A Weekly Journal devoted to the PHENOMENA, PHILOSOPHY and PROGRESS of S P IR IT U A L I SM . RELIGION and REFORM. Entered as Second Class Matter, March 15th, 1929, at the Post Office at Boston, Mass., U.S.A., under the Act of March 3rd, 1S79 (Sec. 397, P.L. and R.).

N o . 2 2 4 7 —V o l . X L I U . F riday, Dec. 1 9 , 1 9 3 0 . Price T w o p e n c e .

MARYLEBONE SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION LTD., QUEEN’S HALL, Langham Place, W.1. North Spiritualist Association, (Limited by Guarantee), Public W orship : Sundays at 0-30. H o r n s e y R d . N. 19 (one minute Hornsey Rd. L.M.S. Stn.)

8UNDAY, Dec, 21st. at 6-30, Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 11, M r . W IL L IA M EDWARDS. M r . ERNEST HUNT, A d d r e s s . A t 7, M r . A M rs. E. J. PULHAM. M r s . E. M. NEVILLE, C lairvoyance . W e d n e sd a y, D ec. 24th. at 8, M iss E. C. CANNON. S u n d a y , D ec. 28th, at 11, S E R V IC E . A t 7, M r s . E. E D E Y . AT HEADQUARTERS: N e w Y e ar ’s E ve, S O C IA L and DAN CE, All friends invited Marylebone House, 42, Russell Square, W.C.1. L yceum every Su n d a y at 3. MEETINGS for PSYCHOMETRY and CLAIRVOYANCE. l>ee Healing every F r id a y at 7. Monday, Dec. 22nd, at 3, Clairvoyance, M rs. E . M. N eville W hist D rive every S atu rd ay at 8. Tuesday, Dec. 23rd, at 7-30, Clairvoyance, M rs. G regg LONDON SPIRITUAL MISSION, 1 j, LECTURES. 13, P e m b iu d o e P lace, B a y s w a t e r , L o n d o n , W. Monday, Dec. 22nd, at 7-30, M rs. E stelle R oberts. Trance Address by “ Red Cloud,” followed by Ques­ tions and Discussion on subject introduced. Su n d a y , D ei;. 21st , at 11, M r . T. W. ELIA. GROUP SEANCES. A t 6-30, M r . ERNEST MEADS. Tuesday, D ec. 23rd, at 7-30 .. .. Mrs. F. K ingstone W e d n e sd a y, Dec. 24th, CLOSED. PRIVATE SITTINGS can be arranged with&the following Mediums : CHURCH OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE, Mrs. E s t e l l e R o b e r t s , M r s . M o r r e l , M r s . E s t a C a s s e l , Qu e e n ’s Gate H alt., H arrington R d., S outh K en ­ Mbs. Ca n n o c k , M r . G lo v f.r B o t h a m , M iss L i l y T h o m a s , sington, L ondon (Close to South Kensington District M r s . B . H ir s t and M r s. A n n ie J o h n s o n , Railway Station). y HEALING. Ever)- Wednesday at 2-30 and 7. and Thursday at 2-30, “M edicine M an,” Control of M r . J ones, will diagnose Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 6-30, HORACE LEAF, F.R.G.S., and give treatment. No charge is made, but a Silver Speaker and Demonstrator. Collection is taken to defray expenses. “ Spiritualism, Man and the Universe.” No Healing on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 24th and 25th LIBRARY. Nearly 2,000 volumes. Open Daily except Saturdays. Freo Healing Service by Qualified Healers, commencing at 8 AN OPPORTUNITY.— A Voluntary Choir is being Sick invited to attend. S ilver Collection. formed for our Q ueen’s Hall Sunday E vening Services under excellent conductorsliip. Apply by letter only to the Secre­ tary. D evelop Y our P sychic G ifts. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS ; Members 10/-, Associates, 1/6 PSYCHOSENSICS. All correspondence to the Secretary, Frank H awkkn. T h e W orld’s B est Course. Send for Pamphlet and Explanatory Literature, with ljd. WIMBLEDON 8PIRITUALIST CHURCH stamp for postage, to (Accepting the Leadership of Jesus Christ), Secretary, P sychosensic T raining I n s t it u t e , 136, H artfikld R oad, W imbledon. S.W .10. J28, St . Stephen’s R o ad, London, W\2. T h e B ook for A ll P sychic Stu d en ts : " Symbols and 8 u n d a y , D ec. 21st, at II, M r . G. F. R O W E L L . Their Interpretation,” by F. B rittain, 1/6, post free, 1/8 A t 6-30, D r. W. J. VANSTONE. W e d n e sd a y , D ec. 24th, CLOSED. I Ch r ist m a s D a y , at 11, H o ly Communion, M r . R. A . B ush An invitation is given to all who love the Lord Jesus. H artm ann’s International D irectory No Healing during Christmas Week. of P sychic S cience and Spiritualism Rochester Square Spiritualist Temple, Camden Road. Camden T own, N.W . Post Free, 5/6.

Sunday, D ec. 21st, a t 11 and 0-45. M bs. T. TIMS, D.N.U. Mo n d a y , at 3, W omen’s Guild . A t 8, Open Circle. Containing lists of Spiritualist Societies in various T h u r s d a y , X m a s D a y , CLOSED. countries. Saturady. at 8, Open Circle. Names and Addresses of Mediums. Healers, Authors, e tc. ®0n d a y , Dec. 28th. at 11 and 0-46, Mbs. I. QULN'EY. Bvery Library should include this excellent reference b o o k Free H ealing : S undays at 3, T uesd ays at 7. L yceum every Su n d a y at 3. THE TWO WORLDS OFFICE, . T H E T W O WORLDS D e c e m b e r 19, 1930



M R S. M E U R IG M O R R IS, Trance Medium,

by her Guide “ POW ER,” every Sunday Evening on


Com m encing SU N DAY, January nth, 1 9 3 1 , a t 6 - 3 0 p . m .

Doors open at 6 p.m.

Vice-Admiral J. C. ARMSTRONG (Chairman), LADY CONAN DOYLE, LAWRENCE COWEN (“ Lesser Columbus”).


There will be a SILVER COLLECTION for the benefit oj Spiritualist Societies and Charities.

THE “ W. T. STEAD” BORDERLAND LIBRARY, BRITISH COLLEGE OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE LTD. 5, Smith Square, Westminster, S.W.1. 15, Q u e e n ’s G a t e , L o n d o n , S.W.7. Tel.: Western 3981 (Entrance in North Street). Telephone : V ic to r ia 0567. H o n . P r i n c ip a l : M r s. Ch a m p io n D e Cr e sp ig n y. H on. Secretary . . .. Miss ESTELLE STEAD. NEW SYLLABUS ON APPLICATION. The Lending Library contains hundreds of books on Psychic subjects. Fully Classified Catalogue, 2s. 7d. Best Equipped Centre for the Study and Demonstratio« of Psychic Science in Britain. PRIVATE APPOINTMENTS. For Particulars of Membership and Experiments apply to Psychic Photography ...... M rs. D e a n e the Secretary. Trance— M rs. G. P . S h a e p l in , M r s. G a r r e t t , M rs. C o o k e , M r s. R o u s, M rs. H . Oa n t l o n . A ddress and D emonstration op Clairvoyance— M iss F r a n c e s C a m p b e l l , M rs. L iv in g s t o n e CLAIRAUDIENCE AND BALLOT READING _ Ou.Ja Board and Automatic Writing—M rs. H e st e r D o w d e n by the Well-known American Medium, M rs. C o r e lli G r e e n , The Library will be CLOSED from December 19th, 1930, REV. W. J. ERWOOD, until January 5th, 1931. A t Q u e e n ’s G a t e H a l l , S o u th K e n s in g t o n , od For New Syllabus and further particulars, apply Secretary T H U R S D A Y , Ja n . 15t h , 1931, at 8 p.m.

T ic k e t s may be had from the College— Members, 2/*. Iron, Wood and Semi- Non-Members, 2 6. Seats will be reserved for 2 6 and 3'*, Permanent Buildings. A Guide to M ediumship. E stimates and D esigns Free. Complete, Bound in Cloth, 6/10. Or Separate Parts, 2/2 each. GINGER, LEE & Co. Ltd., I. —MEDIUMSHIP EXPLAINED. II. —HOW TO DEVELOP MEDIUMSHIP. Longsighc, MANCHESTER. III. —PSYCHICAL SELF CULTURE. SPIRITUALISM IN THE BIBLE, 1/8, or Cloth Bound, M A8 THEY CAME THRO’. A booklet of verse inspirational Just Out. received by Mrs. M. H. W ailih. 86pp. Price 1/8 or Cloth Bound, 2/8. “ Pearls of G reat Price ” All these works by E. W. and M. H. WALLIS. The now bedside book. Selected passages from M.A. Oxon’s Post Free. Prompt despatch. Remittance with ord® “ Spirit Teachings.” Paper, 40pp., 7d. post free. Specimen A pp ly to Mrs. M. H. WALLIS, 83, Stanhope Av., London, copy free to any Ohurcn librarian from Compiler, T wo or to The T wo W orlds Office, Manhcesthr. I W orlds Office.

CHRISTMAS CLEARANCE SALE. The W isdom of the Gods.

Unique opportunity to buy Presents of Psychic B y DENNIS BRADLEY. and General Books offered at Bargain Prices. The Spiritualist Calendar, w ith a large stock of We are offering the remainder of the 1/6 Edition at general Calendars and Xmas Cards on sale. 3/10 p ost paid. a f ------NEW POPULAR EDITION also on stock. 3/10 post pa** PSYCHIC BOOKSHOP, LIBRARY & MUSEUM, 2, ABBEY HOUSE, VICTORIA STREET, 8.W.I. THE TWO WORLDS OFFICE, MANCHESTER. THE TWO WORLDS, D ecember 19, 1930 "Slbe XIwo IHHorlbs An Exponent of the Spiritual Philosophy of the Present Century.

No, 2,247— V ol. XLIII. FRIDAY, December 19, 1930 P rice T wopence

Original Poetry. tinuity of life after death, then it was only reasonable commonsense to think that there must be evidence of the CHRISTMAS EVE. fact, that the bonds of love and affection between those who had gone and those who remained should bo linked by Man faces night, sure in the hope of morning. communication. The critical minds of the world had He lives through storm, certain of future calm : entered into the examination of those phenomena, and had Through M ar to peace, past sunset— towards the dawning endeavoured to prove that it was normal and natural to Of sweet “ To-morrow,” fresh with nascent charm. get into communication with those who once lived. Truth His slumbering soul awakened by the voices was the one thing in the world that persisted, and the Of ghosts immortal— hailing Christmas Morn, greater the number of those who searched for truth, the A day of Victory— Heaven itself rejoices sooner it would be established. The title of the speaker’s When spirit conquers flesh, and Christ is born. address, said the Chairman, bore upon the interpretation of those phenomena that were in existence, and he* would — S. F r e a k le y -B iuttain. give his point of view after a wealth of experience. ______» H is t o r y o f P h e n o m e n a . In his address on “The Implications of Our Pheno­ MANCHESTER PROPAGANDA mena” Air. Alclndoe said he used the word Spiritualist MEETINGS. advisedly, rather than psycliic, because Spiritualist phe­ nomena involved ultimately the proof of man’s survival after death, and psychic phenomena did not necessarily involve any such interpretation. He was not concerned that night with the history of these phenomena, nor with their universality, nor with the means by which they were produced, nor with their reality. Their reality had been established in the minds of all serious investigators beyond the shadow of a doubt. What he wanted to ask his hearers was. assuming that these phenomena were true, w'hat did they involve and imply for us ? Table-tilting, planchette, trumpet-speaking, apports, clairvoyance and clairaudionco were interesting phenomena to those who had an interest in them : some were of supreme value, others were appar­ ently meaningless and perplexing (apports, for instance). Some of those to whom phenomena were manifested found them almost a drag upon them, a lxindrance rather than a help in the struggle for existence. And yet, of the import­ ance of the phenomena there could be no doubt. The immense literature devoted to them wras sufliciont evidence of that. The Bible and other scriptures were full of records of them. They were prominent in the early history of all T he meeting at the Ardwick Picture Theatre on Sun­ great religions, and in the lives of the great religions tea­ day, Dec. 7th, was addressed by Air. J. B. Mclndoe, of chers. They were prominent in the early Christian Church, and the main features in the lives of the medieval saints. ', President of the Spiritualists’ National Union. Schopenhauer, contradicting much of what he had written His subject was “ The Implications of Our Phenomena.” in his early life, ttnally accepted the phenomena as proven. Air. Clement Stott, .T.P., was the chairman, and said, Myers declared that, but for psychic phenomena, in twenty- as one who read something of the Alovement throughout five years’ time there would be no one living who would the world, it had impressed itself upon liim that in almost believe in the resurrection of Jesus. But, because of the every country the Movement had now' established itself. psychic phenomena, in twenty-five years’ time there W'ould To all of us there came sooner or later reflections upon the be no intelligent person who did not believe in His resur­ mystery of life. We came into the w'orld, we reached rection. Dr. William McDougall, who probably ranked maturity, and then the hand of death came. When we as the world’s leading psychologist, said that a wave of reached maturity the thought which impressed itself upon materialism was sweeping over the world, and particularly us was that we were in the process of dying. Our organs over America, and he declared that no religion and no sys­ diminshed in their functioning powers ; life itself began to tem of ethics was capable of withstanding that wave of ooze from us, and there came the thought as to what would materialism. The only thing capable of doing so was the happen when dissolution had taken place, and the spirit findings of psychical research. had left the body. Was there a continuation ? The phy­ sical body, said the Chairman, was only a cloak for our per­ Scientists’ F indings. sonality. Alost of uà had been brought up within the scope In his book “ The Will to Believe" Dr. William .Tames of one or other of the religious bodies, and we were taught referred, said the speaker, to the possibility of telepathy. from infancy that there was a continuity of life. It seemed It had been said that if Epstein found that telepathy was strange, he said, that any one of the religious organisations true, people should combine to suppress such knowledge. of the w'orld should challenge the Spiritualist Movement in A German psychologist, writing about the same time, in its claim that it had established evidence of that continuity. similar terms, said that if ever telepathy were proved to bo We were taught that after death our souls persisted in the true, it would involve a crack in the physical universe. future world, and the Spiritualist had come along and said Professor Alexander, recently knighted, and a leading that there was evidence of the fact. If there was con- philosopher, in “Space, Time, and Deity,” said : “ If ever 80« THE TWO WORLDS December 19, 1930

science should find convincing proof that the mind survives qualities, or forms of energy, unknown to orthodox science, the body which here subserves it, T must admit that it will We could see objects moving without visible contact of anv be necessary that the whole doctrine of this book will have kind, and the movement of an object implied the t ransfer (o be re-cast, and so far as I see it at present, ultimately of energy somewhere. It sometimes took place wrnion destroyed.” Small things often led to great results. an y ectoplasm , w hich was often the m ethod o f transmitting Galvani originated the science of electricity because he energy to them. It responded directly sometimes to the observed the twitching of the muscles of a dead frog’s leg. influence of thought. Thought results could be produced Columbus saw a branch of an unknown tree floating in t he upon a photographic plate, a phenomenon wliicli had been water, and was encouraged to discover a new continent. definitely established. And there was evidence of a similar An old French chemist found in his laboratory a photo­ power of another kind in the case of the healing medium, graphic plate with markings which he could not understand, when some kind of vital energy (his own or from an ex­ but when lie investigated he found that the plate had been traneous soutce) passed through him ; energy directed to, lying amongst some comparatively worthless material, and the restoration to health of some sufferer. found that there were rays from pitchblende, which en­ T he Mental A spect. abled photographs to be taken by that means, and Madame Speaking upon the mental aspect, Mr. Mclndoe said Curie and Dr. Rutherford had produced a complete revolu­ the mind suggested that it could control energy and matter. tion in our ideas of matter and energy. Dr. Rutherford, We found qualities and power in the mind of which the old writing of these discoveries, said that all that, lie had regar­ psychology knew nothing. We found powers of percep­ ded as most solid had been dissolved into tiny specks float­ tion. One mind could influence another mind, independent ing in the void. Since his investigations more advanced of the channels of sense. There was evidence of the power physicists and theorists, dealing with phenomena, presented of tlie mind to function temporarily, apart from the brain a scheme of things hi us in which electrons, and all that through w hich it norm ally operated, and the Spiritualist we thought of as matter, were represented as being no­ phenom ena show ed th at w e were m uch greater creatures, thing but dim reflections of vibrations moving to and fro with more powerful and more wonderful minds, than we throughout the universe ; as it were, the mere shadows of should otherwise know we had. It was possible even for shadows. What a shadowy thing the physical universe the mind to function after the brain bad ceased to exist. was ; it was entirely an obstruction, but it was linked Science must admit a great deal more, but the minimum with consciousness. Thus consciousness was restored to was that mind persisted after death. Dr. Mitchell had its fundamental position ; in place of representing it as declared when speaking to the British Association at some unessential phenomenon found occasionally in organic that mind persisted rather than survived. He did not matter in a late stage of its evolutionary history. Even if believe that the mind survived in the full sense of the term the consciousness was not the phenomenon that Huxley — knowing, willing, and feeling. Spiritualist phenomena, described it. it was the essential factor, the vital thing in continued th e lecturer, n ot on ly p roved th a t m ind persis­ all phenomena. And it was because Spiritualist pheno­ ted, but wa had evidence of a progressive development and mena w’as concerned with aspects of consciousness other expansion of the mind and personality after death. There than those of perception t hat it was of supreme importance. was convincing proof of the identity of the communicating One of the first things which science had to teach men individual. Conditions in that other life were in many was to distrust the evidence of their own senses, and some respects markedly different from and more acceptable than modern scientists, who pretended to indulge in scientific those which have been proclaimed in orthodox religion. research, refused to accept it, even when backed up by We went to the place which we had prepared ourselves other evidence. Our senses, said Mr. Mclndoe, give us a to occupy, and we would reap what we had sown. Xo partial and incomplete and erroneous view. Psychic phe­ one was eternally lost: the path of progress was open to nomena give us a truer concept of Nature and of ourselves all who would tread it. and of the universe. Phenomena required tim e; ttyoy We got a greater and wider and nobler picture of our­ occurred in space, and were concerned with changes in selves and our place in that world. We must use our experi­ matter, and these all involved a transfer of energy. Our physical senses told us nothing of time : we only knew of ence in the service of others : we were in a measure respon­ sible for the condition of our brother-men. These phe­ time by the passage of events. Events, he said, could not nomena implied for us a greater reverence for that Supreme affect the physical senses until they occurred, and yet, although we could predict, by logical processes, that cer­ and Benign Intelligence manifesting through them, and gave us a fuller concept of His purpose in life for us. and <>f tain events would occur, our psychic phenomena gave us that Destiny towards which He hail created us. ample evidence of another quality of perception possessed by many people. Time, therefore, must have some aspects Surely too this wider, grander view of Nature, this which our physical senses did not make us aware of. The more inspiring concept of ourselves as spiritual beings, in French proverb, “ Time stands still, it is we who move on,” v olved in ou r phenom ena, m ust needs im ply for us a greater the speaker thought was a truer concept of time than the reverence for the Supreme Inteligence whose beneficent one we customarily had. purposes we see manifesting in all Nature, anil a desire to co-operate with some measure at least of understanding >n Si’ack, Matter and Energy. the fulfilment of His purposes, as we-travel towards that Our physical senses told us nothing of space, except as destiny towards which He has created us, which we can t hat which separated masses of material, but if those masses best describe in the words uttered of old, “ Eye liath not of material were not there we would not know that space seen, ear hath not heard, nor hath it entered into the heart existed, whilst in regard to matter, our physical senses of man to conceive the things which the Father hath pre­ revealed it as that which had certain chemical and physical pared for llis children.” qualities which science had tabulated, and could estimate Miss Queenie Hall (soprano) beautifully rendered the and could predict, and which were always found existing songs “ Teach Me to Live” and “ Song of Thanksgiving, in similar pieces of matter. Rut Spiritualist phenomena her efforts being heartily applauded. revealed other kinds of matter, of which orthodox science knew nothing ; it revealed living matter called ectoplasm, capable of being moulded directly by thought and intelli­ gence. Other phenomena suggested to us the possibility The Battersea Spiritualist .Church celebrated it* of solid matter passing through solid matter, without going eighth birthday with a social and dance on Saturday. Nov- through any process of deformation. It was only through 29th, at Bennerley Hall, Bennerlev Road, when an effort these psychic phenomena that we knew anything of these was made to raise funds on behalf of the Church Building facts. Fund. At recent meetings the church has been over­ Energy we knew of as that which caused all phe­ crowded. and many people have had to be refused admis­ nomena. We knew it was potential. And heat, light, sion, and the Society is anxious to meet the demand. A electricity, magnetism, and other forms were all convertible, very happy and harmonious evening was spent, and • !'e into one another. The ¡Spiritualist phenomena revealed various entertainments were well received. D e c e m b e r 19, 1930 T H E T W O WORLD8 807

“ RF.FLECTOGRAPH ” IN HOLLAND hoped it. will be operated without a special medium,as it works by an invisible fluid gathered from the sitters. With By H arry V an W alt. this instrument, too. wo had excellent results. I ought to add that with few exceptions the sitters who i During a recent visit to Ixjndon my wife and I (through took part in the experiments wore personal frionds. They [kind courtesy of the W. T. Stead Library) were intro- all belonged to the best circles of Holland. Wo were able ted to Mr. B. K. Kirkby and Mrs. L. E. Singleton, of to introduce our British friends to many titled ladies and Bdedon Park. London, and we were much impressed gentlemen— the Comraander-in-Chief of one of our Colonial Si her mediumship. English readers will be conversant Armies, doctors, lawyers, and well-known authors. They 1 the “ Reflcctograph,” which Mr. Kirkby under spirit all admired the charm and personality of Mrs. Singleton, Hence and guidance has perfected, as well as with the and the open character of Mr. Kirkby, and agreed that the ter instrument, the “ Communigraph,” a description of task which these workers had taken upon their shoulders ich appeared in T he T wo W orlds of Nov. 28th. Our deserved the gratitude of all who realise the importance of itor there described how he got into touch with one of his the spread of spiritual truth. leased friends by means of this scientifically constructed ehanical instrument. Mrs. Van Walt and myself were impressed by the description of this new invention that invited Mr. Kirkby and Mrs. Singleton to Holland as our ANOTHER EXPOSURE. sts, for the ¡jurpo.se of holding a series of sittings at our isc. Spiritualism in Holland is very strongly developed, A man known as Mr. Stirling Campbell has circularised Iwe felt that successful experiments with such an instru- a number of our Societies seeking engagements as a direct st would prove to be an important event in the history voice medium. Ilis circulars stated that he was one of the Spiritualism in this country. best mediums in London.” Many Societies have appealed The visit took place at the end of last month, and I am to us for information concerning his bona-fides, and we con­ ised to report that the sittings met with the greatest pos- sequently made inquiries with a view to ascertaining fe success. Dutch investigators are very critical, but whether or not he was known in the district in which ho (evidences which came through during the sittings were moved. We are unable to obtain any information concern­ thoroughly genuine and ovei-whelming that even the ing him whatever, and not a single reference was offered as ptical had to admit they could not be explained by sub- to his possession of mediumship. iscious action nor by the animistic or dynamic theories We have, therefore, no hesitation in publishing the often put forward. appended record of seances which were held on the 26th of On the evening of the arrival of our guests a small 1 ovember and the 4th of December, which go to show that Option was held, to which all prospective sitters were Mr. Stirling Campbell was definitely detected in deceit. If rited. in order that they might get acquainted with our in the face of tho subjoined report, Mr. Stirling Campboll hors, and after an introductory speech of welcome by still claims that he possesses mediumship for materialisa­ F*lf, Mrs. Singleton passed into the trance state, and tion and the direct voice, wo can only suggest that he place • C. Jobson, the spirit friend and guide who is largely himself in the charge of a committee at the British College ponsible for the “ Reflectograph,” spoke for about an of Psychic Science (or other recognised centre of research), nr. The address took the form of a survey of Spirit- where his claim will be examined under test conditions. Ban in general, and Mrs. Singleton followed this with In the interests of a clean Spiritualism we have no He clairvoyant descriptions, after which the audience hesitation in publishing the subjoined report in order that lened with pleasure to a gramophone record of one of Sir Spiritualist Societies and Churches may be placed on thoir thur Conan Doyle’s lectures, which carried our minds guard.— Editor. 4 to his visit to our country some seven months before In consequence of numerous reports, a sitting was transition. arranged with Stirling Campbell at 22, St. John’s Road, It would occupy too much space to describe every sit- Holders Green, at the house of Mr. Hirst, on Wednesday, s held during the following week. Suffice it to say that the 26th of ovember. All the sitters agreed that there was fcceived evidence of the eagerness of those who had gone not one genuine manifestation, but notliing was said to tho tore to communicate with us, and every seance was a medium, and a further sitting arranged for the following ress. Both through the “ Reflectograph” and the “ Com- Thursday, the 4th December, at which all tho undersigned toigraph” we received messages in Dutch. I was privi- wore present. ed to hold for some time the fully materialised hand of The electric light was extinguished, and Mr. Campbell : little daughter, w ho passed on som e ten years ago, offered an invocation, and then asked for a hymn. “ On­ tohed the hand and fondled it all over, and it gradually ward, Christian Soldiers,” was sung. The first “ voice ” Materialised whilst I was still holding it. The shape claimed to be “ Rama,” his guide, who greeted us in Hin­ ®tae gradually more vague, and it slowly faded into a dustani, which was interpreted by the medium, who had *i of vapour. We have again heard her voice and real- already mentioned that he had lived in India. “ Rama ” d the delight of hearing her tell her parents after all these asked whether there was anything we wanted. Mr. Bar- that “ There is no death. 1 am with you till we meet banell asked whether it was possible to have a “ materialisa­ *n.” Many of the sitters received communications from tion ” similar to the previous sitting ? “ Rama ” said it beloved ones, and whilst many of these messages came was not possible, but he would arrange one for tho next °>igh in English, they were very often rendered in Dutch. sitting. seemed to be some difficulty in getting the messages The next “ voice ” claimed to be Jock McKay. Speak­ ij%'h in this language, as the Dutch spirits had first, to ing in a Scottish accent, he asked for a livelier tune, and ,rev the words to “ Ethel” (the little spirit guide whose started “ Roaming in the Gloaming,” and accompanied us ferialised hands tou ched the keys o f the “ R eflecto- throughout. The trumpet came to Mr. Barbanell, and a Pb” ), and when one considers the difference between the voice said, “ Hamid, the life-giver, I am concerned about kh and English languages, the difficulty of the guide is your welfare. I want you to repeat my name ton times understandable. The fact, however, that the mes- every night, H— A— M— I— D,” and gave detailed breathing 68 came through correctly is a remarkable testimony to exercises. Mr. Barbanell thanked him, and “ Rama ” said, efficiency of both the guide and the instrument. Mr. “ He is your guide, and a very high spirit, Mr. Hirst,” (It Stead and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle greeted friends is necessary to explain that at the first sitting Mr. Campbell toigst the sitters, and in the case of Sir Arthur it is nota­ erroneously assumed that Mr. Barbanell was Mr. Hirst, and ry that a Dutch medium, with excellent clairvoyant notliing was said to disillusion him.) “ He will develop refs, sat at my left hand, and just before Sir Arthur' you.” “ What for ? ” “ For public speaking,” he replied. *ed his message, this medium said to me, “ I see Sir “ Thank you very much,” said Mr. Barbanell, “ for I am bur Conan Doyle standing by the instrument.” vry nervous in public.” We had a private sitting with the “ Communigraph,’* The trumpet moved in the direction of Mr. Challis, and being the instrument which is so sensitive that it is a “ voice ” distinctly said “ Hairy,” which Mr. Challis 808 THE TWO WORLDS D e c e m b e r 19, 19 3 0

acknowledged, although his real name is Arthur, and asked, PROGRESS IN INDIA. “ Is there a message ? ” The “ voice ” said, “ Dear.” Another sitter suggested it might be his mother. Tmmedia- ately the voice said, “ Mother, dear.” Mr. Challis thanked A USEFUL MISSION. tho “ voice,” and said it was the first time of communica­ tion, with which the “ voice ” agreed. “ Is Dick there ? ” M r . V. D. R is h i, accompanied by his wife, has sp< ho asked. Immediately the same voice said it was “ Dick. three weeks on a mission tour, which included a visit Can you feel my materialised hand ? ” At tho same time Panna, Allahabad, and Nasik. Panna is the capital of a hand touched Mr. Ohallis’s hand. important district in Central India, and the ruler of t Tho trumpet came in Mr. Barbanell’s direction, and it territory interested himself in obtaining first-hand infom was followed by a hand touching his knees. Soon after he tion regarding Spiritualism, and was a party to sevs saw an illuminated hand moving towards him. This was experiments in spirit communication. Mr. Rishi’s lank clearly seen by Mrs. Glenn on his left and Mrs. Ridley on his lecture on spirit photography was attended by Ilis liigha) right. His suspicions confirmed, Mr. Barbauell took the and the Officers of State, w ho seem ed m uch impressed! illuminated hand in his loft hand and held it, simultaneously the facts. A number of private seances followed, which switching on an electric torch with his right hand. This was was claimed were very successful in demonstrating t immediately followed by Mr. Sedler switching on his electric return of spirits. torch also. Both torches revealed Mr. Barbanell holding At Allahabad a lecture was arranged in the Law Hosi Mr. Campbell’s left hand, and his (Mr. Campbell’s) right of the University, and Professor Moghnath Shah, a di hand holding the trumpet to his mouth. Immediately he tinguished physicist, presided. The meeting was large dropped the trumpet, and a look of consternation appeared attended by students, many of whom were new to the sd on his face. He hesitated, hold his stomach, and said, ject. and showed anxiety to witness a demons ration 1 “ You’ve hurt my solar plexus. I’m done.” A few moments spirit return. On the day following the meeting a nuinbj later he stood up and lit a cigarette, and immediately all of inquirers waited upon Mr. Rishi with a view to obtain» the sitters accused him of fraud. The identity of the various information for the purpose of conducting personal expel sitters was then disclosed. Mr. Campbell began to bluster ments. One of the results of this visit to Allahabad wastli protesting innocence, and asked our intentions. He was revival of the Spiritualist Society under the presidency! informed that this exposure would be published. A search Pandit Dwarka Prasad Chaturvadi. was suggested by some of the sitters, to which he readily T w o days were; spent in Nasik. Several interest» assented, but it was considered that such a search would discussions took place. A private seance was held with tl bo valueless, and would have no bearing on the alleged Postmaster, who obtained satisfactory communication froi phenomena which had taken place. Had there been a re­ one of his near relatives. petition of the so-called “ materialisations ” of the previous “The Allahabad Pioneer” published an interest« sitting, a search would then have been valuable. article on Mr. Rishi’s visit. The undersigned are also agreed on tho following :— Mr. Rishi says: “ During our visit to Allahabad* had the pleasure of meeting an eminent advocate who tel There was no evidence of any psychic phenomena at us that lie had been getting remarkable messages throuj this sitting. the mediumsliip of his daughter, the communicating spiri All the alleged “ spirit voices ” were obviously Mr. being his wife, who passed over six months before.” MS Cam pbell’s. of tho inquirers seemed obsessed with the idea of immedi/t All the trumpet manipulations, which were never out re-birth, and could not understand the possibility of spii of his range, were accomplished by him. communication, and Mr. Rishi was able to clear the grout The hand seized by Mr. Barbanell was illumined by the by quotations from the sacred books. phospherene from the interior of the wide end of the trumpet Mr. Rishi is evidently doing excellent work in It is interesting to mention that Mr. Challis’s mother and we congratualte him. upon his propaganda. is still alive.

The sitting commenced at 8-55 p.m., the exposure ------V ------occurred at 9-30 p.m. The trumpet used was made of cardboard, in three PALMERSTON CHRISTIAN TEMPLE. sections, the exterior being covered by an adhesive black material resembling sateen. The sole source of illumination T he opening and dedication service of the above TemP was the phospherene already referred to. The trumpet took place on Sunday evening, Nov. 3'Otli, the speaker ben when extended measured approximately three feet. Mr. Arthur Keith, who gave a very inspiring and power* Signed : Mr. F. Hawken, Mrs. A. Hawken, Mr. A. address, followed by convincing clairvoyance. The 1* Challis, Mrs. M. Challis, Mrs. I. Glenn, Mrs. H. J. Ridley. was crowded, many persons standing throughout the * Mrs. B. Hirst, Mr. A. 0. Hirst, Mr. R. J. O. Hirst, Mr. j. vice, whilst a great number had to be turned away thro« Sedler, Mr. M. Barbanell. lack of accommodation. An after-meeting was also pack* and a surprising number of people came forward wishing become members of the Temple. A n Inquiry.— Spiritualists who have just removed to ------Broadstairs, Kent, would be glad to meet Spiritualists in that locality with a view to interchange of ideas, or would bo glad to join a private circle. Communications to the Gltow as the flower grows, unconsciously, but eage* Editor will receive attention. anxious to open its soul to the air. So must you press fa ward to open your soul to the Eternal.— M. C. B o u r n e m o u t h .— On Sunday, Nov. 30th, Bourne­ mouth (Charminster Road) Spiritualist Mission was again W k give w elcom e to a cop y o f "D a w n .” a fortnigbj honoured by a visit from Mr. A. Nickels, of Luton. The journal published at Krislita Ivunj, Hyderhabad (S' services were well attended, the audience having a real India the object of which appears to be to spread the th­ good time. The subject for the morning was based upon ings of T. L. Vaswani. Mr. Vaswani’s lectures outline® ideal thinking, and gave one much food for thought, and religion of the spirit as revealed in the lives and teach®! if every individual would strive to carry out the thoughts in the great scriptures, not only of India, but of the wnj which Mr. Nickels and his inspirers gave, the kingdom of world. Mr. Vaswani emphasises the need for a praC”j heaven would soon surely be established upon earth. faith, and claims that while Hinduism has a philo50™ In the evening “ The Busy Life After Death” appealed to . second to none, there is a call to present it along progr®^ the romantic and Utopian side of one’s make-up. On the lines and in a more practical form. The journal sh Monday evening also the interest of the audience was wel- have a useful field of work, not only in the East, by e»u* sustained by Mr. Nickels relating his experiences in the attention to the practical side of life, but in the W cs»J Spiritualist movement. Certainly one felt greatly up­ calling attention to the splendid idealism embodied be lifted and filled with aspirations as they left the church. the ritual of Hiduism. December 19, 1930 THE TWO WORLDS 809

LITERATURE OF SPIRITUALISM. S e c o n d S e t . “ Human Personality,” by F. W. 11. Myers. Longmans' 3s. (Id- B y O u r R e v ie w e r . “ Spirit Teachings,” by Stainton Moses. L.S.A. Publica­ THERE was on ce a time when the critics of Spiritualism tions, Os. “ Phantom Walls,” by Sir Oliver Lodge, iiodder A Stough­ re wont to bleat, when forced into a comer, “ Yes 1 B u t Hat is so. why are there so few books on your subject ? ton , 5s. “ Researches Into Spiritualism,” by Sir Wm. Crookes. T h e iu have no real literature ? ” To-day, when wo look T w o W orlds Publisliing Co. L td ., 3s. tld. rough the publishers’ catalogues and read their announce- “ Arcana of Spiritualism,” by Hudson Tuttle. T h e T w o W orlds Publishing Co. Ltd., Os. The truth is that the publishing trade has long ago “ Man’s Survival After Death,” by Rev. 0. L. Tweedalo. discovered ” Spiritualism. Publishers do not print books Grant Richards, IDs. Od. tich no one will read— they publish books about the things “ Psychic Certainties,” by II. P. Battersby. Rider, 5s. ople are interested in and are likely to buy. Spiritualism “ Life Beyond Death, with Evidence,” by Rev. C. D. to day growing so fast and exciting so much attention Thomas. Collins, 5s. i»t it has become one of their most valued markets. Nearly All the books by Sir Oliver Lodge and Mr. Arthur .1. wyone wants to know whether he is going to flicker out Hill treat the scientific side of Spiritualism with thorough­ death like Sir Arthur Keith’s candle, or whether there is ness and interest, while the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle future life. The publishers know this, and hastou to are perhaps the most popular expositions of Hie religious pply the need. I Scores of people who are entering Spiritualism to day aspect. ish into circles and seances without the slightest knowledge I the subject. “ Was it a mistake ? ” they ask afterwards. BAZAAR AT HYDE. Fell, people do not try to solve the most intricate problems (mathematics before they learn how to add ; they do not T h e Hyde Spiritualist Church held a Christmas Fair 7 to write before they have learnt the alphabet. If the on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5th and 0th, when the pro­ ime view were taken by beginners in Spiritualism, many ceeds were devoted to the Church Building Fund. Their (the so-called “ pitfalls ” and “ dangers ” would disappear. Church has cost the local Spiritualists £1300, of which £850 It can no longer be said that there is no comprehensive has already been paid off, but the Society is still £500 in sychic literature. The fact is, there are to-day too many debt. As a result of the bazaar it is hoped that at least sychic books. Scores of investigators who have obtained another £00 will be wiped off the debt. few convincing experiences have felt it their duty to publish Mr. R. Hunter, of Manchester, opened the bazaar on hem in book form, and attempts are made to circulate these Friday and Mi-. George North, of Hyde, on Saturday. The illumes extensively. Such authors are by no means effort was very well supported. authorities ” ; they have often but a limited acquaint- ______An*______uce with the subject, and it is not to be wondered t hat in 1 vC the end their books are usually disposed of as pulp. The fader who is anxious to learn from his reading should avoid DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES ADOPTED BY THE bse private publications, or, at least, buy only those books NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST ASSOCIATION, U.S.A. rhich are written by authorities and men of experience. One often overhears the criticism, “ But good psychic 1. We believe in Infinite Intelligence. kooks are so dear.” If this is true, the remedy surely lies 2. We believe that- the phenomena of nature, both in the hands of those who complain— buy only the moder­ physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite In­ ately priced books, and leave the others alone. It is untrue telligence. 3. We affirm that a correct understanding of such to say that there no reliable cheap books dealing with Spirit- expression, and living in accordance therewith, constitute aalism. There are plenty on the market which - no dearer true religion. than the average novel, but which are classics in their way. 4. We affirm that the existence and personal identity Spiritualism is one of the most fascinating studies which of the individual continue after the change called death. ten engage man’s attention. The place of books in Spiritu- 5. We atlirm tliat communication with the so-called »lism is surely important— it is a source of help and guid- dead is a fact, sei.v lM iLaliy proven by the phenom ena o nice to the inquirer, a means of support and a guide along Spiritualism. the path of investigation. 0. We believe tliat the highest morality is contained For the benefit of those who are unacquainted with the in the Golden Rule: “ Whatsoever ye would that others literature o f Spiritualism , bu t w ho are anxious to have should do unto you, do ye also unto them.” suggestions for the building of a good psychic library at a 7. We affirm the moral responsibility of the individual, moderate cost, 1 append herewith two library sets. The and that ho makes his own happiness or unhappiness as lie first works out at a very moderate expense, but the second obeys or disobeys Nature’s physical and spiritual laws. is a little more costly. Both, however, may be said to intro­ 8. We atlirm that the doorway to reformation is never duce the subject fairly thoroughly. closed against any humau soul here or hereafter. F irst Set. "The Mental Phenomena of Spiritualism,” by Rev. C. I). ------o ------Thomas. L.S.A. Publications, Is. “ The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism,” by Stanley Do P r o p o s e d Co n a n D o y l e M e m o r ia l . —One of the first Brath. L.S.A. Publications, Is. contributions received by the Hon. Treasurer of the Conan “ Demonstrated Survival : Its Influence on Science, Philo­ Doyle Memorial Fund was a subscription of £20 from Mr. sophy and Religion,” by Sir Oliver Lodge. L.S.A. Oscar Slater. Publications, Is. ‘‘A Spirit Messenger Speaks.” —-This book was pub­ " Spiritualism for the Student and Investigator.” Lyceum lished by the late Miss Foam, founder and President of the U nion, Is. Worthing Church. The messages were given by Miss “ Objections to Spiritualism Answered,” by H. A. Dallas. Foam’s sister in spirit life, through the mediumship of Mrs. T he T wo W orlds Publishing Co. Ltd., Is. K. Fillmore, and were intended to help inquirers. The late “ Spiritualism in the Bible.” by E. W. & M. H. Wallis. Miss Fearn came from a family of psychics, and at one time | T he T wo W orlds Fublisliing Co. Ltd., Is. (Id. had the records of raa-iv years’ psychic investigations. “ Spiritualists’ Reader,” by Sir A. Conan Doyle. T h e T w o Unfortunately they w- ■ lo s t., or the world would have been W orlds Publishing Co. Ltd., 3s. fid. richer by the compil-Aion of records of wonderful physical “ Spiritualism : A Philosophy of Life,” by W. H. Evans. phenomena, carried oat in full daylight sometimes, an;! at T h e T w o W orlds Publishing Co. Ltd-, Is. all times in the light. 810 THE TWO WORLDS D ecemuer 19, 1930

NEWSY NOTES. for compliments. No real effort was made to e.stablii iden tity or to put the seance upon evidential ground». Air. Price simply chatted and chatted and chatted, whil T itles f o r A l l ! Conan Doyle, I suppose, kept Ins tongue in his cheek If some Rip Van Winkle^who was bom one hundred “ Three or four years ago I was asked to lecture in you years ago, and who had fallen asleep in the usual way, were stead at Copenhagen and Denmark,” said Mr. Price. "As to awaken from his slumbers iu this year of grace, he would you went a Scandinavian tour just before you passed ova do you think the tour was the direct cause of your death,oi be astounded, at lirst sight, at the scholarly age in which he had anything to do with that event ?” What has Mr, lived. Of course, when he had met some of the “ scholars” Price’s trip got to do with the question ? “ A month or so he would begin to doubt their scholarship : later, when he before you passed over you wrote a letter to the ‘ Evening had tested them, his fears would invariably be confirmed. Standard ’ praising the work the National Laboratory is Nowadays, grown-up children love to play the game of d oin g ,” said Air. Price. “ D o you still consider that the “ make believe” in daily life. Newspapers and magazines, scientific investigation of phenomena is necessary ?” It especially those which come from America, carry scores of should be mentioned that Air. Price is the Director of the advertisements from various “ Professors” and “ Scientists” National Laboratory, lie is here seen putting the fact calling attention to their claims. To-day anybody can be on record. a “Professor” who has gazed into someone else’s crystal, grown hair on someone else's head, or sat in someone else’s T h e Q u e s t io n s . circle, and declared “ I cannot explain Spiritualism, but I am convinced that it is either telepathy, subconsciousness, Air. Price asked Conan Doyle if all his spirit messages hallucination, or fraud 1” Then he is considered a learned were genuine. “ Can you tell me why you left so little to man, and issues cards printed with “ Professor” before his the Spiritualist Societies ?” ho asked. Other questions name and funny letters after it. One out of every eight were : “ Is it your wish that your son Denis should assume people you moot to-day is a self-appointed “ scientist” of your place ?” “ What forrrl would you prefer your Alemo- some kind or other. Titles have become so cheap that I rial to take ?” “ Can you tell us anything of your life or your have more than onco been called a vegetarian because I present condition ?” “What do you think will be the prefer cauliflower to chicken. Yet I eat beef 1 future o f Spiritualism in this coun try ? ” A representative of the “ Pall Mall’ who accompanied Mr. Price to the sitting asked : “ Might 1 ask which of the characters you have S ir A r t h u r ’ s R e t u r n . created you liked best?” These thoughts occurred to me as I was reading an • article by “the foremost Investigator of psychic pheno­ S cientific 1 mena” which is to appear in the January number of Nash s It is the funniest scientific investigation ever placed on “Pall Mall Magazine,” a copy of which the Editor has record. All Air. Price’s talk about how spirits should tie kindly allowed me to see in advance. The scientist in ques­ subjected to critical, scientific test reminds me of the man tion is Mr. Harry Price, a man who is known to Spiritualists who went out to “ expose” a haunted house, and who van and psychic researchers as the founder of an institution away when the phantoms appeared. Of course, Air. Price which occasionally brings Continental mediums to sit in is not convinced that it was really Conan Doyle he was London with celebrities under unique conditions. The speaking to— but who would ? No effort was made to test article is entitled “ The Return of Conan Doyle,” and is the spirit. A five years old Lyceumist could have con­ introduced as follows : “ Sir Arthur and Mr. Price were old ducted the affair as well. Air. Price finishes his “scien­ antagonists in life, the one a Spiritualist, the other a scien­ tific record” perfectly by offering the suggestion that “the tific investigator. . . This, we are further told, is a views of the entity calling itself Doyle were emanations “ scientific record” of Sir Arthur's return. Presumably, it from the brain of the living Doyle which had in some way will therefore bear examination. become crystallised.” You m u s t read this article ; every Spiritualist should have it. It is one o f the m ost amusing T h e I ntroduction . “ scientific” investigations that has ever been performed. Mr. Price takos some 2,400 words to introduce his sub­ ject— Sir Arthur’s return. “ I decided I would find the best C h r is t m a s — ■— possible medium, and see what happened,” lie says, des­ “ Christians, Awake ! Salute the happy morn.” Well, cribing the forthcoming experiment. “ Fortunately, I was Xmas is hero again, and I have been reflecting on the inner in the happy position of having the world’s best mental meaning of some of the carols and hymns which are used mediums to choose from” (!) Eventually, after having by the orthodox churches at this season. “ Sing, choirs of searched the world, Mr. Prico decided to walk across the angels,” they will sing, “sing in exultation.” “ Angels road and book a sitting with Mrs. Eileen Garrett, a well- from the realm of glory, wing your flight o’er all the earth- known London medium. Air. Price proceeds to relate his will be sung, and we shall hear “ Hark the heral t angel* “ scientific” attitude towards Spiritualism ; how he insists sing I” Who are these angels ? Perhaps, too, there is a that mediums should sit under test conditions, and the need liidden m eaning in the o ld song w hich will be sung round the for capable investigation. Certain allegations are made fireside— “ Should auld acquaintance be forgot ?” I wonder about Sir Arthur which are most misleading, as. for instance, how many members of the orthodox churches think of “ Doyle was content to forego any proper control of a me­ what they sing ? The hymnals are full of Spiritualistic dium” — a statement which, to say the least, is questionable. thoughts and sentiments. But surely Air. Price will show Spiritualists how a medium should be controlled ? Well, iu this article you see him ■An d S piritualism . a t work. I think the most happy firesides at Christmas-tide are Spiritualist ones, and there is no d ou b t th at ou r arisen T h e A rticle. friends do join us at this season. Our rejoicing can be more I wish 1 had the space—and the permission— to quote complete than that of others. It lias, too, a different it in full. It records one of the most amusing “ scientific” moaning. Christians generally agree tliat December 25th investigations I have ever known. A spirit pm-porting to was the birthday of Christ, when, as a matter of fact, that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle came through, and a very enter­ date was ouly decided upon lie cause it had always been taining conversation ensued, in which there was an ex­ celebrated by the heathens as the day of the re-birth of change of compliments and witticisms, and Air. Price (des­ their god, Sol. The day was established, and the Christian pite all his previous talk about science and scientific inves­ Church merely took it over. Spiritualists should look upon tigation) showed himself either undesirous or liopelessly Christmas-tide as the special day for rejoicing over the fact incapable of exercising any type of control. He con­ that human survival has been proved, and that no longer gratulated Six- Arthur, said twice he was glad to see him, can it be doubted that loving companionships can and do referred to his own work and expense, and generally fished persist beyond the grave. OBSERVER. December 19, 1930 THE TWO WORLDS 811

AN APPEAL FROM SOUTH AFRICA. THE CAUSE ON WEARS IDE : MRS. HUGHES ON “ THE HIGHER SPIRITUALISM.” W e have received from the Spiritualist Church of South Africa a brochure, in which an appeal is made for F e w towns have made more rapid progress in their contributions towards the building fund of the church. Spiritualistic efforts than Sunderland, in addition to two The brochure is very artistically produced, containing churches which claim the Christian name, there are four photographs of Sir Art hur Conan Doyle, Sir Oliver Lodge, “ affiliated” churches.,ami all are doing excellent work. and others. On Saturday, Nov. 16th, there was what is called a Mr. T. A. R. Purchas. who is well known to English “ Rally,” when meetings and a tea wore held, and when Spiritualists as the author of “ Spiritual Adventures of a Mr. lowther, of Houghton, defended Spiritualism from the Businessman," writes a brief introduction to the appeal crude assertions of its opponents. Mr. G. I’. Robson should The Spiritualist Church of South Africa has been doing have presided, but owing to illness was unable to attend. good work in spite of opposition for fifteen years, and the The local President (Mr. W. Dowell Todd) took the chair. necessity for a central and permanent headquarters is Mr. Ualdwinson also spoke. In the evening, after tea, Mr. becoming more and more apparent. As a result of their Baldwinson (General Secretary of the District Council) gave tabouis they have succeeded in purchasing property at an interesting address, which was followed by convincing £1,300, w hich is clear o f all liability. The appeal is for clairvoyance by All’s. Hughes. The roll call was responded funds for a suitable building to be erected) w hich w ould to by 10 churches and three joint Lyceums. provide the accommodation which has become a growing On Sunday evening Mrs. Hughes occupied the plat­ necessity. It is estimated that a sum of £5,000 will be form. She gave evidential clairvoyance to entire strangers. required, and contributions should be addressed to the Her discourse was particularly line. She dealt with the flou. Treasurer, Spiritualist Church of South Africa, i’.O. bearing of a knowledge of Spiritualism on life. Spiritual­ Box 4939, Johannesburg, South Africa. ism meant, in the final sense, the helping of others, and in , The Spiritualist Church of South Africa is affiliated to efficiently fitting ourselves for this task we actually “ worked the Spiritualists’ National Union and the International our own passage.” We must devote ourselves, she held, to Spiritualists’ Federation. culture, and the love of the beautiful if we were to be cap­ able of appreciating hereafter the beauties of the “ Summer L au d.” Mediumsliip had always oxisted in some form in the A LONDON BAZAAR. human race. True, it disappeared frequently for periods, and it was periiaps the merit of John the Baptist to have On Thursday, Dec. 4th, a most successful bazaar and successfully revived in his land the function of the medium sale of work was held at the Manor Park Church to augment or prophet. The Baptist’s message was “ the Kingdom of the building fund for the new church. God is at hand.”— J. R. The bazaar was opened by Air. and Airs. J. Buchan Ford, while .Miss Grace Broad bear and Air. S. 11 arris #en------H------livenod the proceedings with vocal and musical selections. Under the able direction of Mr. E. Pearce, the Alarlborough IS PROGRESS INEVITABLE ? Scarlet Orchestra rendered popular and operatic selec­ tions throughout the evening. C o u n c il l o r J. B a il e y (a member of the Bradford The stalls were well patronised, as also were the side City Council), speaking to the Bradford Fellowship at shows of a lighter vein. The whole proceedings were Ripley Street Church recently, asked “ Was it true that carried out very successfully by the Presidents, Vice-Presi­ modern inventions in modern life made us better men and dents, and officers of the church, together with one or two women than our forefathers America and Japan and well-known speakers, and the sincerest thanks are offered other countries can discourse with us to-day on the wire­ by the church to everybody who helped and supported the less, which is certainly an advantage. But if we are going venture. to have scientific warfare, it were bettor that wo had re­ mained a primitive people. All efforts will have boon wasted if wo are wiped out with modern warfare, yet how little out ACTIVITY AT MANSFIELD. powers seem in the face of vivid thunderstorms and the natural forces of Nature. -Many are still thinking in terms Since February, 1926, when the members of the Alans- of war. Armaments are not a safety, and only create com­ fleld First National Spiritualist Church, Dallas Street, en­ petition among nations. Money for war can soon bo found, tered a building of their own they have been very active in but money for reforms and for projects which will provide trying to clear off the debt on their church. In spite of work is difficult to obtain.” trade depression and the strike of 192tt, they have reported Mrs. Shaw, who presided, gave the speaker a vote of progress each year, and have experienced the satisfaction thanks for his address. Air. Barnes, Mr. W. Taylor, and of seeing their church debt grow less. The present year has, others also took part in the discussion. The speaker was however, been noteworthy in the fact that special efforts warmly thanked for the civic and social honour he had ren­ have been unusually successful. dered to Ripley Street National Spiritualist Church. On Good Friday last, in connection with the annual ------# ------Easter Tea, the ladies of the church held a miniature sale of work, as a result of which £7 was added to the church A spirit, whether in mortal form or in excarnate life, funds. The effort being so successful, they then decided is always under the law of necessity. T h at necessity de­ to work for a larger bazaar, and this was held on Tuesday mands the acquisition of spiritual knowledge.— E. C. G. and Wednesday, Nov. 25th and 20th. Alderman Mrs. .— A very successful week’s mission was Wainwright (Deputy-Mayor) kindly consented to open the recently conducted by the Rev. ljtura Johnson, of British bazaar on the Tuesday, and after a hymn and invocation Columbia, at the Millbay Church, Plymouth. The meet­ Airs. Radage (East Kirkby) invited Mrs. Wainwright to ings were crowded, and the congregations were deeply officiate. In a short speech Airs. Wainwright expressed im pressed- her pleasure at being amongst such a happy band of wor­ P r o p a g a n d a in U l s t e r .— We understand that a pro­ kers, and encouraged them to work more and more to­ paganda meeting was recently held in the Ulster Hall, gether. Belfast, when the speaker was Admiral J. G. Armstrong, A sum of about £35 was taken in the two days, and the who related many of his psychic experiences. The minor church is hoping to wipe off £100 by the end of the year. Ulster Hall was crowded, and the audience demonstrated a ------— i t ------deep interest in the address. Subsequently questions were called for, and a groat many were dealt with by the speaker. Spirits, good and bad alike, arc subject to the rule of All’. ¿Armstrong also conducted a service at the Belfast Bommanding intelligences. Spiritualist Alliance Church, which was very well attended* 812 THE TWO WORLDS D e c e m b e r 19, 1930 ------.

FOUNDED NOVEMBER 18th , 1 88 7. yet the visitor from the unseen will not cease to be a visitor, for there has come into the world a new and truer concep­ THE TW O W ORLDS tion concerning the denizens of the unseen world. History ' THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR SPIR TUAL PAPER. repeats itself. The story runs that two thousand years ago

PRICK TWOPENCE. POSTAGE ONE HALFPENNY Christmas m om was heralded by an angelic choir, who sung ISSUED EVERY WEEK BY the song of “ Peace on earth, to men of goodwill.” The ideal

T ü r t w o w o r l d s p u b l i s h i n g c o m p a n y , l i m i t e d , enshrined in that sweet cadence has failed to materialise AT ITS REGISTERED OFFICE, as it should have done. The cruelties associated with 13. CORPORATION STREET- MANCHESTER, W here all Business Communications should be addressed.. religious persecution during the Middle Ages changed the conception of the visitors from another world into the SUBSCRIPTION RATES TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ghost of the clanking chains. The idea grew up that only One Year, 10/10; Six Mouths, 5/5; Three Months, 2/9, post free. the evil ones walked the earth. And now once again there Editor a n d Secretary : ERNE T W. OATEN. has come a revelation from the unseen which has restored To whom all Communications should be addressed. our ancient heritage ; which lias robbed the Christmas Cheques and Drafts should be- crossed “ ------& Cof” and made payable t o T h e T w o W o r l d s Publishing Company Limited. ghost of his horror, and made him once again a kindly, Baukers: Williams Deacon's Bank (Corn Exchange Branch). friendly, spiritually-inspiring visitor who brings sweet *' The Two Worlds ” can be obtained of all Newsagents. memories, spiritual stimulus, and all the charm of true and

The Editor will not undertake to be responsible for any rejected MS., nor to abiding friendship. There will be many this Cliristmastide return any contribution unaccompanied by a stamped and directed envelope. who with the clairaudient ear will hear the angelic choirs. There are those who will feel the warm, soft, kindly hand F R ID A Y , D k cbm bbk 19. 1930. of their beloved rest lightly upon the brow—not the cold, clammy hand of fearsomeness, but the soft-, sweet hand (Srcctimt ! which brings the caress of an eternal friendship. Cliristendom will be celebrating the birt h of the Clu’ist.' and many clerics who have been denouncing Spiritualism and spirit ministry will join once again to sing “ O hush the Gbc jßMtor noise, ye men of strife, and hear the angels sing.” But will they hear ? Or believe ? From many pulpits the anb bis staff unite story will again be repeated of the appearance of angels to the wise men of tho East, and their announcement of in rabiatimi to all the coming of one who would teach them the plan and pur­ pose of life eternal. How appropriate that is. The reabers anbfricnbs appearance of the angels to the wise men ! Wo wonder if tbeir best wishes it is the lack of wisdom which is responsible for the silent voices of to-day. “ Cod is the same yesterday, to-day, and fot­ forever,” and there are thousands of Spiritualists who can assert out of their own experience that the song of the ti flDerr\> angels never changes. It is the same to-day as two thou­ sand years ago. “ Peace on earth !” and yet after two thou­ Christmas. sand years from the date of its announcement it seems as far off as ever— perhaps farther off than ever iti the history of the world. Even whilst the League of Nations is striving to find a path of international peace, all the nations of PEACE AND GOODWILL. Christendom are continuing their preparation for armed conflict. Goodwill is the only soil in which peace can grow, O n cb again the rolling wheels of time bring round the and the moment the nations are prepared to exercise the seasou of peace and good cheer. The mighty solar orb (the spirit of goodwill towards one another, peace will auto­ matically follow. It seems so very simple. The great life giver) has descended into ( lie most southerly point in his difficulty seems to have been that the individual is living orbit, and affor appearing to remain stationary for three for himself rather than for his nation, and each nation i lay a in the nethermost depths, will gradually start his striving for itself rather than humanity. The moment climb to t he zenith ; to renew his annual task of bringing men will conceive that they are their brothers’ keepers, life and light, to the northern regions. The shortest day that moment will war and strife and quarrelling (whether has passed, and the dreariness too often associated with the international, national, or individual) cease. dying year will give place to the rising hopes which always At any rate, for a day or two during the Christmas accompany the promise of the Now Year. The old, old season old animosities will be forgotten, and we shall rejoice story is an ever-recurring one, as annually we stand upon with one another in striving to give pleasure to others. the threshold which will usher in a New Year. It. is the And so as we sit around the Christmas (ire, our thoughts season of goodwill ami festivity. The season when old will go out to our many readers in all parts of the world, feuds and differences should be forgotten, and when in an in the hope and aspiration that they will share with vis the atmosphere of peace and promise we go out into the un­ sense of the near presence of the cloud of unseen witnesses charted future. who gather round to share our thoughts, our homes, our Christmas is essentially the period which we associate lives, in this season of peace anil goodwill. with childhood and youth. They, too, are full of the pro­ Let us. then, tliis Christmastide open our minds to the mise of the life to be. The young people will rejoice in the presence of the loved ones who have passed around the merriment associated with “ Christ-mas," whilst those of us bend in the road of life, and who at this time will look over who have watched by the fireside through many Christmas the hedgerows that border the jiath. and greet us with seasons will once again gather together and encouraged by goodwill and cheer. May all our friends—aye, aud such good cheer as hard times may make possible, live even our enemies (if such there be) lvask in the sunshine of again the past. Our conversations will surely revert to congenial friendships, friendships which extend beyond the those who have shared the festive season with us in the mere limits of mere physical sense-perception : friendships days gone by. The vacant chairs will be a reminder of the which embrace the arisen dear ones of the years gone by. passing years, and as our memories turn to t hose who have And in such company may all our many readers enjoy gone before us on the road of time, our vibrant thoughts will attract to our sides those whose memories are still as A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THE JOYS OF keen as ours. YULETIDE.

The old Christinas ghost, the fearsom.: spectre, whose . ,»> clanking chains and rattling boues once sent- terror into the heart of the superstitious, has gone for good and all. And W a i t in patience. Impatience is a dire fault. D e c e m b e r 19, 1930 THE TWO WORLDS 813

CURRENT TOPICS. ment separate from the affairs of everyday life, is dying, and men are beginning to think that (lie Church is (like The Rector of Loddington, Kettering, is science) seeking for truth, and has yet to find it. Intelli­ gent men and women are beginning to realise that the sopaoanda a t doing a very courageous thing in publicly BrrEiUNG. declaring himself to be a Spiritualist. In object of religion and science is the same : to seek and find token of his faith he has arranged for a the truth as it. is revealed in the laws and operations of the riesof propaganda m eetings at the Central H all. K ettering, universe, and whether those laws govern the growth of a [Sunday evenings at 8 o ’clock at the close of the church tree or the inspiration of a genius, they are none (lie less trices. The first meeting was taken on Nov. 30th by part of the manifestation of the same Unity which lies essrs. Hannen Swaffer and Maurice Barbanell. These will behind all the varied phenomena of life and being. In a [followed by Miss Estelle Stead and our Editor. The word, men are beginning to realise that the “ Word of God" Kettering Leader” states that the first meeting was well and the revelation of His will is as surely to be found in an ¡ended, and the Rector (the Rev. Mr. Clark) wound up analysis of the atom as it is in the reading of the Scrip- B meeting by saying “ Someone has told me that 1 ought tuies. “ All are but parts of one stupendous whole, whose be ashamed, as an Anglican clergyman, to stand on the body Nature is. and God the soul.” oe platform with two Spiritualists. I am not ashamed, un proud to stand between Mr. Swaffer and Mr. Barbanell.” And so. while any Church may lose S p ir it W o r l d adherents, yet tin; fact that a continuous On Thursday last we had the pleasure of O b j e c t iv e . examination of the phenomena of the universe is being pursued, is bound to Errors p r o m meeting Mr. Vyvyan Deacon, a visitor bring us face to face sometime, somewhere, with the Centre [road. from Australia, one of whose seances was from which radiates all life and being, or at least to compel recently reported in T h e T w o W o r l d s . r. Deacon is a cultured speaker, and lias a reputation of the recognition that there is a unity to be reached, it is ing an excellent clairvoyant and a good diagnoscr. We just in this sense that the Spiritualist is fulfilling probably «re received excellent recommendations from leading the most useful function of all religionists, for he is drawing Btralian Spiritualists concerning him. Mr. Deacon was attention to phenomena, the examination of which will bring men face to face with a superphysical world, a world unan who obtained £3,000 damages from an Australian which is not something different from this planetary exist­ imal. “ Truth,” for libel. We have also received excellent Iwnmendations concerning Dr. .T. M clvor Tyndall, who ence. but a mere extension of it. In a word, he is proving Drummond’s contention that there is natural law in the »visiting his home in after an absence of forty spiritual world as truly as in the physical, and that in the its in America. Dr. Tyndall is known in the United lies as a capable exponent of New Thought and Spirit­ last analysis the Spirit World may be as objective as the ism, and we welcome him to our platforms. On the most solid piece of granite, since both arc but a phenomenal it of January we shall bo able to greet the Rev. Will manifestation of an indwelling reality. The manifestations may occur on different levels, and some of them may make ¡rood, who has been for some years the Missiouer-at- no direct appeal to our physical senses, but in reality they ige for the National Spiritualist Association of America, all depend upon the eternal law which is ever operative. all such visitors we extend very hearty greetings, and st that the interchange of fraternities between English ¡ritualists and their Am erican co-religionists will be ¡tented by these visits. TRANSITIONS.

According to the returns taken from the M r s . ELLEN ROEBUCK (R o t h e r h a m ). E Fa l l in official Year Book of the Church of Eng- W it h very great regret we place on record the transition faeir land, recently published, there was a of Mrs. Ellen Roebuck, which occurred at. her residence in Mb e r s h ip . decrease last year of over 34.000 in the Warden Street, Oankl w Road, Rotherham, at noon on number of Easter Day communicants, Saturday, Dec. 13th. Mi's. Roebuck was over 79 years of this followed a drop of 51.600 on the previous year, it age, had sacrificed a great deal for the Cause, and was asso­ •BSents a very serious decrease amongst Church-goers. ciated with many of the pioneer workers, having become ® Year Book shows that there was also a decrease of connected with the Movement at a very early date. She 500 Sunday School scholars. 10,222 baptisms and over and Mr. Obadiah Roebuck, who passed out some years ago, 50 drop in the candidates for Confirmation. The Church were among the first workers to establish Spiritualism in England can hardly attribute the decrease to the hard­ Uarkgate, Rawmarsh, and Rotherham districts of South 's of the times and industrial depression, since Church Y orkshire. mbership does n ot depend upon financial obligations, Mr. Oabdiali Roebuck was originally a member of the i Roman Catholic Church annually makes the boast of Primitive Methodist Church, but when he investigated ' number of new converts which it has made, but no Spiritualism and found its truth ho decided to assist the Sec latever is taken of the secessions, which probably efforts which were being made to spread the Cause. Spirit­ quite equal to the number of converts. There is no ualism was then very unpopular with the masses, and he 4 for pessimism in the returns quoted. There is a grow- had to endure all types of victimisation. The Parkgate Boognition of the fact that the Churches are/lot the Spiritualist Church, with which lie was associated, included ¡repositories of spiritual truth, and that t here is as much such names as Mrs. Emma Hardinge Britten. Mr. and Mrs. ¡¡¡ration and spiritual stimulus outside the Church as Wallis. Hanson G. Hey. Mr. Wra. Johnson. Mr. .1. C. Mac­ Wn it. That is a comparatively modern view, but it is donald, and All'. .Tames Nwindlehurst am ongst their early *ing, and the differences in the Church are fostering it. visitors and speakers. Cottage meetings were held in the district, and the proceeds from these went to the building In the past it used to be considered that of a Spiritualist Church, which eventually materialised in fciCE a n d science was the antithesis of religion, and 1895. Mrs. Roebuck, though not always in the limelight, Uciox. it certainly was true that the findings of was throughout a very valuable helper. science contradicted many of the dogmas The interment took place on Wednesday, Dec. 17th, ¡affirmations of the religious sects, but a larger view is and she carries with her on her forward march t he con­ dually being held. Men are conceiving that if the gratulations and best wishes of many Spiritualist friends. tches had been the sole repositories of truth, and that »ch truth had been in proportion to the claims made for -V ¡he world would have been in a better state than we find Men are beginning to realise that the scientist who F o u r t e e n sitters participated in a convincing seance claim to spiritual dogmatism, but patiently held at the Shrewsbury Temple of Light on Sat urday. Nov. ¡files for truth by an examination of the natural laws of 29tli. The medium on the occasion was Mr. W. Thomas, Universe, is as truly a seeker after G od as is the religion- of Gorseinon, and the sitters reported themselves perfectly The old idea of religion being a water-tight compart­ satisfied with the results. 814 THE TWO WORLDS R D e c e m b e r 19, 1930

CORRESPONDENCE. charged, having lost all symptoms of the cancer, and the pain. I returned to the said specialist to be examined, and he diagnosed me free from all symptoms of cance ■. A M IS T A K E . Since then I have enjoyed splendid health, and have Sir,— 1 believe Mr. A. K. Venning to be mistaken in gained 281bs. in weight. I owe my life to the Rees Evans atributing the authorship of “ The Christ of the Indian cancer treatment, and to Mr. Hannen Swaffer for telling me Road” to Mr. G. W. Gray. The author is Dr. Stanley that there was deliverance at hand. Over 50,000 perish Jones, a well-known American missionary of the Methodist yearly from cancer in this country, and nothing is done to Episcopal Church, whom I have met in India. He is a friend stem the tide. I feel sure that for the trouble you have of Rabindranath Tagore, and does a great work among the taken in m aking these facts know n to suffering humanity educated youth of India. A more recent book is, I think, you will be amply repaid by the grateful thanks of sufferers, called “The Christ of Every Road.” E. L. S. when cured from cancer, and quote Milton, “ The debt of endless gratitude is ours.” (Mrs.) M. L. Davies. A SINGULAR CASE. 7, Cossington Road, Westcliff-on-Sea. Sin,— I wonder if any of your readers have ever experi­ enced a case similar to the following : Recently a high order THE SPIRITUALISM AND PSYCHICAL RESEARCH of spirit (Chang Win) had just given spiritual healing EXEMPTION BILL. through the medium (Mr. C. Richards), when it was sugges­ Sir,— I have read over the text of this Bill, and I think ted that Chang Win should try to give instructions, for the that the following amendment is very desirable. patient, to an automatic writer that was in the room. The The definition of a medium or clairvoyant, within the spirit placed the medium’s hand upon the shoulders of the meaning of the Act, should be “A person holding a certi­ writer, and the hand of the latter was controlled. So the ficate, or licence, to practise for fee or remuneration, either instructions were successfully received, strictly automatic­ as a medium or a clairvoyant.” ally. This is a case of a spirit influencing two media at the It is obvious that prosecution should only apply to same time. H e n r y P a r n e l l -B a i l e y , those w ho practise for fee or reward, and w ho are convicted Vice President, West Ealing Spiritualist Church. of deliberate intent to deceive. Those who exercise psychic gifts p r iv a t e l y , and who STIGMATA. are not paid or rewarded in any way, should n o t be liable S i r ,— In reply to Mr. E. E. Sherman's inquiry in a recent to prosecution. The Act as it stands would be highl issue o f The T wo W orlds. W hen Jesus was toiling his w ay objectionaable, in that it placed private individuals who to Calvary a sympathising woman wiped the sweat from exercised the gifts privately and without fee or reward, ] his face with her handkerchief, whereupon an image of the under the rule of some society granting certificates or li­ Master’s face was miraculously impressed. The woman is cences. I have pointed out the undesirability of this in a enrolled in the list of saints as St. Veronica. The name is letter to the introducer, Mr. Kelly, and at the same time a corruption of the Latin “ Vera icon,” meaning “ the true sent copies of my pamphlet, “ Present Day Spirit Pheno­ image.” H. T. W horlow. mena and the Churches” to the Members of the House.,1 With the above-named modification, I trust that the Bill GREAT THOUGHTS. may soon be passed and become law. / C h a r l e s L . T w e e d a l e . S i r ,— “ The highest form of religion is to worship our Weston Vicarage, near Otley, Yorks. Creator by striving to serve all that He has created.” It would be interesting to know how many ministers THE S.N.U. DIARY. and laymen agree with the above quotation, which cuts right across orthodox Christian theological doctrines, and S ir ,—I note in the current issue of T h e T w o W orl completely nullifies them, taken fr m Hutchinson’s “ Past a report of a meeting of the South Midlands Commit and Future Developments of Electricity, and Its Bearing on There is a reference to the S.N . U. Diary, and the opinio World Peace.” expressed that tliis Union should make individual appli Is there any justification for this statement? If tiou to the churches to take up advertisements in the Hi' there is, are we on the eve of a new vista or interpretation for time and place of church services. of religion, and can wo continue to keep our Christmas It is surely a remarkable instance of the little noti Festival, with its augury of bloodshed, in commemoration church secretaries take of information sent from the regis of the birth of the “ Lord of Love and Compassion” and tered office of the S.N.U. In the annual report sent out t “Prince of Peace.” Ch u r c h m a n . every church and subscribing member of the Union early in May was a special notice to churches on this very matter, giving rates and dates when such advertisements shoul THE REES EVANS CANCER TREATMENT. reach us. S i r ,— It gave m e great pleasure to read in T h e T w o One other comment was made re the value of a ro W o r l d s about the cures effected by the above treatment. system of the Union Council meetings. This has been trie 1 laving suffered from cancer of the breast for years, I know and the difficulties encountered in getting D.C.’s to co­ with what delight sufferers from tliis terrible scourge will operate broke it down. G e o . F . B e r r y , welcome the news. Five years ago I discovered a growth Secretary of the S.N.U. in my left breast, and as time passed the pain was excru­ ciating. especially at nights. Alarmed, I consulted a fully- qualified medical man. and I was under liis care for 12 ALL your fancied theories about God have filtered dov mont hs. The disease was getting worse, and so was the to you through human channels, the embodiments of hut pain. cravings after knowledge of Him. We know of Him, but The said doctor advised me to undergo an operation we know Him not. He is known to us only by His ac for the removal of the breast, and he wrote a note for ray God—our God, good, loving, tender, pitiful. Those w ailmission to hospital, diagnosing my complaint as “ car­ now teach in His name often preach doctrines quite unlik cinoma of the breast.” what He taught. Having no faith in operations, 1 went to a Harley Street specialist. and 1 was under his care for a further nine months. M a k in g t h e M o s t o f T h in g s .—To most people th* The pain was increasing. At this tune, September, 1928, means doing the best with what you liave ; yet there is I observed a reference to Mr. Rees Evans’ cure by Mr. Han­ another meauing : making the most of things may un­ non Swaffer, calling for an investigation to the cures effec­ doing all the good you can, no matter what means are »* ted for the past 30 years by this treatment. I wrote Mr. your disposal. Ever remember that to do good needs not* Swaffer. imploring him to give me the address, which he did. large purse, but a large heait. Try, theiefore, to make the I commenced the treatment towards the end of Sep­ most of things by using your best efforts to do all the good tember, 1928, and by the end of February, 1929, I was dis­ that you can.— T r u t h B e a r e r . D e c e m b e r 19, 1930 T H EJ^T W O 'T W ORLDS '8 lß

80CIETY ADVERTISEMENTS. SOCIETY ADVERTISEMENTS. SOCIETY ADVERTISEMENTS. South Manchester National Spiritualist Salford Central Spiritualist Church, Eastbourne Spiritualist Society, Church and Lyceum, St. Philip's Place, Chapel Street. JIDicicens F ellowship Hall, P rincess H a ll, P rincess Hoad, ,3 L 'i*u pprrton Road. Moss S id e, Manchester. Sunday, Dec. 21st, at 2, L yceum . A t 3-15, Circle, M r . HOLD. S u n d a y , D e c . 21st, at 3-30 and 6-30, Su n d ay, D ec. 21st, at 2-30, L yceum . '¿ A t 6-30 and 8. M r . E L Y . M r s . K BURNISH. At 6-30 and 8-15, M r . L. G EE. At 8, Open Circle. Mo n d ay, at 3, M rs. B uchan. M o n d ay, at 3 and 8, N o Meeting. T uesday, at 7-45, P ublic Circle. A t 8, M embers’ C lass. T u esd ay, at 8, Circle, M r. M in n er y. T u esd ay, at 8, Open Circle. W ed n esd ay, 3 & 8, N o M eeting. Isle of Wight. T h u r sd ay. Closed. F r id a y, Dec. 26th, L yceum P ar ty Ryde National Spiritualist Church, Saturday, D ec. 27th, at 8, W hist and Social. Belvedere Hall, Belvedere Street T o u rn ey. Is. each. Tea on table at 5 p.iu. Adults, Is. 3d. Sunday, D ec. 28th. Mrs. Spencer. Children, 9d. After tea. Is. S u n d a y. Dec. 21st, at 3, L yceum . N e w Y ear ’s E v e , W atchnight Ser­ At 6-30, SERVICE. Manchestei Central Spiritualist Church vice at 11 p.m. Address and Clairvoyance. 5, Parsonage, B lack friars Street T hursday, at. 7, S ervice. E very Saturday at 7-30. SOCIAL, Is. Su n day. D ec. 21st, at 11 and 6-30 and Refreshments included. Ramsgate National Spiritualist Church Mo n d a y, Dec. 22nd. at 8, Chatham Street, Ramsgate. Miss FLORENCE MORSE. Bournemouth Christian Spiritualist Sunday. D ec. 28th, M rs. L in n e t . Church, S atu rd ay, Dec. 20tii, at 7, and Silver Collection at all Meetings. Commercial Road, opposite Electric Theatre. Sunday, D ec. 21st, at 3 and 0-30, Manchester Society of Spiritualists, ______Mr. T U R N E R .______38, Mask ell Street. S e rv ice s: Su n d a y , at 11 and 6-30, Address and Clairvoyance. Richmond Spiritualist Church, S u n d a y , D ec. 21st. at 10-30, T uesday, at 3, Psychometry. . j| (The F ree Cuiikch) Lyceum. W ed n esd ay, 7 to 9, Healing Treatment Ormond Road, Richmond, S urrey. A t 3, O pen Circle. F r id a y, at 7-30. Psychometry. At 6-30, Service as U su al. Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 7, Monday, at 3, M iss A . Goodw in. Bournemouth Spiritualist Church, Miss MOVES (Zodiac), Wednesday, 3 & 8. M iss R ichardson (Affiliated to the S.N.U.) Trance Address. Sunday. D ec. 28tii, M iss A. B arton. 16, B ath R oad. W ed n esd ay, CLOSED.

Collyhurst National Spiritualist Church Resident Minister,Mr. F rank T. B lake Southend Spiritualist Church, OOLLYHURST ST., MANCHESTER. Corner o f Hildaville D rive and Su n d a y Services at 11 and *6-30. W estborough Hoad, W estcliffe Sunday, D ec. 21st, at 10-30, L yceum T u esd ay, at 8, Phenom ena. (near Chalkwell Park). At 3, 6-30 and 8, LYCEUM OPEN Thursday, at 3, Phenom ena. SESSIONS. A t 8, E ducative L ecture and Su n d a y , Dec. 21st, at 11 and 6-30, Monday, at 3 and 8, M r. B r a d y . D iscussion. ,M rs. W IL L IA M S , Wed n esd ay, at 3 and 8, Service. F r id ay, at 6, H ealing. Guild in at­ j j .¿Thursday, CLOSED. Su n day, D ec. 28th, M rs. K e lly. tendance to give treatment to sufferers. S u n d a y , Dec. 28th, Mrs. B. Stock. Ungsight National Spiritualist Society Bournemouth Spiritualist Mission, Sutton Spiritualist Society, Shepley Street (opposite P it Charminster Rd. (opposite Richmond Co-operative H all, B en h ill Street. Entrance, King’s Theatre). Wood Road), Bournemouth. S u n d a y , Dec. 2 1st, at 6-30, Sunday. D ec. 21st. at 2-30, L yceum . S u ndays at 11 and 6-30, M rs. JARMAN, - At 6-15 and 8, M r s . B U C IIA N . A ddress and Clairvoyance. Address *and Clairvoyance. Mo n d a y, at 8, O pen Circle for T u esd ays at 7-30 A T h ursdays at 3, Dec. 28th, M rs. Levitt, Address and H ealing and C lairvoyance. Clairvoyance and S pirit Messages. Clairvoyance. T u esd ay, at 8, Miss H allid ay. Th u rsdays, at 7-30, A ddress and Thursday, C L()S ED. Clairvoyance. Worthing Spiritualist Church, Saturday, at 8, Open Circle. Local Clairvoyant: M r s . W . G. Hayter Grafton R oad. W ednesday, Dec. 31st, at 8, SO C IA L and DANCE. National Spiritualist Church, Sunday, Dec. 21st, at 11 and 6-30 Mr. Sohmoll and The A knside Mighbll Street, H a ll. Mr. P. SCHOLEY. Orpheans. Thursday, C LO SE D . Tickets, l 3 each, inclusive. Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 11-15 and 7, Sunday, Dec. 28th, M rs. Bond. H tchnight Service at 11-30 p.m. M r . A. G. NEWTON. Address and Clairvoyance. Hiles Platting Progressive Sp. Church, Mo n d ay, at 7-45, Public Healing Barking Spiritual Endeavour Healing treet odge kktt CooLAN S , L S . Circle. " Circle, W ed n esd ay, at 8, Public Meeting 25, Heath Street. fe'DAY. D ec. 21st. at 3. P ublic Cir. At 6-30 and 8, Mr. Mr ALPINE. Brighton Cential Spiritualist Church, Mo n day, at 3 and 8, S ervice. Central H all, 117. N orth St. W eek E nding Dec. 21st, No Meet­ Wed nesday and Satu rd ay, at 8, (Facing Ship Street). ing. Public Circles. Th u r sd ay. X mas Da y , C losed. Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 11-15 and 7. Barking Christian Spiritualist Church SNday, D ec. 28th. Service as u sual. Mrs. MATTHEWS, Municipal K estaurant, Address and Clairvoyance. East Street, B arking. •oss Side Progressive Lyceum Church Monday, at 8, H ealing Circle. Above 64a , U.t W estern Street. Thursday, at 8, A ddress and S unday, Dec. 21st, Aat 6-30, Clairvoyance. M r . O. G. TURPIN, ¡I'nday, Dec. 21st, at 2-45. L yceum . Address and Clairvoyance. «■6-30 and 8-15, Mrs. W O R T H IN G - Dover Spiritualist Church, Circle follows Service. TON. Cannon Hall (Entrance Market St.). Monday and W ednesday, CLOSED Tu esday, at 8-15, Open Circle. T h u r sd ay, C LO SE D . Saturday, Dec. 20th, at 7-30. and Battersea Spiritualist Church, knnkrlky all ennerley oad Saturday, at 8, Open Circle. Sunday, D ec. 21st, at 11 and 6-30, B H , B R tVDAY. D ec. 28th, M r. W ainw rioht Mrs. CAMERON. Nortkcote Road, Battersea. Address and Clairvoyance. (Afliiiated to S.N.U.) '°ston Spiritualist Church and Lyceum Sunday, D ec. 28th, Mrs. Ash. Church L ane, Moston. Sunday, Dec. 21st, at ll, Kenton Spiritualist Church, M r . EDMUND SPENCER, '■n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 10-30, L yceu m . Northwick Park Hall. Address and Clairvoyance. At 3, Open Circle. Stations : Northwick Park (Met.) and A t 3, L yceum . ' At 6-30, Mr. DBANSFIELD. Kenton (Bakerloo). A t 6-30, Mrs. GRACE COOKE, W e d n e sd a y , No Meeting. Address and Clairvoyance. ft'-NiiAY, D ec. 28th, M rs. Ryder. S u n d a y. D ec. 21st, at 6-30, Monday, at 3, Miss L. T homas. M r . BURTENSHAW, Address and T hursday, CLOSED. La d y lias Nice Bed-Sitting Room to Clairvoyance. I to lady. Quiet. Gas lire optional.— T u esd ay, at 3, L ad ies' Meeting. How to Train the Memory. B y U. 35, Park Road, Baker St., N.W. S u n d a y, D ec. 28th, M rs. B alm er . Ernest H unt. 1/1 post free. 810 T H E T W O WORLDS December 19, 1930

SOCIETY ADVERTISEMENTS. SOCIETY ADVERTISEMENTS. SOCIETY ADVERTISEMENTS. Battersea Christian Spiritualist Church Clapham Spiritualist Church, Hanwell Spiritualist Church, Un ity H a ll, Falcon Drove, Falcon Opposite Clapham N orth Station, 120, U xbrid g e Ko ad. Road (Nr. Clapham June. Station). B edford R oad, Clapham, S.W .4. Su n d a y , Dec. 21st, at 7, S u n d ay, D ec. 21st, at 11, Open Cir . Sa tu r d a y, D ec. 20th, at 0-30, Psy- Mrs. WIRDNAM. chometry, Miss JOAN PROUD. A t 3, L yceum . e d n e sd a y h u rsd ay S u n d a y. Deo. 21st, a t II, Circle. A t 6-45 for 7. Mrs. P O D M O R E , W and T , CLOSED Address and Clairvoyance. At 0-30, Mrs. M. K. H A R V E Y , Harringay Christian Spiritualist Mission Address and Clairvoyance. Mo n d a y , at 3. La d ies’ M eeting. Psy- chom etry. 1, Salisbu ry Parade, St . A n n 's Rd. Mo n day, at 2-30, L ad ies’ Meeting, (Side door, Boot Shop). M iss Hutu Goldsmith. At 8, M agnetic H ealing Circle. S u n d ay, Dec. 28th, R e v . G. Nash. T h u rsd ay, N o M eeting. F r id a y , N o Meetin g . Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 11, Service. Bounds Green Christian Spiritualist At 7. M rs. H IN E S . Church, Croydon National Spiritualist Church T u e s d a y , at 8, Free H ealing Circle M r . Cumtngs in attendance. Canning H all, Canning Crescent, B road Green H all, H andcroft R d . nr. junction London Hd.,West Croydon W e d n e sd a y, CLOSED. H igh R oad, W ood Green.

Su n d a y , D ec. 21st. at 3-15. L yceum . Harrow Spiritualist Society, Su n d a y , Dec. 21st, at 7, A t 6-30, Mr . V. DEACON (Australia) Greenhill H a l l , Station R oad, M rs. BAXTER, Address and Clairvoyance. Harrow - o x -the-I f ILL. uesday T -, at 8, To be arranged. W ed n esd ay and T h u r sd ay, CLO SED S u n d a y . Dec. 28th, M rs. L ucas. S u n d a y, D ec. 28th, M r . J. M. Stew art Su n d a y , Dec. 21st, at 6-30, Captain FROST, Address. Bowes Park and Palmer’s Green Ealing Spiritualist Church, W e d n e sd a y , C LO SED . Spiritualist Church, 8, Ba k er ’s L an e, Br o a d w a y , E aling Su n d a y , D ec. 28th, M rs. N eville, Shaetehhuhy Hall, Howes Par k . Address and Clairvoyance. S u n d a y, Dec. 21st, at 11-15, M rs. Hu n d a y, Dec. 2l8T, at II, Miss EVA Hounslow Spiritual Mission, CLARK. L E O N A R D . At 3, L yceu m . Corner of D ouglas Road, I Ianworth A t 7, M iss J. M cK A Y . A t 7. T o y S ervice. M r. H. G O D F R E Y Road (op. Congregational Church). W e d n e sd a y, at 8, To be arranged, S u n d a y . D ec. 28t h , Miss M, M ills. at Shaftesbury Hall, adjoining Howes Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 6-45, Park Station. Finchley Spiritual Mission, Miss FALLOW S. L yceum .every S u n d a y at 3. Fern B ank H all, G ravel H ill, T u e sd a y , at 8, H ealing Circle. H endon L an e, Church E nd, N.3. W e d n e sd a y , C L O S E D . Brixton Spiritual Brotherhood Church L yceum every S u n d a y at 3. Stockwei.t. Park Hoad, B rixton. Su n d a y , Dec. 21st. at 7. M r . HORACE LEAF, F.R.G.S., Ilford Psychical Research Society, S unday«, D ec. 21st, at 11-15, Service Address and Clairvoyance. Clements R oad, I lford. At 3, L yceum . T hursday, Dec. 25th, C losed. At 7. Mrs. M. M O R R IS , Sunday, D ec. 21st, at 7, Address and Clairvoyance. Forest Gate Christian Spiritualist Mo n day, at 7-30, L ad ies’ Public Cir . Church, Mrs. EDEY, T u esday, at 8, Members’ Circle. 228, R omford R d., F orest Gate, E.7 Address and Clairvoyance. T h u rsd ay, C LO SED . S u n d ay, Dec. 28th, M rs. Mau n d er . Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 6-30, T hursday and Friday, No Service. Miss MARGARET BARBER, Sunday, Dec. 28th, Mr. G. Botham, A t 8, P ublic Circle. Central London Spiritualist Society Address and Clairvoyance. 33, H atton Garden, E.C.L. Su n d a y , Dec. 28th. M rs. D. Potter. S u n d a y . .Ta n . 4th, M rs. L. H a r v e y . Independent Spiritualist Church, F r id a y, D ec. 19th, at 7-30, Every W ed n esd ay, at 3, Ladies’ Mtg. New Morris H all, B edford Road, Mrs. A. FLETCHER. Forest Hill Christian Spiritualist Church Clapham, N. Su n d a y . Dec. 21st, at 7. Bead n ell R oad, Forest H il l ,SE23. M rs. M A U N D E R . Sunday, Dec. 21st, at 6-45, F r id ay. Dec. 26 th , C LO SED . Mrs. LILLEY, S u n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 11-15, Public S u n d a y. D ec. 28th. M rs. Crow der. Address and Clairvoyance. Circle. A t 3, L yceum . Circle after every Su n d a y Service. T uesday, at 3-15, Psychometey. At At 7. Mrs. BLANCHE PETZ. 8, H ealing. Chiswick Christian Spiritualist Church NO M id-W eek M eetings. T h u r sd ay, N o S ervice. H arvard T ow ers, 5(5, H arvard R d. S u n d a y , D ec. 28th, M r. M. M arisini. S u n d a y , D ec. 28th, L ocal Speakers. (Off Wellesley Hoad, in rear of L yceum St u d y Group, S u n d ays, 3-15. Gimnorsbury Station). Fulham Spiritualist Society, 12. L ettice Street, Parson's G reen Kensington Spiritualist Church, S u n d a y . Dec. 21st, at 11. L indsay H all, The Mall, Nottinq Mr. BÜBTENSHAW. Su n d a y , D ec. 21st. at 11-30, Circle H ill Gate. At 0-45, • THE TEACHER.’ A t 3, L yceum. W ed n esd a y. Cl A )S E D. A t 7, M r . B O L T O N . Sunday, D ec. 21st, at 6-30, T h u r sd ay, C LO SED . CAROL SERVICE, Cricklewood Chiistian Spiritualist Soc. S u n d a y , D ec. 28th, Mrs. K ing. Address and Clairvoyance. A shford H all. 41, A shford Road, Madame STELLA FORD, Soloist. Cricklewood, N . W . 2 . Hackney Spi>dualist Church, Mrs. M. LINES, Clairvoyance. 240a . A muurst R oad, N.16. Monday, at 8, in Small Hall, Su n d a y . Dec. 21st. at (>-30, Mrs. M. Maunder, Psychometry. M iss E V A C L A R K , S u n d a y , Dec. 21st, at 3, L y c e u m . X mas Day in Large Hall, at 1L Address and Clairvoyance. At 7, Mrs. M. C R O W D E R M iss W inifred Moyes (“ Zodiac ”)• W KDNESOA Y, C l,()SE D . Mo n d a y , at 8, M rs. Ciiiplin. T u esd ay, at 8. Members On l y . Kingston Spiritualist Church, Crouch End Spiritualist Society, W e d n e sd a y, at 8, Free H ealing. V illieiis Road. Kingston. elix all elix ven u e rouch F H , F A . C Su n d a y , D ec. 28th, A ld. D. J. D avis E nd. Hackney Independent Lyceum Church, Sunday, D ec. 21st, at 11, .Mr. D. SERGEANT, S u n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 7. I’ em bury Ha ll, 41, Pem bu r y R oad (First Gateway on left in Downs Park A t 3, L yceum . M rs. ETHEL CLARKE. A t 6-30, Mr. D. SERGEANT, Address R oad). T hubs d a y . OLDSE1 >. and Clairvoyance. W ed n esd ay, C losed. The Spiritualist Fellowship S u n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 3, L yc eu m - S u n d a y , D ec. 28th, M r. F orsdic^ (K entish T o w n ), “ T hirteen,” Mor­ A t 6-30. Miss R. WARD. tim er T errace. H ighgatk Ro ad. A ddress ami Clairvoyance. Manor Park Spiritualist Church, (Cars 7, 15, 25. Gordon House Stop). O pen Circle after Service. C om er o f Sh rew sbu r y R oad and Mo n d a y , at 8. F ree H ealing by Strone R oad. Sundays at 7, Thursdays at 3 and 8. appointment. Su n d a y , D ec. 28th. Mr. Pa y n . Sunday, D ec. 21st, at 11, H ealin'0 Sunday-, Dec. 21st. Carol Service. C ircle. • A t 3, L yceum. T u esd ay, Dec. 23rd, “ A u d k n k ” Companions Still ! By W . H arold At 6-30, Miss L. GEORGE. * Mr s . K ing). S peer (Author of “E d i e ” ). Cloth. T h u r sd a y, C LO SED . S u n d a y. Dec. 28th, M r. C. A nten. 3 9, post free. S u n d a y , D ec. 2Sth, M rs. S. Podmob® D e c e m b e r 19, 1930 T H E T W O WORLDS 817


Lewisham Spiritualist Church, Streatham Spiritual Brotherhood, B ert Cam per. N.C.M ., Trance Ad­ Limes Hall, L imes Grove, Lewisham Streatham School op Music (almost dresses, Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Psy- (op. Prince of Wales Playhouse). opposite STREATHAM Station). chometrist. Booking 1931-2. First book­ ings within ten miles London cx.s. only. Su n d a y, D ec. 21st, at 11-15, Circle. S u n d a y , D e c . 21st, at 6-80, All letters to 133, Chandos Road, Strat­ A t 0-30, Mr . GLOVER BOTHAM, Mr. P O L L A R D . ford, E.15. Address and Clairvoyance. Thursday. CLOSED. M r . C. S. C o i.l e x -S mitii booking Mo n d a y, a t 3. L a d ies’ Meeting. now for 1931-2. Trance or normal ad­ Mr. S pencer, Address k Clairvoyance. Streatham Christian Spiritualist Church dresses. Meetings attended — 3, W e d n e sd a y , CLOSED. T udor H all, P infold R oad Shouldham St.. Bryanston Sq.. W .l. Fr id ay, at 8, Members’ D eveloping (Adjoining Streatham Library). M r . .1. H e alin g H a l l id a y . Trance Circle. • nil Inspirational Speaker and Message Su n d a y , Dec. 21st, at 11, Service Bearer, is now hooking for 1931. Ad- Little Ilford Christian Spiritualist and Circle. dress communications to 2. Smeaton Church, A t 0-30, M r s . RE D KEEN, Address Street, Kirkdale, . T h ir d A v e n u e , M a n o r P a r k , E.12. and Clairvoyance. Mrs. G. Richmond. Trance Medium, W e d n e sd a y , No M eetings. lias returned to London. Now booking Su n d a y , D ec. 21st. at 7, for 1931. \ddress. ('Iairvoyance. 14, Mrs. F . L A N E . Surbiton Christian Spiritualist Church, Woodmansterne Rd.. S.W.I0. Mo n d ay, at 3, M iss J oan B. P roud. ■ Maple R oad, Surbiton. R e v . .Ma r y II o o o a n -I n k p e n . from T u e sd a y , at. 8, H ealing Service. Canada. Australia, and Now Zealand, W e d n e sd a y , N o Meeting. Su n d a y , Dec. 21st, at 3, is visiting England for a few months Thursday & Sa tu r d a y, Social Drive M r. FRANCIS, only. Societies desirous of booking Su n d a y. Dec. 28th, M rs. N utlan d . Address aud Clairvoyance. weekly missions, lectures, clairvoy­ E very Su n d a y at 3, L yceum . A t 0-30, Mrs. S T E P H E N S , ance. psychometry. cricles, January Address and Spirit Messages. and February, please write 41. Thorn- New Southgate National Spiritualist W e d n e sd a y, at 3 and 7-30, M r. R . R . gate Road. Elgin Avenue, Paddington, Church, T hornton, Address A Clairvoyance. London. W.9. Adult School H all, Palm er’s R oad V yvyan D eacon, Lecturer, Teacher, Tottenham Christian Spiritualist Church Medium and Healer (just from Austra­ Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 7, T rades H a l l , 7, B ruce G rove, N.17 lia), is now booking dates for 1931. Mrs. WM. EWDABDS. P sychom etry, C lairvoyance an d .Ans­ W e d n e sd a y , C LO SED . Su n d a y Services = wers to Questions on Spiritualism and Su n d a y , D ec. 28th. M rs. F. L a n e . Lyceum at 3. Service at 7. After-Circle Healing after lectures. Classes and Trance Circles held. A few dates 1930. Palmerston Christian Spiritualist Temple D ec. 21. M rs. Chesterm an. 12, Kellett Road, Brixton, S.W.2. 4, P almerston Hd., F orest Gate, E7. D ec. 28.— M r . S pencer. Phone : Brixton 3467.

Su n d a y , D ec. 2 1st, at 0-30, The Church of the Spirit, Mrs. H. V. PRIOR. 24a , Church R oad, Croydon. NEW SECRETARIES. Tu e sd a y, at 3, Mrs. Greenw ood. B ristol. U niversal Spiritualist W e d n e sd a y & T h u rsd ay, Closed. Su n d a y , Dec. 21st, at 11, Su n d a y , D ec. 28th, Mr . B eare. Church, B ishop Street. St . P a u l ’s . M r. CHARLES F. COOPER. Mr . F. W . N orth am, 13. Beaumont St., Stapleton Rd., Bristol. Shepherds Bush Spiritualist Society, A t 6-30, -M r . HAROLD VERNON. W e d n e sd a y, Closed. P almerston Christian S piritu­ 73, B eciclow R d ., A sk ew R d ., W . alist T emple, 4. P almerston R o ad, The Fellowship of the Spirit, F orest Ga t e , E ..7.— M iss L. H e n e - Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at. 11, O pen Circle 78, L ancaster Gate, W .2. giian, 59, Oakdale Road, Leytonstone, E.l 1. Will Speakers having open dates A t 0-30, M r . ANTEN, Address. for 1931-32 please write. S u n d a y , D e i . 21st, at 0-30, Southall Spiritualist Society, “ DOUGLAS ” on “ The Star of the BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND Co-O perative H a ll, K ing Street. E ast.” TRANSITIONS. Circle : The Guides of W. E. L ong.

Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 7, Ca i n .— Passed to the Higher Life, M r . EDWARD KEITH, Wembley Spiritualist Society, Mr. Victor RadclifTe Cain, in his 49th Address and Clairvoyance. U nion H all, E aling R oad, W em bley year, on Sunday, 14th Dec., 1930. be­ Lad ies’ Guild held at 16, O sterley loved husband of Mrs. M. Cain, and Park Road is Closed until January 6tli. brother of Miss Nellie Cain, Tomkinson Su n d a y , D ec. 28th, “ T he T each er.” Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 3, L yceum . Street, Chester. At 0-30, M i«. YORKE, Clairvoyance: South London Spiritualist Mission, Su n d a y , D ec. 28th, .Miss Fallow s. Mr. John Felix Kahl begs to thank Lau san n e H a ll, L ausanne R oad, his numerous friends for the kind re­ Peckham , S.E.15. West Ealing Spiritualist Church, ception given to his Booklet of blank H essel R oad. verse :— Su n d a y , Dec. 21st,‘ at 11-30, “ HAPPINESS,” by John Felix, Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at 6-30, and to announce that by MONDAY. Open Circle. M rs. CALWAY, Dec. 22n d , he will have on sale some A t 7, M r. & M rs. B IL L E T T E , Address and Clairvoyance. lines on Address and Clairvoyance. W ed n esd ay, CLOSED. “ PEACE” by John Felix, in the same form and at the same price. T u e sd a y and T h u r sd a y, C LO SE D . Wood Green Christian Spiritualist Both Booklets very suitable for send­ Church, ing out as New Year cards. Su n d a y , D ec. 28th, M r . H . Bolton. B r ad le y H all, B r ad le y R oad, Price 6d. (add Jd. or 1 id. for postage). Station R oad. S a tu r d a y, Jan. 3rd, at 4-30, W rite JOHN FELIX, 37, Ospringe LYCEUM CHRISTMAS PARTY. Road, London, N.W.5, stating whether Sunday", D ec. 21st, at 11-15, Service “ Peace” or “ Happiness” is desired. Stratford Spiritualist Church, A t 7, Mrs. CARRIE YOUNG. W ed n esd ay, C LO SED . Idmiston R oad (Sixth Turning down L yceum every S u n d a y at 3. ERNEST WARD, Forest Lane going from Maryland Bloodless Surgeon, Natural Healer and Point Station). 85, LANCASTER GATE, W.2. Dispensing Herbalist. Asthma, Paralysis, Goitres, Catarrh, Su n d a y , D ec. 21st, at II, Consumption, with many other chronic Su n d a y , at 7, Address & Clairvoyance diseases and condtions are being cured. M r . H ISC O C K . Tu esd ay & T hursday at 8, C lairvoy­ General hours of attendance : Tues­ A t 3, L yceum . ance and Psychometry. By STEPHEN FOSTER. day, Thursday, Friday, 6 p.m. till At 6-30, Am. D. J. DAVIS, J.P. W e d n e sd a y, at 3, Free H ealing Cir . 9 p.m. Wednesday, 2 p.m. till 9 p.m. Write for Syllabus, or Call. Saturday, 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. Visits and appointments can be arranged throuarh T u e sd a y , at 8, H ealing Circle. Phone : Paddington, 2312. All Are Cordially Invited. the post. W ed n esd ay and T h u r sd ay, Closed. 4, Willow Park Drive, Aylestone Lane, Su n d a y , D ec. 28111, Mr . E. Mead s. S u p p o r t O u r A d v e r t i s e r s . Wigston, Leicester, 818 T H E T W O WORLD8 Decem ber 19, 1930

OCCULT CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIST SOCIETY, Clarendon H all, M ad elin e R oad, by the Side of 164, Anerley Road, Anerley, S.E.20. Mid-way between Anerley A Crystal Palace Low Level Stations. Croydon & Palace Trams pass within 20 yards.

S U N D A Y . D ec. 21st, at 10-45, Lyceum . A t 11-30. Open Circle. A t 3-30 and 0-30, Mr. LESLIE BANCROFT. S U N D A Y , D ec. 28th, at 3-30 and 0-30, Mr. PEARSON. MONDAYS, at 7-30, H ealing Circle. Free. All are welcome. At 8-15, D eveloping Circle. A t 9, St u d y Class, M e m b e r s O n l y .


S A T U R D A Y , Dec. 20th, at 8, Mrs. P. REDFERN, Psychometry. S U N D A Y , D ec. 21st, at 6-30, Short.Service, with Address and Clairvoyance by Mr. R. R. THORNTON. After-Circle. Please Note Alteration in Time of Sunday Meeting. T H U R S D A Y , D ec. 25tii. CLOSED. S A T U R D A Y , D e c . 27th, Mr. W. D. WILDE. S U N D A Y . D ec. 28th, Mrs. A. E. RAYFIELD. T H U R S D A Y . Ja n . 1st, Mrs. S. HAP.1MERTON.

Miscellaneous Advertisements. Free Advice on Health Psychical R esearch for R onald B railf.y , Clairvoyant and Psychometrist, at homo daily. Post the Plain M an. correspondence. Circles Tuesdays and, How To Use Nature’s Best Remedies. Thursdays at 8.— 90, Sunny Gardens, N.W.4. Tel. : Hendon 1888. There is a man in Belfast who is B y B . D. M a n s f i e l d , Trance Medium, working wonders for the crowds who S. M. KINGSFORD holds her Seance Tuesday and Wednes­ seek his advice on health. The herbal day evening, Xmas Week, at 8 p.m. remedies used are so* skilfully pre­ Contents Sitters wanted for new Developing scribed and dispensed that the cures Circle in the New Year- W rite 4. West­ which result are literally the “ talk of Telepathy. moreland St.. Kbury Bridge. Victoria, the town.” Every week, on recom­ Clairvoyance. S .W .l. mendation alone, hundreds of people Crystal Gazing. visit Mr. Donaldson’s consulting rooms. Mediums. Marian Morkton, Clairvoyant, He is a qualified medical herbalist. Trance Mediums. Clairaudient, Speaker. At home, Mon­ To help him to cope with his ever- Automatic Writing and Croat Corret day to Friday, 1 to 5.—04, Newman increasing practice, lie has published pondence. Street, Oxford Street, W .l. a useful book, entitled “ Health From Premonitions and Death Warnings M r s . N ina Gould, Clairvoyant and Herbs.” This book describes the symp­ Hallucinations. Psychometrist . At home, Monday, toms of various diseases, and tells how Poltergeists. Tuesday, Wednesday, 0 p.m. Thurs­ they may be cured. It should be noted day, 3 to 5 p.m. Tea. Phone. Fulham, that the remedies advised have not 2/9 post free. 0531.— 71, Rannoch Road, off Fulham been borrowed from text books. Each Palace Road,J,W.6. and every one is based on Mr. Donald­ T w o W orlds Office, M anchester. M r . F. A nderton-IIulmk, P sy ch o­ son’s experience in thousands of cases logist and Healer, 71, George's Square, S.W .L Healing Circle, Thursday, 7 to Messages From B e yo n d . 9, and at 37, Upper Gloucester Place, N.W .I., Healing Circle, Tuesday, 7 to 9 THE TWO WORLDS M rs. B. H amilton holds Public De­ veloping Classes Mondays and Fridays SEANCE TRUMPET. at 8 p.m. Circles for Psychometry, Polished A luminium , B ritish M.« Wednesdays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Strong and L ight. Sundays at 7 p.m., Short Address and Boxed with Instructions Psychometry. Home daily from 11 to Price 7/6, Post F ree 7 p.m.—69, Westboume Grove, Bays- water. W.2. Phone, Park, 4375. Ex­ actly opposite Post Oflice. SINGLE PIECE, 24inci. M r s . H a r v e y , Clairvoyant and Psy­ M r . S. G. D onaldson. M.N.A chometrist, 43a. Russell Road (near ALUMINUM TRUMPET Olympia), Kensington, W.l I, at home In the north of England herbs are Boxed with Instructions. 10 to 1 and 2 to It*. Public Circles for used more extensively than in other Price 10/-, Post F ree Psychometry on Mondays at 8, Wed­ parts. All over the country, however, Special Manufacture. nesdays and Fridays at 3 and 8, and there is a growing reaction against Sat urdays at 8. Public Sunday services serums and mineral drugs. Even if these produced nothing but negative weekly at 7. The speaker on Dee. 21st, T w o W orlds Office, Manchester. will he M r s . F in c h . Trance Address results, they would he dear at any price, and Psychometry. Phone, Western 0265 but many of them are positively in­ jurious to the system. Mrs. Lilly, the Gifted Healer, re" Is it surprising that we are going KNIGHTS OF THE HOLÌ ceives patients daily for treatment- hack to the herbs to w hich our know ing GRAIL. Trance diagnosis by spirit doct or. Clair­ forefathers pinned their faith ? The voyant, and Clairaudient. Miraculous virtues of many of these natural re­ By DOROTHY BLANCH! MILLET cures effected. Fees very moderate. medies are now almost forgotten, hence Many successful absent treatment the need for expert guidance in their Extract from review in the “ Man­ cases. Write for appointment to 33, selection and use. Mr. Donaldson’s chester City News ” : “ This is a very Clifton Road, Maida Vale, W.9., or splendid practice is a sufficient proof choice little volume of short essay.' and Phone Cunnigham 1130. of liis exceptional fitness as a guide. reflections on problems which bee* t all Every reader who is interested in the M rs. M a y e s , 7, Fairmile Avenue, thinking minds. Miss Miller gets deep subject should write to him at once for Glcneagle Road. Streatham, holds down to fundamentals, and then ri-ee a copy of this book. Mention T he T wo Circles on Sundays at 7, Tuesdays at 8. to fine spiritual heights in the court-* of W orlds and “ Health From Herbs ” M b s . W illiam E d w a r d s, Clairvoyant her elucidation of things mysteiious will be sent to you free of charge by and obscure. The whole volume ie and Psychometrist, at home Tuesday, return of post. Mr. Donaldson’s Free charged with thought. It is whole­ Wednesday, Friday, 3 to 5. Developing Advice will accompany the Free Book some, uplifting and enlightening. And Circle, Tuesday, at S.— 15, Champion if you send particulars of your condi­ Miss Miller writes with literary gra*e, Grove, Denmark Hill, S.E.5. tion to The Guild of Spiritual Healing Ltd* her prose often having the musical 10 12, NORTH STREET, BELFAST. (Dr. Lascelles’ Healers). Open daily rhythm of poetry.” 10 to 9, Saturdays and Sundays ex­ cepted.— “ T u b S e e k e r s,” 29, Queen’s 95pp. Paper, 1 8 post free. Gate, S. Kensington, London, S.W.7. MORE SPIRIT TEACHINGS Cloth, 2 9. By Stainton Moses, M.A.. O xon S upport Our A dvertisers. 110pp. Paper. 1/8, post free T w o W orlds Office, Manchester. D e c e m b e r 19, 1930 T H E T W O WORLDS 819


The Opening Cerem ony and D edication of New Church

W ile b e P erformed b y MR. E. W. OATEN, E ditor “ T w o W orlds ” ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20th, 1930, at 3 o’c ock. Subscriptions towards the cost of the New Church will be welcomed by the Trustees: M r . T. WALKER, 86. W alker Street, E astwood, N otts., or M r. K. S L A T E R , 277,’ N ottingham Ro ad, H ill T op* E astwood, N otts.

OPEN DOOR CIRCULATING LIBRARY AND PSYCHIC CENTRE, 14, H and Court (3 doors High Holborn House), H igh H olborn, L ondon, W.C. Subs. 2/6 yearly. 2d. per week per vol.

M ON D AY, D ec. 22nd. at 3 and 7. Mrs. BROWNJOHN. TUESDAY, at 3, Mrs. BILLETTE. A t 7. Mrs. EDEY. WED­ NESDAYS, at 3-15, Mrs. BETTS. THURSDAYS, 3 to 0. Mrs. GABRIEL. A t 7. Mrs. BILLETTE. ERIDAYS, at 3. Mrs. EDEY. At 7. STUDY GROUP and CIRCLE, Mr. ANTEN. A t 7. Miss EVA CLARK, Spiritual Healing. De­ veloping Class. THURSDAYS, at 3. Mrs. BILLETTE. H o u rs : 12-30 to 7 (Closed Saturdays and Sundays). VISITORS WELCOME. ETHEL A. KNOTT.

Is Perfect Health Worth 6/6 ? STOUT PEOPLE THE STORY OF AN AMAZING DISCOVERY. Would you like to lose 2!bs. every week in a natural and physiological manner ? It can be done. I have enabled ttllS is the plain, unvarnished tale hundreds of stout people to become shapely again and to f an “incurable” who had a bright take their place in everyday enjoyments. My dea, cured himself in ten days for five hillings, an d’then m ade a fortune ou t i his brain-wave. Could fiction be OBESITY CAPSULES Bore romantic ? do this. They are manufactured from specially grown herbs and roots. With every tin I will send a Special Diet Chart A NERVOUS WRECK. compiled by the foremost diet expert of to-day. Sr. Gilbert Orr was doing the nervo- acking w ork o f a telegraph operator Send at once for a box of these Capsules, and the i the Belfast Post Office. For four Diet Chart will be sent to you Free. Mention weight and reary years he was tortured by nerves waist measurements. .ad sleeplessness, which culminated a nervous breakdown. Money lac­ C a p s u l e s , 3/- P e r B o x . ked on medicines and electrical M r . G il b e r t O r r . Batment and months spent at hydros Knight practici lly no relief. Cases like this baffle the S. G. DONALDSON, M.N.A., feverest physicians. 10 12, NORTH STREET, BELFAST. HIS LAST RESORT. ia last resort he turned to Olive Oil, which he knew had een esteemed in the East for thousands of years as the •jK*»XK*'X4*X~X~X~X^»**.*»X**X**X**X mX mX**$4 feat panacea. But, like most people in this country, he raid not lake the sickly stuff. Although recognised all rer the civilised world as Nature’s finest medicine, no way- I HAVE YOU A FRIEND I make it palatable had ever been found. ABROAD ? v HOW HE “ STRUCK OIL.” ♦I. WHY NOT make your Xmas or New Year’s Gift ie tried to disguise its flavour in different ways and. after Year 8 Subscription of “ ¡ores of failures, he made an amazing discovery. When a THE TWO WORLDS” ? You would keep them aware of all that is happening y lixed with a certain homely beverage the oil disappeared as in the Movement at home— you would remind them by magic. It' had become emulsified, and the taste of the of yourself not once, but every week in the year. No wibination was simply delicious. At bedtime he drank a matter where they live, they would be in constant bagful, piping hot, AND THAT NIGHT SLEPT BETTER THAN V touch with Spiritualism—its message, its work and E HAD DONE FOR YEARS. v its progress. And the cost would be less than the HEALTHY AND STRONG AGAIN. ? price o f TWO ORDINARY NOVELS. Very night he repeated the dose, and in ten days he felt and oked ten years younger. Nerves steady, strength and ¥ Subscription Rates to All Parts of the World : lergy doubled, sleeping like a log— it all seemed too good One Year, 10/10 Six Months, 6/5 : >be true. Then he let some friends into his secret— people ? iffering from all kinds o f com plaints— and the results were Three Months, 2/9. Host incredible. Whether it was Bronchitis, Indigestion, ? llstones, Nerves or Sleeplessness, this wonderful beverage y Simply send uo your Subscription, complete fed any and every case that came along. Hundreds of V the attached Coupon, and we will do the bged “ incurables” have been restored to vigorous health rest in your name. taking this simple, home-made tonic food. Many claim at it has saved their lives. I ------? ? AN INEXPENSIVE CURE. FILL IN THIS COUPON. ORZONE were expensive it would still be worth every ? Ming it cost, but as a matter of fact it is comparatively Friend’s N am e ...... *{* sap. A fortnight’s supply, including an excellent Drink Ser, costs only 6/6 (post free 7/3). In hundreds of cases ? quantity has effected cures which were considered A d d r e s s ...... Host miraculous. T h in k o f i t , p e r f e c t h e a l t h f o r 6/6! fger supplies are even more economical. When you bear i mind that a glass of ORZONE constitutes a complete ...... 4 4 sustaining meal, you will realise that you can actually i I enclose P .0 ...... for...... months’ e money while renewing your youth. Subscription to “ T h e T wo W orlds,” to be V DRINK YOUR WAY TO HEALTH. delivered weekly to the above address. V n't be satisfied with indifferent health this winter. A Y of ORZONE every day would soon double your energy Signed ...... Y '1 make you almost disease-proof. Lots of ORZONE Y Wiusiasts boast that they never catch a cold and never ...... — — ÀY 1 tired. Send to-day for a copy of “The Easy Road to I “THE TWO WORLDS,” Y »1th,” an interesting booklet which will tell you all aliout * great discovery. I 18, Corporation Street, M anchester. Y Y 10/12, North Street, Belfast X»X«X4X 4X»X*X~>X*X»X»X»X*X">4

Here is the first scientific record of a “ return to earth ” of the late Sir A r t h u r Conan D o y l e , author and spiritualist. Hundreds of mediums in many parts of the world claim to have spoken to the dead man, but few of these claims would stand investiga­ C o n a n tion. H A S H ’S MAGAZINE approached the foremost in­ vestigator of D o y l e ’s psychic pheno­ m en a , M r. Harry Price, a n d th is article is S t a r t l i n g the result o f h is sean ce.

T h e great author

and spiritualist talks

f r o m t h e after his death with

HARRY PRICE, t h e B e y o n d founder and Director of the N ational Laboratory

I N J A N U A R Y o f Psychical Research.