Wimbledon Stadium, Plough Lane, Tooting, SW17 0BL
Agenda Item 11 PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE 21 March 2019 APPLICATION NO. DATE VALID 18/P3354 13/08/2018 Address/Site Wimbledon Stadium, Plough Lane, Tooting, SW17 0BL Ward Wimbledon Park Proposal: Application under Section 73 to vary conditions 3 (approved plans) and 20 (opening hours) and omit conditions 22, 23, 44 and 46 (all relating to café and crèche) attached to LBM planning permission 14/P4361 (football stadium, commercial and residential development). Minor material amendments Commercial - removal of crèche & café, 20 new retail car parking spaces Stadium - internal & external alterations, removal of semi-basement, reduction in car parking, altered cycle parking, condition 20 (opening hours of stadium/shop) reworded to include provision for extra hour opening (until 23.00) as required by the football authorities (matches requiring extra time & penalties) Residential - additional floor on building A.J & infill block between building A.J & A.N (creating 18 new units). increased refuse & cycle facilities, re- positioning building B, alterations to elevations, internal layout & housing mix brings number of units from 604 to 632. Shared ownership increase (60 to 181 - 29%) Drawing Nos SITE_999_000_1001_P3, 098_P3, 099_P3, 100_P3, 101_P3, 102_P3, 103_P3, 104_P3, 105_P3, 106_P3, 107_P3, 108_P3, 109_P3 and 110_P3. SITE_999_000_1011_P3, 1012_P3, 1013_P3, 1014_P3, 1015_P3, 1016_P3, 1017_P3, 1018_P3, Page 145 1019_P3, 1020_P3, 1021_P3, 1022_P3 and 1023_P3. 542-01-010 Rev J, 011 Rev G, 012 Rev E, 013 Rev E, 051 Rev D, 052 Rev C, 053 Rev C, 054 Rev C, 055 Rev C, 056 Rev C, 110 Rev F, 111 Rev F, 151 Rev E, 152 Rev D, 153 Rev D, 154 Rev D and 155 Rev D.
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