Dangi A divas is are ve,y fond of dance in which the whole Danf{is Community-men and women, young and old can share alike. They specifically never invite or call for dances by any-body. But obviously and automdtically they came out from their houses and join for dances by hearing the music of Dholak. Dances are performed in the evening and sometimes throuf{hout the night.

Drum music play an important part Ifl their dances" They use certain musical instruments viz. Tadapa, Dholak, Shahnai, Madan, Manjira and Brass plme(Thali) at the time of dances. Their dance takes an interesting formation, centering round a group of men, singers and drummers. This group stands in the middle of an open space and they begin to play upon their instruments.

There are different tunes for the different dances known as 'Chalos' according to the steps involved or according to the birds and beast which the movements of the da,nces try to imitate. There are 27 chalos or tunes such as slow motion tune, two steps tune, three steps tune, wail/ing tune, the sparrow tune, the crocodile step tune, chicken step tune, J opio chalo, Mohani chalo, Morna chalo, Bahino chalo, Malina chalo, Zavda chalo, Bhajania chalo, Kamar Modiya chalo, Sainak chalo etc.

Some time dancer puts fire in his mouth and also spreads fire on his body. But surprisingly, no signs or dots offire are found on his body.

Dancing play an important role in Dangi's enjoyment and amusement. By dancing, they remove the tedium and exhaustion of the day alld refresh themselves.

(Drawing by A. A. Saiyad Sr. Draftsman) CENSUS 1991





of the Indian Administrative Service, Director o/Census Operations, Gujarat CENSUS OF 1991 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS

Central Government Publications - Census of India 1991, Series -7 Gujarat are being published i., the following parts:

Part No. Subject Covered

I-A Administration Report - Enumeration I-B Administration Report - Tabulation II-A General Population Tables - A Series II-B General Population Tables-Primary Census Abstract III-A General Ecpnomic Tables - B Series -(Tables B-1 to B-lO) III-B General Economic Tables - B Series (Tables B-11 to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (Tables C-l to C-6) - IV-B Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (Tables C-7 to C-IO) V-A Migration Tables - D Series (Tables D-l to D-4) I V-B Migration Tables - D Series (Tables_D-5 to D-t3) VI Fertility Tables - F Series VII Tables on Houses and Household Amenities VIII Special Tables on Scheduled Castes & Schedl}led Tribes IX-A Town Directory IX-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns IX-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages X Ethnographic Notes and Special Smdies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XI Census Atlas State Government Publications:

District Census Hand Book

XIl-A Village and Town Directory XII-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract -

Note: 1 AU the maps included in this publicatj~n are ~sed upon survey ofIndia map witl! the pennission of the Surveyor Genera I of India. .

2 © Government of India Copyright ( 1993 ) CONTENTS


1 Foreword 3 2 Preface 5 3 Map of District Facing page 7 4 Important Statistics 7 5 Analytical Note and Tables 12-38 (i) Census concepts and definitions 12 (ii) Briefhistory of district and the District Census Handbook 16

(iii) Scope Of VilJage Directory,}'own Directory and Primary Census Abstract 18 (iv) Physical\aspects - Highlights on the changes in the jurisdiction of the slistrict 19 during th,: decade and any important event on geographic and geophysical aspect (v) Major chanacteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economic 20 resources (vi) Major soci.1 and 'cultural events, natural, economic and administrative 25 developme'nts dnring tbe decade (vii) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological impor­ 26 ta nce and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district (viii) Brief analysis of data of Primary Census Abstract, Village Directory and 27 Town Directory based on inset tables


6 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Village Directory 40

7 The Dangs Taluka/C.D. Block

(i) Taluka/C.D.Block map. Facing page 42 (ii) A1p'habeticallist of villages 42 (iii) Village Directory 50

8 Appendix I . Taluka/C.D. Block wise abStract of educational, medical and 94· other amenities 9 . Appendix II Land utilisation data in respect of census towns 96 10 Appendix III Taluka/C.D. Blockwise list of villages where no amenities viz. 96 educational, medical, post and telegraph, market/hat, com­ munication and power supply are available 11 Appendix IV List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Cas­ 97 tes and Scheduled Tribes to total population by ranges


12 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Town Directory 102 13 Town Directory Statements (I to VI and rv-p.) 104 ~i 10 Statement I Status and growth history 104 Statement II Physica I aspects and location of towns, 1989 104 Statement III Municipal Finance 106 Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1989 106 Statement IV-A Civic and other amenities in notified-slums, 1989 106 Statement V Medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities, 1989 108 Statement VI Trade, commerce, industry and banking, 1989 108 14 Appendix Towns showing their outgrowths with population, 1991 110


15 Explanatory note.and list of abbreviations used in Primary Census Abstract 112 16 District, Taluka/C.D. Block Primary Census Abstract 114 17 URBAN/VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (i) The Dangs Taluka/C.D.Block 120 18 Appendix Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population­ 154 Urban Blockwise . 19 District, TaJuka/C.D. Block, Town Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Primary Censu" Abstract (i) Scheduled Castes Primary Census Abstract 156 (ii) Scheduled Tribes Primary Census Abstract 160 FOREWORD

Publkation of the District Census Handbooks to meet sOllie of the requirements of the Rcvised Mini­ (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is con­ mum Needs Programme. Si~nilarly, information on" ap­ tinuing since then with some innovations/ moditkatioll'i proach to the village was also provided for the first time after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable in the Village Dirc(:tory so as to give an idea lIbout -the di:.triet level publieation brought oUI by the Census Or­ number of inaccessible villages in eaeh district. In case of ganisation on behalf of each State Govt./Union Territory Town Directories also kceping in view the requirements administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on of the Minimum Needs Prognlllunc, a Sts tcmcllt IV-A Ol~ some of the basic demographic and socio-economic cha r­ slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk acteristics and on the availability of certain important out the programmes for providing better civic and other civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the ame,nities in the slums. In this statement details 011 civic respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be and other amenities wcre reported for the slullls of Class of immense utility to thc planners, administrators, I and Class II tOWll<;. Apart from this, one column 011 the academiciails and researchers.' S<:heduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another o.n adult literclcy classes/centres werc added in The scope of the DCH was initially confined to Statements IV and V respectively. certain impo,rtant census tabfes on population, economic and socio-cultural aspects as also thc Primary Census The manner of presentation of thc DCHs for the Abstract (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. -the district. The DCHs published after the 1961 Census However, the fonnat o[ PCA has been restructured contained a descriptive account of the district adll1inistra- slightly in the 1991 Census [or the benefit of data users. . tive statistics, census tables and Vi.llage and Town Direc­ Nine fold industrial classification of main workers has tories including PCA. After the 1971 Census, two parts of been given as against four-fold industrial e1assification the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising Vil­ presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to this, the lage and Town Direcfories a.nd Part-B c_omprising ViHage sex-wise population in the 0 - 6 age group has also been 'included in PCA for the first time with a view to enabling and Town PCA) were relcased in all the States and Union data users to compute more rcalistic literacy rate as all Territories. The third Part (C) of the District Census Hand­ children below 7 years of age have peen treatcd as il­ books comprising administrative statistics and district literate at the time of the 1991 Census. It is expected that census tables, which was also to be brought out, could not the above mentioned modifications will help the pl~n­ be published in many States/UT.., due to considerable ners in chalking out more effective developmental delay in compilation of relevant material. In 1981 some programmes. new features alongwith the restructuring of the fonnats of Village and Town Directory were introduced in the DCHs. One of the 1Il0st important innovations in the 19~1 These were published in two parts for each district after Census is the Community Development Block-level the 1981 Census. While Part-A comprised Village and presentation of data in the Village Direetory and PCA Town Directories, the PCA of villages and towns (ward­ instead oftbe traditional Tahsil/Taluka/PS level presenta­ wise) including Scheduled Caste and Schcduled Tribe tion. It is expected that the presentation of Village Direc­ PCA upto tehsil/town level were provided in Part-B. To tory an,~ PCA data at C.D. Block level will help the illustrate, all the amenities except electricity were plannerS in fonnulation of micro levcl developmental brought together in the Village Directory and if an amenity plans, as the C.D. Block is the lowest administrative unit was not available in the referrent village, the distance jn for developmental planning. broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given. Information on some new items such as adult In order to facilitate the task of administrators, literacy centres, primary health sub-centres and com­ planners and researchers intending to use Village Direc­ munity health workers in the village were provided so as tory /PCA data; eitheF from the magnetic ta pes/tloppies or

3 , been made to show whether the Census Hand Books Shri V.B. Savdasia, Director, Economics and· reasonably fulfill these aspirations/requirements. Statistks has also helped this organisation not only by placing at the disposal of Census services of competant These District Hand Books are thus useful to plan­ personnel on deputation as well as provided valuable ners in planning from hottom as well as to administrators, otIicial statistics for this publication, which have since researchers, educational institutions, including univer­ been incOlporated. sities a nd other socio-economic research centres, demog­ raphers and demographic research centres as well as The District Collector .,nd the District Develop; students conducting research in demogral}hy, social and ment Officer a nd their concerned staff have extended their economic studies, as well as to the local bodies like wal1.ll and wholehearted co-operation for carrying out Panchayats, Municipalities alld Munkipal Corporations, etc. field work for the census and District Census Hand Book work. A lar~e number of officials of Directorate of Census The Director expresses his deep gratitude to the Organisation and District Census Hand Book Unit have following officers of the Government of Gujaral, Geneml contributed in bringing out these publications. Administration Departmellt, for tbeir valuable, belp and co-operation in fulfilling all administrative requirements The Registrar Geneml and Census COllunissioner intimc for bringing out these publications. of India, Shri' A.R. Nanda, provided encouragement and gave valuable guidance at every stage ofthc Ccnsus work. Shri H.R. Patankar, the then Chief Secretary, Shri The varfous officers in his office particularly Shri N. S.L. Vanna, the then Additional Chief Secreta ry, Shri J.A. Rama Rao, Shri M.K. Jain, SlUt. Minati Ghosh, Shri A.K. Pandya, Deputy Secretary, Shri A.H. Manek, the then Singh, Shri N.S. Soam and Shri J.P. Joshi had also Under Secretary, Shri H.L. Madia, Under Secretary, Shri rendered assistance in no small measure in bringing this A.H. Gamit, the. then Section Officer and Shri M.S. work at the final stage of printing. Nanavati, Assistant.

Ahmadabad N. R. VARSANI 30th June, 1992 Director of Census Operations Gujarat

6 GUJARAT THE DANGS DISTRICT " i-·._.til' ./" t=1 " ...... • PART OF' j,/ E::::t::±=:±==:J7t:=::±==:j' KILOMETRES \ THE DANGS DISTRIC,/ I '.... ",,,,,. ", ....~ \ c :; T 5 U ; ...... ""\ c • ...... :\ : (,,,,/\,~ .;'" l.{IT . '-'-V" i .. \,:; r-'-J~'-'-"'-'~-" (.._. "\ . ,,J ...... -<., t. './. j _4 '. J !\ l ~--' '." i .J ~ I" l' ...... >...... , . ,..._.- ..... , _. ·"._l

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Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. © Government of India Copyright, 1993 'IMPORTANT ,S"fATISTICS AND ANALYTICAL NOTE AND TABLES IMPORTANT STATISTICS - eontd. STATE DISTRICT GUJARAT THEDANGS

(ii) MARGINAL WORKERS Persons 6.11 3.67 'Males 0.40 0.21 Females 12.23 7.19

(iii) NON·WORKERS Persons 59.77 49.45 Males 46.43 46.4'- Females 74.04 52.46



(I) CULTIVATORS Persons 33.37 70.52 Males .34.05 67.25 Females 30.57 74.91

(II) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS PerSons 22.92 16.14 Males 17.57 13.97 Females 45.09 19.06


(IV) MINING AND QUARRYING Persons 0.42 0.02 Males 0.45 0.03 Females 0.29 0.02


(V. a) HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY Persons 1.39 1.37 Males 1.33 1.29 .'emales 1.66 1.49

(V. h) OTHER THAN HOUSEHOU) Persons 14.46 U2 INDUSTRY Males 17.15 1.57 h'lIIales 3.33 0.51


(VI) CONSTRUCTION Persons 2.01 1.28 Males. 2.30 2.05 Females 0.79 0.25

(VII) TRADE AND COMMERCE Persons 8.87 1.76 Males 10.44 2.76 Females 2.34 0.41

(VIII) TRANSPORT, STORAGE AND Persons 3.79 0.53 CQMMUNICATIONS Males '4.59 0.90 Females 0.45 0.03

(IX) OmER SERVICES Persons 9.72 5.98 Males 9.72 8.10 Females 9.72 3.13

PERCENTAGE OF S<:HEDULED CASTES Persons 7.41 0.73 POPULATION TO TOTAL POPUlATION Males 7.44 0.74 Females 7.37 0.72

PERCENTAGE OF SCHEDULED TRIBES Persons 14.92 93.96 POPIJlATION TO TOTAL POPULATION Males 14.67 93.54 Females 15.18 94.38


TOTAL NIJMBER OF VILlAGES Total 18,509 309 Inhabited 18,025 309 Uninhabited 484





Introduction (i) Statutory towns

Keeping in view the needs of planners, specifically All places with local authorities like Municipal Cor­ for micro-level planning, District Census Hand Book is porations, Municipalities, Cantonments a nd Notified brought out in two parts i.e. part A and part B for each town areas are treated as statutory towns. district in 'One volume. The part A pJesents basic data (ii) Non-Municipal towns Census towns pertaining to the infrastructuml facilities and amenities for or each viJIage and town, whereas part B gives the primary All other places (except statutory towns) which census abstract data for each village and for each ward of satisfy the following three criteria viz. (a) A minimum the town. The village wise infrastructural and amenities population of 5,000 (b) A density of population of atleast data were collected through "Village Directory" fornl 400 per Sq.kl~1. or 1000 per sq.mile (c) Atleast 75 per cent from the village level officials i.e. Talati-cum-Mantri, of the male working population engaged in non-agriclll­ while the townwise infrastructura I a nd a menities data Jural and allied pursuits. were collected through "Town Directory" fornl from the IOl'al bodies viz. Munidpal Corporations, Municipalities, The three criterias specified above were strictly ap­ Nagar Panchayat." Village Panchayats etc. The non-cen­ plied to all revenue villages based on the preceding ('en.,us sus data i.e. amenities and land use pertained to the year data i.e. 1981 Census data aud all revenue villages which 1989-90. The primary cl;nsus abstral't data were compiled satisfied the ahove criteria were declared as census towns from the Individual Slips of 1991 Celt">us and related to or non-municipal towns for the purpose of census. III the lhe Reference Date as Sunrise of 1st March, 1991. 1981 and 1991 censuses, industrial category III specifying activities like fishing, livestock, hUllting, plantation"> and Il is utmost important for the "District Census Hand­ orchards, .etc. were treated at par with cultivators and book" users to acquaint themselves with different census labourers for the purpose of the third criterion mentioned concepts adopted during the houselisting work as well as above. Thus, the third criterion was calculated with refer­ during the actual census enumeration work, as the tables ence to !he figures for working categories. presented in this puhlication relate to different census -concepts, viz. rural a nd urban areas, census house, census The 'above definition of urban area differs slightly household, scheduled castes, schecJuled tribes, literates, from that of 1961 and 1971 censuses, wherein activities main worker, marginal worker, non-worker etc. such as fishing, livestock, hunting, plantations and oro, [I] Census concepts and definitions chards etc. were treated under non-agricultural activities.

Rural areas ITrban Agglomeration

The Census data are being presented separately for The concept of urban agglomeration, adopted for the rural and urban areas. It is rather difficult to give an exact first time in the 1971 Census is an improvement over the definition for rural areas as far as cen.,us is concerned. The concept of town group adopted in the 1961 ~ensus. The urban areas are defined in the census. The rcmainingareas said concept has been continued in the subsequent cen­ not classified as urban area are known as rural areas. Thus, suses of 1981 and 1991. Very often, the growth of tOWIL., a rural area is non-urban consisting of 'revenue village' overlapped the statutory limits of a city or a town. These with well defined boundaries, which is the basic lowest were reflected ill large railway colonies, university cam­ unit in the 'hieTa fl'hy of administrative units. The revenue puses, port areas, indust.rial areas etc. which grow outside village may comprise several hamlets, yet the entire vil­ the limits ora town, but they revealed a continuous growth lage is COliS ide red as one unit for the presentation of census with the tOWll. These outgrowths mayor may 110t by data. As reported by cOllcernt;d authorities, the forest a Tea themselves qualify to be treated as separate towns, but is also treated as separate forest village. they deserve to be considered 'as urban areas. Such a town Urban areas with its outgrowth area is treate~ as one urban unit and called 'Urban Agglomeration'. The constituents of an Urban areas arc clearly defined for the purpose of urban agglomeration should satisfy the conditions of ur­ Census. Urban arells comprisc (1) Statutory towns lind (2) banization, continguity and viability. These arc the general non-municipal towns i.e. ccnsus tOWIL'i.

12 principles based on which urban agglomeration are 3 Bawa-Dedh, Dedh Sadhu fo'nllcd. 4 Bhambi, Bhambhi, Asadaru, Asodi, Chamadia, Chamar, Cbambhar, Chamgar, Haralayya, Harali, Following arc the probable different situations in Khalpa, Machigar, Mochigar, Madar, Madig, which urban agglomerations could be constituted. Mochi, Nalia, Telegu Mochi, Kamati Mocbi, Ranigar, Rohidar, Rohit, Samgar. (i) a city or town with continuous growth, which is 5 Bhangi, Mehtar, Olgana, Rukhi, Malkana, outside thc statutory town limits, but coming within Halalkhor, Lalbegi, Bahniki, Korar, Zadmalli. the boundaries of the adjoining village or villages, 6 Chalvadi, Channayya (ii) two or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths, 7 Cbenna Dasar, Holaya Desar (iii) a city and one or more adjoining towns with their 8 Dangashia outgrowths, all of whicb formed a continuous 9 Dbor, Kakkayya, Kankayya spread. 10 Gannatang 11 Garoda, Garo Census House, 12 Halleer , A 'Census House' is a building or a part thereof 13 Halsar, Haslar, Hulasvar, Halasvar having a separatc mail. entrance from the road or a (~om­ 14 Hoiar, Valbar mon l'ourtyard Of staifl'ase etc., used Of recognised as a 15 Holaya, Haler separate unit. It may hc occupied orvacant. Itmay be used 16 Lingader for a residential or nOll-residential purpose or both. In 17 Mahar, Taral, Dhegu Megu case of a , building having a number of flats or blocks, 18 Mahyavansi, Dhed, Dhedh, Vankar, Maru Vankar which are independent of one another having separate Antyaj . entrances of their own from the road or a common stair­ 19 Mang, Matang, Minimadig case or a common courtyard, leading to the main gate, 20 Mang-Garudi were considered as separate census houses. 21 Meghval, Meghwal, Mengbvar 22 Mukri Census Household 23 Nadia, Hadi A bousebold is a group of persons, wbo commonly 24 Pasi live together and would take their meals from a ('Onll110n 25 Senva, Shenva, Chenva, Sedma, Rawat kitchen unless the exigencies of work prcventcd any of 26 ShcmaJia them from doing so. Tbere may be a household' of persons 27 Thori relatcd by blood or a household of unrelated persons or 28 Tirgar, Tirbanda bavinga combination of both. Examples ofsucb unrelated 29 Turi households are boarding houses, messes, hostels, residen­ 30 Turi Barot, Oedh Barot tial botels, -rescue homes, jails, ashrams, etc. These are Scheduled Tribes called 'Institutional Households'. There may be one mem­ ber housebolds, 2 melpber households or multi-mcmber 1 Barda households. For Census purposes, ea,'h one of these types 2 Bavacha, Bamcha is regarded as a 'household'. 3 Bharwad (In the Nesses of the forests of A1ech, Barada and Gir) Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Trihes 4 BbiJ, Bhil Garasia, Dholi-Bhil, Dungri Bhil, Dungri Garasja;Mewasi Bhil, Rawal Bbil, Tadvi The Sch~dulcd Castes and Scheduled Tribes as Bbil, Bbagalia, Bbilala, Pawra, Vasava, Vasave. notified undcr the constitution (Amendment Act of 1976) 5 Cbaran (In the Nesses of the forests of A1ech, for Gujaral State have been treatcd as Scheduled Castes ,Barada and Gir) and Schcduled Tribes for the purpose of enumeration. A 6 Chaudhri (In Sural and districts) list of sucb Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes notified 7 Chodhara for Gujaml is as under 8 Dhanka, Tadvi, Tetaria, Valvi Scheduled Castes 9 Dhodia 1 Ager 10 Duhla, Talavia, Halpati 2 Bakad, Bant 11 Gamit, Gamta, Gavit, Mavchi, Padvi

13 12 Gond, Rajgond Reference period for classification of economic status 13 Kathodi, Katkari, Dhor Kathodi, Dhor Katkari, In 1991 Census, the economic status of a 'person has Son Kathodi, Son Katkari been adopted into following 3 categories, viz. (1) Main 14 Kokna, Koknj, Kukna Worker (2) Marginal Worker and (3) Non-worker. 15 Koli (In Kachchh district) 16 Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kol~ha, Kolgha The economic status of a persdn is classified with 17 Kunbi (In Dangs district) reference to a reference period preceding the census. The 18 , Nayaka, Cholivala, Nayaka, Kapadia reference period prescribed was one year prel'eding the Nayaka, Mota Nayaka, Nana Nayaka date of enumeration. 19 Padhar 20 Paradhi (In Kachchh District) Main Worker 21 Pardhi, Advichincher, Phanse Pardhi, (Excluding The main worker is a persoll who works for the Amreli, , , , Kach­ chh, and Surendranagar Districts) major.p~_rt of the year i.e. for the 6 months or 183 days or 22 Patelia more Ht one or more than one activity. 23 Pomla Marginal Worker 24 Rabari (In the Nesses of the forests of A1ech Barada & Gir) The marginal worker is a pe~~n who works for a 25 Rathawa period of less than 6 months or 183 days in one or more 26 Siddi (In Amreli, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, than one activity. Rajkot and .. ) 27 Vaghri (In Kachchh Districts) Non-Worker 28 Varli A non;worker is a J)erson who had nQ economic· 29 Vitola, Kotwalia, Barodia activity anytime during the period of reference of 1 year preceding the date of enumeration. These would cover all The enumerators were instructed to rel'ord a person persons who are engaged in unpaid home duties and who as a Sl~heduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe provided the name do no other work or have not done any work at all during given by the person was. found in the above list. the last 1 year. Full time students and children attending Scheduled Omes may belong to Hindu, Sikh or Buddhist schools, all dependents such as infants or chitdren not religion. However, a person belonging \-(}Sl~heduled Tribe attending schools or persons pernlanently disabled from can profess any religion. work because of illness or old age, persons retired from Literates service {)f rentier, beggers, vagrants, convicts in jails or inmates of a penal, mental or charitable institution llnd all A person, who can both read and write with under­ non-workers who may not come under any of the above standing in any language, is taken as literate. A person categories. wbo can merely read but can not write is not considered as literate. It is not necessary that a person who is literate The activity of main workers is classified into fol­ lowing 9 categories viz. (1) Cultivator (2) Agricultural should have received any fonnal ed~cation or should have labourer (3) Livestock, forestry, fishing, hunting and plan­ passed any minimum educational standard. All children tations, orchards and allied al'tivities (4) Mining and quar­ upto the age of 6 years are treated as illiterates, even if ry ing (5) Manu fa cturing, processing, servicing a nd repa i rs they are school going children and mighthave picked up (6) Construction (7) Tmde and commerce (8) Transport, re~ding and writing a few odd words. storage and communications and (9) Other services. Work l. Cultivator Work bas been defined as participation in any 1\ peISoll is considered as a cultivator if he or she has economically productive activity. Such participation may been enga,ged either as an employer, single worker or be physical or mental in a nature. Work involves not only family worker in cultivation of land owned or held from, actual work but also effective supervision and direction of Government or from private persons or institutions for work. It also includes unpaid work on farm or in family payment in casb, kind or share in cultivation including enterprise. supervision or direction of cultivation.

14 Cultivation involves ploughing, sowing and harvest-, not merely selling) of goods. It does not include profes-" ing and production of cereals. and niilled crops such as sions such as that of a pleader, astrologer etc. or merely wheat, paddy, jowar, bajrd, rdgi, etc., and other crops such trade or businesS, even if such professions, trade or ser­ as sugarcane, groundnut, tapiilca, pulses, raw jute, vices are run at home by members of household. kindered fibre crop cotton etc. It does not include fruit 5 (b) Other than Household Industry growing, vegetable growi ng or keepi ng orcha rds or groves or working on plantations like tea, coffee, rubber, This category of industry deals... with production, cincho'na and other medicinal plantations. p~ocessing, servicing and repairing done in places other than in household industry. 2. Agricultural Labourer • 6. Construction A person who works on another person's land for wages in cash, kind or share is considered as an agrkul­ All persons engaged in construction and main­ tura I labourer. He/shc has no risk in the cultivation, but tenance of buildings, roads, railways, telegraphs, he/she lIll'rely works on another person's land for wages. telephone, waterways and water reservoirs, hydroelectric Au agricultu'rallahourer bas no right of lease or contract projects, industrial plants and activities allied to construc­ on land, on which he/she works. tions such as plumbing, heating and air conditioning il!­ stallation, setting of tiles, marble, brick etc. are treated as 3. Livestock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plan­ workers under this category. tations, Orchards and Allied Activities 7. Trade and Commerce Those who are engaged in rearing up goats, sheep, , < horses, pigs, ducks, bees, silk-worms are treated as This category indudes all workers employed in workers under livestock. Similarl~, persons engaged in wholesale and retail trade of all kinds and other commer­ fishing or doing plantation or conservation of forests come cial activities like financing, insurance, real estat~ and under this category of workers .. business services and legal services as are rendered by advocate, barristers, pleaders etc. 4. Mining and Quarrying 8. Transport, Storage and Communications Persons engaged in different type of mines such as coal, lignite, crude petroleum, natul"dl gas, iron ore, man­ All persons employed in any fonn of transport either ganese, gold, silver, l'opper ores and quarries of stones, by road, rail, water or air and persons participating in clay and sandpits, precious and semi precious stones, mica stordge, warehousing activiti!,!s and communications such etc. come under this category of workers. as postal, telegraphS, telephones and broadcasting are treated workers under this category. s. Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing and Repairs 9. Other Services The category has been divided into two sub­ This class includes all workers engaged in services . categories namely (a) Household Industry and (b) Other than Household Industry. like electricity, gas, water, public administration and defellCe services, sanitary services, education, scientific 5 (a) Household Industry and research services, medical and health services, . A Household Industry is defined as an industry religious and welfare services, reneational and cultural conducted by the Head of the household himself/herself services and personal services. Thus, it would appear that and/or mainly by the n~embers of the household at home this category covers an such workers who do not come or within the village in rural areas and within the premises under any of the industrial categories mentioned in the of the house where the household lives in urban areas and fo.regoing paragraphs a nd also those whose activities have that it does not run as a registered factory. not been adequately described. General labourers who are an:ustomed to work in various miscellaneous jobs are also A How.. l:hold Industry further related to production, pWl'essing, sl'Tvil'ing, rl:pairing or making and selling (but dassified under 'olher services'.

15 [II] Brief History of the District and the District The Dang Darbar Census Handbook The origin of the Dang Darbar may be traced to a (a) Hi'story of the District period just following the execution of the forest leases by the British in 1842. A Darbar Was held by the Chiefs and The sources of history of the Dangs distrkt are few Naiks. The main object of holding the Darbar was to and far between. This is presumably \Jet'ause of its dense collect all persons at one place. The Damar was a very forests, hilly and inaccessible terrain and stern tribal colourful function to conjure with. A11 the Chie[s and their population. In the district territory, there are no ancient Bhaubhandhs came to the Darbar in their picturesque, monuments of historical archaeological importance, an­ dress a!,d made merry Jor two or three days. The Rajas cient temples and forts which may point to a partkular considered it a great honour to receive payments from the period of history. There are very few direct references to hands of the European Political Agents. The tradition of tbe history of the D,angs. The Dangs territory was not holding a Darbar is still continued. treated as a separate political entity from the Khandesh After t!le Dangs came 'under the jurisdiction of the 'district or Baglan area comprised in the adjacent Nasik East India Company, efforts were made to stamp (lut the district or the Songadh area of the Gaikwad. The history scourge of the Dangs Chiefs Who loved liherty and of the Dangs, therefore, requires to be pieced together freedom much more than anything else in life. The British from the fragmentary historical data relating to the dis­ primarily took care of their interests in fon·~ts. Thc forest tricts, adjacent to it. leases were executed by the British with the main ohjec­ tive of obtail)ing timber for the shipping yard in Bombay Dandakaranya and to get thereby a fool hold ill the administration of the The area of the Dangs is believed to be the Dangs territory. British mainlailH:d a modicum or ad­ welknown 'Dandakaranya 'where Rama and Sita spent ten ministration for law and order in th~ Dangs. The Chiefs years of their exile. and Naiks got a fixed annual subsidy from the forest leases from the British. In shot:t, the f9rest lease holders became The Dang; under the British the'de facto' rulers of the Dal1gs. The Gaikwad could not produce any documentary positive proof, historical The history of the Dangs takes a definite shape only evidence or sanad in support of his daim as sovereign after the British established contact with the Dangs ter­ power as successor Govenune~t to the Peshwa in the ritory subsequent to the acquisition of Kbandesh from the Dangs jurisdiction. Hence, the British did not accept the Peshwa in 1818. The original possessors _of the Dangs Gaikwad's claim that his rights in the Dangs were the were Bhils. "The name of the Dangs Bhils struck terror result of his sovereign status, but accepted certain rights in the hearts of the people. The Bhils as a race, are in the l'o-shared villages only. illiterate, poor and improvident. They are suspicious of The Status of the Dangs civilization and superstitious in beliefs. But they are brave to a fault, no enterprise is too daring for them. They are The question about the legal status of th£ Dangs, acquainted witbevery hills path refuge, retreat and forest. first cropped up when the Dangs forests were proposed to It is their sturdy spirit of independence and intolerance of be demarcated into reserved and protected forests in the any external interference in their traditional habitat. seventies of the last century. Tbe Government of Bomba y "They considered their Dangs forests as their heaven" constituted a committee to prepare a scheme for the demarcation of the forests in the Dangs and to consider The territory of the Dangs was formerly covered by the question about the'transfer of the political charge of small principalities presided over 4 Chiefs and 10 Naiks. the Dangs from Khandesh to SUral. The Committee Among them, 4 Chiefs were educated whereas 10 Naiks s,ought the opinion of the Legal Remembrance Mr J.R. were uneducated. A11 of them were Bhils and follow Naylor before taking a decision in the matter. As per Mr. fanning for subsistence. Most of them were given lands Naylor's opinion, the British Government treated the by the Government. They get politkal pension from Dangs as a foreign territory and administered it under the Go:venul1ent. Indian Foreign Jurisdiction Act.

16 ForestAdministration , (b) History of District Census Handbook

For practical purposes, the Forest Administration in Before the 1951 Census, the Census figures were the Dangs nlllllnenced with the execution of forest leases published in II booklet known as 'Village Handbook' in 1842. But the Forest Administration in the legal sense, which contained only villagewise population figures. however, commenced from 1902-03, with the appoint­ These books were prepared and published by the Direc­ ment of Collector, as Politica 1Agent and Divisional torate of Census. Forest Officer, Surat as Assistant Politic-al Agent, Dangs, with magisterial powers. During the period from 1903 to The District Census Handbook was introduced for 1943, the Divisional FOIest Officer and the Dangs Diwan tbeprst time in 1951 Census by the Directorate of Census. managed all affairs of the territory with the modicum of It comprised the villl1gewise primary census abstract administrative machinery at their disposal. figures and infornlation Oil available amenities. It also contained several tables relating to the district. It varied Transfer of the Dangs to GovernmentofIndia in 1933 in content and size from State to State depending upon the and its merger in Bombay resources offered by the respective State Governments. Before the new constitution under the GovenunclIt of India Act 1935 came into force, Government of India In 1961 Census, a uniform pattern of District Census appointed Colonel Wilberfo'~ce Bell as Officer?n Special Handbook was adopted throughout the' country. The­ DUty in connection with tbe iransfer of the Bombay State project was jointly executed by the Directorate of Census to the Govenunent of India. Col. Bell recommended and the State Government. In addition to the English 'Interalia' that alongwith other States, the Dangs State version, it was published for the first time in Gujarati should also be ta,ken over by .the Gover!nnent of India. language .• The District Census Handbook 1961 was pub­ Accordingly the Dangs State was transferred to the lished in three parts viz. Part I, Part 11 and Part III. Part I Government of India with effect from 1st Apri I, 1933 and rdated to introductory Note i.e. general and economic placed under the political control of the Govenunent of information for the district and a brief gazetteer of place , India through the agent to the Governor General for the names. Part II pertained to census t1bles, villagewise list Gujarat State. The Government orders of 1954 extin­ of industrial establishments, tables on handicrafts and , ' guished all rights and privileges of the Chiefs and Naiks departmental statistics. Part III consisted on village direc­ , of the Dangs by granting them hereditary political. pen­ tory covering the amenities and primary census abstract sion" fixed Oll an 'adhoc' basis. It is further cqntinued for data combined in one statement. It also covered district a period of3 years upto March, 1993. and taJuka maps.

The Dangs is a newly created district, formed after It is worthwhile here to note that the State Govern­ the mergerofthe Dangs States of the fonnerGujarat States ment has created a separate unit for the preparing and Agency with the province of Bombay in 1947. On the publishing District Census Handbooks from 1971 Census creation of the new district of the Dangs; four villages onwards. In the 1971 Census, the contents of District were transferred from it to Surat district and three villages Census Handbook were modified. In the preceding cen­ from Surat district were included in it. suses, 'the data on amenities and primary census abstracts were covered in one statement whereas in 1971 Cemms, In November 1956, the States were reorganised and the data 'on amenities and primary census abstaract were the bigger bilingual State of Bombay was formed with separated into two different parts. Thu_s,the coverage of Vidarbha, Marathawada, and Kach~bh amenities data was extended and the land use data were regions. The Dangs district alongwith the other districts formed part of the bigger bilingual State. Lastly, the introduced for the first time from 1971 District Census Bombay State was bifurcated on 1st May, 1960 and Handbooks. Moreover,'a separate p~ltion known as separate St!ltes of Gujarat and Maharashtra were formed. 'Town Directory' was also incorporated for the first time The Dangs district became a part of the Gujarat State and in the District Census Handbook. The 1971 District Cen­ placed under the administrative control of the Collector of sus Ha-ndbook'was published in three parts viz. Pa rt A, Part Surat iminediately, Shortly, thereafter, it was constituted B and Part C. Part A contained the village and town as a separate district of only one taluk,~. directory. Part B contained village and towllwise primary

DanllS - 2 17 Census abstract data and part C contained official statis­ mation on number of households and tolitl population has tics, besides full count census tables, urban census tables been included with a view to examine the co-relation of and analytical report OIl~eRSUi and related statistia socio­ amenities with the number of households am popUlation economic and cultural tables (Rural areas) and housing they serve. If an amenity is not in existence in tite referrant tables. Part Aaad Part B ~ere combined and published in village, tbe distance in broad ranges from tbe nearest one volullle. place, wbere the amenity is available is given. The broad range are (-5 kms.), (5-10 kms.) and (10+kms.) The District eenlus Handbook 1981 was brought out in ~o parts , Part A and Part B. Part A contained the The format of village directory bas been revised and village and town directory whereas Part B included the some items such as staple food of the people, places of religious, historical and archaeological interest, copies of primary census abstract data, both General and Scheduled the newspaper coming in the villages, number of motor­ Castes and SCheduled Tribes, Both parts were published cycles and scooters, number of cars and jeeps and number in one volume. Part C brought out for 1971 Census was of tractors available in the villages have been-excluded dropped in 1981 Census. However, official statistics and from the village directory of 1991 District Census Hand­ some portion of analytical notes of part C of 1971 Ce_nsus book. At the end of village directory, the following 4 were also included in the 1981 Census Handbook. appendices have been included in thy District Census For the 1991 Census, the District Census Handbooks Handbook 1991, on the same lines of preceding 1981 are prepared more or less on the same lines of the preced­ Census. ing 1981 Census. Appendix I gives talukawise (C.Dblockwise) infor­ mation regarding thc facilities like educational, medical, [III] Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory, and Primary Census Abstract drinking water, post and telegraph, coIl11ri.unications and power supply available in the villages. In addition. infor­ As mentioned earlier, the District Census Handbook mation about the number of institutions is given is brought out in two parts - Part A and Part B. Part A talukawise (CD. blockwise) so far as educational and covers the non-census data of village directory and town­ medical institutions a~e concerned. directory. whereas part B covers the primary census Appendix II presents land utilisation data in respect abstract data of 199] Census .. The scope ofvilJage direc­ of non- municipal towns i.e. places considered as towns tory, town directory and primary census abstract is dis­ for census purposes. cussed below. Appendix III shows.Jt talukawise (C.D. blol'kwise) Scope of Village Directory list ofvilJages where six amenities (viz. education, medi­ For the census work, the villages in the district have cal, post and t_elegraph, market/bat, communication and been arranged talukawise (C.D. blockwise) and within the power supply) are not available and lastly. taluka(C.D.block), they are shown location codewise. Appendix IV presents a talukawise (CD. block­ Each village i.i assigned a location code number for the wise) list of villages according to the proportion of purpose of identification: Prior to the village directory Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to tbe total information,_ a map and alphabetical list of villages for population by various ranges. each talult~ (C.D. block) is given in Part A. Village directory contains the non census data of each village. it Scope of Town Directol'Y gives the viJIagewise basic information relating to in­ Town Directory covers the non-census data for each frastructure and amenities available in the sphere of town. It presents important and useful information like education, medical, drinking water, marketslhat'i. power civic and other amenities available in all the towns of the supply, post and telegraph, communications, approach district. The information in town directory is covered in road to village and distribution of landuse area. In addi­ following 7 statement'i, viz. statements I to VI and IV-A. tion, it contains information about total area of each vil­ This statements used in the preceding 19RI Census are lage, total population and number of households and the identical for current 1991 Census also. The details of town nearest town and its distance from the village. The infor- directory statements are given in brief.

18 workers were presented in 9 broad industrial categories. Statement. .I describes the . class, name, civic ad- ministrative status of the town, its area, growth rates, In addition, information for 0-6 years population is added density and sex ratio. in the revised format of P.c.A.

Statement II indicates physical aspects of each town. An appendix gives the urban block level total population and scheduled castes/scheduled tribes popula­ Statement III presents the details of the income and tion. This is meant for the use of administrative purposes expenditure ligures for each town. in urban areas. Such data are needed by Urban Planning Statement IV indicates civic and other amenities in Authorities and Researchers for conducting other studies respect of each town. in selected blocks.

Staten1tnt IV-A gives infomlation about civic and [IV] Physical aspects • Highlights on the changes in other amenities in notified slums. the jurisdiction of the district during the decade including its boundaries and any important event Statement V provides the information on availability on geographic or geophysical aspects. of medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities in towns. In each district of Gujarat State, two systems of jurisdiction set up are functioning viz. (I) revenue system Statement VI shows information about the trade, in rural areas and (2) local system in urban areas. Under commerce, industry and banking for each town. the revenue system, the district is divided into prants (divisions) and further into talukas/C.D.blocks and In all the statements except IV-A, the towns are revenue vi1lages. Under tbe local system, the urban areas arranged in the alphabetical order within the district. The are classified into statutory towns, cantonment areas, details of these statements are given in the analytical nOtified areas etc. In Gujarat State, community develop­ portion of the town directory. In addition to the above ment blocks are co-terminus with talukas and the hamlets statement<;, an appendix showing the towns with their outgrowths with population, is incorpordted after the town of viJIages are not identified. directory statements. The Dangs district consists of 1 prant (revenue) Scope of Primary Census Abstract. division viz. The Dangs division, which comprises. tbe Dangs taluka. . Part B consists of the 'District Primary Census Abstract' (District PCA). The District P.c.A. comprises For the implementation of development activities, all the above jurisdictions (i.e. village, taluka/C.D.block, ~lIsic population data for each village 'separately in rural areas and for each town/ward separately in urban areas prant, district and town) have their own relevance and under the following heads, viz. area of viII ages in hectares importance. The handbook contains the villagewise, and of towns/wards iu sq.kms. number of occupied townwise, taluka~ise/C.D.blockwise and prantwise data. residential houses, number of hOllseholds, scxwise total The boundaries of the district and taluka remained population, 0-6 years population, Scheduled Castes and unchanged between the period of two censuses i.e. from Scheduled Tribes population, literates, main workers clas­ 1981 to 1991. Only following cbange is observed in tbe sified into 9 industrial categories, marginal workers and villages/towns of tbe district during 1991 Census. non workers. Two villages which were rural areas in preceding The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes P.C.A. Census 1981 has been classified as urban areas and at the district/taluka (C.D.block) level are also presented. declared as towns for tbe purpose 'of enumeration of 1991 The format of the P.C.A. for the village's and Census, tbe details of which are as under. towns/wirds in t991 has been revised as compared to the SI. Name of Vi II a8e T(')wn P.C.A. 1981. In 1981, the main workers were presented No. Talukal L.C.No. Name L.c. No. Name into 4 broad industrial categories (i.e. I, II V(a) and C.D.block of 1981 of 1991 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) categories III, IV, V(b) and VI to IX were combined (6) I The Dangs 162 Ahwa (I) Ahwa together in the fourth category) whereas in 1991, the main 2 The Dangs 149 (II) Waghai

19 tV] Major characteristics oetbe district particularly The area under ragi, rice, tur and groundnut has in relation to the economic resources, namely increased while the area under wheat has decreased Agriculture, Forest, Irrigation, Co-operation, d\)ring 1989-90 as compared to the year 1990-81. It is Livestock and Animal Husbandry, Finance, In­ dustries, Power supply, Transport and Com­ noticed that a majority of the cropped area was under ragi, munications, Insurance, Education, Medical and rice and tur. Public Health etc. (e) Yield per Hectare Economic resources arc an important mcans of sub­ sistence for the working people in the district. The details The average yield per hectare of the principal crops about economic resources of important sectors are given in the district during the year 1980-81, 1984-85 and 1989- hereunder in brief. 90 is shown below.

(1) Agriculture Average yield per Hectare (a) Land and Land use SI. Principal Average yield per Hectare No . Crops {In k£.} • 1980-81 1984-85 1989-90 The total land in thc district was 1.76 lakh hel'tares (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) during 1989-90. The land classification according to the 1 Ragi 874 -1,116 946 different uses for the rural areas of the district for the year 2 Rice 1,099 1,388 1,065 1989-90 is given below on the basis of information col­ 3 Kharif Pulses 378 670 676 lected for the Village Directory. 4 Groundnut 1,846 806 785 Source: Season and crop report. Directorate of Agricul­ Land classification of rural areas ture. SI. Classification Rural Land 1989- The average yielcl per hectare was higher in ragi crop No. of area 90 in '00 hectares (1) (2) (3) whereas the average yield per hectare wAs lower in rice 1 Forest 912. and groundnut crops during the yea r 1989-90 thi.! n tha t 2 Irrigated 1 recorded during the year 1980-81. 3 Unirrigated 552 4 Culturable waste 61 (d) Crop Calendar '5 Area not available 191 for cultivation The Crop Calendar for different crops in the district Total 1,717 is revealed below Source: Compiled from Village Directory

(b) Area under Major Crops Crop Calendar

The area under major crops for the years 1980-81, SI. Crop Months of Months of No. Sowing Harvesting 1984-85 and 1989-90 are indiatted ill the following table. ( I) (2) (3) (4) 1 Paddy June-July October-November Area under major crops 2 Maize June-July August-September SI. Crops Area under major crops 3 Groundnut June-July October-November No. (In '00 hectares) 4 ~gi July-August January-February 1980-81 1984-85 1989-90 5 Gram October-November February-March (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 Ragi 163 164 164 Source: District Agriculture Officer, District Panchnyat. 2 Rice 51 55 81 3 Jowar 6 6 (e) Drought and Scarcity 4 Maize 3' 4 3 5 Wheal 3 1 There was 'no drought and scarcity affected villages 90 6 Other cereals 53 89 during the years 1980- 81 to 1989-90. 7 Total cereals 273 319 344 8 Tur 27 35 28 9 Gram 2 1 2 (I) . Consumption of Fertilisers 10 Other Pulses 45 41 40 11 Total Pulses 74 77 70 The consumption of different type of fertilisers in 12 Groundunt 10 13 13 the dis1rict is show!) helow. Source: Season and Crop Repor~ Directorate of Agricul. ture. Consumption of Fertilisers (~ Co-operation

SI. Type of Fertiliser Year(Consumption in '00 tonnes) Co-operative activities playa slgruIlcant role III the No. 1979-80 1984-85 1989-90 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) rural economy. Asuper-structure of co-operative societies 1 Nitrogen 48 74 56 with an apex bank at the State level, the district central 2 Pho!>phate 30 9 14 3 Potash co-operative bank at the district level and co-operative Total 78 83 70 societies at the village level is built-up with the objective Source: Directoratc ofAgriculture. of strengthening the rural economy. The total consumption of chemical fertilisers sbQws Th.e district being very small, there is no seperate a downward trend during 1989-90 as compared to the year district co-operative bank but the Val sad District Co- 1979-80. operative Bank operates in the district through 3 branches (2) Forests in the district. They are located at Ahwa, Waghai and Saputara. The details regarding co-operative societies According to the figures available from the Forest during the years 1979-80, 1984-85 and 1988-89 are given Department for the year ending 1988-89, an area of below. 1,698.56 sq.kms. is covered by forests in the district. The seasumwood and firewood are the major products whereas Co-operative Societies gum, bamboo, diaspjas, mlJen oxilon, madhuka indika, SI. Type of 00- Item 1979-80 1984-85 1988-89 - hognut, soapnul, karanj seeds etc. are the minor products No. operative of these forests. Societies (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 Primary Agri- Societies 25 14 15 (3) Irrigation cultural Membership 7.459 3,520 1.575 (a) Area Irrigated hy crops Credit Socie- Paid up Capital 161 ~O 112 ties (in '000 Rs) The area irrigated under chillies-crop in the district was almost the same i.e. about 100 hectares during all the 2 Primary Non Societies 5 6 6 years 1980-81, 1984-85 and. 1986-87. Agricultural Membership 2.000 1.000 1,000 Credit Socie- Paid up Capital 564 854 1.937 (h) Minor Irrigation Scheme ties (in '000 Rs) Thirty nine minor irrigation schemes were com­ 3 Primary Societies pleted in the district as on 31-3-91. They provide a tota I 4 3 gross command are_a of 205 hectares. Consumers Membership 37 715 182 Stores Paid up Capital 135 3 In addition 10 above, 10 minor irrigation schemes are (in '000 Rs) under construction in the district as on 31-3-91. Total gross command area of 46 hectares will be irrigated on comple­ 4 Primary Societies 1 7 tion of these schemes. Marketing Membership 46 46 485 Societies Paid up Capital 5 5 15 (c) Medium Irrigation Scheme (in '000 Rs)

The ultimate irrigation potential including the 5 Central and Societies NA NA NA potential created upto June '91 and balan~e irrigation State Marke- Membership NA NA NA potentiaJ by medium irrigation schemes in the district are ting Paid up NA NA NA shown in the following table. Capital (in '000 Rs) Medium Irrigation Scheme

SI. Name of scheme Ultimate Potential Balance 6 Primary Societies NA NA NA No. Irrigation created upto irrigation Proces.~in g Membership NA NA NA potential June:91 potential Societies (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Paid up NA NA NA 1 Galkund 2.82 0.00 2.82 (including tavital 2 C'hankiya 2.38 0.00 2.38 Spinning (in '000 R<) Total 5.20 0.00 5.20 and. Soun'e: Irrigation Department,(h)Vcrnment of Gujarat. Weaving)

21 7 NI \Jther Societies 58 115 125 (b) Animal suffers from a number of diseases. In types of Membership 17,714 31,425 36,828 order to save animal population, following institutio~ Primary paid up 262 713 839 provide medical treatment to the livestock. Societies Capital (in'OOO Rs) Institutions for medical treatment of livestock

SI. Type of institutions Number during 8 Nlother Societies 3 3 No. 1989-90 types of Membership 9 94 74 (I) (2) (3) Societies Paid up 5 4 11 1 (a) Veterinary djspel1~ary 3 (Cenlra! & Capita! (b) Valerinary mobile dispensary State) (in'OOO Rs\ 2 Stockmen centres! p~mary 13 treatment centres 3 Poultry keeping centre (NA:Not Availahle) 4 Cattle breeding farm 1 Source: Registrar of Co-operative Societies, 5 Artificial Insemination 8 centres! sub centres The number of co-operative societies have increased Source: Deputy Director, Animal Husbandry, District from 91"in 1979-80 to 159 in 1988-89. Thus, the district Panchayat. made an appreciable progress in the sphere of co-operative movement. The Vasudhara dairy Aliput, district Valsad provide tbe milk to tbe people of the district. Tbe tota I number of (5) Uvestock and Animal Husbandry milk co-operative societies' in tbe district bas risen from 10 in 1979,-80 to 54 in 1989-90. (a) Livestock PopUlation (c) Agricultural Implements Cattle wealth occupies a pivotal place in the rural economy of the district. According to the livestock cen­ According to the livj:stock censuses conducted in suses of 1977, 1982 and 1988, the livestock population in the State, the comparative data for agricultural imple­ the district is indicated below: ments in ~e district for the years 1977, 1982 and 1988 are shown in the following table. Uvestock SI. Category of 1977 1982 1988 Agricultural Implement.. No. LivtStock (1) (2) (3) . (4) (5) SI.' Name of agricultural Year [I] Total livestock 82,470 82,625 1,17,110 No. implements 1977 1982 1988 (1) . (2) (3) • (4) (5) A Bullocks & Cows 58,334 54,278 66,624 1 Plough 11,685 13,294 17,225 (1) Males over 3 years 21,353 21,803 29,195 (a) Wooden 11,564 12,980 17,163 (2) Females over 3 years 19,910 15,815 16,903 (b) Iron 121 314 62 (3) Young stock 17,071 16,660 20,526 2 Carts 3,343 3,941 5,090 B Buffaloes 6,065 10,417 13,194 3 Sugarcane crlJ.~hers 1 4 (1) Males over 3 years 3,791 6,562 7,574 4 Oil engines 48 30 101 (2) Females over 3 years 1.385 ?,092 2,424 5 Electric Motors & Pumps 2 6 10 (3) Young Stock 889 1,763 3,196 6 Tractors 3 2 C Sheep 133 127 99 Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics. D Goats 17,538 11,685 36,848 E Horses & Ponies 257 10 The number of agricultural implements except iron F Mules plough has shown an increasing trend during the year 1988 G Donkeys 54 58 227 H Camels as compared to t~e year 1977. I Pigs 89 50 118 [111 Poultry 71,882 53,329 1,69,862 (6) Finance Source: Directorate of Economics & Statistics. Provision of finance is an important factor in the The livestock population has increased from 82,470 socio-economic growtb of the district. The main agency in 1977 to 1,17,110 in 1988, representing an addition to to provide money for development activities in the district the 34,640 livestock population. Poultry birds have are tbe cOllul1ercial banks and co-operative banks. The shown a notable increase from 71,882 in 1977 to 1,69,862 facilities available in the district are shown in the follow­ in 1988. ing table.

22 Bankin~ Facilities (d) Industrial Training Institution lype of Bank No. of Banks There is only one industrial training institution 198'1 (1) (2) having the 228 students capacity in the district working Commercial Bank 11 undert~ control ofDirec~orate of Employment and Train­ Co-operative Bank 3 ing, . Source: Convenor Bank, Dena Bank. (e) Joint Stock Companies (7) Industries Joint Stock Companies playa significant role in the (a) The total number of registered factories and economy 'of the district. The following table shows the average number of worken; employed daily by major , number of registered Joint Stock Companies, alollgwith groups of industries for the year ending 1989 are shown tbeir authorised capital and paid up capital for the yean; in tbe following statement. ending 31-3-79 and 31-3-90.

Distribution of ImP.Ortant IDd~strial Establishments . ' by Major Industnal Group Joint Stock Companies

SI. Major De,cription Year ending 1'989 Item Position as on No. Group No. of Average 31.3.79 31.3.'10 establishments No. of (1) (2) (3) per,ons Number of Joint employed stock companies per day registered in the ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) district. 1 24 Manufacturt of wool, 1 110 Authorised capital 100 silk and synthetic fibre (Rs. in '000) 2 27 Manufacture of wood 30 Paid up capital 15 and wooden product, (Rs. in '000) furniture and fixtures 3 '12 Education, scientific and 25 Source: Registrar ofJoint Stock Companies. research services. (8) Power supply Source: Office of the Chief Inspector of Factories.

Among above registered factories, the most impor­ Power supply is the chief necessity for the economic tant establishment from the point of employment is wool, development of the district. The main source for power silk-and synthetic fihres. supply in the district is Gujarat Electricity Board. The table below shows the progress in the ruml electrification (b) There were in all 10 registered small scale in­ in. the district. dustrial unit" in the district at the end of the year 1989. Rural Electrification

(c) Alongwith the house listing operations for the Year ending No. of electri- No. of pumpsets/ 1991 Census, Economic Census was also conducted jn the fied villages tubewells energised year 1990. The latter was conducted througb tbe State (1) (2) (3) Directorate of Economics and Statistics at the State level 1979 33 13 1989 309 27 and through the Centml Statistical, Organisation at the SOUTee: Gujarat Electricity Board and Village Directory national level. The preliminary provisional results of of D.CH.B. ]98) and 19<)1. Economic Census 1990 have been published by the State The above data indicate that facilities of electricity Directorate of Economics and Statistics. According to the have been increased considerably in the rural areas of the prqvisional results, the total enterprises in the district in district. All inhabited villages i.e.309 are electrified in the both rural and urban areas were 3,094. Of which, 385 were district. agricultural enterprises whereas 2,709 were non-agricul­ (9) Transport and Communication tuml enterprises. The total number of persons actually working in' both agricultural and non-agricultural (a) Transport and Communication facilities are COIl­ enterprises were 8,787. sidered an administmtive necessity as well as a publi('

23 convenience. Moreover, a well-knit transportation sys­ Life Insurance Activity tem is a pre-requisite ftlr the socia I and economic develop­ SI. Year NIl.of policic.~ SUIl1 assured ment of any district. The linking of one place with other No. (R, in I

24 Medkallnstitutions (3) Establishment of Arts and Commerce College

SI. Medical Number The Dangs is a backward and tribal d.istrict. Mostly No. Ins ti tuti ons Rural Areas UrbaaAreas 1979-80 1989-90 1979-80 1919-90 the tribal people of the district are·illiterate and improvi­ (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) dent. There was no arts and commerce college in the 1 Hospitals 1 1 2 Dispensari~ 8 8 1 Dangs district upto the academic year 1982-83. Hence, the 3 Family Planning 20 18 tribal students went at a distance of about 100 to 150 kms. Centres \ 4 Primary Health 19 48 2 away for the higber study in the college, to the various Centres/Primary places such as , Surat and Valsad. The arts an!l Health sub- centres comnt,erce college was established at Ahwa during the Source: Compiled from Village Directory and Town Direc­ academic year 1983-84. lory of 1981 and 19')1 D.C.H.B. (4) Agriculture science centre at Waghai The above figures show the overall progress of medical institutions in the rural as well as urban areas Agriculture science centre at Wagbai was estab­ during 1989-90 as compared to the year 1979-80. lished during 1984 under the direction of Gujarat Agricul­ ture University. The necessary t~aining is imparted to the (VI) Major social and cultural events, natural and administrative developm,ents and miscellaneous tribal farmers for adopting the scientific methods in the activities of note during'the decade. agriculture through this centre. For this purpose, various , -. '. The available information on important social, cul­ experiments are conducted.for the local crops and neces­ tural etc. activities in the district is briefly given in the sary guidance was provided to the tribal farmers for in- , \ following paragraphs. creasing the production of local crops.

(I), Ayurvedic Pharmacy (5) S.T.D. facility of telephone

Ayurvedic phanuacy was established during 1982 at The S.T.D. facility of telephone was commenced in Ahwa in Dangs district. This institution is produced pure Dangs district during the year 1988. Hence, there will be and fresh ayurvedic medicines in scientific way by using scope for progress in the sphere of economy, social and the different types of about 400 medicinal herbs from the other development. specified area of Dangs forest. It provides knowledge to (6) T.V. relay centre'atAhwa the tribal people for the identification and collection of different types of medicinal herbs. Thus, it provides op- ' In the year 1988, low power Doordarshan Centre of portunity for employment to the people of tribal areas. It 100 waltage was executed at Ahwa. The national supplies the produced medicines to the Government ayur­ programme of Doordarshan are visiable clearly to the vedic dispensaries and hospitals. The institution sold the tribal people within the periphery of25 kms. through this medicines of Rs. 24.69 lacs during 1991-92. reiay centre.

(2) Mini-mission technology (7) Rope way at Saputara

Mini-mission of technology was commenced at The famous hill station Saputara is situated in the Ahwa during 1981. The survey work regarding Dangs district. The construction work of rope way was availability of drinking water was undertaken by this commenced at this hill station during 1987 which is likely mission and 254 villages wen: declared problematic and to be completed and the rope way will open within short remaining 57 villages were declared non-problematic. period .. The water facility was provided in 50 villages. The survey (8) Radio Station at Ahwa work was conducted regarding availability of drinking water during 1991 by the Ministry of Rum I Development, The scheme for commencing Radio station at Ahwa Government of India under the Programme of Rajiv Jal was sanctioned in the 7th five year pian. The construction abhiyan. work of Radio station is alm,?Si~pI~ted and relay work

Dangs • 3 25 of Radio station at Ahwa centre will commence during programme is to provide the employment to a II the desired 1992. people of the district. For this purpose Govemment has alloted Rs. 4.00 crores during the financial year 1991-92. (9) Project for 100 per cent literacy It is thought by the Government that the same type of Buring 1991, Government of Gujarat has decided to project will be planned in future for other districts. provide 100 per cent literacy to the tribal people of the (11) Puma Game Sanctuary district. The programme for providing literacy to the tribal peop!e is implemented in full speed. Puma game sanctuary is 40 kms. away from Mabal village of the Dangs district. In puma game sanctuary, (10) Project for 100 per cent employment in Dangs tige.rs are spread about 299 square kms. area. Panthers and district. Leopards are also found here. The best period is to visit The project for 100 per cent employment is initiated this sanctuary between January to March and September on pilot basis in the Dang.., district, during 1991 by the to January (Except rainy days). Government of Gujarat. The main objective of the

(VII), Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance and places of tourist in- terest in the villages /towns of the district

SI. Nalue of L.c. Name of Details of places of religious, historica I or archaeologica I importa nce No. taluka No. town/village and places of tourist' interest etc. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1 The Dangs Ahwa Ahwa, the headquarters o[ the one taluka district of the Dangs, is situated about 1800 feet above the sea level. The place, inhabited by the tribal people, is a hilly area covered with thick forests and the , " scene]c beauty are sources of attraction to tourists. Poisonous snakes from here are sent to the Haffikine Institute, Bombay for preparing. injections.

A missionary church which was established here is managed by the christian mission. The Mahadev temple is located here.

2 The Dangs II Waghai Waghai is so called because of abundance of tigers in former days. It serves as a gateway to the Dangs district. It is situated 32 kms. away from Ahwa.

An ur~ is held at the dargah of Badsha Ba'Ya Pir and Saiyad Mahain-, mad Shakir in the month of Zilhijja. Besides, there are temples of the Amba Mata and Hanumanji.

3 The Dangs 6 Bardipada Bardipada is situated 35 kms. away from Ahwa. There is a fort called the Rupagadh at a height of about 600 feet.

26 SI. Name of L.C. Name of Details of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance No. taluka No. town/village and places of tourist interest etc. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

4 ' The Dangs 26 . Kalibel Kalibel is situated about 29 kms. from Ahwa. An annual fair is held here near Ram Mandir on Paush Sud. 15.

5 1)le Dangs 49 Pipaldahad P~paldahad is situated 39 kms. north east from Ahwa. There is an old temple with Shiv ling and goddess.

6 The Dangs 64 Chinchli Chinchli is situated about 29 kms. from Ahwa. There is an old Shiv temple which enshrines the idols of Shiv, Mata and Hanuman.

7 The Dangs 309 Saputara Saputara is situated right in the heart of the Dangs district and about 45 kms. far from Ahwa. Aftertransferofthe'Mount Abu to Rajasthan State, the State Govenunent thought of developing Saputara as the first

full fledged hill station. There is a picturesque hill resort at an attitud~ of875 meters on the second highest plateau of the Sahyadri range. The

place is popularly known as Girinagar and the climate is cool, ~risk, 'clean and braching round the year. On account of its location on a high elevation, dense forest and communications, it satisfies' all require­ ments of a hill resort. Overlooking the lush green valley and sur­ rounded by several hills, Saputara provides some fine observation points to see the sunrise and sunset There is also an echo point. A beautiful lake provides im opportunity for boating. Museum, tribal hero stone, Nagesbwar Mahadev temple, steps garden, rose garden, botanical garden are other attractive places for the tourists. Well

planned Government bungalOWS, cottages, ~ormitories and a good canteen have been provided here. The hill station attract'> many tourists every year. Tourism Corporation of the State has considered this place for eligible growth centre for tourist.

Source: (1) District Gazetteer, Dangs.

(2) Tourism Corporation of Gujarat Ltd., .

(VIII) Brief analysis of the Primary Census Abstract, relating to certain population characteristics is given Village and Town Directory data, based on inset below. tables Population and ~umber of villages ANALYSIS OF PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT DATA TIle total popUlation of the district is 1,44,091 per­ sons. These figures reveal that 0.35 per cent of the total The district and taluka Primary Census Abstract, population ,of the State reside in this district. It occupies Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Primary Census 19th rank among the various districts of the State as far as Abstract, Village/Townwise Primary' Census Abstract,' pop~lalion data are concerned. Urban blockwise popUlation etc. are mainly incorporated in Part B of this handbook. On the basis of these data, Table No. l(A) indicates the sexwise population of number of tables have beeJl prepared and a brief analysis rural areas at district and taluka levels alongwith the number of villages as per 1991 Census.

27 TABLE 1 (A) Pepalatioa and Number of Vilages 1991 Sl. Name of Talukal Population of Villages No. of Villases No. C.D.block P M F Total Inhabited ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) The Dangs 1,28,180 64,308 63,872 309 309

District 1,28,180 64,~8 "3,872 309 309 The total rural population of the district stands at Population and number of towns. 1,28,180 persons as per 1991 Census, or 0.47 per cent of Table No.l(B) gives sexwise population for each the total rural population of the State. The district ranks town of the district alongwith the civic administration of 19th in rural population among 19 districts of the State. the town. Out of total 309 vfilages in the district, aU the villages are inhabited. TABLE· 1(B) Population and Number of Towns, 1991 Sl. Name and Civic No. Administration' Population Status of Town p M -F ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Ahwa (GP) 10,964 5,704 5,260 2 Waghai (GP) 4,947 2,662 2,285 District 15,911 8,366 7,545 \ There are 2 towns in the district. The total urban population of the district is 15,911 persons which is 0.11 per cent of the total urban population of the State. The district ranks 19th in urban popUlation among the districts of the State. Ahwa town has more population than Waghai The new towns Ahwa and Waghai have been added town. in the Dangs taluka during 1991 Census, whereas no town New Towns, towns declassified merged in 1991 Census of preceding 1981 Census has been declassified or merged Below given table No.2 furnishes the information during 1991 Census. about newly formed towns, declassified and merged towns alongwith the population. TABLE· 2 Decadal change in distribution of population. New Towns, Towns declassified, merged in 1991 Census Table No.3 gives the talukawise details pertaining to Name of Town Population the decadal change in the population during the last decade (1) (2) of 1981-91 alongwith tht; percentage of urban population (a) Added 1991 C-ensus 1) Ahwa 10,964 for last two censuses. 2) Waghai 4,947 (b) Declassified 1981 Census Nil Nil (c) Merged }981 C-ensus Nil Nil TABLE 3 Deced~1 change in Distribution of population Sl. Taluka/ Population Percentage Decadal Percentage of No. C.D.block 1981 1991 (1981-91) Variation Urban Population Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 1981 1991 1 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) 1 Dangs 1,13,664 1,13,664 1,44,091 1,28,180 15,911 +26.77 +12.77 11.04 District 1,13,664 1,13,664- 1,44,091 1,28,180 15,911 +26.77 +12.77 11.04 During the last decade, the growth rate of popula tion Pea:centage distribution 6f villages by population ran­ in ihe district is 26.71 per cent. The growth rate of rural ges areas is less mainly due to transferring of two villages as The following table No.4 shows the taluka-wise " towns during 1991 Census. percentage distribution of villages according to tbe size of population.

TABLE 4 Percentage Distribution ofVillages\by Population Ranges, 1"1 SI. . Taluka/ No. and percent- N~, and percentage of villages in each range No. CD.block age of inhabited (Figures in parenthesis indicate percentage of villages in each range) villages Less than 200 - 499 500 - 1,999. 2,000 - 4,999 5,000 - 9,999 10,000 200 and above ( 1) (2) (3) (4) '(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) The Dangs 309 59 157 93 0 0 o (HXtOO) (19.09) (50.81) (30.10) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) Districat 319\ 59 157 93 0 0 o . (180 ....) (19.09) (So.sl) (31.l0) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) As many as 93 or 30.10 'per cent inhabited villages Out of total 309 inhabited villages maximum num­ are found in the population range of 500 - 1,999. This ber of villages i.e. 125 or 40.45 per cent are witbin the density range of 101 - 200 persons per sq.km. Next in indicates that 30.10 per cent .inhabited villages in the order are 98 or 31.72 per cent falling within the range of district are medium size. Further 157 or 50.81 per cent 51 - 100 persons per sq.km. 44 or 14.24 per cent within inhabited villages fall in the population range of 200 - 499 the range of21 - 50 persons persq.km. 23 or 7.44 percent while 59 or 19.09 per cent inhabited villages fall in less witbin the range of201- 300 persons per sq.km. 13 or4.21 percent within the-range of 11-20 persons per sq.km. 4 or tban 200 population range. This represents tbat remaining 1.29 per cent witbin the range of301 - 500 persons per sq. 69.90 per cent inhabited villages are in the group of small km.- and 2 or 0.65 per cent within the range of 0 - 10 size. It is observed that no vi11ages of tbe district bave a ptrsons per S'l.km. popUlation of 2,000 and over. Tbe sex ratio (No. offemales per 1,000 males) of the district is 983 whicb is higher than tbe sex ratio of934 for Distribution of villages by density the State. Table No.5 presents the distribution of villages by Sex ratio for rural population of talukas density of the population. Table No.6 (A) sbows the sex-ratio for rural popula­ tion of taluka as well as tbe district. TABLES Distribution of Villages by Density Sl. Range of density Total No. of Percentage of TABLE 6 (A) No. (per sq. km.) villages in each villages in each Sex Ratio for Rural Population ofTaluka/ density range density range C.D.block, 1991. SI. 0- Name of Tal uka/ (1) (2) (3) (4) No.of Females per No. CD.block . 1,000 Males 0-10 2 0.65 2 3 2 11 - 20 13 4.21 1. The Dangs 993 3 21-50 44 14.24 . Dlstrict 993 4 51 - 100 98 .31.72 5 101 - 200 125 40.45 The sex ratio of rural population of the district is 993 6 201- 300 23 7.44 which is bigber than district's sex ratio. 7 301 - 500 4 1.29 Sex-ratio for urban population. 8 500+ 0 0.00 Table No.6(B) gives tbe sex ratio of each town as TOTAL 309 100.00 well as total urban popUlation oftbe district.

29 TABLE 6 (B) whereas 1 or 0.32 per cent village has Scheduled Castes Sex-ratio for Towns, 1991 population between 6 - 10 per cent to the total population SI. Name and civic No. of Females of the respective villages. No. Administration Status of Town per 1,000 Males Proportion of Scheduled Tribes population to total ( 1) (2) (3) ,population i,n the village 1 Ahwa (GP) 922 Table No.8 furnishes the proportion of scheduled 2 Waghai (GP) 858 Tribes population to the total population of the viJIages. District 902 TABLES Proportion of Scheduled trible Population to total The sex ratio of urban population of the district is population in the villages 902. Out of total 2 towns, Abwa town has the higher sex SI. Percen1age range .No. of Villages Parcentage of ratio of922 while Waghai town has lower sex ratio of858. No. of Scheduled tribe in each range villages in The sex-ratio is higher in rural areas than in the urban Population to total each range areas. Population Proportion of Scheduled Castes population to total population in the villages. (1 ) (2) (3) (4) 0.00 Table No.7 gives the proportion of Scheduled Castes 1 Niil 0 population to total population in the villages. 2 0-5 0 0.00 3 6 - 15 0 0.00 TABLE 7 4 16 - 25 0 0.00 Proportion of Scheduled Caste Population to 5 26 - 35 0.32 total Population in the villages 36 - 5{) 0.00 SI. Percentage range No. of villages Percentage of 6 0 7 51 and ahove 99.68 No. .of Scheduled in each range villages in 308 Caste Population each range Total 309 100.00 to total Population (1) (2) (3) (4) The total Scheduled Tribes population of the district Nil 277 89.65 is 1,35,386 which is only 2.20 per cent of the total 2 0-5 31 10.03 Scheduled Tribes population ofthe State. The population of Scheduled Tribes is 9j.96 per cent of the total popula­ 3 6 -10 0.32 tion of the district, compared to the State percentage of 0 4 11 - 15 0.00 14.91, the percentage for the district is extremely high. 5 16 - 20 0 0.00\ Thus, the 'proportion of Scheduled tribe population is very 6 21 - 30 .0 0.00 high and hence the district can be considered as a tribal 7 31 and aoove 0 0.00 district. Toral 309 100.00 Out of 309 inhabited villages, scheduled tribe population live in all the ·villages of the district of which Scheduled Caste population of the Dangs district. 1 vitlage has Scheduled Tribe population between 26 to consistiture 0.03 per cent of the''total scheduled caste 35 per cent of the total population while the rest of 308 population of the State. The proportion of Scheduled Caste villages have more than 51 per cent Scheduled Tribe population to total population of the'district is 0.73. This population of the total population of the respective vil­ \ is lower than 7.41 per cent of the Start ~!L~bi'Jle. Of the lages. total rural and urban population of the district, the quan­ Percentage of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes tum of Scheduled Castes population living in the rural and Population in Tow,n urban areas of the district are 0.18 and 5.18 per cent Table No.9 gives Scheduled Castes/Scheduled respectively. Trit>es population alongwith their proportion to the total alit of 309 villages, only 32 villages in the district population in each town of the district. have scheduled castes population. 31 or 10.03 per cent i villages have Scheduled Castes population upto 5 per cent

30 TABLE 9 Percentage of Scheduled Castel Sc~eduled Tribe Population in Towns,1991 SI. Town Total Total SC Total ST Percentage Percentage N.o. Population Population Population ofSC ofST population population to total to total population population (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1 Ahwa 10,964 701 6,494 6.39 59.23 2 Waghai 4,947 123 2,905 2.49 58.72 District 15,911 824 9,399 5.18 59.07

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population Literacy rates for towns in the urban areas of tbe district respe,ctively are 824 and· Table No.lO(B) shows literacy rates for each town 9,399. Thus, as compared to the total urban population of of the district. tbe State, 0.07 per cent of tbe total Scheduled Castes and 1.89 per cent of total Scheduled Tribes population live in TABLEIO(B) the towns of the district. Only S.18 per cent belongs to tbe Literacy Rates for Towns 19~H Scheduled Castes population whereas 59.07 per cent (Excluding children in the age-group 0-6) belongS to tbe Scheduled Tribes population to the total SI. Name and Civic Percentage of Literates urban population of the, district. All the tOWl)S in this district have· Scheduled Castes population, the higber No. Administration being 6.39 per cent in Ahwa town and the lower 2.49 per Status of Town P M F cent in Wagbai town. All tbe towns in tbis district have (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) Scheduled Tribes population. Ahwa town leads otbertown 1 IV Ahwa (GP) 83.37 90.61 75.43 Waghai ofthe district in the proportion of Scheduled tribes 2 VI Waghai (GP) 66.84 77.51 54.39 population .. Dostrict 78.23 86.45 69.02 Literacy rates for rural population of talukas by sex The literacy rate for the whole district was 47.56 Tbe literacy rate for tbe urban area 'Of the district is 78.23. The urban literacy rate for males is 86.45 whereas ~uring 1991 Census. Tbe literacy rate for the total popula­ tion of the district as per'1991 Census is lower than tbe that for females is 69.02 in. the district as a whole. Among State literacy rate of 61.29. The male and female literacy the different towns of the district, Ahwa town enjoys a rates are 59.55 and 35.31 respectively in the distriCt which unique position with the higher literacy rate of83.37 while are both lower than the State literacy rates of 73.13 and Waghai town has the lower literacy rate of 66.~4. The 48.64 respectively. The male literacy rates are much literacy rate is above 66 per cent in both the towns of the higher than the female literacy rates for both rural and district. urban area. Workers and non-workers at the" district level Table No. lO(A) reflects literacy rates of rural As per 1991 Census main workers inclusive of the population for each taluka of the district. marginal workers fonn 50.55 per cent of the total popula­ TABLE 10 (A) tion of the district against 40.23 per cent inthe State. Thus, Literaq Rates for Rural Population of the quantum of these work~rs is more in the district than Talukas/C.D.blocks by Sex 1991 in the State. The work participation rates for males and (Exchiding children in the age-group 0-6) females at the district level are respectively 53.51 and SI. Name of Taluka/ Percentage of Literates 47.54 per cent. Thus, female working participation rate is No. CD.block P M F low than the male working participation rate. In the rural (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) areas, tbe work participation rate is higher than that in the The Dangs 43.41 55.72 30.98 urban areas. A similar trend is noticed, for male and District 43.41 55.72 30.98 female workers also. The percentage of non-workers to total population of the district is 49.45 against 59.77 fO.f The literacy rate for fUtal areas of the district is the Gujarat State. The proportion of non-workers to total 43.41. The literacy rates for males and females respective­ ly are 55.72 and 30.98 per cent for all the villages of the popUlation is higher in urban areas than in the rural areas district jointly. . of the district.

31 Percentage of main workers, marginal workers and workers, marginal workers, total workers and non­ non-workers for rural population of talukas. workers for rural areas oftbe district as per 1991 Census. Table No.ll gives taluka wise percentage of main

TABLE ~ 11 Percentage of Main Workers, Marginal Workers and Non-workers for Rural population ofTalukasl C.D.block 1991. SI. Name of Taluka/ PER C E t'I TAG E OF No. CD.block Main Workers to total Marginal Worke~ to Total Workers to Non-workers to

Population Total Population Population TO~I Popula\ion p M F I P M F P M F P M J;- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ( 12) (13) (14) Dangs 48.95 54.26 43.60 4.02 0.15 7.92 52.97 54.41 51.52 47.03 45.59 48.48 District 48.95 54.26 43.60 4.02 0.15 7.92 52.97 54.41 5\.52 47.03 45.59 48.48

In respect of ruf!!1 areas of the district the percent­ female marginal workers where percentage of male ages of main workers and marginal workers to the total workers are 0.15 and female workers are 7.92. rural population are 48.95 and 4.02 respectiv~ly, whereas Percentage of main workers, Marginal workers and the remaining 47.03 per cent are non-workers. The propor­ non-workers for towns tion of main workers in respect of male and female Table No.12 gives the percentages of main workers, wor.l

2 Waghai (GP) 32.16 46.84 15.05 ~ 2.49 1.96 3.11 34.65 48.80 18.16 65.35 51.20 81.84 District 30.24 45.94 12.83 0.81 0.63 1.01 31.05 46.57 13.84 68.95 53.43 86.16

In respect of urban areas, the percentages of main officials are presented in Part Aofthis handbook. Itsbows workers and marginal workers to the total urban popula­ various types of amenities and land use data ineacb village tion are 30.24 and 0.81 respectively. Similar percentages of the district. These data have been tabulated for each for male are 45.94 and 0.63 respectively, whereas for taluka of the district in the form of village directory. On female percentages are 12.83 and 1.01 respectively. The tbe basis of these data, certafn tables have been designed percentages of total workers and non-workers to the total urban population are 31.05 and 68.95 respe~tively. For and a brief analytical note thereon is given below. males and females, the respective percentages are 46.57 Distribution of villages according to the availability of and 53.43 and 13.84 and 86.16. Among the towns of the different amenities. district, the proportion of total workers to the total popula­ tion is the higher (34.65) in Waghai town and lower The table No'.13 gi';en below shows the talukawise (29.42) in Abwa town. distribution according to the availability of different amenities such as educational, medical, drinking water, ANALYSIS 01" VILLAGE DIRECTORY post and telegraph, market/hat, communication, approach' The village directory data supplied by the village to village by pucca road and power supply.

32 TABLEt3 Distribution of villages according to the availability of different amenities Taluka/ No.of No. (with percentage) of villages having one or more of the following amenities C.O.block inhabited Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Communi- Approach by Power villages Water Telegraph Hat cation PUCC8 Road supply (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) The Dangs 309 307 214 308 56 19 201 133 309 (99.35) (69.26) (99.68) (18.12) (6.15) (65.05) (43.04) (100.00) District: 309 307 214 308 56 19 201 133 309 (99.35) (69.26) (99.68) (18.12) (6.15) (65.05) (43.04) (100.00)

Of the total 309 inhabited villages in the district, Out of total inhabited villages, 56 (18.12 per cent) each village has atleast one Primary School,except 2 vil­ are equipped with one or more facilities of post and lages of the district. telegraph. There are 19 (6.15 per cent) villages having periodical market/bat facilities in the district. Generally Medical facilities in one kind or the other are avail­ persons avail of the facility of small retail shops in the - able in 214 (69.26 per cent) villages of the total inhabited villages. The public transport facilities are available in vi·lJages of the district. The remaining 95 or 30.74 per cent 65.05 per cent of the inhabited villages of the district. villages are devoid of any medical facility within the village. Of the total inhabited villages, 43.04 per cent are linked by approachpucca roads while in respect of electric Except one village, all the inhabited villages of the district power supply all the inhabited villages in the district have enjoy the drinking water facility either of a well, a tap, a been electrified. tank, ~ tubewell, a handpump or river etc. The main sources of drinking water are wells and river in the most Table No.14 furnishes talukawise/C.D.blockwise of the villages of the district. proportion of rural population serVed by different type of amenities.

TABLEt4 Proportion of Rural Population served by different amenities Taluka/ Total population Proportion of Rural Population served by the amenity of C.O.block of inhibited Education Medical Drinking Post & Market! Communi- Approach by Power villages in the Water Telegraph Hat cation Pucca Road supply talukajC.O.block (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) The Oangs 1,28,180 99.88 77.76 99.75 32.14 11.23 72.02 52.49 100.00 District: 1,28,180 99.88 77.76 99.75 32.14 11.23 72.02 52.49 100.00

Nearly the whole of the rural population of the facilities. Power supply facility is available to whole rural district is served by primary education facility. In respect population of the·district. of medical facility, the coverage of rural population is 77.76 percent. It is-a matter of great satisfaction that Distribution of villages not having certain amenities drinking water facility is available in almost all the rural arranged by 'distance ranges from the places where population of the district. Further, 32.14 pet cent of the these are available. district rural population get the benefit of post and telegraph facility while 72.02 per cent of the district rural Table No.15 give~ the distribution of villages not population is seJVed by communication facilities. 52.49 baving certain amenities arranged by distance ranges from percent of rural popUlation enjo-y approach pucca roads the places where these are available.

Oeng.·4 33 TABLEl5 other places for gening this facility. Out of 253. villages, Distribution of villages not having certain 224 villages have to depend on otber places located upto amenities arranged by distance ranges from the a distance of 5 kms. from the village. 27 villages have it places where these are available ' within a range of 5 to 10 kms. while the remaining 2 . Village not having Number of villages where the villages have to. depend on places situating beyond a the Amenity of amenity is not available radius of 10 kms .. and available at distance of - -5 Kms 5-10 Kms 10 + Kms Total The periodical market/hat facility is not available in (eols. 290 villages of the district. Out of 290 villages, 157 (2-4) villages have to depend on other places located upto a (1) . (2) (3) (4) (5) distance of .5 kms. from the village, 115 villages have it Educational 2 0 0 2 within a range of 5 to 10 kms. while the remaining 18 Medical 56 28 11 95 villages have to depend on places situating beyond a Drinking Water 0 0 radius of 10 kms. Post & Telegraph 224 27 2 253 Market I Hat. 157 115 18 290 Further 108 villages of the distl'ict have no com­ Communication· 93 14 108 munication facilities. Ofthese, for 93 villages, this facility is availabie at a distance of less than 5 kms. 14 villages Only 2 villages ~ the district are devOId on the basic have it within a rane;e of5 to 10 kms. and for the remairiing primary education facility which is available within a 1 village has to depend on place situating beyond a radius radius of 5 kms. Further 95 villages do not have any of 10 krns. medical facilities within their respective jurisdictions, out of which 56 villages could avail of it at a distance of less Distribution of villages according to the distance from than 5 kms., 28 villages within the range of 5 to 10 kms. the nearest to~n and availability of different ame­ and for the remaining 11 villages., the distance exceeded nities. 10 or more kms. Table No. 16 shows the distribution of villages ac- c. The post and telegraph facility is not available in 253 c·ording to the distance from the nearest town (statutory or villages of the district. These villages have to depend'on Census town) and availability of different amenIties. TABLEl6 Distribution of villages according to the distance from the nearest town and availability of different amenities Distance Range from No.of inhabited No. (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of the nearest town villages in (in Kms.) each range Education Medical Drinking Post & Marketl Communi- Approach by Power Water Telegraph Hat cation pucca Road supply (1) (2) (3) . (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 0-5 19 19 11 19 3 0 14 4 19 (100.00) ( 57.89) (100.00) (15.79) (0.00) ( 73.68) ( 21.05) (100.00) 6 - 15 68 68 49 67 14 2 43 32 68 (100.00) ( 72.06) ( 98.53) ( 20.59) (2.94) ( 63.24) ( 47.06) (100.00) 16 - 50 222 220 154 222 39 17 144 97 222 (99.10) ( 69.37) (100.00) ( 17.57) (7.66) ( 64.86) ( 43.69) (100.00) 51 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) Unspecified 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) Total 309 307 214 308 56 19 201 133 309 ( 99.35) ( 69.26) ( 99.68) ( 18.12) (6.15) (65.05) ( 43.04) (100.00)

34 In the above table, villages are distributed according facility and 32 villages have pucca approach road facility. to four ranges of the distance from the nearest town The remaining facilities are available in the villages of alongwith the number of villages with their percentages this group.Again of total 309 illJiabited villages, 222 are served by each such amenity. Out of 309 inhabited vil­ located at a distance ranging between 16-50 kIllS. from the lagrs, 19 lie at a distance of upto 5 kms. from the nearest nearest town. Out of these 222 villages, 220 villages have town. The facilities of primary education, drinking water education facility, 154 villages have medical facility, 39 and power supply appear to be quite satisfactory in the villages have post and telegraph facility, 17 villages have villages of this group. Out of 19 viUages, 11 have the market/hat facility, 144 villages have communication facility of medical, 3 have facility of post and telegraph, facility and 97 villages have pucca approach road facility. 14 have the facility of communication and 4 villages have Rest of the facilities are availabte fully in the villages of pucca approach roads. Out of total 309 inhabited villages, this range. 68 are situated at a distance ranging between 6 - 15 kms. Distribution of villages according to population range from the nearest town. Of these, 49 villages have medical and amenities available. ,fa()lity, 67 villages have drinking water facility, 14 vil­ lages have post and telegraph facility, 2 villages have Table No.17 gives the distribution of villages ac­ market/hat facility, 43 villages have c;ommunication cordirtg to popUlation range and amenities available.

TABLE 17 Distribution of villages according to population range and amenities available Population No.of inhabited Number (with percentage) of villages having the amenity, of range villages in each range Education Medical Drinking Post & Market/ Communi- Approach by Power Water Telegraph Hat cation Pucca Road Supply (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) '(7) (8) (9) (10) Upto - 499 216 214 129 215 9 4 127 77 216 • (99.07) (59.72) (99.54) (4.17) (1.85) (58.80) (35.65) (100.00) t 500-1,999 93 93 85 93 47 15 74 56 93 (100.00) ( 91.40, (100.00) ( 50.54) ( 16.13) ( 79.57) ( 60.22) (100.00) 2,000-4,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) 5,000 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) (0.00) Total 309 307 214 308 56 19 201 133 309 ( 99.35) ( 69.26) ( 99.68) ( 18.12) (6.15) (65.05) ( 43.04) (100.00)

Out of total 309 inhabited villages ofthe district, 216 facilities, all other facilities are available satisfactory in are small in size i.e. having a population below 500 the majority of the villages of this group. Post and persons. All the villages of this group possess the power telegraph facility is available in about 51 per cent villages, supply amenities. The facility of drinking water is avail­ marketlhat is available in about 16 per cent viUages and able in 215 villages. Next in order, primary education is pucca approach road facility is available ip. about 60 per available in 214, villages, medical in 129 villages, com- . cent villages of this group. munication in 127 villages, pucca approach road in 77 Distribution of villages according to land use. villages, post and telegraph in 9 villages and periodical market/hat facility in 4 villages. 93 villages of the district Table No.18 shows the talukawise/C.D.blockwise fall in the size group of 500 - 1,999 population. Except distribution of cultivable area and the percentages of ir­ post and telegraph, market/hat and pucca approach road rigated area of total cultivable area.

35 TABLE 18 Distribution of villages According to Land Use Taluka/ No.of Total area Percentage of Percentage of irri- 'C.D.block inhabited cultivable area gated area to total villages to total area cultivable area (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) The Dangs 309 1,71,723.18 32.21 0.09 District 309 1,71,723.18 3121 0.09

As much as 32.21 per cent of the total rural area of order within the district. The details of the data covered the district fall under cultivable land, of these, 0.09 percent in these statements/tables are described below. ofland is irrigated. Statement I ANALYSIS OF TOWN DIRECTORY Townwise status and some basic demographic data The Town Directory data, which have been are presented in this statement. It specifically covers civic presented in 7 statements and 5 input tables are ron­ administrative 'status, area in sq.kms., pumber of sidered for the purpose of analysis. These 7 statements are households including houseless households, decadal given in section II of Part A under the heading of Town growth rate, density and sex ratio. There are 2 towns in the Directory for all the towns/cities of the district. On the district. Both the towns have village panchayats. The basis of Town Directory Statements, some inset tables population norms for deciding the size of class and the have been prepared. For presentation of the data, the c1asswise number of towns alongwith their names as per towns of the district have been arranged in alphabetical the last Census are given below.

SI.No. Class Number Name of towns covered in of town the respective class (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 1,00,000 and above 2 50,000 - 99,999 3 20,000 - 49,999 4 10,000 - 19,999 1 Ahwa 5 5,000 - 9,999 6 Below 5,000 Waghai The population growth rates ·for each town as per S.T. bus facilities. 1991 Census have been indicated in this statement. Ahwa and Waghai have been classified as newly towns of the StatementID district during 1991 Census. Density of population was tlle Statement III shows the municipal finance i.e. higher in Ahwa town than the Waghai town during 1991 receipts and expenditure data under different heads for Census. The sex-ratio (number of females per 1,000 both the towns of the district. The receipts are classified males) was 922 in Ahwa town and 858 was in Waghai in the following heads viz: (1) Receipts through taxes (2) town during 1991 Census. Revenue derived from Municipal properties and power Statement II apart from taxation (3) Receipts through Government grants (4) Receipts through loans (5) Receipts through This statement depicts tbe pnyslcal aspects ana the advances and (6) Receipts through other sources. The location particulars of each town such as average rainfall expenditure is also classified under the following heads and teni~eratures which have been obtained either from viz: (1) General Administration (2) Public Safety (3) the Direc,tor, Meteorological Centre, Government of Public Health (4) Public Works (5) Public Institutions and India, or from the concerned local offices. Gandhinagar is (6) others. the State head quarters, 432 kIDs. and 400 kIDs. far from Ahwa and Waghai respectively. Ahwa is the district head Table - 19 has been prepared on the basis of State­ quarters. Waghai town is connected by railway whereas ment III which shows the per capita receipt and expendi­ Ahwa town has no facility of railway. All the towns have ture of each town of the district. TABLE 19 Per capita receipt and expenditure in towns SI. Class, Name & Civic Per Capita in Rs. No. Status of the Town Receipts Expenditure Total Receipt Receipt Total General Expendi- Public Expend- Other Receipt through from all expen- Admini- ture on works iture Aspe- taxes other diture • stration Public on cts sources Health Public and Con- lnsti- veniences tutions (1 ) (2) (3) ( 4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 IV Ahwa (GP) 2.32 2.32 2.05 0:52 0.34 1.12 om 2 VI Waghai (GP) 2.06 2.06 3.66 2.16 0.65" 0.14 0.71 Total 2.23 2.23 2.S5 0:36 0.91 0.97 0.04 0.27

In case of all towns, 'the per capita receipts are Rs. the district. There is no class I and II town in the district. 2.23, whereas the per capital expenditure is Rs. 2.55. The Hence, the information in respect of recognised slum areas per capital receipts ofRs. 2.32 is more for Ahwa town than is considered as niol Rs. 2.06 ofWaghai town. Similarly, the per capital expen­ Table No.20 is not given here of recognised slum diture at Rs. 3.66 for Waghai town is higher than 2.05 for areas as there is no class I and II town in the district. Ahwa town. The higher per capita expenditure over the per capita receipt is found in Wagbai town. The per capital Statement V receipt for Ahwa town is higher tha n the per capita expen­ diture. Statement V deals with the details pertaining to educational, medical, recreational and other cultural Statement I:V facilities in each town of district. The statement reveals that only Ahwa town has college education facilities such Statement IV shows the civic and other amenities as arts and commerce in the district., There is no college viz; road, drainage, latrines, water supply, fire fighting education facilities of other courses in the towns of the services and electrification available in each town of the district. At the nearest distance, the facilities of medical district. Ahwa and Waghai towns have sewerage system and engineering courses are available at Surat whereas the of open surface drains. There are latrines having the facilities of Polytechnics courses are available at Valsad. jacility of water borne and· service latrines in the Ahwa It is needless to say that all the towns of the district have and Waghai towns .. As regards the method of the night soil Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary School disposal, wheel barrows system is prevalent in both the facilities. Ahwa and Waghai town have adult literacy towns. There are no head loads and baskets systems in the centres. There is no facility of hostel for working women towns of the district. Both the towns have facilities of in any town of the district. There is no stadia in the towns water supply mainly through taps and wells. They have no of the district. Ahwa is equipped with facility of 1 their own fire fighting services. However, fire fighting auditoria/drama/community halls. Out of 2 towns, only services are available in both the towns through Bansda Ahwa town has provided with the facility of public library. town of . Both the towns of the district are electrified. Table No.21 is compiled on the basis of statement Statement IV-A No. V. It shows the number of schools in each category such a higher secondary, secondary and primary per Statement IV-A gives the civic and other amenities tO,OOO population for both the towns of the district. in notified or recognised slums of class I and II towns of

37 TABLE 21 Schools per· ten thousand population in towns. No. per 10,000 population SI. Clas~, Name and Higher SCCDndary/ Junior Primary No. Civic status of the second~ry/ Matricul- Secondary/ town Inter/PUC/ ation Middle Junior College ( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) IV Ahwa (GP) 0.912 2.736 7.296 2 VI Waghai (GP) 2.021 2.021 6.064 Total 1.257 2.514 6.913 Note: In Gujarat State, the levels of education are TABLE 22 classified as under tt) Primary (from Std. I to VII passed) No.of beds in Medical Institution in towns (ii) Secondary/Matriculation (From Std. VIII to X passed) SI. Class, Name and No.of beds in Medical (iii) Higher Secondary (From Std. XI to XII passed). No. civic status of Institutions per 1,000 Hence, details of Col. 5 arc not shown. the town population (1 ) (2) (3) It is seen from above table that the average number 1 IV Ahwa (GP) 13.68 of higher secondary school per 10,000 population for all 2 VI Waghai (GP) 1.82 Total urban area 9.99 tOWlt<; is 1.257, average number of secondary/matricula­ tion 2.514 and average number of primary school 6.913. It is se~n from the above table that on an average As regards education, the maximum number of primary there are 9.99 beds per 1,000 population in the urban areas schools and secondary schools per 10,000 population is of the district. Ahwa town has the 13.68 beds while the Waghai has the 1.82 heds per 1,000 population found in Ahwa town whereas tbe maximum number of , higher secondary school per 10,000 population is IGl'ated Statement VI in Wagha'i town. Statement VI furnishes details regarding trade. com­ In Statement V, infonnation about medical facilities merce, industry and banking in the towns of the district. is given wherein Government, Semi Government and The important commodities imported in the towns are charitable institutions providing medical facilities are foodgrains, cloth and ground nut oil. Those exported out covered. Hospital facility is available only in Ahwa town of the towns arc ayurvedic medicines, products of bam­ of the district. Waghai town has no such facility. Ahwa boo, wood, aghoda pieces of logwoods and wooden dust town has T.B. clinic centre. Ahwa and Waghai have dis­ used as household fuel. The main commodities manufac­ pensary and health centre facilities. tured in the towns are ayurvedic medicines, products of Ta ble 22 is prepared on the basis of statement No. V bamboo, wood, aghoda pieces of log wood and wooden of town directory. It indicates the number of beds in the dust used as household fuel. medical institutions in each town of the district. Table 23 is derived on the basis of statement VI. It shows the most important item manufactured, imported into and exported from each town of the district. TABLE 23 Most important Commodity Manufacturetl, imported and exported in Towns SI. Clas~, Name and Most important Commodity No. civic statu~ of the town Manufactured Exported Imported (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) IV Ahwa (GP) Ayurvedic Ayurvedic Food Medicines Medicines Grains 2 VI Waghai (GP) Aghoda pieces Aghoda pieces Food of Log woods of Log woods Grains Ahwa and Waghai towns have facilities of banking Appendix given at the end of section II shows infor­ and agricultural credit societies. Ahwa town has also non mation of towns having their out growth with population. agricultural credit societies. As per appendix, there is no outgrowth area in any town of the district.



The village directory containing information for each 4. Tubewell Water TW village has been compiled in the ascending order of the 5. Handpump HP census village location code numbers. It provides informa- 6. River Water R tion pertaining to total areas ofthe villages in Hectares, total 7. Fountain F popUlation, number of households, amenities available in 8. Canal C the village viz. educational, medical, drinking water, post 9. Lake L and telegraph, Market/Hat, communication, approach to 10. .Spring S village, nearest town and distance in kms. and power supply. 11. Nallah N It also contains infornlation reg!lrding land use i.e. area 12. Others a under different types of land use like forest, irrigated by. 13. Information Not Available NA different sources, un-irrigated, culturable waste including Col. S Post and Telegraph gauchar and groves and area not available for cultivation. 1. Post Office PO 2. Telegraph Office TO Abbreviations used in the village direct~: 3. Post and Telegraph PTa Col. S Educational 4. Telephone Conuection Phone 1. Primary or Elementry School P Col. 10 Communications 2. Junior Secondary or Middle School M 1. Bus BS 3. Matriculation or Secondary H 2. Railway Station RS 4. Higher Seconda ry /Intermediate/Pre" PUC Navigable Waterway Umversity/Junior College 3. NW 5. College Any College (Graduate level & C Col. n Approach to village above) i ike Arts, Science, Commerce 1. Pucca Road PR 6. Industrial School I 2. Kachcha Road KR 7. Training School Tr. 3. . Navigable River NR 8. Adult Literacy Class/Centre Ac 4. Navigable Canal NC 9. Other Educational Institutions a 5. Navigable Waterway NW Col. 6 Medical Col. 13 Power Supply 1. Hospital H Electricity for Domestic Purpose ED 2. Maternity and Child Welfare Centre MCW 1. Electricity for Agriculture EAG 3. Maternity Home MH 2. 3. Electricity. for other purpose like Industrial, EO 4. Child Welfare Centre CWC CommerCIal etc. 5. Health Centre HC 4. Electricity for all purposes EA 6. Primary Health Centre PHC Col. 15 Irrigated by source (Land use) ,7. Primary Health Sub-Centre PHS 8. Dispensary D 1. Government Canal Gc 9. Family Planning Centre FPC 2. Private Canal PC 10. T.B.Clinic TB 3. Well (Without electricity) W 11. Nursing Home NH 4. Well (With electricity) WE 12. Registered Private Practitioner RP 5. Tubewell (Without electricity) TW 13. Subsidised Medical Practitioner SMP 6. Tubewell (With electricity) TWE 14. Community Health Worker/Health Worker CHW 7. Tank TK 15. Others 0 8. River R 9. Lake L Col. 7 Drinking Water 10. Water fall Wf 1. Tap Water T 11. Others 0 2. Well Water W "12. Total T 3. Tank Water TK


41 6 8 ~ILOMETRES 1::::=±::±=:l.==±.1:=:ll

C .c T \ '" S u "c '"0 Vl ,9.




500-99~, 1000-4999 .. 0 ••• OOMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE

URBAN AREA WITH LOC~TION OODE ?@~ Note: 'C.O Block boundary of The 001'191 is co-terminus with STATE HIGHWAY SH15 TolONO boundary excludinQ an stotutory towns," IMPORTANT METALLED ROADS ... RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION, NARROW GAUGE. RIVER AND STREAM.

Based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General of India. © Government of India Copyright, 1993 TALUKA / C.D.BLOCK THE DANGS ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES


1991 Census 1981 Census I)age No. Sl. Name or Village Location Location Location Location Part A PartB No. Code Code Code Code Village Primary, No. No. No. No. Directory Census (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) Abstract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 Aherdi 244 0244 246 0246 82 144 2 Ahirpada 129 0129 129 0129 66 132 3 Amba1ia 284 02)0\4 286 0286 86 148 4 Ambapada (Ahwa Saja) 245 0245 247 0247 82 144 5 Ambapada (Waghai) 194 0194 196 0196 74 136 6 Ambur 122 0122 122 0122 66 132 7 Amsarpada 85 0085 85 0085 60 128 8 Amsarwalan 154 0154 155 0155 70 132 9 Amthawa 48 0048 48 0048 56 124 10 Anjankund 224 0224 226 0226 78 140

11 Barda 150 0150 151 0151 70 132 12 Badiganvtha (Badigantha) 90 0090 ·90 0090 60 128 13 Baj 201 0201 203 0203 76 140 14 Bandhpada 7 0007 7 0007 50 120 15 Baradpani 306 0306 308 0308 90 148 16 Barda (Manmodi Saja) 271 0271 273 0273 86 144 17 Barda(Khambbla Saja) 91 0091 91 0091 62 128 18 Bardipada (Saja) 6 0006 6 0006 50 120 19 Bardipada 86 0086 86 0086 60 128 (Naktyahanwant Saja) 20 Baripada 264 0264 266 0266 84 144 21 Barkhandhia 233 0233 235 0235 80 140 22 Banniawad 303 0303 305 0305 90 148 23 Behdun 45 0045 45 0045 54 124 24 Bhadarpada 269 0269 271 0271 84 144 25 Bhalkhet 34 0034 34 0034 54 120 26 Bhapkbal 275 0275 277 0277 86 144 27 Bhavandagad 156 0156 157 0157 70 136 28 Bhawadi 147 0147 147 0147 68 132 29 Bhendmal 191 0191 193 0193 74 136 30 Bhisya 163 0163 165 0165 70 136 31 Bhondvihir 50 0050 50 0050 56 124 32 Bhongdya 30 0030 30 0030 52 120 33 Bhujad 27 0027 27 0027 52 120 34 Bhurapani 276 0276 278 0278 86 148 35 Bhurbhendi 234 0234 236 0236 80 140 36 Bihupada 88 0088 88 0088 60 128 37 Bijurpada 93 0093 93 0093 62 128 38 Bilbari 124 0124 124 0124 66 -132 39 Biliamba 19 0019 19 0019 52 120 40 Bilmal 252 0252 254 0254 82 144 41 Bokadmal 133 0133 133 0133 66 132 42 Bandanna I 295 0295 297 0297 88 148 43 Bordahad 265 0265 267 0267 84 144



1991 Census 1981 Census Page No. SI. Name of Village Loc~tion Location Location Location Part A PartB No. Code Code Code Code Village Primary No. No. No. No. Directory Census ~ManuaJ) ~Computer) (Manual) ~Computer) Abstract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 44 Borigaotha (Samgaban Saja) 247 0247 249 0249 82 144 45 Borigaotba (Wagbai Saja) 108 0108 108 0108 64 128 46 Borkbal 227 0227 229 0229 80 140 47 Borkbet 162 0162 164 0164 70 136 48 Borpada 193 0193 195 0195 74 136 49 Burthadi 10 0010 10 0010 50 120

50 . Cbamarpada 80 0080 80 0080 60 .128 51 Chankhal 139 0139 139 0139 68 132 52 Cbaukiya (Cbaukia) 184 '0184 186 0186 74 136 53 Chavadvel 185 0185 187 0187 74 136 54 Chichigaontha 114 0114 114 0114 64 128 55 Cbichpada (Vadpada) 131 0131 131 0131 66 132 56 Cbikar (Jhavda Saja) 107 0107 107 0107 64 128 57 Chikai"(Rambbas Saja) 232 0232 234 0234 80 140 58 Cbikatiya (Cbikatia) 143 0143 143 0143 68 132 59 Cbikhala(Kalibel Saja) 37 0037 37 0037 54 124 60 Cbi kha Ida 241 0241 243 0243 82 144 61 CbikhaIi 246 0246 248 0248 82 144 (Samgaban Saja) 4 62 Cbikhli (LavcbaJi Saja) 99 0099 99 0099 62 128 63 Cbinchdhara 217 0217 219 0219 78 140 64 Cbincbli 222 0222 224 0224 78 140 65 Cbirtchod 268 0268 270 0270 84 144 66 Cbincbpada) 279 0279 281 0281 86 148 (Galkund Saja) 67 Cbinchvibir 94 0094 94 0094 62 128 68 . Cbirapada 263 0263 265 0265 84 144

69 Dabdar (Wagbai) 110 0110 110 0110 64 128 (Dabdar) 70 Dagadiamba 151 0151 152 0152 70 132 71 Dagadpada 235 02J5 237 0237 80 140 72 Daguniya (Dagunia) 270 . 0270 272 0272 84 144 73 Daher 43 0043 43 0043 54 124 74 Darapada 274 0274 276 0276 86 144 75 Dardi 1 0001 1 0001 50 120 76 Davdahad (Deodabad) 145 0145 145 0145 68 132 77 De\lipada 198 0198 200 0200 76 140 78 Dbadbra 115 0115 115 0115 64 128 79 Dbangdi 266 0266 268 0268 84 144 80 Dhavalidod 137 0137 137 0137 68 132 81 Dhodhalpada 106 0106 106 0106 64 128 82 Dholianibur 121 0121 121 0121 66 132 (Narayan Devpada) (Dboliambur or Naraya Devpada)


1991 Census 1981 Census Page No. S!. Name of Village Location Location Location Location Part A PortD No. Code Code Code Code Vt)Jage Primary No. No. No. No. Directory Census {ManuaQ (Computer} (Manual) {Computer~ Abstract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 83 Dhongiamba 40 0040 40 0040 54 124 84 Dhuda 136 0136 136 0136 68 132 85 Dhulcholld 153 0153 154 0154 70 132 (Dhudchond) 86 Dhulda 8 0008 8 0008 50 120 87 Dhumkhal 277 0277 279 0279 86 148 88 Divadyawan 36 0036 36 0036 54 124 89 Diwan Tembrun 102 0102 102 0102 62 128 (Dewantembrun) 90 Dodipada 149 0149 150 0150 68 132 91 Dokpatal 197 0197 199 0199 76 140 92 Don 223 0223 225 0225 78 140 93 Dumarya (Dumaria) 125 0125 125 0125 66 132

94 Enginpada (Calbari) 29 0029 29 0029 52 120 (Enginpada)

95 Gadad 212 0212 214 0214 78 140 96 Gadvihir 219 0219 221 0221 78 140 97 Galkund 280 0280 282 0282 86 148 98 Garkhadi 173 0173 175 0175 72 136 99 Garmal 209 0209 211 0211 76 140 100 Gaurya,(Gavaria) 142 0142 142 0142 68 132 101 Gavdabad (Gaodahad) 11 0011 11 0011 50 120 102 Gawhan 47 0047 47 0047 56 124 103 Gaygothan 71 0071 71 0071 S8 124 104 Gaykhas 206 0206 208 0208 76 140 105 Ghadvi 100 0100 100 0100 62 128 106 Ghana 57 0057 57 0057 56 124 107 Ghaniamba 176 0176 176 0176 72 136 108 Ghodi 105 0105 . 105 0105 62 128 109 Ghodwahal 293 0293 295 0295 88 148 110 Ghoghli 159 0159 160 0160 70 136 111 Ghubadia 73 0073 73 G073 58 124 112 Ghubita 138 0138 138 0138 68 132 113 Gira 109 0109 109 ·0109 64 128 114 Ginnal 9 0009 9 0009 50 120 115 Godadiya (Godadia) 6-2 0062 62 0062 58 124 116 Golasta 188 0188 190 0190 74 136 117 Gondalvihir 164 0164 166 0166 70 136 118 Gotiyamal (Gotiamal) 304 0304 306 0306 90 148 119 Gundia 302 0302 304 0304 90 148 120 Gundvahal 273 0273 275 0275 86 144 121 Gunjpeda 104 0104 104 0104 62 128 122 Gurudiya (Gurudia) 82 0082 82 0082 60 128 ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES


1991 Census 1981 Census Page No. SI. Name of Village Location Location Location Location Part A PartB No. Code Code Code Code Vil1agc Primary No. No. No. No. Directory Census (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) Abstract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 123 Hadol 25 0025 25 0025 52 120 124 Hanwatchond 116 0116 116 0116 64 132 125 Hanwatpada(Chinchli Saja) 218 0218 220 0220 78 140 126 Hanwatpada .- 74 0074 74 0074 58 124 (pipaldahad Saja) 127 Harpada 174 0174 176 0176 72 136 128 Hindla 135 0135 135 0135 66 132 129 Humbapada 300 0300 302 0302 88 148~

130 Isdar (Gadbvi) 141 0141 141 0141 68 132 131 Isdar(BorkhaJ Saja) 208 0208 210 0210 76 140 132 Iskbandi 41 0041 41 0041 54 124

133 Jakbana 278 0278 280 0280 86 148 . 134 Jamanpada 64 0064 64 0064 58 124 135 Jamausonda 20 0020 20 0020 52 120 136 Jamanvihir 140 0140 140 0140 68 132 137 Jamanya 128 0128 128 0128 66 132 138 Jamdar 288 0288 290 0290 88 148 139 Jamla 16 0016· 16 0016 52 120 140 Jamlapada 199 0199 201 0201 76 140 14'1 Jamlapada(Gadhvi Saja) 101 0101 101 0101 62 128 142 Jamnyamal 12 0012 12 0012 50 120 143 Jarsol 53 0053 53 0053 56 124 144 Javtala 210 0210 212 0212 76 140 145 Jharan 22 0022 22 0022 52 120 146 Jhari 127 0127 127 0127 66 132 147 Jhariya(Dungarda) 148 0148 148 0148 68 132 (Jharia) 148 Jhavda 65 0065 65 0065 58 124 149 Jogbari 305 0305 307 0307 90 148 150 Jogthawa 79 0079 79 0079 60 128 151 Junner 81 0081 81 0081 60 128

152 Kadmal(Gadad Saja) 215 0215 217 0217 78 140 153 Kadmal(Subir) 23 0023 23 0023 52 129 (Kadmal) 154 Kahandolghodi 259 0259 261 0261 84 144 155 Kakadvihir 120 0120 120 0120 64 132 156 Kakarda 63 0063 63 0063 58 124 157 Kakshala 15 0015 15 0015 50 120 158 Kalamkhet 69 0069 69 0069 58 124 159 Kalamvihir 168 0168 170 0170 72 136 160 Kalibel 26 0026 26 0026 52 120 161 Kamad 253 0253 255 0255 82 144 162 Kamdiawan 178 0178 180 0180 72 136



1991 Census 1981 Census Page No. S). Name of Village Location Location Location Locatiotl Part A PartB No. Code Code Code Code Village Primary No. No. No. No. Directory Census (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) Abstract • (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 163 Kanchanpada 297 0297 299 0299 88 148 164 Kangariyamal 54 0054 54 0054 56 124 165 Karadiamba 216 0216 218 0218 78 140 166 Karanjda(Lavchali Sa ja) 55 0055 55 0055 56 124 167 Karanjdi(Gadad Saja) 180 0180 182 0182 72 136 168 Karanjpada 51 0051 51 0051 56 124 169 Kasadbari 24 0024 24 0024 52 120 170 Kasavdahad 186 0186 188 0188 74 136 171 Kel 89 0089 89 0089 60 128 172 J(eshbandh 17 0017 17 0017 52 120 173 Khajuma 92 0092 92 0092 62 128 174 Khambbla 84 0084 84 0084 60 128 175 Khapri 205 0205 207 0207 76 140 176 Khatal 60 0060 60 0060 56 124 177 Kherindra 96 0096 96 0096 62· 128 178 Khinnani 236 0236 238 0238 80 144 179 Kbokhari 5 0005 5 0005 50 120 180 Khopriamba 35 0035 35 0035 54 120 181 Kirli 97 0097 97 0097 62 128 182 Kosambia 225 0225 227 0227 78 140 183 Kosimda 3 0003 3 0003 50 120 184 Kosimpatal 111 0111 111 0111 64 1.28 185 Kotamdar 308 0308 310 0310 90 148 186 Kotba 118 0118 118 0118 64 132 187 Koylipada (Koilipada) 67 0067 67 0067 58 124 188 Kudkas 112 0112 112 0112 64 128 189 Kukadnakhi 113 0113 113 0113 64 128 190 Kumarbandg 243 0243 245 0245 82 1.44 191 Kunda 238 0238 240 0240 80 144 192 Kusmal 68 0068 68 0068 58 124 193 Kutarnachiya (Kutarnachia) 190 0190 192 0192 74 136

194 Lahan Dabdar 203 0203 205 0205 76 140 195 Lahan Dabbas 262 0262 264 0264 84 144 196 Laban Ihadadar 77 0077 77 0077 60 128 (Laban Jbaddar) 197 Laban Kasad 42 0042 42 0042 54 124 198 Lahan MiJunga 298 0298 300 0300 88 148 199 Lahancharya 258 0258 260 0260 84 144 (La ha ncba ria ) 200 Lavcbali (Laochali) 12 0072 72 0012 58 124 201 Linga 226 0226 228 0228 80 140 202 Luharia 192 0192 194 0194 74 136

203 Madalbari 213 0213 215 0215 78 140 204 Mahal 39 0039 39 0039 54 124



1991 Census 1981 Censu~ Page No. S!. Name of Village Location Lol'ation Location Location Part A ))art B No. Code Code Code Code Village Primary No. No. N

227 Nadagkhadi 144 0144 144 0144 68 132 228 Nadakchond 292 0292 294 0294 88 148 229 Nakatia Hanwat 126 0126 126 0126 66 132 230 Nanapada 242 0242 244 0244 82 144 231 Nandanpeda 183 0183 185 0185 74 136 232 Nilsakiya (Nilsakia) 160 0160 161 0161 70 136 233 Nimbarpada 294 0294 296 0296 88 148 234 Nimpada 220 0220 222 0222 78 140 235 Nirgudmal 260 0260 262 0262 84 144 236 Nishana 14 0014 14 0014 50 120 237 Padalkbadi 98 0098 98 0098. 62 128 238 Palsamal 119 0119 119 0119 64 132 239 Pandharmal 32 0032 32 0032 54' 120 240 Pandharpada 76 0076 76 0076 60 128 241 Pandya 182 0182 184 0184 74 136 242 Patli 61 0061 61 0061 58 124 243 Payarpada 287 0287 289 02g9 88 148 244 Pimpri 146 0146 146 0146 68 132 245 Pipaldahad 49 0049 49 0049 56 124



1991 Census 1981 Census Page No. S!. Namc of Village Location Location Location Location Part A PartB No. Code Code Code Code Village Primary No. No. No. No. Directory Census (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) Abstract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 246 Pipalghodi 165 0165 167 0167 70 136 247 Pipalpada 169 0169 171 0171 72 136 248 PipaJpada(Galkund Saja) 281 0281 283 0283 86 148 249 Pipalyamal (pipliamal) 161 0161 163 0163 70 136 250 Piplaidevi 134 0134 134 0134 66 132

251 Rambhas 200 0200 202 0202 76 140 252 Ranpada 290 0290 292 0292 gg 148 253 Ravchond (Raochond) 207 0207 209 0209 76 140

254 Sadadmal 239 0239 241 0241 80 144 255 Sadadvihir 172 0172 174 0174 72 136 256 .Sajupada 4 0004 4 0004 50 120 257 Sakarpatal 240 0240 242 0242 80 144 258 Samgahan 289 0289 291 0291 88 148 259 Saputara 309 0309 311 0311 90 148 260 Sarwar 103 0103 103 0103 62 128 261 Satba bla (Satba bala) 130 0130 130 0130 66 132 262 Sati 157 0157 158 0158 70 136 263 Sawarda 95 0095 95 0095 62 128 (Sawarda Kasad) 264' Sawardakasad 38 0038 38 0038 54 124 265 Sawarkhadi 2 0002 2 0002 50 120 266 Sawarpada 46 0046 46 0046 56 124 267 Scndriamba 167 0167 169 0169 72 136 268 Sepuamba 52 0052 52 0052 56 124 269 Shivarimal 231 0231 233 0233 80 140 270 Shivbara 75 0075 75 0075 58 124 271 Silotmal 267 0267 269 0269 84 144 272 Sinbandh 255 0255 257 0257 82 144 273 Singana 13 0013 13 0013 50 120 274 Sodmal 70 0070 70 0070 58 124 275 Songir 229 0229 231 0231 80 140 276 Sonulliya (Sonunia) 301 0301 303 0303 90 148 277 Subir 44 0044 44 0044 54 124 278 SUklll3 I 117 0117 117 0117 64 132 279 Sunda 187 0187 189 0189 74 136 280 Supdabad 272 .0272 274 0274 86 144 281 Susarda 237 0237 239 0239 80 144

282 Taklipada(BorkhaJ S;lJa) 250 0250 252 0252 82 144 283 Taklipada(Lavchali) 171 0171 173 0173 72 136 (Ta klipada) 284 Tekpada 33 0033 33 0033 54 120 285 Tcmburgartba 228 0228 230 0230 80 140 286 Thorpada 177 0177 179 0179 72 136 ALPHABETIC LIST OF VILLAGES


1991 Census 1981 Census Page No. S]. Na me of Vi lJage Location Location Location Location Part A Part B No. Code Code Code Code Village Primary No. No. No. No. Directory Census (Manual) (Computer) (Manual) (Computer) Abstract (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (~) 287 Timbarthawa 18 0018 18 0018 52 120

2g8 Uga(Lavchali) 56· 0056 56 0056 56 124 2H9 Ugif(Ralllbha Saja) 195 0195 197 0197 74 136 290 Ukhatiya (Ukhatia) 254 0254 256 0256 82 144 291 Umarya (Umaria) 285 02g5 2g7 0287 g6 148 292 Umharpada 249 0249 251 0251 82 144

293 Vadpada 132 0132 132 0132 66 132 294 Vanar 2tD 0283 2g5 0285 86 148 295 Va nzarghodi 170 0170 172 0172 72 136 296 Vanzat Amba 66 0066 66 0066 58 124 297 Vihiramba 251 0251 253 0253 82 144

298 Wadiawan 175 0175 177 0177 72 136 299 Waghmal 202 0202 204 0204 76 140 300 Wahutiya (Wahutia) 87 0087 87 0087 60 128 301 Waidun 214 0214 216 0216 78 140 302 Wakarya (Wakaria) 256 0256 258 0258 84 144 303 Wanarchond 196 0196 198 0198 76 140 304 Wangan 155 0155 156 0156 70 132 305 Wankan 31 0031 31 0031 54 120 306 Wanki 286 0286 288 0288 88 148 307 Wanzttemrun 179 0179 181 0181 72 136 308 Wasurna 230 0230. 232 0232 80 140 309 Wawanda 189 0189 191 0191 74 136

Note: The spellings/names of villages are given in brackets wherever the differences in spellings/names of villages are ubserved with 19X1 Census

Oangs - 6 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance tion Village Area Popu- in nrolld ranges viz. -5 KIns.,5-1O KIns.llnd IO+Kms. of the Code of IMion nCllres! elace where the facility is available b sivenl No. the lind Educa- MedicIII Drinking Posta~d OilY Communi- Village number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in hee- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares) house- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) ket/ Hat, ifan 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dllrdi 406.89 75 P -(5-10 Kms) W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (22)

2 Sawarkhadi 611.57 372 P,Ae ewe W,HP,S -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (84)

3 Kosimda 300.75 801 P,Ac eWe,eHW W,S,N PO -(5-10 Kms) BS (180)

4 Sajupadll 226.06 788 P,Ac ewe W,R,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (146)

5 Khokhari 107.92 318 P,Ac -(-5 KIns) W,S,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (69)

6 Bllrdipada 1,489.45 510 P,Ac eWe,PHS,RP, W,R,N PO -(5-10 Kms) BS (Saja) (109) eHW,O

7 Bandhpadll 726.24 266 P -(-5 Kms) HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (52)

8 Dhulda 2,173.86 516 P,Ac ewe R,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (94)

9 Girmal 3,646.43 476 P -(10+ Killsj HP,R -(lD+Kms) -(1O+Kms) BS (104)

10 Hurthadi . 267.46 329 P -(5-10 Kms) W,IfP,R -(5-lOKms) -(5-lOKIns) BS (73)

11 Gllvdahad 781.54 350 P -(5-10 Kms) HP,R -(5-lOKms) -(5-10Kms) BS (74)

12 Jamnyamal 1,846.28 637 P(2) -(-5 KIns) W,R -(-5Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (162)

13 Singana 268.09 622 P(2),H PHS,FPC,CHW W,HP,R,N PO Weekly BS (108) Monday

14 Nishana 2,818.08 1,025 P(3) -(5-10 Kms) W,R,N PO -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (212)

15 Kakshala 765.69 798 P(2) ewe W,HP,R,N PO -(5-10 Kms) -(S-lOKms) (167)


Land use ( i.e. area under different types of land Amenitie5 -Omtd. U5e in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr- l\earest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not Loca- oach to and distance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available tion Village (in Kms.) ding gauchar for culti- Code and groves) vation No.

11 12 13 14 15 Hi 17 IS I KR Songadh-25 ED 330.36 10.13 66.40

KR Songadh-27 ED 392.55 W(2.10) 46.01 170.91 2 T(2.l0)

KR Songadh-29 ED 242.54 40.36 17.85 3

PR Songadh-25 ED 9.36 172.18 21.17 23.35 4

PR Vyara-27 ED 73.09 26.91 7.92 5

PR Songadh-27 ED 1,268.07 172.61 40.45 8.32 6

PR Songadh-28 ED 624.09 76.11 21.00 5.04 7

KR Songadh-32 ED 1,953.40 116.51 30.10 73.85 8

KR Navapur-36 ED 3,140.26 303.69 202.48 9

PR,KR Navapur-36 ED 234.85 32.61 10

KR Navapur-33 ED 477.94 182.96 70.76 49.88 11

PR,KR Navapur-27 ED 1,212.29 541.90 18.43 73.66 12 ,..

PR,KR Navapur-29 ED 206.53 13.48 48.08 13

PR,KR Navapur-28 ED 1,743.00 604.35 111.01 359.72 14

PR Navapur-26 ED 300.29 136.57 328.83 15

51 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance tion Village Area Popu- in bro

17 Keshbandh 574.33 690 P,H,Ac CWC,CHW W,HP,N PO -(5-10 Kms) -( -5 Krns) ( 144)

18 Timbarthawa 283.15 330 P -( -5 Krns) W,R,N -( -5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (78)

19 Biliamba 245.10 291 P -( -5 Kms) W,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (84)

20 Jamansonda 659.99 261 P CHW W -( -5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (71)

21 Mokhamal 453.38 574 P -( -5 Krns) W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS ( 128)

22 Jharan. 284.61 426 P -( -5 Krns) W,N -( -5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (97)

23 Kadmal(Suhir) 865.36 635 P(2) CWC,CHW W PO Weekly BS (141 ) Wednesday

24 Kasadbari 676.78 397 P(2) CWC,CHW W,HP -(-5 Kms) Weekly BS (85) Wednesday

25 Hadol 188.78 243 P CHW W -(-5 Kms) Weekly -(-5 Krns) (47) Wednesday

26 Kalibel 1,317.52 1,305 P(2),H MH,PHC,FPC', W,HP,R,N PO Weekly BS (215) CHW Tuesday

27 Bhujad 1,602.5<) 519 P CHW W,R -( -5 Kms) -(-5 Km~) BS ( 106)

28 Mehskatri 312.71 760 P(2) PHS,CHW W,R PO -(-5 Kms) BS (161)

2<) Enginpada 128.30 as p CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -( -5 Kms) -( -5 Krns) (Calbari) (24)

30 Bhongdya 324.27 297 P(2) -(-5 Kms) W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -( -5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) . (62) DIRECTORY Land Use

Land use ( i.e. area under different types of land Amenities ·Contd. use in hectare~ rounded upto 2 decimal place~)

Appr­ Neare5t tuwn Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated C'ulturable Area not Loea- o

11 12 1:> 16

PR Navapur-23 ED 166.59 13.30 73.46 16

PR Navtipur-24 ED 406.02 43.03 125.28 17

PR Navapur-23 ED 161.31 19.01 102.83 18

PR Navapur-24 » ED 157.16 24.26 63.68 19

KR Sakri-35 ED 365.74 253.79 15.Q6 24.50 20

KR Navapur-31 ED 369.09 30.05 54.24 21

PR Navapur-30 ED 4.80 221.43 58.38 2'2

PR Navapur-36 ED 684.65 180.71 23

PR,KR Ahwa-37 ED 263.45 264.47 2.05 146.81 24

KR Ahwa-39 ED 148.19 19.18 21.41 25

PR,KR Waghai-32 ED 922.94 248.66 N.42 16.50 26

PR Waghai-33 ED 1,379.01 127.97 79.69 15.92 27

PR Waghai-27 ED 255.04 33.71 23.96 28

PR Waghai-29 ED 45.20 37.Q5 12.65 32.50 29

PR,KR Waghai-28 ED 189.19 64.66 20.44 49.Q8 30

53 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance lion Village Area Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms.,5-10 Kms.and lO+Kms. of the Code of lalion nearest Elace where the facilit~ is available is given} No. the and Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in hec- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares) housc- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) ket/ Hat, ifan 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 31 Wankan 96.00 94 P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (20)

32 Pandharmal 433.62 219 P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (50)

33 Tekpada 311.74 428 P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) '< -(-5 Kms) BS (74)

34 Bhalkhet 180.82 403 P CHW W,R PO -(-5 Kms) BS (73)

35 Khopriamba 138.47 207 P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (33)

36 Divadyawan 247.35 390 P CHW W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (73)

37 Chikhala 1,533.01 398 P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (Kalibelsaja) (7Q)

38 Sawardakasad 1,457.17 163 P,Ac(2) -(-5 Kms) HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (31)

39 Mahal 267.70 588 P(2),H, CWC,PHS,FPC, W,HP,R,N PO Weekly BS (7Q) Ac(5) CHW,O Monday

40 Dhongiamba 568.06 647 P(2), CWC,CHW W,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (143) Ac(5)

41 Iskhandi 209.0Q 142 P CHW W,R -(5-10 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (40)

42 Lahan Kasad 164.81 162 P -(5-10 Kms) HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (33)

43 Daher 497.57 468 P(2) CWC,CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(5~10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (Q7)

44 Subir 782.Q3 1,570 P CWC,PHC,D(2), W,TK,HP, PTa Weekly BS (2Q9) FPC,RP,CHW S Wednesday

45 Behdun 533.92 268 P CHW W -(-5 Kms) -(-5Kms) BS (68)


Land use ( i.e. area under different types of land Amenities -Contd. use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Cultumble Area not Loea- oach to and distance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available tion Village (in Kms.) ding gauchar for culti- Code and groves) vation No.

'n 1'2 13 1'l 15 16 17 18 KR Waghai-32 ED 23.52 18.57 10.27 43.64 31

KR Waghai-32 ED 263.58 80.46 27.00 62.58 32

PR Waghai-31 ED 206.45 61.13 44.16 33

PR Waghai-31 ED 94.74 29.35 56.73 34

KR Waghai-32 ED 48.08 16.39 74.00 35

KR Waghai-33 ED 47.55 121.26 27.56 50.98 36

PR Waghai-33 ED 1,321.45 138.67 49.71 23.18 37

PR,KR Ahwa-3Q ED 1,323.98 47.40 85.74 ;,

PR Ahwa-30 ED 127.21 0.20 14024 39

PR,KR Ahwa-32 ED 409.(19 158.97 4(1

PR,KR . Ahwa-36 ED 1.11 180.65 27.33 41

KR Ahwa-33 ED 81.80 83.01 42

KR Ahwa-27 ED 389.17 56.77 51.63 43

PR Navapur-35 ED W(5.00) 639.38 136.65 44 1WE(1.00) T(6.00) KR Sakri-35 ED 187.83 140.43 9.19 196.47 45

55 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenitie~ aVailable (if not available \\'ithin the village, a dash(-) Loea- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance tion Village Area !'opu- in broiJd riJngc~ viz. -5 K01s.,5-1O Krns.and 1O+K01s. of the Code of 1.1tion neilre~t ~Iace where the fadlit}' i~ available is givenl No. the and Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in hec- of (Potable) Day5 Stop, Rail- tares) hou~e- of way station, holds Mar- Water way) ket/ Hat, if an 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 q 10

46 Sawarpada 261.95 III P CIIW W -( -5 Km~) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (24)

47 Gawhan 1,00069 718 P(3) CHW W,R -(-5 Knb) -(-5 Kms) BS ( J30)

48 Amthawa 403.00 154 P Ct!W W -(5-lOKm~) -(5-lOKms) 0(-5 Kms) (27)

49 Pipaldahad IQ5.16 5Q6 P,II,Ac CWC,PHS,D,FFC, W,HP,R PO Weekly BS ( 106) CHW Sunday

50 Bhondvihir 274.18 2Qq P CHW W,R -(-5 Krn~) -( -5 Kms) BS (55)

51 Karanjpada '278.18 q2 I' CHW W,HP,R -( -5 Krns) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (20)

52 Sepuamba 333.52 330 P PHS,CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (76)

53 Jarsol 2,604.01 137 P CHW W,R -( 10+ Km~)-(5-1O Kms) -(-5 Kms) (33)

54 Kangariyamal 670 Q6 142 P CIIW W,R,S -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Km~) -(5-10 Km,<,) (2~)

55 Karanjda

56 Uga(Lavchali) 825.51 201 P CHW W,R- -(-5 Km~) -( -5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (48)

57 Gh.ll1a 324.74 417 P CWC,CIIW W,HP,R -( -5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (40)

5$ Moti Kasad 3,006.27 In P -(-5 Kms) R -(-5 KIm) -(-5 Km~) -( -5 Kms) (47)

59 M

60 Khat,ll 407.48 985 i'(2),H CWC,PHS,CHW W,R,N PO -(5-10 Km~) BS ( 163)


Land use ( i.e. area under different type~ of land Amenities -('ontd. use in hcctare~ rounded upto 2 decimal pl

Appr­ Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Cultura bl e Area not Loca- o,l<:h III illlJdiMance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available tion Village (ill Km~.) ding gauchar for culti- Code and groves) vation No.

12 n 14 15 16 17 18

KR Sdkn-35 1:.D 103.60 87.57 7.1}4 62$4 46

PR S.lkri-3S FD 434.85 36lJ.42 25.08 171.34 47

1'1\ S.lkn-30 ED 286.10 75.54 6.36 35.00 48

1'1\ Sakri-37 ED Q.72 126.00 lQ.77 3Q.67 4Q

I'I{ Ahwa-40 ED 111.47 142.29 lJ.86 10.56 50

PR Ahwa-3Q ED 208.58 48.87 6.68 14.65 51

PR Ahwa-35 ED 120.50 149.59 38.55 24.88 52

KR Ahwa-2S pO 2,517.54 56.70 14.43 20.34 53

PR Navapur-35 ED 433.22 131.14 106.60 54

KR Ahwa-25 ED 65.15 8.07 24.67 55

KR Ahwa-24 ED 361.60 306.13 157.78 56

KR Ahwa-2S ED 216.96 15.47 n.3l 57

KR Ahwa-34 ED 2,66539 110.94 229.94 58

PR,KR Waghai-30 ED 155.06 4.26 137.32 59

PR,KR Wdg!J;1l-30 ED,EO 208.32 33.17 165.lJ9 60

Dang. - 7 57 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the hrackets, the distance tion Village Area Popu- in broad ranges vii. -5 Kms.,5-10 Kms.and lO+Kms. of the Code of lation neare~t plJce where the facilIty IS available is ~ivcn) No. the and Educa- MedlCiil Dnnking Post and Day Communi- Village number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in hee- llf (Potable) Day~ Stop, Rail- tares) hou~e- of way ~tiltion, holds Mar- Waterway) ket/ Hat, ifan 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q 10

61 Patli 105.70 152 P -(-5 Km~) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (29)

62 Godadiya 2,530.71 454 l' CIIW W,R,N -( -5 Km~) -(-5 Km~) -( -5 Km!» (RR)

63 Kakarda 963.08 464 I' CIIW W,I-IP,R -( -5 Kms) ,.-(-5 Kms) -( -5 Kms) ( 1(0)

64 .Iamanpada 508.44 280 P ('IIW W,HI',R,N -(-5 Kms) -(-~ Kms) BS (52)

65 Ihavda 339.03 606 P(2),I-I (W( ',FP( ',CfIW W,lIP,R,N PO -(-5 Kms) BS (l12)

66 Van/at Amba 289.03 431 (' CIIW W,HP,N -(-5 Km~) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (82)

67 Koylipad,\ 1,034.57 630 P CWC,CHW W,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) ( 124)

68 Ku~mill S28.88 435 l' CIIW W,R -(-5 Km~) -(-5 Km~) -(5-10 Km~) (81)

69 Kalamkhet 212.09 391 I' ('liW W,IlP,N -(-5 Kill') -is-l0 KIll'1 IlS (80)

7U Sodlll,1i 197.36 311 I' ( 11\\ \\ 1I1',j\; -( -5 Kill') -1)·I(lKllhl I~S (56)

71 (,

7" Llvc)J.lii 30709 499 P,Ac ('\Vt '.l'IIS,I·I'C, \\ .JII',R 1'0 Weekly BS ( 7~) C'lIW Wedne~d

-"._' .( ihubadin 542.32 Ill1 I' CHW W,R -(5-10 Kms) -( -5 KI11~) -(-5 Kms) (36)

74 Ilanwatpada 832.lI5 488 P (.'!IW WJII',R -(5-lOKm~) -(5-10Kms) BS ( I'lpaldahad ( 1(9) Saja) 75 Shivb,lf,1 87.28 122 P CIIW W,HP -( -5 KII1~) -(-5 Km~) BS (25)


Llml u~e ( i.e. llrell under different types of land

Amenitlc~ -Contd. use in heclilre~ rounded upto 2 decimill places)

Appr­ Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigllted Cultufilhle Area not Loca- oachlo and di~tilnce Supply hy Source Wil!,tc(inclu- availllhle. tion Vill

11 6 17 lR PR Waghai-30 ED 34.02 17.53 54.15 61

PR Wilghai-28 ED 2,301.04 150.Q8 27.54 51.15 62

KR Vyaril-28 ED 775.Q8 123.44 . 21.74 41.Q2 63

KR Waghai-1Q ED 266.49 186.58 42.03 13.34 '64

KR Waghai-17 ED 5Q.82 24Q.87 18.47 10.87 65

KR Waghai-15 ED 167.43 108.40 1320 66

KR Wilghai-14 ED 720.00 28596 20.61 800 67

KR Waghai-22 l:.D 610.70 14Q.27 7.65 61.26 68

PR,KR Waghai-25 ED 84.73 6.87 120.4<) 6<)

I'R,KR Waghlli-27 ED,EO 84.16 17.24 95.96 70

PR,KI{ Ahwa-22 ED 230.12 16.81 9Q.<)5 71

PR,KI{ Ahwa-24 ED 241.56 58.24 7.29 72

KR Ahwa-25 ED 252.Q4 13Q.88 47.74 101.76 73

KR Ahwa-40 ED 450.30 267.20 2Q.34 86.05 74

PR Almd-35 ED 63.26 24.02 75 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenitie~ ~v

77 LahanJhadadar 349.18 291 P CIIW W,R -( -5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (47)

78 Mati lhadadar 111.93 151 P CI!W W,R -(-5 Kni~ -(-5 Km~) -(-5 Kms) (33)

79 Jogthawa 107.64 145 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP,R -( -51

80 Chamarpada 55.20 38 P -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -( -5 Krns) (9)

81 Junner 200.35 339 r -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (80)

82 Gurudiya 153.94 189 P -(-5 Kms) W,R,S -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (33)

83 Mohpada 112.01 72 P -(-5 Km~) W,HP,R PO -( -5 KIns) BS (Pipaldahad) (17)

84 Khambhla 302.33 531 P PHS,CllW W,R PO -(-SKIns) BS (94)

85 Amsarpada 318.72 305 P -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5 KIns) -(-5 Kms) BS (68)

86 Bardipadil 220.00 251 P -(5-lGKms) W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) ·(5-10 Kms) BS (Naktyahanwant (49) Saja) 87 Wahutiya 239.65 393. r -(5-10 Kms) W,N -(5-10 Kms) -(5-10 Krns) BS (66)

88 Bibupada 297.76 334 P . -(-5 KIns) W,N -(S-IOKms) -(5-lOKms) AS (57)

89 Kel 31 R.7l 240 P -( -5 Km~) W,N -(5-10 Kms) -(5-10 KillS) AS (42)

90 lladiganvtha 151.60 107 P -( -5 Km~) W,N -(5-10 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (25)

(1(1 DIR'ECTORY Land Use

Land use ( i.e. area under differen~ types of land Amenitie~ -Conld. use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated lin-irrigated Culturable Area not L001- L1ach to and di:>lance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available tion Village (in Kms.) ding gauchar for culli- Code and groves) vation No.

II [2 13 14 15 ' 16 17 18

KR Navilpur-39 ED 141.02 24.09 33.69 76

KR Ahwa-38 ED 107.81 117.35 17.38 106.64 77

KR Ahwa-38 ED 28.5R 65.Q4 7.33 to.OR 78

KR Ahwa-40 ED 4.91 71.44 2.71 28.58 79

KR Pi palner-40 ED 21.82 12.69 20.69 80

KR Pipalner-39 ED TK(4.00) 161.59 5.34 29.42 81 T(4.00)

KR Pipalner-39 ~ED W( 1.CK) 128.17 6.96 1046 82 R(7.35) T(S.35) KR l~ipalner-40 ED' 20.77 W( 1.50) 77.45 4.00 R.2l) 83 . T( 1.50)

KR Sakri-40 ED W(5.50) 211.90 7.99 76.94 84 T(5.50)

KR Sakri-42 ED 126.28 W(I.03) 166.17 3.74 21.50 85 T(1.03)

KR Pipalncr-22 ED 75.47 122.77 8.25 13.51 86

KR Pipalner-21 ED, 46.21 149.00 22.00 22.44 87

KR Pi pal ner-22 ED 5281 188.95 12.81 43.19 88

KR l'ipalncr-25 ED 52.86 215.48 13.05 37.32 89

KH Plp,llncr-2S ED 106.48 5.23 3Q.I'N QO

61 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, iI da~h(-) Loea- Name of Total Total i~ ~hown in the column and next tu it in the brackets, the di~tance tion Village Area Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Km~.,5-10 Kms.and ID+Kms. of the Code of lalion nearest Elace where the facilit~ is available is given} No. the and Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village numher tional Water Telegraph or calion (Bu~ (if} hec- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- Ijlres) hou!>e- of way ~tation, huld!> Mar- Waterway) ket! Hal, if an 2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10

91 Barda 174.98 206 P -(-5Km~) W,I{ -(-5 Kms) -(~5 Km~) US (Khambhla ( 41) Saja) 92 Khajurna 387.74 481 P,Ac -(5-LO KI11~) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Km~) -(-5 Kms) (90)

93 Bijurpada 305.16 442 P -(-5Km~) W,R -(-5 Kms) \ -(-5 Kms) -(-5Kms) (61)

94 Chinchvihir 168.58 388 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP,R -( -5 Kms) -(-5 Km~) BS (75)

95 Sawarda 222.45 358 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5Kms) (6q)

96 Kherindra 562M 30Q P -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (58)

97 Kirli 874.88 606 P ewe W,HP,N -(-5Kms) -(5-10 Km~) -(-5 K!ll~1 (1 io)

Q8 P~dalkhadi 804.58 516 l' ewe W,IIP,R -(-5 Kms) -( -5 Kll1;,) -(-5Kms) (94)

99 Childi 694.83 270 I' -(5-10 Kms) W,HP,R -(-5Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (Lavchalisaja) (65)

100 Ghadvi 1,049.65 1,151 P,Ac(13) PHS,CHW W,R PO Weekly BS (243) Sunday

101 Jamlapada 437.86 765 I' -( -5 Kms) W,R -(-5 Km~) -(-5 Kms) BS (Gadhvisaja) ( 147)

102 Diwan 5,062AL 568 P,Ac(6) -(-5 KillS) W,HP,R -( -5 Kms) -( -5 KillS) . BS Temhrun (122)

103 Sarwar 460.36 810 1'(2) ( 'WC,I'IIS, W,HP,N PO -(5-10 Km~) BS ( 141J CllW

104 ( ;unJPcda .380.72 210 I' ellw W,N .( -5 KJll~) -(5-10 KII1~) -(-:1 KJll~) (43)

105 (ihm!i 1,392.24 651 I' CIIW W,lIl',N -(-5 Kill,) -(5-10 Kill') -( -:'i Kill,) (142)


Land use ( i.e. area under different types of land Amenities ·Contd. use in hectares rQunded Uplo 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not Loea- l)ach to and distance Supply by Source Wasle(inclu- available lion Village (In Kms.) ding gauchar for culti- Code and groves) vatian No.

11 12 13 14 L5 16 17 Ii<

KR Pipalncr-44 ED 4015 107.49 12.20 15.14 91

KR Pi pal ner-45 ED W( 1.5U) 298.16 20.87 67.21 92 T(1.50)

KR Pi pal ner-42 ED . W(4 50) 206.56 12.99 81.11 93 T( 4.50)

KR Pipalner-41 ED W(4.50) 121.34 4.06 38.68 94 T(4.50)

KR Pipalner-40 ED 12.28 W(I.50) 136.00 2.20 69.47 95 R(I.00) T(2.50) KR Pi pal ner-40 ED 289.119 R(I.OO) 203.84 12.04 56.17 96., T( I nO)

KR Ahwa-30· ED 26560 ·W(} 77 39.34 163.17 97

Pi{ AI1\\.I-20 II> 32.19 W(1.50) 211.80 40.36 518.73 98 T( 150)

1-..1\ . \11\\,,-29 111 loii 25 141' 05 10.84 67.09 99

PR,KR Ahwa-17 ED 762.77 23.13 263.75 100

PR,KR Ahwa-17 ED 302.51 Q.60 125.75 101

PR Ahwa-17 ED 4,583.48 314.02 20.41 144.50 102

PR,KR Waghai-28 ED,EO 282.91 9.82 167.63 103

KR Waghai-28 ED ... 157.07 17.1'4 206.51 104

KR Ahwa-25 ED 1,146.00 204.00 27.00 15.24 10$

63 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THE1DANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loea- Name of Total Total is s~own in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance tion Vi II agt; Area Popu- in broad range:" viz. -5 Kms.,S-1O Kms.and lO+Kms. of the Code of lation nearest rlace where the facility is available is given} No. the and Eduea- Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Hu~ (in hee- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares). house- of way station, holds Mar- Water way) ket/ Hat, ifan 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 106 Dhodhalpada 2,260.53 484 P CHW W,N -(-5 Kms) -(10+ Kms) -(-5 Kms) (108)

107 Chikar 631.84 943 P CWC,CHW W,HP,R PO -(5-10 Kms) BS (Jhavdasaja) (1Q9) lOR Borigaotha' 31)8.79 675 P CWC,CHW W,R -(-SKms) " -(5-IOKms) BS,RS (Waghai Saja) ( 131)

109 Gira 466.74 92 P CHW W,R -(5-1UKms) f(5-lOKms) BS (1 Q)

110 Dabdar 277.68 316 P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 KnJ~, BS (Waghai) (73)

111 Kosimpatal 215.24 186 P CHW R -( -SKnlS) -(10+ Kms) -(-5 Kms) (49)

112 Kudkas 981.46 508 P CWC,CHW W,HP,R,S, -(-5 Kms) -( -5 Knls) BS (107) N

113 Kuk'ldnakhi 255.68 26S P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Km~) BS (58)

ll.t l 'lul'lJigaontha 571.58 670 P CWC,CHW W,HP,R,S, PO -(-5 Km~) BS (lSQ) N

115 Dhadhra 234.24 387 P CHW W,S,N -(-5 Kms) -( -5. Km!» -(-5 Km~) (80)

116 Hanwatchond 1,079.28 1,059 P(2),Ac eWC,RP, T,W,HP,S, -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (212) CHW N

117 Sukmal 288.81 557 P,Ac(4) CHW W,HP -(-5 Kms) -( -5 Kms) BS (112)

118 Kotba 807.44 956 P,Ac(ll) CIIW W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(10+ Kms) BS (175)

119 Palsamal 196,03 283 P CHW W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (59)

120 Kakadvihir 319.28 380 P CHW W,HP -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Knl~ (81)


'"lIld u~c ( i .c. "re.1 under differcnt type~ of land Alllcllitil'~ -Cuntd. usc in hectaro.:~ fOundo.:d upto 2 decimal places)

Appr­ Ne"ro.:~t town 1'0WC{ Fore~t lrrig.lted Un-irrigated Culturahle Area lIot Loea- (JachIn and di~tance Supply hy Source Wa~te(inclu- availahle tion Villolge (in Kms.) uing gauchar for culli- Coue and groves) vation No_

11 12 16

KR Waghai-12 ED 2,051.06 160.8Q 14.72 33.86 106

KR Waghai- 9 ED 350.66 247.31 15.05 IK.IQ 107

PR Waghai- 8 ED 162.61 165.53 66.8lJ 3.76 108

KR W.lgbai-S U) 404.69 24.57 3.37 34 II lOll

KR Waghai- 4 ED 126.31 72.97 10.34 6K.lI6 I 1(I

KR Waghai-12 ED 126.6Q 54.17 6.31 28.(17 III

I'R,KR Waghai- 5 EA 721.8Q 113:65 86.81 5lJ II 112

PR,KH Waghai- 6 ED IS!).53 47.61 PU5 2H.QI) 113

PR,KR W;l"hai-e . K ED 419.21 77.15 I).Hll 65.33 114-

I'R, Waghai-l1 ED 1).81 14n4 31).03 37.56 115 -

PR,KR Wag"tlai-22 ED 313.l1l 560.55 . 123.711 81.1)4 1.16

KI{ Abwa-15 ED 254.74 2.lJ3 3l.14 117

I'R,KR Waghai-46 ED 21.71) 527.46 6.12 252.07 III'l

Kl{ Ahwa-29 ED 158.64 4.00 33.31) 119

f-...R Alm,I-3h ED 25'1.64 10.02 4'1.62 120

Dangs - 8 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenitie~ available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Llll;a- Name of Total Total b ~hown in the column and next to it in the hracket~, the distance lion Village Area Popu- in hwad rdl1gcs viz. -5 KIllS.,5- 10 Kms.and !O+Kms. of the Code of lation ncare!>t elacc where the facility is availahle i~ given) No. the and Educ:t- Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village numher tiona I Water Telegraph or cation (13m. (in hee- of (Potable) Days Stop. Rail- tares) hou~c- of w~y station, hold~ Mar- Waterway) ket/ Hat, if an 2 3 4 5 6 7 R I) 10 121 Dholiamh.ur 281.65 234 I' -(5-10 Km~) • W,HP,N -(5-IOK.m~) -(5-lOKms) -(5-10 Km!.) (Narayan (42) lJevpada) 122 Anlh!lr 113.64 51) -( -SKills) -(5-10 Km~) N -(5-IOKms) -(5-lOKlm) BS ( II)

123 Malga 61)3.41 816 P ewe W,N . -(-5 Km~) ,(-5 Kms), BS (161 )

124 Bilbari 224.77 225 I' -(5-10 Km~) N -( -5 Kills) -(-5 Km~) BS (47)

125 J)ulllarya 1';1).72 1)3 -( -5 Km~) -(5-10 KillS) W,N -( -5 Km~) -(-5 Kms) BS (21)

126 Nakatia 245.71 581 P cW( ',PI IS, W,HP,N -(-sKms) _ -( -5Kms) BS I1anwat ( 105) eHW

127 Jh'lri 1.057.10 bOI P (.'Wl',('IIW W,N 1'0 -(-5 Km~) -(-5 KillS) (1)7)

I 12R • Jamanya liN. 1H 154 P cJlW ~,R,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 KIll~) 'BS (26)

121) Ahirpada 182.1 I) 242 I' cllW W,N -( -5 Kms) -( -5 Kms) BS (40)

130 SdtiJabia 3H65 277 I' cJlW W,N -(-5 KillS) -( -5 Kl1l~) -( -5 i(Jm) (52)

131 Chichpada 231.74 IQ6 P CIIW W,IIP,R -(5-10 Kim) -(5-10 Kim) -(-5Km~) (Vadp.lda) (36)

132 . Vadpad:t 800.16 352 P -( 10+ KillS) W,IIP,R -( -5 KillS) -(-5 Km~) BS (56)

133 Bokadmal 4H.l)g 75 P -(10+ KIJls) W,R -( -5 KI1l~) -( -5 Kms) BS (15)

134 I'iplaidevi 622.% 734 1'( 2). (W(.',PIIS, W,III',R 1'0 Weekly BS ( 130) Ac FI'(',CIIW Friday 135 lIindla 35s.bO 350 P ('WC,CIIW W,R -(-5 Km~) Weekly BS (74) Friday


Land u~e ( i .c. arca undcr different typcs ~r land Amcnitic!> -Contd. u~e in hectare~ rounded upto 2 decimal place~)

Appr­ Nedrest town Power F()re~t Irrigated lin-irrigated Culturahle Area not LUl"oI- (I,leh 10 and dbtanec Supply hy SllurCt.~ W"~te(inclu- availah!l' tillil Village (in Km~.) ding gnuchar for culti- Code and grovc~) valion No

11 12 13 14 ,I::> 10 17 IR

KR Ahwa-38 ED 1~5.44 38.67 57.54 121

KR Ahwa-38 EO 48.74 27.90 37.00 122

KR Ahwa-37 ED 382.57 25.23 285.61 123

KR Pipalncr-26 ED 146.79 14.16 63.82 124

KR l'ipalner-25 ED 65.00 6.35 IK37 125

KR Pipalner-24 ED 36.16 167.62 16.7~ 25.15 126

KR Ahwa-45 ED 316.16 426.11 8.10 306.73 127

PR Ahwa-46 ED 96.52 40.25 52.41 128

PR,KR . Ahwa-44 ED 136.84 3.38 41.97 129

KR Ahwa-47 ED 216.34 39.51 127.80 130

KR Ahwa-36 ED 84.79 127.76 19.19 131

KR Ahwa-35 ED 534.34 • In.77 18.16 60.8<) 132

KR Ahwa-35 ED 33.92 3.00 12.06 133

KR Ahwa-33 ED 269.18 281.54 23.18 49.('6 134

KR Ahwa-30 ED 98.88 188.33 11.00 57.3<) 135

67 Tahaka/ C.D.B1ock: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenitie~ available (if not available within the village, a dilsh(-) Loca- Name of rot;iI Total is shoWIl in the l'olulIln ,lIld next to it in the braeket~, the di~t;incc tlon Village Area l'opu- in hm,ld ranges viz. -5 KIIl~.,5-1O Kllls.and IO+Kms. of the ( 'ode of lalion neare~t place where the facility is availahle i~ givenl No. the and Educa- Medic.11 Drinking I'Il~t and Ihy Communi- Village nurilber tiona I Waler Telegraph or . cation (Bu~ (in hee- of . (I'otahle) ])ay~ Stop, Rail- tare~) hnu~e- of way ~tati()n, hlJld~ Mar- Waterway) ket/ Ilat, if an 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

136 Dhuda 337.26 405 P C'IIW W,R -( -5 KJ1l~) -( -5 KIl1~) BS (75)

137 Dhavalidlld 1,1'61.39 1,366 P, (,W( ',PI IS, W,IIP,R,N 1'0 -( I 0+ KJlJ~) BS (236) Ac( 12) ('IIW

131' <1huhita 1'06.47 519 I' C'IIW T,W,IIP,R -(-5 Kms) -( 10+ KIll~) BS (Q6) Ac(4)

13(j Chankhal 1'64.77 650 P, C'IIW W,lIP,N PO -(5-10 KIll~) BS ( 120) Ac(6)

1-10 Jaillanvihir 71'2.1 Q 291 1', -(-5 KillS) W -(-5 Km~) -(-5 KillS) BS (57) Ac(4)

1-11 Isdar( (;adhvi) 367.Q9 250 p, (WC,CHW W,R,S,N -( -SKills) -(5-IOKm~) -(-5 KIll~) (47) Ac(-I)

142 Gaurya 395.22 541 1'(3), (W(',('IIW W,IIl',R, -( -5KJ11~) -( 5-IOKms) -(-5 Kms) ( 120) Ac(2) S,N

143 Chikatia 318 Q8 423 P,Ac(R) eWe,CHW W,R,S,N PO -(5-10 KillS) BS ( (6)

14-1 N

145 Davdahad 248.00 314 P,Ac(2) C'Wl',CIIW W,HP,R,S -( -5 Kms) -( -5 Kills) BS (74) N .. 146 Pilllpri 327.02 1,286 1'(3),11, ('We(2),PHS, W,HI',H. I'O,Phone Weekly . BS ( 171) PUe,Ac H'C,RI',CIIW Thu~d,~y

147 Bhawadi 208.66 49(1 I' CWC,C1IW IIP,R -(-5 Kms) -( -5 KillS) BS ( 1(9)

14R Jhariyil 340.28 608 P,Ac CWC,CIIW W,HP,R,N PO -( -5 Kills) BS,RS (Dungarda) ( 140)

149 Dodipada 534.67 423 I' CIIW T,W,R Phone -( -5 KillS) BS (79)

150 Barda 59Q.20 671 I' ('IIW W,N -( -5 KIll~) -(5-10 KIll~) -(-5 KJ1l:-') ( 126)

6~ OIRECTORY 1 a IHI l ... ~

Land use ( i e. area UDder different type~ uf land

u~c ill hcctare~ rounded upln 2 decimal placc~)

Appr- ,! 1. \\\'11 Power F(lrc~( Irri!!ated Un-irrigated Culturahlc Area not Loc.l- Supply by Soun:e Wa~tc(illdu- availahle (il)n

Village (Ill "-III" I ding gduchilr - for culti- Cude and groves) vation No.

II I.) ------~, I, .\h\\.t-lb ED 217.40 32.13 '1\7.73 136

I'R."-I{ Ahw.t-16 ED 1,003.26 6R 1.21 6R.32 lOR.fiO 137

PR.KR Ahwa-1O ED 524.65 240.34 10.07 31.41 13R

PR,KR Ahwa-IO ED 437.28 311.02 3.28 113.1 C) 131)

PR,KR Ahwa-15 ED 297.:->5 270.1)2 8.66 204.76 140

KR Ahwa-18 ED 148.34 94.99 13.37 111.29 141

KR Ahwa-17 El~ 69.1 I) 251.08 21).93 45.0Z 142

I'R,KR Ahwa-15 EA 175.20 50.17 - 93.61 143

PR,KR Ahwa-15 EA 91UI 175.46 18.68 33.02 144

I'R,KR Ahwa-17 EA 109.28 80.44 19.47 38.81 145

I'R,KR Waghai-17 EA 126.1)4 113.48 80.67 5.93 146

I'R,K.R Waghai-13 ED 61) 32 85.1)6 1).86 43.52 147

Pi{ Waghai- 3 EA IS5.0N 93.92 . 15.55 45.73 148

I'R,KR Waghai- I ED 407.26 W( 1.(0) 85.69 14.54 26.18 141) T(I.OO)

KR Waghai-7 ED 358.37 165.15 7.30 68.38 150

69 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

AlUcniti~s available (if not available within the village. a da~h(-) Loca- Name llf Total Total 'is ~hown in the column ,mel next to it in the hrackl't~. the di~lance tioq Village Area PllpU- in broad rangl'~ vii. -5 Km~ .• 5-1O KI1l~.and IO+KIll' "I Illl Code of lalion nc"are~t pldce where Ihe lacllitv I~ availa_hk_l~ t;1'.:_l:I'} . No. the and Educa- Medic.ll Dnllkin!! 1'",1 1I1e1 Day ComOluni- Village numher lion,1I W.tler ·ll'l';."1 t!,11 "r cation \Bu~ (in hee- of ( Potable) ()ay~ Slop. Rail-, tares) hou~e- of way statum, ho\d~ M:lr- WatcrwdY) kll' lIat, if an 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ii 9 JO

151 Dagadiamba 550.02 Q47 P,I1, C'WC',CIIW W PO -(5-10 Km~) BS ( 1(3) AdR)

152 Malin 1,615.52 523 I'.Ac(6) 1'IIS,t'IIW W,N -(-5 Km~) -15-1(1 KIl1~) BS ( lOQ)

153 Dhulchond 76<}.26 ISS 1',l\c CWC,CIIW IIP.R -( -5 KIlI~) -(5-10 Kim) HS (34)

154 Am~arwalan 241.70 316 f',l\c( 4) CIIW W -( -5 KillS) -(5-10 Km:-) -( -5 KIll~) (60)

ISS Wangan 455.58 4li2 P,I\c(7) -(5-10 Km~) W,R -( -5 Kms) -(5-10 Km~) -( -5 Km~) ( Hll)

156 Bhavandagad 3QO.36 342 P,Ac(6) PHS. W,HP,R,S, PO -(5-10 Km~) BS (84) N'

1ST Sati 21Q.15 456 P,Ac(7) -(5-10 Kms) T,W,HP,R, -(-5 Kms) -(10+ Kms) -(-5 Kms) (74) N

158 Mulchond 836.25 338 I',Ac(3) -(5-IOKms) W,R -(~5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (66)

159 Ghoghli 559.92 2Q2 P,Ac(3) -(-5 Kms) W,HP -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (56)

160 Nilsakiya 1,038.87 516 P,Al~2) C!IW W,N -(-5 Kms) . -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (107)

161 Pipalyamal 252,82 325 P,Ac(3) CHW T.W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (65)

162 Borkhct 271.Q6 416 P,/\e(2) eHW T,W,Hl',R, -(-5 Km~) -(-5 Kms) BS (6ll)

163 Bhisya 444.40 54l) I',Ac(6) CIIW T,W,TK, -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Km5) BS (Q4) HP,R

164 lrondalvihir 595.04 Q47 P,Ac(7) CIIW T,W,HP,R PO -(5-10 KillS) BS ( 165)

165 Pipalghodi 365,78 495 P cwe W,HP -( -5 Kms) -(5-10 KillS) -(-5 KillS) (90)


Land u~e ( i .c. area under different types of land Amwities -Cuntd. u~e in hectares rounded upto 2 decimill place~)

Appr­ Nearest town Power forest Irrigated Un-irrigated C'ulturablc Area not LOGI- oach to anu distance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available tion Village (in Km~.) ding gauchilf for culti- Code and grove~) villi on No.

II 12 Lj 14 15 16 17 18

KR Waghai- 9 ED 213.89 290.77 16.IQ 29.17 151

KR Waghai-IO . ED 1,300.91.) 303.58 1>.61 2.34 152

KR Ahwa-12 ED 649.48 54.Q2 13.66 51.20 153

KR Ahwa-15 ED 104.41 136.20 I (ll) 154

KR Ahwil-12 ED 233.65 169.97 22.60 21).36 ISS

PR,KR Ahwa-lO ED,EAO 267.Q2 56.46 17.20 4K.78 - 156

KR Ahwa-ll ED,EA(; 114.33 78.65 6.74 19.43. 157

PR,KR Ahwa- 8 EA 547.40 167.82 39.31) 81.64 158

KR Ahwa- I ED 240.70 216.72 3.14 1)9.36 ISQ

KR Ahwa- 3 ED 721.02 244.44 60.34 13.07 160

PR,KR Ahwa-7 ED 72.67 140.79 37.85 1.51 161

I'R,KR Waghai-35 ED 56.01 195.57 20.38 162

PR,KR Wilghai-38 ED 240.g7 21.53 182.()(l 163

I'R,KR Waghai-40 ED 228.69 318M 5.07 43.24 164

PH. Ahwa-12 ED 51.lJ2 296.0(J 16.00 1.86 165

71 Taluka/ C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenitie~ availahle (if not availahle within the village,,, dash(·) Loea· Name of To(;]J Total is ~hown in the column ,lIld next to it in the brackets, the distance tinn Village Area Popu· in hroad ranges viz.·5 KI11~.,5·lO Kms.~nd lO+Kms. of the Code of lation nearest place where the facility is availahle is !;liven} No. the and Educa· Medic;d Drinking Postanu Ihy ( 'ofl1f1luni· Village numher tiona I Water Telegraph or cation {Ru~ (in hec, of (Potable) D

167 Sendriarnba 346.36 3lN l' ewe W . ·(·5 KIll~) .( 10+ Km~) ·(.5 Km~) (71)

168 Kalamvihir 1,167.3!-\ 668 1'(2) (W(' W,TK ·(·5 Km~) '-. .( J(l+ Km~) BS ( 11 Q)

J6\) I'ipalpada 3\)5.54 ISO I' ·(10+ Kllb) W,J{ .( ·5 KJll~) ·(·5 Kms) ·(·5 1-.JII\, (21)

170 Vanzarghuui 56265 222 P ('IIW W,R,O ·(·5 Km~) ·(·5 KIll~) B:-. ( 43)

17.1 Taklipada 442.88 668 1'(2) ('IIW W;IW,R,O 1'0 .(.5 Km~) BS (Lavdl

172 Sad;tuvihir 214.14 113 I' CIIW W,R .( ·5 Kms) ·(·5 Knl~) BS (27)

173 ( i.trkhadi 7i-\5.4H 1,017 P(2) t 'we,l'l [(',FI'( " W,IIl',R.N PO' Weekly BS' (175) CIIW SillllnJay

174 Ilarpada 470.26 3(1) I' (WC,(,IIW W,III',R .(.5 Kms) ·(·5 Km~) liS (66)

175 Wadiawan 1,323.12 206 P CIIW W,N ·(·5 Kms) ·1·5 KIm) ·1·5 KIm) (33)


177 Thurpada 305.55 157 P ClIW Ill' ·(·5 Km~) ·(·5 Km~) ·1·5 KI1l~) (32)

17R Kamdiawall ' 177.45 217 I' C1IW W,R,N .(.5 KIl1~) ·(·5 KillS) BS (47)

179 Wanzltcmrun 132.47 176 P ('IIW W;IW,R,O .(·5 KIll~) ·(·5 Km~) .(·5 Klll~) 1~7)

I~O Karanjdi 437.50 368 P ('IIW W,R,O .(·5 KJJJ~) ·(·5 Km~) .(5.J(lKI1l~) «(iau,tll Saja) 1(1)


Land use ( j .c. area under different types of land

Amenities -Contd. u~e in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not Loca- oach to and distance Supply by Source Waste( inclu- availahle tion Village (in Km~.) ding gauchar for culli- Code and groves) vation No.

-IT 12 I3 14 15 iti 17 IS

PR Ahwa-12 ED 93.87 201.10 13.51 22.69 166

KR A.hw.-l~ ED. 97.,'9 237.00 8.50 3.37 167

PR Ahwa-ll ED 616.82 378_lO 8.50 103.96 168

KR Ahwa-3S 2n_'S 63.91 't.ll (,7.7S 169

KR. Ahwa-36 ED 447.7' 96.01 3.90 14.~5 170

KR Ahwa-37 ED 38.06 364.26 10.92 29.64- 171

KR Abwa-37 ED W • .50 10.37 87.27 1n

PR,KR Ahwa-42. ED 646.02 31.64 107.82 173

PR Ahwa-4l ED 152.81 21~.7& 100.47 2.20 1'1'

Ahwa-47 ED 686.50 415.81 2lO.79 17S Ahwa-·H ED SO.6l 11.41 7.)(; '" KR Ahwa-41 ED t$7Jl2. 124.32 4H6 SUi 171

KR Ahwa-40 ED 132.72 13.80 ~.'l 118

KR Ahwa-40 ED 99.01 7."2 26.04 11'

Ahwll-40 ED 22Q.46 143.93 1.87 61.14 lAO

73 Tllukaf C.D.BIoc1c VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenitie:. IIvailabie (if oot availalje witbin the village, a d:tsh(-) Loca- Name r.f !ota~ Total is sbown ll1' tbe co4umn lino next to it in the brackets, the distance tiol'l Village AreA Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Km1.,5-10 Kms.and lOt-Kms. of tbe COOe of lation nearest 21ace where 1he fadlit}: is available i~ Biven) No. the lind Educa- Medi01I Drinking Pon and Day Communi- Village number tional W;stcr . Telegraph or cation (Bus (in bee- of (Pollt,le) Days Stop,Rail- tares) house- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) kell Hat, ifany 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 I) 10 181 Mogra 962.85 544 r ewe w -(-5 Kms) -(5-10Kms) -(-5 Kms) (1)8)

182 Pandya 993.95 639. P . PHS,D,{,lIW W,HP,R PO -(5'.10 Kms) BS (99)

183 Nandanpeda 542.96 642 r ewe w -(-5Kms)\ -(lO+~s) BS (liZ)

184 Chaukiya 819.06 391 P -(5-lOKms) HP,. .(S-WKms) -(5-lOKms) -(-5 Kms) (76)

185 Chavadvel 256.13 206 P -(S-lO Kms) R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (47)

186 Kasavdabad 229.39 162 P,Ac(2) -( -5 Km... ) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (34)

IS' Sunda 401.26 425 J'.A~5) -(-5 Kms) W,K -(-5Kms) -(-5 KIDS) -(S-lO Kms) (8ty

188 Gotasta t09.03 122 P,Ac(2) -(lO+Kms) R,N -(-S K.ms)_ -(5-lOKms) -(-5 Kms) (26)

I"~ Wawanda 327.23 385 P,Aa_:5) -(lO+Kms) W,R,N -(-5 Km.) -(lQ+tuns) -<-.5 KIDs) (7<4.) lQ() Kutllnachiya 220.(;4 212 P,A~3) -(lO+Kms) W,N -(-5K.ms) -{lO+ Kms) -(-5 KIDs) (4S)

191 Bbcnlimal 974.20 .71 P CHW W -(S-lGJC.m.<;) -(3·10Kms) BS (R7)

192 Lubari. 388.86 ' 431 P,At(5) CHW W -(5-10 Km.~) -(SolO Kms) DS (73)

193 Borpadn 1,015.41 612 P.A~5) CHW W)4 -(-.5Kms) -(5-101Cms) 8S (Jrrl)

194 Ambapada S18.31 B~ , ewe WJI'.R -(-'I{m.,) -(-SKm!:) BS (Wagllai) (13)

195 U~(Rlmbha 495.72 4~" P(2) -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5Kms) -{-SKIm) -(-5Kms) Sajll} (111)


land use ( j .e. area uNler di(ferc~t types of land Amrnilies -("mltd. :.lSIl in hectares ""lInded upto '2 decimal places)

Appr- NeaJQt town rf)w~r fore... ' krisated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not Loca- oach to and distance Supply by SOY'" Wasfe(inclu- available tion Village (in KIDs.) ding gaucbar for culti- Code alldpoves) vation No.

II 12 I~ I~ I5 It; 17 IS I KR Ahwa-22 ED 6")1.28 310.54 10.81 40,22 181

KR Ahwa-25 ED,EAG 146.97 193.28 0,04 53,66 182

PR Ahwa-14 ED 339,56 196.20 5.86 1.34 183

KR Ahwa-16 ED 591.25 182.30 38,25 7.26 184

KR Ahwa-15 ED 108.81 104.90 16.32 26.10 185

KR Ahwa- 3 ED 118.80 35.92 5.18 69.49 186

KR Ahwa-25 ED 174.06 25.78 201.42 187

KR Ahwa- 8 ED 66.82 8.43 33.78 188

KR Ahwa-13 ED,EAG 106.30 123.61 15.60 81.72 189

KR Ahwa-14 ED 1_24.95 66.50 7.03 22.16 190

KR Wagnai-26 ED 614.63 276.06 19.76 63.75 191

KR Wagbai-15 ED 243.79 132.60 6.77 5.70 192

KR Waghai- R ED 727.62 287.79 0.00 ]93

KR Waghai- 2 ED 343.13 108.37 28.48 38.33 194

KR Waghai- 4 ED 111.05 1.98 382.69 195

75 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities aVl\ilahle (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance tion Village Area Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms.,5-10 Kms.and lO+K.ms. oftne Code of lation nearest Elace where the facility is available is given} No. the and Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village numher tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in hee- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares) house- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) ket/ Hat, ifany 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 196 Wanarchond 695.03 293 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) _ -(-5 Kms) (71)

197 Dokpatal 738.48 619 P(2) ewe W,HP,R -(-5 Kms.) -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (IOQ)

198 Devipada 289.75 149 P CHW W,HP -(-5 Kms) . -(5-10 Kms) BS (41)

199 Jamlapada 152.70 414 P ,Ad...?) CWC,CHW W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (86)

200 Rl!mbh~ 242.65 635 P CWe,PHS,D,FPC, W,R PO -(5-10 Kms) BS (124) CHW

201 Baj 1,909.69 383 P CWC,CHW W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-lOKms) HS (83)

202 Waghmal 300.89 328 P CHW W -(-5Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (59)

203 Laban Dabdar 435.68 445 P CWC,CHW W,HP,R,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(.:5 Kms) (89)

204 MotiDabdar 738.67 .488 P CWC,CHW W,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (104)

],05 Khapri 60,99 84 P,Ac(2) -(10+ Kms) R,N -(-5 Kms) -(10+ Kms) -(-5 Kms) (24)

206 Gaykhas 196.41 288 P,Ac -(-5 Kms) HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (56)

2«1 Rllvchond 1,051.77 219 p. -(5-lOKms) . W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (41)

208 Is-dar 16&.73 222 P -(5-10 Kms) W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (BorkhaJsnja) (43)

20Q Garma' 179.69 193 r -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) RS (32)

210 Javtala 1,441.91 235 r -(-5 Kms) W -(-5 Km~) -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) '(46)


Land use ( i.e. area under different types of land Amenities -Contd. use in h~ctares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturablc Area not Loea- oach 10 ,md distance Supply by Source Waste(im.:lu- available lion Village (in Kms.) di ng gaucbar for culti- Code and. groves) vatioD No.

I I 12 B j;iJ 15 Iti 17 IS -,-

KR Waghai-5 ED 509.14 141.08 11.02 33.79 196

KR Waghai-6 ED,EAG 556.65 138.20 7.3Q 36.24 lQ7

PR,KR. Waghai- 6 ED 249.24 24.00 11.1)9 4.52 11)8

PR,KR. Waghai-8 ED 1.31) 129.61 6.87 14.83 191J

PR,KR. Waghai- 8 ED 13.61 191.95 15.85 21.24 200

PR,KR Waghai-ll ED 1,653.07 171.41 15.1)4 6Q.27 201

KR Waghai-22 ED 16.99 251.41 9.71 22.78 202

PR,KR. Waghai-20 EA 284.20 19.79 131.69 203

KR Waghai-22 ED 387.63 303.08 12.59 35.37 204

KR Ahwa- 5 ED 42.49 3.58 14.92 205

KR Ahwa-14 ED 46.62 n.67 52.78 4.34 206

KR Ahwa-14 ED 809.08 169.47 34.70 38.52 207

KR Ahwa-14 ED 153.38 15.35 0.00 208

KR Ahwa-23 ED 44.38 118.84 4.83 11.64 2W

KR Ahwa-24 ED 1,304.43 12UiS un 13.9Q 210

71 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village. a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance tion Village' Area Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms.,S-lO Kms.and lO+Kms. of the eode of lation nearest Elace wher{. the facilit~ is available is given} No. the and Fduca- M~ical Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village ' number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in bee- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tare:;) house- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) ket! Hat, i£a.n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 211 Morzira 728.02 620 P(2) CWC,CHW W,R,S PO -(S-lO Kms) as (113)

212 Gadad 808.1)0 885 P(2) ewe w,l-ir -(-5 Kms) . -(-5 Kms) BS (151)

213 Madalbari 347.ot 307 P (-5Kms) W -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) as (63)

214 Waidun 348.35 211 P CHW W,R,O -(-5 Kms) . -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (37)

215 Kadmal 630.68 628 P CWC,CHW W,HP,N -(5-10 KIDs) -(5-10 Kms), as (Gadadsaja) (124)

216 Karadiamba 188.47 201 P CHW W,HP,N -(-5 KIDs) -(-5 Kms) as (39)

217 Chinchdhara 202.85 593 P CWC,CHW W,N -(-5 Krnl.) -(-5 Kms) BS (96)

218 Hanwatpada 216.16 302 P CHW W -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (Chinchli Saja) (41)

211) Gadvihir 298.55 419 P CHW W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (78)

220 Nimpada 330.10 226 P CHW W,HP,N -(-5Kms) -(-5 KIDs) BS (64)

221 Mahardar 546.66 318 P CHW W,R,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 KIDs) BS (66)

222 Chinchli 694.81 903 P(2),H CWC,PHS.FPC, W.R,N PO Weekly BS ( 145) CHW Tuesday

223 Don 1,516.23 1,108 P(4) CWC,PHS,C'HW W -(5-10 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (165)

224 Anjankund 772.3Q 105 P CHW W,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) (28)

225 Kosambia 350,06 253 r CHW W,N -(-5 Kms) -(10+ KIDs) -(10+ Kms) (58)


Land use t i.e. area under different typo!s of land AmenIties -Contd. use in hectares rounded up!o 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un--irrigated Culturable Area not Loca· oachto and distance Supply by Sourc~ Waste(indu- available lion Village (ill Kms.) ding glluchar for culti- Code aodgrovei) valion No.

II 17 Il I~ IS H; I7 W----r- , PR Ahwa-25 ED S26.3Q 167.69 8.41 25.S} 211

PR Ahwa-26 ED 228.61 362.80 8.31 209.12 . lll.

PR Ahwa-25 ED 153.42 141.32 1.03 45.2.f 213

KR Ahwa-40 ED 114.30 14.40 W~.65 214

KR Ahwa-4! EO 413.70 216.Q8 2lS

PR Ahwa-37 EO 46.28 114.31 21.88 216

PR Ahwa-37 ED 72.4{ 97.49 32.92 217

rR Ahwl-3S ED 150.18 65.'8 218

KR Anwa-36 ED 203.52 95.03 219

PR Abwa-JJ ED 178.08 82.13 7.39 62.50 .220

PR Ahwa-33 ED 3.50.16 169.41 27.00 221

PR Ahwa-32 ED 332.85 274.82 87.14 222

KR Ahwa-27 ED ... 767.96. 7.68 ,/40.59 223

KR Abwli-2S ED 684.11 63,45 6.';7 17.60 224

KR Ahwa-22 EI> 1n.31 214.60 9.{}Z 34.11 225

19 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities availllble (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distanoe tion Village Area Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms ..5-10 Kms.and lO+-Kms. of the Code of lation nearest place where the facility is available is given) No. the and Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Day Comm:.mi­ Village number tional Wllter Telegraph or catiOIl (Bus (in hcc- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail­ tares) house- of way station, holds Mar­ Waterway) keV Hat, iran 2 3 4 s 6 ., 8 9 10 226 Linga 1,392.94 S~ PlIS,diW PO -(S-lO Kms) -(S-lOKm,) C.. ,

227 Borkbd l,lf4."S 51% P,A£: FPC,atW W,HP,R PO Weekly BS (104) Monday

228 Temburgllrtha 137.77 168 P.Ac -(-5 Kms) W,R -( -5 Kms.) (33)

22~ Songir 1,674.60 218 P -(5-10Kms) W,HP -(-.5 Kmli) -{-s Kms) -(-5 Kms) (S8)

230 WZlillma 2,597,7& SCJ7 P CHW W,HI:' 1'.0 -(-5 Kms) -(-5 KIDs) {139)

461 P.l -(-5 Kms) (100)

Z32 Cki'-r 183.1S 331 p PHS Wok .-(-5 KIDs) (S-t!HCm.s) BS (1.mhh.1I {'1) Sajl) 23J Barth.lld.i. 615.76 524 P(2) ewe.PHS W,HP,N PO -(5-10Kms) -(-5 Kms) (99)

385] 11 P w -(5-1{~ Kms) -{ -5 Kms) -(5-10 i<..rns) (11)

31... n 6n , W)f (123)

236 Rhi""'ln; 11. , -(-5 1Cms) -(oS Kma) -(lOt- Kms) +5 Km.;) (72)

237 Susarda 727.93 560 P W"HP,Jl -(-5~) -(oS Kms) BS (111)

238 Kunda 348.13 221 P CHW +5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (43,

239 SlId.elma! 267.20 220 P.Ac CHW W)IP,N -(-5~) -(-5Kms) -(5-10 KIm) (51)

392.17 791 P(Z} CWC)'HC.ffC, W,HY,R PO Weetly BS (lS') emil ThIlJSday DIRECTORY Ll,lnd Use'

Land use ( i.e. area under different types of land Amenities -Conld. use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not Loca- oach to and distance Supply by Source Waste(incl u- available tion Village (in Kms.) ding gauchar forculti- Code aDd groves) vatioa No.

II 12 I3 14 15 Ii) 17 IS I KR Ahwa-20 ED 1,028.21 229.94 62.10 72.69 226

PR Ahwa-lO ED 906.35 140.47 44.47 103.16 227 "

PR,KR Ahwa-ll ED 34.64 66.30 15.21 21.62 228

KR Ahwa-lO ED 1,455.35 143.78 10.18 65.29 229

KR Ahwa-lO ED 2,104.15 360.59 1.62 131.40 230

PR,KR Waghai-29 ED 2,083.25 184.42 51.18 94.71 231

KR Waghai-lO ED 27.32 128.26 3.79 23.78 232

KR Waghai-lO ED 320.72 239.56 53.41 2,07 233

KR Waghai-13 ED 4.66 24.00 4.52 5.33 234

KR Waghai-12 ED 80.34 202.96 31.92 59.15 235

, KR Wagh"i-12 PO 327.69 227.66 21.77 1.43 236

PR,KR Waghai-14 ED 446.69 214.78 13.74 52.n 237

PR Waghai-19 ED 230.34 lOS.G3 8.09 4.67 238

KR Waghai-19 ED 139.60 106.97 2.81 17.82 239

PR,KR Waghai-17 ED,EO 67.77 283.24 31.09 10.07 240

Dang. - 10 81 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance lion Village Area Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms.,5-lO Kms.and 10+Kms. of the Code of lation nearest ~Iace where the facility is available is given2 No. the and Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Day C,ommuni- (illage number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus in hee- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares) house- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) ket/ Hat, ifan 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 241 Chikhalda 105.58 178 P CHW W,R -(:5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (36)

242 Nanapada 616.28 386 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP,R PO -(-5 Kms) BS (84)

243 Kumarbandh 131.87 185 P CHW R -(-5 Km,s) -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (41)

244 Aherdi 441.37 316 P PHS,CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS, (60)

245 Am bapada 110.29 137 P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (Abwasaja) (32)

. 246 Chikhali 366.30 524 P,Ac CWC,PHS, W,.I-lP,R PO -(5-10 Kms) BS (Samgahan (101) CHW Saja) 247 Borigaotha 94.94 159 P CHW W,HP -(-5 Kms) -(5-lOKms) -(-5 Kms) (Samgahan Saja) (32)

248 Maharaychond 311.22 175 P CHW W,HP,R -( -5 t

249 Umbarpada 184.40 333 P -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (75)

250 Taklipada 146.37 159 P,Ac PHS W,HP,R,S -(-5 K~) -(5-10' Kms) BS (Borkhal Saja) (33)

251 Vihiramba 153,87 200 P -(5-10 Kms) W,R -(5-lOKms) -(5-lOKms) BS (39)

~5~ Hilmal 1,420.51 390 P,Ac C'HW W,HP,S,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (67)

253 Kamad 514.96 296 P,Ac CWC',C'HW W,HP -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (57)

254 Ukhatiya 817.77 169 P -(-5 Kms) W -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (32)

255 Sinbandh 421.99 67 P -(-5 Kms) W -(-5 Kms) -( -,:> /'.111" I -1-5 Kms) (13)


Land use ( i.e. area under different types of land Amenities -C.ontd. use in hectares rounded uplo 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not Loca- oach to and distance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available tion Village (in Kms.) ding gauchar for culti- Code and groves) valion No.

II 12 13 14 15 ni 17 IS PR,KR • Waghai-20 EA 45.54 33.65 2.68 23.71 ·241-

PR,KR Waghai-22 ED 358.77 262.90 19.65 34.96 242

KR Waghai-24 ED 52.41 48.23 3.50 27.73 243

PR,KR Waghai-25 ED . 353.52 65.80 1.19 20.86 244

PR,KR Waghai-26 ED 8.18 49.00 24.11 29.00 245

PR,KR Waghai-35 ED 35.76 257.33 10.26 62.95 246

PR,KR Waghai-35 ED 15.90 61.11 5.54 ·12.39 247

KR Waghai-38 ED 176.46 102.25 5.19 27.32 248

PR,KR Ahwa-13 ED 66.38 80.71 30.31 7.00 249

PR,KR Ahwa-14 ED 56.27 39.48 50.62 250

PR,KR Ahwa-15 ED 10.28 108.45 18.95 16.19 251

KR Ahwa-21 ED 1,188.42 179.27 27.25 25.57 252

KR Ahwa-25 ED 373.()') 99.58 19.97 22.32 253

KR Ahwa-24 ED 698.77 82.62 10.30 26.08 254

KR Ahwa-24 ED 367.22 30.35 17.38 7.04 255

83 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenitb availabll! (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total, is shown in tbe column and !_lext to it in the brackets, the distance tion Village Area Popu- in broad nmges viz. -5 Kms.,5-10 Kms.and lO+Kms. of the Code of lation nearest ~Iace where the facilit~ is available is given) No. the , and Educa- Medical, Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in hee- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares) house- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) ket/ Hat, ifan 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 7 8 9 10 256 Wakarya 199.57 158 P,Ac CHW W,HP -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (35)

257 Motacharya 335.16 311 P,Ac CHW W -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (74) , 258 Lahancharya 393.65 355 P,Ac CHW W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (70)

259 Kahandolghodi 195.59 269 P,Ac CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(5~lOKms) (50)

260 Nirgudmal 154.21 145 P CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (36)

261 Moti Dabhas 181.16 140 P CHW R -(5-10Kms) -(5-lOKms) BS (37)

262 Laban Dabbas 240.63 208 P CHW W,R -(5-lOKms) -(5-lOKms) BS (45)

263 Chirapada 1,529.83 381 P CHW W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (83)

264 Baripada 495.35 445 P(2) CWC,CHW W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (66) , 265 Bordahad 237.36 114 P,Ac(3) -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (25)

266 Dhangdi 453.81 496 P CWC,CHW W,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5Kms) BS (94)

267 Silotmal 450.83 518 P CWC,CHW W -(5-lOKms) -(5-lOKms) BS (115)

268 Chinchod 199.44 308 P CWC,CHW W,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (71)

269 Bhadarpada 334.08 840 P(2),H CWC,CHW W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (116)

270 Daguniya 871.48 5Q7 P CWC,CHW W,R,N PO -(5-10 Kms) BS (122)


Land use ( i.e. area under different types of land Amenities -Contd. use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr- Neare_st tQwn Power Forest Irrigated. Un-irrigated . Culturable Area not Loca- oach to and distance Supply by Source, . Waste(indu- available tion Village (in Kms.) ding gauchar for culti- Code and groves) vation No.

II 12 13 I4 I5 Hi 17 18 KR Ahwa-25 ED 89.93 82.34 10.72 16.58 256

PR,KR Ahwa-22 ED 81.30 198.32 22.80 32.74 257

PR,KR Ahwa-22 ED 150.55 162.47 45.52 35.11 258

PR,KR Ahwa-21 ED 77.77 72.96 21.93 22.93 259

KR Ahwa-22 ED- 16.83 95.90 17.02 24.46 260

KR Ahwa-20 ED 6.78 113.37 23.70 37.31 261

KR Ahwa-22 ED 33.05 162.35 2.37 42.86 262

KR Waghai-38 ED 1,226.72 240.45 27.75 34.91 263

PR,KR Waghai-36 ED 286.95 163.00 8.35 37.05 264

KR Waghai-26 ED 159.67 75.69 2.00 265

KR Waghai-21 ED,EAG 181.39 243.39 13.01 16.02 2~6

PR Waghai-24 ED 1]6.06 250.13 9.51 15.13 ,267

PR Waghai-23 ED 36.95 141.31 1.66 19.52 268

KR Waghai-23 EA 61.00 240.69 13.88 18.51 269

KR Surgana-12 ED 548.30 276.42 8.09 38.67 270

85 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities availabl~ (if not a~i1ble within the village, a dash(-) Loea- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, tbe distance tion Village Area Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms.,5-10 KIns.and lO+Kms. of the Code of lalion near~t elace where the fllcilitz: is available is given2 No. the and Educa- MediC<11 Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village numher tiona I Water Telegraph or catioo (Bus (in hee- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares) house- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) ket/ Hat, ifan 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 271 Barda 663.15 721 P CHW W1R,N -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (Manmodisaja) ( 166)

272 Supdahad 246.58 367 P CWe,CHW W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) RS (77)

273 GUlJdvahal 369.69 613 P ewe W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 KIns) -(-5 Kms) (141 ) ~

274 Darapada 222.46 281 P -(10+ Kms) W,R -(~5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (63)

275 Bhapkhal 441.86 529 P -(-5 Kms) W,S -(oS Krns) -(-5 Kms) BS (108)

276 Bhurapani 539.00 409 P -( -5 Kms) W,HP,R -(-5 Krns) -(S-lOKms)· -(-SKms) (91)

277 Dhumkhal 334.09 449 r -(5-lOKms) W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (73)

278 Jakhana 1,103.17 876 P(2) -(-5 Kms) W,HP,R,S PO -(5-10Kms) BS (168)

279 Chinchpada 257.23 330 P,H,Ac CHW W,HP,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (Galkund Saja) (52)

280 Galkund 206.21 550 P PHS,FPC,CHW W,HP,R PO,Phone . Weekly RS (1 f2) Tuesday

28I Pi pal pa.da 539.52 364 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP,S -(-5Kms) -(-5Kms) BS (Galkund Saja) (7])

282 Mohpada 125.06 173 P -(-5 Kms) W -(-5Kms) -(-5Kms) BS (Galkund Saja) (37)

283 Vanar 409.70 215 P -(5-10 Kms) W,S -(-5 Krns) -(5-10Kms) -(5-10 Kms) (38)

284 Aml13lia 175.34 88 P -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (17)

285 Umarya 45.17 82 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (12)

86 · DIRECTORY Land Use

Land use (i.e. area under different types of land Amenities -Cootd. use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr­ Ncare!.t town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not Loca- oachto and distance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available lion VIllage (in Kms.) ding gauchar for culti- Code and groves) vation No.

IT 12 13 I4 15 Ii) 17 IS

KR Surgana- 6 ED 346.60 242:25 6.25 68.05 271

KR Surgana- 4 £0 29.9Q 167.92 48.67 272

PR Surgana-lO ED 14.98 15.62 262.66 76.43 273

KR Surgana-l1 ED 54.38 54.38 113.70 274

KR Ahwa-38 ED 202.88 193.79 45.19 275

KR Ahwa-34 ED 350.74 165.47 22.79 276

PR,KR Ahwa-27 ED 129.49 161.48 43.12 277

PR,KR Ahwa-30 ED 6:?5.58 W(1.80) 378.50 29.45 67.84 278 T( 1.80)

PR,KR Ahwa-24 ED 65.79 147.46 24.13 19.85 279

PR,KR Ahwa-24 ED,EAG 62.20 96.33 8.59 39.09 280

KR Ahwa-26 ED 287.80 214.07 11.12 26.53 281

KR Ahwa-27 ED 80.06 13.68 31.32 282

KR Ahwa-24 ED 245.16 106.46 39.11 18.97 283

KR Ahwa-24 ED 79.41 55.21 23.13 17.59 284

KR Ahwa-24 ED 2.76 25.99 9.54 6.88 285

8.7 Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGK THEDANGS Amenities -and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash( -) . Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance tion Village Area Popu- in broad ranges viz. -5 Kms.,5-10 Kms.and lO+Kms. of the Code of latinn nearest Elace where the facility is available is given} No. th~ and Educa- Medical Drinking Post and Day Communi- Village number tional Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in hee- of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares) house- of way station, holds Mar- Waterway) ket! Hat, ifan 2 3 4 5, 6 7. 8 9 10 286 Wan"i 549.91 177 P -(-5 KIns) W,R -(-5Kms) -(-5 K.'11s) -(-5 Kms) (36)

287 Payarpada 377.97 343 P -(-5 Kms) W,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) ,-(-5 Kms) (57)

288 lamdar 512.60 242 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP -(-5 KItls) -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) (45)

289 Samgahan 430.33 1,022 P(2) CWC,PHC,D,FPC, W,HP,R • PO,Phone -(5-10 Kms) BS (~(H) RP,CHW

290 Ranpada 346.21 306 P -(5-10Kms) W,HP,S -(5-10 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (60)

291 Murambi 890.58 449 P -(5-10Kms) W,HP -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (78)

292 Nadakchond 366.66 646 ' P CWC,PHS,CHW W,R PO Weekly BS (114) Monday

293 Ghodwahal 172.33 247 P CWC,CHW \\f,R -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (45)

294 NimLarpada 342.44 297 P -(-5 Kms) W,N -("5Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (62)

295 Bond'armal 290.63 204 P -(-5 Kms) W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS (46)

296 Manmodi 329.92 393 P,H CWe,PHS,D,FPC W,HP PO -(-5 Kms) BS (86) .

297 Kanchanpada 335.94 292 P CWC,CHW W,HP -(-5 Kms) -(5-10 Kms) BS (63)

298 Laban 138.15 274 P -(10+ Kms) W,HP,R,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS Malunga (55) .

21)1) Mota" 204.81) 411) P ewe W,HP,N -(-5 Kms) -(-5 Kms) BS Malunga (76)

300 Humbapada 225.26 270 P CHW W,HP,N -(-5Kms) -(5-lOKms) BS (52)

88 DIRECfORY Land Use

Land use ( i.e. area uoder di.lIerent types of land. Amenities -Conld. use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr­ Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not L.oca- oachto and distance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available lion Village ding gauchar for culti- Code (iDKms.) r and groves) vation No.

II 12 'D I~ 15 15 17 18 I U Ahwa·14 ED 411.13 96.00 8.70 27.48 286

AIlwa-liD . ED 142.10 196.19 11.91 27.77 287

Ahwa-24 ED 357.66 127.40 11.96 lS.sa 211

PR,KR Abwa-33 ED,EO 56.89 0(2.10) 317.19 S.13 49.02 289 T(2.10) (~ .

KR Ahwa-4(} ED 164.38 157.71 20.45 3.67 290

PR Surgana-lO ED 567.33 285.86 4.95 32.44 291

KR Surgana- 8 ED 33.87 29.93 241.96 60.90 292

KR Surgana- 3 ED 6.86 138.40 27.07 293

KR Surgana- 5 ED 189.08 137.57 15.79 294

PR Surgana- 4 ED 158.38 105.23 2.86 24.16 29S

KR ~Surgana- 5 ED 115.87 187.14 13.60 13.31 296

KR Surgana- 5 ED 83.12 218.40 16.50 17.92 297

KR Surgana- 3 ED 108.91 29.24 298

KR Surgana- 3 ED 25.07 136.42 11.34 32 .• 299

SurJa--1 ·EO 54.58 118.04 11M •.79 300

0-..-11' Talukal C.D.Block: VILLAGE THEDANGS Amenities and

Amenities available (if not available within the village, a dash(-) Loca- Name of Total Total is shown in the column and next to it in the brackets, the distance tion Village Area Popu- in broad ~nges viz.·S Kms.,S·lO Kms.and 10+Kms. of the Code of lation nearest lace where the facili is available ill ive!l No. tbe and Medical nnking ostand ay Communi- VHlage numOer Water Telegraph or cation (Bus (in hee- • of (Potable) Days Stop, Rail- tares) 1IourIe· of way station, bollia Mar- Waterway) ketf Hat, ifan 2 3 , 5 6 7 8 9 10

301 Sonu~ya 309.39 401 P -(10+ KIDs) WoN -(oS KID!!) -(5-10 Kros) BS (80)

302 Gundia 286.81 330 P C#C W;N -(-SKms) -(S-10Kms) BS (59)

303 Barmiawad 316.35 373 P CHW W,,~,N .(~S K.M.) -(5-10 Kms) BS (60)

304 Gotiyamal 221.64 520 P(2) ewe W,HP,N PO -(5-10 KIDs) as «(9)

305. Jogbari 259.18 253 P CHW W,HP,S,N -(-5 Kros) -(10+ KIDs) BS ("8)

306 Baradpani 321.91 222 P CHW W,HP,S,N -(oS Kros) -(SolO Kms) as (40)

307 Malegaon 495.82 1,093 P(2) CWC,fHS,CHW W,HP,S,N PO -(5-10 Kms) BS (187)

308 Kotamdar 1,126.63 523 P -(5-lO Kms) W,s· -(-5 Kms) -(-5Kms) BS (93)

309 Saputara 416.98 1,707 P(2),H(2) CWC,PHC,D,FPC, T,TK.HP, PTO,Phone -(-5 Kms) BS (265) PUC CHW S,N

Total :- 1,71,723.18 1,28,180 P(353), MH(l), (24,973) H(16), CWC(89), PUCCI), PHC(6) 1(1), PHS(33), Ac(227) D(3), FPC(18), RP(S), CHW(190), 0(2)

Note: 1. The figures in the last li:le indicate Taluka totals. The figures in brackets in this line under Col.S and 6 indicate the number of th?se particular amenities .. 2. In Medical facilityCommunity Healih Centre includes under '0' abbreviation


Land use ( i.e. area under different types'of land Amenities -Conld.. use in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places)

Appr- Nearest town Power Forest Irrigated Un-irrigated Culturable Area not Loca- oach to and distance Supply by Source Waste(inclu- available tion Village (in Kms.) ding gauchar for culti- Code and groves) vation No.

-IT 12 13 14 I5 Ii') 17 IS I

PR,KR Surgana- 9 ED 80.42 170.00 11.95 47.02 301

PR,KR Surgana- 9 ED,EO 97.11 166.98 3.48 19.24 302

PR,KR Surgana- 9 ED 100.98 186.25 29.12 303

PR,KR Surgana-12 EA 49.19 WE(0.80) 146.86 10.90 13.89 304 T(0.80)

PR,KR Ahwa-41 ED 64.62 162.02 18.26 14.88 305

PR,KR Ahwa-41 ED 195.28 111.20 18.09 3.40 306

PR,KR Ahwa-38 ED 146.45 310.11 34.65 4.61 307

KR Ahwa-33 ED 775.15 31jS.42 17.88 15.18 308

PR,KR Ahwa-42 'ED 58.69 358.29 309

91,210.58 W(32.43) 55,260.0.19 6,123.31 19,079.52 WE(O.SO) TWE(1.00) TK(4.00) R(9.35) 0(2.10) T(49.68)



TalukawiselC.D.Blockwise Abstract of Educationa~


SI. Name of Primary Middle MatriGula­ Higher Q)llege Adult Lite­ Others Villages, No. Taluka/ School' School tion/Secon­ Seconda-/ (Graduate racy Class/ with no C.D.bloc~ dary School ry/PUC/ & above) Centres Educa­ Intermed- tional iate/ Junior facilities College

Vill- Ins- Vill- Ins- Vill- Ins- ViU- Ins- Vi 11- Ini- Vill- Ini- Vi 11- Ini- ages . titu- ages titu- ages titu- ages titu- ages titu- ages titu- ages titu- tions tions tions tions tions tions tions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

1 The Dangs 307 353 0 0 15 16 2 2 0 0 67 '227 1 1 2

District Total 307 353 0 0 15 16 2 2 0 0 67 227 1 1 2

DRINKING WATER " Sl. Name of Tap We)) Tank Tube River Fountain Canal Other More then Villages with No.' Taluka/ well one no drinking C.D.block Source water facility of any type

1 2 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

1 The Dangs 9 287 4 2 180 0 0 207 275 1

District Total 9 287 4 2 180 0 0 207 275 1

94 DIKECfORY I Medical and other AmenitieS


Dispen- Hospital Matemj~y Primary Family Primary Community Others Villages Name of SI. sary and Child Health -Planning Health Health with no Taluka/ No. Welfare Centre/ Centre Sub- Workers Medical CD.block Centre/ Health Centre facilities Maternity Centre Home/ Child Welfare Centre

Vill- Ins- Vill- Ins- Vill- Ins- Vil!- Ins- Vill- Ins· Vill- Ins- ViII· Ins- Vill- Ins- ages titu ages titu ages titu ages titu ages titu ages tiro ages titu ages titu tions tions tions Hons tion s tions tions tions 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2 1

7 8 0 0 89 90 6 6 18 18 33 33 190 190 6 7 95 Dangs 1

7 8 0 0 S, 90 , , 18 18 .lJ 33 190 1,. , 7 95 District Total

POST AND TELEGRAPH COMMUNI- POWER CATIONS SUPPLY P.O. T.O. P.l~O. P.O.& T.O.& P.T.O. Phone Bus Railway NavigabJe Available Not Name of SI. Phone Phone & Stop Station Waterway Avai- Taluka/ No. Phone lable CD.block

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 . 56 2 1

53 o 2 3 o 1 5 201 2 309 o The Dangs 1

53 o 2 3 () 1 5 2 o o District Total



Land Utilisation nata in Respect of N~-municipal Towns (census Towns)

SI. Name of Town Land use (i.e. area "under different types of land use No. and Taluka/C.D.block . in hectares rounded u~to two decimalJ!laces} within brackets Total area For~t Irrigated Unirrigated Culturable Area not . ," l1y source waste available (including forculti- gauebar Viti on and groves) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 AhwI (The DIngs) 403.63 32.33 J0858 30.11 232.6t 2 Waghai (The DIngs) 229.94 1.67 59.27 151.22 17.78

APPENDIX - m Talukawbe/C.D.Bleekwise list of Villages where DO Sill aJHDities ( Yiz. Educatioaal, Medical, Fost & Thlegraph, MarketlBat, Communications and Power Supply) are available. SI. Name of Name of Location Name of No. District Talukal Code No. Village C.D.block

1 2 "3 4 5

1 The Dangs TheDangs " Nil Nil


APPENDIX - IV List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Castes to the Total population by ranges


Range of L.C. Name of village L.c. Name of village L.c. Name of village Scheduled No. No. No. Caste' Population . (Percentages)

1 2 3 2 3 2 3 Taluka/C.D.block : The Dangs 0- 5 * 13 Singana 23 Kadmal(Subir) 26 KaHbel 44 Subir 49 Pipaldahad 53 Jarsol 60 Khatal 71 Gaygothan 72 Lavchali 87 Wahutiya 112 Kudkas 114 Chichigaontha 115 Dhadhra 116 Hanwatchond 134 Pipalaidevi 144 Nadagkhadi 146 ,Pimpri 148 Jhariya(Dungarda) 156 Bhavandagad 163 Bhisya 164 Gondalvihit 168 Kalamvihir 200 Rambhas 222 Chinchli 240 Sakarpatal 269 Bhadarpada 279 Chinchpada (Galkund 280 Galkund 289 Samgahan 296 Manmodi 309 Saputara

6-10 295 Bondarmal

* Excludes villages with no S.C. population


APPENDIX - IV List of viUages according to the proportion of Scheduled Tribes to the Total population by ranges , B - SCHEDULED TRIBES Range of L.c. Name of village L.c. .Name ofviJlagc L.C. Name of village Scheduled No. No. No. Tribes Population (percentages)

1 2 3 2 3 2 3 Taluka/C.D.hlock : The Dangs

26 - 35 183 Nandanpeda

51 and above 1 Dardi 2 Sawarkhadi 3 Kosimda 4 Sajupada 5 Khokbari 6 Ba rdipada (Sa ja) 7 Bandhpada 8 Dhulda 9 Ginnal 10 Burthadi 11 Gavdahad 12 Jamnyamal 13 Singana 14 Nishana IS" Kakshala 16 Ji)mla 17 Kcshbandh 18 Timbarthawa 19 Biliamba 20 Jamansonda 21 .Mokhamal 22 Jharan 23 Kadmal(Subir) 24 Kasadbari 25 Hadol 26 Kalibel 27 Bhujad 28 Mehsktri 29 Enginpada (Calbari) 30 Bhongdya 31 Wank1m 32 Pandharmal 33 Tckpada 34 Bhalkhet 35 Khopriamba 36 Divadyawan 37 ChikbaJa(Kalibelsaja) 38 Sawardakasad 39 Mahal 40 Dhongiamba 41 lskhandi 42 Lahan Kasad 43 Daher 44 Subir 45 Bchdun 46 Sawarpada 47 Gawhan 48 Amlhawa 49 Pipaldahad 50 Bhondvihir 51 Karanjpada 52 Sepuamba 53 Jarsol 54 Kangariyamal 55 Karanjda(Lavchalisej) 56 Uga(Lavcbali) 57 Ghana 58 Moti Kasad 59 Masli 60 Khatal 61 Patli 62 Godadiya 63 Kakarda 64 Jamanpada " 65 Jhavda 66 Vanzat Amba 67 Koylipada 68 Kusmal 69 Kalamkhct 70 Sodmal 71 Gaygothan 72 Lavchali 73 Ghubadia 74 Hanwatpada(Pipaldaha) 75 Shivbara .76 Pandharpada, 77 La han Ihadadar 78 Moti Jhadadar 79 Jogthawa 80 Chamarpada 81 lunner 82 GurlIdiya 83 Mohpada (Pipaldahad) 84 Khambhla 85 Amsarpada 86 Bardipada(Naktyahanw) 87 Wabutiya 88 Bibupada 89 Kel 90 Badiganvtha 91 Barda(Khambhla Saja) 92 Kbajuma 93 Bijurpada 94 Chinchvihir 95 Sawarda 96 Kherindra 97 Kirli 98 Padalkhadi 99 ChikJi (Lavchalisaja) 100 Ghadvi 101 Jamlapada(Gadhvisaja) 102 Diwan Tembrun 103 Sarwar 104 Gunjpcda ~ 105 Ghodi 106 Dhodhalpada 107 Chikar (Jhavdasaja) 108 Borigaotha (Wagbaisa)

* Excludes villages with no S.T. population 98 VILLAGE DIRECTORY


List of villages according to the proport~()n of Scheduled Tribes to the Total population hy ranges

n -SCHEDULED TRIBES Rangc of L.C. Namc ofvillagc L.C. Namc of village L.C. Namc of village Schcduled No. No. No. Tribes Population (Percentages)

2 3 2 3 2 3 109 Gim 110 Dabdar (Waghai) 111 Kosimpatal 112 Kudkas 113 Kukadnakhi 114 Chichigaontha 115 Dhadhra 116 Ha nwa tc hond 117 Sukmal 118 Kotba 119 Palsamal 120 Kakadvihir 121 Dholiyaumbar 122 Ambur 123 Malga (Narayan) 124 Bilbari 125 Dumarya 126 Nakatia Hanwat 127 Jhari 128 Jamanya 129 Ahirpada 130 Satbabla 131 Chichpada (Vadpada) 132 Vadpada 133 Bokadmal 134 Pipalaidevi 135 Hindla 136 Dhuda 137 Dhavalidod 138 Ghubita 139 ChankhaI 140 Jamanvihir 141 Isdar (Gadhvi) 142 Gaurya 143 Chikatiya 144 Nadagkhadi 145 Davdahad 146 Pimpri 147 Bhawadi 148 Jhariya(Dungarda) 149 Dodipada 150 BARDA 151 Dagadiamba 152 Malin 153 Dhulchond 154 Amsarwalan 155 Wangan 156 Bhavandagad 157 Sati 158 Mulchond 159 Ghoghli 160 Nilsakiya 161 Pipalyamal 162 Borkhet 163 Bhisya 164 Gondalvihir 165 Pipalghodi 166 Mahalpada 167 Sendriamba 168 Kalamvihir 169 Pipalpada 170 Va nzarghodi 171 Taklipada(Lavchali) 172 Sadadvihir 173 Garkhadi· 174 Harpada 175 Wadiawan 176 Ghaniamba 177 Thorpada 178 Kamdiawan 179 Wanzttemrun 180 Karanjdi(Gadadsaja) 181 Mogra 182 Pandya 184 Chaukiya 185 Chavadvel 186 Kasavdahad 187 Sunda 188 Golasta 189 Wawanda 190 Kutarnachiya 191 Bhendmal 192 Luharia 193 Borpada 194 Ambapada (Vaghai) 195 U ga(Rambhasaja) 196 Wnarchond 197 Dokpatal • 198 Devipada 199 Jamalpada 200 Rambhas 201 Baj 202 Waghmal 203 Lahandabdar 2D4 Moti Qabdar 205 Khapri 206 Gaykhas 207 Ravchond 208 Isdar(Borkhalsaja) 209 Garmal 210 Javtala 211 Morzira 212 Gadad 213 Madalbari 214 Waidun 215 Kadmal(Gadadsaja) 216 Karadiamba 217 Chinchdhara 218 Hanwatpada 219 Gadvihir 220 Nimpada (Chinchlis) 221 Mahardar 222 Chinchli 223 Don * Excludcs villages with no S.T. population 99. VILLAGE DIRECTORY APPENDIX - IV List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Tribes to the Total population by ranges

B - SCHEDULED TRIBES 0" Range of L.c. Name of village L.C. Name of village L.C. Name of village Scheduled No. No. No. Tribes Population (percent;:ges)

1 2 3 2 3 2 3 224 Anjankund 225 Kosambia 226 Linga 227 Borkhal 228 Temburgartha 229 Songir 230 Wasuma 231 Shivarimal 232 Chikar(Rambhas Saja) 233 Barkhandhia 234 Bhurbhendi 235 Dagadpada 236 Khirmani ' 237 Susarda 238 Kunda 239 Sadadmal 240 Sakarpatal 241 Chikalda 242 Nanapada 243 Kumarbandh 244' Aherdi 245 Ambapada(Ah~~saja) 246 Chikhali (Samgabansa) 247 Borigaotha (Samgahan) 248 Maharaychond 249 Umbarpada 250 TakJipada(Borkhalsaj 251 Vi hi ra mba 252 Bilmai 253 Kamad 254 Ukhatiya 255 Sinbandh 256 Wakarya 257 Motacharya 258 La hancharya 259 Kahandolghodi 260 Nirgudmal 261 Moti Dabhas 262 Lahandabhas 263 Chirapada 264 Baripada 265 Bordahad 266 Dhangdi 267 Silotmal 268 Chinchod 269 Bhadarpada 270 Daguniya 271 Barda (Manmodisaja) 272 Supdahad 273 Gundvahal 274 Darapada 275 Bhapkhal 296 Bhurapani 277 Dhumkhal 278 Jakhana 279 Chinchpada (Galkund) 280 Galkund 281 Pipalpada(Galkundsaj)282 Mohpada(Galkundsaja) 283 Vanar 284 Ambalia 285 Umarya 286 Wanki 287 Payarpada 288 Jamdar 289 Samgahan 290 Ranpada 291 Murambi 292 Nadakcbond 293 Ghodwahal 294 Nimbarpada 295 Bondarmal 296 Manmodi 297 Kanchanpada 298 Lahanmalunga 299 Mota Malunga 300 Humbapada 301 Sonuniya 302 Gundia 303 Barmiawad 304 Gotiyamal 305 Jagbari 306 Baradpani 307 Malegaon . 308 Kotamdar 309 Saputara


The town directory has been compiled in following 5. Pre~sure Tank PT different statements for each town oftbe district. Tbe tOWI1'i 6. Tubewell Water/Handpump TW of the districts have been arranged in alpbabetical order.It 7. Tap Water T contains (I) Status and growth history (II) Physkal aspects 8. Well Water W and location (III) Municipal Finance (IV) Civic and other amenities (V) Medical, educational, recreationlll and cUl­ 9. Tank Water TK tural facilities and (VI) Trade, commerce, industry and to. Others o banking facilities for each (own of J~e district. StatementV Appendix to the town directory shows towns of the Col. 4-5 • Medical Facilities district which have outgrowths and population of out­ growths. 1. Hospital H 2. Dispensary D The following abbreviations have been used in the town directory for facility of presentation. . 3. ,Health Centre/p.H.C./P.H.S.C. HC 4. Family Planning Centre FPC Statement I 5. TB Clinic TB Col.2 • Civil Administration Status of Tow.n 6. Nmsing Home NH 7. Other,; o 1. Municipal Corporation/Corporation M. Corp. f 2. Municipality M In Col. 4 the following additional abbreviations are used as 3. Cantonment Board/Cantonment C.B. 4. Notified AreaINotified Area N.A.C. 1. Ayurvedic A Committee/Notified Committee 2. Unani U 5. Gram PanchayatlVilIage Pancbayat G.P 3.. HOUloeopathic HOUl 6. Nagar Panchayat/Town Panchayat N.P. Col. 6 - Educational Facilities Statement IV 1. Arts only A Col.6· Road Length 2. Science only 'S 1. Pucca Road PR 3. Arts and Science only AS 2. Kuccha RO!ld KR 4. Commerce only C Col. 7 - System of Sewerage 5. Arts and Commerce only AC 6. Combined for all categories ASC 1. Sewer S Art.. , Science and Commerce 2. Open Surface Drains OSD 7. Law L 3. Box Surface Drains BSD 8. University U 4. 8ylk Drains SD 9. Others 0 Cesspool Method CD 5. Col. 10 - Recognised Shorthand, 1)pewriting and 6. Pit System. Pt Other Vocational Training Institutions 7. Others o 1. Shorthand SH Col. 11 - Method of Disposal of Night Soil 2. Type~riting Type 1. Head Loads HL 3. Shorthand & Typewriti_ng Sh. Type 2. Baskets B 4. Others 0 3. Wheel Barrows WB Col. 20 - Recreational and Cultural Facilities 4. Septic Tank Latrines ST 1. Public Library PL 5. Sewerage S 2. Reading Room RR 6. Pit System Pt. Abbreviations relating to Class of Town 7. Others o POPULATION CLASS Col. 12-13 - Protected Water Supply ~ Source and Capacity of Storage Systems _ 1,00,000 and above 50,000 - 99,999 II 1. Overhead Tank OHT 20,000 - 49,999 III 2. Service Reservoir SR 10,000 - 19,999 IV .3. River Infiltration Gallery IG 5,000 - 9,999 V 4. Borewell Pumping System BWP Below 5,000 VI


TOWN STATEMENT- Status and Growth

SI. Class, Name and Location Name of Name of Area Number of No. Civic Adminis- Code No. Taluka C.D. block (in Sq. ' Households Po{?ulation and'" Growth tration Status Kms.) including 1901 1911 1921 of Town Houseless Households (in 1991 Census 1 2 , 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 IV Ahwa (G.P) 19/1 The Dangs The Dangs 4.04 2.246, 2 VI Waghai (G.P) 19/I1 The Dangs The Dangs 2.30 1.049

TOWN STATEMENT- Physical Aspects and

Ph~sical Aspects Name of And SI. Class and Rainfall Temperature State District No. Name of (in mm) ~in Centigrade) Hqs. Hqs. Town axi- Mini· ff# mum mum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 IV Ahwa 2,171.4 43.0 11.0 Gandhinagar Ahwa (Nearest (Nearest (432.0) (0) Surat) Surat) 2 VI Waghai 1,729.0 43.0 11.0 Gandhinagar Ahwa (Nearest (Nearest (400.0) (32.0) Surat) Surat)

Note: The information of temperature is not available for Ahwa aud Wagbai towns, hence the same is given for Sural city which is nearest. _'.

104 DIRECTORY I History

Density Sex Ratio Rl!te of the Town at the Censuses of (in 1991 1971 1981 1991 SI. 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971" 1981 1991 Census) (Census) (Census) (Census) No.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1 10,964 2,714 922 1 4,947. 2,151 :. 858 2

DIRECfORY n Location ofToWDS, 1989

earest city al way us SI. with Population Station Route No. ofoneLakh and more

Ahwa/Ahwa Waghai Ahwa 1 (0) (0) (130.0) (32.0) (0)

Ahwa/Waghai Navsari Waghai Waghai 2 (32.0) (0) (100.0) (0) (0)

Denal - 13 105 TOWN STATEMENT- Municipal Finance,

SI. Class and Civic Adm- No. Name of inistration eceipts Revenue derived Govern- Loan 'Total Town Status through from Municipal ment sources Receipt (in 1990) Taxes Properties and Grant etc. Power apart from Taxation 1 2 3 4 5· 6 7 8 9 10 1 IV Ahwa G.P 84 170 254 2 VI Waghai G.P 85 17 102

TOWN STATEMENT· Civic and Other

SI. Class and Civic A~m- Population Scheduled Cast­ Road System Number of Latrines No. Name of inistration es and Scheduled Length of Water Service Others Town Status Tribes (in Kms.) Sewe­ Borne (in 1990) population rage'

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 IV Ahwa G.P 10,964 SC-701 PR OSD 16 16 (6.00) ST-6,494 KR (1.70) 2 VI Waghai G.P 4,947 SC-I23 PR OSD 12 12 (4.00) ST-2,905 KR (1.20)

TOWN STATEMENT­ Civic and Other Amenities in

SI. Class and Name of Area of Population Paved Roads System No. Name of Slum Slum of Slum (in km.) of Number of Town (approxi- Sewerage mate) Private Water Service Others . Borne 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 There is no class I and II towns

106 DIRECTORY III 1988-1989

EXPENDITURE(in Rs. 'OO} General Public Public Health Public Public Others Total Administration Safety and conv- Works Institu- Expenditure SI. eniences tions No.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 57 37 123 8 225' 1 10 107 32 7 25 181 2

DIRECTORY ·IV Anienities, 1989

Method Protected Water Supply Fire Electrification (Number of Connections) of Disp- Source System of storage fighting Domestic Industrial Commercial Road Others 0811 of of with capacity in service lighting S1. Night Soil supply' litres (In br!lckets) (P~ints) No. 11 12 13 14 15 16 -17 . ~ 19 1 WB T,JI OHT,SR (50,00,000) Bansda 1,477 190 50 350 1 (48.0)

WB W,T OHT (2,00,000) Bansda 546 25 140 80 6 2 (15.0)

DIRECTORY IV-A Notified Slums, 1989

!::a tri nes Method of No.ofTap Electrification (No.of Connections) SI. Disposal Points/Public Domestic Road Lighting Others No. Community of Night Hydrants installed (points) Soil for supply of Protec­ ted Water

11 12 13 14 15 16 1 in the district. Hence, the infonnation is nil.

107 TOWN STATEMENT­ Medica~ Educational, Recreational

S)' Class and ° Population Medical Facilities Educational No. Name of Hospitals/ Beds in ArtslScience/ Medical Engineering Polytech­ Town Dispensar- Medical Coltunerce Colleges Colleges nics iesfl'.B. Institutions Colleges (of Clinics noted in degree level etc. column-4 a~d above)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 IV Ahwa 0/ 10,964 H (1) AC (1) Surat Sdrat Valsad D (A-1) (200.0) (200.0) (80.0) °TB (1) 150 NH (1) HC (1) FPC (1) 0 (1)

2 VI Wagbai 4,947 HC (1) 9 Ahwa Surat Surat Valsad ! D (1) (32.0) (168.0} (168.0) (50.0) 0 (1)

Note In Gujarat State the levels of Education are classified as under: (1) Primary (From Standard (I to VII Passed) (2) Secondary/Matriculation (From Standard VIII to X Passed) (3) Highter Secondary (From Standard XI to XII Passed) Hence the details under Co), 13 are not shown.

TOWN STATEMENT. Trade, Commerce, Industry

SI. Namo of three most important commodities Name of three most important No. Imported Exported

1st 2nd 3rd 3 4 5 ~v Ahwa Foodgrains Cloth Groulldnut Oil 2 VI Waghai Foodgrains Groundnu~ Cloth Oil DIRECTORY V and Cultural Facilities, 1989

Facilities No. of.Recreational and Cultural Facilities Recogni- HigherSeco- Matrku-- Junior Prim- Adult Working - Stadia Cinema Audito- Public SI. sed Short- ndary/Inter- lation! Second- ary Literacy Women's rial Dra- Libra- No. hand, Typ- mediate/PUC/ Seconda- ary and School~ Classes/ hostels, ma/Co- nes inc- ingand Senior Secon- ry Middle , Centres with mmuni- luding Vocational dary(pre-uni- Schools Others Number ty Halls Reading Training versity College/ '(Specify) of Seats Rooms Institutions Junior Colle- e level 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1 Type (1) 1 3 8 1 1 P L(I) 1 0-(2)

0-(1) 1 1 3 8 2

DIRECTORY VI and Banking, 1989 commodities Name of three most important l'ommodities Number Number of Number o( SI. Manufactured of Bank Agricultu­ Non-AgricuJ- No. ral Credit tural Credit 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd Societies Societies 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Wood Ayurvedic Products of Wood 5 1 6 1 # Medicines Bamboo Wooden Aghoda Products of Woden 2 1 2 dust as Pieces of Bllmboo dust as house- Log woods House- hold fuel hold fuel

109 - APPENDIX Towns showing their outgrowth with population

SJ. Name of the Town Population of Out Growth Population of No. with Location Code Core Town OutGrowth 1 2 3 4 5

------NIL ------


Primary Census Abstract of 1991 Census provides infonnation in respect of each village in rural area and each town/ward in urban area. The villages/ towns have been arranged as per ascending order of Census VilJage(fown .Iocation code numbers. It gives infonnation about the area of the village in hectares and town in Square kilometers, number of occupied residential bouses and bousebolds,total population witb sex break-up (including Houseless and Institutional population) and population of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, literates. The entire population of village / town/ward is divided into main workers, marginal workers and non-workers and main workers nre further divided into 'nine broad industrial categories as under

1. Cultivators (1) 2. Agricultural Labourers (IT) , , 3. Livestock, Forestry, Fishing. Hunt~ng and Plantations, Orchards and allied activites (III) 4. Mining and quarrying (IV) 5. Manufactuing, Processing, Servicing.and Repairs (i) Household Industry (V.a) (ii) Other than Household Industry (Y.b) 6. Construction (VI) 7. Trade and Commerce (VII) 8. Transport, Storage and communications (VIII) 9. Other Services (IX)

The sexwise break-up of total main workers (ind~strial catego!y I to IX) has been presented in addition to similar break-up for each broad-industrial category of workers, marginal workers and non-workers.

The following Abbreviations bave been used in the Primary Censu~ Abstract for facility of presentation.

1. Municipal Corporation M.Corp 2. Municipality M 3. Non-MuniCipal Area NM 4. Nagar Panchayat NP 5. Village Panchayat G.P 6. Cantonment Cantt. 7. Notified Area N.A.C 8. Industrial Notified Area INA 9. Urban Agglomeration UA 10. Out6rowth OG 11. Total T 12. Rural R 13. Urban U 14. Not Available NA The folJowing conversion factor has been used for converting areas into hectares and hee,tares into Km2

Acres x O.40467=Hectares Hectares x 100=Km2


Loca- District/Talukal Area 2 No. of No. of Total Population (Including Total Population in tion C.D.block inKm Occupi- House- Institutional and Houseless the age group Code ed Resi- holds Population) (0 - 6) No. dential Houses

P M F M F 1 2 3 ~4 5 6 7 8 9 10 19 The Dangs • T 1,764.0 27,747 28,268 1,44,091 72,674 71,417 15,799 15,784 District J{I" 1,757.7 24,535 24,973 1,28,180 64,J08 63,872 14,518 14,569 ~ U 6.3 3,222 3,295 . 15,911 8,366 7,545 1,281 1,215

1 The Dangs * T 1,723.5 27,747 '28,268 1,44,091 72,674 71,417 15,799 15,784 Taluka I R 1,717:2 24,525 24,973 1,28,180 64,308 63,tF2 14,518 14,569 C.D.block U 6.3 3,2~2 3,295 15,911 8,366 7,545 1,281 1,215

* These represent provisional 'geographical area' figures supplied by the Surveyor General. Figures for urban area are those supplied by the local bodies. Area figures for rural area are derived by substracting the urJ:>an area from the total area of the District. The tetal area figures of the Taluka/C.D.block will not tally with the district figures because the former represent 'land use' area and are derived from the figures supplied by the Director of Land Records.

ca- District/TaJukal CATAGORIES OF n C.D.block Livestock, Forestry, Mining . Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Ide Hunting & Fishing, and Quarry- and Re~airs in I. Plantations, Orchards & ing Household Other than allied activities Industry Household Industry all} (IY) ,(V.a} (V.b) M F M F M F M F 2 23 24 25 26 27· 28 29 30

The Dangs T 807 56 I 10 7 499 430 608 146 District R 488 32 3 5 363 307 281 113 U 319 24 7 2 136 123 327 33

The Dangs T 807 56 10 7 499 430 608 • 146 Taluka / R 488 32 3 5 363 307 281 113 C.D.block U 319 24 7 2 136 123 327 33


Scheduled Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Loca- Castes Tribes Total Cultiva- Agricul- tion. Main tors tural Lab- Code Workers ourers No. (I-IX) (I) (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 1 536. 513 67,980 67,406 33,867 19,644 38,735 28,814 26,052 21,584 5,410 5,492 19 113 112 63,045 62,942 27,742 15,275 34,892 27,846 25,~78 21,555 4,783 5,201 423 401 4,935 4,464 6,125 4,369 3,843 968 74 29 627 291

536 513 67,980 67,406 33,867 19,644 38,735 28,814 26,052 21,584 5,410 5,492 1 113 112 63,045 62,942 27,742 15,275 34,892 27,846 25,978 21,555 _ 4,783. 5,201 423 401 4,935 4,464 6,125 4,369 3,843 968 74 29 627 291

MAIN WORKERS • Marginal Non- Loca- Construction Trade and Ttansport, Other . Workers workers- tion Commerce Storage & Services Code ConUnunica- No. tions (VI) (VII) (VIII) (IX)

M F .M F M F M F M. F M .F 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 . "39 40 _ 41 42 1 794 n 1,070 118 349 8 3,136 901 150 5,134 33,789 37,469 19 528 30 513 73 135 3 1,820 527 97 5,058 29,319 30,968 266 42 557 45 214 5 1,316 374 53 76 4,470 6,501

794 72 1,070 118 349 8 3,136 901 150 5,134 3.3,789 37,469 1 528 30 513 73 135 3 1,820 527 97 5,058 29,319 30,968 266 42 557 45 214 5 1,316 374 53 76 4,470 6,501




Loca- Name of Village/ Area of VilJa- No. of No. of Total Population (Including Total Population in tion Town/Ward ge in Hectar- Occupi. House Institutional and Houseless the age group Code es & Town! ed Resi- holds Population) (0 - 6) No. Ward in Km2 dential Houses

p M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 TheDangs T 1,723.5 27,747 28,268 1,44,091 72,674 71,417 31,583 15,799 15,784 Talukal Km.2 C.D.block R 1,717.2 24,525 24,973 1,28,180 64,308 63,872 29,087 14,518 14,569 Hectares (1,71,723.18) U 6.3 3,222 3,295 15,911 8,366 7,545 2,496 1,281 1,215


1 Dardi 406.89 22 22 75 42 33 19 13 (j 2 Sawarkhadi 611.57 84 84 372 187 185 \99 47 52 3 Kosimda 300.75 - 180 180 801 387 414 154 77 77 4 Sajupada 226.06 146 146 788 377 411 191 83 108 5 Khokhari 107.92 69 69 318 151 167 85\ 42 43

6 Bardipada (Saja) 1,489.45 109 109 5'10 284 226 91 48 43 7 Bandhpada 726.24 52 52 266 137 129-' 65 34 31 '8 Dbulda 2,173.86 94 94 516 243 273 134 49 85 9- Girmal 3,646.43 104 104 476 234 242 ' 132 66 66 10 Burtbadi 267.46 73 73 329 ' 162 167 93 47 46

74 350 157 193 114 54 60 11 Gavdahad 781.54I 74 12 Jamnyamal 1,846.28 157 162 637 297 340 166 89 77 13 Singana 268.09 108 108 622 358 264 85' 35 50 14 Nishana 2,818.08 211 212 1,025 509 516 231 108 123 15 Kaksbala 765.69 167 167 798 409 389 161 83' 78

16 Jamla 253.35 56 57 251 127 124 39 18 21 17 Keshbandh 574.33 143 144 690 352 ,338 106 60 46 l8 Timbarthawa 283.15 76 78 330 168 162 62 40 22 19 BiJiamba 245.10 84 84 291 140 151 34' 10 24' 20 Jamansonda 659.99 71 71 261 123 138 39 20 19

21 Mokhamal 453.38 123 128 574 213 301 189 96 93 22 Jharan 284.61 90 97 426 206 220 158 82 76 23 Kadmal(Su bir) 865.36 141 141 635 299 336 130 69 61 24 Kasadbari 676.78 83 85 397 194 203 134 73 61 25 Hadol 188.78 45 47 2413 128 115 74 50 24

26 Kalibel 1,317.52 200 215 1,305 657 648 205 98 107 27 Bhujad 1,602.59 106 106 519 245 274 112 54 58 28 Mehsktri 312.71 161 161 '760 379 381 166 78 88 29 Enginpada (Calbari) 128.30 24 24 115 58 57 19 12 7 30 Bhongdya 324.27 59 62 297 157 140 68 31 37

31 Wankan 96.00 19 20 94 44 50 20 10 10 32 Pandharmal 433.62 49 50 219 110 109 45 24 21 33 Tekpada 311.74 69 74 428 199 229 83 38 45 34 Bhalkhet 180.82 73 73 403 203 200 101 52 49 35 KhopriAmba 138.47 33 3-3 207 113 94 34 25 9


Scheduled Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Loca:' . Castes -Tribes Total Cultiva- Agricul- tion. Main tors tural Lab- Code Workers - DUrell> No. (I-IX) (1) , (II)

M F M F M F M F M' F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 536 513 .67,980 67,406 ' 33,867 19,644 38,735 28,814 26,052 21,584 5,410 5,492 1 113 112 63,045 61,'42 27,742 15,275 _ 34,892 27,846 25,978 21,555 4,783 5,201 fa 423 401 4,935 4,464 6,125 40,369 3,843 968 14 29 627 291

42. 33 6 2 27 27 1 -- 187 185 70 32 122 3 108 2 5 2 387 414 87 54 240 244 131 130 59 74 3 377 411 222 J38 241 180 144 100 70' 63 4 151 167 ,37 24 84 2 69 6 5

280 222 134 43 129 27 81 18 20 4 6 137 129 12 2 72 66 64 64 7, 2 7 243 273 53 8 144 126 115 109 19 16 8 234 242 38 7 '36 154 123 140 9 14 9 162 167 45 7 86 96 ,- 78 87 6' 9 10

157 193 48 25 80 110 67 109 11 -- 2cr! 340 90 37 164 236 148 231 12 S' 6 348 253 217 86 137 132 83 92 23 33 13 506 515 137 61 313 135 302 134 14 409 389 104 55 268 257 259 254 2 2 15

127 124 51 25 80 59 57 16 12 43 16 351 338 94 62 221 219, 179 107 23 102 17 168 162 55 35 105 110 96 109 18 140 151 20 15 101 106 99 105 19 123 138 20 11 83 83 71 72 7 11 20

273 299 103 71 123 154 75 109 27 36 21 202 218 49 25 95 109 79 108 22 3 1 296 335 84 33 168 186 134 157 26 26 23 194 203 70 31 89 100 64 71 16 26 24 128 i15 51 18 61 62 56 59 2 2 25 3' 1 615 625 442 313 316 274 160 179 47 60 26 245 274 .100 63 160 165 117 129 37 36 27 375 381 151 90 208 91 159 76 3 3 28 -- 58, 57 11 12 30 8 28 8 29 157 140 50 10 93 6 71 2 16 30 44 50 13 11 27 3 23 1 31 110 109 S9 24 70 9 53 5 10 3 32 193 228 109 78 126 117 111 107 3 3 33 203 200 83 3S 125 117 115 116 3 1 34 -113 94 69 17 67 63 66 63 35


Loca- Name of Village/ CATEGORIES OF tion Town/Ward Livestock, Forestry, Mining Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code Fishing, Hunting and and Quarry- and Re~airs in No. Plantation, Orchards & ing Household Other than allied activities • . Industry Household Industry (III) QV) (VA) •. (VB) ~M F M F M F M F 1 2 ~4 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 TBEDANGS T 807 56 10 7 49' ·430 608 146 Taluka/ C.D.block R 488 3Z 3 5 ~3 ~ Z81 113 . U 319 %4 7 % 1~ U3 3%7, 33


1 Dardi 2 Sawarkhadi 1 1 1 3 Kosimda 40 39 4 Sajupada 1 -- 9 15 5 KhQkhari 3

6 Bpdipada (Saja) -- 7 Bandhpada .-- 1 8 'Dhulda -- 1 9 Girmal 10 Burthadi

11 Gavdahad 12 JamnyamaI 2 13 Singana 2 14 Nishana 1 15 Kaksbala 2

16 Jamla 17 ksbbandb :5 5 18 Timbarthawa 19 Biliamba 20 Jamansonda

21 Mokhamal 6 1 22 Jharan 23 Kadmal(Subir) 1 24 Kasadbari 1 1 1 25 Hadol 1 .- - • 26 Kalibel 17 2 20 19 27 Bhujad 1 -- 28 Mebsktri 1 3 29 Enginpada (Calbari) 1 30 Bhongdya 4 4 31 Wankan r2 2 32 Pandharmal 1 33 Tekpada 2 2 7 34 Bhalkhet 1 35 KbopriAmba


MAIN WORKERS Marginal . Non- Loca- Construction Trade and Transport, Otber Workers workers- tion Commerce Storage & Services Code Communica- No. tions (VI) (VI!) (VIII} (IX) M F M F M F M F M F M F 32' 33 34 35 36 . 37 38 '39 40. 41 42 43 1 794 72 1,070 118 349 8 3,136 901 158 5,134 33,789 37,469 1 .. S2S 30 513 73 13S 3 1,820 51.'1 97 5,058 29,319 30,968

.M6 42 557 45 214 5 1,316 j74 53 76 4,470 6,501

-- 26 15 7 1 1 6 124 65 58 2 t 2 1 6' 1. 1 .147 169 3 8 4 1 4 2 54 136 177 4 3 3 '2 89 67 76 5

2 3 23 5 98 155 101 6 65 63 7 3 2 4, 1 99 147 8 1 3 98 88 9 2 ' 76 .71 10

4 -- -- 9 1 77 83 11 5 1 3 8· 2 133 104 12 5 1 1 22 7 221 132 . 13 ,- - 2 2 6 1 33 208 163 173 14 5 l' , 141 132 15

2 9 47 65 16 2. 12 S· 1 131 118 17 7 2 1 63 52 18 2 1 39 45 19 -~ 5 -- 40 55 20

6 - ~ 2 7 8 150 .• 147 21 1 15 . 1 111 .111 22 2 3 3 2 131 150 23 1 i . 1, 5 1 105 103 24 1 1 1 67 . 53 25

20 4 9 1 2 41 9 2 341 372 26 1 4 8S 109 27 4 4 1 1 36 8 116 171 174 28 ~- 1 25 28 24 29 1 1 61 64 ·73 30 1 1 30 17 17 31 1 5 1 61 40 .39 32 6 1 ·1 22 73 90 33 1 . 2 3 78 83 34 -- 1 46 31 35


Loca- Name of Village/ Area of Villa- No. of No. of Total Population (Including Total Population in tion Town/Ward ge in Hectar- Occupi- House Institutional and Houseless the age group Code es & Town/ ed Resi- holds Population) (0 - 6) No. Ward in Km2 dential Houses

P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 36 Divadyawan 247.35 71 73 390 187 203 72 33 39 37 Chikhala ,,533.01 79 79 398 197 201 86 36 50 (Kalibel Saja) 38 Sawardakasad 1,457.17 28 31 163 77 86 47 22 25 39 Mabal 267.70 77 79 588 308, 280 99 55 44 40 DhongiAmba 568.06 139 143 647 324 323 185 92 93

41 Iskbandi 209.09 39 40 142 73 69 31 16 15 42 Laban Kasad 164.81 33 33 162 77 85 47 20 27 43 Daher 497.57 97 , 97 468 235 233 134 70 64 44 Subir 782.03 290 299 1,5.70 780 790 336 164 172 45 Bebdun 533.92 68 68 268 131 137 55 34 21

46 Sawarpada 261.95 24 24 111 55 56 25 15 10 47 Gawhan '1,000.69 121 130 718 370 348 120 62 58 48 Amthawa 403.00 27 27 154 70 84 40 17 23 49 Pipaldl!.had 195.16 106 106 596 333 263 130 64 66 50 Bbondvibir 274.18 54 55 299 139 160 69 33 36

51 Karanjpada 278.78 20 20 92 47 45 25 12 13 52 Sepuamba 333.52 76 76 330 152 178 95 42 53 53 Jarsol 2,609.01 33 33 137 64 73 35 19 16 54 Kangariyamal 670.96 28 28 142 63 79 29 15 14 55 Karanjda 97.89 40 40 164 82 82 36 15 21 (LavcbaJi Seja) 56 Uga(LavcbaJi) 825.51 48 48 201 97 104 45 22 23 57 Gbana 324.74 90 90 417 196 2~1 124 60 64 58 Moti Kasad 3,006.27 47 47 192 99 93 59 30 29 59 MasH 296.64 101 101 532 291 241 '128 77 51 60 Kbatal 407.48 163 163 985 502 483 198 99 99

61 Patli 105.70 29 29 152 77 75 30 13 17 62 Godadiya 2,530.71 88 88 454 223 231 86 46 40 63 Kakarda 963.08 100 100 464 240 224 96 51 45 64 Jamanpada 508.44 52 52 280 137 143 63 36 27 65 Jbavda 339.03 112 112 606 304 '302 88 55 33

66 VanzatAmba 289.03 82 82 431 209 222 75 39 36 67 Koylipada 1,034.57 124 124 630 326 304 145 67 78 68 Kusmal 828.88 ~1 81 435 225 210 101 48 53 69 Kalamkhet 212.09 80 80 391 196 195 80 39 41 70 Sodmal 197.36 56 56 311 158 153 79 45 34

71 Gaygothan 346.88 64 64 312 165 147 81 47 34 72 La vcha Ii 307.09 78 78 499 ' 279 220 134 77 57 73 Ghubadia 542.32 36 36 119 55 64- 21 10 11 74 Hartwatpada 832.95 109 109 488 220 268 155 77 78 (pipa1dabad Saja) 75 Sbivbara 87.28 25 25 122 55 67 29 12 17


'Scheduled Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Loca~ Castes Tribes Total Cultiva- Agricul- tion. Main tors tural Lab~ Code Workers ourers No. (I-IX) (I) (II)

M F M' F M F M F M F M F 12 13 .14 1,.,5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 187 203 108 78 108 117 61 21 39 86 36 197 201 77 41 126 116 96 65 27 51 37 77 86 36 34 42 44 34 44 38 301 273 202 142 91 ' 96 61 70 2 18 39 321 320 117 39 160 188 150 175 3 12 40 r' 69 67 25 13 45 45 30 39 9 -6 41 77 85 37 21 39 42 27 31 11 11 42 235 233 93 44 110 98 78 70 17 21 43 1 761 786 312 170 425 189 254 148 66 24 44 131 137 34 14 63 76 58 75 3 1 45

55 56 12 12 33 31 26 29 3 2 46 370 348 185 102 198 202' 180 190 8 8 47 70 84 32 18 40 42 23 38 3 4 48 8 3 320 253 210 68, 137 123 86 93 18 27 49 139 160 56 34 76 ,91 61 81 3 6 50

47 45 12 4 24 21 23 21 51 152 178 39 23 80 41 74 39 3 . 52 1 63 73 31 20 26 28 21 27 1 1 53 63 79 27 28 29 34 28 34 54 82 82 39 20 44 43 18 9 19 33 55

97 104 35 23 58 63 43 21 15 41 56 188 214 17 23 85 56 ' 75 47 8 7 ,57 99 93 ·39 21 48 50 34 39 10 11 58 291 241 89 35 164 153 90 79 54 71 S9 1 492 482 279 160 266 261 72 151 252 60

77 75 28 18 48 44 17 31 44 61 j,- -- 223 231 66 29 150 151 52 4 95 146 62 240 224 103 56 155 ,23 106 3 15 4 63 137 143\ 55 37 76 71 52 50 13 13 64 290 285 177 149 140 163 '84 113 29 28 65

e' 209 222 98 66 127 ,121 86 83 22 15 66 326 304 142 48 154 118 127 99 12 11 67 224 210 120 59 115 119 101 114 5 4 68 196 195 60' 37 122 37 71 7 25 17 69 158 153 62 45 85 14 53' 1 ·5 2 70

1 165 146 50 16 86 83 56 58 26 24 71 2 268 208 172 73 108 102 66 ' 75 16 20 72 55 64 23 17 34 40 27 36 4 3 73 220 268 70 ·54 101 136 84 121 11 15 74 . 55 67 30 17 35 24 27 24 75


Loca- Name of Village/ . CATEGORIES' OF tion Town/Ward Livestock, Forestry, Mining Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code Fishing, Hunting and and Quarry- and Reeairs in No. Plantation, Orchards & iug' Household Other than allied activities Industry Household Industry (III) QV) (VA) (VB) M F M F M' F M F 1 2 24 . 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 36 Divadyawan 2 10 37 Chikhala 2 (Kalibel Saja) " 38 Sawardakasad 5 39 Mahal 5 1 40 DhongiAmba

41 Iskbandi 4;2 Lahan Kasad 43 Daher 4 6 44 Subir 34 8 -- lA 3 45 Behdun

46 Sawarpada 2 47 Gawban 1 . 1 48 Amthawa 1 49 Pipaldahad 7 1 50 Bhondvihir

51 Kal3njpada -- 52 Sepuamba 53 larSol . 54 Kangariyamal S5 Kal3njda 3 (Lavchali Seja) 56 . Uga(Lavchali) S7 Ghana 1 58 Moti Kasad S9 Masli -- 9 3 1 60 Khatal 2 1

61 Patli 62 Godadiya --' 1 63 Kakarda 30 15 64 Jamanpada 6 7 6S Ihavda 2 S 12

66 VanzatAmba 1 10 22 3 -- 67 Koylipada 3 1 8 6 68 Kusmal 5 1 69 Kalamkbet ' 24 12 70 . Sodmal ·3 14 7

71 Gaygotban - 72 Lavchali 9 1 73 Ghubadia 74 Hanwatpada 1 1 ~ipaldahad Saja) 75 hivbal3 3


MAIN WORKERS- Marginal Non- Loca- Construction Trade and Transport, Other Workeis workers- tion Commerce Storage & SelVices Code Communica- No. tions M) (VII) (VllI} (IX) M F M F M F M F M F M F 32 33 '34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 1 2 3 79 86 36 1 71 85 37 __ 1 2 35 42 38 1 1 1 2 18 7 7 217 177 39 1 1 5 .1 4 164 131 40

5 1 1. 28 23 41 1 38 43- 42 7 4 1 18 125 117 43 8 14 2 5 30 4 355 . 601 44 2, 68 61 45

2 22 25 46 ~ _ -_' 8 4 172 146 47 12 1 30 42 48 3 1 1 20 3 8 196 132 49 6 1 5 4 63 69 50

1 5 23 19 51 __ 3 . 2 3 52 69 85 52 4 38 45 " 53 1 34 45 54 -- 1 3 1 2 38 37 55

1 39 41 56. 1 _I. ·2 49 111 116 57 1 1 2 51 43 ,58 3 7 127 88 59 5 4 3 28 9 236 222 60

. - -. 29 31 61 .. 1 1 1 73 80 62 .., 2 .. 2 1 109 8S 92 63 2 3 1 15 61 57 64 8 1 2 11 8 164 139 65

1 2 2 1 10 82 91 66 1 3, 1 1 36 171 '150 67 4 110 91 68 2 1 81 74 77 69 1 1 8 4 37 73 102 70

1 3 1 79 64 71 3 14 6 16 171 102 72 1 1 2 21 24 '. 73 2 2 2 119 130 74 1 4 14 ,20 29 75


Loca- Name of Village/ Area of VilIa- No. of No. of . Total Population (Including Total Population in lion Town/Ward ge in Hectar- Occupi- House Institutional and Houseless the age group Code es & Town! ed Resi- bolds Population) (0 - 6) 2 No. Ward in Km dentiaJ Houses

P M F P M . F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 76 Pandbarpada 198.80 62 62 267 126 141 71 30 41 77 Laban Jbadadar 349.18 46 47 291 149- 142 76 40 36 78 Moti Jhadadar 111.93 31 33 151 70 81 32 14 18 79 Jogtbawa 107.64 26 26 145 69 76 31 15 _ 16 80 Chamarpada 55.20 9 9 38 14 24 13 2 11

81 Junner 200.35 ' 78 80 339 169 170 83 39 44 82 Gurudiya 153.94 33 33 189 81 108 55 23 32 83 Mohpada (pipaldahad) 112.01 17 17 72 42 30 17 12 5 84 Khambhla 302.33 94 94 531 277 254 141 79 62 85 Amsarpada 318.72 68 68 305 164 141 67 37 30

86 Bardipada 220.00 47 49 251 125 126 52 27 25 (Naktyabanwat Saja) 87 Wahutiya 239.65 66 66 393 213 180 . 68 35 33 88 Bibupada 297.76 57 57 334 164 170 64 25 39 89 Kel 318.71 42 42 240 123' 117 52 30 22 90 Badiganvtha 151.60 25 25 107 49 58 28 11 17

91 Barda(Khambhla Saja) 174.98 41 41 206 100 106 40 20 20 92 Kbajuma 387.74 90 90 481 234 247 92 ,47 45 93 Bijurpada 105.16 61 61 442 220 222 133 65 68 94 Chinchvihir 168.58 75 75 388 200 188 91 42 49 95 Sawarda 222.45 69 69 358 169 189 96 43 53. 96 Kherindra 562.94 58 58 309 134 175 88 32 56 97 Kirli 874.88 ltO 110 606 304 302 139 64 75 98 Padalkhadi 804.58 94 94 516 270 246 172 91 81 99 Chikbli 694.83 62 65 270 129 141 77 39 38 , (Lavchali Saja) 100 Ghadvi 1,049.65 243 243 1,151 550 601 289 130 159 101 Jamlapada 437.86 147 147 765 387 378 173 82 91 (Gadhvi Saja) 102 Diwan Tembrun 5,062.41 122 122 568 284 284 146 67 79 103 Sarwar 460.36 141 ' 141 810 419 391 147 87 60 104 Gunjpeda 380.72 43 43 210 104 106 41 23 18 105 Ghodi 1,392.24 142 142 651 315 336 148 ' 71 77

106 Dhodhalpada 2,260.53 108 108 484 241 243 123 66 57 107 Cbikar (Jbavda Saja) 631.84 199 199 943 503 440 169 79 90 108 Borigaotba 398.79 130 131 675 338 337 150 68 82 ~!ghai Saja) 109 466.74 19 19 92 49 43 26 19 7 110 Dabdar (Waghai) 277.68 73 73 316 162 154 50 29 21

111 Kosimpata,' 215.24 49 49 186 93 93 36 16 20 112 Kudkas 981.46 107 107 508 261 247 87 41 46 113 Kukadnakbi 255.68 58 58 265' 135 130 48 23 25 114 . Cbichigaontba 571.58 159 159 670 339 331 137 74 63 1.15 Dhadhra 234.24. 80 80 387 188 199 92 39 53


Scheduled Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Loca- Castes Tribes Total Cultiva- Agricul- tion. Main tors tural Lab- Code Workers ourers No. (I-IX) (I) (II)

M F M F M F M ·F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 126 141 64 38 57 74 53 74 76 149 1.42 66 34 81 43 50 7 • 29 36 77 70 81 37 20 35 36 34 . 36 78 69 76 31 25 39 37 33 35 1 2 79 14 24 5 2 9 3 8 1 2 80

169 170 96 53 81 65 64 27 11 36 81 81 108 24 29 40 52 37 52 8~ 42 30 14 6 23 20 22 ' 20 83 276 253 141 72 151 152 132 118 13 31 84 164 141 79 46 92 92 79 80 9 10 85

125 126 49 28 74 78 70 74 3 4 86 1 212 180 95 49 95 1 89 1 87 164 170 50 34 91 .2 81 2 7 88 123 117 31 20 67 58 66 57 89 49 58 13 13 . 27 26 90

100 106 34 20 60 68 59 64 4 91 234 247 70- 47 144 137 140 126 3 9 92 220 222 77 40 104 97 86 78 16 19 93 200 188 88 40 101 101 67 34 25 66 94 169 189 80 46 84 95 70 82 10 12 95

134 175 59 29 68 77 51 63 15 14 96 304 302 53 13 181 96 162 83 16 11 97 270 246 126 51 142 138 134 131 5 4 98 129 141 36 21 74 89 58 75 14 14 99 540 601 339 120 294 236 233 212 23 19 100

387 378 224 107 192 17 159 11 6 101 282 284 163 91 128 9 93 9 102 409 391 189 109 195 104 103 66 35 19 103 104 106 44 27 60 20 53 19 5 1 104 315 336 89 41 204 75 181 61 19 14 105 241 243 89 39 144 158 116 44 8 94 106 491 439 241 101 305 223 190 128 85 75 107 .' 338 337 105 49 217 149 200 140 11 8 108

49 ~3 15 16 24 22 21 18 3 4 109 162 154 71 37 98 108 82 77 16 31 110

93 93 22 13 66 57 48 31 17 25 111 2 6 259 241 129 52 164 142 83 97 46 37 112 135 130 59 23 82 72 48 43 28 27 113 6 3 333 328 118 66 205 183 115 111 5 8 114 2 2 186 197 72 22 126 123 103 101 21 21 115


Loca - Name 0 f Villa gel CATEGORIES OF tion Town/Ward Livestock, Forestry, Mining , Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code Fishing, Hunting and and Quarry- and Repairs in No. Plantation, Orchards & iug Household Other than allied activities Industry Household Industry (III) (IV) (VA) (VB) M F M F M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 76 Pandharpada 2 77 Lahan Jhadadar 78 Moti Jhadadar 79 Jogthawa 1 80 Chamarpada

81 Junner 82 Gurudiya 83 Mohpada (Pipaldahad) 84 Kbambhla 85 Amsarpada

86 Bardipada (Naktyahanwat Saja) 87 Wahutiya' 88 Bibupada 89 Kel 90 Badiganvtha

91 Barda(Kbambhla Saja) 92 Kbajurna -.- 93 Bijurpada 94 Chinchvihir 2 95 Sawarda

96 Kberindra 97 Kirli 98 Padalkhadi 1 99 Chikhli (Lavchali Saja) 100 Ghadvi 2 1 1

101 Jamlapada 3 1 1 (Gadhvi Saja) 102 Diwan Tembrun 3 1 103 Sarwar 10 8 11 1 104 Gunjpeda 1 105 Ghodi

106 Dhodha Ipada 1 9 20 3 107 Chikar (Jbavdasaja) 1 6 13 108 Borigaotha (Waghai Saja) 109 Gira 110 Dabdar (Waghai)

111 Kosimpatal 1 1 112 Kudl


MAIN WORKERS Marginal . Non- l.oca- Construction Trade and Transport, Other Workers workcJS- lion Commerce Storage & Services COde Commuruca- No. tions (VI) (VII) (VIm (IX) M f ttl F M F M F M F M F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 2 1 69 66 76 2 38 68 61 77 1 -- 17 35 28 78 1 3 30 39 79 1 .. 7 5 14 80

1 1 3 2 34 88 71 81 1 1 41 56 82 -- 1 19 10 83 .(; 3 126 102 84 3 2 1 72 48 85

1 1 2 50 46 86

2 3 1 92 118 87 87 3 86 73 82 88 1 1 18 56 41 89 .1 .. 1 29 22 29 90

.. 1 40 38 91 .. . .. -.. 1 2 90 110 92 .O', 2 116 125 93 ... .. 7 1 99 87 94 •• •• 1 .. 3 1 85 94 95

.. 2 66 98 96 ,...... 2 2 83 123 123 97 .. .. •• 2 3 128 108 98 •• 2 . . 55 52 99 9 Z 2 23 3 256 365 100 11 2 2 :. . 10 3 150 195 211 101 10 1 4 8 8 156 275 102 2 36 8 1 56 223 231 103 1 44 86 104 3' 111: 261 105 .. 1 2 97 85 106 ·1 3 19 7 "4 198 213 107 .. 2 4 1 59 121 129 108 25, 21 109 ... 64 46 110

27 36 111 .. 3 22 3 97 105 112 1 5 2 53 58 113 2 3 8 2 .. 134 144 114 2 1 1 62 75 115


Loca- Name of Village/ Area of ViIJa- No. of No. of Total Population (Including Total Population in tion Town/Ward ge in Hectar- Occupi- House Institutional and Houseless the age group Code es & Town/ ed Resi- holds Population) (0 - 6) 2 No. Ward in Ktn dentiat Houses

P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11' 116 Ha nwa tchond 1,079.28 212 212 1,059 589 470 237 119 118 117 Sukmal 288.81 112 112 557 268 289 147 72 75 118 Kotba 807.44 175 175 956 475 481 226 122 104 119 PaIsa mal 196.03 59 59 283 1551 128 77 45 32 120 Kakadvihir 319.28 81 81 380 188 192 115 59 56

121 Dholiyaumbar 281.65 42 42 234 117 117 64 32 32 (Narayan Devpada)' 122 Ambur 113.64 11 11 59 25 34 12 4 8 123 Malga 693.41 161 161 816 405 411 231 115 116 124 Bilbari 224.77 47 47 225 113 112 51 26 25 125 Dumarya 89.72 21 21 93 42 51 26 9 17

126 Nakatia Hanwat 245.71 105 105 581 272 309 123 62 61 127 Jhari 1,057.10 97 97 601 306 295 186 93 93 128 Jamanya 189.18 26 26 154 74 80 31 14 17 129 Ahirpada 182.19 40 40 242 116 126 76 35 41 130 Satbabla 383.65 49 52 277 134 143 58 30 28 . 131 Chichpa,da (Vadpada) 231.74 34 36 196 103 93 58 34 24 132 Vadpada 806.16 54 56 352 172 180 100 46 54 133 Bokadmal 48.98 14 15 75 37 38 12 4 8 134 Pipalaidevi 622.96 129 130 734 403 331 174 99 75 135 Hindla 355.60 72 74 350 167 183 88 36 52

136 Dhuda 337.26 75 75 405 181 224 124 54 70 137 Dhavalidod 1,861.39 234 236 1,366 676 690 371 180 191 138 Ghubita 806.47 96 . 96 519 250 269 138 64 74 139 Chankhal 864,77 113 120 650 295 355 153 70 83 140 'Iamanvihir 782.1.9 57 57 291 . 147 144 67 40 27

141 Isdar (Gad~vi) 367.99 43 47 250 127 123 55 35 20 142 Gaurya 395.22 120 120 541 265 276 111 56 55 143 Chikatiya 318.98 96 96 423 220 203 74 38 36 144 Nadagkhad. 325.87 157 157 830 423 407 185 90 95 145 Davdahad 248.00 74 74 314 155. 159 59 33 26

146 Pimpri 327.02 171 171 1,286 768 518 168 93 75 147 Bhawadi 208.66 109 109 490 238 252 105 48 57 148 Ihariya(Dungarda) 340.28 140 140 608 316 292 95 57 38 149 Dodipada 534.67 79 79 423 213 210 71 33 38 150' Barda 599.20 126 126 671 330 341 223 101 122

151 Dagadiamba 550.02 193 193 947 510 437 147 64 83 152 Malin 1,615.52 100 109 523 270 253 120 65 55 153 Dhulchond 769.26 30 34 185 88 97 55 25 30 154 Amsarwalan 241.70 58 60 316 158 158 85 47 38 155 Wangan 455.58 95 101 482 246 236 137 77 60 PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

Scheduled Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Loca- Castes Tribes Total Cultiva- Agricul- tion. Main tors tural Lab- Code Workers ourers No. (I-IX) (I) (II)

M F M ," F M ~ F ' M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2" 3 575 465 321 96 277 141 226 113 8 10 11 () 268 289 115 83 152 150 126 125 22 23 117 475 479 189 83 249 232 199 189 33 39 llX 155 128 63 17 69 73 57 69 3 3 119 188 ...192 6q 24 88 bO 77 54 6 5 120 115 115 42 19 66 44 49 29 13 14 121 25 34 6 2 15 17 15 17 122 395 411 66 _ 39 221 21 196 15 12 5 123 113 112 33 17 61 64 55 48 1 ' 16 124 42 51 5 26 30 26 30 125

272 309 86 67 158 106 153 105 126 306 295 63 20 152 159 149 158 127 74 80 25 12 36 43 34 41 1 2 128 114 126 26 14 64 68 58 68 129 134 143 40 24 84 98 77 88 7 9 130

103 93 26 16 54 52 52 50 1 2 131 170 178 35 14 108 108 99 101 7 5 132 37 38 12 8 26 23 20 17 5 5 133 1 393 327 185 70 181 172 105 121 45 44 134 163 175 52 29 89 18 42 9 41 " 5 135

181 224 47 39 101 8 83 3 12 5 136 '662 687 286 115 323 361 239 312 43 46 137 245 268 127 100 122 75 95 71 1 138 295 355 191 171 154 155 96 115 33 36 139 147 144 73 53 74 73 44 45 21 28 140

127 123 68 40 65 71 46 53 15 18 141 265 276 140 90 158 140 129 116 20 23 142 218 .198 95 50 131 132 113 124 5 5 143 5 4 408 403 241 114 254 257 185 209 22 32 144 155 159 52 33 98 -106 89 97 4' 7 145

3 2 732 466 575 ·294 236 193 109 11i 49 48 146 238 -252 101 51 166 161 133 128 29 31 147 3 304 278 177 103 201 148 71 72 69 65 148 212 208 143 88 96 51 41 24 6 8 149 330 341 146 ' 89 177 44 69 22 84 20 150

500- 437 235 99 291 201 183 134 84 62 151 270 253 133 67 159 i52 149 142 3 7 152 88 97 46' 33 51 50 46 48 1 1 153 158 158 76 43 85 89 76 89 1 154 246 236 106 57 135 145 116 133 6 8 155

133 TALUKA/ C.D.BLOCK: URBAN I VILLAGE THEDANGS toea- Name of Village/ CATEGORIES OF tion Town/Ward Livestock, Forestry, Mining ... Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code Fishing, Hunting and and Quarry- and Repairs in No, Plantation, Orcbards & ' ing Household Othertban allied activities Industry Household Industry (III) QV)" (VA) (VB) M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 116 Hanwatcbond 5 9 117 Sukmal 118 Kotba 3 -- 2 119 PaIsamaI 3 1 1 I 120 Kakadvibir -,! 2

121 Dholiyaumbar 1 (Narayan Devpada) 122 Ambur 123 Malga 124 BiJbari 125 Dumarya

126 Nakatia Hanwat 127 Jhari 128 Jamanya 129 Ahirpada 130 Satbabla

131 Chichpada (Vadpada) 132 Vadpada -- 133 Bokadmal 134 Pipalaidevi 9 135 Hindla 1

136 Dbuda 1 1 137 Dhavalidod 5 138 Ghubita 3 -- 2 1 139 Chankbal 2 -_- 1 140 Jamanvibir 3 3

141 Isdar (Gadbvi) -" -- 2 142 Gaurya 1 143 Chikatiya 1 144 Nadagkbadi 3 3 5 15 7 145 Davdabad 1 1

'146 Pimpri 5 2 1 3 147 Bhawadi 1 148 Jhariya(Dungarda) 6 5 43 3 1 149 Dodipada 2 15 14 1 150 Barda 8 1

151 Dagadiamba 2 2 152 Malin 2 1 153 DhuJcbond 154 AmsarwaJan -- 155 Wangan 2 1 2 2


MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non- Loca- Construction Trade and Transport, Other Workers workers- tion Commer~ Storage & Services ·Code Communica- No. tionS (VI} (VII} (VIII) (IX) M F .- M F M F .M F M F M F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2 1 4 30 9 23 312 306 116 2 2 2 116 139 117 3 1 2 1 7 2 53 226 196 118 1 3 1 86 54 119 1 2 1 2 50 98 82 120

1 2 51 73 121

10 17 122 -- 13 1 3 208 181 182 123 1 4 4 52 44 124 16 21 125

2 3 1 81 114 122 126 1 2 1 154 136 127 1 38 37 128 2 4 52 58 129 1 50 45 130

1 49 41 131 1 1 1 1 64 72 132 1 1 11 15 133 2 2 18 7 19 222 140 134 3 2 2 2 4 79 74 86 135

1 3 93 80 123 136 8 4 1 23 2 353 329, 137 11 3 6 4 6 67 122 127 138 3 2 2 15 3 141 2.00 139 2 1 73 71 140

1 1 62 52 141 1 7 1 2 27 105 109 142 1 3 8 3 89 71 143 2 2 -- 22 4 169 150 144 1 1 1 2 57 53 145

2 7 5 4 1 S4 28 2 532 323 146 1 2 2 72 91 147 4 1 6 3 '45 115 99 148 19 1 1 11 4 117 159 149 11 5 1 133 153 164 150

2 1 20 2 62 219 174 151 1 2 2 2 111 101 152 1 1 3 37 47 153 4 4 73 69 154 1 2 1 1 5 111 91 155


Loca- Name of Village/ Area of Villa-No. of No. of Total Population (Including Total Population in tion Town/Ward ge ill Hectar- Occupi- House Institutional and Houseless tlIe age group Code es & Town/ ed Resi- holds Population) (0 - 6) No. Ward in Ktn2 dential Houses

P M F P M F " 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 156 BhavaQdagad 390.36 84 84 342 163 179 64 29 35 157 Sati 219.15 69 74 456 241 215 88' 45 43 158 Mulchond 836.25 66 66 338 179 159 75 39 36 159 Ghoghli 559.92 56 56 292 148 144 70 33 37 160 Nilsakiya 1,038.87 107 107 516 269 247 138 70 68

161 Pipalyama"1 252.82 65 65 325 157 168 81 37 44 162 Borkhet -271.96 69 69 416 217 199 115 58 57 163 Bhisya 444.40 94 94 549 265 284 134 57 77 164 Gondalvihir 595.04 165 165 947 487 460 204 97 107 165 Pipalghodi 365.78 90 90 495 238 25i 144 66 78

166 Mahalpada 331.17 87 87 482 250 232 111 56 55 167 Send ria mba 346.36 79 79 389 209 180 110 59 51 168 Ka la mvihir 1,167.38 116 .119 668 329 339 172 80 92 169 Pipalpada 395.54 27 29 150 68 82 33 14 19 170 Vanzarghodi 562.65 43 43 222 108 114 50 23 27

171 Taklipada(Lavchali) 442.88 127 127 668 343 325 198 97 101 172 Sadadvihir 214.14 27 27 113 50 63 28 13 15 173 Garkha.di 785.48 175 175 1,017 550 467 249 133 116 174 Harpada 470.26 66 66 309 156 153 79 44 35 175 Wadiawan 1,323.12 33 33 206 101 105 33 13 20

176 Ghaniamba 101.35 28 28 155 71 84 29 15 14 177 Thorpada 305.55 32 ~2 157 66 91 36 15 21 178 Kamdiawan 177.45 47· 47 217 105 112 41 21 20 1.19 Wanzttemrun 132.97 37 37 176 '79 97 55 25 30 180 Kara njdi(Gadad Saja) 437.50 69 69 368 183 185 125 63 62

181 Mogra 962.85 98 98 544 280 264 190 103 87 182 Pandya 993.95 99 99 639 349 290 173 88 85 183 Nandanpeda 542.96 112 112 642 306 336 174 83 91 184 Cbaukiya 819.06 76 76 391 203 188 90 38 52 185 Chavadvel 256.13 47 47 206 98 108 34 17 17

186 Kasavdahad 229.39 30 34 162 89 73 46 24 22 187 Sunda 401.26 76 81 425 203 222 108 54 54 188 Golasta 109.03 26 26 122 61 61 36 17 19 189 Wawanda 327.23 71 74 ,385 189 196 89 41 48 190 Kutamachiya 220.64 40 45 212 93 119 50 20 30

191 Bbendmal 974.20 87 87 471 244 227 138 73 65 192 Lubaria 388.86 73· 73 431 226 205 113 63 50 193 Borpada 1,015.41 102 102 612 300 312 173 79 94 194 Ambapada (Vaghai) 518.31 113 113 536 263 273 97 45 52 195 Uga(Rambhasaja) 495.72 111 111 452 232 220 97 50 47


Scheduled Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Lo(,.3- Castes Tribes Total Cultiva- Agricul? tion. Main tors tural Lab- Code Workers ourers No. (I-IX) (I) (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 . 19 20 21 22 23 1 3 4 154 172 94 75 . 90 81 22 32 35 34 156 241 215 162 96 87 89 35 46 41 39 157 176 157 109 53 95 82 52 56 25 24 158 148 144 70 29 77 79 37 46 23 32 159 269 247 104 54 150 ·124 101 27 45 96 100

157 168 67 37 82 76 43 35 30 41 161 216 198 114 49 105 104 82 88 16 14 162 2 2 263 282 160 85 138 148 102 139 9 8 -163 1 462 439 230 126 268 244 176 179 46 52 164 238 257 77 39 121 130 102 113 9 13 165

246 225 154 77 113 126 81 96 14 22 166 209 180 98 37 103 105 95 102 2 2 167 1 328 339 139 65 195 191 124 138 58 51 168 68 82 29 20 33 32 169 108 114 43 26 51 43 48 41 2 2 170

337 322 132 51 141 81 104 61 32 17 171 50 63 19 16 26 21 24 18 1 2. 172 535 465 195 70 262 68 205 59 14 4 173 152 152 53 30 85 6 70 4 8 1 174 101 105 31 20 70 24 60 13 10 11 175

71 84 23 21 41 8 38 6 2 2 176 66 91 16 20 36 13 34 13 177 105 112 27 21 62 17 55 16 3 1 178 76 96 30 22 44 . 48 31 38 9 10 179 182 185 21 15 102 99 100 98 1 1 180

280 ·264 20 10 141 133 140 133 181 348 290 186 83 160 164 138 155 4 6 182 75 96 144 120 138 135 49 49 80 83 183 203 188 121 59 119 119 111 116 2 3 184 98 108 32 29 66 68 65 68 185 .

89 73 39 33 50 43 3 186 203 222 78 42 111 94 6 187 61 61 17 9 34 32 15 17 . 18 14 188 189 196 79 54 95 92 25 23 65 68 189 93 119 40 24 62 71 50 68 2 3 190

244 227 86 29 136 136 132 135 1 1 191 226 205 96 52 127 118 107 104 16 14 192 '299 312 110 52 170 2 159 2 6 193 258 269 100 37 172 129 83 56 40 70 194 232 220 91 30 140 142 115 133 11 8 195


Loca· Name ofViJlage/ CATEGORIES OF tion Town/Ward Livestock, Forestry, '-.fining Manufacturing. Processing, SeIVi~Dg Code Fishing, Hunting and nd Quarry- and Repairs in No. Plantation, Orcbanis & .rIg Household Othertban allied activities Industry Household Industry (ill) QV) (VA) (VB) M F M F M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 156 Bhavandagad 6 3 2 157 Sati 158 Mulchond 2 1 2 159 GhoghJi 8 .3 160 Nilsakiya 1

.161 Pipalyama] 2 162 Borkbet 1 1 163 Bhisya 2 1 164 Gondalvihir 10 8 --, 2 165 Pipalgbodi

166 Mahalpada 1 167 Sendriamba 1 168 Kalamvihir 3 169 Pipalpada 170 Vanzarghodi

171 Taklipada(Lavcbali) 1 172 Sadadvihir , -- 173 Garkhadi 1 1 174 Harpada 1 1 175 Wadiawan

176 Ghaniamba 177 Tborpada 178 Kamdiawan 179 Wanzttemrun 1 180 KanlOjdi(Gadad Saja)

181 Mogra 182 Pandya 5 1 183 Nandanpeda 2 184 Chaukiya 3 185 Chavadvel

186 Kasavdahad 1 187 Sunda 7 188 Golasta 189 Wawanda 190 Kutamachiya 8

191 Bhendmal 1 192 Luharia 193 Borpada 1 194 Ambapada '(Vagbai) 38 4 1 195 Uga(Rambbasaja) 1 2


MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non- Loca- Construction Trade and Transport, Other Workers workers- tion Commerce Storage & Services Code Communica- No. tions (V!) (VI!) (VIII} , QXl M F M F M F M F M F M F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 4 2 3 4 13 11 73 98 156 1 10 4 154 126 157 io 1 1 1 2 84 77 158 1 1 4 1 71 65 159 1 2 1 119 123 160

4 1 2 1 75 91 j61 1 1 1 4 112 95 162 4 3 17 1 -- 127 136 163 13 2 1 18 5 219 . 216 164 6 1 ' 1 3 3 117 127 165

5 2 2 10 6 2 137 104 166 3 2 1 106 75 167 3 2 5 2 134 148 168 1 46 35 36 169 1 16 57 55 170

1 2 - -;r. 2 2 10 84 192 160 171 1 1 9 24 33 172 3 1 4 34 4 66 288 333 173 ·3 2 1 83 71 64 174 3 31 78 175

1 14 30 62 176 2 1 30 77 177 2 2 5 43 90 178 3 3 35 46 179 1 81 86 180

1 139 131 181 1 1 2 9 2 189 126 182 1 1 6 2 168 201 183 3 84 69 184 1 32 40 185

3 3 41 36 32 186 1 3 6 135 86 87 187 1 1 27 29 188 1 3 1 94 104 189 1 1 31 48 190

2 108 91 191 4 1 99 86 192 2 2 151 130 159 193 1 1 5 2 91 144 194 1 4 ,6 1 92 78 195


Loca- Name of Village/ Area of Villa-No. of No. of Tuta"! Population (Including Total Population ill lion Town/Ward ge in HCl"tar- Oet'upi- House Institutional and Houselcss the age group Code es & Town/ ed Resi- holds Population) (0 - () ) No. Ward in Kn/ dential Houses

P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 R 9 10 11 196 Wnarchond 695.03 71 71 293 146 141 60 30 30 197 Dokpatal 738.48 106 109 619 300 319 144 6S 76 198 Devipada 2539.75 38 41 149 76 73 25 11 14 0199 Jamalpada 152.70 86 86 414 215 199 '(1.7 47 40 200 Rambbas 242.65 122 124 635 332 303 125 73 52

201 Baj 1,909.69 83 83 383 185 198 82 47 35 202 Waghmal 300.89 59 59 328 147 181 72 29 43 203 Lahandabdar 435.68 89 89 445 211 234 123 61 62 204 Moti Dabdar 738.67 104 104 488 241 247 134 70 64 205 Khapri 60.99 23 24 84 36 48, 7 3 4

206 Gaykbas 196.41 56 56 288 146 142 58 27 31 207 Ravchond 1,051.77 0 44 47 279 138 141 71 36 35 208 Isdar(Borkhal Saja) 168.73 40 43 222 115 107 57 35 22 209 Gannal 179.69 32 32 193 98 95 54 26 28 210 Javtala 1,441.91 46 46 235 118 117 54 24 30

211 Morzira 728.02 106 113 620 306 314 151 76 75 212 Gadad 808.90 151 151 885 431 454 195 94 101 213 Madalbari 347.01 56 63 307 155 152 71 36 35 214 Waidun 348.35 35 37 211 99 112 46 20 26 215 Kadmal(Gadad Saja) 630.68 122 124 628 328 300 111 62 49

216 Karadiamba 188.47 37 39 201 94 107 57 30 27 217 Chinchdhara 202.85 93 96 593 300 293 178 89 89 218 Hanwatpada 216.16 49 49 302 162 140 67 37 30 (Chinchli Saja) 219 Gadvihir 298.55 74 78 419 207 212 60 29 31 220 Nilllpada 330.10 44 64 226 109 117 87 40 47

221 Mahardar 546.66 66 66 318 158 160 65 28 37 222 Chinchli 694.81 145 145 903 477 426 163 86 77 223 Don 1,516.23 164 165 1,108 540 568 277 121 156 224 Anjankund 772.39 27 28 105 48 57 19 10 9 225 Kosambia 350.06 52 58 253 132 121 48 32 16

226 .Linga 1,392.94 96 96 598 320 278 110 61 49 227 Borkbal 1,194.45 104 104 512 276 236 123 56 67 228 Temburgartha 137.77 33 33 168 89 79 38 20 18 229 Songir 1,674.60 58 58 278 139 139 56 28 28 230 Wasuma 2,597.76 138 139 597 296 301 139 73 66

231 Shivarimal 2,413.56 95 100 461 235 226 91 41 50 232 Chika r(Ra mbhas Sa ja) 183.15 58 61 331 159 172 88 44 44 233 Barkbandbia 615.76 96 99 524 266 258 129 65 64 234 Bhurbhendi 38.51 17 17 77 31 46 13 5 8 235 Dagadpada 374.37 123 123 632 307 325 143 68 75


Scheduled Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Loca- Castes Tribes Total Cultiva- Agricul- tion. Main tors turalLab- Code Workers ourers No. (I-IX) (I) (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M ·F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 146 147 60 27 94 36 46 3 46 33 196 300 319 195 150 ' 142 153 100 133 24 17 197 76 73 32 17 49 44 4 5 45 39 198 212 195 119 5X 121 104 76 75 24 20 199 4 3 328 300 146 84 187 184 82 96 71 80 200

185 198 80 4~ 121 116 70 71 29 22 201 147 lXl 69 39 84 80 202 211 234 81 71 120 110 96 l)S 18 12 203 241 247 98 60 142 130 113 119 16 9 204 36 48 13 8 28 23 2 205

146 142 60 27 75 81 72 79 206 138 141 44 21 83 83 42 48 38 34 207 115 107 25 16 58 60 27 31 29 29 208 98 95 17 5 58 53 29 31 26 22 209 118 117 33 26 73 70 67 66 5 3 210

306 314 132 62 161 168 131 152 9 12 211 422 452 166 113 238 232 199 203 22 23 212 155 152 59 30 79 70 6 213 99 112 58 34 56 31 51 30 3 1 214 325 297 155 82 182 159 ' 171 155 6 4 215

94 107 37 29 55 42 7 216 300 293 59 32 161 146 10 217 162 140 45 22 85 92 57 43 26 49 218

207 212 96 84 110 3 102 2 5 219 109 117 20 7 49 6 39 8 6 220

156 160 64 30 91 87 62 50 17 ,33 221 3 5 454 409 309 189 191 156 116 96 27 47 222 530 568 112 56 296 96 ' 265 73 17 22 223 48 57 8 9 34 38 34 38 224 132 121 42 24 74 60 42 2 22 54 225

317 275 163 91 154 118 85 51 34 52 226 269 229 166 56 139 113 102 100 12 10 227 89 79 54 24 42 42 28 36 3 4 228 139 139 47 8 90 94 72 87 7 6 229 296 301 93 39 183 196 164 185 9 9 230

235 226 132 63 143 137 130 133 1 231 159 172 68 36 95 101 87 95 6 6 232 266 258 146 57 166 159 135 139 22 19 233 31 46 19 20 22 29 21 28 234 307 325 146 78 163 147 130 127 24 20 235


Loca- Name of Village/ CATEGORIES OF tion Town/Ward Livestock, Forestry; Mining Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code Fishing, Hunting and and Quarry- and Repairs in No. Plantation, Orchards & ing Household Other than allied activities Industry HousehoJd_Industry (Ill) (IV) (VA) (VB) M F M F M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 196 Wnarchond -- 197 DokpataJ 198 Devipada 199 Jamalpada 5 7 200 Rambhas 9 2 1 1

201 Baj 4 8 20 2 202 Waghmal 203 Lahalldabdar 2 1 204 Moti Dabdar 2 1 205 Kbapri 1

206 Gaykhas 207 Ravcholld 208 Isdar(BorkhaJ Saja) 209 GarmaJ 1 210 Javtala ..,

211 Morzira 212 Gadad 1 213 Madalbari 214 Waidun 215 Kadmal(Gadad Saja) 1 1

216 Karadiamba 1 2 217 Chinchdhara 218 Hanwatpada (Chinchli Saja) 219 Gadvibir . - 220 Nimpada 221 Mahardar 2 -. 222 Chincbli 4 223 Don 224 Anjankund 225 Kosambia 8 2 1

226 Linga 11 1 -- , 8 10 227 Borkbal 8 4 228 Temburgartha 4 229 Songir 1 230 Wasuma 1 1 1

231 Shiva rima I 1 232 Chikar(Rambhas Saja) 1 , - 233 Barkhandbia 1 1 1 234 Bhurbhendi 235 Dagadpada


MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non- Loca- Construction Trade and Transport, Other Workeis workers- tion Commerce Storage & Services Code Communica No. tions (VI} (Vll} (VIII} (IX) M F M F M F M F M F M F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 2 52 III 196 ' 9 9 3 158 166 197 27 29 198 4 5 1 2 3 3 94 95 199 2 2 1 1 19 4 145 119 200 3 3 1 -- 2 2 64 82- 201 4 101 63 80 202 1 3 2 1 23 90 101 203 2 3 1 5 1 1 23 98 94 204 2 32 8 16 205

3 2 71 61 206 1 2 1 55 58 207 1 1 1 57 46 208 2 2 4 38 38 209 1 1 45 47 210

10 1 4 6 4, 145 146 211 1 15 6 6 193 216 212 1 2 89 76 63 213 2 2 43 79 214 1 2 146 141 215

2 1 1 64 39 42 216 2 1 2 154 139 139' 217 1 1 77 48 218 1 2 1 109 97 100 219 1 1 49 60 62 220

1 9 4 67 73 221 10 2 32 13 286 270 222 14 1 244 472 223 14 19 224 1 1 1 58 61 225

2 1 1 13 3 1

6 I -- 2 1 4 2 11 92 78 231 1 64 71 232 1 3 2 1 100 99 233 1 1 9 17 234 2 2 5 144 178 235

143 TALUKAI C.D.BLOCK: URBAN / VILLAGE THEDANGS l..oca- Name ofViJlage! Area of Villa-No. of No. of Total Population (Including T9tal Population in lion Town/Ward ge in Hectar- Occupi- House Institutional and Houseless the age group Code es & Town! ed Resi- holds Population) (0 - 6) 2 No. Ward in Km dential' Houses

p M F P "' M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 236 Khinnani 578.55 68 72 316 150 166 68 26 42 237 Susarda 727.93 108 117 560 282 278 112 59 53 238 Kunda 348.13 35 43 221 108 113 48 29 19 239 Sadadmal 267.20 50 51 220 111 109 32 17 15 240 SakarpataJ 392.17 148 151 797 405 392 145 74 71

241 Chikalda 105.58 36 36 178 91 87 41 23 18 242 Nanapada 616.28 81 84 386 190 196 93 54 39 243 Kumarbandh 131.87 41 41 185 86 99 37 15 22 244 Aherdi 441.37 54 60 316 156 160 82 39 43 245 Ambapada (Abwa Saja) 110.29 32 32 137 68 69 30 13 17

246 Chikhali . 366.30 100 101 524 266 258. 118 56 62 (Samgaban Saja) 247 Borigaotha 94.94 32 32 159 74 85 39 16 23 (Samgahan Saja) 248 Mabaraychond 311.22 43 43 175 90 85 29 17 12 249 Umbatpada 184.40 72 75 333 168 165 55 29 26 250 Taklipada 146.37 33 33 159 81 78 40 22 18 (Borkhal Saja) 251 Vihiramba 153.87 35 39 200 97 103 62 29 33 252 Bilmal 1,420.51 66 67 3.90 204 186 97 54 43 253 Kamad 514.96 57 57 296 149 147 72 39 33 254 Ukbatiya 817.77 32 32 169 80 89 39 18 21 255 Sinbandh 421.99 13 13 67 36 31 14 11 3

25.6 Wakarya 199.57 35 35 158 82 76 42 25 17 257 Motacharya 335.16 62 74 311 147 164 75 28 47 258 Lahancharya 393.65 64 70 355 184 171 67 29 38 259 Kahandolgbodi 195.59 50 50 269 129 140 71 34 37 260 Nirgudmal 154.21 36 36 145 71 74 39 21 18

261 Moti Dabhas 181.16 37 37 140 63 77 43 24 19 262 Lahandabhas 240.63 45 45 208 107 101 35 22 13 263 Chirapada 1,529.83 83 83 381 188 193 88 48 40 264 Baripada 495.35 66 66 445 240 205 81 34 47 265 Bordabad 237.36 24 25 114. 59 55 24 13 11

266 Dhangdi 453.81 80 94 496 273 223 86 36 50 267 Silotmal 450.83 109 115 518 236 282 98 44 54 268 Cbinchod 199.44 69 71 308 151 157 60 33 27 269 Bhadatpada 334.08 108 116 840 408 432 175 81 94 270 Daguniya 871.48 116 122 597 301 296 135 73 62

271 Barda (Manmodi Saja) 663.15 148 166 721 354 367 164 78 86 272 Supdahad 246.58 77 77 367 192 175 90 51 39 273 Gundvahal 369.69 141 141 613 300 313 144 58 86 274 Darapada 222.46 63 63 281 140 141 67 38 29 275 BhapkbaJ 441.86 70 108 529 250 279 158 78 80


Scheduled Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Loca- Castes Tribes Totay Cultiva- . Agricnl- tion. Main tors tural Lab- Code Workers ourers No. (I-IX) (I) (II)

M F M F M F M -F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 150 166 74 35 91 83 87 83 236. 282 278 102 46 163 19 96 7 52 8 237 108 113 43 41 60 39 45 27 12 q 238 108 107 44 24 66 56 41 34 20 22 239 2 2 392 379 245 155 197 172 113 123 29 35 240

91 87 50 28 56 53 48 . 51 241 184 192 79 41 103 94 83 89 1 242 , 86 99 33 23 57 46 26 30 30 16 243 154 159 72 41 100 88 93 86 244 6R 69 36 15 50 42 47 42 245

261 256 112 46 155 83 124 70 12 12 246 74 85 20 18 47 29 46 25 3 247 90 85 35 27 60 31 58 23 7 248 167 162 82 - _:i8 96 91 71 70 20 19 249 77 75 45 32 41 34 24 28 5 5 250

97 103 52 25 48 47 45 47 251 204 186 94 . 38 106 108 89 95 12 13 252 149 147 40 23 84 90 51 60 31 29 253 80 89 30 16 44 47 10 14 34 33 254 36 31 5 4 24 26 10 11 14 15 255

82 76 '27 11 45 50 43 48 1 1 256 146 163 68 38 83 84 66 76 1 5 257 159 171 71 41 98 88 71 74 14 -12 258 129 140 48 27 78 81 76 81 259 71 74 21 15 35 40 34 39 260

63 77 18 8 2q 44 25 44 261 107 101 35 27 60 63 50 49 7 14 262 188 193 65 35 113 42 102 35 7 5 263 237 202 166 88 100 32 81 28 264 59 55 14 9 37 26 7 265

268 218 144 52 125 117 108 105 13 11 266 236 282 85 29 155 2 101 40 1 267 149 156 75 25 88 68 9 268 5 9 388 417 267 218 166 156 95 118 35 ~ 269 3Ql 296 174 99 164 166 138 142 19 2l 270

354 367 103 56 226 211 197 178 28 32 27,1 192 175 61 27 120 116 118 116 272, 300 313 51 27 202 .192 188 185 8 5 273 140 141 37 18 82 91 67 79 ]0 10 274 250 279 71 46 144 132 124 HI 275


Loca- Name of Village/ CATEGORIES OF tion . Town/Ward Livestock, Forestry, Mining Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code Fishing, Hunting and and Quarry- and Repairs in No. Plantation, Orchards & ing Household Other than allied activities Industry· Household Industry (III) (IV) (VA) (VB) M F M F M F M F 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 236 Khirmani 237 Susarda 4 238 Kunda 1 239 Sadadmal -. 240 Sakarpatal 11

241 Chikalda 3 1 242 Nanapada 1 2 5 243 Kuma rba ndh 244 Ahcrdi 1 1 245 Ambapada (Ahwa Saja)

246 Chikhali 11 1 (Samgahan Saja) '247 Borigaotha (Samgahan Saja) 248 Maharaychond 249 Umbarpada 1 250 Taklipada 4 1 (Borkbal Saja) 251 Vihiramba 1 252 Bihnal 2 253 Kamad 254 Ukhatiya 255 Sinbandh

256 Wakarya 257 Motacharya 2 258 Lahancharya 4 1 259 Kahandolghodi 260 Nirgudmal 1

261 Moti Dabhas 262 Lahandabhas 263 Chirapada 2 264 Baripada 265 Bordahad 1

266 Dhangdi 267 Silotmal 3 268 Chinchod 1 2 269 Bhadarpada 1 3 2 270 Daguniya 1 1

271 Barda (Manmodi Saja) 272 Supdahad 1 273 Gundvahal 1 2 274 Darapada 275 Bhapkhal 1 1 2


MAIN WORKERS . Marginal Non- Loca- Construction Trade and Transport, Other Workers workers- tion Commerce Storage & Services Code Comlnunica- No. tions (V!) (VI!} (VITI) (IX) M E M F M F M F M F M F 32 33 34. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 3 59 83 236 2 1 8 4 8 128 111 131 237 1 1 33 47 41 238 5 3 45 50 239 12 :3 7 3 2 23 8 3 42 205 178 240

2 .!. 3 1 35 34 241 2 4 3 5 2 2 87 100 242 1 29 53 243 1 2 3 1 56 72 244 1 2 ·18 27 245

2 5 1 11 111 164 246 1 1 2 27 54 247 1 1 1 3 30 51 248 1 1 1 2 1 72 74 249 .. 3 4 1 1 40 43 250

2 49 56 251 .. 3 98 78 252 1 1 1 65 57 253 .. 36 42 254 12 5 255

1 1 37 26 256 2 12 3 64 80 257 1 1 6 1 86 83 258 2 51 59 259 1 36 34 260

1 37 33 261 3 47 38 262 1 1 2 77 75 74 263 2 2 1 2 13 3 52 140 121 264 3 26 22 29 265

/.- ...... t 3 1 148 106 266 2 2 2 S 1 4 184 77 96 267 1 7 99 63 58 268 1 1 31 7 2 242 274 269 1 4 3 137 130 270 . 1 1 2 126 156 271 1 72 59 272 .... 3 2 98 121 273 3 2 2 58 50 274 10 1 5 1 20 106 127 275


Loca- Name of Village! Area of Villa- No. of No. of Total Population (Including Total.Population in tion Town/Ward ge in Hectar- Occupi- House Institutional and Bouseless the age group Code es & Townl ed Resi- holds Population) (0 -.6 ) No. Ward in K.m2 dential Houses

P M F P M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' 9 10 11 276 Bhurapani 539.00 91 91 409 202 207 73 33 40 277 Dhumkhal 334.09 73 73 449 236 213 105 51 54 278 Jakhana 1,103.17 168 168 876 452 424 \ 191 108 83 279 Chinchpada 257.23 52 52 330 182 148 39 17 22 (Galkund Saja) 280 Galkund 206.21 112 112 550 282 268 110 58 52

281 Pipalpada 539.52 71 71 364 179 185 86 39 47 (Galkund' Saja) 282 Mohpada 125.06 37 37 173 90 83 34 19 15 (Galkund Saja) 283 Vanar 409.70 38 ,38 215 105 11'0 41 22 19 284 Ambalia 175.34 17 17 88 41 47 21 9 12 285 Umarya . 45.17 12 12 82 43 39 20 13 7

286 Wanki 549.91 36 36 177 81 96 25 13' 12 287 Payarpada 377.97 57 57 343 171 172 68 33 35 288 Jall1dar 512.60 45 45 242 132 110 35 19 16 289 Samgahan 430.33 191 191 1,022 505 517 182 91 -91 290 Rallpada 346.21 60 60 ~06 155 151 82 48 34

291 Murambi 890.58 78 78 449 226 223 106 55 51 292 Nadakchond 366.66 114 114 646 351 295 112 63 "49 293 Ghodwahal 172.33 45 45 247 123 124 61 34 27 294 Nimbarpada . 342.44 62 62 297 151 146 71 39 32 295 Bondam1al 290.63 40 46 204 96 108 42 15 27

296 Marunodi 329.92 86 86 393 197 196 81 32 49 297 Kanchanpada 335.94• 57 63 292 135 157 71 29 42 298 Lahanmalunga 13t-\.15 52 55 274 138 136 81 38 43 299 Mota Ma lunga 204.89 71 76 419 201 218 99 49 50 300 Humbapada 225.26 41 52 270 137 133 61 34 27

301 Sonuniya 30l).39 78 80 401 197 204 74 39 35 302 Gundia 286.l-l1 59 59 330 167 163 75 38 37 303 Barmiawad 316.35 58 60 373 175 198 93 46 47 304 Gotiyamal 221.64 66 69 520 271 249 91 51 40 305 Jogbari 259.78 41 48 253 121 132 56 30 26

306 Bamdpani 327.97 38 40 ' 222 104 118 42 17 25 307 Malegaon 495.82 187 187 1,093 566 527 .216 116 100 308 Kotamdar 1,126.63 93 '93 523 260 263 131 70 61 309 Saputara 416.98 265 265 1,707 806 901 243 124 119 URBAN AREAS

19/1 Ahwa (GP) 4.04 2,178 2,246 10,964 5,704 5,260 1,726 869 857 Ward No. I 4.04 2,178 2,246 10,964 5,704 5,260 1,726 869 857

19/11 Wagbai (GP) 2.30 1,044 1,049 4,947 2,662 2,285 770 412 358 Ward No. I 2.30 1,044 1,049 4,947 2,662 2,285 770 412 358


Scheduled. Scheduled Literates INDUSTRIAL Loca- Castes Tribes Total Cultiva- Agricul- tion. Main tQrs tural Lab- Code Workers ourers No. (I-IX) (I) (II)

M F M F M F M F M F M F 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 202 207 91 58 126 116 95 97 22 19 276 ·233 210 116 23 96 117 87 112 2 3 277 442 424 180 111 270 250 244 243 1 2 278 4 6 172 139 130 126 56 21 28 14 9 1 279 3 l' 249 239 168 113 139 35 56 15 29 8 280

176 182 100 59 92 46 79 43 6 2 281 90 83 52 27 47 39 43 39 282 105 110 .50 24 66 69 65 69 283 41 47 22 15 24 27 24 26 284 43 39 16 6 22 21 9 17 9 3 285

81 96 26 25 53 55 21 25 29 28 286 171 172 61 30 108 110 105 106 :2 3 287 132 110 44 27 82 77 73 57 9 20 288 6 6 389 425 290 191 277 112 122 71 21 26 289 155 151 42 29 86 58 80 56 290

226 223 73 26 121 125 113 120 4 4 291 348 294 204 84 190 185 169 182 292 123 124 63 39 72 75 71 74 293 151 146 61 32 100 91 99 91 294 6 7 90 101 32 17 57 61 33 37 18 19 295

1 194 196 117 51 102 99 78 94 3 3 29.6 132 156 40 17 87 82 49 53 3~ 28 297 138 136 58 22 81 71 75 7Q 298 201 218 91 53 108 110 66 75 34 35 299 136 131 68 40 86 80 72 77 2 2 300

197 204 78 28 131 133 93 103 36 27 301 167 163 72 27 105 107 83 97 13 10 302 174 195 78 60 104 116 74 103 11 11 303 271 249 168 111 99 76 69 53 11 16 304 121 132 51 30 55 48 37 40 1 6 305 I 104 118 66 35 51 38 36 32 7 5 306 541 512 326 182 281 157 161 74 58 71 307 - -, 260 263 i13 69 142 124 136 122 1 308 29 28 579 745 519 567 468 188 11 11 112 125 309

359 342 3,378 3,116 4,381 3,321 2,596 624 57 14 469 182 19/1 359 342 3,378 3,116 4,381 3,321 2,596 624 57 14 469 182

64 S9 1,557 1,348 1,744 1,048 1,247 344 17 15 158 109 19/11 64 59 1,557 1,348 1,744 1,048 1,247 344 17 15 158 109


Loca- Name of Village/ CATEGORIES OF lion Town/Ward Livestock, Forestry, Mining Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code· Fishing, Hunting and and Quarry- and Repairs in No. Plantation, Orchards & ing Household Other than allied activities Industry Household Industry (III) (IV) (VA) (VB) M P M F M F M F 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 276 Bhurapani 5 277 Dhumkhal 1 278 Jakhana 279 Chinchpada 1 r - (Galkund Saja) 280 Galkund 14 2

281 Pipalpada (Galkund Saja) 282 Mohpada (Galkund Saja) 283 Vanar 284 Ambalia 1 285 Umarya

286 Wanki 1 287 Payarpada 288 Jamdar 289 Samgahan 7 1 41 3 290 Ranpada 4

291 Murambi 292 Nadakchond 293 Ghodwahal 294 Nimbarpada 295 Bondamlal 5 5

296 Malllllodi 6 297 Kancballpada 3 298 La hanmaiUllga 2 299 Mota Malunga 2 300 Humbapada ." 4

301 Sonuniya . 302 Gundia 2 1 303 Bamliawad 4 304 Gotiyamal 305 Jogbari 1

306 Baradpani 1 307 Malegaon 15 1 308 Kotamdar 2 309 Saputara 17 2 13 2

19/1 Ahwa (GP) 194 14 5 1 29 26 1Z9 5 Ward No. I 194 14 5 1 29 26 129 5

19/11Waghai (GP) 125 10 2 1 107 97 198 28 Ward No. I 125 10 2 1 107 97 198 28


MAIN WORKERS Marginal Non- Loca- ColL')tructiqn Trade and TrdllSport, Other Workers workers- tion o,mmerce Storage & Services Code COllullunica- No. tiOIl'; (VI) (VII) (VIII) (IX) M F M F M F M F M F M F 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1 3 1 76 91 276 6 2 140 96 277 4 2 1 2 17 4 11 182 163 278 4 1 13 6 126 127 279 10 1 6 1 1 .- 21 10 143 233 280 1 2 3 1 87 139 281 4 43 44 282 1 39 41 283 17 20 284 4 1 21 18 285

2 2 28 41 286 1 1 63 62 287 50 33 288 11 16 2 1 57 9 228 405 289 1 2 69 93 290

2 -- 2 1 105 98 291 10 11' 3 161 109 292. 1 1 51 49 293 1 51 55 294 1 39 47 295

2 4 9 2 1 95 96 296 2 1 2 1 48 75 297 4 1 57 65 298 1 3 1 1 93 108 299 3 2 3 1 51 53 300

2 '2 -- 1 66 71 301 2 4 62 56 302 11 t 1 -1; 3 1 71 82 303 2 2 2 13 7 172 173 304 13 2 1 1 1 66 84 305

1 2 4 1 53 80 306 6 6 3 8 27 8 285 370 307 3 2 I -- 118 139 308 43 8 164 17 13 .95 23 18 338 695 309

• 201 38 353 31 115 4 1,044 309 1 5 3,107 4,631 19/1 201 38 353 31 115 4 1,044 309 1 5 3,107 4,631

65 4 204 14 99 1 272 65 52 71 1,363 1,870 19/11 65 4 204 14 99 t 272 65 , 52 71 1,363 1,870





Total, Schedull'd Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population. Urban block-wise

POI)Ulation POEulation Locat- Name of Total Schcd- Sched- Locat- Name of Total Sched- Sched- ion Town/Ward/ uled uled ion :rown!Ward/ " uled uled Code Urban Castes Tribes Code Urban Castes Tribes No. Block . No. Block 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

07/19 AbwaGP 10,'64 701 6,494 16 351 8 189 /1 17 .804 3 528 Total Ward I 10,964 701 6,494 18 596 23 413 19 750 36 574 Block No.1 634 111 374 20 587 45 501 2 562 21 309 3 499 47 374 07/19 Waghai GP 4,947 123 2,905 4 473 22 246 /II 5 504 9 354 Total Ward I 4,947 123 2,905 6 547 24 403 7 638 to3 444 Block No.1 610 511 8 692 26 355 2 548 482 9 789 51 438 3 422 17 238 10 481 29 110 4 4~4 7 232 11 290 16 165 5 623 38 241 12 479 44 231 6 647 33 171 13 418 27 225 7 454 10 152 14 471 45 122 8 393 13 246 15 399 11 139 9 532 5 428 10 224· 204


Loca- Districtn'aluka/ Total No. of Total Scheduled Caste Total Scheduled Caste Literates tion C.D.block/U.A./ Rural House Population Population in the Age Code City(fown Urban holds (including Institutional Group 0 - 6 No. with SC and Houseless ~opulation) Member

p M F P M F' P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 19 The Dangs Total 243 1,049 536 ·513 • 154 73 81 727 415 312 District Rural 61 " 225 113 112 39 18 21 143 80 63 Urban 182 824 423 401 115 55 60 584 335 249

Taluka / C.D.block

The Dangs Total 243 1,049 536 513 154 13 ' 81 727 415 312 TaJuka/ Rural 61 225 113 112 39 18 21 143 ·80 63 C.D.block Urban 182 824 423 401 115 55 60 584 335 249 -


·I Ahwa G.P Urban 155 701 359" 342 90 42 48 504 286 218 II Waghai G.P Urban 21 123 64 59 25 13 12 80 49 31

Loca- Districtn'alukal Total! Industrial Categories of Main Workers tion C.D.block/U.A./ Rural Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code City(fown Urban and Repairs in No. Hou~ehold Other than Construction Trade and ,!ndustey ". House hold COl\unerce Industry {V.a} {V.b} {VI) {VII} P M F P M F P M F P M F 1 2 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 19 The Dangs Total 31 16 15 17 14 3 26 24 2 36 31 5 District Rural 23 11 12 2 2 4 4 18 14 4 {Jrhan 8 5 3 IS 12' 3 22 20 2 18 17 1

Taluka / C.D.block

1 The Dangs Total 31 16 15 17 14 3 26 24 2 36 31 5 Taluka I Rural 23 11 12 2 2 4 4 18 14 4 C.D.block Urban 8 5 3 15 12 3 22 20 2 18 17, 1


I Abwa G.P Urban 8 5 3 7 7 19 17 2 12 11 II Waghai G.P Urban 8 5 3 3 3 6 6


Industrial Categories of Main Worlcers Loca- Total Main Cultivators Agricultural Livestock, Forestry, Mining lion Workers Labourers Fishing, Hunting ~ ~nd Olde Plantation, Orch"r~5 Quarty- No & allied activities ing (I-IX) (I) (II) (UI) (lV)

P M F P M F P M F P M F P M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 . 20 21 22 23 24 25 ,26 27 28 1 366 263 103 3 2 1 68 35 33 19 17 % 2 2 19 98 70 28 1 1 8 6 2 S 5 268 193 75 2 2 60 29 31 14 12 2 2 2

366 263 Hl3 3 2 1 68 35 33 19 17 2 2 2 1 98 70 28 1 1 8 6' 2 5 5 268 193 75 2 2 60 29 31 14 12 2 2 2

233 161 72 1 58 27 31 '13 11 2 2 2 I 35 32 3 1 1 2 2 1 II

Industrial Categories of Main Workers Marginal Non- Loca- Transport, Storage Other Workers Workers tion & Communications Services Code No.

(VIII) (IX) p M F P M F P M F P M F 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 10 8 2 154 114 40 7 7 676 273 403 19 2 2 3S 26 9 7 7 120 43 ,77 -, 8 6 2 lU 88 31 556 230 326

10 8 2 154 114 40 7 7 676 ,273 403 1 2 2 35 26 9'. 7. 7 ·120 43 77 8 6 2 119 88 31 556 230 326

5 3 2 108 77 31 468 198 270 I 3 3 11 11 88 32 56 II



Loca- District/Taluka/ Total No. of Total Scheduled Tribe Total Scheduled Tribe Literates tion C.D.hlock/U.A./ Rural House Population Population in the Age Code City/Town Urban holds (including Institutiona I Group, °- 6 No. with ST and Houseless Population) Member

p M F P M F P M F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 () 10 11 12 13 19 The Dangs Total 26,360 1,35,386 67,980 67,406 30,163 15,086 15,077 47,006 30,013 16,993 District Rural 24,441 1,25,987 63,045 62,942 28,701 14,339 14,362 41,322 26,592 14,730 Urban 1,919 9,399 4,935 4,464 1,462 747 715 5,684 3,421 2,263

Taluka / C.D.block

The Dangs Total 26,360 1,35,386 67,980 67,406' 30,163 15,086 15,077 47,006 30,013 16,993 Talukal Rural 24,441 1,25,987 63,045 62,941 28,701 14,339 14,362 41,322 26,592 14,730 C.D.block Urban 1,919 9,399 4,935 4,464 1,462 747 715 5,684 3,421 2,263


Ahwa G.P Urban 1,254 6,494 3,378 3,116 1,037 529 508 4,268 2,519 1,749 II WaghaiG.P Urban 665 2,905 1,557 1,348 425 218 207 1,416 902 514

Loca- District/Taluka/ Total! Industrial Categories of Main Workers tion C.D.block/U.A:/ Rural Manufacturing, Processing, Servicing Code City/Town Urban and Repairs in , No. Household Other than Construction Trade and Industry House hold Commerce IndUStry {V.a} (V.b} {V_!2 {VII} P M F P M F P M 'F P M F 1 2 3 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 19 The Dangs Total 908 481 427 522 391 131 tJ81 617 64 507 4S3 S4 District Rural 660 353 307 341 240 101 Sl1 486 25 393 3S3 40 Urban 248 128 120 181 151 30 170 131 39 114 100 14

Taluka / C.D.block

1 The Dangs Total 908 481 427 522 391 131 681 617 64 507 453 54 Taluka/ Rural 660 353 307 341 240 101 511- 486. 25 393 353 40 C.D.block Urban 248 i28 120 181 151 30 170 1311 39 114 100 14


I Ahwa G.P Urban 49 26 23 58 53 5 145 110 35 71 66 5 II Waghai G.P Urban 199 102 97 123 98 25 25 21 4 43 34 9


Loca­ .,..---- tion Code No

64,433 36,148 28,285 47,581 26,028 21,553 10,532 5,187 5,345 646 614 32 9 9 -I 61,651 34,067 27,584 47,482 25,958 21,524 9,757 4,661 5,096 449 434 15 4 4 2,782 2,081 701 99 70 29 775 526 249 197 180 17 5 5

1,<5UI 1,4lU 397 69 55 14 542 393 149 105 97 8 5 5 I 975 671 304 30 15 15 233 133 100 92 83 9 II

lndu'>trial Categories of Main Workers Marginal Non- Loca- T"msport, Storage Other Workers Workers tion & Communications Services Code No.

(Y1II) OXL ___ p - --- M F P M F P M F P M F 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 187 184 -3 2,860 2,184 676 5,233 146 5,087 65,720 31,'" 34,034 19 n8 us 3 1,936 1,4(;3 473 5,117 5,021 S9,Zl' 18,88% 30,337 69 69 924 721 203 116 "50 66 6,501 2,804 3,697

187 184 3 2,860 2,184 676 5,233 146 5,087 65,720 31,686 34,034 1 1 ]R 115 3 1,936 1,463 473 5,117 96 5,021 59,219 28,882 30,337 69 69 924 721 203 116 50 66 6,501 2,804 3,697

36 36 727 569 158 2 1 4,685 1,967 2,718 33 33 lQ7 152 45 114 49 65 1,816 837- 979 IT