrat talking points when it suits her. They argued that this was a net benefit for the people of Florida’s 7th congressional district, yet failed to examine the very fact that her wishy-washy positioning is entirely emblematic of a politician who will do or say anything for a legislative victory.

Murphy has historically gotten a pass from the mainstream and alternative media alike, who endlessly drone on about her bi- partisan approach. However, their ability to do this in the upcoming 2020 election will become ever more ridiculous than in years prior. Ms. Murphy initially shied away from impeachment talk, but has now adopted the talking points of deranged Democrats like Jerry Nadler of who can’t get over the fact that no collusion or obstruction was found as a result of the Mueller report.

In a letter published on her website, Murphy claims that she will work with her allies in the Democrat party to enforce

64 the rule of law if the President and his allies refuse to participate in the continued campaign of harassment being waged by subpoena happy members of Congress. What she fails to recognize is that the role of the Special Counsel was the process in which to bring charges against the President for the crimes of collusion or obstruction. Mueller’s conclusion that no collusion or obstruction was found marks the end of the investigation, not the opening for partisan politicians like Murphy to use their office on the taxpayer dime to continue a campaign of harassment against their political opponents.

Murphy is correct, not even the President of the United States is above the law. Her and the other Democrats upset over not getting what they wanted out of the Mueller investigation do not give them the reason or power to simply abandon the laws against using their congressional power for political gain. It does not give them an opening to virtue signal campaign talking points in their official capacities. Most concerning of all, it does not give people like Murphy or Pelosi the right to organize roundups of their political enemies based on fraudulent subpoenas, issued under false pretenses and with no respect for the rule of law.

65 Ultimately, Murphy’s metamorphosis into a partisan hack matters little if voters don’t give her the boot in 2020. Will they sit there and believe her political doublespeak during campaign season or will they give her hell at every opportunity?

The ever-pompous Congresswoman doesn’t spend much time in the district and certainly doesn’t do events that are truly open to the public. Although, if you want to give her a piece of your mind… here are a few places you can do so over the next week.

According to Florida Politics, people are being asked to RSVP to “reduce wait times”, which constituents critical of Murphy have seen as a way to filter out unfriendly conversations at past events.

And here we see the classic Pelosi approach to elected office. Screening attendees to filter out any critics, she wants ID checks and backgrounds on citizens wanting to attend her townhalls. But when it comes to election security? Murphy has done nothing to boot illegal immigrants from voter rolls or demand that proper ID be provided before casting a vote. What gives? Could Murphy be moving towards open borders and full-blown impeachment?

66 Our write-up from May 30th of 2019 puts together another piece of the Pelosi- Murphy puzzle.

Murphy Pushes Gun Registration, Open Borders During District Visit

Sometimes I feel like the voters of Florida’s 7th congressional district must have committed a collective grave injustice in some previous life. After over two decades of steady leadership from Congressman John Mica, they have been tortured by the severely dishonest and fake presence of the pompous dolt Stephanie Murphy.

She held a swanky fundraiser during Hurricane Irma and continues to lie about her stance as a moderate when she really is a die-hard Nancy Pelosi apparatchik. When I confronted her over her hypocrisy during the 2018 elections, Murphy lied to law enforcement about me being a security risk to lock down her events from the public.

In 2019, Murphy has been billed as the leading moderate in Congress and even earned a top-billed Politico cover story heralding her “velvet hammer” approach. The lies have continued and the media has continued to support the MURPHY MYTH.

67 But myths have a way of fading away and exposing carefully crafted personas, even if the veil is only lifted from time to time.

On Wednesday, Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy lifted the veil and revealed her true progressive self.

At one of her poorly attended district meetups (where she has been busted lying about attendance and deleting tweets already), the supposedly moderate Stephanie Murphy proclaimed that she wanted mandatory registration of all firearms in the United States.

You deleted the original tweet to add more photos. These new photos maybe show 40+ people, not 200! Fire your staffer

95% of your money comes from out of state health insurance companies & your in-laws bank account. Gathering 200+ is impossible for you!

Unseating you in 2020! — Armani Salado (@salado4congress) May 28, 2019

District 7 resident Don Kirkendall

68 witnessed the exchange. For the record, Murphy did not threaten to release nuclear weapons on citizens who failed to comply, as California Congresswoman Eric Swallwell did several months ago when he was also pushing mandatory gun registration.

“She claimed it would prevent mass shootings,” Kirkendall recalled to the Central Florida Post. Mandatory gun registration is one of the most far-left positions being pushed in the modern American body politic, hardly the type of policy that Blue Dog caucus leader and alleged moderate Stephanie Murphy would claim to support if you believe the MURPHY MYTH.

The Congresswoman then moved on to the topic of border security, first stating that Trump’s border wall would be useful… before saying it wouldn’t. Attendees said that Murphy seemed flustered after being called out on her swaying positions on border security, ultimately getting very upset and forcefully shutting down the constituent who asked the question.

This is the real Stephanie Murphy. A political hack who wants to impose her will on the people, damned if they agree with her

69 radical beliefs.

It’s why she bans recording devices of all kinds when she comes home to Central Florida, she doesn’t want you to know who she really is. Does that sound like America? Or more so like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia?

Need anymore proof? Moderate Stephanie Murphy is now calling for the impeachment of the President of the United States of America because the Mueller report didn’t reach the conclusion her boss Nancy Pelosi wanted. An investigation was held and found no obstruction or collusion. Yet Murphy wants to harass and torture President Trump through her power as a member of Congress.

Stephanie Murphy claims that she is a capitalist and she is proud to be an American, pointing to the fact that her family fled communist Vietnam. It’s become clearer and clearer that Murphy’s origins represent her true self — a communist far- left apparatchik who wants to dismantle the America we know and love.

She should come out already… everyone else knows the secret she so desperately tries

70 to hide by continuing the MURPHY MYTH.

If you have been following, we explained long ago that Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy was an anti-gun zealot. From the launch of her first campaign, on the bodies and surviving victims of the Islamist terrorist attack at Pulse Nightclub, Murphy has shown that she hates guns and the idea that we should have the right to protect our families, independent of the government. She was so bold in 2018, that she even promoted the idea that the 2nd amendment should be abolished at a debate with GOP Mike Miller, who did not hold Murphy accountable for such an outlandishly outrageous statement.

In fall of 2019, Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy made it quite clear that if voters did not believe that the 2016 elections were hacked to harm Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions, then they must be made to believe so… OR ELSE.

According to a report from Florida Politics, Murphy’s statement in front of the Stanford University Digital Policy Incubator, she pushed the notion that both Republicans and Democrats needed to abandon their political beliefs for the sake of “election

71 security”. Some might see that statement as harmless, but it is far from harmless. Russia did not hack our elections in 2016. Donald J. Trump won far and square against the crooked and corrupt campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton. I understand that many Democrats, like Stephanie Murphy, are obsessed with the idea promoted by the intelligence community that Donald Trump colluded with foreign powers to steal the election. As proven by the Muller Report, there was no evidence to support these claims, no matter how badly Democrats like Stephanie Murphy wanted it to be so.

Given Murphy’s history of censoring this journalist and others, what exactly does she mean by saying that voters must accept her narrative, “or else”?

These are the words of a wealthy witch, groomed by the Deep State. Her decisions are FINAL. Her assessments are bulletproof. Her opinions matter more than yours do. Even if the constitution gets in her way, she has no problem torching our founding documents to pursue power and her political ambitions.

I hope you are finally beginning to understand how partisan and extreme Murphy truly is. If not, accept your role as

72 a second-class observer. With her previous statements on impeachment, a lot of people were confused about whether or not Stpehanie Murphy would actually vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump. Some theorized that she might do so in order to secure funding for her re-election campaign from her compatriot Nancy Pelosi. Others thought that she might find some inner strength and oppose the impeachement, understanding that her father-in-law could write yet another blank check to supplement the lack of help from the Democrat party apparatus.

As is often the case, Murphy surprised us all. Ultimately, she decided to vote in favor of impeachment, referencing her Communist upbringing as a reason to support a bogus impeachment sham that would lead to a kangaroo court in the United States Senate. This decision, would end up proving to be one of her worst yet when it comes to electability, with several polls showing Murphy’s favorables in bad shape following her YES vote to impeach the duly elected President of the United States for the simple fact that he defeated the Deep State’s Hillary Clinton.

The poll results are interesting and

73 damning for Murphy’s political future. However, I’d like to take a moment to think about the verbiage and tone of her reasoning to vote YES on impeachment. She claimed that her escape from Communist Vietnam left her no choice but to vote YES on impeachment. Either this means that Stephanie Murphy is so obtuse that she doesn’t understand that Pelosi’s impeachment sham is exactly what we saved her from living under in Communist Vietnam… or she knows that is what she escaped and she doesn’t give a damn. Either way, Saigon Stephanie Murphy aided and abetted the continuation of one of the most egregious and asinine witch-hunts in the history of the United States of America, and quite possibly the world.

What motivates someone to make such a decision? Money, fame, power? Or has Murphy been radicalized beyond repair thanks to her acceptance of the alt- left mentality that dominates the modern Democrat party?

No matter what, it was and is clear that at this point, Stephanie Murphy is KNEELING FOR NANCY. She no longer ever attempts to behave or pretend to be a “moderate” and she should be treated as such in the 2020 elections.

74 If any of the Republican hoping to face Stephanie Murphy are at all hesitant to attack her on every level with every ounce of their energy… they should GO THE FUCK HOME.

Where does she go from here? Is the United States Congress her end goal and highest ambition? THINK BIGGER.

75 Ascending to the presidency

76 You might think I am crazy when I say that Stephanie Murphy might run for President of the United States and win. Jacob, you cannot be president if you are not born in the United States. On both accounts, according to conventional wisdom and a willingness to ignore the radical tilt of the Democrat party, you might be right. Let me tell you why you are DEAD WRONG.

There are several scenarios in which Stephanie Murphy could find herself at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in the near future. No matter what Democrat wins the nomination to face Donald Trump in 2020, Murphy’s role as Chairwoman of the Blue Dog Caucus immediately earns her a buy in to become a member of the cabinet. Further, with the Democrat party openly embracing and facilitating the right of illegal aliens to vote in our sovereign elections, how “woke” would it be to name the refugee of Communist Vietnam as a vice presidential contender to spark the debate over whether or not immigrants truly have rights in the United States. Liberal outlets like VOX have already started laying the groundwork for the argument, claiming that the constitutional requirement that a president be a natural born citizen is racist and outdated.

77 Even if Murphy was not named a potential contender for the VP spot, it’s highly likely that she would earn a high- level appointed position within a post- Trump era. Whether or not she would take either offer relies entirely on what happens with . What do I mean?

Many in Florida politics have speculated for quite some time that Rubio will not finish out his current term in the United States Senate and that he will instead retire to assume a cushy teaching job at a certain South Florida college. Rubio resigning leaves the very real possibility that Governor Ron DeSantis will appoint conservative firebrand and dutiful Trump ally to finish out Rubio’s term heading into the 2022 elections.

Murphy would be one of Gaetz’s most formidable opponents and would have the financial support of her father-in-law to try and secure a much needed win for Democrats. Also, if a Democrat is able to defeat Trump in 2020, it could give Murphy allies in the Senate and House time to craft and pass legislation making foreign born citizens like Murphy eligible to run for President of the United States.

78 Yes, I am thinking ahead and theorizing. But what about the modern Democrat party tells you they would not do such things? They are fighting tooth and nail to legitimize an illegal immigrants right to vote in our elections, why is it so far fetched to assume that they would work to allow a foreign born Communist like Saigon Stephanie Murphy the chance to contend for the highest office in the United States of America?

And think about this… her husband’s company has extensive manufacturing operations in Communist China, where any foreign owned businesses conducting affairs there has to work with the Communist Party, as reported on extensively by everyone from the New York Times to the Washington Post, who both detailed how the Communist Party’s stranglehold on foreign owned businesses utilizing overseas manufacturing, as Murphy’s husband does, were going to be subject to even more demands by the Chinese Communist Party in the years to come. What demands have been made of Murphy’s husband? How closely does he work with the Chinese Communist Party? What has he done to get more favorable terms from local cells or cadres of the Chinese Communist Party? The Tampa Bay times reported on

79 Sean Murphy’s promotion and use of manufacturing plants in China for his company, where some products were even developed and patented by his wife. Efforts to get details went unanswered, with journalist Alex Leary and voters in Florida’s 7th congressional district left wondering what the Murphy’s have to hide? He concluded that neither Stephanie or her husband were keen to open up about this matter as her first bid for re-election was well underway. This should not only leave you with more questions about Stephanie Murphy’s ties to Communism, but should demonstrate the hypocrisy of her voting record and political statements. While she claimed to support legislation to support small and medium sized manufacturing within the United States, her husband’s company was having his products made in China, including the baseball pants patented and designed by his wife.

I sound the alarm about Stephanie Murphy and her family because I must and because someone needs to. Stephanie Murphy has tasted the power of political office, backed by the wild wealth of her husband’s family. She is not done shaping our nation. The only thing we must ask ourselves is if we want to allow someone like her to assume the

80 drivers seat in our Republic?

Stephanie Murphy wants to abolish the 2nd amendment. Stephanie Murphy does not believe she should have to follow rules regulating members of congress. Stephanie Murphy is so wealthy that she thinks the rules do not apply to her. Stephanie Murphy uses Gestapo style tactics to silence her critics and shit on the 1st and 2nd amendments.

I have told you why she is one of the most dangerous threats to our democracy. Either you believe me, or you don’t. When the consequences of ignoring me reign down upon you, remember what you read here. Stephanie Murphy has been groomed by the Deep State and funded by one of the biggest Democrat donors in the United States. She might have been a registered Independent at one point, but her allegiances have always been to the Deep State, raw power and Communism-infused authoritarian tactics.

The bell has been rung… but are you listening?

81 About the author

Jacob Engels is an Orlando based journalist whose work has been featured and republished in news outlets around the globe including Politico, Infowars, MSNBC, Orlando Sentinel, New York Times, Daily Mail UK, Associated Press, People Magazine, ABC, Fox News, and Australia’s New Dawn Magazine,, and The Gateway Pundit.

He has been banned from Twitter, Facebook, Paypal and numerous other digital media platforms for telling the truth about Radical Islam and standing strong for President Donald J. Trump’s America First agenda. The Daily Beast has named him “Roger Stone’s Mini-Me” and the Miami New-Times has called him“well dressed and incredibly thin.” Engels has participated in over 500 radio, television, and print interviews across the world.

82 You can follow Engels’ work at or at and, where he is a contributor. He is also on Instagram, @jakeengels.

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